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""', -.v.r.-,.-.,.,.,!..,".,,.,k.,v.,-,7.,!". .-..,i.,-y...,"-,-..-t&-,A4,'.,,oKR.1,I1..,.i.;11,1.--,:",,z, .. ,I,-., "",;I..-..., .,__,,:_ I-..Ti..--.,,., "I II .'. ,"-,,-.._..-I.,,.,.I,-1,I1.4 ,,.;,:.t,...-- I? 1, -J-,.,"--,-'r, q,..,i,,;."_l%llV___rl"'lllb1_4 ,_ ,:. ,% "Z 11:-,. ., - ",,-.--'- z-'-',.'),"', -,-_.,,.o--',.I ,,.-:.^ ----,7,."'IA- 11. "".1.el,;k_ ` -7. ,_S.*g, ,Q,._.., ,,P."li- "1-,- .F.,N.".1"W,-'-.PI .,-,":-jJ7 1.-..4. 1'..1- _.,-7,-,I.,,*Mli',,..,4e.%.'.-. A FOURTH NEOTROPICAL SPECIES OF SYNBRANCHID EEL AND THE PHYLOGENY AND SYSTEMATICS OF SYNBRANCHIFORM FISHES

DONN ERIC ROSEN Curator, Department of Ichthyology The American Museum of Natural History P. HUMPHRY GREENWOOD Assistant Keeper, Department of Zoology British Museum (Natural History)


Issued June 9, 1976 Price $4.30 a copy

ISSN 0003-0090

Copyright © The American Museum of Natural History 1976 C O N T E N T S Introduction. 5 Preliminary Nomenclatural Note 7 General Synbranchoid Anatomy and Initial Phylogenetic Hypotheses 8 Hyobranchial Anatomy. 23 Hyoid Elements. 23 Dorsal Gill Arch Elements . 25 Ventral Gill Arch Elements 33 Branchial Vascular System, Gills, and Suprapharyngeal Pouch 35 Other Vascular Characters, Skull and Jaws, and Vertebrae 43 Relationships of the Alabetidae. 48 Annotated Account of Groups and Species of the Synbranchidae 49 Family Synbranchidae Swainson (1838) 49 Subfamily Macrotreminae, New. 49 Macrotrema Regan . 50 Macrotrema caligans (Cantor) 50 Subfamily Synbranchinae Swainson 50 Genus M'Clelland. 50 M'Clelland 51 Ophistemon gutturale (Richardson) 51 Ophisternon candidum (Mees). 51 Ophistemon afrum (Boulenger) . 51 Ophisternon infemale (Hubbs). 52 Ophistemon aenigmaticum, New species . 52 Genus Bloch 53 Bloch 53 Synbranchus madeirae Rosen and Rumney . 56 Genus Lacepede 56 Monopterus albus (Zuiew) 57 Monopterus "indicus" Eapen 58 Monopterus boueti (Pellegrin) 59 Monopterus cuchia (Hamilton) . 59 Monopterus fossorius (Nayar). 59 Monopterus indicus (Silas and Dawson). 61 Key to Genera and Species 61 Literature Cited. 66


ABSTRACT The discovery of an undescribed species of ages: the Macrotreminae (containing only Mac- synbranchiform eel, with populations in the rotrema caligans) and the Synbranchinae [in- Atlantic slope of Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, cluding three genera: Ophisternon (containing Cuba, and northeastern , pre- the species bengalense, gutturale, candidum, sented problems in its taxonomic assignment that afrum, infernale, and the new neotropical form required a review of the genera and higher groups aenigmaticum), Synbranchus (containing mar- within the order. Analyses of superficial anat- moratus and madeirae), Monop terus (containing omy, skull, and vertebral column, but particu- albus, boueti, cuchia, fossorius, and two forms larly of the detailed structure of the hyoid, gill originally described under the name indicus)] . The arch, and branchial vascular systems indicated generic names Furmastix and Anomatophasma that some of the groups of synbranchiform are placed in the synonymy of Ophisternon, and species are paraphyletic and others polyphyletic, Typhlosynbranchus and Amphipnous are placed and that the Alabetidae, long associated with the in the synonymy of Monopterus. The nomencla- swamp , should be excluded from the assem- tural histories of the genera and some species are blage. A phylogenetic hypothesis is put forward discussed and an analytical key to the subfami- that divides all synbranchiforms (treated here as lies, genera, and species is provided. the single family Synbranchidae) into two line-

I N T R O D U C T IO N The Synbranchidae, or swamp eels, a family of 1952). Even when the eye is fully developed it is eel-like percomorph fishes, are widely distributed small and lies below a thickened covering of skin. in tropical and subtropical regions of the New Many, and probably most, synbranchids are World and Old World, and are especially well capable of some form of aerial respiration and at represented in and Australasia. Their eel-like least three species possess paired, lunglike supra- appearance is enhanced by lack of paired fins (at pharyngeal diverticula that have a respiratory least in postlarval stages; see Derjugin, 1912; Tay- function (Taylor, 1831; Muller, 1839; Das, 1927; lor, 1913; Wu and Liu, 1942; Rangarajan and Hora, 1935; Nayar, 1952; Luling, 1958; Liem, Jacob, 1960), the reduction of the long dorsal 1961; Samuel, 1963; Johansen, 1966, 1970; and anal fins to low, rayless skin folds generally Datta Munshi and Singh, 1968; Lomholt and confluent with the much reduced caudal fin, and Johansen, 1974). the absence or great reduction of the squa- In this work 15 synbranchid species (including mation. the new taxon described below) are recognized, Synbranchids occur in a variety of habitats, four from the New World and 1.1 from the both freshwater and estuarine. Many species live Old. We are of the opinion that this number will in swamps or marshy areas, where burrowing and be increased when more material is available for amphibious habits are commonly displayed, al- meristic and detailed anatomical studies. The though the same species may be found in zoogeographical problems raised by the distribu- streams, rivers, ponds, or lakes (Day, 1889; Das, tion of the Synbranchidae are dealt with in a 1927, 1946; Hora, 1935; Nayar, 1952; Luling, separate publication (Rosen, In press). 1958). Major general classifications treating the Syn- Two Old World and one New World species branchidae are those of Regan, 1912; Berg, 1940, are cavernicoles (Hubbs, 1938; Mees, 1962; 1947; Norman, 1966; Greenwood, Rosen, Eapen, 1963); all show considerable atrophy of Weitzman, and Myers, 1966; McAllister, 1968; the eye tissues. A trend toward eye reduction is Gosline, 1971; and Lindberg, 1971. However, also apparent in several epigean taxa, especially like Gill (1906), Liem (1968), and Gosline among those with burrowing habits (Nayar, (1971) before us, we do not consider the Alabe- 5 6 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 157 tidae to be synbranchid fishes; an alternative seven genera and two families included in one of placement of the Alabetidae is suggested below. two suborders of the order . We are unable to offer any evidence of the The research reported here was undertaken as relationships of the Synbranchidae to any par- a result of the chance discovery that a large num- ticular group of percomorph fishes, although we ber of specimens from the New World previously have found new evidence that is consistent with assigned to Synbranchus marmoratus represent a their placement in the . We cannot, distinct form unrelated to that species. The sus- however, agree with the reasons advanced by picion that the taxon marmoratus includes McAllister (1968) for relating the synbranchids another species arose during a recent reexamina- with the mastacembelids (see discussion below tion of radiographs that had been made to obtain on hyoid structure). vertebral counts for the report of a second Ama- Few groups of teleostean fishes have had so zonian species of Synbranchus (Rosen and Rum- long and obscure a taxonomic history as the ney, 1972). In connection with current studies of swamp eels. Their scientific description dates Guatemalan fishes by Rosen, the radiographs of back to Zuiew (1793) and Bloch (1795). Never- Pacific and Atlantic slope Guatemalan syn- theless, their nomenclatural status, the number branchids were compared and it was discovered of species to be recognized, and their inter- and that in some Atlantic slope specimens the shoul- intra-relationships have been little understood. der girdle appeared to be less remote from the So great is the confusion surrounding skull than in examples of Pacific slope material. nomenclature that some authors have attempted The difference in relative position of the clei- to contrast the characters of specimens identified thrum was subsequently confirmed by dissection. in collections by the different names that are ob- A detailed study of the original, and many new, jective synonyms of a single taxon. Genuine bio- radiographs showed that all specimens from the logical difficulties in the taxonomic allocation of Atlantic slope of Guatemala, all but a single demonstrably distinct taxa have resulted from specimen from Mexico, all from Cuba, and five attempts to arrange species on the basis of their specimens from northeastern South America similarities and differences in external morphol- (Marajo Island at the Amazonian mouth, French ogy-difficulties that should not surprise us con- Guiana, and Trinidad) showed the less remote sidering that these fishes have a virtually feature- shoulder girdle position. All of these specimens less superficial anatomy and are rather variable in are considered to represent a distinct synbran- the very few external characters that can be chid species, which is described herein. measured or described precisely. The literature Detailed comparisons of the head anatomy of contains only scattered and incomplete accounts the newly recognized form with that of other of the internal anatomy, especially that of the synbranchids indicate that the new form may be skull and branchiovascular apparatus. The few more closely related to the cavemicolous Furma- striking specializations uncovered by anatomical stix infernalis from Yucatan, and to certain Old investigations have been applied according to World species, than it is to the widespread neo- that uncritical dictum of evolutionary tropical Synbranchus marmoratus and the Ama- that hierarchically separates species with respect zonian S. madeirae. These studies also revealed to the magnitude of their differences but without unsuspected interrelationships among Old World regard to their genealogical relationships. Hence, and New World swamp eels. In fact, it is our con- the Indian Amphipnous cuchia was placed in a clusion that without first having resolved some of separate family (Amphipnoidae) because it pos- the confusion concerning the phylogeny of syn- sesses paired suprabanchial sacs, whereas the branchiforms generally, a reasonable generic allo- other swamp eels (without sacs) were relegated cation of the previously unrecognized New World to the Synbranchidae (Regan, 1912). One other species would not have been possible. Old World form, Monopterus albus, was sepa- We acknowledge with pleasure loans and gifts rated briefly from the Synbranchidae in a family of specimens from Drs. Reeve M. Bailey and of its own (see Jordan, 1923). Prior to our own Robert R. Miller (University of Michigan, Mu- study 13 species of swamp eels were arranged in seum of Zoology; UMMZ), Stanley H. Weitzman 1 976 ROSEN AND GREENWOOD: SYNBRANCHIFORM FISHES 7 and Ralph Taylor (National Museum of Natural ih, interhyal History, Smithsonian Institution; USNM), Karel io, interopercle Liem and Tyson Roberts (Museum of Compara- lat, lateral ethmoid tive Zoology, Harvard ;MCZ), William Eschemeyer latp, lateral process (California Academy of Sciences, CAS), and meta, metapterygoid mx, maxilla James Reddell (specimens as gifts, assigned na, nasal American Museum of Natural History numbers; nsp, neural arch and spine AMNH). Additional material was available from op, opercle the collections of the American Museum of Nat- pal, palatine ural History and the British Museum (Natural pas, parasphenoid History); BMNH. We especially thank Dr. Reeve pch, posterior ceratohyal M. Bailey for various kinds of nomenclatural phb, pharyngobranchial assistance and Richard Vari and Lynn Hirsch, phb+tp, pharyngobranchial with fused, dermal, both of the Department of Ichthyology, the toothed component American Museum of Natural History, for tech- Pla, paired lateral aorta (radix aorta) nical help. We are also very pleased to acknowl- plg, articular plug of first vertebra pmx, premaxilla edge that most of the material of the new syn- pn, posterior naris branchid described below was collected with fi- pop, preopercle nancial support from Mr. James C. Greenway, Jr. prb, pleural rib pro, prootic Abbreviations Used in Figures pto, pterotic ptsph, pterosphenoid a, afferent branchial artery pzyg, postzygapophysis ach, anterior ceratohyal qu, quadrate ae I-IV, continuous affero-efferent artery, gill rab, M. retractores arcuum branchialium arches I-IV ret, retroarticular an, anterior naris se I-II, secondary efferent artery from first or art, articular second gill arch bb, basibranchial ses, sesamoid bone bb-l(f), first basibranchial ankylosed with Sinus, vascular sinus in buccopharyngeal epi- basihyal thelium bh, basihyal sop, subopercle bo, basioccipital spho, sphenotic bsph, basisphenoid sym, symplectic cb, ceratobranchial tp, tooth patch; dermal toothed component of ce, combined efferent artery from gill arches III pharyngobranchial and IV t-rab, tendon of M. retractores arcuum branchi- Da, dorsal aorta alium deth, dermal ethmoid trp, transverse process dhh, dorsal hypohyal unc, uncinate process dn, dentary up, upper pharyngeal tooth plate e, efferent branchial artery Va, ventral aorta ect, ectopterygoid vhh, ventral hypohyal end, endopterygoid vo, vomer epb, epibranchial epo, epiotic exo, exoccipital fr, frontal PRELIMINARY NOMENCLATURAL NOTE hb, hypobranchial Hyd, hyoidean artery The results of this investigation cause us to hyo, hyomandibular recommend numerous taxonomic and nomencla- iab, interarcual bone tural changes. Because nomenclatural details have Ic, internal carotid artery been such a persistent source of confusion in 8 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 157 prior discussions of synbranchiforms, we have This generic name is formed from the Greek elected to introduce our nomenclatural recom- roots ophis (=serpent) and the neuter suffix mendations at the outset (table 1), and to employ stemon (=chest). Accordingly, trivial adjectival the new and revised usages throughout the body names placed in Ophisternon must agree in gen- of the present paper. In addition, we call to the der as follows (earlier usage given in paren- reader's attention that the orthography of some theses): bengalense (=bengalensis), afrum (=afer), of the specific names has been altered to make infernale (=infernalis), candidum (=candidum), them conform in gender with new generic assign- aenigmaticum (newly described below), gutturale ments. For example, six specific names are now (=gutturalis). assigned to the genus Ophisternon M'Clelland.


The 15 species of synbranchoids recognized in What remains of the caudal fin is a membrane this study are presently arranged in seven genera continuous with the dorsal and anal fin folds and (table 1). We have seen material of all but Mon- having seven or fewer slightly ossified rays or un- opterus "indicus" Eapen (1963). On superficial ossified filaments. In having derived conditions comparison the species are divisible into two of the gill slit, narial position, and caudal fin rela- main groups. Macrotrema caligans is distin- tive to those ofMacrotrema, other synbranchoids guished from all others in the extensive gill open- are inferred to be more closely interrelated than ing, the position of the posterior nares antero- is any one of them to Macrotrema. It is therefore dorsal to the eye (fig. 1), and the presence of a proposed that all synbranchoids be placed in a small but distinct caudal fin supported by as single family, the Synbranchidae, divided into many as 14 bony rays (fig. 2). All other species two subfamilies, the Macrotreminae and Syn- have the gill opening confined to the ventral branchinae. body wall, the posterior nares dorsomedial to the The Synbranchinae can be subdivided on eye, and the caudal fin further reduced or absent. some relatively simple criteria. A group of Old TABLE 1 Current Taxonomic Assignments of the Species of Synbranchoids and Those Proposed in This Study Species and Author Current Proposed caligans Cantor Macrotrema Macrotrema bengalense M'Clelland Synbranchus Ophisternon afrum Boulenger Synbranchus Ophisternon infernale Hubbs Furmastix Ophisternon candidum Mees Anomatophasma Ophisternon aenigmaticum, new species Synbranchus marmoratus (part) Ophisternon gutturale Richardson Synbranchus bengalensis (part) Ophisternon marmoratus Bloch Synbranchus Synbranchus madeirae Rosen and Rumney Synbranchus Synbranchus albus Zuiew Monopterus Monopterus boueti Pellegrin Typholsynbranchus Monopterus cuchia Hamilton Amphipnous Monopterus fossofius Nayar Amphipnous Monopterus "indicus" Eapen Monopterus Monopterus indicus Silas and Dawson Amphipnous Monopterus 1976 ROSEN AND GREENWOOD: SYNBRANCHIFORM FISHES 9


FIG. 1. Head of Macrotrema caligans. MCZ 47107; . Note position of posterior naris anterior to eye.

FIG. 2. Caudal skeleton and caudal fin ray bases in Macrotrema caligans. BMNH 1908.7.13:1; Singapore. Nine caudal rays are shown, but as many as 14 may be present. Hypural elements are better developed in this species than in any other synbranchoid. W)I

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World species including albus, boueti, cuchia, fos- generally with high precaudal vertebral counts as sorius "indicus" Eapen, and indicus (Silas and compared with those of other synbranchids Dawson), and making up the genus Monopterus, (table 2). are characterized by having the soft tissue sur- There are two apparent exceptions to the divi- rounding the upper jaw forming a kind of jowl sions of the Synbranchidae thus far outlined. The that slightly overhangs or extends beyond parts largely Indian species, cuchia, and the African of the lower jaw; as a consequence, these species boueti, also have the shoulder girdle remote from lack the distinct, swollen upper lip fold of all the skull and the posttemporal reduced or ab- other Synbranchidae (figs. 3-23). The two species sent, but other characters analyzed below sup- of Synbranchus, marmoratus, and madeirae, are port their inclusion in a group with albus (based distinguished by having the ventral gill opening on the structure of the upper lip). reduced to a tiny flap or pore bounded on the The recently described Monopterus "indicus" right and left by deep folds of tissue that are Eapen (1963) is said by its describer to have a continuous with the branchiostegal membrane, vertebral count that would be aberrant in this by having the shoulder girdle displaced poste- group (135 abdominal and 24 caudal) and to riorly to the level of the fifth or sixth abdominal have the posterior nares anterior to the eye. We vertebra, and the posttemporal bone reduced to a cannot comment on the vertebral count until simple rod unconnected with the supracleithrum. material is available for study, but we conclude The two groups, Monopterus and Synbran- from Eapen's (1963) depiction of the head of chus, are similar to each other in having members "indicus" that the characteristic Monopterus

FIG. 3. Head of Ophisternon bengalense. BMNH 1860-3.19:365-375. Specimen from type series, .

FIG. 4. Head of Ophisternon bengalense. MCZ 26377, . 12 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 157

FIG. 5. Head of Ophisternon gutturale. AMNH 30893; Northern Territory, . Arrow indi- cates position of posterior nares medial to eyes.


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FIG. 6. Head of Ophisternon afrum. BMNH 1909-10.29:114. Lectotype. Portuguese Guinea. upper lip jowl is present, that what he identifies The nominal species indicus of Silas and as the posterior naris is the cephalic lateral line Dawson (1961), is assigned by them to the genus pore normally present in front of the eye in syn- Amphipnous because the presence in their speci- branchids, and that the rather large, lunate or mens of a suprapharyngeal pouch, and the pres- subtriangular, ventral gill opening is typical of ence of minute scales in a peculiar pattern on the that found in cuchia and fossorius. The charac- caudal region, are characters held in common teristics of this gill opening (fig. 22) are that a with cuchia and fossorius. Thus far, only cuchia, series of sharply incised grooves extend backward fossorius, and indicus (Silas and Dawson) have in the ventral midline from about the level of the been found to possess scales, among the species eye to a point just short of the margin of the gill of Synbranchidae. Both indicus (Silas and opening, and that the membrane of the large, Dawson) and cuchia have scales present around lunate gill opening extends the width of the ven- the caudal peduncle that extend slightly forward tral surface of the body and merges smoothly of the anus along the dorsum, whereas fossorius with the ventrolateral body wall. was described by Nayar (1952) as having scales 1 976 ROSEN AND GREENWOOD: SYNBRANCHIFORM FISHES 13

FIG. 7. Head of Ophisternon infernale. UMMZ M74-20; Yucatan, Mexico. Reduced, sunken eye appears as small spot below posterior naris.

FIG. 8. Ventral view of head of Ophisternon infernale, showing form of gill opening. Specimen as in figure 7.

FIG. 9. Head of Ophisternon aenigmaticum. AMNH 31508; Alta Verapaz, Guatemala. Arrow indi- cates position of posterior naris medial to eye. 14 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 157

FIG. 10. Head of Ophisternon aenigmaticum. AMNH 26271, Oaxaca, Mexico. Arrow indicates position of posterior naris medial to eye.


FIG. 11. Head of Ophisternon aenigmaticum. AMNH 18683, Cuba. Arrow indicates position of posterior naris relative to eye.


FIG. 12. Head of Ophisternon aenigmaticum. BMNH 1923-8.11 :44-45; Marajo Island, Brazil. Arrow indicates position of posterior naris medial to eye. 1976 ROSEN AND GREENWOOD: SYNBRANCHIFORM FISHES 15


FIG. 13. Head of Synbranchus marmoratus. AMNH 30215, Panama. Arrow above eye points to position of posterior nares, that below and behind head to position of gill opening.

FIG. 14. Ventral view of head of Synbranchus marmoratus, specimen as in figure 13, showing form of gill opening.

along the entire trunk as well. Of the several row of teeth on the jaws and palatine and a much specimens of cuchia and fossorius available to us lower vertebral count, two differences that we none has had scales forward of the position de- have confirmed in our specimens. Silas and scribed for them in indicus (Silas and Dawson), Dawson's indicus also has more than one row of but we imagine that the regular rows of glandular jaw and palatine teeth, but it has a vertebral elevations in the skin of cuchia and fossorius number intermediate between those of fossorius might be misinterpreted as embedded scales or and cuchia (table 2). In addition Silas and empty scale pockets. Silas and Dawson have illus- Dawson's photographs and drawings of indicus trated such glandular tissue in their material of show the gill opening to be distinctly triangular indicus. Exactly what to conclude about the va- like that of M. albus, but our single specimen of lidity of these various nominal forms of Monop- indicus (Silas and Dawson) does not support that terus is difficult to decide because we have seen depiction (see Key, below, section CC, cc, in no material of "indicus" Eapen (1963). which the gill opening is identified as crescentic The nominal species fossorius is diagnosed as and like that of cuchia and fossorius). Eapen's different from cuchia in having more than one "indicus" is also described as having more than FIG. 15. Head of Synbranchus marmoratus. AMNH 20636, Bolivia. Arrow above eye points !to position of posterior nares.


FIG. 16. Head of Synbranchus marmoratus, small juvenile (110 mm. total length). AMNH 32429, Peru (Rio Tamaya, upper Amazon). Arrow above eye points to position of posterior nares, that below and behind head to position of gill opening.




FIG. 17. Head of Monopterus albus. AMNH 7033, Fukien Province, . 1 976 ROSEN AND GREENWOOD: SYNBRANCHIFORM FISHES 17

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FIG. 18. Head of Monopterus albus. AMNH 8935, Lombok, .

FIG. 19. Ventral view of head of Monopterus albus, specimen as figure 18, showing form of gill opening. one row of teeth, at least anteriorly on the man- ber in "indicus" Eapen is intermediate between dible, and it is illustrated as having a gill opening that of indicus (Silas and Dawson) and cuchia like that of cuchia and fossorius (subtriangular or (table 2), but significantly the precaudal count is crescentic and preceded by longitudinal grooves considerably higher than in cuchia, fossorius, or in the branchiostegal membrane). The "indicus" indicus (Silas and Dawson). Such high precaudal of Eapen, however, is devoid of scales, is a sub- counts occur elsewhere in Monopterus only in terranean form, and has an exceedingly slender, boueti and albus, the latter also having two rows whiplike body as in other subterranean synbran- of mandibular teeth. There is, thus, a reasonable chids (candidum and infernale). Vertebral num- likelihood that all of these nominal forms are 18 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 157


FIG. 20. Head of Monopterus boueti. USNM 208875, Sierra Leone. Arrows mark level of corner of gape (anteriorly) and position of gill opening (posteriorly).

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FIG. 21. Ventral view of head of Monopterus boueti, specimen as in figure 20, showing form of gill opening. valid taxa, and it is clear that if even one of the and the species aenigmaticum (northern South forms named indicus is to be recognized a case of America, Atlantic slope of Guatemala and Mex- homonymy will have to be resolved by renaming ico, and Cuba) to be described below. These the last described , that of Eapen (1963). Un- fishes are the most generalized of the Synbran- til we have available for study specimens of chinae. The shoulder girdle is close behind the Eapen's material, we prefer to take no formal skull and firmly attached to the latter by a action. strong, forked posttemporal. Vertebral number is The species remaining in the Synbranchidae as low as for any member of the family Synbran- are from both worlds, the New and the Old; ben- chidae, ranging from 98 to 139. In general and galense (Indo-Australia), afrum (), candi- with respect to larger individuals (200 mm. and dum (Australia), infernale (Yucatain, Mexico), more) the eye position is farther forward on the 1 976 ROSEN AND GREENWOOD: SYNBRANCHIFORM FISHES 19

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FIG. 22. Head of Monopterus fossorius. BMNH 1962-2.14:6-7 (above) and ventral view of gill opening (below). snout than in all other synbranchids (on or ante- of the branchiostegal membrane as in Synbran- rior to a vertical through the midpoint of the chus, nor as large as that of Macrotrema, nor upper lip fold, as compared with on, or posterior formed from such relatively thick unfolded mem- to, a vertical from that point in other synbran- brane along its posterior edge, and not joined to chids). The gill opening is slitlike or indented and the isthmus internally as it is in Monopterus, lunate (figs. 8, 24), never so small, or enclosed serves to distinguish these species from other syn- laterally by heavy folds of tissue, as in Synbran- branchids. chus (fig. 24), or as large as in Monopterus albus The question naturally arises whether the an- (fig. 19). It occupies a third to a half of the terior eye position and form of the gill opening ventral body wall. Size variation, however, are derived characters justifying an initial hy- strongly influences relative eye size and position, pothesis that all of these remaining species are and body size and degree of contraction of the more closely interrelated than is any one of them buccopharyngeal chamber at time of preservation related to Synbranchus or Monopterus singly or influences the shape and extent of the gill open- together. Inferring the relative position of the ing. There is, in addition, considerable individual posterior naris in front of the eye in Macrotrema variation in the development of the dorsal lip to be primitive, since this is its position in most fold and position of the eye within an eye socket other , two simple evolutionary sequences that is almost always much larger than the eye- can be envisioned to account for the modally ball. At the smallest sizes (150 mm. and less) more posterior position of the eye and naris in differences in eye-snout distance and upper lip Synbranchus and Monopterus as compared with development are difficult, and in some cases, im- their modally more anterior position in other possible to use in separating these forms from the Synbranchinae. One is that the posterior naris species of Synbranchus. Nevertheless, the lunate migrated to a position dorsomedial to the eye to nearly straight gill opening, being neither as and that the eye and nares subsequently migrated small and porelike and enclosed laterally by folds forward or backward on the snout region or not 20 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 157

FIG. 23. Head of holotype of Ophisternon aenigmaticum, 350 mm. total length, AMNH 32410, from Department of Alta Verapaz, Guatemala (above) and of Synbranchus marmoratus, 425 mm. total length, from Department of Esquintla, Guatemala, AMNH 24465 (below). at all in the cases of species in which the eye is in eye and naris moving posteriorly together (thus about the same relative position over the mouth bringing them into a more posterior position). as in Macrotrema. The second sequence involves Once the eye and naris became aligned in the the eye migrating forward under the naris (to same vertical plane, subsequent changes in their place both in an anterior position) and then both position relative to the snout might, of course, 1976 ROSEN AND GREENWOOD: SYNBRANCHIFORM FISHES 21

FIG. 24. Ventral view of head of specimens as in figure 23, showing form of gill opening. Ophister- non aenigmaticum, holotype (above) and Synbranchus marmoratus (below). have been equally the result of changes in relative position are rather small ones that, with size and snout length as in a shift in the size or position populational variation, cause a certain amount of of the orbit and nasal bone. Because we know of overlap between groups (see, e.g., the comparison no way at present of choosing among the alterna- in fig. 23), we may reject at this point the posi- tives, and because the differences in relative eye tion of the eye as evidence that the non- 22 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 157

Synbranchus and non-Monopterus Synbran- the horizontal septum, indented postero- chinae form a third monophyletic group. ventrally, and attached to the isthmus (e.g., in When the form of the gill opening is used in Blennius or Centronotus), then the gill opening this context similar problems arise. In benga- of Macrotrema could be explained by the loss of lense, candidum, afrum, infernale, and aenig- the isthmian connection, and that of Monop- maticum the gill opening is generally a shallow terus, by the restriction of the opening to the crescent of branchiostegal membrane confined to ventral body surface. In this hypothesis the gill one-half or one-third of the ventral body wall; it openings of Macrotrema and Monopterus repre- has a simple confluence with the body skin later- sent alternate modifications of a more primitive ally and is not attached to the isthmus internally. condition and the gill openings of species such as The restriction of this type of gill opening to the bengalense a further modification of either the ventral surface is certainly derived relative to the Macrotrema or Monopterus condition. Arising condition in Macrotrema, but we can find no from the Macrotrema condition, that of benga- compelling reason to consider it derived for the lense would require only the restriction of the Synbranchinae. In other words, the Synbranchus gill opening, and from the Monopterus condition, condition might be a further reduction of a ben- the further restriction of the opening and the loss galense pattern and the Monopterus condition of an isthmian connection. The gill opening of might also have arisen from such a pattern by the Synbranchus would then most parsimoniously be reenforcement of the margin of the fold and the interpreted as a further reduction of the derived attachment of the branchiostegal membrane in- condition seen in bengalense, and Synbranchus ternally to the isthmus. and the group including bengalense would then All synbranchid species, except those of the share different states of the same derived charac- genus Monopterus, have the conjoined branchios- ter and could be inferred to be sister taxa. Based tegal membranes free from the overlying isthmus. on the rather substantial evidence given above for In Monopterus species there is a moderately dividing the synbranchids into the Macro- dense connective tissue association between the treminae and Synbranchinae, the wide gill open- ventral and ventrolateral aspects of the isthmus ing of Monopterus albus is most parsimoniously and the branchiostegal membrane over the whole interpreted as plesiomorphous to the less wide length of the former; the connection is weakest conditions seen in Synbranchus and the group in M. boueti which species, it may be noted, has including bengalense. This argument would be far the smallest opening to the branchial chamber of simpler if it could be shown that the connection all Monopterus species. Posteriorly in all Monop- of the branchiostegal membranes with the isth- terus, the connection is continued to the dorsal mus in Monopterus is secondary rather than pri- and dorsolateral aspects of the isthmus by a sheet mary, a demonstration that would require know- of thicker tissue. In this way, the opening to the ing the condition of the gill opening in the sis- gill chamber is effectively divided into left and ter group of all Synbranchidae. Regrettably, we right entrances. have no insight into the problem of synbranchid Of the gill opening in the species of Monop- relationships and, for reasons discussed below, terus, that of albus is the most generalized. It is cannot accept their relationships to the masta- relatively large, extending the width of the head, cembeliforms as proposed by McAllister (1968), it has a relatively narrow connection with the Gosline (1971), and others. isthmus internally, and the membrane is indented It is clear, however, that regardless of which posteriorly in a way that suggests a fusion of hypothesis is accepted (the bengalense type of once separate right and left branchiostegal mem- gill opening being plesiomorphous to both the branes. If the common ancestor of today's syn- Synbranchus and Monopterus type, or only to branchids had an opercular and branchiostegal the Synbranchus type and being apomorphous to apparatus somewhat like that of some tropical that of Monopterus), bengalense and similar spe- blennies, i.e., a single continuous membrane cies cannot be considered to constitute a mono- attaching dorsolaterally to the body wall above phyletic group on the basis of the nature of their 1976 ROSEN AND GREENWOOD: SYNBRANCHIFORM FISHES 23 gill opening since that type of gill opening would appears to us as the most practical, serving no- be judged primitive in relation to those of the tice, as it were, of an unresolved series of phy- members of one or both the other two groups of logenetic questions involving all five taxa at the synbranchines. species level and higher. There is a possibility The taxonomic problems posed by that con- that some of these species are divisible into two clusion are several. At the present time benga- or more recognizable taxa, but these and many lense and afrum are assigned to the genus Syn- other important taxonomic issues cannot be de- branchus, afrum having been described in that cided until additional material is available. genus and bengalense having been transferred to Finally, the position of the Alabetidae, long it from Ophisternon M'Clelland (previously re- associated with synbranchids can now be re- garded as a synonym of Synbranchus). The Old solved, in part, according to evidence discussed World subterranean form, candidum, is placed in below. its own genus Anomatophasma, as is the New In summary, 13 nominal species of synbran- World troglobyte, infernale, in Furmastix. Al- choids can be separated from Macrotrema cali- though candidum and infernale can be retained gans on the basis of three major shared derived in their present genera, bengalense and afrum features (synapomorphies) involving the position cannot be left in Synbranchus (type species S. of the posterior nares, the form of the gill open- marmoratus), the defining characters of which ing, and the development of the caudal fin. The they do not have and to which, in our opinion, swamp eels are, therefore, considered to consti- they apparently have no close relationship. tute a single family, the Synbranchidae, including Clearly the name Ophisternon can be resurrected the Macrotreminae and Synbranchinae. Within for bengalense; but where shall afrum be assigned the Synbranchinae numerous synapomorphies of and in which genus shall aenigmaticum be de- general anatomy are shown to describe albus, scribed? The alternatives are 1) represent each of boueti, cuchia, fossorius, "indicus" of Eapen these taxa as the type of a monotypic genus (cre- (1963) and indicus of Silas and Dawson (1961) ating two new generic names for afrum and as one monophyletic group, Monopterus; and aenigmaticum), 2) leave candidum and infernale marmoratus and madeirae as another, Synbran- in their present generic positions, and assign the chus. The remaining forms, bengalense, afrum, other three species to Ophisternon, or 3) assign candidum, infernale, and aenigmaticum (de- all five to the oldest available name, Ophisternon, scribed below), although similar, show specific until their relationships to each other and to resemblances to one another only in primitive other synbranchines are worked out. We reject characters (symplesiomorphies), and cannot be the first solution as a multiplication of names defined as a monophyletic group. For reasons unwarranted by specific phylogenetic inferences. given above, they are provisionally assigned to The second solution is rejected because its appli- the genus Ophisternon. The taxonomic proposi- cation would imply to the unwary that benga- tions herein summarized will be examined in lense, afrum, and aenigmaticum are more closely more detail, with reference to studies of the in- interrelated than is any one of them related to ternal anatomy of the species, in the following candidum or infernale. The third solution sections.

HYOBRANCHIAL ANATOMY HYOID ELEMENTS the dorsal surface of the anterior and posterior ceratohyals. The anterior and posterior cera- The hyoid bar of synbranchoids (fig. 25) con- tohyals are suturally united dorsally, in some sists of an upper and lower hypohyal, the former cases completely ankylosed. The posterior cera- fenestrated for passage of the hyoidean artery. tohyal bears a lateral facet for the interoper- This artery is greatly swollen where it lies along culum and a dorsal facet for the lower end of the 24 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 157


FIG. 25. Lateral view of left hyoid bar^of Macrotrema caligans. Anterior to left. ossified interhyal. Branchiostegal rays are six, thrum. Posterior to their main anterior ossifica- rarely four or seven, with two, rarely three, slen- tion, the rays are unossified in the smallest speci- der elements attaching to the medial or ventral mens and poorly ossified or simply very slender surface of the shallow anterior part of the ante- and delicately ossified in larger individuals. The rior ceratohyal, and four robust rays attaching tips of only the innermost, anterior bran- laterally on the deeper posterior part of the ante- chiostegals, whether ossified or present only as rior ceratohyal and anterior part of the posterior hyaline (collagenous) extensions of the rays, sup- ceratohyal. The arrangement is typical of acan- port the free margin of the small, ventral, often thopterygians generally except for the existence porelike gill opening. In Monopterus the bran- of a foramen for the hyoidean artery in the chiostegals are abruptly terminated and are dorsal hypohyal. A perforated dorsal hypohyal is bluntly pointed posteriorly about halfway be- spottily distributed among "higher" teleosteans. tween the hyoid bar and the cleithrum-ending Branchiostegal rays in synbranchoids are of where the main ossification stops in Synbran- two types. In the species of Macrotrema and chus. Some specimens ofM. albus have fine, ossi- Ophisternon all the rays are long, slender, and fied, hairlike extensions of the posterior tips of gradually taper to filamentous tips. The rays the rays, further suggesting that the bran- terminate posteriorly below or beyond the level chiostegal modifications in Monopterus represent of the cleithrum where they support part of the a reductional state of the Synbranchus pattern. membrane of the gill opening. In Macrotrema all In M. boueti the first two rays are absent. elements support a large gill opening that consists McAllister (1962) illustrated the hyoid apparatus of the ventrally fused right and left branchios- of a Guatemalan synbranchid identified as S. tegal membranes. This membrane extends up- marmoratus, but judging from the unconstricted, ward along the side, enveloping the opercle, and gradually tapering character of the branchios- merges with the body wall above the horizontal tegals, his specimen was an example of the previ- septum. In Ophisternon the tips of only the ante- ously undescribed Atlantic slope Ophisternon rior (or medial) branchiostegals support the free diagnosed below. margin of the gill opening, which is constricted The structure of the urohyal (fig. 26) supports and confined to the ventral body wall as a lunate the separation of the species ofMonopterus from or nearly straight membranous flap. In Synbran- other synbranchids. In Monopterus this bone, as chus the ossification of the branchiostegals is ab- seen in ventral view, has the posterior part re- ruptly reduced halfway along their lengths be- duced in length and the anterior part expanded. tween their origin on the hyoid bar and the clei- Within Monopterus, the urohyal is shortest and 1 976 ROSEN AND GREENWOOD: SYNBRANCHIFORM FISHES 25

divides the synbranchoids into three groups: 1) Macrotrema and Ophisternon, which have a prim- itive pattern, and for which, therefore, branchios- tegal anatomy provides no evidence of relation- ship; 2) Synbranchus and 3) Monopterus each of which has a different, but clearly related, derived pattern of the branchiostegals, evidence that these two groups of species are more closely re- lated to each other than is either to Macrotrema or Ophisternon. Urohyal anatomy supports the inference that Monopterus is a monophyletic group, and identifies a subgroup within Monop- terus including cuchia, fossorius, and boueti.

DORSAL GILL ARCH ELEMENTS The dorsal gill arch skeleton of synbranchoids (figs. 27-43) has distinctive modifications of the first two arches. There is no first pharyngobran- chial and the second is greatly reduced or even absent in some cases. The first epibranchial is \A YB rotated forward and its posteromedial edge is FIG. 26. Urohyal patterns in synbranchids as connected to what remains of the second phar- seen in ventral view, anterior at top. A. Synbran- yngobranchial or to the tips of the second epi- chus marmoratus (pattern also present in Ophi- branchial and third pharyngobranchial by a long sternon and Macrotrema). B. Monopterus albus. interarcual cartilage. An interarcual cartilage is a C. Monopterus cuchia. B and C to same scale. synapomorphy of the perciform dorsal gill arch The relatively much longer urohyal of the A type skeleton, thereby indicating the relationships of reduced to the same size as B for comparison of synbranchoids with these fishes, but the signifi- shape. cant aspect of this cartilage is that uniquely among fishes possessing this structure, it is widest in cuchia, fossorius, and boueti. Other ossified as an interarcual bone in synbranchoids. synbranchids have a long, slender urohyal only The distribution and characteristics of this struc- little enlarged anteriorly where it is joined by ture in acanthopterygians is discussed in a forth- strong ligaments to the hypohyals. coming paper by Rosen. The basihyal bone of synbranchoids (see be- The relationships between the first epibran- low, figs. 44-52) is untoothed and, except in chial and the interarcual bone are of two types in Ophisternon infernale, is fused with the first ossi- synbranchoids. In Macrotrema and Ophisternon fied basibranchial element. The unfused condi- (figs. 27-35) the proximal end of this epibran- tion (see below, fig. 47) was seen in two speci- chial has a deep excavation and an acute process mens of infernale, and it may well be a species- or rounded flange at the anterodorsal edge of the specific secondary failure of ankylosis during excavation. The lateral end of the interarcual early ontogeny if other suites of derived charac- bone is seated in this excavation and held in ters accurately align this cavernicolous species in place there by dense connective tissue. The Ophisternon. Hence, the compound basibran- medial end of the interarcual bone is joined via chial-basihyal element may be regarded as a prob- connective tissue with the lateral end of the ably primary, derived, diagnostic feature of syn- second pharyngobranchial. The second pharyn- branchoids. gobranchial in the species of these two genera is Branchiostegal anatomy, on the other hand, an irregularly oval or rodlike ossicle that lies 26 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 157

EPB -4 FIG. 27. Dorsal gill arch skeleton of Macrotrema caligans BMNH 1908.7.13: 1; Singapore. Ventral view, right side.

EPB- 3



T - RAB TP FIG. 28. Dorsal gill arch skeleton of Ophisternon bengalense AMNH 32403, Ceylon. Dorsal view, right side. 1 976 ROSEN AND GREENWOOD: SYNBRANCHIFORM FISHES 27



PHB-2 T -RAB 'UP-4 PHB-3

FIG. 29. Dorsal gill arch skeleton of Ophisternon candidum AMNH 32404, Westem Australia. Dorsal view, right side.

FIG. 30. Dorsal gill arch skeleton of Ophisternon afrum BMNH 1909.10.29:113; Portuguese Guinea. Dorsal view, right side.

anteroventral to the distal end of the second epi- In Synbranchus (figs. 36, 37) the excavation branchial and parallel with the long axis of that and associated process near the base of the first bone. The third pharyngobranchial is a simple epibranchial is lost or only the slightest trace of a triangular bone. process remains. The interarcual element is 28 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 157



FIG. 31. Dorsal gill arch skeleton of Ophisternon infernale AMNH 32405; Yucatan, Mexico. Dorsal view, left side.

EPB -4


FIG. 32. Dorsal gill arch skeleton of Ophisternon aenigmaticum, AMNH 31687, Department of Alta Verapaz, Guatemala. Dorsal view, right side.

loosely associated with the proximal third of the cided angle to the long axis of the second epi- shaft of this epibranchial. The medial end of the branchial, extending forward and medially away interarcual bone is loosely attached to a small from that bone. The third pharyngobranchial second pharyngobranchial, or, when the second often has a decidedly bent appearance, rather pharyngobranchial is absent in many instances, it than being simply triangular as in Macrotrema is attached to the second epibranchial and third and Ophisternon. pharyngobranchial. When present in Synbranchus In Monopterus cuchia the dorsal components the second pharyngobranchial ossicle lies at a de- of the first gill arch are lost (cf. figs. 38-41), an 1976 ROSEN AND GREENWOOD: SYNBRANCHIFORM FISHES 29

FIG. 33. Dorsal gill arch skeleton of Ophisternon aenigmaticum, AMNH 8817, Cuba. Dorsal view, right side.

FIG. 34. Dorsal gill arch skeleton of Ophisternon aenigmaticum, BMNH 1866.4.25:9, Trinidad. Dorsal view, right side. absence perhaps associated with the unique first epibranchial also has lost all signs of the development in this synbranchoid species of a proximal excavation except for a low peak on suprabranchial respiratory organ (see below). The the posterior margin of the bone. The interarcual second epibranchial in cuchia is expanded prox- bone is loosely attached with connective tissue imally and greatly foreshortened and is remote near this peak at the midpoint of the epibran- from the third pharyngobranchial. In Monop- chial. Medially the interarcual element joins a terus albus and M. boueti, however, the dorsal long, slender, rodlike second pharyngobranchial arch elements are present. In boueti (fig. 40) the and the tip of the second epibranchial, both of 30 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 157

FIG. 35. Dorsal gill arch skeleton of Ophisternon aenigmaticum, BMNH 1846.2.16-129, Cayenne, French Guiana. Dorsal view, right side.

FIG. 36. Dorsal gill arch skeleton of Synbranchus marmoratus, BMNH 1935.6-4:474-492, Paraguay. Dorsal view, right side. 1 976 ROSEN AND GREENWOOD: SYNBRANCHIFORM FISHES 31

FIG. 37. Dorsal gill arch skeleton of Synbranchus madeirae, AMNH 30219, Bolivia. Dorsal view, left side.

EPB -4 FIG. 38. Dorsal gill arch skeleton of Monopterus albus, AMNH 7033, Fukien Province, China. Ventral view, right side. which are remote from the third pharyngobran- accentuated by the distinctively squared off and chial. This last positional similarity between the bent appearance of the latter bone, and by the second epibranchial and the third pharyngobran- fact that both species lack uncinate processes on chial in boueti (fig. 40) and cuchia (fig. 41) is their third and fourth epibranchials. 32 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 157

TP '

FIG. 39. Dorsal gill arch skeleton of Monopterus albus, AMNH 10240, Hainan Province, China. Dorsal view, right side.

FIG. 40. Dorsal gill arch skeleton of Monopterus boueti, AMNH 32411, Sierra Leone. Dorsal view, left side.

In Monopterus albus (figs. 38, 39) a proximal high on the epibranchial, generally at or some- excavation on the first epibranchial also is lack- what proximal to the midpoint. The medial ing and is replaced instead by a simple elevation attachment of the interarcual bone and the or nubbin on top of which the interarcual bone second pharyngobranchial have a more general- attaches. The point of attachment is also fairly ized aspect as in Macrotrema and Ophisternon. 1 976 ROSEN AND GREENWOOD: SYNBRANCHIFORM FISHES 33


FIG. 41. Dorsal gill arch skeleton of Monopterus cuchia, BMNH 1889-2.1:2723, India. Dorsal view, right side. The third pharyngobranchial in M. albus is to other synbranchoids. This conclusion is con- roughly triangular or somewhat bent, the latter sistent with the suggested relationships of these feature recalling the structure of this element in genera based on study of the hyoid apparatus. some examples of Synbranchus species and the Dorsal gill arch evidence also indicates that more decidedly bent elements in M. boueti and M. within Monopterus, boueti, fossorius, and cuchia cuchia. are more closely related than is either to albus. The conclusion to be reached from these com- parisons is that the species of Synbranchus and VENTRAL GILL ARCH ELEMENTS Monopterus resemble one another in the loss of the excavation on the first epibranchial, the out- Ventral gill arch elements in the species of ward migration of the point of attachment of the Macrotrema, Ophisternon, and Synbranchus interarcual element to that bone, and the ten- (figs. 42-47) are more or less typical for advanced dency for the third pharyngobranchial to bend teleosts. In these groups the ventral elements dif- forward near its midpoint. Each of these fea- fer from those of other teleosts in the fusion of tures, either in their reductional aspects or depar- the first basibranchial with the basihyal (dis- tures from structural patterns common to other cussed above) and the relative forward displace- synbranchoids and various generalized acanthop- ment of the joint between the hypobranchial and terygians (e.g., the bent third pharyngobran- ceratobranchial of the first arch so that this joint chial), are derived relative to comparable traits in is no longer aligned with the comparable flexure Macrotrema and Ophisternon, and constitute evi- points on the second to fourth arches. Further dence that Synbranchus and Monopterus are sis- specializations along these same lines serve to ter taxa more closely related to each other than characterize the species of Monopterus (figs. 34 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 157

BB -3 HB-2-

HB-3 -

FIG. 42. Ventral gill arch skeleton of Macrotrema caligans, MCZ 47107, Thailand. Dorsal view. 48-50), as discussed below. In a single specimen longer articulates with its hypobranchial. Within of Ophisternon infernale and of 0. afrum, and in Monopterus, cuchia, fossorius, and boueti are one of three specimens examined ofMacrotrema united by having the displaced first ceratobran- caligans (figs. 42, 44, 45), the first ceratobran- chial more closely associated with the second chial is slightly to very constricted near its ante- than with the first arch and by having the re- rior end (interrupted on one side in the specimen duced second basibranchial acuminate poste- of M. caligans), and in a single specimen of each riorly and articulating with the ankylosed first of these species there is a small sesamoid ossicle basibranchial by an interlocking joint. Monop- above the dorsal hypohyal (see figs. 42, 45). terus albus completely lacks a second and third Other specimens of these taxa are known not to basibranchial in most cases; one M. albus was have this ossicle. found with tiny ossicles in the positions these Monopterus is distinguished from other syn- basibranchials would normally occupy in other branchids in the reduction or loss of the second synbranchids. In cuchia, fossorius, and boueti the and third basibranchials, and increase in distance third basibranchial is absent, but a tiny ossicle between the hypobranchials of the first and was found in one specimen of cuchia in the posi- second arches, and the medial displacement of tion the third would otherwise occupy. Both the ceratobranchial of the first arch so that it no cuchia and fossorius are further set apart by 1976 ROSEN AND GREENWOOD: SYNBRANCHIFORM FISHES 35




HB-3 /-

FIG. 43. Ventral gill arch skeleton of Ophisternon bengalense, BMNH 1962-2.14:4, India. Dorsal view. having both ends of the first ceratobranchial refutes, the proposed alignments of other syn- closed over and noncartilaginous and the second branchid species. ceratobranchial foreshortened and noticeably ex- panded dorsally for articulation with the modi- BRANCHIAL VASCULAR SYSTEM, fied second epibranchial (see above). GILLS AND SUPRAPHARYNGEAL POUCH Complete holobranchs are absent in Monop- terus but are present in other synbranchids. The To date the only Synbranchidae in which the details of holobranch anatomy are given in the blood-vascular system has been described are following section. Monopterus cuchia, M. albus, and M. fossorius The evidence provided by the ventral gill arch (Taylor, 1831; Muller, 1839, Liem, 1961; and skeleton, therefore, supports the conclusion that Samuel, 1963. See Liem, 1961, for other refer- Monopterus as here defined is a monophyletic ences). All three species have a specialized bran- group, but it is neither consistent with, nor chial vascular system that deviates markedly 36 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 157

BB - 2



FIG. 44. Ventral gill arch skeleton of Ophisternon afrum, BMNH 1909.10.29:113, Portuguese Guinea. Dorsal view. from the basic condition (see below, also (fig. 51). There are distinct afferent and efferent Liem, 1961). vessels associated with the first to fourth gill Most other synbranchid species, in contrast, arches. All the efferent arteries empty into the have a branchial vascular arrangement that is paired lateral aortae, although the third and essentially ofthe general teleost type. All Synbran- fourth efferents join the lateral aorta through a chidae do, however, share the following derived common vessel. The internal carotid artery origi- characters: an elongate heart situated well behind nates from a point near the confluence of the the cleithra and branchial arches, with a conse- first efferent branchial artery with the lateral quent elongation of the ventral aorta (which aorta, and a voluminous hyoidean artery arises originates at a point between the ninth and twen- near the base of the first afferent branchial. tieth vertebrae); hypertrophied auriculae cordis; A similar arrangement of branchial blood and thirdly, the hyoidean artery originating from vessels, lateral aortae, internal carotids, and hyoi- the first afferent branchial artery (rather than dean arteries is found in Macrotrema caligans, from the efferent vessel of that arch). Ophistemon aenigmaticum, 0. bengalense (at The branchial vascular anatomy of Syn- least in specimens from India and Shri Lanka), branchus marmoratus may be taken as represen- and in 0. infernale. tative of the generalized synbranchid condition A specimen, identified as 0. bengalense, from 1976 ROSEN AND GREENWOOD: SYNBRANCHIFORM FISHES 37

artery at any point; the two vessels do, however, run parallel with one another over the dorso- lateral aspect of the arch and we cannot discount the possibility of fine interconnections occurring in this region. Another, and also seemingly inde- pendent efferent artery is associated with the first gill arch. It is visible on that arch in the same position as the supernumerary vessel of the second arch. However, the artery of the first arch passes inwards medial to the paired aorta of its side before it too joins the sinus. Unfortunately, the condition of our specimen precludes a de-

HB -2

BB-3 -


FIG. 45. Ventral gill arch skeleton of Ophi- sternon infernale, AMNH 32405, Yucatan, Mexico. Dorsal view.

Bangkok has the first efferent branchial not con- nected with the paired aorta of its side. Instead, the efferent vessel terminates in a large median sinus lying within the buccopharyngeal epithe- hum; the sinuses of each side apparently are sep- arate. Some departure from the generalized arrange- ment is also found in Ophisternon afrum and in Synbranchus madeirae. .B- 2 In the latter species (fig. 52) the branchial vas- cular system is basically of the generalized type. However, from the upper face of the second arch a distinct and stout vessel forms a dorsally di- rected loop that passes lateral to the paired aorta before swinging inward to join an unpaired me- dian sinus in the buccopharyngeal epithelium. As far as we can determine from the single speci- FIG. 46. Ventral gill arch skeleton of Syn- men available for dissection, this vessel is not branchus marmoratus, AMNH 30213, Bolivia. confluent with the second efferent branchial Dorsal view. 38 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 157 tailed investigation of the extent and ramifica- tions of the sinus. Ophisternon afrum (fig. 53) also has a median vascular sinus in the buccopharyngeal epithelium. Here, however, the sinus is supplied by the pri- mary efferent arteries of the first and third gill arches, the artery of the third arch looping for- ward and upward lateral to the efferent artery of the second arch. Thus, in 0. afrum only the second and fourth efferent branchial arteries join the paired aortae to discharge, ultimately, into the dorsal aorta. Again our dissections were con- fined to a single specimen and it was impossible to determine fully the extent and interconnec- tions of the buccopharyngeal sinus.



HB-1 BB -2

FIG. 48. Ventral gill arch skeleton of Monop- terus albus, AMNH 7033, Fukien Province, HB-2 China. Dorsal view.

BB -3 CB Both Synbranchus madeirae and Ophisternon HB-3 afrum have the same arrangement of afferent branchial arteries as is found in other taxa of these genera and also in Macrotrema caligans. Every species with a generalized type of bran- chial vascular system (including 0. afrum and S. madeirae) has well-developed holobranchs on all ~~~CB-2 four gill arches, and none shows any indication of a suprapharyngeal pouch such as occurs in CB -3 three out of the six Monopterus species. It may be noted here that Ophisternon candidum (which CB -4 could not be dissected) also has well-developed CB -5 holobranchs on the first four gill arches. FIG. 47. Ventral gill arch skeleton of Syn- In complete contrast, no species of Monop- branchus madeirae, AMNH 30219, Bolivia. terus has visible gill tissue on the fourth arch Dorsal view. [but see below with reference to M. indicus (Silas 1 976 ROSEN AND GREENWOOD: SYNBRANCHIFORM FISHES 39 and Dawson)], and all Monopterus species have "indicus" Eapen as rudimentary, but gave no reduced or much modified branchial tissues on further details. Monopterus cuchia has, invari- the other three gill arches. ably, a low flange of tissue on the first arch and Monopterus albus has short but free and a deeper flange on the third arch, but on the closely spaced filaments, arranged in a single row, second arch there is a variable amount of true on the second and third arches and on the lower filamentous tissue combined with some flange- two-thirds of the first arch; the upper third of like tissue; as much as the lower two-thirds of the that arch has the filaments replaced by a plate of arch can carry filaments. The gills ofMonopterus highly vascularized tissue. Eapen (1963) fossorius, according to our observations, are like described the gill lamellae of Monopterus those of M. cuchia, but Samuel (1963) stated

BB-I (



FIG. 49. Ventral gill arch skeleton of Monopterus boueti, AMNH 3241 1, Sierra Leone. Dorsal view. 40 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 157

opterus (or, for that matter, any other synbran- chid). However, a careful examination of Silas and Dawson's figures (plate 1, fig. 7) and descrip- tion strongly suggests that these authors have made two errors of observation. Firstly, they seem to have misidentified the first gill slit (which is described as a blind pouch; in other species the slit, although reduced in size is open). Secondly, they appear to have overlooked the small fifth arch (which is visible in their figure 7 of plate 1); thus, their gill-less fifth arch is, in fact, the fourth arch. If these corrections are made, it is the first and fourth arches that are gill-less, and the platelike branchial tissue is car- ried on the second and third arches, a less unusual condition than that described by Silas and Dawson, but one nonetheless unique among the species ofMonopterus. Monopterus boueti has no free gill filaments on any arch; the first to third arches each carry- ing a narrow flange of tissue, the flange on the first arch being the smallest. Suprapharyngeal pouches are present in M. cuchia, M. fossorius, and M. indicus (Silas and Dawson) (Taylor, 1831; Nayar, 1952; Silas and Dawson, 1961) but are wanting in M. albus and, at least by implication because none is described by Eapen (1963), in M. "indicus" Eapen. We have been able to confirm the absence of the pouches in M. boueti. The branchial vascular system has yet to be described in Monopterus "indicus" Eapen and in M. indicus (Silas and Dawson). In all other Mon- opterus species (including M. boueti) the system is known to differ markedly both from the usual FIG. 50. Ventral gill arch skeleton of Monop- teleost type and from the condition found in all terus cuchia, BMNH 1889-2.1:2723, India. Dor- sal view.

that "all four gill arches are devoid of gill filaments," and Nayar (1952) in the original description of the taxon noted that "None of the branchial arches carry well-developed gill fila- ments." Monopterus indicus (Silas and Dawson) is described (Silas and Dawson, 1961) as having a Va plate of tissue on the third and fourth gill arches, FIG. 51. Pattern of branchial blood-vascular but nothing on the first two arches. If this is so, system and associated vessels (left side) in then this species is quite unlike any other Mon- Synbranchus marmoratus. 1 976 ROSEN AND GREENWOOD: SYNBRANCHIFORM FISHES 41

Sinus se present. Dorsally, the artery of the first arch turns medially and supplies the buccopharyngeal IC s Pla epithelium, as do most branches of the second artery (see below). The artery of the third arch e ~~ce ramifies widely in the posterior pharyngeal epi- thelium, with some branches even extending Hlydl fT BII superficially into the skin on the dorsolateral l' a la la la Va aspects of the head. In M. cuchia (fig. 55) this Va artery is the principal blood vessel supplying the suprapharyngeal pouch of its side. FIG. 52. Pattern of branchial blood-vascular The condition of the paired aortae in M. indi- system and associated vessels (left side) in cus could not be checked, but it is possible to say Syn branchus madeirae. that the affero-efferent vessel of the third arch terminates in the buccopharyngeal epithelium. other members of the Synbranchidae. (Principal Like in M. cuchia, M. fossorius and M. boueti, references: Taylor, 1831; Millier, 1839; Hyrtl, there is a single affero-efferent vessel passing up 1858; Liem, 1961, and personal observ.) each of the first four gill arches, that of the An outstanding feature shared by all fourth arch being the largest. The vessels asso- Monopterus species examined (figs. 54-56) is the ciated with the first and second arch come off pair of large arteries arising from the ventral aor- the ventral aorta very close together, as do the ta to pass along the abranchiate fourth gill arch vessels for the third and fourth arches. The latter, of each side. In other words, in these fishes the however, do not share a common stem as in M. usually separate afferent and efferent fourth ar- albus, but have the same relationships as in M. teries are replaced by a single vessel. Shortly be- fossorius (see below). The hyoidean arteries arise hind the head, the arteries of each side fuse from the ventral aorta immediately anterior to medially to form the unpaired dorsal aorta. the stem of the first affero-efferent gill arch Monopterus albus (fig. 54) has remnants of vessel. The origin of the internal carotids could the paired aortae (radices aortae), with which the not be checked in the single specimen we had efferent arteries of the first and second gill arches available for dissection. join. (Distinct efferent and afferent arteries are The internal carotids of Monopterus cuchia present in the first three gill arches of this and M. boueti (figs. 55, 56) arise as branches species.) The efferent artery of the third arch, from the affero-efferent artery of the second gill however, does not join the lateral aorta. Instead arch (and not, as in M. albus and other synbran- its many distal ramifications supply the highly chids, as a branch from the efferent artery of each vascularized buccopharyngeal epithehium (Wu first gill arch). Both Monopterus cuchia and M. and Liu, 1940; Liem, 1961; personal observ.). The internal carotid of each side arises from the first efferent artery near its junction with the Sinus Pla Da paired aortae. If any traces of the paired aortae remain in Monopterus cuchia, M. fossorius, and M. boueti, they do not receive any of the vessels passing along the gill arches. Another pecularity of these three species is the absence of distinct efferent branchial arteries in the first three gill arches. In- Va stead, there is in each arch a single, affero- efferent, artery that originates from the ventral FIG. 53. Pattern of branchial blood-vascular aorta and passes up its arches to supply the bran- system and associated vessels (left side) in Ophi- chial plate, or gill filaments when these are sternon afrum. 42 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 157

For a summary of the branchial blood- )~~~~~~l Da vascular systems described above, reference should be made to figures 51 to 56. The similarity existing between the branchial vascular anatomy of other teleosts and that of Hy I Macrotrema caligans, Synbranchus marmoratus, l-a If la Im0 and 0. Ophisternon infernale, 0. bengalense, va aenigmaticum means that the condition found in FIG. 54. Pattern of branchial blood-vascular these synbranchid species must be considered as system and associated vessels (left side) in Mon- primitive for the Synbranchidae as a whole. The opterus albus. situations found in Synbranchus madeirae and Ophisternon afrum (as well as that in the excep- boueti have the afferent portions of the blood tional 0. bengalense specimen) are derived ones vessels to the third and fourth gill arches arising involving some modifications to the basic ar- from a common stem on the ventral aorta (figs. rangement. But, as none of these shows derived 55, 56). In M. albus, however, the vessels emerge characters shared with any other, each must be separately and at some distance from one an- looked upon as autapomorphous. other (fig. 54). Samuel (1963) described M. fos- The vascular anatomy of Monopterus albus, sorius as having "the third and fourth afferent M. cuchia, M. fossorius, and M. boueti, on the branchials originating close together" but appar- other hand, involves far greater modifications to ently not from a common stem. The hyoidean the basic system. Furthermore, all four species artery in these three species (and in other syn- share the following major derived characters: 1) branchoids) is a stout vessel that originates from the single affero-efferent vessel of the fourth arch the base of the first afferent branchial artery near and the union of these vessels from each side to or at the place where the latter leaves the ventral form the dorsal aorta; 2) extreme modification aorta. (Samuel, 1963, referred to this vessel as of the gill tissue on at least two of the gill arches; the carotid artery when describing the vascular 3) loss of all gill tissue from the fourth gill arch; anatomy ofM. fossorius.) 4) complete dissociation of the third efferent Da IC a-e Hyd I a-e lla-e Ill 1 Va Va FIG. 55. Pattern of branchial blood-vascular system and associated vessels (left side) in Monopterus cuchia.

Va FIG. 56. Pattern of branchial blood-vascular system and associated vessels (left side) in Monopterus boueti. 1976 ROSEN AND GREENWOOD: SYNBRANCHIFORM FISHES 43 branchial (or the upper part of an affero-efferent artery. From Samuel's (1963) account ofM. fos- vessel) from the paired aortae (or the dorsal aorta sorius it seems that in this species the internal if paired aortae are absent). carotids arise as anterior extensions of the small, Synapomorphous characters shared only by persistent lateral aortae (in other words a plesio- M. cuchia, M. fossorius and M. bouetil are the morphous condition comparable with that in presence of a single (i.e., affero-efferent) artery Monopterus albus). in each of the first three gill arches, and the loss The development of a suprapharyngeal pouch of contact between these vessels and the paired is to be considered a derived condition shared by lateral aortae (and, that is, ultimately with the M. cuchia, M. indicus (Silas and Dawson), and M. dorsal aorta). fossorius (Silas and Dawson, 1961; Nayar, 1952). Monopterus cuchia and M. boueti share one No traces of pouches were found in M. boueti, apomorphous character, namely the origin of the and the organs are apparently absent in M. internal carotid artery from the second branchial "indicus" Eapen (Eapen, 1963).

OTHER VASCULAR CHARACTERS, SKULL AND JAWS, AND VERTEBRAE Vascular characters. We have not made a de- information is available for M. "indicus" Eapen tailed study of the entire blood-vascular system or M. indicus (Silas and Dawson). in all the species available to us, but some obser- On the basis of the condition in other teleost vations on the arrangement of the internal groups, we conclude that the suppression of the jugular veins are pertinent. right internal jugular vein is an apomorphous Both left and right internal jugulars are condition (as is the close apposition of internal present in specimens identified as Ophisternon jugular and anterior cardinal veins in Macrotrema bengalense, and in 0. afrum, 0. infernale, Syn- caligans). branchus manrmoratus, and S. madeirae. In all In summary, the evidence derived from the these fishes the left vein is the larger of the pair. blood-vascular system shows: 1) that all synbran- Five of the six Ophisternon aenigmaticum dis- chids share the derived characters of an elongate sected have both internal jugulars present (again and posteriorly displaced heart, extended ventral with the left the larger vein), but in the sixth aorta, hypertrophied auriculae cordis, a hyoidean specimen the right vessel is absent. artery originating from the first afferent bran- The left internal jugular alone is present in chial artery, and a reduction or loss of the right Macrotrema caligans, and it is closely applied to internal jugular vein; 2) that all species of Mon- the overlying anterior cardinal vein with which it opterus examined or described have a single is almost equal in diameter. So closely applied affero-efferent artery on the fourth gill arch, no are these veins that at first sight the internal jug- holobranch on that arch and greatly modified ular was thought to be absent. branchial tissue (also reduced in area) on the The left internal jugular is also the only one other three arches, and that the third efferent present in Monopterus albus, M. boueti, and M. branchial artery is functionally dissociated from cuchia but is quite separate from the anterior the dorsal aorta, supplying instead the buccopha- cardinal vein in these species. For M. fossorius, ryngeal epithelium. Samuel (1963) described and figured paired The vascular system in other synbranchids is internal jugulars. We suspect that examination of of a generalized type and primitive for the group other specimens will show that Samuel's material or is autapomorphous and therefore provides no is exceptional in having both veins present and of evidence of relationship. apparently equal size (Samuel, 1968, fig. 2). No Skull and Jaws. All synbranchids have an elon- gate skull with the orbit placed far forward in the 'No specimens of M. "indicus" Eapen were available anterior third or fourth of the neurocranium, and for study. the manner in which this elongation is accom- 44 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 157 plished appears to us to be unique. In other fishes with elongate syncrania, such as mastacem- belids and ammodytids, most or all the mem- brane and endochondral bones are strongly, if not always proportionally, involved in the lengthening process. In mastacembelids, for example, the vomer, nasals, palatine, ethmoids, frontals, parasphenoid, sphenotics, and prootics are all greatly attenuated (fig. 57). In synbran- chids, on the other hand, the otic region, and to






FIG. 58. Basicranium of Synbranchus marmo- ratus, AMNH 30213. BSPH PTSPH a lesser extent the ethmoid region, retain rather normal proportions (figs. 58, 59). Dorsally, how- PRO ever, the frontals are greatly attenuated, and SPHO ventrally, accommodative growth takes place between the anterior margin of the prootic and the posterior wall of the orbit. Consequently the pterosphenoids and basisphenoid are massive bones occupying somewhat less than half the total length of the neurocranium. The vomer and parasphenoid are also elongate below these sphe- noid elements. The massive development and for- ward extension of the basisphenoid is associated with its function of supporting an anterodorsal, FIG. 57. Basicranium of congi- but subdistal, boss or process of the toothed cus, AMNH 6042. ectopterygoid, although the ectopterygoid also 1976 ROSEN AND GREENWOOD: SYNBRANCHIFORM FISHES 45 has a more usual distal articulation with the central, articular part of that vertebra. In ventral palatine. The palatines are small crescentic bones, outline, the neurocranium may be either nar- each with a lateral wing, and are closely applied rowly triangular or very slender and almost tubu- and strongly adherent to the vomerine shaft. The lar. Tubular neurocrania appear to be associated vomer is a simple untoothed rod. It is evident with eye reduction in Ophisternon (infernale and that what previous workers with synbranchids candidum) and Monopterus (boueti), although in have identified as vomerine and palatine teeth the latter genus the relatively small-eyed cuchia are, respectively, the palatine and ectopterygoid and fossorius have more broadly triangular skulls teeth. In the occipital region, each exoccipital than the larger-eyed albus. We have not found has a posteriorly directed, horizontal facet on the neurocranial characters particularly illuminating underside of which attach corresponding pro- to phylogenetic questions, although a number of cesses of the first vertebra. The basioccipital species-specific features have been identified, and facet is hollowed out to receive the pluglike, these and other general cranial characters are given below in the group synopsis and key. The jaws, jaw suspension and opercular appa- ratus (figs. 60, 61) also show numerous uncorre- lated characteristics that, singly and in combina- tion, are species-specific. They too are given below in the synopsis and key. The special attributes of all synbranchids, however, are 1) massive and elongate toothed ectopterygoids, and 2) narrow, strutlike, and anteriorly simpli- fied, maxillae and premaxillae. Among the species of Monopterus, cuchia, fossorius, and boueti all appear to have reduced secondarily the alveolar premaxillary arms, so that the entire bone is only slightly more than half the length of the maxilla. All other synbranchids have a max- illa and premaxilla of nearly equal length. One feature of the lower jaw, the coronoid elevation of the articular bone, is of some phylo- genetic interest. In Macrotremia, the coronoid elevation of the articular is present only as a low, gently rounded hump, as it is also in Synbran- chus (fig. 60). In one specimen of S. madeirae and one of S. marmoratus the center of the hump is slightly peaked, that is, very low and obtusely triangular. In Monopterus, cuchia, fos- sorius, and boueti also have a low, gently rounded coronoid elevation, but in some albus there is a high, narrow-based, coronoid process with an expanded distal end that is sharply demarcated from the dorsal margin of the articu- lar and inclined forward toward the coronoid vEEO elevation of the dentary (fig. 61). In Ophisternon all species possess a large, high, broad-based coronoid process in the form of an equilateral FIG. 59. Basicranium of Monopterus albus, triangle. Such coronoid prominences on the AMNH 7033. articular of teleosts are common, although in 46 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 157


...... PMX ...... IT. A F ~ ...... k ...... ---.rp--.X-1.-,-

- ...... sS.....SZNia ..1-..~ ~ - DN. ART RET 1- o0 SOP FIG. 60. Jaws, jaw suspension, and opercular apparatus in Synbranchus marmoratus, AMNH 30213.

many unrelated fishes with elongate crania and ent form in M. albus (three evolutionary steps). jaws the process is absent. For the moment we In case one involving the assumption that the can only assume that its absence is either primi- process was absent in the ancestral synbranchid, tive or advanced in synbranchids, and consider the process would be gained in the common the alternative hypotheses that each assumption ancestor of Ophisternon, Synbranchus, and will generate. For reason of the abundant contra- Monopterus, lost in Synbranchus, changed in M. indications discussed in earlier sections, we can albus, and lost in the ancestor of cuchia, fos- rule out the possibility that the presence of a sorius, and boueti (four steps). In case two, the coronoid process relates Monopterus albus most process would be gained in Ophisternon and closely to the Ophisternon group, or that its gained again in a different form in Monopterus absence relates cuchia, fossorius, and boueti more albus (two steps). A phylogeny in which Ophi- closely to Synbranchus than to Monopterus sternon, rather than Synbranchus, is the sister albus. If we allow those conclusions, there are group of Monopterus requires three or four steps four possible theories to explain the distribution if the process were ancestrally present, and if of this character, two assuming its presence in ancestrally absent two or three steps. In the last the common ancestor of all synbranchids, and two instances, in which the process is ancestrally two assuming its absence. Each theory initially absent, the process would be acquired in the involves a phylogeny in which M. albus is the ancestor of Ophisternon and Monopterus, further sister group of other Monopterus species, Syn- changed in M. albus, and then lost in the ancestor branchus the sister group of Monopterus, Ophi- of cuchia, fossorius, and boueti (three steps), or sternon (or one of its species) the sister group of gained independently by Ophisternon and by M. Synbranchus plus Monopterus, and Macrotrema albus in a somewhat different form (two steps). the sister group of all other synbranchids. If we It is evident from these considerations that the assume the coronoid process to have been pres- most economical interpretation of the data, that ent in the ancestral synbranchid, then in case one involving the fewest historical assumptions, re- it would have been lost in Macrotrema, lost again gardless of which of the alternative theories of independently in Synbranchus, changed into the relationship is applied, is that Ophisternon and specialized process of albus (or alternatively re- M. albus acquired their coronoid processes inde- tained in a primitive form in albus and altered in pendently-an interpretation that is consistent Ophisternon), and lost a third time independent- with the very different character of the process ly in the ancestor of cuchia, fossorius, and boueti in the two groups. This conclusion specifies that (four evolutionary steps). In case two, the pro- the coronoid process in albus is a distinctive cess would have been lost in Macrotrema, lost in autapomorphy of that species, and that the pro- the common ancestor of the species of Monop- cess in Ophisternon is evidence of the mono- terus and Synbranchus, and regained in a differ- phyletic origin of that genus, evidence that is 1976 ROSEN AND GREENWOOD: SYNBRANCHIFORM FISHES 47 consistent with the less certain indications of When viewed from above, the neural arches monophyly provided by the structure of the first resemble parallel-sided gutters, open except in epibranchial as discussed above. those regions covered by the base of the neural In summary, the skull anatomy of synbran- spine and, in some species, by the tips of the chids has many distinctive features, some of medially directed prezygapophyses that fuse or which serve to define the whole group as mono- are closely apposed in the midline. Except in phyletic, are consistent with the interrelation- Macrotrema caligans (where the tips of the prezy- ships of some of the species ofMonopterus based gapophyses are fused into a crestlike prominence on many other lines of evidence, and provide the on all vertebrae save the first), those species with first bit of solid evidence that Ophisternon is a fused zygapophyses have these structures widely natural and not a grade group. separated on the first 14 to 20 centra (e.g., in Vertebrae. Using alizarin preparations and Synbranchus marmoratus, S. madeirae, Ophister- radiographs, we have examined vertebral mor- non infernale, 0. candidum, and Monopterus phology in, and obtained vertebral counts for, all boueti). The prezygapophyses are not fused species except Monopterus "indicus" Eapen and medially (on either abdominal or caudal verte- M. indicus (Silas and Dawson). brae) in Ophisternon aenigmaticum, 0. benga- Within the plan of general vertebral morphol- lense, and Monopterus albus. Such may also be ogy common to all synbranchids, slight inter- the condition in small individuals of species generic and interspecific differences can be recog- otherwise having fused prezygapophyses; for ex- nized in vertebral proportions, in the shape of ample, the prezygapophyses are separated neural and haemal spines, and in the shape and throughout the column in a specimen of S. size of the zygapophyses (see, for example, fig. marmoratus 65 mm. long, but are fused medially 21 in Rosen and Rumney, 1972). We have not, (posteriorly to the sixteenth centrum) in a fish however, found any characteristics of vertebral 136 mm. long. morphology that are of value for indicating intra- The characteristic first vertebra of synbran- familial relationships. chids was described in the section dealing with A consistent morphological feature in all syn- the neurocranium above. branchid vertebrae is the long neural arch, almost There is considerable interspecific and intra- rectangular in profile and which extends virtually specific variation in the shape of the ultimate the whole length of the centrum. Such arches are caudal vertebra. In many species (except Macro- found on both abdominal and caudal vertebrae; trema caligans) this vertebra is reduced to a small similarly formed haemal arches occur on all but nubbin of bone. Several specimens we exam- the first few caudal centra. ined appear, on the basis of the small, irregular



.S ...... -.g

DN -F- I IIn ART RET IV FIG. 61. Jaws, jaw suspension, and opercular apparatus in Monopterus albus, AMNH 7033. Palatine shown in positional}...... relationship to ectopterygoid. 48 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 157 vertebrae in that region, to have suffered loss or hypural-like and one parhypural-like plates (fig. damage to the caudal tip, which had then regen- 2), the latter associated with from 9 to 14 barely erated. ossified fm rays. Occasional specimens of Ophis- In Macrotrema caligans (the only species with ternon and Synbranchus species have from three an externally distinct caudal fin) the ultimate to seven unossified rays still present, but no caudal vertebra articulates with five cartilaginous hypural-like structures can be detected.

RELATIONSHIPS OF THE ALABETIDAE The reasons for including Alabes with the ternal anatomy, however, can be used to reject synbranchoids were never very clear or precisely the alignment of Alabes and synbranchids by formulated. Chiefly Alabes appears to have been showing that Alabes shares more numerous, and so placed because it is eel-like, lacks fm spines, more specific, derived features with other acan- has the dorsal, caudal, and anal fins continuous, thopterygians than with synbranchids. For ex- the caudal fin reduced and with few rays, has no ample, with tropical blennies Alabes shares an pectoral fin or radials, and has the branchial elongate body, a reduction in fin spination, long openings joined in a single, transverse, ventral dorsal and anal fins that are confluent or asso- slit. The published literature also records that ciated by a membranous fold with the caudal, a Alabes has well-developed dorsal and anal fins, reduced caudal ray count, and branchial openings ventral fins and girdle, a parasphenoid not united joined in the ventral midline and in some cases with the frontals and only 75 vertebrae (compare restricted laterally to the region below the hori- diagnosis of the Synbranchidae, below). The lat- zontal septum. In the upper jaw Alabes shares ter features are all primitive with respect to com- with some blennioids a premaxilla with a short parable details in synbranchids, leaving the alveolar process and an indistinct articular pro- derived reductional features of the body, fins, cess that merges with the base of a very high and and gill opening as the only evidence of their robust ascending process (compare the upper jaw proposed relationship. Certain details of the in- bones in synbranchids, figs. 60, 61). In the dorsal

PHB FIG. 62. Dorsal gill arch skeleton of Alabes rufa, AMNH 32447. Dorsal view, right side. 1976 ROSEN AND GREENWOOD: SYNBRANCHIFORM FISHES 49 gill arch skeleton, Alabes (fig. 62) has a single, be, it seems reasonably clear that it has closer toothed, comma-shaped pharyngobranchial to affinities with blenny-like fishes than with syn- which the second, third, and fourth epibranchials branchids (a conclusion reached independently attach (a second pharyngobranchial is not pres- by Dr. V. Springer, in litt., and which will be ent and no interarcual cartilage arising from the discussed more fully by him). Gosline (1971) had base of the first epibranchial. Synbranchids, in also previously voiced suspicion about the posi- contrast, have a more generalized pattern in tion of alabetids among synbranchoids, a suspi- which there is a separate third and fourth upper cion that now appears fully justified. Hence, the pharyngeal tooth patch, primitively a small sec- alabetids are considered here as irrelevant to ond pharyngobranchial, and an interarcual carti- questions concerning synbranchid phylogeny and lage (enlarged and ossified in all synbranchids). are not discussed. Whatever the precise relationships ofAlabes may


FAMILY SYNBRANCHIDAE SWAINSON (1838) with first basibranchial (secondarily unfused in one species). Branchiostegals four to six (rarely Diagnosis. Eel-like fishes of small to moderate seven) in number. Dorsal gill arch skeleton with size (to more than 70 cm.), without pectoral fins an ossified interarcual cartilage connecting first (except in larval stages), pelvic fins or girdles or epibranchial with medial part of second arch. No dorsal and anal fins (except as the fins are rep- first pharyngobranchial; second pharyngobran- resented by median folds), and with caudal fin chial reduced or absent. A small tooth patch reduced or absent. Gill membranes united and below third pharyngobranchial and another continuous around isthmus. Eyes small, well for- in position of missing fourth. Scapulocoracoid ward in skull, near a vertical from the midpoint absent; cleithrum well developed and turned of upper lip, and covered by dense skin. With sharply forward ventrally. Heart posterior, be- anterior and posterior nares. Scales, when present hind shoulder girdle; ventral aorta originating (in a few species), small, oval and confined from level of ninth to twentieth vertebrae. Atrium largely to caudal region. Neurocranium elongate, of heart with large ventral outpocketings (auric- region between prootic and posterior wall of or- ulae cordis). Right internal jugular vein reduced bit greatly expanded (figs. 58, 59). Frontals, or absent. Vertebrae numerous, 98 to 188, never pterosphenoid, basisphenoid, vomer, and para- having fewer than 51 abdominal elements (table sphenoid attenuated, the last bone also much 2). Pantropical fishes from fresh water at high widened and with two prongs posteriorly. Pala- and low elevations; individuals of some species tines joined firmly to vomer in midline. Vomer a reported from brackish water. Fifteen species. long, thin strut, edentulous. Frontal turned down and sutured to basisphenoid. Parietals SUBFAMILY NEW large, meeting in midline. Infraorbital bones re- MACROTREMINAE, duced to a single preorbital. Palatoquadrate artic- Diagnosis. Small synbranchids (of not more ulating with a prominence on the basisphenoid, than 20 cm.) with the eye greatly reduced and frontal, or both, and with the vomer and lateral sunken well below the surface skin, without a ethmoids. Maxilla and premaxilla long and strut- right internal jugular vein and with remaining left like, with their symphyseal processes reduced internal jugular hypertrophied and applied close- and simplified (figs. 60, 61). Teeth present on ly to anterior cardinal vein. With many attributes the premaxilla, dentary, palatine, and ectoptery- primitive for the family, including: large gill goid. First vertebra with a central plug and pair opening, extending up along the side above hori- of lateral flanges for articulation with occipital zontal septum; with a small caudal fin of nine to region (fig. 63). Basihyal edentulous, ankylosed 14 unsegmented and unbranched ossified rays 50 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 157

FIG. 63. Basioccipital bone and first vertebra of Synbranchus marmoratus, AMNH 30213. Dorsal view. distinct from the dorsal and anal fin folds; pos- tinuous with dorsal and anal fm folds or absent. terior nares anterior to orbit; vertebrae 100 to Fourteen species. Pantropical. 103. A single species from the Malayan Archi- pelago. GENUS OPHISTERNON M'CLELLAND GENUS MACROTREMA REGAN Ophisternon M'Clelland, 1845 (type species by monotypy, 0. bengalensis). Macrotrema Regan, 1906 (type species by orig- Tetrabranchus Bleeker, 1851 (type species by inal designation Symbranchus caligans Cantor, original designation T. microphthalma). 1849). Pluto Hubbs, 1938 (type species by original des- ignation, P. infernalis). Macrotrema caligans (Cantor) Furmastix Whitley, 1951 (as a replacement for Symbranchus caligans Cantor, 1849 (Penang, Pluto, preoccupied in Insecta, Hymenoptera). ). Anomatophasma Mees, 1962 (type species by original designation, A. candidum). Remarks. Four specimens were available: the holotype, from Penang (BMNH 1860.3.19:943), The name Unipertura of Dumeril (1856) was one from Singapore (BMNH 1908.7.13:1), and designed as a replacement name for Unibranch- two from Thailand (MCZ 47107), one of which, apertura Lacepede (1803). The type of Dumeril's our largest, was 184 mm. name was designated as Unibranchapertura laevis Range. Thailand and the Malay Peninsula. Lacepede (1803). The trivial name laevis was as- signed by Cantor (1849) to the synonymy of Monopterus javanicus (Monoptere javanais) of SUBFAMILY SYNBRANCHINAE SWAINSON Lacepede (1800), the latter being presently in Diagnosis. Synbranchids in which gill opening the synonymy of Monopterus albus. Since it is reduced to a ventral slit or pore, posterior would be manifestly impossible to determine nares are dorsomedial to eye, and caudal fm is from any relevant descriptions by Lacepede greatly reduced (without ossified rays) and con- exactly which synbranchid truly is involved, one 1976 ROSEN AND GREENWOOD: SYNBRANCHIFORM FISHES 51 can only assume that, coming from the Old World except for ventral surface, light brown. Lips, tropics, the fish referred to as laevis might be ventral surface of head, operculum, branchio- either a Monopterus or an Ophistemon. Hence, stegal membrane, yellowish. Under low-power Unibranchapertura laevis will forever remain in magnification, evenly scattered melanophores taxonomic limbo and should be formally sup- over entire body. pressed. Range. Indo-Malaysian region and Philippine In addition to the second neotropical species Islands. of Ophisternon described below, there may be another as yet uncollected in Cuba. Hubbs Ophisternon gutturale (Richardson) (1938, p. 270) cited Poey's account of a subter- Synbranchus gutturalis Richardson, 1844 (Dam- ranean "eel" from Cartagena with its eyes hidden pier's Archipelago, Australia). beneath the skin, with pores on the side of the head, and with a series of parallel vertical folds Remarks. Whitley (1948) was, without stated on the side of the neck bordered by scalelets like reasons, the first to resurrect Richardson's name short, white hairs. for Australian material of what was formerly, and subsequently (Mees, 1962), identified as ben- Ophisternon bengalense M'Clelland galense. The material we examined from north- ern Australia is markedly different from more Ophisternon bengalensis M'Clelland, 1845 (orig- northern samples of bengalense and is easily sepa- inal description p. 197; pl. XI, fig. 1). ?Ophisternon hepaticus M'Clelland, 1845 (Burma). rated from them (see Key and figs. 3-5). Al- Tetrabranchus microphthalma Bleeker, 1851 though we have seen no examples from New (Borneo). Guinea, and cannot specify the range of this type of Ophisternon with precision, use of the name Remarks. The taxon recognized here as ben- gutturale we hope will serve to emphasize the galense excludes specimens from northern Aus- need for more detailed analysis of the Old World tralia. The latter are separated as a distinct Ophisternon. It seems clear to us that bengalense species bearing Richardson's name gutturale (see and gutturale are closely related on the basis of a below). Even after the exclusion of Australian shared, derived maxillary character (section B, cc material, bengalense remains a variable form. Dif- of the Key). Material examined is from Northern ferences between specimens from widely sepa- Territory, Australia, AMNH 30893 and USNM rated areas involve eye position and relative size 174019. and shape of mouth and head (see figs. 3 and 4). Range. Northern Australia. Detailed anatomical investigations of large sam- ples may show that some populations are recog- nizably distinct. We are unable to identify 0. Ophisternon candidum (Mees) hepaticus M'Clelland (1845) from the description Anomatophasma candidum Mees, 1962 (North although from the figure it would certainly seem West Cape, Western Australia). to be a member of the genus Ophisternon, either identical with or closely related to 0. bengalense. Remarks. We have examined only a single Material. From India, the syntypic series from specimen of candidum from the North West the Hooghly River, BMNH 1860.3.19:765-775; Cape, Western Australia (the known range of the and those recorded as simply from India, BMNH species), AMNH 32404. 1858.3.15:71, and South India, BMNH 1962.2.14:4; from Ceylon, AMNH 32403; Ophisternon afrum (Boulenger) Bangkok, MCZ 9158; and Philippines, MCZ 26377. A lectotype is designated from the Synbranchus afer Boulenger, 1909 (Portuguese Guinea, west Africa). syntypic series, as follows: Lectotype (BMNH 1860.3.19.765): Total length 480 mm. Head Remarks. We have examined the two syntypes length 49 mm. Caudal length 123 mm. Snout to from BMNH 1909.10.29: 113-114, and herewith eye center 5.8 mm. Dorsum of head and body designate the larger one as lectotype: Lectotype 52 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 157

(BMNH 1909.10.29:114): Total length 310 mm. Guatemala (Rio Polochic system), AMNH Head length 31 mm. Caudal length 85.5 mm. 31619 (1), AMNH 32408 (3), AMNH 32411 (1), Snout to eye center 4 mm. Gape length 7.5 mm. UMMZ 190755 (2); Body pale, uniform, except for darker dorsum Guatemala (Rlo Sarst(un system), AMNH and fold on both of which small melan- 31594 (3), UMMZ 190611 (2); ophores are visible. Upper half of head uniform Guatemala (Rio Usumacinta system), AMNH with body, lower half, including lips and bran- 31502 (1), AMNH 31504 (4), AMNH 31508 (1), chiostegal membrane, lighter. See figure 6. AMNH 31701 (1), AMNH 31723 (2), AMNH Range. Point Mansoa, Portuguese Guinea, the 32002 (2), UMMZ 131144 (1), UMMZ 144164 type locality. Boulenger (1915) also reported this (3), UMMZ 144167 (1), UMMZ 144169 (5), species from the Niger delta. UMMZ 144170 (1), UMMZ 144305 (1), UMMZ 146110 (2), UMMZ 146114 (3), UMMZ 187943 Ophisternon infernale (Hubbs) (3), UMMZ 190502 (4); Pluto infernalis Hubbs, 1938 (Hoctun Cave, Guatemala (Peten lake district), AMNH 32017 Hoctun, Yucatan, Mexico). (3), UMMZ 138234 (1), UMMZ 144160 (2), UMMZ 144161 (1), UMMZ 144162 (1), UMMZ Remark,s. Material, two specimens, the larger 144163 (4), UMMZ 144165 (7), UMMZ 144166 231.5 mm. in total length (UMMZ M74-20; (2), UMMZ 144168 (2), UMMZ 144306 (1); AMNH 32405). Mexico (Campeche), UMMZ 104682 (1); Range. Caves of Yucatan, Mexico. Mexico (Tabasco), UMMZ 194846 (1), UMMZ 194864 (1); Ophisternon aenigmaticum, new species Mexico (Chiapas), UMMZ 191718 (3); Figures 23, 24; tables 2-4 Mexico (Oaxaca), UMMZ 124202 (1), UMMZ Synbranchus marmoratus: Rosen and Rumney, 124287 (1); 1972 (specimens from locality nos. 36, 47, 60 Mexico (Veracruz), UMMZ 183899 (1), [BMNH 1866-4-25:9], 92-95, 98-103, 105, UMMZ 184558 (1), UMMZ 187757 (1), UMMZ 107-110, 112-116 representing material from 187801 (1), UMMZ 187818 (4), UMMZ 194839 South America, Guatemala, Mexico, and Cuba). Probably all other earlier references to (1); material of S. marmoratus from Atlantic slope Cuba, UMMZ 171891 (2). Guatemala and Mexico, and Cuba, are based on this species. Diagnosis. A species of Ophisternon reaching more than 700 mm. in total length, and differing Material. Holotype, a presumed adult 350 from other members of the genus in the wider mm. in total length, AMNH 32410, from a wood- skull (greatest width across otic region 40 per- land pool about 13 km. southwest of Sebol in cent of length of neurocranium, as compared the valley of the Rio Chajmaic, Alta Verapaz, with 30 percent or less) and absence of an angu- Guatemala. Taken with the holotype are four late prominence on posterodorsal aspect of max- other specimens 130 to 500 mm. in total length, illa. AMNH 32071. Paratypes include some materials Description. Meristic and morphometric data listed by Rosen and Rumney (see synonymy are given in tables 2 to 4. The background color above) and the following: of the dorsum and sides varies from almost black Northem South America (locality not other- to medium gray. Individuals may be speckled, wise specified), AMNH 17269 (1); blotched, or uniform but the blotches never form Honduras (Cop'an), UMMZ 104117 (1); large, discrete spots as in Synbranchus marmora- Belize, UMMZ 97883 (1), UMMZ 158397 (1), tus. The ventral region of the body is dusky, UMMZ 167700 (1); pale, brownish, or reddish in life and dusky or Guatemala (Rio Motagua system), AMNH pale in preservative. One or two dusky streaks 31554 (1), AMNH 31573 (3), AMNH 32096 behind the eye are present in some cases. The eye (2), UMMZ 190581 (2), UMMZ 190711 (3), is always visible through a dense but translucent UMMZ 190810 (2), UMMZ 193885 (2); layer of skin, and is directly over or in front of a 1 976 ROSEN AND GREENWOOD: SYNBRANCHIFORM FISHES 53 line drawn through the midpoint of snout to cor- branchial apparatus (figs. 34, 35) the interarcual ner-of-gape length. The lips are swollen laterally bone is strongly curved posteriorly and the basal and merge anteriorly with the tissues of the articular flange of the first epibranchial is larger snout and dental symphysis. The anterior naris and overlaps the base of the interarcual bone. on the snout tip often is directed somewhat ven- The saccular bullae and sagittae are massive and trally; the posterior naris is anteromedial to the are only narrowly separated by the posterior eye. Mandibular, preorbital, preopercular, and parasphenoid arm, the outline of the skull tapers opercular cephalic lateral line pores are present. more abruptly anterior to the pterotic and is The branchiostegal membrane is drawn into long straight rather than convex, and the anterior part folds ventrally; the gill opening is irregular or of the braincase is only about as wide as the crescentic and occupies a third to a half of the orbital region. width of the ventral body surface just behind the When more Cuban and South American head. material becomes available, study may show that Among the northern samples of this form, the Cuban, South American, and Middle Ameri- Cuban material can be separated from Middle can populations should be recognized as distinct American specimens on an average difference in taxa. relative length of caudal peduncle (22 versus 29 Like other synbranchids, 0. aenigmaticum percent of total length; range of values 19 to 26 occurs in a variety of habitats from standing percent versus 24 to 32 percent of total length; water in small muddy pools to clear running see table 3). The relatively short peduncle of water in streams. It has even been taken in large Cuban specimens is reflected also in their rela- bodies of water, e.g., in weed beds along the mar- tively few caudal vertebrae (table 4). Cuban gin of El Golfete (Rio Dulce, R;o Polochic material is scarce, however, and also extremely basin), in the department of Izabal, Guatemala, variable in most attributes, including vertebral and in Lake Peten. number. Etymology. The trivial name is from the Latin In spite of the possible existence of features aenigma, something obscure, and agrees in gender to separate Cuban from Middle American speci- with the name Ophisternon [suffix stemon (neu- mens, both of these northern populations may be ter) from the Greek word for chest]. more closely interrelated than is either to South American populations. The suggestion is tenta- GENUS SYNBRANCHUS BLOCH tive because the South American material is Synbranchus Bloch, 1795 (type species by sub- represented by only five specimens, one of which sequent designation, S. marmoratus). is unaccompanied by an exact locality. Neverthe- Typhlobranchus Bloch and Schneider, 1801 less, on the basis of radiographs and dissections (type by monotypy T. spurius). of material on hand, the northern and southern Unibranchapertura Lacepede, 1803 (replacement samples of aenigmaticum may be characterized name for Synbranchus, type by original desig- nation, S. marmoratus). with respect to cranial anatomy, as follows: Middle American and Cuban specimens. In the pharyngobranchial apparatus (figs. 32, 33), the Synbranchus marmoratus Bloch interarcual bone is usually straight and the basal Synbranchus marmoratus Bloch, 1795 (Suri- articular flange on the first epibranchial is not nam). large enough to overlap the base of the inter- Synbranchus immaculatus Bloch, 1795 (type arcual bone. In the neurocranium the saccular locality given as Surinam or Tranquebar, bullae are widely separated in the midline by the India. Bloch's figure shows the gill opening posterior arm of the parasphenoid, the outline of typical of marmoratus so that the Tranquebar locality is undoubtedly erroneous). the skull in dorsal or ventral view is somewhat Unibranchapertura lineata Lac6pede, 1803 (Suri- convex and gently tapering in front of the pter- nam). otic, and the anterior part of the braincase is a Synbranchus fuliginosus Ranzani, 1840 (Brazil). little wider than the orbital region. Synbranchus pardalis Valenciennes, 1847 (Bue- South American specimens. In the pharyngo- nos Aires, Argentina). 54 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 157

TABLE 3 Morphometric Comparisons of the Epigean Species of Ophisternon (Ratios expressed as percentages.) Lengths Caudal Head Snout Snout Gape Total Total Head Gape Head Ophisternon aenigrnaticum Mexico No. specimens 16 16 16 16 16 Mean 29.88 11.71 14.24 42.41 33.13 Standard deviation 1.76 0.69 1.15 3.95 2.16 Min.-max. values 27-33 11-13 12-16 36-51 28-36 Size (total length) range in mm. = 116-579 Guatemala No. specimens 23 23 25 25 25 Mean 29.17 11.13 15.68 47.48 32.96 Standard deviation 1.97 0.87 2.10 3.50 4.08 Min.-max values 24-32 10-13 (9)aI2-18 43-53 (20)a27-38 Size (total length) range in mm. = 124-735 Honduras No. specimens 1 1 1 1 1 Ratios 28.68 11.29 16.08 39.68 40.51 Size (total length) in mm. = 276 Cuba No. specimens 7 7 7 7 7 Mean 22.49 12.00 12.76 41.00 31.52 Standard deviation 2.18 0.00 1.01 6.10 3.56 Min.-max. values 19-26 12-12 11-14 35-52 24-34 Size (total length) range in mm. = 318491 South America No. Specimens 4 4 4 4 4 Mean 28.25 10.00 13.50 40.50 33.25 Standard deviation 1.71 0.00 2.38 3.70 3.77 Min.-max. values 26-30 10-10 12-17 37-45 29-38 Size (total length) range in mm. = 97436 Ophisternon afrum (lectotype) No. specimens 1 1 1 1 1 Ratios 27.42 9.90 12.05 38.95 30.95 Size (total length) in mm. = 310 Ophisternon bengalense (from type series) No. specimens 8 8 8 8 8 1976 ROSEN AND GREENWOOD: SYNBRANCHIFORM FISHES 55

TABLE 3-(Continued) Lengths Caudal Head Snout Snout Gape Total Total Head Gape Head

Mean 27.50 10.13 11.63 35.13 32.50 Standard deviation 1.20 0.35 4.10 7.77 4.17 Min-max. values 25-29 10-11 8-12(21)a 25-49 29-42 Size (total length) range in mm. = 186-611 Ophisternon gutturale (Arnhem Land) No. specimens 5 5 5 5 5 Mean 26.60 11.20 14.00 42.80 33.00 Standard deviation 0.55 0.45 0.71 3.56 2.45 Min.-max. values 26-27 11-12 13-15 3848 31-37 Size (total length) range in mm. = 132-282 aSingle exceptional value.

Synbranchus vittata Castelnau, 1855 (Rio de species are superficially so similar (fig. 23), a cer- Janeiro, Brazil). tain likelihood exists that some of the names Synbranchus hieronymi Weyenbergh, 1877 given above may have referred to aenigmaticum. (Argentina). There unfortunately are no types available to Synbranchus doringii Weyenbergh, 1877 (Argen- tina). eliminate this uncertainty. Synbranchus tigrinus Weyenbergh, 1877 (Argen- MateriaL (Includes specimens examined and tina). cited by Rosen and Rumney (1972).) Only two Synbranchus mercedarius Weyenbergh, 1877 specimens from Mexico are identified as marmo- (Argentina). ratus (all others are Ophisternon aenigmaticum), as follows: Rosen and Rumney's locality no. Remarks. Synbranchus transversalis Bloch and 104, Oaxaca, Rio Coatzacoalcos drainage, Schneider (1801), Unibranchapertura grisea AMNH 20305; and their locality no. 106, Tabas- Lacepede (1803), U. cinerea Lacepede (1803) co, in the Rio Teapa at Teapa, BMNH and Muraena lumbricus (Gronow (1854), al- 1913.6.21:225. In Guatemala, Synbranchus mar- though previously included in the synonymies of moratus apparently is confined to the Pacific Synbranchus marmoratus, are either clearly coast (Rosen and Rumney locality nos. 96 and stated by their authors, or interpreted by us from 97). In northeastern South America, Rosen and reading of the original descriptions, to have come from the Gulf of Guinea region of west Africa. TABLE 4 Hence, these nominal forms, now unrepresented Vertebral Variation in Ophisternon aenigmaticum or in some cases never represented by type mate- rial, may have referred to Ophistemon afrum or Precaudal Caudal Total to Monopterus boueti (see below). Moreover, be- cause Synbranchus marmoratus and Ophistemon Mexico (N = 19) 70-81 45-57 118-136 aenigmaticum (described above) are sympatric Guatemala (N = 9) 71-79 43-58 114-137 over a wide area of South America from which Cuba (N = 13) 70-82 25-49 98-128 South America = marmoratus and other nominal forms synony- (N 2) 75-76 48-54 123-130 Cayenne-Brazil mized with it have come, and because these two 56 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 157

Rumney locality no. 36, Marajo Island at the Considerable uncertainty exists regarding the Amazonian mouth, Para, Brazil (BMNH correct generic and trivial names for the species 1923.8.11:44-45), locality no. 47 Cayenne we are calling Monopterus albus. The binomina River, Cayenne, Guayane (French Guiana) (BMNH Fluta alba (Zuiew), Monopterus albus (Zuiew), 1846.2.16), and one of three lots from locality Monopterus javanensis Lacepede, Monopterus no. 60, Trinidad (BMNH 1866.4.25:9), represent javanicus Lacepede, and even Monopterus fluta specimens of Ophisternon aenigmaticum. All (no authority cited) have all been used by various other localities cited in South America north to workers for what was generally accepted by and including Honduras represent S. marmoratus. ichthyologists as the same taxon. This problem is All other Guatemalan, Mexican, and Cuban local- further complicated because we now suspect that ities represent Ophisternon aenigmaticum. It is two taxa, one occurring in China, the other with apparent therefore that the two species occur a more southerly distribution (including Java, the together in Atlantic drainages of southern locality of Lacepede's Monopterus javanensis), Mexico (Oaxaca and Tabasco), and in north- may be represented among material assigned to eastern South America. M. alba. Range. Argentina north in Atlantic drainages The confusion over the correct generic name of South America, and on both slopes of Central stems partly from a widely held belief (see for America to Pacific slope Guatemala and Oaxaca example Cantor, 1849; Jordan, 1917) that Lace- and Tabasco, Mexico. pede (1800) used only the vernacular name "monoptere javanais" when first describing Synbranchus madeirae Rosen and Rumney Monopterus, and that Dumeril's (1806) latiniza- Synbranchus madeirae Rosen and Rumney, 1972 tion of this name (that is, its validation) was pre- (Rio Madeira, Bolivian Amazon). dated by Bloch and Schneider's (1801) descrip- tion of Fluta javanensis, a species based on Lace- Remarks. All specimens except the holotype pede's taxon. Further confusion arose from Jor- cited in Rosen and Rumney (1972) have been dan's (1919) contention that Monopterus was a restudied. junior homonym ofMonopteros Volta, 1796 and Range. Rio Madeira, Bolivian Amazon. "is thus preoccupied and must give way to FLUTA Bloch and Schneider (1801)." GENUS MONOPTERUS LACEPEDE Our resolution of this problem is as follows. Although Lacepede (1800) does refer to his fish Monopterus Lacepede, 1800 (type species by as "monoptere javanais" he also used the latin- subsequent designation, Muraena alba Zuiew). ized version Monopterus javanensis on two occa- Fluta Bloch and Schneider, 1801 (type species sions in the same work, once on page 138 and by monotypy Monopterus javanensis Lace- pede). again on page 139. Thus, Lac6pede (1800) is Swainson, 1839 (type species by clearly the author of the name Monopterus, and monotypy, Unibranchapertura cuchia Hamil- Bloch and Schneider's (1801) name Fluta is a ton; used as a replacement name in the com- junior objective synonym. Jordan's (1919) rejec- bination 0. punctata Swainson). tion of Monopterus as a junior homonym of Amphipnous Muller, 1841 (type species by Volta's Monopteros is not acceptable under Rule monotypy, Unibranchapertura cuchia Hamil- 56 (a), (one-letter difference), of the current ton). Intemational Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Ophiocardia M'Clelland, 1845 (type species by We therefore acceptMonopterus Lacepede, 1800 monotypy, 0. phyariana M'Cleiland). Pneumabranchus M'Clelland, 1845 (type species as the valid name for this genus. by monotypy, P. striatus M'Clelland). The question of what species constitutes the Apterigia Basilewski, 1855 (type species by type species of Monopterus is also somewhat original designation, A. saccogularis Basilew- confused. ski). It is clear from the literature that both Mon- Typhlosynbranchus Pellegrin, 1922 (type species opterus javanensis Lacepede, and Muraena alba by original designation, T. boueti Pellegrin). Zuiew (1793) are thought to have this status. 1976 ROSEN AND GREENWOOD: SYNBRANCHIFORM FISHES 57

However, Jordan (1919) designated Zuiew's Mu- Ahl, 1789; see Jordan, 1923 and Norman, 1966) raena alba as the type of Fluta Bloch and Schnei- is widely used for a genus of true eels (Anguilli- der (a replacement name for Monopterus Lace- formes). pede, see above), and we can see no reason for Thus, pending the outcome of any necessary not accepting his decision. Zuiew's figure and application to the International Commission for description of Muraena alba clearly show the fish Zoological Nomenclature requesting the suppres- to be a synbranchid, although it is not possible to sion of Ophichthys Swainson, 1839, on these tell whether it is a species of Monopterus or one grounds, the name Amphipnous Muller, 1841, of Ophistenon (nor, for that matter, can one be should be used for any future subdivision of the certain about the generic identity of Lacepede's group recognized here as Monopterus, which in- javanensis). Since the type specimens of neither cludes cuchia and its related species. alba nor javanensis are still in existence, we con- sider it in the best interests of nomenclatural Monopterus albus (Zuiew) stability to accept that Zuiew's alba is a member of the genus Muraena alba Zuiew, 1793 (type locality pre- currently recognized as Monopterus. sumed to be Asiatic Russia). It seems likely that Zuiew's specimen came from Monopterus javanensis Lacepede, 1800 (Islands Asiatic Russia (Nichols, 1943). of Java). The generic name Amphipnous of Muller Monopterus javanicus Shaw, 1803 (lapsus for (1841) is usually associated with the taxon we javanensis). recognize as Monopterus cuchia (type Unibranch- Unibranchapertura laevis Lacepede, 1803 apertura cuchia Hamilton, 1822). Norman (China). (1966), however, purported to show that the cur- Synbranchus grammicus Cantor, 1842 (Chusan, rent name should be Cuchia, citing for this China). change Taylor, 1831. We do Nor- Monopterus xanthognathus Richardson, 1845 not agree with (Canton, China). man because in our opinion Taylor uses the term Monopterus cinereus Richardson, 1845 (Woo- "Cuchia" as a vernacular name (as indeed does sung, China). Hamilton, on occasion, in the original description Ophiocardia phyariana M'Clelland, 1845 (Ben- of the taxon). Throughout his account of the gal). species, Taylor always prefixes the word Monopterus helvolus Richardson, 1846 (name "Cuchia" with the definitive article (and no- based on Chinese paintings from Canton). where uses "Cuchia" in binomial combination). Monopterus marmoratus Richardson, 1846 Since "Cuchia" is, according to Hamilton, a (Chusan, China). native name for the fish in question and because Apterigia saccogularis Basilewski, 1855 (North Taylor worked in India, this usage would be China). Apterigia nigromaculata Basilewski, 1855 (Pe- natural to him. king, China). Muller's (1841) definition of Amphipnous for Apterigia immaculata Basilewski, 1855 (North Unibranchapertura cuchia is precise and his rea- China). sons for separating this species from Unibranch- apertura are unequivocal. Remarks. See above, nomenclatural notes Unfortunately the matter does not rest here. under the synonymy ofMonopterus. Swainson (1839) created without explanation Among the abundant samples examined, three the genus Ophichthys for Hamilton's U cuchia, from Yunnan, China (AMNH 7039, 7050, at the same time replacing cuchia by punctatus 10248), include four specimens (326 mm. and (presumably because, as Swainson makes clear in 340 mm. in length) which have a distinctive com- the introduction to his book, he found Hamil- bination of lower jaw and dorsal gill arch charac- ton's barbaric names offensive). We can find no ters: the coronoid process on the articular bone technical reason why Swainson's name should is very low, almost absent, the first epibranchial not have been used, although to do so would bone is wider and more robust than in other have created considerable confusion because the samples, and the interarcual bone is reduced and name Ophichthys (an emendation of Ophichtus of variable shape (cf. figs. 64, 65 and 38, 39). 58 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 157

These four specimens, along with other northern 10251, 32406, 32407), Anhwei (AMNH 10239), Chinese samples, were assigned by Nichols Shansi (AMNH 10245), Hainan (AMNH 10240), (1943) to Richardson's cinereus (as a subspecies Yunnan (AMNH 7039, 7050, 10248); Burma of albus), and separated from members of more (AMNH 13758); Vietnam (USNM uncatalogued); southerly Chinese populations on the basis of av- Java (AMNH 8934, 8935 and several lots of un- erage differences in tail length, eye size, colora- catalogued specimens from BMNH); Okinawa tion, and head shape. A comparison of AMNH (AMNH 17299). 7039, 7050, and 10248 with other lots assigned Range. , Indo-Malayan Archi- by Nichols to cinereus failed to uncover the pelago, eastem Asia north to Japan. Monopterus peculiar lower jaw and gill arch features else- albus is not reported from the Philippines or New where. The possibility, therefore, exists that the Guinea, but does occur in Sulewesi (Celebes). Its Yunnan sample represents a distinct form, and westernmost limits are in northeastern India. that other identifiable populations may exist Lake (1971) remarked that M. albus was prob- within the extensive range of this taxon. It is ably introduced into Australia where it was taken probable, however, that neither of Richardson's in Queensland but it may be native there. names cinereus and xanthognathus, nor Cantor's grammicus, apply to the Yunnan specimens since all of Richardson's and Cantor's material came Monopterus "indicus" Eapen from more easterly localities, and because all of Monopterus indicus Eapen, 1963 (Kottayam, the specimens examined by us from east of Kerala State, India). Yunnan have dorsal gill arch and lower jaw struc- tures typical of albus from throughout its range. Remarks. No material seen. Material. China, Fukien (AMNH 7033, 10246, Range. Kerala State, India.


- 3

EPB-1 EPB -2 FIG. 64. Dorsal gill arch skeleton of Monopterus "albus," AMNH 7039, from Yunnan Province, China. Dorsal view, left side. Note absence of second pharyngobranchial. 1976 ROSEN AND GREENWOOD: SYNBRANCHIFORM FISHES 59

FIG. 65. Dorsal gill arch skeleton of Monopterus "albus," specimen as in figure 64. Dorsal view, right side. Note presence of second pharyngobranchial and form of first epibranchial. The first epibranchial in Yunnan specimens tends to be of irregular shape and the second pharyngobranchial is unilaterally or bilaterally absent.

Monopterus boueti (Pellegrin) cies, to which we have nothing to add, except to Typhlosynbranchus boueti Pellegrin, 1922 (Mon- note their misspelling of Pneumabranchus (mis- Liberia). spelled Pneumobranchus). See also comments rovia, above under the synonymy of Monopterus, and Remarks. Material examined, seven specimens footnote, page 1320, of Cantor (1842). from Sierra Leone, 5 miles east of Bo, USNM Five specimens were examined, all from India 240702-F77 (208875) and AMNH 32411. Al- (AMNH 33000; BMNH 1858.8.15:115; BMNH though virtually eyeless and pale in color, this 1859.5.7:50; BMNH 1889.2.1:2723; MCZ species apparently lives in mud holes in swamps, 25694), and ranging in size from about 20 cm. to not in caves, according to ecological data accom- over 50 cm. panying our specimens. Range. Northem and northeastern India, Pak- Range. Sierra Leone and Monrovia, Liberia istan, Nepal, and Burma. (the type locality). Monopterus fossorius (Nayar) Monopterus cuchia (Hamilton) Amphipnous fossorius Nayar, 1952 (near Kara- Unibranchapertura cuchia Hamilton, 1822 manai River, Trivandrum, Travancore State, (southeast parts of Bengal). India). Remarks. Silas and Dawson (196 1) gave a very Remarks. Two small specimens were available, complete and annotated synonymy of this spe- 7 and 13 cm. (BMNH 1962.2.14:6-7). 60 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 157

A D E F G H J K L M N 0


----30 ---29


| | ^ _ _ ------24

* ____-22__.2~~~13__-- | t"_ _.._..2...... 16-_ _ $_ _ _ _ _--284 -)2 -2~~~~6 .2~~~~~~5 *.______._------16 a U U U

------.1 a U a .-6 a - a ______-----5

---___-___ __---______-- ___--_----- 3 _.._...._....__...._--- 1


Range. Travancore State, extreme south- rate identification. We, ourselves, continued to western India. experience a measure of uncertainty in identifica- tion of species during the work that was only Monopterus indicus (Silas and Dawson) removed completely after detailed anatomical study. Diagnostic external characters, as noted Amphipnous indicus Silas and Dawson, 1961 above, are few indeed, and these exhibit a con- (Robbers Cave, Mahableshwar, Satara District, fusing variability between individuals of differ- Maharashtra State, India). ent, and in some cases, even the same, popula- tions. Small individuals especially are difficult to Remarks. Material seen: a single specimen assign when two or more species are known to be from the type series. in the same region. Radiographs will frequently Range. Maharashtra (Bombay) State, western serve in place of elaborate dissections for discern- India. ing the larger bony features such as the position of the shoulder girdle and its relation to the KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES skull. The key provides in condensed form what we The reader will find many parts of the have learned about the anatomy of synbranchid following key difficult to use because we have fishes. The shared derived characters (syna- included anatomical characters that require elab- pomorphies) that provide the basis of all but the orate dissections to uncover. We can only assure first dichotomy (between the Macrotreminae and the reader that the effort needed to find these Synbranchinae) form the basis of the cladogram features is worthwhile in the interests of accu- of relationships shown in figures 66 and 67. The

FIG. 66. Phylogeny of the Synbranchidae based on 31 principal synapomorphies. Main branch points indicated by Roman numerals. Derived characters defining individual taxa (A, L, M) or groups (B-G; H,I; J,K) are given in text and key. The questionable nature of characters 18 and 19 is discussed in text, and see figure 67. Taxa (solid circles): A, Macrotrema caligans; B, Ophisternon afrum; C, 0. aenigmaticum; D, 0. bengalense; E, 0. gutturale; F, 0. candidum; G, 0. infernale; H, Synbranchus madeirae; I, S. marmoratus; J, Monopterus albus; K, M. "indicus"; L, M. boueti; M, M. indicus; N, M. fossorius; 0, M. cuchia. Synapomorphies: 1, body eel-like with numerous vertebrae (never fewer than 98 total and 51 abdominal); 2, no paired fins in adults and no pelvic girdle or scapulocoracoid; 3, dorsal and anal fins represented by rayless folds and caudal fin greatly reduced or absent; 4, gill membranes united and continuous around isthmus; 5, scales absent, or reduced and confined to caudal region; 6, region between prootic and posterior wall of orbit greatly expanded anteroposteriorly; 7, frontal and basisphenoid united and forming posterior articulation for palatoquadrate; 8, first vertebra with articular plug and lateral flanges; 9, basihyal ankylosed with first basibranchial; 10, enlarged and ossified interarcual cartilage between first epibranchial and second pharyngobranchial; 1 1, first pha- ryngobranchial absent and second pharyngobranchial reduced to tiny rod or ossicle, or absent; 12, heart posterior, ventral aorta originating from level of ninth to twentieth vertebra; 13, atrium of heart with large auriculae cordis; 14, right internal jugular vein reduced or absent; 15, gill opening confined to ventral surface of head; 16, caudal fin, when present, with fewer than 7 rays and not separated by a notch from the dorsal and anal fin folds; 17, posterior nares medial to eyes; 18, branchiostegals with distal half poorly ossified or absent; 19, first epibranchial without a deep notch for ossified interarcual cartilage; 20, upper lip jowilike, not swollen and separated from snout region by a groove; 21, gills, when present, reduced to single row of filaments or to thin ridge of tissue on first to third arches; 22, efferent and afferent arteries of fourth gill arch together forming a single continuous vessel; 23, second and third basibranchials greatly reduced or absent; 24, first ceratobranchial not articulating with first hypobranchial; 25, tissue of gill opening internally attached to isthmus; 26, second basibranchial present but reduced, posteriorly acuminate, and interlocked with first basibranchial+basihyal; 27, first ceratobranchial more closely associated with second than with first arch; 28, efferent and afferent arteries of first three gill arches continuous, not joining radix aortae, third and fourth branchial vessels with common stem from ventral aorta, and internal carotid arising from second rather than first gill arch; 29, first epibranchial, interarcual cartilage, and second pharyngobranchial absent; 30, paired suprabranchial pouches (respiratory organs) present; 31, skin of branchial region on ventral side of head drawn into longitudinal folds. 62 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 157 A B C *vEVTD E F G H I K L Mw.E~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~N 1 976 ROSEN AND GREENWOOD: SYNBRANCHIFORM FISHES 63 derived characters uniting the two subfamilies are b. Efferent (dorsal) branchial arteries given in the family diagnosis, above, and are of the first and third gill arches not noted in the figure caption. All other groups of joining paired lateral aortae, but synapomorphous features are identified by the emptying into median sinus in buc- appropriate code letters, or combination of code copharyngeal epithelium; west letters, that make up the hierarchical structure of Africa ...... Ophisternon afrum the key. bb. Efferent (dorsal) branchial arteries The key is dichotomized along phylogenetic of gill arches one to four joining lines, except within the genus Ophisternon where paired lateral aortae (as in basic the interrelationships of most of the species are teleost condition) ...... c. unknown. Characters primitive for the family are c. Neurocranium relatively broad, italicized. its greatest width across the otic A. Gill membrane extending up along side of region 40 percent of its length head to above horizontal septum; small from supraoccipital to dermal caudal fin with nine to 14 rays present and ethmoid; posterodorsal aspect of separated by notch from dorsal and anal fin maxilla without an angulate folds; posterior nares anterior to eye; hyper- prominence; northeastern South trophied left internal jugular vein closely America, Atlantic slope of Guate- applied to anterior cardinal vein ...... mala and Mexico, and Cuba...... Macrotreminae, ....Ophisternon aenigmaticum with a single species, Macrotrema caligans cc. Neurocranium relatively narrow, from Malaysia ...... its greatest width across the otic AA. Gill opening confined to the ventral surface region about 30 percent of its of the head as a slit or pore; caudal fin length from supraoccipital to greatly reduced or absent, when present dermal ethmoid; posterodorsal with seven or fewer rays and not separated aspect of maxilla with a distinctly from dorsal and anal fin folds by a notch; angulate prominence...... d. posterior nares medial to eye; left internal d. Distance from center of eye jugular vein not hypertrophied or applied to to bony snout 37 to 50 per-

anterior cardinal...... Synbranchinae cent of distance from bony B. Gill opening a simple crescentic trans- snout to corner of gape of verse fold free from the isthmus and mouth; caudal vertebrae 49 to occupying one-half to one-third of ven- 61; Indo-Malayan...... tral surface of head; eye on or anterior to ... Ophisternon bengalense a vertical through upper lip; six or seven dd. Distance from center of eye branchiostegals, well ossified to their tips to bony snout 59 to 67 per- at all sizes, and extending backward cent of distance from bony beyond ventral tip of cleithrum; first snout to corner of gape of epibranchial wide-based and with a deep mouth; caudal vertebrae 30 notch posteriorly for an interarcual bone to 40; northern Australia . . .

connecting the first and second dorsal ...... Ophisternon gutturale gill arch elements; shoulder girdle con- aa. Body with little or no visible surface nected to skull by forked posttemporal pigment, white or amber in color; eyes bone; articular bone of lower jaw with a reduced, barely visible through skin; dorsal coronoid prominence in the form vent near center, or in anterior half of of an equilateral triangle. . . Ophisternon body; abdominal vertebrae equal in a. Body well pigmented; eyes visible number to, or less numerous than, through skin; vent in posterior part of caudal vertebrae; body whiplike; body; abdominal vertebrae more nu- cavernicolous...... e. merous than caudal vertebrae; body e. Abdominal vertebrae 51 to robust, not whiplike; epigean .... . b. 54, caudal vertebrae 109 to FIG. 67. Alternative phylogeny of the Synbranchidae in which branch points II and III are joined and considered to form parts of an unresolved trichotomy. This construction considers characters 18 and 19 in figure 66 to be unacceptable. Both constructions show taxa B-G (Ophisternon) forming an unresolved polychotomy. 64 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 157

111; basihyal fused with length; neural spines of abdominal first basibranchial; North region long and slender, longer than West Cape, Western Aus- the distance between any two

tralia ...... succeeding spines; parietal bones Ophisternon candidum rounded anteriorly; supernumerary ee. Abdominal vertebrae about efferent (dorsal) branchial arteries 67, caudal vertebrae about on first two gill arches emptying 72; basihyal not fused with into a median sinus within the buc- first basibranchial; Yucatan copharyngeal epithelium; Rio Peninsula, Mexico ...... Madeira, Bolivia......

. madeirae ...... Ophisternon infernale ...... Synbranchus BB. Gill opening porelike and flanked by aa. Body coloration speckled or deep folds, or of variable size, obtusely blotched; caudal peduncle 23 to 34 triangular or crescentic and internally percent of total length; neural spines attached to isthmus; eye on or posterior of abdominal region short and stout, to a vertical through upper lip; bran- not longer than the distance between chiostegals four to six, not extending any two succeeding spines; parietal back to cleithral symphysis or, when bones rectangular anteriorly or extending back to cleithra, with the distinctly squared off in examples distal half of each ray -much less well more than 200 mm.; branchial ossified than proximal part in specimens arteries normal, without super- over 150 mm. and little if at all ossified numerary elements, the efferent in specimens under 150 mm. in total vessels emptying into paired lateral length; first epibranchial without a deep aortae; Argentina north to Pacific notch for interarcual bone; shoulder slope of Guatemala......

girdle connected to skull or not; articular ...... Synbranchus marmoratus bone of lower jaw without a distinct CC. Gill opening triangular or crescentic, coronoid prominence or with a specialized without lateral folds, and internally coronoid process that is wider at the tip attached to isthmus; upper lip jowl- than at the base, set off sharply from the like, without a separate or swollen dorsal edge of the articular, and sloped fold; gills, when present, reduced to

forward ...... C single row of filaments on arches one C. Gill opening porelike and flanked by to three, or represented by a thin deep folds and free from isthmus; a ridge of tissue; branchial vascular distinct, somewhat swollen upper lip system with efferent and afferent fold present; holobranchs well arteries of the fourth gill arch joined developed on four arches; branchial to form single continuous vessel that vascular system normal, with the merges dorsomedially with its counter- efferent arteries joining paired lateral part to form an unpaired dorsal aortae; in the ventral gill arch skeleton, aorta; in ventral gill arch skeleton basibranchials two and three present basibranchials greatly reduced or and well developed, and first cerato- absent in most cases, and first cerato- branchials in the same plane as and branchials displaced medially and not articulating with the first hypo- articulating with the first hypobran- branchials; in the dorsal gill arch chials; in dorsal gill arch skeleton, skeleton, second pharyngobranchials, second pharyngobranchial, when when present (in most cases), directed present, not directed anteromedially; anteromedially and not parallel with Old World..... Monopterus the long axis of the second epibran- a. In ventral gill arch skeleton, basi- chial; neotropical ..... Synbranchus branchials two and three reduced a. Body coloration gray or clouded, to tiny nodules or absent (in with a broad, pale band middorsally most cases), the medially dis- bordered by slender dark lines and placed first ceratobranchial more a series of whitish spots; caudal closely associated with first than peduncle 35 to 37 percent of total with second branchial arch; in 1976 ROSEN AND GREENWOOD: SYNBRANCHIFORM FISHES 65

dorsal gill arch skeleton, inter- esses absent on epibranchials arcual bone between first and three and four; in branchial second arches articulating antero- vascular system, efferent and laterally with a raised process at afferent vessels of first three midpoint on first epibranchial, gill arches continuous and not and uncinate processes present joining radix aortae, third and and well developed on epibran- fourth branchial vessels with chials three and four; in bran- common stem from ventral chial vascular system, efferent aorta, and internal carotid and afferent vessels of first three artery arising from second arch; gill arches separate and with without a coronoid prominence efferent vessels joining radix on articular bone...... c. aortae, third and fourth bran- c. Gill opening minute and tri- chial vessels arising separately angular, occupying only a from ventral aorta, and internal fourth to a third of the ven- carotid artery arising from first tral surface behind the head; arch; coronoid process of articu- eyes greatly reduced and lar bone slender, narrow-based, sunken below surface skin; of angular form in most cases head gibbous; in dorsal gill (squared off dorsally), and of arch skeleton, first epibran- variable height ...... b. chial, interarcual bone, and b. Body robust, not whiplike; second pharyngobranchial ventral gill opening triangular; present, the latter element 88 to 102 abdominal and 45 long and tubular and directed to 74 caudal vertebrae; posteromedially; no supra- epigean; Indo-Australian branchial pouches; bran- archipelago, China and Japan chiostegals four; body slender

...... Monopterus albus and whiplike, without scales; bb.1 Body slender and whiplike; with 140 to 144 abdominal gill opening crescentic; about and 39 to 45 caudal vertebrae; 135 abdominal and 24 caudal swamp dwelling; west African vertebrae; cavernicolous; ...... Monopterus boueti extreme southwestern India cc. Gill opening crescentic, Monopterus "indicus" Eapen occupying most of ventral aa. In ventral gill arch skeleton, basi- region behind head, and branchial two reduced and divided into a pair of porelike acuminate posteriorly, basibran- lateral apertures by a broad, chial three reduced to a tiny midventral fusion between the nodule or absent (in most cases), branchiostegal membrane and and medially displaced first the isthmus; head not gibbous; ceratobranchial more closely in dorsal gill arch skeleton, associated with second than with first epibranchial, the inter- first branchial arch; in dorsal gill arcual bone, and second pha- arch skeleton, first epibranchial, ryngobranchial absent; large when present, with only a and paired suprabranchial vestige of a notch for articulation pouches (respiratory organs) with the interarcual bone, and present; branchiostegals five without a bony process or or six; body robust, not whip- prominence, and uncinate proc- like, with scales present poste- riorly; with 73 to 112 'We have not seen specimens of "indicus" Eapen for abdominal and 42 to 70 comparison with other forms of Monopterus, but we are caudal vertebrae; swamp and predicting that, if valid, it will be most closely related to stream fishes ...... d. albus and will, of course, require a replacement name as d. Skin of branchial region a junior homonym of indicus (Silas and Dawson). of ventral side of head 66 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 157

drawn into shallow longi- laterally on jaws uni- tudinal folds; in gill arch serial; with 99 to 112 skeleton, epibranchials abdominal and 55 to two and three delicate, rod- 70 caudal vertebrae; like; near Bombay, India. northern and north- Monopterus indicus (Silas eastern India, Pakistan, and Dawson) Nepal, Burma ...... dd. Skin of branchial region of . . .Monopterus cuchia ventral side of head drawn ee. Teeth on palate and into deep longitudinal laterally on jaws bi- folds; in gill arch skeleton, serial; with 73 to 76 epibranchial two short and abdominal and 45 to wide-based, broadly tri- 56 caudal vertebrae; angular, epibranchial three extreme southwestern a stout rod as robust as India ...... that of fourth arch. . . . e. . Monopterus fossorius e. Teeth on palate and

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