

 Today, St. Patrick Parish, along with the Marian Fathers at the National of Divine Mercy, are encouraging every family to mark the front door of your homes in the Precious Blood of the Lamb with an Image of Divine Mercy. Copies of this beautiful Image for our Parishioners are available in the entrance of the Church.  The image of Divine Mercy represents Our Lord, the Lamb of , sacrificed for us, from whose Heart flows Blood and Water, the streams of God’s mercy upon the whole world.  Place the Image of Divine Mercy on your front door with the inscription: “Jesus I trust in You.”  Our Lord promises us through St. Faustina “that the who venerate (honor) this image will not perish” (Diary of Saint Maria , 48).  Jesus also promises: “victory over our enemies already here on earth, especially at the hour of death” and to “defend us as His own glory” (Diary, 48)

As we enter into Holy Week, we each have the opportunity to share in Our Lord’s Passion as never before. Schools and many businesses are closed, there is and the threat of contagion all around us. Even our beloved Churches have had to close their doors to Mass and reserve the Sacraments only for those in danger of death. Yet, at this time, God calls us together as a family; a time for all of us to reflect upon those things most important in life. The times that we are experiencing reflect those we read about in Exodus, when God ordered through Moses that all Israelite families should gather together, each in their own home with their own families. They were to mark their doorposts in the blood of the lamb so that the Angel of Death would pass over those marked homes. We too are called at this time to gather in our homes with our families. And we too can mark our door posts, but with the Precious Blood of the Lamb of God in His Image of Divine Mercy! Here is what Saint Faustina’s confessor, Blessed Michael Sopock recalled additionally about the promise to those who honor the Image of Divine Mercy: “Let everyone procure for their homes this Image because there will yet come trials. And those homes, and entire families, and everyone individually who will hold this image of mercy in deep reverence, I will preserve from every sort of misfortune. The time will come when all those who do so will give witness to the miraculous efficacy and to the special protection of mercy flowing from this Image.” While this act of may not guarantee your family won’t be physically affected by the virus, it will guarantee that, by your trust in Jesus, you will obtain His promises of love and mercy, which will surround you and remain in you forever. May Jesus, King of Mercy and His Most Holy Mother Mary, watch over and protect us all.

Sister Francis Marie, FMMS

For more information about “Seal the Doorposts / Divine Mercy”, or to print your own copy of the Sacred , visit: https://www.thedivinemercy.org/articles/seal-doorposts