
Golden Anniversary Of 's independence Proclamation Marked by U.S. Congress, Ukrainian Communities in Well-Attended Observances Across The Nation JANUARY 22nd DES1GNATED ft)KRAlNlAN 11SDEPENDENCE DAY lN THE SENATE IN THE HOUSE ;Thousands Take Part in fLet Freedom and Peace Resound' j'llless іritralne'e Just Aspirations' Anniversary Concerts, Banquets Prayer offered by the Rev. Russell S. Danylchuk, Holy Prayer offered by the very Rev. Theodore Bilecky, JERSEY C1TY, N. J. - Thousands 'Of in Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church. Carnegie, Pa. St. viadimir's Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, Chicago, ill. the United States, Canada and other countries of the free world took part in varied observances staged on the occa– Almighty God, in whose power and guidance the desti– О eternal God, source of all life and light, we thank sion of the 50th anniversary of the proclamation of Ukrain– nUss of all nations unfold to their ultimate resolution, we 4 Thee, О Lord, for keeping in Thy loving care the United ian independence. ask thut You confirm in wisdom all those who share the States of America, for guiding her according to Thy sta– burden of authority throughout the world. They were joined by hun– On Monday, January 22, tutes and bestowing upon her Thy divine blessings together dreds of their fellow-citizens the very Rev. Theodore Bi!cc– with the abundance of the fruits of the earth. We implore May Your gifts of counsel and fortitude enhance the in paying tribute to Ukraine's ky. of St. viadimir's Ukrain– Theq, protect our God-loving and God-fearing America person of our esteemed President so that his administra– enduring spirit of freedom ian Orthodox Cathedral in forever under the shelter of Thy hands. tion may further advance the welfare of our Nation in righteousness, encouraging respect for virtue and religion, that lives on in the hearts Chicago, opened the day's О merciful One, be compassionate upon the nation of and promoting our laics with justice in the most sublime of all Ukrainians despite session in the U.S. Senate Ukraine which is in a paralyzed state; nevertheless, silent– aspect, tempered witli charity. years of alien domination. with a special prayer dedicate ly celebrates its 50th anniversary as an independetit nation. We pray that the deliberations of our Congress, this ed to the Ukrainian people Thou, Omniscient One, knowest that it is an anniversary august assembly of lawmakers who are dedicated to the І-arge Turnouts and their aspirations for free– which shall be celebrated in silence by our brethren living preservation of our national welfare, continue to perpetu– dom. ; through the agony of the communistic regime, for all ate the blessings of equal liberty in a nation that has The observances, held ; Rev. Russell Danylchuk, of voices, all actions, aU upheavals made in protest to the benefited from unparalled bounties. most communities over the the Holy Trinity Ukrainian regime are made silently, while their martyrdom testifies With equal devotion ice cecommed to Your limitless j past two weekends, were wif– Catholic Church in Carnegie, thai Ukraine has not, cannot and wiU not accept an en– mercy the welfare of the Ukrainian nation, whose procla'– nessed by large turnouts, ae– Pa., performed the ceremony slavement which was hurled upon her. mation of liberty was observed just 50 years ago. cording to reports from cen– in the House of Representa– ters across the United States. And we, who have crossed the sea from tyranny to free– The ensuing half century has witnessed the valiant cf– tives on Tuesday, January 23. State Governments, City dorn,„ loudly commemorate the historical anniversary in a forts of this nation, the first victim of atheistic oppression, Scores of Senators and і Mayors and numerous mem– 1 Congressmen took the floor spirit of thanksgiving and prayer. to enjoy the blessings of freedom and self-determination so evident here in our United States. і bers of the U.S. Congress і to make special pronounce– How long, О Lord, must our brethren of Ukraine—and We pray that the i^ictories of so many other nations, 1 took the opportunity to voice 1 ments on the occasion of U– of all other enslaved nations—bear the yoke of commu– achieved in the name of freedom, both in times of peace as j their supp'-t of the Ukrainian jkraine's independence anni– nistic pressures which paralyze them as free human beings icell as in the shadow of war, may serve as an infallible en– people's struggle for freedom versary. Among them were with the rights of Thine children, to think, to speak, to couragement to the people of Ukraine, that they too arc and their continued aspira– 'senators Jacob K. Javits, асі; to live and to worship Thee as their only 'Lord and BLUE-AND-GQLD WlTH STARS AND STR1PES: The na– ;tions for national indepen– j Frank J. Lausche, Milton R. tional colors of free Ukraine and the Uttited States of Aiher– awaited in the family of free nations of the world. King and source of all life and light? dence and a just peace. (Young. Carl T. Curtis, Joseph tea were flown atop state Capitols and city halls throughout Bless us, Lord, with the fulfillment of these aspirations, Help, О Merciful One, Ukraine and all enslaved tuitions і the land, in honor of U,kraine's independence anniversary. as in constant gratitude wc acknowledge Your everlasting As in previous years, pray–: D. Tydings. Robert P. Griffin, to Ьч rid once and for ail of the hordes which Auwftopj?frgaK' 'РШЬ^ШШ shviuk^^'-Tirrlt'S?faFi?npftdlm Albany, І91Ґ. and infinite^ com passion for all mankind. AMEN. І ere by Ukrainian clergy we^ej William Prpxmu;e,.ap^ others, them of.^hetr independence, and let freedom and peace offered in the U.S. Senate and j, The. tributes 'in the TJoU?e - rcspumLthe whole world over. House of Representatives, fol-fwere commenced by Congress- lowed bv statements of Sena– man Daniel J. Flood, who in– This, we, as Thy children, beseech of Thee, our Heaven– SEN. YUZYK URGES SOVIET EDUCATION EXHIBIT tors and Congressmen. ! eluded in the Congressional ly Father, оцг source of life and light, for the glory of the MULTl-CULTURAL CANADA Record material and docn– Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. AMEN. RUNS 1NT6 PLCKETS AGA1N Special Proclamations ments relating to the World Congress of Free Ukrainians. ' ' і - . . r - TAKES PART 1N 50Т1І ANMYERSARY CELEBRATlONS Ukrainian delegations, or– He was followed by Con– Members of the Education hibit in the Ohio State Union ganized by local branches ofjgressmcn Ford. Kleppe. Blel. Canadian Senator Paul Yuzyk said Saturday (Jan. 20). N.Y. Students Schedule Social USSR exhibit, currently on at Ohio State University. Kelly. Bow. Delaney! Bueha– in vancouver, the basic concept laid down in the first report the Ukrainian Congress Com tour of the United States ns nrttoe of America, visited nan, Rhodes. Eilberg. Gallag– part of the Soviet-American Daily Demonstrations of the royal commission on bilingualism and biculturalism NEW YORK. N.Y. The impressions of Guatemala in State Governors and City her. Nelson. Bates. Langen, Cultural Exchange Program, is wrong. reactivated Ukrainian Student :a lecture supplemented with A spokesman for the groups Mayors to witness the signing Quie. Fascell, Murphv, Wyd– must be feeling a bit unwel– sli d es said about 40 members from He said Canada should bo 'The new leaders of the Of special proclamations do- ler. Derwinski. St. Germain, Association of New York City l , , - л , , , come by now because wher– - .' , , , , - , , Miss Cehelsky, a former various universities in Ohio viewed as a multi-cultural na– Communist dictatorial gov– signaling January 22 as U– Madden, Patten, Andrews, has scheduled the first in aL.Mi„ лГ tU„ A^„^„-,„H^„ ever they turn, they seem to participated at various times. tion, not as a bicultural one. ernment in Moscow - Leonid jkrainian independence Day. Dingcll. Farbstein, Dulski. Ro– .. ' і member of the Association, be facing the same thing — They carried signs and distn– He said that in keeping Brezhnev and Alexei Kosyginjand urging all other citizens dino, and many others. series of meetings and social has traveled extensive lv Ukrainian pickets. evenfe for Sunday, Feb. 11. throughout Central America buted leaflets. with the spirit of Confedera– have stepped up the Rus– j "to join in observances honor– in vvhich is expected to attract'at the invitation of high gov– No sooner had they lcftj The spokesman said dailv tion Canada should guaran– r,ification of Ukraine," he, the courageous people of include Articles a turnout of more than 100 ernment officials. r^S^!SS^t?^S^^demone^tiotle were planned tee the principle of partner– said. Ukraine." earlier exhibit and extensive students, according to Jurtj Scheduled for 2 p.m., the 1 for the length of the exhibi– iship of all peoples who have "Canada must insist that The colors of free Ukraine Some followed in the foot- picketing by Ukrainians when , Savjjckyj, president. meeting will be devoted in ion whj( h c oged Jan 3J m contributed to her develop-i the USSR, as a member of the waved alongside America's steps of Congressman Flood they were confronted by the ТБе meeting, to be followed , part to the Association's s4id tho dcmonstrations wre ment І UN, put into practice the uni– stars and stripes over city and included articles and same thing on their next р. , by a.h informal coffee hour, business and future plans, 8І0 ІЯХЇПсй to show that t0 ente The commission's report, veraal declaration of human halls and state capitols in statements submitted by U– ayhe Umyer^y of,Ohio^^ ' ,„ will be held at New York Uni–! The executive committee has area3 of higher education tabled in the Commons in De–m"?hts that was also sanction– whsi was a symbolic homage krainians. subsequently pub– The Soviet exhibit opened vcrsUy's Loeb Student Center j prepared a directory which the USSR such as medical cember, recommends a new Jed by the ." to the free spirit of Ukraine. (Continued on Page 3) at the University on Jan. G (Washington Square Room), will be made available to all training, the student must be,charter to make p^nch Bn(f and on Sunday. Jan. 7, mem– The featured speaker will–, students. Also, membership a Communist Party member. bers of the Ukrainian Student English Canada equal part– Л First on the West Coast be jfcise Marta Cehelsky, a (cards will be distributed to He said the protest was al– Club and Ukrainian Youth ners. Ph.D. candidate at Columbia!the dues-paying members, so aimed at academic restric– Association picketed the ex– 50th Anniversary Governor Reagan, State Legislature Honor University, who will share her 1 said Mr. Savyckyj. tions such as refusing to let certain writers publish their Yuzvk. who lives in Winni– Ukraine's independence Anniversary U.S. Supports Cause of Self-Determination. works because they have be-n neg and is active in several MAREN1N critical of the" Communist sys– lfkrainian Canadian organiza– І SAX FRANC1SCO. Calif.– Says Ambassador Goldberg tem. tions. was in vancouver to This year .on the occasion of "We want the Ameri'in participate in celebrations Arthur J. Goldberg. U.S. the 50th anniversary of the people to se^ this exhibit, a marking the 50th anniversary: Ambassador to the United UNITTD STATts RRPMUBNTATtvr. establishment of the Ukrain– то тне UNrreo NATIONJ spokesman for the group said. of Ukrainian independence. ian National Republic, the Nations, said that "the United "What we are protesting are The city has acknowledged State of California made his– States Government maintains the fallacies of Soviet cd'.ica– the event by proclaiming U– tory for the first time after JtnuAry 19. ІДО tion." krainian independence Day in its uncompromising support so many years of organized for the cause of self-determi– "We feel it is our dntv to vancouver, on Jan. 22. protect the American pnon!e Ukrainian settlement on the nation." He made the state– Mr. Joseph Leuawyer "1 am not challenging the' j against the proon?andn of i!ie west coast. vice President rights of French and English 1 riieht in a letter (see photo- World Congress of Free Шсгьілівлв Russians." said ihor Oliia' a On January 16, 1068. the 302 West 13th Street speaking Canadians to pre–; Static copy alongside) to Jo– New lork, Mew York 1001ft m-mb'-r of the Ukrainian StU– California State Legislature p^rve their separate cultures." j seph Lesawyer, vice Presi– dent Club. approved assembly concurrent Deer Mr. Lesawyer: Yuzyk said in an interview! dent of the World Congress resolution No. 9. repuesting This will acknowledge receipt of the copy of the Meeorsndua to Others Picket with the vancouver Sun of Governor Ronald Reagan to of Free Ukrainians, replying the Secretary Oenersl of the United Hstlons frosi the World Congress of Pree Ukrainians, and the accompanying documentation, Jan. 22. proclaim January 22, 1968 as it will be studied and retained by the United Staves Mission But Ukrainians were not to a memorandum submitted "However, the rights and j Ukrainian independence Daw to the United Rations. tb? on!v pickets on the i:ne. on January 18. Mr. Golderg traditions of other cultura This resolution was intro– The United States Government maintains its uncompromising sup- The Ohio State Unive– sit^ said that the U.S. delegates groups, which comprise лі- dt!ced by Assemblyman Dr. port for the cause of self-determination. On various occasions, chapter of Young Ameri 1, and other united States Delegates at the United Rations, -ana most one-third of Canada's Earle P. Crandall (Republi– to the U.N. have reminded hare taken appropriate opportunities to remind the USSR and for Freedom also took p^rt- other East European states before this world form that the population, cannot be disre– can of San Jose, Santa Cla--a constantly the USSR and Stephen H. Mayerhofer Gnv. Reagan presents proclamation to Mr. M. Car, president peoples within their territories have the same right to self;; garded. County) through the efforts other East European states determination which la advocated for the so-called colonial" of Avon, Ohio, a student at of local UCCA chapter, and other members of the Ukrainian countries. We have urged the Soviet Government to permit the "They have also contribut– of the Ukrainian Congress that the peoples within their full exercise of this right and we shall continue to express OSU and chairman of 'he delegation. ed to Canada's development Committee branch in North- this belief emphatically as the occasions arise. YAF chapter said his group territories have "the same and should be guaranteed the em California and the U– tion presented Dr. Crandall fornia for the Ukrainian com– Please be assured that the denial of freedom wherever it occurs objects to the exhibit on four right to self-determination" remains a matter of great concern to the United States Oovern– right to perpetuate their mo– krainian Catholic parish in with all the historic facts, munity since the previous basic rrounds: as the "so-called 'colonial' ment and to me personally. We will continue to support the ther tongues and cultures." San Jose-Santa Clara. including Dr. M. Stachiw's democratic Governor Edmund Just asplratlona of all peoples to detemlne freely and peace– ^ "it's their propaganda.^ fully the political arrangements under which they live. book on "Ukraine and Rus– Brown and his administra– countries." He said that the в Soviet secret police ind This could be accomplished, A delegation consisting of зіа." І tion had declined to do so. U.S. Government will conti– Thank you, Dr. Bohdan Rnatluk and Mr. ignatius M. Bllllnsky military intellic:ence agenti he said, bv offering minority Zenon Zubrycky, Joseph Klad– for bringing this material to my attention fa behalf of your ko and George Marenin visit– Through Dr. Crandall's ef–. The Ukrainian delegation was nue to support "the just aspi– organisation. always travel with such ex– language instniction in pub- forts. Governor Reagan in j organized by the Ukrainian hibits, "according to experts." lie schools wherever the de– ed Dr. Crandall. a stanch an– ratidhs of all peoples." in ad– Crandall і person presented the Ukrain– Congress Committee branch 'Ш The exhibit is "one-sid– mand is sufficient. ti-Coramunist. Dr dition to Mr. Lesawyer. consisting of: M. Car, presi– ed." it shows nothing of So– in a prepared speech de– was willing to support the j ian independence Day Procla– othets Uv the Ukrainian del– dent; G. Marenin, secretary: viet writers, artists and edu– livered Sunday Jan. 21. at the Ukrainian cause and agreed J mation to the Ukrainian dele- Rev. Dr. A. Mykyta, Ukrain– egatitffi were Prof. Bohdan cators who have been jailed. Ukrainian Catholic Centre, enthusiastically to sponsor gat ion in his Sacramento of– ian Catholic parish; very Hnatiuli and ignatius M. Bil– в The exhibit does not re– Yuzyk focused on the plight the Ukrainian independence fice. йпвТІу. (Continued on Page 3) of Ukrainians today. Day resolution. The delega– 1 This is a milestone in Cali– (Continued'on p. 3) , jo :^f;^^W BVOBODA, THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY З, 1968 No. 23.

ist-Marxist teaching take root THE LESSON OF THE PUEBLO ід the American mind. FREEDOM - BAS1S FOR TRUE AND JUST PEACE SYOBODA (Remarks of Joseph Lesawyer, vice-President of the General Secretariat? of the UAKAlM І AN О All! Any excesses of Soviet ac– By CLARENCE A. MANN1NG tion are excused by the tech– World Congress of Free Ukrainians, and Supreme President of the Ukrainian National FOUNDED 1893 1 Ukrainian newspaper published daily except Sundays, Mondays nical excellence of some So– Association, at the Hartford, Conn., observance of Ukrainian independence Anniversary . 4 holidays (Saturday A Monday issues combined) by the Ukrain– The responsibility for the tions by the North Koreans viet dance troupe or the rav– We are here today to com– raised their voices in a free bed-wire enclosures ш Sibe– ings of some young Soviet tan National Assn. let at 81-S3 Grand St. Jersey City, N.J. 07303 seizure of the U.S. electronic multiplied more than tenfold memorate an event that took forum in 1918 and the U– rian slave labor camps. Our poet who has been allowed ship Pueblo must be laid upon and culminated in the infiltra– place in Kiev fifty years ago. krain National Republic was kinsmen even at this'; -very to visit here according to the Subscription Rates for The UKRAEN1AN WEEKLY 53.50 per year President Johnson and his tion of an armed band to try There, on January 22 born, it was a happy omen for moment are being denied the U.Njv. Members - J2.50 per year decision of the Communist chief advisors, the Secretaries to murder the South Korean 1918, the people of Ukraine mankind because it was posi– right to work, study, and en– bosses in Moscow. Second Class Postage paid at the Post Office of Jersey City. N J. of State and of Defense, it President, barely a week be- cast off the last remnants of tive and indisputable evidence tertain themselves in their Accepted for mailing at special rate of postage provided for by was an incompre hensible fore the attack on the Pueblo. There are few Americans, Russian political influence that President Woodrow Wil– own language. At this very Section 1130 of Act of October 3,1917 - authorized July 31, 1918. blunder to allow a heavily With the South Korean whether in the government,, and control and, of their own son's doctrine of self-deter– moment they are being forced specialized ship to operate divisions securing in vietnam churches, who really try to free will and acting in their mination for nations was to seek employment in"other THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY: Editor: ZEN-ON SNYLYK without special protection off the applause of the United understand all this and every national interest, proclaimed workable — that people knew republics because the pipority P. O. Box 346," Jersey City, N.J. 07303 the coast of North Korea States and its allies for their step seems to them a marked themselves a free people and what they wanted and when for jobs in their own home where it was subject to at– bravery, the Communist mas– relaxation of tension and the their nation a sovereign state, free to act politically, were areas are given to outsiders Editorials tack. ters of the North undoubtedly approach of the time when it was not an easy decision quite capable of establishing brought in by Moscow. U– thought it was,high time to all men will be brothers in to таке for a people that had a just democratic form of kraine and her people are still government. Days of Piracy create a diversionary episode fact as well as in theory. lit^nlly lived in chains for captives in the fullest sense A Scholarship For Your Child and when the opportunity over ten decades, had not of the word. , in accepting the exclusive rights for the diBsemina– The circumstances carry us came ац it did with the Pueb– Reds Show Gains known unfettered freedom for Military Attack But a change may be in the tion of the Higher Education Scholarship Plan in the back to those good old days lo, either Moscow or Peking more than twice that period offing. Recently there have United States and Canada, the Ukrainian National Asso– when the great powers of Eu– or both gave the signal and it has become evident that and therefore, were ill pre– Unfortunately for the cause been rumblings of intellectual ciation, specifically ite Canadian Office, was guided by rope cheerfully paid large the fat was in the fire. the Communists have suc– pared either by training or of freedom and self-govern– and student in Ukraine and in its concern for the welfare of the Ukrainian people. sums of money to the Bar– All through the operations ceeded better in infecting the experience to manage the af– ment Ukrainian independence other republics. Numerous The plan, offered by the Higher Education Scholar- bary pirates to allow their off vietnam, it has been an ideas of the intellectual lead– fairs of a complicated mod- was short-lived. Russian Com– individuals are raising stren– ship Foundation in Canada, is yet another in a series ships and commerce to sail open secret that the Ameri– ers of Americans have in em state. But the unquench– munists. who had taken over uous objections to official act3 of ventures undertaken by the UNA to assure a better peacefully through the Medi– can warships have been sha– preaching liberty and free– able spirit to be free, to be control of the government in that are contrary to the con– future for our people, in this case for our youth. terranean Sea. No one, even dowed by Soviet electronic dom to the Communist world. sovereign, to be masters of Moscow, launched a military- stitution and the written laws spy ships which have report– We must only hope now their own land, inspired our attack against the young na– that guarantee human rights. As explained in the full-page announcement on the worst enemies of the lead– ed to North vietnam the that the same intellectual kinsmen to scale seemingly tion and after a fierce three A comparatively strong cry page 4 of this issue, the UNA is making available ers involved, will believe for movements of the American quarters will not attempt, in unattainable political heights year war, Ukraine was con– has gone up against censor- scholarship savings plans to Ukrainian families, which a moment that they were in any other way involved in the airplanes.' connection with the Pueblo, at і critical moment in histo– quered. it was a costly strug– ship of individual liberty will provide funds for a college education for their episode, and if something can Nothing has been said or to propagate the North Когз- rv and reach the zenith of gle in human life and misery guaranteed in the conatitti– children. be accomplished through the done because the craft are an and Soviet views of the 'heir national desire by pro- and in the further devasta– tion. These protests may and "We have often emphasized the importance of liigh– , it will be all on the high seas, while if an incident in the name of filling claiming their almost forgot– tion of the economic and so– probably will grow in iritensi– er education in today's highly developed society, in do– to the good. American bomb falls any– a credibility gap on the part ten nation, Ukraine, indepen– cial fabric of the new nation. ty. The Moscow regime is now of the American government faced with the problem of iiig so we have tried to draw the attention of our youth Yet no one in his heart be– where near a Soviet ship dent. Certainly that act and But as we know it was only and thus have the piratical further relaxing controls or — at the risk of being redundant - to the fact that lieves this will be accomplish– either at sea or in Haiphong, the life and death military a fraction of the price the attempt redound to the bene– subduing the individuals in– higher education is an essential prerequisite of profes– ed and the President is mak– it is an occasion for violent struggle that was fought to Ukrainian people were to be fit of . volved by ruthless and arbi– sional success and spiritual well-being. We have urged ing desperate efforts to se– protests from Moscow. All maintain that independence in called upon to pay in the trary police action. our youth to avail themselves of .every opportunity to cure the mediation of the So– the time the United States All nations have reason to the. subsquent three years years that followed. acquire higher education and thus assure themselves viet Union, Poland or anyone has to stand aside and see be apprehensive aboutj World must rate as one of the most The full story of the loss of a bright and prosperous future. glorious'episodes in the затя else so as to free the boat. Sb more and more advanced and War Ш but their reactions of life, of the inhuman suf– Need Our Help Now we are speaking directly to the parents. The far he has been rebuffed with sophisticated weapons being vary. The United States and of man's search for dignity and national 'justice. fering and persecution endur– plan of the Higher Education Scholarship Foundation the statement that the Com– poured with increasing speed most Americans hope for a ed by the Ukrainian people it is obvious that the situa– concerns children of up to eight years of age. What munist nations accept the into the arsenals of the ene– settlement without war. Mos– important Date under Russian Communist tion is serious and that U– parent would not wish to see his child grow up to be word of the North Koreans my. cow and Peking are scheming uicfa;orship. will probably і krainians and other natio"ali" a highly qualified expert in his or her chosen profea– that the ship had intruded in– We can hardly doubt that constantly to find ways to January 22nd is unques– never fully come to light. We ^ ^0UP3 who are PU8.h,n8 sion ? to North Korean waters and if the positions were reversed, expend larger amounts of A– tionably one of the more im– do know that millions upon jfor reforms are in a perilous Here is a plan that is quite inexpensive yet one so, as Kosygin said in india, without regard to the niceties merican manpower and portant dates in modern. U– millions were imprisoned Position. The regime may at that guarantees the child a college education. At a sav– the great neutral, the matter krainian history, it is, 1 be– of international law. Moscow wealth in'"wars of liberation" without cause and most of 1 anv time decide to get tough ing at that. For the parent pays for the first year, the should be treated as a mere would find a way to remove around the world and of dis– lieve, more significant to our these people never returned and proceed to break the case of intrusion in territorial people than Bastille Day is to ! plan takes care of the following three. And the sooner the offending American ships integrating the country as a alive from the penal institu– back of hc protest movement waters and does not deserve the French people or Magna you start, the less you pay. on the same kind of barefac– whole until it falls prey to a tions and slave labor camps. with an iron hand. This of to be ranked as an interna– Carta Day to the Eng– ed combination of lying and new slavery. We do know that approxi– course, would be a sad de– tional incident. lish, and both days we know force that has been emplyed mately 20 million political velopment for it would bring As the case of the Pueblo are important .indeed, it defi– it may not develop on such with the Pueblo. prisoners are still incarce,rat– back the brutality and shows, they are willing to nitely Pates bh'a'par With our Guest Editorial a great scale as did the Japa– ed in the prison, camps slaughter of the Stalinist era. take increased risks in test– American Fourth of July — nese attack on Pearl Harbor throughout Siberia, in Д932- it is apparent that the pro- Detente At What Price? ing America's determina–? for like the American ColOn– in 1941, which came after the 33 over 6 million Ukrainians testers are in need of help tion. it is up to the United ists of July, 1776. our'Ukrain– old League of Nations had died in the man-made famine from the outside world. One Once Free Despite all this, the Unit?d States and free men every– ian brethren of January 1918 finally voted to wipe itself which was, planned to force of the most effective ways States is continuing its futile where to consider and plan also determined"'that "when The blue and gold flag of Ukraine will fly over out. or even the unprovoked the people to accept, Moscow -a that we can be of help is to efforts to relieve the tension for it and not give up the, in course of human events it Chester's city hall Monday, in accordance with a con– invasion of South Korea, dictates and to gnHff,iOUt:-U– in,te?effy the activity of the between East and West, be– struggle for humanity at this become'^ necessary for one when by a lucky accident the kraine's rising national pride Ukrainian Congress Cpmmit– gressional resolution setting aside Jan. 22 as "Ukrain– tween Communism and Free crucial time. people1 to dissdlve the pohtital new United Nations had ft and progress. Mass murders tee of America and our local ian independence. Day." dom, and every step is p!ung– "bonds which have connected chance to take a stand and That is the lesson of the during purge periods and in branches throughout the Some 6,000 Delaware County residents of Ukrain– ing it into a more difficult thafn. wfth flppthje^and to as– vote the North Koreans ag– Pueblo and the need for a World War H were common- country. More information ian descent - many at them from the Chester area — position. When we think of ill sume among the powers of greesors. stern and unbending attitude place. Ukrainian nationalist about what is actually going will pause on that day in testimony to the principle the measures of accommodn– the 1 еаЙШ. theikfeparate and toward Communist slavery leaders in the free world were on in Ukraine must be dis– that the Ukrainian people should be free to decide their But even then all knew that tion which have been accept– epual stations to which the and aggression. hunted and slain by specially seminated extensively. This own destiny. that attack was by an army ed in the last years down to Laws of Nature and of Na– trained agents. The first to means, an increase in UCCA Ukraine has had few days of freedom. which had been prepared con– and including an agreement ture's God entitle them, a de- be assassinated was Simon publications and wider circ"– Taking advantage of the revolution against tsarist trary to solemn promises by for a supposedly гссіргосчі cent respect to the opinions Petlura — killed in Paris in lation. The objective is to win , the Ukrainian republic proclaimed itself free the Soviet Union.after it had air service direct from Mos– of mankind requires that they A SNOWFLAKE 1П26. Then Col. Eugene Ko– more sympathy for the cao– and sovereign Jan. 22, 1918. carefully armed the North cow to New York and the should declare . the causes treaty trying to regulate the But in less than a year, the Red army occupied Koreans, while the United which impel them to separat– novalets war, slain in Rotter-.^jve, .Tveoples - of Moscow by States had tried to restrict uses of atomic energy for the So simple almost all of the Ukraine including the capital, Kiev. ism." dam. Holland in 1938. After bringing their miseries to the The Communists went to considerable effort to the arms which it gave to other members of NATO, the yet so World War 11. Dr. Lev. R. Re- The causes for separation attention of a wider circle of suppress — liquidating its au– South Korea. That campaign, United Stater, has always intricate bet and Stepan Bandera were were emphatically outlined by thors, removing their works from circulation, killing too. ended in a stalemate af– yielded far more than the So– it is murdered in Munich, Germa– people. Firmer contacts on our people in that first month its intellectual leaders, imprisoning members of its re– ter the Red Chinese entered viets. ny in the years 1957 and 59 all levels must be established of the year in 1918. Colonial ligious hierarchy. it again with Soviet arms and One wonders respectively. This is not due to any con exploitation, injustice, and with our government leaden?, The Russification of the country has been quite equipment. Both Presidents how to scious lack of patriotism on political serfdom were no This is only part of the ernors. mayors, university successful. Truman and Eisenhower tried make a thing the part of the American peo– longer to be tolerated. The U– ghastly and tragic picture of professors news editors, jour– But in this nation, Americans of Ukrainian descent to arrange an armistice along like this ple or government, it comes krainian people also were en- the past 50 years in Ukrain– nalists, publicity specialists. will still gather on this 50th anniversary of their dec– the 27th parallel instead of because the American people driving the Communists out titled to our Creator's endow– ian history. 50 years of strug–! business executives and pro– laration of independence to resolve their belief in self- and government do not yet One wonders. . ment to man — "Unalienable determination. of North Korea by all avail- understand the significance Though he gle to help our people has not Jfessfonal people. These peo– able means. rights . . Life, Liberty, and These people have been and are a great asset to of the Communist world and knows that the pursuit of happiness," brought victory. The irony of pie must be informed of. the helpless man our community. its open statements of con– and these rights had to be the matter is that the scene struggle now going on in the They should be an inspiration and reminder to us incidents Multiply trol. secured ,for every individual has not ever changed much. Soviet Union, the continued that we must keep up our guard so that never will we it took years to bring Could never by a Government deriving its The same problems still exist. aspirations of the non-Rus– have the sad task of telling our children or grandchil– it is true that that armis– home to the people the signi– make what just powers from the consent dren what it was like to be fee. tice line has been more ^r ficance of Mein Kampf and only one God of the governed. Thus in the Ukraine is still in political sian nations and peoples held less resoected until the recent the plans of Adoph Hitler, it can. same spirit of liberty indici– bondage, suffering economic captive by Russian Commu– (Delaware County Times. Chester, Pa., years. During the past year, has taken still longer to have tive of the seventeenth-cen– exploitation, and millions oi niet imperialism, and just Saturday, January 20, 1968). however the number of viola– the significance of the Lenin– Ulana Blyznakjtury Kozaks. our kinsmen its citizens are behind bar- (Continued on p. 8)

MEMORANDUM man-made famines, thus trying to reduce the Ukrainian peo– the Soviet concentration camps: Metropolitan Joseph Slipyj, 4. Moscow has been relentless in persecuting all -those ple, once a powerful dynamic people, to a static ethnogra– who was released in 1963, after 18 years of imprisonment, Ukrainian patriots who are striving for Ukrainian indepen– TO THE SECRETARY GENERAL OF THE UN1TED phic entity. upon intervention of the late Pope, John ХХІІІ; he was dence, in particular members of the OUN and UPA. although NATlON ON BEHALF OF THE F1RST WORLD Thus, in 1914 the population of Ukraine amounted to made a cardinal in 1965 and now resides in Rome). The the Soviet constitution itself guarantees the "full sovereignty CONGRESS OF FREE UKRA1N1ANS 38.1 million people. The last Soviet population census of Ukrainian Catholic Church in Ukraine exists in under- and equality" of Ukraine, in fact, that constitution assures 1959 revealed that Ukraine had only 41.9 million people. ground catacombs just as in the early era of Christianity. the right of Ukraine and other Union Republics "to freely (2) Ukrainian demographers estimate that in the normal pro- The Ukrainian Catholic Church has developed in the free secede" from the USSR and remain outside the Soviet Union. in the Ukrainian SSR, which claims to be a sovereign cess of development the population of Ukraine should have world and at present there are 14 Ukrainian Catholic Sees But in reality any manifestations toward true independence, state, out of the 30 ministries 26 are subordinated to and increased by 1 million people a year. Consequently, the in the diaspora. even the application of the Soviet constitution, are considered directed by Moscow. Even the Ukrainian Academy of Sci– population of Ukraine should have increased by 45 million The same fate befell the Ukrainian Evangelical-Re- high treason and are punishable severely. Ukrainian patriots ences in Kiev, formerly independent, became merely a branch in the last 45 years, and in 1959 it should have been at least formed and Lutheran Church, while the still existing Bap– and true lovers of their lands Moscow labels scornfully of the "All-Union" Academy of Sciences. 83.1 million, inasmuch as the population census of 1959 tist and Seventh-Day Adventists Churches are rigidly con- "Ukrainian bourgeois nationalists" and "enemies of the So– had shown only 41.9 million people, it means that Ukraine trolled by the Soviet government. viet state." Significantly, the Kremlin does not persecute Rigidly Subordinated had lost almost the same amount of people which it had "Russian bourgeois nationalists"; on the contrary, Russian in the economic field Ukraine is rigidly subordinted to at the time of the census-taking. Of course, the decrease Stalin Purges chauvinism is regarded as Soviet patriotism. the central planning in Moscow. All taxation taken from the of the population of Ukraine was due also to two World 2. in 1932-33 the Kremlin willfully starved to death Ukrainian people is directed toward imperialistic expansion Wars; but this decrease was a result mainly of special about 5 million Ukrainian peasants who resisted the forced Systematic Russification of Soviet Russian foreign policy and territorial aggrandize– Russian genocidal policies in Ukraine, policies which are collectivization introduced by Stalin against the will and ment. All industrial and agricultural products of Ukraine outlawed by the UN. Charter and the U.N. Commission on welfare of the Ukrainian people. This manmade famine en- 5. The Soviet government is pressing systematically Rus– are destined either for other parts of the USSR or for Human Rights. The most outstanding phases of Russian sued when the Soviet authorities withdrew all supplies of sification policies whereby it endeavors to Russify the U– foreign imports, primarily for competition with the United genocide against the Ukrainian people are a matter of hir,– torical record: foodstocks in order to force the farmers to become collec– krainian people and thus weaken their national resistance. States, while Ukraine receives little in return. Special eco– This Russification is pressed relentlessly in Ukrainian 1. Moscow has completely eradicated the two churches tive slaves. Prior to the famine all wealthy Ukrainian farm– nomic policies of the Kremlin compel the Ukrainian popula– schools, especially Ukrainian universities, in administration in Ukraine: the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church ers were also liquidated as "enemies of the state," their tion to seek employment outside its homeland; hundreds and the armed forces. Moreover, the Soviet government, is and the Ukrainian Catholic Church, in the 1930's the Krem– property confiscated and they themselves sent to slave of thousands of Ukrainian specialist and technicians are conducting population policies detrimental to the Ukrain– Hn liquidated the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church labor camps. taken away from Ukraine, while their place is taken by ians, who are either deported or sent to various admihistra– by imprisoning its metropolitan and 36 archbishops and 3. One of the most concentrated drives by Moscow in the alien Russian manpower. By special discriminatory tion posts outside Ukraine, while ethnic Russians are being bishops, and hundreds of thousands of the faithful. This Ukraine was and is against independent ; measures the Soviet government is trying to keep the U– brought to Ukraine. For this Russian minority in Ukraine, church was revived somewhat during World War 11. but thousands of Ukrainian scientists, writers, poets, literary krainian rural population from settling in urban areas, Moscow maintains Russian schools and a press, while mil- was again destroyed completely after 1945. There is only critics, academicians and professors had perished during the thus providing for the alarming growth of the Russian ele– lions of Ukrainians outside Ukraine — in the Russian SFSR the Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine today. The U– many "purges" conducted by the Kremlin in Ukraine. After ment in Ukrainian cities. above all — are deprived of Ukrainian schools, the Ukrain– krainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church exists only the death of Stalin a number of the so-called "rehabilitation ian press and books, and in general, of Ukrainian culture. Perennial Genocide among Ukrainians in the free world, but not in Ukraine. trials" were held in Ukraine revealing how many hundreds of Ukrainian men of science and literature had perished with– By so doing. Moscow is implementing deliberate Russiflca– The enslavement of the Ukrainian people in the Rus– in 1946 Moscow destroyed the Ukrainian Catholic out trials or any judicial proceedings. These "purges" en- tion policies for the purpose of increasing the Russian ethnic gian colonial empire has assumed some of the most terrible Church in Western Ukraine by arresting and exiling its compassed not only the "Ukrainian bourgeois nationalists." clement in Ukraine and weakening at the same time'the and intolerable forms. The Soviet regime is engaged sys– metropolitan, bishops and over 2,500 Catholic priests. but Ukrainian Communists as well. Among the intelligentsia Ukrainian national entity. v "i tematically in the destruction of the Ukrainian national monks, nuns and thousands of Catholic laymen (of 12 were some of the greatest intellects of Ukraine. (To Be Continued) pubstance through perennial genocide, deportations and Ukrainian Catholic bishops only one returned alive from ^:..-:.;-'.;?;.їі:^^ No. 23. SvOBODA, THE CKKA1NUN WEEELT, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 3, 196S і i– LUC National Board Members Freedom - Basis For Peaee Newark Mayor Proclaims –' - Honored at Dinner (Concluded from p. 2) Mr. Olch Zwadiuk, whose sports column appears rcgu– what the Kremlin leaders are committees on the condition Ukrainian Day at City Hall larly in this spot, has been taken ill. We will resume his doing on an every-day basis that the Soviet Ukrainian column as soon as he has sufficiently recovered from his to break the will of these peo– delegates and artists would ples and force them to accept agree to honor the blue and illness. —Ed. Russification and Communist flag of a free Ukraine serfdom. by saluting it as we did, by І know that what 1 am sug praying with us as we did, Jgesting is nothing new. We and by .joining us in the sing– Governor lteagaii.. have been doing all of these ing of the Ukrainian National (Concluded from P. 1) things in one form or another anthem - Sche Ne vmerla for the last two score years, Ukraine. Needless to say that and it has not gotten us very ended that matter. Rev. 1. Honchariv, Ukrainian a new chapter in the Assem– far. Or so it seems. For in Orthodox parish; with 1. An– bly and Senate Houses, as reality the slow, plodding, re– Oonstand Aping di us and M. Tscherenko in U– well as in the administrative petitive, unspectacular and kminian national costumes. office of Governor Reagan for sometimes even tedious ac– І We know that when plans The presentation took place the continuously growing U– tivities of the Ukrainian Con– were announced to erect on January 22nd at 2 p.m., at krainian community in Cali– тез8 Committee of America, Shevchenko monuments ?n hich time the Ukrainian del– fornia. Winnipeg, Canada and Wash– c^ation presented Governor As in previous years, the j the Pan-American Ukrainian ington, D.C. to honor the R an with a late on av 50th anniversary of the indo– Conference, the recently es– 100th Anniversary of the Mayor Hugh'j"AddZnizio of Nnoark. N.J., signs proclamu– і ^ P - ^ cd Wlth Ukram,an d sl? pend-^nt Ukrainian National tablished World Congress for death of the Bard and the tion designating January 22nd as Ukrainian independence . „ . ! .' find with Dr. Stachiw's book Republic was also proclaimed Free Ukrainians, and our 150th Anniversary of his Day. Flanking the Mayor are: Rev. Nicholas Khari.shchal: "Ukraine and Russia." while by Mayors Joseph Alioto of Officers of the League of Ukrainian Catholics, as well as churches on behalf of U– birth, the Soviet government (left) and Rev. Michael Hrynrtiyshyn. Standing, left to Assemblyman Crandall and San Francisco, John Reading some of the League's spiritual advisors, shown above, wer^ kraine and other Captive Na– hurriedly erected a similar right, arc: Myron Lytuyn, William Burke, Joseph Lcsawyer. Senator John G. Schmitz (Re– of Oakland and Ronald Ja– tions does bring about mean– monument in Moscow. When UNA Supreme President, Peter Mclnyk, Lev Chirovsky. An–, honored at a special banquet in Frackville. Pa. mes of San Jose in Northern ingful and even dramatic re- the Ukrainian National Asso– na Pashchuk, Alex Dunchuk, local UCCA executive cOmmit-imbhcaU ' cach with Dr. L. Dobrian– California. All these moral actions. We know, for in– ciation announced plans to tee representative, Maria Matulynec, Theodore Lyticyn. Olch і sky's book "The vulnerable declarations were presented stance, that the Soviet Em– publish a Ukrainian Encyclo– Myskiir, Michael Koziupa. The community observed the an– bassy in Washington protests Russians." to the Ukrainian community FRACKVILLE, Pa.– "The al director, Patricia Salamak, pedia in the English language, niversary icith a banquet Sunday, January 21, at the Sub-l during the commemorative members of the League of membership director. to our State Department and Kiev came out with a similar urban Hotel in East Orange. N.J. Governor Reagan had a Ukrainian Catholics want you in his remarks, Mr. Postu– to the President whenever our project. This aping of us and good knowledge about U–'celebration in San Francisco to know they are extremely pack pointed out that the peo– government takes part in, ac reacting to what we do along krains and said that even last!on January 21. 1968 and appreciative that you have ple who served two years knowledges, or indicates ap– Ukrainian lines has happened Blue-and-Gold Flag Waves Over veek in Philadelphia he was (through the Ukrainian radb given of yourself unselfishly have also been extremely de– proval of any of our activi– time and again during the last Troy City Hail presented with a Ukrainian programs on Sunday evening. for four years as national dicated toward their duties ties. 50 years and is reassuring artistic vase. While signing officer of the League, and th.it and responsibilities, and said Howl of Protest evidence that what we do in the official proclamation, Gov– the League members have ernor Reagan expressed a through your efforts, concern the free world does have a KOTYS' GRID TEAM nothing but the highest praise Several years ago when we wish that the Ukrainian in– and dedication, the League Wring on how the Russian RATED BEST 1N U.S. was able to survive its hard– for them. had the ground breaking Communist overlords treat dependence Day mav soon Special Gift ceremonies in Washington, Ukraine and our kinsmen. turn into the day of freedom est years. You cannot be BLOOMSBURG. Pa.. Jan. praised enough for what you A special gift was present– D.C. for the Taras Snevchen– ІП Ukraine. 15. Colorful Nick Kotys. have done for LUC. you can- ed to Rev. Stephen Shyman– ko monument, the United in the past year we know Senator Schmitz invited the from press reports and not be honored more than to sky, the national spiritual di– States Marine band partici– entire Ukrainian delegation one'.ime villanova University through other sources that know you have served not on– rector of the League. The pated in the program and as his personal and official j halfback and later head foot- Ukrainians have become un– ly our organization, but the gift, a beautiful desk set played the Ukrainian Nation– guests to attend the 3 p.m. чац c03cn at Bloomsburg usually restless. Last fall, for Ukrainian Catholic Church made of solid anthracite coal al anthem at the commence– Senate session, during which U. . produced the No. 1 with a gold engraved plate, ment of the official proceed– the first time in the history he introduced the resolution ' , - ,, and God." ,, , „ „„ ,„и s?hoolbov football team in indicated the League's grati– ings. The Moscovites put up of the Soviet Union, Moscow a– a co-author for apnrovalл л j With this statement, na– fication and gratefulness to a bitter howl of protest Of deemed it necessary to hold in the Upner House. All the the nation in 1907. according tional president Stephen Pos– Father Shymansky for his in– course subsequently this did a gigantic in патез of the delegation were to the National Sports News Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, tupack presented service tere3t in the Ukrainian youth. not deter the Communist re– read in the Senate and be– Service, of Minneapolis, Minn. where it put on display its awards to Harry Postupack. The presentations were gime in Kiev to appeal to our came part of the official rec– mighty war machine, it could Kotys' Coral Gables, Fla.. executive vice-president, Paul made at Leisel's Steak House Ukrainian people in this roun– ord. When the individual dual well have been intended to re- team finished with a 13-0 rec– Hancher, liaison officer, John in Frackville. Pa., with seven try via a public letter in the vote was taken, all 32 sann- mind Ukrainians, particularly priests from the south an– Communist press for an invi– tors present voted unanimous ord. A native of Monessen.Pa.. Ritzko, vice-president, Helen the intellectuals and the thracite Deanery as guests. tation to participate in the Group of Troy, N. 15., Ukrainians display thi– bliie-arul-gohl jlv to adopt the Ukrainian in– he has coached Coral Gablee Taylor „religious and cultural young people, that there was Present were: Rev. Dean ceremonies at the unveiling banner after witnessing the signing of the Ukrainian lnde– J dependence Days resolution jip' director, and Joseph Chabon, a powerful and well-equipped for the past decade after serv– George Dubitsky. Shamokin. of the memorial. Among the pendence Day proclamation by Mayor Lawrence Meyer.(the State of California. sports director for outstand– army ready and willing to en- ing as backfield mentor at Monsignor Joseph Batza, signers of the letter were a The Пак flew for three days over city hall. Left to right are: 1 The dates, January" і 16th! llale. Kotvs is of Ukrainian ing services to the League. force the will of the Moscow Frackville. Rev. Stephen Ho– number of well-known and Wasyl Kulzer, president of the local UCCA branch, Nicholas І and 22nd. 1968 have written descent. The awards, printed on gold highly regarded Ukrainian leaders at gun-point. embossed foil, and set in a tra, spiritual director 6f the Gil, Daria Nabolotna, Olga Dziuha, .Mayor Lawrence Meyer, South Anthracite Council, men of science and letters, it dark frame with rich velvet George Zerebynsky, Russell Ko!ody. Shenandaoh, Rev. Bohdan was an obvious attempt, in Troth WU! Win serving as a background, are our opinion, to use these peo– llr. WALTER І R1SKY Lewycky, McAdoo, Rev, John Be that as it may, time WISHES 'TO,NOTIRY HIS PATIENTS THAT the first ever to be presented ple to have us lower our - Golden Anniversary. Stevensky, Kesier, Rev. The– marches on. Man's innate de– НІЙ HAS RffiflflHffED TO FtTT.L TTMF! j to national board members odore Danusiar. Maizeville. guard. We did not go along. (Concluded from P. 1) PRACTZSB AT A NEW LOCATION who have served the League. eiree must eventually triumph. lisned in the Congrcssion-il ' AT і . - - ' The president also thanked The yearning for freedom Record for the week of Jan– YOLK NEIGHBOR 178 SECOND AvENUE ,NJEW YORK C1TY Other Recipients the clergy, both present and Approached by Reds cannot be permanently.'.bpb– tiary 22. CELEBRATES' (iii (меччі 11th. A l'-Jt^ Sts.) those absent,, for their fine tied up by threats, by impri– 1 NEWARKi X.J. i– The ib– Awards were also presented cooperation and interest in At about the same time, as sonmenf or by clever mani– Observances in Ukrainian Tel.: OR '3-167U rr.ry Altar Society of St. for two years of service as a the League. the Executive Director of the pulation. Moscow and its Rus– conjpiunities in the United John's Ukrainian Catholic national officer to Miss Joan A short business meeting Shevchenko Memorial Com– sian Communist imperialistic States and Canada were simi– mittee, 1 was approached by Church of Newark will pro- Nederowski, publicity direc– followed the dinner, with the regime will have to give up lar^,in format, commencing 1967 Board officially closing a ranking representative of sent a program entitled, UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION tor. Eugene Yursha, national dictatorial control of the cap– with'religions services in all their books in order that the the Soviet Ukrainian Emba.s– "Your Neighbor Celebrates." treasurer Theodore Yatcilla, tive nations and their реоріез. Ukrainian churches Sunday THMRU newly elected group may take sv at the United Nations ffi mortiing, with sermons and зі the parish s-hool midito– Т convention procedure direc– We, as , tor Mnry Ann Kovach, finan– over and proceed with the New York about the poseibi– prayers appropriately fitting r'.um. corner of Sanford Ave. Л A T ЙО Л A L В О W L І Л G by supporting and working cial secretary, Eva Suschko. business as directed by the j lity of our permitting a So– the occasion. and ivv St., on February 5th, with the Ukrainian Congress TOURNAMENT recording .secretary, Michael national convention in Buf– viet Ukrainian delegation to at 8:00 P.M. Committee of America, the Concerts or banquets, stag– Wardigo. civic and educatiort– falo in the fall. participate in the Shevchenko "Your N Є і g h b о r Cele– Saturday - April 27. 1968 Pan-American Ukrainian Con– ed through the joint efforts memorial celebration in of virtually all Ukrainian or– brates," is available through THUN'DERBOWL LANES and LOUNGE Washington. This man also ference, the World Congress the courtesy of the AnU-De– r.'oo Allen Road - Allen P:irk. Michigan (Detroit) ss– of Free Ukrainians, and our ganizations under the auspi– informed me that if our New ces^f the Ukrainian Congress famation League. This pro- Phone: Area Code (313) 928-4688 THE UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION churches can help to bring York World's Fair Ukrainian of Дтегіса. featured promi– gram Will be presented to the about that day sooner. On (2 minutes from EJdsel Ford Expressway (1-94) ANNOUNCES Day committee, of which І nent Ukrainian and American Etdsary Society by represen-j this occasion, the 50th Anni– exit at Southfleldl was chairman, would invite speakers, entertainment by tathres of the ivy Mill Chap-j versary of the Declaration of MEN AND WOMEN'S TEAMS - DOUBLES the Soviet Ukraine to take leading Ukrainian choruses. ter of B'nai F.'rith They will j AND S1NGLES TO COMPETE FOR GRAND THREE SCUOLAnSmPS part in the Ukrainian Day Ukrainian independence, let explain nnd demonstrate an– ensembles and soloists, and PRIZES -" - of program they would arrange us rededicate ourselves to the appropriate ceremonies hon– cient Jewish traditions in re-j j; to have their finest artists cause of liberty and freedom oridg some of the living wit– garrl to their holidays and re– MlST BE ACTTV'E l'N'A MBMBBRS i^JtJRNAMENT GOVERNED BY ABC AND WIBC RULES AND appear, in replying to these for Ukraine and her people nessee of the Ukrainian War !ioktus symbols. Customary j Si.(500. StiOO and 3400 requests 1 stated that 1 would REGULATIONS. and for all peoples as the of Liberation. foods of the Jewish tradition j Thouriwment Sc hcdiilr TO BE AWARDED ANNUALLY only consider presenting the true and just basis for per– will лізо be dis )layed. Singles and Doubles — 8:80 a. m. and 11 :ЗУ a. m. proposals to our respective manent world peace. Plight Noted Теагая — 1:30 p. in. anil 4 p. ni. The schohirnhips are available to students of an accredited M.woRETTEs TO VISIT І Prbtcs will be awarded nanfe evening at Banquet to be held college or university in the United States and Canada. at recurring theme in vir– VMAIZ.IAOS in the banquet hall of Thunderbowl Lines at 7 p m. Awards will be made by UNA Scholarship Committee to Exhibit Picketed tually all speeches and state– JENK1NTOWN. Pa. -– A Bowlers from all UNA Branches .in the United States and members of the Ukrainian National Association who apply Canqda are cordially invited Uv participate F'pr further (Concluded from P. І) l merils was the recent wave of group of over 80 students J on basis of scholastic record, course of study, and financial persecution in Ukraine direct– from Manor College in Fox- lnforhiation write to the National Bowling Tournament need. Applications are to be submitted no later than policies toward the Unitei Committee. Ukrainian National Association, inc., 81-83 gister the feelings of the peo– ed primarily against young Chase. Pa., are planning a Grand Street, -Іегягу City. NJ. 07303. or: March Si of each year. For application forms, write to: ple, but of the Russian gov– States, but it doesn't because intellectual leaders, writer.s week-end at Soyuzivka start–' John Evanchuk, Supreme Auditor. 9312 Shermer Rd., ernment, in which people have the peoples of the USSR had and ^scholars. ing Saturday, February 3rd. j Morton Grovei ill. 00068 - (312) 965-4247 UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, INC. Helen B. Olek. Supreme Advisor. 21Д1 X. Lorel Avenue, no voice. no voice in making up the ex– The news of secret trials in The outing is part of thr– 81-83 Grand Street Jersey City, N.J. 07303 "it would be a more fair re- hibit." Chicago, ill. 60689 - (312) 237-0662 Ukraine and other non-R;is– BChooi'8 scheduled activities j Andrew Jiila. Supreme Advisor, 15 Sands Avenue presentation," Maye rhofe'r Young Americans for Free– sianj nations behind the iron , for students during the period Ambrldre, Pa. 15(ЮЗ- (412) 266-2686 Чь said, "if it affected Soviet dom, described by Mayerhofer Curtain, which received amn!e,in between school terms ;ї as a "conservative" group, coverage in the American and has about 150 members in the Canadian press, served to Skiers! Huge Snowfall at SOYUZJTVKA! Ohio State Chapter. dramatize the plight of the Ukramian people and demo-i– "Trojan Horses" state the unabating struggle І .. that goes on in Ukraine even SOYUZIVKA OPEN He eaid the "highly train– fifty years after the Russo– ,ed propagandists have invad– Communist takeover. Wc. at SH1PKA TRAvEL AGENCY, THE VACATION RESORT ' ed our city like Trojan horses, ALL YEAR The observances were not– are pleased to announce our - .-.------1968 of THE UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION і They are not here to give a ed in the American and Can– PERSONALLY CONDUCTED at KERHONKSON, N.Y. AROUND comprehensiye presentation ,adian mass media frcqiientlv but to do all in their power with favorable comments and for the advancement of the ш PROGRAM то UKRAINE Uncrowded facilities, invigorating air, articles in the press. SKI SLOPES Communist empire." Г. TOURS CHILDREN the scenic beauty of the Catski!l moun– Mayerhofer recalled Soviet 22 DAYS S 899.00 (Under 12) tains for 35 miles. 349Є.00 With lifts as Sojroztvka near two tactics during the Hungarian Air Force but found only FROM NEW YORK Heated Rooms well-known neighboring ekl centers: revolution and urged Ameri– Soviet educators. .lime 0. 1968 The protesters, about SO; and UKRAlXE: Kiev. Lvtv, Kilr, ; Sochi. Join us for the week and fun. too. CATHAL1A in Ellenvltle and can citizens to "keep the Com– July Г,, 19T.S strong, with no stomach for j Ukrainian National Аля'п Estate M1NEWASKA in Kerhonkson. munist record in true perspec– and. tt Chernlvtay (optional) Foordmore Road. Kerhonkson. N.Y. 12446 tive." picketing the Reds in the Un-1 Phone: Kerhonkson (914) 626-5641 Only 15 min. from Soyuzivka. Sent. X. 'infiK He said, "We would not ob– ion with a cultural exchange! AUSTKlA: Yienna 1TALY: venire. Rome Slopes for advanced skiers. Also available at night under the lights ject so strongly to an accur– exhibit, did the next best thing. Hef^a press confer– May ^. 1068 UKRA1NE: Kiev, Lvlv, Kanlv. Ternopil. АИ-wetber artificial snow. ate depiction of Soviet life, - generally. But this exhibit j encc and A C'hernivtsy (optional) represents the Soviet govern Aug. 10. 1968 POLAND: Warsaw 1TALY: Rome Demonstration leaders Da– T-.i:r rate includes: Jet All fare. Hotels, meals in most cases. Sightseeing. Trans– SPEC1AL RATE FOR SOYUZivKA GUESTS ment. which is our sworn cn-;vid Travers and Bern An– fers nnd baggage allowance. 4 At SOYUZivKA - excellent ski slopes for beghiners. Free ttfta. emv." der-on, both OSU graduate Available spice is limited, therefore we urge you to place your deposits early. Good facilities for TOBOGGAN1NG. There was a bit of humor students in philosophy, charg– Deposits are refundable if cancelled 30 or more days prior to departure date. DO NOT M1SS TH1S OPPORTUN1TY. MAKE YOUR RESERvATlON NOW! aded to the situation as a ed during the conference that ЧІІІРКЛ TRAvEL AGBNtif liXC. OSU officials had asked a Soyuzivka, Tel.: Kerhonkson (914) 626-5641 band of Ohio State University 5131 STATE RD.. CLEYELAND, ОНІО 44JS4 (216) 331-1700 vietnike, marched on the scheduled Air Force recruit- Ohio Union to picket the U.S. ing team tp stay away. GUARANTEE YOUR CHUB A COLLEGE EDUCAT10N FOR AS LOW AS S9.00 PER MONTH OR AN 5850.00 LUMP SUM lNvESTMENT YOU W1LL PROviDE FUNDS FOR YOUR CHILD'S COLLEGE EDUCATlON THE ГЛЛЛШ.ІЛ OFFirE OF ТПЕ ГКПЛ1У1АХ XATlOXAL ASSOllATiOX is pleased to announce thai it has been designated as the exclusive sales representative ot the H1GHER EDUCATlON SCHOLARSHiP FOUNDATlON IN CANADA TO SELL SCHOLARSHiP SAviNGS PLANS TO UKRA1N1AN FAM1L1ES WH1CH W1LL PROviDE FUNDS FOR A COLLEGE OR UNivERSlTY EDUCATlON FOR THE1R CH1LDREN

Fads About Hie Foundation THE HIGHER EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDA– Higher Education Scholarship Foundation - Savings Schedule TlON is a government chartered, non-profit corporation or– ganized in 1966 by prominent, public-spirited Ukrainian Can– 0 - і adians who desired to promote higher education for all AGE Under Ukrainian children. Serving without compensation, their MATtlRlTY 1N MONTHS ---.-„..– 206 sole purpose is to encourage Ukrainian families to plan early Kquivalent Years St Months -'-,u„-„ 17-2 in life to send their children to a college or university and to make financial provisions to cover the necessary costs of such an education. LUMP SUM ^----–--–------L 0 No. of dcpoBists --....„.,„L—1—„- 1 Ш Any child under eight years can be enrolled. based on current local cost for room and board can bo рані Amount of deposit -..-„.,------850.00 Amount available for 1st year -- 700.00 ; to'you). Ф On behalf of that child you sign a Scholarship Agree– ment, and you deposit a small monthly or otherwise arranged І 0 A conservative estimate,. based on recent Dominion і ANNUAL - ---.^..;iii-Li..:-–-- A eum into a special Educational Tru3t Account, opened in your Bureau of Statistics figures, is that a student qualifying for. Min dcposjt wuh application 150.00 name at one of Canada's leading financial institutions - University or a College scholarship may receive Sl.500 to Number of additional deposits „. 1G Canada Permanent Trust Company. 31,600 per year for three years from the Plan. Amount of additional deposits -– 100.00 Amount available for 1st year — 1600.00 Ф The sums you deposit are always yours, and they Returns like this are possible because in the Higher remain under your personal control. They may be withdrawn Education Scholarship Plan, you are not saving alone, it is at any time, should you desire not to continue the Plan, la mutual plan in which thousands of parents, guardians1 and SEMI-ANNUAL - .4.- --. S 0 At maturity, the total deposits will enable that child to relatives are saving together. Mm. deposit with application . ,. 63.00 attend the first year at university or college and qualify Number of additional deposits ..-. for scholarships from the Higher Education Scholarship Ф The student may attend any university in the world Amount of additional deposits -– 53.00 r Foundation. approved by the HES Committee, and may take any course Amount available for 1st year „. lG. )2.00 that awards a degree upon completion of not less than three Ф You have agreed to donate the interest on your sav– academic years of prescribed study. QUARTERLY „. ..-..–.-.... Q 0 ihgs to the Trustee of the Higher Education Scholarship Mm. deposit with application ...... 2','.27.0 0 Ф in the event that your child received a scholarship Foundation, who is the Canada Permanent Tnisi Company, Number of additionaJ deposits ... 67 Higher Edu-!or financial assistance from any other source, he or she h to provide the scholarships awarded under th Amount of .additional deposits -. 27.00 cation Scholarship Plan. j.still entitled to participate in the scholarships available un– Amount available for 1st vear -– 1636.00 der the Plan to the same extent as other participants. Ф The money you save is yours to pay for the first year І of University, if the student passes first year at university ( 9 The enrolment fee is one hundred and fifty dollars. MONTHLY ... ..-– ... . M 0 prior to or during the year in which he or she would normally which is deducted from your regular deposits. This covers Min. deposit With application „. 9.00 be expected to do so, then he or she is automatically entitled the initial administration costs, in the event that the child Number of additional deposits .205 to a scholarship awarded from the Higher Education Scholar– becomes ineligible to receive a scholarship and the subscriber Amount of additional deposits , 9.00 ship Fund for the^eecpnd,-third^ arid, fourth years as long as has fulfilled all of the terms of the Scholarship Agreement, Amount available for 1st year .1 i.– .1704.00 : he or she continiie's-tb pass ieacn year.. . ' . ithe enrolment fee of one hundred and fifty dollars will be — І refunded. 0 Scholarships are paid to the university for normal j academic expenses suchі as1 tuition, registration, laboratory і ^ The Trustee of this Plan is Canada Permanent Trust; ahd Horary fe-s, room and board, books, etc. (Should the Company, the largest Trust and Loan complex in Canada і л Pa,cnt ran slan апУ melhod of deposit and at a later date convert to another method of deposit for a S2.00 fee plus the un– studerit live at home while attending university, an allowance,with'branches stretching from const to coast. j earned interest of the new method. Щ . 'i( SCHOLARSHiP AGREEMENT І Thb Axreatneat otik u of the date ot AooUcation attached hereto between HIGHER EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP PLAN H. E. s. FOUNDATION. 1 B06-OTofit cofpeettten. toeorporatad'under the lawa of the Proving o( Ontario. APPLICATION '.'S'e tad THE SUBSCRIBER CH1LD NOMlNATEO: SUBSCRlBERi being the person or persons who signed the application attached hereto. and CANADA PERMANENT TRUST COMPANY. Л Company subject to the jurisdiction of the Parliament of Canada.

11 SCHOLARSHiP AGRKKMENT II an aereement in th. WHEREAS Ц. B. S. FOUNDATlON hii been ettabltahed for or m a similar lnrsi which has been ciecuted by H E S foundation it pvryoM Of providing KboUrihlpa to students and othrr assistance 11 STRSCniBER it a person, including any member of th. о Universities and other institutions of h!fhcr leemlna; public, a corporation nartnershio. club, society, estate, trustee a 19 Province Telephone AND WHERKAS the Subscriber wlihea to make monies foundation "ho entrr into a scholarship aereement and his or lhei -or ivatlable in order to aaaUt Я. Г. S Foundation in earrylne out Ka successors aisicm or personal representatives. purpose and. in order to do to without limlline the generality of 13 TRCST ОГ.Г.Ь it the Heed of Trust dated the в day a Sex Occupation ! bo Гогегоіщ. satshee in particular to provide the ehftd hereinafter April. ІМв between HES Foundation and llw Canada Parmanrn ioreinated with the opportunity of obtaining цпітсггИу education Trust Company which л available for msoectlon at any Unst dunn f aucb child should qualify under the terma of tbia agreement: normal buiinet! hours at the principal office of Canada Permanen Relationship to Subscriber Date of Birth '. .. 10. AND WlTBXSAJ the Subaeriber haa made application to Trust Company in Toronto rater into iban etreemtn! sfMek AppUcatloa forms an lnteiral part 14 TRl'STEF. it the Trust Company actlnr, from time t. The undersigned hereby makes application to HES Foundation (HES Plan) for a scholarship Agreement, tendon )f lh!i arreemenl; time as Trustee under Trust Deed the sum of S 10 be credited to His7Her deposit schedule, and agrees that this application, including AND WHCREAt Canada Permanent Trust Company hat 15 UNivERSlTY IS any University or Collefe which is - the particulars to be completed by HES Foundation (HES Plan), shall form an integral part of such Agreemenl screed to act aa and to perform the obutattons of the Depotitorr member of the National Conference of Canadian Universities am at defined and described in thlt arreement. Colleges or any comparable educational institution of hither leamim when issued by HES Foundation (HES Plan) and the undersigned agrees to accept each and every term thereof NOW THEREFORE. И. E. S. Foundation and the Subscriber, in Canada or elwwhere approved in particular eaaea by the Trutte. in conilderalion of the urai and atraetnents hereinafter prmided. after consuliation eith the HES. Foundation (see pa'-serafrt The undersigned subscriber further acknowledges to have read the terms and conditions On tho reverse ildd hereby covenant and afroe aa follow thirteen undrr Section 2 hereof) hereof and accepts the same including the charges referred to therein without reservation Of part of this Appll– SECnOK 1 - DEnNlTtoKS Hi DNIWRSITY EXPENSES are tuition feet, room an. cation and there ore no warranties or representations expressed or implied other than at expressed herein. board, academic feet, including rettstratlon. laboratory, library an. ht thla and in any Kholarshlp atreemeet graduation fees and an allowance for books and academic equipmen . ... 19 1 ACADKM!C YEAH ia a Unlvertlly year held ioprotiostel) which are payable in the normal course of events to the Univernt– ou !rem September in oeo year to May in the neat year attended by a student and any eapenaes approved in particula t У Г. S. '?ОКМГТрЧа v Hl'Nr ^J– ^' t "-п''ч'-чю Dole Signed Scholarship Adriser Subscriber Photoetatic copy (reduced) of a part of the agreement for the Higher Education Please make4 all cheques payable to Canada Permanent Trust Company "add exchange" to all cheques. Scholarship Plan. Part of the application for the Higher Education Scholarship Plan is shown itfthe photo– '. static copy (reduced) above. The sooner you start the less you pay if So YOU MAKE REGULAR PAYMENTS 1NTO A SAviNGS ACCOUNT RE– G1STERED 1N YOUR (OWN) NAME (REG1STERED W1TH THE CANADA ЛЄТ TODAY PERMANENT TRUST COMPANY) FROM NOW UNT1L THE CH1LD ! Senator Paul Yuzyk (left), President of the Higher Edu– REACHES UNivERSlTY AGE cation Scholarship Foundation, and Joseph Lesaicycr, Foun– cut off and mail ' dation vice-President and Supreme President of the Ukrain– ' Іап National Association, look at the document ichich gives Then the UNA Canadian Office exclusive rights to disseminate LEAVE THE INTEREST FROM YOUR SAVINGS 1N THE SCHOLARSHIP 1 tht plan among Ukrainians. Other members of the board of TRUST FUND DURING THAT TIME Directors arc: Dr. Paul Ochitwa; 2nd v.P.. Bohdan B. Za– HERE'S WHAT HAPPENS ^ 1 rowsky. secretary. Bohdan Zorych, assistant secretary. Dr. YOU'LL F1ND THAT YOUR SAviNGS ALONE W1LL PAY FOR tlfc F1RST Joseph Boyko, financial secretary, John Kokolski, assistant YEAR AT UNivERSlTY. .e. V financial secretary, Yolodymyr KUsz, Nicholas Plawiuk, An– thonu Dragan, and Dr..Michael Kushpeta, directors. HIGHER EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION PAYS FOR THE 2nd, 3rd, and 4th YEARS! 'ф REST ASSURED! ALL SAviNGS 1N EXCESS OF F1RST YEAR UNivERSlTY COSTS BELONG UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, INC. TO YOU UNDER ANY C1RCUMSTANCES.

Mr. Bohdan Zorych, Canadian Director You MAY W1THDRAW YOUR SAviNGS AT ANY ТЇМЕ YOU WlSH.^"' 19 Leland Avenue Yoa Toronto, Ontario MAY BORROW AGA1NST SAYlNGS AT ANY ТІМЕ.