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Midsoloes Nhmbpevte THE OT.JOHIVS NEWS VOLUME xxn —NO. 43 THE ST. JOHNS NEWS, THUKSOAT AFTERNOON—JUNE 1, 1911. BnSTPA<^ ONE DOLLAR A TEAR DMKD CT JMiC Ml milMCII VI* ot Mv uvi ♦ ♦ MFHEHTOIEil ♦ fUMRT RPDBT nPRMB. ♦ DETM TB M nPIT OLOKSKT ♦ ♦ ID nHMBPEVtE miDSOLoes r. B. f ALBBTIIIB BABlEti CM>0D 6NEI0IIST sf Csaalf FLDBRpCB BACDDHALD BBTAI WITfl IIIMTBAIICB rOBPABT. Woa Last HHID iMKsrsrai WIDB DT C. L. BABB TBDAT. South lUlsy .. .... 2 9 1.090 _______J 2 .997 VATUB LTMCB »ATH HTBVMLB mms JOBN D. BBIfDBBflON DIBD LABT Red 80s ------ The May iSth I of ths Avsnta' _____ 2 2 .997 ttOTBRlIOR OMDBE BAB BRLBCT. A vary qoist wadding was aoUmn- TUBBDAT Rtscofd. publlahsd by the Woodmsa ’a DeWitt_____ mvnr c'oifTiHUB. BATfTBDAT. Fowler ™_____ 2 2 .499 BD NBW eMnnMMDR. lasd today gt tbs hooM of Mr. and Casualty Oo.. at Sprlagflsld. Illinois, .............. 1 2 190 iMnb Mnrdo MseOansld. eomsr of Mc- or NOBLI contains ths cut of F. E. Valaatlnc and Forest Hill _ Stars ........— ______ .§ 4 .090 Coonall and Pronpset strsau. whea a baautlful Rold watch recently prw- tbsir yonnger daughtsr, Mins Fiorenes fiK • ELOQHEIT MDRESS gsntsd to hUn by thacasualty company illLlillSiESSMrrtBIIS Besnlts Last Hnadny. Rse. bsoa nm tbe bride ^ Cuth- for haying osnt In the larpsat number MCLNED lELLT MM hart L. Hand of LsOraaga, wyoaslng. of applications during ths month of DeWItt J. Fowler i. Houlh Riley IS. Red Sox t. Tba aar vitas ware read by tbe Rav. April. Attached to ths watch was a Matt Mullan in tbe presence of tba beautiful fob with a diamond sotting. Forest Hill va. Stars, no game. CATBOLK’ (’BUH’B PILLED TO CA- HEBVBD PEOPLE AR PBERIDENT MOTBRNOHm AfTlOE VTRTBBT TD inuaadlste family of tba brtda. and In referring to the matter ths Rec­ later in tbe dny Mr. and Mrs. Rand LABSB NOBBBB OF TBE OLD DDTB PACITT HENDAT BOBHim ord says. "In March notice waa sent to DgNies Next RMiAgy. .. OLD FDLITfNBANR. ! WBBKI RT. JOBER WAR TILLAOE. South Riley va Red Hog. on the David left for tbeir home la Wyoming all agsnu that the prise of a hand­ where tMS groom owns a large moeb. TITBIT OUT. some gold watch would be given to Toing farm, aoutheast of Rl. Johns. Round I^ke wa. Forest Hill at For ­ Mlm MacDongid la one of tbe moot Lanir liNNiWr •! Hsl4i»w UsIm !• the state agent, from whose sute was chamdag young ladioo of this cHy received the largest number of appli­ Eatlve ef Reetinnd —f'nrrM Thfengh est Hill. and baa boats of friends In St Johns Vkllod fllglM Nmvy ggd ■■•lilrtiMr Tn IE—B—tifNi Pl«r Ptf- cations during ths month of April. DeWitt ea. Fowler, at Fowler. Long Dnslaess Life RIardy Ben. land vicinity where obe baa always re­ WMb !• I'tarrA. Illinois sending In dtO. made Its hand- sided. After completing tbe preacrib- some and affable state agent the hap­ esty sf Bis Bare. The Oldsmobilea from I.«ns:ng are ed course of study In the bl^ school rivfl War T« dated to play here next Sunday after­ py poaaeaaor of the handaocneot watch here she etudlad at the Chicago School noon at the usual hour. Over one hundred membeni of the in the country. Our friend Valentine PolltlcUuis have bqen making a mi­ of Expression two years, sad is a A. R. and W. R. C. Attended Bem- won this watch by bard work, as he FV>Uowing several months’ illness Eaeortad by fifty small boys aad from a compHnatton of disaaaes. John Westphalia defeated Collins In a nute asarch through thair books of reader of marked ability, always pop ­ ortnl eenrlcee in St. Joeeph’s ('ethollc has been in Uie field constantly for rules of the political game, and delv ­ ular srtth her audiences. 'girls from the public schoola. tbn church Sunday morning when the an- the past three or four months, organ- D. Henderson, widely known In this 12-Inning game Saturday by a score msmbara of the O. A R. marchad to part of the state, passed away at an of 1R to 14. .Notwithstanding the big ing into the post political history of Mr. Rand la a young man of indua- ual addreaa waa delivered by Rev txlng hia districts and appointing new the state to aacertain where Govar-1 try and is rapidly pushing to the top the cemetery Tuesday morning to tba John Lynch, the pariah priest. agents. He la very popular with bis early hour Saturday morning, and In score. It was a good game. music of tbe city band, to again plaea hia death St. Johns loaea a good clti- nor Oabora found a precedent for | *n wammn country. He Is very The weather was ideal and the pop ­ men and they all worksd-hard to make appointing his opponent for the nomi-1 highly regarded by thoae in this bloaaomi over the pulsalaoa hearta of ulace turned out in large numbers to him winner." ten —a man who In the years gone Sl. Johns played Frtwiervllle at the comrades. gave much of his time to promote the hatter place last Sunday md were de- nation for governor, as well as the j cRy who have beconw aequaintad with Join with the vetsrane in doing hom­ Mr Valentine la the son of E. L candidate who oppoaed hia election, i h*® <*■ vlatta to St. Johns, and he day was cool, and tbe line of age to the memory of the fallen Valentine of 9L Johns and is well welfare and general Interests of the : feated 4 to 3. Wiggins was in the box boys in blue waa fully as long as It village while acting as Its president for the locals and pitched a fine game, to two of the moot important pinces. I hia bride will take with them to heros of the civil war, and at 10 knosrn In this communtiy. within his gift. They have not been ! D»elr new hotne t^ie beat srisbea of was a year ago, and tbe small remnant oclock. the hour fixed fer the servloe. and a member of the hoard of trustees. !he being hitleas. for six periods. of tbe army marched Just ss lively as Mr. Henderson was bom near Edin ­ able to find any rule or precedent and ) •cores of St. Johns friends for a long the comniodioue church was filled to speculation la rife as to what particu­ happy life. It did Ijat May. its capacity. The altar waa tastefully burg. Scotland. January 1*». 1*1'. com ­ Maple Rapids la "coming back" on After going to tbe sokHers' moou- JEM HM iMY UNO • ing to America with his pgrents In i her good record of past seasons, loist lar theories of the game Induced the adorned with white blossoms and chief executive to make the appoint ­ ! msnt. around which were placed tbe festoons and knots of ribbons of the IMS. After a shon residence in De­ Saturday was her first game of the I flowers honoring the "unknown dead** troit the family came to St Johns sermon and the hunch cleaned up on ment of Lawton T. Hemana. late cimoLics I the little people went to all parts of national colors. The long line of old CMISeTllflOUIIIilMIIOON Democratic candidate for governor, I soldiers and the ladies of the Relief and this place has continued to be Ho«ith Riley .^ to 1. In the county the cemetery placing flowers on the the home. On OrtoixT 11. 1*<»JI. Mr. I league South Riley has not been de ­ for member of the railroad conunis- Corps were met at the door by the slon. and Patrick H. Kelley, late can- { ID BONFili BK CUBS flag marked mounds, while tbe band O.hE 01' HOBNEH KILLED. OTHER Henderson was married to Miss Betsey feated this season. played a number of selections After priesu and twelve acolytes carrying dIdate for the Republican nomination | ribbons of red, white and blue attach­ I BADLY rrr abopt body . Tallmadge and to them were bom six the graves had been decorated ths i children, all of whom with the widow Ad. Wolgast. the lightweight cham­ for governor, member of the commis- i ArXILIARY RIHHDP KBLLT WILL ed to the processional cross. slon to Inquire into the present tax | ' members of the G. A R. read thair ssr- survive pion. formerly of Cadillac, put it all vice, returning to the hall a little be- The attractiveness of this proces ­ system oX the state. PERFORM NAf’RAMENT. sion alone was well worth any sacri­ A dead horse, another one badly in ­ Manv years ago Mr Henderson over "Frankie" Bums of Ijou Angeles : fore noon. jured and a demolished plate glass formed a partnership with his brother. at San Franclat'o last Saturday, Friends of the governor say. how- ^ At 2 o ’clock the annual address was fice It might have cost to attend the ever, that he named Prof. Henry C.! service. window were the results of a short WllllsTn G. Henderson. In the lumber Rums’ seconds throwing up the On... Wednesday. June 7th. Bishop_____.. given by Rev. Matt Mullen tow .s •«largs After the guests of honor had been but terrifying runaway Saturday af­ and grist mill business under the sponge in the ITth round to save Adams, of the i nlverslty of Michigan. Kelly of Ann Arbor will confer the gathering of aoldiers. ladies of the seated. Mrs W. M. Htocker. In behalf ternoon. ftmi style of J. D. Henderson A Bro.. I Bums fmm a knock-out, Wolgast ^ »J commitalon because sacrament of confirmation \ipon a i lief corps and their friends of the two organizaatioits, the (Irand While standing at the rear of Ber- and the partnership continued to exist 'had It "on" Bums all the way and he of I rofr^r Adams bn^ knowledge , ^ 200 persons at St Joseph'a On the platform with CommandST Army of the Republic and the Wom ­ gin ’s elevator, the team belonging to until the death of the senior member was a badly punished (and punimeled) of taxation, his capability for Judging church., Pewamo.
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