INTRODUCTION FORMS.Around us the city forms. , muddy York, our now beloved Hogtown, has been forming around us for decades,evolving into the urban environment we inhabit today. We are conscious of the escalating skyline, the architectural masses which have forced our visual perceptions from the horizontal to the vertical, have inclined us to look skyward. But we are remarkably insensitive to the shapes down at our human level, the forms of the city which we encounter directly and daily. Wesleepwalk, oblivious to the everyday visual experiences which shape our thinking, form our outlook, invade our personal spaces. And the city forms which we most often ignore are those which have been consciously placed to enhance and stimulate our surroundings - sculpture - forms resulting from the human hand and imagination. For over a century, public sculpture has existed in Toronto, evolving from monuments to the monumental, from commemorative statues to ab• stracted volumes and masses, reflecting the growth of the city, the pro• gression of attitudes, the process of culture. Today, let us stop and 100k,Iet us "see"these forms created for the city. "Cityforms" was conceived to help us see,to force us to look. As the most extensive documentation of public sculpture in Toronto, "Cityforms" provides a unique opportunity to review the evolution of out• door sculpture in one of Canada'smajor cities, affording a valuable histor• ical perspective while at the same time issuing a challenge for the future. Scanty records exist on the history of the sculptures, echoing the general neglect accorded sculpture and sculptors over the past decades by the Toronto public. "Cityforms" is a concerted effort to correct this - to eradi• cate the neglect. The project documents not only the sculpture but the creators, the individuals who produced the forms. On the occasion of the 10th International Sculpture Conference, the world's largest gathering of sculptors, what more appropriate contribution by two major artists'organ• izations than an historical record in aid of a more creative future. For the message of "Cityforms" comes through loud and clear - an abundant legacy of public sculpture in Toronto is all around us but much remains to be done. Toronto is generously endowed with ideal settings for outdoor, public sculpture. Much of our contemporary architecture cries out for human expression, for works of the creative imagination to penetrate the sterility and awaken us. Toronto's hosting of the lOth International Sculpture Conference must spearhead a new era of awareness of the importance of our visual surroundings, a recognition that public sculpture is not an expendable frill but a necessity for an improved mode of living. Hopefully, 1978,Toronto's year of the sculptor, will engender an enthusiasm and awareness of public sculpture supported by corporations, government, and private individuals which will initiate a blossoming of sculpture throughout the ci ty and a rededication to standards of aesthetic excellence. Public art t? beginning to surface in Toronto. possibly it may be one factor that will keep our urban environment humanly habitable. At the very least it will make it visually bearable. To Alan Bakes who has single-handedly undertaken the "monumental" task of researching, compiling, writing, and designing "Cityforms" we owe a great debt of thanks. He has truly helped us to "see" the City forms. William J.S.Boyle Executiue Director Visual Arts

Horizon, /964 - bronze, Waller Yarwood (h. 19/7) THE ARCHITECTSAND ARCHITECTURALSCULPTORS YOUR GUIDE TO CITYFORMS In several cases when an architect conceived the design, The purpose of this map is to record the outdoor sculpture as in the case of Ferguson and pomphrey's "Cenotaph", his within the City ofToronto, presenting to you a"permanent" conception was carried out by stonecutters or technicians survey exhibition of our sculptural development over a whose names have been lost. These architects have been century. indicated by an (a)after the name. Since sculpture represents a reflection of a society's pro• Where an architectural sculptor was commissioned, the gress and thought, "Cityforms" should not be used merely sculptor's name has been used. In this group do not miss as a tool for a tour of sculpture, but as an instrument of Ivan Reznikoff's "Crocodiles and Vermin" on Croft Chapter awareness of the growth of artistic thought from a pro• House,University College,University of Toronto. Murdered vincial colonial capital to a cosmopolitan centre. by a jealous rival, Reznikoff has become Canada's most Although this sculpture does not always represent the best famous ghost. work of some of the artists, to have attempted to go E.J.Lennox, architect of Toronto's old City Hall, wished his "indoors" would have been impossible, covering so vast a name to be perpetuated as the designer of this edifice. He field. Even so, although a serious attempt was made to therefore placed the letters of his name in the carvings document all the outdoor sculpture within the political around the upper portion of the building. They are huge boundaries of the City of Toronto, "Cityforms" should more and can easily be seen, concealed among the support accurately be termed "an attempted documentation of all stones. The letters are on the west side and his bust is outdoor sculpture ..." carved above the main entrance on Queen Street. (Note, KEY AREAS the only head not a caricature.) Around Queen's Park you find the monuments typical of HOW TO READ CITYFORMS most cities representing historical personalities and Listed alphabetically in bold type the name of the sculptor events of the past. Not always successful, these monu• is followed by his lifetime or period of activity. The number ments are often the only record of asculptor's work whose in bold type on the next line is the number of the sculpture name would be unknown to us otherwise. In this area you and corresponds to its location on the map. The italics on will find the first public outdoor sculpture that was erected the same line is the title or a general description of the in this city. It is an ambitious conception by Robert Reid piece and is followed by the year of execution by the and was unveiled in 1870.The monumental tour continues sculptor or when erected at its present location. When both down University Avenue representing a tradition that was years have been found, this is indicated by a (f). The next maintained well into the 20th century. line indicates the material used followed by the address Further north, at Davisville Ave. and Yonge St.,is an area or a description of the location of the work. known as Greenwin Place. Contrasting with the centre of Although the main purpose of "Cityforms" is to raise the the City, this area presents an exciting group of outdoor awareness and provide information on outdoor sculpture, sculpture by some of our leading contemporary sculptors. it will also provide a record for posterity of sculptors and Here you will find work by Henry Moore,Michael Hayden, their work that might otherwise be lost. Kosso Eloul and a particularly effective piece, "Red square" It is our hope that afoundation like "Cityforms" will be built by Vancouver sculptor Jim Willer. upon in the future, with additions, corrections and those To the west, in High park, are examples of the work of pieces missed due to human error. several sculptors whose work has gained international To hear of new discoveries will assure us that you have recognition. Particularly noteworthy is the work of Mark looked for works of sculpture outside public or private di Suvero of the U.SA.and Menashe Kadishman of Israel. buildings with greater delight and interest. After months of research, this will be a further reward to our efforts. Although they may not fall within these areas, several pieces should not be missed. These include Walter Let us now follow the statement of pioneer Canadian Allward's "War of 1812Memorial"(1906),Victoria Memorial sculptor , "For God'ssake look atsculpture." Square, Wellington St. W., John Fillion's "Torso" (1967), Alan Bakes 95St. Clair Ave. W.,Jacques Lipchitz's "Return of the Prodigal ViceChairman Son" (1931),99Yorkville Ave.,and Henry Moore's"Three Way Visual Arts Ontario Piece \2" (1966)in front of Toronto's City Hall. VicePresident Ontario Society of Artists j VISUAL ARTS ONTARIO ONTARIO SOCIETY OF ARTISTS Visual Arts Ontario was designed specifically to further the aware• One of the oldest art associations in North America. the Ontario nessand appreciation of the visual arts in Ontario,to unify and co• Society of Artists was founded in 1872and has subsequently been ordinate the efforts of artists and art associations throughout the actively involved in thedevelopment of visual arts in this Province. Province. It is an association of visual art organizations in Ontario In t876and 1900the Society founded the Ontario Collegeof Art and encompassing three categories of membership: eight profession• the and in 1974was a founding member of al art associations, affiliate groups, and individuals, with a total Visual Arts Ontario. As well as member exhibitions, the Ontario membership of over 5.000artists, art educators and craftsmen. In Society of Artists holds yearly open exhibitions, providing a forum addition to providing administrative support and central co• for unknown and new talent to exhibit their work. Through its ordination for each autonomous member group and its pro• membership and exhibitions. the Ontario Society of Artists has grammes, Visual Arts Ontario initiates joint projects aimed at tried to reflect the balance of both new and established artists expanding the role of the visual arts in the cultural life of Ontario. within Ontario. Professional seminars, workshops, a colour xerography pro• Front Couer: gramme, a group insurance plan for member artists, participation Double You. stainless steel. 1973 by Kosso Eloul in the Ontario Arts Council individual grants programme, and (photo courtesy of the artist) various publications are undertaken by Visual Arts Ontario in the Back couer: interests of the visual arts community in Ontario. Incorporated in No Shoes. steel T' beams and cable. 1967 by Mark di Suuero July 1974 as a non-profit charitable organization. Visual Arts (photo. Mark Sawyer) Ontario is financially supported by the Arts Division ofthe Ministry ©Visual Arts Ontarlo. 1978 of Culture and Recreation, municipal and federal governments. drawIngs: Alan Bakes and private donations. As an organization operated for and by Visual Arts Ontario artists, Visual Arts Ontario attempts to fulfill the needs of pro• 8 York St.,7th Floor. Toronto, Ontario M5J IR2 fessional artists and, in addition, provide assistance to the public. telephone (416)366-1607 Crocodiles and vermin 1853-59, stone-Ivan Reznikoff(murdered 1859)

Survivors are not Heroes, /965 - bronze. Sorel Etrog ( b. /933)

Queen Victoria, /903 - bronze/granite, Mario Raggi (/821-/907) THE SCULPTORS ELFORD BRADLEY COX (b,19]4) 29 Three Figures, /958 stone - Margaret Addison Hall, Victoria University, a kE}j to cityf07-m~ 140 Charles 51. W. 30 Fish Fountain, c.1959 WAINO VALDEMAR AALTONEN (1894-1966) stone - Park Plaza Hotel, 4 Avenue Rd., Bloor St.W. Jean Sihe/ius, /935//959 31 Flight Form, /967 bronze, granite - Jean Sibelius Sq., Brunswick Ave. pink granite - Quadrangle, Hart House, University of Toronto 32 Untitled, /967-68 GEORGE GAMON ADAMS (182]-1898) metal, glass - Courtyard, Macdonald Block, Ontario Government 2 Lord Seaton, /866(/934 Building, Wellesley 51. W. at Bay 51. bronze, granite - Quadrangle, Upper Canada College, Avenue Rd. 33 Bear Eating Fish, 1971 CHARLES ADAMSON (1880-1959) stone - Bandshell, Exhibition Park 3 Sons of England Memorial. 1923 34 Youth and Environment, 1972 bronze, stone - University Ave. and Elm St. stone - Administration Building, Exhibition Park Figures, 1927 35 Bear, /973 limestone - Tower, Whitney Block, Ontario Government Building, stone - Administration Building, Exhibition Park 99 Wellesley 51. W. 36 Polar Bear. /974 stone - Queen Elizabeth Building, Exhibition Park WALTER SEYMOUR ALLWARD (1876-]955) 5 Northwest Rebellion Memorial, 1895 HUBERT DALWOOD (b.]924) bronze. granite - Queen's Park 37 The Temp/e, /967 6 John Graves Simcoe, 1903 stainless steel tubes, concrete base - High Park bronze, granite - Queen's Park 7 Sir Oliver Mowat. 1905 DORA DePEDERY-HUNT (b.1913) 38 Bas Reliefs of Technical Courses, 1962 bronze, granite - Queen's Park 8 John Sand(ie/d Macdonald, /909 stone - Ryerson Poly technical Institute, Administration Building, 50 Gould St. bronze, granite - Queen's Park 39 Mother and Child, /962 9 South African War Memorial, 1910 stone relief - Ryerson Poly technical Institute, bronze, granite - University Ave. at Queen St. 50 Gould 51. 10 William Lyon Mackenzie, 1937/1940 40 Workers. relief figures. 1950-52 bronze, granite - Queen's Park birchwood - Carpenters Union, 169 Gerrard St. E., War Memorial. /906 11 ~(/812 Sherbourne Ave. bronze, granite - Victoria Memorial Sq., Wellington St. W. GEORGI DIMITROV GAET ANO ANTONINI 41 Male Figure, /974 12 Untitled, /973 stone - 202 Davenport Rd. fondue cement - High Park MARK DI SUVERO (b.1933) LOUIS ARCHAMBAULT (b,1915) 42 Flower Power, 1967 13 Man and Woman. 1968 steel "I" beams and cable, wood logs - High Park bronze - Macdonald Block, Ontario Government Building, 43 No Shoes, /967 south off Queen's Park Crescent steel "I" beams and cable - High Park RON BAIRD (b.1940) ROBERT JAMES DOWNING (b.1935) 14 Untitled, /965 44 Facing, /969 welded steel - School of Architecture, University of Toronto, pre-cast concrete - Wall, Medical Sciences Building, 230 College St. University of Toronto 15 "83" 45 "Maltese Cross", 1969 welded steel - Consumers' Gas Building, Exhibition Park pyramidal blocks of pre~cast concrete - Courtyard wall, 16 Doors. 1977 Medical Sciences Building, University of Toronto bronze - Dupont Subway Station, Dupont St. and Spadina Rd. 46 Geometric Forms. wall relief, 1969 TED BIELER (b.1938) pre-cast concrete - Courtyard, Medical Sciences Building, 17 Wave, /969//97/ University of Toronto

cement - Courtyard, Medical Sciences Building, University FREDERICK A. TURNER DUNBAR (1849-1921) of Toronto 47 Sir Casimir Gzowski Bust, /896//968 18 Untitled (The Spiral of Life,)/97 J bronze life size _ Gzowski Memorial, Sir Casimir pre-cast concrete - Co~rtyard, Medical Sciences Building. Gzows~i Park, Lakeshore Blvd. University of Toronto 19

aluminumUntitled, /974rods - The George Drew Building, 25 Grosvenor St. ~/at,~~OSSO 1972 ELOUL (b.I920) stainless steel - Ballial St.-Pailton Cres., Greenwin Place

20 CHARLES BELL BIRCH (1832-1893) @oub/e You, /973 George Brown, /884 stainless steel _ 141 Davisville Ave., Greenwin Place

bronze, granite - Queen's Park @co./a. /973 21 THOMASSix Bas reliefsTAYLORof Student BOWIEAthlnes, /962(b.1905) e!lFreet::":\stalnless Arch,steel-/977288 Sherbourne Ave. , stone - Ryerson Polytechmcal Institute, AdmmlstratlOn BUt 109, , 50 Gould 51...... "Id' ~telcOIOysteel52 halom - Harbour Front Queen. s Quay pamted steel - Art Gallery of Ontano, Dundas St. W. SIR THOMAS BROCK (1847-1922) 22 Equestrian Statue of King Edward VII, 1919/1969 SOREL ETROG (b.1933) bronze, cement - Queen's Park 53 Complexes of a Young Lady, /960-62 23 Robert Raikes, /880//930 bronze - (a) Quadrangle, Hart House, University of Toronto, bronze, granite - Queen's Park (b) Courtyard, Hazelton Lanes 54 Survivors are not Heroes, 1961-62/1970 ALFRED H. CHAPMAN (1878-1949) (a) bronze -7 Hart House Circle, Hart House, University of Toronto 24 Bas relief, 19/7"/8 55 Flight II, /965-67 stone - Toronto Harbour Commission Building, 60 Harbour St. bronze - (a) 40 University Ave (b) Courtyard, Hazelton Lanes 56 The Couple, /968 VALER CHENDE (1934-1972) steel - III Davisville, Greenwin Place 25 Memorial to Val Chende, 1972 57 In Memory of Professor Jessie Macpherson. c.1968 stone - between III and 141 Davisville Ave., Greenwin Place bronze - E.J. Pratt Library, Victoria University, MYKHAILO CHERESHNIOVSKY Queen's Park Crescent 26 Lesya Ukrainka Monument, 1975 58 Grand Odalisque, /972 bronze, black granite - High Park bronze - 155 Balliol Ave., Greenwin Place 59 The Hand, 1972 ROBIN CLARKE (b.1940) (a) bronze - York Centre, 145 King St. W. 27 Architectural Sculpture, 1970 60 Yellow Screw, 1974 black metal, pink granite - York Centre, University Ave. plastic - 155 Balliol Ave., Greenwin Place

WESSEL COUZIJN (b.1912) FERGUSON AND POMPHREY (a) 28 Midsummer Night's Dream. 1967 61 Cenotaph, /925 concrete and chromed steel - High Park granite - Old City Hall, Queen St. at Bay St. JOHN FILLION (b.1933) JACOBINE JONES (1898-1976) CHARLES DUNCAN McKECHNIE (O.1920's-30's) 62 Torso. 1967 87 Three Generations of Man. c.1940 114 Figures. sculplUral decoration. /927 bronze, granite - Plaza, Imperial Life Insurance Co .. Indiana limestone bas relief - Our Lady of Mercy Hospital, stone, marble - Princes' Gates, Exhibition Park 95 SI. Clair Ave. W. 100 Sunnyside Ave. 115 Four Lions. sculptural decoration. 1927 88 Champlain, Wolfe. Simcoe. Brock. 1950 stone - Carlsburg Festival Bldg., Exhibition Park SIR GEORGE JAMES FRAMPTON (1860-1928) limestone portrait relief figures - Canadiana Gallery, CHRISTABEL, LADY FRAMPTON Queen's Park Crescent WILLIAM CURFOOT MOLLINGTON (1848-1887) 63 Peter Pan. 1912/1929 89 Thus Life is Liveable. 1954 116 Gargoyles, griffons. figures and sculptural decoration,1885 bronze - Avenue Park. 51. Clair Ave. and Avenue Rd. Indiana limestone bas relief - Confederation Life, 321 Bloor SI. E. stone - Bank of Montreal, Yonge SI. and Front S1. Simcoe. Robinson, Macdonald, Blake, Pardee, Brock, Baldwin. 90 aJHippocrates and his Students b) A esculapius and Centaur, 1960 117 STEPHAN FRITZ limestone tondos - Private Patients Pavillion, Toronto General Cameron. /886 (Relief Decoration) 64 Untilled Relief, 1959 Hospital. University Ave. sandstone - Main Entrance (e & w), Parliament Bldg., Queen's Pk. stone - Toronto Education Centre, Toronto Board of Education, 91 Graduate. 1962 118 Assorted Feline figures. griffons. floral decoration. /886 155 College SI. High relief figure, stone - Ryerson Poly technical Institute, sandstone - Parliament Bldg., Queen's Park Administration Bldg., 50 Gould SI. FRANCES MARIE GAGE (b.I924) HENRY SPENCER MOORE (b.1898) 92 Hockey Player. 1962 65 Rosamond. 1968 119 Reclining Figure on Pedestal. /959-60 High relief figure, stone - Ryerson Poly technical Institute, bronze - 50 Prince Arthur Ave. bronze, granite - III Davisville Ave., Greenwin Place Administration Bldg., 50 Gould St. 66 William D. Young. c,1960's 120 Three Way Pieceff2 (The Archer). 1966 bronze relief portrait - William D. Young Memorial Drinking MENASHE KADISH MAN (b.1932) bronze - Nathan Phillips Square, Toronto City Hall Fountain, Kew Gardens. Lee Ave. 93 Three Discs (In Suspence). 1967 121 Two Farms. 1966-69/1974 bronze - An Gallery of Ontario, Dundas St. W.-McCaul St. GERALD GLADSTONE (b.I929) steel - High Park 122 Untitled 67 Galaxv. 1960 PAULOSIE KANAYOOK (b.1937) bronze - between Brunswick Ave. and Major St. welded steel - Irving Grossman, Architect, 7 Sultan 51. LOUIS TEMPORALE (b.1909) 68 Fountain,/962 94 Eskimo. 1968 ROBERT MURRAY (b.1936) welded steel - 440 Front 51. W. stone - Hearst Block. Ontario Government Bldg .. Wellesley SI. 123 !kcms H. 1968-69/1973 Three Graces. 1968 69 and Bay SI. aluminum. coloured enamel - Galbraith Bldg., University of bronze, steel - Hearst Block, Ontario Government Building. Toronto, 35 SI. George SI. Wellesley SI. and Bay SI. MARYON KANTAROFF (b.1933) 70 Fountain. /968 95 Greenwin, 1973 OSCAR NEMON (b.1906) precast concrete - Exhibition Park bronze - 77 Davisville Ave. Greenwin Place 124 Sir Winston Churchill. 1977 71 Hanging Sculpture. /964 bronze. steel, concrete - Nathan Phillips Square, Toronto City Hall CHARLES KECK (1875-1951) welded steel - Gerald Larkin Building. Trinity College, 96 Shriners' Peace Memorial. 1930 K.S. OLIVER University of Toronto, Devonshire Place bronze - Bandshell. Exhibition Park 125 Census Five. 1977 72 Universal Man. 1976 stainless steel- Courtyard, Delisle Court, Yonge SI. - SI. Clair Ave. bronze - CN Tower MORRIS D. KLEIN (a) TED GOLDSTEIN 97 Wi!Jiatn D. Young Memorial, 1920 WILLIAM F.K. OOSTERHOFF (b.1895) Renaissance style drinking fountain. limestone and bronze • 73 A Summer Shower. 1975 126 Bas Relief and Figures. 1931 Kew Gardens. Lee Ave. stone - Royal Ontario Museum, 100 Queen's Park Crescent aluminum - Sheraton Centre, 123 Queen St. W. WILLIAM KOOCHIN (b.1927) HANS PLANIA (1881-1957) 127 Earth'"3. 1972 74 Sir Adam !kck. 1934 98 The Hippy. 1967 granite - High Park enamel paint on board - Balliol Tennis Court, Greenwin Place bronze, granite - University Ave., Queen St. 75 Ned Hanlan Memorial. 1926-29 AUGUSTS KOPMANIS (1910-1976) GIO POMODORO (b.1930) bronze, pink granite - Exhibition park, Marine Museum 99 Relief figures, f1lg, 1951 128 Foliage stone - SI. John's Lutheran Church. Balmoral Ave. 76 Robert H. Saunders Memorial. 1957 bronze - Royal Bank Plaza, Bay SI. and Front St. black granite - University Ave .. College St. NOBUO KUBOTA (b.1932) ANDREW POSA (b.1938) URSULA HANES (b.1932) 1()() In Memory of Mrs. Charlyn Howze. 1967{1969 129 The Flying Form. 1970 77 Sealed Girl. 1962 painted steel - Bellevue Square, Brunswick Ave. - Wales Ave. bronze - Toronto Real Estate Board, 1883 Yonge St. bronze - patio, Armstrong and Molesworth, Architects, CARL LANDER 130 Untilled. 1976 188 Davenport Rd. bronze - 150 Heath SI. 78 Sea Horse Fountabl. 1958 101 LAnding Sculpture S 11.1968 polyester and acrylic lacquer -77 Davisville Ave., Greenwin Place bronze, quartz, ceramic tiles - 2nd floor courtyard. Clarke-Irwin ARTHUR PRICE (b.1918) 102 LAnding Sculpture S VI. 1970 Ltd., 791 SI. Clair Ave. W. 131 Man Above Maffer. c.1965 polyester and acrylic lacquer -77 Davisville Ave., Greenwin Place bronze - Coliseum, Exhibition Park JACK HARMAN (b.1927) 79 Unlitled. 1964 EDWARD JAMES LENNOX (1855-1933) (a) 132 IIalic Shell Symbol. 1968 aluminum - Shell 011 Bldg .. 505 University Ave. bronze - Courtyard. Lothian Mews. 96 Bloor St. W. 103 Lennox Portrait and Signature in Decoration. 1899 133 Sails. 1975 80 MOlher and Child. 1968 sandstone - Old City Hall. Queen S1. W. at Bay SI. aluminum - Toronto (Harbour Castle) Hilton, I Harbour Square bronze - Wellesley St. W .. between Macdonald Block and JACQUES LIPCHITZ (1891-1973) Whitney Block, Ontario Government Buildings 104 Return of the Prodigal Son. 1931/1973 MARIO RAGGI (1821-1907) 134 Queen Victoria. 1903 MICHAEL HAYDEN (b.1943) bronze - Courtyard. Cumberland Court, 99 Yorkville Ave. bronze, granite - Queen's Park 81 Slide. 197/ FRANCES NORMA LORING (1887-1968) kinetic mixed media - 45 Balliol St. . Greenwin Place 105 Lion. 1939/1974 WALTER REDINGER (b.1940) 82 All Things !king Equal. 1978 limestone. (formerly at entrance to Queen Elizabeth Way) • 135 Montegna. 1975 mixed media - Art Gallery of Ontario. corner Dundas St. W. and Sir Casimir Gzowski Park. Lakeshore Blvd. metal - Pinetree Development Co.;Crum and Foster Beverley St. 106 St. Michael. 1940 Insurance Co., 155 University Ave. ROBERT HEDRICK (b.1930) High relief figure, stone - St. Michael's Hospital. over entrance. 30 Bond St. PAULINE REDSELL FEDIOW (b.1908) 83 Unlilled. 1970 107 MOlher and Child. 1957 136 Margaret Fairley Memorial, 1963{1973 concrete, epoxy - Jerrold Morris Gallery. 15 Prince Arthur Ave. bronze, polished black granite - Margaret Fairley Park, Ulster St.• polyester mural - Queen Elizabeth Bldg .. Exhibition Park Brunswick Ave. CLEEVE HORNE (b.1912) HAMILTON PLANTAGENET MacCARTHY 84 Two Figurative Bas Reliefs. 1958 ROBERT REID (O.19th cent.) (1846-1939) granite - North and South End, Bank of Canada. 137 Volunteers Memorial, /870 108 Egerton Ryerson. 1887 250 University Ave. marble, limestone, sandstone - north of Canadiana Gallery, bronze, pink granite - Ryerson Poly technical Institute, 85 Bear and Deer Family, 1953 Queen's Park Crescent Administration Bldg .. Gould St. at Bond St. stone bas reliefs - Crown Life Insurance Co .. 120 Bloor SI. E. 109 Sir John A. Macdonald. 1894 ROBERT ROUSSIL (b.1925) JEAN MILDRED HORNE (b.1914) bronze, granite - Queen's Park 138 The Family. 1961 86 Curved Fishes. 1954 110 Sir James P. Whitney. /927 bronze - 102 Bloor SI. W. bronze - Fountain pool, Food Products Bldg .. Exhibition Park bronze. granite - Queen's Park IVAN REZNIKOFF (murdered c.(859) JEROME MARKSON (b.1929) (a) 139 Crocodiles and Vermin. and other sculptural decoration, 1853-59 TWO-DIMENSIONAL CITYFORMS 111 Larry Sefton Memorial, 1976-77 limestone - Croft Chapter House, University College, RITA LETENDRE (b.I928) steel, granite, concrete - Larry Sefton Park. Bay St. and University of Toronto Hagerman St. 168 Artwal/, 'Sunrise', 1971 BERNARD SCHOTILANDER Neill Wycik College Bldg., 96 Gerrard SI. E. ALVAN SHERLOCK MATHERS (1896-1965) (a) 140 November Pyramid. 1967 GORDON RAYNER (b.1935) ERIC W. HALDENBY (1893-1971) (a) steel - High Park 169 Amvall. 197/ 112 481h Highlanders Manumem. /923 Edna Shoe Manufacturing Co. Ltd., 44 York SI. BARRIE SHAW-RIMMINGTON (b.I923) limestone - Queen's Park YORK WILSON (b.1907) 141 Sculptural Mural. 1974 170 Five mosaic panels. 1961 KENNETH ARMITAGE (b.1916) bronze - Prudential Assurance Bldg., 141 York St. 142 Sentinel, 1972 glass tiles - Bell Telephone Business Office, 76 Adelaide St. W. 113 Triararcho', 1957 bronze - 60 St. Clair Ave. E. bronze - courtyard. Hazleton Lanes. Mira Godard Gallery DA VID SMITH (1906-1965) 143 Primo Pianofn. 1962 stainless steel - David Mirvish Gallery, 596 Markham 51. CLEOPHAS SOUCY (1880-1950) COEUR DE LION MacCARTHY 144 History of Transportation, /927 stone frieze - south, Union Station, Bay 51. - Lakeshore Blvd.

HENRY SPROATT (1866-1934) (a)/E.R. ROLPH (a) 145 Queen Victoria, 1914 High relief portrait figure, limestone - Birge - Carnegie Library, Victoria University, Avenue Rd. at Charles 51. DAVID WATSON STEVENSON (1842-1904) 146 Robert Burns, 1902 bronze, granite - Allan Gardens, Sherbourne 51. BRIAN TAYLOR (b.1936) 147 Untitled, 1970 steel - 88 Erskine Ave.

SOFU TESHIGAHARA (b.1900) 148 The Happy Cloud. c.1972 bronze - McLaughl-in Planetarium, Royal Ontario Museum, 100 Queen's Park Crescent VICTOR TOLGESY (b.I928) 149 Memorial Commemorating 10th Anniversary oj Hungarian Uprising, /966 concrete, steel - Budapest Park, Lakeshore Blvd. UNKNOWN 150 Chinese Tomb Fragments Camels/Officials -Ming Dynasty c.1500 Gateways and Tumulus of General Tsu - Ching Dynasty (/644-1912) limestone, marble - Chinese Tomb Garden, Royal Ontario Museum, 100 Queen's Park Crescent

151 The Unknown Scholar, 1969-70 bronze - 341 Bloor St. W.

152 The Athlete bronze, copy of Greco-Roman original-Quadrangle, Hart House, University of Toronto, 7 Hart House Circle J, LISNEY BANKS (fl.early 20th cent.) 153 Canadian Corps Memorial, 1919/1962 bronze, granite - Canadian Corps Association, 201 Niagara St. DON WALLACE (b,I921) J 54 Disc Totem, /966 aluminum, concrete - Armstrong and Molesworth, Architects, 188 Davenport Rd. BRUCE WATSON (b.I925) 155 Two Form Break*8, 1973 bronze - Albert White Gallery, 25 Prince Arthur Ave. 156 Column. 1967 bronze - Albert White Gallery, 25 Prince Arthur Ave. SYDNEY WATSON (b.191 I) 157 Fourteen Panels, c. 1960 porcelain on steel- Lash Miller Chemical Laboratories, University of Toronto, St. George St.jWillcocks St. 158 Memorial Tablet. 1966 stone - Court House, County York, (ext. s.w. corner), 361 University Ave. JIM WILLER (b.1921) 159 Red Square, 1968 cut steel, lacquer - 200 Balliol St., Greenwin Place FREDERICK WINKLER (1898-1974) 160 Figures of Canadian Industry, 1937 frieze, stone - Toronto Stock Exchange, 234 Bay St. 161 Mythological Figures and Themes, 1951 Bas-reliefs, stone - Bank of Nova Scotia, 44 King St. W. (1903-1966) J 62 Figurmive Panels, /958 incised, gold leaf - MacLean-Hunter Bldg., (n. & s.), 481 University Ave.

FLORENCE WYLE (1881-1968) 163 Edith Cavell Memorial, 1919/20 bronze, stone - Toronto General Hospital, corner University Ave. and College St. 164 Mother and Child, 1947 stone - Canadian Mothercraft Society, 32 Heath St. WALTER HAWLEY YARWOOD (b.1917) 165 Cedars, 1962 bronze - Faculty of Pharmacy Bldg., University of Toronto 19 Russell 5t. at Huron St. 166 Horizon, 1964

sculptural mural, bronze - 5yqney Smith Hall, University of Toronto, 51. George S1. 167 Untitled. 1968 free standing mural, bronze - Macdonald Block, Ontario Government Bldg., Wellesley St. W. oronze, me size - \..JZOWSKI Memonal, ~lr LaSlmlr Gzowski Park, Lakeshore Blvd.

KOSSO ELOUL (b.1920) . St. 010[' /972

&oub/e~~ainless You.steel -/973Balliol St.~Pailton Cres., Greenwin Place

~Go/a,/973~) stainless steel ~ 141 Davisville Ave., Greenwin Place

~Free~stainless Arch,steel-/977288 Sherbourne Ave.

'ding~~elcoloysteel~ha/orn - Harbour Front, Queen's Quay painted steel - Art Gallery of Ontario, Dundas St. W. .- . ";-:';';';';-:';';';;;;:;;';;:;' .


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