WELCOME from the APCA Northeast Regional Area Coordinator! On behalf of the entire APCA family, I want to welcome you to the 2015 Fall Northeast Cam- pus Events Planning Conference - Agents of Positive Change! We have a great experience in store for you and hope that you will maximize your time here with us. In this program you will find all the information you need to know about the schedule of events, presenters, artists, agencies and vendors. We encourage you to immerse yourself in the experience ahead and go home with a calendar full of events for your campus. Please let any member of the APCA team know if there is anything we can do to make your experience better. Theresa Radley - Regional Area Coordinator Ithica College

Volunteer for APCA! Join us at Thursday night’s volunteer meeting at 8:30pm in Poster Competition! Graphics Competition! Chicot to be a part of Thursday 6:00pm-8:30pm Bring your artwork to registration this excitement! & Friday 8:00am-12:00pm on Saturday 8am-10am to have Concourse Lobby it submitted in the APCA All supplies will be provided at check in. Graphics Competition. Awards Use this hash tag: Poster should include APCA Agents of Positive will be given out at the Saturday Change theme and your school mascot. Dinner Showcase. #APCANE15


Eric Lambert Michael Stephenson Jondra Darden Jamie Tilson Executive Director Vice President of Operations Director of Associate Executive Assistant [email protected] [email protected] Services and Education [email protected] [email protected]

Suzi Clemens Erin Stevie Rita Goyette Richard Gibson Office Administrator Production Coordinator Cooperative Buying Coordinator Conference Security [email protected] Morrisville State College [email protected]

Archie Azar Theresa Radley Todd Snovel Michael Fochtman Conference Assistant Regional Area Coordinator Intern Coordinator Awards Coordinator Ithaca College Lebanon Valley College Cayuga Community College 2 [email protected] [email protected] CONFERENCE SCHEDULE OF EVENTS

Thursday, October 1, 2015 12:00 pm...... SG Workshop Check-In / APCA Serves...... Bergin/Concourse Lobby 1:00 pm...... SG Workshop Kickoff / Orientation...... Essex, Morris 1:30 pm...... SG Workshop Sessions...... Essex, Morris 2:30 pm...... SG Workshop Sessions...... Essex, Morris 3:30 pm...... SG Workshop Sessions...... Essex, Morris 4:30 pm...... SG Workshop Sessions...... Essex, Morris 5:30 pm...... SG Workshop Wrap Up / Reflection...... Essex 6:00 pm...... Dinner On Your Own 6:00 pm...... Conference Check In / Onsite Poster Competition...... Bergin/Concourse Lobby 8:30 pm...... APCA Event Crew Meeting...... Essex 9:00 pm...... Advisor Welcome Reception...... Hotel Restaurant 9:00 pm...... Student Welcome Party...... East Ballroom

Friday, October 2, 2015 8:00 am...... Conference Check In / APCA Serves / Onsite Poster Competition...... Bergin/Concourse Lobby 9:00 am...... Exhibit Hall Move In...... Grand A/B 9:00 am...... Conference Kick Off...... East Ballroom 10:00 am...... Student Keynote...... East Ballroom 10:00 am ...... Advisor Keynote...... Montclair 11:00 am ...... Educational Sessions / SG Session...... Various Rooms 11:00 am...... Cooperative Buying Orientation...... Montclair 11:00 am...... Associate Orientation (Mandatory)...... Boardroom 12:00 pm...... Lunch Showcase...... Grand B/C 2:30 pm...... Exhibit Hall...... Grand A/B 3:30 pm...... Purposeful Programming Showcase...... East Ballroom 5:00 pm...... Student Keynote...... East Ballroom 5:00 pm...... Advisor Keynote...... Montclair 6:00 pm...... Dinner Showcase...... Grand B/C 9:00 pm...... Exhibit Hall...... Grand A/B 10:00 pm...... Late Night Jam (21+)...... The Glen Bar/Lounge 10:00 pm...... Late Night Event ...... East Ballroom

Saturday, October 3, 2015 - Conference T-Shirt Day 8:00 am...... Conference Check In / APCA Serves / Submit Graphics...... Bergin/Concourse Lobby 8:00 am...... CSA Training...... Montclair 9:00 am...... Educational Sessions / SG Session...... Various Rooms 9:00 am...... Cooperative Buying Caucus...... 10:00 am...... Graphics Competition Closes...... Bergin/Concourse Lobby 10:00 am...... Educational Sessions / SG Session...... Various Rooms 10:00 am...... Cooperative Buying Session...... Manhattan 11:00 am...... Student Keynote...... East Ballroom 12:00 am...... Lunch Showcase...... Grand B/C 2:30 pm...... Exhibit Hall...... Grand A/B 3:30 pm...... Purposeful Programming Showcase...... East Ballroom 4:00 pm...... Associate Wrap-Up ...... Morris 5:00 pm...... Student Keynote...... East Ballroom 5:00 pm...... Advisor Keynote...... Manhattan 6:00 pm...... Dinner Showcase...... Grand B/C 8:30 pm...... Exhibit Hall...... Grand A/B 9:30 pm...... Final Cooperative Buying Session...... Manhattan 9:30 pm...... Exhibit Hall Move Out...... Grand A/B 9:30 pm...... Late Night Event...... East Ballroom 11:00 pm...... Late Night Jam (21+)...... The Glen Bar/Lounge

3 1-2...... Cutting Edge Entertainment 3...... Southern Belle Promotions, LLC Exhibit Hall 4-5...... Metropolis Management 6...... Pankaj Srivastava 7...... Rich Kiamco 8...... Glen Tickle DOCK DOOR DOOR 9-12...... Houla Entertainment 41 13...... DR SHUEY, LLC 14-15.... Phantom Entertainment Services 40 16...... Community Center Band 42 25 24 9 8 17...... Hilary Corna 18-20.... Degy Booking International 43 39 26 23 10 7 21...... Jason Boring 22...... Promotions & Unicorns Too 22 11 23...... eMajor Entertainment 44 38 27 6 24...... Jared Rydelek 5 25...... Mike Miller Entertainment 45 37 28 21 12 26...... Fun Affairs 27...... Hidden Legacy Poetry 46 36 29 20 13 4 28...... Thee Michael Issac Company 29...... Perfect Parties Entertainment Group 3 30...... Qurrat Ann Kadwani 47 35 30 19 14 31...... Alvin Irby 32...... NY Party Works 48 34 31 18 15 2 33...... Matt Beilis Music 34...... Swift Kick 33 49 32 17 16 1 35...... D&J Entertainment 36...... Tiger Tom Promos 37-38.... College Agency, The 39...... Brian Eslick Enterprises, LLC DOOR DOOR DOOR DOOR 40...... Sydney Adeniyi 41-42.... 2 Funny Entertainment 50 51 54 43...... JB Entertainment 52 53 55 44...... Outside the Zone 45...... Adam Grabowski Entertainment APCA 2015 Exhibit Hall - NJ 46...... Christina Irene 47...... Bob Bell 48...... Scott Porter 49...... Neon Entertainment 50...... Step 2 Promotions 51...... Any Excuse for a Party 52...... Del Suggs 53...... J Dogs 54-55.... Party Perfect Rentals 56...... Milestales Publishing 4 ALL ABOUT APCA COOPERATIVE BUYING

APCA cooperative buying is a program that gives the schools attending APCA conferences the ability to merge their buying power, offering associates a block of engagement dates in a specified time period in exchange for a lower price and sharing of travel costs with other schools. The time periods that schools can agree to set-up a block are:

Isolated - A single date, usually not including travel and lodging. 2 of 3 days, 3 of 5 days, and 5 of 7 days. (# of shows within a # of day(s) time period, travel and lodging are often shared evenly by the schools booking the attraction.) A typical cooperative pricing schedule in the conference program might be:

John Doe: Comedian Represented by ABC Agency: Isolated $1200 2 of 3 $1100 3 of 5 $1050 5 of 7 $950 (Plus travel & lodging, shared travel & lodging in blocks)

Travel and lodging costs may often be agreed to onsite by filling out a cooperative buying form and detailing the arrangements in the co-op travel rider section. Any arrangements detailed in the travel rider section of a co-op form and initialed by both parties will overide any other prices or agreements in the conference program or other verbal or written arrangements made before the signing of the form and may not be changed without the consent of both parties. The sample cooperative buying form on the following page is the form your school can use to lock in a price on a performing artist at an APCA programming conference. When a school is interested in an artist from the conference showcases, the cooperative buyer may sign a co-op form, indicating their school’s interest in hosting the attraction during their schedule.

The forms are then collected at the APCA cooperative buying booth in the exhibit hall and discussed with other interested schools in the cooperative buying sessions. These sessions are held to give your school the opportunity to combine your buying power with other schools in your geographical area to reduce talent and travel prices. For more information on the Cooperative Buying process, attend the APCA conference co-op buying educational session or contact Rita Goyette.

Note: APCA cooperative buying Rules are displayed on the reverse of cooperative forms for handy reference at APCA confer- ences. APCA rules are also listed in the conference program and are subject to change. Any questions on APCA cooperative buying may be forwarded to the National Office at (800) 681-5031.


Onsite Purchasing Discounts

Participating associates offer a 10% discount on any published price (isolated or block) to schools willing to book onsite by us- ing either a “request contract (RC)” or “commitment to block (CB)” form. This discount is in addition to any other block discounts available. Look for a sign in the associate members’ booths indicating their participation in the onsite discount program.

FTE Cards

Some APCA associates have joined in a program where participating member schools utilize an “FTE” (full time enrollment) discount card. Based on the full-time enrollment status of the campus, a school may receive between 3% to 7% off the listed price of a participating artist or other attraction. This discount is in addition to any other onsite discount or block price discount, but the artist or attraction must be booked onsite using either a “request contract (RC)” or “commitment to block (CB)” form. The breakdown of the school FTE discount is as follows:

Below 3,000 FTE 7% 3,000 - 4,999 FTE 5% 5,000 - 9,999 FTE 3%

This program is completely voluntary. Schools requesting discount must show FTE Card issued by APCA National Office to participating associates upon request in order to receive discount. Look for a sign in the associate members’ booth indicating their participation in the FTE discount program. The onsite and FTE status of an artist will also be noted in their conference bio!


Attraction Interest - (This option commits neither party to a binding contract, it only retains the option for the purchaser to purchase at the published APCA conference program price for up to 21 days after the conference). When an attraction interest is indicated on a submitted and signed cooperative buying form, the school has indicated that it is strongly interested in purchas- ing the attraction. If the interested school wishes to book an attraction at isolated convention price structure or join a block, the attractions representative must be notified within 21 calendar days. All requested additions to a formed block are subject to reasonable travel and time constraints as determined by the conference cooperative buying coordinator, with final approval resting with the APCA.

SAMPLE Commitment to Block - When a commitment to block form is turned in to the Cooperative Buying center in the exhibit hall, the school has expressed their interest to enter into a contract if a block of as many as two schools are interested in the act on the specific date(s) they have requested. If the block forms within 21 calendar days, the schools agreeing to the block must contract at the block price listed for that number plus any travel and lodging, lights, sound, etc. listed for the attraction in the APCA convention program or agreed to by cooperative buying form rider.

Request Contract - You have agreed to purchase this attraction on site at the convention and are bound to the terms of the contract signed by both parties. Both parties agree to honor all APCA cooperative buying process guidelines and procedures as set forth in the APCA conven- tion program. HOTEL LAYOUT LOBBY LEVEL



______Publishing Milestales ...... 56

______Rentals Perfect Party ... . 54-55

______Dogs J ...... 53

______Suggs Del ...... 52

______Party a for Excuse Any ...... 51

______Promotions 2 Step ...... 50

______Entertainment Neon ...... 49

______Porter Scott ...... 48

______Bell Bob ...... 47

______Irene Christina ...... 46

______Entertainment Grabowski Adam ...... 45

______Zone the Outside ...... 44

______Entertainment JB ...... 43

______Entertainment Funny 2 ... . 41-42

______Adeniyi Sydney ...... 40

______LLC Enterprises, Eslick Brian ...... 39

______The Agency, College ... . 37-38

______Promos Tom Tiger ...... 36

______Entertainment D&J ...... 35

______Kick Swift ...... 34

______Music Beilis Matt ...... 33

______NY Party Works Party NY ...... 32

______Irby Alvin ...... 31

______Kadwani Ann Qurrat ...... 30

______Group Entertainment Parties Perfect ...... 29

______Company Issac Michael Thee ...... 28

______Poetry Legacy Hidden ...... 27

______Affairs Fun ...... 26

______Entertainment Miller Mike ...... 25

______Rydelek Jared ...... 24

______Entertainment eMajor ...... 23

______Too Unicorns & Promotions ...... 22

______Boring Jason ...... 21

______International Booking Degy ... . 18-20

______Corna Hilary ...... 17

______Band Center Community ...... 16

______Services Entertainment Phantom ... . 14-15

______LLC SHUEY, DR ...... 13

______Entertainment Houla ...... 9-12

______Tickle Glen ...... 8

______Kiamco Rich ...... 7

______Srivastava Pankaj ...... 6

______Management Metropolis ...... 4-5

______LLC Promotions, Belle Southern ...... 3

______Entertainment Edge Cutting ...... 1-2



Turn in at Saturday Late Night Event For A Chance To Win a $100 Visa Gift Card! Gift Visa $100 a Win To Chance A For Event Night Late Saturday at in Turn Exhibit Hall Booth Signature Sheet Signature Booth Hall Exhibit

7 APCA EXHIBITORS INFORMATION LIST 2 Funny Entertainment College Agency, The eMajor Entertainment Christopher Miree Sue Boxrud Erin Wiggers 700 N. Valley Street Suite B 7907 Stafford Trail 1306 Haynes Drive Anaheim, CA 92801 Savage , MN 55378 Murfreesboro, TN 37129 (347) 664-8389 (651) 222-9669 (323) 813-8243 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.chrismireecomedy.net www.thecollegeagency.com www.emajorentertainment.com

Adam Grabowski Entertainment Community Center Band Fun Affairs Adam Grabowski Brian Loeper Neal Fehnel 7901 Arlington St. 1395 Redwood Circle 600 Haymont Dr Tinley Park, IL 60477 LaPlata, MD 20646 Easton, PA 18045 (708) 899-2326 301-751-6504 (610) 253-2835 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.adamgrabowski.com www.funaffairs.com Cutting Edge Entertainment Alvin Irby Comedy Rob Jockel Glen Tickle Alvin Irby 69 Trailsend Drive Glen Tickle 124 E 117th St Apt 4D Canton, CT 06019 713 Lynda Rd , NY 10035 (888) 221-6538 Phillipsburg, NJ 08865 917-573-0357 [email protected] (908)619-4813 [email protected] www.cuttingedgeentertain.com [email protected] www.glentickle.com Any Excuse for a Party D&J Entertainment Louis Murillo Derek Lee Porter Hidden Legacy Poetry 16 Gloria Lane 7516 Frankford Ave Frankie Soto Fairfield, NJ 07004 Philadelphia, PA 19135 67 Oakwood Hills Drive (973) 808-8700 215-335-4999 East Islip, NY 11730 [email protected] [email protected] (516) 810-2535 www.anyexcuseforaparty.com www.djclownco.com [email protected] www.hiddnelegacy.org Bob Bell Degy Booking International Matt Nagan Ari Nisman Hilary Corna 1582 York Avenue 100 Cardinal Drive Hilary Corna New York, NY 10028 Toms River NJ 08755 300 Crockett Street 347-573-5173 (732) 818-9600 Austin, TX 78704 [email protected] [email protected] 800-723-0537 www.degy.com [email protected] Brian Eslick Enterprises, LLC Brian Eslick Del Suggs Houla Entertainment 139 Harris Ave. Del Suggs Lee Mayer Middlesex, NJ 08846 PO Box 2261 PO Box 31688 800-564-8815 Tallahassee, FL 32316 Knoxville, TN 37930 [email protected] 800-323-1976 (865) 414-9266 www.brianeslick.com [email protected] [email protected] www.delsuggs.com www.houlaentertainment.com Christina Irene’s SuperPowerment Christina Irene DR SHUEY, LLC Jared Rydelek 10% off & P O Box 4 Dr. Justine Marie Shuey Jared Rydelek FTE Discount Highspire, PA 17034 800 N. 2nd Street 58-03 Metropolitan Ave Apt 1 R 717-576-7976 Suite 163 Ridgewood, NY 11385 [email protected] Philadelphia, PA 19123 347-709-8615 (855) 377-4839 [email protected] [email protected] www.drshuey.com Jason Boring Jason Boring RUBY: 3 Year Member 2523 County Highway 12 EMERALD: 5 Year Member East Meredith, NY 13757 SAPPHIRE: 10 Year Member 347-844-1448 DIAMOND: 15 Year Member 8 [email protected] http://travelhackingninja.com APCA EXHIBITORS INFORMATION LIST JB Entertainment Outside the Zone Scott Porter Travis Rocco Bobby Audley 819 18th Ave. S. PO Box 438 695 Ramsey Court Nashville, TN 37203 Apalachin, NY 13732 Suite 203 636-236-5557 (607) 423-9463 Salisbury, MD 21804 [email protected] [email protected] (315) 558-2278 www.travisrocco.com [email protected] Southern Belle Promotions, LLC www.bobbyaudley.com Jodi Merriday, M.A., M.Sc., Ph.D. J-DOGS AMUSEMENTS, CATERING 3215 Kingsdale Drive AND ENTERTAINMENT Pankaj Srivastava Atlanta, GA 30311 Mark Kleinman Pankaj Srivastava (678) 428-9260 413 Bloomfield Drive Unit 5 25 First Street 6W [email protected] WEST BERLIN, NJ 08091 New York, NY 10003 www.jodimerriday.com 856-336-2585 (614)-286-1080 [email protected] [email protected] Step 2 Promotions Andrew Frazzano Matt Beilis Music Party Perfect Rentals 132 South Mountain Ave. Matt Beilis Michael Bain Montclair, NJ 07042 8 Dogwood Circle 1731 Ginesi Drive (973) 978-0946 Matawan, NJ 07747 Freehold, NJ 07728 [email protected] (732) 718-8845 (732) 303-8211 www.step2promo.com [email protected] [email protected] www.partyperfectrentals.com Metropolis Management Swift Kick Joyce Jiawan Tom Krieglstein Perfect Parties Entertainment Group PO Box 1784 186 Norfolk #2F Tim Cormio Newark, CA 94560 New York , NY 10002 (877) 536-5374 147 Summit Street (877) 479-4385 [email protected] Peabody, MA 01960 [email protected] www.metropolismanagement.com (800) 275-0185 www.swiftkickhq.com [email protected] Mike Miller Entertainment www.ppentertainmentgroup.com Sydney Adeniyi Mike Miller Sydney Adeniyi 4751 Weldon Ave. Phantom Entertainment Services 2202 N Kedize 1st Floor Trevose, PA 19053 Dean Yaukey Chicago, IL 60647-1919 (215) 364-8132 50 Clay Road 618-530-1205 [email protected] Carlisle, PA 17015 [email protected] www.millersmagic.com (717) 258-4401 [email protected] Thee Michael Issac Company Milestales Publishing www.phantomentertainment.com Michael Issac Ama Karikari-Yawson PO Box 437750 P.O. Box 268 Promotions & Unicorns Too Chicago, IL 60643 Freeport, NY 11520 Marni Striks (844)-284-3364 (347) 886-2026 71 West Main St Suite 102 [email protected] www.milestales.com Freehold, NJ 07728 www.theeMIC.com [email protected] (732) 308-3444 [email protected] They Call Me Q Neon Entertainment www.promotionsandunicorns.com Qurrat Ann Kadwani Scott Talarico 444 West 35 Street 3577 Harlem Road Rich Kiamco New York, NY 10001 Buffalo, NY 14225 Rich Kiamco 646-489-5322 (800) 993-6366 104 Bentley Ave [email protected] [email protected] Jersey City, NJ 07304 www.neon-entertainment.com 917-498-1810 Tiger Tom Promos [email protected] Father David Murphy NY Party Works www.RichKiamco.com 1208 Avenue M 1400 Theresa Rampanelli , NY 11230 45 Jefryn Boulevard RUBY: 3 Year Member 917-940-2093 Deer Park, NY 11729 EMERALD: 5 Year Member [email protected] (800) 469-3866 SAPPHIRE: 10 Year Member [email protected] DIAMOND: 15 Year Member www.nypartyworks.com 9 •••••••••••• EMCEES •••••••••••• Bobby Audley - 315-558-2278 - [email protected] Bobby’s leadership retreats and orientation keynotes are designed to increase student engagement by stretching students outside of their comfort zones! Do you have students on your campus who are not as engaged or involved as you know they should be? Might this have something to do with these students being nervous, shy, scared, embarrassed, etc? If YES then your students need to join the team #OutsideTheZone! Bobby’s high-energy style and powerful #DontBe philosophy will fire up your students!

Michael Issac - thee MIC – (844) 283 – 3642 What’s up students and advisors! I’m Comedian DJ Michael Issac. Yes that’s me in the current issue of the APCA Campus Life Trends Magazine! #FAMOUS!As a Comedian DJ, schools that are only having a single event like” Spring Fest”, book me to perform stand-up comedy. I play music before my performance to get the energy up. Other schools that are having multiple activi- ties, use me as a “one stop shop.” I perform stand-up at one activity and then DJ at another. This is perfect for events such as “Welcome Weekend”. Whether it’s for one night or overnight, your campus is sure to have a BLAST with me!To find out more about me, check out my new website theeMIC.com. There you’ll be able to see my acting resume, commercials, and television ap- pearances.Follow me on and/or Instagram @michaelissac.Stop by my booth. Let’s talk! Standard Isolated Rate: $2,000 Isolated: $1,800 2 of 3: $1,700 3 of 5: $1,600 5 of 7: $1,500 Plus travel and lodging.

Del Suggs - 1-800-323-1976 It would be tough to find anyone in the College Market who has changed more lives than Del Suggs. The highest-rated speaker for 2015 in “Campus Activities” magazine, Del’s leadership programs emphasize personal leadership skills in ways that truly empower student leaders. Del is a true “Life Hacker,” and teaches students to maximize their leadership skills while using the technology they love. Author of “Truly Leading: Lessons in Leadership”, and innovator of “Instant Assessment” where students complete an assessment on their cell phones! Coop Pricing: Standard Isolated Rate: $2,450 Isolated: $2,450 2 of 3: $2,350 3 of 5: $2,250 5 of 7: $2,150 Plus shared travel and lodging.

D’Lai - 2 Funny Entertainment - 347-664-8389 It’s no surprise that D’lai is one of the country’s hottest comedians. He has excelled as a stand-up comic and impressionist, playing large audiences in a variety of theatres where he can hold an audi- ence in the palm of his hand. This vibrant star has gone on to appear on BET’s “Comic View”, “Live in Hollywood”, Bill Bellamy’s “Who Got Jokes?” and was the winner of the 2004 Las Vegas Star Search. Since then, D’lai has opened for such notable comics such as Bill Bellamy, George Wallace, Bruce Bruce, and the legendary Dick Gregory.

Tom Krieglstein - 877-479-4385 - [email protected] Four-Time Campus Speaker of the Year, Swift Kick, trains campus leaders on how to create a culture of engagement where everyone feels welcomed, connected and engaged. Their main leadership program, “Dance Floor Theory Leadership Training” helps campus leaders see and understand the challenges and opportunities of engagement on their campus in a new way. For more information, visit www.swiftkickhq.com

10 SESSION PRESENTERS ADAM LAMBERT obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from the Univer- sity of New Orleans and a law degree from LSU Law School in Baton Rouge. During his practice in Loui- siana, Adam has served as a Law Clerk in the Louisiana State Senate and the Louisiana Attorney General’s Office. Adam was appointed as the Law Clerk for New Orleans Second City Court from 1999 to 2012. Adam Lambert has been a regular fixture in the student affairs community for over a decade now and he is regularly engaged to speak

KEYNOTE on issues affecting col- leges across the nation. For the past several years, Mr. Lambert has remained on retainer by The Association for the Promotion of Campus Activities (“APCA”) to speak on litigation and federal regulations affecting the campus activities community. He is also the author of the popular column “Campus Law”. Mr. Lam- bert lectures at colleges on various higher education legal and regulatory guideline compliance, and his lectures can be tailored to suit any client’s needs.

ANDY FRAZZANO is the President of Step 2 Promotions since 1983. He is currently involved in the execution of exciting, useful, and creative programs using promotional products. He has a long history working inside the college marketplace as well as the food and beverage industry and healthcare related companies. Andy has earned the Certified Advertising Specialist certification (CAS)which is a professional designation acquired through advanced education in his industry. 973-978-0946 - [email protected]

ANN MARIE KLOTZ is the Dean for Campus Life and Chief Student Affairs Officer on the Manhattan campus of the New York Institute of Technology. Previously, she spent 14 years working in Housing and Residence Life at Oregon State University, DePaul University, Ball State University and Albion College. She earned her B.A. from Grand Valley State Uni- versity (Political Science) and M.A.’s from Michigan State University (Student Affairs) and DePaul University (Women and Gender Studies) respectively [email protected] - www.annmarieklotz.com KEYNOTE

BOBBY AUDLEY Bobby’s leadership retreats and orientation keynotes are designed to in- crease student engagement by stretching students outside of their comfort zones! Do you have students on your campus who are not as engaged or involved as you know they should be? Might this have something to do with these students being nervous, shy, scared, em- barrassed, etc? If YES then your students need to join the team #OutsideTheZone! Bobby’s high-energy style and powerful #DontBe philosophy will fire up your students! 315-558-2278 - [email protected] KEYNOTE

CHRISTINA IRENE is an educator and example of women’s empowerment who has appeared on- stage in 33 states. Her diverse background includes five years as a classroom teacher, six years on the road as an award-winning stand-up comedian, and current service on three local govern- ment committees, including the Education Coalition. She has made it her purpose to make sure women know just how powerful they are and to see them achieve their dreams. 717-576-7976 - [email protected]

11 SESSION PRESENTERS DAVID CUCIONATTA David is the Director of Student Activities at his alma-mater,Columbia-Greene Community College where he has worked for 25 years. David oversees the Student Senate and Student Activities board on their campus. [email protected]

DEL SUGGS It would be tough to find anyone in the College Market who has changed more lives than Del Suggs. His leadership and higher ed programs emphasize personal leadership skills in ways that truly empower student leaders. Del is a true “Life Hacker,” and teaches students to maxi- mize their leadership skills while using the technology they love. Author of “Truly Leading: Lessons in Leadership”, and innovator of “Instant Assessment” where students complete an assessment on their cell phones! 1-800-323-1976 - [email protected]

DR. JUSTINE SHUEY has always had a passion for human sexuality. She is a Board Certified Sexologist & AASECT Certified Sexuality Educator with a Doctorate in Human Sexuality and a Masters in Human Sexuality Education. Dr. Shuey believes sex is healthy and normal. She creates safe and welcoming environments for college students to explore issues related to human sexuality, expand their knowledge around sexuality and gain confidence in their sexual expression. 855-377-4839 - [email protected]

DR. JODI MERRIDAY is a premier Black History Month, Women’s History Month and Multicultural/Di- versity programming talent. Her 2015 series, “HERStory” is a lecture performance that introduces students to jazz and explores the life lessons present in the legacy and lyrics of Billie Holiday, Nina Simone and Abbey Lincoln. She illuminates the resilience of America’s diverse citizens, emboldens personal strength and inspires the pursuit of happiness. DR. JODI MERRIDAY’S Multicultural/Diversity Training series, “Building Bridges: Fram- ing Campus Programming to address Diversity, Inclusion and Difficult Conversa- tions” has been used by student government associations, campus leadership programs and resi- dent life departments to: 1) facilitate a customized diversity profile; and 2) provide programming to bridge campus dialogue about sexual orientation, gender, race and other (ISMS). *TITLE VII and TITLE IX TRAINING is also available for Advisors, RA’s, Public Safety personnel, Faculty and Staff* 678-428-9260 - [email protected]

DR. DALLAS REED, PH.D. was named Vice President, Student Development and Campus Life, in 2013. In this role, she provides vision and leadership for all student success programs in- cluding student development, student activities, athletics, residence life and counseling. Dr. Reed previously served as Berkeley College Associate Vice President, Student Development and Campus Life, and Dean, Student Development and Campus Life, New York. Before coming to Berkeley College in 2011, she served as Associate Vice President for Student Life at Mississippi Valley State University in Itta Bena, MS. Dr. Reed recently participated KEYNOTE in the HERS Bryn Mawr Summer Institute for Women in Higher Education Administration. She was the recipient of the Berkeley College Associate of the Year award in Leadership in 2012. Dr. Reed holds a Ph.D. in Urban Higher Education from Jackson State University in Jackson, MS; an M.S.O.L. (Master’s of Science in Organizational Leadership) from Pfeiffer University in Charlotte, NC; and a B.A. in General Arts and Sciences with an emphasis in Public Relations and Management from Pennsylvania State University in University Park, PA. [email protected] 12 SESSION PRESENTERS GREG R. IERACI MA, LPC, NCC Greg is currently a Personal Counselor at Berkeley College in Woodbridge, New Jersey. He helps students transition to the college “experience” whether they be just out of high school or returning to campus after many years. Greg practices cognitive, hu- manistic psychotherapy which is grounded in exploring one’s reasons for building/deconstructing different relationships in our lives for the purpose of achieving positive mental health outcomes. Greg is currently pursuing a PhD in Clinical Sexology and is particularly interested in helping sexual minorities (GLBTQI) find their way within the college hierarchy. He also has a special inter- est in assisting all students develop emotional intelligence (E.Q) as a way of learning to work with diverse social, educational and professional groups

HILARY CORNA speaks to thousands of students a year with her motivational and educational lead- ership program: “Dare to Eat the Eyeball: How to be a Global Leader”, which is used by SGA, Ori- entation, Leadership Conferences, Res life and for Women’s History Month to help increase student engagement, inclusiveness, retention and develop student leaders with a global perspective. With over 50% of new graduates and millennials disliking their job and happiness research showing us that money only makes you happy 10% of the time (90% of happiness is intrinsic), Hilary founded the #DareYourself campaign to teach students how to lead themselves, a mandatory skill in order to lead others. Using the methodology of Daring Leadership, this authentic, thought-provoking, in- teractive session helps your school motivate students to challenge their fears, empower them to take action on campus, step up into new roles, and walk away with the tools to lead communities of engaged, inclusive happy students. As Author of the book, One White Face, Former Executive for Toyota Asia, World Traveler, and First-Gen College Student, Hilary uses stories from her work abroad, like buying a one-way ticket to Singapore and working as the only caucasian at Toyota, to give this modern twist on leadership from a female voice. Hilary has been featured on TED, ForbesWoman, The New York Times, NBC, and is a Coca Cola Scholar. And she can’t wait to have a little girl so that she can dress her in Hello Kitty. Are you ready to #DareYourself? (800) 723-0537 - [email protected]

JANELLE GILES is currently the Director of Student Development and Campus Life (SDCL) at Berkeley College. She enjoys her time planning effective programming and volunteering opportunities. She earned her B.S. In Sociology with an emphasis in Social Science from William Paterson University. She received her Masters of Public Administration from Fairleigh Dickerson University. Janelle is currently a doctoral degree candidate for Public Policy and Administration at Walden University. Her career in higher education began in Career Services. While working closely with SDCL, she acquired a passion for introducing students and staff alike to experiences that student life can provide. She looks to take her experiences and knowledge to tie the two together providing a great resource and wealth of information. Janelle enjoys volunteering for nonprofit organizations.

SHERRILLE SHABAZZ, ED. D Assistant Dean of Student Development and Campus Life, is respon- sible for Brooklyn and White Plains Student Development and Campus Life. Dr. Shabazz was a part of the 2013 Leadership Berkeley class at Berkeley College. Before coming to Berkeley Col- lege in 2010, she worked as Assistant Director of Residence Life at Stony Brook University and State University of New York (SUNY) at Oswego. Dr. Shabazz received her Doctor of Education Degree (Ed.D.) program in Educational Administration, Research and Technology from Dowling College. She received a Bachelor of Arts, with a double major in English Writing Arts and Public Relations, and a Master of Arts in English Literature from the State University of New York (SUNY) at Oswego.

PANDIT DASA teaches courses at Columbia University and Union Theological Seminary. He spent 15 years living as a monk in . He has spoken at a TEDx conference and has lectured at Google, Bank of America, Intel, Harvard, Princeton, Duke, Colgate, USC, Ohio State University and many other colleges and corporations throughout the country. Pandit’s unique approach combines scientific research, Eastern wisdom and meditation techniques to help the audience gain deeper insight into their mind. 614-286-1080 - [email protected] KEYNOTE 13 SESSION PRESENTERS PATRICK DEZORT Director of Student Development and Engagement at Felician College. Bachelor in Ed from Notre Dame of Ohio. MS in Curriculum from Brescia University in Kentucky. 201-355-1474 - [email protected]

MICHAEL ISSAC is the owner of Thee Michael Issac Company. He has been a professional actor for over 15 years and a professional comedian for the past 5. This is his second year as an APCA Associate and he is loving it! Last year he learned a lot about the college market and even per- formed on a few campuses. This year, he is ready to knock it out of the park! Whether your needs are for a comedian or a speaker, let’s connect and make it HAPPEN! 844-284-3364 - [email protected]

TOM KRIEGLSTEIN Four-Time Campus Speaker of the Year, Swift Kick, trains campus leaders on how to create a culture of engagement where everyone feels welcomed, connected and engaged. Their main leadership program, “Dance Floor Theory Leadership Training” helps campus leaders see and understand the challenges and opportunities of engagement on their campus in a new way. For more information, visit www.swiftkickhq.com 877-479-4385 - [email protected] KEYNOTE

QURRAT ANN KADWANI is an award winning actress and playwright. She is the first South Asian female to have a solo play Off Broadway with They Call Me Q which played Off Broadway in 2014 for 7 months at St. Luke’s Theatre in NYC. She has been interviewed on Fox News “Beyond the Dream,” and Fox 5 NY has deemed her “A Woman Who Shapes the Future” for her portrayal of 13 characters in one hour and her commitment to diversity. 646-489-5322 - [email protected]

14 NOVELTY, BOOTH DEMO & ROVING ARTIST Fun Affairs Phantom Entertainment Any Excuse for a Party Promotions & Unicorns Perfect Parties New York Party Works D and J Entertainment Party Perfect Rentals

15 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2015 12:00 pm...... SG Workshop Check-In / APCA Serves...... Bergin/Concourse Lobby 1:00 pm...... SG Workshop Kickoff / Orientation...... Essex, Morris 1:30 pm...... SG Workshop Sessions...... Essex, Morris 2:30 pm...... SG Workshop Sessions...... Essex, Morris 3:30 pm...... SG Workshop Sessions...... Essex, Morris 4:30 pm...... SG Workshop Sessions...... Essex, Morris 5:30 pm...... SG Workshop Wrap Up / Reflection...... Essex 6:00 pm...... Dinner On Your Own 6:00 pm...... Conference Check In / Onsite Poster Competition...... Bergin/Concourse Lobby 8:30 pm...... APCA Event Crew Meeting...... Essex 9:00 pm...... Advisor Welcome Reception...... Hotel Restaurant 9:00 pm...... Student Welcome Party...... East Ballroom APCA SERVES Thursday 12:00 pm - Bergin/Concourse Lobby SHOW OFF YOUR SERVICE! Participate in one service project and receive your APCA Serves Band. If you do 4 service projects you will receive your free APCA Serves t-shirt. Be sure to have this card stamped.

1:00PM - ESSEX SG LEADERSHIP WORKSHOP Student Government Retreat Kickoff Del Suggs, M.S.Ed - 1-800-323-1976 Audience: SG Workshop-All Let’s get it started ! Welcome to the APCA Student Government Association retreat! We’ll get started with a bang as we bring everyone together for an engaging and enlightening start to this event. Be on time and bring your enthusiasm!

1:30 PM EDUCATIONAL SESSIONS Essex Setting and Achieving SG Goals! Del Suggs, M.S.Ed - 1-800-323-1976 Audience: SG Workshop-All Nobody plans to fail... but we often fail to plan. If you want this year to be a success, then you have to create goals. But, you also need a plan to achieve them. At this session, you’ll learn about goalsetting, about SMART goals, and about the power of BHAGs to motivate your Student Government. Do you want to accomplish something this year? Come and learn how to reach your goals!

Morris 4 Brain Science Techniques To Create The Ultimate Engaging Activity Tom Krieglstein - Swift Kick - 877-479-4385 Audience: SG Workshop-Student Ready for this? Your brain occasionally releases a “happy drug” called endorphins. These endorphins help you feel more comfortable within any situation. These same endorphins create friendships and build relationships. These same endorphins keep you wanting to come back for more. In this session, we’ll reveal four brain science techniques to getting your club members or event participates to release endorphins within their own brain. We’ll show you how to turn your student group into an endorphin releasing super power!

16 2:30 PM EDUCATIONAL SESSIONS Essex Teambuilding and Team Development Bobby Audley - Outside The Zone - 315-558-2278 Audience: SG Workshop-All As leaders you will come together as a team like never before! This interactive Team Development session will have you on your feet and moving around! Bobby will draw on his training and experience as a Team & Leadership Development Specialist. Bobby often works with corporate teams on a Ropes Challenge Course to put clients in ‘worst case scenario‘ leadership situations. Bobby uses these situations to diagnose leadership weaknesses, highlight leadership strengths, AND have fun! Bobby also used these challenges, games, and techniques to train his Orientation Leaders at Harford Community College. During APCA, Bobby will not only strengthen your leadership skills with these exercises but he will teach you how you can bring these skills back to the students you lead. You cannot afford to miss this session!

Morris REMINDing your students Patrick Dezort - Felician College - 201-355-1474 Audience: SG Workshop-All Learn how to use a free text messaging service to communicate and inform their students, faculty and staff about events and campus programming to promote attendance and retention.

3:30 PM EDUCATIONAL SESSIONS Essex SGA Roundtable Del Suggs, M.S.Ed - 1-800-323-1976 Audience: SG Workshop-Student During this roundtable, Del Suggs will facilitate conversation on topics such as: Advocacy, Teamwork, Recuitment, Communication, etc. Please come. 4:30 PM - ESSEX SG WRAP UP - BOBBY AUDLEY

To Book, Contact Jennifer Sloan


REGISTRATION AREA All supplies will be provided at check in. Poster should include APCA Agents of Positive Change theme and your school mascot. 8:30 PM - ESSEX 9:00 PM - HOTEL RESTAURANT APCA EVENT CREW MEETING ADVISOR WELCOME RECEPTION Signed up to be an Event Crew Member? Meet other event crew members, receive your Join your peers during this casual reception. Net- assignments, and get your free t-shirt for volunteering! work with professionals from all over your region. 9:00 PM - EAST BALLROOM

18 19 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2015 8:00 am...... Conference Check In / APCA Serves / Onsite Poster Competition...... Bergin/Concourse Lobby 9:00 am...... Exhibit Hall Move In...... Grand A/B 9:00 am...... Conference Kick Off...... East Ballroom 10:00 am...... Student Keynote...... East Ballroom 10:00 am ...... Advisor Keynote...... Montclair 11:00 am ...... Educational Sessions / SG Session...... Various Rooms 11:00 am...... Cooperative Buying Orientation...... Montclair 11:00 am...... Associate Orientation (Mandatory)...... Boardroom 12:00 pm...... Lunch Showcase...... Grand B/C 2:30 pm...... Exhibit Hall...... Grand A/B 3:30 pm...... Purposeful Programming Showcase...... East Ballroom 5:00 pm...... Student Keynote...... East Ballroom 5:00 pm...... Advisor Keynote...... Montclair 6:00 pm...... Dinner Showcase...... Grand B/C 9:00 pm...... Exhibit Hall...... Grand A/B 10:00 pm...... Late Night Jam (21+)...... The Glen Bar/Lounge 10:00 pm...... Late Night Event ...... East Ballroom POSTER COMPETITION! APCA SERVES FRIDAY 8AM-12PM FRIDAY 8:00AM - 9:00AM REGISTRATION AREA CONCOURSE LOBBY All supplies will be provided at Participate in one service project and check in. Poster should include receive your APCA Serves Band. If you APCA Agents of Positive Change do 4 service projects you will receive your theme and your school mascot. free APCA Serves t-shirt. Be sure to have this card stamped.

9:00AM - EAST BALLROOM FIRST 50 IN CONFERENCE KICK-OFF! DOOR RECIEVE Conference Kick-Off! FREE GIFTS! Todd Snovel APCA Northeast Regional Area Coordinator Lebanon Valley College Audience: All Hosted by Todd Snovel Conference Kickoff is something you can’t afford to miss out on. Join him to learn how to make the most of your conference experience, get involved, and to just have fun! He will be giving out tons of cool prizes and if you’re on time, you may even receive one at the door. Be sure to come repping your school, because he may call on you to show your spirit.

20 ADVISOR KEYNOTE - 10:00AM - MONTCLAIR Recent Developments in Campus Law: Clery, SaVE, CASA, HALT, Title IX, Title IV, & more Adam Lambert Audience: Advisor In this keynote, attorney Adam Lambert will begin with an explanation of recent legis- lation, rules, regulations, cases and decisions in the law of higher education and will explain what these recent legal developments mean for your campus. In addition to a review of recent judicial decisions pertaining to higher education, we will review the new Clery Act regulations for campus safety, which will take effect on July 1, 2015; the new CASA and HALT Act bills just filed in Congress (June 4, 2015), which may (again) drastically change the landscape of Clery and SaVE; new regulations setting minimum standards for student career outcomes and the ability of graduates to repay federal stu- dent loans; and recent cases and decisions concerning Sexual Harassment Law and Title IX. STUDENT KEYNOTE - 10:00AM - EAST BALLROOM Better Together - Lessons From The Dance Floor Of College Tom Krieglstein - Swift Kick - 877-479-4385 Audience: Student Just like on a dance floor, every school experiences varying levels of engagement be- tween those fully involved (student leaders) and those lurking on the edge (apathetic students). With a 30% dropout rate within the first year of college and 60% of students saying they don’t participate in school sponsored activities, it’s more important than ever to reframe the way we engage our students. The same tactics to create successful social change on a dance floor (connections, relevancy, models of success, and motivation) also work to increase engagement within any school community.

Boardroom - Friday 11:00am Montclair - Friday 11:00am MANDATORY ASSOCIATE COOPERATIVE BUYING ORIENTATION ORIENTATION Jondra Darden Rita Goyette APCA Director of Associate Morrisville State College Services and Education Audience: Associates Audience: Advisor This session is mandatory for Learn How To Save Money! ATTEND associates attending this conference. COOPERATIVE BUYING ORIENTATION! APCA cooperative buying policies, During this session, you will learn the exhibit and showcase procedures and ins and outs of APCA Cooperative more will be discussed. All attending artists, Buying and how it can save your campus agents and associates will be responsible for lots of money! Make sure your cooperative all material covered in this session. buyer(s) attend this informative session.

See your photos live during showcases! Use


Essex Building Bridges: Framing Campus Programming to address Diversity, Inclusion, and Difficult Conversations LEADERSHIP Jodi Merriday, Ph.D. - Southern Belle Promotions, LLC - 678-428-9260 Audience: Student Approaching diversity from a one size fits all perspective does not address the unique needs of individual campuses and communities. This workshop 1) facilitates the completion of a diversity profile analysis for attendees; and 2) pres- ents four approaches to campus programming that can educate students and/or bridge campus dialogue about race, gender and other (ISM)’s. Each attendee will customize an approach to inclusion that addresses the unique needs of their campus.

Morris How To Communicate With Crappy People Tom Krieglstein - Swift Kick - 877-479-4385 ADVANCED Audience: Student Ever interacted with someone who seems to make every situation toxic and impossible. Pointing out that these people are difficult and demanding won\’t get you anywhere, though odds are, they don\’t even see a problem. Whether the issue is caused by a personality disorder or some other underlying issue, in this session, you’ll learn how to navigate these interactions with impossible people and preserve your own sanity.

Alpine Sixty Awesome Program Ideas Del Suggs, M.S.Ed. - [email protected] - 1-800-323-1976 BEGINNER Audience: Student Are you tired of doing the same old programs? Did you just have your budget cut... again? Do you need some fresh and cheap ideas for events and programs? THIS session is for YOU! We’ll brainstorm and come up with at least sixty awesome program ideas that you can use on your campus. Got some great programs? Come and share them with us! Need some ideas? Come and get a ton of awesome programming ideas!

Palisades Social media: How to use it for good and not just Emoji Hilary Corna - Corna Productions, LLC - (800) 723-0537 ELECTIVE Audience: Student Do you think you understand social media but still struggle to get turnout for events? Are you addicted to Snapchat and yet have never used it for your programming board? In this fun, slap-happy session, we’ll discuss strategic ways to use social media to get the turnout of your dreams! Using best practices from hundreds of events, I’ll show you what works… and what doesn’t, how to set realistic turnout goals, apply marketing strategies to social media, live promoting, and receiving feedback from your campus so that you may be more effective in your role and as a team.

Princeton Leadership is About Y.O.U. Bobby Audley - Outisde the Zone - 315-558-2278 Audience: Student You will learn how to MASTER your communication as a leader. We have all heard the FACT that only 7% of our com- munication has anything to do with the WORDS that we say. The HUGE majority of our communication as leaders is a result of our body language, facial expressions, tone of voice, etc. If we lead a group without using these attributes to the best of our ability, we are throwing away $93 of our $100 Leadership Budget! Stop throwing away the majority of your Leadership Budget!!! Learn how to take control of your communication with Yourself, your communication with Others, and most importantly learn how to take the distracting communication around you Under-control. As one of Bobby’s Twitter follower put it, “All of this time I could have been doing well in college but I let distractions get in the way. #realization #epiphany #thankyou @BobbyAudley”


The Doyle Brothers - Degy Entertainment - (732) 818-9600 Family is everything... It can define who you are. It can create intuitive bonds through shared experiences. It can drive you crazy, but it always brings you home. And it’s at the absolute core of THE DOYLE BROTH- ERS. Having been lovingly described as “young guys doing old songs in a new way”, the duo of Todd and Ryan Doyle stem from a rich musical heritage that was inescapable. During their formative year, their house was constantly filled with influences coming from the record or tape collections, radio stations or just fooling around singing. The vocalizing may have come naturally, but it wasn’t until they were in their late teens that their efforts to play in a group came to fruition. Their 10-plus year tenure has brought them the opportunity to share the main stage of the Hard Rock Calling Festival with Sir Paul McCartney, Elvis Costello, Crosby Stills, & Nash, Crowded House, Stevie Wonder, Pearl Jam, Corinne Bailey Rae, The Gaslight Anthem, and more. Standard Isolated Rate: $1,500 Isolated: $1,450 2 of 3: $1,350 3 of 5: $1,250 5 of 7: $950 Plus sound, hotel and meals. Plus travel on isolated dates. Notes:______

Contortionist - Jared Rydelek - 347-709-8615 Extreme Flexibility, sword swallowing and acrobatics on broken glass - Jared Rydelek’s Contortion and Dangerous Stunt show is everything your mother told you never to do. Jared is a world record holding contortionist and circus sideshow entertainer. His highly original shows are packed with amazing, real and strange stunts that push the body’s natural limits. For stage shows, festivals and family events, Jared’s got you covered. Get ready for a one of a kind performance for audiences that have seen it all! For more information, visit www.contortionjared.com Standard Isolated Rate: $2,000 Isolated: $2,000 2 of 3: $1,800 3 of 5: $1,500 5 of 7: $1,200 Notes:______

Alfa - The College Agency - 651-222-9669 You may have heard Alfa’s music on E!’s “Keeping Up with the Kardashians,” the CMJ Radio Top 200, or in the indie film “Baby Steps” from the producer of “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.” Charming, engaging, and a proficient multi-instrumentalist, Alfa delivers lovingly-crafted songs as her soundtrack to life’s many stories – true, or otherwise. This Philippine-born musician has been called “a songwriter with a knack for tickling a mainstream ear,” by Music Connection Magazine, which also gave a nod to her “extremely soulful singing voice.” Alfa celebrates originality on-stage while wielding a guitar, ukulele, keyboard, and kazoo (yes, a kazoo), delivering popular covers with a unique twist while pulling listeners into stories behind her songs. In the last 3 years, Alfa has toured throughout the US and Asia at hundreds of clubs, colleges, radio stations, and college conferences, and is set to release her next album under Pacific Records in 2015. Standard Isolated Rate: $1,500 Isolated: $1,500 2 of 3: $1,250 3 of 5: $950 5 of 7: $850 Plus hotel, meal, sound and lights. Notes:______

See your photos live during showcases! Use @theapca #APCANE15 23 LUNCH SHOWCASE - GRAND B/C FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2015 - 12:00PM Hoan Do - Metropolis Management - 877-536-5374 Being a successful student is stressful! Getting good grades, being involved on campus, finding a job…the pressures that you face can be overwhelming. Hoan Do understands this. In college, Hoan found himself overwhelmed by demanding classes, extracurricular responsibilities, and important life decisions. He was stressed, suffered from depression, and contemplated suicide. Refusing to give up on life though, Hoan decided to learn how to effectively manage stress so that he could succeed in school and the real world. Today, Hoan speaks across North America helping students to lower their stress, diffuse frustration, and avoid feeling overwhelmed. Because of his speaking style and contributions, Hoan was presented with the Verizon Wireless Motivator Award.His program, Turn Your Stress into Success, is filled with practical advice, interactive exercises, and LOL moments. Hoan is a graduate from Pepperdine University (CA), an acclaimed author, and competitor in NBC’s hit show, American Ninja Warrior. Standard Isolated Rate: $3,000 Isolated: $2,900 2 of 3: $2,750 3 of 5: $2,500 5 of 7: $2,200 Notes:______

Rob Ryan - Cutting Edge Entertainment - (888) 221-6538 Rob Ryan, like many comedy greats, hails from Long Island and has taken New York City by storm. After graduating valedictorian from Stony Brook University Rob immediately threw out his degree and relentlessly pursued stand-up comedy. In this past year, Rob has hit the air waves ap- pearing on “LAUGHS” on FOX and “Gotham Comedy Live” on AXStv performing original stand- up material. He’s also been featured on Radio and Television ads as an hilarious spokesman for “SHEETZ” gas and convenient stores. He is a presence in the New York scene performing nightly at the Broadway and New York Comedy Clubs, The Comic Strip, Gotham and others. Rob is no stranger to writing having been a contributing writer for a number of sketch comedy groups in New York and L.A. Rob has recently teamed up with ‘The Reel Public’, an on-line sketch com- edy group. He has garnered write-ups fromMTV.com and CNBC.com for his irreverent hilarious sketches. Rob Ryan’s style is a perfect blend of clean, relatable observational humor wrapped in an energetic delivery. Audiences love that Rob not only shares the thoughts parading through his mind but he shows them, with vivid characters and spot on delivery. Rob’s intelligent witticisms combined with his infectious story telling make his shows not only entertaining but unforgettable. To tell you any more though would be giving it away. Standard Isolated Rate: $1,500 Isolated: $1,500 2 of 3: $1,350 3 of 5: $1,200 5 of 7: $1,000 Plus travel, lodging, meals, sound and lights Notes:______

Marc Plotkin - E Major Entertainment - 323-813-8243 Marc Plotkin’s latest musical endeavor is an ambitious yet elegant juxtaposition of traditional singer-song- writer techniques with nontraditional instrumental execution. The resulting sound is reminiscent of a con- temporary jazz genre, inspired in part by the work of Justin Vernon of Bon Iver and Volcano Choir. After releasing a three song EP on SoundCloud that received more than 30,000 plays combined, Marc felt compelled to share his music on the road. He has big plans for the coming year, including releasing a music video, pursuing booking on the college circuit, and continuing to promote his latest project. Standard Isolated Rate: $1,400 Isolated: $1,300 2 of 3: $1,200 3 of 5: $1,100 5 of 7: $1,000 Plus travel, lodging, sound and lights. Notes:______

24 LUNCH SHOWCASE - GRAND B/C FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2015 - 12:00PM Elizabeth Acevedo - Neon Entertainment - (800) 993-6366 ELIZABETH ACEVEDO was born and raised in New York City and her poetry is infused with her Dominican parents’ bolero music and her native city’s tough grit.She holds a BA in Performing Arts from The George Washington University and an MFA in poetry from the University of Maryland. With over twelve years of spoken word experience, Acevedo has been a featured performer on BET, Centric and Mun2, as well as delivered a TED talk that aired spring of 2013. She has graced stages nationally and internationally including State Theatre in South Africa, Madison Square Garden, and the Kennedy Center of the Perform- ing Arts.Acevedo is a National Slam Champion, Beltway Grand Slam Champion, and the 2014 Women of the World representative for Washington, DC, where she lives and works. Her first book, Birth-Marked, was published in September 2014. Standard Isolated Rate: $2,025 Isolated: $2,025 2 of 3: $1,875 3 of 5: $1,675 5 of 7: $1,525 Plus travel, lodging, lights, sound and meals. Notes:______

Landry - Houla Entertainment - (865) 414-9266 Landry is best recognized for his likeable hair, sprouting from charismatic follicles. He is a Canadian born interracial love child whose hybrid existence, when mixed with a little dysfunction, makes for a fantastic recipe of comedy goulash. He is the winner of both the Comedy Festival and the World Series of Comedy but none of that matters so long as his mom thinks he’s funny. With a smile that lights up a room and a personality to match, there is no telling what great things this young performer will achieve.Landry is booked at campuses and comedy clubs across the country booking over 50 schools his first year showcas- ing in the college market. He was nominated for 2014 Comedian of the Year. Standard Isolated Rate: $1,600 Isolated: $1,600 2 of 3: $1,500 3 of 5: $1,400 5 of 7: $1,350 Plus travel, lodging, sound and lights. Notes:______

Community Center Band - 301-751-6504 Community Center has been winning over diverse audiences with storytelling songwriting and a live set that features saxophone, accordion, violin, clarinet, and highly-arranged vocals. Community Center has played large music festivals, won First Prize at a national film festival, and even led a city parade. Having made the jump into full-time touring, Community Center plays between 20-25 shows a month and performs in nearly every city in the continental United States and southern Canada. With performance residencies in Brooklyn, Philadelphia, and Boston, as well as two singles from the band’s new album in rotation on national radio stations, Community Center is quickly garnering national attention for innovative songwrit- ing and a live act that should not be missed. Standard Isolated Rate: $2,100 Isolated: $1,800 2 of 3: $1,700 3 of 5: $1,600 5 of 7: $1,400 Notes:______


25 PURPOSEFUL PROGRAMMING SHOWCASE I - EAST BALLROOM FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2015 - 3:30PM FIRST 50 IN DOOR RECEIVE FREE GIFT! Lindsay Benner - Cutting Edge Entertainment - (888) 221-6538 Lindsay has toured around the world with her one woman show.She has entertained the magic world’s elite at The Magic Castle inHollywood and been a favorite among Los Angeles Comedy Clubssuch as The Ice House, The Com- edy Store, and The Comedy andMagic Club in Hermosa Beach. Her success in the Comedy sceneled to a talent scout inviting her to appear on The Tonight Showwith Jay Leno. Standard Isolated Rate: $1,850 Isolated: $1,850 2 of 3: $1,750 3 of 5: $1,650 5 of 7: $1,500 Plus travel, lodging, sound and lights. Notes:______

Bob Bell - 347-573-5173 Bob Bell performs at clubs and colleges throughout the US and Canada such as the New York Comedy Club, Mon- treal’s Comedy Nest, The Comic Strip, Tribeca Comedy Club, Stand-Up New York and is a regular political talk radio guest on BIG 810 AM Orlando. His comedy is described as anywhere from a primal scream for sanity to an intellectual cry for help. Through caustically funny rants he points out the absurdity in life from TV ads to fandom to our obsession with technology and his hilarious NYC experiences where people have mistaken him from everything from a strip bar patron to a prison cellmate. Standard Isolated Rate: $1,500 Isolated: $1,500 2 of 3: $1,300 3 of 5: $1,250 5 of 7: $1,200 Notes:______

Joseph A. Curcillo - Mike Miller Entertainment - 215-364-8132 Things you learn in school are not your ticket to success or the pass to a free ride. It is what you learned about yourself and the world around you as you continue on your journey that defines your future. Joe is a practicing attorney with degrees in Law and Civil Engineering.He knows better then anyone the the knowledge that you acquire in college is the foundation upon which you will build your career and future.For 30 years Joe has practice what he preaches and has become a successful businessman and an entertaining mentalist. Combining his skills, you will surly enjoy his presenta- tion, and if you’re not careful, you will learn something before he’s done. Standard Isolated Rate: $2,000 Isolated: $1,750 2 of 3: $1,650 3 of 5: $1,500 5 of 7: $1,400 Plus travel, lodging, sound and lights. Notes:______

Michael Isaac - THEE MICHAEL ISSAC - (844)-284-3364 Michael Issac is a Comedian in every sense of the word. As a stand-up comedian, Michael Headlines at Zanies Comedy Club in Chicago. He has commercials airing on television and online for Sears, Kmart and Cox Communi- cations. He has also co-starred on Chicago Fire and was featured in a Nick Cannon music video! This is Michael’s second year as an APCA Associate and he’s already becoming a favorite on campuses in every region. Students and advisors enjoy how naturally funny he his, and the touch of class he adds. From his dapper appearance, to his approachable presence on stage, Michael is definitely on his way to APCA comedian of the year!Stop by Thee MIC in the exhibit hall and meet Michael Issac. Ask to see some of his commercials and his new hilarious Bicycle Safety web series, and you’ll quickly see why you should book him TODAY! Standard Isolated Rate: $2,000 Isolated: $1,800 2 of 3: $1,700 3 of 5: $1,600 5 of 7: $1,500 Plus travel, lodging, sound and lights Notes:______26 PURPOSEFUL PROGRAMMING SHOWCASE I - EAST BALLROOM FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2015 - 3:30PM FIRST 50 IN DOOR RECEIVE FREE GIFT! Dr. Jodi Merriday, M.A., M.Sc., Ph.D. - (678) 428-9260 Dr. Jodi Merriday is a premier Black History Month, Women’s History Month and Multicultural/ Diversity programming talent. Her 2015 series, “HERStory” is a lecture performance that intro- duces students to jazz and explores the life lessons present in the legacy and lyrics of Billie Holiday, Nina Simone and Abbey Lincoln. She illuminates the resilience of America’s diverse citizens, em- boldens personal strength and inspires the pursuit of happiness. Dr. Jodi Merriday’s Multicultural/Diversity Training series, “Building Bridges: Framing Cam- pus Programming to address Diversity, Inclusion and Difficult Conversations” has been used by student government associations, campus leadership programs and resident life de- partments to: 1) facilitate a customized diversity profile; and 2) provide programming to bridge campus dialogue about sexual orientation, gender, race and other (ISMS). *TITLE VII and TITLE IX TRAINING is also available for Advisors, RA’s, Public Safety personnel, Faculty and Staff* Standard Isolated Rate: $3,000 Isolated: $2,750 2 of 3: $2,500 3 of 5: $2,250 5 of 7: $2,000 Plus travel, lodging and sound (*See Dr. Merriday for Training and Workshop pricing and details*) Notes:______

Travel Hacking- Jason Boring - 347-844-1448 Jason has spent extensive time in South America, Southeast Asia, the Indian Subcontinent and Africa while circum- navigating the globe. He has also crossed the U.S. via plane, car, bus, motorcycle, and hitchhiking. Jason presents a unique perspective about the potential logistical hurdles of both domestic and international travel, simultaneously creating a dynamic, engaging, and insightful dialogue with students.Jason’s hope is to use some practical knowl- edge that he has gained to help solve many of the large and small issues that a traveler might run across. Knowing these tricks can be the difference of going on the trip of a lifetime or not, gaining experiences that you will hold in your heart forever. Knowing how to use a clothespin to prevent giardia can allow you to continue to travel happily and safely. Research also shows travel as one of the highest impact items in a college career. Standard Isolated Rate: $2,500 Isolated: $2,100 2 of 3: $1,900 3 of 5: $1,700 5 of 7: $1,500 Plus travel, lodging and meals. Notes:______

AMA KARIKARI-YAWSON Be The Author of Your Most Empowering Story (Storytelling, Dance and Personal Narrative Writing Workshop) Ama Karikari-Yawson is a Harvard trained author, attorney, publisher, entrepreneur, educator, and storyteller. Her dynamic personal narrative workshops consisting of storytelling, dance, and narrative writing incorporate lessons which are empirically proven to nearly eliminate gender and minority achievement gaps. Standard Isolated Rate: $3,000 Isolated: $3,000 2 of 3: $2,500 3 of 5: $2,000 5 of 7: $1,500 Notes:______

27 STUDENT KEYNOTE - 5:00PM - EAST BALLROOM Stress Management for School-Life Balance Pandit Dasa - Conscious Living, LLC - 614-286-1080 Audience: Student Managing schoolwork, relationships, career, and finances, can turn into a real balanc- ing act. It can lead to stress, anxiety, and even depression. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), 30 percent of college students reported feeling “so depressed that it was difficult to function.” This workshop will present a variety of healthy eating and meditation practices that will help us deal with the challenges that come with college life. Harvard and MIT studies have revealed that meditation can improve one’s memory, focus, productivity and enable us to cope with challenging situations. The study also shows that it can reduce stress and anxiety. In this session, we will learn simple breathing and focusing techniques that can nourish the mind which will lead to improved health, greater productivity, and better relationships. ADVISOR KEYNOTE - 5:00PM - MONTCLAIR Capacity-Building: The New Superpower in Higher Education Ann Marie Klotz - New York Institute of Technology - [email protected] Audience: Advisor What separates good employees from excellent ones? In a word, “Capacity.” In a time where we are constantly asked to do more with less, new skills are required to recon- ceptualize our work. As we professionally advance, additional tasks will continue to pile onto our plates with little opportunity to remove current duties. In this keynote, I outline ten tips to building capacity at work. This session is designed to teach capacity-building techniques to inform, inspire and transform your day to day work. DINNER SHOWCASE - GRAND B/C FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2015 - 6:00PM Adam Grabowski - Adam Grabowski Entertainment - (708) 899-2326 Comedian Adam Grabowski is APCA’s 2015 Comic of the Year! He was the most booked act at the 2015 APCA National Conference and the cover of the APCA magazine. Adam has performed his award-winning, interactive stand-up comedy show in 45 States and at more than 450 colleges! He is rated the #1 College Comedian for a record-breaking 4th year in a row... in addition to winning Campus Activities Magazine’s 2015 Comic of the Year award. Adam’s comedy show is an action-packed roller coaster ride. Starting with a 90mph vertical drop straight into jokes about your childhood, you’ll find yourself laughing uncontrollably through the hilarious twists and turns, followed by exciting loops of funny graphs, PowerPoint, and improv. Adam’s show will have you in tears as you pull into the station chanting “Again! Again!” Over 450 colleges have experienced the Grabowski comedy thrill ride. Will you? Standard Isolated Rate: $1,750 Isolated: $1,600 2 of 3: $1,500 3 of 5: $1,400 5 of 7: $1,300 Plus travel and lodging Notes:______Travis Rocco - JB Entertainment - 607-423-9463 Travis Rocco’s critically acclaimed, pop/rock album, “Smoke & Tangerines,” is the latest release from the talented New York based singer/songwriter. The album was recorded over a 2 year period with Grammy Award winner Jeff Juliano (Jason Mraz, Train, John Mayer). Travis has performed with many major acts, most recently A Great Big World, Walk the Moon, and the Grammy Award winning band Switchfoot. With a unique tone, Travis’ voice is instantly recognizable. He has toured 36 states, played at over 180 colleges nationwide, and averages 170 shows per year. At home in any size venue, Travis is the perfect fit for your college event. Be it an intimate, acoustic coffeehouse performance, an open mic hosting, to a full staged Festival. Standard Isolated Rate: $1,200 Isolated: $1,200 2 of 3: $1,100 3 of 5: $1,000 5 of 7: $900 Notes:______28 ______DINNER SHOWCASE - GRAND B/C FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2015 - 6:00PM

Nick Pike - Neon Entertainment - (800) 993-6366 British comedy juggler and America’s Got Talent quarter finalist, Nick Pike, has headlined around the world for over a decade. He has performed in theaters, at festivals, corporate events, and on the world’s largest cruise ships. Nick is now touring colleges and universities across America. He stormed on the U.S. college scene when he showcased at APCA Nationals in 2010. Since then, he has performed his one-man show, ‘Laugh Out Loud!’ on over 150 campuses. Nick’s fast-paced comedy juggling show combines crazy skills, dangerous stunts, hilarious volunteer interaction, and an English accent.Nick has performed at campus events of all sizes, from 3,000 seat theaters to 20 students in a conference room. Whether your venue is indoors or out, large or small, on a big stage or no stage at all, Nick is guaranteed to entertain! Standard Isolated Rate: $1,975 Isolated: $1,975 2 of 3: $1,875 3 of 5: $1,775 5 of 7: $1,675 Plus travel, lodging, lights, sound and meals. Notes:______Anthony Kapfer - Cutting Edge Entertainment - (888) 221-6538 Anthony Kapfer is a NYC comedian/musician. He has been seen on the FOX comedy TV show, Laughs. His comedy has also been featured on Sirius XM Radio, channel 99 Raw Dog Comedy. He has appeared on Naked News, in Canada. Anthony’s comedy can also be seen on Comedy Time TV on HULU. Anthony Kapfer released a stand up comedy E.P. with Comedy Records, March 10, 2015. It is available on iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, and everywhere else digital music is sold.Anthony performed at the 2014 North By North East Comedy Festival in Toronto, Canada, and at the NY Funny Songs Festival in 2013 and 2014.Anthony Kapfer will appear in “Stereotypically You,” the new film from Red Square Pictures in 2015. It is a comedy starring Abby Elliot (SNL) and Kal Penn (Harold and Kumar).Anthony Kapfer released a comedy album of fake kids songs called Songs For Children To Cry To, which is available at AnthonyKapfer.com. Standard Isolated Rate: $1,350 Isolated: $1,350 2 of 3: $1,150 3 of 5: $1,000 5 of 7: $750 Plus travel and lodging. Notes:______

Matt Beilis - Matt Beilis Music - 732-718-8845 Matt Beilis has one of the most unique voices you will ever hear! He has shared the stage with Smokey Robinson and toured nationally with Secondhand Serenade. His latest single, “Perfect For Me” was released exclusively on RyanSeacrest.com and was called ‘one of the most important things on the internet’ by People Magazine. Matt has produced music for MTV, Victoria’s Secret, Jeep, and for multi-platinum superstar, Daddy Yankee. Matt’s YouTube videos have earned over 30,000 subscribers and millions of views and have been recognized by stars such as Bruno Mars, Ariana Grande, and Ashton Kutcher. Standard Isolated Rate: $1,250 Isolated: $1,150 2 of 3: $1,100 3 of 5: $1,050 5 of 7: $1,000 Plus travel, lodging, meals, sound and lights. Notes:______Eric Buss - Cutting Edge Entertainment - (888) 221-6538 Eric Buss’ high-energy, and hilarious act has been called, “Pure Art, Pure Madness!” It combines crazy inven- tions and Eric’s high-octane sugar rush of comedy into a non-stop ride of mischief and magical gadgetry that most people could never imagine. Eric not only imagined it, he turned it into an award-winning act that he has performed around the world and on “The Late Show” with David Letterman. In fact, Letterman called his perfor- mance “Tremendous, sensational, and beautiful.” And, as 10 million people watched, he managed to win over one of the most difficult audiences in television- the audience of “America’s Got Talent.” Standard Isolated Rate: $2,500 Isolated: $2,200 2 of 3: $2,000 3 of 5: $1,850 5 of 7: $1,700 Plus travel, lodging, meals, sound and lights. Notes:______29 DINNER SHOWCASE - GRAND B/C FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2015 - 6:00PM Eric Schwartz - The College Agency - 651-222-9669 An unassuming nerd unleashes a mind-blowing show filled with musical comedy, physical antics, multicultural satire and social commentary. With a skill set similar to Jimmy Fallon or Adam Sandler, Eric Schwartz is one of the most creative and original comedians working today, earning the description, “everything there is to love about entertainment.” (First Order Historians). With appearances on , Showtime, Comics Unleashed, BET and more, this multi-dimensional showman’s stand up, songs and characters have made him a favorite at clubs, colleges and the web. His viral creations have aired on E!, G4, CNN and OMG Insider, while YouTube recently named him one of their prestigious NextUp Cre- ators. “E! News Daily” host Ryan Seacrest says Schwartz is “rocking the web” with “video that’s got everyone Googling.” Standard Isolated Rate: $1,950 Isolated: $1,800 2 of 3: $1,700 3 of 5: $1,600 5 of 7: $1,400 plus hotel, meal, sound and lights Notes:______Jinahie - Metropolis Management - 877-536-5374 Jinahie (“my wings” in Arabic) is an extraordinarily gifted, 22 year old Egyptian-American spoken word poet hailing from Washington DC. Since 2008, Jinahie has competed in HBO’s Brave New Voices International Youth Poetry Slam documentary series produced by Russell Simmons. She has had the unique opportunity to share the stage with Grammy-nominated artists such as John Mayer, The Roots, Common, Smokey Robinson, Mos Def and Talib Kweli. In addition, she has graced some of the most revered stages such as the Nokia Theater, Kennedy Center, Lincoln Theater for the Hip-Hop Theater Festival, BET’s Lyric Cafe and Sundance Film Festival. Most recently, she has had the honor of performing for Michelle Obama. She is currently embarking on a college tour throughout the country. She enjoys soggy cereal and long conversations with strangers. Standard Isolated Rate: $2,000 Isolated: $2,000 2 of 3: $1,900 3 of 5: $1,700 5 of 7: $1,500 Notes:______Cover Drive - Degy Entertainment - (732) 818-9600 Cover Drive is a band on a mission to bring the sunshine sounds of their native Barbardos in the world. In 2011 and 2012, the Bajan quartet successfully brought the sunshine-y feel good sounds of their Caribbean hertiage to the UK music scene. Labeled Carib-Pop (a fusion of Caribbean music and mainstream pop music), three of cover drive’s four singles hit the top 10 of the UK Official Chart. Their fellow Barbadian mega superstar, Rihanna and world chart-topper, Kelly Clarkson, have allowed them to share their stage as main support acts. In 2013, their hit song, ‘Turn Up The Love’ with Far East Movement went double platinum in Australia and made it into President Barack Obama’s inaugural playl- ist. The band, fresh off their Fall UK headline tour, just released their new EP, ‘Liming in Limbo.” Standard Isolated Rate: $2,000 Isolated: $1,750 2 of 3: $1,500 3 of 5: $1,350 5 of 7: $1,000 Plus sound, hotel and meals. Plus travel on isolated dates. Notes:______EXHIBIT HALL 9:00PM - GRAND A/B LATE NIGHT EVENT - EAST BALLROOM FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2015 - 10:00PM Brian Eslick - Comedy Hypnosis - 732-564-0605 Don’t just watch this hysterical hypnosis presentation be part of it and instantly wipe out stress in your life, rejuvenate, and just feel amazing. Brian Eslick is one of the Northeast’s top hypnotic entertainers, an extremely successful sought after talent. He’s starred in his own off-Broadway show in New York City. He has since established himself at the top of his field appearing on television, radio, and print across the country. Brian is a recognized expert in his field and has hypnotized thousands of people. Standard Isolated Rate: $2,500 Isolated: $2,500 2 of 3: $2,000 3 of 5: $1,800 5 of 7: $1,500 Notes:______

30 LATE NIGHT JAM - 11:00PM - HOTEL LOBBY 31 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015 WEAR YOUR CONFERENCE T-SHIRTS 8:00 am...... Conference Check In / Submit Graphics...... Bergin/Concourse Lobby 8:00 am...... CSA Training...... Montclair 9:00 am...... Educational Sessions / SG Session...... Various Rooms 9:00 am...... Cooperative Buying Caucus...... Manhattan 10:00 am...... Graphics Competition Closes...... Bergin/Concourse Lobby 10:00 am...... Educational Sessions / SG Session...... Various Rooms 10:00 am...... Cooperative Buying Session...... Manhattan 11:00 am...... Student Keynote...... East Ballroom 12:00 am...... Lunch Showcase...... Grand B/C 2:30 pm...... Exhibit Hall...... Grand A/B 3:30 pm...... Purposeful Programming Showcase...... East Ballroom 4:00 pm...... Associate Wrap-Up ...... Morris 5:00 pm...... Student Keynote...... East Ballroom 5:00 pm...... Advisor Keynote...... Manhattan 6:00 pm...... Dinner Showcase...... Grand B/C 8:30 pm...... Exhibit Hall...... Grand A/B 9:30 pm...... Final Cooperative Buying Session...... Manhattan 9:30 pm...... Exhibit Hall Move Out...... Grand A/B 9:30 pm...... Late Night Event...... East Ballroom 11:00 pm...... Late Night Jam (21+)...... The Glen Bar/Lounge CSA TRAINING - 8:00AM - MONTCLAIR Campus Security Authority (CSA) Training Adam Lambert Audience: Advisor Who needs CSA (Campus Security Authority) training? It could be you! If ANY of the following apply to you or your students YOU need CSA Training:

Advisors, are you a: • Campus activities advisor or student life advisor? • Someone who oversees student housing, a student center, or extracurricular activities? • Director of athletics, a team coach, or a faculty advisor to a student group? • Coordinator of Greek affairs? • Student counselor or advisor? • Member of a judicial committee, or at all involved in the disciplinary process?

Students do you: • Work as an RA? • Take tickets at your campus events? • Check IDs at campus events or in a campus facility like a gym or dining hall? • Have a student job assisting students, like an assistant coach, trainer, or manager? • Have responsibility for or monitor entrance to any campus property, like a parking lot or building? • Work at an information kiosk or help desk on campus? • Assist with Greek housing? • Escort students around campus after dark, or offer rides or assistance to other students? • Volunteer on a judicial committee? The US Department of Education and the Federal Bureau of Investigation admit that, to date, compliance with the Clery Act by most schools is abysmal. Many six figure fines later and compliance is still far below par. The biggest problem at most schools is a lack of training for their CSAs. Why? Because, thus far, CSA training has been expensive and hard to find. No longer! Now, you can train your CSAs here at APCA! 32 [1] All definitions quoted from 34 CFR 668.46(a)(4) [“DEFINITIONS: Campus Security Authority”] 9:00 AM EDUCATIONAL SESSIONS

Manhattan APCA Cooperative Buying Caucus - Jondra Darden Director of Associate Services and Education Audience: Co-op Buyers This is an official APCA cooperative buying session. The tours for the artists showcasing at this conference will be determined here, and the meeting is mandatory for all cooperative buying representa- tives.

Essex Meditation for Health and Wellness Pandit Dasa - Conscious Living - 614-286-1080 BEGINNER Audience: Student This workshop will empower students with simple meditation techniques to help them cope with and possibly even overcome stress, anxiety, insomnia, trauma and depression. Students will learn breathing and focusing meditations that will help them strengthen and nourish the muscle of the mind. A healthy mind can be our best friend and an unhealthy mind can become our worst enemy. Just as we feed and exercise our body for proper physical health, we need to do the same for our mind. We will learn to make the our friend, conquer our insecurities, and develop the mental skills we need to deal with life’s challenges.

Morris Not Your Typical Sex Talk ELECTIVE Dr. Justine Shuey - Sexologist - DR SHUEY LLC - 855-377-4839 Audience: All Not Your Typical Sex Talk A hilarious, honest, no-holds-barred approach to sexuality education that uses puppets, props, interactive activities and audience participation to address misinformation head-on while enhancing sexual awareness. We’ll start by covering a variety of sexuality topics including but not limited to Sex, Love, Healthy Relationships, Com- munication, and Consent and see where the conversation takes us with an Anonymous Q & A session via text message. Students will leave educated, informed, and empowered to take charge of their sexuality in safe and appropriate ways.

Alpine Identity in a Diverse World ADVANCED Qurrat Ann Kadwani - They Call Me Q - 646-489-5322 Audience: All The session will include acting and writing exercises to facilitate a dialogue on the definitions of identity and diversity. Exercises will include an analysis of our names and the nicknames that are developed; an assessment of of prejudices by defining images of ethnic people; analysis of the depth of the word multicultural; discussion on individual vs. insti- tutional power.

Palisades EQ 101: Managing Emotions and Emotional Greg R. Ieraci MA, LPC, NCC - Berkeley College LEADERSHIP Audience: Student Some researchers indicate that a higher EQ (emotional intelligence) is much more important than a higher IQ. Come join us and explore how emotional self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management all play an integral part in successful interaction with others. During this session you will develop a deeper understand- ing of your emotions, how to better manage challenging situations and build stronger relationships as a student leader.

Montclair I Love To Talk about the Power of Promotional items Andy Frazzano - Step 2 Promotions - 973-978-0946 MARKETING Audience: Student Learn how the use of promotional products can be a powerful tool in the promoting of an event or business. Find out how certain products can ignite the senses and also be the difference in an ordinary event becoming an extraordinary event. You will learn how certain marketing items can potentially be the difference between success and failure and how signature products can establish brand recognition. This session will use case histories to show results. Find out why people talking to people is still the best way to promote a message and how the right marketing items can get the conversation going and create a buzz.


Manhattan APCA Cooperative Buying - Rita Goyette Morrisville State College Audience: Co-op Buyers This is an official APCA cooperative buying session. The tours for the artists showcasing at this conference will be determined here, and the meeting is mandatory for all cooperative buying representatives.

Essex Lead Like an Athlete: Pre-Game, In-Game, and Post-Game ADVANCED Bobby Audley - Outside The Zone - (315) 558-2278 Audience: SG Whether you like it or not, successful athletes are some of the most admired professionals in our society. So what can we learn from them? In this session you will learn the powerful rituals that high performing athletes practice daily and how these rituals can change your life as a leader on campus. After all, the quality of your life is the quality of your rituals! This session will be SUPER high energy, tons of fun, and you will learn the 3 cornerstones of the Student Leader Triangle Offense! Get ready to move, think, and perform like your favorite athlete! #jointheteam #outsidethezone #dontbe left out!

Morris How to Know What Students Want ELECTIVE David Cucinoatta - Columbia-Greene Community College - [email protected] Audience: Student This session is designed to help student programmers effectively determine what type of events and activities are pre- ferred by their fellow students. It will also be an opportunity for students to share what works and what does not work when promoting events they have planned. Please come with ideas to share with other boards and questions to get feedback to help your organization with future events.

Alpine SuperPowerment: How Women Can Master Bravery and Become Unstoppable BEGINNER Christina Irene - 717-576-7976 Audience: All What could we accomplish if we never had to worry about what people would think – or if we didn’t have to worry about failing? Quite often, women don’t pursue the things we really want because of internal barriers; in this interactive session, we’ll implement a proven, step-by-step process to get past these inhibitors. We’ll also learn actionable strate- gies to remain empowered when external “villains” come about, such as sexual harassment, discrimination, and abuse. The truth is, we all have it in is to be able to achieve greatness, and once we learn these simple ways to get past the obstacles women face, we can all be unstoppable.

Palisades C2: Care & Community Sherrille Shabazz, Ed.D and Melissa Vidam, MA - Berkeley College LEADERSHIP Audience: Student Do you find community service projects to be an overwhelming task? Is it sometimes difficult to get your peers involved with community service initiatives? Do you feel if you can’t do it BIG, don’t do it at all? Berkeley College’s Office of Student Development and Campus Life oversees a community outreach program called Berkeley Cares. Since 2009 Berkeley Cares has provided community service activities throughout New Jersey and New York to over 50 non-profit agencies and organizations. During our time together we will share strategies and examples of how you can do it big or small at your institution and how to engage your peers while impacting your community.

Montclair Making it Happen Michael Issac - Thee MIC - 844-284-3364 BUSINESS/ ENTERTAINMENT Audience: Student Do you want a career as a performing artist? Are you intrigued by the entertainment industry? Want a no nonsense realistic approach on how to be a “successful” instead of a “starving” artist? Then this session is for you. Michael Issac will show you the ins and outs of how he has been steadily climbing the ladder to success as a performing artist with a combination of talent, business acumen and persistence. From actting to stand-up comedy, and speaking; Michael has definitely been Making it Happen. Now he’s ready to show you how you can too! 34 STUDENT KEYNOTE - 11:00AM - EAST BALLROOM #DontBe______TO PLAY A BIGGER GAME IN COLLEGE!! Bobby Audley - Outside The Zone - 315-558-2278 Audience: Keynote Bobby Audley believes that ‘Life Begins at the End of Your Comfort Zone’ and his challenge to you is #DontBe. #DontBe is the reality that most of us have untapped potential. #DontBe is the understanding that most of us are in the positions we are in because someone of authority knows we have the ability, the skills, and the knowledge to fulfill this role better than anyone else they know. Most of us sit on the sidelines of life hoping we don’t hear our name called because then we might have an opportunity to fail. But deep down inside we all know that if we simply remind- ed ourselves #DontBe Intimidated, #DontBe Scared, #DontBe Nervous, #DontBe whatever it is that is holding us back and keeping us down…deep down most of us know we would soar! If you believe NOW is your opportunity to BE the most au- thentic version of yourself, step outside of your comfort zone, play life full out and thrive in new environments, then you cannot afford to miss this keynote. #DontBe______! - BE a catalyst and a creator of something positive and inspiring on your campus and in this world. Stretch, play life full out, and embrace life Outside The Zone! #DontBe left out!

Before pen and ink, there was...

“Fantastic Show! What a delightful trip through history....” DELEGATES! -Bluefield State Univ., Bluefield WV THE Did you see an AMAZING SHOWCASE at this conference? ..and want to show it to the committee at your next Programming Board meeting? An audienceR participationI timeO travelT adventure Gwith Ask the Artist to send you a link to their KIJANA WISEMAN, M.Ed. APCA Best Diversity Program (2001& 2002) • APCA Best Performing Artist ( 2001) Showcase Demo Video! Your audience transforms into Kijana's amazing "Griot Chorus" as she takes us on a magical, musical time trip from mankind's African dawn to the present. From teaching us a South African *Xhosa song to the origins of Spirituals, Vaudeville, Motown, Jazz and the songs of today, each time Kijana changes characters on stage, her "Griot Chorus" ARTISTS: participates and is transformed as well. This program highlights the Only APCA, you or your agent can order the beauty, poetry, evolution and influence of African- archival footage being shot at this conference. American music in shaping the world of today.

Ask me about This former Peace Corps Volunteer has, ORDER YOUR DOWNLOADABLE HD FOOTAGE TODAY AT my Workshops and HeartSongs performed in 20 countries on 3 continents. for Women's ConcertMonth! ShowcaseDemo Videos, mp3s, posters & booking info: www. .com OR CALL/TEXT 713-446-7413 www.MoShows.com 713-521-0900

35 LUNCH SHOWCASE - GRAND B/C SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015 - 12:00PM Rich Kiamco - (917) 498-1810 - [email protected] Rich’s comedy career began as the costume designer for comedian Judy Tenuta where he eventually began performing with her as her back-up dancer in Las Vegas, on The Show and venues nationwide. He’s received standing ovations at True Colors, the nation’s largest LGBTIA Conference, and at the Filipino Intercollegiate Networking Dialogue. Awards include: Overall Excellence Award @ NY FRINGE and Best Solo Performance @ Montreal GLBT International Theatre Festival. Rich has performed on campuses across the USA, Canada, China and the Philippines and has been selected to perform in the Boston, San Diego, and Maine Comedy Festivals. Rich was featured on BRAVO’s Queer Eye For The Straight Guy also appeared on AOL’s 2Point Lead, OutQ Sirius XM, The Wendy Williams Show and recently opened for Louie Anderson in Las Vegas. Standard Isolated Rate: $2,000 Isolated: $1,800 2 of 3: $1,600 3 of 5: $1,400 5 of 7: $1,200 Plus sound and lights. Notes:______

Meaghan Blanchard - Degy Entertainment - (732) 818-9600 Meaghan Blanchard is a singer/songwriter from Hunter River, PEI Canada. She draws a lot of her inspira- tion for performing and songwriting from her grandparents especially granma Glenda whose words are still fondly remembered by Meaghan: “Look for the person in the audience who looks like they have been having a bad day and sing to them. Make ‘em smile. You just never know what that could mean to some- body.” Meaghan considers herself lucky to have had the opportunity to see her grandparents perform as a young girl. It helped her fuel her dreams and inspired her to take on the challenge of becoming a suc- cessful performing singer/songwriter. Standard Isolated Rate: $1,500 Isolated: $1,500 2 of 3: $1,250 3 of 5: $1,150 5 of 7: $950 Plus travel, hotel, meal, sound. Notes:______

Gabriela Garcia Medina - The College Agency - 651-222-9669 Few spoken word artist can speak of Revolution and do it with style. Gabriela is one of them. Born in Russia to Cuban parents, she has seen the world through eyes most haven’t. As an international spoken word artist and award-winning poet, her poetry has taken her to places such as South Africa, Cuba, Brazil, Switzerland and all over the United States. Her poetry ranges from topics as serious as the so- cial injustices we all face to talking about her lingerie. Gabriela has been relentlessly touring colleges, festivals and churches since 2007. And now her words have found a permanent home on the walls of Eva Longoria’s restaurant “Besos” in Los Angeles. Most recent are her national commercials for Dove and Toyota. She is the perfect multi-cultural event: Inspirational, Educational and a great smile. It’s a performance you won’t want to miss. Standard Isolated Rate: $2,100 Isolated: $2,100 2 of 3: $1,900 3 of 5: $1,750 5 of 7: $1,500 Plus sound and lights. Notes:______

Francis Menotti - Mike Miller Entertainment - 215-364-8132 You have discerning taste. You want your event to shine with a level of class and style that will have people talking and complimenting you for years. Francis Menotti delivers. A seasoned, full time profes- sional since the year 2000, he consistently impresses audiences around the world.His highly innovative, intelligent presentations are sought after by the most prestigious venues including the Six-Star Crystal Cruise Lines Magic Castle at Sea. In addition, Francis is a frequent performer at the world famous Hol- lywood Magic Castle and New York City’s longest running magic show, Monday Night Magic. He has also had the pleasure of entertaining Medal of Honor recipients at the two most recent U.S. Presidential Inaugurations, author George R.R. Martin’s theatre in Santa Fe, and for season two of Penn & Teller Fool Us, airing on CW in July, 2015. Standard Isolated Rate: $2,000 Isolated: $1,750 2 of 3: $1,650 3 of 5: $1,500 5 of 7: $1,400 Plus travel, lodging, sound and lights. Notes:______36 LUNCH SHOWCASE - GRAND B/C SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015 - 12:00PM Avery Julian - Cutting Edge Entertainment - (888) 221-6538 Avery Julian is a solo performer from Trumbull, Connecticut. When not touring, he spends his time between Connecticut and California. Avery writes and performs original pop rock music as well as cov- ers. Using a unique double-keyboard setup, he uses looping and other creative ways to create a larger sound than many singer-songwriters.Avery has performed over 100 shows across the U.S. and over 10 colleges. He’s been featured on MTV, VHI, Hard Rock Casino, American Eagle, Polo, LA Fitness UK, Levi’s and Reebok. Avery draws influence from acts such as Coldplay, Imagine Dragons, Mumford and Sons, OneRepublic and more. He presents a wide range of music from anthems to ballads. Standard Isolated Rate: $1,250 Isolated: $1,250 2 of 3: $1,150 3 of 5: $950 5 of 7: $800 Plus lodging, meals, sound and lights. Notes:______

Alvin Irby Comedy - (917) 573-0357 - ONSITE DISCOUNT Comedian Alvin Irby was selected by NBC to perform in the 2015 StandUp NBC New York City Showcase. He per- forms at colleges, comedy clubs, and festivals from coast to coast. Irby’s work as an entrepreneur and the creator of Barbershop Books, a nationally recognized literacy program, has been featured on CBS This morning, NBC News, BBC News, and the Huffington Post to name a few. He speaks at conferences throughout the United States about social entrepreneurship. This kindergarten teacher turned comedian and entrepreneur, brings a hard–hitting comedy show packed full of FUNNY. Irby’s hilarious social commentary and quirky observations leave audiences bent over in laugher and begging for more. Irby comedy is an experience students will never forget. Standard Isolated Rate: $1,550 Isolated: $1,550 2 of 3: $1,300 3 of 5: $1,200 5 of 7: $1,100 Plus Travel and Lodging. Notes:______

Glen Tickle - 908-619-4813 Glen Tickle (yes, that is his real name) is a comedian and writer with a unique view on the world and his place in it. Tickle has won several comedy competitions, been selected for the Staten Island Comedy Festival, and has made repeated appearances at Musikfest, the largest un-gated music festival in the US.A former substitute teacher, Tickle’s comedy is hilarious and at times surprisingly educational as he talks about trying to explain complicated science questions to preschoolers, dealing with being called “Mr. Tickle” every day, and his transition into parenthood.Tickle has opened for the likes of Jay Black, Judah Friedlander, Ben Bailey, and Myq Kaplan. He also once challenged Bill Nye the Science Guy to a bow tie tying race and lost. It wasn’t even close. Standard Isolated Rate: $1,500 Isolated: $1,500 2 of 3: $1,350 3 of 5: $1,200 5 of 7: $1,000 Plus sound Notes:______Austin Moody - Degy Entertainment - (732) 818-9600 For those that don’t know Austin, it would be easy to be put him in the same category as many of today’s chart toppers. He looks the part. And he has charisma that is infectious. But, at 22 years old, rivals that many of the great country artists that came before him. As a truly original artist, it’s not easy to compare Austin’s style to any one individual... so think Don Williams meets John Mayer... very honest and real, but with a fresh, sexy vibe. Austin writes from the heart and offers authentic, relatable music. From Kingsport, TN, Austin stays true to his roots, we writes about what he knows and feels. On stage, his energy and spirit is contagious and he delivers his music in a way that is fun and keeps fans coming back time and time again. Standard Isolated Rate: $2,000 Isolated: $1,750 2 of 3: $1,500 3 of 5: $1,350 5 of 7: $1,150 Plus travel, lodging, meals, sound and lights Notes:______EXHIBIT HALL 2:30PM - GRAND A/B 37 PURPOSEFUL PROGRAMMING SHOWCASE II - EAST BALLROOM SATURDAY, OCTPBER 3, 2015 - 3:30PM FIRST 50 IN DOOR RECEIVE FREE GIFT!

Frankie A. Soto, Hidden Legacy Poetry - 516-810-2535 Frankie A. Soto,is the author of a Weed in a Garden of Extraordinary Flowers & Forever is not enough,“Unquestionably one of the best touring gigs going right now in the business” raves Zachary Kluckman, Editor of the THE PEDESTAL MAGAZINE. This artist has shared his heart wrenching poems & stories to standing ovations at over 200 colleges/universities & venues. An ambassador for Non for Profit organization “Fighting Cancer with Poetry” in Washington D.C & on the Board of Directors for Heart of Music Org for Heart Disease. Frankie has been featured for magazines in the US & CANADA & has been published for Alzheimer’s maga- zine, Autism & his HIV poem “Guessing Game” was nominated & selected to the Atlanta A3C Film Festival. His drunk driving poem”Last Call” was used by MADD (Mothers against drunk driving) & his poem “Graduation” on homosexuality is used by organizations at college campuses nationwide. Standard Isolated Rate: $1,400 Isolated: $1,400 2 of 3: $1,350 3 of 5: $1,325 5 of 7: $1,300 All inclusive Notes:______

Leadership Speaker, Hilary Corna - 800-723-0537 Seen on ForbesWoman, NBC, & TEDx, Hilary Corna, FMR Senior Executive Officer with Toyota Asia, delivers a one-a-kind, inspirational message that those with a daring mindset will lead the 22nd century. As a first-gen- eration college student and raised in a single-parent family, Hilary has shared her message now with more than 30,000 students at leadership conferences, orientations, and first-year programs around the country. Hilary out- lines 5 universal leadership approaches and pragmatic tools that students can apply in college. This program is designed to increase student engagement with a mission of developing individually responsible global leaders. This modern twist on leadership cultivates intrinsic motivation in students to challenge the norm, discover their own leadership style and take on roles on campus. What to expect when Hilary visits your campus? Authenticity, discomfort, and empowered students who get involved and understand the da ring art of leadership. Are you ready to #DareYourself? www.HilaryCorna.com Standard Isolated Rate: $3,000 Isolated: $2,500 2 of 3: $2,000 3 of 5: $1,800 5 of 7: $1,600 Plus sound and lights. Notes:______

Sydeny Adeniyi - 618-530-1205 Sydney Adeniyi is a rising star in the world of comedy with a likable, relaxed and engaging style that breaks the mold. He startles audience’s funny bone with satirical and curious material with a touch of mischief. Sydney recently appeared in ABC’s Windy City Live and won “The Best of the Best” comedy contest. He’s a regular guest on WGN radio and guest hosted Frank Fontana’s Down and Dirty on the DIY network. You can catch Sydney touring his unnamed Comedy special around the country and hear his clips on internet radio.In 2013, Chicago Tribune named Sydney Adeniyi as a comedian to watch and he was a feature performer at the Laugh Your Ashville Off Festival. Sydney continues to grow as an entertainer. He is currently writing a sitcom, studying at Second City and doing commercial acting. Standard Isolated Rate: $800 Isolated: $800 2 of 3: $740 3 of 5: $700 5 of 7: $660 Notes:______

38 PURPOSEFUL PROGRAMMING SHOWCASE II - EAST BALLROOM SATURDAY, OCTPBER 3, 2015 - 3:30PM Dr. Justine Marie Shuey – DR SHUEY, LLC. – (855) 377-4839 Dr. Justine Shuey has always had a passion for human sexuality. She is a Board Certified Sexologist & AASECT Certified Sexuality Educator with a Doctorate in Human Sexuality and a Masters in Human Sexuality Education. Dr. Shuey believes sex is healthy and normal. She creates safe and welcoming environments for college students to explore issues related to human sexuality, expand their knowledge around sexuality and gain confidence in their sexual expression. ASK HER ABOUT GRANTS AND SPONSORS TO HELP FUND YOUR PROGRAM! Standard Isolated Rate: $3,500 Isolated: $3,250 2 of 3: $3,150 3 of 5: $3,000 5 of 7: $2,750 Plus travel, lodging, sound and lights. Notes:______Joshua Fredenburg - Metropolis Management - 877-536-5374 Joshua Fredenburg is a nationally acclaimed speaker, media commentator, leadership/diversity consultant, rela- tionship expert, and author of five books. He has served as a keynote speaker for different lectures, conferences, retreats, and trainings at various colleges, non-profit organizations, and corporate events in forty four different states. He is also a dynamic speaker who is known for delivering an inspirational message with expert advice that leads to immediate, life changing and transformational results!Despite Joshua’s busy schedule, he has also appeared as a television guest on BET, the Wayne Brady Show, the KTLA Morning Show in Los Angeles, the Daily Buzz National Morning Show, K-CAL 9 News in Los Angeles, and CBS News in San Francisco to name a few. All of Joshua’s work is done with a heart of humility, love, integrity, excellence, exceptional character, and strong desire to provide emerging and seasoned leaders with a life changing experience! Standard Isolated Rate: $3,800 Isolated: $3,800 2 of 3: $3,400 3 of 5: $3,000 5 of 7: $2,800 Notes:______

Brazillian 2wins - Houla Entertainment - 865-414-9266 From the ghettos of Brazil to performing in front of thousands worldwide, the Twins step into the crowd to inspire and educate audiences how to persevere despite all obstacles. Sharing their amazing story of leaving the violent favelas of Rio de Janiero in pursuit of their dreams, this charismatic duo motivate and empower students to take charge in their own lives. With over 25 years combined teaching and speak- ing experience, Walter and Wagner weave comedy, audience engagement and music into their open dialogue format sessions , making them a huge hit on campuses everywhere. Standard Isolated Rate: $2,500 Isolated: $2,500 2 of 3: $2,300 3 of 5: $2,100 5 of 7: $1,900 Isolated PLUS Travel, Room, Sound and Lights 2 OF 3 PLUS Travel, Room, Sound and Lights 3 OF 5 PLUS Room, Sound and Lights 5 OF 7 PLUS Sound and Lightss Notes:______

Harlem KW Project - 2 Funny Entertainment - 347-664-8389 Harlem KW Project, LLC (HKWP) is a theatrical company consisting of four young women from Harlem, New York City. Together these women created the AUDELCO-award winning play about gentrification in Harlem, “Renaissance in the Belly of a Killer Whale.” This “edutainment” play explores the conflicts in coming to terms with a gentrified Harlem through spoken word poetry, theatre, song, and dance. The characters grapple with both the positive and negative aspects of gentrification through stories both deeply moving and uproariously funny. HKWP has performed at numerous venues, including sold out per- formances at theatres such as the Times Square Arts Center and the National Black Theatre. Their Harlem Killer Whale College Tour has made stops at 17 schools across the country and they have been invited back to some of those schools on numerous occasions. Standard Isolated Rate: $2,500 Isolated: $2,000 2 of 3: $1,900 3 of 5: $1,700 5 of 7: $1,500 Plus, travel, lodging, meals, sound and lights. Notes:______39 ASSOCIATE WRAP-UP - 4:00 pm - Morris Jondra Darden Director of Associate Services & Education This will be a recap of the conference events. You will have the opportunity to give input, ask questions and discuss the future of the APCA. Upcoming events and developments will be disclosed any new APCA services for Associates will be unveiled at this meeting. See you there! STUDENT KEYNOTE - 5:00PM - EAST BALLROOM Get Your Tool Belt…How to Build a Better Box Ann Marie Klotz New York Institute of Technology - [email protected] Audience: Keynote During this interactive session, students will be empowered to use their talents and gifts to inspire change and think about their own capabilities in a new way. Students will leave this keynote with ways to use their leadership positions to help make a positive change on their home campus.

ADVISOR KEYNOTE - 5:00PM - MANHATTAN I CAN… I MATTER… NO MATTER… WHAT… I Can NO Matter What! Dr. Dallas Reed Berkeley College - [email protected] Audience: Keynote There are so many facets to being a Student Affairs Professional today: program- ming, activities, extra-curricular, community outreach, student conduct, Title IX, etc. We are expected to do so much more with less, be everything to our students, work long hours and keep a smile on our face. Resources are diminishing, budgets are being cut, and we are expected to engage, retain and graduate every student. How do you maintain your zeal and passion in the mist of all that? How do you keep persevering NO Matter What? How do you remind yourself… “I Can?” Dur- ing our time together, we are going to focus on what we do have control over…. Mind over Matter…..

See your photos live during showcases! Use @theapca #APCANE15


D’lai - 2 Funny Entertainment - 347-664-8389 It’s no surprise that D’lai is one of the country’s hottest comedians. He has excelled as a stand-up comic and impressionist, playing large audiences in a variety of theatres where he can hold an audience in the palm of his hand. This vibrant star has gone on to appear on BET’s “Comic View”, “Live in Hollywood”, Bill Bellamy’s “Who Got Jokes?” and was the winner of the 2004 Las Vegas Star Search. Since then, D’lai has opened for such notable comics such as Bill Bellamy, George Wallace, Bruce Bruce, and the legend- ary Dick Gregory. Standard Isolated Rate: $2,000 Isolated: $1,800 2 of 3: $1,600 3 of 5: $1,500 5 of 7: $1,400 Notes:______

Down North - Houla Entertainment - (865) 414-9266 Seattle isn’t the first place one generally thinks of when the subject of soul music comes up. But Down North bucks the dominant paradigm and brings it for real. Singer Anthony Briscoe has a charismatic presence to go along with his voice, which falls somewhere between Terence Trent D’arby and Corey Glover. And the band has got chops. Put on your dancing shoes. Standard Isolated Rate: $2,000 Isolated: $1,650 2 of 3: $1,500 3 of 5: $1,250 5 of 7: $1,100 Notes:______

They Call Me Q - Qurrat Kadwani - (646) 489-5322 Qurrat Ann Kadwani has won Best Actress, Best Play, Trailblazer, Cultural, City and State Awards for her hit college circuit play focused on identity and diversity. She is the first South Asian female to have a solo play Off Broadway in NYC with They Call Me Q. College students leave this emotionally charged comedy exclaiming “Best performance ever!” and “motivational like no other!” Faculty all over the coun- try constantly book Q for her “golden nuggets of wisdom” and “educational multicultural experience!” She was featured on a National interview on Fox News and Fox 5 has deemed her “A Woman Who Shapes the Future” for her portrayal of 13 characters in one hour and her commitment to diversity. Q has performed over 100 times including at The United Nations. She has also conducted workshops on multiculturalism, acting and writing. Check out this “winning tale” of a girl who is just like you! Standard Isolated Rate: $3,000 Isolated: $2,700 2 of 3: $2,400 3 of 5: $2,100 5 of 7: $1,900 Plus travel, lodging, meals, sound and lights Notes:______

Kristen Merlin - Houla Entertainment - (865) 414-9266 Kristen Merlin is an up and coming artist from Boston, MA. She has been taking the musical world by storm with her energetic performances and powerful vocal abilities. She was recently on NBC’s Emmy award-winning show The Voice - Season 6 - finishing fourth overall. After touring across the US with The Voice post season, Kristen went into the studio and soon after released her debit EP - Boomerang. This 5 song collection soared to #2 on Billboard’s Heatseekers Chart. Aside from being a hit on National television, Kristen has had the pleasure of joining major players on stage such as Country Artists - Sugarland & Bryan White, as well as International Superstar - Shakira. Kristen is surely one to watch as she rises to the top! Standard Isolated Rate: $3,000 Isolated: $2,400 2 of 3: $2,165 3 of 5: $2,040 5 of 7: $1,925 Notes:______41 DINNER SHOWCASE - GRAND B/C SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015 - 6:00PM $100 GIFT CARD GIVEAWAY Joseph Rèohm - Neon Entertainment - (800) 993-6366 For the past two decades Joseph Réohm has honed his skills at various magical pursuits, from intricate close-up magic in a small intimate setting, to performing in arenas with crowds of over 14,000 people and everything in between. Aside from his regular show, this expert stage manipulator amazes audiences with several unique specialty acts that he has created; employing doves, CDs, illusion and any other object he can get his hands on. In 2001, he made the leap from hobbyist to full-time professional, bringing his unique brand of magic to corporate and celebrity audiences. Macy’s, Microsoft, NBA and Costco are just a few that sought out Joseph to entertain at their functions. He’s received national accolades for both close-up and stage magic. Réohm has been featured in magazines such as Bluefire magazine and Ladygunn magazine. He’s made several TV appearances on networks such as NBC Universal, E!, TrueTV and SyFy. Standard Isolated Rate: $2,275 Isolated: $2,275 2 of 3: $2,225 3 of 5: $2,175 5 of 7: $2,025 Plus travel, lodging, lights, sound and meals. Notes:______

Scott Porter - 636-236-5557 Scott Porter is a Nashville based singer/songwriter from St. Louis, MO. His style of music has been com- pared to Jason Mraz, John Mayer, and Maroon 5. Armed with an acoustic guitar and a loop station, Scott puts on an unforgettable, high energy, one-man-band show. Scott has spent the past few years touring the country and has opened for national artists such as American Idol Winner Taylor Hicks, The Verve Pipe, Jon McLaughlin, Bowling For Soup and Corey Smith. Standard Isolated Rate: $1,600 Isolated: $1,400 2 of 3: $1,200 3 of 5: $1,000 5 of 7: $800 Plus lodging Notes:______Nick Vatterott - Cutting Edge - Entertainment - (888) 221-6538 Since 2010 when Nick Vatterott broke-out at Montreal’s Just for Laughs Comedy Festival, he has per- formed on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon and , had a stand-up special on and is an actor/producer on the Comedy Central’s series Mash Up. Nick has toured with Chicago’s storied Second City and his sketch group ‘Heavyweight’ has performed at Second City’s Unhinged and the Toronto Just for Laughs Festival. He was the recipient of the prestigious Andy Kaufman award in 2011 and before head- ing off to NYC, Chicago Magazine listed Nick as “The Funniest Man in Chicago.” Nick Vatterott’s comedy has been called high-energy, improvisational, unconventional, outside the box, but most of all hilarious! Standard Isolated Rate: $2,000 Isolated: $1,850 2 of 3: $1,700 3 of 5: $1,500 5 of 7: $1,350 Plus travel, lodging, meals, sound and lights. Notes:______THROWBACK TIME MACHINE - Degy Entertainment - (732) 818-9600 Throwback Time Machine is quite simply the best party ever. A video dance party that transports the audience back in time to the beginnings of pop music and takes them through its evolution right up to the present day. Every memorable song, every cheesy dance routine and every feel-good sing-along from the past 40 years is played live by our resident DJ and broadcast through our two massive screens. Each decade is introduced by ‘the Doc’ our time traveling party starter who’ll give you on-screen instructions that’ll help you figure out your Macarena from your Har- lem Shuffle. Featuring a fantastic stage set-up, some highly interactive dance routines where the audience actually become part of the show and, of course, our outrageous resident DJ, Throwback Time Machine will have the crowd moving like no other showcasing act. A club hit now ready to rock the campus entertainment scene. Standard Isolated Rate: $2,500 Isolated: $2,400 2 of 3: $2,100 3 of 5: $1,700 5 of 7: $1,350 Plus sound/lights, hotel and meals. Plus travel on isolated dates. Notes:______

42 EXHIBIT HALL 8:30PM - GRAND A/B LATE NIGHT EVENT - EAST BALLROOM SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015 - 9:30PM $100 GIFT CARD GIVEAWAY Turn in signature page (page 7) for chance to win $100 gift card!

9:30PM - FINAL CO-OP BUYING SESSION LATEnight Manhattan Rita Goyette, Morrisville State College Jam Audience: Co-op Buyers This is an official APCA Cooperative Buying session. 11:00pm The tours for the artists showcasing at this conference will be determined here, and the meeting is mandatory Hotel Lobby for all Cooperative Buying Must be 21 & Older representatives. For More Details or to Play See Del Suggs LAST CHANCE TO SAVE! - BOOK YOUR CALENDAR Artists Welcome For Less At This Co-op Buying Session. To Perform 43 THANK YOU FOR ATTENDING The APCA Northeast Regional Campus Events Planning Conference! SAVE THE DATE JULY 22-24, 2016 - NEW YORK CITY 12TH ANNUAL LEADERSHIP ON BROADWAY Experience