t ■ y . t. USmS nDAT. i q ^ H A T 2 1,194C Avans* Daily Clfmlation A The WeatlMr [anr(;if0tfr Cufttittg Ifpralb the Btorth of AprU, 1848 PoreeaaC e f |1- K Weather ■ « pUyed'by Nbrma Bernahon. The 9,058 Fair aad a Uttle milder la a murder u no aecret to the audience o rrih Group Scores aectJoaa tonight; Friday M r Emergency Doctor Peterson Pul ^ T ^A I at parice Recital .gnd the victim, played with a sub­ M e m ^ of the Audit ooattaned warm. AI k n iI T o w n tle air by Florence Spillane, baa l e c Ce r c Bureau of Clrcolatlou the center of the etage until her rUNBRAL H02IB The emergent’ ' doctor to­ Grand Success untimely death. Esther Gahr, aa a Manchester^A City of Village Charm A t tlM MffulAf wMkly mceUng ' morrow wiU.“WS Dr. A, B. Rund- Back to Work nun, completed the cast, which 22 Mato Straat « t the ItoU ry Club at 8:30 this ' quist, n jC a k .itrect. telephone ■g. aveolinr at Uie Sheridan, the apeak* gave Manchester lovere both pleas­ PlijMM 5269 (ClasalUcd Advertlaing oa Page 14) 6216. Fir8t Performance of VOL. LXV., NO. 199 MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1946 (SIXTEEN PAOESy PRICE THREE CEN'm • r w ill ba Dr. Charlea E. Jacobaon, .Scletimeii al .Special ure and prlde«!ln its own talent. Wants OM Name Jr. Dr. Jacobeon la a epeclallat Loeal TheHpians Seen a oomected with the Hartford and ^leetiiip Keiiiblate Em* In presenting "Ladies In Retire­ Kaachaater Memorial hoapltals There will be a apecial meetiiiK ployee of Town Hit bv Audience ment" the Flayers' Group is re­ Subject of tonlght’a talk will of Mani'hratcr Ixidg* ot Maaone newing the community theater In Boilers and^^mneys . Flag Flies in Front of Idle Mine •The ClvllUatlon of the Incaa^ I tonight. The Master Mason degree "Ladies In Retlremeht" proved Manchester. The revival and this National Troops I will be conferred on a class of can- RicliHrd H. Pctpison, who wa^^ production owe mudi to the’efforts Vacuu^Cleaned Railway Managei Lent an excellent choice for the- first of Mary Afra Handley, a former i Thoee membera of K in X ^'datea. The lodge will open at 7 ordered dismissed- fron* Ihe tovy^s ' ! performance of the revived Cora-' member of the Community Play- t t a iz * No. 31, lOOF taking part ^ o'clock. .. employ la.st w-aek. Was voted^rein­ VAN/Ca MP BROS. niunity Players, now the Players’ | «*■*• M te r the second act,, C a rl! on the flrat degree <trni team, are ; | stated by Ihe Selectmennennight | ^/l>lephone 5244 Formally Retake requeated to be prwient on Wed- ■ .Mrs. Rii hard Howes, president Group, under the Jojnt sponsorship I • former member of the at a. special meeting^,,e(f the board, of the Hartford Cdunty V. W. C 1 Community Payers, was so Im- naaday oveninjrAl 7:30 aharp for ! of the Biickland Oakland Club and bnfiging to s siiddprt end a li.'aring A.. and aR appieciatlva audience i Pf***®** Py excellence of the Negotiators to . Fred Clark, chairman of the AVaya See a special rehpanal in preparation saked by the Veje^rans Coiitu il. ! i and Means committee wish to re- had an enjoyable time of it in w el-1 Performance thatlie made a public for their yjitft to Baypath Lodge The meetiiyg waa l.ite in .start-* ' port a mo.st aucresaful year for the coming an old, and esteemed dra- ■ request that the Players’ Group as;^ Changchun Today No. 234i.>^ring’fleld, 'on May 25. ing due t<} fhe inability of one of j ____ ! club and wish to thank all • Who ma group back to Manchester. "P’"® ^ Community tile threi-'Seleftmen. Haiold Turk- RUMMAGE The regular monthly meeting of | helped to bring about the am re.sa. Mrs. .Sydney Brown, in the lead-1 ^ ingtop,' to attend the meeting ' Ing role, which was originated by P**y directed by Vic the Frank J. MAnafield \Marine ~ ~ eafHer, j the famoua Flora Robeson \vhgu Davies, who w’as assisted by the j Truman on Walkout Corps League Auxiliary wdll be! A rehearsal of the Plantation Represented by .Attorney "Ladies In Retirement" wraa' a following staff: busineps, Edward' SALE vening at right ; Minstrels being presented by the j Peterson was repres»n Royalty held tomorrow ev ted by At- Broadway success several seasons' Lynch; stage. William Brown and: o'clock at the Armyny Navy Club. Co-Weds of Center Congregallopdl tornev VVeiley Oryk al.iIso s veter- | Louis Genovesi, Jr.; house, Joseph ! ago, gave a finished performance Thurs. Morning Call Goes Out Hour Irhureh tn cooperation wiCv the World W a r II. Attorney j Handley; properGea, Barbara D lk .! rian Capital EngagedJn Married Couples group of.ySecond which took the play but of the am­ Told to Pay A ll of the member# of the Ital­ Gryk stated that the question for j -l»rraine Scovllle Gladys Gilroy Ethel Glidden, Betty Davies, R e a ; 9 O'clock at the Congregational church will be held ateur class from th* minuU she Sporadic Fighting; R^; mr Try to Get Suitable After Heads of Train­ ian American Club and the Ladles Ihe Selectmen to decide waa Whetstone, akd Louis Genovesi. tomorrow’ night at ’Ight o'clock in .appeared on v the sUge. Mrs. Auxiliary are requeated to meet whether or not Peterson w^t a Memorial in Hartford tomorrow Masonic Temple men and Engineers Ar­ the Hollister Street seltool. The Miss IWirraine Seoville. daughter Brown’s eitc'ellent stage ability 'The Mai^ester Chapter of Ha- siatance Soon Over- TCiXCS IrO til tonight at 8 at the club on Eld- regular employee of the town. If of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rcoville of evening at eight o’clock. Over 100 dassah presented the play as a rtdge street and from'‘ there to show will be presented in the Hol­ suggested A promise of more im­ Under the Auspices of rive at White House they found that he was. he said, 228 Center street, is the student local children, students of Mrs. portant tholes to come.- benefit- come b y Nationalists Coal Wage Contract proceed to Burke’s Funeral home lister Street aqhool at 8:15 Friday then his war record sliould be con­ CHAPMAN COURT. everting of this week. assistant working with Rolda Mar­ Gibsons’, will comprise the cast. Capture Spirit O f pia.r With Reply to Presf* where they'will pay their last re- sidered and that he ahould be giv­ tin Gibson on the dance recital. "A Gladys Gilroy, studio pianist, The play, which is usually ORDER OF AMARANTH Mukden, May 23.— (/P)— Only Emperor Hirohito apecta to their late member An­ en employment as other veterans Dance Fantasy of Alice in Wonder­ will accompany the orchestra dur­ denUs Compromise thony Barrea. Temple Chapter. No. 53, Order thought of as a murder piece, is The government today an­ And His Immediate w'ere entitled. land" to be put on in the Buahnell ing the recital. more than that because its atmo^ White Hou«^ ‘^“/"■i Food Shortase of Eastern Star will meet ton ir- Name on Honor Roll Proposal; Steelman phere has X very special quality MANCHESTER nounced that National troops ence Seeks to Work The Elenora Duae Lodge, Daugh­ row "night at eight o’clock In the Attorney Gryk said that he be­ Family Exempted in which is created by the deUbhed formally recaptured Chang­ ters of Italy, will hold its regular, ^a.sonic Temple. The annual me­ lieved that the discharged man was of the new home ow’ners In the Out Contract Accept­ Talks .With Both Sides meeting tonight at eight o'cloek morial service will be observed Pine Civic (iroiip Pines Tract w’ill avail tbentselvea way of life w’hich is e n jo y e d ^ the AUTO BODY chun at J.1 a. m. after having New Allied Decree May Be Early a regular employee as his -name play's abnormal charact^. Mrs.' Stop Worrying /Vat the Italian American Club on and refreshments wil' be served was placed on the town employee ^ of this opportunity to meet their 50 Oak Street engaged “Communist rem­ able to Both Sides Eleanor Rubinow and ^ r s . Eve Washington, May 23.— Eldridge street. All membeTs are after the mcetihg In charge of Mra. Honor Roll "in bronae.’’ l o h p u i 1 8 0 r U a i i e e orfRhbora and enjoy an evening Telephone 2979 nants remaining in the city Tokyo, May 23—(A>)—Japan’s Alice Hoaglund and her commit­ 1 I of dancing: and viaiting:. Folsom in their portrayal of these About — The White House today u rg ^ to attend. Counsel for Peterson said that Anto Body and in sporadic fighting. The re­ top royalty lost by Allied decree ' Washington, May 23.— (/P) Strike Effect tee. preyioqa to his enlistment in 1942 two sheltered sistept, queer in their * summoned the rail manage­ Naval Aviatloq Cadet Harry imworldly ways^baptured the rare ' Fender Repairing sistance soon was overcome,” today its tax immunity, its special — With more than a third of I ------ he had been employed by the town. At an "rctive meeting heldjg^ II A l • Lightning! ment negotiators to a confer­ Leon Sheppard, Jr„ son of Mr. and The offlrers of the Rainbow touch W’hich gave the play ita fla­ Anto Paliitfng said the communique, from the privileges and its customary 2,000,- the soft coal miners idle de- c io s in a o f S o m e o f In December, 194.5.
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