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Register Your Company Now to Claim VAT Refund 80008001 for Inquiries & Complaints TWITTER SPORTS @newsofbahrain OP-ED 8 Bangladesh’s journey of hope under the leadership of Sheikh Hasina INSTAGRAM Kiwis compound /nobmedia 20 Proteas woes LINKEDIN THURSDAY newsofbahrain JUNE 2019 Kane Williamson anchored 200 FILS WHATSAPP New Zealand to a tense 38444680 ISSUE NO. 8148 four-wicket victory at Edg- baston yesterday after an FACEBOOK /nobmedia astonishing stroke of luck when South Africa failed MAIL to review an edge from the Kiwi captain. WEBSITE P16 ‘Its me writing about things happening in real time’: Camila 14 CELEBS WORLD 6 Promised $9 million online, US teen killed ‘best friend’: police Register your company now to claim VAT refund 80008001 For inquiries & complaints @BahrainNBR Rory Stewart US intelligence proves ‘without knocked out question’ Iran behind tanker attacks London Hook said the US our men are left in the • Frace to be next prime supported the right of minister after Rory Stewart countries like Saudi was knocked out. Report Arabia, which are The international develop- on the front lines of ment secretary was eliminat- ed after coming last with 27 Iranian aggression. votes, 10 fewer than last time. He said his warnings about Washington a no-deal Brexit “probably Those who proved to be truths people he US special repre- have seen the weren’t quite ready to hear”. sentative for Iran, Bri- intelligence all Boris Johnson topped the Tan Hook said yesterday come away without vote again with 143 votes, 17 that US intelligence proves more than last time. ‘untrue’ “without question” Iran was any question Iran Jeremy Hunt came second behind the attack on two tank- is behind these with 54, Michael Gove got 51 Saudi says UN Khashoggi report ers in the Gulf of Oman. attacks. and Sajid Javid 38. Hook said that Iranian ves- MR HOOK A fourth round of voting contains ‘baseless allegations’ sels operating in and around will take place on Thursday. the Strait of Hormuz on June the case from the course of 12 and 13 approached tank- airport last week, which in- Minister of State for justice in the Kingdom or in- ers Front Altair and Kokuka jured 26 people. Yoga event set Foreign• Affairs Adel fluencing it in any way.” Courageous before each ship He asked Hook how the US Manama The report released Wednes- suffered explosions on June 13. planned to hold Iran accounta- Al Jubeir said the day by UN special rapporteur “Those who have seen the ble for such actions, given Teh- report contained 11 on extrajudicial, summary or intelligence all come away ran’s support for the Houthis. he Indian Embassy ‘nothing new.’ people have arbitrary executions, Agnes without any question Iran is Hook said the US support- Talong with the Minis- been indicted by Saudi Callamard, said the murder behind these attacks,” Hook ed the right of countries like try of Youth and Sports will over the killing of of Khashoggi was the respon- told a congressional hearing Saudi Arabia “which are on the organise the event ‘Yogaf- Saudi prosecutors Khashoggi. sibility of the state of Saudi on the Trump administra - frontlines of Iranian aggres- est’ at Khalifa Sports City said• Khashoggi was Arabia. tion’s Iran policy. sion” in their right to defend Stadium from 7.00 pm to killed by a “rogue Saudi Arabia late last year Hook added that the intelli- themselves when attacked, es- 9.00 pm tomorrow mark- operation” in a indicted 11 people for the kill- gence showed a senior Islam- pecially by the Houthi rebels. ing the International Yoga ing and prosecutors are seek- ic Republican Guard Corps “Iran has spent hundreds Day. The day is celebrated botched attempt to new.” ing the death penalty against (IRGC) official confirmed that of millions of dollars organ- annually on 21 June since repatriate him. He said the judicial author- five of them. its personnel had “completed ising, training and equipping its inception in 2015. ities in the Kingdom are the Saudi prosecutors said two actions.” the Houthis to fight at a level An international day for Riyadh only ones competent to inves- Khashoggi was killed by a Earlier the US Navy dis- beyond which makes any nor- yoga was declared unani- tigate the case and that a num- “rogue operation” in a botched played mine fragments and a mal sense and it has prolonged mously by the United Na- audi Arabia said yester- ber of suspects have already attempt to repatriate him. magnet it said it had removed and intensified the conflict,” tions General Assembly. day that a report by a UN been arrested. Mr Al Jubeir said the trials from one of two oil tankers, Hook said. Yoga is a physical, men- Sexpert on the murder The report “contains clear are being attended by repre- saying the mines bore a strik- The US on Monday an - tal and spiritual practice orig- of Jamal Khashoggi contains contradictions and baseless sentatives from the embassies ing resemblance to Iranian nounced the deployment of inated in India. “baseless allegations” and allegations which challenge its of the five permanent mem - ones. about 1,000 more troops to the “contradictions.” credibility,” he said on Twitter. bers of the UN Security Coun- Addressing Iran’s involve- region because of the threat Minister of State for For - “We strongly reject any at- cil in addition to Turkey and ment in Yemen, committee from Iran. The deployment is eign Affairs Adel Al Jubeir said tempt to prejudice the King- Saudi human rights organi - member Joe Wilson referred in addition to a 1,500-troop in- the report contained “nothing dom’s leadership or to remove sations. to the Houthi attack on Abha crease announced last month. DON’T MISS IT BIO SEARCH Boris Johnson’s ‘great-grandfather’ was an Ottoman politician Focus on rights 02 strides London stantinople, now Istanbul, in with the pair having already had 1867. a daughter called Selma. ‘5G radiation oris Johnson’s paternal He was a prominent journal- His wife died after giving great grandfather was ist, poet and politician who be- birth and Kemal then stayed below Ba journalist and liberal came known for his strong lib- with his mother in law, Marga- 04 international politician who was killed after eral democratic political views. ret Brun, whose maiden name limits’ being kidnapped on a charge of But such views saw him ex- was Johnson. treason as the Ottoman Empire iled under Abdul Hamid II, the He subsequently returned to entered its final days. 34th Sultan, who reigned from the Ottoman Empire where he Ali Kemal and his first wife Winifred. Johnson Frauds print fake Mr Johnson referred to 1876 to 1909. remarried and had another son. 05 visas, cheat expat his ‘Muslim great grandfa - Increasing instability within It was then that he rose to jobseekers ther’ during yesterday’s tele- aware of Mr Johnson’s lineage Think You Are? Programme the Empire in the years before great political prominence as vised Tory leadership debate but the true extent of his fami- which shed light on exactly the First World War prompted he became Minister for the In- as he defended himself against ly’s links to modern-day Turkey where Mr Johnson had come Kemal to flee for his life to En- terior in 1919 in the government accusations of Islamophobia. was revealed in depth in 2008. from. gland where his wife Winifred of Damat Ferid Pasha, who at The reference may well have The Tory heavyweight took Ali Kemal, Mr Johnson’s great gave birth to a son, Osman Wil- the time was the de facto prime surprised many viewers un- part in the BBC’s Who Do You grandfather, was born in Con- fred Kemal, in Bournemouth, minister..
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