Great Again Ten Tips Om Rabbi Reuven Epstein

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Great Again Ten Tips Om Rabbi Reuven Epstein בס״ד Vol. 2 Issue No. 53 february 2018 THE JEWISH Make Your Marriage Great Again Ten Tips om Rabbi Reuven Epstein AFFIRMATIVE THE SOURCE OF A Project of: ACTION OUR POWER WHY IT A RESPONSE TO +ASIAN FAVORITES DOESN'T WORK EL NUEVA DÍA FOR YOUR PURIM SEUDA JewishJewish Echo Communi | 1ty Council of Marine Park 2 | Jewish Echo Jewish Echo | 3 THE JEWISH ECHO Contents 2076 Flatbush Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11234 (718) 407-1832 6 | Editorial FAX: (718) 228-8508 [email protected] 8 | Letters to the Editor RAYLE RUBENSTEIN 10 | Community Highlights Editor in Chief MENDY RINKOFF 14 | Word on the Street Managing Editor N�� ITA YANKOVICH C�����! Proofreader 16 | Jewish World News NAOMI HAZAN Food Editor 20 | Rabbi Epstein's Top 10 PENINAH BAUMGARTEN Marriage Principles Art Director PHIL BRACH | Affi rming Racism in 26 Account Executive Affi rmative Action CONTRIBUTORS 36 | Observant Jew 42 | Business Spotlight Hadassah Avraham • Yitti Berkovic • Sandy Eller • Rabbi 38 | Halacha 48 | Ask the Therapist Jonathan Gewirtz • Naomi Hazan • Devorah Hirsch • 36 | Choose to Shine – 56 | Tablescape of the Month Hillel Kapnick • Daniel Keren • An Answer to El Nueva Día N�W! Alexander Rand • Rabbi Pinchos Shine • Rabbi Gil Student • Ita Yankovich 58 | Recipe 62 | Protecting Your Health © The Jewish Echo Published by the JCC of Marine Park. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part in any form 64 | Kid� Pa�e� without prior written permission from the publisher is prohibited. The publisher reserves • Mini Echo the right to edit all articles for clarity, space • Teen Story and editorial sensitivities. The Jewish Echo assumes no responsibility for the content of articles or advertisements 70 | JM 101 in this publication, nor for the contents of books that are referred to or excerpted herein. The Jewish Echo is a monthly publication 72 | Musings that is mailed to homes the fi rst week of every month. | Mazel Tov! 73 February 2018 - Volume 2 Issue 53 - The Jewish Echo is published 74 | Zmanim monthly by the JCC of Marine Park whose offi ces are situated at 75 | Echoes 2076 Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11234. Postage Paid in Brooklyn, NY Post Offi ces. To advertise in this publication, please call 718.407.1832 To receive this magazine by mail please email [email protected] 4 | Jewish Echo Expected luxury at an unexpected price INTRODUCING TORINO $195 | Exclusively at Borsalino stores Brooklyn: 2917 Avenue J | 718-677-0100 Lakewood: Seagull Square - 1328 River Avenue #9 | 732-886-8886 Jewish Echo | 5 EDITORIAL Dear Reader, Purim is just around the corner. We get into the excitement by discussing costumes, who the children will visit, and what we will buy to assemble for mishloach manos. I think we need to carry this theme of happiness and excitement all year long. We are all seeking happiness, fulfi llment, and satisfaction. I heard it said best from the Reader’s Digest years ago: “The city of happiness is in the state of mind.” We may not have everything we want or need, but we can choose to see it through a happy lens. I once heard the story of a rising college football star, who at the age of 16 years old was falsely accused and convicted of wrongdoing. Believing that the odds were not in his favor and fearing a life sentence, he chose to accept a plea deal of fi ve years in federal jail and fi ve years of probation. When he eventually got out of jail, he was able to clear his name by having an attorney from the Innocence Project set up an undercover meeting with the accuser, who admitted to having falsely accused him all those years ago. When asked how he overcame his anger after enduring so much pain as an innocent person, he said that a person might not be able to control others, but you can control how you internalize it, what you make of it in you, and how you process your next steps. I think this can be a great lesson for all of us. Yes, you can always blame someone else for your lack of success, for not having what you need, or for your childhood. But as someone once said, the day you stop feeling bad for yourself is the fi rst day of the rest of your life. Let us enjoy Purim and every day of the year. Warm regards, Shea Rubenstein [email protected] Shea Rubenstein is a co-founder of the Jewish Community Council of Marine Park and serves as its executive vice president. The JCCMP offers many programs to Marine Park and its surrounding communities, including youth programs, social services, and job initiatives. 6 | Jewish Echo INVITES KLAL YISROEL TO JOIN IN A SERIES OF EVENTS CULMINATING WITH THE COMPLETION OF THE HISTORIC SEFER TORAH WRITTEN IN MEMORY OF OUR LEGENDARY ROSH HAYESHIVA MOREINU HORAV CHAIM YISROEL BELSKY k"mz YAHRZEIT NEXT SUNDAY! MIAMI BEACH KSIVAS OSIYOS 8pm at TOWER 41 4101 Pinetree Drive ,hbav iurfzv ouh Special Reception with the Rosh Hayeshiva k''mz vchah atrv ka MOREINU HORAV YISROEL REISMAN t”yhka 9:00am KSIVAS OSIYOS RECEPTION CELEBRATING THE DEDICATION OF SEFER SHEMOS BY THE LEFKOWITZ FAMILY IN MEMORY OF REB YISROEL LEFKOWITZ MADISON MELAVE MALKA k"z IN CONJUNCTION WITH KSIVAS OSIYOS RECEPTION KHAL ZICHRON AVROHOM YAAKOV 8:30pm at the home of AND BAIS MEDRASH TORAH UTEFILAH DOVID & ESTHER SHURIN 1925 EAST 24TH STREET • BROOKLYN AT THE HOME OF IN CONJUNCTION WITH MR. & MRS. SHIMON LEFKOWITZ AGUDATH YISROEL OF MADISON 961 EAST 22ND STREET • BROOKLYN KOLLEL BNEI YESHIVAS • BAIS MOSHE SHMIEL KHAL NER L’MEIAH • KHAL NACHLAS DOVID 10:00am YAHRZEIT Flatbush Shabbos of Chuk YARCHEI KALLAH IN THE YESHIVA FULL ,ca dbug • ,ukhp, • ohrugha LIST OF ,hahka vsugx • lubhj hbhbgc ,uars SHULS & 'ev ubarsn ,hcc sunhku iuhg ouh DETAILS TO wo"hnrv wvchahv hatr ,up,,avc FOLLOW t"yhka rhgv hbcru vchahv ,kvbv A special day of learning l’zecher nishmas the Rosh Hayeshiva zt”l. Fascinating in-depth shiurim based on the teachings and inyonim that were dear to the Rosh Hayeshiva zt”l FRIDAY NIGHT • 8:45 PM COMMUNITY-WIDE ,ca khk dbug 10:00am ,gsn vscts thduxc ,unuen vtrn ,bfv BAIS ELUZER D’FALTICHEN 1516 EAST 24th STREET 11:00am MOTZEI SHABBOS • 8:30 PM iurfz hrcs :vjh,p FLATBUSH MELAVE MALKA HORAV SHMUEL DISHON t”yhka KSIVAS OSIYOS RECEPTION ihktyx ihkrte wktrah sh ,usxun kvbn KHAL BNEI AVROHOM YAAKOV HALL 11:20am EAST 27th ST. CORNER AVE. N ,gsn vsct ihbgc :ubhcr ,ru,n RAV DOVID GOLDSTEIN t”yhka k"mz vchah atrv ka ub,uj wt,ch,nc n"r RESERVE THE DATE FOR THIS HISTORIC EVENT! 12:00pm oufg kuahc ihbgc :ubhcr hexp (Great Opportunity for Lomdei Daf HaYomi) RAV MOSHE ELEFANT t”yhka OU ,uraf ,ekjn wr"uh idx הכנסת 12:45pm vjbn ספר תורה שנכתב לזכר נשמת הגאון הגדול ראש ישיבתינו הק׳ 11am VIP KSIVAS OSIYOS RECEPTION AT THE HOUSE OF THE ROSH HAYESHIVA ZT”L 506 EAST 7th St.(Bet. Ave. C. & Cortelyou Rd.) 1pm GRAND TORAH PROCESSION DOWN CORTELYOU RD. TO THE YESHIVA vchahv hshnk,u vchah hatr og sjh rhgv ,ucujrc vcr vjnac ohsuehru ,urhnz Followed by Seuda & Divrei Zikaron FOR MORE INFORMATION OR DEDICATIONS PLEASE CALL 718-941-8000 • [email protected] • WWW.TORAHVODAATH.ORGJewish Echo | 7 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Dear Editor, I am the one who submitted the Ask the Therapist is too cold to venture out, open the blinds, let the question in your December issue (Vol. 2, Issue 51), sun shine in, or let the kids stand by the window to and I just wanted to thank Mr. Rand. His insightful get some vitamin D. Kids can also feel down in the advice on improving communication with my husband dumps during the winter months, so try to get them was spot on. I cannot say that the issue has been fully out as much as possible. They will feel better and resolved, as our relationship is a work in progress, learn better. but our conversations have defi nitely improved. The A Teacher biggest take away from the column was when Mr. Rand mentioned that I should note at which point our conversation went awry so I can learn what works and doesn’t for future conversations. I took this advice Dear Editor, seriously and began noticing that the reason why our issues are never resolved is because I tend to bring Please allow me to vent. I feel like our family is the up complaints too quickly, without letting my husband only one left in Marine Park during winter break. unwind a bit. I also noticed that I need to bring up an My kids are complaining that everyone they know issue and leave it alone without repeating and harping is going away for their vacation except for us. I am on it incessantly, which just drove him further away. sorry, but I cannot afford, nor can I get away from Thank you, Ask the Therapist for the great tips! my job, to escape to sunny Florida or Cancun. Due to budget limitations, we cannot even go away for the Anonymous weekend, or even a night. I wish winter break could go back to what it used to be: making snowmen in the backyard, drinking cocoa with friends around the kitchen table, and just hanging out playing board Dear Editor, games or going bowling. Does anybody do that I enjoyed reading Nachman Mostofsky’s feature, anymore? Wait till Pesach comes around and my “Trump’s City of Gold.” He brings up a very valid kids discover that once again we are the only ones point.
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