CMTEDD Annual Report

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CMTEDD Annual Report Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate Development and Economic Treasury Minister, Chief ANNUAL REPORT 2014–15 VOLUME 4 4 VOLUME 2014–15 REPORT ANNUAL ANNUAL REPORT WHOLE OF GOVERNMENT REPORTING: COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT AND SUPPORT AND ENGAGEMENT COMMUNITY REPORTING: GOVERNMENT OF WHOLE 2014–15 VOLUME 4 WHOLE OF GOVERNMENT REPORTING: COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT AND SUPPORT ISBN: 978 0 642 60645 7 © Australian Capital Territory, Canberra 2015 This publication is subject to copyright. Except as permitted under the Copyright Act 2003, no part of it may in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, microcopying, photocopying, recording or otherwise) be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted without prior written permission. Enquiries should be addressed to the Territory Records Office, ACT Government, GPO Box 158 Canberra City ACT 2601. First published October 2015 Accessibility The ACT Government is committed to making its information, services, events and venues accessible to as many people as possible. If you have difficulty reading a standard printed document and would like to receive this publication in an alternative format – such as large print and audio – please call the Canberra Blind Society on (02) 6247 4580. If English is not your first language and you require the translating and interpreting service, please call the Telephone Interpreter Service on 131 450. If you are deaf or hearing impaired and require assistance, please call the National Relay Service on 133 677. This report is also available online at For further information please contact: Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate Phone: +61 (02) 6205 0358 Website: Designed and typeset by: ACTPS Shared Services GPO Box 158 Canberra City ACT 2601 Publication No 15/0959 Printed on recycled paper Contents Introduction 1 Grants / assistance / sponsorship programs 65 Significant community engagement activities 3 Capital Metro Agency 65 Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Capital Metro Agency 3 Development Directorate 66 Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Community Services Directorate 101 Development Directorate 6 Education and Training Directorate 133 Land Development Agency 12 Health Directorate 140 Cultural Facilities Corporation 15 Environment and Planning Directorate 161 Gambling and Racing Commission 17 Justice and Community Services Directorate 167 Community Services Directorate 18 Territory and Municipal Services Directorate 169 Education and Training Directorate 29 Environment and Planning Directorate 40 Health Directorate 46 Justice and Community Services Directorate 55 Territory and Municipal Services Directorate 60 ON Introduction I This volume is dedicated to the centralised reporting of the ACT Government’s significant community INTRODUCT engagement and community support activities. Drawing this information together is a demonstration of the ACT Government’s ‘one government’ focus and its community-centred approach to developing programs and policies by actively engaging with the broader community. It provides information on the activities of directorates and agencies in supporting the community or community organisations through grants and financial assistance. The Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate collated the information within this volume for whole of government reporting purposes. All information has been provided by directorates and their associated public authorities. The information remains the responsibility of the agency’s Director-General and has been approved by the relevant delegate. Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate Annual Report 2014-15 Volume 4 1 2 Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate Annual Report 2014-15 Volume 4 S E I T I V I EMENT ACT G Significant community engagement activities A G TY EN TY During 2014-15 the ACT Government undertook a range of significant community engagement activities on I projects detailed below by directorate. CANT COMMUN Capital Metro Agency I F I N IG Project Summary S Early design The consultation enabled the community to provide feedback on all aspects of the project, consultation in particular the early designs and proposed operations. The community was encouraged to consider key elements of the design through the Capital Metro Agency website and an online survey. Community and stakeholder comments were actively encouraged through a range of communication channels including: print advertisements; Capital Metro Agency website and social media campaign (including posting 38 videos); ACT Government Community Noticeboard/information portal; direct mail to 17,000 residences and businesses along the corridor; information at libraries; emails to stakeholders; promotion through the Time to Talk website; email to Access Canberra registered residents and Access Canberra on-hold messages. The community participated in face-to-face discussions including at drop-in information sessions at shopping centres across Canberra, through a design charette with key stakeholders and via presentations to community councils and groups. A pop-up information centre was established at the city bus interchange, and was open during business hours for the duration of the consultation. A program of more than 20 in-depth meetings was held with stakeholders across Canberra and organisations along the Stage one route. A stakeholder Deliberative Forum was also held during the consultation period to provide a more detailed discussion around the early stage designs for the project. Over 16,500 interactions occurred with the local community during the six week consultation period. Overall, people were interested in learning more about the project including how much it is likely to cost, the cost and benefit analysis, how the government planned to fund it and the project timelines. Feedback was received on the urban design aspects of the corridor, the strategic approach to the project, the passenger experience and what will be built and how it will work. Community feedback received included that the light rail service should be safe, easily accessible and interact effectively with other modes of transport. There was a keen interest in what the timetable and route/stops would be, and strong support for travelling with bicycles and the replanting of native Australian trees on Northbourne Avenue. The extension of Stage One to Russell also received strong support, and was seen as a sensible option considering the increase in patronage it would generate and the plans to upgrade Constitution Avenue. The community also provided useful feedback on the options presented for stops along the route. Consultation feedback was used to refine the final project design and functionality considerations, including the light rail stops. The feedback will also inform other areas of government activity including the Northbourne Corridor redevelopment and the Light Rail Master Plan. The early design consultation report is available on Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate Annual Report 2014-15 Volume 4 3 Project Summary Light Rail Urban This follow-up consultation was undertaken to provide the community with the opportunity Design Guidelines to comment on more detailed design elements of the light rail and surrounding areas before consultation the commencement of the tender process. The consultation demonstrated how Capital Metro responded to earlier comments and ensured that the design elements met the expectations of the community. Feedback was sought on the overall design vision for the light rail corridor, landscaping, stop design and walking and cycling options. The consultation was jointly facilitated with the Environment and Planning Directorate, specifically the walking/cycling element and verge landscaping, as part of the City and Northbourne Avenue Urban Design Framework project. Tools used to engage with the community included face-to-face activities with ‘checkpoint stations’ at locations across the city, including shopping centres and major events, reaching extensive and diverse audiences. Events included the Multicultural Festival, University of Canberra O Week Market Day, Australia Day in the Park and a Brumbies game. More than 1,300 people visited the consultation ‘checkpoint stations’ with many recording comments and feedback. Other channels used were interactive online web pages including online forums and quick polls, stakeholder partnerships/advocacy, social media activity including YouTube, facilitated stakeholder workshops with key active transport stakeholders, fact sheets, and radio and print advertising. There was also a letterbox drop to 17,000 homes and businesses along the light rail corridor and an email to more than 20,800 Access Canberra residents registered to receive government information. More than 13,200 interactions with the local community occurred during the three week consultation period. The interactive ‘have your say’ web pages were very successful, with over 5,000 people choosing to use this channel for interacting with the project. The majority of people were seeking general information on the project such as the extension of the network to other areas, opportunities for local industry involvement, and details of operation such as integration with the bus network, accessibility, park and ride facilities and locating services close to public transport links. People were also interested
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