Brown, L. N., and R. F. Mizell, III. 1993. the Clearwing Borers Of
Vol. 4 Suppl. 4 1993 BROWN & MIZELL: Sesiidae of Florida 1 TROPICAL LEPIDOPTERA, 4 (Suppl. 4): 1-21 THE CLEARWING BORERS OF FLORIDA (LEPIDOPTERA: SESIIDAE) LARRY N. BROWN and RUSSELL F. MIZELL, III Environmental Studies, Inc., 2410 Old Monticello Rd., Thomasville, Georgia 31792; and North Florida Research & Education Center, University of Florida, Route 4, Box 4092, Monticello, Florida 32344, USA ABSTRACT.- The 41 species of clearwing moths (Sesiidae) recorded from Florida are described and figured. Information is also summarized on life history, hostplants, flight seasons, sex attractants, and diurnal activity patterns of the Florida clearwing borers. The control of pest species is also included. KEY WORDS: Aceraceae, Alcathoe, Aquifoliaceae, behavior, Betulaceae, biology, Canada, Caprifoliaceae, Carmenta, Castanaceae, Casuarinaceae, Compositae, Cornaceae, Cucurbitaceae, distribution, Ebenaceae, ecology, Euhagena, Europe, Fagaceae, hostplants, Hymenoptera, immature stages, luglandaceae, larvae, Leguminosae, life history, Melittia, Mexico, mimicry, Myricaceae, Nyssaceae, North America, Oleaceae, Onagraceae, Osminia, Paranthrene, Pennisetia, pests, Pinaceae, Podosesia, Pompilidae, Ranunculaceae, Rhamnaceae, Rosaceae, Salicaceae, Sannina, Saxifragaceae, Solanaceae, Synanthedon, taxonomy, Umbelliferae, United States, Vitacea, Vitaceae, West Indies. Clearwing borers (family Sesiidae) attack a wide variety of pheromones released by several species of clearwing moths shrubs, trees, vines and herbaceous plants. They are major pests (Barry et
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