November 2016 Newsletter The London Pacers Running Club Another Successful Turkey Trot on a perfect Thanksgiving Day! Thank you Volunteers and participants! Some of our newest Pacers with Debbie More photos on Page 24 Simona, Kevin and Juliet The Pavillion 1 Page 2 London Pacers November 2016 Newsletter Executive President Kevin Garlick
[email protected] Vice President OPEN Treasurer Angie Smith
[email protected] Events/Social OPEN Publicity OPEN Membership Sherry Watts
[email protected] Secretary Maureen Dow
[email protected] Newsletter Sherry Watts
[email protected] Paula Muxlow
[email protected] Race Reporter Susan McNeil
[email protected] From your editors: Newsletter information: The deadline for the next newsletter is November 27, 12 noon. The Newsletter editors are Sherry Watts and Paula Muxlow. Contact either of us if you have a contribution or a suggestion. Email addresses are above. We love contributions: articles, comments, photos etc. It is your newsletter. To assist the editors and make our job easier, PLEASE send your contribution(s) as follows: - Please proof-read your article prior to submitting it. - Send articles as Word files (save as .doc, not .docx) - send photos or illustrations as separate .jpg files (low resolution). - do not send articles with photos embedded, or .pdf files. We cannot work with those. Items from other sources require permission to republish. Any items that do not meet these criteria may be returned to you, or may not be published. Pacer members are welcome to promote their businesses or events they are involved with. Send us the infor- mation and we will be happy to include it in the newsletter.