This is a repository copy of Definitions of Role-Playing Games. White Rose Research Online URL for this paper: Version: Accepted Version Book Section: Zagal, José P. and Deterding, Christoph Sebastian (2018) Definitions of Role-Playing Games. In: Zagal, José P. and Deterding, Sebastian, (eds.) Role-Playing Game Studies. Routledge , pp. 19-52. Reuse ["licenses_typename_other" not defined] Takedown If you consider content in White Rose Research Online to be in breach of UK law, please notify us by emailing
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[email protected] 2 Definitions of “Role-Playing Games” José P. Zagal; Sebastian Deterding For some, defining “game” is a hopeless task (Parlett 1999). For others, the very idea that one could capture the meaning of a word in a list of defining features is flawed, because language and meaning-making do not work that way (Wittgenstein 1963). Still, we use the word “game” every day and, generally, understand each other when we do so. Among game scholars and professionals, we debate “game” definitions with fervor and sophistication. And yet, while we usually agree with some on some aspects, we never seem to agree with everyone on all. At most, we agree on what we disagree about – that is, what disagreements we consider important for understanding and defining “games” (Stenros 2014). What is true for “games” holds doubly for “role-playing games”. In fact, role-playing games (RPGs) are maybe the most contentious game phenomenon: the exception, the outlier, the not-quite-a-game game.