
Aquaculture Research, 2014, 1–8 doi:10.1111/are.12535

The anaesthetic effect of (), clove ( aromaticum) and mint ( arvensis) essential oils on clown anemonefish, Amphiprion ocellaris (Cuvier 1830)

Ana Silvia Pedrazzani & Antonio Ostrensky Neto Integrated Group of Aquaculture and Environmental Studies (GIA), Federal University of Parana, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil

Correspondence: A O Neto, Integrated Group of Aquaculture and Environmental Studies (GIA), Federal University of Parana, Rua dos Funcionarios, 1540, Cabral, Curitiba, Parana 800350-050, Brazil. E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract Introduction

The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of Globally, it is estimated that at least one hundred clove (Syzygium aromaticum), camphor (Cinnamo- different species of sea fish are produced by breed- mum camphora) and mint (Mentha arvensis) essen- ers for ornamental proposes (Wittenrich 2007). tial oils as anaesthetics during the management According to the Global Marine Aquarium Data- of clown anemonefish (Amphiprion ocellaris). For base (Green 2008), the most exported marine spe- 15 min, the animals were subjected to concen- cies between 1997 and 2002 was the clown trations of 5, 10, 20, 27 and 35 lLLÀ1 of clove anemonefish (Amphiprion ocellaris). This species oil, 17, 35, 50, 70 and 100 lLLÀ1 of mint oil, alone was responsible for 25% of the total amount and 200, 400, 500, 550 and 600 lLLÀ1 of of ornamental sea fish trade worldwide (Wabnitz, camphor oil (tested in 10 animals per concentra- Taylor, Green & Razak 2003) and is one of the tion). A control group (without anaesthetic) and five most imported species by the United States of a complementary group, which was exposed to America (Rhyne, Tlusty, Schofield, Kaufman, Mor- ethanol, were also evaluated. After exposure ris & Bruckner 2012). The A. ocellaris presents to the anaesthetic, the fish were transferred to several favourable characteristics that make it clean water to assess recovery. The mortality exceptionally well suited for rearing in captivity, and feeding behaviour of the fish were then such as its known ability to reproduce effectively, observed for 48 h after exposure to the oils. All a high market value and easy adaptation to of the essential oils produced an anaesthetic captivity conditions (Wittenrich 2007; Kodama, effect on A. ocellaris. The 27, 70 and 500 lLLÀ1 Annunciacßao,~ Sanches, Gomes & Tsuzuki 2011). concentrations of clove, mint, and camphor oils However, activities associated with management promoted surgical anaesthesia after 310.5, during culturing and preparation for trade, such 312.0, and 535.0 s (medians) respectively. The as catching and classifying individuals by size, are recovery times of fish exposed to these same stressful (Pedrazzani, Fernandes de Castilho, Car- concentrations were 396, 329.5 and 229 s neiro & Molento 2007). These handling actions respectively. The decision of which oil to use is may result in negative behavioural and physiologi- dependent on the management situation and the cal effects, such as a decrease in feeding, enhance- consideration of the induction and recovery ment of aggressive behaviour and susceptibility to times of each . disease (Ross & Ross 2008). The use of anaesthet- ics during rearing procedures is an alternative to Keywords: , immersion anaesthesia, men- minimize these deleterious effects. Although anaes- thol, ornamental fish, thesia has been used to immobilize fish, it can also

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1 Anaesthesia of clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) A S Pedrazzani & A Ostrensky Neto Aquaculture Research, 2014, 1–8 be utilized to reduce physical damage incurred Liu 2009), but there are no studies that have during handling (Vidal, Furuya, Graciano, Scham- evaluated the anaesthetic effects of these plant ber, Santos & Soares 2007) and the associated compounds on aquatic animals. The purpose of mortality and morbidity (Cooke, Suski, Ostrand, this study was to evaluate the anaesthetic effects Tufts & Walh 2004). of camphor (C. camphora), clove (S. aromaticum) Many synthetic anaesthetics have been used on and mint (Mentha arvensis) essential oils and to fish, and the most common are MS-222 (tricaine determine the ideal concentration of each essential methane sulphonate), quinaldine and benzocaine oil necessary to safely anaesthetize A. ocellaris (methyl-p-aminobenzoate) (Ross & Ross 2008; juveniles during the handling process. Neiffer & Stamper 2009). However, these anaes- thetics are expensive or may be difficult to acquire Materials and methods (Roubach, Gomes, Fonseca & Val 2005). Because of these complications, the use of vegetal essential The experiments were performed in the Research oils has emerged as an alternative option for fish Laboratory of Aquatic Organisms (LAPOA) of the anaesthesia (Readman, Owen, Murrell & Knowles Integrated Group for Studies in Aquaculture (GIA), 2013). Essential oils are obtained from , Federal University of Parana (UFPR), Curitiba, Par- such as clove (Syzygium aromaticum), mint (Mentha ana, Brazil. sp.) and bushy matgrass (Lippia alba). These oils have been recommended for fish anaesthesia due Animal acquisition and holding to their low costs, easy accessibility, efficacy and environmental safety (Iversen, Finstad, McKinley & Two hundred A. ocellaris juveniles (0.48 Æ 0.21 g, Eliassen 2003; Cunha, Silva, Delunardo, Benovit, 2.59 Æ 0.61 cm; mean Æ SD) were acquired from Gomes, Heinzmann & Baldisserotto 2011). the Azul Fish Farm, Sao~ Paulo, Brazil, in February Several studies have shown the anaesthetic 2013. They were transported in plastic bags that effectiveness of clove oil, which is composed of contained water and pure oxygen in a 1:2 ratio. 70–90% eugenol, when used in freshwater (Inoue, Each bag held 10 fish per litre of water. The bags Santos & Moraes 2003; Vidal et al. 2007; Oliveira, were shipped in isothermal boxes that were trans- Carmo, Oliveira & Soares 2009; Simoes~ & Gomes ported by air for 7 h. 2009) and marine fish that are intended for In the laboratory, the bags containing the fish human consumption (Souza, Carvalho, Nunes, were gradually acclimatized over 30 min to avoid Scopel, Guarizi & Tsuzuki 2012) as well as in mar- differences in water temperature, pH and salinity. ine (Cunha & Rosa 2006) and freshwater orna- Then, the fish were divided and transferred mental species (Bittencourt, Souza, Boscolo, into three glass maintenance tanks (100 cm Rorato, Feiden & Neu 2012). Similarly, some length 9 40 cm width 9 50 cm depth) with the recent studies have demonstrated the effectiveness back painted black to reduce the effects of incident of mint oil and its main component, , for external light. The fish were fed ad libitum twice freshwater (Goncßalves, Santos, Fernandes & daily with granulate commercial feed containing Takahashi 2008; Oliveira et al. 2009; Padua, Pie- 47.5% crude protein (Tetra, Melle, Germany). The tro, Iglessias-Filho, Ishikawa & Hisano 2010; Te- remaining food and faeces were syphoned out of ixeira, Moreira, Moreira & Lima 2011; Mello, the tank 1 h after feeding. Costa, Okamura, Ribeiro, Correa & Rosa 2012) and marine fish anaesthesia (Souza et al. 2012). Maintenance of water quality White camphor (Cinnamomum camphora) has been used to treat inflammatory diseases, such as The tanks were interconnected in a saltwater rheumatism, bronchitis, asthma, indigestion and recirculation system with a protein skimmer and muscular pain. It has also been used as a local biological filtration as well as a water heater and anaesthetic for humans (Lee, Hyun, Yoon, Kim, cooler. The water quality parameters during the Rhee, Kang, Cho & Yoo 2006). Some studies have experiment were maintained at salinity of been performed to examine the immunological 30 Æ 0.45 g LÀ1, temperature 25 Æ 0.46°C and effects of stout camphor (Cinnamomum kanehirae) pH 7.9 Æ 0.4 (mean Æ SD). The total ammonia-N essential oil on white shrimp (Litopenaeus vanna- was measured every 3 days and never exceeded mei) (Yeh, Ya-Li, Shei, Cheng, Huang, Lin & 0.25 mg LÀ1 or the equivalent of 0.06 mg LÀ1 of

2 © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 1–8 Aquaculture Research, 2014, 1–8 Anaesthesia of clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) A S Pedrazzani & A Ostrensky Neto

non-ionized ammonia-N (N-NH3). Water changes vidually for 15 min. During this period, the time were performed weekly by removing 25% of the required to reach each anaesthetic stage was mon- tank volume and replacing it with clean, properly itored and recorded (induction period). After the conditioned water. required time and while they were still under anaesthesia, biometric measurements were per- formed. The weight was obtained using a precision Anaesthetic agents scale (AY 220; Shimadzu, Sao~ Paulo, Brazil) and The chemical composition of camphor, clove and the length was obtained using a pachymeter (Von- mint essential oils were provided by the chemical der, Curitiba, Brazil). manufacturer Ferquima Insdustria e Comercio Five other tanks with 1 L of clean water were LTDATM (2013) (Table 1). used to evaluate the recovery time of the fish exposed to all treatments. The animals that returned to the vertical position and were able to Anaesthetic induction swim were considered recovered. Finally, feeding To assess the ideal anaesthetic concentration, a behaviour and mortality were measured and pilot trial was performed for all of the substances at recorded twice daily for 5 min during the 72 h fol- 5 lLLÀ1. After 15 min of exposure, the fish anaes- lowing oil exposure. thesia characteristic behaviour (Table 2) was evalu- ated. In addition, several concentrations were tested Statistical analysis to induce the desired level of anaesthesia (stage IV). Once the upper and lower limits for each anaes- Data obtained from each treatment were analysed thetic were established, a randomized factorial separately, and the anaesthetic performances of all study was executed for five concentrations of the essential oils were compared. The data normality three essential oils tested. The final anaesthetic was evaluated using the Shapiro–Wilk test. The concentrations evaluated were 5, 10, 20, 27 and data did not fit into a Gaussian curve; therefore, 35 lLLÀ1 of clove, 17, 35, 50, 70 and 100 lL the anaesthetic induction and recovery times were LÀ1 of mint, and 200, 400, 500, 550 and analysed for significant differences using the Krus- 600 lLLÀ1 of camphor oils. Stock solutions were kal–Wallis test (P < 0.05) followed by multiple prepared by dilution at a 1:10 ratio of oil to etha- comparisons of the mean ranks. Finally, a linear nol (100 g LÀ1 of 100% ethanol). The composition regression analysis was used to evaluate the rela- of these stock solutions made it necessary to test tion between the biometric parameters of the fish the anaesthetic effect of the oil diluent (ethanol) at and the observed anaesthetic stages and recovery the maximum concentration used in the dilution period (CI 95%). The statistical package used for processes (35, 100 and 600 lLLÀ1). The results analysis was Statistica StatsoftTM (V. 10.0). were compared to a control group in which fish were submitted to the same procedures but not Results exposed to any anaesthetic. For anaesthetic induction, 10 fish per concen- No anaesthetic effects of fish mortality were exhib- tration were randomly collected from the tanks ited by the control or ethanol-treated groups. Fish and transferred separately into glass beakers exposed to all concentrations of clove, mint containing 1 L of saltwater with the established oil and camphor oils reached stages I and II. Stages concentration, where they were maintained indi- III and IV were only achieved by the elevated

Table 1 Chemical composition (%) and densities (g cmÀ3) of camphor, clove and mint essential oils

Essential oil Main components Density

Camphor 35.5 1.8-cineole; 30.0 limonene; 13.0 alpha-pinene; 10.0 para-cymene. 0.88 Clove 85.0 eugenol; 13.0 beta ; 0.16 alpha copaene + methyl eugenol. 1.04 Mint 37.0 l-menthol; 20.25 menthone; 6.75 limonene; 7.48 isomenthone; 4.60 menthyl 0.90 acetate; 1.81 isopulegone; 1:39 pulegone; 0.08 carvone; 0.34 cineole.

Source: Ferquima Industria e Comercio LTDA.

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 1–8 3 Anaesthesia of clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) A S Pedrazzani & A Ostrensky Neto Aquaculture Research, 2014, 1–8

Table 2 Anaesthetic stages in fish and characteristic behaviour at each stage

Anaesthetic stage Behaviour parameters

I – sedation Loss of reaction to touch and visual perception. II – light anaesthesia Loss of balance and normal natatory motion interchanged with irregular lateral swimming. III – deep anaesthesia Total loss of balance, uncoordinated swimming. IV – surgical anaesthesia Reduction in opercular beatment, absence of natatory motion. V – medullary colapse Absence of opercular beat, death.

Source: Adapted from Ross and Ross (2008).

concentrations of each product. Only fish exposed stages in A. ocellaris at a faster rate than the to the 35 lLLÀ1 concentration of clove oil regis- 50 lLLÀ1 concentration (n = 10 per concentra- tered stage V (medullary collapse; Table 3). At this tion; P = 0.00). Stages I, II and IV were also concentration, four fish died during exposure or induced more quickly when a higher dosage was within 24 h following exposure. used compared to an intermediate dosage The induction and recovery times of the concen- (70 lLLÀ1) (in all stages P = 0.00). The three trations that were induced until anaesthetic stage highest camphor oil concentrations (500, 550 and IV in the majority of fish were compared (Figs 1 600 lLLÀ1) did not present significant differences and 2). The 20 lLLÀ1 clove oil concentration pro- in the induction time of the anaesthetic stages moted slower induction to stages I, II and III than (n = 10 per concentration, P > 0.05). In addition, did the 35 lLLÀ1 concentration (n = 10; fish agitation was observed during the first P = 0.035; 0.040; and 0.013, respectively), even moments of exposure to camphor oil. The 27, 70 though both provoked surgical anaesthesia (stage and 500 lLLÀ1 concentrations of clove, mint and IV) in a similar period. The 100 mL LÀ1 camphor oils promoted surgical anaesthesia in concentration of mint oil promoted all anaesthetic 310.5, 312.0 and 535.0 s (medians) respectively. The recovery times of fish exposed to 27, 70 À Table 3 Number of fish that reached anaesthetic stages and 500 lLL 1 concentrations of clove, mint and under effect of respective concentrations (lLLÀ1)of camphor oils were 396, 329.5 and 229 s respec- clove, mint and camphor essential oils. Also mortality tively. There was no significant difference among occurred during the 24-h period immediately following the recorded anaesthetic recovery with regard to anaesthetic induction all of the clove oil concentrations. However, for mint and camphor oils, an increase in the concen- Stage Concen- tration level produced a more lengthy recovery Oil tration I* II† III‡ IV§ V¶ Mortality time. It was also remarkable that the fish exposed to camphor had less variation in the period Clove 5 10 10 0 0 0 0 required to completely recover than those exposed 10 10 10 10 5 0 0 20 10 10 10 10 0 0 to other products (Fig. 2). 27 10 10 10 10 0 0 Clown anemonefish subjected to 35 and 35 10 10 10 10 2 6 600 lLLÀ1 concentrations of clove and camphor Mint 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 oils re-established feeding with 24 and 48 h 35 10 10 0 0 0 0 respectively. There was no observed inhibition in 50 10 10 10 10 0 0 70 10 10 10 10 0 0 the feeding behaviour of fish exposed to mint oil. 100 10 10 10 10 0 4 The regression analysis indicated that the weight Camphor 200 10 10 0 0 0 0 and length did not influence the anaesthetic 400 10 10 6 3 0 0 induction or recovery time in any of the treat- 500 10 10 7 5 0 0 ments (P > 0.05; r2 < 0.05). 550 10 10 10 7 0 0 600 10 10 10 9 0 0

*Sedation. Discussion †Light anaesthesia. According to Ross and Ross (2008), anaesthesia ‡Deep anaesthesia. §Surgical anaesthesia. in fish should be quickly induced, and the ¶Medullary collapse. appropriate stage should be achieved in less than

4 © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 1–8 Aquaculture Research, 2014, 1–8 Anaesthesia of clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) A S Pedrazzani & A Ostrensky Neto

Stage I Stage III outliers Stage II Stage IV

600 a ab (a) 500


300 a b

200 a ab b

100 ab ab a b b

0 20 27 35


(b) 600 a

500 a

a 400 a

300 a Time (s) a

200 b

ab b b 100 b c

0 50 70 100


a a a (c) a a 800

Figure 1 The time required for 600 a anaesthetic induction of the first four stages of A. ocellaris through the use of clove (a), mint (b) and 400 camphor oils (c). Stage I: Loss of response to external stimuli; II: a a Partial loss of balance; III: Com- 200 a plete loss of balance; and IV: a a a Reduction in opercular beating. Different letters indicate a signifi- 0 500 550 600 cant difference between concentra- –1 tions (P < 0.05). Oil concentration (µL L )

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 1–8 5 Anaesthesia of clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) A S Pedrazzani & A Ostrensky Neto Aquaculture Research, 2014, 1–8

1600 a 1400 a 1200


a 800 a Time (s) ab 600 b ab

400 b b

200 Figure 2 The anaesthetic recovery of Amphiprion ocellaris through the 0 use of clove, mint and camphor 20 27 35 17 50 70 100 200 400 500 550 600 oils. Different letters indicate signifi- CLOVE MINT CAMPHOR cant differences between treatments –1 Oil concentration (µL L ) (P = 0.00).

3 min to avoid stress and hyperactive behaviour. tration for pacu (P. mesopotamicus). However, The recovery time should also to be no longer for tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) and fat than 5 min subsequent to the transfer to clean snook (C. paralellus), a menthol concentration of water. Considering the concentrations that pro- 150 mg LÀ1 was suggested by Facßanha and voked stage IV in most of the animals exposed Gomes (2005) and Souza et al. (2012) respec- without causing medullary collapse and extended tively. Moreover, for tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), recovery times, the highest concentrations were the concentrations that promoted surgical anaes- 27, 70 and 500 to 550 lLLÀ1 of clove, mint and thesia were 120 and 60 mg LÀ1 for juvenile and camphor oils respectively. These doses did not fingerling respectively (Teixeira et al. 2011). This cause mortality. The ideal clove oil concentration correlates with the 63 mg LÀ1 concentration established in this study (equivalent to 28 mg LÀ1) found to be appropriate for A. ocellaris in this is relatively close to that (50 mg LÀ1) found for study. Interestingly, the recommended mint oil kinguio (Carassius auratus) (Bittencourt et al. concentration was almost seven times lower than 2012) and pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) (Goncßal- the minimum needed to promote surgical anaes- ves et al. 2008) and is also similar (37.5 mg LÀ1) thesia using camphor oil (440 mg LÀ1). Due to to fat snook (Centropomus parallelus) (Souza et al. the large volume of camphor oil needed, volatile 2012). This is also similar to the results found by or water soluble substances present in this oil (eas- Cunha and Rosa (2006), who defined 20 mg LÀ1 ily perceived by their aroma) may have caused an as the ideal concentration for ornamental sea fish. agitation that was registered in the first moments The same authors did not observe mortality or of anaesthetic induction. other adverse behavioural effects in fish after clove Despite the similarity in the optimal concentra- oil exposure. In contrast, in this study, some fish tions of clove and mint oils necessary for anaesthe- died after being exposed to 35 lLLÀ1 (equivalent sia in A. ocellaris, it was noted that the times were to 36.43 mg LÀ1) concentrations of clove oil, higher for both anaesthetic induction and recovery which indicates an overdose for clown anemone- than for other species. For example, under optimal fish (A. ocellaris). In addition, decreased food intake concentrations, the induction times for fat snook was observed in the remaining fish, indicating (C. paralellus) and pacu (P. mesopotamicus) were 92 stress promoted by the high anaesthetic concentra- and 134 s using clove oil and were 120 and tion. 102 s using mint oil respectively. Cunha and Rosa The concentration necessary for anaesthetic (2006) suggested that some marine ornamental induction by mint oil also shows variation species are more sensitive to anaesthetics, and between species. Goncßalves et al. (2008) showed frillfin goby Bathygobius soporator was the most that 100 mg LÀ1 of menthol is the ideal concen- resistant to clove oil of the seven species tested,

6 © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 1–8 Aquaculture Research, 2014, 1–8 Anaesthesia of clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) A S Pedrazzani & A Ostrensky Neto requiring 180 s for induction at concentrations of Cooke S.J., Suski C.D., Ostrand K.G., Tufts B.L. & Walh 20 mg LÀ1. In contrast, A. ocellaris has shown to D.H. (2004) Behavioral and physiological assessment be even more resistant, needing 310.5 and 312 s of low concentrations of clove oil anaesthetic for han- to reach stage IV with clove and mint oils respec- dling and transporting largemouth bass (Micropterus – tively. The same tendency of longer times was salmoides). Aquaculture 239, 509 529. Cunha F.E.A. & Rosa I.L. (2006) Anaesthetic effects of observed for recovery of A. ocellaris and were 396, clove oil on seven species of tropical reef teleosts. Jour- 329.5 and 229 s using clove, mint and camphor nal of Fish Biology 69, 1504–1512. oils, respectively, while other species needed less Cunha M.A.D., Silva B.F.D., Delunardo F.A.C., Benovit than 300 s in most situations. This discrepancy S.C., Gomes L.D.C., Heinzmann B.M. & Baldisserotto B. may be explained by the differences in water (2011) Anesthetic induction and recovery of Hippocam- parameters, such as temperature and salinity, or pus reidi exposed to the essential oil of Lippia alba. Neo- even differences among species (Ghanawi, Monzer tropical Ichthyology 9, 683–688. & Saoud 2013). Facßanha M.F. & Gomes L.C. (2005) A eficacia do mentol When comparing the oils tested in this study, como anestesico para tambaqui (Colossoma macropo- the rapidity in which clove and mint oils pro- mum, Characiformes: Characidae). Acta Amazonica 35, – moted surgical anaesthesia is an advantage 71 75. Ferquima (2013) Available at http://www.ferquima.com. related to the use of camphor, especially for use br/laudos/oe_canforabranca_107_0412.pdf. pp. 1. in fast handling cases, such as biometrics proce- Ghanawi J., Monzer S. & Saoud I.P. (2013) Anaesthetic dures. It is necessary to note that while menthol efficacy of clove oil, benzocaine, 2-phenoxyethanol and provides a faster induction time, it also increases tricaine methanesulfonate in juvenile marbled spine- the risks involved with keeping the fish under foot (Siganus rivulatus). Aquaculture Research 44, 359– anaesthesia for long periods of time. Induction 366. times decreased significantly with an increase in Goncßalves A.F.N., Santos E.C.C., Fernandes J.B.K. & concentration of mint oil. Takahashi L.S. (2008) Mentol e eugenol como substit- According to Keene, Noakes, Moccia and utos da benzocaına na inducßao~ anestesica de juvenis – (1998), clove oil inhibits the respiratory rate and, de pacu. 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8 © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 1–8