Fanno Creek and Tributaries Conservation Plan
Fanno Creek and Tributaries Conservation Plan Volume One: Inventory, Analysis, and Regulations for the Protection and Restoration ofFish and Wildlife Habitats, Natural Areas, Water Bodies, and Wetlands and Volume Four: Revised Zoning Maps Final Plan As Adopted bythe CityCouncil City of Portland, Oregon Bureau of Planning Adopted by Ordinance Number 167293, as Amended, onJanuary 19, 1994 Effective January 19, 1994 If you need a large-print copy of this report, Please call 823-7700 (or TDD 823-6868). Portland City Council Vera Katz, Mayor Earl Blumenauer, Commissioner Charlie Hales, Commissioner Gretchen Kafoury, Commissioner Michael lindberg, Commissioner Portland Planning Commission Richard Cooley, President Richard Michaelson, Vice President Joan Brown-Klein Bruce Fong Margaret Kirkpatrick. Vivian Parker Paul Schuback. Douglas Van Dyk Fanno Creek and Tributaries Conservation Plan Volume One: Inventory, Analysis, and Regulations for the Protection and Restoration of Fish and Wildlife Habitats, Natural Areas, Water Bodies, and Wetlands Bureau of Planning Charlie Hales, Commissioner-In-Charge David Knowles, Interim Planning Director Robert E. Clay, Chief of Long Range Planning and Urban Design Project Manager AI Burns, City Planner Project Jlssistance Charles Beasley, Project Research Jessica Richman, City Planner Damian Syrnyk, City Planner Peter Hurley, Planning Jlssistant Robert Goldie, Information System Analyst Linda Torgeson, Graphic lliustrator Geoff Sauncy, Graphic lllustrator January 19,1994 Substitute Ordinance No. 16 7 293 As Amended ·Protect and Conserve Natural Resources within the Fanno Creek Watershed. (Ordinance: amend Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Maps, and Title 33, Planning and Zonin~) The City of Portland Ordains: Section 1. The Council fmds: General Findings 1. The Fauno Creek Watershed contains many significant natural resources that are worthy of protection or conservation.
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