Congressional Record—House H8483
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September 22, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8483 revise and extend their remarks and in- ice of the United States Armed Forces of the Far SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS.—Receipt of a pay- clude extraneous material on House East on July 26, 1941, by an executive order of ment under this section shall not affect the eli- Resolution 1287. President Franklin D. Roosevelt. gibility of an individual residing outside the (4) Even after hostilities had ceased, wartime The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there United States to receive benefits under title VIII service of the new Philippine Scouts continued of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1001 et seq.) objection to the request of the gen- as a matter of law until the end of 1946, and the or the amount of such benefits. tleman from California? force gradually disbanded and was disestab- (g) RELEASE.— There was no objection. lished in 1950. (1) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in para- Mr. FILNER. Madam Speaker, I yield (5) Filipino veterans who were granted bene- graph (2), the acceptance by an eligible person myself such time as I may consume. fits prior to the enactment of the so-called Re- of a payment under this section shall be final, In conclusion, maybe as a segue to a scissions Acts of 1946 (Public Laws 79–301 and and shall constitute a complete release of any 79–391) currently receive full benefits under laws claim against the United States by reason of bill we have in a couple minutes, this is administered by the Secretary of Veterans Af- a memorial to World War II veterans. any service described in subsection (c). fairs, but under section 107 of title 38, United (2) PAYMENT OF PREVIOUSLY AWARDED BENE- For over 62 years, the Filipinos, who States Code, the service of certain other Filipino FITS.—Nothing in this section shall prohibit a were drafted to fight in World War II veterans is deemed not to be active service for person from receiving any benefit to which the and helped us win the battle in the Pa- purposes of such laws. person is entitled based on a claim for which cific, have not been granted the rights (6) These other Filipino veterans only receive benefits are awarded before the date of the en- and benefits of being veterans of our certain benefits under title 38, United States actment of this Act. Code, and, depending on where they legally re- (h) REPORTS.—The Secretary shall include, in Nation. They played a very important side, are paid such benefit amounts at reduced role, slowing up the Japanese advance, documents submitted to Congress by the Sec- rates. retary in support of the President’s budget for harassing them so that MacArthur (7) The benefits such veterans receive include each fiscal year in which payments are made could return, and continuing to help us service-connected compensation benefits paid from the compensation fund under this section, fight the battle of the Pacific. We under chapter 11 of title 38, United States Code, detailed information on the operation of the would not have won the battle in the dependency indemnity compensation survivor compensation fund, including the number of ap- Pacific as quickly as we did were it not benefits paid under chapter 13 of title 38, United plicants, the number of eligible persons receiving for our Filipino World War II veterans. States Code, and burial benefits under chapters benefits, the amounts paid out of the compensa- 23 and 24 of title 38, United States Code, and tion fund, and the administration of the com- I just want to say for the record that such benefits are paid to beneficiaries at the I and millions of people around the pensation fund. rate of $0.50 per dollar authorized, unless they (i) REGULATIONS.—Not later than 90 days country regard this World War II Me- lawfully reside in the United States. after the date of the enactment of this Act, the (8) Dependents’ educational assistance under morial on the Mall as also commemo- Secretary shall prescribe regulations to carry chapter 35 of title 38, United States Code, is also rating the contributions of the Fili- out this section. payable for the dependents of such veterans at pinos who fought by our side in World (j) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATION.—There the rate of $0.50 per dollar authorized, regard- War II. is authorized to be appropriated to the com- less of the veterans’ residency. I yield back the balance of my time. pensation fund $198,000,000, to remain available SEC. 3. PAYMENTS TO ELIGIBLE PERSONS WHO until expended, to make payments under this The SPEAKER pro tempore. The SERVED IN THE PHILIPPINES DUR- section. question is on the motion offered by ING WORLD WAR II. the gentleman from California (Mr. (a) COMPENSATION FUND.— The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- (1) IN GENERAL.—There is in the general fund FILNER) that the House suspend the ant to the rule, the gentleman from of the Treasury a fund to be known as the ‘‘Fil- California (Mr. FILNER) and the gen- rules and agree to the resolution, H. ipino Veterans Equity Compensation Fund’’ (in tleman from Florida (Mr. STEARNS) Res. 1287. this section referred to as the ‘‘compensation The question was taken; and (two- fund’’). each will control 20 minutes. thirds being in the affirmative) the (2) AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS.—Subject to the The Chair recognizes the gentleman rules were suspended and the resolu- availability of appropriations for such purpose, from California. tion was agreed to. amounts in the fund shall be available to the Mr. FILNER. Madam Speaker, I yield A motion to reconsider was laid on Secretary of Veterans Affairs without fiscal year myself such time as I may consume. the table. limitation to make payments to eligible persons in accordance with this section. b 1215 f (b) PAYMENTS.—During the one-year period Madam Speaker, this bill, rights a beginning on the date of the enactment of this wrong that has existed for more than 60 FILIPINO VETERANS EQUITY ACT Act, the Secretary shall make a payment to an OF 2008 eligible person who, during such period, submits years. Filipino servicemembers played a critical role in the United States’ vic- Mr. FILNER. Madam Speaker, I to the Secretary an application containing such tory in the Pacific during World War move to suspend the rules and pass the information and assurances as the Secretary may require. II. bill (H.R. 6897) to authorize the Sec- (c) ELIGIBLE PERSONS.—An eligible person is They exhibited great courage, as we retary of Veterans Affairs to make cer- any person who served— all know, in the epic battles of Bataan tain payments to eligible persons who (1) before July 1, 1946, in the organized mili- and Corregidor. Many died in the fa- served in the Philippines during World tary forces of the Government of the Common- mous Bataan Death March. Those who War II, as amended. wealth of the Philippines, while such forces survived, and others who escaped, con- The Clerk read the title of the bill. were in the service of the Armed Forces of the tinued to harass the Japanese as gue- The text of the bill is as follows: United States pursuant to the military order of the President dated July 26, 1941, including rilla units. When MacArthur returned, H.R. 6897 among such military forces organized guerrilla they joined in the victory of the re- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- forces under commanders appointed, designated, taking of the Philippines. resentatives of the United States of America in or subsequently recognized by the Commander This bill would provide a one-time Congress assembled, in Chief, Southwest Pacific Area, or other com- petent authority in the Army of the United payment to the courageous Filipino SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. soldiers who fought side-by-side with This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Filipino Vet- States; or erans Equity Act of 2008’’. (2) in the Philippine Scouts under section 14 American GIs. There is no disputing of the Armed Forces Voluntary Recruitment Act the valiant service that these men pro- SEC. 2. FINDINGS. of 1945 (59 Stat. 538). Congress makes the following findings: vided in the Pacific. (d) PAYMENT AMOUNTS.—Each payment under Unfortunately, during a less-than- (1) The Philippine islands became a United this section shall be— States possession in 1898 when they were ceded (1) in the case of an eligible person who is not noble moment in our history, Congress from Spain following the Spanish-American a citizen of the United States, in the amount of passed the Rescission Acts of 1946, War. $9,000; and which stripped them of their veteran (2) During World War II, Filipinos served in a (2) in the case of an eligible person who is a status and denied them the right of variety of units, some of which came under the citizen of the United States, in the amount of any benefit. While some veteran bene- direct control of the United States Armed $15,000. fits have been restored for a few sol- Forces. (e) LIMITATION.—The Secretary may not make diers on a limited and piecemeal basis, (3) The regular Philippine Scouts, the new more than one payment under this section for Philippine Scouts, the Guerilla Services, and each person described in subsection (f). for the large majority, they have never more than 100,000 members of the Philippine (f) ELIGIBILITY OF INDIVIDUALS LIVING OUT- received a dime for their service. This Commonwealth Army were called into the serv- SIDE THE UNITED STATES ENTITLED TO CERTAIN is wrong.