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t ■ y . t. USmS nDAT. i q ^ H A T 2 1,194C Avans* Daily Clfmlation A The WeatlMr [anr(;if0tfr Cufttittg Ifpralb the Btorth of AprU, 1848 PoreeaaC e f |1- K Weather ■ « pUyed'by Nbrma Bernahon. The 9,058 Fair aad a Uttle milder la a murder u no aecret to the audience o rrih Group Scores aectJoaa tonight; Friday M r Emergency Doctor Peterson Pul ^ T ^A I at parice Recital .gnd the victim, played with a sub M e m ^ of the Audit ooattaned warm. AI k n iI T o w n tle air by Florence Spillane, baa l e c Ce r c Bureau of Clrcolatlou the center of the etage until her rUNBRAL H02IB The emergent’ ' doctor to Grand Success untimely death. Esther Gahr, aa a Manchester^A City of Village Charm A t tlM MffulAf wMkly mceUng ' morrow wiU.“WS Dr. A, B. Rund- Back to Work nun, completed the cast, which 22 Mato Straat « t the ItoU ry Club at 8:30 this ' quist, n jC a k .itrect. telephone ■g. aveolinr at Uie Sheridan, the apeak* gave Manchester lovere both pleas PlijMM 5269 (ClasalUcd Advertlaing oa Page 14) 6216. Fir8t Performance of VOL. LXV., NO. 199 MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1946 (SIXTEEN PAOESy PRICE THREE CEN'm • r w ill ba Dr. Charlea E. Jacobaon, .Scletimeii al .Special ure and prlde«!ln its own talent. Wants OM Name Jr. Dr. Jacobeon la a epeclallat Loeal TheHpians Seen a oomected with the Hartford and ^leetiiip Keiiiblate Em* In presenting "Ladies In Retire Kaachaater Memorial hoapltals There will be a apecial meetiiiK ployee of Town Hit bv Audience ment" the Flayers' Group is re Subject of tonlght’a talk will of Mani'hratcr Ixidg* ot Maaone newing the community theater In Boilers and^^mneys . Flag Flies in Front of Idle Mine •The ClvllUatlon of the Incaa^ I tonight. The Master Mason degree "Ladies In Retlremeht" proved Manchester. The revival and this National Troops I will be conferred on a class of can- RicliHrd H. Pctpison, who wa^^ production owe mudi to the’efforts Vacuu^Cleaned Railway Managei Lent an excellent choice for the- first of Mary Afra Handley, a former i Thoee membera of K in X ^'datea. The lodge will open at 7 ordered dismissed- fron* Ihe tovy^s ' ! performance of the revived Cora-' member of the Community Play- t t a iz * No. 31, lOOF taking part ^ o'clock. .. employ w-aek. Was voted^rein VAN/Ca MP BROS. niunity Players, now the Players’ | «*■*• M te r the second act,, C a rl! on the flrat degree <trni team, are ; | stated by Ihe Selectmennennight | ^/l>lephone 5244 Formally Retake requeated to be prwient on Wed- ■ .Mrs. Rii hard Howes, president Group, under the Jojnt sponsorship I • former member of the at a. special meeting^,,e(f the board, of the Hartford Cdunty V. W. C 1 Community Payers, was so Im- naaday oveninjrAl 7:30 aharp for ! of the Biickland Oakland Club and bnfiging to s siiddprt end a li.'aring A.. and aR appieciatlva audience i Pf***®** Py excellence of the Negotiators to . Fred Clark, chairman of the AVaya See a special rehpanal in preparation saked by the Veje^rans Coiitu il. ! i and Means committee wish to re- had an enjoyable time of it in w el-1 Performance thatlie made a public for their yjitft to Baypath Lodge The meetiiyg waa l.ite in .start-* ' port a aucresaful year for the coming an old, and esteemed dra- ■ request that the Players’ Group as;^ Changchun Today No. 234i.>^ring’fleld, 'on May 25. ing due t<} fhe inability of one of j ____ ! club and wish to thank all • Who ma group back to Manchester. "P’"® ^ Community tile threi-'Seleftmen. Haiold Turk- RUMMAGE The regular monthly meeting of | helped to bring about the am Mrs. .Sydney Brown, in the lead-1 ^ ingtop,' to attend the meeting ' Ing role, which was originated by P**y directed by Vic the Frank J. MAnafield \Marine ~ ~ eafHer, j the famoua Flora Robeson \vhgu Davies, who w’as assisted by the j Truman on Walkout Corps League Auxiliary wdll be! A rehearsal of the Plantation Represented by .Attorney "Ladies In Retirement" wraa' a following staff: busineps, Edward' SALE vening at right ; Minstrels being presented by the j Peterson was repres»n Royalty held tomorrow ev ted by At- Broadway success several seasons' Lynch; stage. William Brown and: o'clock at the Armyny Navy Club. Co-Weds of Center Congregallopdl tornev VVeiley Oryk al.iIso s veter- | Louis Genovesi, Jr.; house, Joseph ! ago, gave a finished performance Thurs. Morning Call Goes Out Hour Irhureh tn cooperation wiCv the World W a r II. Attorney j Handley; properGea, Barbara D lk .! rian Capital EngagedJn Married Couples group of.ySecond which took the play but of the am Told to Pay A ll of the member# of the Ital Gryk stated that the question for j -l»rraine Scovllle Gladys Gilroy Ethel Glidden, Betty Davies, R e a ; 9 O'clock at the Congregational church will be held ateur class from th* minuU she Sporadic Fighting; R^; mr Try to Get Suitable After Heads of Train ian American Club and the Ladles Ihe Selectmen to decide waa Whetstone, akd Louis Genovesi. tomorrow’ night at ’Ight o'clock in .appeared on v the sUge. Mrs. Auxiliary are requeated to meet whether or not Peterson w^t a Memorial in Hartford tomorrow Masonic Temple men and Engineers Ar the Hollister Street seltool. The Miss IWirraine Seoville. daughter Brown’s eitc'ellent stage ability 'The Mai^ester Chapter of Ha- siatance Soon Over- TCiXCS IrO til tonight at 8 at the club on Eld- regular employee of the town. If of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rcoville of evening at eight o’clock. Over 100 dassah presented the play as a rtdge street and from'‘ there to show will be presented in the Hol suggested A promise of more im Under the Auspices of rive at White House they found that he was. he said, 228 Center street, is the student local children, students of Mrs. portant tholes to come.- benefit- come b y Nationalists Coal Wage Contract proceed to Burke’s Funeral home lister Street aqhool at 8:15 Friday then his war record sliould be con CHAPMAN COURT. everting of this week. assistant working with Rolda Mar Gibsons’, will comprise the cast. Capture Spirit O f pia.r With Reply to Presf* where they'will pay their last re- sidered and that he ahould be giv tin Gibson on the dance recital. "A Gladys Gilroy, studio pianist, The play, which is usually ORDER OF AMARANTH Mukden, May 23.— (/P)— Only Emperor Hirohito apecta to their late member An en employment as other veterans Dance Fantasy of Alice in Wonder will accompany the orchestra dur denUs Compromise thony Barrea. Temple Chapter. No. 53, Order thought of as a murder piece, is The government today an And His Immediate w'ere entitled. land" to be put on in the Buahnell ing the recital. more than that because its atmo^ White Hou«^ ‘^“/"■i Food Shortase of Eastern Star will meet ton ir- Name on Honor Roll Proposal; Steelman phere has X very special quality MANCHESTER nounced that National troops ence Seeks to Work The Elenora Duae Lodge, Daugh row "night at eight o’clock In the Attorney Gryk said that he be Family Exempted in which is created by the deUbhed formally recaptured Chang ters of Italy, will hold its regular, ^a.sonic Temple. The annual me lieved that the discharged man was of the new home ow’ners In the Out Contract Accept Talks .With Both Sides meeting tonight at eight o'cloek morial service will be observed Pine Civic (iroiip Pines Tract w’ill avail tbentselvea way of life w’hich is e n jo y e d ^ the AUTO BODY chun at J.1 a. m. after having New Allied Decree May Be Early a regular employee as his -name play's abnormal charact^. Mrs.' Stop Worrying /Vat the Italian American Club on and refreshments wil' be served was placed on the town employee ^ of this opportunity to meet their 50 Oak Street engaged “Communist rem able to Both Sides Eleanor Rubinow and ^ r s . Eve Washington, May 23.— Eldridge street. All membeTs are after the mcetihg In charge of Mra. Honor Roll "in bronae.’’ l o h p u i 1 8 0 r U a i i e e orfRhbora and enjoy an evening Telephone 2979 nants remaining in the city Tokyo, May 23—(A>)—Japan’s Alice Hoaglund and her commit 1 I of dancing: and viaiting:. Folsom in their portrayal of these About — The White House today u rg ^ to attend. Counsel for Peterson said that Anto Body and in sporadic fighting. The re top royalty lost by Allied decree ' Washington, May 23.— (/P) Strike Effect tee. preyioqa to his enlistment in 1942 two sheltered sistept, queer in their * summoned the rail manage Naval Aviatloq Cadet Harry imworldly ways^baptured the rare ' Fender Repairing sistance soon was overcome,” today its tax immunity, its special — With more than a third of I ------ he had been employed by the town. At an "rctive meeting heldjg^ II A l • Lightning! ment negotiators to a confer Leon Sheppard, Jr„ son of Mr. and The offlrers of the Rainbow touch W’hich gave the play ita fla Anto Paliitfng said the communique, from the privileges and its customary 2,000,- the soft coal miners idle de- c io s in a o f S o m e o f In December, 194.5.