Divine Mercy Sunday
Notice/Aviso: The information on the outside cover is NOT correct! To honor our ad holders, we are using last year’s bulletins, that we could not use because of covid. Please see the Website or Daily Events Box for current days/times! Please pray for those who are ill & in need of our continued DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY pra ye r : T e re n ce Se w a l d , Bo b Yo d e r , E d d y Me s se r, J o e Kr a n z , Ka ylee Remmich, B rian & Crissy Cobain, Christopher Endicott, From “Low Sunday” to “Divine Mercy Sunday” Trang & Ann Treber, Deborah Messer, Scott Weaver, Luke The first Sunday after Easter was known as “Low Sunday.” Barden, Foster Sauter, Steve Wilmes, & Erin Palmer. It received such a name because, after all the liturgies and devotionals of the Sacred Triduum, the church seemed to take on a language that reflected the tiredness of both priests and DAILY EVENTS AND MASS INTENTIONS people. Let’s face it, the past week was spiritually intense, Saturday, April 10th emotionally draining, logistically busy: organizing choirs, 4:15 p.m. Confessions ushers, altar servers, lectors, and everyone else. After such a 5:00 p.m. Mass: + Betty Pettinger whirlwind, it seems everyone is ready for a Low Sunday! However, on April 30, 2000, at the canonization of St. 7:00 p.m. Neocatechumenal Way Mass: All Souls th Faustina, Pope St. John Paul II established Divine Mercy Sunday, April 11 Sunday as a feast day for the entire Church.
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