Indian Territory) Battle Of: 3926 Barrels Landing, La.: 3989

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Indian Territory) Battle Of: 3926 Barrels Landing, La.: 3989 FORT WORTH PUBLIC LIBRARY 3 1668 00111 5309 RES ARCS DAJTA FORT z :ORTHi and TA IrT COUf2Y, TEXAS Texas 'rite~'st Project Fort Torth P0~1ie Library Unit 1941 Fkd~vaI- e)-j ocrC RESEARCH DTA FORT WORTH and TARRYA] T COUTY, TES, with addi- tional notes on Texas History, the Rise of the Cattle Industry in the Southwest and including numerous utobiograhies of Cowboys and Ex-Slaves; living in Fort Worth, Texas. Compiled by workers of the FEDERAL WRITERS' and the TEXAS WEITERS' PROJECT at Fort Worth, Texas: 1936-191. Revised, Edited and. Prepared for Preservation in the Local History Archives of the Fort Worth Pubic ibrryby Workers of the TEXAS WRITERS' PROJECT at Fort Worth, as a WORK PROJECTS A~h4IN- VOL{TETN =ges 3601 through 3999 SERIES OI Pages 1 through 9999 The TEXAS WRITERS' PROJECT at Fort Worth is jointly sponsored by the Bureau of Re- search in the Social Sciences of the Uni- versity of Texas, the City of Fort Worth, and the Board of Trustees of the Fort Worth Public Library. Zeklce Handler, Project Supervisor Sheldon F. Gauth&er, Asst. Project Supervisor Eugene L. Schilder, Writer-Research Editor in charge of Fort Worth Publio Library Unit. The TEXAS WRITERS' PROJECT In the fall of 1933 the Civil Works Administration was launched with the objective of giving one million work by Christmas. The State of Connecticut as a part of this national program started an experiment in preparing a Guide to Connecti- cut towns and cities. The book was an immense success, artis- tically and financially, being one of the few 1A projects that not only paid for itself but also actually made money for the sponsors. Two years later as a result of the Connecticut experi- ment there was established by Presidential order a Federal Wri- ters' Project in the Professional and Service Division of the Works Progress Administration under the national directorship of Henry G. Alsberg. Field offices were setup in each of the States and Territories. Administrative and supervisory personnel in- cluded such nationally known writers as Lyle Saxon of Louisiana, Vardis Fisher of Idaho. Texas State Headquarters were establish- ed in San Antonio under the direction of J. Frank Davis, well known Texas author and playwright. In January 1936, a District Field Office for North Central Texas was established in Fort Worth under the supervision of Frank Hunt Bardon. In September 1939, the Federal Writers' Project was abolished and the Fort Worth office became a unit of the Texas Writers 1 Project, sponsored by the Bureau of Research in the Social Sciences of the University of Texas. Ayesarlater, September 1940, the Board of Trustees of the Fort Worth Public Library became a contributing sponsor and the Library Unit of the Project was established with Eugene L. Schilder as Writer Research Editor. The Fort Worth Project has been under the following supe rvi sion: Frank Hunt Bardon: 1938-1938 Ben Boswell: 1936 Eugene L. Schilder (Acting Supervisor) 1938-39; 1940 Zeke Handler : 1939-41 THE TIIDAS WRITERS' PROJECT July 1, 1941 VOLUME ~ INfIX amA a A a r o n 3735 , n B ,il l:blea 3726-27. 37311., 3851, 3906 Abilene Christian College: 3712 3602 A br a ma , s W i l l i a mMO~bAb : 3665 Acton, Minn: 39k~3 Ade, George: 3607-09, 3616, 3815, 3819, 3911 Adlita, G. V.:t 3707 Alexander, Lillian: 38g46 Alexandria, La.: 3952, 3989 (lOs.2) Ann Alfonso, King____ 3822 Allen, Rep.0; 3999 .11en, viola: 3825 Alone 3662 Alton, Mo.: 3972 Alvarado, Texas: 3721 Amalgamated Copper: 3891 AmarillIo, Texas: 3611, 3718 Anit.e River, La.: 39.3951-52 Amite River, La. Battle of:* 3923 Amnphions Club: 3669 Anderson, Berney: 3638 Anderson, Jud: 3713 Anderson, Zrvill e: 3665 Anderson, James: 3636 Anderson, Mrs. James: 3638 Anderson, Judith: 3739 Anderson Building, Neil P.: 3750 Andrews, P. B.: 3905 Angelo, Michael: 38115 Ann , captured , Steamer: 394~7 Armour (1O..3) Awiexation, Suburbs: 3013, 3021, 3912 3906..07 Antioch Church, Tenn: 39$1 Ate.ropos of Nothing: 3658 Arbuckle, MacGlyn: 3811-15 Ardis. Mansfield: 3799 Arions, The (Port Worth with Orchestra): 3861 Anon Club: 3669 Arkadeiphia, Ark: 3957 Arkansas:3 723-e214: 3929, 3967, 3996 Arkansas Post, Ark.: 3946. 3955, 3998 Arkansas River, Ark: 3957 Arlington, Texas: 3708 Arlington Heights Addition: 3872 Arlington Heights Realty Company: 3872 373)4~ Arede, E.CH. 3733..3I' Arledge, EL"H. Jr.: 37314 Anl edge , H." To: 373141 Armour &Company 3891 Atchafalaya (io-W) Arms trong ,m..2 3673 Armstrong, George w.: 3789, 3791 Armstrong, R".. Arnold, Miss______ Arnold, Ripley A.$ Anson, Nathan: 3$35 391U1, 39115 Arrow Bock, RMo; Aredal e, Glen Van: 3807 Arizonat 393)4 Ash Hill, Mot 3966 Ash Bayou, La. , Battle of; 3923 Ashdon,Y 3670, 3g11.9 50 3923 Ashland, La. , Battle of;* Ashley, Charles J.3t 3662 Ashley, Mo.: 39113 Ashton, La., Battle of: 3923 Ashwo od Landing, La. , Battle of: 3923 Atasoosa County, Texas: 3722 Atohafalaya, La. 3990 Atchafalaya, La , Battle of: 3923 A#oy110oI s (10-5) Atchafalahya River, La.: 3950 Atchison, Kansas: 3935 Athens, Georgia:* 3797 Athens, Mo.: 3931 Atlanta, Georgia: 3755 Atlanta, Georgia, Battle of: 3999 "Attendant" 3860 Aubrey, Kansas: 3937 Augusta, Arkcansas: 3939-40 Auld LagSyne 3881 Alt, ---- 3638 Awiaers, Bay: 3797 Austin, Miss.: 39&k Austin, Texss: 3722..2,3912 Austin ollege: 3712 Auxvasse Creek, Mo.: 39k5 Avoyello's Prairie, La*, Battle of: 3923 Barber (io..6) Bachel ler , Irving: 3871 Backbone Mt. Ark.: 3969 Bagdad, lorida: Baileyr, Joe: 3915 Baker,Dan: 3610 Baker, Peter: 3814 Bakerse Creek, Miss; 3982 Baker, A.!..:(Stamoa): 3950, 3976 Ball Town, Mo.: 3966 Baall s Mill, Mo.: 3931 Ballinger, W. G.: 3768 Baldwinst Perry, Miss; 3982 Bernard, Jack: 3655 Bankers Tri end, The: 3659 Banks, Ma j. Gen. Nathaniel P.: 39149, 3989 "BA1nqUet S~o of the King, The" BaratariaL{Steamner) 3951 Barbecue, Old Settlers,: 3863 Barber, : 376g Barber, Kent: 37419 Nasebal (io.q) Barcus, W.S.: 3735 Barnes , 3760 3638 B rnr ese , MD.Bar s ._ 363s, 3654 Barribill , Weldon,:t 3755 Barr, Oap' t" 3612 Barren Work Indian~ Territory: 3975 Barren Work, (Indian Territory) Battle of: 3926 Barrels Landing, La.: 3989 Barrett,$ 3827 Barrett, Mrs. J. B.: 3778 Barriscale, Bessie: 3775 Barry County, Mo.: 3936 Barry, Mo. : 39+2 Barrymore. Ethel: 3737 3638 Barton County, Mo.: 3953, 3957 Baskin, J. A.: 3788 Baskin, John W.: 3912, 391W Baseball of 0901: 3712s.13 (ions) Bates County, M4o.: 3961, 3970 Batesville, Ark: 3939..110, 3957. 3975 Bates Township, Ark: 3972 Baton Rouge, La.:, 3947..I149, 3980 Baton Rouge, La., Battle of: 3923 Battling Nelson: 3903-0I Baxter Springs, Kansas: 3965 Baylets Crossing, La., Battle of: 3923 Bayou Barnard (Indian Territory) , Battle of: 3926 Bayou. Biddell, La. , battle of: 3923 Bayou Boeuff, Lao., Battle of; 3923 Bayou Bontecom, La., Battle of: 3923 Bayou Bordeau, La. Battle of: 3923 Bayou. Cache, Ark: 3940 Bayou Co rtabl.eau, La.: 3990 Bayou Do Glairze, La. , Battle of : 3923 Bayou De Mora, La., Battle of: 3923 Bayou des Allemands, La.: Bayou lonfouca, La.: 394~9 Bayou La Fourche, Battle of: 3923 Bear (1o..4 Bayou La, La. , Battle of: 3923 Bayou Macon, La.,: 3952 Bayou Macon. La. , Battle of:f 3923 Bayou Metoe Bridge, Ark.?$ 3970 Bayou Pierre, Miss.? 3981 Bayou Plaquemine, La. 1 3950 Bayou Rapids, Isa., Battle of: 3923 Bayou Roberts, La., Battle of: 3923 Bayou Sara, La: 39)4$ Bayou Sara Road, La: 3969 Bayou T1etche, La.?i 3950 Bayou TDtcthe, La ., Battle of? 3923 Bayou. Tensas, La.?t 39699 3991-92 Byou Tensas, La., Battle of: 3923 Bayou Tunica, La., Battle of? 3923 Ba, Prank: 3807 Beal, Mrs. .L.: 373)4 Beall , Varner: 36)41, 3653 Bear Creek, Johnson County, Mo.: 3957 Bear Skin, Lake, No. 1 3969 Dent on ( Beard," 3637 Beattie!'s Prairie, Ark.: 39+5 1 Beatumont, Texas: 37311, 39 1S Beauty 3662 Beaver Creek, Moe: 3953 Beaver Creek Swamp, Tenn: 3979 Beethoven Trio 3669 Beggs, Mrs. George: 3636-37 BehringSea 3812 Belasco, David: 3853 Dell, Bev. A.C.: 3759 Belmont, Mo.: 3933 Belmont, Tenn: 3979 Benham, Harry: 3S2] Bennett, Clarence: 3g11,3 Bennett' s Bayou, Mo.: 3967 Benny, Jack: 3739 Benson, A. H.: 3662 Benton, Ark: 3972, 39734 (lo..) Benton, Mo .; 3931, 3935 Bentonville, Arkansast 3936, 3967-68 Bent's Old Jort, Texas, Battle oft 3926 Bernard,Ba~you, Indian Territory: 39)41 Berryville, Arkansas: 3936, 3955, 3972 Bertrand, Mod. 3935 Berwick, Lad 3989.90 Berwick Baby, La.,?t 39+49 Berwick City, La., Battle of: 3923 Bewik (Ship) 3950, 3976 Best, A.C.: 3738 Berans, Mrs. 3637 3638 Bewley Building: 3750 Bibb, Mrs.e 3637 Bickley, C. A.: 3759 Bideker, W. 3. (Fire chief)?$ 30l149 3790, 3915 Biffle's Forrest, Kentucky: 3988 g5 Big Black River, Miss: 3 9 1187, 399 Birdville (10-.12) Big Black River Bridge, Miss; 3983 Big Creek, Arkansas: 3958 Big Creek, Mo: 3937, 39143 . 3960, 3962, 3968 Big Creek Bluff s, Moo: 3940 Big Hurricane Creek, Mo.: 3932 Big Lake, Ark.: 3969 Big Piney, Mo? 3940. 3973 Big Sandy, Miss? 3982 Big Sandy Creek, Miss: 3982 Big Springs, Mo.: 3932 Big Springs , Texas: 3713 Big Sunflover-P4ver, Miss: Birch, Mrs. 3637 Birch Cooley, Minn.: 39+~3 Bird Creek (Ohusto-Talasah) Indian Territory) : 3938 Birds Creek, Texas, Battle of: 3997 Bird's Point,Ma. : 3933 Birdsong Terry, Big Black River, Miss: 396 Bird ile, Texas: 3611 Bloomfield (10-13) Bishop, J. 0.# 3735 Bisland, La., Battle of: 3923 lack, Miss ____ 3860 Black Bayou, Miss: 3978, 39S0 Black Fork Eil, Mo . 396+ Black River, ha.: 3977 Black River , La., Battle of:,* 3923 Black River, Mo . 3932, 3944I Blackwater, Mo* 3937...38, 3940-1~ Blackwater Creek, Mot 3935 Blair, editht 36I5: Blair, Mrs.
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