Contractors: P
Mou toh bo,,d th•t comf"s to C•n•d• from So.•n S'4rU !h l w4y. CORK 1\ rn!croscoo•c view of cork showing its un•que: air~ce:ll structure. CORK IS LIGHT WEIGHT-MOISTURE RESISTING - FIRE RETARDANT AND ROT PROOF T HE enormous load the little burro is carrying absorbtion factor in addition to its high is mostly air, and entrapped air is ra ted insu lating value. very highly as an insulation against heat Armstrong's Corkboard roof insulation resists and cold. The microscopic view shows the deterioration and where subjected to moisture structure of cork very clearly and due through damaged roofing will not absorb water to its cellular nature has a very low moisture as fibrous materials are liable to do. CON DUCTI V IT Y O F A RMSTRO NG'S CORKBOARD - A recent test conducted by A. E. Aleut!, Professor of applied MechaniCS, Un1versity of Toronto, shows the conductivity (K) = 0. 28 b. t.u. per 1 " per ' F per hour at 47" F. mean temperature. £ng,neertng lnformi!Jtlon gladly wpplied. ARMSTRONG CORK & INSU LATION CO. LIMITED MONTREAL TORONTO WINNIPEG Armstrong's Cork Products FOR· THE ·AGES The "step-pyramid", the oldest survivi11g buildiug of stone. Built of limestoue by the Eg,rptio~t Royal Arcllitect, lmhotep, abot<t 3000 B.C. New Customs House, Toronto. Architect: T. W. Fuller. General Contractors: P. Lyall & Sons Con- struction Co. L imited. .__""'.;;..,_""-·'-"-- ~..__ __.,;;.;., .......... ...;.......-J,t~........,.-.,.,...._,_,.......,_.;..,..,.,. o&...,: __ ......:::..;..,_~.. ~ ......... ......:::.J It is significant that the earliest stone structure re .
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