EAST CITY ART EAST CITY ART QUARTERLY GUIDE TO THE VISUAL ARTS www.eastcityart.comSPRING | SUMMER | FALL | WINTER Reach over 65,000 readers! The authoritative guide to ADVERTISEMENT SPECIFICATIONS the arts in ANACOSTIA, BROOKLAND, SIZE RATE DIMENSIONS (W X H) CAPITOL HILL, H STREET NE and the 1/4 $475 3.25" x 4.75" 1/2V $790 3.25" x 9.75" GATEWAY ARTS DISTRICT 1/2H $790 7" x 4.75" A DETACHABLE INSERT for the September, December, March and June FP $1,235 7" x 9.75" HILL RAG, and EAST OF THE RIVER issues. AD MATERIALS VIA E-MAIL DEADLINES E HILL RAG Ward 6 Files should be sent by e-mail to Phil Hutinet at The East City Art visual arts guide is published 15,000 COPIES
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