Thursday, Nov. 19, 1998 • Volume 5, Number 15 Page 1 of 8 ••••• ....•• • • • 1.M.·.·:.--· Gilroy's field clears; THE -- all eyes on Mcintosh HOWEYT GoUismith decision impacts '99, '00 By BIUAN A. HOWEY in Indianapolis Two years ago I sat across a table from Secretary of State Sue Anne Gilroy at the Indianapolis Press Club as we POLITICAL talked a.bout her future. Would she consider running for mayor of Indianapolis if Stephen Goldsmith won the '96 governor's race or declin~d to seek re-election in 1999? REPORT 'Gilroy was non~committal. Even though she had the The Howey Political Report is published by NewsLink, background from serving under then-Mayor Richard Lugar, Inc. Founded in 1994, The Howey Political Report is she se med to have her eye on the Statehouse. She had lost a an independent, non-partisan newsletter analyzing the bizarr floor fight at the 1996 Republican Convention for the political process in Indiana. lieutert nt governor's nomination. When Goldsmith lost to Brian A. Howey Frank 1 'Bannon, every signal coming out of the Gilroy editor and publisher camp ointed to a 2000 run for governor. The.Howey Political Report Office: 317-254-1533 ntil last Monday. PO Box 20877 Fax: 317-254-2405 hat's when Goldsmith announced he would not Indianapolis, IN 46220
[email protected] seek a ird term. In the hours prior to Goldsmith's announ
[email protected] cemen , there had been rampant speculation that Gilroy would e there to receive an endorsement. She got the next • Washington office: 202-775-3242 best th ng, with Goldsmith saying, "Sue Anne Gilroy might Daytime number: 317-254-2400, Ext.