Wheatley-Yetzer Ford
Harrisonburg, Virginia Jay And The AmericansAPR 30 '66 Highlight Madison's Big Weekend Activities Pop Group Opens Festivities With Top Songs, Entertainment Jay and the Americans will be direction to their careers, "they featured in concert in Wilson Au- went looking for a manager. They ditorium on Friday at 8:00 p.m. found one, and with his help, Their record releases include: "She worked out a plan for really de- Cried," "Only In America," "Come veloping their talents. With sing- A Little Bit Closer," and "Cara ing, dancing, and acting lessons Mia." Their present release, "Some every week, as well as daily re- Enchanted Evening," sold 100,000 hearsals, Jay and the Americans copies the first week. began to come into their own. Jay, Howie, Marty, Kenny, and After a few months spent breaking Sandy grew up in the same section in their act in a Greenwich Vil- of Brooklyn. At various times they lage Club, out on the road they played together, were on teams went. together and against one another, Since a new hit "Only In Amer- dated the same girls, and finally, ica" was breaking, jobs were plen- through their mutual interest in tiful. This time, though, each ap- music, came together as a singing pearance was both a challenge and group. This was late 1961. a pleasure. Their first record "She Cried", During the following two years, came out in the Spring of 1962. It Jay and the Americans continued Jay and The Americans went to number 2 in the country, to work at every opportunity on At that--point the-, boy* .preceded the further development of their with.
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