Message from Revd Liz Hassall

What are we doing to keep you safe?

Everywhere you go now, there seem to be signs telling you what the owners or managers of shops or public areas are doing to keep you safe. Our buildings are a heritage for the community as well as a place for Christians to express themselves in worship. We love to be able to throw open the doors of our church buildings and offer a welcome to anyone passing. We are limited in how often we can do that at the moment, but please do come and spend time in the buildings when they are open.

We are following the guidelines in order to make these sacred spaces a little safer. We offer hand sanitiser, we strongly encourage social distancing, and we allow time between opening periods for either thorough cleaning of surfaces or a 72 hour quarantine of the building. We ask everyone who can to wear masks and we request details of worshippers for the Test and Trace system. On top of all this, regular review of risk assessments helps us to anticipate problems and find solutions. I hope these measures make you feel physically safe and able to join us.

There is more to safety, though, than this. As a Christian leader, my concern is also for the spiritual safety of our community. Rather than just focussing on avoiding the danger of illness, I also pray for the health of our souls. To be a Christian is to look ahead to the promise of eternal life, knowing that how we think and act now has an impact far beyond our earthly lives. Knowing that people are under particular stress at the moment, we are praying for all of you in our parishes. If you have a specific prayer request, for you or someone else, get in touch in confidence.

Harvest Festivals – with a difference

Harvest is such an important time of year for our farmers and we usually make the most of gathering and celebrating harvest festival in our churches and with copious quantities of feasting. This year, as feasting and even the communal singing of We Plough the Fields isn’t possible, our harvest festival will be celebrated in our online service on October 11th. Please see page 8 in the magazine for further details of how we are marking this and our intention of recognising the work that the whole farming community have done as keyworkers this year.

2 New team members

I am delighted to welcome two new people to our church leadership team. The first person is changing role, rather than joining us for the first time. Liz Crawshaw has been a member of our congregations for many years but has now begun training to be a Reader (previously known as a lay-reader) so will be doing more up-front in our services.

Our second new addition is a completely new post to work with our children and youth. We share this post with three other groups of churches over towards Helmsley and we are very grateful for the private funding which makes this post possible. Lucy has written a short piece to introduce herself (which you will find on page 5) and I hope many of you will meet her in the coming months.

I am delighted to welcome Liz and Lucy to their new roles.


See next month for details of our Remembrance services. They will take place outside, so be prepared to wrap up warm!

Financial Support of our churches

Thank you to all of you who have continued to give to the work of the Church during lockdown. We have, however, lost a huge proportion of our income this year due to cancelled events and services.

If you are able to support the Church financially in any way, please contact your church treasurer (or ask Revd Liz to put you in touch with them).

Annual Church Meetings

Our annual meetings have been postponed from the spring this year. Current plans are as follows: – 2pm on Monday 2nd November Coxwold – after the service on 18th October Crayke – Monday 19th October on Zoom Brandsby – TBC

3 Current state of church buildings access Current opening periods are as follows:

Brandsby - closed except for scheduled worship. Please contact wardens for access. - TBC Coxwold - open daily Crayke - Sunday 1pm - 4pm; Thursday 9am to 1pm Husthwaite - Sunday 9am - 1pm; Wednesday 2pm to 6pm Wass - currently closed - opening soon – contact John Foster for details

Most of our church communities do not have the capacity to clean the church daily so the alternative is to have a window of 72 hours between opening periods. Please be patient as we work within government rules and church guidelines. Opening times will be posted on noticeboards outside churches, on and on A Church Near You. Please contact your churchwarden (contact details on page 15).

Local charities offering financial help If you live in the parish of Crayke or Coxwold (including Wass, and Thornton Hill), there are local charities which have funds available to help those in need. Crayke Parochial Charities and the Fauconberg Trust each receive the rental income from certain fields that have been left in trust. The income can be used for any resident of those parishes. Please contact Revd Liz Hassall on 01347 822809 or 07388 510894

Any events which may be listed in the October edition of the Village Link are only provisional, as the Coronavirus situation changes on a daily basis. You are advised to seek up to date advice before you try to attend any event. Important message to all contributors: The deadline for articles for November’s Village Link is the 15th October Please send them to [email protected] Thank You. To advertise in the Village Link email: [email protected]

4 Youth and Children’s Worker

My name is Lucy Willshaw and I have just started working as Youth and Children’s Worker for Helmsley Parish, Kirkdale and Ampleforth Benefices and the Byland Group of Churches. It was lovely to be part of the open air service at Coxwold on Sunday as I was commissioned in the post, and I thought I would take this opportunity to introduce myself to those of you who couldn’t be there.

I have lived in Helmsley, with my husband Mark, for over 19 years. We have always been actively involved with All Saints’ Parish Church in various ways, most notably Mark having served 13 years as church warden, and me being licensed as a Reader in 2011. We have two children aged 13 and 8 who go to Ryedale Secondary and Helmsley Primary Schools. I was a primary school teacher for 15 years and, more recently, have worked for a small, Christian, educational project called ‘Lift the Lid’ in Malton. All of this, I feel, gives me relevant experience to tackle this new role with confidence.

I recognise that it is not going to be easy beginning this job as we face restrictions on our interaction with others. However, we have seen how imaginative and creative approaches to church and other activities have been embraced over lockdown, so anything is possible! I am really excited at the opportunities (and challenges!) ahead and look forward to working alongside you in furthering ministry with young people and families in the Byland Group of Churches.

Please feel free to get in touch on [email protected]


This year, many people have become aware – some for the first time – of the vital role UK farms play in feeding our nation, while the food shortages we experienced in the early days of the COVID-19 lockdown reminded us how fragile the supply chain can be. Unable to go out, many people have been cooking and baking more than in the past, and some are growing fruit and vegetables at home for the first time. All of this has resulted in a more conscious appreciation of the food we eat and where it has come from. As churches and communities across the UK prepare to celebrate harvest festivals, let’s embrace this opportunity to thank the farmers across the UK who grow our food for us. This has been a difficult year for many in the farming community which is negotiating a ‘triple threat’ of challenges. The weather is, once again, proving to be problematic for many farmers; autumn and winter flooding meant some crops sown in the autumn were washed away, and the planting of spring crops was delayed. This was followed by a very dry spring which is having lasting effects: crops have been slower to grow, and some farmers are already having to feed their animals as there is insufficient grazing available. The shape of new agricultural policy and trade deals is beginning to emerge as Britain renegotiates many of its international relationships following its exit from the European Union, but there will be a significant lack of clarity around the details of this for some time to come. The COVID-19 pandemic has created significant challenges for the farming community. As we know, the process of harvesting many of our crops is hugely reliant on migrant labour, with people coming to the UK for a season, living and working on local farms before returning home. Much of this travel has been curtailed by restrictions in response to COVID-19. Other farms

6 have sought to increase their income by diversifying into farm shops, holiday lets and other activities; again, COVID-19 restrictions have made much of this activity impossible over the last few months.

Loving God, we give thanks for those who produce our food: for farmers and fishermen, factory and shop workers. We pray for those for whom this has been a difficult year: farmers who have battled the weather to grow food, delivery drivers and shop workers who kept working despite the pandemic. Help us to value and support each other. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Acknowledgements: text, images and Liturgy from the Arthur Rank Centre

( 7

Benefice Harvest Festival Our Harvest Festival this year will take place online, lead by Revd Liz Hassall. If you would like to take part in our thanksgiving please join us on Sunday 11th October by following the link on the website. The service will be available to access for the whole of the following week if you are not able to listen on the Sunday. Our gifts this year will be for Carecent and the food bank. Carecent is a breakfast centre for all homeless, unemployed or otherwise socially excluded members of our community. This year they are asking for monetary donations; by cheque made payable to Carecent and posted to Carecent, Central Methodist Church, St Saviourgate, , YO1 8NQ or by bank transfer- please call them on 01904 624244. Donations of foodstuffs can be made at the collection point for the food bank at the main CO-OP in Easingwold or to the collection box in the porch at St Nicholas Church Husthwaite. If you have any queries then please call me on 01347 868587 or email [email protected]

Liz Crawshaw

Find us online at or phone Revd Liz on 01347 822809 or 07388 510984 for prayer and pastoral support.

8 Husthwaite Methodist Chapel

Minister: The Reverend Elizabeth Cushion: 01347 821460

A prayer from The Methodist Prayer Handbook by Cat Jenkins

Lord, open the eyes of those in power to the plight and needs of those whose lives they affect.

Help them to remember that they are accountable not just to those who lobby, or vote, or donate, and not only to those who look and speak like them, but to the voiceless, the impoverished and the disenfranchised.

Help them, and us, to keep in mind your call to love the “ other”, not just those made in our own image, but all who are made in yours. Amen.

Photo by Matt Collamer on Unsplash

9 News from Coxwold

Harvest Festival

There will be no Harvest Thanks Giving this year or lunch, however, if you wish to donate tins of fruit, soups, veg etc there will be a box at the back of the Church from the 10th to the 17th October. These will then be donated to the Easingwold Food Bank. Thank you.

Jean Richardson

The Fauconberg Inn Coxwold Tel 01347 868214. Their recently opened shop is stocked with grocery, fresh fruit, vegetables and household goods. It is also offering a new take-away meal service with orders and payment taken by phone, and optional free delivery. Ask at the pub to see the shop which is by their rear car park.

Coxwold Village Market

It is with great sadness that we announce the cancellation of all remaining 2020 Coxwold Village Market dates due to Covid-19. We hope to see you all when the circumstances change. Thank you for all your support. You can also find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

10 News from Coxwold Village Hall

After a successful Covid-secure re-opening in September, we look forward to welcoming friends and neighbours again for the following (socially dis- tanced) events in October: Art Group: Mondays 1.30-3.30pm

Craft Group: every Wednesday 1.30-3.30pm For Art sessions and Craft sessions, we would encourage attendees to wear a mask when in the hall. Anandini Yoga: every Thursday 6-7pm – booking essential, contact Verity on 07821 588117 or at [email protected]

Coffee Morning: 1st Wednesday of the month, 10.30-11.30am – Wednesday 7th October

Coxwold Craft Group will meet in Coxwold Village Hall on Wednesdays between 1:30 and 3:30 until Wednesday December 9th.

Bring along your own craft projects and learn from each other. In our past sessions we have had an impressive variety of crafts including spinning, weaving, patchwork, crossstitch, crocheting, felted birds, making draught excluders, rag rugs, cushions, bunting and advent calendars.

With the Covid restrictions we will not be providing refreshments so please bring your own if you would like to. £2 per session.

Please contact Anne [email protected] if you have any questions. Look forward to seeing you!

Anandini Yoga available Online and every Thursday evening 6-7pm Coxwold Village Hall. Limited availability Booking essential!

Please contact Verity 07821588117 Photo by NEOSiAM 2020 from Pexels

11 In the Midst of the Garden – XII

I wandered into the garden one misty October evening. The grass was covered with a light dew – and with 82 large slugs. Yes, I counted them. I got rid of them, but I assure you, dear neighbours three, that I didn’t throw them into your gardens (probably useless if I had, because I suspect that slugs are much like most living creatures which always make for home).

In the old days we all flung down the poison metaldehyde and pretended to ourselves that we weren’t doing much damage to birds and animals which mistook the crumbs for food. But we are, quite rightly, not allowed to do that anymore. So we bury pots half filled with beer, spill ashes or other rough surfaces around our most precious flowers or, if protecting our potted plants, ring the top of the pots with a copper lining (which I have recently been reliably informed is pretty useless). Spotting slugs in the late evening when they come out to feed can be quite useful too.

Many years ago somebody told me about nematodes. Apparently – I’m no scientist – there are thousands of tiny living things, invisible to our eyes, which go to make up a handful of soil (or indeed any living bodies, like our own for instance). One particular nematode feeds on slugs and snails. So, I thought a little sceptically, I’ll try it out. I planted some lettuces in two rows about a couple of yards apart. One row I left to itself and the other I fed with the special anti-slug nematode. Within 3 weeks the untreated row had been thoroughly eaten and the other was untouched.

Now these nematodes are for sale but they are not cheap and need to be reserved for areas you are particularly protective of. You won’t usually find them in your local Garden Centre because they too rapidly die off. I get them on-line in a flat plastic container, looking like a sort of porage oats, from a company called Green Gardener. Provided your soil is wet when you water in the nematodes they are pretty effective.

Hugh Buckingham

Photo by Wolfgang Hasselmann on Unsplash

12 Honey, honey!

If your grannie gave you honey when you had a cold, she was right.

Research published in The British Medical Journal has found that hon- ey is especially good for treating up- per respiratory tract infections (URTIs) such as the common cold.

Honey has anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. These do better at soothing your cough and sniffles than any of the over-the-counter remedies. In fact, URTI sufferers who were given honey suffered their symptoms for up to two days LESS than those who did not use honey.

All good news, especially as honey is cheap, readily available, and has virtually no side effects.

Why singing in church is the same as shouting at the pub

How dangerous is it to sing in church, when it comes to spreading coronavirus? About the same as it is to speak loudly in a pub.

So say researchers at the University of Bristol. They have found that speaking loudly and singing generate about the same Photo by Jason Rosewell on Unsplash amounts of aerosol droplet – tiny particles of liquid – which are thought to carry Covid-19

Of course, the louder you sing or speak, the more the aerosol droplets.

Articles reproduced by kind permission of Parish Pump

13 Church of Services for October 2020

All services are provisional and subject to the government allowing places of worship to remain open. Find us online at Due to social distancing requirements, PLEASE BOOK if you are planning to attend by phoning the relevant churchwarden. Thank you.

Sunday 4th October: Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity Isaiah 5:1-7, Ps 80:9-17, Philippians 3:4b-14, Matthew 21:33-46 9.00am Carlton H. Holy Communion 10.30am Brandsby Holy Communion Sunday 11th October: Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity Isaiah 25:1-9, Ps 23, Philippians 4:1-9, Matthew 22:1-14 10.30am Husthwaite Holy Communion Sunday 18th October: Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity Isaiah 45:1-7, Ps 96:1-9[10-13], 1 Thess 1:1-10, Matt 22:15-22 10.30am Coxwold Holy Communion followed by APCM 10.30am Wass Holy Communion 4.00pm Crayke Holy Communion Sunday 25th October: Bible Sunday Nehemiah 8:1-4a[5-6] 8-12, Ps 119:9-16, Col 3:12-17, Matt 24:30-35 10.30am Yearsley Holy Communion Sunday 1st November: All Saints’ Day Revelation 7:9-17, Ps 34:1-10, 1 John 3:1-3, Matthew 5:1-12 9.00am Carlton H. Holy Communion 10.30am Brandsby Holy Communion

14 Face coverings/masks are now a Legal Requirement unless you have a valid exemption. You will need to bring your own face covering to church and put it on before entering. Visors do not count as face coverings, though they may be used in addition to a face covering, or by someone who is exempt from wearing a face covering. Valid exemptions include • Children under the age of 11 • Inability to put on, wear or remove a face covering because of physical or mental difficulty, or would cause severe distress • Being with someone who relies on lip-reading to communicate The recommendation for social distancing of 2 metres remains.

Visitors and new members are very welcome at any of our services. Do please introduce yourself if you are new. Church Contacts Rector: Revd. Liz Hassall 01347 822809 The Rectory, Church Hill, [email protected] Crayke YO61 4TA (Liz’s day off is usually Thursday) Assistant Curate: Revd. Stephen Pope 07816 168735 [email protected] Administrator: Carol Colbourne [email protected] List of Churchwardens Brandsby Alison Buckingham 01347 888202 Karen Rasmussen 01347 889089 07787 588985 Carlton Husthwaite John Butler 01845 501204 Coxwold Chris Stratton 01347 868854 Crayke Fiona Warriner 01347 823131 Husthwaite Roy Collard 01347 868195 Wass Margaret Naylor 01347 868577 Ros Williams 01347 868150 Yearsley John Foster 01347 889961 All enquires regarding Baptisms, Weddings or Funerals in the first instance please contact Revd Liz (details above). 15 Crayke Family Service Sadly it is going to be a while until we can get back to holding this service in church as we were “before”. Social distancing (and no coffee and cake!) just isn’t compatible with what we were doing! The team has missed everyone and we are giving some of the lay-led online services an all- age feel with faces you will recognise from the Family Service – the next one will be the last Sunday in October (25th) so look out for it. Of course it will remain on the website so you can look at it anytime after that date – to suit you. The previous one was the July 26th service and it still there if you missed it! Keep an eye on the website, on the Facebook page @craykechurchstcuthbert and in The Village Link for information and updates on what we are doing. And look at the exciting news from Revd Liz about Lucy, our new Youth & Children’s Worker, elsewhere in this issue.

Church is definitely different but it is still happening and we are praying for the time when we can worship all together again.

Crayke Family Service Team

Crayke Church is on Follow our Facebook page to find out all the news for the church as it happens. Search for: @craykechurchstcuthbert

Psalm 95:2 Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving

16 Flower Rota for St Cuthbert's Church, Crayke October 2020

At the moment I am only aware that the church will be open on Sunday afternoon and Thursday mornings and of course for services.

Thank you for continuing with the one or two arrangements, it does make the Church look alive and loved for those who choose to worship individually.

Sian 3rd and 10th October

Sheila 17th and 24th October

Any problems please call Ann Chappell 823711

News from Crayke

Coffee Mornings in Crayke How lucky we were to have the sun shining on, what has turned out to be, our last coffee morning for 2020!

Many thanks to Colin & Sian for a most enjoyable morning, complete with lovely Welsh Cakes. we made £55 with two generous donations - many thanks to everybody. Sadly it is unlikely that we shall be meeting again until the Spring as the days are getting colder. Keep well! Shirley.

Fifty years ago today September 11th 1970 the Haslam family moved into Crayke. The people of Crayke were all so helpful and friendly we have loved being here ever since! Nothing has changed - they are still lovely and friendly - but a great deal of other things have changed in 50 years.

We still love being here and long may villages like ours keep all the important things in life - caring, supporting and loving. Thank you for being such a beautiful place!

17 News from Crayke Parish Council Change of Defibrillator Access Following a recent incident where the defibrillator access codes were not given to those responding to an emergency casualty, we have decided to put the access codes on the cabinets whilst we discuss this failure with the Ambulance service.

The two Crayke defibrillators are at The Durham Ox and the Sports Club / Village Hall, both in yellow cabinets. Insert the code in the key pad and the door can be opened.

Call 999, request an emergency ambulance stating that the casualty is unresponsive. Inform the operator which defibrillator you are collecting. Meanwhile start chest compressions and basic life support. After switching on, attach the defibrillator pads as soon as possible and the machine will analyse the heart rhythm and give verbal instructions. They are safe to use, and they SAVE LIVES if deployed quickly.

If you have any questions contact the Defibrillator Team: Jane Porter 01347-824250, Maggie Warriner 01347 821272, Nicola Zywica 01347 823356, Jane Wheatley 01347 821157, Janet Pepper 01347- 823601

Footpaths and rights of way in Crayke Crayke is fortunately blessed with a network of footpaths through our splendid countryside. Our walks and paths have been well-used during this year’s pandemic. They are a valuable part of our health and wellbeing.

The vast majority of walkers know and respect the Countryside Code, but on occasion there have been problems, such as gates being left open, a serious risk to livestock. Some walkers do not stay on rights of way, and some allow dogs to wander out of their effective control.

The Parish Council continues to work with our local farmers and landowners to help preserve these important routes for all to enjoy, but we need everyone’s help in sticking to the rules and spreading the word to others. A new document has been posted on the Crayke Parish Council website to provide everyone with information on Crayke footpaths, the law on rights of way, and including those paths available to use by voluntary permission of the land owner. Please visit footpaths/

Please remember especially: - Stay on public or permissive paths and rights of way 18 - Leave all gates as you found them - Keep dogs under effective control, and clean up dog poo Thank you

Crayke Parish Council will continue to meet by Zoom video call at least until 2021. All of our minutes, agendas and finance documents are available to read online. For information, requests or concerns on Parish Council matters, please contact any Parish Council member or visit our website

Chairman: Colin Merritt ([email protected]) or 07769 355222

Vice-Chair: Lesley Hartley ([email protected])

Clerk: Stephen Sangster ([email protected]) or 07849 250043

Crayke Churchyard Tidy Up

Calling all volunteers. We are proposing to invite our usual team of volunteers, so please join us to clip the hedges around the churchyard perimeter on

Saturday 3rd October from 10am We hope that this can go ahead under current regulations, but please tell Jane if you are intending to come so we can let you know up to date instructions. Please also bring your own refreshments as we are sorry that we are unable to offer these, this time.

Please bring your shears, hedge trimmers, loppers, secateurs, rakes, protective gloves and any other equipment that you have. A volunteer to take away the spoils for burning would be greatly appreciated. The more the merrier and the quicker we can finish the job! Any questions to Jane Sidders 01347 822735

19 Crayke Sports Club and Village Hall Update

Sadly the current situation is still not suitable for public social events to be run at the Hall and frankly it doesn't look too promising for the rest of the year!

We have been able to recommence VX on Monday evenings for juniors and if anyone is interested in trying this fast growing sport, with international quality coaching please ring Paul Hildreth on 07790 351534.

Senior football training has commenced and anyone thinking of joining please email Pat Gibbs [email protected] or Liam on 07368 397407.

The Tennis courts continue to be used by members of the Tennis Section (new members welcome. Contact Liz Pocklington 01347 823270)

Playground The children’s play area can be used again in line with the government Covid guidelines.

Progress on returning the playground to a grassed area continues slowly and hopefully by next spring this will be complete. Please helps keep this area tidy by putting any rubbish in the appropriate bins near the Hall. The sports field continues to look a picture thanks to the efforts of Andy Gilleard!

Use of the field for exercise, walking and running is permitted so long as social distancing recommendations are observed.

Please remember that dogs are are not allowed on the grounds and that all of the above will be subject to charges in the Govt, Covid rules.

John Chappell 01347823711 Chairman, Sports Club and Village Hall Committee

New date for Crayke Open Gardens We felt it was a good idea to set a very provisional date for the Open Gardens in Crayke for 2021. The weekend will be the 10th and 11th of April which is the weekend after Easter. Obviously whether we go ahead will depend on Covid restrictions but it would be nice to think that by then we might be able to have a fun weekend in some form or another!

Pop the date in your diary and watch this space for more information early next year. Fiona Warriner 20 21 Local Contacts Parish Councils

Brandsby Chairman Mr R Machin 01347 888295 Clerk Mrs S Ward 01347 888651 email: [email protected] Byland with Wass & (Ryedale District) Clerk Mrs Jenny Clarke 01347 868534 email: [email protected] Carlton Husthwaite (Representative) Mr K L Harrison email: [email protected] Coxwold Clerk Mrs C Wyn-Jones 01347 868558 Crayke Chairman Mr C Merritt 01347 823983 email: [email protected] Clerk Mr S Sangster 07518 516100 email: [email protected] Husthwaite Clerk Mrs J Coulthard email: [email protected] Yearsley (Representative) Mrs M Liddle 01347 888678

22 Village Halls Brandsby Bookings Mrs Christine Waite 01347 889353 Toddlers Mrs Christine Waite (as above)

Carlton Husthwaite Bookings Erica Cornish 01845 501316 or Sarah Lees 01845 501811

Coxwold Bookings Roy McGhie 01347 868837 email [email protected]

Crayke (Sports Club & Village Hall) Chairman John Chappell 01347 823711 Bookings Allyson Rae 01347 824845 Toddlers Becky Ritchie 01347 811717 or 07866 635190 Sports Club Treasurer Alison Levin 01347 823809 Tennis Club Chairman Mr D Redfern 01347 821610 Tennis Club Treasurer Mrs L Pocklington 01347 824163 Match Secretary Mrs C Redfern 01347 821610

Husthwaite Bookings Sheila Mowatt 01347 868196 or 07836 721775 email: [email protected]

Oulston Bookings email (preferred) [email protected] or phone Angela Pontefract 01347 868617.

Wass Currently we are shut due to Covid 19 email : [email protected] tel: 01347 868150 or 07710 835457

Womens’ Institute Brandsby Secretary Mrs Jane Pearce 01347 888607

Byland with Wass Secretary Nancy Walker 01347 868774 Doctors Surgeries Ampleforth Surgery 01439 788215 Back Lane, Ampleforth, York YO62 4EF Millfield Surgery 01347 821557 Millfield Lane, Easingwold, York YO61 3JR Stillington Surgery 01347 810332 North Back Lane Stillington York YO61 1LL