RAGB11 Foundation Commitment Sport Social Volunteers Emergencies Outreach Energy International Efficiency Sponsorship Missions www.fondation.veolia.com Funding Projects 2011 activity report Federating Employment Young people Partnership Workforce development Responsibility Cooperation Environmental Corporate Foundation Tel.: +33 (0)1 55 23 43 46
[email protected] • 2011 activity report Foundation Corporate Environnement Veolia conservation Networks VEOL_1205114_RA FONDATION_GB_COUV_564,5x220_v1.indd a1 04/06/12 15:47 Corporate Foundation governed by Law no. 87-571 of July 23, 1987 amended Head office: 36-38, avenue Kléber – 75116 Paris – France Mail address: 6, Esplanade Charles-de-Gaulle – 92751 Nanterre Cedex – France E-mail:
[email protected] Chief editors: Dominique Boizeau, Claire Billon-Galland Editorial coordinator: Hélène Salmon Design, artwork and production: Photos: Veolia Environnement photo library, Veolia Environnement Foundation photo library, the Foundation’s sponsors, Veoliaforce sponsors, Julie Garlenq (IFRC), CASE photo library, Aymeric Warmé-Janville, Francis Demange, David Bild, Katharina Kuhlmey, To meet environmental concerns, this document was produced by PDI, an Axel Ducourneau (CNRS), Cécile Diaz, Marie Aurenche, Maison du fleuve Sénégal, MIX Imprim’Vert, FSC-certifi ed printing company, using organic, plant oil-based Christophe Majani d’Inguimbert From responsible inks. It was printed on Amber Preprint 120 g/m² paper (Arctic Paper) made from sources fi bers sourced from responsibly and sustainably managed