College of Social Science and Humanities Department of Geography and Environmental Studies
COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCE AND HUMANITIES DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY AND ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES IMPACTS OF CLIMATE VARIABILITY ON SMALLHOLDER DAIRY FARMERS (THE CASE Of BASSONA WORANA WOREDA, NORTH SHEWA ZONE OF AMHARA NATIONAL REGIONAL STATE, ETHIOPIA) MSc. Thesis Tsegaye Hailiye July, 2020 Debre Berhan, Ethiopia i DEBRE BERHAN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCE AND HUMANITIES DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY AND ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES IMPACTS OF CLIMATE VARIABILITY ON SMALLHOLDER DAIRY FARMERS (THE CASE OF BASSONA WORANA WOREDA, NORTH SHEWA ZONE OF AMHARA NATIONAL REGIONAL STATE, ETHIOPIA) A Thesis Submitted to the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, College Social Science and Humanities, Debre Berhan University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Master of Science in Environment and Sustainable Development By Tsegaye Hailiye Adviser: Arragaw Alemayehu (PhD) July, 2020 Debre Berhan, Ethiopia ii DEBRE BERHAN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SOCIAL SCIENCE AND HUMANITIES APPROVAL SHEET – I This is to certify that the thesis entitled: Impacts of Climate Variability on Smallholder Dairy Farmers in Bassona Worana Woreda (District), North Shewa Zone of Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Science with specialization in Environment and Sustainable Development of the Graduate Program of the Geography and Environmental Studies College of Social Science and Humanities , Debre Berhan University and is a record of original research carried out by Tsegaye Hailiye PGR 024/11 under my supervision, and no part of the thesis has been submitted for any other degree or diploma. The assistance and help received during the course of this investigation have been duly acknowledged.
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