Re-Introduction of the Red-Necked Ostrich, Struthio Camelus Camelus
\ -20~- c'ol Re-introduction of the Red-necked Ostrich, Slrlllltio camelllS ,·umeills, in Mahazat as-Sayd Protected Area in central Saudi Arabia by M. Za ra r- ullslam, Kha iri Ismail and Ahmed Boug Ab ....... 1. As the Arabi.n Os,rieh Slrulhio c~me/... ,yr;","US. ' distinct .ubspccics. became c."i"", in the wild duri"ll the mid.20'" ..... tury. the rrx>$t d<>s<ly rdated ""OOpcci ••• S. c. ro"",/", OCOur_ ring in ""nh...,as'em Afric •• N. been oboson for ... introducti"" in'o Saud i Arabi •. A fow indi viduals of this Red·necked Ostrich " ..,," obtained from Sudan in 1988.89 from • mv",e collec_ 'i"" ••r><! in 1994 I fow birds "'ore tnI",loe",ed to M.h",.3' as·Sayd Prot<:<Ied Area into a 2S hII fenced """los""" So far 0 1",.1 of % Red·noded Ostrichc$ has been '01 ....d into the f.nccd M. Ita""t , •• Sayd.nd the ..,imated 1'01>",.,..", is bet",,,,," 125 and 15() individuab. Since <apli,'c fioek' of Ostricll,,, ,,= ,ransl()t:ated to Maltazat. .urvi,'.1 ",te i"""'• ....J by ~41 % up to the end of2000. On an ",'c",1!" 22-30 chick, ore h.tched ,nnually. A 'Olal of 137 Ostriches "'os re oorded dead oycr 'he period of 13 )".rs during ttle drought period. Both captiyc·brcd.nd ",i1d· b<>m .dults and )'OU"ll died of ".,,'ation and 'hirst. despite being provisi""ed " 'itb . If.,f. and w'_ 'er during .."'",,,1 }".rs, t.: O)' ,,·ord •. Red·necked Ostrich. "'introdUC1ioo. Mahaza, a$.Sayd Proteclcd A", •• Saudi Arabi •• drought.
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