The Parish of Saint Cecilia December 22, 2019


... the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary your wife into your . For it is through the Holy Spirit that this child has been conceived in her. She will bear a son and you are to name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” –Matthew 20-21

Joseph’s Dream, Gaetano Gandolfi, c. 1790 SAINT CECILIA PARISH | 2

PARISH STAFF WEEKEND MASSES: Sat. 4 PM & Sun. 8AM, 10 AM & 8:15 PM Reverend Jamie Weber, Pastor DAILY MASSES: Mon.-Sat. 9 AM, Wed. 6:45 AM 871-5757, ext. 201 / [email protected] THE ROSARY: Mon.-Sat. 8:35 AM Reverend Jacob Willig, Parochial Vicar 871-5757, ext. 205 / [email protected] DAILY COMMUNION SERVICE: Mon.-Sat. 8 AM

Deacon Nathan Beiersdorfer EDULE HOLY DAY MASSES: 9 AM, 12:10 PM & 5:30 PM [email protected] LATIN MASSES: Tues. 9 AM Jeremy Bauer, Reg. Director of Finance & Operations CH CONFESSIONS: Mon.-Sat. 9:30 AM, Wed. 7:05-7:15 AM and 871-5757, ext. 204 / [email protected] 7:05-7:50 PM, Sat. 3-3:30 PM, Sun. 7-7:30 AM and 9-9:30 AM Sarah Rose Bort, Coordinator of Young S Adult Ministry ADORATION: Wed. 9:30 AM-8 PM 871-5757, ext. 218, [email protected] HOLY HOUR: Wed. 7-8 PM Barb Browarsky, Rectory Secretary STATIONS OF THE CROSS: Fri. 9:30 AM 871-5757, ext. 202 / [email protected] BAPTISMAL PREPARATION: Please register for your Cody Egner, Regional Director of Religious Education EEKLY 871-5757, ext. 215 / [email protected] baptism at under the Sacraments

Mike Goedde, School Principal W tab. You can also select your class dates there. 533-6060 / [email protected] Robert Kellison, Dir. of Music Ministry & Stewardship MASS SCHEDULE FOR ST. MARGARET-ST. JOHN: 871-5757, ext. 208 / [email protected] Mon.-Fri. 11:45 AM, Sat. 3 PM, Sun. 10 AM Marta Misleh, Assistant to the Pastor MASS SCHEDULE FOR ST. ANTHONY: 871-5757, ext. 207 / [email protected] Sun. 8:30 & 11:30 AM

3105 Madison Road Cincinnati, OH 45209 MONDAY, DECEMBER 23 (513) 871-5757 | 8 AM Communion Service 9 AM Intentions of Mary Lou Boylan EEK ALTAR GUILD TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24 (Christmas Eve)

Ron Case, [email protected] GYM SCHEDULING W ANNULMENTS Jeremy Bauer, 871-5757, ext. 204 9 AM Communion Service Joe Fondacaro, 871-5757 ext. 222 [email protected] 3 PM For the People

BAPTISMS HOME DISTRIBUTORS/VISITS IS 5 PM Intentions of Bob Dwyer by Jack & Sue Helbling Barb Browarsky, 871-5757, ext. 202 Fr. Jamie Weber, 871-5757, ext. 201 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 25 (Nativity of the Lord) BEREAVEMENT HOSPITALITY Barb Browarsky, 871-5757, ext. 202 Kristina Maggio, TH Midnight Intentions of St. Cecilia Families [email protected]. BOOSTERS 10 AM Jean Metz Off Larry Metz Brandon Morgan, 533-6060 LEGION OF MARY R Barb Browarsky, 871-5757, ext. 202 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26 (Saint Stephen) BROTHERHOOD (MEN’S GROUP) 8 AM Communion Service Nathan Beiersdorfer MOMS GROUP [email protected] Sarah Rose Bort 9 AM David Floyd Gallegos Off Jack & Carol Gallegos 871-5757, ext. 218 BULLETIN [email protected] FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27 (Saint John the Apostle) Barb Browarsky, 871-5757, ext. 202 [email protected] PASTORAL COUNCIL 8 AM Communion Service Pat DiMuzio, 871-5757 COMMUNICATIONS 9 AM Chuck Rodgers Off Eileen & Susan Steve Sullivan, [email protected] RESPECT LIFE GROUP Brigid McLinden Duffy SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28 (The Holy Innocents) DAY OF ADORATION

[email protected] EDULE FO Carolyn Peddicord 8 AM Communion Service [email protected] PTO 9 AM Gene Hannawalt Off Herta Larison Tricia Klco, 533-6060 EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS 1 PM Wedding of Voet & Elizabeth Pearson OF HOLY COMMUNION SACRAMENT OF THE SICK CH 4 PM Intentions of Shirley Perkins by – Terry & Donald Shank & LECTORS Fr. Jamie Weber, 871-5757, ext. 201 Dave Rosselot ST. VINCENT DE PAUL S SUNDAY, DECEMBER 29 (The Holy Family) [email protected] Tom McNally, 871-5757, ext. 203 8 AM Jim Voskuhl Off Ken & Mary and Family FESTIVAL WEDDING COORDINATOR 10 AM Joan Nau Off Robert Nau & Family Vince Woodall Marta Misleh, 871-5757, ext. 207 ASS [email protected] [email protected] 8:15 PM Intentions of St. Cecilia Families FLEA MARKET WEDDING RESERVATION M Kate Malo, [email protected] Sarah Rose Bort, 871-5757, ext. 218 Peggy Lane, [email protected] [email protected] FOCCUS MARRIAGE PREP WELCOME COMMITTEE Susan Kellison, Ethan & Carol Schimmoeller Marriage Banns [email protected] [email protected] III Michael Voet & Elizabeth Pearson GREETERS WORSHIP COMMISSION I Greg Lech & Rachel Wade Skylar Chew, [email protected] Judy Russell, [email protected] I Adam Stacy & Stephanie Winterman

Priest Emergency Line: (513) 815-5038 THE CORNER | 3

DECEMBER 22, 2019 Jesus and the Jewish Roots of Mary: Chapters 7 & 8

This week marks the final week of the study of our Advent book, Jesus and the Jewish Roots of Mary. Looking at chapter 7, Dr. Brant Pitre discusses the popular connection between Jesus and Joseph from the book of Genesis (technicolored dream coat, not Jesus’ earthly father). However, he uses this comparison of Jesus and Joseph to pivot to the main focus of the chapter: the deep comparison of Mary and Joseph’s mother, Rachel. While there were many connections drawn in the book, Dr. Pitre gives a typological chart comparing the Old Testament and New Testament figures: Old Testament > New Testament 1. Rachel > Mary 2. Joseph: firstborn son of Rachel > Jesus: firstborn son of Mary 3. Benjamin: “son” of Rachel’s “Sorrow” > John: “son” of Mary’s “sorrow” 4. 12 Sons: Benjamin is “beloved” > 12 Apostles: John is “beloved” In other words, just as Benjamin was specially loved by Joseph because they were both the only blood-sons of Rachel, so John is spe- cially “loved” by Jesus because they have the same mother … And just as Benjamin was the “son” of Rachel’s “sorrow,” because she had to die to give birth to him, so John becomes the “son” of Mary’s sorrow, because Mary becomes his mother only through the anguish and “sorrow” that she experiences at the foot of the cross. Just as Rachel was the “matriarch” of her people — the mother of all Israel (Jeremiah 31:15), then it seems clear that Mary, the new Rachel, is the “matriarch” of the entire Church! The final chapter of this book deals with Mary and the beloved disciple, John, at the foot of the cross where Jesus says one of his last statements, “Woman, Behold, your son!” Then he said to the disciple, “Behold, your mother!” And from that hour the disciple took her into his own home. What a fitting way to end this book and our time together. This constant reminder that we are called to enter into a relationship with OUR mother, that we are called to bring her into our homes as John did, this reminder is one that can only bring us closer to her son, who is the Messiah, the one young child to arrive in only a few short days! This is my challenge to you: invite the Blessed Mother into your homes and into your lives. Become best friends with her so that she may constantly intercede on your behalf to her son. What an amazing friend we have in Mary. Amen? Amen!

Mass Intentions. If you have any particular intentions for which you would like to have a Mass offered, please contact your parish office. Intentions are often requested for those who have died, but may include any kind of need that your or someone you know is experienc- ing for which prayer is needed. PASTOR’S RAMBLING S | 4

1-2 | WELCOME, CHILDREN OF GOD Welcome, Marion Katherine Robers, daughter of Matt and Rene Robers. Welcome, Leighton Marie Bruening, daughter of Chris and Christen Bruening.

3 | ST. CECILIA MOMS GROUP The Saint Cecilia Moms Group had a lovely morning out with brunch and shopping at a local arti- san fair. They got to shop and spend time with each other without little ones for a few hours which I know they enjoyed!

4-5 | LOCAL ARTISTS Three St. Cecilia parishioners were selling their hand-crafted work and paintings at a Christmas art fair the Mariemont Barn. Sue Helbling sold her beautiful oil paintings. 1 Greg Donovan sold his woodwork cutting boards and so much more. His wife Colleen also sold some of her acrylic paintings and signs. I’m glad I was able to stop by and see the wonderful work they had created.

6 | CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Samantha Lueb- bers and Ken Peddicord who celebrated the Sacrament of Marriage on Dec. 7. Fr. David Doseck celebrated the Mass. Ken and his family are long-time parishioners of St. Cecilia.

7 | SAENGERFEST I was able to hear the St. Anthony choir per- form at Memorial Hall on December 7 for Saengerfest. They and 2 so many other choirs were wonderful to hear.

3 4 5

6 7 EASTSIDE FAITH | 5 Wisdom of the Fathers Meet Your Candidates & Catechumens Don’t forget to give thanks. SETH CEBULA Favorite bible verse: Blessed be the Lord, Rome came very close to being destroyed by Attila the Hun, but my rock, who trains my hands for war, Pope St. Leo the Great went out unarmed to meet the unstoppable conqueror and somehow persuaded him to turn back. Here Leo and my fingers for battle. – Psalm 144:1 scolds the Romans for failing to give proper thanks to God for their Favorite Saint: Saint Paul deliverance. Why do you want to become Catholic? “I beg you, dear friends, let the words of the Savior touch our I was raised in an evangelical background hearts. When by the power of his mercy he had cured ten and through that I came to desire God. lepers, he said that only one out of all of them had come back However, I could not reconcile all they taught with Scripture and the to give thanks – doubtless meaning that, though the ungrateful questions I had. When the Church’s leadership turned against itself, ones had gained bodily health, yet they failed in this godly duty I turned to God and asked Him to send me to His True Church. because of ungodliness of health. Don’t let yourselves be accused of the same kind of ingrati- Thus, He led me here. tude! Remember the wonders he was pleased to perform among us. Attribute our deliverance not — as the ungodly think — to Augustine Institute CD Series the influence of the stars, but to the unspeakable mercy of St. Cecilia recently just purchased 15 new titles CDs (and other Almighty God, who has been pleased to soften the hearts of items) from Augustine Institute are located in the vestibule of raging barbarians. Then come to the commemoration of such St. Cecilia church. Kindly donate $3 for each you would like to a great benefit with all the enthusiasm of faith.” – St. Leo the take or make a check payable to the parish for the appropriate Great, Sermon, 84, 2 amount. Share your CD with another once you’ve listened to it! IN GOD’S PRESENCE, CONSIDER… uote of the Week Have I shown proper gratitude for all the wonders God has done in my life? Q One act of when things go CLOSING PRAYER wrong with us is worth a thousand thanks when Lord, with your help may I never fail to praise you for all the gifts things are agreeable to our inclination. you have given me in your creation. – John of Avila

Winter Faith Formation Studies Who Am I To Judge: Responding to Relativism with Logic and Love MONDAYS FROM JAN. 20 – MAR. 9 | 7-8:30 PM AT ST. CECILIA PARISH (ST. CECILIA COMMONS) How do we talk about morality in a world that no longer believes in TRUTH? When we’re bombarded with messages of “Be toler- ant!” “Don’t judge!” and “Coexist!” many good people feel afraid to say anything is right or wrong anymore. This 8-part study gives us an important key to responding to relativism effectively—a Catholic moral worldview. Learn how Catholic morality is all about love, how making a judgment is not judging a person’s soul, and how, in the words of Pope Francis, “relativism wounds people” and is “the spiritual poverty of our times.” To register, please go to our parish website and click on the button labeled “Who Am I to Judge.” Simply fill out the digital regis- tration form and click submit to be placed on the roster. Wisdom: God’s Vision for Life MONDAYS FROM JAN. 20 – MAR. 9 | 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM AT SM-SJ PARISH (RECTORY CONFERENCE ROOM) Scripture and the Tradition of the Catholic Church provide an abundance of wisdom, though it can often be challenging to apply it to our lives. In this study, Jeff Cavins and Thomas Smith examine biblical wisdom as it relates to daily life. Drawing on the wisdom literature of the Bible—Proverbs, Wisdom, Sirach, and Ecclesiastes—Wisdom will teach you how to actively seek out sound guidance and increase your sense of peace in navigating life. In everything from friendships to finances, from making decisions to attaining peace of mind, Scripture offers a vision for happiness and well-being. With this program, you will learn how to gather, gain, and grow in wisdom, and you will experience the joy it brings to your life. To register, please go to our parish website and click on the button labeled “Wisdom.” Simply fill out the digital registration form and click submit to be placed on the roster. NEWS & NOTES | 6

Saint Cecilia School Updates SANTA’S WORKSHOP: Our Santa’s Workshop was huge success! Our school children had a great time shopping for their loved ones. Thank you to everyone that donated supplies and to those that volunteered their time at the event! Thank you also to Kroger and Huntington Bank for their donations of paper goods! NOVEMBER CHARACTER AWARDS: For the month of November, students learned about Saint Cecilia and her virtue of determination. The following students were recognized this month for demonstrating determination just like Saint Cecilia: Francisco Vale, Lupita Vega-Diaz, Anthony Paz-Amador, Diego OrtizHer- nandez, Molly Dalley, Ivana Gallegos-Umanzor, Deon Hall, Grace Ferra-Villalobos, Jasmine Henderson and Danielle Charleston. OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD: Students participated in Operation Christmas Child this holiday season. School families brought in toys, personal hygiene items and other supplies to give to needy children throughout the world. Together, they helped about 100 children!

Vocation Night Mt. St. Mary’s Seminary is hosting a Vocation Night on Wednesday, January 29, from 5-9 PM. The night is for men, college age and older, who are discerning the path God wants them to follow. For more information or to register, visit or call Fr. Dan Schmitmeyer at 513.263.3390. Vocation Discernment Retreat for Men Are you a college age man or older and wondering who God wants you to be? The Vocation Office for the Archdiocese is hosting a discernment retreat at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center in Norwood on January 10-12. The retreat starts at 6 PM and con- cludes on Sunday by 11 AM. There is no cost for the retreat. For more information or to register, visit www.cincinnativocations. org or call Fr. Dan Schmitmeyer at 513.263.3390. Marriage Annulments The Catholic Church dedicates much time and effort to prepare couples for marriage. However, despite the couples’ best efforts, unfortunately a marriage union sometimes fails to reach fulfill- ment for both parties and may end in a civil divorce. The Catho- lic Church has mechanisms and processes in place to assist people in these situations, especially if they anticipate another marriage. If you find yourself in this circumstance, we would like to help. To learn more about how to get assistance, please contact Joe Fondac- aro in our pastoral region at 871-5757, ext. 222, or at jfondacaro@ All inquiries are kept in strict confidence. THE LAST PAG E | 7

Our annual CHRISTMAS DAY DINNER will be held Christmas at Saint Cecilia from noon until 2 PM on Wednesday, Dec. 25, in the MASS TIMES school cafeteria. The dinner is free of charge and open to all—we would love to see you there! Meal deliveries are December 24 ~ 3 and 5 PM available by calling Peggy at 513-321-0650. All request December 25 ~ Midnight and 10 AM for meal deliveries must be made by 5 PM on Friday, Dec. 20. This dinner needs your help to be a success! Help us bring Christmas Giving some Christmas joy into our Oakley community by providing The people of St. Cecilia are very generous to the parish, es- a meal and companionship for those who have no where else to pecially at this time of year. Your special Christmas offering go on this special holiday. A total of 65 ten-pound hams will be needed and funds to put this meal on. Please help in any way you helps us meet our budgeted expenses for our beautiful church can. Monetary donations can be dropped in the collection basket and is greatly appreciated. You can make your special gifts marked “Christmas Dinner” or mailed to the St. Cecilia rectory. online as well as your regular offertory giving. Or you can text For any of the numerous volunteer opportunities available, your gift at 434-3577. For more information, visit www.stcecilia- please call Julie at 513-478-3575. This year we need more volunteers and click on the Online Giving logo. to help pick up food donations on Dec. 24; if anyone can help with this let me know. We will need people to cut the hams and prepare the fixings (especially Sunday, Dec. 22—the day hams are ask to be STEWARDSHIP OF FINANCE dropped off) set up the cafeteria, serve meals, wash dishes, prepare THE WEEK ENDING DECEMBER 8, 2019 carry-outs, engage in hospitality, deliver meals and help with clean- up. With all of your help we can bring the spirit of Christmas to Offertory $7,546.50 our community and show them the love of Jesus Christ. Online $7,038.20 TOTAL $14,584.70 Society of St. Vincent de Paul $1,477.00 Join other members of the parish as we prepare our church Attendance 1,136 for Christmas! This is a great way to get involved and meet fellow parishioners. Decorating will begin this Monday, Average Collection $13,696.98 Dec. 23, at 6PM. If you can only volunteer your time for a Weekly Budget $13,730.77 Difference -$33.79 little bit, we would love your help!

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