© 2018 American University Model United Nations Conference All rights reserved. No part of this background guide may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means whatsoever without express written permission from the American University Model United Nations Conference Secretariat. Please direct all questions to
[email protected] Nisaa Chaudhry & Emily Devereaux Chairs Delegates -- My name is Nisaa Chaudhry and I am a first year public health major on the pre-med track here at American. I did Model UN throughout high school and hosted a few high school-level conferences, as well served as part of the conference’s secretariat. I am a D.C. area native, so I love showing my friends around the city and trying new things with them. Outside of class, you can catch me tutoring with D.C. Reads, cheering on the Wizards, or watching re-runs of Scandal. Being a part of Model UN is one of my most cherished high school memories, and I am very excited to take part in AMERIMUNC VI. From my time in Model UN, my biggest takeaway is to recognize the importance of teamwork. Each delegate has the ability to pitch in ideas that can ultimately craft viable solutions, so do not be afraid to say what’s on your mind. Recognizing the importance of teamwork will not only help you become a stronger delegate, but it will also allow you to learn something new. My name is Emily Devereaux and I am a first year international relations major on the pre-med track. I did Model UN throughout high school, and I am also on American’s Model UN team.