Sustainable Mobility Planning in Puglia (Southern ) n Puglia e PRT Manchester, 22 November 2018

Raffaele Sforza Mobility Manager of Puglia Region Where is ? Southern Italy MOBILITY IN PUGLIA

Road tranport (2014) 14.000.000 trip/day by car of which: 21% within the provincial capitals (2.800.000) 3% among the provincial capitals (400.000) Public Transport (railway and automotive transport - 2013) 314.000 trip/day of which:

• Trenitalia (trains and bus) 33.003 • Other regional railway company 42.596 • Automotive trasport (substitutive/integrative of railway services) 40.014 • Extra urban automotive services 104.413 • Urban automotive services 94.382

Total amount 314.408 Regional Guidelines for the drafting of SUMPs approved by the Apulian regional Council on 20/02/2018 CIP INTERREG IIIA ITALIA- ALBANIA 2000-2006 Measure 1.1 Transport – Mobility Management

In Bari, Travel Plans for: Assistance and support Training courses for activities - municipal employees of the Mobility Managers in Bari headquarter institution in Mobility and Tirana Management - municipal school in support of the cities of - commercial road Bari and Tirana



A memorandum of understanding was signed in 2007 among Apulia Region and all (5) regional railway companies, aimed to:

• The reduction/elimination of infrastructural and organizational barriers; • The immediately elimination of ticket for the bike (quick-win). Since 2007 Apulia is the first region in Italy where the transport of bike on train is free

7 • Velostation: pilot action of INTERMODAL project (IPA ADRIATIC CBC 2007-2013) New 29 bicycle parking station planned by 2025

• Rodi Garganico • Ceglie Messapica • San Severo • Taranto • San Giovanni• Grottaglie Rotondo • Brindisi • Monte Sant’Angelo • • Manfredonia • • Foggia • • Gallipoli • • Gagliano del Capo • • Candela • Ruvo di Puglia • Spinazzola • Gravina di Puglia • Mellitto • Bari (already open) • Gioia del Colle • Castellaneta • Putignano • Fasano • Locorotondo Draft of Cycle mobility regional Plan Cycle logistics & Mobility Management

11 Thanks for your attention Raffaele Sforza Mobility Manager

Puglia Region Mobility Department – Sustainable Mobility Section Working Groupe on European Programmes and Projects Via G. Gentile, 52 - 70126 BARI [email protected] Tel +39 080 5405602 - Mob +39 320 0313836