Corps Sweetheart Highlights Weekend

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Corps Sweetheart Highlights Weekend Number 7 r;-.; MISS KATHY KEEFE MISS DIANE HARRY MISS JUDY NELSON MISS BEVERLY STANARD MISS BERNADETTE LOUGHLIiV "A" Company "B" Company "C" Company "D" Company "E" Company Corps Sweetheart Highlights Weekend The annual Homecoming week- and Mrs. Harrison will be among Mary Washington College in Fred- end will be combined this year more than 200 state offiicals and ericksburg and will be escorted by with General Assembly Day to legislators who will be on hand for Warren Channel. touui a dual General Assembly Saturday's activates.' • • Judy Nelson representing C Co Day-Homecoming program with a Plans for Saturday include an pany, is a student at Marymount host of colorful events planned for honors review, a buffet luncheon College and will be escorted by MISS GAYLE ATWOOD MISS CATHY CASSIDY both cadets and returning alumni. Rick Siegel. for the Superintendent's guests, Band Company "F" Company Governor Albertis S. Harrison, Jr. and the homecoming football game (Continued on page 7) Highlighting the weekend will be an informal dance from 9-12 p.m. Panel Discussion On Self Study presented by the Hop Committee Canon Green's Lectures leaturing Jay and the Americans and the Soul Brothers. To Be Headed By Col. Heflin The activities will get underway Well Received By Cadets Friday night (tonight) with a intormative and well received by At 11:00 Saturday a panel dis- to improve and facilitate all opera- giant cheer rally in front of J. M. Certainly the most dynamic the members of the Corps a com- cussion on self study will be con- tions at the Institute. Some recom- Hall. At the cheer rally the girl speaker and personality to lecture bination rarely found at the Insti- ducted in the lecture room in Mal- mendations, such as a broadening selected as Homecoming Queen, to the Corps of Cadets this year, tute lately. lory Hall. All alumni, parents, and ol the choice of electives for all VMI's first in many years, will and possibly for many years in the cadets are invited to attend. cadets, are in effect, while others, be announced. The girl chosen will past, has come to VMI this week Tuesday's lecture dealt gener- from Great Britain in the form of ally with the problems which t.he Panel Members including a more uniform course be one of seven girls chosen by Canon Bryan Green, Canon of the modern member of the younger The panel, moderated by Col. foi all fourth classmen, are cur- each company to represent them Church of England. generation is forced to face due to Heflin, will discuss briefly the self rently being researched. on the Queen's Court. During the Lectures On Morals the "confusion" which surrounds study conducted recently at VMI. The panel discussion Saturday, past week, pictures of each girl Speaking on a general topic of today's moral standards. In this ; Col. Heflin will speak on the pur- although of necessity highly con- have been on display in the P.X. interst, quite naturally, to the mem- segment of his three day talk, Can- [pose of Self Study. Other topics den.sed, will attempt to provide an The whole Corps was given the op- bers ot the corps ("Religion and on Green showed that the tradi- [and speakers are Educational Pro- evaluation of the current state of portunity to vote for their choice Morals in the 20th Century"), Can tional view of the "elderly" clergy- gram (Col Brooke), Student Per- VMI for alumni in particular. by marking the number corres- on Green's lectures have been both (Continued on page 8) sonnel (Col. Lipscomb), Physical ponding to the girl's picture beside ^lant and Future Development their name on the corps roster. i(Coi. McDonough), and Library First Period The seven girls vying for the |(Col. Barrett). crcwn, in the order presented in Educational organizations throu- the PX. are: ghout the United States are re- Dearies List Bernadette Loughlin, Beverly :juired to conduct self studies, or Stanard, Cathy Cassidy, Diane Har- B.xtensive examinations of all their Announced ry, Kathy Keefe, Gayle Atwood. aperations, once every ten years. and Judy Nelson. /MI, under the auspices of the The Dean's Honor List for the Bernadette Loughlin, chosen by Southern Association of Collegc>.s first grading period of the cur F Company as its representative, and Schools, was scheduled to con- rent semester consists cf the fol- is a secretary from Kew Gardens, iuct its self study from 1963 to lowing ncvmed cadets: New York. She will be escorted J 965. FIRST CLASS by Ed Boggiano. VMI Self Study I. H. Ackroyd Kelly Beverly Stanard, representing In accordance with this schedule, A. L. Badgett D Company, is a student at Peace self study commission was form- L. E. Boese College, Kaleigh, N. C. and will be fed to include of the faculty \V. W. Channel escorted by Dick Stanard. lad stun at VMI. Headed by a J. S., 111 Cathy Cassidy, representing F Iteering conunittee with Col, Hef Martin D. Delaney, III Company, is a secretary from Bn as chairman, the commission W. D. Deimott Uashington, D. C. Her escort is fas composed of ten post-wide E. K. Fanner Phil Lien. Dmnuttees in addition to depart- E. U. Guida Diane Harry, chosen to represent fiental committees. Each commit- H. E. Harring'ton, Jr. B Company, is a student at Had pc submitted a report to the Edi- R. P. Kearnej- tord College, Uadfo'-d, Virginia, urial Committee, which compiled J. M. Kvhout and will be escorted by Rick Par general report. T. F. Lemons, Jr. ker. W. A. Marshall Kathy Keefe, representing A Recumniendatiuns E. N. Miller Company Is a student at Webster The general report, forwarded J. R. Merone College in St. Loius, and will be the Steering Committee where a -JV. X. Parsotii escorted by John Hess. C.\NO.\ GREEN s|H'ats with one of the many interested cadets who [iial form was drafted, contained S. 11. KeaaLi Gaylt' Alwood. Hand Company's turned out in large uuinbt-r!* tu hear his talks gi\ou in J. .M. lUU >any roconunendations desi^^tied (Continued on pa?e 7) leprescutaiivc, is u student at this past week. Rangers Finish Combat Course, Receive Certificates to preparation for the daylight The VMI Rangers, under the lecon patrol at Goshen Pass. All leadership of Maj. (Hammond and thought that the patrol was very Cadets Visarn Chanartna, complet- good and valuable knowledge was ed their extensive one and one- gained. The following week saw half month course Monday. Each the Rangers train for and take cadet received a certificate of the P. T. Test which required a completion from General Shell. score of 300 for passing in com- The Counter Insurgency Training, parison with the 250 set by VMI which started in September, end for the other cadets. ed Sunday upon the return of the Ambush Patrol cadets from an overnight patrol. The course culminated with a Training night ambush patrol, again held in the rugged terrain of Goshen Pass. All sub-courses were designed to The jump-off time was 4:30 last increase the men's knowledge of Saturday, return was 2:00 a.m. on basic infantry and guerilla tactics Sunday. Even though it was very and methods. Sgt. Simon of the tiring, all though it was ex- (nfantry Department started the cellent way to finish up. They training with a compass course. were able to put almost all of Mennbers of the Judo Team de- their previous training to work voted their time to give a course in practical situations. in hand-to-hand combat. General Shell Presents One of the most interesting as- Certificates pects of the training was the At 4:00 on Monday, General GENERAL SHELL, Col. Simpson, and Maj. Ham- just finished their training courses, and received mountaineering course taught by Shell congratulated the iRangers mond are shown with this year's Rangers, who certificates; from General Sheell on Monday. Capvt, Ailsheimer. This involved and their leaders on a job well repelling and the use of ropes in done and presented the men with repelling and the use of ropes in a certificate. Recon Patrol and P. T, Test Cimses Offered VMI Marks Anniversary, The Training was then devoted L. C. Kuchiiris In Europe Ernest K. Lindley To Speak College students interested in Enters High Bid study in Europe during the win The Virginia Military Institute icy planning council. For Tablecloth ter, spring and summer terms are will mark the 126th year of its The Virginia Military Institute invited to apply now for Michigan founding during ceremonies here was founded on Nov. 11, 1839, with Mr. Louis C. Kuchuris of Chi- State University programs begin on Thursday, Nov. 11. Ernest K. two faculty members and 23 cadets. cago, 111., father of Frank Kuchu- ning in 1966. Lindley, special assistant to the The college was located on the site ris, '67, was the successful bidder Offered by tihe American Lan Secretary of State, will deliver the of an arsenal that had served the for the hand-embroidered table- guage and Education Center Founders Day address. state for many years. Gen. Fran-- 5 DAYS cloth, donated by Dr. and Mrs. K. (lAMLBC) of iMSU's Continuing He will speak at noon in the cis H. Smith, who served the In- FRI. THRU TUES. Loo Huang of Singapore, which Education Service, informal and VMI gymnasium to members of the stitute for 50 years, was the first was sold at auction during Parents economical programs are sche- VMI corps of cadets, faculty and superintendent, and later moved Weekend.
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