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A. S. Trude. The loss will aggregate der them good. This $2.700 constituted XT T T CI 1 l A I T EASTERN. BABBERS GO TO JAIL. X Jl 1j O A JSVTIf UUAUO,? 3nöcpcnbcitt SloO.000. Though the blaze was con a mouse's nest. The bills had been laid li SIc Rc Julius Uewke. of Jersey City, has fined to the Trude building, the firemen away in a trunk, and when the owner ieft the pulpit and opened a saloon. had to make one of the stubborn battles went to look for tltem they were gone. ZII.MEIt.MA V SMITH, for which the Chicago department is Search was instituted, but no trace of ILLI Proprietors has ordered 1.12 KJ tons of Har- - TRYING TO ENFORCE THE BIG THANKSGIVING DAY FOOT Publishers and Russia famous. The gale was blowing fifty i hem could be found. Finally a househole veyizd armor-plat- e from a Bethlehem, in et ery direction were was through bottom of NOIS SUNDAY LAW. BALL GAMES. PLYMOUTH. INDIANA. miles an hour, and notice! the the Pa., iron firm. enormous stocks of goods stored in in- - trunk, leading under the floor. The Worry over involve! financial affairs buildings. A second tire in were up a mouse scam- llaniniable boards taken and Twelve or More Miners Dead Nebras Micljit:'"1 An KENTUCKY TRAGEDY. caused .Taines B. Skelian. a Neu lurk Ilavmarket Square at the same time did pered away, leaving live Ii tie pink and lieats Cliicaso in tle broker, to commit suicide. several thousand dollars' damage. white creatures too young to walk lying ka Farmers Caiißht Running Secret nual Battle-Chica- go Athletic Play The remains of (General Winfieid S. Chicago staggered all day Tuesday on the pile of greenbacks. Stills with Rich Results-Repo- rt of n Tie with Boston Athletics-lti- g At- Hancock are to he removed from Norris- - from the shock of Monday night'. storm. The office of road inquiry of the Depart the Director of the Mint. tendance ut All the Games. THREE PEOPLE KILLED, TWO town. Pa., to Arlington Cemetery, Wash Wreck and ruin were on every hand. ment of Agriculture has completed an hung in from a thousand FATALLY HURT. ington. Death the air interesting investigation relating to the A Rough Scrape. on a broken wires, but luckily passed human- common Kcsults of Battles. Bv the breaking of an axle car roads of the United States. Re Manager IMen. f the Great Northern H game Com- ity by. From the lake came reports of turns been received from 1.- - tf a cable train in the Cambria Iron have about lIoO'l, Chicago, and twenty-eigh- t bar- nre over, the Casualties on Railroads for the Yeai pany's mine at Johnstown. I'a.. eleven disaster after disaster, but here again 1!'H counties, showing the average length fortune favored life and only vessels suf- bers were ordered ommitted to jail Fri- having ended with Pennsylvania-Furth- er Slight miners were seriously injured and one of haul from farms to markets or ship- u they in fered in the general destruction. For day evening by J dice Lee becr.use the contests o f a fatally. ping points to be twelve miles, the average refused to satisfy the Court with proper Thanksgiving day. Shrinkage in Prices Fears for hours the city was cut off from the out- weight 2.002 The Colt divorce case at Providence, It. of load for two horses bonds in the where they had been Wen by ' Pacific Steamship. side world. At a breath old Boreas hum- pounds, the average cost per ton per mile caes It has far I., is said to have been settled outside of bled pride in the snow. The imperial onvicted of violating th' Sunday law. the greatest year-ti- . its 20 cents and $ for the enfire haul. Es- . court. It is also reported that Colonel re- Bonds were furnished by ea h d'feudant college game ha.-- . city of a mighty empire. Chicago was 210,824.-22- 7 A Down a Murderer. timating the farm products at - Tosse Ilunts Colt's prosecution of Van Alen will be dominion to the amount of $:5im, but the f of $1 known in the Cynthiana, Ky.. Orville Eals. a duced in an hour to a pitiful tons in weight and making estimates Yet. Near dropped. miles square. Every telegraph in each ase was refusel on the ground University of Mich his thirty o-- i public farmer, killed John Fields. With Bv the bursting ot a steam pipe in other articles carried over the Judge Windes had ordered the Justice igan ami took refuge in a wire leading out of the city was down or roads, it is calculated that the aggre- went Fast vife Eals escaped and Ilammersteiu's Olympia Works at New Chicago in of to collect no further fees until the ques- lost to Harvard by organized and lo- disabled, and sat the midst gate expense of this transportation in tho cabin. A iosse was York eleven men were badly scalded. well tion of the writ of prohibition whi-- had the narrowest . isolation as as ruin. .Stt4i5.414.tHi." an- of night. Sunday u-ii- United is per cated him Saturday Witifirr instaiitlv killed mid States been asked for had been passed on. The margins. Then I Three hundred delegates were present num. Reports from the th' morning an attack was müde upon Andrew Huggius will die. have been asked defendants also demurred to what they wolv'r;.nes Monday at the opening session of the the ex- returned ccbio. Kais resisted the aftsck by a t United States consuls alfoad of ailed extortionate fees, claiming Justice e West ami found worried thenv was returned. t..,'. transunssissippi congress at Omaha, pense of hauling win-r- the roads nre teams that fusillade of shots, which Tlii-onl- y ..,,1 tl,o eommnnion te Lee had no authority to exa t more than - ..w,,,!" . which was presided over by good, so possible a almost as much as had the crimson. , as to calculation de-elar- 'A earned McCombs, of drownings- ; , render etl man R to Congress George Q. Canuon, of Utah, V cents in each case. Justh-- Lee goes to show that the Fast ami Tille, was killed, and two others, Her-- , . - which will show how much of this vast .,mmvU,, Tllisl ,vas i(,rtun- tlw? coii-- if the fees were not paid he would West are coining p:ikly to a bvel h: hen I who was elected president of i outlay is due to bad roads. The estimate l.ert and Wells, fatally shot. the them jaij. ami n theiv lu-- i atelv discovered at mass. gress at tue m. i.ouis garnering iasi is ventured, however, upon information commit all to foot ball matters. As a result of firing ceased the posse forced well-know- from within n pugil persisting in their refusal mitimuses were Chicago, says a Chi- body Ilyman Ilettenliost, a year. The general object of the congress in the office concerning the loss of time decisive defeat of on entrance and found the dead of Mi-higa- ist and trainer, of lwooklyn. shot ami is the promotion of the welfare of the idle- issued. cago correspondent. can. wi'L iChls Wdy of his wif. in reaching markets, the enforced , and the murdered his children and himself Sun- - head a vast number much justi-e- claim the champion-do- - - a hatchet, killed two West, and under this ness and the wear and tear to the live Mining who had Wen butchered with da v Ilettenliost was the pro questions have been scheduled for dis- New York's Horror. of the West. She has not played t he- - posse. afternoon. of stock and hauling mi-hiner- caused by Irobably before the arrival of the prietor of a college of physical instruc cussion Among those are the An accident, resulting in the loss of strong of the Mississippi and action. roads, two-third- s of the cost teams west improvement Ioor that thirteen or fourteen lives, oceurrod nt Nebraska, and Kansas - but ft 3Iay Be Lost with All on Board. tion in Brooklyn. irrigation of arid lands, the might be saved by an improvement of the deep-wate- the mines at Tilly Foster, near Carmel, t kteam- - In view of the statement from the dep- - of waterways and r harbors, there is l ot good reason for believing liar t the Xorlhern Pacific roads. Mur-th- a N. Y.. Friday afternoon. Foreman l Kliin Aflif' it Tiienma. Wash, reveals that tity collector of customs at Lewes, Del the construction and maintenance of she loos not them, improved as they Mississippi tribu- was descending into the pit to take of been received from the to the effect that a thorough search had levees on the and its foreignT" are along with the other teams th no tidings have - the time of gangs of laborers, num IHii;"is m:inBt.T.iPrstr:ithi.Mi.whi-hdc.iro- l fflil"! to discover arms, ammunition or taries, discriminations in transmissis- tv West. Purdue's defeat of aftei thirty-fiv- e Twi-nl.......- bering men, who were working W-'c-iv- e . 1 men on board the Joseph W. Poster, the tsippi freight rates, the necessity for a The Duke and Duchess of Marlborough the hitter's victory over North- n..t nnd left Victoria at the bottm, when a vast wigVit of Smith, of secretary of tie treasury ordered the TCS- - national bankrupt law, the restriction of have arrived at (Gibraltar.