CULLINGWORTH, DENHOLl\IE, THORNTON, \VILSDEN AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. is a hamlet in the parish of the same patronage as that of Cullingworth, and , aoout 3 miles w. from that town, the same others for W esleyans, Independents, Baptists and distances. E. from , 7 N.N.W. from , 1 Primitive Methodists. There is also a. school con.. a.nd 8 N. from . The inhabitants of the ham- ducted upon the national system. The population is let, for the most part, are employed in the manufac- returned with the parish of Bradford. turing establishments for spinning WOrsted and THORNTON is a populous chapelry, in the parish of weaving stuff,;-and in these branches there are Bradford, about 4a miles w. from that town. The several highly respectable firms. 'J he places of wor- manufacture of worsted is carried on here exten.. ship are a neat church recently erected in the early sively. The places of worship are the chapel of St. English style, dedicated to St. John, by grants and James (under Bradford), and others for Independents subscriptions, at a cost of £2,000., the present in cum- and W esleyan l\1 ethodists. An endowed free school, bent is the Rev. J. H. ~l itchell, patrons the Crown and and one conducted upon the national plan, are the the Bishop of Hipon ; two places of worship for principal charitable institutions. The chapelry con.. Methodists and one for Baptists. A national school, tained, inl84l, 6,777 inhabitants, and in l85ly8,051. a.nd one by the l\lethodists, has been lately built, and WJ LSDEN is a township and village, in the parish a. Sunday school are in the village. Population re- of Bradford, 4 miles s.s.E. from Keighley, and about 3 turned with the parish of Bingley. from Bingley and Thornton. The manufactlll'e ot' DE!'lHOLI\IE is a hamlet, in the parish of Bradford, worsted is carried on extensively in the township. about equidistant from Bingley, Keighley and Halifax In 1825 a new chapel was completed here, at an -between 5 and 6 miles from either town. The ma- expense of upwards of .£7,700., defrayed by the par­ nufacturc of worsted goods prevails in the neighbour- liamentary commissioners ; and in 1828 it was made hood ; besides which there are many extensive coal a district church ; it is dedicated to St. Andrew, and works, a brewery and copperas works. The places of 1 the right of presentation is vested m the vicar oi' worship are a church, dedicated to St. Paul, built at a Bradford. There are chapels for Methodists and cost of .£4,0()0., by grants and subscriptions, the pre- \Independents, and a national school. Population, in sent incumbent is the Rev. Philip Eggleston, and in 1831, about 2,500, and 1851, 3,454. POST OFFICE, CUI.LINGWORTH, James Smith, Post Jlfaster.-Lettcrs from all parts arrive (from BIN.GLEY ,} every mormng (Sunday excepted) at half-past ten, and are despatched thereto every afternoon at four. POST. THORNTON at Benjamin Emmett's.-Letters from all parts arrive {by foot post from BRAD• FORD,) every morning at half· past nine, and are despatched thereto every afternoon at a quarter past four. :POST, WIL~DEN, Recez,mg Home, at William lngleby's.-Letters from all parts arrive, (from BrNGLEYJ every mornjng {Sunday excepted) at haJf.past nine, and are despatched thereto every arternoon at four. !l'OST, ~ at James Whaley's.-Letters from all parts arrive lfrom BINCLEY,) every morning at eleven. and are despatched thereto every afternoon at half.· past three. _ GENTRY AND CLERGY. Grar Thomas, Thorn ton Jowctt Priestley, ThorntoL Mrs. Betty, Cullingworth Rohmsan Thomas, School green, Pearsnn .)o~eph, Cullingworih gate Dover R~v. Robert H. Wil~deo Thornton Peilrson William, Keelham bar Egglestoc Rev. Philip, Denbolme Wilson Eli Greenwood (and white- Robimon William, Keelham bar Gregory Rev. James, Thorntou smith), Denholme Wilkiuson Thomas, Denholme Jack son Rev, Thomas, Thorn ton CLOG MAKERS :Mitcbell Mr. R. I. H. Cu\lini!Worth BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Woodward Rev. Henry, Tbornton Bower Jonas, Harden Cryer Anthony, Wihden Fletcher Hich<~rd, Thomtnn ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Bower Tlwmas, Harden .Abbott Wilkinson, . Cockcroft Williaru, Thornton Hors fall Wil liam, Dellhnlme Bolton Elizabeth, Deuholme Emmett Christights Preston William, Culliugworlh Godly Thomas, Thornton Rhodes Benjamiu, Cullingworth C oc k croft Gt>orge, C ullingworth Hehden George, Cullingworlh Rohertshaw Joseph, TIJOmtou Denby Martha, Harden Heward George, Wilsden Robinson John, Thornton Drew Frederick, Harden Jowett Shadrach, CulliiJgworth Smith H anson, Wilsden Emmett Beujamin, Thornton Land Joseph, Wibden Smith Hezel;iah, Harden GRAMMAR ScuooL, Thornton- Leach Thomas, Cullingworth Smith William, Denholrne Henry Heppimtall, master Lund Thomas, Wilsden 'I'aylor Edward, Culliugworth Hainswort~ John, Dr~nholme . Josrph, Thorr.tou. Varlt>y Stt>phen, Wil•dl'n KIPPJNG ScHooL \m connex1on l\loore John Wilsden Wl"ight l\1 ichael, Wilsr..len with the Congregational Board, Neale Alfred Thornton 1 COAL MASTERS, Homerton Colle~e), Thornton- Pollard John', Thornton Bairstow & Wilson, Tlwrnton Adam Wood, ma•ter . , Robiuson John, Hat·den Baxcndall & Brothers, Dcnholme Longli_rld Hannah & Ellen (ladieS Robinsnn William; Harden Briggs Josepb, Thornton st:mmary) •, Thornton . Sharp Wil!iHm, 'fhornton Foster & Co. 'fhornton NA"IIONAL ScHooL, Culltng~~rth I Shoesmith Zechariah, Cullingwonh Jennings 8r Co. Thornton -John lngham,_ ma.ster; Ehza- Smith J onh, Wilsdeu Wood lsc~ac, Thorn ton beth In~ham, nnstrt'SS Stork Samuel, Thornton NATIONAL ScHooL, Denholme Taylor Erlwarcl CullingwOith COPPERAS MANUFACTURERS William. _Wilkiuso_nr master; Whaley James: Denholme Bower Joseph, Denholme gate Mary W1ll~tmon, m1stress Whaley Jarues, jnn. Oruholme DRUGGJSTS. NATIONAL St:HOOL, W•lsden-- Whaley Jo~eph Denholme William Vanghan, ma'iter • Bailey T. & F. Thoruton [wo1tl• Smith Margaret, Cullingwortil BUTCHERS. Dunn John, Wilsden and Culliug­ Wiight James, Wilsdt'n Aykroyd Daniel, Thornton Waddington J oseph, Thomton BLACKSMITHS. Bailey Josrph, Harden Ackroyd John, Thorn ton Bay ley J ames, Cullingworth GROCERS & TEA DEALERS­ Ackroyd Samuel, Denholme B•igl!s Mo~es, Wibden See Slwpkeepers, &;c. Ackroyd Thomas, Wilsden Claphrtm John, Wilsden Aykro)·d Jusepb, Cullingwurth I Cowgill John, Culliugworth HEALD YARN MANUFACTRS- Bradley Joseph, Harden , Holmes Jolw, Cui ingwortn Town end Geo. & Bros.Culliugwort~ Bwadllead Wm. 'fhornton heights Hl1nfichl Lukl', Dcuholme 1Towuend Simeon1 Thoruton 1-i ..