The Forth Scroll of the paq'batlh isisis The Book of Kahless

The Book of Kahless The Forth Book of the paq'batlh is the book of Kahless. This book contains all the teachings, and all the tales of Kahless. It is broken in to three parts Kahless as a child, Kahless as an Emperor, Kahless as a prophet. This book was damaged in the first civil war. All that is now written was laid down from verbal accounts.

Tome of the Child Kahless was born to a common family in an empire ruled by the tyrant Molor. His parents lived out side Molor's city, and farmed the land. Kahless would play in the mountains outside Molor's city. Kahless even at a young age displayed great skills with weapons. His earliest weapon was a wooden sword, created by his father. Kahless grew and entered into the Age of Inclusion. Many years past and Kahless learn much from his teachers. Kahless, as a young approached the Age of Ascension 'about 13 years old' he declared his intention to become a warrior by lighting a Kor'tova Candle which is a symbol of the fire in a warrior's heart. Then his fighting skills, stamina and knowledge of Klingon teachings were rigorously tested. This is called the First Rite of Ascension. This is the first true test of a warrior. All young warriors should go through this Rite.

Many years past and Kahless grew in honor and spirit. Kahless went on many hunts with his father. His bravery was becoming one of legend. Molor the ruler of the land heard of Kahless and gave Kahless a position in his guard.

Kahless became one of Molor's greatest soldier. Kahless after many campaigns performed the first Age of Ascension Ceremony on himself. His greatest warriors formed two columns, each held powerful pain sticks. Kahless spoke these words to the warriors, 'Today I am a warrior. I must show you my heart. I travel the river of blood.' Kahless then walked the phalanx of warriors. Kahless by subjecting his body to jolts from powerful pain sticks showed that he was in fact a true warrior. Finally, exhausted but showing no ill effects of the rite, Kahless proclaimed, 'The battle is mine. I crave only the blood of the enemy.' This difficult trial marks a new level of spiritual attainment for a Klingon warrior. Thereafter, Kahless often celebrates the ten-year anniversary his Second Rite of Ascension.

Kahless grew into a great warrior.

Tome of the Warrior

Long ago, a storm was heading for the city of Quin'lat. Everyone took protection within the walls except one man who remained outside. Kahless went to him and asked what he was doing. 'I am not afraid,' the man said. 'I will not hide my face behind stone and mortar. I will stand before the wind and make it respect me.' Kahless honored his choice and went back inside. The next day, the storm came, and the man was killed, as the wind does not respect a fool.

Kahless was a soldier within Molor's army and served Molor for many years. At the village of M'riiah, Kahless demands tribute on the behalf of Molor, 'When one's emperor commands, all other loyalties become secondary. When one's emperor commands, no sacrifice is too terrible, no price to great. ' The poor village, suffering from drought and famine, cannot pay and Starad 'son of Molor' threatens to burn the village. Kahless forbids it and kills Starad. In mutiny, he and his men become outlaws. Morath, son of Ondagh, joins them. At first Kahless' goal was not to topple Molor but to simply hide, as the tyrant Molor was so strong that no one could stand against him, but Kahless would rather die than live under Molor's tyranny any more.

Rumors spread, however, that they planned to overthrow Molor's tyrannical empire. This angered Molor and Kahless was condemned to die by the tyrant Molor, who was angered that Kahless had incited the people against him.

Kahless and his men take refuge at Lord Vathraq's village. Kahless decided to secretly drink from the river. There he came across several bathing women. Kahless attempted to calm the women. Kellein, daughter of Vathraq, it taken by Kahless, and becomes betrothed to Kahless. Kahless would journey outside the village with Kellein and the two had a night of passion where they decided to be mated the next time Kahless returned during the time of the growing. Kahless would wear a Jinaq amulet till the time would come.

On the run from the tyrant, Kahless and his companions narrowly escape Molor's soldiers. Heading south, Kahless encounters Edronh and his men who ally themselves to his cause. In the village of T'chariv, Edronh follows the orders of Kahless to spread the word that he is gathering an army to march against Molor.

Kahless continued to evade Molors army many times. On one occasion Molor led the army himself. Kahless after battling for days had to escape into the mountains. Morath would lead Kahless and his warriors to safety through a secret passage through the cold snow covered mountain. When they returned to Vathraq's village, during the growing, they found the dead to greet them. Molor had sent his army and slaughtered all the inhabitants, including Kahless's beloved Kellein.

After the death of his love, a woman known as Kellein, Kahless despaired but was followed by his loyal friend Morath who wrestled with Kahless for six days and nights. After this wrestling match, Kahless yielded to Morath and dedicated his life to destroying Molor.

Kahless would battle Molor for many years. Molor had his army attack Kahless' family killing his father, and taking his fathers sword. Kahless single-handedly fought off an entire army at Three Turn Bridge. The blood of his enemies flowed so freely the river there is still known as 'The River of Blood.' Kahless said at this battle 'Darkness will fall. Enemies will circle us 'round and 'round, their swords as numerous as the trees of the forest. But we will not yield. We will wear faces of fire.' In one battle, Molor captured Kahless and his warriors after a battle.

The night before his execution, Kahless escaped into the mountains surrounding Molor's city, where he lived alone for many years as an exile and hermit. According to the legend, one day, while meditating in the caves of the Kri'Stak volcano, Kahless was struck by inspiration. The idea of a code of honor, as a way to govern the actions of true , formed in his mind.

Kahless reassembled his warriors, and prepared to destroy Molor. In his first full-scale clash with Molor's forces, Kahless kills Molor's second son, Yatron. Kahless is wounded, and from loss of blood falls unconscious. Kahless, in a feverish state dreams of Kellein. She instructs him to build a special sword taking a lock of his own hair and dipping it in the hot blood of the Kri'stak Volcano, then allowing it to cool in the waters of Lake Lusor. Kellein also warns him of Edronh's treachery and plan to sell out Kahless's forces to Molor. Kahless, following his feverish dream, seeks out the metalsmith Toragh to forge the first bat'leth. With the fires of honor burning in his heart and mind, Kahless, forged the first bat'leth in the fires of Kri'Stak, a volcano in those mountains. Kahless took the bat'leth deep into the mountain where he would use the Sword to defeat and skin the serpent of Xol. Kahless wore the hide of the serpent of Xol as his armor, and he kept it always as a reminder of his duty to his people.

When his weapon was ready, Kahless returned home. He fought his way through one hundred warriors to reach Molor's throne room, where he challenges Molor to face him in battle. Kahless slew the tyrant after a duel that lasted for seven days and nights. With the defeat of Molor, his people hailed Kahless as a hero and liberator. Kahless regained his father's sword. It is said his first act after Molor's defeat was to return to his family's farm, where he used his bat'leth to harvest all the fields in a single day, ensuring his family would have food to eat and money to support them. Kahless then assumed the role of Emperor, and rallied the people around him. They quickly swore fealty to their liberator, and word of Kahless' victory spread. Morath and Kahless become brothers in the R'uustai Ceremony. Both participants wore ceremonial vests and each used a candle to light their own set of three large candles apiece as they invoke the memory of their mothers by reciting 'SoS jIH batlh SoH' ''Mother's' I 'we' honor you''. Once the ceremony is performed, they are now brothers, and their families are stronger because of the union

Kahless became a Legend

Tome of the Legend of Kahless

Many generations ago, before the beginning of the Empire, the tyrant Molor ruled over Qo'noS and oppressed the Klingon people. There was great sorrow and despair. Warriors in the service of Molor knew nothing of honor. They pillaged the land and murdered thousands.

Not All warriors of that time were aligned with the tyrant. Those who held honor to be more important than power and personal gain fought against Molor's forces. Many songs are sung of those grand and glorious battles. These brave warriors defended those unable to defend themselves, both against the tyrant's armies and the bands of raiders that roamed the land. The greatest and most successful of these heroes were a small band known as the ghop qul, the Hand of Flame.

The leaders of the ghop qul were O'gat, Kollus, and To'Kar. All were masters of the combat arts and warriors of unblemished honor. Each had, over time, created his own unique and powerful style of fighting. These different styles had complementary strengths, and through the years of Molor's rule, the three warriors defended countless innocent brothers and sisters.

Their crusade was so effective that they gained the attention of Molor himself, who placed a great price on their heads and the three were soon betrayed.

Molor learned the locations of their secret retreat, and he sent fifty of his strongest warriors against them. When O'gat, Kollus, and To'Kar saw the tyrant's band of killers massed against them, they did not shrink from the fight. The three strode out to meet the challenge Molor had set against them, and the battle was begun.

The sounds of steel meeting steel and the joyous cries of warriors reached past the nearby hills into a small village. All that day and into the night, the clamor continued, upsetting the villager's normal routine. Finally, near dawn, the shouts faded into a profound silence. The villagers gathered together and crossed the hills on foot to pay homage to the fallen warriors.

When they reached the battlefield, they found only three survivors O'gat, Kollus, and To'Kar. Though gravely wounded, the ghop qul had won the day.

After that day, the three warriors knew that Molor would not relent until he saw them all dead.

They moved their camp into the village, and they began to plan a campaign against the tyrant.

A wise young warrior named Kahless was, at that time, traveling through the same province, and he heard tales of the great battle. Kahless, too, was an enemy of Molor.

He had been journeying for months, making impassioned speeches in many villages, rallying the people against the tyrant, and gathering a small army. Kahless walked halfway across the province to meet the ghop qul warriors.

Over cups of blood wine, Kahless told the master warriors of his plans to bring down the tyrant Molor. He shared his wisdom with them, and they were moved by his words. Seeing the honor in his heart, the fire in his blood, and the truth in his teachings, the three pledged their loyalty to Kahless and his cause. O'gat, Kollus, and To'Kar announced that they would travel with the young warrior, defend him against the forces of Molor, and help spread his words of liberation.

Kahless refused their offer, saying to them, 'There is a greater service you can do for the people of Oo'noS. Train warriors to follow me. Share your fighting arts, and together we will destroy Molor's armies!'

The three found this a wise course, and so they went their separate ways. Each gathered to him a few warriors of great promise and established a training camp. There, the masters taught their own fighting styles, their ideas, and the philosophies of Kahless.

In time, word of these camps spread, and warriors came from all over Oo'noS to learn from these master warriors. When Kahless returned, O'gat, Kollus, and To'Kar had their students ready for him.

This army of fighters was shaped by his teachings and honed by the warriors of the ghop qul. He found them satisfactory.

Donning his armor, Kahless rode out against Molor's rule. The three rode beside him, and behind them rode a thousand warriors. Wherever they encountered Molor's forces, they destroyed the despoilers.

As word spread of their campaign, hope returned to the people of Oo'noS. Eventually, the warriors of Kahless met Molor's army in one glorious, final battle. It was a struggle worthy of many songs, and we still sing of those days. When it was done and the tyrant's power broken, Kahless stood and looked out over the lifeless bodies of the warriors. Suddenly, he split the morning with a howl. A warning to the dead that Klingon warriors are about to arrive, and rode off to face Molor. So it was that Kahless the Unforgettable gathered his army of honorable, highly trained warriors, defeated the armies of Molor, bested the tyrant himself in personal combat, and forged the Empire.

When Kahless returned from slaying Molor the first bat'leth still bloody in his hands O'gat, Kollus, and To'Kar knelt before him. 'We are your servants,' the three said as one. 'What do you ask of us, great one?' Kahless, his wounds still fresh upon him, said, 'Rise my friends. The warriors of Qo'noS need never bow again. Through your actions and those of the others like you, a new era has dawned on us. Out of the ashes of the old, a new Empire will be born. At this, he shouted to the assembled warriors, 'Let none among you bend knee in submission. Rather, stand with me in allegiance, ready to defend Qo'noS against any who would enslave us!'

Looking into their leader's scarred face, the three in turn drew their d'k-tagh knives symbol of their honor and strength as warriors. Kneeling briefly each placed his d'k-tagh at the feet of Kahless, gleaming points facing outward, forming a trefoil. Rising in unison, the warriors brought their right arms smartly across their chests, fists striking armor to come to rest over hearts. Locking eyes once more with their leader, each spoke in turn, 'My life for you, my lord.'

There was a heartbeat's pause as Kahless looked into the eyes of his warriors, then he slowly drew his own d'k-tagh, used it's blade to draw a circle joining the three knives in the dirt, then placed it in the center of the bladed triangle. He rose and returned their salute, 'and mine for yours.'

So it was that the three warriors pledged their lives to Kahless, and he to them. From that day forward, they and those they trained would stand beside Kahless eternally, until his path led him, finally, to Sto'Vo'Kor, beyond the stars.

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Kahless became a great Emperor.

Tome of the Emperor

In honor of Kahless many of the nearby Lords come to the Great Hall to pay tribute to Kahless. One of those Lords was Lord Lukara. Accompanying him were his daughters. Kahless took notice of one and began to court her. After a vision of Kellein, in which she told Kahless to move on, he decided to wed Lady Lukara. They were married in the Great Hall of the village of Qam-Chee,

Kahless and Lady Lukara are wed. The ceremony goes like this. The Wedding begins with warriors playing steel drums. Lady Kanjis: 'With Fire and steel did the gods forge a Klingon heart. So fiercely did it beat, so loud was the sound, that the gods cried out 'On this day we have brought forth the strongest heart in all the heavens. None can stand before it without trembling at its strength.' But then the Klingon heart weakened. It's steady rhythm faltered. The gods said, 'Why have you weakened so? We have made you the strongest of all of creation.' Kahless enters. Lady Kanjis: 'And the heart said;' Kahless: 'I am alone.' Lady Kanjis: 'And the gods knew they had erred. So they went back to their forge and brought forth another heart.' Lady Lukara enters. she climbs up the Dias and stands across from Kahless. Alexander steps forward and gives Kahless and Lady Lukara a Bat'leth each. Lady Kanjis: 'But the second heart beat stronger than the first. The first was jealous of it's power.' Kahless and Lady Lukara swing at each other with the Bat'leth. Lady Lukara puts the Bat'leth to his throat. Lady Kanjis: 'Fortunately the second heart was tempered with wisdom.' Lady Lukara: 'If we join together no force can stop us.' Lady Kanjis: 'And when the two hearts began to beat together, they filled the heavens with a terrible sound. For the first time the gods knew fear. They tried to flee but it was too late. The Klingon hearts destroyed the gods who made them and turned the heavens to ashes. To this very day, no one can oppose the beating of two Klingon hearts. Not even me.' Lady Kanjis turns to Kahless. Lady Kanjis: 'Kahless, son of Kanjis, does your heart beat only for this woman?' Kahless: 'Yes.' Lady Kanjis: 'And will you swear to join with her, to stand with her, to all who oppose you?' Kahless: 'I swear.' Lady Kanjis: 'Jadzia daughter of Kayla, does your heart beat only for this man?' Lady Lukara: 'Yes.' Lady Kanjis: 'And do you swear to join with him, to stand with him, against all who would oppose you?' Lady Lukara: 'I swear.' Lady Kanjis: 'Then let all those present here today, know that this man and this woman are married.' Kahless and Lady Lukara kiss. Lady Kanjis embraces Kahless and steps back. Lady Lukara curtsies to Lady Kanjis. Lady Lukara: 'My lady.' Lady Kanjis: 'Welcome to the house of , my daughter.' Kahless: 'jIH dok' Lady Lukara: 'maj dok' Using Ma'Stakas crowd then attacks the bride and groom. The wielding of Ma'Staka's at the conclusion of a Klingon wedding is a continued tradition in . Kahles would be heard to say. 'It's easier to defend oneself with two hands than with one.'

Unknown to Kahless, Molor's general had regrouped out side of the city of Qam-Chee. The army used the wedding as a diversion to attack Kahless. The city garrison seeing the massive army coming fled. Kahless and Lady Lukara fight off the army killing 500 warriors.

With Molor's final and complete defeat Kahless celebrates declaring a yearly observance, and calling it the Kot'baval Festival.

Kahless and Morath fight.... Kahless learns that Morath was the one to have told the generals of the wedding. Kahless confronts Morath, and Morath lies to cover up his deceit. Kahless says, 'Watch your back. Friends may become enemies in less time than it takes to draw a dagger.' Kahless was determined to teach his brother a lesson for having told a lie, but Morath refused to fight his brother, and instead ran away, stealing Kahless' fathers sword. Kahless pursued him across valleys and over mountains, all the way to the edge of the sea. And there on the shore, they fought for twelve days and twelve nights because Morath had broken his word and brought shame and dishonor to his family. Morath in shame and dishonor performs the first Hegh'bat ceremony. Kahless supplies the ritual knife, and grieves for this lost. Kahless holding his brothers eye open, sends a powerful howl to Sto-Vo-Kor as a warning for the dead to beware because a Klingon warrior is about to arrive

Kahless became a prophet. Tome of the Prophet

Kahless could not believe what his brother had done. Then Morath threw their father's sword into the sea, saying that if he could not possess it, neither would Kahless. Kahless was angered with Morath and that was the last time the brothers would speak.

Kahless looked into the ocean and wept, for the sword was all he had left of his father and the sea filled with his tears and flooded beyond the shore. The people begged Kahless to stop his weeping, and he did and walked into the water to find the lost sword. He searched and searched the murky ocean bottom, holding his breath for three days and three nights when he would eventually find his father's sword.

Kahless returned to the Great Hall. Here he begins to teach of Honor, of Duty and of Glory. With the help of Clerics, Kahless delves into meditation, when he finds himself in moral quandaries or inner turmoil. This begins the tradition that lengthy meditation and earnest faith will result in a vision of their spiritual guiding light. The desired result is a vision that would help one find solutions.

Kahless is also determined to help he warriors become the best. During one of these meditation sessions he had a vision of his father and brother who are on the Barge of the Dead. Kahless is determined to assist his father and brother, and embarks on one of his great trials.

With the assistances of his clerics Kahless travels to the Underworld in search of his father and brother. While in the underworld Kahless battles the Fek'lhri. Kahless defeats the Fek'lhri but spares one known as Fek'lhr. Fek'lhr shows Kahless the Mok'bara. This is an ancient form of fighting, used by the gods of old. Kahless leaves Fek'lhr to guard the Gates of Grethor. Kahless continues his search for his family., and boards the Barge of the Dead, and battles Kortar. Kortar is impressed with the honor of Kahless and allows Kahless to see his Father and brother. Kahless teaches them the forms of the Mok'bara, and his father and brother battle Kortar In battleing Kortar Morath steps infront of Kahless and is stabbed by Kortar. Kortar seeing this great honor stop fighting thes great warriors and takes Morath and Kahless' father to Sto-Vo-Kor as Honorable warriors. Kortar reminds Kahless to remember his body and return to the world of the living. Kortar gives his dagger to Kahless as a reminder. As foretold in the Eleventh Tome of Klavek, Kahless returned from the dead still bearing a wound from the afterlife.

Kahless brought back the Mok'bara and taught this fighting form to his warriors. Some would become Da'Har master of this form. While other would go forth and teach many others.

After returning from this Kahless out of honor and respect for his beloved carves a statue for his beloved Lukara, using the teachings of the Mok'bara and his Bat'leth.

Years pass as Kahless becomes the best emperor Qo'nos has ever know. Generous and honorable, he teaches all about Honor, Duty and Glory.

During a meditation session Kahless is given a vision of things that could have been had the bat'leth not been given to him. In this vision

Kahless was condemned to die by the tyrant Molor, who was angered that Kahless had incited the people against him. The night before his execution, Kahless asked that he be allowed to go out into the night and say farewell to the moon and the stars, for he knew that in the Netherworld, he would not see them again. Kahless gave his word that he would come back, and Molor let him go. Kahless had given his word and Molor understood what that meant. The next day at dawn, Kahless returned and was put to death.

The Story of the Promise When Kahless had seen that he had united the people and had given them the laws of honor, he saw that his work was done. So one night he gathered his belongings and went to the edge of the city to say good-bye. The people wept, they did not want him to go. And Kahless said, 'You are Klingons. You need no one but yourselves. I will go now, to Sto-Vo-Kor. But I promise one day I will return.' Then Kahless pointed to a star in the sky and said, 'Look for me there, on that point of light.'

The star the Kahless pointed to indicated that Kahless was to reappear in the lava caves on the planet of Boreth. The Followers of Kahless, or 'Guardians', waited there for his return. To Klingons, there was no more sacred place. For over 1,500 years, Klingons came to Boreth to ask questions. According to the Clerics, the only way a Klingon warrior could find the answers they sought was to: 'Open your heart to Kahless, ask him your questions, let him speak to you with your mind unclouded by doubt or hesitation. Only then can you find what you are looking for.' Kahless then passed from this world and began his command of the Black Fleet. The exact date of Kahless's death as 1547 years ago 'from 2369', or AD 822

The warriors of Kahless remember him with the following song. Qoy qeylls puqloD

Qoy puqbe'pu'. yoHbogh matlhbogh je Suvwl' Say'moHchu' may' lw' maSuv manong 'ej maHoHchu' nl'be' ylnmaj 'ach wovqu'. batlh maHeghbehj 'ej yo' qljDaq vavpu'ma' Dlmuv pa'reH maSuvataHqu' Hear! Sons of Kahless Hear! Daughters too. The blood of battle washes clean. The Warrior brave and true. We fight, we love, and then we kill. Our lives burn short and bright. Then we die with honor and join our fathers in the Black Fleet where we battle forever, battling on through the Eternal fight.

Following Kahless' ascension, Lukara continued to spread his word and keep his message alive. To that end, she founded The Order of the Bat'leth, a collection of warriors charged with upholding the ideals of honor among Klingon society.