Wei Dong Chen • Xiao Long Liang

Heroes and Chaos Vol. 01

Vol. 01 Many centuries ago, was made up of several provinces that frequently waged war with one another for regional supremacy. In 221 BC, the Qin Dynasty succeeded in uniting the warring provinces under a single banner, but the unity was short-lived, only lasting fi fteen years. After the collapse of the Qin Dynasty, the was established in 206 BC, and unity was restored. The Han Dynasty would last for hundreds of years, until the Post- Han Era, when the unifi ed nation once again began to unravel. As rebellion and chaos gripped the land, three men came forward to take control of the nation: Bei , , and Ce Sun. The three men each established separate kingdoms, Shu, Wei, and Wu, and for a century they contended for supremacy. This was known as the Age of the Three Kingdoms.

Written more than six hundred years ago, Three Kingdoms is one of the oldest and most seminal works in all of Eastern literature. An epic story spanning decades and featuring hundreds of characters, it remains a defi nitive tale of desperate heroism, political treachery, and the bonds of brotherhood.

Wei Dong Chen and Xiao Long Liang have chosen to draw this adaptation of Three Kingdoms in a manner reminiscent of the ancient Chinese printing technique. It is our hope that the historical look of Three Kingdoms will amplify the timelessness of its themes, which are just as relevant today as they were thousands of years ago. vol. 01 Heroes and Chaos

Created by WEI DONG CHEN Wei Dong Chen, a highly acclaimed and beloved artist, and an influential leader in the “New Chinese Cartoon” trend, is the founder of Creator World in Tianjin, the largest comics studio in China. Recently the Chinese government entrusted him with the role of general manager of the Book Fair, and his reputation as a pillar of Chinese comics has brought him many students. He has published more than three hundred cartoons, which have been recognized for their strong literary value not only in Korea, but in Europe and Japan as well. Free spirited and energetic, Wei Dong Chen’s positivist philosophy is reflected in the wisdom of his work. He is published serially in numerous publications while continuing to conceive projects that explore new dimensions of the form.

Illustrated by XIAO LONG LIANG Xiao Long Liang is considered one of Wei Dong Chen's greatest students. One of the most highly regarded cartoonists in China today, XiaoLong's fantastic technique and expression of Chinese culture have won him the acclaim of cartoon lovers throughout China. His other works include "Outlaws of the Marsh" and w003"A Story on the Motorbike".

Original Story “The Romance of the Three Kingdoms” by Luo, GuanZhong Editing & Designing Design Hongs, Jonathan Evans, KH Lee, YK Kim, HJ Lee, JS Kim, Lampin, Qing Shao, Xiao Nan Li, Ke Hu © Chen, Wei Dong 2013 All rights reserved. Original Chinese edition published by Anhui Fine Arts Publishing House. Scanning, uploading, and electronic distribution of this book is prohibited. Characters volume 01

BEI Liu is one of the main characters of Three Kingdoms. Although a descendant of the Han Dynasty, Bei Liu had lived a simple life selling shoes and mats in his rural homeland before swearing a blood oath to restore his nation. In 184 AD, Bei Liu helped Zhuo Dong defeat the Yellow Scarves, whose rebellion had torn the country apart. But Zhuo Dong dismissed Bei Liu and his brothers as simple peasants, and cast them out. Years later, when Zhuo Dong seizes power, Bei Liu joins the coalition army formed by 18 feudal lords to defeat Zhuo Dong. Bei Liu acts with tremendous valor during the struggle, and in 219 AD he becomes emperor of the Shu Kingdom.

YU GUAN Little is known of Yu Guan’s birth. What is known is that he was forced to flee his hometown after killing a local tyrant. While wandering the countryside, he received word of Bei Liu’s eff orts to raise an army. He joined the eff ort, and swore a blood oath of brotherhood with Bei Liu and Fei Zhang. A tall man with a long beard and a legendary sword, Yu Guan is considered the embodiment of loyalty and fi delity, and is deifi ed in Chinese culture.

FEI Zhang is the youngest and most volatile of the three blood brothers. He enjoys eating, drinking, and fighting. Despite his temperament, Fei Zhang is a valuable ally who can take on an army single­handedly. ZHUO Dong began his career as a regional general in the military of the Han Dynasty, but he was able to expand and consolidate his power during the long years of battle against the Yellow Scarves. In AD 189, Zhuo Dong was summoned to the capital city of LuoYang and asked to rid the city of eunuchs. Along the way he encountered the emperor and his younger brother, who had fl ed the city. Upon entering the city with the two members of the royal family, Zhuo Dong ordered the emperor killed and the crown given to the weak sibling. This allowed Zhuo Dong to assume total control of the kingdom.

BU LU Bu Lu was the greatest and most feared warrior in ancient China. Though he has sworn his allegiance to Zhuo Dong, Bu Lu is known to be loyal only to himself, and it is believed that he has killed two father figures in his life. Sure enough, Bu Lu is soon caught up in the race to usurp Zhuo Dong’s power, a choice that will have severe consequences.

RU Li is Zhuo Dong’s son­in­law, and serves as his most trusted advisor. Ru Li’s counsel often prevents Zhuo Dong from succumbing to his destructive impulses. As a result, Zhuo Dong is able to retain his power for far longer than expected. Characters volume 01

SHAO Yuan was born into nobility during the Han Dynasty, and his ambition matches his pedigree. After working with the royal family to battle the eunuchs during the Yellow Scarf Rebellion, he fl ed LuoYang just before Zhuo Dong seized control. He assumes leadership of the coalition army formed by the 18 feudal lords, but soon the unity is shattered, and Shao Yuan sets out to conquer Ji Province.

SHU Yuan is Shao Yuan’s younger brother. Although he does not command the coalition army, he is often maligned by the other commanders for failing to send adequate supplies to the soldiers in the fi eld. Though his allegiance is to his older brother, Shu Yuan harbors his own ambitions, which may one day put the two at odds.

JIAN Sun is one of the 18 feudal lords who form the coalition army. He led the coalition forces in the fi rst battle against Zhuo Dong’s army, but was defeated when much­ needed supplies for his men never arrived. After Zhuo Dong abandons LuoYang and sets fi re to the capital, Jian Sun leads the effort to save the city, which leads to his discovery of a precious item that will change his fate. ZAN GONGSUN Zan Gongsun is another of the 18 feudal lords who helped to form the coalition army. He and Bei Liu shared a mentor, and the two consider each other brothers. After the coalition army falls apart, Zan Gongsun does battle with Shao Yuan over the Ji Province. When the battle turns against him, Zan Gongsun reaches out to Bei Liu for help.

CAO CAO Cao Cao is one of the main characters of Three Kingdoms. Cao Cao was a highly decorated commander during the Yellow Scarf Rebellion, and after Zhuo Dong seized power, he joined forces with 17 other feudal lords to form the coalition army. When the alliance begins to crumble, Cao Cao takes it upon himself to chase down Zhuo Dong, which leads to a confrontation with Bu Lu. Chapter 1

A World of Chaos and the AD 184–189


For centuries, China was divided into many is led by the Yellow Scarves, who provoke kingdoms. These kingdoms fought often the masses into attacking the royal forces, for supremacy of land and resources, which leading to a series of defeats for the empire. meant that various rulers gained and lost During this time, Bei Liu, Yu Guan, power with alarming frequency. It wasn’t and Fei Zhang, three men without official until 221 BC that the imperial reign of the rank or title who are nonetheless brilliant Qin Dynasty brought together the various fighters, take a blood oath in a peach warring territories under the banner of a garden, swearing fidelity to one another unified nation. But the Qin Dynasty lasted and pledging to restore the greatness a mere fifteen years before collapsing, of their nation. They come to the rescue after which Bang Liu established the Han of General Zhuo Dong, who is being Dynasty. ambushed by Yellow Scarves. The general Our story begins toward the end of treats the three brothers like peasants, and the Han Dynasty, when centuries of rule they leave. Afterward, Zhuo Dong becomes has given rise to corruption, greed, and more powerful until one day he enters the cruelty. After years of enduring poverty, city of LuoYang with an army of 200,000, drought, and famine, the people of the Han executes the emperor, and installs a new, Dynasty begin revolting throughout the weaker emperor. This makes Zhuo Dong land. The most powerful of these rebellions the most powerful man in the world. zhuo

XiLiang B changShan

a Beihai Puyang XiaoPei huLuo

changan guanDu XiaPi Luoyang Xuchang Xuzhou

nanyang Shouchun

hanzhong hefei Xiangyang

chengDu CHINA

a Zhuo Dong enters LuoYang B Bei Liu appears

Zhuo Dong, a regional general of the Bei Liu is a common, but ambitious, Han Dynasty, gains power until he citizen who sells shoes and mats for a becomes the most powerful man in living. When the Yellow Scarf Rebellion the northwest region. He is summoned breaks out, he tries to raise a volunteer to the city of LuoYang and asked army that will bring an end to the war. to drive the eunuchs from the city. Bei Liu pledges his brotherhood Instead he kills the emperor, installs to Yu Guan and Fei Zhang by taking a new one, and takes control of the a blood oath of fidelity in which the kingdom. three men commit themselves to one another and the cause of fighting for *Eunuch: low-level servants to the royal court who their nation. This comes to be known as often form close relationships with the emperor and the Oath of the Peach Garden, one of various offi cials, and take bribery for the infl uence. Their infl uence leads to the widespread corruption that causes the earliest and most legendary blood the rebellion. oaths ever taken. “...Invaluable...beautiful artwork...commendable e orts to bring the characters to life.” – Publishers Weekly

At the end of the second century, the lands of ancient China are thrown into turmoil when the Han Dynasty collapses, and when a tyrant overthrows the weak emperor, a group of regional lords forms an army to restore the nation. But bravery and valor are soon sti ed by ambition and cunning, and the coalition dissolves before the battle is even won. Now, a new group of heroes must emerge if China is to survive. Based on one of the most popular and in uential novels ever written, Three Kingdoms is an epic adventure of heroism and villainy, honor and deceit, and overcoming individual failings to serve a greater purpose.

In collaboration with Tianjin Shenjie Comics, China www.jrcomics.com All-Ages . Adventures . Action