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Project Symbol Project Title Vendor This report provides information about FAO’s Vendors where the value of all Purchase Orders to this Vendor exceeds US$100,000. This data is presented to the best of FAO's knowledge as VENDORS WITH TOTAL PROCUREMENT ACTIONS OVER US$100,000 FOR 2017, Quarter 2 correct. If there are omissions, errors or comments please do contact [email protected] Project Symbol Project Title Vendor Name Vendor Country General Description of Goods or Services Sum of USD Net Ordered Value Integrated food security, nutrition, health, WASH and livelihoods OSRO/SOM/701/UK response to the drought in Somalia AWMOS DEVELOPMENT AND RELIEF ORGANIZATION (ADRO) Somalia Supervision Services of Community Activities 25,768 AWMOS DEVELOPMENT AND RELIEF ORGANIZATION (ADRO) Total Provision of Supportive Emergency Mass Treatment of BENADIR LIVESTOCK PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION (BENALPA) Somalia livestock 382,500 CENTRAL REGIONS LIVESTOCK PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION (CERELPA) Somalia Supportive Emergency Mass Treatment of livestock 772,080 MINISTRY OF LIVESTOCK & ANIMAL HUSBANDRY - PUNTLAND Somalia Emergency Mass Treatment of livestock 466,400 MINISTRY OF LIVESTOCK (MOL) OF THE GOVERNMENT OF SOMALILAND Somalia Emergency Mass Treatment of livestock 466,400 MINISTRY OF LIVESTOCK, FORESTRY AND RANGE Somalia Emergency Mass Treatment of livestock 36,520 SOUTH WEST LIVESTOCK PROFFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION (SOWELPA) Somalia Emergency Mass Treatment of livestock 772,080 Integrated food security, nutrition, health, WASH and livelihoods response to the drought in Somalia Total OSRO/SOM/701/UK Total 2,921,748 Réhabilitation et renforcement des moyens d'existence des ménages ALIANZA POR LOS DERECHOS LA IGUALDAD Y LA OSRO/HAI/701/EC affectés par l'ouragan Matthew SOLIDARIDAD INTERNACIONAL Spain DISTRIBUTION D'ASSISTANCE ALIEMENTAIRE 674,634 Distribution d'intrants agricoles et de matériels de pêche; et SOLIDARIDAD INTERNACIONAL (SI) Haiti suivi des moyens d'existence 871,057 Réhabilitation et renforcement des moyens d'existence des ménages affectés par l'ouragan Matthew Total OSRO/HAI/701/EC Total 1,545,691 (blank) (blank) AFRICAN INSTITUTE FOR AGRARIAN STUDIES (AIAS) Zimbabwe Training 60,000 AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH CENTER (ARC EGYPT) Egypt Aquaculture Research 19,864 ALBANIAN CENTER FOR ECONOMIC RESEARCH (ACER) Albania Strengthening institutional capacity 21,000 ASOCIACION PRO-FUNDACION PARA LAS CIENCIAS SOCIALES Uruguay Construyendo el Derecho a la Alimentación 25,000 CARIBBEAN NATURAL RESOURCES INSTITUTE (CANARI) Trinidad and Tobago Provision of services for Capacity Building 20,800 CENTAR ZA RURALNI RAZVOJ I POLJOPRIVREDU - AGRIKULTURA Serbia 23,950 COMISION NACIONAL FORESTAL (CONAFOR) Mexico Support FAO Working Groups 10,570 COOPESOLIDAR RL (COOPERATIVA AUTOGESTIONARIA DE SERVICIOS PROFESIONALES PARA LA SOLIDARIDAD SOCIAL RL) Costa Rica 58,000 CRADLE OF FORESTRY IN AMERICA INTERPRETIVE ASSOCIATION (CFAIA) United States 13,000 ECOAGRICULTURE INTERNATIONAL United States 21,248 Provision of State and regional agricultural development FOOD SECURITY WORKING GROUP (FSWG) Myanmar strategy consulting meetings 15,000 Jornadas y seminaries para el dialogo sobre Principios para la Inversion Responsible en sistemas alimentarios para el FUNDACION GENERAL DE LA UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA DE desarollo rural sostenible y el desarollo de programas MADRID (FGUPM) Spain formativos y materiales conexos 60,000 GROUPE URGENCE REHABILITATION DEVELOPPEMENT Réhabilitation Développement (URD) in support of the FAO (GROUPE URD) France Strategic Programme 60,000 INSTITUTE OF PIG BREEDING AND AGROINDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION OF NATIONAL ACADEMY OF AGRARIAN “Development of comprehensive program for conservation of SCIENCES OF UKRAINE Ukraine local Myrhorod breed of pigs 22,420 INSTITUTO DE NUTRICION DE CENTRO AMERICA Y PANAMA (INCAP) Guatemala Organización y sistematización de las Consultas Nacionales 20,000 INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Canada 38,804 INTERNATIONAL UNION FOR CONSERVATION OF NATURE STRENGTHENING WOMEN’S BUSINESS CAPACITY AND (IUCN) Nepal LEADERSHIP IN FOREST AND FARM ORGANIZATIONS 38,484 Research and information on the state of land and water INTERNATIONAL WATER MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE (IWMI) Sri Lanka resources 13,300 ISDC - INTERNATIONAL SECURITY AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER GGMBH Germany Support of the Programme development 45,000 KIPPRA-KENYA INST.FOR PUBLIC POLICY RES.& ANALYSIS Kenya Joint Kenya Country Programme Evaluation 53,971 Provision of Organization of the Expert Consultation on Global NATURAL RESOURCES INSTITUTE FINLAND (LUKE) Finland Forest Resources Assessment 71,064 NEPA SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES Nepal Survey implementation 54,937 Support of the study that will explore the scope and implications of multiyear financing in the context of multiyear NORWEGIAN REFUGEE COUNCIL (NRC) Switzerland planning 30,000 SOPRONI EGYETEM KOOPERACIOS KUTATASI KOZPONT “Establishment and coordination of the Forest Invasive Species NONPROFIT KFT (SOE KKK) Hungary Network 19,646 “The state of the Agriculture sector - Analysis and SPILKA MOLODI SELA Ukraine Recommendations vis-a-vis the conflict implications” 33,186 TEGEMEO INSTITUTE OF AGRICULTURAL POLICY AND DEVELOPMENT Kenya Programme Evaluation 42,514 TEXAS A&M AGRILIFE RESEARCH United States Piloting of Forage Condition 88,528 Development of the operational guidance on social protection UNITED NATIONS UNIVERSITY (UNU) Netherlands for forest-dependent communities” 25,000 UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL ASIA (UCA) Kyrgyzstan Sustainable food and agriculture 15,001 Support and Research Services for the Qualitative Case Study UNIVERSITY OF MALAWI Malawi on Productive Diversification 16,854 WORLD ANIMAL PROTECTION United Kingdom 35,000 1,072,142 Monitoring water productivity by Remote Sensing as a tool to assess GCP /INT/229/NET possibilities to reduce water productivity gaps INTERNATIONAL WATER MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE (IWMI) Sri Lanka 1,000,544 Monitoring water productivity by Remote Sensing as a tool to assess possibilities to reduce water productivity gaps Total GCP /INT/229/NET Total 1,000,544 Support to agricultural recovery of the most vulnerable households and ASSOCIATION D ELEVEURS POUR LA PRODUCTION Organisation de foires agricoles et Distribution de semences OSRO/CAF/605/UK revival of the local economy ALIMENTAIRE (AEPA) Central African Republic vivrières 28,005 Organisation de foires et distribution de semences vivrières et ASSOCIATION GENRE PAIX ET DEVELOPPEMENT(GEPAD) Central African Republic outils agricoles 26,695 Organisation de foires et distribution de semences vivrières et ASSOCIATION GRENIER D AFRIQUE (AGA) Central African Republic outils agricoles 12,826 ASSOCIATION POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT COMMUNAUTAIRE Organisation de foires et distribution de semences vivrières et (ADC) Central African Republic outils agricoles 17,996 Organisation de foires et distribution de semences vivrières et CARITAS KAGA BANDORO Central African Republic outils agricoles 47,034 Organisation de foires et distribution de semences vivrières et CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES (CRS) Central African Republic outils agricoles 31,716 Organisation de foires et distribution de semences vivrières et COHEB Central African Republic outils agricoles 27,728 COOPERATIVE INTERNATIONALE DE L ARMATURE DE PECHE Organisation de foires et distribution de semences vivrières et (COOIAP) Central African Republic outils agricoles 26,589 Organisation de foires et distribution de semences vivrières et COOPI - COOPERAZIONE INTERNAZIONALE Central African Republic outils agricoles 16,100 Organisation de foires et distribution de semences vivrières et DANISH REFUGEE COUNCIL Central African Republic outils agricoles 27,083 Organisation de foires et distribution de semences vivrières et FEDERATION LUTHERIENNE MONDIALE (FLM) Central African Republic outils agricoles 25,963 GROUPE D'ACTION DE PAIX ET DE FORMATION POUR LA Organisation de foires et distribution de semences vivrières et TRANSFORMATION(GAPAFOT) Central African Republic outils agricoles 17,097 Organisation de foires et distribution de semences vivrières et GROUPEMENT DES FEMMES AGRO PASTORALES (GROUFEPA) Central African Republic outils agricoles 11,583 GROUPEMENT D'INTERET COMMUNAUTAIRE KWA TI YAKA Organisation de foires et distribution de semences vivrières et (KWA TI YAKA) Central African Republic outils agricoles 18,500 GROUPEMENT POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT AGRO-PASTORAL Organisation de foires et distribution de semences vivrières et (GDAP) Central African Republic outils agricoles 16,997 JEUNESSE UNIE POUR LA PROTECTION DE L ENVIRONNEMENT Organisation de foires et distribution de semences vivrières et ET LE DEVELOPPEMENT COMMUNAUTAIRE (JUPEDEC) Central African Republic outils agricoles 39,540 Organisation de foires et distribution de semences vivrières et MAISON DE L ENFANT ET DE LA FEMME PYGMEES (MEFP) Central African Republic outils agricoles 31,163 Organisation de foires et distribution de semences vivrières et ONG AFRBD Central African Republic outils agricoles 29,892 Organisation de foires et distribution de semences vivrières et ONG AGENCE HUMANITAIRE AFRICAINE (AHA) Central African Republic outils agricoles 18,996 Organisation de foires et distribution de semences vivrières et ONG AIEC-MS Central African Republic outils agricoles 30,448 Organisation de foires et distribution de semences vivrières et ONG CALEBASSE Central African Republic outils agricoles 42,212 Organisation de foires et distribution de semences vivrières et ONG GROUPEMENT E LONDO CENTRAFRIQUE (GELCA) Central African Republic outils agricoles 14,565 Organisation
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