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■ \ j MONDAY, APRIL 2, 1961 )URTEE1? Tha Weather IttantIjPBtfr ^ntning fim lii Avtnicc Daily Nat Pnaa Rm Fereea«t of t . 8. Wcatkor Bataaa F ar the Weatf K a M . row at > pjB. in' Waddell Sehool Halps Yen Ovareema M areaiLU tt Clear, eoW with fiqst toolglit Articlss of clothing and towels at a public hearing bafora the left after the Boy Scout swim meat Schoolmen board of dirertoin^ sad board of FALSE TCETH Low 25 to SO,- Wednetday neatly Al^ut Town Frlddy at Manchester High School education. I 13,559 suimy and milder. High la ON, poor, may He claimed by calling the Generi^ Manager Riohard Mar­ Leocanast aad Warry ..... Mawiltor of Andtt home of Charles Baxter, 34 Olcott PrepPTAs tin is recommending that the NoTunser be enaored or reel lU-st- Maxwiiai’et GInidittlea ManchesUr^A City of ViUage Charm The F«U«wcrftft Club of M«n- sebool budget be cut by 3277,469. eue becmuie ot looee; wobb^r Wso tit6fltor‘L

• i' ?S;k . v;: . KANCHBSTBB EVfiNlKG HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1961 PAGE THREE TWO aCANCHfiSTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^, TUESDAY, APRIL, 8, 1962 ’ •Am tonbury, claimed that- the icy con­ frontsga of UO feet. However, be­ FoMr.^BinlR! Iig }it Mem Blames Road dition of -the toad in front of 188 FOR RENT fore the sale to Burnham Esmes, I2th Circuit Bolton H i ^ r o n K Mate St. caused his ear to skid tr o v e s the extra 20 feet was aold to L. T. Katzenbach Appointed 8 add 18 mm. Movie Iteojeetwa JBIMSgS Sheinwold on In 0)v€n^ Field For Crash Cause into a car driven by Mrs. Margaret —sound hr silent, also 85 am . Wood, whose property adjoing the Kehler, of 78 Constance Dr., ^on Bumhsj^ Elstatcs lot, Coiurt Cases slide projectors. 2diie . The sale of the 20 feet was made Town Roads Playei^ Show A Olasttaibury man has noti­ March 8, at about 8 a.m. Change BINGO H mcs were fewr big blrda He said that damages to the from' an existing 80 foot lot of BBlEieE PLAYERS < D e c id e , flown, te a field M Wright's No. 2 Attorney General fied the town of damage hia WELDON DRUG. CO. MANCnESTER front end and right side of Ms car 801 Main St-^TeL BO 8-8881 record. NIGHT-+ Wins Plaudits CAN BE CLEVER *' Mol Rd. at about 8 o’clock this car aa the result of a collisionto h* Total 31 Mi. amount to 8468.M. OhRobertRd. In upholding the Burnham Estates Charges against Raymond Mont^ , By Alfred Sheliirield , NORTH _ morning. - (OraUmMi from Page One) variance bid, the board found there gomery, 87, of Coventry, using a One way to toot a monkey • m- ’ « A Q t S 8 One waa a Kaman Navy says was caused by Ice on S. Main Weir is represented by the Man­ The. flrst presentation of Gilbert St. chester law .firm Of Gryk and TJ» controversy over the build- would be "unususl difficulty and car without permlaaion and intoxi­ The Selectmen last night signed teUlgertce Is to put a bunch of ba­ , tp 2 D iv o r c e RUSK-1 hejlcopter, suspicious Girl Scout ISotsg Princeton within' a few weeks of unreasonabale hardships, from the and Sullivan’s ‘Ti^anthe." by the nanas just out of pqach in his cage. of trouMe,’ which made a prS- Herbert C. Weir, Une ^t., Glas­ Oryk, 470 Main St. Read Herald Adys* tnc lot on Robert Rd. h u Uken cation, were continued for dlspoei- a mileage agreement with the hls^fetum and waa graduated cum IL fnvomble turn for Bumhem Es­ strict spplication of the zoning State Highway Department on Podium, Players, brought out a The clever monkey will d r^ eauttonoiy landing. The other* regulatl'cms'’ it the appesl was tion to April 28 at the Stafford thing over to use as a (Oeattonefi fntoi Page One) . also heUc<»teia were . two Members of 'Troop. 818 eitoh re­ laud*. tates, Inc., in an action by the which the town-aid road alloca­ large and. snthuslaaUc .audience Conner said Miss Taylor’s UUaat Zoning Board of Appeals last denied. Springs session of Circi^ Court 12. atone. Believe it or not. a bridge A marital tangle had plunged him Kaman H43De and a Kaman ceived toe trotqi crest, the morn­ It was White, a school mate at 197€4 maoi8ui alter.MUe Toyior'a.third ing glory, at a recent Court of nlfht approving a variance al- The board also felt there'would Montgomery, arresteds^ Sunday tion is bas^. The, agreement Friday evening at the Rham Lit­ player can be just aa clever aa a © 8 5.4 .fW f» tato melanchoUo dMpalr, HU3K. Tale, who talked Katzenbach into lonring less street frontage than be no substantial dertiment to the covers the period through June So, tle Theater, the hall being fllled X q i i o tnutend, producer Mike Todd, died "The lady la one long erupUbn The latter three flew to tha Award*. joining the Justice Department. night, was returned tojm l in lieu (Xherr badgesbadge were awarded-as the regulations can fo r.' public welfare, and that the loca­ 1983 and lilts 30.9 miles of im- "*"^uth‘ won the f i r s t .^ o n d te a Niw Maxloo plane crash.'She of matrimonial. acKatlon," he ^Mri'te neponee to messages Katzenbach, who was not active in SPECIAL tion and unavailability of land .to bf a $5p0 bond. Police reports note proved roads, .and six, tenths of a close tn eap^ty. The sbebrid fODIB- .... from th4 ftnt. They carried ■ follows:owe Lteda- Abate, houeekaeper, Burnham Estates. came before showing, Saturday evening, filled with the ace and waa to have gone with TV)dd on the wrote. politics, had been studying inter­ comply with the reguJationa creat' that he took a car from d private mile of unimproved roads. ly at dummy’s ace of A Mob8 _ _ "She has been married four mechanica who cheeked the hoapltalit and homemaker national law on a fellowship at the board on March 19, asking to the house! flight, but was m at the Ume. badgw; KaUiiMn Barry housa- TRADE-IN be excepted from the 120-foot ed special circumstances which do drive on Flanders Rd.. Coventry. The rate book was signed by the on attempt to reach it. South led a © A K O I14 times and the romantic nimors-ex­ Navy helicopter for trouble, • Geneva. not apply in general to the other Robert Watrous of wapping was selectmen certifying" that the Special mention may be made of Flriier had been beat man at the found non* and sent It on Its keeper, hospitality, homemaker frontage requirement’ for the. Res­ Mrs. Angela \Veeman. In the role low club to duriimya Jack. plode around her like a ^rework Kataenbach has served aa a neighborhood properties. given a 80-day suspended sentence board of finance had set a tax rate This play made South a cleve^ Todd-Taylor 'wedding. When Mike way. and cook badgea; Elizaheto Oox, PLAN idence Zone AA requirements in of lolanthe, also of Robert Ftlce, wan killed, he rushed to Liz’ side display with husbands falling on member of the American Bar As­ • On other business, the board, de­ by Judge Harold M. Missal for of 34 raillg on the grand list of monkey but not a clever bridgel Wmt - - 'Aie Navy craft was on a housekeeper, hospitality, child sociation Committee on the law of effect on Robert Rd. vagrancy on the atipulation. that Oct. 1, 1981. Tax bills, taken.off the as Lord tfiiancellor. Mrs! Bradley te what ha deKrtbed as a gesture all aides like ip-ent and burnt-out cue, cook and games; Susan Don- SAVE The petition was asked, to allow cided to hold another hearing on player. There really is a differ 5 a routine teat flight according outer space, was special consult­ a special exception bid from Pyra­ Watrous would return to his home. rate book, will be sept out within Batson, alas, carried off the part of Pstt 5 H m d frtondehlp. ' rockets. to apedteamen for Kaman Air- . ahbe, Paula FsrranU, and Marcia completion of a dwelling started Queen of the Fairies to p^eqybn. Among Fisher's vlritora Monday "Now toa thick fog of her ef- ant to the secretory of stats in mid Investments, and requested Mozeli Johnson, no certain ad­ the next few weeks and will be ***Eaat captured the jack of cluba craft at Its Bloomfield plant. MoCallum, housekeeper and hospi­ connection with the United Na- last year, but not cohij^ted be­ The Fairy Chorus was made up Optaiiif k a t;-- © Q waa MiehaOl Todd Jr., abn bf the fectlons aeema to V envelopteg tality, and Carolyn Mrilen, houee- additional details from other Spe: dress. a probation violator from pliable from May 15 to June 19. with the king and Umis' ad hM committee on the cause of a restraining order from cial exception applicants wanting out of state, was ordered to be 'Die selectmen Voted that an of the following singers; Gail Bat­ lata producer 'to' an earlier mar­ Richard Ehirton. .1, for one, -feel keepv. hospitality and outdoor the building department. son, Jean Bo-swortii, Lynn and Ruth trump. Now South riage. Young Todd and Miss Tay­ .a deep deeire to g ^ way oiit Into law o f ' outer space and is co-au­ to erect an office bulldirg between transferred to Circuit Court 10, acre, of land at Bolton Center, reach the dummy. He had to cook badges. thor—with'' Prof. Leon Lipeon of The order followed a complaint New Lemdon, for disposition of owned by E. B. McGurk, is up for Boyingbon, Maty CooUdge, WUda lor riiared. almost equally te the the deep blue yonder and never by Atty. George Lessner of 44 IS and 27 E. Middle 1*pke. a aeoond club and two diamond ace of spades'*^ makqa Uui eon- AFT Protests Yale—of a study of "Regal Uter- On the Pyramid Investment mat­ three charges —drivln a motor sale and may be purchased for Devine, Cynthia Grinnell, Mary tract with an overtrlck. . fortune left by Todd, and the eqe a newspaper agate.*’ Robert Rd. Hills, Elaine Price, Dorine Sauer, trieka. Down one. young man has remained a friend ature of Air Space." ter, to convert an existing building vehicle while hia license was sus^ 810,000. The land is located next to Upelde Down DaUyQubsUoq- . Mre. Burton's only pubMe com­ Coventry Katzenbach'e mother, Mr*. EM- MORE! Lessner. who opposed Burnham Katherine ,'8ibun,. and Patricia of hto beautiful step-mother. BsUtea at the March 10 pubUc into offices at 349 E. Center St pended, driving a car with de­ the Bolton Public Library. No ac­ South bad we right idea when Im Partner opens wlUl- two hearts ment on the rumors- about her Cut in Budget word L. Kataenbach, is president fective equipment, and violation of tion waa taken on this report. Strong. In the chorus of peers were Misa Taylor, who made her first husband and Miaa Taylor was hearing, said the street frontage the board held off action, pending tried to reach dummy by way of (forcing to game), and the next movie p t the age of 8 and waa a Wnibel Case Sent of to* New Jersey State Board of receipt of fuller details. probation yrhich Involved an auto Irvin Dtqire of 'Rt. 44A wa« re- Frank Alfonso, Bradley Batsbn, player paaeea. You hold: Spades— made last week when she returned PAY ONLY was only 100 feet and that a build- theft. Sppointed a special constable for a ’William CoUlns, Albert- OooUdge, the clube, but he turned hia atep- star' ht 18, married hotel heir A protest against the -gem.greneral Education. His late father was a Ing should not be allowed on the The bid for the E. Middle Tpke. pingatone upside down. Iimtead of K J 9 3; Hearts—10.9 8; Disinonds from Rome. former attorney general of New office building was submitted by The following casea were noUed •uc-month period, beginning today. Roy Darwin, George , Al Nicky HUton at 18. The marriage "li waa all a lot ef nenaenae,' manager’s iwBommiended im.OOO To Superior Court "lot of record" basis. The Manchester Savings and Matthews, Whitney Merrin, Rich­ leading a low club at th’e second —K 9; Clubs—K 10 8 4. Whal-do lasted 308 daya cut from ths 1883-8S sriiool budget Jersey and his brother, EM ward L. The lot of record relating to the John Baminl. Board members in­ by the court due to lack ^ state's triok. South should lead the queen you say? she said. Katzmboch Jr., is deputy assist­ dicated they were wary of the evidence; Ferenc Kiqe, 84, Hart­ Loan Association waa approved as ard Oberlander, Howard Smith, AK.day after her divorce fnnn has been made te to* formal Edmund L. Wrubel, 23, of Bslle- site is 80 feet, and was establish­ bf cluba. Answer; Bid three. notrutnp. Hilton, li* announced'her engage­ "You sei.!, Richard and I hava ant secretary of defense. ed when the town adopted the son- building plans which showed a ford, failure to grant one-half the an additional town depository on Thomaa Regnere and Richard Tale. known EUaabeth ateee She was statonimt: c f the proposed Man- vlew Rd. yesterday wal-ved ex­ request of Town Treasurer Shirley The cast has -worked strenuously If Ekist wins the trick with the Jump to show the stpefigth, since ment toTAchael Wlldteg, a Britlih diaater toeal of the American Fed­ He and his wife, Lydia, have fpur Ing Mdinances. Establishment of blank wall facing on E. Middle highway; Cheater Ouellette, 48 of two potrump would be the nega­ married to Michael Wilding. Nat­ amination in Hartford’s Circuit 25 wufafd Rd., breach of the Riley. to bring the operetta as near as king of cluba, South can eventu­ actor 30 yeare her sw or. They eration of Teacher*, AFL-dO. children—Christopher IS, John 11, : the lot of record would allow con- Tpke. ally reach dummy by way of the tive response. urally we’re all very friendly.’’ Court 14 and was bound over to New alternates for the wall fac­ peace; Louis PaiggioU, 87, Birch Mt. School Lunch Rules poesible to the point Of perfection, were married 'te 1053, had two The statement, laeued by the rix- the next session o r H artford Maria 8 and Anne 2. BtrueUcyt on a lot with an 80-foot Changes In the system for order­ ja w 'o f cliiba. Ho can then diacard For Sheinwold’a 36-page book­ chlldrui — Michael Howard and M n. Burton la the daughter ef As deputy attorney general Kat- frontigfe, despite subsequent zon­ ing E. Middla Tpke. will be drawn Rd.. breach of peace; John Wal­ and the result has done them credit. a Welch mining engineer. teaoher steering committee for the Superior Court under a 81,800 lace, 60, of 79 Foster 8t., intoxica­ ing milk and lunches at the school The presentations closed with a loser on the ace of spades arid let. “A Pocket Guide to Bridge," Chrietophar Edward, now 8 and loeal, also urges tawnspeople to senboch will receive 831,000. ing changes for the area. and it la expected the board will send 50c to Bridgr Book, Man­ bond. take action on the request when it tion. have been announced by Supt. matinee Sunday afternoon. thus make the contract. 8 — and were divorced almost five "votes iimport" of the full budget MONTHLY A t^. Lessner contended that Philip C. Ligoiiri. The cooperation If East refuse.5 the first club chester Evening Herald. Box 3318, ysars later. Wrubel is charged with evading Burnham Estates' 100-foot front­ convenes for another round of pub­ Cases oontinued: Deioocrata to Oauens a t'a puhllo hearing tonight. »t'- 8 reaponslMlity (two counts) and Uc hearings on April 18. of parents during the period of ad­ trick. South caahes the ace of Grand Central 8U-, N.Y. 17, N.Y. H— ubs . dayed a y safter_the------. ------WUdteg- dl o'clock at 'the Waddril Sefaori audi­ age In actuality comprised 80 feet Until Thursday, Mrs. Doris M. Hebron Democrats wlir caucus (Copyright 1982, Gmenil Fea­ C O M Leader recklees driving, aa a result of of one lot of record and 40 feet Holmes of 45 Victoria Rd., for dis­ justment Is needed, Ltgouri said. clubs and ruffs a club in dummy. vorce,oree, rite ' married Todd in Mexico, torium.' The changes are being made to les­ in Hebron Town Hall, April 6, St Then he disoards a loser on the tures Ciorp.) — They'liey had ban child. Uea, now aged three motor vehicle aeeldente In of another lot of record. Lou Wolfson’s promising 2-year- position of charges of allowing a 8 p.m., to name two delegates each, "Ttie- modest requeeta for te- Hartford on Jan. 18, one involving A iien fion old Omarbrad, a winner at Hit- sen the "terrific amount of cleri­ 8. Lot Previeos^ IM Feet dog to roam'and keeping an un- to the state, Congressional, sena­ Lte had no children, Sh^ in Chest, eraaqsd teacher aalarte* and te- a fatality. tn>e prevloua owner of the lot . in issdi. this winter,, is named for Oen. liOMtsed dog. cal dutiee” at the school, the super­ Eddie and intendent said. torial district, and county conven­ Bolton but adopted an Italian orphan, an auranoe benefits are worthy of Hartford police arrested Wrubel • DBCOONT PHCESl Omar Bradley. Businessmen question owned property with a 'Until Monday, Michael B. Stas- partment will meet tomorrow at tions. public support and are baraiy com- shortly after toe Jan. 18 incidents In, the future." all weekly lunch 8 p.m. 8t the firehouse. ll-mentn-old girl n k q ^ Maria. kus, 24. Newington, for plea to orders and milk ordei? must be Children of the Gilead Congrega­ liOcal Stocks Wife Arrested pAitive," says the oornmlittee. "The which Involved two hit-run acci­ speeding charge; William J. Cahill, placed on Monday morning and The Women’s Society of Chris­ tional Simday school were ' busy Mrs. Porcheron ROME (AP)—ActreeiriSItoabeth Inoreosea for textooDka, equip­ dents, one at Albany Ave. and For Your Coovonionco 88, Plamvllle, for plea to riiarge of each child la asked to have the cor­ tian Service will mpat tonlght^at 8 Saturday frc»n 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Taylor went to work today. In her (Ooatimied from Page One) ment, repair*, and matetensuioe of Breiok St., and one on Coventry Wo Win Dollvor improper passing. rect change. Only "emergency" or­ at United M elodist Church. The doing a real workday task of clean­ Quotatlans Furnished by Named by GPNA fUm role of Cfieopatra, outfiFordly to*.plant are not aubatantial, but • NO DOWN PNYMEIITi St.; and a head-on eolliripn 38 min­ 'Until April , Louis Beaudoin. executive committee will meet at 7. ing up the church and Sgnday Ooburn MIddlebrook, Inc. unruHled by announcement o f 't ^ nient, 45 Thompson -fit.,. during rather ohneervatlve." 10 ders will be accepted Tuesday school room. They brought. their utes later on Tower Ave*. in which Your Ordort Prompriy 88, Bristol, for jury trial at Earn through Friday. Lunches for a five- Bonk Stocks Mrs. Phyllis Poroherpn of Rt. 8 breakup of her marriage to eteger. family quarrel. The committee says, ."Pride in a Hartford woman was seriously B U V ^ a ^ g ^ , Hartford on charge of spoedlftg. day week will cost 81.80 and emer­ Manohester Evmtlng Herald Bol­ lunches with them and had a good Bid Asked Eddie Mrter. ^ ' Three other persona Including to* status. quo loads to medibc- l y lO L A N D ton correspondent. Oraoe McDer­ time withal, also furnishing their and 44A was elected a -vice presi­ injured. She died two days later. Beaudoin posted a 1100 bond wdiile gency dally lunches will be 38 cents Conn. Bank and Trust Brltiah actor Richard Burton, Jael(Bon's.8letor, Aline'Jackaan, 34, rity.” It adds, "Manchester must Hartford County Coroner Louis mott, telephone Mitchell 8-8S8V, own mops, ^ ils, and such (o work dent of the Conhecttcut Practical DEWEY-mCHMAN • NO nNANCE CHAMES! awaiting trial. each'. Co...... 83 67 Mlsa Ihylor’a oonatant companion were'^argsd with breach- of the be forward looking in viewlngtadu with. W. Schaefer, in his inquest on the STATTONERS SINCE 1801 Until .^ ril 12, Rose Marie Children who are abeent on Mon­ Hartford National Nurses Association today! She and of late! alao waa on the set eariy peace,'Tl)ie two others were Wal­ cation A goals.’’ % death, attributed criminal negli­ Sunrise Service Slated to play Antony to her (Heopetra ter Henderson, 25, and Donald Pet­ 187 Mata Rt. Tel. MI 8-7880 BRAND NEW 1M2 MODEL Hayes, 41, Bolton, for court trial on days may order on Hie first day The Oangregatl(Hia| Easter fiun- Bahk and Trust Co. 54 58 other officem were installed .today Tha teachers \ who prepared the gence, to Wrubel. Wrubel admitted charge of sale of liquor to a minor. they return to sehool for the rest Fire Insursncs Companies in the mulUmlUlon-doUar fil^n. ,> ty, 30, bothx active CORE mem­ statement were William Dowd, rise service will be held this year as the two-day convention- moved The eouple went before the cam-i bers. ' X drinking before driving, the coro­ A 8600 bond has been posted in the of the week on a 80-oents-a-day in Gilead on Mack Hill, - directly Aetna ^ re ...... 73 79 Jay iBtager, Andrew. Vincen* and ner eaid, and sobriety testa showed esse. Also, Mrs. Ann Szemreylo, baals. Children who order lunch for Religion , Htfd. Fire ...... 74 79 toward adjournment. eras te a big banquet scene. Other A detective SMd Jackoon ''con­ Robert Vater’' all of Mancheeter across the Meetinghouse road memhem of Uie caat eald they Wrqbel and two othera te Ma ear AsPASS. Tolland, fM* court trial to charge of a week who are absent during that which runs east from a point just' Natibnal Fire ...... 139 148 Amoi^ other business, the con­ cocted the (holdu^atory, along ifigh SchopT; James Tatro of Ben- week will receive credit during the vention approved a new 'higher oeemed totally unconcerned about with hi* wife, Petty apd Hender­ at the time ef the accident were S fD A N failure to drive in a proper lane;, south of the riturch. This is an Phoenix Fire 127 134 net J u n l» High School and Neil under the Influence of liquor, he and 'Andrew Varranauit, 22, of 234 following week. Anyone having Life and Indemnity Ins. Cos. minimum wage standard fdr prac­ the marriage breakup and the son.’’ Lawrenb* of IDteg Junior High- In the News ideal site for such a Service, this epaculidton -about romance be­ added. Center St., for court trial on quesUcHis about the new ordering unusually high, rounded hill com­ Aetna Casualty .... 74'-s 80 >4 tical nurses reportedly peggM Mrs. Jackson was quoted W say: Thev/were appointed last Tuesday tween toem...... ing rile quarreled with hefshua- InuMdiot* charge of breach of the peace. system ,1s asked to call the school By MARY CAMFBEIX manding a view towards all points.. Aetiui l i f e ...... i33ti 139 V4 about 25 per cent lower than 'that to ,Iuindle an organizational drive RHI Both fefuaed to aee or talk to band for spending too much toni UnUl April 16, Walter R. Vec- office. AP Staff Writer The Pilgrim Fellowship gitxm will Conn. General...... 134 142 for professional or registered ninrs- far tha local. M iv w t ohia, 32, of Revere, Mass., for plea Cub Motee Htfd. Stearn Boiler . .140 l.'iO bs. anyone but their coworkera. away from home. Sh« said he got a In the statement, they soy they NEW YORK (A P)—The New be in charge of the service. Break­ ' Burten'a wife,- Sybil, and their A p p ly, fox* to charge of speeding. Cub Scout den mothers and fast will ^ served at the Gilead Ins. City Life 26 31 gun from the eloeet, and taunted have attended the two joint meet­ others interested In Cub Scouting Testament ie now being published Church following the service. ’Travelers ...... \165*;4 172 two children were hiding out te ber to shoot him. ing between the board of educa­ A SUBSIDIARY OF Until April 23. Raymond Leon­ Britain. Miaa. Taylor’a publicity She said ahe did not think the ard Jr, 27, of 40 Woodhill Rd., and are inidted to a round table discus- with pictures on every page. Meet WiMi Archtteets' PubUo UtUltles tion and board of directors and tion tonight at 8 at the Verplanck The elemental^' school building Conn.'Light Power .. 29>,i man, Arthur Jacoba, aald in Lon* gun waa loaded, and that when It that toe^alyaaa of the budget by William Topping Jr,,. 21, of 38 Hill- It looks very much like a maga­ Starts Tomorrow!- don today he had been trying to went off she thought ahe had aide St., each for plea on similar School in Manchester. Kenneth committee members are still oc­ Htfd.. Electric Ught 74 Supt. at School William H. Curtia, BOLAND MOTORS Griffin, Robert Huntington and zine. Pages are m , by i l inches, talk to Mra. Burton before leav­ missed him. Jackson turned and chargee of breach of the peace. cupied with plans for building and Hartford Gai Co. ... 68 board of educaUon chairman Chris­ Richard Holbrook, all members .of with a slick, heavy paper cover. ing for New York thia afternoon left the apartment and was brought 868 CENTER 8TBEET—BO S-8019 The casee have been referred to thq locating the needed eight-room: ad­ Southern New England - but hadn’t-'been able to see ber Iw .Petty and Henderson.. Co the tie F. MeCtormieh^d high sehool family' riilailons department for Patlc 73, have been awarded den- Price is 81. Biit this is rib' ms^ra- dition to the present school-bultd- Tele^bhe ...... 7. 5014 53^ principal A. Raymbnd Roger* Jr, IM TOUR UOAUTT l a r k DEAIAR neria atripes. Milton Jensen was Btece Friday. ^ hospital. study. Leonard la free imder a 8100 zlne. • no 'collectltm of BibUeal ing. Just latety. ; the committee It’s The Funniest! A frequant speaker and partici­ "verified school ne«»'.^ Television OVER 26 YEARR CN THE SABIE LOCATION presented with a wOlf badge with met with the Chandler and Palmer The newa that the beautiful bond and Topping posted a ISO stories for children. It Is the en­ Arrow, Hart, *Heg. 59 63 V4 Doris Day,' Rock Hudson Hollywood actreaa wonts to end pant at civil rights demonstra- Members of the proposed local bond. gold and silver arrows. tire New Teatament, King James firm of architects of, Norwich, Associated Spring .. 15 . leii plan to attend tooigbt’s temring. dKnmiiite To Talk on Federal Aid "LOVER COME BACK" her fourih marriage made mam­ Uona, Jackson was atrastod with version, with 568 bladk and white headed by .Joseph King, the. Idea Bristol Brass , 1-.... 9'A lO.'j three other. (X>RE members te n e committee also ssyslays th* 36 23-INCH The Rt. Rev. Mrnisignor Joseph being to get a general outline of (In Color!) Plus - moth headlinea te undon. photographs, -nine maps and six Dunham Bush 6-'!i .774 The neWB cauoed no aurprlae te February for staging ait-tea at the 'additional teachers scheduledleduted forf V, King, new rector of St. Patrick’s what the committee wants. - Em-Hort ...... 78 Another Funny One! hiring by toe' board ef educatii Cathedral in Norwich and super­ diagrams. 72 >4 the Brittoh c ^ ta i. Pictures of offloee of the town Democratic lari In keeping -with the present , Preliminary sketches will be ex­ Fafnir ...... 46 49>4 "SERGEANT WAS A LA0Y* are heceeeary to bring the boobd ymmaiitit Liz touring Rome with Bufton and RepuUioan chairmen. CONSOLE intendent of schools for the dlo- hibited at a meeting, to take place nearer its goal ef 36 pupils per The Bank that givt'i you P A C K A G E D SAVINGS oese, will speak on. federal aid to trend to make -the Bible a book to Heublcln ...... 2214 . 25>4 have been plaatercd aeroaa Brit­ . Hie demonstration waa a pro­ be read arid understood aar.wni as On April 11, ag a tentative .date, N. B, Machine 25Vs tMLCtisr. MUklBB 'ftrAhT AT education at a meeting of St, when a general dlKUssipn wjU 'be 22>4 • ENDS-TONIGHT ru ish papara'for a week. , - test of toe defeat of a fate hous­ [GIRL owned, the American Blble' Soclet.y North .and Judd .... 13% 154* "THE COMMANOHEiROR’^ "aaepUMUi Wedding Found­ ing ordihanoe by ’ the Board of The local's statement concurs Maurice CouncQ'of'CathoHc Wont! held. oubstantiaUy with the opinions on en' Monday at 8. p.m. in St. Mail- is making an impdrtaht'contribu­ The first presentatibn of ' Sir Stanley Works ..... 22 233s "HEY LETS TWIST?' er," wa« the headline atop the Aldemen. Hiey were eehvloted MNCE CO----- rice Church hall Non-members of tion with this “New Testament Veeder-Root ...... 51 5614 story te the mllUon-circuIaUon of dtooriierriy conduct, and wero tha budget voiced by members of dBRTBR. 4X>NN. John Stainer’s oratorio, "The Cnic- The above quotations are not to toe Maneheotar Eduoation Asao- the council will oe welcome to at­ with Pictures.” They also are pub­ ifiXlbn.” will be at the Columbia Eveniiig News. released on bail pending an ap­ U J 8 4 t tend. lishing it in Spanish, the second be construed as actual markets. "‘LU and Eddie Will Divorce" peal. ciatkiB. againet toe objeotioh of STOP dreaming. START doingl Congregational Church, at a spe­ Jackson, toe father of two ehil- which to* local la being established St. Maurico. Notes most-used language in this coun­ cial Palm Sunday lervioe,. April wa« tha line te the Evening I iMi u trn mn Masses for the late Mrs. Aniela try.' Ear Out Mora Oftmi Standard. dren, works os a milling machine The statement has been dietrfbu ftoU k it MSMSIl* 15. This aerviqq la spoi^red by Dally Mirror eolumniit William operator. ted to elascroem teachers. dtltM Kurys will' be celebrated in St. The Gospel of St. liuke, for ex­ the Tolland County Aisiioclatimi, Oral Contraceptive ’ ■ ■ • ' . f ' o 18" PoiteM * BfUi O ase Maurice Church tomorrow at 6:30 ample, begins with a full-page pic­ and is under the direction of John M o d e li p.m., Thursday at 8 a.mr and Sat­ ture bf a boat on the Sea of GaJ- M. Bell and Horace W. Sellers. * 18” Portable Compact urday at 10 a.m. ilee. The second page contains a 4-Year Test Result - - L o o k " " M o d ite e V o members are urged to as­ map of Palestine in the time of The second presentation will be (where yeuftt Mnithe * 88" TM * Modeb sist at the 6:30 Maas, and instruc­ Christ and short discussions of the presented on Good Friday at St CinCAGO (AP) — A team of *“ M" Console Models Peter's Episcopal Church. There Spoeid for tions at 7:30, p.m. to be followed history and geography of Pales­ seientists has rsport>!d that not niceet wajf to get *weg!) * 88" Oomblnotion. Storeo by Stations of the Cross. will be an augmented choir, with MON., TUES., WED. tine and Jerusalem. singera-'from surrounding towns one unplanned pregnancy- occurred You won't find r YB Rummage Sale Slated "These pictures make Ou^|s Mrs. Samuel Stitham win lie in ipsj^ipatliig. This is the third among 210 women participating in brightenintYfirie^Hke tab any* world live for bhlldcem'' says Dr. year for the pinsMfaUon of this a- four-year test of a new oral wbere else. And now tiuit i©rmg charge of a rummage sale apon- Gilbert Darlini^ri, consiiltant to ©COURSE sored by the Woman's Society of oratorio. oontraceptive. fafifi qnrnng, the bnyi an just as entAT M iw Christian Service April 14 from 9 the society. - ■ ' Mn. Wrlgbt Sells Sixteen women who withdrew temjptinff as the weather. Your a.m. imtli noon at United Metho­ On the page'with-the paraWe It la reported that Mrs. Irene from the t-ast in order to become DiVIlOpMINTl dist Church. Articles of good used of the sower, there is a picture of Wright has sold h-er place on Bur­ DINNER choice « 11 newddze Chevy II a man sowing seed. It shows the pregnant all reported pregnancies clothing may be brought to the row's HiU,. and will mske her home within 90. days, the report added. church any time before the sale. man's clothing. How his head is with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Wal­ protected from the sun, how he To date, 13 of the 18 wonjen have Hear Superintendent ter Wright,'of Jones St., Hebron. been deltverad of 13 nonhsi, full- a nifQr, nimble enw of JfmwtikU IM nd»$ Jed r m .J a ^ tr K»N- George B. Williams, president of carries the seed, his method of Mra. Irene Wrlgbt has owned and oUhrrSee.’fkeereoemeeiFMCeHmuptimeH. scattering the sbed, how 'the ground term Infants, K was reported^. $ 1 - 9 5 rear-engine Conrairs. 'Hino Bomarco, community (xniplea club, operated a convalescent home at 1116 three researchers present­ said last night the gwiiip enjoyed has been prepared and the topo­ her place for saveral years. This oomplete linea of can—and wa ••••••••••••••••••••••••••440000««40«0#t00«0«O40O«044«M graphy- of adjoining land, on a ed their findings yaeterday at the a very informative talk Saturday has been a favorite home for el­ annual clinical meeting of the mean oomplete—td'eover just by Schools Supt. Philip liguori on page which contains both Jesus’ •about any kind of going yon teachings about paying tribute to derly 'or ailing people and has at­ American'College of Obstetricians Home Laundry the secondary pchool being planned tracted patients from other towns and Gynecologists. are Dr. could have in mind. And a l by the board of education, Caesar and the widow’* mite, there 1110 7 Large selection to choose from are representations of three’Roman and stateii. Joseph W. Uoldzieher, Dr. Louis E. -under one rod, tool You Just All the money: you need Williams said theijentlra gr^p_ ^Moses—and-XiUcy „T,-Ellla - all of la iSf^rSiitly' in favor oT'lmme- Cotns~translatad-in- ihe-Blbte-^U jBHm’tfindbettetpiddngaiaBhEte 12 POUND pence and two referred to as mites. Mafibohester Eseolfig Herald the San Antonio, (Tax.) Planned sizzle and aaTiiiga anywhinw diate school construction but that Hebren eorrespesdent, 6Uae Soean Parenthood Center. the club is basically a social one. Another point besidez. the''blc- under the sun. And jrou couldn't AUTOMATIC WASHER tures is the method in which the B. Pendleton, telephone ACademy The scientists said the contrac- wranrr and there was no attempt to reiach 8-8484. pick a better time than now— any concluaions as a group or to Scripture is presented. It is writ­ ceptive — a drug called Norethln- during your Chev­ OOlVAm MONZA 4.D0NCHt4 SDAN 2-SPEED, 4-CYCLE take any aides In local controver­ ten in paragraphs, and in sections drone —■ acts by inhibiting ovula­ RESTAURANT Low Cost Home tion. Tlie investigators said side rolet dMJer’s Fnn From ooam id$rior$ U> eurp^eoUd seat, M il muft according to Subject. sies. 7 WALNUT STREET m Mr. and Mrs. Williain J. An index to the illustrations is Par izeau, Krin j ak -affects In the test were “ minimal.” and Sun Days. fU tfw of upMif iport qf « M any . PRICER Orunake of Converse Rd., were a quick guide to both pictures and TTie new drug will be marketed Our N ew PhoiTe Number Is B^AJ^r AT hosts to the meeting which waa text. Passages illustrated are usu­ Going to School under the -trade name ortho-novum n 99 attended by about 38 people. Mr. ally on the same page as the illus­ by the Ortho Pharmaceutical Oorp. MI 3-4628 * Single or 8 Speed* Improvement Loans tration. And the subject tlUea Raritan. N. J. e GearlcM Troiismlsslon and Mrs. Edmund J. Perealuha Robort C. PaciBMU. 38, of .2 and Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. Dooley make verses easy to find. e Multiple OycISe assisted. Lincoln St.,, ysstorday 'began JX. * Quick 'n Quiet Matching Dryer* No need +o delay those home improvements * Famous Duomatic Combination you've bee„n dreaming about. You can have The Bolton 'Volunteer Fire De^ two-week orieptslion ^ripd as a •Phone MI 8-7882.1 Officers Insballed prot^atlonaiy Vpatrolman. on. the 1 Tonight; "Lover Come Bnck" and "Sergennt Wae * LndjT that new bathroom, modern kitchen, that ex­ Manchostor j^Upe fqrce. tra room, a new heating system, or new roof By , PoUbe OMof !Jams9 M- BaMnion or siding. See the Savings Bank of Manches­ said that Parisisau and Patrapnan Mrs. Albert 6>c>rd and Reginald J<*n Kilirtrit S T A T E E ^ ^ Stereo ter, at any of their three convenient offices, Kwikeeze E. Alien were installed as worthy Bothany Tratntag School fior ’ g i M I. OONT. 4:45-8;^ 85c. SHOWic AT «sl8 nnd 8i48 and get the details on Low-Cost Home Im­ four-week training course, liUrt- Hofps koop your matron and worthy ^natron, i lngAprU16. ^ .. j, : ma^rlfs the bumor cloon os It provement Loans. You'll-see how you c8n 'Cleans Hard Paiiitl qaectlvely, of Temple Cmaf^r, Or­ Pariaaou, newest msmberrof the CONSOLE "Up-date" your home. M der of Eastern Star, In a eetamony ManiRestei' Fulics DepartmwL^inill wfideatl hoots your homo I Brushes Fast attended by 180 persons Saturday learn police--operations,,.hdae and Just soak in iregUmtons,- itod (paperv.obltji;*- gT-88 ki the meet compIsMiy night at. Ihe Masonic Tem]^. qulrad of a patrolnuui. pciqb to hie aSeetivs Kiel oD additiv* In ns* STEREO Your Savings Kiliikeeze Other- nsrw officen Installed are leaving for the training eogigac : -. i i l i g n s today This beipe your oO Earn and rinse. Mrs. Elarl C. L ov f^ d , associate burner deliver m m dean, de- matron; Charles Lambert, assod: pendaMt heat. You fO prw Save M ore! ate patron; Mrs. Joseph Gallaiitt- mhimairviee, too. All dseiipied seoreta-ry; Mrs. Helen .Elliott,' to make home beattef aosy. % treasurer; kGs. Hsrbprt Klngabuty, $ 1 A 0 . 0 5 '-.1 conductress; Mrs! Paul TRylcg.ili- U nr e n n a MOfA wtkpm waoon sodate oonduetress; Mrs. .ufred Earn More! . -A-ppfly fox* Charest, chaplain; Mrs. ' JoaiyR Kowell, mar^ai; Mrs. lUchara. -a^iiiuHisisn Current Johnson, organist Mobilhoat Annual Also,’ Adah, Mrs. Wesley Miles; Have M ore! Ruth, Mrs. Reginald Alien; Esther, PLUS THIS FINXrcXMlEDY ATT:85 FJW. Oividemf Mrs. Stuart Baraw; Martha, Mra. Lena Speed; Bleda, Mrs. Everett Frost: Warder, M «, Betty Farris; WE GIVE H SiC On All sentinel, Herbert Kingsbury, , Sii Aenm C$mrold, C ^ II aid Cortair ot gotSCkmU. dolors One-Stop Shoppint Center InstalUiig. offioera were Miss GREiN STAMPS Regular Ba-ringa Mary Louise Dickson, . Mrs. The Larcenous lousrsin Aooeunta Herbert Urwider, Mrs, Joseph Gal* M«mb«r ef Fsa«ral llapMlt lant and Mrs. 'WlUlam Morrison, ail i m i m a m r Insuraaee Corp. post matrons; Frank Gskeler, OiiiiMl (NbitG«llikl|i«g|iVtniMi MORIDRTY past patron, and Mrs. Charlotto SHOWN i.:SMUto!l8:45 cAtm^ciWimpm cOn me: W lii^^^HEVROUnr. INC. Gray. Refreshments were perved. com . X ~ :in w BRECAEN. CONN. ' PLUS PAtL NEWBIAn . , .A;,' ■ • DROTHERS BENEltCliaL AOCIOENTAIXY DROWNED . JOANNE WOOnWARO COMING APRIL 12th ON STAGE FINANCE CO SAU8BURY (AP)—Eli Wat­ son, 4, drowned seddenUUy' in « "BALJb^ ROUND THRFTAO . ONE FEBFOBIEANCE AT 849 Y^NmOtEtCO. Ml 3-5135 MANCHESTER. O O f^. backyard ^ m m ln g pool yesterday BOYt” (to (Deter) tsM . 8:88 HAHSpIlD CHAPTER S.P.R.I.S^.SA. CONN. 301-315 Cootor St. Ml 3-415* whlls hia family waa moving into lARIER SHOf SINOERS OP AMHUCA ' '1 8 Im B (IM MN tlM9 olM Im OR a new home in the Lakeville sec­ Storta WeA: 1 NtaMiilti tion. Eli, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ar­ Deris iSLevfr Oiato ft . BONOS B n ^ AJnUL 18th thur Watson was one of six chil- (In AAHHen Te Onr Regnlnr Rhew* "Ught to thn Ftom : •ISWJSmA Bnrir.' ^ITOIrM dl<4^ m e . ARMRYidHi^OUT. INC. AtWATI PUNfr Of drsB. • o o im . Read Jerald Advs. ■ ■ v’ ' ; "-iU. ■’ / t . ’

/' . \

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALO, MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1962 PAGE FIV E B A 6 E FOXm UAKeHESTER EVENING HIAALD. MANCHESTER, CONN,. TUESDAY; APRIL S. 196Z geeond OengregaUonal Chutch eU has listSd Manchsstor’s figure the reeorda were simply chMh piacsd in the custody of tha attor­ aurMfy achool. / , baoki. * . ney general for observation and ,at 6886 per pivU, wlth^ the a?^- School People ggs6t$400. YWCAChQosee Mrs. Cornish will repiaa* m A h GG i S t e i ^ N e w s .lannuKsya hroUier-lh-law., WTl> study,' Rlchafd PaMhk Long was Ralph Maher aa diraotor of Uam IMranciseo, •ecrsUiT’tidAa- prsssntsd in couH today on a'btol-j ' (Questions and answers regSirt- uref of the looil, told the 'court en car charge. Hie attojmey gsn- ing the budgst war* answersd by. NetdBite^tbr 9 ANEL1MG that the chscking account was the eral’a office was gtveif W days, to Talk to .unlmi's only reeerd o f financial examine all factoip involved .in the pfMQPRi Ao HSyiBOIW KO||M1 ■ M U m case before any ftrial decision by smd "rssource persons" frCm the traaiHUttons. About Budget bit^yechobl •^ool. RagUtraUona arc now ^ l U M H k Ihs f7.B..Labor Department had ths court.. schaol system.' ^nm Pace Om ) ^ been to obtidn the redords ing taken, School officials last night sx- Mm, Glenn C. (Tonrish, TO Har­ eeSing the W C A oKlc* A lth M ^ liodft U oontlderMl jdnce last year. Charges Dismissed Comleh. A playschool ten u re Since that tima Locaj 310 has PROVlUiNCB, R; I. (AP) — plalnad what ths hoard of sduca- I Wanted, 1 Held lan Bt, haa been appointad by the •nxMus^r. th« nomination he haia Uon can do with Ita. pTopoisd now town eodhmittaa of the Manehester wlU be mailed up*n rsquut not offUtaUy anterad the riap «dUi lost most'of its membera to the Judge Francis J. McCabe yester­ Tedmsters Uhlon, which woh a day in family court diemiaaed ma- Mhool budget of $4.6 million and untt of the Hartford County tlie fiva other announced oandl> what It cannot do if thv budget is In Two Accidents cerUflcaUon Election at Manning, ItCioua mischief Charges brought YWCA as director for ita play­ Maitweli * Moore, Inc. of Strat­ cut by the $377,000 General Man­ Zeller, a delegate to thU j w s against four West Haven High Police arrested a Rockville man school for the 1982-88 term. Rev. Camp to Talk ford in, February. School students. The students had ager Rkhard Martin Is recom­ June 4 and Slh eUte convention mending. Mrs. OomlSh Is a graduate of and leader of the lUutem Connec­ The Labor Department U laves been accused of damaging several and gave a waminr to a Man- ToWaddeUPTA ligating the local’s actlvltlss in About 76 members of parent- tha Maeaechuaetts Sfhool of Art, ticut Republicait Aaeoclation. iald rooms-of a hotel, While'celebrating chseter man fcUowlhg ImMltJgis- Boatmt Whufa she received hbr Front that many "Influantlal people" had the last three, yeart. The imlon re­ their hockey team's victory in a teacher groups hsard Supt. of ported contributions of $S0,t00 in Schools William H. Curtis, board ticn of two,.acoidenta a'hieh *e- Aachalor of science degree. Ifred- •Di* Rev. Ruaaell W, O a ^ , contacted him and urged that ” we game in the New England cham- eiirred yestarday .afternoon on tion. She tabght at the Bull- diaplain of ConnwUcut Watoe get behind Lodge and pull Uie 19S9, but at the end of the year, pionahip toumamant last month. of education chairman Christl* F; S p ie io l GRAND McCormick and two school prUi- Prison. wUl spaak on ^ ^ a t s thing together." . only |9.94 was left ^ul Bordferi, assletant city Manehesrtor atrertr. No injuHaa He related that when former icltor, recommended the cases elpala deaerlbad the budget, which wore rsported. Tour Attitude?" at ja m to^g of Governor Lodge 'left the etate he J McCormick said Is "not watered or the Waddell School PTA W *^ "^ H H - t l X H Student Saves Dog be dropped against the boys, whose padded.*' Paul Mahga 72. of 22S E. Mala day at 8 pjn. in the school audl- left a surplus Of over |1T‘ million WATERBURY (API—a college ages .are 16 and 17, because, of St., Rockville, waa chargad at 1:S0 and I thtnH he managed affaire of The session'With ths FT As was student, Walter Shreder, 20, insufficient evidence. arranged by Supt Curtis in an ef­ p.m. vNUi failure to grant the right ^A*native* of Giastonhury, the the stafe in a most efficient men- waded into th« rain-swollen Nauga­ He said the same evidence would of way and has bean ordered to ncp.** fort to gain public support for the Rsv. Mr. Camp was chaplain Of tuck River today and rescued i have to be presented which had budget at a public hearing tonight appear In Circuit Court 13, Man­ WothersHeld'State Prison for nine ($) OHEQK FBQNT WHEEL "I feel that he would bring t l» dog that had been trapped on t been ruled unsatisfactory In dis­ chester, April 28. b e a £ n m aUte back to a common sense ad' at 8 o’clodk at the Waddell School yOoffl. slab at concrete all night. trict court Thursday, when five Police said that Menge drove hla Seleetions will be played ly the (4) CHECK BRAKE SYSTEM ministration,” he added. The dog. part collie and pert re iuiditorium, "We had our past differences supporten of the team over 18 "Bather we go forward or we car cut of Welle St.,- after stop­ ehool orohestre, and tt ir M - WAY trlever, was standing in about six but I still think he is the one that years of age wens found inno­ slip back," said McCormick in de­ ping for a stop sign, and stnick. menta will be served by ^ S . A U POUR ONLY could lead the party to victory. Inches of water that flowed over cent fense of the board’s proposed ths left rear of a southbound Main Menuel Margarido and cmnmlttoe. DISCOUNT CENTERS Zeller dedared. This was in appar­ the narrow concrete shelf. He ip*S Since ♦'nobody at the Crown budget. "In education, thme is no St. vehicle operated by Albert O. ent reference to the fact that M about 40 feet from shore lutsST the HotSt can identify them as part­ such thing as status mb," hs said. MorriJMii, 86,. at 266 McKee SL ler forces Joined a . dissident Washington A,ve. bridge.,' '' icipating in the damage," Bordl- MoCormick aaid ths board of Menge told police he did not see of the party after- support^ The animal's plight dttractMl eri idid he felt there was no point directors’ $288,000 cut in tbs 1961' the other car. Lodge for .the nomination in 1950. crowd to the sceim fast night, but in conducting a trial in family 82 artiool budget and the expected j^rthur Jarvis, 26, of 603 A d ^ s Dr. Walsh announces tha. The breach in the ranks devetop- no one could thmk of a way to cou rt' cut from the school btUiget pro­ 8ti waa given a warning for fail­ ed after Governor Lodge ourted reecue the animal. The youths Had been accused of posal this year will probably .total ure to give a signal, after'polks change of location of his SBBVldB M A i t Zeller’s close friend and ally—wil Shredtf 'said he could hear the damaging rooms on^he fifth and $700,000, “It wUl be praoUeally inveatlgatlon of a 6:20 p.m. acci­ office for the practice of ObNVEimONAL MAKES Uam H. Brennan of Stamford aa anlnjal'whlning all night from his sixth floor of tha hotel. impossible to maintain the same dent on New State Rd. in which GOP national committeeman. home at nearby Railroad Hill Ave, high standards with this kind of Jarvis reportedly pulled out o f'a Oral Surgery—-from 450 This morning he put on a pair FOUND DEAD IN. CAH opposition," he said. line of triune and waa sideSwiped Woodbridge 6t. to the of shorts and boots and went into COLCHESTER (AP) — Vincent a car driven by Richard H. MORIARTY Dope Center Oppote^ the river after the dog. The water Dsspite cuts from its proposals, new Professional Build­ STAMFFORD (AP) —Ojppoei- D’EIia, 61, Middletown, was found Wemmell. l6, of 70 Buckiand Rd. was about knee deep. the overall •two-year raise In Uie Mrs. Oienn C. Oemleh PLUS...THIS AND EVERY WEDNESDAY YOU GET dead in his car yesterday after, it No one was hurt and damage waa aon to a proposed It was not knowm how the dog board of aducaUon budget may be ing at 367 East Center b r o t h e r s dicta eSTVlce center m Stamford swerved off Route 16 and smashed $702,888^ if the hoard of directors slight, aocording to ths report of got into his predicament TTie dog ftneh Settlement School, Boaton, St. The new office will be 881-816 OKNTSB'iM'. was prceented gt''a public h w - into a rock ledge. The cause of votsd to cut the new budget by Patrolman Richard Thurston. taught art in the New Britain had a collar but no tag or identi­ death was a heart attack, state TEL ' mg ye*terday,- ' of the OonnecUcut fication. the amount Martin reeommends. A t 8:30 p.m., Bernice S. Hil­ ■Chool ayatem and haa bean a sub- open Thursday, April 6th. State Naeomloe AdyJaory Oouncll police said. Vincent RamtSl, principal of liard of 38 Bliss St. reported that atitubi taadMT In Manehester. Me by a ro^eaman for the Greenwich Shreder took the dog home with him. Hie youth is a sophomors at Buckley Rchool, told the FTA A e found a dent in the rear of her waa a founding director Of u e police "^ e f. _ members rttout the elemeaUry ear. She told police that the car Greenwich Police Oaptaln T h ^ - the Waterbury Branch of tha Uni verslty of Connecticut, Hearing Tonight school items Includtd In the budg­ had been parked at the rear of tha ON EVERYTHING aa C. Burke reed a statement from et. He discussed allecauons for Municipal Building from 8 a.m. to Chief David W. Robbins express­ On Martin Budget books, workbooks, magasincs and 3:30 p.m. Patrolman Robert Lan- ing concern over the eotaNishment Charter Oak Kin Hunted library books, tha need for special nan is Investigating. of the proposed center. HARTFCHID (A P) — Oov. John teachers, the scisnee and physical The statement was Immsdiataly N. Dempsey launched a aeareh to­ Taxpayers will have an oppor­ fitnasa programs. FINES REMITTED countered by Dr. Idiaa lAuA. day for 60 certified daaoendanti of tunity of speaking up on the gen­ nuag Junior High School princi­ 'HARTFORD (A P )—Three Beat YOU BUY! representing the^ Stated Menw tiie famed. Charter Oak that blew eral manager's budget propoMds pal A. Hyatt Sutuffe reviewed ra­ Haven hunters who acbidsiitally DOUBLE STAMPS Health Conuntmton; and by I>r. down In Hartford over a century tmight at Waddell School audi­ tios in English, seisBcs and fuid' 1962 MERCURY Joyce Yerwbod of Stamford »*»• torium, Broad St ance progrtuns. i shot down three too many scaup They stated, that there would Dempsey plsins to send the sap­ The public hearing of the board Sqpt. Cur til said the budget has ducks Jaat, Deoismber. had tlieir be no diapmiafng of narcotics in lings to Iborident Ksnnedy and the of directors on the tentative budg­ gone through a “sdenUfic” prepar' fines remittsd yestarday in U. S. S q l e P r i c e the service center, wWoh would governors of the other 49 states et will begin at 8''o’clock and is aDoa and haa been "senittalMd' District Court. John E. Gould, 48, Z-Door Sedan be esUblished with the help of a April 23, the 800th aiUUverstry of expected to be fairly langthy. oarsCully. The allocation that the Brooks B. Sayles, $3 and Arthur 1227,000 fedeml grant. the granting of the Connecticut General Manager Richard Mar­ achool board is recommending is C. Briggs, 32, had bean arrsalsd 5 cylinder engine, stsndsrd trsnemission, di­ Robbina said hU ooncem ie charter by King Charles n. tin it recommending a general neceoNuy to pravids for a sdiool by a federal game inspector. The based on the poeatbiltty that tiie In 1087, when Sir BMmond And­ fund budget of $8,684,120 for the plant worth Jrem $18 million to extra three birds, which have been rectional signals, heater, defroster, self ad­ oHnic could ptovt to be an attrac­ ros came to Hartford to take back coming flacal year, and a four- $18 million, he asld. kept in a freeser, will be turned .vvcc-' •;; .• tion for addicts from other areas, the charter, it was stolen right out mill increase in the town's tax Hie- attperintendent showed over to the State Fish and Game justing brakes. Needs routine Mrvice only some of whom may establish resi­ from under hia nose, and, legend rate to pay for it. rejector slides on cost distrtbU' Board for use in its study of scaup d e l iv e r e d IN MANOinSaraK dence in- the area^to become eligi­ has it, was hidden in the oak tree. The board of directors has until 8ions and stats figures on .per-pupil ducks. Judge T. Emmet CIsrie twice a year at 6,000* to 30,000 mile intervals. 1 ' « l ble for treatment. When the old »ak came down in May 7 to adopt a budget and fix ooats. A stats department of edu­ suspended the fines because the PIDIRAL U U L RZ3S2.1S ITUs was especially true, he 1866, it was mourned extravagant­ a tax rate. cation figure on Manchester’s psr- hunters bagged the birds acciden­ eaid, because of Stamford's prox- ly. Its wood was used to make such No appropriation can be made pupil cost figure is $374. Tha Con- tally and bemuse of their paat rec- “The Beautiful Im l^ to NSW York, which report­ ceremonial objects ag the etate which la greater than the depirt- nsctlcut Public Bhependiture Coun- orda as "fins sportsman," edly has the highest percentage senate preeident'e chair. mental request or the general Balance BetweM RCA VICTOR 23” of addlots of any city in the coun­ Descendants sf the Charter Oak manager’s recommendation. Which­ Big oars and try. have certified podtgre^ and Mould ever is larger, without an addi­ Advartlsemsnt— Compacts" The hearing is one of several to not be too difficult fo'lecatei tional public hearing. be held in various parts of the stale. The next wiu be held in New Haven. Mail Handler Sentenced Nixon Galled Non-Resident HARUTORD (A P )—a Hartford Postal Dapartmtoit mall handler — m e n ----- waa sentenced to one year In prison Interlopers Carpet Baggers e v is t a R iv er LEARN TO OPERATE N W Cresting today on a charge of tampering V^TNDSOR LOCKS (A P )—The with the mall. U.S. Weather Bureau issued this 'John E. Beach, 34, of 129 Cleve­ By Rogers ...... river statement today for the Con­ land Ava, was sentenced on one HEAVY necticut River in Vermont, New of six counts. The other five were When ths chips are down and tax-wiSa they gre dowfi not Hampaliire, Massachusetts and nolled. only for tha home owner but today for # v ^ . taxpayer in town Connecticut! Beach's term is to be suspend­ EQUIPMEHT The Herald came Ukcugh with a forecful editorial "Freese Hie The Connecticut River ie failing ed after 90 days and he is to be Tax-Rate." along Its entire lebgth north of DRAG UN]ES Recently at a cost to me of almost $500 br, Moran and I TE liV lilO N placed on probation for two years, BULLDOZERS GRADERS Connecticut. It Is now cresting ^ e maximum penalty for tamper­ BACK HOES spotlighted the frightful threat of a new tax-rate which Is caus­ at Hartford and will crest at Mid­ ing with the mall calls for a $2,000 CLAMSHELLS SCRAPERS ing cveryons in town to ssk “Where Are We Going?" dletown late tonight. Lowland fine and five years Imprisonment Last, nlght,^ as you will see elsewhere iq .Tpe Herald.^ Mr. Cur- flooding along the Connecticut POWER SHOVELS or both. Trained men are earning . $166 , tis, superintendent of schools, at no cost to him' held'a .“wave River will continue for the next A postal smploys with Dm Hart­ the flajg" rally in the High Schoel auditorium in an attempt to couple of days. per week and up. Ibouenadn of COMPLETE WITH ford office for seven years. Beach additional men are needed right have the PTA pack tonight’s hearing on the Martin budget The Hartford stage at 10 a.m. was discovered miening mall con­ at< Waddell school in an effort to have the board of directors T O SUIT was 20Ji feet and will fall slowly now to operate Gie heavy equip-, taining contributions to local or- ment used in building rondc, ' belitve the whole town is for the schoel bosrd'a budget which to 1914 feet by Wednesday morn­ The Herald has by inference declared a “luxury" or at least a ganixaticns. btidgee, dams, airfields. Irriga­ r i ¥ r ; ; M ing. The Middletown stage at 7 Judge T. Ehnmet Oalra presid­ tion systems, missile sltM, most disturbing budget; 82 CHANNEL a.m. was 12.6 feet and will creat ing at today's session of U.S. Dis­ Mr. CMrtls, a non-resident of Manchester, drawing a aalary YOUR DRIVING late tonight near 1314 feet then pipelines, home eltes, subdivi­ trict Court, also nJsd that a 20- sions, etc. . , of $18,060 and expenses would disregard all waminge of hard POWER begin to fall slowly. year-old HiompsonvUle youth be Complete training givee yon' so- times ahead and aak the taxpayers to spend as. If we were In tnal experience on heavy equip­ the hish time of the countiy’e Iwtoiy. .. UHF-VHF TUNER Caught in Blind Alley ment at ear reetdent trainiag The big. eontrevcrslal high tax factor in Mr. CUrtis* budget is ANSONIA (A P I—An AnSonla centers, with employment as- his advocacy of 28 pupils per room while'the Cetholic or paro­ motorist waa arrested today after sistaace upon complotloa. For chial Bchoole across the county and the Catholic high school in leading state ptriice on a 27-mlnute, complete informatlen send Manchester use a yardstick of 40 pupils a room, causing Man­ bullet-punctuated chase from Sey­ name, addrtes, age, tolwthene chester’s school budget to be* $250,000 more Ahan It would , be mour to Ansonia. number and working hours tei If the Catheltc school pupil load per room were used. David Norman, 28, 64 Jewett Even Town Manager Martin has now capitulated to the pNs- Bt., was charge^ with reckless ' ASSOCIATED sure to spend'$18,000 a year for a town development commkakM driving, operating a motor vehicle While the right ,to operate is un­ HEAVY EQUIPMENT - Tofe'me the tax-rate of seven towna in this area irtth the aame der suspension, failure to obey SCHOOLS available akllled workera, tha aame shipping advantages, the eflfleer’s signals and fAilure to drive 292 WORTHINGTON ST. same atmospheric condlUans (important in the manufacture of SPRINGFIELD $, MASS. certain textiles), thp aame educational facilitiee, the Slune all with tail lights on. THE CENTRAL lo­ Meteor 221V6 State Trooper Michael Bechlc- church religious facllitisa, the aame or in some instances greater chlo, traveling on Route 8 in Sey­ cation of the Holmos areas of potential factory eltea with Mancheater already carry­ mour at 1:30 a.m. said he observM ing the highest tax buidsn. East Hartford is the lowest Udth Norman's car moving along the Funeral H o m e a tax-rate of 26-mtllt. T hear the explanation—"East Hartford road, without the tall lights oil, and hsa ths revenue from the great Pratt and 'Whitney plant." I motioned the driver to pull over. makes it easy to pinpoint tnls; Blast Hartford has an average school room pupil The 1962 METEORS, with either 6- Instead, said the State Trooper. load of 29.8. Try that on your piano. Norman took off at a high rate of reach from jieifh- I ask even members of the PTA who attended last night's cylinder or V-8 engines, offer's beauti­ speed, traveling at from 85 to 90 bigger tax rally if a local aelf-ierve market offers you the same ful balance of size, weight and power. BU T f HIS O N WBDMBSOi miles an hour. borhoods through­ quality, name brand, foods at a much lower price than other In Ansonia, Patrolman Alex­ self-serves, which will you patronize ? All Meteor engines have durable, re­ Every dollar spent in an attempt to attract new Industry to ander Pakimovich flred eever^ out the Manchester liable precisipn-cast all(>y-iron cylinder ahots at the car’s tiros when, he Mancheater under present tax conditions goes down the drain. A said. Norman failed to stop. Do*-1 helttve statements issued at City hall ? I did until a blocks,with power output ranging from Moments later, Norman drove woman 'phoned—"Mr. Rogers, don’t be hoodwinked by what you hear from City halt. <3et the brochure which aoM town 101 to 164 horsepower. into a blind alley off Central St., Maiaer 286 V4 where he W-as cauglit. Police .said bonds In the amount of $1,400,000. dated March 21, 1957." I 4,976 nil he told them he had borrowed the have hrtore me that brochure and I quote ther^rom: "The car earlier In the evening. world famous FUJler Brush company has purchased in Manches­ Norman was held on bond of ter for a modern manufacturing plant-expansion and relocation METEOR "6” — ^This 6-Cylinder, 101 h.p.. 176-eubic inch engine is most IETTIR L00K»8...BITTIRJ>BRF0IIMINai FAUtO "NRVT $385. pregram," economies! o f $01 1962 Meteor engines. It is s eiiort-stroke, loW-friction Herald readers, the author of that staement, citing the Fuller yilTA?' tuiiea f u lls in IVEN HARD-TO-OIT STATIOUII Brush plant as oae -of the town’s assets to be weighed as col­ design,, incorporating all o f Mercury’s money-esving, Iddr-msirttensnce THE MOST PONERFUL OHASSIS EVER, PLUS »CH "OOLDRN Union Records Found lateral for the' prepoeed bond iasuc back In 1967 deliberately fes^res. Easy on gas, the Meteor **6” delivers 26%. higher gas mileage THROAT'* TONI ASSURE PERFECT YICIRNO PLEASUREI HARTFORl^ (A P )—The long- Inserted a false statement in that brochure and had aa Individ- thaj^last yetur^s most economical Ifercu ry (600); ALL RANBE TORE 0OMTROL...BUiLT-IR ARTEHHA...FRESH sought financial records of Local uBl. obtained a bank loan with such a glaring misrepresentation 210, Internationa] Jewelry Work­ Window Shade$ he could, under Connecticut lavr, be prosecuted for obtaining HEW OORTEMPORARY STYLIRfll ers Union in Stratford, turned up money under false pretenses. ' Do you blame me for going to m e t e o r 221 V-8—This 14^ h.p., 221 cubic'inch engine is Ford Motor SBS H- IfMi Tfearisg «rca in'U.S. District Court j^terday. Waddell achool tonight determined to separate the wheat from Company’s newMt V^S design witii hydraulic valve lifters, water-heat^ Furnished by the ousted presi­ the chaff or in other words the lies from the truth T Harsh dent of the local, Peter lannuzzt. dual downdraft cairbiwetor and automatic choke. AVAnwlBUB m MAHOGANY OR WALNUT ALSO ' words but not criminal as is that Fuller Brush citation with not one stick of 'wood of the new Fuller Brush plant in Manchestsr. VENETIAN HINDS Truthfully, the Fuller Brush company pays, in taxea in Man­ I METEOR . 260 V-8— This bigger-engine option, costing only $51.60 more HO BECRBT PBICBS—NO 0( OED PRICEB-ONLY ONK LOW, Bring your old rollers in chester $186.62. I pay almost that much on my automobile. than the Meteor 221 V-8, delivers additional power for faster start-up end LOW PRICS5 FOB OI $ CUBimiEBS BEE and savs 86e per shade In the bridge toll fight, in the cleefric light rate flekt in the present Uur-rate fight I have spent almost $2,000. I don't use passing acceleration . . . with eieeling all-around performance. The 164 HOT WEATHER the toll free, bridget. h.p. raises Meteor’s top power-to-weight rgtio to 61 h.p, perlOOD Ibe. Gets My electric light bill and my town tax bill mean nothing te money-saving fn d ^ n o m y mi reiiuiAr gas. me. ■ ■■ ■ ■ . I have not .bean Jaying the ground work for politicu .Office. AHEAD! ‘ No longer are Uje crittce «rf town governmental costs In thli fight long before I dug into overall and broken-down depart­ TOP SERVICE...DOUBLE GUARANTEED! b a c k e d by full manufacturer ’s w a r r a n t y a OUR GUARANTEE OF SATISFACTION! mental costs called “crackpots,” “malcontents.’*.“nitwits," "pub-^, SAVE TIME..,STEPS... AND MONIY WE ARE N aW SERVICING AIR CONDITIOMING liclW seekers.” No longer are businessmen ridiculing the determination of a UNITS FOR THE SUMMER rfew to pinpoint Waste of public funds. I coUld nkme bustness NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR DELIVERY I NO HIDDEN EXTRAS AT GRAND-WAY! SHOP WITH CONFIDENCE... PAY THE LOW PRICE! firms, indi'viduals who In the past have lau^ied. at'the .effwta.^ BUir YOUR NEW OR USED CAR HERE! I ' ■ ' of a few to keep taxes in check, who can't pay their .bflls, in- All cooling equipment (even window unite) need a cleaning, oil­ cludlBg tax-btlts, and brother when the mailman leaves at your ing and adjustment. With regular rare it will laet longer, ran dodr or'tn your atoro or in your office a tax-hill which causes you- quieter and gii-e oat mere e-o-o-l-i-a-g. to think despondently as to how yOu are going.to pay^the tax and avoid a Hen—then my friends you are in a bad way and it Ie MANCHESTER PARKADE OPEN MON. THRU SAT. Williams hM 'been servicing all kiwii^ of off oondliieaing aqulp- a ead moment when you have to tell yoUr son or daughter who meat for nearly $0 years, and has the parts and m eSeUeeto scholastleilly haa eamod the. right to higher education; "Tm MANCHESTER ■endee nay make unit aorry. Inflation; the aver mounting cost of l l v ^ has wiped MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST 9:3oamtoiopm out ‘our aaTtng%.for your college career. Toil’ll ha*ave to s«t a L A Job," '. ' : ■ WRITE t)R CALL You. $r many of you. and if not you, your chUdr4n, a' f«w yabra back, l^orad my warning aa to what lay ah«ad. You can ig* PAIH T CO. nora It now; But what a Ufa to awakan evary morning 'wonder­ Lincoln Continental Mareury — Comet — EnfUsh Ford — W^ittys Jemp WILLIAMS OIL SERVICE ing where tha money In coming from and aa of today you have ' 723 MAIN ST. , ^2 8^1 BROAD STREET—MI 9-4548 not felt tha impact of automation and tha world common market a0141t C IN ^ STn RMNCHISTIR m i M ill OMN IWimS . PHONE BO M501 whloh wUl stap up your tneona tax paymenta to a dagraa many at you wtU not bo alila to taka. T ■ ,t „ > , ^. ^ rs\ * , ' / ’ V > /^^i5-i'*r^ ’ iglv* S'

•i^ \ '.,


nathaUc preaumptlon and a rla]ack comes converted, in the newa- BO o f ( baoomt^ a part o f tha channel of 0 t ; Nicholas Blanchard, 26 Bihice handling it gets from the great per cent o f the natiim'a population to "Me und G ott” tha mind f f b i t and powar o f God On Jury list Of Five New Special Teachers aeofOits of tha realists who say at Matthew aignlfiwUy w- Dr. ' Yankee New York Ttmea. Into a news par- can elect a controUlng majority in porta that "Jeaua came from oan- to a needy world; Also, William Bristow, 113| that noneTlolMica would faidaad bS agrafih Uka thia: tho momberahip ot tho Vnltad If it is tnm that CM is ffaqdy 1 ^ . Percy M. (toturier In Income, Spending By A. H. IM to the Jordan to John to be A list of 180 Manchester names Cooper Hilt St; William E. Buck- A "Fpacial areas conunlttee” of^ed and«dedicated though she may flMi If, that la, It la your smbiUtm 0. "Connecticut la SMthar aUto in Statoa Senate. . ccBcawiiil ovor tha afflieUpna of baptized by Him.” Some of Jeaue South MatbodlatIt i C h tu ^ has been furnished to the clerk of ley, 660 E. Center Si.; Leonard] school■ ■ "staff ■ ■ ' members ?has an- be, to have the creative akilla and to be cruciflhd, which a small minoi^y o f ' tha . fim r there, wp sicpoae, ia an in- Hia chiMrah, how do qro raUtai our- lator references to John IndiMtea tire Hartford Superior ..Court for Burt, 233 Henry St; Ernest Car- noimced ita support of the 1962-63 native ability required to Instruct population can elect a controlling juatica, and ons that la truly na­ Comparisons of 1960 revenues and expenditures of towns 1. itei 'W a find wa havib ihoat raapact One might think and hope that aclvaa to Him, dlacovcr more fully that He was aware of Imperfec­ possible Jury duty in the period ron, 21 Oval Lane; Paul R. Garter. request by the . board of education pupils In such a manner aa to pro­ majority. Under a diatrlctlng for­ tional in scope.. Tet we expect to tions In him. Yet His ba^lam In the county and the capital region have been made by the of September 1962 to Jtme of 1968. 40 Parker S t: Mrs. AhtgoU Caah- for five additional elementary vide the best possible program in ^ K 5 S 5 ii^ ExMM 6f au for tba atatament’i saventb Connecticut, having been the state His win and mnka ouraalvea avail- ^ndtvii wtf.Stiltay*. Enttrwi at tnr mula last' revised ia 1903, tha votoa hear. In the months and yaara abla as ehannela for Hia power? Identified Jeaua with this reUgloua •TBOE IB A FWODrO DM. Connecticut Public E:penditure Council, and the comparisons Tho names have been chosen by lon.' 200 Msiple St.;' Mrs. Marie teachem In the areas of music, all of these areas," the statement BINGO which invented and bequeathed to ■ ^ n o * at lgaiiclK«t«r, Conn, point A8 One point- In which doo> of 12 per cent o f the population ahead, any number of r tto n m t lan’t it in both private and corpor­ movement the beat that He could EABB.” Yen are wtM ta indicate Manchester is somewhat below the averages in. both the Manchester jury selection com­ Cheney, 55 ^arm Dr.; Mm. Wll-lart and physical educatlcm. said. 8 O'CLOCK-REGION HOME. LEONARD ST. caaaa MaETiutttr. trinal truth, raligioua principle, and the nation itself the system by can control the Connecticut House complaints about file inequities of fr^ J. Clarke, 20 Henry St; Law- The committee, composed of 16 The group said it "believes that al# study and worship? Both are your CHIHOPHAdTlO the revenue and escpendlture da-'9------^ mittee, com prise of Clarence N. BfflMegftjMlQN KATES which one house o f a legislature of RepresenUtlvea." . ' the ‘ Connecticut House and nma vltaL , - ...... the Master did not attempt to partmenta. The CPEXJ study’s pri­ rence Domerrttt, 717 Tolland Tpke.; 1 persons appointed by the school the lack' of an adequate number ot EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT practical conduct all do aeem ra* HEALTH RESTOEATIOK ptt>- Lupien, Mrs.J. Edward McKeever, 3, n ^ S S i fai Advanca ^ should represent population, while Well, we should not blame out about those of the United States But oiganiaed raUgion. ehurehos go it alone with God, would we not mary purpose is "to provide reve­ cent for health; 2.58'j^r cent for and Thomas Derby. Mm. Mary Dittmeyer, 25 Court-1 system's administrative, council, is­ teachers in the special teaching ^ ~ •, . _ . .Carrlw lated.to one another In a, sane and Senate, fpr which the Connecticut public welfare; 8.27 per cent for Taar ...... sis.sn of state experts for their SMump- aad JewUh congragatlons, are im­ So well to follow Hia example? gram NOW. nue and expenditure data useful in The 180 namea ara culled in land St.; Mrs. Janet Doyle, 37 Jar- sued a statement saying it areas . . . seriously impedes the sensible way. . * the other should represent geo­ House waa, of course, the origi^ Should not responsible people Ide^ schoola; 7.08 per cent for libraries, vis Rd.; Samuel J. Dunlop,' T "strongly endorses the provisions & Kontha ...... 7.75 graphical political divlsiona or tlona, especially when ''it often perfect. making intermunictpal . compari- May, and half the naittea are kept 16 Bucceisaful Implementation of tha TkrejHontha...... 3.!K) "W e call upon tha Chriatian model. On the other hand, it raquirea a tify themselves with the best Bona, and to aui^ly total revenue 4.37 Per cent for recreation; 9.05 Maple S t; Josei^ Durkin, 167 in next year’s budget for the addl- desired elementary program". Oaa MaatS * 1.80 units, would ascapa the worst and seems necessary to remind Con­ per cent for debt service. Total ex- and are subject to actual place­ .80 ChuTdi/' aaya this final point in necticut pele themselves that tha There are, of ooune, legislativo and expenditure figures for the Wadfworth St., E x t W®" elementary art teach- The statement Included a chart most Irraaponaibla hoopla follow­ houaoa whore tho preaent appor- pendlturea for the town were 7.40 ment on jury panels for the Cir­ Connecticut House was never in­ areas under study." cuit and Superior Courts and tha Also, Prank Edmunds. 164 W. «r, two elementary music tethers showing Manchester ranking ' MEMBER or th a' atatement "to diaabusa tha ing the United States Supreme tienmant Is .acandaknia. In .Con­ per cent of ^ region’s total ex­ — 'and two .elementsly physical edu­ eighth among 13 towns of compar­ " THE ASSOCIATE IPRESS____ tended to guarantee represenU- During the atudy year, the 2? Court of Common Pleas, Center S t; Mrs. Mary M. Evans,. Afnarican people Of the notion Court decision proclaiming federal necticut, this would be the State penditures. ‘ V cation teachem as a vital step able population in the number of ^!7i« ASaedalad Frau It exelutiTclr court jurisdiction over state rep­ tlonal justice to the state’s popu­ towns in tha capital' plaiming re^ In summary, the GPEC reported First lis t 25'N. Ham St; Mm. Ann Fhlkow- titled to Ukt UM of republlcaUnn of widely held that Christian values Senate, in which only some 33 per gion spent total of 3104 million akl, Alton St.; William C. toward Improved Inatruction for specIM elementary teachem it em­ aevt dtaOalchea credited td It or resentational inequalities. lation, but merely to its aubsidlary a that property tax dwarfed all other Those Manchester residents 68 all our elementary pupils.'* can be defended and our Lord and political units. cent of the state’s poj^Iation could during their fiscal years, ending in Fetheraton, 60 ArcelUa Dr.; Fr*u»- ployes. The town's figure of 11, t- otherviM credited In thia paptr But any such hope is futile. elect a controlling majority. Thia Bourcea ot municipal revenue. For placed on the flrat list include the A t present, there are three including two instrumental music Saad alto tiM Ideal ndwt publlnlied here.His teaching somehow vindicated There are, of course, those who H 1960. Of this total, 390.4 million following: pis* Fitzgerald, 115 St. John S t; -•All rlchta of republlcatlon of tpecial— Both the Connecticut' House and is not as bad os the United States the county it waa 78.58 per cent and teachers eacli In art, music and teachers, Is compared at both ends know this, and who sUH proclaim wiaa for current operations and for the ciqiltal region it waa 78.93 Mrs. Alice M. Allison, 40 West, dftpatenea barMO ara alto reaervfd. by the extermination of Commu­ Senate are included in the .nation­ Senate, but the difference is that 313J miUion was for capital out­ Kf".- education on the elemen- with Greenwich, 39, and Stratford, OF MANCHESTER it wrong and think it ought to be per cent. minster Rd^: Oscar G. Anderson, It': a ratio of four. • . rPVIl^^aarrlea client of N. E. A Serr" nists.” , ally published statistics which il­ changed. the state senate is supposed to lay financed from reserves and lustrate the evilo of di.spropor- represent populatkm, the federal Moat dependent town on proper­ 348 Center St.; Mra. Theresa An w'* at'* on® teacher for about 70 classes or The five teachem with which the *7PubIbt»aM Rapreaentallvet. Tba Perhaps, If our Christian paci­ But to all them crusaders, those borrowing. ty taxes waa West Hartford, 82.35 Mrs. i ^ a Grar, M 1,800 pupils, the sUtement said. tionate repreoentation which may senate the states. Just to add to For the county, total expendi­ demon, 348 Center St.; William committee is conebmed are part of j^Ilui Mawawa S ^ tal Agency—New fists, and mere men of sanity smy- who know what they are doing, they see Per cent, with property taxes rang M.. Anderson, 40 Hemlock St.; Mm. Mary J. O ^nks, *8 Jowph means that the teachem can an overall board of education re­ Tork. ChICaaO, Detroit and Boelon. be operi to cure following the Su­ the discomfort and possible con- tures ware 3135 million, with 3110 ..MEMBffir AUDIT BUREAU OF Where, could get somewhere with and those who don't we suggest an ing downwatd to 86.ST per cent Frederick D. Baker, 43 Lyndale S t; ChristoimM a»en"«y. 74 ^ t h Individual classes only quest for 25 additional teachem. preme Court decision. alternative direction for their in­ fuelon of the iWormera, it may be mlUion for current operatlona and for Hartland, ter S t; Helen (toul4 30 every three weeks, said CIRCULATIONS, that "notion'' and the violence it St.; Thomas Beattie, 117 Birch St.; The committee membera, who And it happens to be the Con­ terest and their endeavor. noted that the glaring inequity In 320 milUon for capital outlay. Andovef Highest Also. Mm. Elizabeth Grant 5Wly^ committee 'The Herald Prlntint Company. loc,. Connecticut, which Is in the Sen­ Mm. Marguerite Btuigs, 62 Pitkin Investigated the special elemen­ does to the Chriatian religion It- necticut House, the division of the If they are shocked by the pos­ The average per capita expendi­ On school expenditures, the N. Main St.; Mrs. Margaret B. Seek Balanced Program Ikeumea no fhianctal reaponelbillty for ate, tends to favor not that Re­ St.; Mra. Gertrude Bengaton, 37 tary progreun for four months, In­ ypographleal errort airpeartaa In ad> aelf other nOhrvlolencea would have Coiuiectlcut legislature in which sibility that. In our good little ture for the region .3.1.79, while CPEC noted that the highest per­ Ridgewood St.; Mm. Catherinv: Hair, 435 E. Middle Tpke.; Ralph Under the present system, our cluded Ronald Edmondson, Alfred eemeiMt aad otb^ raadinic matter publican' "rural domination” the at 50 fathoms for the county, the average per centage spent in I960 on schools Halllday, 77 Goodwin St.; Mra. | repreaentation ia based on the lo­ sUte of Connecticut, 12 per cent elementary pupils do not always la The MABCbaBtar■ r : Sraabii ReraM.- an easier way forward into our for­ Supreffls Court decision is now Bolduc, 153 Brookfield St.; Mm. Fredctte, Mm. Evelyn Gerard, Ja­ cal geographical political unit, of the peculation can theoretically capita 'expenditure was 3107. waa 74.70 per cent by Andover, Jean Hampton, 276 Btdwell St;> get a well balanced program In cob Harolan, Robert HeinS, Miss eign policy thinking and debating. supposed to help strike down, but Anna M. Bowen, 670 WoOdbridgo which ia singled out, in these na­ control one house of the legisla­ Out of the 27 towns in the cap­ and that ths lowest was in Hart­ Russell Hathaway, 364 Porter St.; art, music or physical education Avis Kellog, Thomas Kelley Jr. a slightly diqiroportionats voles St.; William Bralnard Sr., 77 N, tional statisUca, aa one of the na­ ture. let them consider a situation ital region, Manchester’a per cap­ ford, 28.58 per cent. In only seven Mra. Blanche Heffron, 512 Center their class room teacher la Also. Miss Marita Kemp, Mm. for Dsmocratlc cities. towns waa less than 50 per cent School St.; Mrs. Eva M. Buckley, tion's prime offenders. almost equally sensational and .dis­ ita expenditure from current re­ 15 N. School S t; Walter Buckley, St.; William E. Hill, 816 Hartford Mually gifted In these areas," said Dorothy McHugh. H. Blaine Miller m Dor Thtnl Reprieve Only 12 per cent of the Con­ proportionate in the nation aa a venue waa 3168, topped by 10 oth­ of the total expenditure devoted Rd.; Mm. Charlotte House, 201 E .' the- committee * -■- Jr., G. Albert Peamon. Miss Alice For Frlday^l mim' _. to schools. . 377 E. Center S t: Mra. Marion For Saiorday—1 p.m. necticut population can elect a whole. leebreaker for Ruaiia er to«(na In total per capita ex­ Center St.; Thomas Humphries, 12 ‘The committee feels that it is Perkins, Miss Daisy Pilcher, Ron­ ti Back In IMO, our advance radSr In Its compilations, the CPBC Chapin. 57 Green Manor Rd.; Mm. Catting'deadllm: f0;80 a.m. aaeb majority of the membership in the We have been doing some rough penditures. 'Ulley St.i Robert Hynds, 45 unrealistic to expect the elemen­ ald P. Scott, Miss Martha White day op pubtteatlon except Saturday — atatlona up in the Arctic misinter­ noted that it had adopted a stand­ Olive M. Chartler, 18 Hathaway Pleasant St.; Mrs. Caroline Jan- a Am. House of Representatives, say the arithmetic on the baela of tha 19M HllLSINKI. r in 1 a n d — The A breakdown of the total per tary claasToom teacher, wcH traln- and Mra. Florence Woods. statistics of tha National Munici­ ard claaatficaUon b a s^ on the Na­ Lane. icke, 11 Bank St.; Mra Bloise \' preted the rising of the moOn for census, and we find that, of the 50 world's largest icebreaker, a 15,- pita expenditure for the capital Also, Isaac Cole, 83 Parkur S t; pal League, which makes Connec­ OOO^-ton, 22,000-horsepower mon­ tional Committee on Governmental Janicke, 156 Irving Sl.;- Mra. Dor­ Tuesday, April 8 the approach of a flaet of enemy states now In tha union, the 26 by various departments Robinston, 414 E. Center St.: Mm. ford, 48 Academy St.; Carl Thor- ticut almost aa sinful aa Vermont, ster, is b«dng built fai Finland for Accountings “A Standard Clasei- Robert H. Cole, 63 Stephen St.; is Johnson, 41 Windemare St. bombers, and sent o ff an alert back with the smaller populationi have atoo Waa furBiShed by tha CPEC, ficaUon of Municipal Accounts" to Mra. Claire H. Oomlns, 404 N. Main Sarah J. Robinson,. 414 E. Center en. 24 W. Center St.; George Tor­ ^ A Scren-Pfiinf Effort where 11.6 per cent of the popu­ a total populatlm of some 3.1,i,T delivery to the Soviet Union. ■niese per— capita expenditure Also, George S. Johnson, 47 rance, 23 Eklgerton St.; Alexis to the Strategic Air Command out place all revenues and expenditures St.; Mm. Alice Crowley, 67.Gerard Bigelow St.; Mm. Virginia Jorgen^ St.; Mra. Helen St. Laurent, 47 We notice In the^newa tha laau- breakdowns and oosapaitoons Indi­ on a comparable basis. S t; Mm. Olga Davis, 380 E. Cen­ Gerard St.; Mrs. Mary Samuelson, Toumaud, 145 Lake St.; Charles In Nebraska. Fortunately, the cated file following for Manchee- son. 3 Tyler Circle; Ralph Judd, ghee of a formal seven-point state- ter St.; Henry J. Deraeuay, 679 108 Hemlock St.; Walter E. Scho- Trotter, 52 Lenox St.; Mra. Mar­ radar technleiana themsalves aoon ter: - 87 Bigelow St.; Misa Gladys Keith, jorie Tupper, 293 Woodbridge St; Hartford Rd.; Thomaa Dickson, 43 20 Putnam St.; Mrs. Hilda Ken **®*'’ Delmont St.; John ipent, attempting to point the recognized what was bouncing General govemmmit average Mm. Ruth Werner, 11 Bremen Rd.; Pleasant S t ; Mm. Margaret Dwlre, n«dy.“ 87 Phe” ^ R d.? JmcT io SS. " ‘“ M* (Kristian way toward peace in our 38.41, Manchester 37.28, topped by Paijicake Festival 1 Arthur Wilkie, 16 Walker St.; Mm. their radar back to them, and call­ 756 E. Middle _Tpke.; Mm. Cora 22 Fytirfield St” Mm. Elaine Ktoll,' Smith, 19 Knox S t; Mm. Victoria age, and signed by some fiOO minis­ 10 other towns; poHce average, Alice Wilson, 28 Spruce St.; Mm. ed off the alert Information about Dyer, 46 Pairvlow S t 82 Cooper Hill St.; Fred R. Lavey, Smith, 24 Blgcjow St. 310.63, Manchester 38.88, Set for May 3 MaiY, Young, 75 N. Elm St.; Mm. ters and laymen. The signers whose thia poaslbla near call, In which we IS YOUR AUTO INSURANCE THE BEST? by three towns; fire ayerege, 38.19, Also, Mm. Marie R. English, 53 81 Pearl St.; Mra. Irene Leahy, 102 - Also, Otto F, Sonnlkaen, 23 names make the news are easily P .* 5 I Thomas Dr.; Mm. Catherine Fer­ Walker St.; Mm. Eileen Stevens, Eleanor Ziemak, 96 Cooper Kill wore close to having World War Manchester 36.36, topped by four The Church Council, Second Diane Dr. St., andXWlUiam F. McChalland, 81 recognized as people who have an towns; highways average, 312.43, guson. 159 Wadsworth St. Ext.; Also, Mm. Agnes Leduc, 61 Ed­ 16 Femdale Dr.,; Samuel Strain, Never needs tuningl m by a ridleuloiu miataka, first Congregational Church, will apon- Mm. Hazel Finnegan, 69 Benton 246 Oak St.; Mm. UUian Ted- Lake St.'''x^ Instinct to Interpret Christianity as Manchester 311-52, topped by Bor Its fourth annual pancake fes­ mund-St.; Thomas Leemon, 12 found its way Into print in Britain, twenty-one towns; sanitation aver­ S t; Mm. Catherine Fitzgerald, 17 Newman St.; Fernand Letoumaau, ..... If ChrlsUanity really means what it wa baliava, making its way back to tival Tlmrsday, May 3, from 11 William S t; John Funke, 144 W. age, 37.95, Manchester 35.71 a.m. to 7 p.m. In Fellowship HaU. 133 BrooMleld St.; Mm. Lucy Max­ You never have tuning expense when you says. It is Intarastlng, from this thia coimtry, where it was finally topped by eight towns; public Center 'St.; Mm. Helen E. Gor­ well, 14N Garden Dr,; John Me Proceeds will benefit the church man, 609 Portar St.; Joseph Hand­ own a Hammohd, for this is the one home point of view, to examine soma of admitted to be true. BE health average 3L40, Mhncheeter building fund. Tickets may be pur- Cooe, 613 Main St.; Hairy R. Mc­ their seven points. 57 cents, ti^yped by nine towns; ley, 385 S. Main Bt.; Mra. Gladys Cormick, 180 Pine St.; Robert Mc- organ that always stays in tune! But that’s No false report from radar, but chahed from church 'members. R. Hansen, 92 Waranoke Rd.; Mra. Their first, to which ho excep­ puUlo welfare, 38-35, Manchester The committee, for the featival ia Leary, aOl Main Bt.; Mias Ins only one feature of this low priced Hammond. the posalbUlty that our radar^lt- 31.31, topped by e ^ t towns; Gladys R. Harrington, 25 Strick­ Modean, 24 I ^ e a s St.; Julius J. PRESCRIPTIOl as follows:. Donald lYellA chair­ tion can be taken, fbvora "control­ land St.; Paul HlUery, 231 Porter Thousands of tones are at your finger tips . . . self had been blasted out o t its Arc­ schools average, 3'lY.24, Man­ man; Kenneth Wilson, Raymond Modean, 17 Gorman PI.; Lawrence led midtllateral dlsamuunent SMART St.; Mm. Mary Hope, 97 Florence Moonan, 146, HpUh^r St.; John such effects as flutes and strings, for instance. tic stations, was what set off the chester 381.52, tipped by sixteen Cox and Mrai Clifford Hansen, pub­ among nations.” towns; libraries average, 32.31, licity; Arthur Joyce, tickets; Mrs, S t; Mm. Barbara Kelley, 86 Well­ MroseH, 63'Pearl St.; hta. Kath­ Takes no more space than a table; costs, only latest escape to be recorded. This Manchaater 32.61, topped by three man Rd.; William Kloppenburg Br„ erine MulAqdn, 278 raillard St. $1040 delivered with bench and 5 lepsons. Sea That Wostld be aiCe If ybu eould took place one' day last fall,. ont Donald WellA food and equipment; txywna; recreation average, 34.54, Harlow WtUla, ifinance; Robert 92 Holl 8t^3fm. Anna Kocum, 35 Also, Robert Murdock, 22 Harlan it tomorrow at Watkins. gat It But In caaa that can't be dawn, in fact, when the siiiniAl Mandbeatetr 34 37, topped by four Westminster Rd.; Mm. Eileen R. St.; n a d Muririiy, 648 Hartford 981 W E DELIVER had, tha statement from Tha May, arrangements; and Mias Rd.; Robert Helswanger, Hill­ board out at SAC haadquartera in towns; deibt prino!]^ average, B3eanor Martin, food sale. Learned, 30 Forest St.; Mm. Bea­ 88 ^ u rc h Peace Mlaalon cornea out CHECK AUTO-RITE 316.64, Mhncheater 319.21, t o ] ^ trice Little, 195 Spencer S t; Mm. top Or.; Mra. Mary O'Brien, 8 Nebraska suddenly ahowad our ad- The price of the ticket includes Geratfi Bt.; Jamea E. Oliver, 400 OAGAN AND PIANO STUDIO with a Btcond point which reads as by four towns; and interest on all the pancakes desired, plus Louise Lord, 96 Grandview St. \, vahoe radar stations just not thara. debt aervloe avenge, 36.04, Man­ Also, Clarence N. Lupien, 12 Bonk Wood^tridga St., Mm. Elisabeth PINE PHARMACY follows: You’ll novor know if you hfive the bejit euto maple ayrup, sausages, dessert end Paterson, 104 Baldwin Rd.; This could have meant the radar chester 35.88, topiM by fourteen beverages. A package of butter­ St.; Thotnaa Miaxwell, 7l linn- 684 CBNTBR STREET—CORNER OF APAMS CSiiistiana. wa affirm that ineurance until you check Aetna Casualty’s towns. MatheW. Paton, 169 Center St.: atationa bad been destroyed, aa the milk pancake mix will be given to more I>r.; Patrick McCaim, 96 George Pazianoe, 27 Green. HIU wa cannot under any otreum- Auto-Rite. Priced with the very lowest, yet In the conmartaona of per cap­ each woman attending. There will Prospect S t; Mm. Marian McKay, T logical first targets In an attack ita revenue by major sources, St.; George PhiUlpa, 392 Main St; stano^ aanctlcUi the use o f nuclear upon ua, they couldn't give us it offers the protection 8 out of 10 drivers be a colorlfig contest for x^dten. 600 Porter St.; Mrs. Helen H. Mc- Mm. Eunice Platt, Baldwin 80 Manchester’s total was 3166, com; kiimey, 54 Adelaide Rd.; Mrs. 122 and, other maaa-destcucUon weap­ their warning of what was coming. want. Phone or write today for full details. pared to 3182 for the capita] re* Rd.; James Flesainger, 78 ArcelUa ons, nor can we aanction using the Clarissa W. Miller, 3 Stephen 84.; Dr.; Mm. NeUie Reale, 74 Wood So orders went out from SAC glon average and 3170 for the Mm. Mary Jane Miller, 103 Ade­ threat of massive retaliation by ' coimty average. Organists Invite land St.: Mrs. Mary Reggeta. 105 headquarters which had our hydro­ laide Rd.; Mm. Joanne B. Morgan, Hemlock St. JO IN N O W ! these weapons, tor so-called deter­ Mhnohester's per capita reven­ 376 Woodland St.; James V. Mun- THIS IS LUTZ JUNIOR MUSEUM MEMBERSHIP WEEK. gen-bomb planes around the world ue from property taxes. Interest Lanzes to Play Also,. Mrs. Eva Ritchie, 16 An­ rence.” sie. 295 Cooper KlU S t; William H. derson S t ; Theodore Ji Rivard, 62 warmed up and ready to tidie off, and hen fees was 3127, topped by O’Donnell, 14 'Winter S t; Mm. , Here, of course, our Chriatian obert J. eight other munlclpelities in the PorUand St; Mm. Dorothy Rob At the same time, SAC headquar­ A d e ^ M. Poriseau, 359 Woodland Inaom 98 Hawthorne S t ; Raymond pacifists are trying to be reason­ ters tried normal communication capital regrion. St; Blden H. Piper, 18 Winter St; able and persuasive. They Infer The town's total per capita rev­ Luigi Pols, 50 School St; Harold with our radar atatlona up in the Ws Urge You To enue was topped by 10 towns In that they are against the uaa of guest organists Saturday at the D. Puter, 5 Gerard St.; Edward F. ArctU, aa well aa with Air De­ e e a 'the capital r ^ o n . "nuclear and other maaa-deatruc- meeting of Uie Manchester branch Quish.VlTB Garden Dr. \ fense Command Headquarters In SUPPORT The CPBC also offered a percent of the Hanimond Organ Society. AlBO,\Reinhb:d Rautenberg, 12 tlon” weapons wily. They hope, ob­ age breakdown of the total 1960 Colorado. The meeting will be held at 8 Emerson S t; Mm. Eleanor R. Hik­ LiggaH SpMial viously, that the horror of mass population in the capital planning The lines from Nebraska to ColO' REAL ESTATE LUTZ region showing Maanchester’s pjfh. In South Methodist Church. er, 680 Spring S t; Mm. Mary deaths will enter other minds and MITH The girls, age 15 and 12, have Rukua, 282 &peiag St.; Mrs. Llnnea rado were dead, which added to the INSURANCE INOORPORATHB population waa the fourth highest "H gain them recruits. But the killing studied piano, and are now study­ Sheldon, 35 Oakland Ter.; Arthur drama of potential attack. But, in JUNIOR in the region. ing organ with Gordon Kirkpatrick, 11 of one man, with a club, or a pen The percentage peculation fig Shorts. 40 E. Middle Tpke.; WU- a matter of seconds, or minutes, 963 MAIN ST., GROUND FtOOR—TEL. MI 9-6241 South Windsor. They played at the Uam J. Sinnamaa. 461 Paifcw St.; knife, la as full of terror and hor­ tires for the fohr towns are: Hart with some accounts saying four "INSURAN8MITHS SINCE 1914” MUSEUM ford, 82.14 cent; West Hart Eastern States Expoeltlon in West Jeaamine Smith, 15 Park St.; Mi«. Springfield, Mjass. ror and offense to Christianity as aecondt, tha other four minutes, ford. 1 2 .» " ^ r cent; Bast Hart­ Mary Smith, 19 Knox B t; Mra. RuthStevenson, 22 ThomKa Dr.; the killing of a million people by an communication waa eatabtiahed all j ford, 8,71 per cent, and Manches­ atomic bomb. ter, 8.34 per cent. | New Twist Banned Mm. Ruth Stoker, 31 Sununit St.; around, and the radar stations in Mm. Myrtle Stratton, 13 Cross S t; Ouarsateed Why not, if you ara going to try Manchester’s percentage of the Mm. Florence SulHvan Biro To Give Yon the Arctic reported themselves still ^ iota i spent by the m unlci^ities for AOUSHNET, Maas. (A P) — The ,\88 to present the point of view of a St.; Miss Ellen J. Swanson, 696 A Very In eocistence, and tha world lived. Afferent categories follow: Twist has been banned hem be­ Enjoyablo Christian pacifist, go all the way ■* Center St.; Mm. Mae T. Swatiaon. ! > No one can laugh about it now, General government, 7.22 per cause of new wrinkles. Smoke and declare that war Itself, aa a The three-member Board of Se­ 233 S. Main S t; Mias Helen A. or, oven when told that whatever cent; public safety,. 6,68 per cent; Snds OF A N A 'n O N A IX Y public works, 7.07 per cent; -health, lectmen outlawed the Twist Mon­ Thomas, 25 Oooper S t; Mm. Mar­ ADVERTISED CIGAR legalization of the murder of what­ ■ i went wrong with communications 3.39 per cent; public welfare, 1.31 day night because of variations in garet Trask, 81 Cottage St.; Mrs. WHICH SELLS FOR lOe ever number of human beings by the dance, which Selectman Mildred Wasley, 20 Academy S t; signals then has been guaranteed per cent; schools, 8,81. per cent; Reg. $4.76. whatever weapons, is the thing against for the future, feel secure libraries, 9.44 per cent; recreation. Clement St. Amand termed "the Thomas Wair, 119 Summer S t ; that must go? 8.02 per cent; debt service, 9.23 most vulgar I've seen In my life.' Jamea B. Wilson, 80 Alton S t Box 50. * 1 . 9 9 from some third false alarm which In the shadowy underworld the sea, U.S. Second list In Its third point the statement per cent. Total expenditures for the St. Amand said if peoirie. can't do 7 For the might not be corrected in time. the Twist properly "they shouldn't Another 90 names, on a second pleads with our own government submarinere rely on a remaHcable under­ town were 7.60 per cent of the re­ Ferfeotoo and PanateUas Suppose there had been some real gion's total expenditures,' be allowed to do it at MI." list contain the -foliowing resi- to "formulate and call on our peo­ communications difficulty ’ involv- , For East Hartford, ihe percent­ Bowing to the deeme, officials denta: ple to support a program of unt-' water eye to watch the course ahead. age experience were 4.89 per of the Acushnet Junior Hig^ EUmer C. Anderson, 84 Elm ILiVHETi IftHFTT Mtllflivnuu Ing the advance radar atatlona. Terr.; John Andlsio, 210 Spruce lateral withdrawal from the ' nu­ cent for general government. 8.34 School Parent-Teachera Associa­ Suppoee It had been one of those tion agreed to discontinue weekly St; Mra. Flomnce Armstrong, 64 PARKADE clear arms race." Again, we must per cent for public safety, 6.65 per solar storms which tbmaUmas cent for public works; 3.87 per record hops. Hemlock St.; Mm. Grace Baker, ask, what particular advantage or scramble all man's communlcatlona The eye is part of a new Norden display system wludi principlo In disarming ourselve* systems. How long, than, would rucleax-wiae while retaining our the warmed up bombers, with their combines the most advanced techniques of computers and shotguns ? hydrogen bomb loads all ticjtatad, In Ita fourth point the atatement have been kept on the ground? television. At a single control station, the helmsman can advocates 'Jijwrioua negotiation for But perhaps It Is yery silly o f us disengagement of troops and mili­ to worry about such accidents. A watch pitch, roll, heading, speed, surface and bottom tary Installations from various world which plana and creataa- and tions continually displayed on a 14-inch screen. areas such aa Middle and Hastem decidM to live or die by such a set­ Europe, the Middle East and Far up probably d eserts to run some At 60 fathoms, it charts a pictorial roadway ben^tJi |:iu East, following by neutralization of risk of accident, and might get to­ these areas as was done in the case tally bored, besides, if everything the sea. , • . . of Auatria. the problem of guaran- it has planned for so carefully i, I. teee against aggression being didn't happen some day. placed In the hands of the United The contact analog display was d^eveloped by our Norden ; Nations." In Its fifth point It urges that we withdraw from some of our Shorter W.ings division for the Navy from concept to hardware in less than military pacta with reactionary California experiments have con­ 18 months. A similar .unit is available for aircraft to guide dictatorial figures and regimes and firmed, while also establishing cec- concentrate on projecting ourselves tain gaps within it, the theory that pilots flying in aH weather conditions. Dod(i Dirt 440 2-Dear HwOlaa to the undeveloped world aa a sym­ the navigational ability o f birds Is :!K1 A "SAVINGS & LOAN" bol o f economic, political and cul­ inherited rather than acquired. In fmif UHT mfx ' '! tural hope. Both are nice points, the California experiments, duck-, THERE'S FUN FOR EVERYONE Advanced electronic systems are only one example of with possible appeal even for cyni­ -/ get handling thafs astonndingly easy and HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN lings were given the task of finding the expanding product spectrum at United Aircraft. This' lo iM R E i astonwbiles a n jM t loo dim cal pragmatiata. their drinking water by following I i drjvi with m y faeliiig of eonlidencA firm. You je t tho most powerful standard six In its sixth point the atatement If you ara thinking of making your home a bat­ celestial directions, and proved, pioneering corporation serves industry,, com m er^, and Thore’s a couple of feet of ineless overhang HMSAKEW engine in the business. Or, i standard V8 cornea close, at last, to Its own be­ clearly enough, that they were tiiat develops more horsepower md torque CURRENT ANNUAL DIVIOEND ter place in which to live, see Manchester's old­ lief, as follows: IN A FAMILY-RECREATION ROOM that doesn’t seem Ip do a i^ n g except get u rn PRICE bom with the talent ‘for plotting defense with unmatched research capability and the mitf-- than mything near Dart’s size or price. And ON INSURED SAVINGS est financial Institution for the type of financ­ "We urge upon our fellow-Chris- their own movements by the Stars. in your way. tians and upon govenunental agen­ It’.s great for active teen-age get-togethers . . . wonderful- for Dad’s card Then you try loeding your femily m d your im t E iT i thafs just the hell of it Start aavSig— or add to your sav­ ing that will suit your needs best. ^ iiKtl Only three conditions seemed to tiple skills of 60,000 people. United Aircraft is a significant N w car « tl« ara b toalai. i f i a pM l ytar I i ings on or before the 10th of tha cies and educational leaden aeri- goods in a eompnet md you’ve got another pK a arm 6«aL Bat atwt -yaa to?, fiiack Tho body is riistproofed. Tho brakoi adjust frustrate them and deprive them of club . . . for entertaining, games, hobtriee. Let ua help deeign tout family Nhaft foisf M M JMT IM |t Otahr. month — EARN DIVIDENDS, oua atudy of the poaaiblUtlea of their' sense' of direction. One' was and growing force in power, propulsion, nud(e^ (mm:i^g kind of tRNiblo. Too KtHe room md not themsolvos. You go 32,000 mtios botwom FROM THE 1st. nonviolent restatance' to possible when there were nothing but Clouds fuR room 1:. . show you samples of today’a beet building materink. And enough muscle in the engine deportment FORO FMRLANE fZOB giioso jobs. Tho Dar^ 440 has full carpotint aggression and injuaUce.” dectronies, vertical flight, navigation, and oontiel& In the sky, another was whan the What's a man to do? Try out the now size MERCURY MCTEOR 1220} vtoyl upholstery (in hardtop models), end a m Herc5 aa least, tbeaa Cairiatian we’ll tell you about our easy payment plans that put no strain on your sun wM.at nooti, and the third was Dodge Dort it’s a totally now kind of Dodge.' m v MZE DOOSC DART StMl fbld-dotm emter armrest up front ilii- pacifists ars fUitlsg: wbat.we tbink a eartain dtatraotlon provided by budget. Come fti today! Yes sir, you’re going to li.ko whafs happened they pwl asltlnc sonMhlng An mtomobile without excess overhang and CHEW BISCAYHE $2324 jiiiil the moon at night ^ to Dodge. Go see tho new size Dodge Dort it i l l we would Bka to see. What afs. In­ We also are confused on cloudy bulky nonsense. Ifa two foot bigger than FORO 6MAXIE 1237$ SAVIMGS deed, tbs poMtbtUUaa i t nonviolent Complete Materials cost aurpriainidy little, use our easy budget plan. your dependable Dodge Dealer. daya « r cloudy nlghta Wa also, America’s smallest automobile . . . and two n « cm m A m, Am$, b P m t m mm0m s Vesistanca p osalbls aggraaaton ttm S itiS m MtM m-irMw t-im i Sta«lfi8tti6tlM m iM e6HlM bi(6ltlle wlMB the sssn la at Man. have an foot shorter thm America’s longesL Sized Mr iia* Mi am. taiiMr pais • a i i c / l y O A M and injuaciea?'* .^as sudi nonvio­ 'instinct joat to aia|rta. And as for OPEN FRIDAY NWHTS UNTIL t:30 light in tho ndddio of the big and littlo. «pt|a«L tMi oW M nS n or HT> a*® 4 lent restataSMk.: «var been prac­ A s s < ) r I A r I o N tha moon. It is wa hbmans, nq| the You get exceptional manonverability, pfrk- ticed? If js^ iMw'bas it worked? duckilnga ’ who first conceded its •biii^ without giviag up interior room. Yoo 'What 4oaa bai^ien if and when wayward influences. These 'things DODBEjm anybody ever does turn tte other we, too, do aa though by Inherited IN8TITUTI0II chock to aomsbody who has al­ rather than acquired capacities. 0 1 DE 8 T r i W A M C l A t ______ready alaSbad tbs first? It aacens to That is tha end o f our instinctual 1007 MAIN STR E E T-N E A R MAPLE S’TREET us that those who believe In such a eonunon inheritance. The is principle, or such a course of ac­ broken every time the .sky clears, CHORCHES MOTORS, Inc. 80 OaMand St., Manehaatar .WadDeaday, 9 AM. to U Nomi. tion, have either been deficient in the »un moves off noon, or the PRSTT » WHITNIV AIRCRAFT • HAMILTON BTANDARD • BIKORBKV AIRCRAFT • N O RO ^ Open Until 5 P.M. Monday, Tuesday and Fridoy'^S^^'t AJS. to 8 FJI. practldiig It, down through his­ moon wanes and both of ua spread S36 NORTH MAIN STREET--PHONE MI 9-5253 RISBARCH LABORATORIIB • UNITIP AIRCRAFT CORFORATB BVBTIMB CBNTBR CarjSADIAM PRATT A WHITNBV AIRCRAFT C a . LTD. tory. or lafpud In raoordiag and our wings, but only one of ua fUesk • IMIGMnAIWMOri tNaraaulUI|OIIAB9IM19mt«fiOMAC--.ltNtTIOTBOHNOU>aveOHPOIIAriO»- ~ l " 1 m


Andover Cotumhia Rockville-Vemon Fslse A U m Teirorists .Kill Goiilart in U.S. U.S. Chiefs 21 Property Tax HALL Town firsmen this You Should Know,... Welch to Chair TV-Radio Tonight 9 Patients in bistrict Seeks Accounting To Diseiiss Aid answered a frise Summer Festival Liens Continued FOR RENT Maacbeater High Sdiool Not Told of Mrs* Myron A. Boglisch lO saddle T^ke. School au liw rl^ laqniro Llthnawlaa Ban J’ Mrs. Laura L. Squier,, tax col- Of Police Servicb Budget With President are questioning two youths Patrick J. Welrii of Lake Rd., 24 OOLWAY ST. Moslem Clinic were roported to have pulled the As ehsinnsa at the Manchester leotor, has continued 31' liens on Television SAC ‘Alert’ w ill serve aa |)(niural chairman et M l 8-6104-M I 8-S490 - ■ ■■ (C m Ub m « trm n f f piM } alarm 'be*, a school s^kesm sn blood program, Mrs. Myron A. I Th«at«r (In profT^wi BuRn Bunny I. 40. tf toe second annual Summei F eativ^ real estate on whirii taxes remain (OisatlBaad frsai ra g a d aa) The commlsslonen of the Ver­ ilaab party Thuraday at the East (OeattMied frau Po(to Om ) Mid. Bogllael) turn a Job which caUa tor Ilerir Ihov (In. preartu) 10. 1:06 Bachelor Father i! 40. u FOB ALL 04JOA8ION8 unpaid at toe close of burineee Movi* at t (In n«sr«u| Paaaword jottar dWUuM, but d«cland tbcy Hospital Notes Ids Recreation Center In Man- Eighth District firefighters (Oratiaaed Msgs Dm ) ot SL Oiluraiba’a church o f Coliun' eM non F in District want, to dstsr^ • lot of planning, ooeasioilal emer­ htarch 81. Mra. Squier said earii (lulck Draw McGrew Donna Reed ffiiow u U rn * ■ tw o * «io u *l» to wln,»lctocy. away with $320,000 kv Algerian Chester. Those plaiudng to attend Ooulsrt received a ceremonial quritod three grass fires and two bia, to he held on Saturday, July New* t:S0 Dobie Olllia k U currency. mine how money for poliea serv­ 31-gun saluate and, with Keimedy, gency acUoft, nbrays, croasril Uen costa the delinqueiii $3.76 Hlehwav Patrol 8 Alfred Hitchcock Preatata lu P' >- Tho DwaMCua regime, which V W U B f iMNtni are S to 8 pm - fo r will meet at the Masonic Temple car Area during the past t ^ e Had it reached that point, they 14. AsaisUnt chairmen and a com' ti Tw o BYencih aokUera were killed ice in the district is expended by at 6:45 pjn. Inraeted an honor guard. SylUbui took over In n bloodleu coup an areae, except maternity, when days. Damage was reported as added, Power would have contact­ ot planning” one month extra. 4:16 Induetry On Parade New Bread k 40. U and aaveral wounded Monday In Women to Meet ' Kei)nedy welcomed "this m>por- mlttae will be named laterT t:00 The Dick Powell Show 10. 33. 30 • iw e li M , hod broaidcMt «n ulti- they am 8 to 4iS6 aad d:86 to 8 the town. minor to the vehicles. rtn to 72 houra she epent cdUing She Is also preparing warrants f;36 News. Bporti-a Weather a clash with a bond o f Mdslein St Bernard’s Women’s GulM tunlty to discuea with you the ed Kennedy-As vrall aa Ida dafenie In conjunction 'with the festival, In The Public Inlereet 'iliird Man IK CAR LEASING BMtom giving the rebele SO min- pnoui aad privato To learn how expenses an han­ for ooUeetlon of personal prop­ Red Skelton Show 3. 13 desertera from Uie French army ,wUl meet tonlgM at 8 o’clock at great opportunities as well ae the superiors. volunteer donora for ahloodmobile thh Catoolic Ladles Society will 4:60 Sen Hunt ntea to surrender. This expired they are 10 ajn. to 8 pjn. Vlsltora dled, the commlMlonen w ill meet erty taxes which remain unpaid. Roltle Jneobs Club House I'.w Streets .of IhU^er 18 SO miles east' of Oian, the French the ohurdi hall. great responsihUitlea oUr two in Mt. St. Benedict Cemetery, visit. ^ again serve a public supper, with tchabod and S iMltiMut u iy announced reactilscopal clergyman, will O f thla amount, $666.98 is on per. Hixkwnv Patrol Barry Btrenti < Aleppo, 400 miles to the north­ Georgette Clavette, 17 Faulkxter According to State Police,, the News a Weather 11:16 Tueaday Blarlliht m e . 0 chase ot a new police cruiser for Advertisement— in defense ot- liberty and In de­ Mrs. Anna A. Kellnm m difference between peace and preach at the Lenten service to­ sonal property, mostly cars or 7115 film Tonlchf (C) Dr.; Mrs. Donna Hsyea, 92 Seamen says riie feels her Bartlett car, heading west, waa Phone MI 9-2881 east, Ool. liuaay Atassl broadcast Parents Seek Ban the constable forca X-ray tech^ctan ' wanted ' for fense ot democracy In the free Funeral services for Mra Anna war. tf necessary, it would allow morrow at 7:30 p.m. at St. Mary's boats.' Speria Camera 11 :W Movie Circle; Mm. EUeen Richard, 174 stopped kt toe Intersection. Isaac­ tCyenlns Report Fmiuiw 40 878 MAIN STREET ft cell to the m ilitary Junta run­ Ho said the commlssionera are night and weekend calls from home. world.’ ’ A. JCeUum, 211 Vernon St., were the nation’s key mlUtary and ci- work is •’TW W ^lng'’ Episcopal Church where he served Taxes on the 1961 Ust of $211,- Co(^r St; Mary Palmer. Pitkin Manchester office o f the Greater son, also heading west, said he did T:S0 What In the World ll:MTont|ht (C) ning the Damascus government unable to' answer the queries be­ Adequate compensation. P h on e The two hoarded a hellcc^ter for hsldv,j^esterday afternoon at the rillan leaders to move swiftly to Interim priest-ln-charge last 381.27 fell due yesterday. Mrs. Marahal Dillon Morr* S t a ^ a St„ Vernon; Frank Torta, Rocky On School Prayer Hartford chapter. American Red not see toe Bartlett ear until it Squier has sent out 1,162 tax bills, fo r ft truce. cause the district does not makp X-ray Dept, RockviUe City Hoa- the 10-mlnute flight to the White IW. P. QulSh Funeral Homa 226 ■halter^ commutd poata. summer. New Breed . 11:30 Fm tler Thtaler '.iS W e U rge You T o Support Atassl announced th at he has HUl; James Wilson, 19 Goiman PI.; House. Main SL The R*Y- Lawrence F. Cross, "is the heartbeat of every­ waa tee late to stop. Trooper Bid- The Rev. Mr. Harding, In 1067 ot which 847 are to reeidenta and lAramIe '13:80 rftwa ft Waather Miep Bussn BSUoU. 39 Vernon Cen­ the expenditures. However, the dis­ pital, for complete details. Since the United States can ex­ The Luta Jr. Mueeum taken ocnninnnd of the forces in (Oonthmed from Page One) From there Kennedy escorted Almond o f South M o th o d iit thing.’’ . . ' iliary she says, “ I love it— It'a a ward Peters ' of tho Colchester vriien St. M ary’s Church was with­ 815 to non-reMdents. They may BEE SATURDAY’S TV WEEK FGR COMPLETE USTINO ter Helghto Vernon; Patrick Plc- trict mys for the service through pect only about 15 mlnutea warn­ Syria’s northern region udilch re- Goulart by limousine across the ChurOh oificlated. Burial was In Need Surplus Troop, who investigated, issued a out a curate, served as “parish be paid at Mrs. Squire's home on careUo, 84.W ells S t ; John Murphy, a contract with the town, he said. Vernon news Is handled through ing o f a missile assault, Urns is very happy, very quick day.” The M le d IConday agahut the Jtmta friends of rrilgion. But we feel the street to B lolr House where the The n eed for b lood cannot be written warning to Isaacson for visitor” and has since served ai Rt. 87. 26 Trotter St; R a ym ^ Longtln. best eafety of religion and free­ The ordinance setting up district The Herald’s Roehvllle Bnraan, 6 East Cemetery. of the essence In preparing tor garden club has intensified'her in­ and called for reunion with the government houses .distinguished Bearers were Joseph Mcllduff, emphasized enou$ffi, rays Mrs. Inattention to driving. The Bart­ summer supply and priest-ln' Noting that toe final coUeeUona 557 Woodbridge St; Mre, Mar­ dom religion i# to keep it out of payment for the service was adopt-, W. Main 8 t„ telephone TTCemont a counterblow and tor making terest In growing her favorite Vhited ArSb KepuhUc. guests. Richard Nlese, Alexander Eagle- Boellsch. " I f people could only be lett car Incurred only minor dam­ charge o f St. Mary's. He Is chap on the 1960 grand list are shout garet Metheny, 19 Ardmore Rd.; public scboola.’’ ed a year ago. The town adopts the 5-S1S6 or Mitchell 9-6797. decisions on whether to launch fiow en, tuberous hegOnias. "They Ataesi’s truce api^ieftl was broad* Kennedy dlscuased Goulart’s vis­ educated to the fact; tha* m aybe age, hut the Isaacson car ii'oa tow. Iain at Armsmeare in Hartford, normal she said she felt that the Radio Mis . Gwendolyn Ctaamben, 66 Bertram B. Doiker, attorney of police budget, the district appro­ eon and Anthony AHbrlo. one. are fascinating thlnp to grow,” east shortly after Radio Damascus it with Democratic oongresstonal it won’t b s used today or tom or­ ed from the scene. vote of the March 3 town meeting Dudley St; Mis. liUian Blandish, priates funds for it and pays the she rays. where he and Mrs. Harding make (Thla Hating Inclnde* only those news broftdeaels ot 10 er IS-mhrate When You Fort Washington. N.Y., arguing in leaders at a breakfast session to­ In this case, sources said, Pow­ row, it w ill toe used som etim e,” .she to publish all unpaid taxes at the transmitted a Junta ultimatum< to Wapptaig; Robin DeOirii, Elling­ town and Uie selectmen handle the Mrs. BogUsch says her theory Police reported Mrs. Bartlett their home. reply on behalf at the New Hyxle day. er reacted to a suspected diffi­ end of tha fiscal year in the u - length. Soma etatloBS eftrry other short Mweoaats). the Alqnk> garrison to surrender ton; Max Lemek. 1 South St, budget administration. RockviUe-Vernon about Joining activities Is “ make aaid that she would consult her The guest preacher was bom in I^ r k Sobool Board, contended, They reported afterward that Rockville-V ernon culty In the communicsUons sys­ * aiit feels most Important Ihlng nual town report, had prompted Have a or he considered in mutiny and Rockville; H is. Neoemi Stenlunaa. Vernon Chief Constable Edmund 'for a better town and you make own doctor albout a possible In­ Washington, D.C., Nov. 30, 1886, n o n o - im ft 3:06 fXX; Chairman Newton Mlnow ‘T h e ConetHuUon Is incapable of Kennedy regards the visit as being tem Unking SAC headquarters u to,build up a surplus against a many people to ' pay their taxes. 3:10 Nlehtbeat punished aoconhiigly. „ 74 I^^outh Lane; Mrs. Winifred F. Dwyer said today a similar for a better world.” jury. and was graduated from St. John's t :00 News being so interpreted as to require of highest significance and “fruit­ near Omaha, Neb., < with toe two mojot disaster. "A train crash Several thousand dollars have 4:06 Today on Wall Street 11:00 New* Implying that the Junta already Blown, 727 Silver Lane; Mre. quesUon arose a year ago and the She added, “I sinccerely beUeve To Mark Annlvenary School for Postulants, Unlohtown, 11:16 Sports Final that the wall o f s^>anatlon of Boy, 3, Dies ful to both countries.” giant radar stations along toe would gobble up all the hank In come in since then sae said. It 6:10 Art Johnaon Show ll:.30 efarttjht iarentda PreMriptioi bad troops afield, Ataaei urged it Clara Whiting, 78 Walker St.; selectmen have since sent a month' Budget Slated each one of us should give of our­ An open house will be held for Ky., Nashville Prepuatory School 8i06 Haynor Shines church and state become an Iron A fte r a White House luncheon BaUistic Missile E arly Warning Hartford,” she said as an example. supported the feeUng she and'Mrs. 1:06 Newt ft Slfn Off 1:30 filin Oft to halt movements toward' Aleppo James Lodge, 24 Victoria Rd.; ly report on expenditures to the selves a Uttle bit.” Mr. and Mra Ellsworth Coveil at and from Seabury Divinity School. WrOP-1416 r I to pravent bloodshed and preserve Ourtsln.” and a talk with Kennedy, the Bra­ System — BMBWS — In toe far The blood gleaned from Manches­ Harriet Lyman, town treasufer, WBAT—sis \ Mrs. Barbara Ekiea, Wapping; district. Mrs. BogUsch and her huabsuid their home on Hebron Rd., Sunday Ho waa ordained in 1918. He has 6:00 Boh 8tt ^ow Chief Justice Earl Warren re-' After Tumble zilian president will addres a spe­ north and with Air Defense Com­ ter bloodmohUe visits, and visits had when they suggested this 6:00 Paul Harvey 6:00 Don BIMr Show CALI unity to the ranks. Deborah Knowles, East Hartford; He sold, however, the police For Town Vote from 3 to 7 p.m. 'Ihe Coveils will served aa curate in Denver, Colo, 6:30 Sound Slaas The r « M aadlo, which described called that each day’s Supreme cial meeting of the (louncU of the mand headqfiarters In Colorado In surroundlM towns, is stored in Uve at 669 W. Middle Tpke. In a move, that If people r r a iy under­ H is . Frances Goodsle, Coventry. cruiser was inirchased by the se­ be celebrating their 40th wedding and N ew York City, aa vicar in 7:00 Edwarrt_ P Korean Court session is opened by the A three-year-old Vernon hoy Organization of American States at Town of Vernon voters wUl be Springs, Colo. the Greater Hartford blood bank. home surrounded by begonias and stood toe need for paying their t ; n Nieht niEht Itself as the voice of the UA..R., A D H T T IE D TODAY: Mis. lectmen'in Simtember after an old­ anniversary. The open house will Sterling, Colo., and rector in Mid­ 6:00 World Newt Ml 9-2861 said thecotond had Imposed a cur­ court crier wtio asks, “ God save died of a broken neck today when the Pan American 'Union. asked tonight to approve a budget Regardless whether Powers was Mrs. BogUsch is aUo an ener­ her husband'e gardening favorite, taxes on time, they would make ,1:00 Tonixht a l l l y Placa r:lil Wall Street Alice Gonder, WM>ptog- „ . er cruiser had been traded. He said be held by tho Covells’ daughters. dletown, N .Y. I3'M Sinn on 6:16 Showeata and Newt few on Aleppo ’to pave the way the 'United States and this honor­ he apparently fell while climbing He’ll wind up the day at a state fo r the 1962-63 fiscal year amount­ “really scared” or not, there were dahlias. He is a maintenance su­ every effort to do so. When they B IR T H S Y B S 'rB R D A Y: A son he did not know If the money came getic member of the Manchester Mrs. Richard Osborne, and Mrs. The Rev. Mr. Harding served as WTic—itee_ 6:46 ,.Awell tlioiBaa fo r the northern oonunand to set­ able court’’ the metal frame of a awing in his dinner at the State Department, ing to $2,780,264. The annual town Indications some Pentagon offi­ pervisor at Heubleln Inc., New are not paid, she said, it makes it 6:66 Sport* HALLMARK to Mr. and Mrs. lance Ryan, 29 from the police budget or from Memorial Hospital Women’# Aux­ Lawrence Sheehan, and son, 'Willis superintendent o f an Orphans' 6:00 News, Weather...... ft Sporlt tle the national problem quietly The chief Justice said he won­ backyard. given by Secretary and Mrs Rusk. meeting wUl be held in Town Hall cials felt he should have informed Park Ave., Hartford. necessary for the seleotmen to 6.30 Album of tho Day 7:00 c m Newa PH A R M A C Y Brooklyn St.. Rockville; a son to iliary, the League of Women Vo­ Home and Asylum from 1066 to 7:10 Richard Rayea Show dered if there would be any differ­ town funds. Andrew P. Tricarico, The boy was Mathew Essex Fec- Washln^on. Coveil, all of Andover. Tho Ciovolls borrow money for current ex­ 6:46 Three Star Extra West Middle Tpke. ai^ vHsely." To protect civilians, Mr- and Mrs. Errol Warner, Wal­ The prim ary purpose o f tho at 8 p.m. ters, toe Manchester Garden <31ub, 1941, and as priest-ln-charge of a 7:06 Conversation Pleca 7:80 CBS—Newt Analyria who attended the commissioner’s teau, son of Joseph R. and Marilyn The incident occurred before have eight grandchildren. penses, thus creating a cost to''the H:iiii .'he Worio rnniam" at Broad St K said, the rebel garrison w ill not lingford; a daughter to Mr. and ence if instead of the crier mak­ idatt, it is underatood, is fo r Ken­ Beforehand, the Republican Town groups In S t M ary’s Eplacopal Tuckahoe, N.H., parish. He was 7:30 News of .the World. fire a shot “and we shall not raise ing the plea the court would re­ meeting last night, said the cost of Essex Fecteau, 12 Ciountiy Lone, Committee will, meet In the old dawn one day late last fall. SigiorviBor Assigned to'i’n which requires a higher tax 7:45 Radio Moscow 6:16 Showcase and Nawt - Mrs. William Bebout Wapping; a Uie cruiser was borne by the town. nedy and Goulart to get to know ^ureh, and of toe Manchester rector of St. James Episcopal 13:16 Sien OR. our arms against our belovM quire every litigant and lawyer Vernon. Officers on duty In BAC’s linder- Trading Stamp Co. Dr. Soiriile Jenkins has been as­ rate. 6:06 Pope Cooccit son to Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Commissioner Howard H. Huels- each other and exchange their city, courtroom at Town Hall to Women’s Club. Church in Farmington, Conn., army.’’ to deliver the school prayer. Dr. Francis H. Burke, medical points of view. grotmd command post were star­ signed to this area by tho State Brief* Turklngton, 5 Franklin St.; a son mann said he had asked the select­ nominate a successor to the tax Hartford Nativs from 19(6 to 1954, and served aa This followed an air raid scare. “You are now approaching the examiner, gave the cause of death. collector, Mrs. Flotmice D. Loverln, tled by sitnsl ItSkts indicating Bankrupt, Probed Department of Education as ele­ Mra. M argaret Dllworth, town to Mr. and Mrs. David Knight men what the cruiser cost and the Bbth have much in com m on - She was bom in Hartford, archdeacon for Hartford from livery and reeidenta are aaked to delegatee. If there are others who A n hour before the annotmcement word ’compulsion’,’’ said Dalker, The child was bom In Hartford trouble at toe BMBUVS’ station mentary supervisor. Dr. Jenkins clerk, Mra. Grace Pringle, Repub­ t ' source o f the funds, but had not each is 44 and a millionaire. who wiU resign May 1. . dauraer o f the Porter and May 1950 to 1963. be ready with the right amount if would like toI go, they are wel- o f Ataaei’e aeeumpUon o f com­ R F D 2. March 80, 1959. Hla family moved aimed toward the polar cap which DBJTROrr (AP) — State attor­ will split h er'tim e between thla lican registrar and Mra. Laura B IRTW TODAY: A daughter to “Thera is no compulslcm that any received a satisfactory answer to Goulart says he has looked forward The new budget, w ill probably Hills, on Oct. 81, 1908. A 1927 come if they will notify Mrs. Al­ mand, an excited voice on the rebel to Vernon from East Hartford two toe Soviet Union would be expect­ region and the Norwich area. This Szegda, Democratic registrar, at­ poeelble. pupil say our school prayer.’* the latter quesUon. W ith the trade- to meeting Kennedy—”a man of resuK in a oafr4niU tax mcreose to graduate of Htortford Public High ney general's investigators today heir 60 she may make aptwlnt- radio said “planes of secession­ Mr. and Mrs. WUUam McOsffrey, years ago. ed to send ita missiles In event of moans that 2V& in every 10 days tended an aU-day regional confer­ Mra. ROdotoh Albalr. preeldent Parents of New York children in allowance, he was teld, the my own generation, of progressive 36 mUls. The budget is $332,533 School, she has lived In Manches­ 60 from Town ments before April 15. ists’’—meaning the air force of the Wapping; a daughter to Mr. and Besides his parents, he Is sur­ a surprise attack. were evaluating evidence they will bo spent In Region 8. The ence for election officials at the o f Columbia PTA, and Mra. Frank may ask that.'they be excused cruiser, a 1961 model, cost about spirit.” greater than the current budget of ter for 27 years. b l^ command In Denuucua—ware Mrs. Michael BaJ, East Hartford: vived by two brothers, David J. gathered in a probe o f toe col- principals are working with Dr. State Capitol yeaterday. Knight, vice prealdent, will attend from saying the prayer or that $850. . Goulart, with support of Bra- $2,418,731. When officers tried to reach the ' Her Interest In medical work t r ^ g to bomb the AJeppo trans­ a son to Mr. and Mrs. W illia m and Jolm A., both at home; his lapee of the Merchants Green In Bible Conf^ Girl Scout cookies were to ar­ the PTA state convention at Ma­ Maaekeeter Evening Hamid Oe- they leave the classroom during zU’e extreme leftists, took office The ' greatest increase is the A ir Defense Command la Oolorado, started after high school, when Jenkins tb find ways to best use mitter, 40 miles south of that dty. Glennuy, 249 Boulder Ito. It was bought before the pres­ paternal grandparents M r. and Stamp Ck>. of Detroit. rive in town today and will be dis­ loney High School In Meriden lumbia mrrespondent Mrs. Donnld Its recitatltm. suddenly and dramatically late last school budget w hidi has risen they found toe lines were dead. she was employed aa sn assistant this limited time. Dr. Jenkins will The speaker appealed to the UA.R. DISCHAROED SATURDAY: ent board of selectmen took office Mrs. Raoul Fecteau of Pawtucket, Assistant A tty. Gens. WiUiam More than 80 delegates from the tributed by Scouts and Brownies April 34 end 36. The local aeaoct'; R. Tuttle, telephena A C a d e m y Porter R. Chandler, New York nearly $200,000. Power then ordered bombers at to a Hartford dentist for four be here until July 1. to send planes and paratroops to Qmer Goyette, 7 Chamberlain St, ip October. First Selectmen Geo^e R. I.; and his mstemol grandpar­ year with Ui6 unexpected reirig- Dexter and David Van Note said Mancheater congregation of Je­ soon. Payment will be due on ds aUon la entitled to eevsn voting 8-l4t$. City attorney, sfrgued on behalf of nnUon o f Janio Quodros. H e had P o s s ib le Buoceasors to Mrs. bases around toe world to get set Library Aides help the rebels. Rockville; Mra. Irene PatelU, 201 E. Rlaley, who served In the last ents, Mr. .and Mrs. Everett Essex years. they expected to report on their hovah's Witnesses will participate parents of 37 pupils in favor of the Just ended a visit to Red China lioverin are Mrs. Gloria Beach to take off with their hydrogen ’Volunteera for the olsmefitary Atassl canceled the appeal. Eldridge St; Robert Kneeland, adminlstraUon, was out of his of­ of Providtnes, R. T. She waa married to Myron A. investigation within a week or so. in a spring Bible conference et recitation of the prayer. when he was moved up from vice Belottl, who has served as Rock' bomb loads. school library for too month of “We ask our Egyptian brethem West wmington; Mrs. Elizabeth fice this morning and could not be A Mass of the Angel# ‘will be BogUsch a t Christ CSiurch Cathe­ It was estimated when the trad­ Middletown Friday through Sun­ He emphasized a contention that returned. president to president. irUle' tax collector tor the past SAC headquarteni aaid Sunday dral in Hartford, on April 26. 1931. April are: Mra. Philip Denoncourt. day. to be patient and postpone now McFarland, 86 FTorenoe St.; W il­ mg at St. Bernard’s Church in ing stamp firm went bankrupt the five objecting parents had yekr, and Mrs. Sylvia H. Wilson, toe doubt lasted only a matter The couple has three children, Mrs. EMmund Hauachild, Mrs The Rev. Lyle E. Reusch, district sending any reinforcements be­ fred Fortin, Wapping; Mrs. Lucy In g e n e ra l, commissioners RockviUe Thursday at 9 a.m. Burt early last month that at least ihowp no injury to themselves and agreed, the district efaould have vice chairman of the Republican of seconds, but a Pentagon Artour, 29, of Windsor Locks, who George Arnold and Mrs. OUvin minister from Brooklyn, N. Y. will cause our military p6sition is Hall, Kelly Rd., Vernon; Mrs. Mil­ lal will be at the convenience of spokeenuui Inaiated it w u closer 100,000 persons, most o f them in had no right to Impoae their views more contra or knowledge of po­ Town Committee. operates a landscape nursery; Mrs. Avery. speak on “ Who WiU Rule the atroog. and we can resist until dred Yale, Andover: Mra. Adella the famUy. There wUl be no call- to 'four minutes, os pictured by the Detroit area, held unredeemed upon the vast m ajority o f their lice expenditures. Armando R. Dams, 27, of 104 Wal­ W orld?" Sunday. vlotory,’’ AtasM said. StoUnas, Broad Brook; Patricia I hours. published reports. stamps. fellow eiUaens. . A t the annual district meeting In Obituary nut St; and Mn. Brian Keevers, Manchester Ehrening Herald An. Manchester delegates will take Nasser’a subsequent statement Uoyd. 166 Porter St.; Henry An­ Ihe White-Olbson Phneral The spokesman said a SAC Atty. Gen. Frank J. Kelley or­ July, voters turned down a pro­ 21, o f 68 Waddell Rd. She and her dover oorreepondent, M a r g e r y part in the program and help staff gel, 16 Elizabeth Dr.; Mias Dolores Home, 65 Elm St., Rockville, is In Public Records plane was m toe air over Green­ dered the investigation after sev­ In Cairo was pegged to the air posal to establish the police settee husband also,have seven grand­ Montaadoii, teiephimo Pngrim 2- the departments organized for con' Lewie, 179 Birch St.; Walter charge of funeral arrangements. land at the time and reported eral legislators told him they were fald story. It said he was grieved as an arm of the district children. V 6012. ference heeds. Schultz, 376 Adams St.; Vincent back to headquarters that toe concerned about the need for leg­ at reports of air operations by About Town Warrantee Deeds fUthuslastlo Worker .' Syrian air force planes. Orlowski, 3 Wlndemere Ave., Fish Club to Elect Pohlman Dies, Green MaiTor Construction Co. BMEW station had not been hit islation to protect housewives who The Polish American Cltlzena Mn. BogUsch goes Into her ’The fighting capacity is needed Rockville; Mrs. Cecelia Manner, Condition Good to Joel and Priscilla Levy, proper­ After communicaUons were re­ collect stamps. Fish Club w ill elect oOioers, adopt many activities with enthusiasm. to face the enemy lying In wait, 281 HUlstown Rd.; Mrs. CeclUa Manchester Lodge of Masons ty o ff CtHhman Dr. stored. SAC allowed the bombers Creditors of the stamp oon^iany contest rules and enroll members Of her work with the hospital aux­ the statement said, apparently Shannon, Andover; Nancl Getman, will meet tonight at 7:30 at the For Workman, 38 Cigar Maker Gerard A. and Olive O’Connor tb to finish moving to toe runways. filed a petition for invpluhtsry meaning Israel. South Glastonbury; Mra. Margaret Masonic Temple. The entered ap­ at the annual pre-Mason meeting Within 12H minutes, half o f the bankruptcy against the firm in prentice degree will be conferred. Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Village Donald W . and DolUe 'Ann W. Now Open For Business! ’The statement said Nasser Is Pietraa, Tolland; Richard Maloney, Who Fell on (^ in Frederick W illia m Bernard Sharpe, property at 143 Brent Rd. bombers were in position to take U.S. Distrlot Court here March 1 prepared to take a hand If the South Windsor; Mrs. Gladys There will be a ooeiia hour ood 8 t dUhrooms. Pohlman, 91,- o f 46 Hudson St., off—about 2M minutes less than A hearing-oa toe petition is aUU in refreshments. Paitlal Relmse of Aitadunent paitlea concerned In Damascus, Petersen,'■ 157 Tanner St.; Mra. . The opening of the fishing sea­ former owner and operator of a toe ground alert target time. l»t>greee. son on April 15 will mark the be- A Rocky HUl man Is in good Bonafide Mills against Green iUeppo and other civilian and Marjorie Bagdis, Hartford; Mrs. cigar store on Depot Sq., died at The trouble in the communica­ APPLIED SCIENCE Testimony taken during the ANDOVER PACKAGE STORE Delta Chapter, RAM, will meet gtoning of the club's 32nd year, condition at Manchester Memorial Manor Construction Co., Inc., prop­ tions system has been straight­ m ilitary commands agree. Wanda Hickey, -21 Sherwood Cir­ his home last night after a long erty o ff Parker St. hearing led Harry G. Hackett, fed RT. 6, ANDOVER, NEXT TO FISHER’S BOTTUED OA8 STORE cle; Mrs. Dorothy MacKeen, Wap­ at Masonic Temple tomorrow at Eugene Kozlowski, clUb president Hospital with injuries he suffered Illness. ened out and measures taken to "Large-scald Jitsic research, and eral referee in banScruptcy, to Reports early today' from Da­ 7:30 p.ra. Members o f the Quarry notkl. yesterday afternoon in a fail at mascus had said a ccxnpromlse ping; Mrs. Diane Boyle and son, Mr. Pohlman was boin m Man­ assure that K doeen’t happen comment: Club will fill the chain for tlw Other officers serving now are the Bklward W . B alf Go. plant on atm rapid technological changes, have FEATURINO A COMPLETE UNB OF WINES, LIQUORS was near to turn Syria back to­ Glastonbury; Mrs. Joella Cormier chester, June 2, l870, aiid liv ^ ' again. T have never seen a company I Mark Master Mason degree. There Frank Vietts Jr., vice president; A1 N. Main S t ward cloee ties with the U.A.R. and daughter, 110 Diane Dr.; Mrs. here all his life. The cigar store he created s brood new field o f in­ from which money was being taken AND BEERS — BOTH DOMESilC AND IMPORTED will be a social hour and refreoh- Orlowski, secretary; Tom Gamer, A hospital official said Frank Recipes and end the Aleppo revolt. These 'Mary Watson and son, 46 Brain- operated was opened in 1881, at 22 vestment ... Applied Science. or borrowed with such reckless ments after the meeting. treasurer; Bill (3oUck, chef; and Torra, 38, of 1 Mountain View Dr., reports said former President Shu- ard Pi.; Mrs. Janet R aitt and son, Depot Sq., moved to 241 N. Main RockviUe-Vemon abandon.” Max Sadlak, publicity. Rocky HiU, received a fra ctu r^ St., and to 209 N . Main St., the Caramel Pralines This is tlw in­ Donald S. Zlmberg, 32, Detroit, OPEN DALY 9 1« 9 P I 2 -6 1 0 0 krl Kuwatly, one of the leaders of Wapping. The Alplna Society 'will meet to­ Methodist Men’s Breakfast Jaw, a lacerated chin, bruises and site o f the old Cowles Hotel, where 3 cups sugar Syria’s original merger with DISCHARGED SUNDAY: Miss morrow at 7:30 pjn. at the Italian dustry dist is ■was owner of the firm when it col The Rockville Methodist Church abrasions, and a questioa o f a it remained until Us closing in 1 cup undiluted evaporated milk Four Bound Over X^ypt In 1958, and Rushdl Kikhya. Nancy Hallin, 18 Hollister St.; American d u b on B3drldge St. converting lapsed. a conservative Aleppo ^UUcal R oy Moss, 90 Hawthorne St.; Mrs. Men’s Chub 15th annual communion fractured skull in the faU. He is 1956. 2 teaspoons vanilla Zimberg, who bought the busi- leader, were mediating between Ruth Darling, 176 Eldridge St.; breakfast has been slated Palm In the hoepltal’s special care zone. Mr. Pohlman made cigars for 72 2 cups coarsely broken pecans In Two Breaks scientific ness last Dec. 9 from its founder, Patty Aoeto, Sandee Auden, Sunday, April 16, at 7 o.m. The the rebel officers and the Junta. Mrs. Elsie Darby, 222 Oak St.; ■ Torza, employ^ by the Abel years until his retirement m 1953. 2 tablespcyins butter principles in­ Irving Greene, testified before Nancy Chambers, linda Cox, Bev­ Rev. Donald E. Smith of Hartford, The shop was run by his son. Fred Record sales for us... record savings for you! The solution that then appeared Patrick Hicks, Broad Brook; Scale Co. o f Rodky HUl. was In a large saucepan slowly heat Blndovera have been orderod In Hackett that he poured $56,000 of erly DeSimone, Merle Fraser, director of the Christian Activities working on a scale at the sand and Pohlman, one o f the top producers to workable to be shaping up Included: George Frank, 80 Homestead St.; Sherry Pierson, Louise Scott, and 2 cups of the sugar with the milk, the caaea ot tour men arraigned his own money Into the faUlng van' Council and o f Church Homes Inc; gravel plant When he slipped on a o f handmade clgaiz In the East, Exile of half a dozen colonels Terence Shannon, 79 Russell S t; Judy Williams, all pupils of the stirring often, until simmering. In Circuit Court 13 on diorges of tools snd tore. of Hartford, will be speaker. plank and hit another plank with until it closed after 75 years .of and majors who engineered the Ronald Starrett, 26 Fcmdale Dr.; Gertrude Tyler School of Dance, A t the same time in another breaking and e n t e r in g (tw o products. If Zimberg said he paid Greene 2 nd anniversary SALE coup March 28 ag£nst the parlia- Raymond Boirc, 146 Cushman A ssisting the Rev. Laurence M. his diin when he feU, skid poUce. continuous business. It was one of saucepan over low heat stir toe $8,000 plus a $47,000 promissory will entertain at the Rocky Hill the oldest on the Square, from counts) and larceny. T lw esses, ^ jtary regime of President Na- Dr.; Paul GulIIette, TollEmd; Hill, pastor, at the service, will be remaining 1 cup sugar until melt­ you s K sedc- note for the business after already Veteran's H o s p ita l tomorrow point o f operation, and one o f the returnable in the next criminal of ^ e Mercury xeniAtKoudsi. Mitchell Karpuska, 61 Crestwood night. the Rev. Paul Bowman of Union ed and a clear golden color; pour term of Tolland County Superior in g growth having purchased the firm ’s two Fomnitiqn of a new military Dr'.; William Lopes, 46 Maple St.; Congregational Church, and the oldest businesses In the Town of buildings in toe Detroit a n a for Scouts Distribute Manchester. Three generations of this melted sugar very slowly into Court, stem from two Rockville possibilities, council to r^jlM e the high com' Richard Lukas, 27 Ridgewood St.; The Army-Navy Auxiliary will Rev. Robert Flrby of V ern on 9- the milk-sugar mixture, stirring breaks on March 16. . $100,000. He said Greene used toe mand in DamaSct}s. Elwood Jones, 6 Bank St.; Mrs. Pohlmans had been employed In this field $100,000 to buy out his original meet tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. at the Methodist Church. The Rev. Rob­ as you do so. Cook slowly until Joseph Gardner of 12 Cottage Jsiaei T. Moir Formation of anew civil gov­ Plotkin, Ellin^on; Walter Styga, ert K. Shlmoda of TalcottviUe will Fallout Literature the cigar-making trade. partner, Louis Iwvlnson. Greens clubhouse for a supper and social One of the Pchlman's top brands 268 degrees on a candy thermom­ St., Rodkvllle, presented this morn­ could b e a Srench Moneser ernment to n e g o t la t e ^ w links Eaat Hartford; Gene Ooehring, 5 participate in the breakfast pro- and Levinson formed the .company In honor of Its past presIdentB. was called Silver Wave, a name eter or until 1 teaspoon of toe mix- ing in Rockville, and W illiam A . with theU .A.^ ______Hale St. Ext., Rockville; Mark gnrni. ______Manchmter scouts wUl distri­ good one for'you tp^culrivtte. A In 1951. M n . Helen Erickson and M n . -taken f rom the title of a pleee ef tune dropped into 1 cup of-^vsiy Maycock, 28, Ronald Gardner, and Bartell, East Hartford; 'Anthony TicKets may be obtained f -^■’i Questioned by Hackett, Greene Gertrude Linnell are co-ohalrm'mT bute 16,000 pieces of civU defense music featured yean ago by many cold water forms a firm ball. Re­ word o t otution; The industry is Mozzer. 31 Oak St.; William Ham­ WlUlam Hooker, all o f Hartford, said that, while toe flrm ’e condl o f the Buptoi'' There w ill he a busi­ clUb members on or before April 9. literature to dweUlnga throughout piano teachers. Both shade, grown move from heat; add vanilla, pe­ ilton. 22 Alpine St.; Pamqla Su- who were presented In Mancheater fiercely competitive snd highly tlon was poor in 1960, he and mem ness meetmg at 8 p.m. On Honors List town on April 14, Civil Defense and broad leaf tobaccos were used cans and butter. Beat or stir until chccKhEllington; Ernest Caivsno, yesterday,.’ each waived examina­ dependent on brain power. So a hers of his famHy received $117,680 Lacroix Fund David J. Charier of Ellington, Director John Mera said today. at the store. Cigars were sent to mixture begins to thicken. Drop Tunnel Rd,, Vernon; Robert Mar­ tion before Judge Harold M. Mis­ in salaries and loans, with himself The executive board of the - first year student at the Rat- The distribution will include heaping teaspoonsful onto tvaxed company’s loength m this ares u shall, Wappiiig; Miss Ann Molrfs, customers from Maine to Oali- sal and bonds of $1,600 earii have Junior Century dub of Monchea- ollffe Hicks School of Agriculture some of the government’s new forala. paper; allow to become firm. taking out, $69,400. Now at $8,067 255 Henry St. ;^WJUlam Baldwin, ter will meet tomorrow at 8 pjn. at the University o f Connecticut, been set. Gardner and Hooker are ail-impoRant as an investment There is no connection between booklet on radioactive fallout and Landmark Makes about 40 small pralines. being'held in Ueu o f bond. 111 High St, Roain^e; David at the home o f M n . Donald Smith, was one of three students to re­ how to survive, which is now no faaot. There is no obligation in , the defunct Detroit firm and the Fraro, Dart HIU Rd.. W m pn; Car­ ceive first honors on the mid-year A hand-carved, cigar store In­ Hie arrests and arraignments Merchants Green Stamp Co. of MasataeUrai's retaN 33 Englewood Dr. M n . Joseph longer available at the post office Beef ’n Oiieeee Bake "A C T N O V ’ PRICES . Highnt Contributions to the Lacroix ol Wellington, Wapping; .RtSjroond honor roll. There were 22 stu­ dian, seven foot tall, was purchas­ followed ' Inveatigatloh Into the asking us for help in tsietsing Philadelphia. Pa., a subaidlary of prtoe isoludisf healer ssd defroetor. Perzanowakl and M n. Charles Mc­ to the public. 1% cups (7-oz. package) elbow resale value of soy compact • Only Trust Fund totaled $8,067.77 to­ Blinn, 18 East St., Rockville; Kenzie will serve as co-hostesses. dents In the second honors group. ed by Mr. Pohlman In New York March 16 early morning breaks this factor.” Food Fair Stores, Inc. Postmaster Alden Bailey said macaroni compact with 6no-car styling • day. almost a month since the fus Robinson. Hartford; Mrs. Jean Oonummlon Breakfast Set City fo r $100, and placed outside at the Blonstein Fuel Ck>. on Rt. 83, he was returning about 750 copies 3% owwe^^^jackage dried be^, 6,000 milo* botweon oil changeo • fund was started to aid the eight Burgess, 1 Hammond St.. Rock­ 6r>, Edward J. Sulick, 47 W ell­ St, Bernard's Church Men’s the store when the business open­ and at the Roosevelt.Mills, Inc., ville; infant son qf Mr. and Mrs. Club will hoM its annual commun­ of the new booklet to the civil ed. It was one of the landmarks at 210 E. Main St., Rockville. aO.OOO-mUo anti-rust eoolant. Whitewdlle, tra***rtdq#h Lacroix children, it was reported ington among 10 physi­ defense center at Battle Ch-eek, 1 pound oo to ^ e cheese , asd leoal taiiee dstra. John Jordan, S4uth Coventry; cians to be'admltted to full mem­ ion breakfast Sunday at which of Depot Sq. and on display for Mario Tuihlno, a New York by Bruce Noble, treasurer of the Mich.** 1 oup sour cream , Mrs. Lois Schomer and daughter, bership -In thS Hartford County Gov. John Dempsey will be the many years until one, of Us arms truck driver who was imlosdtng PUTNAM BETTER HOMES MbRIARTY MOTHERS INC. fund. 428 W. Middle T^e.; Mrs. Caro- speaker. TTcketa ahould be ob­ Initially, around the start of was broken by a young prankster. 1 tablespoon grratsd onions new cars on Rt. 83 at 2:46 am. on 'Meidical Association at Its annual 1 teaspoon WorcestsraMre sauce 801-315 CENTER STREET—MANCHESTER lee Yeske and son, Coventry;'Mrs. tained from club memtieni not the year, the government had sent I t was then' removed to tha porch March 16, heard the burglar alarm .TV SERVICE Noble, East Branch manager of meeting tomorrow' at the Statler 3 cups com flakes or & C O . Joyce Picard M d son, Wapping, later Uian tomorrow. about 1,000 ot the booklets to the in. toe nearby Blonstein building M l 9-8900 aad T B 8-4444 the Savings Bank of Manchester, Hilton. Hotel, Hartford. o f P\>hlman’s hmne on HudsOUR CMH.P HAS THE Bowling League at the Parkade He said Harris had exhattXted at 8:15 at the factory, 741 E.>Od ‘Cure Owcei' Month Churob, w ill officiate. Burial wUl CROUP •) (Ooattiiaed tnoi Fags Dm ) Lanes, Rainbow Girls Mothers every legal means to avoid^fopris- die Tpke. To the Editor, be in Buckland Cemeteiy. W het ft wsy to etert tiw dUiy I Doee Q m Uno fonn to the r i ^ eveiy morning in your Club, Campbell Council o f Knight# onment, always insisting oh his in­ April U “Cure Cancer” Month. Friends majr call at ths-funeral nocence, yet now maintained he McLean, a Harvard classmate ot o f Columbus, Ladies o f St. James, $8,490 BED RETURNED The Local Branch of the Osnoer home tonight 'from 7 to 9. home hecduee, all of a audidan, you naad mom room? Naxt thing you know, you could West Side Rec Bowllqg League, had learned his lesson. • LONDON (AP)—Mary Edo- Society Is having a series of edu­ HUs, servM as his ocumsel of rec­ H ig h Sthpol Auditorium management and employes of The "This lends a shade of color to sel’s $8,409 golden bed went cational ' films to famlUarlze our ord during both perjury trials. Ths ba fourth in line, a Befole things get wone, why not stop in at the nearest Connecticut Manchester Evening Herald and a the sincerity of the plea being back to the msaafftetorers to­ community with tiie need for early Dourge Hylensky first ended In a hung Jury and the George Hylensky (HelensU),^78, Itonk and l^ruat Company office «n d find out how eaafiy you can add a new bathroom, third collection o f coin containers made today,’’ Gorman said. day and the womea. of Ghana detection of cancer. It .is hoped second in a conviction that put Saturday, April 14-^8: 1S P.M, father of Henry Hdenskl (4 Rock- distributed in Manchester stores. need lone no more oleep nboat that our residents w ill avails them­ Hiss in prison |6r 44 months of a vUls and Alfred Helenskl of Ver­ o^ any other needed romn, with tha help e f s low coat H<»ne Im pfoynent Ix>an. Re- A to W o f $1,603.11 has -been Pri^m BEM raoiTrs I t The gold-idntBd bed f l n t selves of this opportunity, to pro­ five-year senUacs. Benefit Of Dsniel Msnehoek Memorial Fniid collected In coin containers in less WASHINQTON (AP) — Sen­ appeared u aU ita o t t e r in g non,, died yeaterday afternoon in The perjury charges grew out meinber, the loan you pay off in a fow short m o n ^ will give you yean of enjoyment. tect theh health and. the Uves ot a, Slinsbury convalescent home. t l m three weeks. 'The coin con- ator# heard„ testimony —today »y Ithat glory at a fnndtoro atow. Then their loved ones, b y attending of Hiss’ drasl that, he gave State ------I p ^ j M r. Hylensky' who lived tii t^ e rs wUl all be picked up from pyi^ded p^ita figured fa the Limaea’a hlggeot deporiment these showings. Dspartimuit secrets to toe late JOHN GRUBER. Condbietor by April 15, accordtag to cost of producingirodool ~ atore displayed It In a window " " H O U ^ l F i Bloomfield for ts years, bad been wit ------o f Over 500 local resldentB were a dairy'.farmer. He wa# bom in Whittaker (ffiambers, an admit­ Noble, who reported many groups Nike missiles for the nation’s to ttie jraaslng orowdo. I t oangfat Soloista*.— . treated for cancer at the Manches-i: Ftfisad. ted Soviet spy courier. •Ptswor bOTefite an U alrcn ft Oefeeisee. Bobert E. Mra. iEdnael’a oye, aad she ter Memorial Hospital tost year. McLean, who Uvea in Darien, •n e r the Lenten season. Lunne, a Senate staff Investiga­ He is survived by another son ALAN PEAOT, Trumpet - THB CONNKCTICUT BANK bought I t N o oao gnigfat kavo In our own commimlty, cancer will In East Hartford; four daughters Conn., w ill become toe sixth Re­ tor, said the Douglas Aircraft enrad If Mra. Rdnseil Tmd not •trike two out of three families. in Middletown,' Southport, Biooils' publican nomination by Kennedy, h . KATHraiNE HAGEN, Piano AND TNUilT GOMPAPiY 40>Honr W eek Kept . ™ * * * cWW subeontrisetorv been (ho wtfo of Kroho Edoael, CURE MORE The work of the Manchester field and California; a brother in a Democrat, tor a lifetinw, $22,800- fw Kike production, received n Ohana’s mfaUater o f bidiiatrlea Branch of the -American Cancer a-yew district judgeship. About • o oFFiCKa.oSssviNa ai Co n n e c t ic u t c o m m u n it ie * Pweentsre of profit markup mi .Kensington, 2Q grandchildren and The gulden bed, canned kfan cm- Society deeerves your support. Be .. INHALING 6TBAM IS THE MOST 90 Dmnocrata have been, nominat­ _^CANBBRr a — Asutrallan am- w p refits, It i ^ d Its snbeon- RIVE MORE to 14_great-grandclmdren. Profmm Indndes Works Bjr HaHii^ Bizet, barrasameat la SortnHst-MlnB- generous when ear volunteera ap­ The funeral , will be held Thurs­ BPPECTIV6 TRCATMSNT, BUT ' ed to district hsaoh; pMta. 1$ N . St $98 M afo St Monchsatar BhopplBg Farksda r a w S I ’ •»« said, the ed Ghnnn, wbera ■ P n ald eat Minrtlipnhn nnd ysijnap: AMERICAN proach. Let’s atop cancer . . , day at 8:18 ajn. at tlw Talanid BE SURE >iXiR CHILP POESn Y McLsM la a. nattva of Hooalck Wsatoiu iileetilo Oo. os tbs Kwnma Nkniinah axpoeln Mn before It stops usi V BURN MIMSELP WITH THE .. . J . a''' ■- U im al deem g ta * eoatraetor then ciswged Funeral Boms, $80 Avs., Falla, N . Y., under lasv. Judges of NMM mialstsn to aot an wrample In Slnostsly, Hartford, with a aolsmn hiidi Maaa 80ILM0 MATBR. ths Bautham Distrlst ef New York iir- T- ** ^— tho g« ■ " OAMERSttlEnr BiJii. Otanond ------eBsd.Mt jto.,5Wl(linte of the dto- pniga. U82 tku^sds ChMnnaa wHl bs . VbMMSX^fSCweXwnSE^^' trict.' ' ' -y -:

Bgr- ■ m r®V:<-.--?f- f* r.f*!.'•''*';•■■■ /. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY. APRIL 8, 1962 PAGE^fetKVBH

Orchestra, wUi ba hoard la thaae BUG 6 S f i U N N Y OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE yuth Windsor ■ectioiia. Kathy Hagen Piano Soloist Th# Introduction to Bach’a Can­ tata, "Ich ateh' mlt einem Fuss lih [msGPoenNGOPVDU. Premier !BA Hearing For Civic Orthestra Concert Grabs,” more compioiily called the '",OUt>TOI?BUTYbUK “ Arioeo” ,- wlU be played In ■ACIL.T.WA& THINKING ONBW W memory of Daniel Monchuck and t fiMTAeaurr NOT WANTING AN< VWIFB AOVI«EOM»i •to GOYA SAAALl. SetAprillZ Mias Katherine Hagen will be Francis Alkan, two mcihben of the ir-|iT--rr---- iKMUm ■irmG soloist In the Piano Cbncerto No. 1, orchestra whose untlmeiy^deaths by Mendelwokn, as part of the were keenly felt by the organiza­ MMMMdwRk aSMMnvb Oil Appeals tion The concert benefits the 3ffi!iJS'«sragr*i;5s H ^ ^ s s i 5 concert acl,eduled Saturday, April Daniel Manchuck * Memorial ^ lu in iilie ^TAKfcODWTROL-*8UTWnMA 4rwiM TtTO-ilHlMKlY 14, at the high Khool by the Man- Scholarship Fbnd. FWSNPiWWEaALLVA CL068 FRIEND, J VjC O iflH lM K ^ — *232Sww The Zoning BoartI ot Appeads eftester Civic Orchestra. iS r / ^ IF YOU vUAliT TO n&Sn •NtorovfOM Wagner'#- rousing Overture to (gBA) wffl >»Nd a puBUc hMHng . . t o yoaisinitit fVriN rM SUREtCAN TO w m ot A member of the elementary Rienai will bring the program a s s u r ■Mwitmrt April 12 s tA p.m. at the Wapplng school music department, she has a clode. It. is llKewIie a youthful Y O U w U“ nementkryAchool on aU appe*^, been associated with Manchester's work, and depicts the pomp and *6 2 2 2 glory of ancient Rome. MAK- m llleiinor Tv Green ot Pleaaant pubUc ■ schools four years. She is BENEnCIAL »AU »U also oaslatant director of the Gil­ SSCnfMfM f t s a a s Valley, requeata an exception to nckets are .available from any FINANCE CO ______UftAaOl 43R«U» bert and Sullivan productions and member of the orchestra, at Ray s t x r u S i . i - » 4SW*«rla ^ jt g rognlatlona to allow pw MANCHESTER, CONN. ± 1. MM^haMtfBLTUOnaate ' MDCMdl^ SwMMrttaA has always played the piano sc- Beller’s Music Shop, and may be BY V. T. HAMLIN “ t e n . M W am fc«Dine of animals for pelt* on her oomponiments at these perform­ purchased at the door the evening Ml 3^156 ALLY OOP StnaMreoMN ^ M T iy on Main M , which la ances of the performance. MbMr A biii ri tin mh tian Stas t""P t owy.Mow/cnwwrir ■‘i Lmed R *^ ' Mias Hagen la a graduate of nOMOe ^ FT II F T Home FlndAm Realty Co., O •WM 1. II MiHcirtlm MsMr InMImMSi THE vienr-scne^.. m i i i M Oberlln Oouege's Conservatory of »>tlO.Bwci. [T iMd Rd., requerta a variance to al- Musie. Sha began her studies in w!iSi\»«wwA ^ STp^cimVnt of a sign 4 by 8 feet music at Drake llniveratty, where $1.5 Million Fire IT .y M AiXfEK GULCH! ^ JJ,Sxlmately ^ ’;^ th of M she was tha youngest student ever uiiiilde Dr. at the InteraecUon of enrolled. She wasYOur at the time! Hite Jersey Town IT S d e Dr. and Sullivan Aye. . Bom In 'MUnnc^iolis, where her nm SSTitten ^ h n Jablonski, 115 Main St., re- arents still make their horns Miss WASHINGTON,,, N. Jj (A P ) Notice iabWt*. mieets a vatlance to allow a — Elagen made her orchestral debut Fire raced through a busineas dis­ •^OoMiMl44 -Satlon at the same ^dreaa. 1 Miss Katherine Hage* with the Minneapolis Symphony, in trict Monday night, consuming MWif irtwe ! ^ r l y ia In an R-40.zone. a summer concert, playing the WE HAVE DAILY 'arawwDtGrwM *^ ^ lc r’B American Service of Rt, eight building and damaging oth­ •tCtaalMktGcii same concerto she will offer with was championing a newcomer AOjjjme^ . Mouesta a variance for the sale the ManohesUr Qvlo Orchestra. ers along two streets. DELIVERY Yd THE care at the aame address. named Brahms. Leonard Yerensky, psychiatric social weorker and dlreotor of the She has 13tewiaa pla3red tha work Damage was eaUmated unoffl- Herman M. Petersen of M with the Hartford Symphony. In Since this parUcular work was ctally at about $1.6 million. Community Child Guidance CHnlc, 80 Hasmea St.; “ interrlewa” designed for and dedicated to a Dwning 8t., requeata a varlan^ to dinic Drive Mrs. Arnold H. Klau, a friend of the clinic, to almulate a typical one of Its many education^ «m - Several fireman were injured, a aqne changa^from r^den- certs...... —• young lady, it U very appropriate none aeriously. The manager of BOLTON conference with parents for the help of emotionally disturbed that It should be played by.,a CARNIVAL BY DfCK TURNER ^Ulatanr H 5J, to biiMneaa ^ children. (Herald photo by Oflara). This work wea written by Men­ one of the atorea destroyed cHOHOANDA lence. They were also believed to Conplete F IF T C E N r BcmrLeoF.. OOTHeseQOMB. cure insanity. Insomnia, and night­ M E N O N OEN«OnSNIP/ mares—but to leave their wearer CLARKE MOTOR SALES U and V A D ^ f l subject to sleepwalking. Some 361 BBOAD s t r e e t —MI 9-2012 M AN fe J * even thought, a diamcm could Tn iiiB c CHEer. render the "wearer Invisible. To jFrwffrnl YOU SAVE MONEY 1227.00 BECAUSE YOU BUY Sereral Finiahae. QoutitiM Ltadted a t DISCOUNT... Originolty ^319.95 to ^369.95 08^ DEUVEREO GUARANTEED AND YOU GET A BONUS OF SERVICED CAPTAIN EASY BY LESUE TURNER Plus MR. ABERNATHY BY RALSIXIN JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY TH>»WiaBBIUVAlU^ BY PROVMGTiWMtl aMtIilOUMS.MyWTO Free C0MHTIWE9 X'« SORRy 1 EVER TOus,MKaNooeK.#m, _ NO, RODNEV; lX\TIR60 TiNMiR«A, cAMatSB»BiTltawuwa^^iy,,g^ Pklid OpPOINgTHW] ^ BOUGHT WOTHAT TARGET PJSTOL!, ■“TUCAIAN.A Standard Factory Warranty UHO£,BU3W MiJHKROF 1 year on picture tube ANOINER UACCNTRAL 5AAOKE wTRuiaeiKe Stamps 90 days parta and Mrrica RING EMMMMEWE I V. f o r m e ! 0® INFORMAfTIOIL Prices as low TRIPLE-S BLUE f Jcwe^l Service that's better

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MANCHESTER Ev e n i n g h e r a l d , Ma n c h e s t e r , c o n n ., Tu e s d a y , a p ^ i l 8, i 962 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, BfANCRESTER. C0NN„ TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1962 PAGE TtOmECN , ,1,, ,r.ii niiTialsIililiW' Paret Succumbs 10 Days After Loss, Maris J Former Out of Coma V.f Club with Relief Pitching NEW YORK (AP)— Bonnyffisfi taken a poisin g on the headftelevtetd Saturday nigh^ flght.fu’eifare o f’ the fighter," he *ald.9 "I didn't' mean him any barm,’’ (Kid) Paret diOd today,?^10 without ' retaliating. Paret imderwent a thrse-hour "1 never thought there was a pos­ said Griffith after ths flffht in hi* Most o f them, questioned la th« InfUsnlrs end all, can adjust their The State Athletic Commission, brain operatleri to relieve the pres­ sibility of Paret being hurt when high-pitched, clipped toae*. I’My PHOENIX, Ariz. (A P)—' clouters. His 88 last.yesr gays himhlm^Polo Oraunda shbit Ami IfiMs days after his head v ^ ^ aah - manager told ms to keep hitting Will Win National Flag spring csmps, emphasiced with a reeocd skein e t nine 8<^or4nore swings, to ooln a phrase. which supervises boxing. Jias clear­ sure of two blood clots. Dbetors I looked at him. He was known os What are^he chancea in 1962 m r . ed 20 times or man as he said then that "all that can be ddne' a courageous, fighter, one who coUld him when I had him hurt and obvious partiaUty that front line homer seasons. "Like anybody else, they can ed Goldstein and the ringside doc- of a N atiom O ^ gu e slugger, pitching Is better and deeper in the Hut Mays* sentiments Miout re­ hung helpjiess opthe ropM in 'tora after an Investigation. has been done.", lose a round and ernne back and that’s what I did. He called m* "They say a pull hitter may visiting the Polo Grounds pretty make that long foul ball become a bod names at ths wsigh-ln and aided by eignt-^ore games National League than Maria faced benefit by the mne gamM -sadi The severe injuries suffered by A short Urns' later, a tube was wlnriChe next. I had only second* well were ei^essed by teammate short fair ball." losing his vrgrta welterweight during the fight. .1 was burning Birdie Tebbetts Claims and playing againSn the Polo in the American League last sea­ clubiWiU play In the FOlo Orouhds Paret. led th* New York Legisla­ put through an incision in his to act. I still believe I did .the right son in cracking Ba.'ie Ruth's 154- Ohpeda, wiio declared: Generally speaking, however, boxing titje.^ ture to name a special committee throat to aid breathing, H* was thing." mid.” this year," said Mathews on the He never came out of a coma Ex-Sugar Cose Gutter - Grounds, to matcn\Roger game mark of 60 homers. Braves' visit ‘to Arisooa. "TVs "I don’t want to say What 1 can Tebbetts saw the expansion best to determine whether the state fSd by Injections. There had been bitter fellng be­ Marls' 61 homers of last after being pounded scnsiiete by Paret, who was 26 Marck 14, may be true, but I think every do. t Just swing :and try to get aiding the home run prowees of needs new laws to regulate boxing, Pau’et's wife, who had urged him tween Paret and Griffith for some I^RADENTON, Fla.— “ Clubt "Even with 162 games, you Just FmUe Orifftth In th« 12th round was a native of Santa ClarC Cuba. tha:t gets good relief pitching Such SerJor loop belters as have too much competition in the pitcher will be throwing away what X oan.” sluggen on second division teams. or whether the sport should be to gl\’a up fighting after he ivas time, ohlefly because of remark* lands Cepeda (last year’s leagu^ "With the p rob a b le dogfight pt their title fight at Madison kno^ed out by Griffith In their Working as a S2-a-daw4iu|ra>’ ten* Rational liSague to think about from any strong hitter in the Polo Manager Birdls Teimetts of the outlawed. th* Cuban had made about Grif­ cutter helped him buHo hi* heavily will win the National League champion with 46) and Willie Grounds. I think a team like the BraVes deekuM: among, say, four, or five clubs, the Bquara Garden March 24. A*, soon as Paret's death was first meeting a year ago. witched fith’s masculinity. hotvmany homers this man or that -Doctors had held little hope muscled, bull-shoulfiered phyilque. pennant,” Manager Birdie Ma}T8 of the San Francisco Giants, man OM hit,"- said Aaron, who Braves wUl get the beet pitching "Let's fSoe lt, -the Polo Grounds good pitcher will be saved for rival announced, NSw York City police the fatal fight on television Griffith, a 24-year-old native of Hank Aaron and Ed Mathews of from the start, that he would re­ He turned to prizefighting In 1955 Tebbetts of Milwaukee chirp­ last season stroked 84 homers and the.Mets can come up with each will be a vary decided factor in oontenders," Birdie said. "That began a formal investigation, Paret absorbed brutal punish­ the ■ Virgin Islands who combine.ede, between other great hitters." Alfaro, talking with newsmen, gered vkidespread crltiaism. out from the atari, a.a knocked title the first time with a 18-round Paret'a wife, Lucy, 28, who Is said, “ Paret was like a baby to Gov. Nelson Rockefeller of New down hlmsSIf In the sixth rwifid, decision over Don Jordan at Laa each had a great relief pitcher, expecting a second child, was Don McMahon with the Braves in me. He was Ilk* my own son. J York ordered a full investigation and eventually found the pf^nlng Vegas on May 27, 1960; made on* called to RooeCveit HospiUll when brought him here from Cuba four ^ the State Athletic Commission. he wanted in the 12th. successful defense against Fed­ '58, Larry Sherry in Los Angeles in the Cuban-bom f ighter died at 1:88 1959, Elroy Face with Pittsburgh Go-Go Back in Chicago W hit& ^x years ago and kept him and look­ The report exonoratsd *11 officials Midway In the rotflid, Griffith erico Thompson of Argentine* In in 1960 and Bill Henry and Jim ed after him like a baby. —including referee Ruby Qold- slammed Paret Into the ropes In a New York Dec. 10, 1960, then lost Broenan In Cincinnati last season. ■Tve lost my man.” she cried. "Paret was still a champ when atein. neutral comer^-^then unleashed a the title to Griffith on a knockout "I want to go with him. Take (ne he dled.'Ht didn’t lose the cham- Paret’ s manager earlier blasted aeries of more than 20 punches to in the 13th round at Miami last Although labeled the best team along.” plon^lp In a fair fight. The pic­ Goldstein for allowing the action to the heart of the defenaeleaa cham- April 1. in the National League—on paper Wife Hysterical tures. movies and stills, will show continue as Griffith pounded away Paret recaptured the champion­ —the Braves are strugrgling along, Clutching a gold cross hung on that he had fallen out of the ring, at the defenseless Paret In the Qolflateln stepped in, awarding ship from Griffith Sept. 30 On a at the bottom of the Grapefruit Pesky Hitting a chain around her neok, she wept that his head was out of the ring I2lh round. Goldstein, on ex-boxer Griffith the victory on a technical controversial iS-round - split deci­ League standings at present. hysterically. Then she fainted. while he (Griffith) continued to himself and the nation’s foremost 'knockout, and Paret fell to the sion. But he was severely beaten "I’m not alarmed." Tebbetts said, Paret's mother, Mrs. Maximo punch away. This ia against the referee, was distressed at th^rt:- ranvaa. He was carried by stretch­ by Gene Fullmer Dec. 9 In a bout "although 1 am unhappy about Crespo, fingering a crucifix, said rules.” Suit but. defended hi* officiating. . er to his dressing room, then taken for Fullmer'* National Boxing A*- losing. Frankly, I’m satisfied, ex­ through her tears that she wanted Early on the morning after the "My first thought Is alWiys the to the hospital. sociation middlen'elght title. cept for our pitching. I can't fault Blended with Pitchin to take her son’s body back to any of the guys because they are EARLY TALN—Coach Tom Kelley, left, discusses tlie cominjr Manchester High baseball his native Cuba for burial In the giving their bi»t, hustling all the ■ ...... 4...... I II aeason with veterans Dennis Dailey and Dave Anderson at yesterday’s first practice. family plot. time and doing everything that a Paret, 25, had developed pneu­ Honest Thief Warriors Set manager would expect from his N E W Y O ’R K (AP) — 'deluding-; doubles by Mike Hereh-WPepltone in the ninth to heat the (Herald Photo by Satemis.)^^^______^______■ . Fear ‘Boston Decision’ berger and Jim Lsihdls, then added Twins after Roger Maria’ homer monia Monday. players; yet we are not winning. They’ve put the Go-Go back in His wife brought their son, • • • two more in the fifth on a double built an early lead. SAN FRANOISOO — (NEA) For Big Test Chicago’s White Sox. And the by Gerry McNertney and singles Purkey Goes Distance Benny Jr., two, here with her from —Abe Woodson, who likes to Plenty o f Starters patented p^k-away-at-’em at­ by Luis Aparicio and Nellie Fox. Dick Farrell and Bob Tlefenauer their home In Miami, Fla., the stoat passes while playing half­ In Title Bout Saturday day after the fight. Paret'* moth­ back for the San Francisco "We have a lot of starters but tack is lifting eyebrows along The victory gave the White Sox spaced nine Braves' hits while the Baseball Drills Underway, Against Celts a 14-8 record, right behind the New er and his brother, Antonio, 26, 49ert, has turned honest. need relief pitchers. Don McMahon baseball’s exhibition trail, Colts, went ahead to stay with a BOSTON (A P)—Terry Downes’ manager says the only is the only guy with any bullpen York Yankees in the American four-'nin outburst In ths third on caipe from' Cuba later. He’s working at a San Frite* where the White Sox have reeled Antonio and Paret’* manager, cisco bank, PHILADELPHIA (A P )—OoaoB experience on the squad. If we can’t League standings. The world cham­ fo u r. hits, including Bob Aapro- way the disputed middleweight champion can—and will— off six consecutive victories—the pions boosted their mark to 15-7 Manuel Alfaro, were with' Paret Honest Abe talked’'cwntrnct Frank McGuire of Philadelphia, develop a few relief pitchers, we’ll latest a 5-1 triumph over Kansas monte’s double. Bob Purkey be­ beat Paul Pender and the "Boston decision” is by knockout, by defeating Minnesota 9-6 at Indians Open Away April 16 when he died. Alfaro said Paret's with the 49eiW gederal mana­ sizing up tonight's crucisl Nation­ have to use our starters, or else Chty at Sarasota yesterday. came the firat Reds' pitcher to go Sam Bums, the astute pilot of*’^—------— Orlando. condition took a suddSn turn for ger, Lou Spadja: al BasketbslI Association playoff we’ll have to make a trade or Outside contenders f6r the Amer­ nine, checking the Mets on four London's boxing bookmaksr, made Houston, meanwhile, clinched the worse an hour before he died Woodson uHund up getting Uie remarks today as both fighters "The only way my champion can game against Boston, sold the War­ swing a deal for help." ican League throne room. the hits. Battery mate Johnny Edwards Lou’s naate on a savings ac­ beat Pender Is by knockout," Bums rior* big problem "will be playing White flux could unlock the door the Cactug League championahip provided the power with two hom­ By HOWARD HOLCOMB In attendance were a physician, were scheduled to complete spar­ Tebbetts, 49 and on a diet which among teams training In Arizona three nurses and thres nurses' count aftplitetion for hit son. aald yesterday. "You can quote me. five meh against nine." started at 260 pounds and has Manager Tebbetts Discusses Braves with a successful combination of ers and a single for three RBI. Sunny ikies, a chill wind and a field full of enthusiastic if ring for Saturday night's iS-round and California and also moved Into aides. title go at Boston .Garden. The ac­ No point fooling ourselves about It, B oston has a tremendous dropped to 234, with 16 or more to their pesky hitting habits and tight The Angels tied the Dodgers In not too experienced candidates greeted Manchester High now. Is there? benoh," aald McGuire, whose War­ pitching performaances. That's the top spot in the NL standings , An autopsy at Bellsvue Hos­ tion will be televised nationally go. has been In baseball 28 years. concluding with a 57-58 won-lose Buhl. "Buhl doesn’t want to be with a 14-7 record by downing Mil­ the eighth on Albie PearstHi's Ck»ch Tom Kelley yesterday as he; began his 40th hweball Southern Defeated (ABC-TV, 10 p.m., E8T), "Call It BUbconsuioUB, call it riors must win tonight to *tey la When the Braves’ front office de­ exactly what they’ve been getting. pital was ordered. what you will, you know blanted record. Actually, under Tebbetts’ traded. He was only looking for a waukee 8-3 at Apache Junction. three-run homer and won It In the Brother Antonio, weeping, said This will be U)e third and nib- the Eastern Division final 91aydB*> cided to make a change late last reign, the Braves dropped farther better contract before he signed. Rookie Joel Horlen, promoted ninth when Joe Koppe drove In season—36 with the Indians, ^ ANNAPOLIS. Md. (AP)—Navy well that the officials next Satur­ 'We’ve only hsd six (front. Una from San Diego after posting a 12-9 In other garnet, Cincinnati beat work St Memorial FW d yester' Roger Macalone and Biid Feshler to newsmen several time*, "I dan'i b*r match between Downes, 28- season. Birdie was "elevated" from back In the flag chase than when He’s happy Tebbetts assured this t«on Wagner with a single. Lu . U.S. MKlaDl T fi^ P IN scored a run In th* ninth Inning year-old Englishman who learned day night aren’t going to give It to players)' all ybar. With Tom .Goto a vice president post to manager, record with a sparkling 2.51 earn­ the New York Meta 8-2 at St. eav was limited , to loOsmlng up, vvho r* experienced at both first understand why he was so maul­ my champion unless he flattens the controversial Dressen was giv­ writer. However, Buhl is ex­ Petersburg, the Angels edged the Clinton stroked a plnch-hit RBI )>oxlng while serving in the U.S. out (spralnsd right ankle) we'r* succeeding Charlie Dressen. Pre­ ed run average, took care of the eheokini pMUohz and a few pep­ bsss and shorteti^. Three new record*-wre broken ed.” ysotsrday to trim Southern Con Pender. en a pink slip. pendable for a much sought after Dodgers 6-5 at Palm Springs In the single In the seventh as the Red Marine*, and Pander, Sl-year-old down to five." viously, Tebbetts, who played with Etching end against the A’s. The Sox went In front, then reliever PlSDBO RAMOS VIO POWERS per games. Ute pre-seaoon pracj last week: High single and high Alfaro — asked wttore hs placed nectlcut, 8-4, In baseball. Navy "Possibly I’m brainwashed The Celtics, In quest of their relief pitcher. first meeting between the Los An­ week In It’s too. early to get a line on ex-fireman from suburban' Brook- Detroit, Boston and Cleveland, 24-year old righthander went six Bill Monbouquette protected the tlces'Jees willV.-. continue all . ^ . the new prospects. But with only triple for ladles — wanda Kase- the blame—aald, "thrcumstances.” got the Ue-breaklng run on bass Everywhere you go ySu hear the fourth straight NBA title, ISad No Get-Tough Policy hlUess Innings before being touch­ geles clubs, Boston bopped Cleve­ prtparation for the opening F*ms lauskas, 222 and 868; and high Previously, Alfaro-had criticized lln*. The difference is that PSnder managed Cincinnati from 1954 edge against' ths Indians. two weeks until the opener, the on a Southern error. Southern took entered the first two bout* owning Mme thing - the M ston declston." the be*t-of-«ev*n series thrs* Familiar Faces ed for a lone run. land 5-3 at Scottsdsde, St. Louis ^ ^h*« two tv week* away April team single, Connecticut, 914. referee Goldstein for not Wrongly or rightly, thl* last thru 1958. "I don’t think we're doing any- A four-run spurt In the first in­ newcomers will have to show their a 2-1 lead In the third on a triple the 160-pound crown recognized in games to two. They won *11 oC • • • Home Runs Missing whipped Philadelphia 7-8 at Clear­ Indians Swing Big Deal 16 at W ln^-.idham. Other high scOrerer were: La­ stopping The fight sooner than he term Is tossed around freely by ihing different this season. I Familiar faces man the Infield. water and Baltimore took care of ning gave the Cards enough to wares In a hurry to beat Out the and single. Th* Middies, howsver, MsasaehusettS, New York and Eu­ their gemM by decisive margina in The hitters, meanwhile, continued Tom wak-qulck to point out his dies, Helen Gould,. 193-186—840; did—in two minutes snd nine sec­ out-of-town fight camp* to the dis­ Boston Garden while Uw Warrlora haven’t Invoked ny get-tough Joe Adcock, Frank Bolling, Roy Pittsburgh 7-1 in a night gam e at whip the Phils behind the six-hit veterans. went ahead In th* fifth, 4-2. rope. 11 Newcomers their exploits without the aid of moot Immsdlitte problem—finding Fee B r a d le y 210-638; Martha ond* of the 12th round, after Paret gust ot the Massachusetts Boxing have won by cMM margin* to Con­ policy" the Providence College McMillan and Eld Mathews. The Miami, pitching of Ray Sadseki ajid Curt Both Kelley and Jayvee Coach "We'U be taking 11 new men gradi aald. "I’m pretty sure every quartet Is regarded as the best the home run weapons, stroking pitchers to replico last »eaaen s Parmer, .186-807; May McLaugh­ Commission. vention eHall, site of tonight’s ac­ back to Milwaukee with us to nine blta to win It. The White Sox The A’a got to Horlen In the sev­ Simmons. The Oriole*’-.Billy Hoeft For Vet Piteher Ramos Standouts, Kevin ^ ^ m e y and Harold Parka will work with 26- lin, 186-824; Helen Valentine, The “Boston decision" was given man on the club knows where he all around, offensively and defen­ enth for two hits, triples by Bobby gave up' six hits and the Pirates’ tion. start the season, all products of now have scored 44 runs on 64 fiteve McAdams. These^ tvro won man squads. A few uniforms were 187-407: Ruth Henegan, IT’^ 7 ; aa the reason th* Floyd Patteraon- A Mventh game. If neceasary. stands with me. The. J’s no dissen­ sively In the senior circuit. Del Greco and Norm Siebern, for Bob Friend eight as both went nine Three Consecutive Titles for Springf ieId our farm system. All with good sion on this ball club that I know "We're down to four outfield hits In their last six games—with leven of the eight MHS vlrtoriee handed out last night after the Mo Mozzer; 198-469; Manetha Tom McNeeley heavyweight title will be p'.ayed In Boston OaMen records . . . Mack Jones led the only two bases-empty homers In their only hin. Turk Lown com­ Innings. Shortstop Ron Hansen, on TUCSON, Ariz. (A P)— The Cleveland Indians, who had last year. ^ opening drill. More will be distrib­ Boettcher. 177; Ruth SilKary, 467. fight went to Toronto Instead of of" he added. During the past two era now," Tebbetts . said, "Hank pleted a three-hitter. The Yankees leave from the Army, stroked a Thursday night. American Association b a tters years, numerous stories were cir­ Aaron, Lee Maye, Mack Jones and the output. been inactive in the trading market since Frank Lane left the Count on Southpaws uted durijng the week. -. Men—Rudy Heck,. 211-876: Pat Sets New American Hockey League Record McNeele/s home area. Patterson’s Meanwhile, the Western Divtelon when he joined us last season. He culated about the internal trou­ The sox pushed across three used a two-run double by Hector two-run single In the second for A l t h o ^ It’s sUll far. top early V Split OodfereiiMB . Tremarco, ?07; <2aH Gloss. 202- manager, Cus D'Amato, wanted no Mike Krsnich. But we’ll be all Lopez and an RBI single by Joe Wigwam, now have made two big deals since the end of the final playoffs rosiun* In Detroit to­ has great promise . . . Howie Be­ bles on the club. Apparently they right,” an apparently unworried runs in the second on four hits, in- the runs Baltimore needed. to make final decisions. Coach With the CCIL spUt In two con­ 86«; Gil Bou^; 201—561; Bill part of MassachuMtts officials, to' night with Los Angeles, Isadtog dell hit in 43 consecutive games 1961 baseball season—both for veteran pitchers. f play with New York Rangers, he I slated on the right of naming th* were solved with the dismissal of manager said. 'ttie latest deal, announced yes-e.------— ------—- ... Kelley Is counting on two leftys, ference*, a 12-game league sched­ Ruhmel, 86(»f Andy Meneggia, It is quit* appropriate that, the^ three gamM te two, also only h * ^ with Louisville and just mlased Dressen. A catcher during his career, John Shapaxian and Fred McCur- ule has hem arranged. The Indians 204; Lea .Pratt, 202; A1 Lavigne, was drowned that summer. A officials himself. winning the batting title by one terday, sent first baseman Vic Springfield Indians should be re- ing a victory to eliminate th* Pis­ Tebbetts sings the praisee of his to trade me," said the handsome rv to take up much Rm.’:Ba»tist No, 2 4Q , 86 of the great aocompllehmsnts of In th* net minding average*. Bill Pender, the clever boxer with Bob Cousy, weakened by a wssk- When the fin^ standings were Heniy Plsdier. He's got the are now ready to pitch. They were insaMuel No. i .., . . ;32; c i down the floor,” he added. Pinson Conerly through retirement and starting pitcher, who will be 27 the freedom of his arm and de­ Ronnie Lee. Bill Andrulot ' ------and" " slated 'niuraday, April 19 agaliut the Indians during th* past three Sweeney ws* presented with the an artful left Jab. beat Downes on long virus, missed a Boston prsc- tabulated for the 1961 campaign, equipment, determination and arm 10 days behind the rest of the (totom.'ll^tiiit No. j 22 year*. Many ot Uwlr intsns* and, squad. and slugger Frank Robinson, are have traded veterans Dick Nolan,, this month, Cleveland gave tip one livery and we feel he's going to Dave Howes, eecond beseman Conard. John Soilenberger Trophy as the seventh round TKO here IS Uce session yeslerdsy. He also had Milwaukee, the pre-season choice to be a top flight pitcher," he _L loyal old time follower* In "The of many learned baseball men to roommates. a defensive back, and linebacke): of the game's greatest fielding help.” league’s leading scorer, and Boo months ago. A stronger Downs* suffered a spralnsd right to* and added. "I’m not worried about our club. Cliff Livingston, may lose Rote to Dante, 219.482; o a ^ e caty of Home*’’ can tell you about win, was fourth, 10 games back of One can’t forget the big boys If we can get good relief pltoiilng, first baseman — the 30-year-oId Ramos, who owivs a good fast MoCord was awarded the Eddie lifted Paul’s crown last July In bruised arm and thigh Sunday. OneHie in an miUloi^laymiUloni observed on a full-time job as a sportscaater. Power. Stigman, 26, was selected ball and a fair slider, has hsd trou­ iTi; Ray Holcomb 2 what they did In the earlier day* the champion Cincinnati Redlegs. on the staff, Warren Spahn, L w we’ll be in there all the way." he ip- Shore Plaque for being voted the London when Pender "retired" Trim Helneohn suffered a bruised The club failed to play .500 ball. my ftnal day In FlorMa. A1 Lopez "We'Ve heard nothing officially for the American League’s All- ble with his curve ball. He said he 'jti|k'Rul7 862; Boh OfJW of prof essional hockey in Spring- outstanding defenseman. All In right foot snd Loscutoff a badly Burdette, Carieton Willey and Bob reminded a stmbumed reporter. from Kyle on whether or not he’ll Palmieri Sparks Tri^Bowlers ball 302: Dte Bholulf 212: Stev* after the ninth round, complaining Field In Tampa the site. Cfaiclnnatt Star team in 1960, but has com­ was anxious to be working with field. Perhaps thl* will bring th* 1960-61. a heavy cold had sapped hi* aprained right wrist, Uia Caltiee hosted Detroit. WltM-^bne out and be back next season,” a Giants of­ Cleveland Pitching Coach Mel tHiurkU* 2M ; I>av«‘N*afeomb 284; newer fan* to Springfield and else- plied only a 7-16 record in two With that many award winners, strength, reported. ,______Dirk McAulitfe on first base, ficial said today, "but If h« doesn’t seasons. He has had arm troubles. Harder. "I know Harder can teach Henry Waynar 208> j»eor- mind on these things." "1 love this course — It Is my was in the Elsenhower Trophy Allen. Paul Corteau. Doug McMur- duct one of the most extensive pro- club." He wound_ up batting .828. matches In 1960.” proved five pin* better per gam* present high powered squad sUrt- '59 CHiVROLET •60 CORVAIR In most cases, 'spring phenoms kind of coUTM," Nicklaus added, than a year ago. ■ed sstUng. record*. dy. Bill Summerhlll, Harry Frost. p-ams for kid* of *ny city to Bel Air 4-Door Sedan. Radio, 4-Door. Radio, heater, stand­ wavteg a hiisky arm In the direc­ to those matches, at the Merlon Roland^ Jeanne Irish Triumph Billy Gooden, Eldy Kobuasen, Fred lockey, mi a partlcfpant basii. taper off once tiM veteran pitchers Country Club in PhUaddphla, he The league’s annual banquet However, lean day* fell on heater, automatic transmU- ard transmission, 6 cylinder. start throwing curvea, or in pres­ Full Grid Schedule For Video Next FaU tion of Auguste National's pint- will be held Saturday. April 28, at €toringfleld after that season, and Hunt, present general manager of Every Saturday morning In the misston, Y'8. ^ had. successive round o f 66-67-68-68 WM hour*, th# youngeter* fiOCk to ent day, sliders. framed fairwior> "I fssl Wonderful. In what was hailed as one o f the 7 p.m^at Rosemont Reatauraitt after the 1981-32 Mason, the Buffalo, the late Max Kaminsky, I don’t know when I have been Officers foe the coining year In Fenimes & Fellas Pin Play Rangers wlthdrsw their team and Art Chapman, Pete Kelly, Fred the OoUsaum to begin a long-day •59 FORD ^ eiuiiwMfilfcilWSiiii New York (AP)—Gameir involv-^ Sept. 29—Notre Dame at Okliu outstanding individual psrform- Brightest rootUs in the Dodger more ready for a toumament. aheea of all time. have been d ed ed as. follows: Oarl they wem without hockey until Thurier, Frank Belsler, Ott Haller. of many hockey games, which last '61 VA LIA N T Falrlane 800 4-Door Sedan. ing seven members of the 1961 As­ homa. Bolin Jr„ prssident; Burt Olau^- Ken Kllrea, uncle of the present almost up to the time for the pro­ Radio, heater, standard trans­ camp, this spring is second b ^ - "T47 872.859 American Hockey League found tion. built-in, do-it-yourself words from a young man of 21, a dudga^din, ftocM' Idpaechino. the Indians as eharter msmbbr*. CharUe (Chuck) Rayner. alt age group* with many team* ting well, and fielding above par, ohampiohshiji at th* ramiiiss aiM Carpenter' ...... ,-4 6 38 .648 announced last night by the Co­ Nov. 8—Notre Dame Vs. Navy a t ting room, Nicklaui has had -P e te ltu iti* , - Binie Pniu and ’Th* man who eoachad thOM long' oomgirWng each league. .They re­ Burright will have to beat out collegian a year ago and a pro of Crandall ...... 4 1 48' .488 lit. 1939, hockey’s all time aB •56 MERCURY lumbia Broadcasting System, Philadelphia..' rounds of 67-71-69-73, without a a u | B ? r lilU* Bowlifig iAfgu*. ' ratired atar* wete Bari Selbart, ceive professional advice and In­ •57 CHEVROLET Junior Gilliam who owns a AOO -- CBS Will handle the college game No. 10—PurdUe at Michigan less than six months, but they are pressing. Only four tlines has a 'MoOum ...... 89 46^ .464 star, Eddie Shore, while stUl play­ 4-Door Sedan. Radio, heater, E H R ilG l# The Irish sontiiin* toppfd run- ing for the Boston Bruin* In th* Johnny Mitchell. George (Buck) structions from the Springfield 4-Door Sedan. Radio, heater, spring bat mark. of the day for the next two seasons State. sentiments sUared by mmiv — <>■>■ champion won here with a spore naraup iU y and Bos* Batn by six Lamoureaux ...... 39 45 .484 coach, player*. Shore himself and stick shift, V-8. Mint condition. under a 810.2 milUon contract Nov. 17—Princeton at Yale. ssrvers and golfers alike — gath­ ;.:r ■ O. AVg...... i r 45 .464 National Hockey League, pur­ Douqher. Fred Hltchman and of automatic' transmission, 6 road-straightener better thran 280. Ben Hogan’s 274 games. The Bsaiis had A #7-87 fsAr; X loier counie. Shore himself. Ilia son Ted,t and Jack Butterfield, ,agr«^ to In ,February. Thlrty- ered here for the big spring golf Abrsltls .121.37 ...... 88 51 .393 chased the franchise. Shortly *X- Vcyllnder. ‘ "The Nets have an excetleat Nov. 28—Texas ASM at Texas; in 1983 Is the record. Morton This about brings ua up to the the general manager. It ha* been 'aeven' schbois are repieaented in Nov. 24—Michigan at Ohio State. Mljtogau^ ,.,.82..121.21 aoii mark. ^ . WOMEN’S ter, he was traded to th* New York chance to finish seventh In the Na­ show. "I think 281 or 282 wiU be good ...... «..1 2 1 .1 4 present record breaking team. The for many yasrs a prime factor In •59 PLYMOUTH the schedule, which ncglna Sept. Dec, 1—Army vs. Navy at Phila­ Palmer a Favorito Individual titlea wsf* woii aa Qsma* Av*. American* and then was able to tional League race," tiatspoken enough," Nicklaus said. "Nobody Bate* ...... 78..120.40 team raoorda whidi were broken, combating Juvenile delinquency in Custom Suburban 4-Door 18, and ends Dec. 8. There will M delphia. Arnold Palmer, wiimer in 1988 follow*: Women — high average, 111.28 play with hi* own Springfield team. •56 CADILUC Rogers Hornsby told me. "1 figure gives this course mudi of a Uck- lyieroek' - .24. .120.19 MoCann and' which may oonUnue ao, are the O ty of Springfield. Wagon. Radio, heater, auto­ ...that’s Wide-Track! four clubs are about even—-CM- 14 television dates, nine for nation­ Dec. 8—Syracuse at XKaEA. and 1960, and defending ebampion 1 ^ ." HHen MoQann. 111J8; high-triple. Kloter . 106.51 He played hi* first gam* with the 2-Door Hardtop. Radio, heat­ 86..120.6 One Springfield youngaUr years al television and five for regional Varrlek, >«•*»«» Jeanne Iriah, 899; Mgh stogie, 108.44 Indians on Jan. 28, 1940. He con­ being abared individually alao er, automatic transmiaaton, matic transmission, V-8, pow­ cago,. Houston, Phlladelplila and Gary Player are, the top favorites Nicklaus teamed with the youth­ Twacualta — .42..120.S Bean . among the player* and their coach, ago who took part in the prdgram er steering, power brakes, New York. Pitching will be the telecgsU. Three games are listed but no . one is discounting the ...... ,...78..119.70 Heton MoOann, 180. Qrandall .. 105.73 tinued to play with them through V-8 power steering, power on each of the'so-called "regional’’ Pick UConn Captains ful Australian, Bruce DevUn, in a Paifani .. Pat Egan. .H e la also the first was Angello Berteill, who later whitewalls, 2-tone blue. key for all four clubs. “We won’t cbsngM o f the 206-pound, tow-head • -76.JJ9.lff Hen—Ugh nvarage, Ato>y L*m- (Tarpeoter . 10L58 the 1941-42 season, and th* reeord brakes. A beauty. Saturday!, warmup yesterday against Palmer Oenovesi i2M g; triple, Don books Ust him.** playing one gam* coech to guide thrM regular aea­ went on to football fame at Notre finish last," Don TSimmer, who who gave up bis throns as a king and Byron Nelton. PaliBer and ...... 81..UT.40 Ish ..... i 101.12 Dame. He wanted to p fir s u e The achedUlst wheleh begins with STORRS. (A P) — Bqb BuMter BuJauciuB CaiiMater> A79;- Itigti H gle.' D (» 'll, 96.44 for Buffalo In 1948-44. son title holder* In a row, and U (and you know who has Wide-Track!) overhentd our eonvetaatten, com ­ o f the amateurs, to go after the Nelaoo had to do the tzaating. Orton ;.-i. hockey career further, but on the Miami at Pitt, includes an ap­ of Oanaton, R. I.. New XMiliand In- Carpenter,'. IW ; high atoglc. M 96.22 Retursed After War .. striving (for hie third playoff eham- MA.VY OTHBB.4^-IA)W BA.NK TERMS mented. zleh depostte on tin pro tour; laaat Hiere was one tnoongrttoos note. Barteei atUndano* zaeeeds Lamoureaux ...... 78 advice ot Shore, he first went to pearance for Alabama, top ranked terooUeglate 200-yard- backstroke ntei^ AsKly. Laateureaux and ItoJ- MEN \ ' This Buffalo stmt was brought pionabip. of all, NleUaus MMasU. Bam Snead came Ihe 18th, atteiaad- by Rd Bujanelua. IM Springfield had an outetending oellege to complete, his education. In the final 1961 AP foatnall p ^ , champion in 1960, has been named 'and lrw r*9.- Games Av* about, by the war, when the gov­ "to ths first five toumamsnte UrlUt no more than a w m o M>acte- OffitftoOyeJltB ■beaky. BW ABoaty. player to between tha stera o f the fiBim to known throughout the E VOW AimiORlIED PONTIAC MALE* fON A WIDE CHOICE Of WID£rT»*CKS AND GOOD USED CANS. TOO Hawka Hope for Tie' . as well ae theae other powers nom captain of the 1M2-8S Unlveralty Itoiiranontbe final night gARMureaux ...... -.8 4 120.48 ernment took over the EasU of Connecticut swimming team. after I turned pro, I really stunk,’’, tora at hia heela B«n Hogan teed Blag.FwTited RoUnil-Iriali.: v- past and present. In th* person of Ice sport world aa "Mr. I^kay”. last season—Ohio State (No.l 2), ogiMMH|( -wate^^^MUt T e d f 0 r GSipenter .' ...... 8 4 119J13 States Collaeiun l" Springfield end Manchester Nicklaus said. “1 oooldnt find a o ff in semi-privacy. The people are a.-.i . ■■ The MaJoachuse'tU State Legisla­ CHICAGO (AP) —The CMoarc Texas (No. 8). LSD (No. 4), Min­ Andy Csuchry o f WUlimantlc, lSB:itM|f|l^ A tidy Lnmoureauk. 81 U3.28 Shore moved to BufflJo. After four Ro m Lowe, who wAa awarded the Black Kawka, promising to dis- nesota (No. 6), MlcMpui State Junior guard, was chosen te liwd driver I Ukad. I bad trouble with foUowIng the now breed. HOLIDAY Morton Lee Cummingham Trophy in 1964- ture gave him offleil recognition PLYMOUTH-VALIANT SALES and SERVICE my putter. My wadft w «t sour, BIS^gMMH9Mp*nt«-. 881; Helsn Iriah ....- ...... -..84, 112.17 years In Bison Town, at the con­ o t thqir slam-bang (No. 8) and Utah State (No. 10). the basketball squad. Tbs Savltt Lynn au^iatiaa 121, Noacy MeNail clusion o f the wsT, hockey return­ 56 ae th* IMgue's most vahuibl* Of that UU* a year or so ago, by ROUTE 88, TALOOTTVILLE — MI 8-2708 — f R 6-9016 flt- TIh Houston Oolte are ths fifth Bean ...... a • « ara a . a - . 64 . ~1I2.9 dealgSattog to him, Ucenae plats* j game, hop# to Tte eomnleU aehedule: . award fbr frts ihraw ptoOeimMy m .'lu * : BUttoo, .-■> *sf?-vuij87: ■■ *04.1 ed to Springfield in 1946 and th* pUyar. Soan- aftar hi# adtievs- OPEN EVENING* TILL 9:90 PAUL DODGE PONTIACy Inc. square tbMr beet-ef-errae Sept, 18—Mteml at Pitt was pnsmlad to smior guard Lsal ttM Into piKN. Z Iw id «ut fito team that, fin t •taeaman D ick 1 1 8 ,___ ^ Htotar for hto ear whleli read, "Mr. m a d - ^^•Fto^CMBdall 7 . a'aS.n 109.21 AJIti was rapreeented thera until ment. and whil* wattinr (*»• final pkiM ff sw im aflalnat the -lept, Si-Ouka ht Southern ChU- Carlsm i t Jha untvanlty'a annual 5 R s W s a n 5 S t e ir ------Oanaat has played S o r ia the part eiak-r H a ra f^ Maaen and. the appactualtp to a 878 MAIN STREET—MANCHESTER; XX)NN. X fla - yaara .-.76 9961 fh* 19MMH aaoson. I f nut real nsMiWssw wlatsr a p ^ binquatla^ algM. S e n t A-li*."' J. r ' , ■ « 5 . ' - IwAW.-flf -.flf.’ddtM'iJlrli*-- , to-:.*.-. t

mjW: -'.'v i ^

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD,'MANCHESTER, CONN« TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1962 PAGE FIFTEEN .t b s n t MANGHEST&R EVENINO HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1962 Articleg For Sain 45 Household Gooils 5T AiiaftmeBtfr—Flat*— Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Sale ' 72 Houses For Sale 72 Automobilei For Sal* . 4 THERE OUGHT A BE A i,AW BY PAGALT and SHORTEN Help W sated-rlUe^ SB Help Wanted—aiAle 38 I fc|iJ»A PB B aale—ceUtoa nalnt! ^W AYS a good buy on ‘cbeats, . Tenements 6.3 RANCH-Ono year old. 3 bod- 43.96 per gnllon; outer pitot knd 51ANCBBSTER-4 bedroom boose, MANCHESTER—8 room Cape,. 3- VOLKSWAOBN 1963, ruby red, fisonsnirawpr opsaliq; to Megitoto" IF YOU ABE handy amnnd outw beds, dreaaera and appU'anees. ROCKVILLB— Apartzamta ‘ aeiwly axcellem elewet and storage opaca, cor garage, city water and eewer, rooms, 3 full baths,- modom kltch- Eml*h specials. C. J. Morrison cMdlt terms avan*ble. also on baa ime. Asking 118,800. Ton- on with buUt-lns, $15,706 G.I. The Open Forui aun-root sedan, wblt^tewolla, ALL «W \MVfT0 ID PO„ tor. 1^ :4incm " has wa wlU ttato you to h e o ^ auto decomted, dinette, kitebenette,, latfea enelcaad potciL S4ar ga­ vpotot Store, 888 Center St. “**d furniture and household rage, 819.766 A u b rim Agency, ad gren Agency, MI 3-6331. mortgago may be assumed. Large leedherette upholstery. Only 4 »eO0KI UMT ruMfUdocunj local tSkm s tor amhSwii.- aad mufRor and ehookr Miaqfher ^to- /f* ' ■ ‘ ” bedroom, tile -batiiroom ; applt- Communications for pubUcationa In ths Open Forum will not be 680. WWKiHiWBM eUUaton AjppV lota. Roger’s Used Furniture, 11714 91494, ______rec room in baaemOnt, 318,900.- months old: A aacrlflee at to.i •WlLdWK* man. IDiM' heva at Spruce St.„ MI 8-4968^ .. ^ ancea, $$5 per monthi Coll MX STARKWEATHER 8 t - 6 room sto­ Philbrick Agoncy, MI 94464. guaranteed publication If they contain more tbap 300 words. The MI 0-0486 after 5 p.m. L n i t f r m v N . s o m u K X f Isaot High B ^ p d " mour .Auto Storaa, 681 Mato St. i nznK RICH loam, gravel, fUl, 8-1869, TH S-$488. ' FLORENCE ST.—7 room home to gie, good condUlon, mi utillUes, , TWCHUKII] storting iaeotne. ’ ne and white aond. MI 3-8608. , Herald reserves tha right to decline to publish any m attsr tluit 196t OOMBT, toack, red Interior, I OF A LlFBiTlME excellent cqndiUon inside, and out, $14,600. Joseph Barth, Broker, Ml $11,000—411,000—4 rooirooms, fuUy collar with may be libelous or which ia in bad tasts. Frss sxpression of poUt* vanceibent WANTED TO GO HOU8EKEEPINQ ROCRVnUUE—On* IW robm apart­ ADVERTISING Btimdard tranamlaakm, 8,000 miles:- e0NTMT<' ‘SaOfCE v o x of new wool rem- ment In residential area. Stove, re­ enoloead porch, one-car garage, 9-0330. • basement gange, lake privllegea. leal views is dssired by contributions of this character but let­ ’4rtpfa bsnafito CUSTOMER MOVINO TO iFtced for quick sele. $13,900. Phil- 60X130 tot. Owner PI 3-6881. ters which arc defamatory or abusivs wlU be rejected. one owner, big aavtogs. Call lU iSctoa, TM B 4IB . o r write Maehtoiat, Tool Maker, Lathe Xyits at discount prices. Woolen frigerator and heat tumiahed. BEAUTIFULLT landscaped ranch, 688-7638. Operator nw strips. BOc lb, up. Colonial CAUFORmA Adults only, - $90 monthly Ml brick Agency, Ml 94M4. , . CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEFT. HOURS O, Bte 1B4, South {{onmsnts, 116 Center 8 t.' SO THEY CAll’T USE THIS 3 bedrooms, IH baths, heated rec- SEVEN ROOM split level, tamUy 4ph ahep experiehoa required. TAKE 8 TEARS TO PAY! 9-4824, TR 5-1166. SPLIT-LEVEL, 7 rooms, IH baths, reatlon room or office, screened room, enclosed summer porch 3 8 AJfl. to 5 P.M. taaiUy room, modem kitchen with breezewov, 3-car garage. Moiiy ceramic baths, garage, like •Vote No Anyway’ f should do no more, no matter what 1956 RAMBLER station wagon, RADKE ENGINEERING JTwN MOWERS.-Toro, Jacobsen, WANTED UNFURNISHED or fumhihed lame To the Editor, the cause or the project or the $575. Can after « p m. MI 8-8194. ' Bolens, and OoodoU, Reel end Reliable, Honest, Persem one room apartment, private bath, faiiUt-tos, one-car garage, large extra*.* Near -school*, ■hopping. new condition. Beecmer-Smlth CORP. lot. $19,$00. PhUlilb ri» Ag«Agency, Asking only $33,900. m 94763. Roaltors. MI 9.-89S3. MI 34M9. I h'bpe th* editorial in Friday’s argument or the appeal, than, the COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSinED ADVT. Exeaitiv^Trainee 19 Vernon Ave„ Rockville —tary, 18-38”, Parts ■nd service. TO TAKE OVER stove, ' refrigerator, heat, -hot r. jfa paper ddn’t go unnoticed to many preaent tax rate will afford. u n p a id b a l a n c e 9^464. UOHDAT Ttuu IBIDAV MrN AJ«.—8ATVBDAZ • A.K ’ natuMd -asiliiEtmsot tmtoae ' Used mowers and tractors. Trade water. Apply Marlow’s, 367 Mato. aPLTi; LEVEL—7 rooms, fire­ MANCHESTER—6 room (larrison readers of T hs-’Herald, because . I realize that it may be folto Auto Drividg Sebool 7-A pmerfm tor c o ite and toih scheol PABT-ITME or fuU-tlme, window 4n your Old machine. Capitol MONTHLY PAYMENTS MANCHESTER—BeU St. 8H room place, IH baths, buUt-tos, rocres- Coloniol, 70x150 lot, with t ^ s what was said was and is impor­ to even dream that the tax raw groduato. Aptuiouto nnin: cleaner and Janitor. Ml 1-7814, Equipment Cq^ 88 Mato St. R ^ ra $16.79 tant to all Of us who own any­ might he cut but, lacking this, It PLEASE READ YOUR AD MORTLOOK'8 Dnvtast Sebool-Of- 74 dally, 7-9 Thursday, 74 Satur- BIS8BLL STREET—4 rooms, first ranch, 4 years and wide of our proksts. Voice your opinion The Kennedy Administration Is ON ICR Ml 9-5229, 9-5. exceUent condition, $19,600. Phil- ranch, large kitchen, '^.ceramic cloeets, full ceramic tile bath, oestlng about for a ’’crisis" so CertRtod and approved la now of- •sOBrWAT. Ttiia to a paznanent carter mechanic,: r, truck driver. -nd wheel harrow. Call after 5;3o. Refrlgemtor bath, 3 picture ivlndows,' Cellar, St the next town meeting!!! What fOttog claonoom and behind .opportunity MI 9-<266. . ______BeauUtul Bedroom Suite brick Agency, MI 1-8464. ■ walk-up attic. Plaster walla. Built that it can drum through Congress DIAL Ml 3-2711 UKK/AUVI Fiv e r o o m , first floor, apart­ 134’ frontage, trees. CArlton W. happens w^wn present Industry another foreign aid appropriation. wheel tostractloo for toonagaro. Beautiful Li-vlng Room Suite 1954. Realistlcslly priced at tries to expand in this town, such MI 04075. PBLUXB STATION wagon tent, ment, heat, bot water, stove and MANCHESTER—ExceUent 6 - room Hutchins, MI 94132. $34,500. Robert Wolverton Agen­ The American taxpayer will be Apply w ^7^9ee4V^ a a a e e a ^ w ase m *e^#^ ^aee —— • —— Beautiful Dinette Set refrigerator, garage, $110 month­ stone and frame cape, o o ^ rt and a Keeney St. Arm who had no 10X10, eleep* six, like new, $50. Beautiful “De Luxe” Range cy. MI 9-3818. given the same routine treatment PREPARS FOR driTor’a toot. ntoga and Sundays, counter man ly. Mt 9-9852. one-half acre tot. Has large oksum. FIRST OFT'ER'INGI opposition from residents and who the parade of so-called expert part-time aftemoona or evenings. MI9-3199. ■ ^ Instead of Weatinghouse Elec. able mortgage: BSiltjirlce 316,900; are heavy taxpayers In this town Agea 16 to 60. Ditvtog and oloaa AML SMAMWrK. BOLTON I— 2 bedroom ranch. witneeses who will testify that room. T h m tootructors. No wait­ RCXJKVILLE Apply Conneefiew Btote Employ­ goo CEDAR-poles; many clothes­ Refrigerator it you prefer NEW 3% extra large rooms, heat, Coll the Ellsworth hntten Agency, ExceUent 6 .room Golonlsl, fire­ $10,900. Aluminum storms, lake because they own line homes? failure to pass the new aid bill TROUBLE REACHINO OUR ADVERTISER? ing. Manebeater Drtvhig Acads- 4 * 3 ^ ment Service, 809 Mato St., Man­ line sizes, InataUed and reset. Rugs, Lamps, Tables, Linoleum hot water. Incinerator, patio, Realtors, IP 34930 or MI 94524. place, oil heat, beautiful enclosed - privileges. . exceUent. condition. They have to start looking for a chester. and a Few Other Article« stove, extras, refrigerator. Aduls. porch, combtoaUon window* and will mean collapse of NATO, re­ 1 my. FI 3-7349. Chevrolet wheels 18-18 Inch. MI SPLIT LEVEL—For those accus- Assumable 4H% mortgage. Call town that wonts them,-because treat from Berlin, and a ootae- FINANCE CORP EVERYTHING MI 9-6750. doors,' city sewerage and water, owner MI 9-9736. Monohester doesn't wont them to 9-1M3. ______■ . THE UNPAID tomed to the finer things alt one horn*. to eXceUsnt condition tropha In South Vietnam; in IM iM r Aiswtriig jSenrIce 8 West Mato S t, RockvUla, Conn. expand. A few days after refusing short, foreign aid must go on and Business Services Offered 13 Salesmen Wanted S6-A -fOR SALE—Tape recorders (store BALANCE PRICE ANDOVER—Three room apart­ cquid demand has "been Men In­ throuifidut lot 83x486, nicely land­ ment, heat, hot water, stove, re­ cluded in this lovely 8lk room a Arm expansion privileges you’ll on into the dim and misty future. BnJldlngw-Contracting 14 Electrical Services 22 Hdp Wsatod—PemsleNtS demonstrators) a t big savings, ONLY $418.26 scaped, $18,600. LIKE NEW see that a survey Is going to be File to Herald Remlen REXJABLE removal aervlce. Sc h o o l b u s drivers T:804:48, AUTOMOBIUS aalaamcn wanted frigerator, garage, PI 2-6043. home. The stylo la condusive to It hto been freely forecast by to J(toi Chevrolet dealerahip. Bue- $59.95 up. Terms. See Marlow’s, Free storage until wanted. Free made aa to why Manchester can't some news mogorines that by the M AM Rubbish Oo. Routes cover­ ADDITIONS, recreation rooms, re­ FREE BSTtMATBS-Prompt aerv­ FULL OR part-time atore clwk. ^ 1 8 0 . Cull MI $-3414.______Ml Main St. ______' delivery. Free set up by our own thoap- who enjoy spilt level livmg CHARLES LESPERANCE 6Vb room ranch home within a ing Manchester. Commercial, to- modeling, all types of carpentry- lce on all types of electrical wlr- Some office duties. Apply In per­ oeaefni appUoutta will receive SE'VEN r o o m duplex, oil furnace, at Us best. On beauttfuUy lana stone’s throw of the Bowers School lure Industry. For years Manches­ year. 2000, the American taxpay­ Waat tofomalloa oo eoa of oar elaaalllad admUaeoM atar No ICED gauge grtoden, tratotog with pay, phia opportun­ reliable men. electric stove, convenient . loca­ ter has been called a "Bedroom er will have shelled out $500,000,- aaawar i^"tha tdephoao Hatodf Simply eon tha duatrlal, residential. OUr special­ NelsonEDggtoa, Ml 4-1700; tiesnoed and Inoured. WUsoh son MllikowaU Flower Faoluen, scaped spacious tot, 2-ctr garags. MP9-762.0 and bus line. Family sited kitchen, ty attics, cellars, yards. MI ectrlcai Oo., Manebeater, Ml 698 Mato St. wlM p^rtim wages. Apply B A S ity to atop up your income. Gem Phone for appointment tion. .Adults preferred, (toll after 4 tethrooma. Priced to the high 3 bedrooms, ceramic bath, cellar, Town": that Is, ths people live 000,000.00 7DP GRADE .loam delivered. MI SAMUEL ALBERT 0-9757. MASONRY ^ Specializing to all 94817. Glaatanbury, MB S-Tril. Gauge Oo„ Mjtriiell Dr. Chevrolet 1133 Mato St, WUU- 94871.______5. MI 3-7042. 80s. PhllbrlcK Agency, Ml 9-6464 FIVE b e d r o o m s garage. New reduced .price. Eve. here, but: work out of town. It Every Unir the- Administration MANCHCSTER ANSWERING SERVICE brick and block conetniraon, flre- WANT A CHANCE to earn—to ypur montic. Hartford CH 7-0368 Ray Holcombe, MI 4-1189, won’t be long before It's neither, —whether It be RepubUoan or OOBMA APPUANCB Servtoe—Re­ places, l>atioe, brick homee, walla, apars time? Several toolce Avon T O O LM A K E^ TAPE RBX^RDBIR, RCA Victoria, See It Day or Night NEW FOUR room apartment on NEAR P O R T ^ ST.—Large 6li $28,906 there won't be anyone living here. Democratic—wonts a hew foreign Ml f4)800 pairs aU’ mskas rsfrlgerators. etc. EaUmates without obligation. Floor Ftnishing 24 territoriee 4 family size kitchen, living room ganisation should do___” These up and delivery. Ice skates shaip- h.p. Erinrude, complete with boat OPEN NIGHTS TILL 9 3-0814. with fireplace, dining room, 3 bed LANDMARK to work at a factory that is paying about earning extm money —«aU VINCENT A. BOGGINI .... 200 year old home full of you bsteTMn $2.00 and $3.00 on reforms”, these "overhauUngs” FOTlND-CoUlo type doe,, black lose BBS, AIR Chevrolet, 2-door ened, pfecislon ground. L-. A M and additlaaB. C efliw . Worinnan- now and find out how you can do All above moat have experience cover and aluminum paddlea. rooms, ceramic tile bath, very and brown, male. Call Lee FraC' hardtop convertible. Call MI £k]ulpment Corporation, Route 68, LOVESEAT SOFA bed with slip- SIX R()OM duplex, exceUent neigh­ nicely maintained, immediate oc­ MI 3-5122 charm. 3 fireplaces. 3 car garage hour and you’re working 40 hours never seem .to take place. atop guaranteed. HO Antonin St Musical—^Dramatic 29 It. Call 2894022. to either experimental work or tool Help W™t*4” Odl MI 9-3503. ■ cover, kneehole desk, maple chest borhood for children, private cel­ 3 Or i bedrooms. Beautifully shrub­ And now we have the AlUtoce ehla, warden, MI 8-M94. 9-2248. Vernon. Conn. TR 6-7609. Manches­ Ml 8-4860. Male or fem ale 37 cupancy, $15,900. Robert Wolver The William E. Belfiors Agency vote no anyway becauss you dsf- ter exchange. CsU Enterprise 1948. PRIVA’FE accordion tostmctlcna. work and muet be aUa to work FOR SALE—18 foot Thompeon of drawers, metal frame for lar, oil burner. Glastonbury, ton Agency. MI-9-2818. bed and priced right at ..116,900. initsly can't afford it. Ask toy real for Progress, the Marriiall Plan’’ COUPLE to live to and do general $13,200—0 R(X)M home in excep­ for South tod (tontral Amerioo. FOUND—Black and Usht tan fe> BIDWBILL BOMB Improvement Learn orcheatm and solo plaimg, motel work. Phone MI 8-2577 be­ fr«n blusprtot Apply. NEAT APPEARING jpvoon to boat mcltor and trailer. Tel. MI spring and mattrees. Ciali after 5, 833-9057, after 6:30. For appointment to see right away saUte agent why houses or* tough male puppy. Call Lee Fraccbia, 1948 CUBVROUBT CO(^, 801 cu. CHAIN SAW work - Trees ont. MI 9-3319. I $13,900—6 ROOM Cape, nearly fin­ tional- condiUon, large bedrooms, CALL Mrs. Hunter. MI 9-5306, MI mozil le down for $400,000,000 as Company—oil types of sldli« and beginners a ^ d alty . Chester Ac­ tween 104. work at dairy bar, fair or part- 3-8886. ______FOUR ROOM apartment, automa­ half acre lot, on the bus line. Well to sell and see what ha says. Voles Dog Waiwn, MI 8-8SM. In. V-8 engine, |350. Ml 3-6SS4. Reasonable rates. Can PI 2-7888 ------Ahuntonm cl^hoarda a cordion Studio, MI 8-6709. time. Write Box R. Herald. ished, aluminum aiding, fireplace, )-3695. your opinion, and if It comes to a starter.' She recently seised the between 1::804:80 or any time DELTA CORP. 14 FOOT Yellow- Jacket runabout, tic hot water, no furnace, East garage, bus. (torlton w, Hutchins, worth the price, (toll today. I. T 4 T. Installations without In- loss FORD Falrlane, 4-door, radio . Unexesllad werkman- Side. Tel, Ml 3-4751. Beechler-Smith, Realtors, MI a vote, vote. If you don't, blame demnlfiootlon; we protested and Saturday or Sunday. up. WOMAN OR man with car, third SS h.p. Evlnrude, Teence Trailer, Musical Instruments 53 MI 9-5132. BARROWS & WALLACE yourself for tax Inereoees. Announcements and heater, very good condition. Women Needed 1349 Mato St. Hartford ahlft worker preferred, to deliver ski equipment; .air new 1958, ex­ 9-8952, m 84969. 55 B. (tonter Bt. MI 9-6806 then Immediately allocated $190,- MI 0-4817. SAM’S UPHOIBniRT - Bonds—Stocks— PIANO TUNINO, $7. Fifteen years' TWO R(X)M apartment with pri­ ST. JAMES PARISH— (Sistom 6 Jock J, Loppen 000,000 to give Brosit, rlgdit from ALL TYPBIS of rocCi repaired or Fuller Brush merchandise on cellent condition, MI 9-8938. vate bath, near Main St. Heat, $17,800 — FIVE room ranch with Manchester INOOMB TAXBS-prepared la your from the el^. Can take ears of replaced, specializing in Bonded Mortgages 31 Easy, Interesting telephone sur­ EXPERIBNCBID man to repair and weekends only. Good pay. Ml Oxparience. Free repair estimates room ranch, large kitchen, co­ the AFP kitty. Americans are iy aapototment Bbmer- 19M FORD Convertible Coupe, all your upholstering needs at vey work to OUT modem of­ make new canvae covers, part- 13 FOOT MFG boat with 35 h.p. upon request. Call Kenneth Robin hot water, gas, electricity; also, lonial atmosphere, near bus. shqj porch, large kitchen with butlt- ‘Should Ae Freaen' certainly stupid In international home or t ~ buUt-im and s b to ^ rooting. 9-9087. gas stove and refrigerator fumieh- To tha Editor, len c^ taxI wen, SMwur acrvise. V4, automatic tranamUaion, great aavtoga. OaU GH s-sns. CoughUn Rooting Company, Man­ ALMOST unlimited funds available fices, days or nights, no saper- time. CH 3-8291. \ Johtison motor and Mastercraft ■on, MI 3-1365. ping, only $17,900. Carlton ina, tiled bath, fireplace, combin­ A PERFECT FIT matters and easily gulled. This Can MI S.473I. whitewall tirea, excellent mechan­ chester. MI t r m . for private mortgages. If you need lence necessary. Field repre­ trailer. Excellent condition. $900. . ed. Garage- available. Adults only. Hutchins, MI 9-5132. ation windows and doors, home in Oonn'atulatlons on your excel­ la but the start of a whole new ical condition, |6S0. MI 9-4071. SBARPENINa Bervlca — Sawa, money to consdldate worrisome sentative aleo wanted. Attrac­ Msehiplsts—First Class. Situations Wanted— MI 3-6046. % GRAND: PIANO, Behr,Bros.,' Mrs, Morse, MI 34388. excellente-condition. One owner. This 7 room custom built garrison lent editorial that oppeiered In the series of soshdsle and blundera FKDBRAL INOOMB tuue.prapar^ knives axes, sbean, okatoo, FOR YOUR roof and siding, can 4ebts, to improve your property. tive weekly . saitary plus foot 10 inthes, ebony, very good' MAN(HESTER and vicinity — If Full basement, hot water oil heat, colonial with breesewsy tod ga­ March 30th edlUon of The -Herald down there. , ed with your oavi^‘ Lto imnA 1959 IMPALA convertible, radio rotsnr blades' Quick ssrvloe Or for any purpose, and can pay Female 88 shape, beautiful tone. Asking $350 TWO ROOlis and bath,, first floor you are looking for new or used recessed cast iron radiators. City entitled “Freeae the Tax Rate.” A t J. O. Roofing Co. We sp^aU ze bonuses. Personal Interviews 80-hour week. Must fat capable near Main, with garage, $46 a rage, centrally located In Man­ E. D. OoUtos Reaaoaable ratoa. BT J Baylea. and heater, power brakes and tol Equipment Go., 88 Mato m., $39.38 per month tor each $1,000 only, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Comstock of holdtog aircraft tolerances. Building M^jrUiIs 47 Phone-MI. 3-4289; 64 p.m. homes,omes, some witwith small down psy- water and sewerage. Near school, a time when H la no longer popu­ ateering, white with black top, Manohesw. Hours dolly 74, to aluminum, cerramie and atone. WOMAN DBSIREB to care for month. Call MI 84748. chester la the Ideal home for your lar to try to economize it required Tel. MI »aa46. For' free estimates and amtotot- you borrow, caU Frank Burke, at Bldg., 1180 Main St., East Hart­ Rridgsport and Ji8^bora operators. Child in her home daUy. MI mentq, call the Ellsworth Mitten- bus itoe, quiet neighborhood. growing family. An attractive A Muaenm to Jeto |1,6M. 129 Hawthorne, MI 9-8746. Thursday 74. Saturday 74. MI raent call MI 0-8933. Connecticut Mortgage Bbcchi ford, Room 306. Apply at 9-0640. BETTER fBUYS Aq: 4H ROOM apartment, newly re­ Agency, Realtors, MI 84980, or Quick occupancy, (toarlea Lea- work-caver kitchen for Mom: a oonslderoble courage on your port To tha Editor, . INOOMB TAX retunia prepared by 8-7988. 18 Lewlg S ^ Hartford, CH MI 9-6624. perance, MI 9-7630. to advocate “freestog the Ux rate 1960 FORD convertible, V4, stand­ , Wanted—-To JBuji 58 decorated, stove, refrigerator, on pine-paneled den for Dad to imoke Our community la unique and former Internal Revenue agent In days, JA 0-8888 eves. STENOGRAPHER-Cleto wanted to GTKCORP. RESIRE companion housekeeptog, •n a t io n a l where It is.” Needless to say-, the the convenience of your home for ard with overdrive. Call MI 9-7428 BUSlNBiSS-professlonal accounts. WE BUY, SELL or trade antique biia line. Alao, 5 room apartment, MANCHESTER—89 Finley St. 6Vk EAST HARTFORD—6 room Cape, his pipe in; a dining room that in­ same kind of courage and fortitude progressive In numy ways. The work in the office of Town Mana­ 678 Tolland St, East Hartford some nuratog experience. Have•ve first floor, stove, refrigerator, on vites company to meals:'large Lutz Junior Museum Is a fine ex­ individual and btudneaa. MI S-893S. between 8 a.m.4;S0 p.m. If your receivables need sctlai, Roofing and Chimnejrs 16-A SPRING IS here. Consolidate your ger. Please sm d quallfleatlona, Hitch Rail Fencing $2.99 Section knij used fumlture, china, glass large room ranch, full cellar, large breezeway, garage, fruit trees, on will he required from the Board of phone MI 94817 any hour. AAA obUgnticna into one. We give fast car. BbceeUent references. MI bus line. MI s-6526. rumpus room, 2-car garage, ame- Silver Lane, $17,500. Joseph Barth, restful bedrooms for all members ample of the worthwlUIe faolUtlaa ROOFING—Specializing repairing experience and ealary desired by 94478. OomblnatioA Door* silver, picture tramss and old of the family, young and old; a Directors to make certain that INOOMB TAX returna prepared by Reimbursement Service, 869 Mato service and are to a position to mall to the Town Manager, Town From $16.95 Ea. coins, dolls and guns, hobby site drive, lot 200x200, all land­ Broker, MI 9-0320. there le absolutely no tax rise of of our town. AU of us can take auditor. Bualnem aad individual. 1955 BUICX SPECIAL. CaU MI St. Bonded. roofs of an ktods, new roots, gut finance any amount in addition to Screen Doors From $10.60 Ea. collections; attic contents or whole scaped. $26,900. Ml 8-4605. fully tiled bathroom on the second toy kind. These are drastic years pride in this Inetltutlon that dees Aeccuntlns aervteea. Raymond 9-977B. ter work, chimneys cleaned, r* Hall, South l^ d m r , <5xm.' An CLERK-TYPIST, experienced, with FOR RENT —Four rooms, second VERNON—High on hlllton 5 room floor and a lavatory on first; plus so much to stimulate, enUghten eonstrUcUoh loana. J, D, Realty, interview will be arranged at a knowledge of bookkeeping, wishes . CLOSE-OUTS estate*. Furnftu.re Repair Service. floor. MI 8-8330. for the town's toxpayeia end they Olrard, in >4008. HOME LANDSCAPINO - Design, paired Aluminum siding. 80 470„Mata St., MI 84139. GAUGE, JIG and Talcottville, Cora.. Tel. MI 3-7449. PORTER STREET area — Brick ranch in tiptop shape. Basement a screened tod glass porch for tod guide the Inquisitive minds of plemts, planting. Lawn terttUsa- years’ experience. Free esUmatea. later date. part-time general office work; OaU Roof Shingles, Odd Lots $1 per bdl. front colonial, attached garage lalsure living. All of this on an do demand drastic aaoriflcea on the MI 9-9153. ROOM apartment available Im­ recreation room. Pri(Priced right, art of every department of our our children, particularly those TAX PROBLEMS? CaU PI 94007 1960 DODGE DART station wagon, tion, weed and Insect control. John CaU Howley, MI 8-6861, MI 8-0768. Caulking Guns $1 Ea. modem kitchen with butlt-lns, 114 Seeing is believing.iving. (Call Madeline extra deep lot with space for, a in the eight to twelve year o$S and have your return prepared for white. Owner Ml 9-6588. E Whitham Landscape Nursery, FRIESJDLY woman help start Special Plywood Paneling mediately. Central location, $110 gardenr-A thrifty buy for $21,706. 5tuniclpal Ooysrhment. According ** * ““ Bnsinees Opportunities 32 ahop-by-mall club. Club ahopptog FIXTURE USED CHAIN SAW. MI 8-8368. per month, including heat, hot ceramic baths, fireplace. Every­ Smith, Realtor, Ml 9-1842 or Mabel to the budget rsqusste U» 1 have group. When one vlalta tha mu­ you. You nlwaya aave more than it Ml 9-2660. DogS' Birds—Pets 41 From 16c S. Ft. thing you would desire at a price Sheridan, MI 84139. coeta. 1960 CORVETTE, 4-speed trana saves money; membns bmeflt. Windows, Set-up From $10, Ea. tteter, stove, refrigerator. Ml bean pubUahed oach and every de-; seum on* Is truly Impressed by Heating and Plnmbing 17 ESSO HAS exceUent service sta­ You get famous products free. vou can afford. Beeehler-Smlth, mission, low mileage, excellent TV SERVICE—All makes. Honest, tion (^iportuniUis to Mancheetsr- PEDIGREED Boston Terrier, White Pine Jambs $2.95 Ea. FRANK IS buying and selling good 3-7925. Realtors, MI 9-8952, MI 34969. COVENTRY—For $5,900. 4 rooms, Jarvis Realty Co. partment 06 our town government the high quality, wide eoope and RUQ8 AND bedapreada expertly condition. Call PI 2-6996 ' Economical. High qnauty iMrta. GERARD J. . BARONOUSKY, Bolton area available now. Smi^ -Smd for details, free 376-page ed, for sale, $40. Also tnals ’ Shelving Pine 14c S. Ft. used furniture and antiques at modem kitchen, full bath, arteeian Is asking for more funds, I agree roat variety of the exhibits tod dyed. Choose from 70 decorator Guaranteed 90 daya Famoua for catalog. No obligation. P o p la r GRINDERS iuahua, $30. MI 0-3834. THREE Ro o m apartment, kitchen SIX ROOM (tope with garage, REALTORS MLS INSURERS with your statement when you aa^ te program In general. Plumbing. InataUatlon and repair- capital rojulrement, ptod tratomk Club Plan, Dq>t. IB863, Lynbrocdi, Fir Casing .06c LlOi Ft. 420 Lake St. Call and see what equlpqtent. PArtlallv furnished. well, combination HUsco' storm S colors. Lucky Lady Laundry, 48 eervlee atoce 1981. Fhooe $0 MT 9-ijM, program provided. Phone Mr. Base ■ .09c Lin. Ft. we’ve got. Open Sundays. MI ■tone fireplace, wall-tb-wall car­ windows and screens, large lot, “ we should forbid ourselves proj ■ ""nnm arrent—Ttotoclal neeos, Furnell Place. Ml 9-3002. 1988 FAIRLANB 600 hardtop, call 9-4887. Pottorten’a. IBO Oeotar S t N. y. 105 BlrCh Street. MI 8-0897 after pet $16,300 Call -R. J. Wrobelski, MI 8-4112 MI 9-3519 MI 3.1035 sets or expenditures which would though modest, are not being satis­ AQ 9-1678 between 3-6 p.m. Doriey days JA 7-4183, nights 9-6580. r ■ 5 p.m. ■ approximately $800-$1,000 down PtjnmAtn arm — re- Springfield STate 3-4630. Bridgeport Operators FOUh- PUPPIES, $6 estCh. MI CASH ’N CARRY Broker. MI 3-2573. payment. Alice Clampet, Realtor, necessitate taking It (the tax rate) fied. Membership in the museum ABSOLUTE bargain—custom made ROCXVnLB manufacturer needs 3-8483;*V WEST SIDE $16,350 higher than It is." I agree, too, 1960 CHEVROLET Impala con­ modelliw toataltottoi^ rspain- 3 girts to learn sorthw of leather. NOBODY, BUT NOBODY. THREE • ROOM apartment with MI 9-4543 or MI 3-7367. must be Increased to support ths Penonals 3 slipcovers, drapes and upholstery. AU work guaranteed. 88 yearn 0X‘ THREE BAY service station, fuU 66-hour week UNDERSELLS NA’nONAL Rooms Without Board -59 PORTER STREET area—(tostom Choice Cape, 6 rooms, 114 baths, that we should not evade the issue program of activities. I urge all vertible, V4, standard transmis­ Budget terms. Call Mrs, Roberts, Free transportation. For Informa­ TOY POOpLES for Easter, AEG stove and hot water, Available built 7 room colonial, sheer qual­ enclosed porch, pine paneled base­ by borrowing and thereby increase BILBiCTROLUX Bales and Sarvlee, sion, many extra features. Owner ptoltnea. OHumr sarvlca. Can repairer’s Uqtnse, large parking tion call at 114 'Brooklyn S t, or May 1. MI 84855. VBHNON — 6 room ranch, large responsible citizens of Mancheater MI 9-7590. E M VanCamp. Ml 94749. lot, small inveetment necessary. registered, champion bloodline, 8 NATIONAL LUMBER. INC. ROOM FOR lady or. gentleman. ity -and beauty, bullt-lns,, 2-zone lot, near school. Asking $14,800. ment, attractive yard, avsllsbls the finsnoisi difficulties for who­ who are not now members of th* bonded representative. Alfred getttog married, needs cash, phone TR 6-2514, Apply months old, all permanent shots; Kitchen privileges, quiet. Inquire heat, famUy room, 2 • fireplaces, Immediately, ever has to do the town's budget­ Ameu, 309 Henry St TeL Ml Ideal fdr local mechanic with 381 STATE STREET MANCHMTER — W ether^ St. Will trade for 3 family, Tongren Lutz Junior Museum to become a $1800. Call MI 9-3609 after 5 FURNITURE refinished and rS' champagne male and silver fe­ n o r t h HAVEN CONN. 324 Charter Oak St., MI 3-8358, oversized 2-car garage. Owner. MI ing end the town's paying tomor­ 8-0450. p-m. paired; cigarette bunu and following. MI 8-1477. GENERAL office clerk, salea (Uean 8 room secMale 36 (tonter and Memorial Hospital, «i. Large living room with raised Carlton W. Hutchins, MI 9-5132, Spruce St. near B. Center St., MI private party. Moving to Florida. clearing. CaU Frank C. Noble, MI Saving Manchester and surround­ EXPERISSfCED painter. Call MI ice, 2 watchmakers, Manchester- refrigerator, gas range, bedroom services that we Can afford. Cer­ NEW HAVEN (AP)—A general Responsible persons to own and 8-1430. women only, (tou MI 3-6689. - MANCHESTER—Beaufiftfl 6 room hearth fireplace.- 4 todrooms, 2 gQu-pj| RtindsOR—O room Ranch, tainly the Board of Dlrsetora 3-4336. Has been overhauled, 8 new tires 9-6053 ing areas. Modem TV Service, 406 operate new M A M dispenser busi­ FULL-TIME tool and/or die mak­ • SEWERS ter’s oldest established Jeweler. set. Free gas. electricity. I»w colonial, Hollywood Section, excel­ grand Jury Indicted Charles R. and wheels, 3 snow, $600.' MI Center St, MI 4-3308, er*, Job shop experience preferred. MACHINE OLEANED P. E. Bray. 787 Main -St., State ATTRACHTVE sleeping oom, cen­ rent. Apply lOTlepot Square. Apt. wwie heating unit. Walking 1 crp o rt, air conditioning, storms, Mlrschsl Jr., of Rocky Hill yester­ ness in this area. Umited diatribu- lent condition, flreplac^','^, 1'4 to schools, minutes to very neat, hot water heat oil fired, Autbinobiles For Sale 4 8-7389. torahip available. We supply all Apply 284 Hartford Road. CARPEiNTER to put paneling on Theater Building. tral, gentlemen. Apply 195 Spruce 4. baths, patio, 2-car garage, alr- day on charges of evading $9,730 LAWNS—Cleaned, mowed, trim RADIO-TV REPAIRB. any nudw, St..: ' Wanted—Real Estate 77 1950 DODGE, good running condi­ hied, fertilised. MI 8-8945. tree plcto^ and ------locations. 6 hour spare time. Car WANTED—Experienced auto me wall.. Make own noun. MI 94964. • INSTALLATION ANDOVER—2 room fully furnished condltioner, nice lot. Sacrificing & "o ..i" in Income taxes over a three-year NEE!D CART Tour credit turned and minimum Investment of $796 at ,$19,990. CaU the Ellsworth Mit­ downtown Hartford, Rugs, tra- period. down? Short on down payment? tion, rebuilt motor and starter, ______9-10 chanic, apply to peraon. DiUon SPECIALIST Fuel and Feed 49-A FURNISHED ROOMS,. complete apartment for rent. Maple Lodge, 9 4 ^ , TR 5-86U. veree rode, curtains tod drapes BUYERS WANTED — Houses, new muffler, seven excellent tires. STEPS, fidewalka, etone walls, -m. B A B __ and TV. FII required. Write giving resume, ref- Sales A Service, Inc., 819 . Mato Route 8, Tel. PI 2-7273. ten Agency, Realtors, MI 8-8930, The government said he and his Bankrupt? Repoaseasion? Don't ferencee and i^one number to light housekeeping (scllities. (ton- MI 9-5524. Included. Wonderful home tor houses, houses! Wt have them to wife earned a total of $64,325 In despair! See Honest Douglas, to- MI 4-1971. fireplaces, flagstone terraces. Ml S4«». St. trally located. ChUdren accepted BARROWS & WALLACE children. Only 316.400, Glenn Rob­ eeil. Let us help you buy. Modtr qulre about lowest down . small­ Work done at reasonable prices. Tour mi OMHtry B.4.LED HAY. Tel. MI 9-6911, Mr. —limited.■ ■ ■“Mrs. Dorsey, 14 Arch 55 E. Center St. MI 9.5806 erts Agency, Ml 4-1531, Ml 4-0628. the year* 19S6-M, but lUted only ' DODGE 1955 hardtop, excellent MI 3-0796. General Manager MECHANIC . WELDER, full or W. B. WllUanis.. TWO ROOM furnished apartment, SIX ROOVL colonial, pine rec room Manchest e r ______line Smith, Realtor, Ml 9-1643 or $16.626 on their tax returns. est payments anywhere. No small ~ - O. P"x 463 part-time, must hava-heavy equip­ St., Manchester. Mabel Sheridan; -MI->4169. ------loan Or finance company plan. condition. Also, 1953 Plymotohr Moving- DflAINAUEGO. one block from Main. MI' 84814. fireplace, family kitchen, formal , Also indleatod was August R. mechimlc’s special. Call after 5, STONE MASON—All kinds of Haddonfield, N. J. ment experience. ApplY In per­ ROOM FOR gentleman near Main $11,900 — 4H roonrtxrarichtxrani with Lots For Sale 73 Bonols of HarUord. 'The govern­ Douglas Motors, 888 Main. stone, brick, blocks, and flte- Storage ^ 20 QUALITY dining room, good location, good WE ARE not tooktog for listings. ME 9-8319. SERVICE BTA’nON fW manure. $6 and $10 garage, beet locatlcui In town. all your upbolsterlM needs PAINUNO a n d papechangtng. HAIRDRESSER wanted, full or proximately 9 acTC8„ loads. Delivered. EbteeUent tor 68 BOARD OF DIRECTORS great savtoga. Cau CB 3-3fT>. Good clean wcriunananlp at rta- Dated this 2nd day of April 106$^ shrubs, lawns, gardens, etc. Ml FOR REarr—Front room, central­ Wanted To Rent Rockledge-'-Preetlge location. 6 TOWN OFM ^CHESTER. CONNECTICUT part-time. All replies cmifidential. ly located. MI 9-7129. room custom built brick ranch, rates. 30 yeara to Mtm- Box 8, Herald. • L 8. DeMars 3-7804, MI 9-8781. Ma n a g e r o f vr: t . Grant is m WASHER . REFRIQBSUTOR ra- chestei, Riurraoiid Floka, Ml Chairman Planning and terested to 3 Or 8 bedroom duplex beautiful View, breezeway, 2-car NoUce ia hereby given that the Board of Director*. Tovi-n Nm - pairs. Prompt, economical, oxpart, 9-3387. garage. Unfortunately -this house . Zoning Commission «Stoee U«7 room for gentleman, Or house, good section to Man­ rtiester, Connecticut, will hold s Jhjblio Hearing In the Munlr.lprt ^ 1 4 : guaranteed. Phone 80 9-48IT: Fnt- Town of Coventry , HotisehoM GSods. PLEAS^I^ is too large tor the single person ing Hearing Room, <1 Center Street, Manchester, Cotoectlcut, ^ to ­ terten’s, 110 Center St. PAINTING, uttering, floor sand- It’s Of Course” porldag. RRfferencea.I. ift 3-7842. chester area. One child. Will pay that is presently occupying it, tog, remooeltog. Can Mr. Chariea. COVENTRY J981, 21” MOTOROLA TV, also up to $185, MI 9-3031. day April 10,1962 at 8:00 P.M. on proposed additional appropriation* ^AUCTIOif f t ----- >■ - - ...... - AN UNUSUAL bargain! Reuphol- t a 94738. apartment size stove. Both to WOMAN TO share small apart­ c Coventry-rOustom built 70 foot as follows: . j nno TO MAKE BOOM FOR INTEBIOB DESIGN AND ment, Main Street location, kitch­ To replace water main In Earl Street...... ♦•'w eter 8 piece living room set; sofa NOTICE SPECIAL ORDER CONTRACT AREAS exceUent conditton, H I 94133. 72 ranch, breezeway, 8 large bed­ nk and 2 chairs. $145. Chooae trmn CEULINO refinlahed, patottog, waU- en privileges.. Box E, Herald. Houses For 8ale rooms, mahogany paneled livldg to be financed from unallocated fund* of the Wstsf Department CapitsI _ If it I on d l firarf liMtIiig pkmt group of fine fabrics. Work done paperiiw. WaUpaper books on ra- Tl>e Zoning Board of Appeals of ABSOLUTE baigoto—custom made room, fireplace with raised hearth, Improvement Reserve Fund. quest. FuUy insrmd.----- CaU Hkiward - th a’riiwn of Coventry at an execu­ LAWN THE WARD CO .. INC.. sUpcovers, dropea-oBd upbolstery. om i ROOM for rent, free parking. $13,600 — R(X3CVILLB. 6 rqom b; expert craftsmen on our prem- Kitchen. privUege* If desired. MI ranch, Urg* li-vtog room, cabinet tiled bath wjth eleclric exhaust To General Fund Budget 196142 aa follows: IMVB iBiirty elwck It mit.. .yBu'il isei. All work foUy’ guaranteed. R. Price. MI 9-1U08 tive oeeelon held a t toe Town Hall Budget terms. CaU Mrs, Roberta, fan. built-in oven and range, oU General Manager ...... - ...... ,.,...$ 2.406 Annex, March 80, Unanimously de­ Promiiimt l loitfofcl ImoHor Doeoraton 3-7086. ; kitchen, wautifmly landscaped ...... 922 Mill Fabric Salesroom, 178 Pine FERmiZERS Have eoid us their snrpine stock of: IMvoas aad nphototerei M1T 7890, ' lot. Shown by ■ppointment. Marion aluminum etorms, 14x34 . garage, Controller ...... St., exclusive Chenev Fabric EXTERIOR-INTERIOR palnUng, nied the application for a variance double ameeite driveway, enclosed ...... 300 Mv« nMfwy cmd cteoid discomfort decorating, ceilings, wallpaper­ ehalra (recltatog, wing, etab, bendoir), very llae nuUK^pany eheato FOR KuS^Hollyarood type stogie FOR RENT—Room for young worn- - E. RobertaoB. feoltor. MI 84953. Raecttons ...... - salesroom, to Manchetner. Ml of WUUam F. SekoU of Lakewood on,-kitchen privUegsa, garage If t^eezewsy, very nice locaticn on an Assessor .'...... 600 8-7322. Budget terms arranged. ing, floor sanding aad refinlritoig. Heiriita, atoce it U poesible for Mr. UiM, Orott S««d, Etc. ot di'nwesn coffee aad lamp tabka—oeeaatonal pieeee to lla bed. PracUcaUy new. (toll be­ CUSTOM BUILT 6 room COloolal, ...... 182 and fleer lampe-4Mver^-Tmj[A vogelabie dlabee. eto. Mneh tween-64 p.m,-MI-9-1834. dsslrsd. Pbone evenings MI acre lot. Treasurer ...... Clean workmanwp. No Job too SekoU’ to construct a garage in 3 fireplaess. Urge cabinet Mtchen; Welfare ...... 12,532 The burner should be cleaned, lubricated and adjusted. ABSOLUTE bargain—custom made small. John Verfa'aUle, MI 9-8750. keeping with toe icntog taws of CofflpiFt# UlM At ehelee brio«dU«ot — lachMtag.ertentol Itenw, figarear — 1>4 baths, screened porch, swim­ Two' family. 6-8. excellent loca­ ...... 288 slipcovers, drapes and upholstery. CUventry. In addition, toe Board bowto eto.---Oacpal pieem oai aimplea, fitoriet and RUGS.'^HEVER used, 9x13 bright riiC tion. for $15,900. This Is to exert- Public Work* Administration ...... The boiler and flue should be cleaned. The fuel tank 8224 WE ARE now booking for outside floral, ale. red. Ito; 9xl2 orchid broadloohJ. RQQMt.FOR GENTLEMAN, near ming pool, garage, comer lot Municipal Buildings ...... ■ ...... 1,800 U|- 10.30 Budget terms. Can Mrs Roberta, could find no particular evMenoe of Main St., separate entrance, pork- 90x173. Shown by ampototment. lent buy...... 17,120 should be filled. Then, your heating plant will be ready m 9-7590. patottog. U you want a good Job RED and WHITE $37; 10x15 Uue oriental. BU Vernon — 8 bedroom ranch, im­ Oghway done get our estimate. Call Mr. hardahlp. 94968. teg. MI 9-3951. Marion E. Robertson, Realtor. Ml -tbbe fi?ninced iiy reducing (Jenerml Fund appropriations aa COVENTRY ZONING ALL NEW! HlOH QUALITY PURNISHINOS! i-5953. , • ^ maculately clean, ceramic tile $ 2.405 to provide hot water thi* summer and heat come cold wm na tow RADIO-TV REPAIRS all Charlee, Modem Home Decorat­ BOARD OF APPEALS TAND bath, fireplace, two picture win­ Claims (^ ,* y phonographs, changera. ing, MI 0-0736. 9 Alao laehMiag—Fmas yartena flaa h snim aali rtlen .ef gaaS ela BPIUNO IB here. Arc you ready Garbage. (tollecUon and D lafosal...... ; ...... 2,700 weather. And, your tank and burner will be prot^ted PAn-O-RAMA Grant E. Tootoakw Sr. West Center a t McKee S t oaed ftimltwre inalmgamr ex-haw Gav. Whithnip Atok, 3 amhag fog hgiitoeleahtog? Be* our floor Apsitraentfi—Plats-T- CUSTOM BUILT 6 room Ranch dows, attached garage. Preaent . 6,000 Htxieat, economical. Ouaronteed 90 Chairman large living vobm with fircplaoe, owners leaving state. Police ...... against rust and corrosion. Lovely flower motifs In- clear daya. Famoua for aervlot for 10 PAINTING and waUrapertog, waU- any toB poat e to ^ ' beda, maple AsoUa bed. .8 pleea diaatte oM cflMttmdito apidals. toietland, T eneM gnts Ometeries ...... 'i...... 1.000 A favorite with fashion, and a and vivid colors are easy to apply i - I0.97; S u S e a ^ $14.44. - Hdoyer formal dimng room, family slse . 3,000 Joy to sew and wear. Youthful yearo. PhR(X)M colonial, Bow­ Coet of Issuing Bonds and Notes ...... 700 To order, tend 35c in coins to: To order, send 35c Jn coins to: Building—Contracting 14 rtqge*; oAtm ' Jday yards, high THREE ROOkI apartment.' heat, VKRNON-9 bedroom older Cb- e n School section, one year old, “Onr ItotmtottM Sue Burnett, The Manchester Eve­ Anne Cabot, Manchester Evening WE ARB OPEN now for patottog chairs. N* h^ter « c e s anywhere. hot wot'ir, electricity, stove, te- lonia!, large abaAy lot. Good toe- attached garege, many oUief $30,206 DELC04f|AT Is Your AssaraacO^ ning Herald, 1150 AYE. OW Herald, 1150 AVE. OF AMER­ CARPENTRY*—SpedaUzlng in the outside and Inside. - Satlsfictton Frent TVwn Ttiw OhIdwrBitSOlIB Left “ ’ Call MI 94331. (rig*za$or,- 'M -N. Mato, sAnxid - kid*. Tcqgrei MI 84334. desirable features. Must b« seen. By increasing the revenue item State of A »D G B U ^ NEW YQBK 38, ICAS, NEW YORK 88, N. Y. smoUer work; repairs, alterations, guaranteed. FreeFre eetimalw. Man To Wdrk In Automofivd floor. $>>. i n 94339. >4. Be*chler4mlth Realtors, Ml (toonecUrtit ASsisUnCS—Welfare reimbursement ..$ 6.000 For Ist-claa; mailing Add 10c for recreation rooms,- etc. Sagging ■AUB DAT AX IdOS AJS. GAS-AMlbfCaS range, kitchen WELI4 STREET-Doplcx 64, Ideal N. Y, Inic, Ml $-7866, 13X15, tor htodytoto, $12,600. No egente. 94*5$, M I'8-6969. For lat-claaa mailing add 10c for each pattern. Print Name, Ad­ buildings,. Mrches leveled-seeur- ^Machine Shop and Store - A': -. set. '13” :OaBS(U* ^ . $36,206 dress with zone and Pattern Num­ ed. BYee estimates. Work guaran­ BXTBRK» wardlobe, miseeUaneons ;ems. MI T3REB ROOMS, 456 Mato St., sec­ i a >4239, 94. •______. aach Mttem. Print Name, Addreea AIL BENEFITS ond floor, $55. 1 0 94331, 94. VERNON-4, room ranch, 8 bed­ with ^ n e , Style No, to»d Size. ber. teed. No Job too small. TR 6475$. Paparhaagli M$8». OOVENTR'Y— I room loach, com- rooms, fuU tile beth, .fireplace, ROBERT W. (JORDON, Secretary Beard e< iOirect6r* . Don’t mlae the spring and sum- Send SOo for the New, Big-Size W al^nper' FOR ' igtotCigh.. «rib TWO Jtoim tpsiniiit^nwatsitd Mnafiotia, fireplsee, large lot. kitchen cabuets, fauUt-in range, HQ BATHROOMS tUeC, remodsltog, noORS. Good [.MiU;:.. Monriiestor, Ccanaeticut 8sg '82 Issue of our pattern maga- 1 Album flUed with lovely de- additions, recreation rooms, all /^ ly SCHIEBEL BROS. aektag, $UA$0, T0ti$ren Aganej. M l MAIM STRUT M ANCHIiltt. COMM Baoto FMhton. Send 50c for Fully nwoNd.,: O E N R B 1st. and ROOTOB KD.f HANCBCnKB B«tl r, OenMcttent, this Ind day at Aftra, 1N2. slgnf, a needlework stitch section Lao PsUaUar, an^ free pattens. 9-600.

/ \ 1‘ +v ". ■H'*. ■>. 71 a'i'T'it-v 7 '. .‘•‘ •*- '•,' ♦, «. ' t ■ f T ‘ -V / — . I • I -:-7-..!t^Ffr'i.j.-» ■■■■ ■■.■■ /■ UBCTEEif TUESDAY, APRIL *8, 1982 . A w nffi Dsfir Net Pren Rim fKattrb^Hter Sttratttg ’■ FeiraM W edt lEnded Tht Wdfithtr - c r Mhireb SL IMS ' Fereeaet of U. a Weather Bofeaa nans have bean completed by iaerement for only thoaa anudoyea Fair, not so cold tonight. Lew Ft. Margaret's Circle, Daughtera of. Commission in wige gnmpa 5 through 16 who - l g ; 5 5 9 80 to 26 except 26 to 36 In ptn- i@tt>lit Toivn Isabella, for an Eaater party Sat did not reertve the ■ addiUenal In- lREE*DiaJ^8Y teetod valleys. Thuraday vaina- urday, April 14, at 1 pjn. at the Member ef the Andlt erement In the 1981-1962 budget, AtTkaFARKpE ,Biu«aa ef Olfenlatioii hie eloadinees, warmer, fifigh In ' Mk Hooka Joknaton will eon-: K of C' Home.' Reaervetlona/Will proridlng they have worked for the 60s. ' d u ^ a Bible atudy d ais In the close Saturday, and may be'fnadw HtvditsCall the town .three yean as of July 1, ■■ M anthe$ter-^A C ity of VUlage Charm \ ' Junloe hto-room , Center Oonere- by calling Mrs. John KleWafchmldt, 1962, . LIGGEH M U i (fatlwialCiiurch, timonrow at 9:45 86 Summit St., or Mra. Thomaa : On Revisions Martin haa also' recommended fcm. Magfiotta, 32 Marahall Rd, full payment of 'individual em­ VOL. LXXX!, NO. 156 (TWENTY-POUR PAGES—(N TWO SECTIONS) AIANCHESTER, c o n n ., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 1962 (Uaaetfled Advertlahig en Page $8) .e ' ployes' Blue Cross hospitaliaaUpii PRICE PIVE CENTS A rummage eale will be co-apon- The charter rtvision committee Insurance by the town. The Katfee Klataehe Group of Bored by Story And Willing Work- and thp executive ttoard of the-Mu­ .Read Herald.-Ajvs. tha Manchester YWCA will meet ers^CIrcles. WSCS of South-Metho- nicipal lEmplOyCs’ GroUp are wait­ tomorrow at 9:80 a.m. to work on dist Church, tomorrow at 9 a.m. lit ing for g ChSrtiw Revlrton Com- jnoaaic ■ tUe and glass etching. mlastlon - subcommittee to call a Thoae tleslrlng a baby sitter should Cooper Hail at the church. Mem- bera of the Willing Workera Circle meeting for discussion of four pro­ call Mrs. Robert Kittle, 28 Crom- are to bring their lunches for A posed cliarter revisions drawn 19 HOUSE &.;,HALE weU Rd. meeting after the sale. by the employes' group. Members of the eihplpyes’ group discussed the propoeed rerisionk at , MAIN ST., M A N C H ^E R —MI S-4123 The Little- Theater of Mamiies- a mteting Friday a t the-Municipal ter, sponsored -by the Town Recr Blrildlhg..'’- reation Department, will meet to­ "Atty.vLaon Podrbya- and Fred. RUMMAGE morrow at 8 p.m. at the lEa'st Side N^UT;f'his)nbsci .tff - thhTiChartsr Rec. Business and productions Revtsfoh Commission ‘sub-iiQmmit- SEMI-ANNUAL staffs will be choeen for "The CAve tec) .sum noW.stu^jring. the propos­ SALE ' Ehvellers.” als ijf The group, at least one .of apoBeoTed By The Siaterhoad whibh 'wU found to .be controver­ Of World Red Conspiracy Of Temple Befh HlHel Methodist Men of North Metho­ sial at a'.mceting of the (3harter dist Church will meet Monday, Revision '.CommlssionAsst month. ' net tee will meet toinorrow night to ^ ^ '*18 i ’ ■ paind by 8h M PoUoo Ckwaoda- similar substances #ere atdrtd. (hrough a cell window, but was Democratic'nomination for gover­ ver>- hopeful that Rlbicoff, now the choose a slate of delegates. donor Lee g,,llaleaby, who .Is The dead firemen were Oapt. ehjaed away by a guard. An AP News Analysts nor of that state. U.S. Secretan’ of Health, Educa­ He aald he anticipates "no '•Site Ore MMImhal, aad Ua dop- On Share of Tests By HARVEY HUDSON Walket blamed his rMnoval tion and Welfare, will accept the ______:______y trouble” with town committee mgr. Major OarroU Shaw. - r r r In fitets ofi a four- PAIU8 (APJ French political flxxn command and admonition TIRES > 9 * : Invitation. members on the delegation. Among upon Pragidwit, Kennedy, ss^ng: to«ssvsn ybna tertii for robbery Madeis are ' looking beyond tbe Rlbicoff has, declined to address the 13 delegates to the state con­ NORWIOB (AiP) — "My God. with Th>Iene4. WASHINo t ON (AP)'—The AirfBooth. head of the Defense Atomic .^T^s'chief executive was both LIFETIME GUARANTEE . other town committees which have vention. the one at which the U.S. LIMITED TIME ONLY! this riling Iq going to Mowr PV>rce and Navy reportedly are I Support Agency, told Congress re- referendum next Sunday on the pMMrtjtor and Judge. The prees [ sent Invitations to him. He has senatoriitl candidate is nominated,- ■breamed Philip Uaroelline. josUlng for a gTMter share of the I cently the Joint Chiefs wSn( to Algerian cease-fire! 'their eyes reported without contradiction « Tube-Tvpe erPire 57 to 52 that the Pnmldent directed Seere- other sUee at proportionate tarings. limited his speaking engagements there will be delegates "plea.sing With a Householder’s Loan you may make any Moments later, a truckload of limited number of nuclear weapons check out entire weapons systeftis. are focused on elections for a new ehemlcale obplodod outride a ator- HARTTORD (AP) — The State National Assembly which are eX' Price qnoted—phis tax and reenppable easing. Black < number of improvements: add a room, finish tests to be conducted in the Pacific with combat crews firing them a io plant, IdlUng four firemen. Motor Vehicle Department’s daily later this month. from operational bases. peeled to follow. (Continued on Page Six) an attic, build a garage. Or, buy rugs and fur­ reg. 1.35 pr. LI9 3 prs. 3.50 The fireman bad been egUed to record of Xutemebile fatalities aa The final decision on the spe­ President Charles de Gaulle ap­ WE OnE TRIFLE-« BLUE STAMPS ON TIRE SALES of last midnight and the totals on There was speculation thaUthIa niture and draperies. Even plant new shrubbery put out what atarted aa a small Levels Hotel in Reno cif io makeup of the. tests is up to meant some test flights of nuclear parently has not made up his FOR WOMEN ONLY fkre on the trude yesterday. After the name date last year: Prsrident Kenhedy, acting on the mind yet to dissolve the Assem­ and trees. Like 2 million other families a year, 1961 1962 armed missiles might pass over bly, He has been talking' to rep­ '•m the blast, the fire spread to the recommendation of the Joint populated areas. FREE SHOWING you’ll feel confidant of ■Van Tassel Storage Oo, and addl- Killed ...... 57. 62 Chiefs of Staff and scientific ex­ resentatives from different po­ ? MONTKtr PAYN INT SCI r*g. 1.50 pr. p T S . RJDNO, Nev. (AP) — F a lle n t Firemen sprayed the ruins dur­ Tha thinking was that a full litical (actions. But most pqlitl- Bulletins BOLAND MOTORS the skillful, understand­ ( ♦ 2 9 3 3.80 tiottal exploriona In the warehouse floors and Inner walls and charred ing the night. perts from the Pentagon, the Amtrlean Canear Society Films 30 ta l i 6 range ahot of an intercontinental S«9 CENTER STREET — MI 8-4079 demolish^ the building. ‘ Showers Saturday Atomic Ekisrgy Oommisston and clans seem to take (or granted that CuHsd from AP W irn Psymit ptrmti psymls pmymh ing help you get from gambling equipment formed a But as soon as the fire was out, missile from Callfomls would car­ he will Issue the orders soon after , Followed by One of the bodies was found 150 WINDSOR LOOKS (AP) — The the White House. OVER 25 I'EARS IN THE SAME LOCA'nON i 6.72 S 7.^7. $10.05 $18.46 HFC. blackened moM for searchers to business resumed its usual hectic There has been no official word ry a warhead a couple of thou- the referendum, which Is expected A PANEL OF MANCHESTER DOCTORS feet away. Three others were prdbe today after a lO-heur hotel pace at gambling pslacea just XT,8. Weather Bureau lesued this Mnd miles beyond the planned nu­ T o rn QUAUTY LARK DEALER 13.07 14.18 '49.74 .36.55 thrown over tha top of the Forest on the number of tests planned, to approve his Algerian psaoe TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS 19.25 20.91 2 9 ^ 54.48 rsg. 1.65 pr. fire in the downtown casino , dis- across an alley from the ‘ hotel. five-day forecast today, for April but It is understood there will be clear teat ares around CSirlsUnas agreement overwhelmingly. PONDERS PRIMARY 3 prs. 4.10 fit. building by the force of the trio t The death toll couldn’t Be de­ Some neighboring buildings ware 6-9: and Johnson Islands south, ef Ha­ WATERFORD (AP)—Deino- 30.83 33.61 47.55^ ^8947 Ltf* Innirane* at blast about three dozen shots. Some will Premier Michel Debre's govern­ Bailey Auditorium, Manchester High School 36.41 .39.74 56.48 iOfi.80 termined until, wrecking errtvs damaged in the area on -Oenter Temperatures from ThursdAy come at altitudes of several hun­ waii. ment has been making announce- eraUe National Oomswltteeweni- froup rata la auatlabla iWlndown ware shattered a mile topple dangeroualy wealVned walls Street, Juat off Virginia Straat and through Monday ara expected to on Bestrlee Roaenthol said to­ Wednesday Evening, April -4th Tk« S4Mp4»U stem is tmeed om prcm0i —a average 2 to 7 degrees above nor­ dred miles. n M r m tmtt te d hscftidet matt. V emmketd’t tieeja on all ioana later In the day. separated from the largest casinos M i d (Oontinued en Page Six) «(Oontinued en Page Ten) day ebe will deeide "In a few 8:00 P,M. is J% per wtaMh em heUneee ef liOO or Ut$ • PLAIN SEAMLESS mal with a warming trend prevail­ Sources there Is virtually emd 4 % per en ikM pert af tke kplente Auttiorlties ^ d an unidentified by Douglas Alley. no chance that any missiles which days’* whetiier to seek a primary B I G - C A R LUXURY Sponsored b.v Ann G. Bartlett, Realtor, 4« rnteei ed $tOO emd m d (• emten e i tJOD. end middle-aged woman had perished The fire broke out Tuesday ing through Friday, becoming m e4 1% pm memk em I79 prisaaere With t ^ Iron Firenum CXISTOM oUo segregationists. three times as many oveneos vol­ “nie Army is believed to have sary measures to put the country captured In the Bay of Pigs In­ In addition to giesding up ds- He Still Loves Her unteers for Peaee Corps . . Vic­ tested sortie of/its smaller nuclear on tbc.righl path far~Uie future vasion has ordered the trial sensitive thennosUt which operatss ■egtegation, Wright’s order de- tor H. Schiro soundly defeats his weapons in recent underground and to bring about comprehensive Peronists A s k closed and isyendy to hand down OPEN DAILY 10 TO 10 FAMILTWIGHT . the hmsce srith the sUghteet vine- elaaed the appHoation of Louiei' Republieaa eppoaent to r full four- tests In Nevada. Arab unity on a true bcsls." Hn verdict and. pass sentence, don of room lemperatute. This 6 99 .Ry RAYMOND E. PAUHEB < »away bke this. /They are exceed- year term as mayor of New Or- Air . Force ' and Navy nuclear That could mean a renewal of Havana' papers eald today. . . Prosecutor Santiago. Oubds, at ■lyes you remsrkablv uniform (Osatinied ori Paga X n) LONDON (AP) — Aetpr Rich ingly b a |^ and be adores hU weapons do not- lend ttiemselves ties with the United Arab Repub­ Recognition of indoor temperature.-No matter I6'/2"x 22'/2" aid Burton cabled his wife today dmighters.'’ he said. Unlted States"'signs ogreemeiut to this kind of testing for the best lic, tliougti oertslniy not bi tbe the cloafaig seMlon Tueaday of bow often the fumsee ftsiis there tight union that was broken by a the siK-dsy trial, demanded aen- ALL YOU $ 1 . 5 0 fpppuring her that hs still toves Tt's not tai his chaiaoter to be te lend fiputii Korea $$0A millkm ssmluations, but need workouts in te no smoke, no spot, no fouled involved in something Uks. this. for euBstwiettew ef l$$,0M-klIe- the atmoi^sre, officials said. SyrlM army revolt last Sept. 28. Vot^ Triumphs teuoen ranging from 20 years oombustion chamber, no waited osL British Start War hi^ despite Ms headlined Mssss Imprisoument to death on PKK R’s tbs sort of thing ha’s always vratt power plaat in Pusan. . . . Army MaJ. Gen. Robert H. Some form of federation Aisy- be CAN EAT arith BUsabsth Taylor. made fun of in otiier movie stars." British Broadcasting Oorp, an­ In the offing. By ROBERT BBKKELLliiie. charges amounting to treanon. .PERSON On Cigaret Users Friends aald the cable was In Wnbams amphaUcally denied Tbe mllltery leaders tai Damas­ (King's liower Store) ClaMlInav* nounces that so per cent ef Brit­ BUENOS AIRES (AP) — Pe- IIHOES N-AK»fS STUDY With the iaetanl dean Hama there # 4 complete Welsh to keep the message from reports In two Irandon papers thsit ain's populatloa Ustei^ te Hs ra­ cus sent sssiirsncee to the troope ■ m e n u ■ p n d j* eyes. Mrs. Burton was planning to fly U.S. Will Take, 77c whq staged a 48-hour wUprisinf' in ronist leader Andrte FraminI to­ GENEVA (AP) — The United Old Fashion Chicken Soap are no flecks of soot blowing from By MODY oilM OBE dio eeveeage of 14. Ooi. doha H. Pine St. and Hartford Rd. your chiiBiMy or eacapin$ into your UINDON (AP) — Tlur British i t said: “Lova to all. flteerythfaig to Rome to Join her husband, who Oleaa dr.’e space flight.' Of State Tax Dollar Aleppo, a northern Syrian com- day demanded "absolute and un- Staten twiay called on the 17- CLEANERS SOUTHERN trams. Hundreds of tests made with • tablet govammaot today launohad a fkw” ' has been sapottsd Idaatng U s on Bouse oceanographic subcom­ merrtat olty in which admiration conditionsr’ recognition of the natlod dUunnnnirut conference smokedetectinK iaitruraents show bsnl-hltUiig paster campaign Ha followed up the ciabls with and off the set of the movie mittee calls bXUery. of government for Nasser is strong. They aald the Peronists' sweeping victories In the to tot'klo bimMNllately the prob­ FRIED CHICKEN a fidme that’s absolutely dean from againat dgsrst kmoUng. . a telephone call. Tha result wa6 “Clseiwtra.'.’ HARTFORD (AP)—Uncle Sam rebels' demand for s link with the March 18 elections. lem of* ridding tile world of Kpaghrttl, French Fried Pota- experts befors it to see If anything thw vciy moment it's tunied on. with stands ^ Mbra than 40Q,0M pqiriars .w sre that Burton's blonde Wife, SybU, "She Is oerteinly not planning eaa bedeae te Improve ferecasUng 'srlU grab 77-omts out of each Con­ U-A.R. will be realized. In his first public statement nuclear weapons:« U,ti. Aulias-* toe*. Tossed Salad Neopoliten. dtipaicbed to.sU jparts sf the na- 82, was much hander todaA ’ to fly to Rome and tbcN has been necticut tax dollar next year, with However, the two strongest man sinct Argentina’s military com­ sador Artbur U. Desui suggested Spring Cleaning Specials! Bread and Butter, Coffee or of storma.'. . . President Kennedy Oparsrtna wIMm uI IV ti0Q« friends said. ttO^ipteitUon of her going,” WII- reported ennridertaig appointment stete and local governments divid­ of .the ruling military Junta are mand ousted President Arturo the conference set np^a group of Tea. Dnwii • • fual WHs . . _T 1io drive started as a result of ing the remaining 28 cents. sntl-Nasser. TTiey are Maj. Gen. —— WE’RE OO.VnNri.\Tr OCR SPECIALS ----- Owners report fsmarfcabit frid sav­ chlmnny draft ' i- , ■ • IDs. Burton was hiding out at Ilvna 'Said. "She certainly doesn’t of Mm. Eugenie Anderson as U.S. Frondizi and replaced “him with expertn to study the. pr^eqi of Children under 10 y ean old Kst month’s repmt by the Royal the London hofiie of Burton’s wapt tOt'atep out of the plana in This high level of federal tax im­ Abdel Kerim Zshreddin, the ar­ Senate President Jose Maria Guido, demolishing all stockpiles ) of $1.00 when Bocompaaled . by ings. There is no smoky warm-up Tha CUSTOM Mark H fsnmM Minister to Bulgaria. armUaa M a m fo riiira mdsmd . College ot Fhyaiclana that there la brother ana manager -Ifor Jen­ Rome and be surrounded by thou- pact was pointed up today by the my's commander in rtiief; and Col. Framtni said the Peronists were mass destruction weapons., '"It parents. period to foul the fUmape and # iitaek-away a direct connection betexSn cigar­ SeOi Georgs D. Aiken, R-Vt., Connecticut Public Expenditure Muwaffak AssasM. Bbth backed DRESSES (Plain) waste oil. Service caBs an cut to dtwrt with preddoir eonirot. No kins. Frtends said she was so up­ s s ^ ef paorttSi (photgraphers) predicts that bipartisan compro- "willjng to participate’ in the na­ is not too soon to begin - this natural Chimney diafl required. et smokinR and lung cancer. set by the talk of romance be­ and go. through all the nonsense Oouncil, a privately-financed gov-, the Sept. 28 uprising and, six tional reconstruction, but not. to study,’’ he:said. “Indeed,-* we WHITE . tha vanishing point. ^ . Thp govamment la using three Uu» goes on down thsre. ttilse worked out. on U.N. bonds ■rnmental reeeanrti group. months Ister, the bloodless coup SUITS, COATS tween hsr busbaad and Miss Tay­ proposal wsoU pass Congress by give legitimacy through’ our sup­ cannot conclude a treaty pro­ ^ rack on . difMrant poatars.-Acnm-''tbs top ^ "Hfer great wish at the raomeat In. all, federal spendliig will tap which ousted President Nszem viding for unconditional eiteil- ’ MUTRM AM* COOUM of oddi Lr"tha' word '"DangeH" lor, that 41 doctor was callad. -He aabstnntinl nsteg'ts deqrite steex- port to ah unjust. Illegal ai>d anti­ SHIRTS IRON FIMMAN gars her sedativss and ahe ap- t t t o « H i t of it aU. fibe wants OmnecUcqt taxpayers for $2Ji bll- Koudti's right-wing government national regime." nation of nuclear weapona until and ROtES ) ‘*n». mens eigarste you snudM psetsd spiisslUsu within RspubU- i s Ea. t a good rest and was' to Isgrit all bime over. She has Uoa duriog ths nsxt fisosl year, H hslf-minion people of Aleppo FramlnL a trade union leader tills study has been ooeapletcd.” - Beautifully. eastars riia greater the riri^ of death front t t ^ t the eUldrsn hers and aha enn ranks.' , . Head of Katanga Om oouacU. notsid.. ' were kept under curfew except ^ eanesr, branchHia or heart mudi batter today, the friends rs- Infotnuitioa Ssrriess preBets third whose victory in the race for gov­ Laundered doesn’t want to Isavs tlMsn.’’ That’s thces tlmts ths estimated from $ a.m. to II am. and were HOTEL FIRE KILLS 2 t ,” one poat^ centinuea, . ’1^ DanrMall one of ths papers eIvU w ar In The Congo unices Unlt- qombined cost of stete s ^ local ordered to surrender all arms. ernor of Buenos Aires Province W O O L SHIRTS FOGMTY BROL106. ■ecood ■ verafanS- “Heatgr A c ^ p la y w rig h t. JEnilyn Wu ‘ w sj feffortad Mrs. Burton would •d Natloas accepts confederation ^ventment operations ovfo the Hundrefis of pictures of Nasser was swept away by government NEW YORK (AP)—Fire broke rigaast amoksg ara 19 times HiniicXonfrttaa friend of tbe Bor-^ decree, .Mid that If the Peronlst out In a rqom at the Hotel PLAIN SKIRTS 319 BROAD ST.—Nt 9-45.19 brass finish with white or black ground wavs for Rome Thursday'quoted plans of Mriss Tahombs. prsaldsnt same period. hod been dLq>layM there during RESTAURANT * ...... - ■ tqna aad^|«tofririwr to m a of tbWr sm nnijlfiatlflsd mambw c< the of secessionist Katanga provinca. Of the aS-oenU of the tax dollar the abortive uprialng. They were victories ara recognized, the Pe- Clai^on In Manhattan early to­ SWEATERS two ahUdten. aald he was eOn- Wirton family as saylfig: "Ws PbaribUity of st-larga risetioo left for splitting between the two placed in wtndmea and even en ar­ ronleU offer as a contribution to day, kflllng'tsro men.>A fireman .Ea. MANCHESTER SHOPPING PARKADE FUEL OIL, RANGE OIL, CONNECTICUT COKE It "VaatHa from lurg yiqeSd that aveiTtblng was Am national peace their "Inwraable ,said they apparently . ha4 *lHton 1>V-, TROUSERS Ea. don’t bsUsye the marriage of Rieh- for Msssschusstts* ew y ssnlonal other levels of governmMit town mored tetfs of the dlstidsnt troope. WEST MIDDLE TURNpIKE— Ml 34)723 cheiea of "TOLE ROSE," "GOLDEN BOWL,' lu^^qtaariy fiT attau a n ora bstwaanBurteiiandhiswifs.' Od and Sybil Is btaahing -up.- ^rbil sUatinatsd and .Gov. John budgets will grt sUghtiy ever, half The Gentral Army Command an­ dedslon to forget ths harm and amoklag-'In-bed,’ The. viettms, JEDDO HIGHLAND COAL T *T JoR csaaat imdglBa 'R mR nounced over Damascus radio that belli about ss, were not tan- ♦'VENETIAN. LAM A"“ AUTUMN TIME" ' Tern arnmO^ m P m ie would ttovw Ms W t e« tfifoPa ■) oa r * f s troops and oKflesis in the oorthsen .(Oratimied sn Fags (Hxteeo): ^ mediately Identified. <1 t i : - ■ ' . T ■ ■ ‘ J