Gemara Succah Elementary I and II

February 2019 Elementary I and II: Succah —Study Guide—

In this Study Guide you will find: •• Elementary Succah I: syllabus (page 4), and sample examination (page 11). •• Elementary Succah II: syllabus (page 18), and sample examination (page 25).

NOTE: a. Since you are required to answer in black ink, be sure to bring a black pen to your exam. b. Accustom yourself to outlining your answers on scrap paper and writing essays clearly. Illegible exams will not be graded. c. The lowest passing score on this exam is 70. You will not get credit for a score below 70, though in the case of a failed or illegible paper, you may be able to retake the exam after waiting six months. Grades for transcripts are calculated as follows: A = 90–100% B = 80–89% C = 70–79%

This Study Guide is the property of TAL and MUST be returned after you take the exam. Failure to do so is an aveirah of gezel.

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Elementary Gemara I: Succah — Study Guide —

This elementary Gemara I examination is based on the beginning of Maseches Succah, from:

דף ד עמוד ב on (ושאינה גבוהה עשרה טפחים) 2a) until the two dots) דף ב עמוד א • (4b), and דף ז עמוד א 6b) through) דף ו עמוד ב on (ושאין לה שלש דפנות) from the two dots • .(on the last line גופא 7a) (until the word)

In this Study Guide you will find: • The syllabus outline for the elementary Succah I examination (page 4). • A sample Gemara Bava Metzia examination (page 11). Please utilize the sample examination to familiarize yourself with the type of questions that are asked, and for guidance as to how to answer them. The Bava Metzia sample examination is comparable to the Succah formal examination in both level and style.

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Elementary Gemara I: Succah — Syllabus —

The formal examination consists of between 42 and 46 questions assessing your ability to identify the different elements on adaf Gemara; your knowledge of basic background information about and Gemara, as well as some history; your ability to translate and understand vocabulary, expressions, rules, acronyms, and script; and to be familiar with the set pages of Gemara and some elementary Rashis. The syllabus on the following pages covers all the material you need to know to answer the complete range of examination questions.

You are required to know: • Some history and general information about Mishnah and Gemara. • The set text. • A number of assigned Rashis. • Common Gemara terminology, methodology, and abbreviations. Although the examination includes history and general information questions, the majority of the questions test your knowledge and understanding of the set text, Rashis, abbreviations, and terminology. While you are expected to know the translation and meaning of all words or phrases appearing in the set text, the examination emphasizes those that are commonly used or that are basic to the central discussion of the set text. Within the set text are many terms and abbreviations that are commonly used throughout the Talmud to indicate specific types of questions, difficulties, resolutions, proofs, conclusions etc. Some of these are used to indicate common Gemara methodologies (such as kal va’chomer). A list of the terms and abbreviations that you are required to know appears on page 10. Learn the meaning of the terms and abbreviations in the list as well as how they are generally used in the Gemara. The following few pages detail the history and general information that you need to know about Mishnah and Gemara. Subsequently, you will find details about the set text, the assigned Rashis, and the Gemara terminology.

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The Mishnah

I. Historical Background The period of the Mishnah was circa 200 BCE until 200 CE. It began just before the Macabeeim regained control of the Beis Hamikdash from the Yevanim in 165 BCE and continued until the completion of the Mishnah by R’ Yehudah Hanasi, circa 200 CE. It comprises the period of the Tannaim (defined below in section III). During this period, the Jewish people initially enjoyed sovereignty in Eretz Yisrael, but then lost it to the Romans with the destruction of the second Beis Hamikdash in 70 CE. Although halachah forbids writing down the Mishnah — comprising the Torah SheBaal Peh () — R’ Yehudah Hanasi, together with the , was forced to do so due to the harsh Roman persecution that would otherwise have caused knowledge of its laws to be lost and forgotten.

II. Mishnah, , and Beraisa The Mishnah is comprised of six sections, known collectively as Shas, an abbreviation of ”.meaning “six orders ,(ששה סדרים) shishah sedarim In addition to the Mishnah, there is another collection of statements of the Tannaim called the Tosefta, meaning “additions” or “supplements.” These statements were intended to supplement the Mishnayos. Beraisos (plural of “Beraisa”) are additional passages of the Tannaim that were never collected. The term Beraisa literally means “outside” of the Mishnayos. Beraisos are cited throughout the Gemara as part of its analysis and discussions.

III. Well-known Tannaim The term Tanna (plural: Tannaim) means “one who studies.” It is used to identify the rabbanim of the period of the Mishnah. You should be familiar with the names of some of the Tannaim that appear in the Mishnah and Beraisos in the set text, as follows: [2b] R’ Yehudah [4a] R’ Yosi (ר”ש) R’ Shimon Beis Hillel, Beis Shammai, Rebbe [6b] 3a]]

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The Gemara

I. Historical Background Immediately after the completion of the Mishnah, the Amoraim (see below, section III) began producing the Talmud. This work began simultaneously in the two Torah centers of Eretz Yisrael and Bavel (Babylonia — modern day Iraq) and developed over many generations.

Jerusalem) תלמוד ירושלמי The development of the Talmud of Eretz Yisrael, known as the Talmud), was unfortunately brought to a premature end due to the harsh Roman persecutions. One of its main contributors was a second generation Amora called R’ Yochanan who lived in Teveria. He played such an important role that the Rambam refers to him as the author of this Talmud, even though it was developed by subsequent generations until circa 350 CE.

Babylonian Talmud) continued after this time. It was) תלמוד בבליThe development of the organized into the order in which we have it today by Ravina and R’ Ashi in about 425 CE. After the death of R’ Ashi’s son in about 500 CE, the Talmudic era came to an end. was subsequently edited by the Savoraim (Rabbanan Savorai) until תלמוד בבלי However, the circa 600 CE. The period of the Gemara can thus be said to extend from 200 to 600 CE.

II. Content of the Talmud Each Mishnah in Shas was discussed and analyzed by the rabbanim in the period of the Gemara, who are known as Amoraim (see below, section III). Since the Mishnayos dealing with agricultural dinim were not relevant in Bavel, they were less studied there. As a result, there is no Talmud Bavli on most of these dinim, which are found in the order of Mishnayos known as Seder . Additionally, since the halachos of tumah and taharah were not relevant after the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash, there is no Gemara on most of the Mishnayos of Seder Taharos, the Mishnayos that deal with those halachos. Each tractate of Gemara is called a masechta, the Aramaic word for tractate. As will be explained in more detail below, a masechta contains both Mishnayos and Gemara. The discussion presented in the Gemara often goes beyond the specific issues of the particular Mishnah being discussed, and digresses to related and seemingly unrelated subjects raised by the Gemara.

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III. Well-Known Amoraim The term Amora (plural: Amoraim) means “one who speaks or interprets.” It is used to identify the rabbanim in the period of the Gemara, both in Bavel and Eretz Yisrael. You should be familiar with some of the names of the Amoraim cited in the set text of the Gemara, as follows: (Only the first place where each Amora appears is noted here.) [2a] Rabba, R’ , Abaye [2b] Rav, R’ Huna

[3a] Rav Ashi, R’ Nachman bar Yitzchak

[3b] R’ Chisda [4a] Rava [7a] Shmuel, Rav Yehudah

The Gemara’s Structure

I. The Masechta Each masechta is organized according to the Mishnayos. Each Mishnah is a distinct meaning “our ,”מתניתן“ short for ,מתני׳ unit which is introduced with the abbreviation ( גמ׳Mishnah.” The Mishnah is then followed by a section titled Gemara (abbreviated which begins the discussions and analysis related to the topic of the Mishnah, as well as periodic digressions from it. Although the Mishnah is generally only several lines long, the Gemara’s discussion usually covers several pages, known as dapim (daf in the singular). The masechta is divided into perakim, with each perek named after its first Mishnah. The top of each page of the Talmud displays the name of the perek on the right side, the number of the perek in the middle, and the name of the masechta on the left side.

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II. Layout of the Daf Each page of the Talmud features the Gemara in the center of the page. Adjacent to the Gemara on the inside page margin (towards the binding) is the commentary of Rashi. Adjacent to the Gemara on the outside page margin is the commentary of Tosafos. The commentaries of Rashi and Tosafos are additionally differentiated from the Gemara’s text by the size and form of their script. Whereas the Gemara is printed in block Hebrew script, both Rashi and Tosafos are printed in the unique “Rashi” script, in a smaller size. Each comment of Rashi and Tosafos is introduced with the words of the Gemara on which they are commenting. These introductory words are called a dibbur hamaschil meaning “beginning word or phrase.” In recent ,(ד״ה which is abbreviated ,דיבור המתחיל) prints of the Talmud, the dibbur hamaschil is printed in bold letters and followed by a period. It should be noted, however, that the dibbur hamaschil is often read together with the rest of the comment, despite the period.

III. Pagination The numbering system of the Talmud follows two arrangements. Firstly, the dapim (pages) are numbered according to the letters of the aleph-beis, beginning with daf beis and continuing onward. In addition, each individual daf has two amudim (sides) called amud aleph (side one) and amud beis (side two). Generally, amud beis records the number of the daf in Roman numerals twice the value of the daf number. In other prints, amud beis records the same amud number with two vertical dots (a colon) after it, signifying that it is the second side of the daf.

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Set Text

I. Text for Preparation Prepare the first few dapim of Maseches Succah, from:

דף ד עמוד ב on (ושאינה גבוהה עשרה טפחים) 2a) until the two dots) דף ב עמוד א • (4b), and דף ז עמוד א 6b) through) דף ו עמוד ב on (ושאין לה שלש דפנות) from the two dots • .(on the last line גופא 7a) (until the word)

II. Rashis Study the following 14 Rashis particularly well, as the examination Rashi questions are drawn from them. As you can see, there are no assigned Rashis for dapim [7a].

8. ד”ה לא הוי מיעוט 2a — דף ב עמוד א 1. ד”ה סוכה דנפישי מילתה 4a — דף ד עמוד א 2. ד”ה דלא שלטא בה עינא 9. ד”ה אם צלתם 2b — דף ב עמוד ב 10. ד”ה פחות מד’ אמות כשרה 3. ד”ה ההוא .4 ד”ה מדרבנן 4b — דף ד עמוד ב 11. ד”ה כל שאילו יחקקו ויחלקו 3a — דף ג עמוד א 12. ד”ה שתים כהלכתן 5. ד”ה ואם איתא 6. ד”ה פטור מן המזוזה 6b — דף ו עמוד ב 3b — דף ג עמוד ב 13. ד”ה יש אם למסורת 7. ד”ה ובא למעטה 14. ד”ה לגופיה

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III. Terminology, Methodology, and Abbreviations The following 24 terms, abbreviations, and expressions are taken from the set text of Gemara. The terms tested in the examination are selected from this list. For some terms, only the abbreviations appear in the text. You are expected to be able to write out the abbreviated words in full, to translate the terms, and to explain how they are usually used in the Gemara. Although these terms are listed under specificdapim , you are expected to recognize them wherever they may appear within the set text, not just in the specific locations listed here. You can use R’ Yitzchak Frank’s “Practical Talmudic Dictionary” to study these terms.

2a — דף ב עמוד א 3b — דף ג עמוד ב 1. תנן (ln.4) 14 . עד כאן לא קאמרי (ln.3) 15. מ”ט 2. מאי שנא (ln.11) (ln.6) 3. ואיבעית אימא (4a (ln.8 — דף ד עמוד א 4. מנה”מ (ln.12) 16. ואע”ג (ln.1) 5. אלא מעתה (ln.21) 17. וכל שכן (ln.3) 6. א”ל (ln.30) 18. קמ”ל (ln.27)

2b — דף ב עמוד ב 4b — דף ד עמוד ב 7. א”כ לימא קרא (ln.3) 19. איבעיה להו (ln.18) 8. אלא (ln.25) 20. תיקו (ln.19) 9. נימא ב... קמיפלגי (ln.26) 6b — דף ו עמוד ב 10. מיתיבי (ln.34) 21. ואי בעית אימא (ln.22) 22. מ”ס (ln.21) 3a — דף ג עמוד א 11. לא נצרכה אלא ל... (7a (ln.3 — דף ז עמוד א 12. איכא דאמרי (ln.14) 23. איתיביה (ln.28) 13.. מיבעי ליה (ln.24) 24. אי הכי (.1st wide ln)

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Elementary Gemara I: Bava Metzia — Sample Examination —

Use this sample exam as a guide to the structure and style of the formal Succah examination, which follows the same structure and format, although the range of assigned dapim obviously differs. The elementary Gemara sample examination consists of 12 questions testing your ability to translate words and phrases, identify the Gemara’s statements and methodology, explain textual extracts, and understand the content of the 5a). The formal examination) דף ה עמוד א 2a) until) דף ב עמוד א Gemara in Bava Metzia on Succah consists of between 42 and 46 questions.

Permitted Texts This is an open-Gemara examination. The relevant Gemara text is handed to you with the examination paper. No other texts, such as your own or dictionaries, may be used. Time: You will have two hours to complete the formal examination. This sample examination should take you about half an hour. The answers to all questions in this sample examination can be found on pages 15–16. NOTE: a. Since you are required to answer in black ink, be sure to bring a black pen to your exam. b. Accustom yourself to outlining your answers on scrap paper and writing essays clearly. Illegible exams will not be graded. c. The lowest passing score on this exam is 70. You will not get credit for a score below 70, though in the case of a failed or illegible paper, you may be able to retake the exam after waiting six months. Grades for transcripts are calculated as follows: A = 90–100% B = 80–89% C = 70–79%

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Questions Directions: Answer all of the following 12 questions. Partial credit is awarded for partial answers. Background Information: Some questions ask for explanations of selected sections of Gemara. You do not need to provide a full background of the selected section. Answer every question directly, thereby demonstrating that you have an understanding of the particular extract.

All answers must demonstrate your understanding of the relevant material. Answers may NOT simply be extracts/citations from the Gemara, Rashi or Tosafos without additional explanation, since the exam grader will not know if you actually understand what you are writing! All answers must be translated (or explained) in a manner that demonstrates your understanding of the relevant material, except for questions that specifically state otherwise (e.g. “Translation not necessary”). Answers that do not include translations or adequate explanation will not receive full credit, and may not receive any credit at all. Nonetheless, very common Gemara terms, such as patur and chayav, and terms used repeatedly within the set text, such as modeh b’miktzas and metzia can be written as such (i.e., in Hebrew or transliterated), even within questions requiring translation. You do not need to translate these terms each time you use them.

General Information

1. What is the name of the first perek of Bava Metzia?

2. What is a Beraisa? a. a final decision of the Gemara, made by the Geonim b. a teaching of the Tannaim which was not included in the Mishnayos. c. A practice of the chachamim which the Gemara cites as authoritative. d. A refutation of the opinion of a particular Amora.

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(Page 2a) דף ב עמוד א

3. Translate just the underlined word in the following phrase:

זה אומר אני מצאתיה וכולה שלי

4. Which of the following does the Mishnah deal with? a. different types of false oaths and their halachos b. caused by one person’s property to another c. the halachos of shoftim and the different types of court systems d. litigation concerning disputes over property ownership

(Page 2b) דף ב עמוד ב

5. What type of methodology is the Gemara using in the following statement?

ומה התם דלא תפסי תרוויהו חולקין בלא שבועה הכא דתרוייהו תפסי לה לא כ״ש. a. gezeirah shava b. binyan av c. kal va’chomer d. klal u’prat

(Page 3a) דף ג עמוד א

?stand for ק״ו What do the rashei teivos .6

(Page 3b) דף ג עמוד ב

7. Translate just the underlined words in the following extract:

הודאת בעל דין כמאה עדים דמי

…is equivalent to (the testimony of) one hundred witnesses.

8. Which Tannaim argue over whether the testimony of eidim can obligate someone to bring a korban?

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(Page 4a) דף ד עמוד א

לא קשיא רבי חייא :Identify the option which most accurately describes the words .9 .תורת הזמה לא פריך a. a statement b. a question c. an answer d. a proof

(Page 4b) דף ד עמוד ב

?stand for, and what do they mean א״נ What do the rashei teivos .10

(Page 5a) דף ה עמוד א

?דמי היכי Which of the following is the correct meaning of the term .11 a. This is the same as that! b. What is the case of…? / How so? c. If that is so, then… d. Here there is…

?ד״ה ד׳ שומרים Which of the four shomrim does Rashi omit in .12

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Elementary Gemara I: Bava Metzia —Answer Key—

General Information

1. What is the name of the first perek of Bava Metzia? שנים אוחזים

2. What is a Beraisa? b. a teaching of the Tannaim which was not included in the Mishnayos

(Page 2a) דף ב עמוד א

3. Translate just the underlined word in the following phrase:

זה אומר אני מצאתיה וכולה שלי Is mine/belongs to me

4. Which of the following does the Mishnah deal with? d. litigation concerning disputes over property ownership

(Page 2b) דף ב עמוד ב

5. What type of methodology is the Gemara using in the following statement?

ומה התם דלא תפסי תרוויהו חולקין בלא שבועה הכא דתרוייהו תפסי לה לא כ״ש. c. kal va’chomer

(Page 3a) דף ג עמוד א

?stand for ק״ו What do the rashei teivos .6 קל וחומר

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(Page 3b) דף ג עמוד ב

7. Translate just the underlined words in the following extract:

הודאת בעל דין כמאה עדים דמי

…is equivalent to (the testimony of) one hundred witnesses. admission of a litigant

8. Which Tannaim argue over whether the testimony of eidim can obligate someone to bring a korban? Chachamim and R’ Meir

(Page 4a) דף ד עמוד א

חייא רבי קשיא לא :Identify the option which most accurately describes the words .9 .פריך לא הזמה תורת c. an answer

(Page 4b) דף ד עמוד ב

?stand for, and what do they mean א״נ What do the rashei teivos .10

”.and means “or else/alternatively ,אי נמי stands for א״נ

(Page 5a) דף ה עמוד א

?דמי היכי Which of the following is the correct meaning of the term .11 b. What is the case of…? / How so?

?ד״ה ד׳ שומרים Which of the four shomrim does Rashi omit in .12

The renter — שוכר

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Elementary Gemara II: Succah — Study Guide —

This elementary Gemara II examination is based on the beginning of Maseches Succah:

:4b) (until the words) דף ד עמוד ב 2a) until the two dots on) דף ב עמוד א from • and ,(אפילו טפח דף ז עמוד ב 6b) through) דף ו עמוד ב on (ושאין לה שלש דפנות) from the two dots • .(on the 5th last line כמאן 7b) (until the word)

In this Study Guide you will find: • The syllabus outline for the elementary Succah II examination (page 18). • A sample Gemara Bava Metzia examination (page 25). Please utilize the sample examination to familiarize yourself with the type of questions that are asked, and for guidance as to how to answer them. The Bava Metzia sample examination is comparable to the Succah formal examination in both level and style.

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Elementary Gemara II: Succah — Syllabus —

The formal examination consists of between 42 and 46 questions assessing your ability to identify the different elements on adaf Gemara; your knowledge of basic background information about Mishnah and Gemara; your ability to translate and understand vocabulary, expressions, rules, and acronyms; and your understanding of the set pages of Gemara and some Rashis. The syllabus on the following pages describes in detail all the material you need to know to answer the complete range of examination questions.

You are required to know: •• Some general information about Mishnah and Gemara. •• How to use Hagahos HaBach, Ein Mishpat and the other features on the page of Gemara. •• The set text. •• A number of assigned Rashis. •• Common Gemara terminology, methodology and abbreviations. Although the examination includes general information questions, the majority of the questions test your knowledge and understanding of the set text, Rashis, and abbreviations, and terminology. NOTE: For the examination, you are expected to know the translation and meaning of all words or phrases appearing in the set text. You are also responsible for the entire text of each assigned Rashi. Within the set text are many abbreviations and terms which are commonly used throughout the Talmud to indicate specific types of questions, difficulties, resolutions, proofs, conclusions etc. Some of these are used to indicate common Gemara methodologies (such as kal va’chomer). A list of the terms and abbreviations that you are required to know appears on page 24. Learn the meaning of the terms and abbreviations in the list as well as how they are generally used in the Gemara. The following few pages detail the general information that you need to know about Mishnah and Gemara. Subsequently, you will find details about the set text, the assigned Rashis, and the Gemara terminology.

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The Mishnah

You will find it helpful to review the section entitled “The Mishnah” in the Elementary Gemara I study guide.

I. Content of the Mishnah The Mishnah is comprised of six sections which are known collectively as Shas, an :”meaning “six orders ,(ששה סדרים) abbreviation of shishah sedarim Each of these sedarim contains numerous Mishnayos (plural of “Mishnah”) sorted into distinct units known as masechtos (plural of masechta). The six sedarim are: 1. Zeraim (Seeds). This seder deals with the halachos pertaining to agriculture. 2. (Festivals). This seder deals with the halachos of Shabbos, the Yamim Tovim, and taanaisim (fasts). 3. (Women). This seder deals with halachos dealing with marriage and divorce, and the resulting obligations. 4. (Damages). This seder deals with the halachos of civil and criminal law, corporal and capital punishment, the composition of batei din (Rabbinical courts), and judicial procedure. 5. Kodshim (Holy Things). This seder contains halachos pertaining to the Beis Hamikdash and korbanos (sacrificial offerings). 6. Taharos (Purity). This seder deals with the halachos of tumah and taharah of all kinds of (objects).

II. Well-known Tannaim The term Tanna (plural: Tannaim) means “one who studies.” It is used to identify the rabbanim of the period of the Mishnah. You should be familiar with the names of all the Tannaim that appear in the Mishnah and Beraisos in the set text. However, within the set text of this Gemara, only one Tanna is named:

(ר”ש) R’ Shimon R’ Yehudah [6b] 2b]]

,(ר”ע) Beis Hillel, Beis Shammai, Rebbe [7b] Rabban Gamliel, R’ Akiva 3a]] R’ Eliezer [4a] R’ Yosi

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The Gemara

I. Dynamics of the Talmud Each Mishnah in Shas was discussed and analyzed by the rabbanim in the period of the Gemara, who are known as Amoraim. Although the Amoraim of the Gemara were the outstanding Talmudic scholars of their generations, it is generally assumed that an Amora may not disagree with the opinion of a Tanna of the Mishnah, unless there is another Tanna’s opinion which concurs with his view. Rishonim (see below, section III) cannot disagree with an Amora.

II. Well-Known Amoraim The term Amora (plural: Amoraim) means “one who speaks or interprets.” It is used to identify the rabbanim in the period of the Gemara, both in Bavel and Eretz Yisrael. You should be familiar with all the names of the Amoraim cited in the set text of the Gemara, as follows: [2a] Rabba, R’ Zeira, Abaye [2b] Rav, R’ Huna

[3a] Rav Ashi, R’ Nachman bar Yitzchak, Mar Zutra [3b] R’ Chisda [4a] Rava [6b] Rav Kahane, Rav Assi [7a] Shmuel, Rav Yehudah, R’ Yehoshua ben Levi [7b] R’ Yochanan

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III. Layout of the Daf Each page of the Talmud features the Gemara in the center of the page with the peirush of Rashi and Tosafos on either side. There are several other features on the daf, including the following: This generally contains cross-references to other .(מסורס הש”ס) Mesoras HaShas •• masechtos where the particular Gemara or certain parallel words or concepts appear. It also contains proposed textual emendations made to the Gemara. It is printed in the top inner margin of each page (next to Rashi’s peirush). This contains references to the quotations from Tanach .(תורה אור) Torah Ohr •• that are cited by the Gemara. The notation of a small circle appears in the Gemara before the first word of the quotation, and the Torah Ohr reference — detailing the name of the sefer in Tanach and the perek number — appears in line with it in the narrow margin between Rashi and the Gemara. Recent editions of the Gemara, such as Oz Vehadar and Vilna Shas, have re- placed this feature with an updated version, sometimes renamed Torah Ohr In place of the notation of a small circle, a number .(תורה אור השלם) Hashalem or Hebrew letter appears, referring the reader to the inner margin of the page (or sometimes the outer margin, when the inner margin is full) where the pa- suk containing the Gemara’s quotation is cited in full, followed by the name of the sefer in Tanach and the perek and pasuk numbers. This provides the reference for .(נר מצוה) Ner Mitzvah / (עין משפט) Ein Mishpat •• the halachah derived from the Gemara, found in the works of the Rambam, Sefer Mitzvos Gadol, Tur, and Shulchan Aruch. It appears in the top outer margin of each page. This recent feature .(ליקוטי רש”י – or: Likutei Rashi) (מוסף רש”י) Mosaf Rashi •• quotes Rashi’s peirush in the other places in Shas where the Gemara has a parallel discussion. This consists of proposed textual emendations .(הגהות הב”ח) Hagahos HaBach •• made to the Gemara, Rashi, and Tosafos by R’ Yoel Sirkes. This contains textual emendations and .(הגהות הגר”א) Hagahos HaGra •• occasional comments made on Gemara, Rashi, and Tosafos by the Vilna Gaon. This recent feature, found in Oz .(הגהות וציונים) Hagahos and Tziyonim •• Vehadar Gemaras, contains two features: (i) Proposed textual emendations made to the Gemara, Rashi, and Tosafos that are based on early (הגהות)

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manuscripts of these texts and on the texts of commentaries. The latest Oz Vehadar Gemaras have even gathered here textual emendations made in to the Gemaras etc. that are cited by (ציונים) Mesoras HaShas. (ii) References Rashi and Tosafos. This consists of notes on the Gemara, Rashi, and .(גליון הש”ס) Gilyon HaShas •• Tosafos written by R’ Akiva Eiger. Generally, these notes record a problem it needs — צריך עיון) צ”ע from a parallel text and end without resolution, noting further study). ,This recent feature, found in some Gemaras .(לעזי רש”י) Loezei Rashi •• translates into Hebrew any foreign words used by Rashi. In other Gemaras, this feature is found after the last page of the Gemara. •• Rishonim. Rishonim are early prominent rabbanim from the eleventh through fifteenth century. Rashi and Tosafos are Rishonim. There are additional Rishonim printed in the margins of the daf in different masechtos. They include Tosafos ,(רבינו גרשום) Rabbeinu Gershom ,(רבינו חננאל) Rabbeinu Chananel and Tosafos Yeshanim ,(רבינו נסים) Rabbeinu Nissim Gaon ,(תוספות רי”ד) Rid .(תוספות ישנים) •• Acharonim. Acharonim are later prominent rabbanim from the sixteenth through nineteenth century. The Vilna Gaon, Eiger, and the authors of Mesoras Hashas and Hagahos HaBach were all Achronim.

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Set Text I. Text for Preparation Prepare the first few dapim of Maseches Succah:

:4b) (until the words) דף ד עמוד ב 2a) until the two dots on) דף ב עמוד א from • and ,(אפילו טפח דף ז עמוד ב 6b) through) דף ו עמוד ב on (ושאין לה שלש דפנות) from the two dots • .(on the 5th last line כמאן 7b) (until the word) II. Rashis Study well the following 30 Rashis, as the examination Rashi questions are drawn from them. You are, however, held responsible for knowing all the Rashis on the set text. While examination questions will not directly ask on a Rashi that is not listed below, they may assume knowledge of Rashi’s basic explanation of any part of the set text.

16. ד”ה פחות מד’ אמות כשרה 2a — דף ב עמוד א 1. ד”ה ושחמתה מרובה מצלתה 4b — דף ד עמוד ב 2. ד”ה סוכה דנפישי מילתה 3. ד”ה למען ידעו 17. ד”ה ובנה בה 18. ד”ה הכי גרסינן ורב נחמן אמר באמצע הגג 4 ד”ה דלא שלטה בה עינא מחלוקת 19. ד”ה כל שאילו יחקקו ויחלקו — דף ב עמוד ב 2b 20. ד”ה שתים כהלכתן 5. ד”ה ההוא 6. ד”ה הכי גרסינן מחלוקת בשאינה מחזקת אלא 6b — דף ו עמוד ב כדי ראשו כו’ 7. ד”ה קטן שאינו צריך לאמו 21. ד”ה יש אם למסורת 8. ד”ה מדרבנן 22. ד”ה בסכת 23. ד”ה לגופיה 3a — דף ג עמוד א 24. ד”ה למחסה ולמסתור וגו’ 25. ד”ה כנגד היוצא 9. ד”ה כב”ש 10. ד”ה ואם איתא 7a — דף ז עמוד א 11. ד”ה פטור מן המזוזה 26. ד”ה ויעמידנו כנגד ראש תור 3b — דף ג עמוד ב 27. ד”ה כמבוי המפולש (Note: The word “ha’mefulash” does not 12. ד”ה ובא למעטה (appear in our girsa of the Gemara 13. ד”ה לא הוי מיעוט 7b — דף ז עמוד ב 4a — דף ד עמוד א 1. ד”ה ב”ש פוסלין 14. ד”ה תבן ואין עתיד לפנותו 2. ד”ה או שסמוכה 15. ד”ה אם צלתם 3. ד”ה ככבשן Succah Elementary I and II

III. Terminology, Methodology, and Abbreviations The following 32 terms, abbreviations and expressions are taken from the set text of Gemara. The terms tested in the examination are selected from this list. For some terms, only the abbreviations appear in the Gemara text. You are expected to be able to write out the abbreviated words in full, to translate the terms, and to explain how they are usually used in the Gemara. Although these terms are listed under specific dapim, you are expected to recognize them wherever they may appear within the set text, not just in the specific locations listed here. You can use R’ Yitzchak Frank’s “Practical Talmudic Dictionary” to study these terms.

2a — דף ב עמוד א 3b — דף ג עמוד ב 1. תנן (ln.4) 18. מ”ט (ln.11) 2. מאי שנא (ln.6) 19. טעמא ד... הא... (ln.25) 3. ואיבעית אימא (ln.9) 4a — דף ד עמוד א 4. מנה”מ (ln.12) 5. אלא מעתה (ln.31) 20. ואע”ג (ln.1) 6. הכי קאמינא לך (ln.32) 21. וכל שכן (ln.3) 22. ותני עלה (ln.6) 23.. סבר ]אביי למימר[ (ln.12) 2b — דף ב עמוד ב 24. מאי קמ”ל...תנינא (ln.21) 7. כמאן אזלא (ln.6) 25. מהו דתימא...קמ”ל (ln.26) 8. נימא ב... קמיפלגי (ln.26) 9. מיתיבי (4b (ln.34 — דף ד עמוד ב 10. הכי קאמר (ln.45) 26. ת”ר (ln.10) 11. בשלמא למאן דאמר... 27. איבעיא להו (ln.16) אלא למאן דאמר (ln.51) 28. תיקו (ln.19) 29. תיובתא (ln.22) 3a — דף ג עמוד א 7a — דף ז עמוד א 12. ואפ”ה (ln.11) 13. מתקיף לה (ln.16) 30. ואיתיתא (ln.4) 31. איכא דאמרי (ln.18) 14. ודיקא נמי (ln.21) 15. והתניא (7b (ln.25 — דף ז עמוד ב 16. ש”מ (ln.32) 17. וחסורי מיחסרא והכי קתני (ln.38) 32. וצריכה דאי אשמעינן (ln.3)

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Elementary Gemara II: Bava Metzia — Sample Examination —

Use this sample exam as a guide to the structure and style of the formal Succah examination, which follows the same structure and format, although the range of assigned dapim obviously differs. The elementary Gemara sample examination consists of 12 questions testing your ability to translate words and phrases, identify the Gemara’s statements and methodology, explain textual extracts, and understand the content of the 5a). The formal examination) דף ה עמוד א 2a) until) דף ב עמוד א Gemara in Bava Metzia on Succah consists of between 42 and 46 questions.

Permitted Texts This is an open-Gemara examination. The relevant Gemara text is handed to you with the examination paper. No other texts, such as your own Gemaras or dictionaries, may be used. Time: You will have two hours to complete the formal examination. This sample examination should take you about half an hour. The answers to all questions in this sample examination can be found on pages 29–31. NOTE: a. Since you are required to answer in black ink, be sure to bring a black pen to your exam. b. Accustom yourself to outlining your answers on scrap paper and writing essays clearly. Illegible exams will not be graded. c. The lowest passing score on this exam is 70. You will not get credit for a score below 70, though in the case of a failed or illegible paper, you may be able to retake the exam after waiting six months. Grades for transcripts are calculated as follows: A = 90–100% B = 80–89% C = 70–79%

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Questions Directions: Answer all of the following 12 questions. Partial credit is awarded for partial answers. Background Information: Some questions ask for explanations of selected sections of Gemara. You do not need to provide a full background of the selected section. Answer every question directly, thereby demonstrating that you have an understanding of the particular extract.

All answers must demonstrate your understanding of the relevant material. Answers may NOT simply be extracts/citations from the Gemara, Rashi or Tosafos without additional explanation, since the exam grader will not know if you actually understand what you are writing! All answers must be translated (or explained) in a manner that demonstrates your understanding of the relevant material, except for questions that specifically state otherwise (e.g. “Translation not necessary”). Answers that do not include translations or adequate explanation will not receive full credit, and may not receive any credit at all. Nonetheless, very common Gemara terms, such as patur and chayav, and terms used repeatedly within the set text, such as modeh b’miktzas and metzia can be written as such (i.e., in Hebrew or transliterated), even within questions requiring translation. You do not need to translate these terms each time you use them.

General Information

1. Identify whether each of the following rabbanim are Tannaim or Amoraim: a. Rav b. Rabban Gamliel c. Rav Ashi d. R’ Meir e. Reish Lakish

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2. TheHagahos HaBach, printed in the margin of the page: a. are proposed emendations in the text of the Gemara, Rashi’s commentary, and Tosafos b. present parallel texts and cross-references to similar passages elsewhere in Shas c. present the sources for Rashi and Tosafos’ commentaries d. present the final halachah of the Gemara

(Page 2a) דף ב עמוד א

3. Translate just the underlined word in the following extract:

דממשנה יתרה אשמעינן דראיה לא קני

(Page 2b) דף ב עמוד ב

explain what the Gemara means by ד”ה לאו מידי חסר In what two ways does Rashi .4 “he is not losing anything by it”?

?מאי איכא למימר What is the meaning of the phrase .5 a. What is your proof? b. What is the difference between them? c. If that is so, then… d. What is there to say?

(Page 3a) דף ג עמוד א

?stand for, and what do they mean מ”ש What do the rashei teivos .6

(Page 3b) דף ג עמוד ב

and give an ,קנס and ממון Explain the distinction between the obligations of .7 example of each.

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who חכמים explain the position of the ד”ה והוא אומר לא ]אכלתי[ How does Rashi .8 exempt a defendant from bringing a Chattas?

(Page 4a) דף ד עמוד א

9. What type of methodology is the Gemara using in the following statement? הצד השוה שבהן שעל ידי טענה וכפירה הן באין ונשבע אף אני אביא עדים שעל ידי טענה וכפירה הם באין ונשבע. a. gezeirah shava b. binyan av c. kal va’chomer d. klal u’prat

(Page 4b) דף ד עמוד ב

מאי קמ”ל זוקקין :Identify the option which most accurately describes the words .10 .תנינא a. a statement b. a difficulty c. an answer d. a proof

זוקקין Cite two places in Shas, other than in our Gemara, where the Mishnah of .11 .appears הנכסין...

(Page 5a) דף ה עמוד א

explain how the Gemara’s statement ד”ה חפר בה בורות שיחין ומערות How does Rashi .12 the pasuk is necessary where he) איצטריך קרא היכא דחפר בה בורות שיחין ומערות of dug pits, ditches, and caverns in the land) answers its question of why a pasuk was needed to exclude land from a shevuah, if heilach is exempt from swearing?

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Elementary Gemara II: Bava Metzia —Answer Key—

General Information

1. Identify whether each of the following rabbanim are Tannaim or Amoraim: a. Rav — Amora. b. Rabban Gamliel — Tanna. c. Rav Ashi — Amora. d. R’ Meir — Tanna. e. Reish Lakish — Amora.

2. TheHagahos HaBach, printed in the margin of the page: a. are proposed emendations in the text of the Gemara, Rashi’s commentary, and Tosafos

(Page 2a) דף ב עמוד א

3. Translate just the underlined word in the following extract:

דממשנה יתרה אשמעינן דראיה לא קני [The Tanna] teaches us.

(Page 2b) דף ב עמוד ב

explain what the Gemara means by ד”ה לאו מידי חסר In what two ways does Rashi .4 “he is not losing anything by it”? He got the object for nothing (i.e., free).

He got the object without any effort.

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?מאי איכא למימר What is the meaning of the phrase .5 d. What is there to say?

(Page 3a) דף ג עמוד א

?stand for, and what do they mean מ”ש What do the rashei teivos .6

?For what reason does it differ? / What is the difference — מאי שנא

(Page 3b) דף ג עמוד ב

and give an ,קנס and ממון Explain the distinction between the obligations of .7 example of each.

means a monetary obligation to pay someone compensation, such as for ממון damages done to their property.

means a monetary obligation to pay someone as a punitive award, such קנס .which a thief must pay (כפל) as the second part of the double portion

who חכמים explain the position of the ד”ה והוא אומר לא ]אכלתי[ How does Rashi .8 exempt a defendant from bringing a Chattas? The defendant is believed when claiming that he did not eat cheilev (the fat), even though the witnesses contradict this claim, because he has a migoi: He could have claimed that he ate cheilev intentionally, which results in no obligation to bring a korban.

(Page 4a) דף ד עמוד א

9. What type of methodology is the Gemara using in the following statement? הצד השוה שבהן שעל ידי טענה וכפירה הן באין ונשבע אף אני אביא עדים שעל ידי טענה וכפירה הם באין ונשבע. b. binyan av

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(Page 4b) דף ד עמוד ב

מאי קמ”ל זוקקין :Identify the option which most accurately describes the words .10 .תנינא b. a difficulty

זוקקין Cite two places in Shas, other than in our Gemara, where the Mishnah of .11 .appears הנכסין... [According to Mesoras HaShas:] Bava Metzia [100b], [26a], Shevuos [38b], and Shevuos [40b].

(Page 5a) דף ה עמוד א

explain how the Gemara’s statement ד”ה חפר בה בורות שיחין ומערות How does Rashi .12 the pasuk is necessary where he) איצטריך קרא היכא דחפר בה בורות שיחין ומערות of dug pits, ditches, and caverns in the land) answers its question of why a pasuk was needed to exclude land from a shevuah, if heilach is exempt from swearing? If the defendant dug pits, ditches, and caverns in the land, then it is no longer heilach — since the land has been damaged and can’t be returned as is.

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