
ISSN 1610-2606 ISSN 1610-2606 newsletter 09/14 DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 344 - 2014 Michael J. Fox Christopher Lloyd

LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 11 - 70825 K o r n t a l Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - Web: www.laserhotline.de Newsletter 09/14 (Nr. 344) November 2014 editorial Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD- auch gleich die Soundtrack- Fans, CD des Films mit dazu- liebe Filmfreunde! gepackt hat – zusätzlich zu einer ganzen Fülle von inter- Sind Sie Fan von sogenannten essanten Bonusmaterialien. “Smilebox”-Releases, also Der Film wurde von Dave jenen Blu-ray-Veröffentli- Strohmaier in seiner bekannt chungen, die eine Projektion perfektionistischen Art und auf eine gekrümmte Bildwand Weise generalüberholt und simulieren? Dann dürfen Sie erstrahlt jetzt in grandiosen sich freuen. Nicht nur hat das Farben und brillanter Schärfe. amerikanische Label Flicker Ein echtes Sammlerstück, mit Alley jetzt zwei weitere 3- dem Sie die Vorzüge Ihrer Streifen Cinerama-Filme als Heimkinoprojektion auf ver- DVD/Blu-ray Combos veröf- gnügliche Weise demonstrie- fentlicht (siehe Seite 6), son- ren können. Das Set kostet dern es gibt nun auch die er- EUR 45,90 und ist ab sofort ste Smilebox-Version eines bei uns auf Lager. 70mm-Films: HOLIDAY IN SPAIN. Veröffentlicht wurde Mit breitformatigen Grüßen die Blu-ray vom US-Label Redwind Productions, das Ihr Laser Hotline Team

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Regisseur & Drehbuchautor Giulio Ricciarelli war zu Gast in Stuttgart, um seinen hochbrisanten Politthriller IM LABYRINTH DES SCHWEIGENS vorzustellen und sich unseren Fragen zu stellen

LASER HOTLINE Seite 2 Newsletter 09/14 (Nr. 344) November 2014

Karlsruhe 70mm-Festival: 10th Anniversary Special Edition

Das handgemalte Schild leuchtet, von - kein Wunschkonzert und die schwere Krankheit Glühbirnen umrandet. „10 Jahre Todd-AO 70mm- meines Vaters machte uns in den letzten Jahren Filmfestival“ steht da und meine beste Freundin einen Strich durch die Rechnung. Doch zum Zehnten Jenny und ich blicken darauf, als wäre es der hatte ich geschworen, wieder dabei zu sein, komme Heilige Gral, dessen Strahlen die heranbrechende was wolle. Nacht erhellen. In kinematographischer Hinsicht ist Ich bin auch schon alleine nach Karlsruhe zum es das auch. Kein Filmformat ist je an die Qualität Festival gefahren, aber zu zweit macht es doch des 70mm herangekommen. Hier in Karlsruhe erheblich mehr Spaß. Also beschloss ich, 2014 versammeln sich jährlich die Fans des jemanden neues in die Magie des 70mm Breitwandkinos und huldigen in den heiligen Hallen einzuführen: Jenny. Viele Geschichten, mit Sternlein der Schauburg ihrem Format, schwelgen in in den Augen erzählt, hatte meine beste Freundin Erinnerungen und sammeln neue unter schon über dieses Format gehört. Nun war es mir Gleichgesinnten, die sich wie Familie anfühlen. wichtig, ihr das alles endlich live und (manchmal) in Das Karlsruher 70mm-Festival feierte dieses Jahr Farbe zu zeigen. Nicht als Ersatz für meinen Vater, sein 10-jähriges Bestehen und für diese Kolumnistin aber als würdige Nachfolgerin. war es eine Achterbahn der Gefühle. Bereits am Vorabend zum offiziellen Festivalbeginn Mit 15 nahm mich mein Vater zum ersten Mal nach gingen wir in Oklahoma! Wie auch mir jedes Jahr Bradford zum Widescreen-Weekend mit und aufs Neue, stockte Jenny der Atem, als sie zum hernach war es eine fast jährliche Tradition von uns, ersten Mal den großen Kinosaal der Schauburg auf diese Art Festival zu gehen. Als die Schauburg betrat. Der rote Samt, die glänzenden Lüster, der das erste veranstaltete, waren wir dabei und wollten riesige Vorhang – nach diesem Anblick ist kaum ein nie wieder eines missen. Aber das Leben ist leider Kinosaal je wieder gut genug, denn so gehört Kino,

LASER HOTLINE Seite 3 Newsletter 09/14 (Nr. 344) November 2014 nicht minimalistisch-kalt mit nackten Leinwänden schlugen wir uns – Tradition muss schließlich sein! – wie sie in jedem modernen Multiplex zu finden sind. die Bäuche voll mit dem glorreichen Schauburg- „Na, habe ich dir zu viel versprochen?“ Jenny Frühstück. schüttelte den Kopf. An diesem Festivaltag erlebte Jenny dann auch den Am Freitagmorgen ging es mit Goodbye, Mr. Chips „regulären“ Ablauf ein wenig, denn bis auf die zweite los. Der Film war für mich so ergreifend – es gibt Hälfte von Earthquake ließen wir keinen Film aus. enorm viele Parallelen zwischen Peter O’Tooles Besonders beeindruckend? Die Blechtrommel und Figur und meinem Vater – dass ich bereits 2001: A Space Odyssey. Ersteren hatte ich noch nie befürchtete, den Rest des Festivals nicht zu gesehen, doch ich kann nun sagen, der Film brennt überstehen. Unzählige Taschentücher gingen über sich wahrlich ins Gedächtnis ein und lässt einen, den Jordan, während die Auslassmusik spielte und auch Wochen später, nicht los. Kubricks Zuschauer mich im Vorbeigehen verwundert Meisterwerk war zwar schon arg verfärbt, hatte dafür musterten. aber eine Schärfe, die keine andere Kopie des Den Rest des Festivals gingen Jenny und ich dann Films, die ich bisher gesehen hatte, aufwies. gelassener an. Um sie nicht über zu strapazieren Am Sonntagmorgen musste Jenny bereits nach pickten wir uns die Rosinen heraus und ließen uns dem Frühstück abreisen, doch ich blieb noch und nicht stressen, wenn wir etwas mal nicht ganz zu konnte endlich Jesus Christ Superstar sehen. Der Ende sahen. Früher war es für mich undenkbar, an Film war mein persönliches Highlight des Festivals, einem Festival nicht alles zu hundert Prozent zu mit seiner fantastischen Szenerie und sehen, ja, es fühlte sich wie ein Sakrileg an, daran unkonventionellen Erzählart, die aus Judas die auch nur zu denken! Nun war es eine ganz neue Art, primäre Hauptfigur macht und nicht wertet, sondern das Festival zu erleben und sie war äußerst Empathie zeigt. angenehm. Am Freitag sahen wir noch etwa die Ich verließ am späten Nachmittag die Schauburg mit Hälfte vom DDR-Film KLK an PTX – Die Rote einem lachenden und einem weinenden Auge. Zwar Kapelle und anstatt The Alamo genossen wir an hatte ich dieses Mal keinen Vater mehr Zuhause, dem Abend chinesisches Essen und stundenlange dem ich von dem Festival rapportieren konnte, aber Gespräche in der gemieteten Ferienwohnung. ich hatte eine der wichtigsten Personen in meinem Am Samstagmorgen fand ich beim Frühstück Leben an 70mm herangeführt. Und für das endlich auch die Zeit, viele alte Festivalfreunde- und Rapportieren? Gibt es immerhin diese Kolumne. In Bekanntschaften zu begrüßen und Jenny diesem Sinne, vielen Dank fürs Lesen! vorzustellen. Wie immer fühlte es sich an wie auf Anna Rudschies einem riesigen Familientreffen. Gleichzeitig ([email protected])

LASER HOTLINE Seite 4 Newsletter 09/14 (Nr. 344) November 2014

LASER HOTLINE Seite 5 Newsletter 09/14 (Nr. 344) November 2014

Jetzt auf Lager!



Unser Preis: je EUR 39,90 zzgl. Versandkosten

Es geht weiter! Für alle Fans der „Smilebox“-Filme hat Flicker Alley nun die nächsten beiden 3-Streifen-Cinerama- Filme in exzellenter Ausstattung veröffentlicht. Beide Filme enthalten je 2 DVDs und ein Blu-ray-Disc, die weltweit ohne Einschränkung abspielbar sind. Gemastert wurden die Filme von den Original- Negativen - höchstmögliche Bildqualität ist damit garantiert!

LASER HOTLINE Seite 6 Newsletter 09/14 (Nr. 344) November 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Dienstag, 14. Oktober 2014 Poitras erhält im Januar 2013 anonyme sie sich zusammen mit ihrer Assistentin Ein Friseur und ein Whistleblower E-Mails, in der Beweise für Massen- Valerie in der Abgeschiedenheit der Was recht seicht begann setzte sich überwachungsprogramme der NSA und Schweizer Bergwelt auf die Rolle vorbe- recht spannend fort anderer Geheimdienste in Aussicht ge- reitet, wird sie unfreiwillig mit ihrer stellt werden. Der Absender der E- eigenen Vergangenheit konfrontiert... COMING IN (1:2.35, 5.1) Mails nennt sich “Citizenfour”. Damit Der wirklich Herausragende in diesem Verleih: Warner beginnt einer der spannendsten Doku- Film ist seine Besetzung. Juliette Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 mentarfilme der letzten Zeit. Kurze Zeit Binoche als alternde Diva, die mit ihrer Regie: Marco Kreuzpaintner später sitzt Laura Poitras mit laufender eigenen Vergangenheit konfrontiert Darsteller: Kostja Ullmann, Aylin Tezel, Kamera und zwei Journalisten in Hong wird, Kristen Stewart als ihre loyale Ken Duken, Katja Riemann Kong im Hotelzimmer des Unbekann- Assistentin mit übergroßer Brille sowie Kinostart: 23.10.2014 ten. Noch ahnt niemand, dass hier Ge- Chloe Grace Moretz als das skandalum- schichte geschrieben wird. witterte Starlet – dieses Damen-Trio ist Starfriseur Tom Herzner, Leitfigur der “Citizenfour” ist niemand anderer als unglaublich gut! Sie verleihen dem Film Berliner Schwulenszene, will seine er- Edward Snowden, jener Whistleblower, dadurch Authentizität. Aber auch die folgreiche Shampoo-Serie von der dessen Enthüllungen die Welt für im- Nebenrollen sind bestens besetzt. Ob männlichen Kundschaft auf weibliche mer verändern werden. Minute um Mi- Lars Eidinger als deutscher Theaterre- Kundschaft erweitern. Damit das aber nute, Tag um Tag erleben wir hautnah, gisseur oder Hanns Zischler als schlei- klappt, muss der überzeugte Homo zu- was sich in diesem Hotelzimmer ab- miger Schauspielerkollege – hier stimmt nächst erkunden, was Frauen eigent- spielt. Hier ist nichts geprobt oder einfach alles. Weniger stimmig hinge- lich wollen. So lässt er sich inkognito nachgestellt – alles ist authentisch: gen die teils eigenwilligen Szenenüber- als Lehrling im Salon der feschen Heidi hochbrisantes Filmmaterial, das die gänge, die etwas zuviel von der Über- anstellen – mit ungeahnten Folgen für Geheimdienste ganz sicher am liebsten blendung Gebrauch machen. Irgendwie beide... Heteros sind die neuen Schwu- hätten verschwinden lassen. Man seltsam anmutend dann die Naturauf- len – das könnte tatsächlich das Fazit blickt gebannt auf die Leinwand, als nahmen der Bergwelt des Engadin, die aus Marco Kreuzpaintners Romantik- plötzlich der Feueralarm im Hotel aus- allesamt irgendwie unwirklich, fast Komödie sein. Eine Komödie, die leider gelöst wird, leidet mit Snowden, der als schon künstlich aussehen. kein Klischee aus der Schwulenszene Einziger ganz genau zu wissen scheint, auslässt. Frei nach dem Motto: Frauen was auf ihn zukommt. History in the Dienstag, 21. Oktober 2014 verlieben sich immer in ihren besten Making – sehenswert. Der selbstgefällige Zyniker schwulen Freund und Schwule wollten Das heutige Motto lautete einmal mehr ja immer schon mal mit einem Mädchen. Donnerstag, 16. Oktober 2014 “Vorsicht! Filmkunst!” – der Cannes- Dass unser schwuler Protagonist Der Berg ruft Gewinner wurde uns kredenzt selbstverständlich Friseur ist, ist eines Die magischen Landschaften des Enga- der vielen Klischees, mit dem der Film dins dienten heute als Kulisse für ein WINTERSCHLAF (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Lacher auf seine Seite ziehen möchte. Drama um eine reife Diva OT: Kis Uykusu Das aber gelingt freilich nur dann, Verleih: Weltkino wenn man so etwas zum allerersten Mal CLOUDS OF SILS MARIA (1:2.35, DD Land/Jahr: Türkei, Deutschland, Frank- sieht und hört. Weitaus störender als 5.1 EX) 2014 das schwache Drehbuch sind die oft OT: Clouds Of Sils Maria Regie: Nuri Bilge Ceylan akustisch nicht verständlichen Dialo- Verleih: NFP (Filmwelt) Darsteller: Haluk Bilginer, Melisa ge. Liegt’s am Nuscheln der Darsteller Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Frankreich, Sözen, Demet Akbag oder haben die Mischtonmeister ver- Schweiz 2014 Kinostart: 11.12.2014 sagt? Immerhin gibt es einen Sonnen- Regie: Olivier Assayas schein im Cast: Aylin Tezel! Sie spielt Darsteller: , Kristen Die karge Berglandschaft von die Rolle der Heidi so herzerfrischend, Stewart, Chloe Grace Moretz, Lars Kappadokien. Hier betreibt der ehema- dass man alles andere bequem ausblen- Eidinger lige Schauspieler Aydin ein kleines den kann. Kinostart: 18.12.2014 Hotel sowie mehrere Mietshäuser. Mit ihm zusammen leben seine deutlich CITIZENFOUR (1:1.85, 5.1) 20 Jahre ist es her, dass die gefeierte jüngere Frau Nihal sowie seine ge- Verleih: Piffl Bühnen- und Filmschauspielerin Maria schiedene Schwester Necla. Die Land/Jahr: Deutschland, USA 2014 Enders in einem Stück die 18jährige Drecksarbeit lässt Aydin von seinem Regie: Laura Poitras Sigrid spielte, die ihre Chefin in den Hausmeister durchführen, während er Darsteller: Edward Snowden Selbstmord treibt. Jetzt soll Maria wie- sich dem Schreiben einer Kolumne wid- Kinostart: 06.11.2014 der im selben Stück spielen. Doch nicht met – einer Kolumne, mit der er stets mehr die Rolle der verführerischen Sig- seine Leserschaft zu belehren ver- Die Dokumentarfilmemacherin Laura rid, sondern die der Chefin. Während sucht. Während sich der Winter zuneh-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 7 Newsletter 09/14 (Nr. 344) November 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog mend des Landes bemächtigt, kommt es gebracht werden. Der Erfolg bleibt Wohnung schnellstmöglich in Geld zu zwischen Aydin und seinem gesamten nicht aus. Bald schon gehören zah- verwandeln, wird er durch die beiden Umfeld zu immer größeren Spannun- lungskräftige Männer aus Politik und Frauen mit seiner eigenen Vergangen- gen, bei denen Aydin als selbstgefälli- Wirtschaft zur Kundschaft der beiden. heit konfrontiert und kommt einem ger Zyniker demaskiert wird... Das mit Als er eines Tages einen schleimigen Familiengeheimnis auf die Spur... Re- der Goldenen Palme in Cannes ausge- Waffenhändler, der Waffen nach Sri gisseur Horovitz hat mit MY zeichnete Werk ist im Grunde genom- Lanka liefert, verköstigen soll, fasst OLD LADY sein eigenes Theaterstück men ein Kammerspiel. Hier geht es weit Maravan einen folgenschweren verfilmt. Leider kann diese Dramödie weniger um Bilder denn um Dialoge. Entschluss... Wenn schon erotisieren- ihre Herkunft nicht komplett kaschie- Die sind zwar durchaus interessant, des Essen im Mittelpunkt eines Films ren, da naturgemäß das Hauptaugen- etwa wenn Aydin mit seiner Schwester steht, dann sollte das zumindest an- merk hier bei den Dialogen liegt. Vorge- philosophische Gedanken diskutiert, satzweise auch so fotografiert werde, tragen werde diese zwar von einem doch die sich schier endlos hinziehen- dass diese Wirkung für den Zuschauer guten Darstellerensemble, doch wirkt den Gespräche ermüden auf Dauer, was nachvollziehbar wird. Doch genau das der Film insgesamt recht träge. Auf der bei dem 196 Minuten langen Film (es passiert in diesem Film nicht. Weder Bühne funktioniert so etwas bestimmt gibt keine Pause) ohnehin schon die Zubereitung der Menüs noch der hervorragend, jedoch stellt man an ei- grundsätzlich der Fall ist. Was es mit Genuss des Essens werden “erotisch” nen Film ganz andere Ansprüche. Fazit: dem Titel des Films auf sich hat, erläu- in Szene gesetzt! Stattdessen darf man nur bedingt zu empfehlen. tert Laut Regisseur Nuri Bilge Ceylan in Großaufnahme sehen, wie ein Fisch wie folgt. Laut Ceylan befinden sich zerlegt wird – und das nicht nur einmal. Freitag, 24. Oktober 2014 viele türkische Intellektuelle – beson- Und das ist nicht das Einzige, was bei Kino in der Wüste ders ehemalige Schauspieler – in einer Ralf Huettners Verfilmung des Romans Ein filmisches Essay bildete den Art Winterschlaf: “Denn sie haben ihr von Martin Suter schiefgeht. Die Be- Abschluss einer quantitativ recht dür- ganzes Leben lang in Shakespeare- weggründe des Kochs, den Waffen- ren Pressewoche Stücken gespielt. Sie leben ein sehr händler umzubringen, sind leider nicht intellektuelles Leben in geschlossenen gänzlich nachvollziehbar. Auch dass SAHARA SALAAM – DIE ACHSE DES Kreisen zusammen mit anderen Schau- Maravans Großmutter irgendwann LÄCHELNS (1:1.85, 5.1) spielern. In jedem Land gibt es solche sang- und klanglos vom Radar ver- Verleih: Eigenverleih des Regisseurs Unterschiede, die Intellektuellen sind schwindet, ist etwas merkwürdig. Je- Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2013 immer ein wenig von der Gesellschaft doch passt es zu der holprigen Insze- Regie: Wolf Gaudlitz isoliert. Vielleicht kommt dieses Phäno- nierung. Richtiges Kino geht anders. Kinostart: bereits gestartet men in der Türkei etwas mehr zum Tra- gen.” Donnerstag, 23. Oktober 2014 Eine leere Plastikflasche wird vom Ein Amerikaner in Wind durch den Wüstensand gerollt, Mittwoch, 22. Oktober 2014 Heute stand mal wieder eine Theater- ein leerer Plastikbecher überholt sie. Love Food verfilmung auf meinem Filmfahrplan Die Wüste ist riesig, die Einstellung Hat mir der heutige Film Appetit ge- dauert lange. In seinem Dokumentarfilm macht? Die Kurzkritik verrät‘s MY OLD LADY (1:2.35, DD 5.1) (oder besser: in seinem filmischen Es- OT: My Old Lady say) gibt Regisseur Wolf Gaudlitz dem DER KOCH (1:2.35, 5.1) Verleih: Ascot Elite (Paramount) Zuschauer alle Zeit der Welt, um über Verleih: Senator Land/Jahr: USA, Frankreich 2014 diese Szene zu sinnieren, ihre Bedeu- Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Schweiz, Indi- Regie: Israel Horovitz tung zu ergründen. Alles ist anders in en 2013 Darsteller: , Maggie Smith, der Sahara, in der Raum und Zeit keine Regie: Ralf Huettner Kristin Scott Thomas Bedeutung mehr zu haben scheinen. In Darsteller: Hamza Jeetooa, Jessica Kinostart: 20.11.2014 dieser unwirtlichen Gegend ist Wolf Schwarz, Hanspeter Müller-Drossaart Gaudlitz schon seit über einem Jahr- Mathias, ein abgebrannter Amerikaner, zehnt unterwegs. Anfangs noch einzig Kinostart: 27.11.2014 kommt nach Paris, um das Erbe seines als Kinomacher, der den Tuaregs Kino Vaters, eine riesige Wohnung in der in ihre Dörfer bringt, später als Filme- Gemeinsam mit seiner ehemaligen Kol- Innenstadt, anzutreten. Doch seine macher, der uns die Menschen näher legin Andrea verwirklicht der vom Bür- Pläne, die Wohnung zu verkaufen, bringen möchte, die ihm auf seinen gerkrieg in Sri Lanka nach Zürich geflo- scheitern erst einmal an der Tatsache, Reisen begegnen. Einen Kommentar hene tamilische Koch Maravan seine dass die Wohnung von der 90jährigen aus dem Off gibt es nicht, dafür erklä- Geschäftsidee: die aphrodisische Kü- Mathilde sowie deren Tochter Chloe rende Texteinblendungen sowie direkt che. Mit seinen Menüs aus der auf Basis einer Immobilienleibrente in die Kamera gesprochene Kommenta- Molekularküche soll wieder Schwung bewohnt wird! Während Mathias ver- re des Regisseurs. Leider lässt die Bild- in eingerostete Liebesbeziehungen zweifelt nach einer Lösung sucht, die qualität des in einem Zeitraum von

LASER HOTLINE Seite 8 Newsletter 09/14 (Nr. 344) November 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog über 10 Jahren gesammelten Film- gemeinschaftlich bewirtschaften kann. der wundervolle CinemaScope-Bilder materials sehr zu wünschen übrig, da Doch anders als die Frauen um sie her- zaubert – Bilder, die oft nur vom Hori- nicht in HD produziert wurde. - Regis- um ist Cuddy eine sehr starke Persön- zont begrenzt werden. Optimal darauf seur Wolf Gaudlitz kam heute eigens lichkeit, die sich auch nicht scheut, abgestimmt Beltramis Filmmusik – ge- für die Pressevorführung aus Sizilien sich ganz allein hinter den Pflug zu fühlvoll und wehmütig. Tommy Lee angereist, um sich den Fragen der an- stellen und in mühseliger Arbeit den Jones (der auch am Drehbuch mit- wesenden Filmkritiker zu stellen. Und Acker zu bestellen. Cuddy ist ihrer Zeit arbeitete) inszenierte mit sicherer Hand das war auch gut so. Denn erst im Ge- einfach viel zu weit voraus. Da wundert einen Film, der sich durch seine epi- spräch mit dem Filmemacher wurde die es auch nicht, dass es ausgerechnet sche Ruhe ganz bewusst zeitgenössi- politische Dimension seines Films klar. sie ist, die drei vom Westen in den schen Sehgewohnheiten entzieht und Zu Recht kam dann natürlich auch Wahnsinn getriebene Frauen zurück in den Zuschauer damit voll in seinen gleich die Frage, warum eine solch kla- den Osten zur Zivilsation transportie- Bann schlägt. re Aussage nicht bereits Bestandteil ren soll. Durch Zufall kann sie dem al- des Films sei – worauf es zumindest für ten Rauhbein Briggs das Leben retten. Mittwoch, 29. Oktober 2014 mich keine wirklich befriedigende Ant- Im Gegenzug verspricht der, sie auf der Das Erbe, das man nicht ausschlagen kann wort gab. Vielleicht wäre Gaudlitzs strapaziösen Reise zu begleiten. Ge- Zur Wochenmitte stand eine vergnügli- Kommentierung des Films und der von meinsam trotzen die beiden allen Gefah- che Dokumentation auf dem Programm ihm erlebten Abenteuer ein wesentlich ren... Bereits zu Beginn des Films ver- spannenderer Film geworden als es rät Marco Beltramis Filmmusik, dass TITOS BRILLE (1:1.85, 5.1) SAHARA SALAAM jetzt ist. Ohne ein der glorifizierte Westen für viele nicht Verleih: X Verleih (Warner) Vorwissen an bestimmte Ereignisse in das ist was er hätte sein können: die Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 Algier, die schon viele Jahre zurücklie- Melodie klingt wehmütig, weit entfernt, Regie: Regina Schilling gen, fällt es dem Zuschauer sehr als wolle sie an längst vergangene Zei- Darsteller: Adriana Altaras schwer, eine Brücke zu Gaudlitzs Anlie- ten erinnern. Tommy Lee Jones‘ zweite Kinostart: 11.12.2014 gen zu schlagen. Vielmehr werden un- Regiearbeit widmet sich einem Thema, vorbereitete Zuschauer den Film als ein das so noch nicht gezeigt wurde. Denn Dass Dokumentarfilme nicht unbedingt Essay über die Erlebnisse eines für viele Frauen wurde das gelobte vollkommen trocken und ohne jegli- Wanderkinobetreibers in der Sahara Land zum Alptraum. Das abgeschiede- chen Witz ablaufen müssen, beweist sehen, sozusagen als einen ne Leben und das kompromisslose Regina Schilling mit TITOS BRILLE. Reiseabenteuerfilm. Land trieben sie in den Wahnsinn. So In Szene gesetzt hat sie ihre Doku nach ist Jones‘ Film auch kein im einem Bestsellerbuch von Adriana Alt- Dienstag, 28. Oktober 2014 üblichen Sinne. Er selbst mag eigent- aras. Die 1960 im ehemaligen Jugosla- Eine Frau steht ihren Mann lich gar nicht von einem Western spre- wien geborene Schauspielerin, glück- Western sind in der heutigen Film- chen. Es ist ein Melodrama, angesie- lich verheiratet in und Mutter landschaft äußerst rar geworden. Eines delt im Wilden Westen, in dem es um zweier Söhne, wird die Geister ihrer dieser seltenen Exemplare gab es heute den Zusammenhalt der Menschen geht. jüdischen Eltern einfach nicht los. Ihr in der Pressevorführung zu sehen. Cuddy und Briggs, zwei grundverschie- Erbe besteht aus unzähligen Fotografi- dene Menschen, werden durch ihre en und Super 8 Filmen, die ihre inzwi- THE HOMESMAN (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Reise zusammengeschweißt – ob sie es schen verstorbenen Eltern im Laufe der OT: The Homesman haben wollen oder auch nicht. Gespielt vielen Jahre gemacht haben. So macht Verleih: Universum Film (24 Bilder) werden die beiden von einer grandio- sich Adriana jetzt mit viel jüdischem Land/Jahr: USA 2014 sen Hilary Swank und einem noch Witz und deutscher Gründlichkeit in Regie: Tommy Lee Jones grandioseren Tommy Lee Jones. Er ist ihrem Mercedes auf eine Reise in die Darsteller: Tommy Lee Jones, Hilary vielleicht sogar etwas überzeichnet, Vergangenheit. Ihr Weg führt sie von Swank, Grace Gummer, , trägt Züge einer Karikatur, aber man Berlin nach Gießen, von dort schließ- mag ihn eigentlich von der ersten Se- lich nach Slowenien, Italien, Kroatien. Kinostart: 18.12.2014 kunde an. Swank als Frau die Anpacken In Split, auf Vis, in Zagreb und auf Rab kann, trotzdem aber auch eine verletzli- besucht sie Weggefährten ihrer Eltern, Autoritär, direkt und rechthaberisch – che Seite offenbart, ist das perfekte die einst eifrige Partisanen unter Gene- so wird sie von den Männern in ihrer Pendant zu Jones. Neben den beiden ral Tito waren. Entstanden ist dabei ein Umgebung bezeichnet. Emanzipiert Protagonisten glänzen auch die Neben- höchst vergnügliches, aber ebenso würde man sie heutzutage nennen. darsteller, z.B. Grace Gummer, Sonja bewegendes Porträt einer Familie, die Doch Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts woll- Richter und Miranda Otto als das äu- zwar den Holocaust überlebt hat, aber ten die Männer davon nichts wissen. ßerst fragile Transportgut – drei Frau- dennoch aus ihrem Land fliehen Dabei möchte die 31jährige Mary Bee en mit leeren Gesichtern, vom Westen musste. Ein Porträt, an dessen Ende die Cuddy einfach nur heiraten, damit sie gezeichnet. Der dritte Protagonist im Erkenntnis steht, dass man weder Her- ihre kleine Farm im kargen Nebraska Spiel ist Kameramann Rodrigo Prieto, kunft noch Vergangenheit ausblenden

LASER HOTLINE Seite 9 Newsletter 09/14 (Nr. 344) November 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog kann. Sie sind ein Erbe, das man nicht ture mit MR. MAY UND DAS FLÜ- Padukone, Abhishek Bachchan ausschlagen kann. STERN DER EWIGKEIT zusammen Kinostart: 30.10.2014 ergeben. Donnerstag, 30. Oktober 2014 Um eine alte Rechnung zu begleichen, Was die Seele wiegt und was Menschen im IM KELLER (1:1.85, DD 5.1) beschließen vier Freunde, einen fiesen Keller verstecken Verleih: Neue Visionen Millionär um ein paar kostbare Diaman- Zwei schwerwiegende Fragen, denen Land/Jahr: Österreich 2014 ten zu erleichtern. Um jedoch über- die heutigen Filme auf den Grund gin- Regie: Ulrich Seidl haupt in die Nähe des Tresors zu kom- gen Kinostart: 04.12.2014 men, müssen die Kumpels einen Tanz- wettbewerb gewinnen. Da keiner von 1001 GRAMM (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Was genau tun Sie eigentlich, wenn Sie ihnen tanzen kann, holen sie sich pro- OT: 1001 Gram in den Keller gehen? Der Österreicher fessionelle Hilfe... Mit HAPPY NEW Verleih: Pandora Ulrich Seidl wollte das ganz genau wis- YEAR inszenierte die mit OM SHANTI Land/Jahr: Norwegen, Frankreich, sen. In seinem Film präsentiert er eini- OM als Regisseurin berühmt geworde- Deutschland 2014 ge ungewöhnliche Exemplare der Spezi- ne Farah Khan ganz typisches Regie: Bent Hamer es Mensch, die in ihren jeweiligen Kel- Blockbuster Bollywood-Kino. Exoti- Darsteller: Ane Dahl Torp, Laurent lern ihren wahren Leidenschaften frö- sche Locations, grelle Farben, viel Stocker, Stein Winge nen: Schießen, Trinken, Pythons hüten, nackte Haut, faltenretuschierte Kinostart: 18.12.2014 Sex haben. Grenzen gibt es hier nicht. Hochglanzkörper und eine Und auch nicht in Seidls Film. In sei- hanebüchene Story, die sämtliche Gen- Wie ihr alter Vater arbeitet auch Marie nem Dokumentarfilm kommt das Hinab- res abdecken muss – das sind die Zuta- als Wissenschaftlerin im norwegischen steigen in den Keller einem Abstieg in ten, die darauf abzielen, einen Über- Eichamt. Als ihr Vater stirbt und sie die dunkle Seite der Seele der Men- flieger aus dem Film zu machen. Doch sich auch noch mit der Trennung von schen gleich. Zumindest in den über- das Konzept wirkt inzwischen recht ihrem Lebensgefährten herumschlagen wiegenden Fällen, die er kommentarlos abgedroschen und so hält sich die Be- muss, fast sie den Entschluss, in die zeigt. Ob das auf Sado-Maso-Dienstlei- geisterung in Grenzen. Der in zwei Teile Fußstapfen ihres alten Herrn zu treten stungen spezialisierte Pärchen, der gegliederte Film nimmt im zweiten Teil und das letzte noch verbliebene physi- Nazi-Fan oder die Ehefrau, die ihre deutlich an Fahrt auf und präsentiert kalische Referenzmaß, das Kilo, zu ei- Mann als Sklaven hält – sie alle prä- dann sogar einige überraschende Plot- ner Konferenz nach Paris zu bringen, sentieren sich derart offenherzig vor Twists. Song & Dance Nummern gibt um es dort neu kalibrieren zu lassen. Seidls Kamera, dass einem bei soviel es freilich auch, doch sind die meist Eine Reise, die ihr Leben nachhaltig Exhibitionismus fast schon angst und relativ einfallslos inszeniert. Echte verändern wird... Alleine schon Christi- bang wird. Speziell die Praktiken, die Bollywood-Fans dürfte Farah Khans an Rosenlunds CinemaScope-Bilder die Eheleute vorführen, sind für den Film ziemlich enttäuschen. lohnen den Besuch dieses Films. Da Betrachter alles andere als angenehm werden beispielsweise Ortschaften zu (vom gepeinigten Ehemann ganz zu Freitag, 31. Oktober 2014 geometrischen Figuren, wenn man sie schweigen) und könnten durchaus zu Reise ins Weltall und in die irische Natur von oben betrachtet. Oder wird ein einer Freigabe nicht unter 18 Jahren Zum Abschluss der Pressewoche ging Haus zu einem Ort der Einsamkeit, führen. Zwischen seinen Protagonisten es ins Weltall und durch irisches Moos wenn man es ins richtige Licht rückt. zeigt Seidl immer wieder in Form von Rosenlunds Bilder sprechen eine klare Stilleben weitere Personen, die ihrem INTERSTELLAR (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Sprache. Und da Bent Hamer den Film Hobby im Keller frönen (den Einfall mit OT: Interstellar inszeniert hat, fehlen natürlich auch den regungslos vor laufender Kamera Verleih: Warner skurrile Elemente nicht. Da tragen bei- posierenden Menschen hat sich Seidl Land/Jahr: USA 2014 spielsweise die Wissenschaftler aus offensichtlich aus BARAKA geborgt). Regie: Christopher Nolan aller Herren Länder ihre in Metall- Bleibt die spannende Frage, wie der Darsteller: Matthew McConaughey, behälter verstaute Eich-Kilos wie Ur- Regisseur an seine “Kellerbewohner” , Jessica Chastain nen durch die Gegend, in der anderen gekommen ist und wie es ihm gelang, Hand einen blauen Regenschirm hal- sie davon zu überzeugen, sich für sein Kinostart: 06.11.2014 tend. Was wiegt ein Menschenleben, Projekt zu outen. was die Seele? Hamer erzählt in seinem Es herrscht eine apokalyptische Stim- Film davon, wie Marie ihr Leben ins HAPPY NEW YEAR (1:2.35, 5.1) mung auf der Erde. Die Lebensmittel- Gleichgewicht bringt – das einer nüch- OT: Happy New Year vorräte werden aufgrund zunehmend ternen Wissenschaftlerin und das einer Verleih: Rapid Eye Movies schlechter Ernten knapp. Es ist nur warmherzigen, verletzlichen Frau. Von Land/Jahr: Indien 2014 noch eine Frage der Zeit, bis die seiner Stimmung her jedenfalls würde Regie: Farah Khan Menschheit ausstirbt. Ihre einzige der Film ein wunderbares Double Fea- Darsteller: Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Chance: das Erschließen anderer Plane-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 10 Newsletter 09/14 (Nr. 344) November 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog ten, die ein Weiterleben der Menschen Sci-Fi-Kino, was allerdings etliche Zu- sentationen mit ein!) reduziert sich ermöglichen. Die NASA schickt ein schauer überfordern könnte. Überfor- Nolans Film auf seine Story. In echtem Forscherteam ins Weltall, um ein soge- dern deshalb, weil Nolan wissenschaft- IMAX passiert das nicht. Hier kann nanntes Wurmloch zu erforschen, mit liche Erklärungen zu Schwarzen Lö- sich der Film vollständig entfalten und Hilfe dessen ein Sprung in andere Gala- chern und Wurmlöchern auf ein Mini- wird vollkommen anders wahrgenom- xien möglich sein soll. Zum Team ge- mum reduziert. Immerhin gelingt es ihm, men. Erst hier wird Nolans künstleri- hört Cooper, ein Vater und Ex-, der nachvollziehbare Charaktere in seinem sches Konzept sichtbar. Fazit: wer den inzwischen als Farmer lebt. Für ihn gilt Film zu präsentieren. Seine Vater-Toch- Film nicht in echtem IMAX 15/70 gese- es, die Zukunft seiner Kinder zu ret- ter-Geschichte funktioniert perfekt. hen hat, der hat ihn nicht gesehen. ten... Geht man mit sehr hohen Erwar- Warum Nolan allerdings fast drei Stun- Trust me! tungen in einen Film, begibt man sich den (ohne Pause) benötigt, um seine in Gefahr. Gefahr deshalb, weil die zu Geschichte zu erzählen, bleibt etwas THE BACHELOR WEEKEND (1:1.85, hohen Erwartungen zu großer Enttäu- rätselhaft. Zwei Stunden hätten dafür 5.1) schung führen können. Leider ist man ausgereicht. Als Komponist wird wie OT: The Stag selbst als Filmkritiker vor solch gefähr- bei Nolan üblich Hans Zimmer genannt. Verleih: Drei-Freunde lichen Situationen nicht gewappnet. Ob die Musik tatsächlich von ihm Land/Jahr: Irland 2013 Als begeisterter Fan breitformatiger stammt oder nicht, sei einmal dahinge- Regie: John Butler Filme war Christopher Nolans INTER- stellt. Zumindest in Teilen unterstützt Darsteller: Andrew Scott, Hugh STELLAR von Anfang an ein hoch sie den Film hervorragend. Insbeson- O’Conor, Amy Huberman interessantes Projekt. Denn der Perfek- dere der Einsatz einer Kirchenorgel gibt Kinostart: 06.11.2014 tionist drehte seinen neuen Film nicht dem Film eine zusätzliche Dimension. etwa digital, wie das fast alle Filmema- Dass die Inspiration hierfür nichts an- Wider seinen Willen wird der kurz vor inzwischen tun, sondern er ließ deres als das bei Kubrick verwendete der Hochzeit mit Ruth stehende ihn auf Negativfilm drehen. Und zwar “Also sprach Zarathustra”-Motiv von Fionnan von seinen Kumpels auf eine sowohl in 35mm als auch im hochauflö- Richard Strauss war, lässt sich nicht Junggesellenabschiedstour mitgenom- senden IMAX 65mm Format. Die Vor- leugnen. Achten Sie mal darauf, wenn men. Gemeinsam wollen die Freunde mit freude stieg ins Unermessliche, als Sie den Film sehen. Fazit: Christopher ihrem Trip in freier Natur noch einmal bekannt wurde, dass INTERSTELLAR Nolans Film war für mich zwar keine so richtig abfeiern. Dumm nur, dass nicht nur als 4K DCP in die Kinos kom- Liebe auf den ersten Blick, aber eine sich Ruths Bruder, von allen nur “The men würde, sondern auch mit 35mm-, Liebe, die sich durchaus noch entwic- Machine” genannt, der Gruppe an- 70mm- und IMAX 70mm-Kopien! Für keln kann. Stay tuned! schließt. Denn ab jetzt ist Schluss mit Nolan selbst war die Auswertung spe- lustig... Glaubt man der Marketing- ziell in IMAX 70mm enorm wichtig, da Nachtrag 10.11.2014: Ich habe mir den Kampagne für diesen Film, so stellt genau diese Fassung seinen künstleri- Film nun ein zweites Mal angeschaut – sich schnell der Eindruck ein, es könn- schen Ambitionen am nächsten kommt. im IMAX-Kino des National Media te ein unterhalb der Gürtellinie orien- Da die Pressevorführung “nur” als 4K Museums in Bradford, wo er als IMAX tierter Film im Stile von AMERICAN DCP (also digital) präsentiert wurde, 15/70 (also 70mm-Film, der horizontal PIE sein. In Wirklichkeit jedoch ent- muss ich meine Rezension als vorläufig durch den Projektor läuft) zu sehen ist. puppt sich John Butlers Komödie als betrachten. Ein finales Urteil wird es Was für ein grandioses Erlebnis! Der eine durchaus liebenswerte Geschichte also erst geben, wenn ich mir die analo- Wechsel zwischen Letterbox-Sequen- über das Finden zu sich selbst. Fast ge IMAX-Fassung angesehen habe, zen und echten, leinwandfüllenden jeder in der auf Abenteuertrip gehen- was in Kürze passieren wird. Bis dort- IMAX-Sequenzen erscheint zwar den Männergruppe schlägt sich mit hin gilt mein vorläufiges Urteil. Will manchmal ziemlich willkürlich, doch unbewältigten Problemen herum, die man INTERSTELLAR mit anderen Fil- wann immer sich das Bild über die ge- sich aus der Distanz wesentlich besser men vergleichen, so würde ich sagen, samte Leinwand ausbreitet, zieht es erkennen lassen und auch zu Lösungen dass es sich um eine Mischung aus den Betrachter förmlich in den Film führt. Allerdings leidet der Film hin und 2001 – ODYSSEE IM WELTRAUM und hinein. Insbesondere der Flug durch wieder an Längen, beispielsweise wenn CONTACT handelt. An beide Filme Wurmloch und Schwarzes Loch ver- der Trauzeuge abends am Lagerfeuer gibt es in Nolans Werk unglaublich führt zum Atemanhalten! Der Werbeslo- einen Song zum Besten gibt – mit ge- viele Reminiszenzen. Visuell ist der Film gan von IMAX bewahrheitet sich hier: fühlten 300 Strophen! Natürlich gibt es sehr beeindruckend, obgleich sich der man sieht nicht nur einen Film, sondern auch ein paar Griffe unter die Gürtelli- richtige “Wow!”-Effekt nie einstellen man wird selber zum Teil des Films! nie (“The Machine” hat eine unappetit- mag. Dass der Film zu großen Teilen in Auch die extrem dynamische Tonspur liche Masturbationsszene), doch halten hochauflösendem IMAX aufgenommen überzeugte im Bradforder IMAX-Saal – die sich in Grenzen. THE BACHELOR wurde, sieht man dem DCP nicht an. definitiv besser als in anderen Kinos. WEEKEND ist ein kleiner Film für Zwi- Leider. Was den Inhalt angeht, so bie- In “normalen” Kinos (und hier ziehe schendurch, den man nach dem Kino- tet Nolan zweifelsohne intelligentes ich explizit die 35mm- und 70mm-Prä- besuch vermutlich gleich wieder ver-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 11 Newsletter 09/14 (Nr. 344) November 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog gessen hat. weltbekannter Illusionist auf Wunsch ten “globalisiert”, in denen es um Wor- eines Freundes ein vermeintliches Me- te geht, die man nicht ins Deutsche Dienstag, 04. November 2014 dium als Betrügerin entlarven. Unver- übersetzen kann. Amramis Film ist kurz- Die Magie des Kinos sehens gerät er nicht nur in den Bann weilig und mit der Israelin Neta Riskin Im ersten Film entdeckt die Heldin ei- der Schönen, sondern muss auch noch nicht nur attraktiv, sondern auch stim- nen magischen Ort, im zweiten Film feststellen, dass sie offenbar tatsäch- mig besetzt. macht ein Magier eine Entdeckung. lich hellseherische Fähigkeiten be- sitzt... Es ist erst Woody Allens vierter Freitag, 07. November 2014 CAFE OLYMPIQUE – EIN GEBURTS- Film im CinemaScope-Format, dafür Ziemlich beste Freunde TAG IN MARSEILLE (1:1.85, 5.1) aber wohl der erste mit CGI-Effekten. Zum Abschluss der Pressewoche gab OT: Au Fil D’Ariane Und der Ton darf dieses Mal sogar ein es eine zarte Liebesgeschichte aus Verleih: Schwarz-Weiss (Film- bisschen stereophoner sein als bisher. Frankreich agentinnen) Das alles freilich kann nicht über die Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2014 Tatsache hinwegtäuschen, dass HEUTE BIN ICH SAMBA (1:1.85, DD Regie: Robert Guédiguian MAGIC IN THE MOONLIGHT ein 5.1) Darsteller: Ariane Ascaride, Gérard ziemlich geschwätziger Film ist. Der OT: Samba Meylan, Jean-Pierre Darroussin Cast ist wie immer bei Woody vom Verleih: Senator Kinostart: 25.12.2014 Feinsten, insbesondere Colin Firth Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2014 läuft als zynischer Magier zur Hoch- Regie: Olivier Nakache, Eric Toledano Alle ihre Geburtstagsvorbereitungen form auf. Doch letztendlich ist es ein werden jäh zunichte gemacht, als recht banales Stück Kino, das uns Darsteller: Omar Sy, Charlotte Ariane von allen Eingeladenen nur Ab- Woody hier mit brillanter Optik und Gainsbourg, Tahar Rahim sagen erhält. Kurz entschlossen erlesener Ausstattung präsentiert. Es Kinostart: 26.02.2015 verlässt sie ihre Wohnung und macht ist fast so als wäre der ganze Schwung sich auf den Weg nach Marseille, wo aus dem Film verschwunden. Es ist Schon seit 10 Jahren jobbt Samba als sie einen Mopedfahrer trifft, der sie kein schlechter Film, aber von Woody Hilfskraft in der Pariser Gastronomie- zum Cafe Olympique mitnimmt – ein Allen hätte man einfach mehr erwartet. szene. Eines Tages aber wird der aus Mikrokosmos skurriler Menschen, de- dem Senegal stammende Samba von rer sie sich annimmt... Im Titelvorspann Donnerstag, 06. November 2014 den Behörden aufgrund der nicht vor- ist nicht etwa zu lesen “Ein Film von Weggehen um anzukommen handenen Aufenthaltsgenehmigung Robert Guédiguian”, sondern ganz Oder: anderswo ist es auch nicht bes- dingfest gemacht und es droht die Ab- bewusst “Eine Phantasie von Robert ser schiebung. Ausgerechnet der nach Guédiguian”. Der Regisseur nimmt sei- einem Burn-Out im Sozialdienst ehren- ne Zuschauer mit auf eine ebenso ANDERSWO (1:1.85, 5.1) amtlich arbeitende Karrierefrau Alice phantastische wie skurrile Reise, in der Verleih: Film Kino Text wird sein Fall anvertraut. Je näher die es schon mal passieren kann, dass sich Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 beiden sich kennenlernen, desto stär- eine Szene plötzlich in eine nette Regie: Ester Amrami ker wird ihre gegenseitige Anziehungs- Musiknummer verwandelt oder Schild- Darsteller: Neta Riskin, Golo Euler, kraft. Eine zarte Liebesgeschichte, die kröten zu sprechen beginnen. Sein Film Hana Laszlo es so eigentlich nicht geben darf, erinnert ab und zu an die Werke eines Kinostart: 29.01.2015 nimmt ihren Lauf... Mit ZIEMLICH BE- Jacques Tati, ohne jedoch je dessen STE FREUNDE haben Olivier Nakache Qualitäten zu erreichen. Warum auch – Die Israelin Noa studiert schon seit und Eric Toledano einen es ist ein ganz anderer Film. Einer, den acht Jahren in Berlin. Gerade ist sie mit Überraschungshit gelandet. Die Erwar- man ein bisschen mögen wird, wenn ihrem deutschen Freund zusammenge- tungen an den neuen Film der beiden man bereit ist, sich darauf einzulassen. zogen. Doch nach wie vor fühlt sie sich Franzosen sind daher naturgemäß sehr fremd in der großen Stadt. Als jetzt hoch. Da wundert es nicht, dass sich MAGIC IN THE MOONLIGHT (1:2.35, auch noch ihre Abschlussarbeit – ein die Regisseure wieder jenen Darsteller DD 5.1) Lexikon nicht übersetzbarer Worte – in ihre Besetzung holen, der ihren Erst- OT: Magic In The Moonlight abgelehnt wird, flieht sie in ihre Heimat lingsfilm zum Erfolg werden ließ: Omar Verleih: Warner zurück. Dort aber fällt sie gleich wieder Sy. Auch in HEUTE BIN ICH SAMBA Land/Jahr: USA 2014 in die Rolle der aufmüpfigen Tochter dominiert er mit seinem unwiderstehli- Regie: zurück... Tragikomisch gibt sich Ester chen Charme die Bildfläche und ergibt Darsteller: Dame Eileen Atkins, Colin Amramis Debütfilm über eine junge damit das passende Gegenstück zu Firth, Marcia Gay Harden, Emma Stone Frau auf der Suche nach sich selbst. als extrem unsi- Kinostart: 04.12.2014 Heimatlosigkeit ist das Thema ihres chere, oft hilflose Ex-Karrierefrau. Die Films. Ein Thema, das sie immer wieder Chemie zwischen den beiden passt. Als Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts soll ein anhand von kurzen Interview-Segmen- Dritter im Bunde liefert auch Tahar

LASER HOTLINE Seite 12 Newsletter 09/14 (Nr. 344) November 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Rahim als Sambas Kumpel Wilson eine vier Kapitel unterteilt. In den ersten THE BEST OF ME – MEIN WEG ZU überzeugende Performance. Den mit drei Kapiteln schildert er einen be- DIR (1:2.35, DD 5.1) seinen fast 120 Minuten etwas zu lang stimmten Zeitraum aus der Sicht der OT: The Best Of Me geratenen Film könnte man am ehesten drei Protagonisten, wobei es hier immer Verleih: Senator noch als eine Tragikomödie bezeich- wieder zu Überkreuzungen kommt. Das Land/Jahr: USA 2014 nen, deren Protagonisten versuchen, letzte Kapitel schließlich ist dem Regie: Michael Hoffman das Beste aus ihren komplizierten Le- “menschlichen Kapital” gewidmet, das Darsteller: Michelle Monaghan, James bensumständen zu machen. Ein in die Waagschale geworfen wird und Marsden, Luke Bracey bisschen Gefühl gibt es dabei dann die Geschichte zu einem Abschluss Kinostart: 08.01.2015 auch, jedoch in schwächerer Dosierung bringt. Durch diese Strukturierung ge- als bei ZIEMLICH BESTE FREUNDE. lingt es dem Regisseur, seinen Film Aufgrund einer Sperrfristvereinbarung Kritisch anzumerken wäre, dass es interessant zu gestalten. Langeweile gibt es die Kurzkritik zu diesem Film nicht so recht nachvollziehbar ist, dass kommt nicht auf. Zudem sind die erst ab 10.12.2014 auf man ausgerechnet eine psychisch labi- Hauptrollen gut besetzt. DIE SÜSSE www.wolframhannemann.de le Person als Betreuerin für Abschiebe- GIER basiert auf dem Roman “Human kandidaten einstellt – auch wenn es Capital” von Stephen Amidon, der in nur ehrenamtlich ist. Aber die Filmwelt Deutschland unter dem Titel “Der Sün- Donnerstag, 13. November 2014 tickt nun einmal anders als das wahre denfall” erschienen ist und dessen Mit Vollgas in den Wahnsinn Leben – auch wenn das so Mancher Handlung für den Film von den USA Zum Wochenabschluss gab es Aber- nicht wahrhaben will. Als winzig kleine nach Italien verlegt wurde. witziges aus Argentinien Randbemerkung sei noch erwähnt, dass mich das von Ludovico Einaudi DER KLEINE DRACHE KOKOSNUSS WILD TALES - JEDER DREHT MAL komponierte Liebesthema (gespielt auf – FEUERFESTE FREUNDE (1:1.85, 3D, DURCH! (1:2.35, DD 5.1 + 7.1) einer Gitarre) sehr stark an den Anfang 5.1) OT: Relatos Salvajes von Alex Norths Liebesthema aus Verleih: Universum Film (Walt Disney) Verleih: Prokino (Fox) SPARTACUS erinnert hat. Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 Land/Jahr: Argentinien, Spanien 2014 Regie: Nina Weis, Hubert Weiland Regie: Damian Szifron Dienstag, 11. November 2014 Darsteller: Ricardo Darín, Leonardo Von Geldgier und Feuergras Kinostart: 18.12.2014 Sbaraglia, Dario Grandinetti Das einzige Double Feature in dieser Kinostart: 08.01.2015 Woche – bestritten von Italien und Gemeinsam mit seinen beiden Freun- Deutschland den, dem vegetarischen Fressdrachen Jeder Mensch hat sie: die Schwelle, bis Oskar und dem Stachelschwein zu der man noch Mensch bleibt. Doch DIE SÜSSE GIER (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Matilda, macht sich der kleine Feuer- wehe sie wird überschritten – dann OT: Il Capitale Umano drache Kokosnuss auf den Weg, das Gnade Gott! In seinem Episodenfilm Verleih: Movienet (24 Bilder) gestohlene Feuergras wieder zu finden. führt Regisseur Damian Szifron insge- Land/Jahr: Italien, Frankreich 2013 Erstmals von zu Hause weg und ganz samt sechs solcher Fälle vor, bei denen Regie: Paolo Virzì auf sich gestellt, beginnt für die Freun- es zur Explosion kommt – auf unter- Darsteller: Valeria Bruni-Tedeschi, de ein großes, gefährliches Abenteu- schiedlichste Weise. Szifron hat mit Valeria Golino, Fabrizio Bentivoglio er... Ein Animationsfilm für die ganz seinem Thriller-Drama voll schwarzen kleinen Zuschauer, frei nach den Kin- Humors gleichzeitig Argentiniens er- Kinostart: 08.01.2015 derbüchern von Ingo Siegner. Die folgreichsten Film überhaupt geschaf- unspannende Geschichte und die feh- fen. Einen Film, der von seinem Land Weil seine Tochter mit dem Sohn einer lende Detailtiefe in der visuellen Um- jetzt offiziell ins Rennen um den Aus- der reichsten Familien des Landes liiert setzung dürften nur Zuschauer bis ma- lands-Oscar geschickt wurde. Die ist, sieht sich ein kleiner Immobilien- ximal sechs Jahre ansprechen. Auch ist sechs voneinander vollkommen unab- makler auf der Gewinnerseite. Er biedert der Unterschied zwischen der 2D- und hängigen Geschichten erzählt er dabei sich dem Hausherrn förmlich in der 3D-Fassung recht unerheblich, wo- vollkommen nüchtern, ohne viel Pathos Absicht an, an dessen gewinn- durch die Frage “Warum denn dann und ohne aufbrausende Filmmusik. trächtigem Fond beteiligt zu werden. überhaupt 3D?” durchaus berechtigt Leider kann man nicht alle der Episo- Sein Plan geht auf. Doch dann über- ist. den als gelungen bezeichnen. Wesent- stürzen sich die Ereignisse: der Fond lich zu lang fühlt sich die letzte Episo- sackt ab und das Geld scheint verloren. Mittwoch, 12. November 2014 de an, in der ein Paar die eigene Hoch- Ausgerechnet in dieser schwierigen Eine Herzenssache zeit ins Chaos stürzt. Weit überzeugen- Lage wird dann auch noch die Tochter Einen Schmachtfetzen zur Wochenmit- der und vollkommen unvorhersehbar in einen Unfall mit Fahrerflucht verwik- te, bitte. Danke! ist ihm der Einstieg in seinen Film ge- kelt... Paolo Virzis Thriller-Drama ist in lungen: da entpuppen sich alle Passa-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 13 Newsletter 09/14 (Nr. 344) November 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog giere an Bord eines Flugzeugs als alte Stanley Tucci wegen, Deutschland 2014 Weggefährten desselben Losers, einem Kinostart: 20.11.2014 Regie: Roy Andersson Typ namens Pasternak. Und keiner von Darsteller: Holger Andersson, Nils ihnen hat dabei eine besonders gute Katniss ist im Untergrund angekom- Westblom, Charlotta Larsson Meinung von dem Kerl. Zu spät erst men: im verloren geglaubten 13. Di- Kinostart: 01.01.2015 merken die Passagiere, dass kein Gerin- strikt verschanzt sie sich mit Hunder- gerer als Pasternak selbst im ver- ten anderer Rebellen tief unter der Sam und Jonathan versuchen sich mehr schlossenen Cockpit sitzt und zum Ha- Erde. Der Gedanke, dass sich Peeta in schlecht als recht mit dem Verkauf von rakiri-Flug ansetzt. Andere Geschichten den Händen von Präsident Snow befin- Scherzartikeln über Wasser zu halten. umfassen einen nächtlichen Gast in det, quält sie Tag und Nacht. Unter Doch die extra langen Vampirzähne, der einem Restaurant, den die Bedienung Leitung von Rebellen-Präsidentin Coin Lachsack sowie eine Horrormaske Mar- als jenen Mann wiedererkennt, der ihre soll Katniss zur Ikone des Widerstands ke “Gevatter Einzahn” will niemand Familie in ihr Unglück stürzte. Soll sie aufgebaut werden. Zunächst noch zö- haben und so verschulden sich die ihm Rattengift in die Eier mit Pommes gernd, lässt sich Katniss schließlich beiden bis über beide Ohren. So neh- mischen? Dann haben wir da jenen darauf ein und nimmt ein kleines Film- men uns die beiden tragischen Gestal- Sprengmeister, der sich vom argentini- team mit an den Kriegsschauplatz. Ein ten mit auf eine märchenhafte Reise schen Abschleppdienst ungerecht be- gefährliches Unterfangen... Der kom- durch Menschliches und allzu Mensch- handelt sieht und schließlich eine bom- merzielle Gedanke (oder soll man besser liches... Der Schwede Roy Andersson bige Idee hat – im wahrsten Sinne des sagen: der Profitgier) ist Schuld daran, inszenierte seinen Film konsequent in Wortes. Oder die beiden Autofahrer, dass der dritte und letzte Teil der statischen Einstellungen. Der Einsatz die sich auf einsamer Landstraße ein PANEM-Saga in zwei Teilen ins Kino der digitalen Kameras machte es mög- regelrechtes Duell bis zum bitteren geliefert wird: Teil 3.1 jetzt, Teil 3.2 erst lich, dass diese statischen Bilder, die Ende liefern. Ganz zu schweigen von in einem Jahr! Genau diese willkürliche im Grunde genommen Gemälde sein dem Millionär, der seinen Sohn schüt- Zerstückelung aber führt dazu, dass könnten, über detaillierte Tiefe verfü- zen will, indem er ihn von einem Verbre- Fans der ersten beiden Teile aus gen. Hier zählt also nicht nur der Vor- chen freikaufen möchte und sich da- MOCKINGJAY TEIL 1 vermutlich ent- dergrund, der Hintergrund ist genauso durch jedoch plötzlich der unersättli- täuscht aus dem Kino kommen werden, wichtig. Dass vereinzelt Szenen offen- chen Gier anderer Menschen ausge- ist dieser Teil doch weder Fisch noch bar in keinem Zusammenhang mit dem setzt sieht. Jede der sechs Geschichten Fleisch. Der Film fühlt sich zurecht so Rest des Films stehen, gehört dabei liefert Identifikationspotenzial, da man an, als ob man ihn um seinen Höhe- auch zu Anderssons Konzept. Alles ist in genau so einer oder einer ähnlichen punkt betrogen hätte. Hier gibt es weit in Sepiatöne getaucht und von beein- Situation selbst schon einmal war. Und weniger Action als in den beiden ersten druckender Skurrilität, was den Film es macht Spaß zuzuschauen, wenn sich Filmen, in denen es ein ausgewogenes zweifelsfrei zu einem der ungewöhn- Andere fallen lassen und sich ganz Verhältnis zwischen dem Weiterspinnen lichsten Filme des Jahres macht. ihrer ohnmächtigen Wut hingeben. Ein der Geschichte und spektakulären Se- Andersson versteht seinen Film als Gefühl, das man in unserer Zivilisation quenzen gibt. Spektakuläres gibt es den dritten Teil einer Trilogie über das stets unterdrücken muss. hier nicht viel zu sehen. Stattdessen Menschsein, an dessen Anfang er drei wird Kriegspropaganda recht eindring- besonders skurrile Begegnungen mit Montag, 17. November 2014 lich demonstriert. Alles endet natürlich dem Tod stellt. Bei aller Absurdität in Die Tribute des Kommerz – wie könnte es auch anders sein – mit seinen Geschichten und Bildern steckt Die Pressewoche wurde heute von ei- einem “Cliffhanger”. Mein Tipp: bitte allerdings auch ein gehöriges Stück an nem Blockbuster eingeläutet, auf den nicht mit zu hohen Erwartungen in Kritik. Kritik an der Menschheit, die wir alle schon lange gewartet haben MOCKINGJAY TEIL 1 gehen, sondern schon längst nicht mehr weiß, wohin gleich die Hoffnung auf Teil 2 lenken. sie sich entwickeln soll. Und so bleibt DIE TRIBUTE VON PANEM: einem bei dem ein oder anderen Ta- MOCKINJAY TEIL 1 (1:2.35, DD 5.1 + Dienstag, 18. November 2014 bleau das Lachen im Halse stecken. Atmos) Das Leben ist kein Scherzartikel Fazit: kein Film für die Massen, aber OT: The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Heute gab es Bilder wie Gemälde und einer für Gourmets. Part 1 eine Geschichte zum Davonlaufen Verleih: Studiocanal KILL THE BOSS 2 (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Land/Jahr: USA 2014 EINE TAUBE SITZT AUF EINEM OT: Horrible Bosses 2 Regie: Francis Lawrence ZWEIG UND DENKT ÜBER DAS LE- Verleih: Warner Darsteller: Jennifer Lawrence, Josh BEN NACH (1:1.85, 5.1) Land/Jahr: USA 2014 Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth, Woody OT: En Duva Satt På En Gren Och Regie: Sean Anders Harrelson, Elizabeth Banks, Julianne Funderade På Tillvaron Darsteller: Jason Bateman, Charlie Day, Moore, Donald Sutherland, Philip Verleih: Neue Visionen Jason Sudeikis, Jennifer Aniston, Jamie Seymour Hoffman, Jeffrey Wright, Land/Jahr: Schweden, Frankreich, Nor- Foxx, Chris Pine, Christoph Waltz,

LASER HOTLINE Seite 14 Newsletter 09/14 (Nr. 344) November 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Kevin Spacey “Moneydrop”, also einer Art Gelddepot (1:1.85, 3D, DD 5.1 + 7.1 + Atmos, Auro Kinostart: 27.11.2014 deklarieren, sieht Marv seine große 11.1) Chance: er will einen großen Coup lan- OT: The Penguins Of Madagascar Nick, Dale und Kurt glauben sich am den – in der eigenen Kneipe und ohne Verleih: Fox Ende ihrer Träume, als der Boss eines das Wissen von Bob... Regisseur Land/Jahr: USA 2014 großen Sanitärausstatters den von ih- Michaël R. Roskam lässt sich in seinem Regie: Eric Darnell, Simon J. Smith nen entwickelten Duschkopf in großer nach einer Kurzgeschichte von Dennis Kinostart: 27.11.2014 Stückzahl ordert. Die drei etablieren Lehane entstandenen Krimi sehr viel eine eigene Fabrik und produzieren was Zeit. So entwickelt sich die Story ohne Skipper, Kowalski und Rico haben ge- das Zeug hält. Doch dann wird der harte, schnelle Schnitte und auch ohne nug von Mutter Natur. Die drei Pingui- Auftrag storniert und die drei lautstarke Wortduelle erst ganz allmäh- ne wollen richtige Abenteuer erleben. Jungunternehmer stehen vor der Pleite. lich, bis Roskam dann schließlich die Die Chance dazu bekommen sie, als sie Doch ungestraft soll der Boss nicht Spannungsschraube ziemlich kräftig einem Pinguinei hinterherjagen, das davonkommen: sie wollen seinen Sohn anzieht und seine Zuschauer damit für einen Abhang hinunterrollt. In letzter kidnappen und ein hohes Lösegeld ihre Geduld bestens belohnt. Aufgrund Sekunde können sie es retten, befinden erpressen. Leider sind die drei Jungs der Bierruhe seines Films können sich sich dadurch aber auf einer im Meer aber alles andere als clever... Als ob auch die Figuren entwickeln und wir- treibenden Eisscholle. Als das Ei man es nicht schon geahnt hätte: wie- ken dadurch weit realistischer als in berstet, wird aus dem Trio ein Quartett: der soll ein langweiliges Drehbuch konventionellen Thrillern. THE DROP Private ist der Neue, der sich erst ein- durch ein Bombardement an Anzüglich- – BARGELD empfiehlt sich für Krimi- mal bewähren muss. Und genau dazu keiten und “Unter-die-Gürtellinie”- freunde, die das Besondere lieben. gibt es im vor ihnen liegenden Aben- Schlägen kaschiert werden. Dass so teuer, bei dem die Pinguine gegen eine etwas nicht gelingen kann, haben viele EIN HELLS ANGEL UNTER BRÜDERN fiese Krake kämpfen müssen, mehr als Filme schon demonstriert. KILL THE (1:1.85, 5.1) genug Möglichkeiten... Jetzt also be- BOSS 2 will also jetzt das Rad neu Verleih: farbfilm kommen die heimlichen Stars aus erfinden und erleidet natürlich Schiff- Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2013 MADAGASCAR ihren eigenen richti- bruch. Einzig die männlichen Fans von Regie: Marcel Wehn gen Kinofilm. Skipper, Kowalski, Rico Jennifer Aniston werden auf ihre Ko- Kinostart: 15.01.2015 und Private sind die schnuckeligsten sten kommen, wenn sie als Nymphoma- Pinguine der Animationsfilm- nin das gesamte Repertoire an sexuel- In seinem Dokumentarfilm geht Regis- geschichte. Sie selbst verstehen sich len Ausschweifungen durchexerziert – seur Marcel Wehn der Frage nach, ob als Elite-Trupp, können aber ihren Fun- allerdings nur verbal. KILL THE BOSS die Hells Angels tatsächlich so sind Trieb nie unterdrücken – zum Glück! 2 kommt auf meine Liste der Filme, wie der Ruf, der ihnen vorauseilt. Frage Eric Darnell und Simon J. Smith geben ohne die es sich wesentlich besser le- und Antwort dabei steht ihm insbeson- den Quartett im vorliegenden Film im- ben lässt. dere der Vorsitzende des Stuttgarter mer wieder Gelegenheit, ihre kindlichen Hells Angels Clubs, Lutz Schelhorn. Triebe auszuleben. Da gerät beispiels- Donnerstag, 20. November 2014 Der Fotograf erweist sich als sehr weise die in letzter Minute geglückte Von Moneydrops, Hells Angels und charismatische, selbstbewusste Per- Rettung beim Sturz aus einem Flugzeug Pinguinen sönlichkeit, die versucht, das Image mittels einer in Sekundenschnelle auf- Das heutige Presse-Triple hatte alles im des Clubs aufzupolieren. Kriminelle geblasenen Hüpfburg nach erfolgrei- Korb: Krimi, Doku und Kinderfilm gibt es hier keine. So die Quintessenz cher Landung zu einem stundenlangen des Lutz Schelhorn. Man achte auf in- Hüpfvergnügen der vier kleinen Pingui- THE DROP – BARGELD (1:2.35, DD nere Werte bei den Mitgliedern. Doch ne. Neben Anspielungen auf viele an- 5.1) Wehn zeigt auch die andere Seite, zu dere Kinofilme gibt es dann auch ab OT: The Drop der er unter anderem einen Stuttgarter und zu gelungene “Inside Jokes” wie Verleih: Fox Kriminalbeamten zu Wort kommen jener, in der die Kamera plötzlich eine Land/Jahr: USA 2014 lässt. Doch erliegt Wehn in seinem Film andere Perspektive einnimmt und man Regie: Michaël R. Roskam irgendwann offenbar dem Charisma ein menschliches Filmteam sieht, das Darsteller: Tom Hardy, Noomi Rapace, seines Protagonisten und wahrt nicht Pinguine am Nordpol aufnimmt. Im Ori- James Gandolfini mehr die notwendige Distanz. So bleibt ginal wird der Regisseur übrigens von Kinostart: 04.12.2014 es am Ende jedem Zuschauer selbst keinem Geringeren als Werner Herzog überlassen, das zu glauben, was gesprochen. DIE PINGUINE AUS Der sensible Bob arbeitet als Barkeeper Schelhorn erzählt oder auch nicht. Ins- MADAGASCAR ist rasantes und in der Kneipe seines Cousins Marv. gesamt ein recht amüsanter Dokumen- höchst humorvolles Kino für die ganze Der wiederum arbeitet für tarfilm. Familie tschetschenische Unterweltler. Als die Marvs Kneipe zur sogenannten DIE PINGUINE AUS MADAGASCAR

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 16 Newsletter 09/14 (Nr. 344) November 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Sony Music Strategic Entertainment Alois Nebel (Blu-ray) Division(Europa) 31.10.2014 Animation Alois Nebel 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062529 Miroslav Krobot, Marie Ludvíková, Leos .hack//Quantum / Tales of Noha, Karel Roden, Alois Svehlík, Tereza Bob, der Baumeister Weihnachts- Vorísková, Jan Sedal, Jiri Strébl, Marek Vesperia: The First Strike (2 box (2 Discs) Daniel, Klára Melísková, Jan Vondráèek, Bob The Builder Discs) Karel Zima, Ondrej Malý, Simona Kinderfilm/Trickfilm min. .hack//Quantum / Tales Of Vesperia: The Babèáková, Ivan Trojan, Krystof Plásil, Strategic Entertainment First Strike David Svehlík, Marek Matìjka - Dir. Tomás Division(Europa) 31.10.2014 Dir. Masaki Tachibana, Kanta Kamei Lunák 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062729 Trickfilm/Science Fiction 2009-2010 Making of, Specials zum Rotoskopie-Verfahren, Videoclip mit 182min. Filmsong, entfallene Szenen Drama/Trickfilm 2010 85min. Caillou 34 - Geburtstag feiern mit Splendid Film(I-On Animaze) 30.01.2015 good!movies(Neue Visionen) 28.11.2014 Caillou 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062937 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062703 Caillou .hack//Quantum / Tales of Dir. Jean Pilotte Angelina Ballerina - Greta im Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2000 71min. Vesperia: The First Strike (2 Discofieber Universum Film Home Discs) (Blu-ray) Angelina Ballerina: The Next Steps Entertainment(Universum Kids) 30.01.2015 .hack//Quantum / Tales Of Vesperia: The Dir. Davis Doi 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062971 First Strike Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2009 min. Dir. Masaki Tachibana, Kanta Kamei Sony Music Strategic Entertainment CatDog - Die komplette Serie (10 Trickfilm/Science Fiction 2009-2010 Division(Europa) 21.11.2014 Discs) 182min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063142 Catdog Splendid Film(I-On Animaze) 30.01.2015 Dir. Arnie Wong 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062958 Angelina Ballerina Folge 1-2 (2 Komödie/Zeichentrick 1998-2005 min. Turbine Media Group 14.11.2014 Die Abenteuer des jungen Marco Discs) Angelina Ballerina: The Next Steps 89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062690 Polo, Folge 5 - Schachmatt in Dir. Davis Doi Isfahan Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2009 min. Däumelinchens Abenteuer Dir. Lutz Stützner, Tony Loeser, Dave Bar- Sony Music Strategic Entertainment Thumbelina ton Thomas Division(Europa) 31.10.2014 Dir. Richard Slapczinski, Kurt Wiley, Ed- Trickfilm 60min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062527 ward Trost Edel:Kids 02.01.2015 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1993 50min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063065 Angelina Ballerina Folge 3-4 (2 Great Movies GmbH 21.11.2014 Discs) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062796 Die Abenteuer des jungen Marco Angelina Ballerina: The Next Steps Detektiv Conan - 17. Film: Detek- Polo, Folge 6 - Der fliegende Dir. Davis Doi Teppich von Kerman Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2009 min. tiv auf hoher See Meitantei Conan: Zekkai No Puraibêto Ai Dir. Lutz Stützner, Tony Loeser, Dave Bar- Sony Music Strategic Entertainment Dir. Kobun Shizuno ton Thomas Division(Europa) 31.10.2014 Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2013 106min. Trickfilm 60min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062528 AV Visionen(Kazé) 31.10.2014 Edel:Kids 02.01.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062820 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063066 Angelina Ballerina Folge 4-6 (Steelbook) Detektiv Conan - 17. Film: Detek- Aladin und die Wunderlampe Angelina Ballerina: The Next Steps Aladin Et La Lampe Merveilleuse Dir. Davis Doi tiv auf hoher See (Blu-ray) Dir. Jean Image Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2009 min. Meitantei Conan: Zekkai No Puraibêto Ai Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 85min. Sony Music Strategic Entertainment Dir. Kobun Shizuno KNM Home Entertainment(Movie Power) Division(Europa) 31.10.2014 Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2013 111min. 04.12.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062530 AV Visionen(Kazé) 31.10.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063047 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062837 Der Baron von Münchhausen - Alles Trick 14 Münchhausen und seine listigen The Devil is a Part-Timer - Vol. 1 Hataraku Maou-Sama Dir. Lothar Barke, Günter Rätz Streiche Trailer Dir. Naoto Hosoda Trickfilm 1960-1971 69min. Les Fabuleuses Aventures Du Légendaire Booklet, Bierdeckel, Trailer, Musikvideo ICESTORM Entertainment 03.11.2014 Baron De Munchhausen Action/Zeichentrick 2013 90min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062803 Dir. Jean Image AV Visionen(Anime House) 31.10.2014 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 77min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062762 Alois Nebel KNM Home Entertainment(Movie Power) Alois Nebel 04.12.2014 The Devil is a Part-Timer - Vol. 1 Miroslav Krobot, Marie Ludvíková, Leos 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063048 (Blu-ray) Noha, Karel Roden, Alois Svehlík, Tereza Hataraku Maou-Sama Vorísková, Jan Sedal, Jiri Strébl, Marek Bibi Blocksberg - Hexenbesen Dir. Naoto Hosoda Daniel, Klára Melísková, Jan Vondráèek, Special Booklet, Bierdeckel, Trailer, Musikvideo Karel Zima, Ondrej Malý, Simona Dir. Gerhard Hahn, Royce Ramos Action/Zeichentrick 2013 94min. Babèáková, Ivan Trojan, Krystof Plásil, Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1997-2009 55min. AV Visionen(Anime House) 31.10.2014 David Svehlík, Marek Matìjka - Dir. Tomás KIDDINX Studios 07.11.2014 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062780 Lunák 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062806 Making of, Specials zum Rotoskopie-Verfahren, Videoclip mit The Devil is a Part-Timer - Vol. 2 Filmsong, entfallene Szenen Bob, der Baumeister Folge 32-34 Hataraku Maou-Sama Drama/Trickfilm 2010 82min. Bob The Builder Dir. Naoto Hosoda good!movies(Neue Visionen) 28.11.2014 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm min. Booklet, Bierdeckel, Trailer, Musikvideo 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062673 Action/Zeichentrick 2013 90min.

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AV Visionen(Anime House) 28.11.2014 Forever After 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062812 Dir. Mike Mitchell Hellsing - Ultimate OVA, Vol. 1 Trickfilm/Komödie 2010 90min. (Re-Cut-Edition) (Blu-ray) The Devil is a Part-Timer - Vol. 2 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Herushingu (Blu-ray) (DreamWorks) 22.01.2015 Dir. Taliesin Jaffe Hataraku Maou-Sama 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063226 Action/Zeichentrick 2005 60min. Dir. Naoto Hosoda AV Visionen(Nipponart) 28.11.2014 Booklet, Bierdeckel, Trailer, Musikvideo Für immer Shrek - Das große Fi- 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062832 Action/Zeichentrick 2013 94min. nale (Blu-ray) AV Visionen(Anime House) 28.11.2014 Shrek Forever After Henry Knuddelmonster - Willkom- 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062833 Dir. Mike Mitchell men in Brüllingen, Volume 1 Trickfilm/Komödie 2010 94min. Drachenzähmen leicht gemacht Henry Hugglemonster Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 138min. How To Train Your Dragon Germany(DreamWorks) 22.01.2015 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Dir. Dean Deblois, Christopher Sanders 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063244 08.01.2015 Trickfilm/Fantasy 2010 94min. tba BestellNr.: 20063271 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Gantz (Collector’s Edition, 6 Germany(DreamWorks) 22.01.2015 Discs) Hercules 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063229 Gantz Herkules Drachenzähmen leicht gemacht Dir. Ichirô Itano Dir. Richard Slapczinski Trickfilm/Science Fiction 2004 780min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1996 50min. (Blu-ray) AV Visionen(Nipponart) 28.11.2014 EuroVideo Medien 04.12.2014 How To Train Your Dragon 99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063135 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062765 Dir. Dean Deblois, Christopher Sanders Trickfilm/Fantasy 2010 98min. Die geheimnisvollen Städte des Highschool DXD - Vol. 4 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Goldes - Box 1 Highschool DXD Germany(DreamWorks) 22.01.2015 Les Mystérieuses Cités D’Or Dir. Tetsuya Yanagisawa 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063247 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 115min. Postkarten, Mini-Episoden Action/Zeichentrick 75min. polyband Medien GmbH 30.01.2015 Die drei kleinen Schweinchen AV Visionen(Kazé) 31.10.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062940 The Three Little Pigs 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062821 Dir. Richard Slapczinski (Jubiläums- Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1999 50min. Highschool DXD - Vol. 4 (Blu-ray) Great Movies GmbH 21.11.2014 Edition) Highschool DXD 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062797 Kôkaku Kidôtai Dir. Tetsuya Yanagisawa Dir. Mamoru Oshii Postkarten, Mini-Episoden Es war einmal... der Mensch (6 Booklet, wählbare Synchro, Making of, Trailer, Biografien, Action/Zeichentrick 78min. Character-Profile AV Visionen(Kazé) 31.10.2014 Discs) Trickfilm/Science Fiction 1995 90min. 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062838 Il Etait Une Fois ... L’Homme AV Visionen(Nipponart) 28.11.2014 40-seitiges Booklet 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062811 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1978 650min. Jimmy Neutron - Die komplette Studio Hamburg Enterprises 16.01.2015 Ghost in the Shell (Jubiläums- Serie (10 Discs) 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062908 Edition) (Blu-ray) The Adventures Of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius Kôkaku Kidôtai Es war einmal... unsere Erde (6 Dir. John A. Davis Dir. Mamoru Oshii Discs) 3D Magnetkarte, Poster, Postkarten, Sticker Booklet, wählbare Synchro, Making of, Trailer, Biografien, Trickfilm 2002 1440min. Il Etait Une Fois... Notre Terre Character-Profile Booklet Trickfilm/Science Fiction 1995 94min. Turbine Medien 05.12.2014 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2009 650min. AV Visionen(Nipponart) 28.11.2014 89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063063 Studio Hamburg Enterprises 28.11.2014 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062831 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062903 Kill la Kill - Box 3 Go Wild! Mission Wildnis - Folge Kill La Kill Evangelion: 3.33 You Can (Not) 10: Geheimnissvolle Kreaturen Dir. Hiroyuki Imaishi, Amemiya, Alex von David Redo (Special Edition) Wild Kratts Action/Zeichentrick 155min. Evangerion Shin Gekijôban: Kyu Chris Kratt - Dir. Chris Kratt, Martin Kratt AV Visionen(Peppermint) 28.11.2014 Dir. Hideaki Anno, Mahiro Maeda, Kazuya Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 66min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062819 Tsurumaki Edel:Kids 12.12.2014 Trailer, Teaser, Promoreels, TV-Spots, Booklet 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063070 Trickfilm/Science Fiction 2012 91min. Kill la Kill - Box 3 (2 Discs) Universum Film Home Go Wild! Mission Wildnis - Folge Kill La Kill Dir. Hiroyuki Imaishi, Akira Amemiya, Alex Entertainment(Universum Anime) 9: Die Affenmedizin 14.11.2014 von David Wild Kratts 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062840 Action/Zeichentrick 150min. Chris Kratt - Dir. Chris Kratt, Martin Kratt AV Visionen(Peppermint) 28.11.2014 Family Guy - Season 12 (3 Discs) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 66min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062818 Edel:Kids 12.12.2014 Family Guy Storyboards, Behind the Scenes, Outtakes, Featurette, Entfal- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063069 Die Kuschelbären (2 Discs) lene Szenen Trzy Misie Trickfilm 1999-2002 min. - Gesamtausgabe Dir. Eugeniusz Ignaciuk Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment (4 Discs) Bildergalerie Germany 12.12.2014 Kore Ga Watashi No Goshujin-Sama Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 1983 325min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062551 Dir. Shoji Saeki Pidax film media(Pidax film) 12.12.2014 Booklet 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062648 Für immer Shrek - Das große Fi- Trickfilm/Komödie 2005 360min. nale AV Visionen(Anime Video) 31.10.2014 Die Legende von Sarila 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062763 The Legend Of Sarila

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Dir. Nancy Florence Savard 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062799 Wendecover Mascha und der Bär, Vol. 3 - Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2013 77min. Mascha geht zum Zirkus - Vol.1 (2 Discs) EuroVideo Medien 04.12.2014 Masha I Medved Nisekoi 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062749 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2008-2012 min. Dir. Akiyuki Shinbo Komödie/Zeichentrick 2014 125min. Die Legende von Sarila (Blu-ray Sony Music Strategic Entertainment Division(Europa) 21.11.2014 AV Visionen(Kazé) 28.11.2014 3D) (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063143 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062815 The Legend Of Sarila Dir. Nancy Florence Savard Meine Freundin Conni Folge 1-2 Nisekoi - Vol.1 (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Wendecover (2 Discs) Nisekoi Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2013 82min. Dir. Akiyuki Shinbo Dir. Henning Windelband, Harald Schröder EuroVideo Medien 04.12.2014 Komödie/Zeichentrick 2014 130min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2011-2012 min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062772 AV Visionen(Kazé) 28.11.2014 Sony Music Strategic Entertainment 89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062834 Lucky Luke - Classics Komplett- Division(Europa) 31.10.2014 box (15 Discs) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062524 Nisekoi - Vol.1 (Sammelbox, Lucky Luke Meine Freundin Conni Folge 3-4 Limited Edition) René Goscinny - Dir. Joseph Barbera, (2 Discs) Nisekoi William Hanna, Morris Dir. Akiyuki Shinbo Trickfilm/Zeichentrick 1984 1300min. Dir. Henning Windelband, Harald Schröder Poster, Postkarten FilmConfect Home Entertainment 28.11.2014 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2011-2012 min. Komödie/Zeichentrick 2014 125min. 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062895 Sony Music Strategic Entertainment AV Visionen(Kazé) 28.11.2014 Division(Europa) 31.10.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062816 Madagascar 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062525 Madagascar Nisekoi - Vol.1 (Sammelbox, Dir. Eric Darnell, Tom McGrath Micky Maus Wunderhaus - Das Limited Edition) (Blu-ray) Trickfilm/Komödie 2005 83min. Super Abenteuer Nisekoi Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Dir. Akiyuki Shinbo Germany(DreamWorks) 22.01.2015 Dir. Sherie Pollack, Broni Likomanov, Rob Poster, Postkarten 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063224 LaDuca, Donovan Cook, Howy Parkins, Komödie/Zeichentrick 2014 130min. Victor A. Cook AV Visionen(Kazé) 28.11.2014 Madagascar (Blu-ray) Trickfilm 113min. 89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062835 Madagascar The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Dir. Eric Darnell, Tom McGrath 08.01.2015 One Piece - Die TV Serie - Box Trickfilm/Komödie 2005 86min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063272 Vol. 8 (6 Discs) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Wan Pîsu: One Piece Germany(DreamWorks) 22.01.2015 Mike, der Ritter (2 Discs) Dir. Kônosuke Uda 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063239 Mike The Knight Booklet Dir. Neil Affleck Trickfilm/Action 875min. Madagascar 2 Trickfilm/Abenteuer min. AV Visionen(Kazé) 31.10.2014 Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa Sony Music Strategic Entertainment 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062822 Dir. Eric Darnell, Tom McGrath Division(Europa) 31.10.2014 Trickfilm/Komödie 2008 86min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062523 Operation Nussknacker Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment The Nut Job Germany(DreamWorks) 22.01.2015 Mike, der Ritter Folge 1-3 Dir. Peter Lepeniotis 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063232 (Steelbook, 3 Discs) Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2014 82min. Mike The Knight Koch Media 29.01.2015 Madagascar 2 (Blu-ray) Dir. Neil Affleck 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062924 Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa Trickfilm/Abenteuer min. Dir. Eric Darnell, Tom McGrath Sony Music Strategic Entertainment Operation Nussknacker (Blu-ray Trickfilm/Komödie 2008 90min. Division(Europa) 31.10.2014 3D) (Blu-ray) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062536 The Nut Job Germany(DreamWorks) 22.01.2015 Dir. Peter Lepeniotis 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063241 Mike, der Ritter... und das getupf- Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2014 85min. Koch Media 29.01.2015 Madagascar 3: Flucht durch Euro- te Pferd Mike The Knight 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062952 pa Dir. Neil Affleck Madagascar 3: ’s Most Wanted Trickfilm/Abenteuer 50min. Operation Nussknacker (Blu-ray) Dir. Eric Darnell, Tom McGrath, Conrad Sony Music Strategic Entertainment The Nut Job Vernon Division(Europa) 21.11.2014 Dir. Peter Lepeniotis Trickfilm/Komödie 2012 90min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063144 Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2014 85min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Koch Media 29.01.2015 Germany(DreamWorks) 22.01.2015 Mit Jan und Tini auf Reisen, Box 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062951 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063228 6 (2 Discs) Pettersson und Findus, Kennen- Madagascar 3: Flucht durch Euro- Dir. Jörg de Bomba Trailer lern-Edition 1 - Erfindungen / pa (Blu-ray) Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 340min. Findus und der Hahn im Korb Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted ICESTORM Entertainment 03.11.2014 Pettson Och Findus Dir. Eric Darnell, Tom McGrath, Conrad 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062800 Dir. Albert Hanan Kaminski Vernon Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2000-2006 25min. Trickfilm/Komödie 2012 94min. Die neuen Abenteuer des Wil- Edel:Kids 07.11.2014 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment helm Tell 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062717 Germany(DreamWorks) 22.01.2015 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1992 50min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063246 Great Movies GmbH 21.11.2014 Planes 2 - Immer im Einsatz

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Planes: Fire & Rescue 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063248 AV Visionen(Kazé) 28.11.2014 Dir. Roberts Gannaway 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062836 Featurette Shrek 2 - Der tollkühne Held Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2014 81min. kehrt zurück : The Clone Wars - Die The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Shrek 2 komplette 6. Staffel (2 Discs) 04.12.2014 Dir. Andrew Adamson, Kelly Asbury, Star Wars: The Clone Wars 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062557 Conrad Vernon Dir. Bosco Ng Planes 2 - Immer im Einsatz (Blu- Trickfilm/Komödie 2004 89min. Featurette Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Trickfilm/Science Fiction 2014 273min. ray) Germany(DreamWorks) 22.01.2015 The Walt Disney Company Planes: Fire & Rescue 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063223 (Germany)(Lucasfilm) 20.11.2014 Dir. Roberts Gannaway 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062660 Featurette, Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes, Kurzfilme, Shrek der Dritte Musikvideo Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Die Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2014 84min. Shrek The Third The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Dir. Chris Miller komplette 6. Staffel (3 Discs) (Blu- 04.12.2014 Trickfilm/Komödie 2007 89min. ray) 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062564 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Star Wars: The Clone Wars Germany(DreamWorks) 22.01.2015 Dir. Bosco Ng Ritter Rost - Vol 5: Schrottland 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063231 Featurettes hebt ab Trickfilm/Science Fiction 2014 284min. Shrek der Dritte (Blu-ray) The Walt Disney Company Björn Dömkes, Patricia Prawit - Dir. Felix Shrek The Third (Germany)(Lucasfilm) 20.11.2014 Schichl Dir. Chris Miller 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062666 Trickfilm min. Trickfilm/Komödie 2007 93min. Sony Music Strategic Entertainment Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Tenkai Knights - Vol. 5 Division(Europa) 21.11.2014 Germany(DreamWorks) 22.01.2015 Tenkai Knights 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063146 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063240 Dir. Mitsuru Hongo Sailor Moon R - Box 6 (6 Discs) Trickfilm/Action 100min. - Die komplette AV Visionen(Kazé) 31.10.2014 Bishôjo Senshi Sêrâ Mûn 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062813 Dir. Junichi Sato, Kunihiko Ikuhara Season 17 (4 Discs) The Simpsons Trickfilm/Action 1992-1993 min. Tenkai Knights - Vol. 6 AV Visionen(Kazé) 28.11.2014 Dir. Mark Kirkland, Steven Dean Moore Tenkai Knights 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062592 Featurettes, Bonus-Episode, Bildergalerien, Entfallene Szenen Dir. Mitsuru Hongo Trickfilm/Satire 2005-2006 min. Samurai Flamenco - Vol. 2 (2 Trickfilm/Action 100min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment AV Visionen(Kazé) 28.11.2014 Discs) Germany 12.12.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062814 Samurai Flamenco 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062549 Dir. Takahiro Omori Thomas & seine Freunde - Die Action/Zeichentrick 125min. The Simpsons - Die komplette Rettungs-Loks AV Visionen(Peppermint) 31.10.2014 Season 17 (Limited Edition, Thomas The Tank Engine & 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062823 Collector’s Box, 4 Discs) Dir. David Mitton Samurai Flamenco - Vol. 2 (2 The Simpsons Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 1984-2012 55min. Dir. Mark Kirkland, Steven Dean Moore Sony Music Strategic Entertainment Discs) (Blu-ray) Featurettes, Bonus-Episode, Bildergalerien, Entfallene Division(Europa) 21.11.2014 Samurai Flamenco Szenen 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063147 Dir. Takahiro Omori Trickfilm/Satire 2005-2006 min. Action/Zeichentrick 130min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Thomas & seine Freunde Folge Germany 12.12.2014 AV Visionen(Peppermint) 31.10.2014 20-21 (2 Discs) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062839 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062550 Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends Shrek - Der tollkühne Held Sofia die Erste - Weihnachten im Dir. David Mitton Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 1984-2012 min. Shrek Zauberreich, Volume 3 Sony Music Strategic Entertainment Dir. Andrew Adamson, Vicky Jenson Sofia The First Division(Europa) 31.10.2014 Trickfilm/Komödie 2001 86min. Ariel Winter, Darcy Rose Byrnes, Zach 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062526 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Callison, Sara Ramirez, Tim Gunn, Travis Germany(DreamWorks) 22.01.2015 Willingham - Dir. Jamie Mitchell Thomas & seine Freunde Folge 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063222 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 108min. The Walt Disney Company (Germany) 27-28 + Special (Steelbook, 3 Shrek - Die komplette Geschich- 18.12.2014 Discs) te, Teil 1-4 (4 Discs) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063270 Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends Shrek / Shrek 2 / Shrek The Third / Shrek Dir. David Mitton Forever After Space Dandy - Vol. 4 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 1984-2012 min. Trickfilm/Komödie 2001-2010 353min. Space Dandy Sony Music Strategic Entertainment Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Dir. Shinichirô Wantanabe, Masaaki Yuasa, Division(Europa) 31.10.2014 Germany(DreamWorks) 22.01.2015 Kimiko Ueno, Sayo Yamamoto 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062535 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063230 Science Fiction/Zeichentrick 2014 75min. AV Visionen(Kazé) 28.11.2014 Tim und Struppi, Collection 1 (4 Shrek - Die komplette Geschich- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062817 Discs) Tintin Et Milou te, Teil 1-4 (4 Discs) (Blu-ray) Space Dandy - Vol. 4 (Blu-ray) Shrek / Shrek 2 / Shrek The Third / Shrek Dir. Stéphane Bernasconi Space Dandy Forever After Trickfilm/Abenteuer 1991-1993 500min. Dir. Shinichirô Wantanabe, Masaaki Yuasa, Trickfilm/Komödie 2001-2010 368min. Universum Film Home Entertainment Kimiko Ueno, Sayo Yamamoto Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 21.11.2014 Science Fiction/Zeichentrick 2014 78min. Germany(DreamWorks) 22.01.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062904

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Wendy Tim und Struppi, Collection 2 (4 Dir. Alan Simpson, Garry Marshall Zack and Quack - Folge 2: Der Discs) Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 50min. Aufklapp Zirkus Tintin Et Milou Edel:Kids 09.01.2015 Zack And Quack Dir. Stéphane Bernasconi 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063067 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 45min. Trickfilm/Abenteuer 1991-1993 550min. Edel:Kids 14.11.2014 Universum Film Home Entertainment Wickie und die starken Männer - 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062713 21.11.2014 DVD 7 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062905 Dir. Eric Cazes Zeo und seine Hobbies - Der gro- Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 84min. ße Zebra-Spaß! Unser Sandmännchen - Geburts- Studio 100 Media(Universum Kids) Zou tags-Box (3 Discs) 02.01.2015 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 55min. Dir. Gerhard Behrendt 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062893 WVG Medien(WVG Domestic) 30.01.2015 Sammelfigur 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062980 Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm min. Wickie und die starken Männer - Sony Music Strategic Entertainment DVD 8 Zoés Zauberschrank 07 Division(rbb) 21.11.2014 Dir. Eric Cazes Chloe’s Closet 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062748 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 72min. Dir. Gary Hurst Studio 100 Media(Universum Kids) Trickfilm 55min. Unser Sandmännchen Folge 7-9 02.01.2015 Universal Music Family (Steelbook, 3 Discs) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062894 Entertainment(Karussell) 12.12.2014 Dir. Gerhard Behrendt 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063258 Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm min. Wie der Wind sich hebt Sony Music Strategic Entertainment Kaze Tachinu Zoés Zauberschrank 08 Division(Europa) 31.10.2014 Dir. Hayao Miyazaki Chloe’s Closet 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062533 Trickfilm/Drama 2013 122min. Dir. Gary Hurst Universum Film Home Trickfilm 55min. VUK - aus dem Leben eines Fuch- Entertainment(Universum Anime) Universal Music Family ses 12.12.2014 Entertainment(Karussell) 12.12.2014 Vuk 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062559 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063259 Dir. Attila Dargay Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1981 74min. Wie der Wind sich hebt (Blu-ray) Zu Besuch bei Spejbl & Hurvínek ICESTORM Entertainment 03.11.2014 Kaze Tachinu (3 Discs) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062804 Dir. Hayao Miyazaki Spejbl & Hurvínek Trailer, TV-Spots, Pressekonferenz, Storyboards Trailer Wallace & Gromit - The Complete Trickfilm/Drama 2013 127min. Trickfilm/Puppenfilm 1971 296min. Universum Film Home Collection ICESTORM Entertainment 03.11.2014 Entertainment(Universum Anime) 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062802 Alles Käse / Die Techno-Hose / Unter 12.12.2014 Schafen / Auf Leben und Brot 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062566 Dir. Nick Park 10 Kurzfilme, Making-of, Featurette, Audiokommentar Wie der Wind sich hebt (Special Trickfilm 1989-2009 112min. Film Concorde Home Entertainment(Concolino) Edition, 2 Discs) 15.01.2015 Kaze Tachinu 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063204 Dir. Hayao Miyazaki 10 Jahre - Zauber eines Wieder- Postkarten, Trailer, TV-Spots, Storyboards sehens Trickfilm/Drama 2013 122min. Wallace & Gromit - Unter Schafen 10 Years Universum Film Home Wallace & Gromit - A Close Shave Channing Tatum, Jenna Dewan-Tatum, Lynn Entertainment(Universum Anime) Featurettes Collins, Kate Mara, Anthony Mackie, Rosa- 12.12.2014 Trickfilm 1995 30min. rio Dawson, Justin Long, Ari Graynor, Chris 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062560 Concorde Home Entertainment(Concolino) Pratt, Ron Livingston, Oscar Isaac, Scott 15.01.2015 Die Wilden Kerle, Kennenlern- Porter - Dir. Jamie Linden 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063203 Drama/Komödie 2012 100min. Edition 1 - Das Ende der Welt Maritim Pictures 16.12.2014 Wasserspinne - Wunderspinne Dir. Mike Maurus 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062571 Vizipok - Csodapok Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 25min. Dir. Szabolcs Szabó Edel:Kids 07.11.2014 10 Jahre - Zauber eines Wieder- Trailer 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062716 Trickfilm 1982 76min. sehens (Blu-ray) ICESTORM Entertainment 03.11.2014 Yakari, Kennenlern-Edition 1 - 10 Years 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062805 Channing Tatum, Jenna Dewan-Tatum, Lynn Yakari und Grosser Adler / Yakari Collins, Kate Mara, Anthony Mackie, Rosa- Weihnachten mit den Nicktoons und kleiner Donner rio Dawson, Justin Long, Ari Graynor, Chris Komödie/Zeichentrick 180min. Yakari Pratt, Ron Livingston, Oscar Isaac, Scott Turbine Medien 28.11.2014 Dir. Xavier Giacometti Porter - Dir. Jamie Linden 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063052 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2005-2007 25min. Drama/Komödie 2012 105min. Edel:Kids 07.11.2014 Maritim Pictures 16.12.2014 Wendy - Angst vor Wasser 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062718 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062616 Wendy Dir. Alan Simpson, Garry Marshall Zack and Quack - Folge 1: Der 112 - Sie retten dein Leben, Vol. Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 50min. Super-Aufklapper 4 (2 Discs) Edel:Kids 09.01.2015 Zack And Quack Action 400min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063068 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 45min. Universum Film Home Entertainment(RTL Edel:Kids 14.11.2014 video) 12.12.2014 Wendy - Zu viel des Guten 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062712 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062594

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Fellini Discs) (Blu-ray) 1943 - Kampf um das Vaterland Die letzte Sequenz, Wendecover Erdogan Atalay, Tom Beck, Katja Woywood, Drama 1963 138min. Nedodrzaný Slub Gottfried Vollmer, Daniela Wutte, Niels STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Samuel Spisák, Peter Oszlik, Ondrej Vetchy Kurvin, Kathrin Heß, Karin Hanczewski, Germany(Arthaus) 22.01.2015 - Dir. Jiri Chlumský Anna Julia Kapfelsperger, Jochen Horst, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063087 Drama/Kriegsfilm 2009 86min. Peer Kusmagk, Valerie Niehaus - Dir. Kai Maritim Pictures 16.12.2014 Ein Abend mit Georg Thomalla (2 Meyer-Ricks, Nico Zavelberg, Heinz Dietz, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062572 Franco Tozza Discs) Action/Kriminalfilm 2013 min. 1943 - Kampf um das Vaterland Georg Thomalla Universum Film Home Entertainment(RTL (Blu-ray) Komödie 300min. video) 12.12.2014 Nedodrzaný Slub Pidax film media 02.01.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062632 Samuel Spisák, Peter Oszlik, Ondrej Vetchy 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063133 - Dir. Jiri Chlumský Alles eine Frage der Zeit / Tat- Drama/Kriegsfilm 2009 90min. Die Abenteuer des Herkules sächlich ... Liebe / Notting Hill (3 The Adventures Of Hercules Maritim Pictures 16.12.2014 Discs) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062618 Lou Ferrigno, Milly Carlucci, Sonia Viviani, William Berger, Claudio Cassinelli - Dir. About Time / Love Actually / Notting Hill 3 Minutes Lewis Coates Domhnall Gleeson, Rachel McAdams, Bill Nighy, Hugh Grant, Chiwetel Ejiofor, The Elevator Interview, Bildergalerie, Trailer Abenteuer 1984 85min. Andrew Lincoln, Julia Roberts, Hugh Caroline Goodall, James Parks, Burt Young, Koch Media 15.01.2015 Bonneville - Dir. Richard Curtis, Roger Niccolò Senni, Katie McGovern, Sara 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062931 Michell Lazzaro, Katia Greco, Gianfranco Terrin, Komödie/Lovestory 1999-2013 367min. Paolo Borzì - Dir. Massimo Coglitore Die Abenteuer des Herkules (Blu- Germany(Universal) Thriller 2013 88min. 29.01.2015 OFDb Filmworks 02.01.2015 ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062925 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062573 The Adventures Of Hercules Lou Ferrigno, Milly Carlucci, Sonia Viviani, 3 Minutes (Blu-ray) William Berger, Claudio Cassinelli - Dir. Alles eine Frage der Zeit / Tat- The Elevator Lewis Coates sächlich ... Liebe / Notting Hill (3 Caroline Goodall, James Parks, Burt Young, Interview, Bildergalerie, Trailer Discs) (Blu-ray) Abenteuer 1984 88min. Niccolò Senni, Katie McGovern, Sara About Time / Love Actually / Notting Hill Koch Media 15.01.2015 Lazzaro, Katia Greco, Gianfranco Terrin, Domhnall Gleeson, Rachel McAdams, Bill 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062955 Paolo Borzì - Dir. Massimo Coglitore Nighy, Hugh Grant, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Thriller 2013 92min. Adele hat noch nicht genacht- Andrew Lincoln, Julia Roberts, Hugh OFDb Filmworks 02.01.2015 Bonneville - Dir. Richard Curtis, Roger 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062619 mahlt Michell Adela Jeste Nevecerela Komödie/Lovestory 1999-2013 367min. 6 Schwedinnen auf Ibiza (Blu- Michal Docolomansky, Rudolf Hrusínský Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) ray) (k.J.) sen., Milos Kopecký, Ladislav Pesek, Nada 29.01.2015 Konvalinková - Dir. Oldrich Lipský 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062950 Marianne Aubert, Peter Baumgartner, Olinka Trailer Hardiman, Laura May, Dominique Saint Drama 1977 102min. Alpha Alpha (2 Discs) Claire, Linda Ordóñez - Dir. Gérard ICESTORM Entertainment 03.11.2014 Karl-Michael Vogler, Lilith Ungerer, Arthur Loubeau 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062798 Erotik 1981 91min. Brauss, Horst Sachtleben - Dir. Wolfgang F. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 02.12.2014 African Affairs - A Conflict Of Henschel 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062984 Science Fiction/Mystery 1972 325min. Interest Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF Video) 6 Schwedinnen auf Ibiza (k.J.) Corruption.gov 06.02.2015 Michael Madsen, Lee Majors, Joe Estevez, Marianne Aubert, Peter Baumgartner, Olinka 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062920 Francesco Quinn, Christina Fernandez, Hardiman, Laura May, Dominique Saint Danielle Rene, Tim Curry, Kerry Wallum, Claire, Linda Ordóñez - Dir. Gérard Der Alte - Collector’s Box Vol. 17 Winfred Pollard, Landon Kash, John Loubeau (Folgen 266-280) (5 Discs) Gholson, Faith Majors - Dir. Q. Manning, Erotik 1981 87min. Siegfried Lowitz (Folgen 1-100: Erwin John Sjogren Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 02.12.2014 Trailer Köster), Rolf Schimpf (Folgen 101-322/ 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062964 Thriller/Drama 2010 93min. 340(1986-2007/2009): Leo Kress), Walter Great Movies GmbH 12.12.2014 Kreye, Jan-Gregor Kremp, Michael Ande, 8 1/2 (Digital Remastered) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063254 Jan Hendriks (Folgen 1-101, Henning Otto E Mezzo Schlüter (Folgen 1-78: Franz Millinger), Marcello Mastroianni, Anouk Aimée, Sandra Alarm für Cobra 11 - Staffel 34 (2 Wolfgang Zerlett (Folgen 32-114: Meyer Milo, Claudia Cardinale, Barbara Steele, Discs) Zwo), Charles M. Huber (Folgen 101-225: Mario Pisu, Rossella Falk - Dir. Federico Henry Johnson) Erdogan Atalay, Tom Beck, Katja Woywood, Fellini Kriminalfilm 900min. Gottfried Vollmer, Daniela Wutte, Niels Die letzte Sequenz, Wendecover MORE Music and Media(More Brands and Kurvin, Kathrin Heß, Karin Hanczewski, Drama 1963 132min. Products) 12.12.2014 Anna Julia Kapfelsperger, Jochen Horst, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063260 Germany(Arthaus) 22.01.2015 Peer Kusmagk, Valerie Niehaus - Dir. Kai 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063059 Meyer-Ricks, Nico Zavelberg, Heinz Dietz, Am Fuß der blauen Berge - Vol. 4 Franco Tozza Laramie Action/Kriminalfilm 2013 min. 8 1/2 (Digital Remastered) (Blu- Robert Fuller, John Smith, Dennis Holmes, Universum Film Home Entertainment(RTL ray) Spring Byington, Stuart Randall, Robert video) 12.12.2014 Otto E Mezzo Crawford jr., Hoagy Carmichael, Eddie C. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062595 Marcello Mastroianni, Anouk Aimée, Sandra Waller, Norman Leavitt, Ed Prentiss, James Milo, Claudia Cardinale, Barbara Steele, Alarm für Cobra 11 - Staffel 34 (2 Anderson, Bartlett Robinson, John Pickard, Mario Pisu, Rossella Falk - Dir. Federico L. Q. Jones, Robert Wilke, Harry Lauter -

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Dir. William Witney, Lesley Selander, Jo- Pictures) 16.12.2014 seph Kane 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062999 Ardennes Fury - Die letzte Booklet Schlacht (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Western 1959-1963 140min. Anita e Garibaldi (Blu-ray) Ardennes Fury Pidax film media(Pidax film) 12.12.2014 Anita E Garibaldi Tom Stedham, Bill Voorhees, Tino Struck- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062610 Ana Paula Arósio, Gabriel Braga Nunes, mann, Lawrence Garnell jr., Lauren Vera, Antonio Buil Pueyo, Hélio Cícero, Leonardo Am Tag, als der Regen kam Yaron Urbas, Bill Voorhees, Analiese Medeiros, Paulo Cesar Pereio, Adolfo Anderson - Dir. Joseph J. Lawson Mario Adorf, Christian Wolff, Corny Collins, Pimentel, Alexandre Rodrigues - Dir. Alberto Outtakes, Making of, Trailer, Bonusfilm Gert Fröbe, Elke Sommer, Claus Wilcke, Rondalli Action/Kriegsfilm 2014 90min. Ernst Jacobi, Wolf Richards, Uwe Gauditz - Kriegsfilm 2013 103min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 19.12.2014 Dir. Gerd Oswald Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Maritim 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063096 Booklet Pictures) 16.12.2014 Kriminalfilm 1959 81min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063011 Ardennes Fury - Die letzte Pidax film media(Pidax film) 05.12.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062611 Schlacht (k.J.) Anna Pihl - Auf Streife in Kopen- Ardennes Fury American Soldiers (Blu-ray) (k.J.) hagen: Die komplette Serie (9 Tom Stedham, Bill Voorhees, Tino Struck- American Soldiers Discs) mann, Lawrence Garnell jr., Lauren Vera, Curtis Morgan, Zan Calabretta, Jordan Anna Pihl Yaron Urbas, Bill Voorhees, Analiese Brown, Eddie Della Siepe, Ben Gilbank, Charlotte Munck, Iben Hjejle, Paw Anderson - Dir. Joseph J. Lawson Shaun Garrett - Dir. Sidney J. Furie Henriksen, Kurt Ravn, Peter Mygind, William Outtakes, Making of, Trailer Action/Kriegsfilm 2014 86min. Trailer, Bildergalerie Hagedorn-Rasmussen, Henrik Birch, Tammi Edel Germany(Starmovie) 19.12.2014 Action/Kriegsfilm 2005 103min. Øst, Claes Bang, Frank Thiel, Lisbeth 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063079 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 14.11.2014 Wulff, Morten Hauch-Fausbøll, Ida Nielsen, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062638 Said Chayesteh, Peter Hesse Overgaard, Arena of the Street Fighter Karoline Munksnæs, Jonas Wandschneider, American Soldiers (k.J.) Kasper Leisner, Ole Lemmeke, Signe (Uncut) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) American Soldiers Egholm Olsen, Ola Rapace, Dejan Cukic, Urban Fighter Curtis Morgan, Zan Calabretta, Jordan Ramadan Huseini, Anders Lund Kjeldsen, Mike Möller, Volkram Zschiesche, Oliver Brown, Eddie Della Siepe, Ben Gilbank, Simon Munk, Anne-Grethe Bjarup Riis, Juhrs, Mathis Landwehr, Alister Mazzotti, Shaun Garrett - Dir. Sidney J. Furie Henrik Jørgensen, Morten Lützhøft (Morten Nico Sentner, Michael Braun, Alessandro Trailer, Bildergalerie Lundbæk), Laura Drasbaek, Jens Jørn Janus, Najely Chumana, Bernhard Häfner - Action/Kriegsfilm 2005 99min. Spottag, Ellen Hillingsø, Jesper Lohmann, Dir. Mike Möller Edel Germany(Starmovie) 14.11.2014 Gunvor Reynberg, Carsten Kressner - Dir. Trailer 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062600 Action 2012 103min. Carsten Myllerup, Morten Arnfred, Mikkel Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(8-Films) Nørgaard Der Andere / Es ist soweit (4 02.12.2014 Kriminalfilm 2006-2008 1250min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062993 Discs) FilmConfect Home Entertainment 28.11.2014 Kriminalfilm 1959-1960 436min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063056 Studio Hamburg Enterprises(Straßenfeger- Arena of the Street Fighter Edition) 23.01.2015 Another Me - Mein zweites Ich (Uncut) (k.J.) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063120 Another Me Urban Fighter Sophie Turner, Rhys Ifans, Claire Forlani, Mike Möller, Volkram Zschiesche, Oliver Animals - Das tödlichste Raubtier Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Gregg Sulkin, Ge- Juhrs, Mathis Landwehr, Alister Mazzotti, ist in Dir! (Blu-ray) (k.J.) raldine Chaplin, Leonor Watling, Ivana Nico Sentner, Michael Braun, Alessandro Animals Baquero - Dir. Isabel Coixet Janus, Najely Chumana, Bernhard Häfner - Marc Blucas, Naveen Andrews, Nicki Trailer Dir. Mike Möller Aycox, Eva Amurri Martino, Andy Comeau, Thriller/Mystery 2013 82min. Trailer Action 2012 100min. Bart Johnson, Gillian Shure, Mark Elias - Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Musketier Media(8-Films) 02.12.2014 Dir. Douglas Aarniokoski Germany 22.01.2015 Bildergalerie, Trailer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063035 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062979 Horror 2008 92min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 05.12.2014 Apex Armed for Action - Kronzeuge im 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062769 A.P.E.X. Kreuzfeuer (k.J.) Richard Keats, Mitchell Cox, Lisa Ann Armed For Action Animals - Das tödlichste Raubtier Russell, Marcus Aurelius, Adam Lawson, Joe Estevez, David Harrod, Rocky ist in Dir! (k.J.) David Jean Thomas, Brian Richard Peck, Patterson, J. Scott Guy, Shane Spaulding, Animals Kristin Norton, Jay Irwin - Dir. Phillip J. Roth Barri Murphy - Dir. Max Raven Marc Blucas, Naveen Andrews, Nicki Science Fiction/Action 1993 98min. Action 1992 90min. Aycox, Eva Amurri Martino, Andy Comeau, Edel Germany(New Vision Films) Soulfood Music Distribution(Pretty Gold Bart Johnson, Gillian Shure, Mark Elias - 28.11.2014 Productions) 12.12.2014 Dir. Douglas Aarniokoski 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062735 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063253 Horror 2008 88min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 05.12.2014 Ardennes Fury - Die letzte Asian School Girls - Rache war 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062739 Schlacht (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) nie süßer! (Blu-ray 3D, Special (k.J.) Edition) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Anita e Garibaldi Ardennes Fury Asian School Girls Anita E Garibaldi Tom Stedham, Bill Voorhees, Tino Struck- Sam Aotaki, Catherine Kim, Belle Ana Paula Arósio, Gabriel Braga Nunes, mann, Lawrence Garnell jr., Lauren Vera, Hengsathorn - Dir. Lawrence Silverstein Antonio Buil Pueyo, Hélio Cícero, Leonardo Yaron Urbas, Bill Voorhees, Analiese Outtakes, Making of, Bonusfilm Medeiros, Paulo Cesar Pereio, Adolfo Anderson - Dir. Joseph J. Lawson Action 2014 82min. Pimentel, Alexandre Rodrigues - Dir. Alberto Outtakes, Making of, Trailer, Bonusfilm Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Rondalli Action/Kriegsfilm 2014 90min. 04.12.2014 Kriegsfilm 2013 98min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 19.12.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062777 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Maritim 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063097

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Asian School Girls - Rache war 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063193 Edel Germany(The Asylum) 12.12.2014 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062737 nie süßer! (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Aus einem deutschen Leben (Di- Asian School Girls - 25th Anniversary Editi- Sam Aotaki, Catherine Kim, Belle gital Remastered) (Blu-ray) Hengsathorn - Dir. Lawrence Silverstein Götz George, Elisabeth Schwarz, Hans on (Blu-ray) Outtakes, Making of, Bonusfilm Korte, Kurt Hübner, Matthias Fuchs, Walter Batman Action 2014 82min. Czaschke, Kai Taschner, Sigurd Fitzek, Michael Keaton, Kim Basinger, Jack Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Peter Franke, Wilfried Elste, Claus Dieter Nicholson, Robert Wuhl, Pat Hingle, Billy 04.12.2014 Reents, Anke Tegtmeyer, Hermann Dee Williams, Michael Gough, , 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062776 Guenther, Peter Petran, Werner Eichhorn, Jerry Hall - Dir. Tim Burton Peter Moland, Werner Schwuchow, Hans Audiokommentar, Dokumentation, Musikvideos, Storyboards, Asian School Girls - Rache war Schulze - Dir. Theodor Kotulla Trailer Fantasy/Action 1989 126min. nie süßer! (k.J.) Booklet Drama 1977 145min. Warner Home Video Germany 04.12.2014 Asian School Girls AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062985 Sam Aotaki, Catherine Kim, Belle AG(Filmjuwelen) 30.01.2015 Hengsathorn - Dir. Lawrence Silverstein 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063212 Battle Girls Box (2 Discs) (k.J.) Outtakes, Making of, Trailer Bakuhatsu! Sukeban hantâzu: Sôkatsu Action 2014 78min. nagurikomi sakusen / Gyakushû! Sukeban Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Bachelor Night: Auf nach Vegas! hantâzu: Jigoku no kettô 04.12.2014 Bachelor Night Action 145min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062760 Anna Beletzki, Samantha Stewart, Heather Paige Cohn, Andrew Bongiorno, Skyler Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(8-Films) Auf Wiedersehen Yeast, Phillip Andre Botello, Lenny 02.12.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062994 Gert Fröbe, Joachim Fuchsberger, Günter Hernandez, Melissa Mensah, Megan Alber- tus - Dir. Maximilian Elfeldt, Jeff Newman Pfitzmann, Werner Peters, Elke Sommer, Baywatch - Best of Baywatch (10 Margot Eskens, Heinz Weiss, Kurd Pieritz, Outtakes, Making of, Trailer Komödie 2014 84min. Peter Capell, Fritz Tillmann, Stanislav Discs) Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Ledinek, Hendrik Sick, Louis Armstrong - Baywatch 21.11.2014 Dir. Harald Philipp David Hasselhoff Booklet 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062792 Bio- und Filmografien, Trailer, Wendecover Komödie 1961 94min. Drama/Action 1989-2001 1727min. Pidax film media(Pidax film) 19.12.2014 Bachelor Night: Auf nach Vegas! STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062697 (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Germany 04.12.2014 Bachelor Night 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062561 Ein Augenblick Liebe Anna Beletzki, Samantha Stewart, Heather Une Rencontre Paige Cohn, Andrew Bongiorno, Skyler Be My Valentine Sophie Marceau, François Cluzet, Lisa Yeast, Phillip Andre Botello, Lenny Be My Valentine Azuelos, Alexandre Astier, Arthur Hernandez, Melissa Mensah, Megan Alber- William Baldwin, Natalie Brown, Lisa Berry, Benzaquen, Jonathan Cohen, Niels Schnei- tus - Dir. Maximilian Elfeldt, Jeff Newman James Thomas, Christian Martyn, Leah der, Stéphanie Murat, Olivia Cote, Lily Taib, Outtakes, Making of, Trailer, Bonusfilm McPherson, Sadie LeBlanc, Michael Cram, Syrus Shahid, Jules Benchetrit, Tatiana Komödie 2014 88min. Michael Xavier, Siam Yu, Allison Brennan, Khayat, Stylane Lecalle, Thais Alessandrin Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Jim Calarco - Dir. Graeme Campbell - Dir. Lisa Azuelos 21.11.2014 Komödie/Lovestory 2013 84min. Making of, Kurzfilm, Animiertes Video, Trailer 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062825 polyband Medien GmbH 30.01.2015 Drama/Lovestory 2014 79min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062938 Alamode Film 30.01.2015 Bachelor Night: Auf nach Vegas! 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063019 (Blu-ray) Die Behandlung Bachelor Night De Behandeling Ein Augenblick Liebe (Blu-ray) Anna Beletzki, Samantha Stewart, Heather Geert van Rampelberg, Ina Geerts, Johan Une Rencontre Paige Cohn, Andrew Bongiorno, Skyler van Assche, Laura Verlinden, Ingrid De Sophie Marceau, François Cluzet, Lisa Yeast, Phillip Andre Botello, Lenny Vos, Patrizia Berti, Tibo Vandenborre, Mi- Azuelos, Alexandre Astier, Arthur Hernandez, Melissa Mensah, Megan Alber- chael Vergauwen, Dominique van Malder - Benzaquen, Jonathan Cohen, Niels Schnei- tus - Dir. Maximilian Elfeldt, Jeff Newman Dir. Hans Herbots der, Stéphanie Murat, Olivia Cote, Lily Taib, Outtakes, Making of, Trailer, Bonusfilm Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2014 125min. Syrus Shahid, Jules Benchetrit, Tatiana Komödie 2014 88min. capelight pictures Gerlach Selms Khayat, Stylane Lecalle, Thais Alessandrin Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) 02.01.2015 - Dir. Lisa Azuelos 21.11.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062556 Making of, Kurzfilm, Animiertes Video, Trailer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062824 Drama/Lovestory 2014 82min. Die Behandlung (Blu-ray) Alamode Film 30.01.2015 Basic Fear (Blu-ray) (k.J.) De Behandeling 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063028 Killers Geert van Rampelberg, Ina Geerts, Johan Kim Little, Paul Logan, Erica Ortega, Scott van Assche, Laura Verlinden, Ingrid De Aus einem deutschen Leben (Di- Carson, Christopher Maleki, Walter O’Neil - Vos, Patrizia Berti, Tibo Vandenborre, Mi- gital Remastered) Dir. David Michael Latt chael Vergauwen, Dominique van Malder - Götz George, Elisabeth Schwarz, Hans Bildergalerie, Trailer Dir. Hans Herbots Korte, Kurt Hübner, Matthias Fuchs, Walter Thriller 1997 83min. Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2014 131min. Czaschke, Kai Taschner, Sigurd Fitzek, Edel Germany(The Asylum) 12.12.2014 capelight pictures Gerlach Selms Peter Franke, Wilfried Elste, Claus Dieter 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062768 02.01.2015 Reents, Anke Tegtmeyer, Hermann 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062563 Guenther, Peter Petran, Werner Eichhorn, Basic Fear (k.J.) Peter Moland, Werner Schwuchow, Hans Killers Being Human - Die komplette 3. Schulze - Dir. Theodor Kotulla Kim Little, Paul Logan, Erica Ortega, Scott Staffel (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Carson, Christopher Maleki, Walter O’Neil - Booklet Being Human Drama 1977 139min. Dir. David Michael Latt Fantasy/Horror min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Bildergalerie, Trailer Concorde Home Entertainment 15.01.2015 AG(Filmjuwelen) 30.01.2015 Thriller 1997 83min.

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30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063174 Maritim Pictures 27.01.2015 Trailer 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063154 Action/Fantasy 2014 115min. Being Human - Die komplette 3. Tiberius Film 05.02.2015 Staffel (4 Discs) Big Bad Wolf (k.J.) tba BestellNr.: 20063188 Big Bad Wolf Being Human Black Butler - Ein Teufel von ei- Fantasy/Horror min. Charlie O’Connell, Natasha Alam, Clint Concorde Home Entertainment 15.01.2015 Howard, Amber Marie Bollinger, Mayra nem Butler (Blu-ray) 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063169 Leal, Jenna Stone, Elina Madison, Elly Kuro Shitsuji Stefanko - Dir. Paul Morrell Ayame Goriki, Hiro Mizushima, Mizuki Bel Ami (2 Discs) Thriller/Horror 2013 92min. Yamamoto, Yûka, Taro Shigaki, Louis Helmut Griem, Violetta Ferrari, Erika Pluhar, Maritim Pictures 27.01.2015 Kurihara, Tomomi Maruyama, Yu Shirota, Heinz Theo Branding, Wolfgang Schwarz, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063110 Goro Kishitani - Dir. Kentaro Ohtani, Kei’ichi Claus Clausen, Eleonore Weisgerber, Dag- Sato mar Altrichter – - Dir. Helmut Käutner The Big Bang Theory - Die kom- Trailer Action/Fantasy 2014 120min. Drama 1968 220min. plette siebte Staffel (2 Discs) (Blu- Tiberius Film 05.02.2015 Pidax film media 02.01.2015 ray) tba BestellNr.: 20063208 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063130 The Big Bang Theory Komödie 2013-2014 min. Die Besteigung des Chimborazo Black Sails - Season 1 (3 Discs) Warner Home Video Germany 11.12.2014 (Blu-ray) Jan Josef Liefers, Luis Miguel Campos, 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062709 Olivier Pascalin, Pedro Sisa, Monika Black Sails Lennartz, Götz Schubert - Dir. Rainer Si- Featurettes, Behind the Scenes The Big Bang Theory - Die kom- Abenteuer 2014 min. mon plette siebte Staffel (3 Discs) Bonusfilm, Zeitzeugengespräch Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Drama/Abenteuer 1989 105min. The Big Bang Theory Germany 05.12.2014 absolut MEDIEN 09.01.2015 Komödie 2013-2014 min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062562 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063026 Warner Home Video Germany 11.12.2014 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062692 Ein blinder Held - Die Liebe des Beutolomäus und der falsche Ver- Otto Weidt dacht Binny und der Geist - Die kom- Edgar Selge, Henriette Confurius, Julia Alexis Krüger, Achim Wolff, Tim Marco plette erste Staffel Goldberg, Uwe Bohm, Katrin Pollitt, Fabian Rietz, Valerie Niehaus, Robin Rosemann, Johannes Hallervorden, Merle Juschka, Busch, Heike Hanold-Lynch, Rainer Frank, Harald Schrott, Florian Martens, Ulrike Katharina Kaali, Steffen Groth, Stefan Isabelle Barth, Axel Gottschick - Dir. Kai Bliefert, Luisa Spaniel, Isabella Pauly, Tore Becker, Stefan Weinert - Dir. Sven Bohse, Christiansen Oskar Artz, Juri Winkler, Karla Trippel, Carl Nico Zingelmann, Andy Fetscher Doku-Drama 2013 90min. Heinz Choynski - Dir. Hannes Spring Komödie/Fantasy 2014 min. Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Bildergalerie The Walt Disney Company (Germany) 16.01.2015 Kinderfilm/Fantasy 2012 60min. 22.01.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062696 Universal Music Family 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063273 Entertainment(Karussell) 07.11.2014 Blood Shot (Blu-ray 3D, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062654 Das Bittere und das Süße Ungeschnittene US-Unrated Fas- The Rough And The Smooth sung) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Beutolomäus und der geheime Nadja Tiller, William Bendix, Tony Britton, Blood Shot Natasha Parry, Norman Wooland - Dir. Ro- Weihnachtswunsch Brennan Elliott, Michael Bailey Smith, Brad bert Siodmak Achim Wolff, Alexis Krüger, Joël Eisen- Dourif - Dir. Dietrich Johnston blätter, Mathilde Bundschuh, Wolf-Dietrich Booklet Drama 1959 96min. Real 3D HD-Bonusfilm Sprenger, Torsten Scheibler, Tom Jahn, Udo Horror/Komödie 2013 99min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Kroschwald - Dir. Dr. Karl-Heinz Käfer Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) AG(Filmjuwelen) 30.01.2015 Bildergalerie 04.12.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063198 Kinderfilm/Fantasy 2006 77min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062779 Universal Music Family Entertainment(Karussell) 07.11.2014 Black Box - Die komplette erste Blood Shot (Ungeschnittene US- 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062652 Staffel (3 Discs) Unrated Fassung) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Black Box Blood Shot Beutolomäus und die Wunder- Drama 2014 min. Brennan Elliott, Michael Bailey Smith, Brad Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde flöte Dourif - Dir. Dietrich Johnston Philine Kalka, Katharina Eilenstein, Alexis Home Edition) 04.12.2014 HD-Bonusfilm Krüger, Achim Wolff, Jasmin Tabatabai, 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062810 Horror/Komödie 2013 99min. Manfred Möck, Anna Böttcher, Steffen Mün- Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) ster, Franziska Troegner, Regine Black Box - Die komplette erste 04.12.2014 Hentschel, Stefan Lochau - Dir. Andrea Staffel (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062778 Katzenberger Black Box Bildergalerie Drama 2014 min. Blood Shot (Ungeschnittene US- Kinderfilm/Fantasy 2011 59min. Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Unrated Fassung) (k.J.) Universal Music Family Home Edition) 04.12.2014 Blood Shot Entertainment(Karussell) 07.11.2014 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062830 Brennan Elliott, Michael Bailey Smith, Brad 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062653 Dourif - Dir. Dietrich Johnston Black Butler - Ein Teufel von ei- Big Bad Wolf (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Horror/Komödie 2013 95min. nem Butler Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Big Bad Wolf Kuro Shitsuji 04.12.2014 Charlie O’Connell, Natasha Alam, Clint Ayame Goriki, Hiro Mizushima, Mizuki 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062761 Howard, Amber Marie Bollinger, Mayra Yamamoto, Yûka, Taro Shigaki, Louis Leal, Jenna Stone, Elina Madison, Elly Kurihara, Tomomi Maruyama, Yu Shirota, Blutiges Blei (k.J.) Stefanko - Dir. Paul Morrell Goro Kishitani - Dir. Kentaro Ohtani, Kei’ichi Il Prezzo Del Potere Thriller/Horror 2013 97min. Sato Giuliano Gemma, Warren Vanders, Maria

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Cuadra, Ray Saunders, Fernando Rey, Komödie/Drama 2010 589min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062941 Antonio Casas, Benito Stefanelli, Van Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Johnson - Dir. Tonino Valerii 04.12.2014 Buck Rogers - Staffel 1 (2 Discs) Western 1969 108min. tba BestellNr.: 20062866 (Blu-ray) Lighthouse Home Entertainment(MVL) Buck Rogers In The 25th Century 12.12.2014 - Die komplette er- Gil Gerard, Erin Gray, Felix Silla, Mel Blanc, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063137 ste Season (Limited Edition, Tim O’Connor, Eric Server, Thom Christo- pher, Pamela Hensley, Wilfrid Hyde-White, Blutsverwandte Steelbook, 3 Discs) Breaking Bad William Conrad Les Liens De Sang Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul, RJ Mitte, Anna Science Fiction 1979-1981 1126min. Donald Sutherland, Stéphane Audran, Gunn, Dean Norris, Betsy Brandt, Steven Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 27.01.2015 Laurent Malet, Aude Landry, David Michael Quezada, Charles Baker, Matt L. 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063205 Hemmings - Dir. Claude Chabrol Jones, Carmen Serano, David House Thriller/Kriminalfilm 1977 91min. Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes, Buck Rogers - Staffel 2 (Blu-ray) Great Movies GmbH 21.11.2014 Bildergalerie, Making of, Interview, Featurette, Trailer Buck Rogers In The 25th Century 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062794 Komödie/Drama 2008 332min. Gil Gerard, Erin Gray, Felix Silla, Mel Blanc, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Tim O’Connor, Eric Server, Thom Christo- Born Killer - Blutiger Ernst (k.J.) 04.12.2014 pher, Pamela Hensley, Wilfrid Hyde-White, Born Killer tba BestellNr.: 20062864 William Conrad Ty Hardin, Ted Prior, Fritz Matthews - Dir. Science Fiction 1979-1981 564min. Kimberly Casey Breaking Bad - Die komplette Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 27.01.2015 Action 1988 77min. vierte Season (Limited Edition, 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063206 Soulfood Music Distribution(Pretty Gold Steelbook, 4 Discs) Productions) 12.12.2014 Breaking Bad Burning Wheels 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063252 Bryan Cranston, Anna Gunn, Aaron Paul, Street Racer / High Speed Action 178min. Breaking Bad - Die finale Season Dean Norris, Betsy Brandt, RJ Mitte, Bob Odenkirk, Giancarlo Esposito, Steven Mi- Edel Germany(Starmovie) 14.11.2014 (Limited Edition, Steelbook, 3 chael Quezada, Mark Margolis, Jonathan 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062601 Discs) Banks, Christopher Cousins, Charles Breaking Bad Baker, Michael Shamus Wiles, Ray Burning Wheels (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- Bryan Cranston, Anna Gunn, Aaron Paul, Campbell, Matt L. Jones - Dir. Adam Bern- ray) Dean Norris, Betsy Brandt, RJ Mitte, Steven stein, Michelle MacLaren, Vince Gilligan, Street Racer / High Speed Michael Quezada, Cesar Garcia - Dir. Colin Bucksey Action 185min. Bryan Cranston, Michelle MacLaren, Sam Behind the Scenes, Alternative und entfallene Szenen, Edel Germany(Starmovie) 14.11.2014 Catlin, Michael Slovis, Rian Johnson, Peter Outtakes, Werbespots, Dokumentationen 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062640 Komödie/Drama 2011 585min. Gould, Vince Gilligan Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Audiokommentar, Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Outtakes, Burning Wheels (Blu-ray) 04.12.2014 Behind the Scenes, Featurettes. u.a. Street Racer / High Speed Komödie/Drama 2013 370min. tba BestellNr.: 20062867 Action 185min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Edel Germany(Starmovie) 14.11.2014 04.12.2014 Breaking Bad - Die komplette 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062639 tba BestellNr.: 20062869 zweite Season (Limited Edition, Breaking Bad - Die fünfte Season Steelbook, 4 Discs) Californication - Die siebte Breaking Bad (Limited Edition, Steelbook, 3 Season (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul, RJ Mitte, Anna Californication Discs) Gunn, Dean Norris, Betsy Brandt, Raymond Behind the Scenes, Audiokommentar, Outtakes Breaking Bad Cruz, Steven Michael Quezada, Tess Drama/Satire 2014 338min. Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul, Anna Gunn, Harper, Michael Shamus Wiles - Dir. Adam Paramount Home Entertainment 18.12.2014 RJ Mitte, Dean Norris, Betsy Brandt, Bob Bernstein, Bryan Cranston, Terry 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063275 Odenkirk, Matt L. Jones, Jonathan Banks, McDonough Lydia Rodarte-Quayle - Dir. Michael Slovis, Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen, Californication - Die siebte Michelle MacLaren, Adam Bernstein, Rian Hintergrundinfo, Behind the Scenes, Musikvideo, Outtakes Komödie/Drama 2009 590min. Season (2 Discs) (k.J.) Johnson, George Mastras, Colin Bucksey, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Californication Thomas Schnauz, Bryan Cranston, Sam 04.12.2014 Behind the Scenes, Audiokommentar, Outtakes Catlin, Vince Gilligan Drama/Satire 2014 379min. tba BestellNr.: 20062865 Bonus-Szene, Unzensierte Folgen, Entfallene und erweiterte Paramount Home Entertainment 18.12.2014 Szenen, Outtakes, Behind the Scenes, Audiokommentar, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063255 Dokumentation, Featurettes, Behind the Scenes The Bridge - Season 2 (4 Discs) Komödie/Drama 2012 359min. (k.J.) Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Camera obscura (OmU) The Bridge 04.12.2014 Camera Obscura Making ofs Jacqueline Duarte, Víctor Clavijo, Leire tba BestellNr.: 20062868 Kriminalfilm/Thriller min. Berrocal, Josean Bengoetxea, Pello Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Madariaga - Dir. Maru Solores Breaking Bad - Die komplette Germany 22.01.2015 Drama 2011 91min. dritte Season (Limited Edition, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063039 Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Cine Glo- Steelbook, 4 Discs) Ein Brief für Dich bal) 23.01.2015 Breaking Bad tba BestellNr.: 20063219 Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul, Anna Gunn, The Letter Writer Dean Norris, Betsy Brandt, Julie Dretzin, RJ Aley Underwood, Bernie Diamond, Pam Camp Evil (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Eichner, Kylee Thurman, Stella McComas, Mitte, Giancarlo Esposito - Dir. Bryan Cub James Gaisford, Nicholas Neve, Curt Cranston, Adam Bernstein, Michelle Max- Maurice Luijten, Evelien Bosmans, Gill Doussett, Tonia Freeman Doussett - Dir. well MacLaren, Scott Winant, Johan Renck, Eeckelaert - Dir. Jonas Govaerts John Shiban, Colin Bucksey, Michael Slovis, Christian Vuissa Making Of Horror 2014 89min. Rian Johnson, Vince Gilligan Splendid Film 30.01.2015 Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Mini-Video-Podcasts, Drama 2011 86min. Entfallene Szenen polyband Medien GmbH 30.01.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062959

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Edel Germany(Clipper Entertainment) George Wendt, John Ratzenberger, Kirstie Camp Evil (k.J.) 31.10.2014 Alley, Kelsey Grammer, Bebe Neuwirth, Cub 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062593 Paul Willson, Jackie Swanson, Roger Rees, Maurice Luijten, Evelien Bosmans, Gill Keene Curtis, Peter Schreiner, Alan Koss, Eeckelaert - Dir. Jonas Govaerts Changing Times Al Rosen, Tim Cunningham, Jay Thomas, Horror 2014 85min. Les Temps Qui Changent Richard Doyle, Frances Sternhagen, Dan Splendid Film 30.01.2015 Catherine Deneuve, Gérard Depardieu, Hedaya, Jean Kasem, Tom Skerritt, Timothy 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062939 Gilbert Melki, Malik Zidi, Lubna Azabal, Williams, Anthony Cistaro, Fred Dryer, Tanya Lopert, Nabila Baraka, Jabir Elomri, Derek McGrath - Dir. James Burrows, Andy The Captive Nadem Rachati - Dir. André Téchiné Ackerman, John Ratzenberger The Captive Drama 2005 95min. Komödie/Drama 1982-1993 600min. Ryan Reynolds, Scott Speedman, Rosario Edel Germany(Starmovie) 14.11.2014 Paramount Home Entertainment 04.12.2014 Dawson, Mireille Enos, Kevin Durand, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062537 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062553 Alexia Fast, Peyton Kennedy, Bruce Greenwood, Brendan Gall - Dir. Atom Charlie Chaplin: Die Entstehung Cheers - Die sechste Season (4 Egoyan des Tramp - Die Keystone Komö- DVDs) Thriller 2014 112min. dien 1914 (4 Discs) Cheers Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 27.01.2015 Charlie Chaplin At Keystone Ted Danson, Shelley Long, Rhea Perlman, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062850 Sir Charles Chaplin Nicholas Colasanto, Woody Harrelson, Booklet, Clip, Featurettes, Bildergalerie George Wendt, John Ratzenberger, Kirstie The Captive (Blu-ray) Komödie 1914 600min. Alley, Kelsey Grammer, Bebe Neuwirth, The Captive Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Paul Willson, Jackie Swanson, Roger Rees, Ryan Reynolds, Scott Speedman, Rosario 11.12.2014 Keene Curtis, Peter Schreiner, Alan Koss, Dawson, Mireille Enos, Kevin Durand, 54,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063103 Al Rosen, Tim Cunningham, Jay Thomas, Alexia Fast, Peyton Kennedy, Bruce Richard Doyle, Frances Sternhagen, Dan Greenwood, Brendan Gall - Dir. Atom Charlie Chaplin: Die Entstehung Hedaya, Jean Kasem, Tom Skerritt, Timothy Egoyan des Tramp - Die Mutual Komödi- Williams, Anthony Cistaro, Fred Dryer, Thriller 2014 116min. en 1916-1917 (4 Discs) Derek McGrath - Dir. James Burrows, Andy Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 27.01.2015 Ackerman, John Ratzenberger Charlie Chaplin - The Mutual Comedies 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062876 Komödie/Drama 1982-1993 589min. Sir Charles Chaplin Paramount Home Entertainment 04.12.2014 Carmen (OmU) (Blu-ray) 2 Musikversionen, Booklet Komödie 1916-1917 420min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062552 Carmen Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Antonio Gades, Laura del Sol, Paco de 11.12.2014 Agatha Christie - Das Gaheimnis Lucía, Cristina Hoyos, Juan Antonio 54,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063104 der 7 Zifferblätter (2 Discs) Jimenez, Sebastian Moreno - Dir. Carlos The Sven Dials Mystery Saura - Complete Collection, Featurette, Wendecover Sir John Gielgud, Harry Andrews, Cheryl Musikfilm/Drama 1983 101min. Die gesamte Serie, Season 1-8 Campbell, Joyce Redman, Terence Alexan- STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment (48 Discs) der, Tony Wharmby Germany(Arthaus) 22.01.2015 Booklet Charmed Kriminalfilm 1981 134min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063088 Shannen Doherty), Holly Marie Combs, Pidax film media(Pidax film) 05.12.2014 Alyssa Milano, Rose McGowan 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062613 Carmina o Revienta (OmU) Making of, Featurettes Carmina O Revienta Fantasy/Komödie 1998-2006 7393min. Agatha Christie - Warum haben Carmina Barrios, María León, Paco Casaus, Paramount Home Entertainment 08.01.2015 Ana María García, Raimundo Carrasco, tba BestellNr.: 20063148 Sie nicht Evans gefragt? (2 Discs) Miguel Alcíbar, José Mari Bizcocho, Why Didn’t They Ask Evans? Guillermo Weickert, Paqui Montoya - Dir. Cheech und Chong - Noch mehr Francesca Annis, Sir John Gielgud, Paco Léon Rauch um gar nichts Bernard Miles, Eric Porter, Connie Booth, Leigh Lawson - Dir. John Davies, Tony Komödie 2012 70min. Cheech And Chong’s Next Movie Wharmby Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Cine Glo- Tommy Chong, Richard „Cheech“ Marin, bal) 23.01.2015 Booklet Evelyn Guerrero, Betty Kennedy, Sy Kriminalfilm 1980 194min. tba BestellNr.: 20063220 Kramer, Bob McClurg - Dir. Tommy Chong Pidax film media(Pidax film) 05.12.2014 Interview, Bildergalerie, Trailer 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062612 Cemetery Man - DellaMorte Komödie 1979 90min. DellAmore (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 12.12.2014 Cinespañol 3 (7 Discs, OmU) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063072 Della Morte, Dell’ Amore Camera obscura / Carmina o Revienta / Rupert Everett, Anna Falchi, François Cheech und Chong - Noch mehr De Martes a Martes / Pescador / Puro Hadji-Lazaro, Stefano Masciarelli, Mickey Mula / Tiempos Menos Modernos / Torr- Knox, Clive Riche, Fabiana Formica, Anton Rauch um gar nichts (Blu-ray) ente 4 Alexander - Dir. Michele Soavi Cheech And Chong’s Next Movie Drama 600min. Horror/Komödie 1993 103min. Tommy Chong, Richard „Cheech“ Marin, Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Cineglobal) Edel Germany(Clipper Entertainment) Evelyn Guerrero, Betty Kennedy, Sy 21.11.2014 31.10.2014 Kramer, Bob McClurg - Dir. Tommy Chong 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062691 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062631 Interview, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Wendecover Komödie 1979 92min. Clannad - Vol. 1 Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 12.12.2014 Cemetery Man - DellaMorte Clannad 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063092 DellAmore (k.J.) Dir. Tatsuya Ishihara Della Morte, Dell’ Amore Cheers - Die komplette neunte Postkarten, Plüsch-Dango Rupert Everett, Anna Falchi, François Drama 2007-2008 144min. Hadji-Lazaro, Stefano Masciarelli, Mickey Season (4 Discs) FilmConfect Home Entertainment 28.11.2014 Knox, Clive Riche, Fabiana Formica, Anton Cheers 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063054 Alexander - Dir. Michele Soavi Ted Danson, Shelley Long, Rhea Perlman, Horror/Komödie 1993 99min. Nicholas Colasanto, Woody Harrelson, Clannad - Vol. 1 (Blu-ray)

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Clannad 99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063179 Myndy Crist, Thurman - Dir. Scott Dir. Tatsuya Ishihara Charles Stewart Postkarten, Plüsch-Dango Corruption.gov (Blu-ray) Audiokommentar, Alternative und entfallene Szenen, Trailer Drama 2007-2008 150min. Corruption.gov Horror/Science Fiction 2013 93min. FilmConfect Home Entertainment 28.11.2014 Michael Madsen, Lee Majors, Joe Estevez, Koch Media 29.01.2015 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063084 Francesco Quinn, Christina Fernandez, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062902 Danielle Rene, Tim Curry, Kerry Wallum, The Client List - Die komplette Winfred Pollard, Landon Kash, John Dark Skies - Sie sind unter uns zweite Season (4 Discs) Gholson, Faith Majors - Dir. Q. Manning, (Blu-ray) The Client List John Sjogren Dark Skies Drama min. Trailer Keri Russell, Josh Hamilton, Dakota Goyo, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Thriller/Drama 2010 97min. Kadan Rockett, J.K. Simmons, L.J. Benet, 29.01.2015 Great Movies GmbH 12.12.2014 Myndy Crist, Annie Thurman - Dir. Scott 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063002 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063274 Charles Stewart Audiokommentar, Alternative und entfallene Szenen, Trailer Compulsion Cosby - Staffel 1 (4 Discs) Horror/Science Fiction 2013 97min. Compulsion Cosby Koch Media 29.01.2015 Heather Graham, Carrie-Anne Moss, Joe Bill Cosby, Phylicia Rashad 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062943 Mantegna, Kevin Dillon, Kate Trotter, Katie Komödie 1996-2000 550min. Douglas, Natalie Brown, Theresa Joy - Dir. Tiberius Film 08.01.2015 Dark World 2: Equilibrium Egidio Coccimiglio 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062884 Temnyy Mir: Ravnovesie Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2013 85min. Maria Pirogowa, Pavel Priluchnyi, Makar Planet Media Home Entertainment Criminal and Punishment - Zaporozhskij, Waleria Lanskaya, Ewgenia 22.01.2015 Selbstjustiz (k.J.) Brik, Alexander Ratnikow, Wladislaw 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063102 Silent Justice Abaschin, Pjotr Semak, Alica Khazanova - Richard Tyson, Willie Gault, Michelle Dir. Oleg Assadulin Compulsion (Blu-ray) Stafford, Robert Vaughn, Steven Owsley - Action/Fantasy 2013 91min. Compulsion Dir. James Dalthorp Tiberius Film 08.01.2015 Heather Graham, Carrie-Anne Moss, Joe Action/Thriller 1999 90min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062578 Mantegna, Kevin Dillon, Kate Trotter, Katie Edel Germany(Starmovie) 09.01.2015 Douglas, Natalie Brown, Theresa Joy - Dir. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063121 Dark World 2: Equilibrium (Blu- Egidio Coccimiglio ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2013 89min. Crossbones - Die komplette 1. Temnyy Mir: Ravnovesie Planet Media Home Entertainment Staffel (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Maria Pirogowa, Pavel Priluchnyi, Makar 22.01.2015 Crossbones Zaporozhskij, Waleria Lanskaya, Ewgenia 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063109 Abenteuer/Drama 2014 min. Brik, Alexander Ratnikow, Wladislaw Concorde Home Entertainment 15.01.2015 Abaschin, Pjotr Semak, Alica Khazanova - The Confidant - Vertrauen ist töd- 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063173 Dir. Oleg Assadulin lich Action/Fantasy 2013 95min. The Confidant Crossbones - Die komplette 1. Tiberius Film 08.01.2015 Boris Kodjoe, David Banner, Kenya Moore, Staffel (3 Discs) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062624 Billy Zane, Richard Roundtree, Bai Ling, Crossbones Dark World 2: Equilibrium (Blu- Camila Alves, Joanna Sanchez - Dir. Alton Abenteuer/Drama 2014 min. Glass Concorde Home Entertainment 15.01.2015 ray) Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2010 86min. 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063168 Temnyy Mir: Ravnovesie AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Castle Maria Pirogowa, Pavel Priluchnyi, Makar View Film) 30.01.2015 Cuckoo - Die komplette erste Zaporozhskij, Waleria Lanskaya, Ewgenia 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062784 Staffel Brik, Alexander Ratnikow, Wladislaw Abaschin, Pjotr Semak, Alica Khazanova - Cuckoo Francis Ford Coppola Collection Dir. Oleg Assadulin Andy Samberg, Tamla Kari, Greg Davies, Action/Fantasy 2013 95min. (7 Discs) Helen Baxendale, Tyger Drew-Honey, Tiberius Film 08.01.2015 Hearts of Darkness - A Filmmakers Kenneth Collard, Selina Griffiths, Philip 18,89 EUR BestellNr.: 20062623 Apocalypse / Apocalypse Now / Jackson - Dir. Ben Taylor Apocalypse Now Redux / Apocalypse Now Komödie 2012 180min. Dead Survivors (Uncut) (k.J.) / Der Dialog / Die Outsider / Der Pate / Studio Hamburg Enterprises 30.01.2015 Tino Dörner, Ida Marie Unger, Witalij Kühne, Der Pate II / Der Pate III 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063181 Dir. Francis Ford Coppola Michael Krug, Stephan König, Marie Weigt, Dokumentation Cyrano von Bergerac (Blu-ray) Forgó Tamás, Romy Schreiber, Heinrich Drama 1973-2011 1169min. Kus - Dir. David Brückner Cyrano De Bergerac STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Trailer Gérard Depardieu, Anne Brochet, Vincent Germany(Arthaus) 11.12.2014 Horror/Action 2010 80min. Perez, Jacques Weber, Roland Bertin, 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063177 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(8-Films) Philippe Morier-Genoud, Pierre Maguelon, 02.12.2014 Francis Ford Coppola Collection Josiane Stoléru, Anatole Delalande, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062978 Ludivine Sagnier - Dir. Jean-Paul (7 Discs) (Blu-ray) Rappeneau Deadly Fear Hearts of Darkness - A Filmmakers Featurettes, Texttafeln Fréquence Meurtre Apocalypse / Apocalypse Now / Abenteuer/Drama 1990 135min. Catherine Deneuve, André Dussollier, Mar- Apocalypse Now Redux / Apocalypse Now Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde tin Lamotte, Etienne Chicot, Ines Claye, / Der Dialog / Die Outsider / Der Pate / Home Edition) 13.11.2014 Madeleine Marie, Philippe Lehembre, Daniel Der Pate II / Der Pate III 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062620 Rialet, Alain Stern, Martine Chevalier, Dir. Francis Ford Coppola Josiane Stoléru, Jean Pélégri, Humbert Dokumentation Dark Skies - Sie sind unter uns Balsan - Dir. Elisabeth Rappeneau Drama 1973-2011 1227min. Dark Skies Thriller 1988 95min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Keri Russell, Josh Hamilton, Dakota Goyo, Edel Germany(Starmovie) 12.12.2014 Germany(Arthaus) 11.12.2014 Kadan Rockett, J.K. Simmons, L.J. Benet,

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9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063077 Pierson, Lauren Vélez, Charlotte Rampling, Dir. Mario Moroni, Demofilo Fidani Jadon Wells, Dora Madison Burge, Darri Western 1970-1971 187min. Deadly Possesed Ingolfsson - Dir. Michael c. Hall, Die Syn- Edel Germany(Starmovie) 09.01.2015 Seven Below chronisation von Dexter 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063160 Val Kilmer, Ving Rhames, Luke Goss, Bon- Featurettes nie Somerville, Matt Barr, Christian Baha, Kriminalfilm/Thriller 2013 609min. Django Doublefeature (k.J.) Brianna Lee Johnson, Rebecca Da Costa, Paramount Home Entertainment 04.12.2014 Django - Unerbittlich bis zum Tod / Silvio Wolf Busch, Kaleigh Howland, Kylie 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062555 Django & Sartana kommen Pfingsten, Corey Reilly - Dir. Kevin Dir. Mario Moroni, Demofilo Fidani Carraway Dicte (3 Discs) Western 1970-1971 180min. Trailer Dicte Edel Germany(Starmovie) 09.01.2015 Horror 2011 96min. Kriminalfilm 2012 450min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063125 Soulfood Music Distribution(True Grit Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF Video) Pictures) 05.12.2014 16.01.2015 Dr. Klein - Staffel 1 (3 Discs) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063261 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062909 ChrisTine Urspruch, Miroslav Nemec, Simon Licht, Clelia Sarto, Michael Klammer, Marti- The Defenders - Die komplette Dido Elizabeth Belle na Eitner-Acheampong, Nora Huetz, Karl Serie (5 Discs) Belle Kranzkowski, Arnd Klawitter, Elisabeth von The Defenders Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Tom Wilkinson, Miranda Koch, Leander Lichti, Sarah Giese, Carl James Belushi, Jerry O’Connell, Jurnee Richardson, Penelope Wilton, Emily Baur - Dir. Gero Weinreuter, Rainer Smollett, Tanya Fischer, Teddy Sears, Watson, Sam Reid, Sarah Gadon, Tom Matsutani Nealla Gordon, Monnae Michaell, Julian Felton, James Norton, Matthew Goode, Drama 540min. Acosta, Glynn Turman - Dir. Charles Haid, Susan Brown - Dir. Amma Asante Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF Video) Christine Moore, Jeffrey Melman Behind the Scenes, Bildergalerie, Trailer 16.01.2015 Drama 2013 100min. Drama 2010 1080min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062907 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Paramount Home Entertainment 18.12.2014 Germany 15.01.2015 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062554 Double Threat - Tödliches Verlan- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063036 gen Des Teufels Brut - Deliverance Dido Elizabeth Belle (Blu-ray) Double Threat from Evil (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Belle Sally Kirkland, Andrew Stevens, Sherrie Deliverance From Evil Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Tom Wilkinson, Miranda Rose, Chick Vennera, Gary Swanson, Ri- Jose Rosete, Angel Aviles, Victor Miller, Richardson, Penelope Wilton, Emily chard Lynch, Anthony Franciosa - Dir. Da- Elias Castillo, Raul Martinez, Molly Celaschi Watson, Sam Reid, Sarah Gadon, Tom vid A. Prior - Dir. Eduardo Quiroz, Jose Quiroz Felton, James Norton, Matthew Goode, Thriller 1992 92min. Trailer, Bonusfilm Susan Brown - Dir. Amma Asante Soulfood Music Distribution(Pretty Gold Horror/Mystery 2012 90min. Behind the Scenes, Bildergalerie, Trailer Productions) 05.12.2014 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 07.11.2014 Drama 2013 104min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063216 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062615 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 15.01.2015 Der Dritte Weltkrieg - Russische Des Teufels Brut - Deliverance 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063042 Invasion auf die USA (k.J.) from Evil (k.J.) World War III Deliverance From Evil Digital Man (k.J.) Rock Hudson, David Soul, Brian Keith, Jose Rosete, Angel Aviles, Victor Miller, Digital Man Cathy Lee Crosby, Jeroen Krabbé, Robert Elias Castillo, Raul Martinez, Molly Celaschi Ken Olandt, Kristen Dalton, Adam Baldwin, Prosky, Lee Wallace, Katherine Helmond, - Dir. Eduardo Quiroz, Jose Quiroz Paul Gleason, Ed Lauter, Matthias Hues - James Hampton, Jerry Kardin - Dir. David Trailer Dir. Phillip J. Roth Greene Horror/Mystery 2012 86min. Science Fiction/Action 1994 95min. Thriller/Action 1981 79min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 07.11.2014 Edel Germany(New Vision Films) Edel Germany(Starmovie) 09.01.2015 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062567 28.11.2014 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063131 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062734 The Devil Reborn (Blu-ray) (k.J.) The Drunken Master Collection (2 666: The Child Die Dinge des Lebens Discs) Adam Vincent, Sarah Lieving, Boo Boo Les Choses De La Vie Boxing Wizzard / Ein Halleluja für 2 Stewart, Rodney Bowman, Nora Jesse, Michel Piccoli, Romy Schneider, Lea Schlitzohren / Jackie Chan - Der Master D.C. Douglas - Dir. Jake Jackson Massari, Jean Bouise, Bobby Lapointe - Dir. mit den gebrochenen Händen / Mad Mad Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Slideshow Claude Sautet Horror 2006 78min. Wendecover Kung Fu / Shui quan guai zhao / Der Edel Germany(Starmovie) 21.11.2014 Drama 1969 86min. Todeshauch des Drunken Master 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062635 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Komödie/Eastern 500min. Germany(Arthaus) 04.12.2014 Edel Germany(Capitol Film) 12.12.2014 The Devil Reborn (k.J.) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062720 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062747 666: The Child Adam Vincent, Sarah Lieving, Boo Boo Dirty Mary - Crazy Larry Dune - Der Wüstenplanet Stewart, Rodney Bowman, Nora Jesse, Dirty Mary Crazy Larry Dune D.C. Douglas - Dir. Jake Jackson Peter Fonda, Susan George, Adam Roarke, Francesca Annis, Kyle MacLachlan, Jürgen Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Slideshow Kenneth Tobey, Eugene Daniels, Lynn Bor- Prochnow, Sting, Leonardo Cimino, Brad Horror 2006 75min. den, Elizabeth James - Dir. John Hough Dourif, José Ferrer, Linda Hunt, Silvana Edel Germany(Starmovie) 21.11.2014 Action 1974 92min. Mangano, Richard Jordan, Freddie Jones, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062598 da music(Laser Paradise) 28.11.2014 Jack Nance, Virginia Madsen, Max von tba BestellNr.: 20063257 Sydow, Everett McGill, Kenneth McMillan, Dexter - Die achte Season (6 Dean Stockwell, Sir - Dir. Discs) (k.J.) Django Doublefeature (Blu-ray) David Lynch Dexter (k.J.) Trailer, Biografien, Making of, Prolog Michael C. Hall, Jennifer Carpenter, James Science Fiction 1984 130min. Django - Unerbittlich bis zum Tod / Remar, Desmond Harrington, C.S. Lee, Da- Edel Germany(Clipper Entertainment) Django & Sartana kommen vid Zayas, Aimee Garcia, Geoffrey 24.10.2014

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13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062532 Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Teaser, Wende- ray) cover Deliver Us From Evil Dune - Der Wüstenplanet (Blu-ray Action/Fantasy 2005 100min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Eric Bana, Édgar Ramírez, , 3D) (Blu-ray) Germany 15.01.2015 Sean Harris, Joel McHale, Chris Coy, Dorian Dune 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063085 Missick, Mike Houston - Dir. Scott Francesca Annis, Kyle MacLachlan, Jürgen Derrickson Prochnow, Sting, Leonardo Cimino, Brad Elfen, Drachen und Einhörner Audiokommentar, Making of, Featurettes Horror 2014 119min. Dourif, José Ferrer, Linda Hunt, Silvana Jack the Giant Killer / The Little Unicorn / Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Mangano, Richard Jordan, Freddie Jones, Lord of the Elves 15.01.2015 Jack Nance, Virginia Madsen, Max von Fantasy 247min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063012 Sydow, Everett McGill, Kenneth McMillan, Edel Germany(Starmovie) 05.12.2014 Dean Stockwell, Sir Patrick Stewart - Dir. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062738 David Lynch Erotibot (k.J.) Science Fiction 1984 136min. Ein Engel auf Erden - Die kom- Karei Naru Erogami-Ke No Ichizoku: Shinsô Reijô Wa Denki Shitsuji No Yume Edel Germany(Clipper Entertainment) plette 1. Staffel (7 Discs) 24.10.2014 O Miru Ka Highway To Heaven 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062547 Asami, Maria Ozawa, Yûya Tokumoto - Dir. Michael Landon, Victor French, James Naoyuki Tomomatsu Dune - Der Wüstenplanet Troesh, Helen Hunt, Michael Laskin, David Interviews, Trailer Faustino, Geoffrey Lewis, Jim Haynie - Dir. Action/Erotik 2011 80min. (Collector’s Edition, 2 Discs) (Blu- Michael Landon Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(8-Films) ray) Drama/Fantasy 1984-1985 1184min. 16.12.2014 Dune Pidax film media(Pidax film) 12.12.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062995 Francesca Annis, Kyle MacLachlan, Jürgen 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062677 Prochnow, Sting, Leonardo Cimino, Brad Es lauert 2 - Creature Unknown Dourif, José Ferrer, Linda Hunt, Silvana Epilog - Das Geheimnis der (k.J.) Mangano, Richard Jordan, Freddie Jones, „Orplid“ Creature Unknown Jack Nance, Virginia Madsen, Max von Fritz Kortner, Irene von Meyendorff, Bettina Kristin Herold, Chase Masterson, Chris Sydow, Everett McGill, Kenneth McMillan, Moissi, Paul Hörbiger, Carl Raddatz, Hans- Hoffman - Dir. Michael Burnett Dean Stockwell, Sir Patrick Stewart - Dir. Christian Blech, O. E. Hasse, Horst Caspar, Horror/Science Fiction 2004 min. David Lynch Hilde Hildebrand - Dir. Helmut Käutner Edel Germany(Starmovie) 28.11.2014 Science Fiction 1984 176min. Booklet 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062743 SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 30.10.2014 Kriminalfilm 1950 81min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062892 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 16.12.2014 Es muß nicht immer Kaviar sein 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062701 Dune - Der Wüstenplanet (5 DVDs) Die Erbschaft - Staffel 1 Siegfried Rauch, Heinz Reincke, Herbert (Ultimate Extended Edition) Fleischmann, Rainer Penkert, Erik Schu- Arvingerne 1 Dune mann, Nadja Tiller, Marisa Mell, Christiane Trine Dyrholm, Jesper Christensen, Car- Francesca Annis, Kyle MacLachlan, Jürgen Krüger, Diana Körner, Dieter Borsche, sten Bjørnlund, Marie Bach Hansen, Mikkel Prochnow, Sting, Leonardo Cimino, Brad Berno von Cramm, Simone Rethel, Heidrun Følsgaard, Lene Maria Christensen, Trond Dourif, José Ferrer, Linda Hunt, Silvana Kussin, Hildegard Krekel, Doris Gallart, Espen Seim, Anette Katzmann, Jens Jørn Mangano, Richard Jordan, Freddie Jones, Alois M. Giani, Alexander Grill, Gunther Spottag, Kenneth M. Christensen - Dir. Jack Nance, Virginia Madsen, Max von Malzacher, Christian Rode, Jürgen Scheller, , Louise Friedberg, Jesper Sydow, Everett McGill, Kenneth McMillan, Barbara Schöne, Günther Stoll, Herbert Christensen, Heidi Maria Faisst Dean Stockwell, Sir Patrick Stewart - Dir. Tiede, Rolf Schimpf, Gert Günther Drama 2014 560min. David Lynch Hoffmann, Max Buchsbaum, Wolfried Lier - Highlight Communications Science Fiction 1984 169min. Dir. Thomas Engel (Deutschland)(Constantin) 08.01.2015 SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 30.10.2014 Kriminalfilm/Abenteuer 1977 780min. 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063020 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062863 Studio Hamburg Enterprises(Straßenfeger- Die Erbschaft - Staffel 1 (Blu-ray) Edition) 28.11.2014 Elektra (Director’s Cut) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062694 Elektra Arvingerne 1 Jennifer Garner, Terence Stamp, Kirsten Trine Dyrholm, Jesper Christensen, Car- Executive Command sten Bjørnlund, Marie Bach Hansen, Mikkel Prout, Goran Visnjic, Cary Hiroyuki- Executive Command Følsgaard, Lene Maria Christensen, Trond Tagawa, Will Yun Lee, Natassia Malthe, Michael Dudikoff, Larry Poindexter, Paul Espen Seim, Anette Katzmann, Jens Jørn Bob Sapp, Chris Ackermann, Edson T. Winfield, Richard Norton, Amanda Wyss, Spottag, Kenneth M. Christensen - Dir. Ribeiro, Colin Cunningham, Hiro Kanagawa, Nick Corri, Robin Lang, Gina Mari, Stephen Pernilla August, Louise Friedberg, Jesper Mark Houghton, Laura Ward, Kurt Max Quadros, Tim Abell, Michael Cavanaugh, Christensen, Heidi Maria Faisst Runte - Dir. Rob Bowman Warren Burton, Jim McMullan, Matthew Drama 2014 560min. Audiokommentar, Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Walker, Marcus Aurelius, Bryan Cranston, Trailer, Wendecover Highlight Communications Bok Yun Chon, William Langlois - Dir. Action/Fantasy 2005 93min. (Deutschland)(Constantin) 08.01.2015 Rodney McDonald STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063029 Germany 15.01.2015 Action 1997 91min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063058 Erlöse uns von dem Bösen VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 11.11.2014 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062685 Deliver Us From Evil Elektra (Director’s Cut) (Blu-ray) Eric Bana, Édgar Ramírez, Olivia Munn, Executive Command (Blu-ray) Elektra Sean Harris, Joel McHale, Chris Coy, Dorian Executive Command Jennifer Garner, Terence Stamp, Kirsten Missick, Mike Houston - Dir. Scott Michael Dudikoff, Larry Poindexter, Paul Prout, Goran Visnjic, Cary Hiroyuki- Derrickson Winfield, Richard Norton, Amanda Wyss, Tagawa, Will Yun Lee, Natassia Malthe, Horror 2014 115min. Nick Corri, Robin Lang, Gina Mari, Stephen Bob Sapp, Chris Ackermann, Edson T. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Quadros, Tim Abell, Michael Cavanaugh, Ribeiro, Colin Cunningham, Hiro Kanagawa, 15.01.2015 Warren Burton, Jim McMullan, Matthew Mark Houghton, Laura Ward, Kurt Max 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063000 Runte - Dir. Rob Bowman Walker, Marcus Aurelius, Bryan Cranston, Featurette, Making ofs, Multi-Angle-Szenen, Erlöse uns von dem Bösen (Blu- Bok Yun Chon, William Langlois - Dir.

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Rodney McDonald Claus Theo Gärtner, Günter Strack, Renate Kaufman, Mackenzie Murdock, Kyle Young Action 1997 95min. Kohn, Edwin Nöel, Désirée Nosbusch, Jür- - Dir. Adam Brooks, Jeremy Gillespie, VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 11.11.2014 gen Schmidt, Herbert Stass, Heidelinde Matthew Kennedy, Steven Kostanski, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062707 Weis, Hans Brenner, Donata Höffer, Renate Conor Sweeney Schauss, Robert Stromberger - Dir. Michael Horror/Komödie 2011 97min. The Executor - Der Vollstrecker Mackenroth, Michael Meyer Edel Germany(Clipper Entertainment) Sterminatori Del Anno 3000 Kriminalfilm 1981-2009 900min. 31.10.2014 James Clayton, Robert Warner, Beryl MORE Music and Media(More Brands and 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062634 Cunningham, Roberto Janucci, Gianluca Products) 05.12.2014 Venantini, Allan Collins, Venantino 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063195 Father’s Day (k.J.) Venantini - Dir. Jules Harrison Father’s Day Trailer Der Fall Teckman Adam Brooks, Matthew Kennedy, Conor Science Fiction 1983 80min. The Teckman Mystery Sweeney, Amy Groening, Brent Neale, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 16.12.2014 John Justin, Margaret Leighton, Roland Kevin Anderson, Meredith Sweeney, Lloyd 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062997 Culver, Michael Medwin, Meier Tzelniker, Kaufman, Mackenzie Murdock, Kyle Young George Coulouris, Duncan Lamont - Dir. - Dir. Adam Brooks, Jeremy Gillespie, The Executor - Der Vollstrecker Wendy Toye Matthew Kennedy, Steven Kostanski, (Blu-ray) Trailer Conor Sweeney Sterminatori Del Anno 3000 Thriller 1954 80min. Horror/Komödie 2011 93min. James Clayton, Robert Warner, Beryl AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Edel Germany(Clipper Entertainment) Cunningham, Roberto Janucci, Gianluca AG(Filmjuwelen) 19.12.2014 31.10.2014 Venantini, Allan Collins, Venantino 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063250 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062597 Venantini - Dir. Jules Harrison Trailer Eine Falle für den Weihnachts- Katie Fforde: Collection 5 (3 Science Fiction 1983 84min. mann Discs) Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 16.12.2014 The Santa Trap Das Meer in Dir / Wie Feuer und Wasser / 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063009 Stacy Keach, Shelley Long, Robert Hays, Geschenkte Jahre Adrienne Barbeau, Alana Austin, Amanda Extras - Statisten: Das Susanne Schäfer, Jörg Schüttauf, Jannik Pays - Dir. John Shepphird Schümann, Oona Devi Liebich, Golo Euler, Weihnachtsspecial (OmU) Komödie 2002 94min. Peter Sattmann, Gesine Cukrowski, Harald Extras KNM Home Entertainment(Movie Power) Krassnitzer, Martin Rapold - Dir. Sebastian Ricky Gervais, Ashley Jensen, Stephen 13.11.2014 Grobler, Helmut Metzger Merchant, Shaun Williamson, Shaun Pye, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062679 Drama/Lovestory 2013-2014 266min. Sarah Moyle, Andrew Buckley, Jamie Universum Film Home Entertainment(ZDF Chapman The Farm - Survive the Dead Video) 02.01.2015 Komödie 2005-2007 390min. (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062970 Turbine Medien 28.11.2014 Farm 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063192 Michael Hotop, Ashley Salazar, Freddie Fields of the Dead (Blu-ray 3D) Meyer - Dir. Hank Bausch, Andrew M. Eyjafjallajökull - Der unaus- (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Jackson Fields Of The Dead sprechliche Vulkanfilm Trailer, Bonusfilm Melanie Recker, Matt Harwell, Mark Booker, Horror/Mystery 2010 73min. EyjafjallajöKull Jessica Hotovy, Lara Adkins, Mike Delange, Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Great Dany Boon, Valérie Bonneton, Denis Chelsie Hartness, Daniel B. Iske - Dir. Dani- Movies) 23.01.2015 Ménochet, Albert Delpy, Bérangère el B. Iske McNeese, Malik Bentalha - Dir. Alexandre tba BestellNr.: 20063243 Trailer, Bonusfilm Coffre Horror 2014 87min. Outtakes, Making of, Interviews The Farm - Survive the Dead Great Movies GmbH 17.10.2014 Komödie 2013 88min. (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062541 Universum Film Home Farm Entertainment(SquareOne) 12.12.2014 Michael Hotop, Ashley Salazar, Freddie Fields of the Dead (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062558 Meyer - Dir. Hank Bausch, Andrew M. Fields Of The Dead Jackson Melanie Recker, Matt Harwell, Mark Booker, Eyjafjallajökull - Der unaus- Trailer, Bonusfilm Jessica Hotovy, Lara Adkins, Mike Delange, sprechliche Vulkanfilm (Blu-ray) Horror/Mystery 2010 73min. Chelsie Hartness, Daniel B. Iske - Dir. Dani- EyjafjallajöKull Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Great el B. Iske Dany Boon, Valérie Bonneton, Denis Movies) 23.01.2015 Trailer, Bonusfilm Ménochet, Albert Delpy, Bérangère tba BestellNr.: 20063242 Horror 2014 87min. McNeese, Malik Bentalha - Dir. Alexandre Great Movies GmbH 17.10.2014 Coffre The Farm - Survive the Dead 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062540 Outtakes, Making of, Interviews (k.J.) Komödie 2013 92min. Farm Fields of the Dead (k.J.) Universum Film Home Michael Hotop, Ashley Salazar, Freddie Fields Of The Dead Entertainment(SquareOne) 12.12.2014 Meyer - Dir. Hank Bausch, Andrew M. Melanie Recker, Matt Harwell, Mark Booker, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062565 Jackson Jessica Hotovy, Lara Adkins, Mike Delange, Trailer Chelsie Hartness, Daniel B. Iske - Dir. Dani- Der Fahnder - Die fünfte Staffel (3 Horror/Mystery 2010 70min. el B. Iske Discs) Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Great Trailer Horror 2014 83min. Jörg Schüttauf Movies) 23.01.2015 Great Movies GmbH 17.10.2014 Kriminalfilm 1985-2000 440min. tba BestellNr.: 20063225 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062518 Universal Pictures Germany(ARD Video) Father’s Day (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 04.12.2014 Fighting For America - Terrori- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062786 Father’s Day Adam Brooks, Matthew Kennedy, Conor sten greifen an (k.J.) Ein Fall für Zwei - Collector’s Box Sweeney, Amy Groening, Brent Neale, First Strike 17 (5 Discs) Kevin Anderson, Meredith Sweeney, Lloyd Duane Daniels, Cristian Letelier, Mette Holt

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- Dir. Steven Bratter Ruehl, Patricia Clarkson, Shelley Long, Amy 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062857 Action/Science Fiction 2009 94min. Brenneman, Virginia Madsen, Conrad Janis, Edel Germany(Starmovie) 28.11.2014 George DelHoyo, Lindsay Frost, Gigi Rice, Gegen die Zeit - Jede Sekunde 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062742 Jennifer Beals, Aaron Eckhart, Rosie Perez zählt ... - Dir. David Lee, Kelsey Grammer, Pamela Urgency Fireheart Fryman, James Burrows, Sheldon Epps, Brian Austin Green, Jeffrey Combs, Scott Tadas Blinda. Pradzia Philip Charles MacKenzie, Jeffrey Melman, William Winters, Sally Kirkland, Chira Mantas Jankavicius, Agnia Ditkovskite - Dir. Katy Garretson, Scott Ellis, Andy Cassel, Luciana Carro, John Colton, Kasan Donatas Ulvydas Ackerman, Wil Shriner, Jerry Zaks Butcher, Shaunt Benjamin - Dir. Kantz Abenteuer/Historienfilm 2011 106min. Komödie 1993-2004 507min. Trailer Edel Germany(Starmovie) 12.12.2014 Paramount Home Entertain 04.12.2014 Action 2010 82min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063076 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062581 Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Great Movies) 23.01.2015 Die Flodder Trilogie (3 Discs) - Die neunte Season (4 tba BestellNr.: 20063221 Flodder - Eine Familie zum Knutschen / Discs) Flodder Forever / Flodder - Eine Familie Frasier Geheimaktion Schwarze Kapelle zum Knutschen in Manhattan Kelsey Grammer, David Hyde Pierce, Jane I Sicari Di Hitler Nelly Frijda, Huub Stapel, René van’t Hof, Leeves, Peri Gilpin, John Mahoney, Dan Peter van Eyck, Ernst Schröder, Werner Coen van Vrijberghe de Coningh, Stefan de Butler, Tom McGowan, Edward Hibbert, Hinz, Gino Cervi, Werner Peters, Dawn Walle - Dir. Dick Maas Patrick Kerr, Millicent Martin, Saul Rubinek, Addams - Dir. Ralph Habib Trailer, Wendecover Harriet Sansom Harris, Bebe Neuwirth, Booklet Komödie/Action 1986-1995 324min. Drama 1959 100min. Jane Adams, Wendie Malick, Felicity STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Pidax film media(Pidax film) 12.12.2014 Huffman, Trevor Einhorn, Anthony Germany 22.01.2015 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062647 LaPaglia, Jean Smart, Laura Linney, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063057 Marsha Mason, Brian Klugman, Mercedes Das geheime Tagebuch des Adri- Florence Nightingale - ein Leben Ruehl, Patricia Clarkson, Shelley Long, , Virginia Madsen, Conrad Janis, an Mole 13 3/4 (2 Discs) für den Nächsten George DelHoyo, Lindsay Frost, Gigi Rice, The Secret Diary Of Adrian Mole Aged 13 The Lady With A Lamp Jennifer Beals, Aaron Eckhart, Rosie Perez 3/4 Anna Neagle, Michael Wilding - Dir. Herbert - Dir. David Lee, Kelsey Grammer, Pamela Gian Sammarco, Stephen Moore, Bill Fraser Wilcox Fryman, James Burrows, Sheldon Epps, - Dir. Peter Sasdy Trailer, Booklet Philip Charles MacKenzie, Jeffrey Melman, Komödie/Familie 1985-1987 300min. Drama/Biographie 1951 110min. Katy Garretson, Scott Ellis, Andy Pidax film media(Pidax film) 30.01.2015 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Ackerman, Wil Shriner, Jerry Zaks 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063139 AG(Filmjuwelen) 30.01.2015 Komödie 1993-2004 500min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063199 Paramount Home Entertain 04.12.2014 Gemma Bovery - Ein Sommer mit Frankreich privat: Die sexuellen 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062582 Flaubert Gemma Bovery Obsessionen einer Schauspiele- Die freudlose Straße Gemma Arterton, Jason Flemyng, Fabrice rin (Blu-ray) (k.J.) La Romana Luchini, Isabelle Candelier, Kacey Mottet 4:48 Gina Lollobrigida, Daniel Gélin - Dir. Luigi Klein, Niels Schneider, Edith Scob, Mel Aurélie Houguenade, Jean-Marie Galey, Zampa Raido, Pip Torrens, Elsa Zylberstein, Marie Menges, Ynda Rouya, Manuel Booklet Pascale Arbillot - Dir. Anne Fontaine Lambinet, Matt Gras, Kait Tenison - Dir. Drama 1954 100min. Making of, Interviews, Teaser, Trailer, Wendecover Jacky Katu AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Komödie 2014 95min. Trailer, Wendecover AG(Filmjuwelen) 30.01.2015 Prokino Filmverleih GmbH 26.02.2015 Drama/Erotik 2014 84min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062889 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063178 Alamode Film( Le Fou) 30.01.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063034 Fürchtet euch nicht! Das Leben Gericht der Rache (k.J.) Papst Johannes Pauls II. Court Of Lonely Royals Frankreich privat: Die sexuellen Have No Fear: The Life Of Pope John Paul Damon Gameau, Samantha Noble, Leah De Obsessionen einer Schauspiele- II Neise, Ayse Tezel, George Vidalis, Robert rin (k.J.) Thomas Kretschmann, Bruno Ganz, Morgan - Dir. Rohan Michael Hoole Thriller 2006 85min. 4:48 Joaquim De Almeida, John Albasiny, Soulfood Music Distribution(Azurite Aurélie Houguenade, Jean-Marie Galey, Charles Kay, Sabrina Javor, Jasper Harris, Pictures) 05.12.2014 Marie Menges, Ynda Rouya, Manuel Petar Goranov, Inga Salkauskaite, Roland 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063269 Lambinet, Matt Gras, Kait Tenison - Dir. Oliver, Richard Rees, Michael Klesic, David Barras, Sebastian Knapp, Ignas Survila, Jacky Katu Geron (OmU) Trailer, Wendecover Paulius Ignatavicius - Dir. Jeff Bleckner Drama/Erotik 2014 82min. Drama 2005 84min. Gerontophilia Alamode Film(Pierrot Le Fou) 30.01.2015 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 02.12.2014 Pier-Gabriel Lajoie, Walter Borden, Katie 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063025 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062700 Boland, Marie-Hélène Thibault, Yardly Kavanagh - Dir. Bruce La Bruce Frasier - Die komplette sechste G.B.F. (OmU) Drama/Komödie 2013 79min. Season (4 Discs) G.B.F. PRO-FUN MEDIA 28.11.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062858 Frasier Michael J. Willett, Paul Iacono, Sasha Pieterse, Andrea Bowen, Molly Tarlov, Kelsey Grammer, David Hyde Pierce, Jane Ghost Calls - Anrufe aus dem Leeves, Peri Gilpin, John Mahoney, Dan Evanna Lynch, Xosha Roquemore, Butler, Tom McGowan, Edward Hibbert, Jonathan Silverman, Derek Mio, Taylor Frey, Jenseits Patrick Kerr, Millicent Martin, Saul Rubinek, Brock Harris, Rebecca Gayheart, Horatio When Michael Calls Harriet Sansom Harris, Bebe Neuwirth, Sanz, Natasha Lyonne, Megan Mullally, Ben Gazzara, Elizabeth Ashley, Michael Jane Adams, Wendie Malick, Felicity Joanna Levesque - Dir. Darren Stein Douglas - Dir. Philip Leacock Huffman, Trevor Einhorn, Anthony Audiokommentar, Making of, Interviews, Behind the Scenes, Thriller/Mystery 1971 84min. Trailer, Bildergalerie Edel Germany(Starmovie) 12.12.2014 LaPaglia, Jean Smart, Laura Linney, Komödie 2013 92min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062744 Marsha Mason, Brian Klugman, Mercedes PRO-FUN MEDIA 28.11.2014

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Henning Baum, Natalia Wörner, Hugo Stiglitz, Laura Trotter, Francisco Ghoulies 4 Dennenesch Zoudé, Johann von Bülow, Rabal, Maria R. Omaggio, Mel Ferrer - Dir. Ghoulies 4 Andreas Guenther, Paul Faßnacht, Maria Umberto Lenzi Peter Liapis, Barbara Alyn Woods, Stacie Ehrich, Sascha Alexander Gersak, Ben Trailer, Interview, Bildergalerie Randall, Raquelle Krelle, Bobby DiCicco - Artmann - Dir. Carlo Rola Horror 1980 80min. Dir. Jim Wynorski Drama/Kostümfilm 2014 min. Edel Germany(New Vision Films) Horror/Komödie 1993 81min. Universum Film Home Entertainment 14.11.2014 Edel Germany(New Vision Films) 05.12.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062645 05.12.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062844 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062732 Großangriff der Zombies (k.J.) Graf Bobby Edition (3 Discs) Incubo Sulla Città Contaminata Girltrash: All Night Long (OmU) Das süße Leben des Grafen Bobby / Die Hugo Stiglitz, Laura Trotter, Francisco Girltrash: All Night Long Abenteuer des Grafen Bobby / Graf Bob- Rabal, Maria R. Omaggio, Mel Ferrer - Dir. Lisa Rieffel, Michelle Lombardo, Gabrielle by, der Schrecken des wilden Westens Umberto Lenzi Christian, Erin Kelly, Johnny Dunn, Daniel Peter Alexander, Gunther Philipp, Vivi Trailer, Interview, Bildergalerie Horror 1980 77min. Grody, Mandy Musgrave, Theron Cook, Bach, Hanne Wieder - Dir. Geza von Edel Germany(New Vision Films) Rose Rollins - Dir. Alexandra Kondracke Cziffra, Paul Martin 14.11.2014 Musical/Komödie 2014 82min. Bildergalerie, Biografien, Pressematerial, Wendecover 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062608 PRO-FUN MEDIA 07.11.2014 Komödie 1961-1965 267min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062574 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany 15.01.2015 Guardians of the Galaxy Glückskind 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063055 Guardians Of The Galaxy Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Herbert Knaup, Thomas Thieme, Mohammed Vin Diesel, Karen Gillan, Bradley Cooper, Ali Behboudi, Naomi Krauss, Liv Zirkel, Ivy Graf Yoster gibt sich die Ehre (5 Michael Rooker, , Djimon Hounsou, Zirkel, Roland Frey, Alice Dwyer, Mehdi Discs) John C. Reilly, Glenn Close, Benicio Del Moinzadeh, Max Engelke, Elmira Rafizadeh, Lukas Ammann, Wolfgang Völz, Béatrice Toro - Dir. James Gunn Sebastian Mirow, Samantha Richter - Dir. Romand, Anouk Ferjac, Rainer Basedow, Entfallene Szene, Featurette Dr. Michael Verhoeven Ulrich Beiger, Wolfried Lier, Claude Nicot, Science Fiction/Action 2014 116min. Drama 2014 90min. Leo Bardischewski, Sigurd Fitzek, P. Walter The Walt Disney Company Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Jacob, Klaus Schwarzkopf - Dir. Dr. Micha- (Germany)(Marvel Studios) 08.01.2015 12.12.2014 el Braun, Georg Tressler 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063045 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062916 Interviews Kriminalfilm 1967-1977 900min. Guardians of the Galaxy (Blu-ray Studio Hamburg Enterprises(Straßenfeger- God Help the Girl 3D) (Blu-ray) God Help The Girl Edition) 19.12.2014 Guardians Of The Galaxy Emily Browning, Olly Alexander, Hannah 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063117 Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Murray, Pierre Boulanger - Dir. Stuart Vin Diesel, Karen Gillan, Bradley Cooper, Murdoch The Greatest - Die große Liebe Michael Rooker, Lee Pace, Djimon Hounsou, Drama/Musikfilm 2014 107min. stirbt nie John C. Reilly, Glenn Close, Benicio Del capelight pictures Gerlach Selms The Greatest Toro - Dir. James Gunn 30.01.2015 Carey Mulligan, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Featurettes, Outtakes, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062795 Pierce Brosnan, Susan Sarandon, Johnny Audiokommentar Simmons, Kevin Hagan, Miles Robbins, Science Fiction/Action 2014 121min. God Help the Girl (Blu-ray) Cara Seymour - Dir. Shana Feste The Walt Disney Company God Help The Girl Interviews, Entfallene Szenen (Germany)(Marvel Studios) 08.01.2015 Emily Browning, Olly Alexander, Hannah Drama 2009 97min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063081 Murray, Pierre Boulanger - Dir. Stuart Universum Film Home Murdoch Entertainment(SquareOne) 30.01.2015 Guardians of the Galaxy (Blu-ray Drama/Musikfilm 2014 111min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062976 3D, + Blu-ray 2D, Ablöseprodukt) capelight pictures Gerlach Selms (Blu-ray) 30.01.2015 The Greatest - Die große Liebe Guardians Of The Galaxy 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062828 stirbt nie (Blu-ray) Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, The Greatest Vin Diesel, Karen Gillan, Bradley Cooper, Good Cop, Bad Cop Carey Mulligan, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Michael Rooker, Lee Pace, Djimon Hounsou, Good Cop Bad Cop Pierce Brosnan, Susan Sarandon, Johnny John C. Reilly, Glenn Close, Benicio Del David Keith, , Robert Simmons, Kevin Hagan, Miles Robbins, Toro - Dir. James Gunn Hays, Stacy Keach, Leo Rossi, Charles Cara Seymour - Dir. Shana Feste Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Featurettes, Outtakes, Napier - Dir. David A. Prior Interviews, Entfallene Szenen Audiokommentar Bildergalerie, Trailer Drama 2009 100min. Science Fiction/Action 2014 121min. Thriller 1993 88min. Universum Film Home The Walt Disney Company Soulfood Music Distribution(Pretty Gold Entertainment(SquareOne) 30.01.2015 (Germany)(Marvel Studios) 08.01.2015 Productions) 12.12.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062992 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063280 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063251 Grey’s Anatomy: Die jungen Ärzte Guardians of the Galaxy (Blu-ray) Götz von Berlichingen - Die komplette 10. Staffel (6 Guardians Of The Galaxy Henning Baum, Natalia Wörner, Discs) Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Dennenesch Zoudé, Johann von Bülow, Grey’s Anatomy Vin Diesel, Karen Gillan, Bradley Cooper, Andreas Guenther, Paul Faßnacht, Maria Drama 2013-2014 987min. Michael Rooker, Lee Pace, Djimon Hounsou, Ehrich, Sascha Alexander Gersak, Ben The Walt Disney Company (Germany)(ABC John C. Reilly, Glenn Close, Benicio Del Artmann - Dir. Carlo Rola Studios) 18.12.2015 Toro - Dir. James Gunn Drama/Kostümfilm 2014 min. 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062936 Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Featurettes, Outtakes, Universum Film Home Entertainment Audiokommentar Science Fiction/Action 2014 121min. 05.12.2014 Großangriff der Zombies (Blu-ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062842 The Walt Disney Company (k.J.) (Germany)(Marvel Studios) 08.01.2015 Götz von Berlichingen (Blu-ray) Incubo Sulla Città Contaminata 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063080

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(k.J.) Charlotte Chatton, Paul Perri, Mickey Cotrell Collection (4 Discs) Shao Lin Men - Dir. Kevin Yagher (als Alan Smithee), Joe Adel verpflichtet / Der Mann im weißen James Tien, Jackie Chan, Tan Tao-Liang, Chappelle Anzug / Einmal Millionär sein / Ladykillers Chen Yuan-Lung, Chu Ching - Dir. John Horror 1996 80min. Sir Alec Guinness Woo Edel Germany(Clipper Entertainment) Featurette, Bildergalerie, Restaurierungs-Vergleich, Trailer, Action/Eastern 1976 93min. 31.10.2014 Wendecover 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062633 Kriminalfilm/Komödie 1949-1955 349min. Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 30.01.2015 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062942 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Hercules Germany(Arthaus) 04.12.2014 Hercules 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062719 Harem Harem Dwayne Johnson, Ian McShane, Rufus Halali oder Der Schuss ins Bröt- Nastassja Kinski, Sir , Dennis Sewell, Aksel Hennie, Ingrid Bolsø Berdal, Reece Ritchie, Tobias Santelmann, Joseph chen Goldson, Zohra Segal, Michel Robin, Mau- rice Lamy - Dir. Arthur Joffe Fiennes, Peter Mullan, John Hurt, Rebecca Karl Schönböck, Constanze Engelbrecht, Drama 1985 109min. Ferguson, Irina Shayk - Dir. Brett Ratner Hans-Peter Korff, Hans-Jürgen Schatz, Pidax film media 02.01.2015 Audiokommentar, Featurettes Walter Giller, Jürgen Watzke, Achim Grubel, Fantasy/Action 2014 94min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063128 Gert Haucke, Sibylle Nicolai, Georg Lehn, Paramount Home Entertainment 02.01.2015 Alice Franz, Karl-Heinz Krolzyk - Dir. Joa- Heartland - Die siebte Staffel, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063098 chim Roering Komödie 1994 95min. Teil 1 (3 Discs) Hercules (Blu-ray 3D, + Blu-ray Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF Video) Heartland 2D) (Blu-ray) Making-of, diverse Featurettes, Interviews,, Behind the 13.02.2015 Scenes Hercules 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062921 Drama/Familie 2013-2014 390min. Dwayne Johnson, Ian McShane, Rufus Koch Media 15.01.2015 Sewell, Aksel Hennie, Ingrid Bolsø Berdal, Das Halbblut 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062928 Reece Ritchie, Tobias Santelmann, Joseph The Trail To Hope Rose Fiennes, Peter Mullan, John Hurt, Rebecca Lou Diamond Phillips, Ernest Borgnine, Lee Heartland - Die siebte Staffel, Ferguson, Irina Shayk - Dir. Brett Ratner Majors, Richard Tyson - Dir. David S. Cass Teil 2 (3 Discs) Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Entfallene und erweiterte Sr. Szenen Heartland Fantasy/Action 2014 98min. Western 2004 85min. Making-of, diverse Featurettes, Interviews,, Behind the Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Pidax) Scenes Paramount Home Entertainment 02.01.2015 27.01.2015 Drama/Familie 2013-2014 390min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063106 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063185 Koch Media 15.01.2015 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062929 Hercules (Blu-ray 3D, + Blu-ray Halloween: Resurrection (Blu-ray) 2D, + Bonus-Blu-ray, Limited Edi- (k.J.) Hectors Reise oder Die Suche tion, Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Halloween: Resurrection nach dem Glück Hercules Jamie Lee Curtis, Brad Loree, Busta Hector And The Search For Happiness Dwayne Johnson, Ian McShane, Rufus Rhymes, Bianca Kajlich, Sean Patrick Tho- Simon Pegg, Toni Collette, Rosamund Pike, Sewell, Aksel Hennie, Ingrid Bolsø Berdal, mas, Daisy McCrackin, Katee Sackhoff, Stellan Skarsgård, Jean Reno, Veronica Reece Ritchie, Tobias Santelmann, Joseph Luke Kirby, Thomas Ian Nicholas, Ryan Ferres, Christopher Plummer, Barry Atsma - Fiennes, Peter Mullan, John Hurt, Rebecca Merriman, , Rick Rosenthal, Billy Dir. Peter Chelsom Ferguson, Irina Shayk - Dir. Brett Ratner Kay, Gus Lynch, Brad Sihvon, Gary J. Interviews Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Entfallene und erweiterte Tunnicliffe, Dan Joffre - Dir. Rick Rosenthal Drama/Komödie 2014 114min. Szenen Fantasy/Action 2014 98min. Thriller/Horror 2002 96min. EuroVideo Medien 22.01.2015 Paramount Home Entertainment 02.01.2015 Highlight Communications 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063100 tba BestellNr.: 20063153 (Deutschland)(Constantin) 08.01.2015 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063030 Hectors Reise oder Die Suche nach dem Glück (Blu-ray) Hercules (Extended Cut) (Blu-ray) Hercules Halloween: Resurrection (k.J.) Hector And The Search For Happiness Dwayne Johnson, Ian McShane, Rufus Halloween: Resurrection Simon Pegg, Toni Collette, Rosamund Pike, Sewell, Aksel Hennie, Ingrid Bolsø Berdal, Jamie Lee Curtis, Brad Loree, Busta Stellan Skarsgård, Jean Reno, Veronica Reece Ritchie, Tobias Santelmann, Joseph Rhymes, Bianca Kajlich, Sean Patrick Tho- Ferres, Christopher Plummer, Barry Atsma - Fiennes, Peter Mullan, John Hurt, Rebecca mas, Daisy McCrackin, Katee Sackhoff, Dir. Peter Chelsom Interviews Ferguson, Irina Shayk - Dir. Brett Ratner Luke Kirby, Thomas Ian Nicholas, Ryan Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Entfallene und erweiterte Merriman, Tyra Banks, Rick Rosenthal, Billy Drama/Komödie 2014 119min. Szenen Kay, Gus Lynch, Brad Sihvon, Gary J. EuroVideo Medien 22.01.2015 Fantasy/Action 2014 101min. Tunnicliffe, Dan Joffre - Dir. Rick Rosenthal 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063107 Paramount Home Entertainment 02.01.2015 Thriller/Horror 2002 92min. 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063105 Highlight Communications Hellraiser 4 - Bloodline (Deutschland)(Constantin) 08.01.2015 Hellraiser 4: Bloodline Heroes of Western - Vol. 1 tba BestellNr.: 20063021 Bruce Ramsay, Valentina Vargas, Doug The Big Trees / Land der Gottlosen / Ein Bradley, Kim Myers, Christine Harnos, Mann wie Dynamit / Die siebte Kavallerie Hand of Death (Dragon Edition) Charlotte Chatton, Paul Perri, Mickey Cotrell Western 360min. (Blu-ray) (k.J.) - Dir. Kevin Yagher (als Alan Smithee), Joe Edel Germany(Capitol Film) 28.11.2014 Chappelle Shao Lin Men 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062731 Horror 1996 77min. James Tien, Jackie Chan, Tan Tao-Liang, Edel Germany(Clipper Entertainment) Chen Yuan-Lung, Chu Ching - Dir. John Eine himmlische Familie - Die 31.10.2014 Woo komplette 8. Staffel (5 Discs) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062596 Action/Eastern 1976 97min. 7th Heaven Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 30.01.2015 Hellraiser 4 - Bloodline (Blu-ray) Drama/Familie min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062960 Concorde Home Entertainment 04.12.2014 Hellraiser 4: Bloodline 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062809 Hand of Death (Dragon Edition) Bruce Ramsay, Valentina Vargas, Doug Bradley, Kim Myers, Christine Harnos,

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Hinter dem Horizont (Blu-ray) Parador / Mr. Baseball / Where the Buffalo What Dreams May Come Roam Ich liebe Victor / Jeder träumt , Cuba Gooding Jr., Annabella Peter Boyle, Bill Murray, Bruno Kirby, Dan von einem Pferd Sciorra, Max von Sydow, Jessica Brooks Aykroyd, Howard Hesseman, T. K. Carter, Annegret Siegmund, Henriette Engel, Timo Grant, Joshua Paddock, Rosalind Chao - Richard Dreyfuss, Raul Julia, Sonia Braga, Jakob - Dir. Karola Hattop Dir. Vincent Ward Bill Cosby, Kimberly Russell, Ian Bannen, Komödie 1984-1988 174min. Drama/Fantasy 1998 112min. Robert Wuhl, Martin Landau, Studio Hamburg Enterprises(DDR TV-Ar- Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) - Dir. Art Linson, Michael Pressman, Paul chiv) 30.01.2015 12.02.2015 Mazursky, Sidney Poitier, Barry Primus 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063122 tba BestellNr.: 20063233 Drama/Komödie 1980-1992 570min. Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 28.11.2014 The Immigrant Hinterdupfing 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063281 The Immigrant Andreas Obermeier, Thomas Schmidbauer, Marion Cotillard, Joaquin Phoenix, Jeremy Max Schaffner, Tanja Schmidbauer, Chri- Honeymoon (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Renner, Dagmara Dominczyk, Angela stoph Obermair, Bernhard Obinger, Rainer Honeymoon Sarafyan, Ilia Volokh, Antoni Corone, Dylan Schmidt, Tom Kreß, Hubbi Schlemer, Albert Rose Leslie, Harry Treadaway, Ben Huber, Hartigan - Dir. James Gray Schmidbauer, Uli Bauer, Mike Hager, Markus Hanna Brown - Dir. Leigh Janiak Drama 2013 min. Böker, Johanna Bittenbinder, Markus Wendecover Universum Film Home Entertainment(Wild Horror/Mystery 2014 87min. Brandl, Peter Rappenglück - Dir. Andreas Bunch Germany) 30.01.2015 Mad Dimension GmbH 30.01.2015 Schmidbauer 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062974 Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Aftermovie 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062644 Komödie/Heimatfilm 2014 121min. Honeymoon (k.J.) The Immigrant (Blu-ray) EuroVideo Medien 04.12.2014 The Immigrant Honeymoon 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062759 Marion Cotillard, Joaquin Phoenix, Jeremy Rose Leslie, Harry Treadaway, Ben Huber, Renner, Dagmara Dominczyk, Angela Hanna Brown - Dir. Leigh Janiak Hinterdupfing (Blu-ray) Sarafyan, Ilia Volokh, Antoni Corone, Dylan Andreas Obermeier, Thomas Schmidbauer, Wendecover Horror/Mystery 2014 83min. Hartigan - Dir. James Gray Max Schaffner, Tanja Schmidbauer, Chri- Mad Dimension GmbH 30.01.2015 Drama 2013 min. stoph Obermair, Bernhard Obinger, Rainer 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062607 Universum Film Home Entertainment(Wild Schmidt, Tom Kreß, Hubbi Schlemer, Albert Bunch Germany) 30.01.2015 Schmidbauer, Uli Bauer, Mike Hager, Markus House of Versace - Ein Leben für 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062990 Böker, Johanna Bittenbinder, Markus Brandl, Peter Rappenglück - Dir. Andreas die Mode In aller Freundschaft - Die 17. House Of Versace Schmidbauer Staffel, Teil 1, 24 Folgen (6 Discs) Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Aftermovie Gina Gershon, Enrico Colantoni, Colm Komödie/Heimatfilm 2014 126min. Feore - Dir. Sara Sugarman Dieter Bellmann, Thomas Rühmann, Bern- EuroVideo Medien 04.12.2014 Trailer hard Bettermann, Andrea Kathrin Loewig, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062775 Drama/Biographie 2013 120min. Thomas Koch, Cheryl Shepard, Hendrikje Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Fitz, Karsten Kühn, Ursula Karusseit, Rolf Eine Hochzeit zu Weihnachten 27.01.2015 Becker, Alexa Maria Surholt, Roy Peter A Christmas Wedding 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063184 Link, Jutta Kammann, Maren Gilzer, Arzu Sarah Paulson, Eric Mabius, Dean Cain, Bazman, Uta Schorn, Udo Schenk, Michael Richard Blackburn, Reagan Pasternak, Art House of Versace - Ein Leben für Trischan, Holger Daemgen, Heio von Hindle, Louise Pitre, Mimi Kuzyk - Dir. Mi- die Mode (Blu-ray) Stetten, Lara Joy Körner, Sarah Tkotsch, chael Zinberg House Of Versace Claudia Mehnert - Dir. Jürgen Brauer, Frank Komödie/Lovestory 2006 90min. Gina Gershon, Enrico Colantoni, Colm Gotthardy, Mathias Luther, Matthias Zirzow, Great Movies GmbH 07.11.2014 Feore - Dir. Sara Sugarman Christoph Klünker, Hans Werner, Peter 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062668 Trailer, Bonusfilm Wekwerth Drama/Biographie 2013 125min. Drama 1044min. Hoffnung auf Eis (Digital Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Remastered) (k.J.) 27.01.2015 Germany 22.01.2015 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063207 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063061 The Chilling Linda Blair, Dan Haggerty, Troy Donahue - The Hunters - Auf der Jagd nach Indiana Jones und das König- Dir. Jack A. Sunser Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Outtakes, Promo Reel, Wende- dem verlorenen Spiegel reich des Kristallschädels (Blu- cover The Hunters ray) Horror/Komödie 1989 90min. Alexa Vega, Robbie Amell, Michelle Forbes, Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Maritim Pictures 05.12.2014 Victor Garber, Keenan Tracey, Dan Payne, Crystal Skull 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062604 Eric Breker, Kira Clavell, Mark Ghanimé - Harrison Ford, , Karen Allen, Dir. Nisha Ganatra Das Höllentor der Shaolin (Digital Ray Winstone, John Hurt, Jim Broadbent, Trailer, Bildergalerie Shia LaBeouf - Dir. Steven Spielberg Remastered) (Blu-ray) Abenteuer/Jugend 2013 85min. Featurettes, Produktionstagebuch, Bildergalerien, Trailer, Nan Shao Lin Yu Bei Shao Lin KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 19.01.2015 Lego-Spiel Sun Chieng, Lu Feng, Lo Meng, Chiang 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062852 Abenteuer 2008 126min. Sheng, Philip Kwok, Pai Wei, Lung Wei Paramount Home Entertainment 04.12.2014 Wang - Dir. Cheh Chang The Hunters - Auf der Jagd nach 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062627 Trailer, Artworkgalerie, Interview, Behind the Scenes dem verlorenen Spiegel (Blu-ray) Action/Eastern 1979 99min. The Hunters Indianer Box (k.J.) Lighthouse Home Entertainment(MVL) Alexa Vega, Robbie Amell, Michelle Forbes, Der weiße Apache / Hölle der 1000 Mar- 23.01.2015 Victor Garber, Keenan Tracey, Dan Payne, tern / Mohawk / Die Rache des Sitting Bull tba BestellNr.: 20063236 Eric Breker, Kira Clavell, Mark Ghanimé - Action/Abenteuer 340min. Dir. Nisha Ganatra KNM Home Entertainment(Movie Power) Hollywoods Top Legenden - Trailer, Bildergalerie 13.11.2014 Collection Vol. 1 (2 Discs) Abenteuer/Jugend 2013 88min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062681 Dr. / Ghost Dad / Mistress - Die KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 19.01.2015 Geliebten von Hollywood / Mond über 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062877 Infernal War - Memorial Day

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Memorial Day Germany(Arthaus) 11.12.2014 Pictures) 27.01.2015 Jonathan Bennett, John Cromwell, James 99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062711 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063182 Cromwell, Jackson Bond (Kyle Vogel), Emily Fradenburgh, Charles Hubbell, Corby - The Complete Jokehnen oder Wie lange fährt Kelly, Luke Schuetzle, Reed Sigmund, Tho- Collection (12 Discs) (Blu-ray) man von Ostpreußen nach mas Sellwood, Erin Traxler - Dir. Sam Fi- Year of the Horse / Broken Flowers / Deutschland? (2 Discs) scher Coffee and Cigarettes / Dauernd Ferien / Armin Mueller-Stahl, Ursela Monn, Christian Wendecover Dead Man / Down by Law / Ghost Dog: Der Drama/Kriegsfilm 2011 108min. Mueller-Stahl, Günter Lüdke, Beate Finckh, Weg des Samurai / The Limits of Control / Soulfood Music Distribution(True Grit Else Quecke, Monica Bleibtreu - Dir. Micha- Mystery Train / Night on Earth / Only Pictures) 05.12.2014 el Lähn Lovers Left Alive / Stranger than Paradise 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063266 Drama 1987 270min. Dir. Jim Jarmusch Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF Video) Interviews, Dokumentationen, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer 05.12.2014 Infernal War - Memorial Day (Blu- Drama 1980-2013 1246min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063115 ray) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Memorial Day Germany(Arthaus) 11.12.2014 Josh - Der Kopfgeldjäger, Die Jonathan Bennett, John Cromwell, James 129,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062725 Cromwell, Jackson Bond (Kyle Vogel), komplette 2. Staffel (6 Discs) Emily Fradenburgh, Charles Hubbell, Corby Jersey Boys Wanted: Dead Or Alive Kelly, Luke Schuetzle, Reed Sigmund, Tho- Jersey Boys Steve McQueen mas Sellwood, Erin Traxler - Dir. Sam Fi- John Lloyd Young, Erich Bergen, Michael Western 1959-1960 781min. scher Lomenda, Vincent Piazza, Christopher Wal- STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Drama/Kriegsfilm 2011 112min. ken, Mike Doyle, Renee Marino, Erica Germany 22.01.2015 Soulfood Music Distribution(True Grit Piccininni, Freya Tingley, Francesca Ruth tba BestellNr.: 20063062 Pictures) 05.12.2014 Eastwood, Kathrine Narducci, James 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063278 Madio, Steven R. Schirripa - Dir. Clint Der junge Hercules - Die komplet- Eastwood te Serie (11 Discs) Insane Bloodshed - iMurders Drama/Musikfilm 2014 129min. Young Hercules (k.J.) Warner Home Video Germany 18.12.2014 Ryan Gosling, Dean O’Gorman, Chris iMurders 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062861 Conrad, Jodie Rimmer, Nathaniel Lees, An- Gabrielle Anwar, William Forsythe, Dan gela Marie Dotchin, Kevin Smith, Joel Grimaldi, Miranda Kwok, Michael Matthys, Jersey Boys (Blu-ray) Tobeck, Meighan Desmond, Sharon Tyrell, Christie Botelho, Billy Dee Williams, Tony Jersey Boys Katrina Browne, Alison Bruce - Dir. Chris Todd, Frank Grillo - Dir. Robbie Bryan John Lloyd Young, Erich Bergen, Michael Graves, Charlie Haskell, Andrew Merrifield, Thriller/Horror 2008 99min. Lomenda, Vincent Piazza, Christopher Wal- Simon Raby Soulfood Music Distribution(Daredo) ken, Mike Doyle, Renee Marino, Erica Abenteuer/Fantasy 1998-1999 1025min. 05.12.2014 Piccininni, Freya Tingley, Francesca Ruth Koch Media 15.01.2015 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063262 Eastwood, Kathrine Narducci, James 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062932 Madio, Steven R. Schirripa - Dir. Clint Ironfist - Under the Gun (k.J.) Eastwood - Die komplette fünfte Iron Fist Drama/Musikfilm 2014 134min. Season (3 Discs) Richard Norton, Kathy Long, Jane Badler, Warner Home Video Germany 18.12.2014 Justified Peter Lindsey, Robert Bruce, David Serafin, 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062882 Action/Kriminalfilm 583min. Ron Vreeken, Tino Ceberano, Adam Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Haddrick, Sam Greco, Alan King, Roland Jesus Christ Vampirjäger 29.01.2015 Dantes - Dir. Matthew George Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063003 Action/Thriller 1995 91min. Phil Caracas, Murielle Varhelyi, Maria Edel Germany(New Vision Films) Moulton, Ian Driscoll, Josh Grace, Jeff Das Juwel der Krone (4 Discs) 05.12.2014 Mottet, Tim Devries, Tracy Lance, Erica The Jewel In The Crown 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062733 Murton, Glen Jones, José Sánchez, Mike Art Malik, Geraldine James, Saeed Jaffrey, Funk, Lucky Ron, Johnny Vegas - Dir. Lee Peggy Ashcroft - Dir. Jim O’Brien, Christo- Jagd auf Dillinger Gordon Demarbre pher Morahan Dillinger Komödie/Horror 2002 82min. Drama 1984 778min. Warren Oates, Ben Johnson, Michelle Edel Germany(Paragon Movie) 28.11.2014 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 28.11.2014 Phillips, Cloris Leachman, Harry Dean 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062741 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062650 Stanton, Geoffrey Lewis, John Ryan, Ri- chard Dreyfuss, Steve Kanaly, Roy Jenson Jesus Christ Vampirjäger (Blu- Kampf ums Überleben - Dir. John Milius ray) Keeping The Promise Booklet, Trailer, Bildergalerie Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter Keith Carradine, Annette O’Toole, Brendan Kriminalfilm/Drama 1973 103min. Phil Caracas, Murielle Varhelyi, Maria Fletcher - Dir. Sheldon Larry Explosive Media 14.11.2014 Moulton, Ian Driscoll, Josh Grace, Jeff Drama 1997 87min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062782 Mottet, Tim Devries, Tracy Lance, Erica Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Pidax) Murton, Glen Jones, José Sánchez, Mike 27.01.2015 Jim Jarmusch - The Complete Funk, Lucky Ron, Johnny Vegas - Dir. Lee 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063187 Collection (12 Discs) Gordon Demarbre Year of the Horse / Broken Flowers / Komödie/Horror 2002 85min. Die Kampfmaschine Coffee and Cigarettes / Dauernd Ferien / Edel Germany(Paragon Movie) 28.11.2014 The Longest Yard Dead Man / Down by Law / Ghost Dog: Der 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062771 Burt Reynolds, Eddie Albert, Ed Lauter, Weg des Samurai / The Limits of Control / Michael Conrad, James Hampton, Harry Mystery Train / Night on Earth / Only Johannes Duns Scotus - Gottes Caesar, Charles Tyner - Dir. Robert Aldrich Lovers Left Alive / Stranger than Paradise Hirte Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Trailer Action 1973 118min. Dir. Jim Jarmusch Duns Scotus Paramount Home Entertainment 08.01.2015 Interviews, Dokumentationen, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer Adriano Braidotti - Dir. Fernando Muraca Drama 1980-2013 1246min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063149 Drama 2011 90min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Maritim

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Katakomben lippe Kommissarin Heller: Tod am Wei- As Above, So Below Thriller 2014 97min. her / Der Beutegänger Tiberius Film 08.01.2015 Perdita Weeks, Ben Feldman, Edwin Hodge, Lisa Wagner, Hans-Jochen Wagner, Peter 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062543 François Civil, Marion Lambert, Ali Marhyar, Benedict - Dir. Christiane Balthasar Cosme Castro, Hamidreza Javdan, Theo Kidnapped - Entführt am Kriminalfilm 2013 180min. Cholbi, Emy Levy, Roger Van Hool, Samuel Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF Video) Aouizerate - Dir. John Erick Dowdle helllichten Tag 19.12.2014 Thriller/Horror 2014 89min. Taken In Broad Daylight 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063124 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) James van der Beek, Sara Canning, LeVar 15.01.2015 Burton, Diana Reis, Tom Anniko, Brian Ed- König der Winde 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062914 ward Roach, Alexandra Castillo, Sarah King Of The Wind Constible, Kevin Tannehill - Dir. Gary Yates Navin Chowdhry, Frank Finlay, Jenny Katakomben (Blu-ray) Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2009 90min. Agutter, Richard Harris, Glenda Jackson, As Above, So Below Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Kinokater) , Peter Vaughan - Dir. Pe- Perdita Weeks, Ben Feldman, Edwin Hodge, 23.01.2015 ter Duffell François Civil, Marion Lambert, Ali Marhyar, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063227 Wendecover, Bildergalerie Cosme Castro, Hamidreza Javdan, Theo Abenteuer 1989 98min. Cholbi, Emy Levy, Roger Van Hool, Samuel Kidnapped - Entführt am EuroVideo Medien 04.12.2014 Aouizerate - Dir. John Erick Dowdle helllichten Tag (Blu-ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062750 Thriller/Horror 2014 93min. Taken In Broad Daylight Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) James van der Beek, Sara Canning, LeVar Krauses Geheimnis 15.01.2015 Burton, Diana Reis, Tom Anniko, Brian Ed- Horst Krause, Carmen-Maja Antoni, Jörg 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062946 ward Roach, Alexandra Castillo, Sarah Schüttauf, Fritzi Haberlandt, Andreas Constible, Kevin Tannehill - Dir. Gary Yates Schmidt, Angelika Böttiger, Tilo Prückner, Kick - Spiel um dein Leben Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2009 93min. Fritz Roth, Roman Knizka, Gunter Böhnke, Kick Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Kinokater) Katja Wagner, Till Butterbach - Dir. Bernd Rik Young, Daniel Bayle, Kellie Shirley, Pete 23.01.2015 Böhlich Lee Wilson, Richard Strange, Nicola Posen- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063245 Komödie 2014 89min. er - Dir. Marcus Warren good!movies(Neue Visionen) 28.11.2014 Trailer, Bildergalerie Killer Sharks 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063060 Thriller/Horror 2014 73min. Cyclone KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 19.01.2015 Arthur Kennedy, Carroll Baker, Lionel Stan- Kreuzer Emden 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062853 der, Andrés García, Hugo Stiglitz, Mario Louis Ralph - Dir. Louis Ralph Almada, Olga Karlatos - Dir. René Cardona Bonusfilm, Hintergrundmaterial, Booklet Kick - Spiel um dein Leben (Blu- Kriegsfilm/Drama 1927 97min. jr. ray) Vor- und Abspann, Entfallene Szenen, Bildergalerie, Trailer, absolut MEDIEN(arte Edition) 05.12.2014 Kick Alternativfassung 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063027 Rik Young, Daniel Bayle, Kellie Shirley, Pete Action/Thriller 1977 98min. Lee Wilson, Richard Strange, Nicola Posen- Edel Germany(New Vision Films) Das Kriminalmuseum II - Folge er - Dir. Marcus Warren 07.11.2014 17-29 (6 Discs) Trailer, Bildergalerie 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062603 Heini Göbel, Kurt Bülau, Wolfgang Völz, Thriller/Horror 2014 76min. Walter Sedlmayr, Dietrich Thoms, Wolf KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 19.01.2015 Killing Cats - Die Rache der 1000 Rahtjen, Günther Ungeheuer, Eduard 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062878 Katzen (k.J.) Linkers - Dir. Helmuth Ashley, Wolfgang La Noche De Los Mil Gatos Becker Kidnapped - Die Entführung des Anjanette Comer, Zulma Faiad, Hugo Interview Reagan Pearce Stiglitz, Christa Linder, Barbara Angely, Kriminalfilm 1963-1970 840min. Catch Hell Gerardo Zepeda, Delia Peña Orta, John Studio Hamburg Enterprises(Straßenfeger- Ryan Phillippe, Joyful Drake, Tig Notaro, Kelly - Dir. René Cardona jr. Edition) 19.12.2014 James DuMont, Hakim Callender, Russ Bildergalerie, Trailer, Alternativversion 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063118 Russo, Heidi Brook Myers - Dir. Ryan Phil- Horror 1972 78min. lippe Edel Germany(New Vision Films) Kripo Holstein - Mord und Meer: Thriller 2014 93min. 14.11.2014 Staffel 2 (4 Discs) Tiberius Film 08.01.2015 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062609 Mareile Moeller, Björn Bugri, Christoph Ha- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062522 gen Dittmann, Katharina Küpper, Daniel Das Kindermädchen / Die letzte Roesner - Dir. Daniel Drechsel-Grau, Kidnapped - Die Entführung des Instanz / Der Mann ohne Schatten Zbynek Cerven, Philipp Osthus Reagan Pearce (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- (2 Discs) Kriminalfilm 2014 645min. ray) Jan Josef Liefers, Stefanie Stappenbeck, Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF Video) 13.02.2015 Catch Hell Natalia Wörner, Udo Samel, Alina Levshin - 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062693 Ryan Phillippe, Joyful Drake, Tig Notaro, Dir. Carlo Rola Thriller 2010-2014 min. James DuMont, Hakim Callender, Russ Kung Fu Monk Russo, Heidi Brook Myers - Dir. Ryan Phil- Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF Video) Last Kung Fu Monk lippe 13.02.2015 Peng Zhang Li, Kristen Dougherty, Justin Thriller 2014 97min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062922 Morck, Robert Christie, Major Curda, Sarah Tiberius Film 08.01.2015 Fasha, Michael Faulkner, Kate Forsatz, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062544 Die kleinen Strolche: 1927-1938, Gesamtedition (8 Discs) Johan Karlberg - Dir. Peng Zhang Li Action/Drama 2010 82min. Kidnapped - Die Entführung des The Little Rascals Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Kinokater) Reagan Pearce (Blu-ray) Bio- und Filmografien, Making of, Wendecover Kurzfilm/Komödie 1927-1938 760min. 12.12.2014 Catch Hell STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063136 Ryan Phillippe, Joyful Drake, Tig Notaro, Germany 04.12.2014 James DuMont, Hakim Callender, Russ 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062721 Kung Fu Monk (Blu-ray) Russo, Heidi Brook Myers - Dir. Ryan Phil- Last Kung Fu Monk

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Peng Zhang Li, Kristen Dougherty, Justin Ludwig Thomas Lausbubengeschichten / AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Morck, Robert Christie, Major Curda, Sarah Tante Frieda - Neue Lausbuben- AG(Filmjuwelen) 30.01.2015 Fasha, Michael Faulkner, Kate Forsatz, geschichten / Onkel Filser - Allerneueste 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062888 Johan Karlberg - Dir. Peng Zhang Li Lausbubengeschichten / Wenn Ludwig ins Action/Drama 2010 86min. Manöver zieht / Ludwig auf Freiersfüßen Looney Tunes: Back in Action Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Kinokater) Hansi Kraus, Georg Thomalla, Michl Lang, (Blu-ray) 12.12.2014 Heidelinde Weis, Friedrich von Thun, Carl Looney Tunes: Back In Action 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063164 Wery, Beppo Brem, Gustav Knuth, Elisa- , Jenna Elfman, Steve Mar- beth Flickenschildt - Dir. Helmut Käutner, tin, Timothy Dalton, Heather Locklear, Joan Lachsfischen im Jemen / Schiffs- Werner Jacobs, Franz Seitz Cusack, Bill Goldberg, Don Stanton, Dan meldungen (2 in 1 Edition, 2 Komödie/Heimatfilm 1964-1969 431min. Stanton, Dick Miller, Roger Corman, Kevin Discs) (Blu-ray) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment McCarthy, Jeff Gordon, Matthew Lillard, Germany 11.12.2014 Salmon Fishing In The Yemen / Shipping Mary Woronov, Marc Lawrence, Bill 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062722 News McKinney, George Murdock, Robert Picardo, Ron Perlman, Vernon Wells, Leo Ewan McGregor, Emily Blunt, Amr Waked, Die legendäre Geschichte von Kevin Spacey, , Dame Judi Rossi, Archie Hahn, Allan Graf, Austyn Dench - Dir. Lasse Hallström Butch Cassidy und Cuccia, Marie-Claude Jacques, Michael Making of, Featurettes, Behind the Scenes, Audiokommentar (3 Discs) Azria, Dan Romanelli, Ryan O’Dell, Kevin Komödie/Drama 2001-2011 218min. Blackthorn / Butch & Sundance - Die frü- Thompson, Arturo Gil, Gabriel Pimentel, Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde hen Jahre / Zwei Banditen Steve Babiar, Martin Klebba - Dir. Joe Dante Home Edition) 12.02.2015 Western 317min. Trickfilm/Komödie 2003 91min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063234 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Spirit Me- Warner Home Video Germany 04.12.2014 dia) 02.12.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062986 Lake Placid (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062977 Lake Placid The Lost Legion Bill Pullman, Bridget Fonda, Oliver Platt, Lena Fauch (2 Discs) The Lost Legion Brendan Gleeson, Betty White, David Veronica Ferres, Markus Boysen, Jörg Tom McKay, Michelle Lukes, Jim High, Brian Lewis, Tim Dixon, Natassia Malthe, Mariska Gudzuhn, Stephan Kampwirth, Felix Vörtler Caspe, Eirini Karamanoli, Jana Triskova, Hargitay, Meredith Salenger - Dir. Steve - Dir. Kai Wessel, Johannes Fabrick Oldrich Anton Vojta, Christian Dunkley Clark Miner Kriminalfilm 2012-2014 270min. - Dir. Petr Kubik, David Kocar Horror/Komödie 1999 82min. Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF Video) Abenteuer/Kostümfilm 2014 86min. Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG 16.01.2015 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 02.12.2014 05.12.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062918 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062896 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062626 Der letzte Bulle - Staffel 1-5 (14 The Lost Legion (Blu-ray) Land Ho! Discs) The Lost Legion Land Ho! Tom McKay, Michelle Lukes, Jim High, Brian Henning Baum, Floriane Daniel, Maximilian Paul Eenhoorn, Earl Lynn Nelson, Karrie Caspe, Eirini Karamanoli, Jana Triskova, Grill, Proschat Madani Crouse, Elizabeth McKee, Alice Olivia Featurette, Making-of, Interviews, Outtakes Oldrich Anton Vojta, Christian Dunkley Clark Clarke, Emmsjé Gauti, Guðjónsdóttir Kriminalfilm 2783min. - Dir. Petr Kubik, David Kocar Halldóra, Christina Jennings, Benjamin Sony Music Strategic Entertainment Abenteuer/Kostümfilm 2014 91min. Kasulke - Dir. Aaron Katz, Martha Stephens Division(Spassgesellschaft) 28.11.2014 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 02.12.2014 Komödie 2014 91min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063141 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062899 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 29.01.2015 Der letzte Countdown (Blu-ray Lost Platoon - Untote Rebellen in tba BestellNr.: 20063004 3D) (Blu-ray) Nicaragua (k.J.) Lost Platoon The Last Days of Frank and Jesse The Final Countdown Kirk Douglas, Martin Sheen, Katharine David Parry, William Hubbard Knight, James Ross, Charles Durning, James Farentino, Stephen Quadros, Sean Heyman, Michael The Last Days Of Frank And Jesse James Ron O’Neal - Dir. Don Taylor Wayne - Dir. David A. Prior Dir. William A. Graham Trailer, Artworkgalerie Horror/Action 1992 85min. Western 1986 96min. Science Fiction/Kriegsfilm 1979 103min. Soulfood Music Distribution(Pretty Gold Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Pidax) Edel Germany(Starmovie) 07.11.2014 Productions) 05.12.2014 27.01.2015 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062643 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063217 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063186 Die Leute von der Shiloh Ranch - Lotta & das ewige Warum Last Summer - Unser Weg in die Die erste Staffel (5 Discs) Josefine Preuß, Golo Euler, Bernhard Piesk, Zukunft (OmU) The Virginian Frank Röth, Fanny Stavjanik, Branko Last Summer James Drury, Doug McClure, Lee J. Cobb, Samarovski, Hans-Werner Meyer, Carol Samuel Pettit, Sean Rose, Deb Lewis, Ro- Sarah Lane, Clu Gulager, Randy Boone, Schuler, Nadine Wrietz - Dir. Joseph Orr ben Sullivant, Byron Taylor - Dir. Mark John McIntire, Gary Clarke - Dir. Don Komödie/Drama 90min. Thiedeman McDougall (42 Folgen), Abner Biberman (25 Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF Video) Drama 2013 73min. Folgen), Anton Leader (14 Folgen) 30.01.2015 PRO-FUN MEDIA 07.11.2014 Western 1962-1971 1125min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062919 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062575 Mammut Home Entertainment 15.01.2015 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062927 Love, Rosie - Für immer viel- Laurel & Hardy - Raritäten leicht Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy Das Lied von Kaprun Love, Rosie Biografien Albert Lieven, Jutta Bornemann, Joachim Lily Collins, Sam Claflin, Christian Cooke, Komödie 104min. Fuchsberger, Kurt Heintel, Eduard Köck, Ida Jaime Winstone, Tamsin Egerton, Suki Edel Germany(Starmovie) 21.11.2014 Krottendorf, Gustl Gstettenbaur, Waltraut Waterhouse, Jamie Beamish, Lorcan 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062580 Haas, Peter Carsten, Hans Cossy - Dir. Cranitch, Ger Ryan - Dir. Christian Ditter Anton Kutter Komödie 2014 min. Lausbubengeschichten Booklet Highlight Communications (Jubiläumsedition, 5 Discs) Drama 1955 109min. (Deutschland)(Constantin) 02.04.2015

LASER HOTLINE Seite 38 Newsletter 09/14 (Nr. 344) November 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD tba BestellNr.: 20063024 Germany 11.12.2014 Drama/Historienfilm 2006 113min. 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062723 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 09.01.2015 Love, Rosie - Für immer viel- 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063074 leicht (Blu-ray) Dolph Lundgren Box (k.J.) Love, Rosie Thrill to Kill / Icarus / Retrograde Der Mann, der die Welt veränder- Lily Collins, Sam Claflin, Christian Cooke, Dolph Lundgren te (Blu-ray) Jaime Winstone, Tamsin Egerton, Suki Action 263min. Amazing Grace Waterhouse, Jamie Beamish, Lorcan Edel Germany(Starmovie) 28.11.2014 Ioan Gruffudd, Romola Garai, Michael Cranitch, Ger Ryan - Dir. Christian Ditter 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063249 Gambon, Ciarán Hinds, Albert Finney, Komödie 2014 min. Benedict Cumberbatch, Nicholas Farrell, Highlight Communications Madame empfiehlt sich Rufus Sewell, Youssou N’Dour, Sylvestra (Deutschland)(Constantin) 02.04.2015 Elle S’En Va Le Touzel, Toby Jones, Stephen Campbell tba BestellNr.: 20063033 Catherine Deneuve, Nemo Schiffman, Moore, Jeremy Swift, Bill Paterson, Gerard Garouste, Camille, Claude Gensac, Nicholas Day, David Hunt, Georgie Glen - Lucy Paul Hamy, Mylène Demongeot, Hafsia Dir. Michael Apted Lucy Herzi, Evelyne Leclercq, Valérie Lagrange - Trailer, Bildergalerie Scarlett Johansson, Morgan Freeman, Amr Dir. Drama/Historienfilm 2006 118min. Waked, Choi Min-sik, Analeigh Tipton, Pilou Drama 2013 109min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 09.01.2015 Asbæk, Mason Lee, Frédéric Chau, Claire EuroVideo Medien 08.01.2015 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063094 Tran - Dir. Luc Besson 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062851 Action/Science Fiction 2014 85min. Männerhort Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Magic City - Season 2 (3 Discs) Elyas M’Barek, Christoph Maria Herbst, 12.01.2015 Magic City Detlev Buck, Serkan Cetinkaya, Cosma 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062913 Featurettes Shiva Hagen, Lisa Maria Potthoff, Jasmin Drama min. Schwiers, Dominic Boeer, Michael Lucy (Blu-ray) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Gwisdek, Annabelle Mandeng, Marc Oliver Germany 22.01.2015 Lucy Schulze, Florian Mania, Antonio Putignano - 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063038 Scarlett Johansson, Morgan Freeman, Amr Dir. Franziska Meyer Price Komödie 2014 min. Waked, Choi Min-sik, Analeigh Tipton, Pilou Ein magisches Weihnachtsfest Asbæk, Mason Lee, Frédéric Chau, Claire Highlight Communications A Magic Christmas Tran - Dir. Luc Besson (Deutschland)(Constantin) 26.03.2015 C. Thomas Howell, Jonathan Silverman, Action/Science Fiction 2014 89min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063022 Maeve Quinlan - Dir. R. Michael Givens Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Komödie/Familie 2014 79min. 12.01.2015 Männerhort (Blu-ray) Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062944 Elyas M’Barek, Christoph Maria Herbst, 27.11.2014 Detlev Buck, Serkan Cetinkaya, Cosma Lucy (Limited Edition, Steelbook) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063099 Shiva Hagen, Lisa Maria Potthoff, Jasmin (Blu-ray) Schwiers, Dominic Boeer, Michael Mammon (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Gwisdek, Annabelle Mandeng, Marc Oliver Lucy Mammon Schulze, Florian Mania, Antonio Putignano - Scarlett Johansson, Morgan Freeman, Amr Jon Øigarden, Terje Strømdahl, Ingjerd Dir. Franziska Meyer Price Waked, Choi Min-sik, Analeigh Tipton, Pilou Egeberg Komödie 2014 min. Asbæk, Mason Lee, Frédéric Chau, Claire Thriller 2014 336min. Highlight Communications Tran - Dir. Luc Besson polyband Medien GmbH 05.01.2015 (Deutschland)(Constantin) 26.03.2015 Action/Science Fiction 2014 89min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062901 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063031 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 12.01.2015 Mammon (3 Discs) The Master (4 Discs) 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062945 Mammon The Master Jon Øigarden, Terje Strømdahl, Ingjerd Ludwig II. (Blu-ray) Lee Van Cleef, Timothy Van Patten Egeberg Action/Drama 1984 626min. Ludwig Thriller 2014 336min. Paramount Home Entertainment 08.01.2015 Helmut Berger, Romy Schneider, Trevor polyband Medien GmbH 05.01.2015 tba BestellNr.: 20063150 Howard, Silvana Mangano, Gert Fröbe, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062898 Helmut Griem - Dir. Luchino Visconti Maximum Breakout - Die Wendecover Der Mann der Weihnachten rette- Drama 1972 238min. tödlichste Waffe ist der Hass STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment te (k.J.) The Man Who Saved Christmas Germany(Arthaus) 22.01.2015 Maximum Breakout Jason Alexander, Kelly Rowan, Ari Cohen - 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063089 Bobby Johnston, Sydney Cole Phillips, Tom Dir. Sturla Gunnarsson Blanton, Steve Rally, Carrie Murray - Dir. Drama 2002 90min. Die Lümmel von der ersten Bank Tracy Lynch Britton Edel Germany(Starmovie) 21.11.2014 (7 Discs) Action/Thriller 1992 93min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062538 Betragen ungenügend / Hurra, die Schule Soulfood Music Distribution(Pretty Gold brennt / Morgen fällt die Schule aus / Der Mann, der die Welt veränder- Productions) 21.11.2014 Pepe, der Paukerschreck / Wir hau’n die 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063215 Pauker in die Pfanne / Zum Teufel mit der te Penne / Zur Hölle mit den Paukern Amazing Grace Mea Culpa - Im Auge des Verbre- Hansi Kraus, Theo Lingen, Uschi Glas, Ioan Gruffudd, Romola Garai, Michael chens Gambon, Ciarán Hinds, Albert Finney, Hannelore Elsner, Peter Alexander, Harald Mea Culpa Benedict Cumberbatch, Nicholas Farrell, Juhnke, Gustav Knuth, Hans Clarin, Georg Vincent Lindon, Gilles Lellouche, Nadine Rufus Sewell, Youssou N’Dour, Sylvestra Thomalla, Gila von Weitershausen, Heintje Labaki, Gilles Cohen, Max Baissette de Le Touzel, Toby Jones, Stephen Campbell Simons, Fritz Wepper, Rudolf Schündler, Malglaive, Medi Sadoun, Velibor Topic, Cyril Moore, Jeremy Swift, Bill Paterson, Renate Roland - Dir. Werner Jacobs, Harald Lecomte, Gilles Bellomi, Sacha Petronijevic, Nicholas Day, David Hunt, Georgie Glen - Reinl, Franz Josef Gottlieb Pierre Benoist - Dir. Fred Cavayé Komödie 1967-1972 614min. Dir. Michael Apted Trailer STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Trailer, Bildergalerie Thriller/Action 2014 87min.

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Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Dennis Haysbert, Toshi Shioya, Kosuke Kaspar Heidelbach, Lars Jessen Germany 22.01.2015 Toyohara - Dir. Fred Schepisi Kriminalfilm/Komödie 2014 315min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063037 Komödie 1992 105min. KNM Home Entertainment(Fastbreak) Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 12.12.2014 10.12.2014 Der Meineidbauer 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063071 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063082 Günther Maria Halmer, Suzanne von Borsody, Max Tidof, Heikko Deutschmann, Mr. Baseball (Blu-ray) Mord mit Aussicht - Staffel 3 (Fol- Josephina Vilsmaier, Aaron Karl, Monika Mr. Baseball gen 7-13) (2 Discs) Gruber, Miguel Herz-Kestranek, Hans von , Ken Takakura, Aya Takanashi, Caroline Peters, Bjarne Mädel, Meike Borsody, Ralph Schicha, Doris Plörer - Dir. Dennis Haysbert, Toshi Shioya, Kosuke Droste, Petra Kleinert, Michael Hanemann, Joseph Vilsmaier Toyohara - Dir. Fred Schepisi Arnd Klawitter, Johann von Bülow, Car- Drama/Heimatfilm 2012 90min. Komödie 1992 105min. men-Maja Antoni, Hans-Peter Hallwachs, MCP Sound & Media 07.11.2014 Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 12.12.2014 Karina Krawczyk - Dir. Christoph Schnee, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062754 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063091 Kaspar Heidelbach, Lars Jessen Kriminalfilm/Komödie 2014 315min. The Mentalist - Die komplette Mister Dynamit - Morgen küßt KNM Home Entertainment(Fastbreak) sechste Staffel (5 Discs) Euch der Tod 10.12.2014 The Mentalist Lex Barker, Maria Perschy, Amedeo 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063046 Featurette, Nicht verwendete Szenen Nazzari, José Suarez, Ullrich Haupt, Wolf- Kriminalfilm 2013-2014 1055min. gang Preiss, Ralf Wolter, Siegfried Rauch, Mother - Sie schlägt zurück Warner Home Video Germany 11.12.2014 Dieter Eppler, Eddi Arent, Joachim Social Nightmare 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062965 Fuchsberger - Dir. Franz Josef Gottlieb Daryl Hannah, Kirsten Prout, Chloe Bridges Booklet, Interviews, Bildergalerie - Dir. Mark Quod Mike & Molly - Die komplette Thriller 1967 107min. Drama/Thriller 2013 88min. vierte Staffel (3 Discs) Pidax film media(Pidax film) 12.12.2014 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 21.11.2014 Mike & Molly 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062680 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062599 Verpatzte Szenen Komödie 2013-2014 414min. Mom - Die komplette erste Staffel Mother - Sie schlägt zurück (Blu- Warner Home Video Germany 04.12.2014 (3 Discs) ray 3D) (Blu-ray) 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062966 Mom Social Nightmare Anna Faris, Allison Janney, Sadie Calvano, Das Millionenspiel / Smog (2 Daryl Hannah, Kirsten Prout, Chloe Bridges Blake Garrett Rosenthal, Nate Corddry, Matt - Dir. Mark Quod Discs) L. Jones, French Stewart, Spencer Daniels, Drama/Thriller 2013 92min. Dieter Thomas Heck, Jörg Pleva, Dieter Reggie De Leon, Mimi Kennedy, Kevin Edel Germany(Starmovie) 21.11.2014 Hallervorden, Joseph Fröhlich, Theo Fink, Pollak, Octavia Spencer, Justin Long, Ryan 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062637 Friedrich Schütter, Peter Schulze-Rohr, Cartwright, Melissa Tang, Nick Zano, Don Annemarie Schradiek, Elisabeth McManus, Brian Stepanek, Mary Pat Mother - Sie schlägt zurück (Blu- Wiedemann, Andrea Grosske, Suzanne Gleason, David Ury, Alex Desert - Dir. Jeff ray) Roquette, Heribert Faßbender, Ralf Gregan, Greenstein, James Widdoes, Ted Wass, Social Nightmare Gisela Marx, Joachim Richert, Walter Daryl Hannah, Kirsten Prout, Chloe Bridges Spiske, Hans Werner Conen - Dir. Tom Komödie 2013-2014 466min. - Dir. Mark Quod Toelle Warner Home Video Germany 04.12.2014 Drama/Thriller 2013 92min. Interview, Audiokommentar, Dokumentation 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062967 Thriller/Satire 1970 180min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 21.11.2014 Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Moonwalker 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062636 21.11.2014 The Return Of The Moonwalker München Mord: Die Hölle bin ich 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062521 Mike Maria, Michael Rider, Claudine Biswas, Alexander Held, Marcus Mittermeier, Berna- Nick Andrews, Nouk Baudrot, Peter dette Heerwagen, Maximilian Brückner, The Miss Jonas Double Feature Brownbill, Sunny Myller, Marc Hodapp - Dir. Jörg Hartmann, Nicole Marischka, Felix von (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Mike Maria Bredow, Christoph Süß - Dir. Michael Gut- Der Teufel in Miss Jonas / Was geschah Komödie/Horror 2013 90min. mann wirklich mit Miss Jonas? Edel Germany(New Vision Films) Kriminalfilm 2014 90min. Marianne Dupont, Christa Free, Herbert 14.11.2014 Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF Video) Fux, Alan d’Armand - Dir. Erwin C. Dietrich, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062606 09.01.2015 Michael Thomas 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062695 Bildergalerien, Featurettes, ROM-Teil, Trailer Mord im Kloster Erotik 1974 160min. Mario Adorf, Thekla Carola Wied, Daniele Die Musketiere - Die komplette Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 27.01.2015 Liotti, Debora Caprioglio, Massimo Wert- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063276 müller, Eliana Miglio, Mariolina Bideri, Anto- erste Staffel (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) nio Salines, Fabio Traversa, Mariano The Musketeers The Miss Jonas Double Feature Rigillo, Mario Donatone - Dir. José Maria Howard Charles, Luke Pasqualino, Santia- (k.J.) Sánchez Silva go Cabrera Der Teufel in Miss Jonas / Was geschah Booklet Diverse Abenteuer/Kostümfilm 2014 500min. wirklich mit Miss Jonas? Kriminalfilm 1998 100min. polyband Medien GmbH 05.01.2015 Marianne Dupont, Christa Free, Herbert AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062900 Fux, Alan d’Armand - Dir. Erwin C. Dietrich, AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 20.02.2015 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063201 Michael Thomas Die Musketiere - Die komplette Bildergalerien, DVD-ROM-Teil Erotik 1974 152min. Mord mit Aussicht - Staffel 3 (Fol- erste Staffel (4 Discs) Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 27.01.2015 gen 1-6) (Blu-ray) The Musketeers 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063256 Caroline Peters, Bjarne Mädel, Meike Howard Charles, Luke Pasqualino, Santia- Droste, Petra Kleinert, Michael Hanemann, go Cabrera Mr. Baseball Arnd Klawitter, Johann von Bülow, Car- Diverse Abenteuer/Kostümfilm 2014 500min. Mr. Baseball men-Maja Antoni, Hans-Peter Hallwachs, polyband Medien GmbH 05.01.2015 Tom Selleck, Ken Takakura, Aya Takanashi, Karina Krawczyk - Dir. Christoph Schnee, 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062897

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tba BestellNr.: 20062846 Walker, Alex Pinder, Nina Landis, Liz Burch, Nachtschicht: Amok! / Vatertag Brooke Anderson, Nicholas Bell, Tony Katharina Böhm, Armin Rohde, Minh-Khai Night Moves (Blu-ray) Briggs - Dir. Mark Defriest, Colin Budds, Phan-Thi - Dir. Lars Becker Night Moves Brendan Maher, Judith John-Story Kriminalfilm 2002-2004 180min. Jesse Eisenberg, Dakota Fanning, Peter Abenteuer 1994-1997 650min. Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF Video) Sarsgaard, Alia Shawkat, Logan Miller, Kai Pandastorm Pictures(Pandavision) 30.01.2015 Lennox, Katherine Waterston, James Le 10.11.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062910 Gros - Dir. Kelly Reichardt 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062746 Trailer Nachtschicht: Ich habe Angst / Drama 2013 112min. Oh, du Fröhliche (2 Discs) Blutige Stadt MFA+ Film Distribution(MFA+) 10.02.2015 Erwin Geschonneck, Mathilde Danegger, tba BestellNr.: 20062871 Barbara Auer, Armin Rohde, Minh-Khai Karin Schröder, Andrea Lüdke, Karsten Levke, Ronald Jacob, Steffi Sluka - Dir. Phan-Thi - Dir. Lars Becker Nirgendwo ist Poenichen (3 Kriminalfilm/Thriller 2007-2008 180min. Günter Reisch, Ingrid Reschke Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF Video) DVDs) Trailer Komödie 1962-1986 244min. 30.01.2015 Ulrike Bliefert, Edeltraud Elsner, Heinz Joa- ICESTORM Entertainment 03.11.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062912 chim Klein, Franziska Bronnen, Wolfried Lier, Pinkas Braun, Eva Lissa, Liane 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062807 Hielscher, Ingeborg Lapsien, Sigfrit Steiner, Nachtschicht: Tod im Supermarkt Die Oktonauten Folge 1-3 / Der Ausbruch Kornelia Boje, Britta Fischer, Matthias Einert, Sascha Mieke, Markus Helis, Eva (Steelbook, 3 Discs) Armin Rohde, Ken Duken, Minh-Khai Phan- Wehner, Eva Behrmann, Cornelia Rosen- The Octonauts Thi - Dir. Lars Becker feld, Ute Christensen, Angelika Riess, Bet- Bjørn Alex Olsen - Dir. Monica Kruse, Lars Kriminalfilm 2005-2006 180min. tina Friedrich, Gerhard Garbers, Renate Julio Muri Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF Video) Delfs, Ernst von Klipstein - Dir. Günter Kinderfilm 2010-2011 min. 30.01.2015 Gräwert Sony Music Strategic Entertainment 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062911 Drama 1987 270min. Division(Europa) 31.10.2014 Die nackte Eva (k.J.) Studio Hamburg Enterprises (ZDF Video) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062534 05.12.2014 Eva Nera 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063116 Die Oktonauten... und der ängst- Laura Gemser, Jack Palance, Gabriele Tinti liche Pottwal - Dir. Joe D’Amato Nonnen Edition (3 Discs) Trailer, Bildergalerie, Wendecover The Octonauts Erotik 1976 93min. Flavia / Le Monache di Sant’Arcangelo / Bjørn Alex Olsen - Dir. Monica Kruse, Lars Donau Film 23.01.2015 Der Nonnenspiegel Julio Muri 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062886 Erotik 271min. Kinderfilm 2010-2011 60min. VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 28.10.2014 Sony Music Strategic Entertainment NCIS - Season 11.1 (3 Discs) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062686 Division(Europa) 21.11.2014 NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063145 Mark Harmon, Pauley Perrette, Michael Notarztwagen 7 (2 Discs, Digital Weatherly, Sean Murray, Cote de Pablo, Remastered) Open Road - Wohin wird der Weg David McCallum, Sasha Alexander, Rocky Joachim Bliese, Emily Reuer, Rainer Base- sie führen? Carroll, Lauren Holly, Brian Dietzen dow, Sascha Hehn, Alfred Zorbach, Horst Open Road Action/Kriminalfilm 540min. Keller, Paul Sobania, Kornelia Boje, Thomas Camilla Belle, Andy Garcia, Juliette Lewis, Paramount Home Entertainment 18.12.2014 Braut, Klaus Havenstein, Eva Pflug, Man- Colin Egglesfield, John Savage, Kristi 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062583 fred Heidmann, Günther Tabor - Dir. Clainos, Christiane Torloni (Glória), Carol Helmuth Ashley Castro - Dir. Márcio Garcia NCIS - Season 11.2 (3 Discs) Drama/Doku-Drama 1976-1977 325min. Making of, Trailer NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service Pidax film media(Pidax film) 04.11.2014 Drama/Abenteuer 2013 81min. Mark Harmon, Pauley Perrette, Michael 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062659 Lighthouse Home Entertainment(MVL) Weatherly, Sean Murray, Cote de Pablo, 23.01.2015 David McCallum, Sasha Alexander, Rocky Nothing Like the Holidays tba BestellNr.: 20063218 Carroll, Lauren Holly, Brian Dietzen Nothing Like The Holidays Action/Kriminalfilm 540min. John Leguizamo, Alfred Molina, Vanessa Open Road - Wohin wird der Weg Paramount Home Entertainment 18.12.2014 Ferlito, Freddy Rodriguez, Debra Messing, sie führen? (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062584 Elizabeth Peña, Manny Perez, Jay Open Road Hernandez - Dir. Alfredo de Villa Camilla Belle, Andy Garcia, Juliette Lewis, Neverlost (Blu-ray) Komödie/Drama 2008 94min. Colin Egglesfield, John Savage, Kristi Neverlost Edel Germany(Starmovie) 07.11.2014 Clainos, Christiane Torloni (Glória), Carol Ryan Barrett, Emily Alatalo, Jennifer 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062539 Castro - Dir. Márcio Garcia Polansky, Danny Bruzzi, Paige Albrecht, Making of, Trailer Gary Biggar - Dir. Chad Archibald Nothing Like the Holidays (Blu- Drama/Abenteuer 2013 85min. Wendecover ray) Lighthouse Home Entertainment(MVL) Thriller/Mystery 2010 96min. Nothing Like The Holidays 23.01.2015 KNM Home Entertainment(cultmovie) John Leguizamo, Alfred Molina, Vanessa tba BestellNr.: 20063237 13.11.2014 Ferlito, Freddy Rodriguez, Debra Messing, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062708 Elizabeth Peña, Manny Perez, Jay Open Windows Open Windows Night Moves Hernandez - Dir. Alfredo de Villa Komödie/Drama 2008 98min. Elijah Wood, Sasha Grey, Neil Maskell, Night Moves Edel Germany(Starmovie) 07.11.2014 Adam Quintero, Iván González, Jaime Jesse Eisenberg, Dakota Fanning, Peter 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062548 Olías, Nacho Vigalondo, Trevante Rhodes, Sarsgaard, Alia Shawkat, Logan Miller, Kai Scott Weinberg - Dir. Nacho Vigalondo Lennox, Katherine Waterston, James Le Ocean Girl - Das Mädchen aus Thriller 2014 101min. Gros - Dir. Kelly Reichardt dem Meer, Staffel 4 (6 Discs) Maritim Pictures 27.01.2015 Trailer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062847 Drama 2013 112min. Ocean Girl MFA+ Film Distribution(MFA+) 10.02.2015 Marzena Godecki, David Hoflin, Jeffrey

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Open Windows (Blu-ray) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063078 (2 Discs) Open Windows Lake Mungo / The Skeptic - Das teuflische Elijah Wood, Sasha Grey, Neil Maskell, Own Demon - Du kannst Dir nur Haus / American Evil / Apartment 1303 / Adam Quintero, Iván González, Jaime selbst helfen (Blu-ray) Hidden - Lass die Vergangenheit ruhen / Olías, Nacho Vigalondo, Trevante Rhodes, Self-Medicated The Disappeared Scott Weinberg - Dir. Nacho Vigalondo Monty Lapica, Diane Venora, Greg Ger- Wendecover Thriller 2014 105min. mann, Kristina Anapau, Matthew Carey, Horror 2007-2009 530min. Maritim Pictures 27.01.2015 Michael Bowen, Shane Stuart, Michael MIG Film 04.12.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062872 Mantell - Dir. Monty Lapica 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062756 Making of, Interviews, Trailer Orden für die Wunderkinder Drama 2005 106min. Paranormal Evil Collection, Teil 1 Carl-Heinz Schroth, Edith Heerdegen, Hans Edel Germany(Starmovie) 09.01.2015 (Blu-ray) Jürgen Diedrich, Robert Meyn, Herta Kon- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063095 Lake Mungo / The Skeptic - Das teuflische rad - Dir. Rainer Erler Haus / American Evil / Apartment 1303 / Komödie/Satire 1963 78min. Oz - Hölle hinter Gittern, Die er- Hidden - Lass die Vergangenheit ruhen / MORE Music and Media(More Brands and ste Season (3 Discs) (k.J.) The Disappeared Products) 28.11.2014 Oz Wendecover 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063167 , Ernie Hudson, Edie Horror 2008-2009 360min. Falco, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Harold MIG Film 04.12.2014 Orphan Black - Staffel 2 (2 Discs) Perrineau Jr., Eamonn Walker, Rita Moreno, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062773 John Lurie, Terry Kinney, Betty Buckley, (Blu-ray) Perception - Die komplette 1. Orphan Black Kathryn Erbe, Lee Tergesen, B.D. Wong, Science Fiction/Thriller 437min. J.K. Simmons, Dean Winters, Scott William Staffel (2 Discs) polyband Medien GmbH 22.12.2014 Winters, Kirk Acevedo, Erik King, Evan Perception 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062667 , David Zayas, Lauren Vélez, Kriminalfilm/Mystery 2012 408min. George Morfogen, Granville Adams, Tom The Walt Disney Company (Germany)(ABC Orphan Black - Staffel 2 (3 Discs) Mardirosian, Chuck Zito, Philip Scozzarella, Studios) 18.12.2014 Orphan Black Otto Sanchez, Robert Clohessy, R.E. 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063138 Science Fiction/Thriller 420min. Rodgers, Kristin Rohde, Carl DiMaggio, polyband Medien GmbH 22.12.2014 Zeljko Ivanek, Sean Dugan, Anthony Peter Pan oder Das Märchen vom 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062661 Chisholm, J. D. Williams, Michael Wright, Jungen, der nicht groß werden Seth Gilliam, Eddie Malavarca, Blake wollte Robbins, Cyrus Farmer, Philipp Casnoff, Otto’s Geheimnis - Esio Trot (Blu- Michael Ande, Helga Anders, Wolf Ackva - Luis Guzmán, Ellen McElduff, Lance ray) Dir. Paul Verhoeven Reddick, Tom Ligon, Rick Fox, Austin Esio Trot Fantasy/Abenteuer 1962 112min. Pendleton, Lord Jamar, Mark Margolis, Luke Dame Judi Dench, Dustin Hoffman, James MORE Music and Media(More Brands and Perry, Tim Hopper, Carlos Leon, Antoni Corden, Jimmy Akingbola, Richard Cordery, Products) 21.11.2014 Corone, Mtume Gant, Ernie Hudson Jr., Pixie Davies - Dir. Dearbhla Walsh 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063049 Jacques C. Smith, Robert John Burke, Reg Komödie/Familie 2014 92min. E. Cathey, Sean Whitesell, Charles Busch, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 02.01.2015 Played - Season 1 (4 Discs) Larry Pine, Tony Musante, Patti LuPone, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062948 Played Method Man, Charles S. Dutton - Dir. Adam Vincent Walsh, Lisa Marcos, Chandra Bernstein, Alex Zakrzewski, Nick Gomez, Outback Revenge (Blu-ray) (k.J.) West, Dwain Murphy, Adam Butcher, Agam Jean de Segonzac, Darnell Martin, Keith The Sleeper Darshi, Carly Pope, Zoé De Grand Maison - Samples, J. Miller Tobin, Leslie Libman, Brittany Belland, E. Ray Goodwin, Tiffany Dir. Charles Binamé, Jerry Ciccoritti, Rachel Alan Taylor, Terry Kinney, Steve Buscemi, Arnold, Jessica Cameron, Riana Ballo, John Talalay, Paul Fox, Grant Harvey, Kelly Gregory Dark, Goran Gajic Bloom, Jason Jay Crabtree, Ali Ferda - Dir. Makin, Andy Mikita, Adrienne Mitchell, Lee Drama/Thriller 1997-2003 480min. Justin Russell Rose, Bradley Walsh Paramount Home Entertainment 04.12.2014 Kurzfilm Kriminalfilm 2013 585min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062585 Thriller/Horror 2012 88min. Studio Hamburg Enterprises 09.01.2015 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063180 AG(Marctropolis) 28.11.2014 Papa Gold 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062658 Peter Trabner, Tom Lass, Lore Richter, Axel Pobby & Dingan Ranisch, Emily Kuhnke, Anne Grabowski, Opal Dream Nikola Kastner, Linda Pöppel - Dir. Tom Outback Revenge (k.J.) Vince Colosimo, Jacqueline McKenzie, Chri- Lass The Sleeper stian Byers, Sapphire Boyce, Peter Callan, Brittany Belland, E. Ray Goodwin, Tiffany Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentar Drama/Komödie 2010 77min. Andy McPhee, Robert Menzies, Denise Arnold, Jessica Cameron, Riana Ballo, John Soulfood Music Distribution(Darling Berlin) Roberts - Dir. Peter Cattaneo Bloom, Jason Jay Crabtree, Ali Ferda - Dir. 21.11.2014 Drama 2005 82min. Justin Russell 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063214 Edel Germany(New Vision Films) Kurzfilm 31.10.2014 Thriller/Horror 2012 85min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062587 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Paranormal Awakening - Coffin The Coffin AG(Marctropolis) 28.11.2014 Polizeiruf 110 - BR-Box 1 (3 Discs) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062655 Ananda Everingham, Karen Mok, Andrew Lin, Florence Vanida Faivre, Napakpapha Dir. Uli Stark Own Demon - Du kannst Dir nur „Mamee“ Nakprasitte, Suchao Pongwilai, Kriminalfilm 1994-1999 540min. EuroVideo Medien(ARD Video) 04.12.2014 selbst helfen Micheal Pupart, Tassawan Seneewongse, Aki Shibuya - Dir. Ekachai Uekrongtham 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062751 Self-Medicated Trailer Monty Lapica, Diane Venora, Greg Ger- Horror/Mystery 2008 81min. Poseidon Rex mann, Kristina Anapau, Matthew Carey, Soulfood Music Distribution(True Grit Poseidon Rex Michael Bowen, Shane Stuart, Michael Pictures) 05.12.2014 Brian Krause, Anne McDaniels, Steven Mantell - Dir. Monty Lapica 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063263 Helmkamp, Candice Nunes, Gildon Roland, Drama 2005 102min. Berne Velasquez, Pulu Lightburn, Remo - Edel Germany(Starmovie) 09.01.2015 Paranormal Evil Collection, Teil 1 Dir. Mark L. Lester

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Behind the Scenes, Trailer pher Sommers, Christopher Bunworth, Noel Ferguson, Liz E. Morgan, Kim Pacheco, Erin Abenteuer/Science Fiction 2013 78min. Herriman - Dir. Michael Spierig, Peter Murphy - Dir. Casey La Scala Lighthouse Home Entertainment(MVL) Spierig Horror 2014 84min. 12.12.2014 Trailer Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062651 Science Fiction/Thriller 2014 98min. 29.01.2015 Tiberius Film 05.02.2015 tba BestellNr.: 20063005 Poseidon Rex (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063155 ray) Revenge - Sympathy for the Devil Poseidon Rex Prototype (k.J.) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Prototype Brian Krause, Anne McDaniels, Steven Fuk Sau Che Chi Sei Lane Lenhart, Robert Tossberg, Brenda Helmkamp, Candice Nunes, Gildon Roland, Juno Mak, Sola Aoi, Chin Siu-hou, Lau Swanson, Paul Coulj, Mitchell Cox - Dir. Berne Velasquez, Pulu Lightburn, Remo - Wing, Tony Ho, Tony Liu - Dir. Wong Ching- Dir. Mark L. Lester Phillip J. Roth Bildergalerie, Trailer po Behind the Scenes, Trailer Thriller/Drama 2010 80min. Abenteuer/Science Fiction 2013 82min. Science Fiction 1992 94min. KNM Home Entertainment(cultmovie) Lighthouse Home Entertainment(MVL) cmv-Laservision 19.12.2014 13.11.2014 12.12.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063007 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062705 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062657 Die Queen / Die Eiserne Lady (2 Poseidon Rex (Blu-ray) in 1 Edition, 2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Revenge - Sympathy for the Devil Poseidon Rex The Queen / The Iron Lady (k.J.) Brian Krause, Anne McDaniels, Steven , James Cromwell, Alex Fuk Sau Che Chi Sei Helmkamp, Candice Nunes, Gildon Roland, Jennings, Meryl Streep, Jim Broadbent, Juno Mak, Sola Aoi, Chin Siu-hou, Lau Berne Velasquez, Pulu Lightburn, Remo - Alexandra Roach - Dir. Stephen Frears, Wing, Tony Ho, Tony Liu - Dir. Wong Ching- Dir. Mark L. Lester Phyllida Lloyd po Behind the Scenes, Trailer Making ofs, Audiokommentar, Interviews, Featurettes Thriller/Drama 2010 77min. Abenteuer/Science Fiction 2013 82min. Drama/Biographie 2006-2011 208min. KNM Home Entertainment(cultmovie) Lighthouse Home Entertainment(MVL) Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde 13.11.2014 12.12.2014 Home Edition) 12.02.2015 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062682 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062656 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063235 Ritual - Gefährliche Obsession Postlagernd Westminster Rausch der Verwandlung: Das Ritual - Una Storia Psicomagica Chain Of Events gestohlene Jahr - Der komplette Désirée Giorgetti, Ivan Franek, Anna Dermot Walsh, Lisa Gastoni - Dir. Gerald Zweiteiler Bonasso, Alejandro Jodorowsky, Cosimo Thomas Cinieri, Patrizia Laquidara, Roberta Sparta, Mario Adorf, Catherine Arditi - Dir. Edouard Booklet Fabio Gemo, Nicola Arabi, Gaia Ziche - Dir. Molinaro Kriminalfilm 1958 65min. Giulia Brazzale, Luca Immesi AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Booklet Drama 1989 180min. Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Wendecover AG(Filmjuwelen) 30.01.2015 Thriller/Mystery 2013 96min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062890 Donau Film 30.01.2015 AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 06.02.2015 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062885 Predestination 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063197 Predestination Ray Donovan - Season 1 Roadracers Ethan Hawke, Sarah Snook, Noah Taylor, Roadracers Ray Donovan Christopher Kirby, Madeleine West, Jim , Salma Hayek, Jason Wiles, Liev Schreiber, Jon Voight, Paula Knobeloch, Freya Stafford, Rob Jenkins, , William Sadler, O’Neal Malcomson, Kerris Dorsey, Devon Bagby, Tyler Coppin, Christopher Stollery, Christo- Compton, Christian Klemash, Aaron Dash Mihok, Eddie Marsan, Pooch Hall, pher Sommers, Christopher Bunworth, Noel Vaughn, Karen Landry, Boti Ann Bliss, Steven Bauer, Elliott Gould, Katherine Herriman - Dir. Michael Spierig, Peter Tammy Brady-Conrad - Dir. Robert Moennig - Dir. Allen Coulter, Michael Apted, Spierig Rodriguez Daniel Attias, John Dahl, Guy Ferland, Trailer Action 1994 91min. Tucker Gates, Lesli Linka Glatter, Daniel Science Fiction/Thriller 2014 94min. Koch Media 29.01.2015 Minahan, Jeremy Podeswa, Michael Tiberius Film 05.02.2015 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062923 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063111 Uppendahl, Greg Yaitanes Kriminalfilm/Drama 611min. Roadracers (Blu-ray) Paramount Home Entertainment 04.12.2014 Predestination (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- Roadracers 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062586 ray) David Arquette, Salma Hayek, Jason Wiles, Predestination Ray Donovan - Season 1 (Blu-ray) John Hawkes, William Sadler, O’Neal Ethan Hawke, Sarah Snook, Noah Taylor, Compton, Christian Klemash, Aaron Ray Donovan Christopher Kirby, Madeleine West, Jim Vaughn, Karen Landry, Boti Ann Bliss, Liev Schreiber, Jon Voight, Paula Knobeloch, Freya Stafford, Rob Jenkins, Tammy Brady-Conrad - Dir. Robert Malcomson, Kerris Dorsey, Devon Bagby, Tyler Coppin, Christopher Stollery, Christo- Rodriguez Dash Mihok, Eddie Marsan, Pooch Hall, pher Sommers, Christopher Bunworth, Noel Action 1994 95min. Steven Bauer, Elliott Gould, Katherine Herriman - Dir. Michael Spierig, Peter Koch Media 29.01.2015 Moennig - Dir. Allen Coulter, Michael Apted, Spierig 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062949 Trailer Daniel Attias, John Dahl, Guy Ferland, Science Fiction/Thriller 2014 98min. Tucker Gates, Lesli Linka Glatter, Daniel Robo X-Cop Minahan, Jeremy Podeswa, Michael Tiberius Film 05.02.2015 Mei Loi Ging Chaat Uppendahl, Greg Yaitanes 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063156 Andy Lau, Barbie Hsu, Bingbing Fan, Jiao Kriminalfilm/Drama 633min. Xu, Mike He, Fan Siu-wong, Yifei Tang, Paramount Home Entertainment 04.12.2014 Predestination (Blu-ray) Jingwu Ma, Law Kar-ying, Lee Kin-Yan - 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062628 Predestination Dir. Jing Wong Ethan Hawke, Sarah Snook, Noah Taylor, Wendecover, Trailer Christopher Kirby, Madeleine West, Jim The Remaining Action/Science Fiction 2010 91min. Knobeloch, Freya Stafford, Rob Jenkins, The Remaining Soulfood Music Distribution(Steamboat) Tyler Coppin, Christopher Stollery, Christo- Alexa Vega, Shaun Sipos, Johnny Pacar, 05.12.2014 Italia Ricci, Bryan Dechart, John Pyper-

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13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063264 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062854 The Salvation (Blu-ray) The Salvation Robo X-Cop (Blu-ray) Rules of Engagement - Die sech- Mads Mikkelsen, Eva Green, Jeffrey Dean Mei Loi Ging Chaat ste Season (2 Discs) Morgan, Eric Cantona, Mikael Persbrandt, Andy Lau, Barbie Hsu, Bingbing Fan, Jiao Rules Of Engagement , Douglas Henshall, Nanna Xu, Mike He, Fan Siu-wong, Yifei Tang, Komödie 265min. Øland Fabricius, Toke Lars Bjarke, Michael Jingwu Ma, Law Kar-ying, Lee Kin-Yan - Paramount Home Entertainment 08.01.2015 Raymond-James, Alexander Arnold, Sean Dir. Jing Wong 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063151 Cameron Michael - Dir. Kristian Levring Wendecover, Trailer Western 2014 93min. Action/Science Fiction 2010 94min. Sabrina und die Zauberhexen Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Soulfood Music Distribution(Steamboat) Sabrina, The Teenage Witch Home Edition) 24.02.2015 05.12.2014 Melissa Joan Hart, Sherry Miller, Charlene 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063175 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063277 Fernetz - Dir. Tibor Takács Rom - Schlacht der Gladiatoren Trailer, Bildergalerie Saw: 10 Jahre Saw (7 Discs) Komödie/Fantasy 1996 87min. Saw / Saw II / Saw III / Saw IV / / Empire KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 19.01.2015 Saw VI / Saw VII Santiago Cabrera, Vincent Regan, Emily 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062855 Cary Elwes, Danny Glover, Monica Potter, Blunt, James Frain, Jonathan Cake, Christo- Donnie Wahlberg, Franky G., Shawnee pher Egan, Michael Maloney, Fiona Shaw, Sadistic Slaughter (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Smith, Tobin Bell, Angus Macfadyen, Colm Feore, Michael Byrne, Orla Brady, Westbrick Murders Costas Mandylor, Scott Patterson, Betsy Trudie Styler, Graham McTavish, Dennis Daniell Edwards, Sami Darr, Anna Bård, Russell - Dir. James Wan, Darren Lynn Haysbert, Amanda Root, Ian Bartholomew, Eric Roberts, Vernon Wells, Melany Denise, Bousman, David Hackl, Kevin Greutert Michael Culkin, Alan David, Roger Ashton- Kim Sønderholm Andersen (als Kim Diverse Griffiths, Ed Stoppard, Caroline Ashley, Sønderholm: Officer Sam), Dennis Haladyn, Thriller/Horror 2004-2010 907min. Inday Ba, Felix Dexter, Alessandro Dieli, Ian Burns - Dir. Shaun Rana STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Julian Firth, Amelia Curtis, Giacomo Action/Thriller 2009 90min. Germany 04.12.2014 Gonnella, Michael Jenn, Ian Redford, Clive Soulfood Music Distribution(True Grit 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062724 Riche, Anna Särnholm, Luca Venantini, Pictures) 05.12.2014 Robert Willox, Bart Ruspoli - Dir. Greg 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063279 Saw: 10 Jahre Saw (7 Discs) (Blu- Yaitanes, John Gray, Kim Manners ray) (k.J.) Abenteuer/Historienfilm 2005 244min. Sadistic Slaughter (k.J.) Saw / Saw II / Saw III / Saw IV / Saw V / Black Hill Pictures 15.01.2015 Westbrick Murders Saw VI / Saw VII 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062933 Daniell Edwards, Sami Darr, Anna Bård, Cary Elwes, Danny Glover, Monica Potter, Eric Roberts, Vernon Wells, Melany Denise, Rom - Schlacht der Gladiatoren Donnie Wahlberg, Franky G., Shawnee Kim Sønderholm Andersen (als Kim Smith, Tobin Bell, Angus Macfadyen, (Blu-ray) Sønderholm: Officer Sam), Dennis Haladyn, Costas Mandylor, Scott Patterson, Betsy Empire Ian Burns - Dir. Shaun Rana Russell - Dir. James Wan, Darren Lynn Santiago Cabrera, Vincent Regan, Emily Action/Thriller 2009 90min. Bousman, David Hackl, Kevin Greutert Blunt, James Frain, Jonathan Cake, Christo- Soulfood Music Distribution(True Grit Diverse pher Egan, Michael Maloney, Fiona Shaw, Pictures) 05.12.2014 Thriller/Horror 2004-2010 943min. Colm Feore, Michael Byrne, Orla Brady, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063267 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Trudie Styler, Graham McTavish, Dennis Germany 04.12.2014 Haysbert, Amanda Root, Ian Bartholomew, Sag nicht, wer du bist! 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062728 Michael Culkin, Alan David, Roger Ashton- Tom A La Ferme Griffiths, Ed Stoppard, Caroline Ashley, Xavier Dolan, Pierre-Yves Cardinal, Lise Schabernack Inday Ba, Felix Dexter, Alessandro Dieli, Roy, Evelyne Brochu, Manuel Tadros, Paul Hörbiger, Trude Marlen, Hans Moser, Julian Firth, Amelia Curtis, Giacomo Jacques Lavallee, Anne Caron, Olivier Heinz Salfner, Max Gülstorff - Dir. E. W. Gonnella, Michael Jenn, Ian Redford, Clive Morin - Dir. Xavier Dolan Emo Riche, Anna Särnholm, Luca Venantini, Drama/Thriller 2013 105min. Booklet Robert Willox, Bart Ruspoli - Dir. Greg good!movies(Kool) 05.12.2014 Komödie 1936 80min. Yaitanes, John Gray, Kim Manners 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063050 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Abenteuer/Historienfilm 2005 250min. AG(Filmjuwelen) 06.02.2015 Black Hill Pictures 15.01.2015 Sag nicht, wer du bist! (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063196 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062956 Tom A La Ferme Xavier Dolan, Pierre-Yves Cardinal, Lise Das Schiff der verlorenen Frauen Rosie Roy, Evelyne Brochu, Manuel Tadros, La Nave Delle Donne Maledette Sibylle Brunner, Fabian Krüger, Sebastian Jacques Lavallee, Anne Caron, Olivier Kerima, May Britt - Dir. Raffaello Matarazzo Ledesma, Judith Hofmann, Hans Rudolf Morin - Dir. Xavier Dolan Booklet Drama 1953 101min. Twerenbold, Anna-Katharina Müller, Margot Drama/Thriller 2013 109min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Gödrös, Eric Hättenschwiler, Catriona good!movies(Kool) 05.12.2014 AG(Filmjuwelen) 30.01.2015 Guggenbühl - Dir. Marcel Gisler 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063083 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062891 Drama 2013 106min. good!movies(Kool) 07.11.2014 The Salvation Schon wieder Henriette 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062671 The Salvation Christiane Hörbiger, Erwin Steinhauer, Ha- Mads Mikkelsen, Eva Green, Jeffrey Dean rald Schrott, Thomas Mraz, Elena Uhlig, Ruf der Pferde - Ein Mädchen Morgan, Eric Cantona, Mikael Persbrandt, Manuel Witting, Alexander Held, Barbara Jonathan Pryce, Douglas Henshall, Nanna folgt seinem Herzen Meier, Rüdiger Vogler, Lilian Klebow, Domi- Øland Fabricius, Toke Lars Bjarke, Michael The Horses Of Mcbride nik Raneburger - Dir. Nikolaus Leytner Raymond-James, Alexander Arnold, Sean MacKenzie Porter, Aidan Quinn, Kari Kriminalfilm/Komödie 2013 min. Cameron Michael - Dir. Kristian Levring Matchett, Greyston Holt, Patrick Gilmore, MCP Sound & Media 07.11.2014 Western 2014 89min. Caroline Cave, Edward Ruttle, Scott 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062755 Hylands - Dir. Anne Wheeler Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Trailer, Bildergalerie Home Edition) 24.02.2015 Schöne Bescherung (2 Discs) Drama/Familie 2012 88min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063170 Kinderfilm 545min. KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 19.01.2015 KNM Home Entertainment(Movie Power)

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13.11.2014 Galke, Jonathan Neo Völk, Jan-David Bür- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062687 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062678 ger, Mira Schröder, Ansgar Schröder, Betti- na Engelhardt, Tanja Schleiff - Dir. Sönke Sechs auf einen Streich VII - Von Die Schöne und das Biest - Die Wortmann einem, der auszog, das Fürchten erste Season Drama 2014 min. zu lernen Highlight Communications Beauty And The Beast Tim Oliver Schultz, Isolda Dychauk, Heiner (Deutschland)(Constantin) 05.03.2015 Linda Hamilton, Ron Perlman, Roy Dotrice, Lauterbach, Anna Thalbach, Jochen Nickel, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063032 Jay Acovone, Renn Woods, David Greenlee Milan Peschel, Michael Kessler, Rick Drama/Fantasy 1987-1990 1100min. Schreinerei Fleischmann und Kavanian, Roy Peter Link - Dir. Tobias Wie- Paramount Home Entertainment 04.12.2014 mann 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062589 Freunde - Die komplette 1. Staffel Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 2014 60min. (2 Discs) KNM Home Entertainment(Telepool) Die Schöne und das Biest (Blu- Alice Hoffmann, Timo Sturm - Dir. Nele 13.11.2014 ray) Münchmeyer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062688 La Belle Et La Bête Komödie 143min. Vincent Cassel, Léa Seydoux, André Pidax film media(Pidax film) 28.11.2014 The Second Coming - Die Wie- Dussollier, Eduardo Noriega, Myriam 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062649 derkehr (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Charleins, Audrey Lamy, Sara Giraudeau, (k.J.) Jonathan Demurger, Nicolas Gob, Louka Schwarzer Regen Chong Sheng Meliava, Yvonne Catterfeld - Dir. Kuroi Ame Maggie Siu, Kenny Wong, Joey Leong, Christophe Gans Etsuko Ichihara, Kazuo Kitamura, Yoshiko Donald Li - Dir. Herman Yau Trailer, Wendecover Tanaka, Shoichi Ozawa, Norihei Miki, Fantasy/Lovestory 2014 114min. Trailer Keisuke Ishida - Dir. Shohei Imamura Horror 2014 90min. Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Drama 1988 122min. Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) Home Edition) 13.11.2014 EuroVideo Medien 04.12.2014 27.01.2015 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062621 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062764 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062870 Die schönsten deutschen Revue- Seance - Beschwörung des Teu- The Second Coming - Die Wie- Filme (4 Discs) fels (Blu-ray) (k.J.) derkehr (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Gasparone / Es leuchten die Sterne / Eine Seance: The Summoning Chong Sheng Nacht im Mai / Wir machen Musik Bobby Campo, Nazneen Contractor, Chris Maggie Siu, Kenny Wong, Joey Leong, Marika Rökk, Johannes Heesters, Heinz Olivero, Devon Ogden, Sin Halo Jude Pfaff, Donald Li - Dir. Herman Yau Schorlemmer, La Jana, Vera Bergmann, Cortney Palm - Dir. Alexander Wright Trailer Ernst Fritz Fürbringer, Viktor Staal, Albert Wendecover Horror 2014 90min. Florath, Ilse Werner, Viktor de Kowa, Edith Horror 2011 87min. Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) Oß - Dir. Georg Jacoby, Hans Heinz Zerlett, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Castle 27.01.2015 Helmut Käutner View Film) 30.01.2015 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062874 Komödie/Musikfilm 1937-1942 352min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062787 Spirit Media 15.01.2015 The Second Coming - Die Wie- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062934 Seance - Beschwörung des Teu- derkehr (k.J.) fels (k.J.) Die schönsten UFA-Klassiker in Chong Sheng Seance: The Summoning Maggie Siu, Kenny Wong, Joey Leong, Farbe (4 Discs) Bobby Campo, Nazneen Contractor, Chris Donald Li - Dir. Herman Yau Frauen sind doch bessere Diplomaten / Olivero, Devon Ogden, Sin Halo Jude Pfaff, Trailer Die Goldene Stadt / Die Frau meiner Träu- Cortney Palm - Dir. Alexander Wright Horror 2014 87min. me / Die Fledermaus Wendecover Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) Marika Rökk, Willy Fritsch, Aribert Wäscher, Horror 2011 84min. 27.01.2015 Kristina Söderbaum, Eugen Klöpfer, Rudolf AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Castle 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062845 Prack, Grethe Weiser, Wolfgang Lukschy, View Film) 30.01.2015 Marte Harell, Johannes Heesters - Dir. Ge- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062783 The Secret - Ein tödliches Ge- org Jacoby, Veit Harlan, Géza von Bolváry Sechs auf einen Streich VII - heimnis Hintergrundinformationen, Bio- und Filmografien, Restaurie- Free Fall rung des Filmmaterials von „Frauen sind doch bessere Sechse kommen durch die ganze Diplomaten“ Sarah Butler, D.B. Sweeney, Malcolm Komödie/Drama 1941-1946 388min. Welt McDowell, Ian Gomez, Adam Tomei, Coley Spirit Media 15.01.2015 Sebastian Bezzel, Tonio Arango, Rafael Speaks, Thea Rubley, Jayson Blair, Kristina 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062935 Gareisen, Laura Maria Heid, Alissa Wilms, Klebe - Dir. Malek Akkad Anton Rubtsov, Maximilian Gehrlinger, Ni- Trailer Schoßgebete cole Mercedes Müller, Emil Reinke, Kevin Thriller 2014 86min. Lavinia Wilson, Jürgen Vogel, Juliane Köh- Kuske - Dir. Uwe Janson Tiberius Film 05.02.2015 ler, Anna Stieblich, Robert Gwisdek, Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 2014 60min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063112 Pauletta Pollmann, Isabelle Redfern, Rainer KNM Home Entertainment(Telepool) Galke, Jonathan Neo Völk, Jan-David Bür- 13.11.2014 The Secret - Ein tödliches Ge- ger, Mira Schröder, Ansgar Schröder, Betti- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062689 heimnis (Blu-ray) na Engelhardt, Tanja Schleiff - Dir. Sönke Free Fall Wortmann Sechs auf einen Streich VII - Sarah Butler, D.B. Sweeney, Malcolm Drama 2014 min. Siebenschön McDowell, Ian Gomez, Adam Tomei, Coley Highlight Communications Xenia Assenza, Franz Dinda, Esther Speaks, Thea Rubley, Jayson Blair, Kristina (Deutschland)(Constantin) 05.03.2015 Schweins, Michael Kind, Gustav Peter Klebe - Dir. Malek Akkad 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063023 Wöhler, Florian Panzner, Teresa Weißbach, Trailer Thriller 2014 90min. Rainer Ewerrien, Carsten Strauch - Dir. Tiberius Film 05.02.2015 Schoßgebete (Blu-ray) Carsten Fiebeler 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063157 Lavinia Wilson, Jürgen Vogel, Juliane Köh- Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 60min. ler, Anna Stieblich, Robert Gwisdek, KNM Home Entertainment(Telepool) Secretary (Premium Edition) Pauletta Pollmann, Isabelle Redfern, Rainer 13.11.2014 Secretary

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Maggie Gyllenhaal, James Spader, Jeremy Heißer Sex in Bangkok / Die Sex-Spelun- Kim Dawson, Eric Acsell, Kira Reed, Daniel Davies, Lesley Ann Warren, Stephen ke Anderson, Zette Sullivan, Stephen Francis McHattie, Patrick Bauchau, Jessica Tuck, Dir. Erwin C. Dietrich - Dir. J. Edie Martin Oz Perkins, Amy Locane, Mary Joy, Michael Erotik 157min. Thriller/Erotik 2000 95min. Mantell, Lily Knight, Sabrina Grdevich, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 16.12.2014 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 09.01.2015 Lacey Kohl, Julene Renee, Lauren Cohn, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063010 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063129 Ezra Buzzington, Kyle Colerider-Krugh, Steven Fierberg, Russel Harper, Shannon Sex in Bangkok (k.J.) Shark Terror - Das Biest aus der Convery, Alison Tatlock - Dir. Steven Heißer Sex in Bangkok / Die Sex-Spelun- Tiefe Shainberg ke Cruel Jaws Interviews, Bio- und Filmografien, Behind the Scenes, Trailer Dir. Erwin C. Dietrich David Luther, George Barnes, Scott Silveria Komödie/Drama 2002 106min. Erotik 150min. - Dir. Bruno Mattei Tiberius Film 05.02.2015 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 16.12.2014 Thriller 1995 92min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063189 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062998 Edel Germany(Parago Movie) 28.11.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062745 Secretary (Premium Edition) (Blu- Sex Tape ray) Sex Tape Shutter - Sie sind unter uns (Blu- Secretary Cameron Diaz, Jason Segel, Rob Corddry, ray) , James Spader, Jeremy Ellie Kemper, Rob Lowe, Nat Faxon, Nancy Sutter Kodtid Winyan Davies, Lesley Ann Warren, Stephen Lenehan, Giselle Eisenberg, Harrison Ananda Everingham, Natthaweeranuch McHattie, Patrick Bauchau, Jessica Tuck, Holzer, Sebastian Hedges Thomas, Jack Thongmee, Achita Sikamana, Unnop Oz Perkins, Amy Locane, Mary Joy, Michael Black - Dir. Jake Kasdan Chanpaibool, Chachchaya Chalernphol - Mantell, Lily Knight, Sabrina Grdevich, Komödie 2014 91min. Dir. Parkpoom Wongpoom, Banjong Lacey Kohl, Julene Renee, Lauren Cohn, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Pisanthanakun Ezra Buzzington, Kyle Colerider-Krugh, 15.01.2015 Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Original Kinotrailer, Original Steven Fierberg, Russel Harper, Shannon 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063001 Teaser, Trailer, Slideshow Convery, Alison Tatlock - Dir. Steven Horror 2004 97min. Shainberg Sex Tape (Blu-ray) Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 02.12.2014 Interviews, Bio- und Filmografien, Behind the Scenes, Trailer Sex Tape 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062981 Komödie/Drama 2002 110min. Cameron Diaz, Jason Segel, Rob Corddry, Tiberius Film 05.02.2015 Ellie Kemper, Rob Lowe, Nat Faxon, Nancy Sie kam aus dem All (2 Discs) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063209 Lenehan, Giselle Eisenberg, Harrison Spadla Z Oblakov Holzer, Sebastian Hedges Thomas, Jack Zuzana Pravnanská, Matej Landl, Lubor Secretary 2 (Premium Edition) Black - Dir. Jake Kasdan Cajka, Swetlana Majbowa - Dir. Radim The Perfect Assistant Komödie 2014 95min. Cvrcek Josie Davis, Chris Potter, Rachel Hunter, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Kinderfilm/Science Fiction 1978 316min. Jason Harper, Sophie Gendron, Paul 15.01.2015 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 12.12.2014 Hopkins, Katherine Dines-Craig, Patricia 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062646 McKenzie - Dir. Douglas Jackson Trailer Sex, Gras & Zombies! (Limited Special Edition, Thriller 2008 91min. The Coed And The Zombie Stoner Tiberius Film 05.02.2015 2 Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Catherine Annette, Jamie Noel, Grant 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063191 Sin City O’Connell, Aaron Caleb, Dora Pereli, Lena , Bruce Willis, , Secretary 2 (Premium Edition) Young, Ben Whalen, Josh Lee Aikin, , Brittany Murphy, Benicio Del Andrew Clements - Dir. Glenn Miller (Blu-ray) Toro, Elijah Wood, , Micha- Outtakes, Making of, Trailer el Clarke Duncan, Michael Madsen, Josh The Perfect Assistant Komödie/Horror 2014 88min. Hartnett, Carla Gugino, Jaime King, Nick Josie Davis, Chris Potter, Rachel Hunter, Great Movies GmbH 21.11.2014 Stahl, Devon Aoki, Alexis Bledel, Marley Jason Harper, Sophie Gendron, Paul 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062793 Shelton, Rick Gomez, Powers Boothe, Hopkins, Katherine Dines-Craig, Patricia , Jude Ciccolella, Jesse De McKenzie - Dir. Douglas Jackson Sex, Gras & Zombies! (Blu-ray 3D) Luna, Tommy Flanagan, Sherrell Murphy- Trailer (Blu-ray) Thriller 2008 91min. Ramos - Dir. , , The Coed And The Zombie Stoner Tiberius Film 05.02.2015 Quentin Tarantino Catherine Annette, Jamie Noel, Grant 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063211 2 Filmfassungen, Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Trailer, O’Connell, Aaron Caleb, Dora Pereli, Lena Teaser, Wendecover Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2005 124min. Sex After Kids (Uncut) Young, Ben Whalen, Josh Lee Aikin, Andrew Clements - Dir. Glenn Miller STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Sex After Kids Outtakes, Making of, Trailer, Bonusfilm Germany 15.01.2015 Paul Amos, Shannon Beckner, Katie Boland Komödie/Horror 2014 91min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063086 - Dir. Jeremy Lalonde Great Movies GmbH 21.11.2014 Komödie/Lovestory 2013 102min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062827 Sinbad - Herr der sieben Meere Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Sinbad Of The Seven Seas 04.12.2014 Sex, Gras & Zombies! (Blu-ray) Lou Ferrigno, John Steiner, Teagan Clive - 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062758 The Coed And The Zombie Stoner Dir. Enzo G. Castellari Catherine Annette, Jamie Noel, Grant Featurette, Bildergalerie, Trailer Sex After Kids (Uncut) (Blu-ray) O’Connell, Aaron Caleb, Dora Pereli, Lena Fantasy/Abenteuer 1988 89min. Sex After Kids Young, Ben Whalen, Josh Lee Aikin, Koch Media 15.01.2015 Paul Amos, Shannon Beckner, Katie Boland Andrew Clements - Dir. Glenn Miller 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062930 - Dir. Jeremy Lalonde Outtakes, Making of, Trailer, Bonusfilm Bonusfilm Komödie/Horror 2014 91min. Sinbad - Herr der sieben Meere Komödie/Lovestory 2013 106min. Great Movies GmbH 21.11.2014 (Blu-ray) Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062826 Sinbad Of The Seven Seas 04.12.2014 Lou Ferrigno, John Steiner, Teagan Clive - 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062774 Sexual Intrigue - Are You Ready Dir. Enzo G. Castellari Sex in Bangkok (Blu-ray) (k.J.) To Play? (k.J.) Featurette, Bildergalerie, Trailer Sexual Intrigue Fantasy/Abenteuer 1988 93min.

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Koch Media 15.01.2015 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063183 Gabrielle Stone, Carl Jensen, Olivia 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062954 Cavender - Dir. Roze Solange du lebst Horror 2013 71min. The Skeleton Twins Adrian Hoven, Marianne Koch, Karin Dor, Mad Dimension GmbH 27.02.2015 The Skeleton Twins Willy Rösner, Kurt Heintel, Sepp Rist, Wer- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063213 Bill Hader, Kristen Wiig, Luke Wilson, Ty ner Stock, Kurt Hepperlin, Luis Arroyo - Dir. Burrell, Boyd Holbrook, Joanna Gleason, Harald Reinl Speak No Evil (k.J.) Kathleen Rose Perkins, Ian Hyland, Jennifer Booklet Speak No Evil Lafleur - Dir. Craig Johnson Drama/Kriegsfilm 1955 99min. Gabrielle Stone, Carl Jensen, Olivia Drama/Komödie 2014 89min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Cavender - Dir. Roze Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) AG(Filmjuwelen) 06.02.2015 Horror 2013 71min. 29.01.2015 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063200 Mad Dimension GmbH 27.02.2015 tba BestellNr.: 20063006 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063202 Ein Sommer in der Provence The Skeleton Twins (Blu-ray) Avis De Mistral The Splatter Show (Blu-ray) (k.J.) The Skeleton Twins Jean Reno, Anna Galiena, Chloé Jouannet, The Uh-Oh Show Bill Hader, Kristen Wiig, Luke Wilson, Ty Hugo Dessioux, Aure Atika, Lukas Pelissier, Nevada Caldwell, Brooke McCarter jr., Joel Burrell, Boyd Holbrook, Joanna Gleason, Tom Leeb, Hugues Aufray, Charlotte de D. Wynkoop, Krista Grotte, Kenny Rogers, Kathleen Rose Perkins, Ian Hyland, Jennifer Turckheim, Raphaëlle Agogué (Émilie), Bruce Blauer, Jerrett Ricker, Jack Amos, Lafleur - Dir. Craig Johnson Jean-Michel Noirey - Dir. Rose Bosch Kelsey Donegan, Lauren Schmier - Dir. Drama/Komödie 2014 93min. Komödie 2014 100min. Herschell Gordon Lewis Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Making of, Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Trailer, 29.01.2015 Home Edition) 12.02.2015 Horror/Komödie 2010 84min. tba BestellNr.: 20063014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063171 Musketier Media(8-Films) 16.12.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063159 Slinger Ein Sommer in der Provence Cyborg (Blu-ray) The Splatter Show (k.J.) Jean-Claude van Damme, Deborah Richter, Avis De Mistral The Uh-Oh Show Vincent Klyn, Alex Daniels, Dayle Haddon, Jean Reno, Anna Galiena, Chloé Jouannet, Nevada Caldwell, Brooke McCarter jr., Joel Blaise Loong, Ralf Möller - Dir. Albert Pyun Hugo Dessioux, Aure Atika, Lukas Pelissier, D. Wynkoop, Krista Grotte, Kenny Rogers, Action/Fantasy 1989 80min. Tom Leeb, Hugues Aufray, Charlotte de Bruce Blauer, Jerrett Ricker, Jack Amos, VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 11.11.2014 Turckheim, Raphaëlle Agogué (Émilie), Kelsey Donegan, Lauren Schmier - Dir. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062683 Jean-Michel Noirey - Dir. Rose Bosch Herschell Gordon Lewis Komödie 2014 105min. Making of, Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Horror/Komödie 2010 84min. Slinger (Blu-ray) Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Musketier Media(8-Films) 16.12.2014 Cyborg Home Edition) 12.02.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063114 Jean-Claude van Damme, Deborah Richter, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063176 Vincent Klyn, Alex Daniels, Dayle Haddon, Spreewaldkrimis - Komplettbox Blaise Loong, Ralf Möller - Dir. Albert Pyun Space Shuttle War Action/Fantasy 1989 83min. Diamondbacks (4 Discs) VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 11.11.2014 Miles O’Keefe, Timothy Bottoms, Christo- Das Geheimnis im Moor / Der Tote im 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062704 pher Mitchum, Eb Lottimer - Dir. Bernard Spreewald / Die Tränen der Fische / Eine Salzman tödliche Legende / Feuerengel / Mörderi- (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Action 1998 91min. sche Hitze / Die Tote am Weiher Sumagurâ: Omae No Mirai O Hakobe Edel Germany(Starmovie) 12.12.2014 Christian Redl - Dir. Kai Wessel, Christian , , 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063075 von Castelberg, Thomas Roth, Torsten C. Yasuko Matsuyuki, Hikari Mitsushima, Fischer Masanobu Ando, Ryushin Tei, Tatsuya Speak - Die Wahrheit ändert al- Kriminalfilm 2006-2014 630min. Gashuin, Tsuyoshi Abe - Dir. Katsuhito Ishii les Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF Video) 19.12.2014 Wendecover Speak Action/Kriminalfilm 2011 105min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063126 Kristen Stewart, Hallee Hirsh, Steve Zahn, KNM Home Entertainment(cultmovie) Michael Angarano, Robert John Burke, 13.11.2014 Die Spur führt in den 7. Himmel Leslie Lyles, Elizabeth Perkins, Eric Lively, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062706 Allison Siko, D.B. Sweeney - Dir. Jessica (2 Discs) Dir. Rudi Kurz Smuggler (k.J.) Sharzer Drama 2003 89min. Kriminalfilm 1963 260min. Sumagurâ: Omae No Mirai O Hakobe Lighthouse Home Entertainment(MVL) Studio Hamburg Enterprises(DDR TV-Ar- Satoshi Tsumabuki, Masatoshi Nagase, 12.12.2014 chiv) 23.01.2015 Yasuko Matsuyuki, Hikari Mitsushima, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062808 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063119 Masanobu Ando, Ryushin Tei, Tatsuya Gashuin, Tsuyoshi Abe - Dir. Katsuhito Ishii Speak - Die Wahrheit ändert al- Box (Special Wendecover Action/Kriminalfilm 2011 102min. les (Blu-ray) Collector’s Edition) KNM Home Entertainment(cultmovie) Speak Death 2000 / Nachtfalken / Vorhof 13.11.2014 Kristen Stewart, Hallee Hirsh, Steve Zahn, zum Paradies 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062684 Michael Angarano, Robert John Burke, Sylvester Stallone, Billy Dee Williams, Leslie Lyles, Elizabeth Perkins, Eric Lively, Rutger Hauer, , Persis Snowy River Allison Siko, D.B. Sweeney - Dir. Jessica Khambatta, Nigel Davenport, Armand The Man From Snowy River Sharzer Assante, Lee Canalito, Anne Archer, Kevin Tom Burlinson, Sigrid Thornton, Kirk Drama 2003 92min. Conway, Frank McRae, Tom Waits, Terry Douglas, Terence Donovan, Tommy Dysart, Lighthouse Home Entertainment(MVL) Funk, Joyce Ingalls, Joe Spinell, Amy David Bradshaw, - Dir. 12.12.2014 Eccles, , Simone Griffeth, George Miller 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062829 Mary Woronov, Roberta Collins, Martin Western 1982 90min. Kove, Louisa Moritz, Wendy Bartel, Don Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Spirit Me- Speak No Evil (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Steele, Joyce Jameson - Dir. Bruce dia) 27.01.2015 Speak No Evil Malmuth, Sylvester Stallone, Paul Bartel,

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John Landis 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062630 AG(Filmjuwelen) 30.01.2015 Biografie, Wendecover 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063194 Action 1974-1980 310min. Stiletto (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 19.12.2014 (k.J.) Straßen der Nacht 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063073 Stiletto Hustle Burt Reynolds, Catherine Deneuve, Ben Sylvester Stallone Box (Special Stana Katic, Tom Berenger, Michael Biehn, Paul Sloan, William Forsythe, James Russo, Johnson, Paul Winfield, Eileen Brennan, Collector’s Edition) (Blu-ray) Kelly Hu, Diane Venora, Amanda Brooks, Eddie Albert, Ernest Borgnine, Jack Carter, Death Race 2000 / Nachtfalken / Vorhof Tony Lip, Tom Sizemore, Dominique Swain, Sharon Kelly, James Hampton, David Spiel- zum Paradies D.B. Sweeney, David Proval, Efrain berg, Catherine Bach, Peter Brandon, Sylvester Stallone, Billy Dee Williams, Figueroa, Jarrod Bunch, Jesse Corti, Bobby Naomi Stevens, Med Flory - Dir. Robert Rutger Hauer, Lindsay Wagner, Persis Ray Shafer, Christopher Allen Nelson, War- Aldrich Khambatta, Nigel Davenport, Armand ren Ostergard, Colleen Porch, Garret Sato, Thriller 1975 115min. Assante, Lee Canalito, Anne Archer, Kevin Lorena Bernal, Steven Schub, Scott Whyte, Paramount Home Entertainment 08.01.2015 Conway, Frank McRae, Tom Waits, Terry Brie Gabrielle - Dir. Nick Vallelonga 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063152 Funk, Joyce Ingalls, Joe Spinell, Amy Action/Thriller 2008 87min. Eccles, David Carradine, Simone Griffeth, Edel Germany(Starmovie) 12.12.2014 Street Hooligans vs. Rocker (k.J.) Mary Woronov, Roberta Collins, Martin 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063162 Queen City Rocker Kove, Louisa Moritz, Wendy Bartel, Don Matthew Hunter, Mark Pilisi, Ricky Steele, Joyce Jameson - Dir. Bruce Stonehearst Asylum Bribiesca, Kim Willoughby, Rebecca Malmuth, Sylvester Stallone, Paul Bartel, Stonehearst Asylum Saunders, Peter Bland - Dir. Bruce John Landis Kate Beckinsale, Jim Sturgess, Brendan Morrison Biografie, Wendecover Gleeson, Sir Ben Kingsley, Sir Michael Action/Drama 1987 90min. Action 1974-1980 310min. Caine, David Thewlis, Jason Flemyng, So- Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Maritim Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 19.12.2014 phie Kennedy Clark, Sinéad Cusack - Dir. Pictures) 02.12.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063093 Brad Anderson 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062996 - The Next Generation: Thriller 2014 min. Universum Film Home Entertainment Stromberg - Der Film Angriffsziel Erde (Blu-ray) 30.01.2015 Christoph Maria Herbst, Bjarne Mädel, Oli- Star Trek - The Next Generation: Best Of 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062973 ver K. Wnuk, Diana Staehly (Tanja Steinke), Both Worlds Part 1 + 2 Milena Dreißig, Laurens Walter, Maja Sir Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, Stonehearst Asylum (Blu-ray) Beckmann, Tatjana Alexander, Jan Georg LeVar Burton, Whoopi Goldberg - Dir. Cliff Stonehearst Asylum Schütte, Dagny Dewath, Max Mauff - Dir. Bole Kate Beckinsale, Jim Sturgess, Brendan Arne Feldhusen Audiokommentar, Featurette, Outtakes, Trailer Gleeson, Sir Ben Kingsley, Sir Michael Making of, Musikvideo Science Fiction 1990 86min. Komödie/Satire 2013 118min. Caine, David Thewlis, Jason Flemyng, So- Paramount Home Entertainment 04.12.2014 Sony Music Strategic Entertainment phie Kennedy Clark, Sinéad Cusack - Dir. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062662 Division(Spassgesellschaft) 05.12.2014 Brad Anderson 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063140 Star Trek - The Next Generation: Thriller 2014 min. Universum Film Home Entertainment Supremacy Der Kampf um das klingonische 30.01.2015 Supremacy Reich (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062989 Joe Anderson, Anson Mount, Danny Glover, Star Trek - The Next Generation: Julie Benz, Dawn Olivieri, Derek Luke, Evan Redemption Part 1 + 2 Storm Hunters Ross - Dir. Deon Taylor Audiokommentar, Featurette, Trailer Into The Storm Science Fiction 1991 87min. Trailer , Sarah Wayne Callies, Thriller/Drama 2014 94min. Paramount Home Entertainment 04.12.2014 Matt Walsh, Alycia Debnam Carey, Arlen capelight pictures Gerlach Selms 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062663 Escarpeta, Max Deacon, Nathan Kress, 30.01.2015 Jeremy Sumpter, Lee Whittaker, Kyle Davis, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062841 Star Trek - The Next Generation: Jon Reep, Scott Lawrence - Dir. Steven Season 7 (6 Discs) (Blu-ray) Quale Supremacy (Blu-ray) Star Trek - The Next Generation Drama/Action 2014 86min. Supremacy Sir Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, Mari- Warner Home Video Germany 18.12.2014 Joe Anderson, Anson Mount, Danny Glover, na Sirtis, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062862 Julie Benz, Dawn Olivieri, Derek Luke, Evan Science Fiction 1993-1994 1100min. Ross - Dir. Deon Taylor Paramount Home Entertainment 18.12.2014 Storm Hunters (Blu-ray) Trailer 99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062664 Into The Storm Thriller/Drama 2014 97min. Richard Armitage, Sarah Wayne Callies, capelight pictures Gerlach Selms Star Trek - The Next Generation: Matt Walsh, Alycia Debnam Carey, Arlen 30.01.2015 Wiedervereinigung? (Blu-ray) Escarpeta, Max Deacon, Nathan Kress, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062843 Star Trek - The Next Generation: Jeremy Sumpter, Lee Whittaker, Kyle Davis, Unification Part 1 + 2 Jon Reep, Scott Lawrence - Dir. Steven Suriyothai - Die Kriegsprinzessin Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Trailer Quale The Legend Of Suriyothai Science Fiction 1990-1991 87min. Drama/Action 2014 89min. Piyapas Bhirombhakdi, Sarunyu Paramount Home Entertainment 04.12.2014 Warner Home Video Germany 18.12.2014 Wongkrachang, Chatchai Plengpanich, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062665 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062883 Siriwimol Charoenpura, Johnny Anfone, Pongpat Wachirabunjong, Sinjai Star Trek - The Original Series - Straße der Verheißung Plengpanich, Sorapong Chatree, Suchao Origins (Blu-ray) Mario Adorf, Karin Baal, Johanna von Pongwilai, Wannasa Thongwiset, Suphakit Star Trek Koczian, Amedeo Nazzari, Wolfgang Wahl, Tangthaswasd, Saharat Sangkapricha, William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Paul Müller, Lotte Ledl, Gretl Schörg, Wolf- Ronrittichai Khanket, Sombat Medhanee, Kelley, Nichelle Nichols, George Takei, gang Völz - Dir. Imo Moszkowicz Varuth Waratham - Dir. Chatrichalerm Yukol James Doohan Booklet Making of, Deleted Scenes, Trailer, Bildergalerie, Poster- Drama 1962 93min. galerie, Audiokommentar Science Fiction 1966-1969 265min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Abenteuer/Historienfilm 2002 137min. Paramount Home Entertainment 04.12.2014 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 28.11.2014

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9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062740 Tango im Schnee 05.12.2014 Ursela Monn, Wolfgang Winkler, Peter 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062726 Suriyothai - Die Kriegsprinzessin Bongartz, Aline Kolditz, Lea Kolditz, Bruno (Blu-ray) F. Apitz, Helmut Berger, Iris Minich, Nora The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - The Legend Of Suriyothai Heschl - Dir. Gabi Kubach Blutgericht in Texas (40th Piyapas Bhirombhakdi, Sarunyu Drama/Komödie 2009 87min. Anniversary Limited Collector’s Wongkrachang, Chatchai Plengpanich, KNM Home Entertainment(Telepool) Box, 2 Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Siriwimol Charoenpura, Johnny Anfone, 13.11.2014 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Pongpat Wachirabunjong, Sinjai 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062676 Marilyn Burns, Allen Danziger, Paul A. Plengpanich, Sorapong Chatree, Suchao Partain, Edwin Neal, Jim Siedow, William Pongwilai, Wannasa Thongwiset, Suphakit Teegebäck und Platzpatronen Vail, Teri McMinn, Gunnar Hansen - Dir. Tangthaswasd, Saharat Sangkapricha, Brigitte Horney, Rudolf Platte, Werner Hinz, Tobe Hooper Ronrittichai Khanket, Sombat Medhanee, Gisela Trowe, Thomas Fritsch, Simone Diverse, Digitally remastered in 4K Varuth Waratham - Dir. Chatrichalerm Yukol Rethel, Charles Régnier, Henning Schlüter - Thriller/Horror 1974 83min. Making of, Deleted Scenes, Trailer, Bildergalerie, Poster- Dir. Wolfgang Spier Turbine Media Group(Turbine Classics) galerie, Audiokommentar Komödie/Kriminalfilm 1980 99min. Abenteuer/Historienfilm 2002 142min. 05.12.2014 Pidax film media 02.01.2015 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 28.11.2014 99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062727 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063134 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062770 These Final Hours Swelter - Gier. Rache. Erlösung. Tekken 2 - Kazuya’s Revenge These Final Hours Tekken: A Man Called X Swelter Jessica de Gouw, Daniel Henshall, David Kane Kosugi, Gary Daniels, Kelly Wenham, Lennie James, Grant Bowler, Jean-Claude Field, Nathan Phillips, Sarah Snook, Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa, Rade Serbedzija, van Damme - Dir. Keith Parmer Angourie Rice, Kathryn Beck, Lynette Interviews, Featurette, Trailer Paige Lindquist, Charlotte Kirk, Biljana Misic Curran - Dir. Zak Hilditch Action/Kriminalfilm 2014 96min. - Dir. Wych Kaosayananda Trailer, Wendecover Planet Media Home Entertainment Trailer, Bildergalerie Drama/Science Fiction 2014 84min. Action 2014 85min. 08.01.2015 Weltkino Filmverleih 19.02.2015 KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 19.01.2015 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062849 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063041 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062856 These Final Hours (Blu-ray) Swelter - Gier. Rache. Erlösung. Tekken 2 - Kazuya’s Revenge (Blu-ray) These Final Hours (Blu-ray) Jessica de Gouw, Daniel Henshall, David Swelter Tekken: A Man Called X Field, Nathan Phillips, Sarah Snook, Lennie James, Grant Bowler, Jean-Claude Kane Kosugi, Gary Daniels, Kelly Wenham, Angourie Rice, Kathryn Beck, Lynette van Damme - Dir. Keith Parmer Interviews, Featurette, Trailer Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa, Rade Serbedzija, Curran - Dir. Zak Hilditch Action/Kriminalfilm 2014 100min. Paige Lindquist, Charlotte Kirk, Biljana Misic Trailer, Wendecover Drama/Science Fiction 2014 87min. Planet Media Home Entertainment - Dir. Wych Kaosayananda Weltkino Filmverleih 19.02.2015 08.01.2015 Trailer, Bildergalerie Action 2014 89min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063044 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062875 KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 19.01.2015 Tammy - Voll abgefahren 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062879 Time Runners - Das Gesetz der Zukunft Tammy Der Tempel der Shaolin (Digital Melissa McCarthy, Susan Sarandon, Kathy 95ers: Time Runners Bates, Allison Janney, Dan Aykroyd, Mark Remastered) (Blu-ray) Alesandra Durham, Joel Bishop, Terence Duplass, Gary Cole, Nat Faxon, Toni Shao Lin Si Goodman, Ian Paul Freeth, Chris Laird, Collette, Sandra Oh, Ben Falcone, Sarah Sheng Fu, Chi Kuan-chun, Ti Lung, David Anne Sward, K. Danor Gerald, Christopher Baker, Rich Williams, Steve Little, Dakota Chiang, Philip Kwok - Dir. Cheh Chang Robin Miller, Jeffrey Blake - Dir. Thomas Lee, Mia Rose Frampton, Keith Welborn, Action/Eastern 1976 117min. Gomez Durham Oscar Gale, Justin Smith, Willie Hill, Larry Lighthouse Home Entertainment(MVL) Thriller/Science Fiction 2013 92min. Dorf, Ricky Muse, Barbara Wheetman, 23.01.2015 MIG Film 12.02.2015 William Flaman, Rey Hernandez, Penn tba BestellNr.: 20063238 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063166 Holderness, Michele Li, Raven Angeline Whisnant, Damon Jones - Dir. Ben Falcone Terror der Zombies Time Runners - Das Gesetz der Komödie 2014 94min. Zeder Zukunft (Blu-ray) Warner Home Video Germany 04.12.2014 Gabriele Lavia, Anne Canovas, Paolo 95ers: Time Runners 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062576 Tanziani, Cesare Barbetti, Roberto Tonelli, Alesandra Durham, Joel Bishop, Terence John Stacy - Dir. Pupi Avati Goodman, Ian Paul Freeth, Chris Laird, Tammy - Voll abgefahren (Blu- Trailer, Bildergalerie, Audiokommentar Anne Sward, K. Danor Gerald, Christopher Horror 1983 95min. Robin Miller, Jeffrey Blake - Dir. Thomas ray) Edel Germany(New Vision Films) Gomez Durham Tammy 14.11.2014 Thriller/Science Fiction 2013 96min. Melissa McCarthy, Susan Sarandon, Kathy 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062605 Bates, Allison Janney, Dan Aykroyd, Mark MIG Film 12.02.2015 Duplass, Gary Cole, Nat Faxon, Toni The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063172 Collette, Sandra Oh, Ben Falcone, Sarah Blutgericht in Texas (40th Baker, Rich Williams, Steve Little, Dakota Tod in den Bergen Lee, Mia Rose Frampton, Keith Welborn, Anniversary Edition, 2 Discs, Ursula Strauss, Robert Atzorn, Fritz Karl, Oscar Gale, Justin Smith, Willie Hill, Larry Steel-Verpackung) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Wolfram Berger, Felix Eitner, Andreas Lust, Dorf, Ricky Muse, Barbara Wheetman, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Ulli Maier, Jürgen Tonkel, Jule Ronstedt, William Flaman, Rey Hernandez, Penn Marilyn Burns, Allen Danziger, Paul A. Gerhard Wittmann, Karin Lischka, Reinhold Holderness, Michele Li, Raven Angeline Partain, Edwin Neal, Jim Siedow, William G. Moritz, Gerald Votava, Lisa Gadenstätter Whisnant, Damon Jones - Dir. Ben Falcone Vail, Teri McMinn, Gunnar Hansen - Dir. - Dir. Nils Willbrandt Komödie 2014 97min. Tobe Hooper Drama/Kriminalfilm 2013 min. Warner Home Video Germany 04.12.2014 Diverse, Digitally remastered in 4K MCP Sound & Media 07.11.2014 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062622 Thriller/Horror 1974 83min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062753 Turbine Media Group(Turbine Classics)

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Der Tod weint rote Tränen Fritz von Friedl, Alexander Linhardt, Mehdi Hooligan / 66/67 - Fairplay war gestern / L’ Etrange Couleur Des Larmes De Ton Ouazzani - Dir. Sigi Rothemund The Firm / Green Street 3: Never Back Corps Komödie/Drama 2014 min. Down / Hooligans 2 - Stand Your Ground / Klaus Tange, Ursula Bedena, Joe Koener, MCP Sound & Media 07.11.2014 The Firm Birgit Yew, Hans de Munter, Anna 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062752 Action 623min. D’Annunzio, Jean-Michel Vovk, Manon Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 02.12.2014 Beuchot - Dir. Hélène Cattet, Bruno Forzani Trio infernal (Romy Schneider 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062961 Kinotrailer Edition) (k.J.) Thriller/Mystery 2013 98min. Trio infernal The Ultimative Mercenary Koch Media 29.01.2015 Romy Schneider, Michel Piccoli, Mascha Collection - Raw & Uncut (6 Discs) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062926 Gonska, Philippe Brizard, Andréa Ferréol, (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Jean Rigaux - Dir. Francis Girod Der Tod weint rote Tränen (Blu- Der Commander / Geheimcode Wildgänse Trailer, Wendecover / Im Wendekreis des Söldners / Komman- Komödie 1973 101min. ray) do Leopard / Die Rückkehr der Wildgänse STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment L’ Etrange Couleur Des Larmes De Ton / Die Wildgänse kommen Corps Germany(Arthaus) 04.12.2014 Trailer Klaus Tange, Ursula Bedena, Joe Koener, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062710 Action 629min. Birgit Yew, Hans de Munter, Anna Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 02.12.2014 D’Annunzio, Jean-Michel Vovk, Manon Trio: Odins Gull - 1.Staffel (2 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062982 Beuchot - Dir. Hélène Cattet, Bruno Forzani Discs) Kinotrailer Trio: Odins Gull The Ultimative Mercenary Thriller/Mystery 2013 102min. Naomi Hasselberg Thorsrud, Oskar Collection - Raw & Uncut (6 Discs) Koch Media 29.01.2015 Lindquist, Bjørnar Lysfoss Hagesveen, (k.J.) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062953 André Eriksen, Camilla Augusta Hallan, Der Commander / Geheimcode Wildgänse Hallvard Holmen, Rune Temte - Dir. Atle / Im Wendekreis des Söldners / Komman- Torture Insanity (k.J.) Knudsen do Leopard / Die Rückkehr der Wildgänse Christopher Roth Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 240min. / Die Wildgänse kommen Joaquim De Almeida, Anna Galiena, Ben MFA+ Film Distribution 02.01.2015 Gazzara, Francesco Guzzo, Inigo Placido, Trailer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063127 Action 592min. Jessica Bonanni, Nathalie Rapti Gomez - Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 02.12.2014 Dir. Maxime Alexandre Trio: Odins Gull - 1.Staffel (2 Trailer 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062962 Thriller/Horror 2010 91min. Discs) (Blu-ray) Soulfood Music Distribution(True Grit Trio: Odins Gull ... und sowas nennt sich Leben Pictures) 05.12.2014 Naomi Hasselberg Thorsrud, Oskar Karin Baal, Elke Sommer, Michael Hinz - Dir. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063268 Lindquist, Bjørnar Lysfoss Hagesveen, Géza von Radványi André Eriksen, Camilla Augusta Hallan, Booklet Transformers Trilogie (3 Discs) Hallvard Holmen, Rune Temte - Dir. Atle Drama 1961 93min. Pidax film media(Pidax film) 16.12.2014 Transformers / Transformers - Die Rache / Knudsen 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062614 Transformers 3 Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 240min. MFA+ Film Distribution 02.01.2015 Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, Josh Duhamel, Die unerschütterliche Liebe der Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Patrick 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063161 Dempsey - Dir. Michael Bay Suzanne Action/Science Fiction 2007-2011 430min. Two and a Half Men - Die kom- Suzanne Paramount Home plette elfte Staffel (3 Discs) Sara Forestier, François Damiens, Adèle Entertainment(DreamWorks) 06.11.2014 Two And A Half Men Haenel, Paul Hamy, Corinne Masiero 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062785 Komödie 2013-2014 453min. (Éliane), Karim Leklou, Apollonia Luisetti, Warner Home Video Germany 11.12.2014 Fanie Zanini, Timothé vom Dorp, Maxim Transformers Trilogie (3 Discs) 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062968 Driesen, Jaime Dacunha, Lola Dueñas, (Blu-ray) Anne Le Ny - Dir. Katell Quillévéré Drama 2013 90min. Transformers / Transformers - Die Rache / Über-Ich und Du good!movies(Arsenal) 14.11.2014 Transformers 3 André Wilms, Georg Friedrich, Bettina 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062670 Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, Josh Duhamel, Stucky, Susanne Wolff, Elisabeth Orth, Maria Hofstätter, Margarita Broich, Markus Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Patrick Universal Squadrons - Das Elite- Dempsey - Dir. Michael Bay Schleinzer, Johanna Bantzer, John Keogh, Action/Science Fiction 2007-2011 447min. Philippe Graber, Eisi Gulp, Hakan Orbeyi, kommando Paramount Home Nina Fog, Annina Euling, Leonard Carow, Universal Squadrons Entertainment(DreamWorks) 06.11.2014 Michael Wittenborn, Anouk Petri, Julian Christian Kane, Riley Smith, Willa Ford, 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062791 Buse - Dir. Benjamin Heisenberg Marshall Teague - Dir. Mark Millhone Booklet, Making of, Audiokommentar, Trailer Thriller/Drama 2011 84min. Das Traumhotel - Collection (5 Komödie/Drama 2014 94min. Maritim Pictures 27.01.2015 good!movies(Piffl) 07.11.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062848 Discs) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062520 Das Traumhotel: Brasilien / Das Traum- Universal Squadrons - Das Elite- hotel: Marokko / Das Traumhotel: UFO - Gesamtedition (Blu-ray) kommando (Blu-ray) Myanmar / Das Traumhotel: Tobago / Das UFO Universal Squadrons Traumhotel: Vietnam Ed Bishop, George Sewell, Michael Christian Kane, Riley Smith, Willa Ford, Making of Billington, Paul Gordeno, Wanda Ventham - Komödie/Drama 450min. Marshall Teague - Dir. Mark Millhone Dir. Gerry Anderson MCP Sound & Media 07.11.2014 Booklet, Aufnäher im SHADO-Logo-Design Thriller/Drama 2011 88min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062757 Science Fiction 1970-1971 1248min. Maritim Pictures 27.01.2015 epiX Media AG 28.11.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062873 Das Traumhotel: Marokko 109,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062957 Christian Kohlund, Ruth-Maria Kubitschek, Unter Ausschluss der Öffentlich- Fanny Stavjanik, Anna Hausburg, Proschat The Ultimative Hooligan Box (7 keit Madani, Ismail Zagros, Nadia Benzakour, Discs) (k.J.) Marianne Koch, Peter van Eyck, Claus

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Holm, Susanne Cramer, Leon Askin - Dir. Eine verrückte Bescherung 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062975 Harald Philipp A Christmas Too Many Booklet Mickey Rooney, Ruta Lee, Andrew Keegan, Walking on Sunshine (Blu-ray) Kriminalfilm/Drama 1961 96min. Sam McMurray, Marla Maples, Clint Howard Walking On Sunshine Pidax film media(Pidax film) 19.12.2014 - Dir. Stephen Wallis Hannah Arterton, Annabel Scholey, Giulio 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062699 Komödie 2007 91min. Berruti, Katy Brand, Leona Lewis, Greg Wise, Giulio Corso - Dir. Max Giwa, Dania Die unüblichen Verdächtigen Edel Germany(New Vision Films) 31.10.2014 Pasquini Hunting Elephants 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062588 Musical/Komödie 2014 98min. Sasson Gabai, Moni Moshonov, Sir Patrick Universum Film Home Stewart, Gil Blank, Yaël Abecassis, Moshe Versprochen ist versprochen 2 Entertainment(SquareOne) 30.01.2015 Ivgy, Zvika Hadar, Rotem Zussman-Cohen - Jingle All The Way 2 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062991 Dir. Reshef Levi Larry the Cable Guy, Brian Stepanek - Dir. Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2013 103min. Alex Zamm War das mein Leben? Pecom AG 22.01.2015 Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes Flashbacks Of A Fool 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063101 Komödie 2014 90min. Daniel Craig, Harry Eden, Olivia Williams, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment , Helen McCrory, Miriam Karlin, Die unüblichen Verdächtigen Germany 05.12.2014 Eve, Keeley Hawes - Dir. Baillie Walsh (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063123 Bildergalerie, Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Inter- Hunting Elephants views Drama/Satire 2008 109min. Sasson Gabai, Moni Moshonov, Sir Patrick Violette Edel Germany(Starmovie) 07.11.2014 Stewart, Gil Blank, Yaël Abecassis, Moshe Violette 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062531 Ivgy, Zvika Hadar, Rotem Zussman-Cohen - Emmanuelle Devos, Sandrine Kiberlain, Dir. Reshef Levi Olivier Gourmet, Catherine Hiegel, Jacques War das mein Leben? (Blu-ray) Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2013 108min. Bonnaffé, Olivier Py, Nathalie Richard, Flashbacks Of A Fool Pecom AG 22.01.2015 Stanley Weber - Dir. Martin Provost Daniel Craig, Harry Eden, Olivia Williams, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063108 Drama/Biographie 2013 132min. Jodhi May, Helen McCrory, Miriam Karlin, good!movies(Kool) 14.11.2014 The Vampire Diaries - Die kom- Eve, Keeley Hawes - Dir. Baillie Walsh 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062669 Bildergalerie, Interviews, Making of, Entfallene Szenen, plette fünfte Staffel (4 Discs) (Blu- Trailer ray) Violette (Blu-ray) Drama/Satire 2008 114min. Violette Edel Germany(Starmovie) 14.11.2014 The Vampire Diaries Featurettes, Nicht verwendete Szenen Emmanuelle Devos, Sandrine Kiberlain, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062546 Fantasy/Mystery 2013-2014 968min. Olivier Gourmet, Catherine Hiegel, Jacques Warner Home Video Germany 04.12.2014 Bonnaffé, Olivier Py, Nathalie Richard, Watchmen of the Galaxy - Para- 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062987 Stanley Weber - Dir. Martin Provost dox Drama/Biographie 2013 135min. Paradox The Vampire Diaries - Die kom- good!movies(Kool) 14.11.2014 Kevin Sorbo, Steph Song, Christopher plette fünfte Staffel (5 Discs) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062702 Judge, Alan C. Peterson, Alisen Down, Jerry Wasserman, Michael St. John Smith, The Vampire Diaries Vortex - Beasts from Beyond Featurettes, Nicht verwendete Szenen David Richmond-Peck - Dir. Brenton Fantasy/Mystery 2013-2014 888min. The Vortex Spencer Warner Home Video Germany 04.12.2014 Jack Plotnick, Sarah Lieving, Ted Jonas - Science Fiction/Thriller 2010 88min. 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062969 Dir. Peter Paul Basler Soulfood Music Distribution(Steamboat) Action/Science Fiction 2012 92min. 05.12.2014 Vater einer Tochter Edel Germany(Starmovie) 14.11.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063265 Georg Thomalla, Kristina Nel, Lutz Riedel, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062602 Hasso Degner, Inge Wolffberg John Wayne - Die frühen Jahre Theater/Komödie 1981 103min. Vortex - Beasts from Beyond (Blu- The Range Feud / Red River Range / Pidax film media(Pidax film) 19.12.2014 ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Three Texas Steers / Two-Fisted Law 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062698 The Vortex John Wayne Jack Plotnick, Sarah Lieving, Ted Jonas - Western 200min. Verfluchtes Amsterdam Dir. Peter Paul Basler Edel Germany(Capitol Film) 28.11.2014 Amsterdamned Action/Science Fiction 2012 96min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062730 Huub Stapel, Monique van de Ven, Serge- Edel Germany(Starmovie) 14.11.2014 Henri Valcke, Tanneke Hartzuiker, Wim 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062642 John Wayne in Farbe (2 Discs) Zomer, Hidde Maas, Lou Landré - Dir. Dick Blue Steel / The Dawn Rider / The Lucky Maas Vortex - Beasts from Beyond (Blu- Texan / Paradise Canyon / Sagebrush Wendecover ray) Trail / Winds of the Wasteland Action/Thriller 1987 108min. The Vortex John Wayne STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Jack Plotnick, Sarah Lieving, Ted Jonas - Western 305min. Germany 22.01.2015 Dir. Peter Paul Basler Edel Germany(Starmovie) 07.11.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063064 Action/Science Fiction 2012 96min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062577 Verfluchtes Amsterdam (Blu-ray) Edel Germany(Starmovie) 14.11.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062641 Wenn ich bleibe Amsterdamned If I Stay Huub Stapel, Monique van de Ven, Serge- Walking on Sunshine Chloe Grace Moretz, Mireille Enos, Joshua Henri Valcke, Tanneke Hartzuiker, Wim Walking On Sunshine Leonard, Jamie Blackley, Liana Liberato, Zomer, Hidde Maas, Lou Landré - Dir. Dick Hannah Arterton, Annabel Scholey, Giulio Jakob Davies, Stacy Keach - Dir. R. J. Maas Cutler Wendecover Berruti, Katy Brand, Leona Lewis, Greg Wise, Giulio Corso - Dir. Max Giwa, Dania Musikvideo, Audiokommentar, Featurettes Action/Thriller 1987 112min. Drama 2014 103min. Pasquini STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Musical/Komödie 2014 94min. Germany 22.01.2015 Germany(MGM/UA) 22.01.2015 Universum Film Home 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063090 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063040 Entertainment(SquareOne) 30.01.2015

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Wenn ich bleibe (Blu-ray) Koschitz, Katharina Marie Schubert, André Ximena Ayala, Lisa Owen, Sonia Franco, If I Stay Jung, Gustav Peter Wöhler - Dir. Ralf Wendy Guillén, Andrea Baeza, Alejandro Chloe Grace Moretz, Mireille Enos, Joshua Westhoff Ramírez-Muñoz - Dir. Claudia Sainte-Luce Leonard, Jamie Blackley, Liana Liberato, Komödie 2014 92min. Drama 2013 89min. Jakob Davies, Stacy Keach - Dir. R. J. Warner Home Video Germany(X Filme) good!movies(Arsenal) 28.11.2014 Cutler 18.12.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063051 Musikvideo, Audiokommentar, Featurettes 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062881 Drama 2014 107min. Zauberhafte Weihnachten Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Woozle Goozle: Folge 6 - Kinderfilm 365min. Germany(MGM/UA) 22.01.2015 Schwerkraft & Ritter KNM Home Entertainment(Movie Power) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063043 Woozle Goozle 13.11.2014 Benedict Weber - Dir. Igor Hartmann 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062674 Werwolf Massaker - Experiment Kinderfilm 45min. des Todes Edel:Kids 07.11.2014 Zeit der Kannibalen Horror High 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062714 Devid Striesow, Sebastian Blomberg, Ka- Pat Cardi, Austin Stoker, Rosie Holotik, John tharina Schüttler, Romesh Ranganthan, Niland, Joye Hash, Jeff Alexander, Mike Woozle Goozle: Folge 7 - Bienen Steve Ellery, Jaymes E. Butler, Florence McHenry, Michelle Falerne - Dir. Larry N. & Mars Kasumba, Carlos Lobo - Dir. Johannes Naber Stouffer Woozle Goozle Horror 1974 81min. Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentar Benedict Weber - Dir. Igor Hartmann Drama/Satire 2014 93min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 09.01.2015 Kinderfilm 45min. Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Farbfilm) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063132 Edel:Kids 07.11.2014 12.12.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062715 Die Wildgänse kommen (uncut, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062569 Digital Remastered) Wrong Zeit der Kannibalen (Blu-ray) Wild Geese Wrong Devid Striesow, Sebastian Blomberg, Ka- Richard Burton, Sir Roger Moore, Richard Jack Plotnick, Eric Judor, Alexis Dziena, tharina Schüttler, Romesh Ranganthan, Harris, Hardy Krüger, Stewart Granger, Steve Little, William Fichtner, Regan Burns, Steve Ellery, Jaymes E. Butler, Florence Jack Watson, Winston Ntshona, John Kani, Mark Burnham, Arden Myrin, Maile Kasumba, Carlos Lobo - Dir. Johannes Frank Finlay - Dir. Andrew V. McLaglen Flanagan, Todd Giebenhain, Barry Alan Naber Trailer Levine, LeShay N. Tomlinson - Dir. Quentin Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentar Kriegsfilm 1978 129min. Dupieux Drama/Satire 2014 97min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 02.12.2014 Komödie 2012 90min. Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Farbfilm) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062963 Tiberius Film 05.02.2015 12.12.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063190 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062617 Die Wildgänse kommen (uncut, Digital Remastered) (Blu-ray) Wrong (Blu-ray) Zeit der Kraniche Wild Geese Wrong Stella Kunkat, Bernhard Schir, Floriane Richard Burton, Sir Roger Moore, Richard Jack Plotnick, Eric Judor, Alexis Dziena, Daniel, Manfred Zapatka, Alice Dwyer, Harris, Hardy Krüger, Stewart Granger, Steve Little, William Fichtner, Regan Burns, Wolfgang Maria Bauer, Johann Hillmann, Jack Watson, Winston Ntshona, John Kani, Mark Burnham, Arden Myrin, Maile Michael Wiesner, Doris Schretzmayer, Felix Frank Finlay - Dir. Andrew V. McLaglen Flanagan, Todd Giebenhain, Barry Alan Vörtler, Armin Dillenberger, Marie Gruber - Trailer Levine, LeShay N. Tomlinson - Dir. Quentin Dir. Josh Broecker Kriegsfilm 1978 135min. Dupieux Melodram 2010 89min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 02.12.2014 Komödie 2012 93min. KNM Home Entertainment(Telepool) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062983 Tiberius Film 05.02.2015 13.11.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063210 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062675 Willkommen bei Habib Vedat Erincin, Burak Yigit, Thorsten Wrong Cops - Von Bullen und Zeit der Zimmerbrände Merten, Klaus Manchen, Teresa Harder, Biestern Uwe Ochsenknecht, Christoph Letkowski, Luise Heyer, Maryam Zaree, Godehard Wrong Cops Marie-Lou Sellem, Jytte-Merle Böhrnsen, Giese, Aykut Kayacik, Kida Khodr Rama- Mark Burnham, Eric Judor, Steve Little, Eric Petra Zieser, Rolf Sarkiss, Leopold Hor- dan, Ilyes Moutaoukkil, Waléra Wareheim, Ray Wise, Grace Zabriskie, nung, Jeanette Hain, Justus Carrière - Dir. Kanischtscheff - Dir. Michael Baumann Marilyn Manson, Eric Roberts, Arden Myrin Vivian Naefe Komödie/Drama 2013 111min. - Dir. Quentin Dupieux Komödie/Drama 2014 90min. Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Farbfilm) Trailer Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) 12.12.2014 Komödie 2013 79min. 12.12.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062568 Tiberius Film 05.02.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062906 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063113 Wir sind die Neuen Zodiac - Die Zeichen der Apoka- Gisela Schneeberger, Heiner Lauterbach, Wrong Cops - Von Bullen und lypse Michael Wittenborn, Claudia Eisinger, Karo- Biestern (Blu-ray) Zodiac line Schuch, Patrick Güldenberg, Julia Wrong Cops Joel Gretsch, Emily Holmes, Christopher Koschitz, Katharina Marie Schubert, André Mark Burnham, Eric Judor, Steve Little, Eric Lloyd, Andrea Brooks, Reilly Dolman, Aaron Jung, Gustav Peter Wöhler - Dir. Ralf Wareheim, Ray Wise, Grace Zabriskie, Douglas, Ben Cotton, Douglas Chapman, Westhoff Marilyn Manson, Eric Roberts, Arden Myrin Russell Roberts, Jessica Storm Smith - Dir. Komödie 2014 88min. - Dir. Quentin Dupieux W.D. Hogan Warner Home Video Germany(X Filme) Trailer Action/Drama 2014 86min. 18.12.2014 Komödie 2013 82min. Tiberius Film 08.01.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062860 Tiberius Film 05.02.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062579 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063158 Wir sind die Neuen (Blu-ray) Zodiac - Die Zeichen der Apoka- Gisela Schneeberger, Heiner Lauterbach, Der wundersame Katzenfisch lypse (Blu-ray) Michael Wittenborn, Claudia Eisinger, Karo- (OmU) line Schuch, Patrick Güldenberg, Julia Zodiac Los Insólitos Peces Gato

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Joel Gretsch, Emily Holmes, Christopher Made In America Lloyd, Andrea Brooks, Reilly Dolman, Aaron Jay-Z, Kanye West - Dir. Ron Howard Douglas, Ben Cotton, Douglas Chapman, Special Interest Musikfilm 2013 89min. Russell Roberts, Jessica Storm Smith - Dir. EuroVideo Medien 04.12.2014 W.D. Hogan 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062766 Action/Drama 2014 90min. Ai Weiwei - The Fake Case (OmU) Tiberius Film 08.01.2015 Ai Weiwei - The Fake Case Made in America (OmU) (Blu-ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062625 Dir. Andreas Johnsen Made In America Dokumentarfilm 2013 85min. Jay-Z, Kanye West - Dir. Ron Howard Zombie - Dawn of the Dead AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Musikfilm 2013 93min. Dawn Of The Dead AG(mindjazz pictures) 30.01.2015 EuroVideo Medien 04.12.2014 David Emge, Ken Foree, Gaylen Ross, Da- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063008 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062781 vid Early, Scott H. Reiniger, Tom Savini, George A. Romero, David Crawford, Ri- Babys / Der erste Schrei (2 Discs) Monty Python Live (Mostly) - One chard , Daniel Dietrich, Fred Baker, Babies / Le Premier Cri Down Five To Go James Baffico - Dir. George A. Romero Dir. Thomas Balmes, Gilles de Maistre Monty Python Live (Mostly) Trailer, Making of, Monroeville Mall Tour Featurettes, Interviews, Making of, Trailer, Wendecover Graham Chapman, Eric Idle, Carol Horror/Action 1978 min. Dokumentarfilm 2007-2009 169min. Cleveland, Terry Gilliam, Terry Jones, Mi- Edel Germany(Clipper Entertainment) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment chael Palin, Stephen Hawking, Eddie Izzard, 14.11.2014 Germany(Arthaus) 15.01.2015 - Dir. Eric Idle 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062736 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063053 Behind the Scenes Humor 2014 160min. Zombie - Dawn of the Dead (Blu- Die Familie mit den Schlittenhun- Edel Germany(Eagle Vision) 07.11.2014 ray) den (OmU) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062590 Dawn Of The Dead Dave Olesen, Kristen Olesen, Annika David Emge, Ken Foree, Gaylen Ross, Da- Olesen, Liv Olesen - Dir. Ralf Breier, Clau- Monty Python Live (Mostly) - One vid Early, Scott H. Reiniger, Tom Savini, dia Kuhland Down Five To Go (+ 2 Audio-CDs) George A. Romero, David Crawford, Ri- Dokumentarfilm 2013 93min. Monty Python Live (Mostly) chard France, Daniel Dietrich, Fred Baker, good!movies(RealFiction) 17.10.2014 Graham Chapman, Eric Idle, Carol James Baffico - Dir. George A. Romero 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062519 Cleveland, Terry Gilliam, Terry Jones, Mi- Trailer, Making of, Monroeville Mall Tour chael Palin, Stephen Hawking, Eddie Izzard, Horror/Action 1978 min. Fascinating India (+ UHD-Stick) Mike Myers - Dir. Eric Idle Edel Germany(Clipper Entertainment) (Blu-ray) Behind the Scenes 14.11.2014 Humor 2014 160min. Fascinating India 3D 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062767 Edel Germany(Eagle Vision) 07.11.2014 Dir. Simon Busch 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062591 Zoran - Mein Neffe, der Idiot Entfallene Szenen, Bildergalerie, Trailer, O-Card Dokumentarfilm 2013 91min. Zoran, Il Mio Nipote Scemo AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Busch Monty Python Live (Mostly) - One Giuseppe Battiston, Rok Prasnikar, Teco Media Group) 28.11.2014 Down Five To Go (Blu-ray) Celio, Roberto Citran, Marjuta Slamic, Peter 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062542 Monty Python Live (Mostly) Musevski, Riccardo Maranzana, Ivo Graham Chapman, Eric Idle, Carol Barisic, Jan Cvitkovic, Maurizio Fanin, Happiness Cleveland, Terry Gilliam, Terry Jones, Mi- Ariella Reggio, Rossana Mortara, Doina Happiness chael Palin, Stephen Hawking, Eddie Izzard, Komissarov, Mirela Kovacevic, Sylvain Dokumentation 71min. Mike Myers - Dir. Eric Idle Chomet - Dir. Matteo Oleotto Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Behind the Scenes Komödie/Drama 2014 109min. 30.01.2015 Humor 2014 166min. Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Movienet) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062915 Edel Germany(Eagle Vision) 07.11.2014 12.12.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062629 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062570 Happiness (Blu-ray) Noseland (OmU) Zwischen den Zeiten Happiness Dokumentation 75min. Noseland Sophie von Kessel, Benjamin Sadler, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Dir. Aleksey Igudesman Marcus Mittermeier, Bernhard Schütz, Ka- 30.01.2015 Dokumentarfilm 2012 95min. tharina Thalbach, Jürgen Schornagel, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062947 Indigo Musikproduktion + Vertrieb(Missing Hans-Peter Hallwachs, Amelie Plaas-Link, Films) 31.10.2014 Jonathan Berlin, Doreen Jacobi, Tim Kalk- IMAX: Shaolin Bootcamp 3D (Blu- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062672 hof, Josephine Gey, Tim Sander, Gotthard Lange, Stephan Szasz, Gertrud Roll, Ste- ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Rheingold - Gesichter eines Flus- IMAX: Shaolin Bootcamp 3D phanie Krogmann, Manuel Mairhofer, Martin ses Neuhaus - Dir. Hansjörg Thurn Jason Scott Lee Dir. Dr. Peter Bardehle, Lena Leonhardt Drama 2014 90min. Dokumentation 50min. Dokumentarfilm/Natur 2014 90min. Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF Video) Lighthouse Home Entertainment(3D Content Senator Home Entertainment 30.01.2015 19.12.2014 Hub) 12.12.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062972 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062917 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063165 Zwölf Stunden Angst IMAX: Space Intelligence 3D - Rheingold - Gesichter eines Flus- Douze Heures D’Horologe Vol. 1 Weite und Distanz (Blu-ray ses (Blu-ray) Eva Bartok, Hannes Messemer, Gert Fröbe, 3D) (Blu-ray) Dir. Dr. Peter Bardehle, Lena Leonhardt Dokumentarfilm/Natur 2014 94min. Lino Ventura, Suzy Prim - Dir. Géza von IMAX: Space Intelligence 3D Senator Home Entertainment 30.01.2015 Radványi Dokumentation 50min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062988 Booklet Lighthouse Home Entertainment(3D Content Drama 1959 min. Hub) 22.11.2014 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Still 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063163 AG(Filmjuwelen) 30.01.2015 Dir. Matti Bauer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062887 Made in America (OmU) Dokumentarfilm 2013 80min. good!movies(Zorro) 21.11.2014

LASER HOTLINE Seite 54 Newsletter 09/14 (Nr. 344) November 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062801 Media Group) 28.11.2014 Wacken - Der Film (Blu-ray 3D) 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062545 TimeScapes - Die Schönheit der (Blu-ray) Wacken - Der Film Dir. Norbert Heitker Natur und des Kosmos (+ UHD- Dokumentarfilm/Musik 2014 96min. Dir. Norbert Heitker Stick) (Blu-ray) Warner Home Video Germany(NFP) Dokumentarfilm/Musik 2014 92min. Time Scapes 24.12.2014 Warner Home Video Germany(NFP) Dir. Tom Lowe 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062880 Making of, Behind the Scenes, Bildergalerie, 24.12.2014 Audiokommentar, O-Card 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20062859 Dokumentarfilm/Natur 2012 50min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Busch

LASER HOTLINE Seite 55 Newsletter 09/14 (Nr. 344) November 2014

LASER HOTLINE Seite 56 Newsletter 09/14 (Nr. 344) November 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125124 Gladstone An imaginative tale chronicling the adventures of a diverse Animation band of crayons as they strive to protect not only their : The Complete Series magical multihued homeland but the imagination of children everywhere from a terrifying monster. Adventure Time: Finn The Human (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) In the not-so-distant future, a catastrophic event has turned Animation, Blu-ray, Children’s, Family, Cartoon Network is completing your Finn look with the the old capital of into a wasteland, forever changing the Movies 85min. release of Adventure Time: Finn the Human DVD, which is lives of its people. Decades later, three schoolgirls set foot Magnolia Home Entertainment 02.12.2014 packaged with an exclusive Finn backpack! Following the into the now forsaken city. They are the Coppelion, huge success of Jake vs. Me-Mow DVD that released with a genetically engineered humans created by the Japan Ground 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125168 Finn hat, fans can now complete their Finn look with this Self-Defense Force to operate under the lethal conditions of backpack, which holds a $17.98 retail value. In addition to the contaminated city. Trained since birth, the girls must use How Murray Saved Christmas this totally rad backpack, the DVD set features 16 hilarious all of their skills and resources to carry out their one and episodes of Adventure Time from fan-favorite seasons. only mission: to rescue those left behind. Everyone’s happy in Stinky Cigars, the secret town where all Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, the holiday characters live — except Murray Weiner, the Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Blu- grumpy owner of Murray’s Holiday Diner. But when Santa is Cartoon Network, Children’s, Comedy, ray, Drama, Foreign, girl power, In The knocked out cold by an experimental toy — the Jack-in-the- Fantasy, Television 176min. Future..., International TV, Japanese, Boxer — it’s up to Murray to save Christmas. Warner Bros. 25.11.2014 Nuclear Holocaust, Television 312min. Animation, Christmas, Comedy, Family, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125135 Viz Entertainment 03.02.2014 Holidays, Television, TV Movies 2014 min. tba BestellNr.: 40125145 Universal Studios 16.12.2014 Angry Birds Toons: Season One - 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125094 Volume 1 & 2 (2 Pack) Cowboy Bebop: Complete Series Animated Animals, Animation, Based On Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Jake And The Never Land Video Game, Comedy, Family 2013 145min. Bounty Hunters, Crime, Fantasy, Foreign, Pirates: Battle For The Book! Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Illness & Disease, In The Future..., Interna- Animation, Children’s, Disney, Family, 02.12.2014 tional TV, Japanese, Science Fiction, Pirates, Preschool, Television 90min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125096 Space, Television 650min. Disney / Buena Vista 06.01.2015 16.12.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125077 Archer: The Complete Season 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125236 Five Jungle Master Amber Nash, H. Jon Benjamin, Aisha Tyler, Cowboy Bebop: Complete Series Victoria Justice, Josh Peck, Jane Lynch, Chris Parnell, Jessica Walter, Judy Greer (Blu-ray) David Spade, Christopher Lloyd, Jon Lovitz Join suave super-spy Sterling Archer and his fellow covert Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Blu- When Rainie (Victoria Justice, Victorious, iCarly) runs away government operatives for more irreverent adventures across from home after her mom (Jane Lynch, Wreck-It Ralph, Glee) the globe. With an overabundance of cocaine at their ray, Bounty Hunters, Crime, Fantasy, forgets her birthday, she is magically transported from the big disposal, the team forms a cartel and sets out to sell the drug. Foreign, Illness & Disease, In The Future..., city to an enchanted jungle in an unfamiliar land, where she As this dubious new venture speeds into hilarious motion, the International TV, Japanese, Science meets Blue (Josh Peck, Ice Age: Continental Drift, Drake & team deals with addiction, Cheryl’s turn as a country singer, Josh). With the help of Blue’s grandfather (Christopher Lloyd, an FBI bust, an open marriage, , a South Fiction, Space, Television 650min. Back to the Future) and their newfound friend Mulla (Jon American dictator, and an announcement Archer couldn’t have Funimation 16.12.2014 Lovitz, Grown Ups 2), they embark on an epic adventure to imagined in his murkiest, tequila-influenced haze. Loaded with 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125260 help Blue become the leader he is destined to be, and save the sexy, animated fun and all 13 outrageous episodes, the 5th rainforest from the villainous Boss Cain (David Spade, The action-packed season of Archer comes with a cool stash of Benchwarmers). classified extras. Family Guy: Volume 13 Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, Action, Animation, Comedy, FX, Parody, Alex Borstein, Seth MacFarlane, Mike Hen- Children’s, Family, Fantasy, Friendships, Spies & Secret Agents, Television min. ry, Mila Kunis, Seth Green Jungle, Movies 82min. 20th Century Fox 06.01.2015 You’ll sit, lie down, and roll over laughing as you watch this Lionsgate 06.01.2015 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125251 fetching collection of 21 uncensored Family Guy episodes, in 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125184 which Peter and Quagmire make beautiful music together, Stewie is reborn into a wealthy British household, and the Archer: The Complete Season Griffins mourn the tragic death of their beloved mutt. (No, not Justice League: Throne Of Atlan- Meg.) It’s a dog-gone hilarious complete season, featuring Five (Blu-ray) celebrity guest voices Tony Sirico, Lauren Bacall, Adam tis Amber Nash, H. Jon Benjamin, Aisha Tyler, Levine, Bryan Cranston and many more! Aquaman is forced to choose sides between the Justice Animation, Comedy, Dysfunctional Families, League and Atlantis, when Atlantean warriors begin a war to Chris Parnell, Jessica Walter, Judy Greer conquer the surface world, starting with the coastal cities of Join suave super-spy Sterling Archer and his fellow covert Fox, Television min. Gotham and Metropolis. government operatives for more irreverent adventures across 20th Century Fox 09.12.2014 the globe. With an overabundance of cocaine at their Action, Adventure, Animation, Children’s, disposal, the team forms a cartel and sets out to sell the drug. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125079 Fantasy, Movies, Superheroes, Television, As this dubious new venture speeds into hilarious motion, the War 72min. team deals with addiction, Cheryl’s turn as a country singer, The Garfield Show: Techno Cat an FBI bust, an open marriage, Kenny Loggins, a South Warner Bros. 27.01.2015 American dictator, and an announcement Archer couldn’t have Animated Animals, Animation, Based On A 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125122 imagined in his murkiest, tequila-influenced haze. Loaded with Comic Strip, Comedy, Computer Animation, sexy, animated fun and all 13 outrageous episodes, the 5th action-packed season of Archer comes with a cool stash of Family, Television 2014 73min. Justice League: Throne Of Atlan- classified extras. Cinedigm 04.11.2014 tis (Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet) Action, Animation, Blu-ray, Comedy, FX, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125058 Parody, Spies & Secret Agents, Television (Blu-ray) Aquaman is forced to choose sides between the Justice min. The Hero Of Color City League and Atlantis, when Atlantean warriors begin a war to 20th Century Fox 06.01.2015 Wayne Brady, David Kaye, Craig Ferguson, conquer the surface world, starting with the coastal cities of 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125282 Christina Ricci, Rosie Perez - Dir. Frank Gotham and Metropolis. Action, Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, Gladstone Children’s, Fantasy, Movies, Superheroes, Cartoon Network: Steven Uni- An imaginative tale chronicling the adventures of a diverse band of crayons as they strive to protect not only their Television, War 72min. verse - Gem Glow Volume One magical multihued homeland but the imagination of children Warner Bros. 27.01.2015 Believe in Steven! Steven Universe is a half-human, half-Gem everywhere from a terrifying monster. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125147 hero who’s learning to save the world with the magical Animation, Children’s, Family, Movies powers that come from his bellybutton. Steven may not be as 85min. powerful as the Crystal Gems. Or as smart. But that doesn’t Lego Super Sweet 2-Movie stop him from joining Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl on their Magnolia Home Entertainment 02.12.2014 magical adventures - where Steven always finds a surprising 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125157 Collection way to save the day. Action, Adventure, Animation, Boxed Sets, Action, Adventure, Animation, Cartoon Children’s, Comedy, Double Features, Network, Children’s, Comedy, Fantasy, The Hero Of Color City (Blu-ray) Family, Movies, Superheroes min. Magic, Space, Television 132min. Wayne Brady, David Kaye, Craig Ferguson, Warner Bros. 24.02.2015 Warner Bros. 13.01.2015 Christina Ricci, Rosie Perez - Dir. Frank 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125205

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 57 Newsletter 09/14 (Nr. 344) November 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Paranormal, Television, Witches & Lego: DC Comics Super Heroes - Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Tough Love Warlocks 84min. Justice League VS Bizarro (DVD + UltraViolet) Lionsgate 06.01.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125185 League (Blu-ray + DVD + Kate Higgins, Rolonda Watts, Cassi Davis, Tyler Perry, Kevin Michael Richardson, UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Sailor Moon: Season One, Part Justice League vs Bizarro League - Batman has joined the Tyler Perry just formed Justice League in order to keep tabs on Superman, It’s Madea (Tyler Perry) as you’ve never seen her before - in One (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu- a mistrust that is complicated by Superman’s bad (but well her first animated movie! After a hilarious run-in with the law, ray) meaning) clone Bizarro and his creation of the Bizarro Madea is sentenced to community service. Determined to do League, but an even bigger threat forces the two Leagues to good for the ‘hood, Madea enlists Aunt Bam and Uncle Joe to One of the most treasured anime series of all time returns for join forces. try and save the Moms Mabley Youth Center from being shut the first time on Blu-ray, uncut and remastered! This stunning down. With her irresistible sass and wisdom, Madea rallies limited edition set includes an all-new English dub, exclusive Action, Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, the local kids to make a stand - and proves that behind her extra features and an 88 page booklet filled with art, Children’s, Family, Fantasy, Superheroes, tough exterior is a whole lot of love! character profiles, episode guides and more! And it’s all Television min. African Americans, Animation, Comedy, housed in a beautiful box that’s fit for a Moon Princess. Usagi Tsukino is a cheerful 14-year-old schoolgirl who often finds Warner Bros. 10.02.2015 Family, Movies 65min. herself in unwanted trouble. One day, she saves a talking cat 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125343 Lionsgate 20.01.2015 named Luna from some mean kids, and her life is changed 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125215 forever. Luna gives Usagi a magic brooch that transforms her into Sailor Moon, defender of love and justice! Now Usagi Looney Tunes: Reality Check must work with Luna to find the other Sailor Guardians and (Repackage) Ranma 1/2: Set 4 Limited Edition the Moon Princess, whose Legendary Silver Crystal is Earth’s only hope against the dark forces of the evil Queen Hold on tight! Because all your favorite Looney Tunes (Blu-ray) Beryl! Includes episodes 1-23 plus an hour of extra features. characters are zooming into a head-on collision with the From the legendary mind of master creator Rumiko Takahashi, Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Blu- world’s most popular reality TV shows! Th-th-th-that’s right, the mixed-up, madcap, martial arts romantic comedy Ranma 1/2 folks! It’s time for a Reality Check! Overflowing with returns! After taking a surprise dip in a cursed spring while ray, Fantasy, Foreign, girl power, High outrageous Warner-style comic mayhem, these all-new Toons on a training journey in China, martial artist Ranma Saotome School, International TV, Japanese, Magic, spoof TV like it’s never been spoofed before! Plus, you’ll get and his father, Genma, aren’t quite themselves anymore. Now Television min. a load of exclusive added gotta-have-’em DVD bonus features Ranma turns into a girl whenever he’s splashed with cold that are positively Looney! In this hilarity-jam-packed volume: water, and Genma turns into a panda! Their new forms cause Viz Entertainment 25.11.2014 Porky and Tweety give you the score and more in Sports Blab. nothing but confusion at the Tendo dojo, where Soun Tendo is 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125140 Granny makes Sylvester, Daffy and Yosemite Sam cry uncle waiting to introduce one of his three daughters to Ranma - as in Tear Factor. Then, Bugs, Porky, Daffy, Taz and the rest of his fiancee! Turns out Genma and Soun arranged the match the gang are outcast, outclassed and out-to-lunch in a kooky long ago, but the girl, Akane, and the boy, Ranma, aren’t Sailor Moon: Season One, Part quest to become the lone survivor (get it?) in the exactly crazy about the idea, or each other! Or are they? Two spectacularly zany Toon Marooned! And there’s more Watch the gender switching, jealous rages, and martial arts wackiness on the schedule with reality show send-ups from battles unfold all over again! The epic season 1 conclusion of the timeless anime, Sailor Aluminum Chef to Judge Granny! Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Blu- Moon! Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury and Sailor Mars continue Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, their quest for the Legendary Silver Crystal as two new ray, Drama, Fantasy, Foreign, International, Comedy, Family, Parody, Reality, Television powerful allies join the fight. Sailor Jupiter is the tall and International TV, Japanese, Martial Arts, tough Guardian of Thunder, and Sailor Venus is min. Television 530min. of Love and the most experienced member. Sailor Moon Warner Bros. 17.02.2015 herself gets an impressive new power and learns more about Viz Entertainment 09.12.2014 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125338 the mysterious Tuxedo Mask. Could their distant past be 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125151 intertwined, and does that have anything to do with the Moon Princess they seek? The final ordeal with Queen Beryl looms Naruto Shippuden: Volume 21 on the horizon, and it will take everything the Sailor Regular Show: Mordecai Pack Guardians have to be victorious! The Fourth Great Ninja War has begun and even the strongest fight to survive! The quest for power and struggle Cartoon Network’s Emmy Award-winning comedy series Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, for control leads many heroes down hard roads. Sasuke’s Regular Show is bringing the laughs with an all-new DVD: Fantasy, Foreign, girl power, High School, revelation of Naruto’s potential and his personal defeat in Regular Show: Mordecai Pack! Chock-full of 16 Mordecai- International, International TV, Japanese, combat, lead him to consider the path of Orochimaru. While centric episodes from the latest seasons! The Mordecai Pack Naruto continues to master the power within under the follows Mordecai and the rest of the gang on their extreme Magic, Television min. watchful eye of Killer Bee, as The Allied Shinobi Forces and surreal misadventures. Viz Entertainment 10.02.2015 confront Madara’s army of reanimated shinobi and White Adventure, Animation, Cartoon Network, 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125337 Zetsu. Can the alliance hold long enough to stop the army? Comedy, Television 176min. Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Warner Bros. 27.01.2015 Scooby-Doo!: Moon Monster Based On Comic Book, Cartoon Network, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125129 Fantasy, Foreign, Friendships, International Madness TV, Japanese, Martial Arts, Ninjas, Televisi- Road To Ninja: Naruto The Movie Frank Welker, Mindy Cohn, Matthew Lillard on, War min. It’s one giant step for dog-kind as Scooby-Doo and the Gang Animation, Anime, Foreign, International TV, Viz Entertainment 20.01.2015 blast off for an epic, other-worldly adventure in this all-new Japanese, Television 102min. original movie! After winning the last 5 seats in a lottery, 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125130 Scooby-Doo, Shaggy, Fred, Daphne and Velma are off to Viz Entertainment 25.11.2014 space in billionaire Sly Baron’s brand new ship, the Sly Star 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125056 One. It’s all gravity-free fun until a mysterious alien begins Nocturna (Blu-ray) destroying the ship! As the ship breaks down, the crew is Adventure, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Road To Ninja: Naruto The Movie forced to land on Sly Baron’s base... on the dark side of the Children’s, Drama, Fantasy, Foreign, moon! Will the gang unravel this alien mystery? Will Scooby- (Blu-ray) Doo and Shaggy find snacks on the moon? Will Fred ever Japanese, Science Fiction 88min. take his space helmet off?! Journey to the outer limits with Cinedigm 11.11.2014 Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Foreign, Interna- Scooby-Doo to find out! 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125175 tional TV, Japanese, Television 102min. Adventure, Aliens, Animation, Children’s, Viz Entertainment 25.11.2014 Family, Monsters, Movies, Mystery, Space, One Piece: Season Six - Third 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125063 Television 72min. Warner Bros. 17.02.2015 Voyage Sabrina: Secrets Of A Teenage 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125335 Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Witch - Magic Of The Red Rose Comedy, Foreign, International TV, The SpongeBob SquarePants Japanese, Television 320min. (DVD + UltraViolet) Funimation 23.12.2014 Tabitha St. Germain, Ian James Corlett, Movie (Blu-ray + DVD + 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125300 Maryke Hendrikse, , UltraViolet) (Repackage) (Blu-ray) Kathleen Barr - Dir. Trevor Wall Carolyn Lawrence, Rodger Bumpass, Bill Patema Inverted (Blu-ray) Join Sabrina, the Teenage Witch, for a magically exciting Fagerbakke, Tom Kenny, David Hasselhoff, adventure! Whether she’s preventing Werewolf Flowers from Adventure, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, causing havoc, enduring a bad date with a snobby warlock, Jeffrey Tambor, Scarlett Johansson, Alec Children’s, Drama, Fantasy, Foreign, reuniting a baby dragon with its heartbroken mother, or Baldwin - Dir. Mark Osborne, Stephen Japanese, Science Fiction 98min. rescuing her best friend Jessie from the clutches of an angry Hillenburg sprite, Sabrina casts a spell of bewitching fun! Dive into a comedy adventure that’s bigger, better and more Cinedigm 11.11.2014 Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Family, absorbing than the rest - the movie debut of that undersea 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125174 Fantasy, girl power, Magic, Supernatural & sensation, SpongeBob SquarePants! There’s trouble bubbling up in Bikini Bottom, King Neptune’s crown is missing, and Mr.

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 58 Newsletter 09/14 (Nr. 344) November 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Krabs has been accused of stealing it! Together with his best Tom’s expense in Cruisin’ for a Bruisin while empty Torres, Julian Arahanga, Helmut Bakaitis, pal Patrick, SpongeBob sets out to treacherous Shell City to cupboards lead to a full-scale food panic for the gang in reclaim Neptune’s crown and save Mr. Krabs, in a Hunger Strikes. Plus when Tom & Jerry team up for mystery Matt Doran - Dir. Andy Wachowski, Lana spectacular adventure filled with „over-the-top, under-the-sea capers and laughable lab experiments, you have the perfect Wachowski action and non-stop laughs!“ Featuring the voice talents of collection of 13 cat and mouse masterpieces that will keep the Action, Apocalyptic Future, Blu-ray, Tom Kenny (SpongeBob), Alec Baldwin, Jeffrey Tambor, whole family entertained! Collections, Cult Film / TV, End Of The Scarlett Johansson and a special appearance by David Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, World, Fantasy, Hackers, In The Future..., Hasselhoff, The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie is an Cartoon Network, Children’s, Comedy, uproariously funny comedy. Killer Technology, Martial Arts, Movies, Family, Friendships, Television 286min. Adventure, Animated Animals, Animated Science Fiction, Spies & Secret Agents, Warner Bros. 13.01.2015 Feature Films, Animation, Blu-ray, War min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125127 Children’s, Comedy, Family, Friendships, Warner Bros. 06.01.2015 Movies, , Royalty 2004 87min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125362 Nickelodeon 06.01.2015 Welcome To The Space Show 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125121 (Blu-ray) 7 Assassins (DVD + UltraViolet) Adventure, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Michael Wong, Felix Wong, Ray Lui, Eric The SpongeBob SquarePants Children’s, Drama, Fantasy, Foreign, Tsang, Gigi Leung - Dir. Eric Tsang Movie (Repackage) Japanese, Science Fiction 98min. When a Kingdom’s royal gold goes missing, a group of elite Cinedigm 11.11.2014 royal guards are tasked with recovering the riches, but they Carolyn Lawrence, Rodger Bumpass, Bill quickly realize the missing gold is part of a larger rebel Fagerbakke, Tom Kenny, David Hasselhoff, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125176 defiance, made up of a group of assassins who have banded Jeffrey Tambor, Scarlett Johansson, Alec together to rid the government of corruption. Baldwin - Dir. Mark Osborne, Stephen Wings: Skyforce Heroes Action, Adventure, Ancient China, Hillenburg Dallas Lovato, Russell Peters, Josh Assassins & Hitmen, Chinese, Crime, Dive into a comedy adventure that’s bigger, better and more Duhamel, Jesse McCartney, , Foreign, Movies, Swordfighting 2013 absorbing than the rest - the movie debut of that undersea 103min. sensation, SpongeBob SquarePants! There’s trouble bubbling Rob Schneider, Tom Skerritt - Dir. Tony up in Bikini Bottom, King Neptune’s crown is missing, and Mr. Tang Lionsgate 23.12.2014 Krabs has been accused of stealing it! Together with his best When Ace (Josh Duhamel), a cocky young firefighter, defies 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125085 pal Patrick, SpongeBob sets out to treacherous Shell City to his Colonel’s (Tom Skerritt) orders and recklessly attempts a reclaim Neptune’s crown and save Mr. Krabs, in a solo mission, it leads to disastrous consequences. Ace, along spectacular adventure filled with „over-the-top, under-the-sea with Fred (Rob Schneider), his trusty co-pilot, quits Sky About Schmidt (Blu-ray) action and non-stop laughs!“ Featuring the voice talents of Force and resigns himself to hauling coal for Mr. Steinway June Squibb, Matt Winston, Harry Groener, Tom Kenny (SpongeBob), Alec Baldwin, Jeffrey Tambor, (Russell Peters), until one day.a fire breaks out in the mines! Scarlett Johansson and a special appearance by David With the help of his friends: Windy (Hilary Duff) and T-Bone Connie Ray, Dermot Mulroney, Howard Hasselhoff, The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie is an (Jesse McCartney), Ace must overcome his fears and become Hesseman, Hope Davis, Kathy Bates, Len uproariously funny comedy. the hero he was destined to be. Cariou, Jack Nicholson - Dir. Alexander Adventure, Animated Animals, Animated Action, Adventure, Aerial Action, Animated Payne Feature Films, Animation, Children’s, Feature Films, Animation, Drama, Family, Warren Schmidt is about to experience a bittersweet slice of Comedy, Family, Friendships, Movies, Firefighters, Friendships 2014 84min. life. Newly retired, he and his wife Helen have big plans to see America - but an unexpected twist changes everything. Nickelodeon, Royalty 2004 87min. Lionsgate 23.12.2014 Now Schmidt is determined to stop his daughter’s wedding to Nickelodeon 06.01.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125089 an underachieving waterbed salesman. From meeting the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125105 groom’s eccentric parents to sponsoring a Tanzanian foster child, Schmidt sets off on his mission...and gets lost along the road to self-discovery. SpongeBob SquarePants: The Adventure, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Comedy, Pilot - A Mini-Movie And The Film Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Mid-Life Square Shorts Crisis, Movies, Road Trips, Rocky Relationships 2002 124min. , Tom Kenny 186 Dollars To Freedom New Line Home Entertainment 03.02.2015 It’s Deep-Sea Hilarity...... with SpongeBob and pals in a two- John Robertsons, Alex Meraz, Johnny part mini-movie, 42 shorts and the pilot episode! First, help 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125144 the Krusty Krew make it to the restaurant’s anniversary party. Lewis, Deborah Kara Unger , Grant Then enjoy a first-time collection of short episodes and the Bowler, Michael DeLorenzo - Dir. Comilo one that put SpongeBob on the map! Villa American Gigolo (Blu-ray) Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Wayne Montgomery is a surfer living in Lima Peru in 1980. He K Callan, Frances Bergen, Carole Cook, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Friendships, gets framed on phony drug charges and thrown into Lima’s Brian Davies, William Dozier, Nina Van infamous El Sexto prison along with communist dissidents. Nickelodeon, Television 98min. The American consul won’t believe him and along with corrupt Pallandt, Macdonald Carey, Lauren Hutton, Nickelodeon 06.01.2015 cop, Lt. Gutierrez, expect him to call his wealthy parents in Hector Elizondo, Bill Duke, Richard Gere - 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125103 to pay for his release. Wayne refuses. In prison, Dir. Wayne befriends Jorge, a pacifistic Hare Krishna, and teaches him to wrestle to defend himself from „Nicaragua“, a Affairs & Love Triangles, Blu-ray, Classics, Tiger & Bunny The Movie: The sadistic bully. Gutierrez takes Wayne to the beach and Cops, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Movies, tortures him until he takes him to his hidden money, 186 Murder Mysteries, Mystery, , Thril- Rising dollars. When Jorge defeats „Nicaragua“ in wrestling, the The heroes of Tiger & Bunny are back in an all-new feature- bully exacts the ultimate revenge. Wayne pummels „Nicara- lers 1980 117min. length film! Kotetsu T. Kaburagi, a.k.a. Wild Tiger, and gua“, gets beaten and dragged by guards to the prison Warner Bros. 24.02.2015 Barnaby Brooks Jr.’s partnership comes to a sudden end basement while the communists start a riot. In a cell with a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125347 when Apollon Media’s new owner Mark Schneider fires delusional prisoner who thinks he is Jesus Christ, Wayne Kotetsu and moves Barnaby back into the First League, meets Gutierrez for the final confrontation to determine if he pairing him up with Golden Ryan, a new hero with awesome will live or die. : The Complete powers and a huge ego to match. When the heroes are sent to Action, Drama, Friendships, Movies, Prison, Second Season investigate a string of strange incidents tied closely to the Surf 2010 100min. city’s Goddess Legend, they discover three super-powered Keidrich Sellati, Holly Taylor, Annet CAV 09.12.2014 NEXTs plotting to bring terror and destruction to Stern Bild. Mahendru, Matthew Rhys, Keri Russell, Animation, Anime, Crime, Fantasy, Foreign, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125074 Richard Thomas, Noah Emmerich International TV, Japanese, Movies, One of television’s most exhilarating series, The Americans, Superheroes, Television 2014 94min. 4 Film Favorites: The Matrix returns for Season 2 - with more danger, more intrigue and Viz Entertainment 24.02.2015 Collectioin (Blu-ray) more steamy alliances. Technological advances have 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125334 escalated Cold War tensions to an all-time high, and Clayton Watson, , Lambert undercover KGB operatives Elizabeth and Philip Jennings Wilson, Mary Alice, Harold Perrineau Jr., (Keri Russell and Matthew Rhys) face the growing threat of Tom And Jerry Show: Season 1, discovery. As their assignments grow more deadly, their family Jada Pinkett Smith, Marcus Chong, Keanu is in more danger, and their loyalties are tested like never Part 2 Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, Joe before in this thrilling series. There’s more laughs, chases and races when Tom & Jerry Pantoliano, Collin Chou, Harry Lennix, Crime, Drama, FX, Mystery, Spies & Secret storm back on the scene in this 2-Disc collection of Agents, Television, Thrillers min. adventures from the hit TV show! The pursuit takes off as Tom Monica Bellucci, Randall Duk Kim, Gloria flies the unfriendly skies in Just Plane Nuts. It’s miles of Foster, Belinda McClory, Nathaniel Lees, 20th Century Fox 16.12.2014 smiles as Tom, Jerry, Spike and Tuffy hit the open highway in Ian Bliss, Nona Gaye, Roy Jones Jr., Gina 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125080 Road Trippin’. Jerry and Tuffy enjoy a luxury cruise liner at

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Anita Ho McCarthy Harry Ho, a down on his luck 30-something finally decides to When ambitious young real estate agent Leigh is asked to sell Banshee: The Complete Second propose to his girlfriend, Anita on her 30th birthday. But when a house with a checkered past, she crosses paths with a Anita decides to spend her birthday in Las Vegas with her disturbed girl whom she learns is the runaway daughter of the Season entire family - the fireworks begin! See, Anita is a traditional couple selling the property. When Leigh tries to intervene and Hoon Lee, Matt Servitto, Demetrius Grosse, Chinese-American girl and Harry is not Chinese and her help her, she becomes entangled with a supernatural force parents have never even met him! To make matters worse, that soon pulls Leigh’s artist sister Vera into its web - and Rus Blackwell, Ulrich Thomsen, Frankie unbeknownst to both of them - Anita’s Mom has a nice doctor has sinister plans for both of them. Faison, Ivana Milicevic, Ben Cross in mind for Anita, not a broke Harry Ho! Check out this new Horror, Movies, Supernatural & Paranormal, From executive producer Alan Ball, creator of , this riff on Meet the Parents and Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner Thrillers 108min. action drama charts the continuing twists and turns in Anita Ho. MPI 16.12.2014 that follow Lucas Hood (Antony Starr), an ex-convict who Comedy, Family, Movies, Romance 2014 improbably assumes the identity of sheriff of the rural, Amish- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125158 area town of Banshee, where his former lover and partner-in- 83min. crime (Ivana Milicevic) lives under the alias Carrie Indican Pictures 17.02.2015 Hopewell. Season 2 takes up immediately after the events of 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125349 At The Devils Door (Blu-ray) the Season 1 finale, when Carrie’s father, gang kingpin Ashley Rickards, Mark Steger, Naya Rivera, Rabbit (Ben Cross) was left for dead after a climactic - Dir. Nicholas warehouse shootout. Carrie, now exposed and estranged from Appointment With Danger (Blu- her husband and kids, is torn between her devotion to her McCarthy family and her connection to Lucas, who had given himself up ray) When ambitious young real estate agent Leigh is asked to sell in order to save her years earlier. The new season finds Jack Webb, Stacy Harris, Jan Sterling, a house with a checkered past, she crosses paths with a Lucas, having escaped detection after being interrogated by disturbed girl whom she learns is the runaway daughter of the FBI agent Jim Racine (guest star Zeljko Ivanek), with his Phyllis Calvert, Paul Stewart, Alan Ladd, couple selling the property. When Leigh tries to intervene and hands fuller than ever as sheriff, dealing with (among other Harry Morgan - Dir. Lewis Allen help her, she becomes entangled with a supernatural force things) the murder of a Kinaho tribe girl, the continuing A nun witness helps a postal inspector solve a murder and foil that soon pulls Leigh’s artist sister Vera into its web - and escalation of tensions between Amish overlord Kai Proctor a big mail-train robbery. has sinister plans for both of them. (Ulrich Thomsen) and Kinaho tribe leader Alex Longshadow Crime, Drama, Film Noir, Movies, Thrillers Blues, Horror, Movies, Supernatural & (Antho 1951 81min. Paranormal, Thrillers 108min. Action, Cops, Crime, Crooked Cops, Drama, Olive Films 23.12.2014 MPI 16.12.2014 Mystery, Television, Thrillers 600min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125310 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125169 HBO Home Video 30.12.2014 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125131 Arrested Development: Season 4 Attack Of The 50 Foot Alia Shawkat, Michael Cera, Tony Hale, Cheerleader Banshee: The Complete Second Jason Bateman, David Cross, Jessica Wal- Paula Labaredas, Olivia Alexander, Mario Season (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) ter, Will Arnett, Portia De Rossi, Jeffrey Perez, Ryan Merriman, Paula Trickey, Roger (Blu-ray) Tambor Corman, John Landis, Mary Woronov, Treat Hoon Lee, Matt Servitto, Demetrius Grosse, Welcome to Season 4 of the Emmy-winning series about the ethically questionable but unquestionably hilarious Bluth Williams, Ted Raimi, Sean Young, Sasha Rus Blackwell, Ulrich Thomsen, Frankie family. This season, when Michael asks Gob to help fill the Jackson, Anne Mcdaniels Faison, Ivana Milicevic, Ben Cross vacant Sudden Valley housing development, the isolated Cheerleader Cassie Stratford (Jena Sims) downs an experi- From executive producer Alan Ball, creator of True Blood, this location becomes a selling point to sex offenders, mental drug that’s supposed to enhance her looks and athletic Cinemax action drama charts the continuing twists and turns including...Tobias? After Buster’s testimony helps land Lucille abilities. But instead, it makes her grow into a 50-foot giant! A that follow Lucas Hood (Antony Starr), an ex-convict who in „prison,“ her solution to hostile inmates is to build a great modern day take on the great Roger Corman genre pictures. improbably assumes the identity of sheriff of the rural, Amish- wall on the U.S.-Mexico border, where Oscar and George Sr. Co-Stars Treat Williams (TV’s Everwood) and 80s icons area town of Banshee, where his former lover and partner-in- have a scam going. Lindsay seeks spirituality, Maeby likes Sean Young and John Landis. crime (Ivana Milicevic) lives under the alias Carrie high school too much, and George-Michael has a very Cheerleaders, Comedy, Drugs & Dealers, Hopewell. Season 2 takes up immediately after the events of unlikely rival in Arrested Development’s funniest season yet! High School, Movies min. the Season 1 finale, when Carrie’s father, gang kingpin Comedy, Dysfunctional Families, Fox, Tele- Rabbit (Ben Cross) was left for dead after a climactic Lionsgate 27.01.2015 vision 493min. warehouse shootout. Carrie, now exposed and estranged from 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125365 her husband and kids, is torn between her devotion to her 20th Century Fox 16.12.2014 family and her connection to Lucas, who had given himself up 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125213 in order to save her years earlier. The new season finds Avenging Force Lucas, having escaped detection after being interrogated by White supremacists hunt a politician and his ex-Secret Ser- FBI agent Jim Racine (guest star Zeljko Ivanek), with his As Above So Below vice buddy in . hands fuller than ever as sheriff, dealing with (among other things) the murder of a Kinaho tribe girl, the continuing Perdita Weeks, Ben Feldman, Edwin Hodge Action, Drama, Martial Arts, Movies, Thril- escalation of tensions between Amish overlord Kai Proctor - Dir. John Erick Dowdle lers 1986 104min. (Ulrich Thomsen) and Kinaho tribe leader Alex Longshadow Miles of twisting catacombs lie beneath the streets of Paris, Kino Video 09.12.2014 (Antho the eternal home to countless souls. When a team of explorers Action, Blu-ray, Cops, Crime, Crooked ventures into the uncharted maze of bones, they uncover the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125244 dark secret that lies within this city of the dead. A journey Cops, Drama, Mystery, Television, Thrillers into madness and terror, As Above, So Below reaches deep Avenging Force (Blu-ray) 600min. into the human psyche to reveal the personal demons that White supremacists hunt a politician and his ex-Secret Ser- HBO Home Video 30.12.2014 come back to haunt us all. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125149 Drama, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2014 vice buddy in Louisiana. Drama, Martial Arts, Movies, Thrillers 1986 93min. 104min. Universal Studios 02.12.2014 Batman: The Complete Second Kino Video 09.12.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125053 Season - Part One 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125264 Stafford Repp, Alan Napier, Madge Blake, As Above So Below (Blu-ray + Burt Ward, Neil Hamilton, Adam West The Band Wagon (Blu-ray) These first 30 episodes of Batman’s second season will take DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Jack Buchanan, Nanette Fabray, James you on more perilous plots with fiendish foes trying to undo Perdita Weeks, Ben Feldman, Edwin Hodge our undaunted heroes! From the torturous King Tut (Victor Mitchell, Robert Gist, Oscar Levant, Fred Buono) to a straying to the provoking Joker (Cesar - Dir. John Erick Dowdle Astaire, Cyd Charisse - Dir. Vincente Min- Romero), Batman and his Boy Wonder sidekick come face to Miles of twisting catacombs lie beneath the streets of Paris, face with a cape-full of criminal calamity! the eternal home to countless souls. When a team of explorers nelli ventures into the uncharted maze of bones, they uncover the In this Vincente Minnelli-directed backstager, Fred Astaire Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, dark secret that lies within this city of the dead. A journey dazzles in numbers set in a train station (By Myself), a penny Classics, Comedy, Crime, Family, Fantasy, into madness and terror, As Above, So Below reaches deep arcade (A Shine on Your Shoes), a backlot Central Park Mystery, Parody, Science Fiction, into the human psyche to reveal the personal demons that (Dancing in the Dark) and a smoky cafe (Girl Hunt), the latter come back to haunt us all. two with the incomparable Cyd Charisse. And when he, Superheroes, Television min. Nanette Fabray and Jack Buchanan play infants who „hate Warner Bros. 17.02.2015 Drama, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2014 each other very much!“ in the merry Triplets, it’s more reason 93min. to love this movie very, very much. As the hallmark song 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125336 Universal Studios 02.12.2014 which originated here goes, That’s Entertainment! 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125061 Classics, Comedy, Movies, Music, Musical, Ben & Casey Affleck 4-Flim Set National Film Registry, Romance 1953 Jason Biggs, Casey Affleck, Megan Ward, At The Devils Door 112min. Liv Tyler, , , Sam Warner Bros. 03.03.2015 Ashley Rickards, Mark Steger, Naya Rivera, Rockwell, Jennifer Lopez, Ed Harris, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125331 Catalina Sandino Moreno - Dir. Nicholas Morgan Freeman - Dir. Ben Affleck, Gus

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Van Sant, Kevin Smith, Rich Wilkes Ashley Judd, Frances Sternhagen, Sandra ABC, Classics, Comedy, Drama, Family, Adventure, Book-To-Film, Collections, Col- Bullock, Morgan Freeman, Quinton Aaron, Television 553min. lege Life, Comedy, Cops, Crime, Desert, Lily Collins, Jae Head, Tom Nowicki, Nathan Paramount Pictures 09.12.2014 Detectives, Drama, Friendships, Kidnap- Gamble, Cozi Zuehlsdorff, Austin Stowell, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125042 ping, Movies, Mystery, Romance, Thrillers Juliana Harkavy - Dir. Charles Martin Smith, 419min. John Lee Hancock The Brady Bunch: The Complete Lionsgate 13.01.2015 Animals & Nature, Based-On-A-True-Story, First Season (Repackage) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125218 Biography, Book-To-Film, Double Features, Ann Davis, Eve Plumb, Christopher Knight, Drama, Family, Football, Friendships, High Susan Olsen, Mike Lookinland, Barry School, Movies, Sports min. The Best Man / The Best Man Williams, Florence Henderson, Robert Warner Bros. 06.01.2015 Holiday: 2-Movie Collection Reed, Maureen McCormick 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125339 Regina Hall, Terrence Howard, John Micha- Here’s the story... of America’s grooviest TV family! In el Higgins, Melissa De Sousa, Eddie this premiere season of one of America’s best-loved comedy Born Of War (DVD + UltraViolet) series, architect Mike Brady (Robert Reed) is a widower Cibrian, Sanaa Lathan, Monica Calhoun, with three sons - Greg (Barry Williams), Peter (Christopher Harold Perrineau Jr., Nia Long, Taye Diggs, Lydia Leonard, Philip Arditti, Joey Ansah, Knight) and Bobby (Mike Lookinland). He meets a similarly Morris Chestnut - Dir. Malcolm D. Lee James Frain, Julia Verdin single parent, Carol Ann Tyler Martin (Florence Henderson), Mina, a young college student, has her life ripped away after who has three daughters of her own: Marcia (Maureen Share the laughter, love and surprises with a beloved group McCormick), Jan (Eve Plumb) and Cindy (Susan Olsen). of college friends who reunite for the first time in years. It all her family is killed. When she finds out their murders were part of a botched kidnapping to return her to her real father - When Mike and Carol decide to marry, the combination of two begins in The Best Man as Harper (Taye Diggs), Lance parents, six kids, one dog (Tiger), and a feisty housekeeper (Morris Chestnut), Mia (Monica Calhoun), Quentin (Terrence a terrorist in the Middle East - Mina works with British Intelligence to take him down...and take control of her life (Ann B. Davis) leads to love, laughter - and a whole lot of Howard), Murch (Harold Perrineau) and Jordan (Nia Long) chaos. It’s the way they all became The Brady Bunch! reunite before a very special wedding. When Harper’s book again. But she quickly learns that there are two sides to detailing their school exploits reveals scandalous secrets every story. ABC, Classics, Comedy, Drama, Family, between the buddies, big revelations test their bonds...for Action, Kidnapping, Movies, Murder Television 652min. better or for worse. The good times continue years later in Mysteries, Mystery, Revenge, Spies & Paramount Pictures 09.12.2014 The Best Man Holiday as long-forgotten rivalries and romances are passionately reignited. From writer/director/ Secret Agents, Terrorism 105min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125043 producer Malcolm D. Lee comes two sexy, heart-warming Lionsgate 27.01.2015 comedies about living, loving and laughing with the people 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125367 The Brady Bunch: The Complete who know you best. Affairs & Love Triangles, Christmas, Fourth Season (Repackage) Comedy, Double Features, Drama, Boyhood Ann Davis, Eve Plumb, Christopher Knight, Friendships, Holidays, Movies, Romance Lorelei Linklater, Ellar Coltrane, Ethan Susan Olsen, Mike Lookinland, Barry 245min. Hawke, Patricia Arquette - Dir. Richard Williams, Florence Henderson, Robert Universal Studios 13.01.2015 Linklater Reed, Maureen McCormick 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125100 Filmed over 12 years with the same cast, Richard Linklater’s Here’s the story... of America’s grooviest TV sitcom family! Boyhood is a groundbreaking story of growing up as seen It’s the story of The Brady Bunch, and Season Four sets sail through the eyes of a boy named Mason, who ages from 6-18 with a three-part Hawaiian adventure! Aloha... oh! The Big Driver (DVD + UltraViolet) years old on screen. Starring Ethan Hawke and Patricia Bradys fall under the curse of an ancient Tiki idol during their Arquette as Mason’s parents. tropical trip, with Don Ho and Vincent Price making guest Maria Bello, Joan Jett, Olympia Dukakis - Drama, Movies 164min. appearances. Once safely back in suburbia, the Bradys find Dir. Mikael Salomon Paramount Pictures 06.01.2015 even more family escapades awaiting them, from the traumas From best-selling author Stephen King comes Big Driver, of school crushes (and errant footballs) to revoked driving starring Maria Bello, Olympia Dukakis, Joan Jett, and Will 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125104 privileges and sibling rivalries. Join Carol and Mike Brady Harris. Tess Thorne, a famous writer, faces a long drive home and their brood - Greg, Marcia, Peter, Jan, Bobby and Cindy following a book signing. On a lonely New England road, her Boyhood (Blu-ray + DVD + (plus Alice too!) - for a „“Sunshine Day““, every day, with all tire blows out, leaving her stranded. Relieved when another 23 episodes in Season Four of this rollicking, best-loved TV driver stops and offers assistance, Tess quickly discovers UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) series. It’s the story... of a bunch named Brady! her savior is actually a serial killer who assaults her. Left for ABC, Classics, Comedy, Drama, Family, dead, Tess escapes, determined to find her attacker and seek Lorelei Linklater, Ellar Coltrane, Ethan revenge. Hawke, Patricia Arquette - Dir. Richard Television 581min. Crime, Drama, Movies, Mystery, Revenge, Linklater Paramount Pictures 09.12.2014 Serial Killers, Thrillers, TV Movies 90min. Filmed over 12 years with the same cast, Richard Linklater’s 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125044 Boyhood is a groundbreaking story of growing up as seen A&E 27.01.2015 through the eyes of a boy named Mason, who ages from 6-18 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125366 years old on screen. Starring Ethan Hawke and Patricia The Brady Bunch: The Complete Arquette as Mason’s parents. Second Season (Repackage) Drama, Movies 164min. Black Sails: The Complete First Ann Davis, Eve Plumb, Christopher Knight, Paramount Pictures 06.01.2015 Susan Olsen, Mike Lookinland, Barry Season 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125119 Luke Arnold, Jessica Parker Kennedy, Zach Williams, Florence Henderson, Robert McGowan, Toby Stephens Reed, Maureen McCormick The Boys From Brazil (Blu-ray) Here’s the story...of America’s grooviest TV sitcom family! It’s Action, Adventure, Drama, Historical / An old Nazi-hunter finds Josef Mengele and a cohort in the the story of The Brady Bunch and in Season Two of this best- Period Piece, History & Events, Pirates, jungle, cloning Hitler for the Fourth Reich. loved comedy series there are plenty of high hinks underfoot Television 2014 456min. Drama, Movies, Science Fiction, Thrillers in split-level suburbia. Greg? He’s got a far-out bachelor pad to impress all . Marcia? She’s embracing Women’s Starz / Anchor Bay 06.01.2015 1978 93min. Lib. Peter? He’s headed for the doghouse after breaking 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125186 Cinedigm 06.01.2015 Carol’s favorite vase. Jan? She’s gone from „hair of gold“ to 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125376 hair of black - via a brand-new wig. Bobby’s pet parakeet may help him overcome his fear of heights, and Cindy’s plagued by Black Sails: The Complete First a schoolyard bully who’s been making fun of her lisp. On the Season (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) The Brady Bunch: The Complete adult front, Mike’s architectural firm plans to build right on top of a beloved neighborhood park; Carol tries her creative hand (Blu-ray) Final Season (Repackage) at writing for a women’s magazine...and Alice the Ann Davis, Eve Plumb, Christopher Knight, housekeeper has called the exterminator on „Myron“ - Greg’s Luke Arnold, Jessica Parker Kennedy, Zach science project! There are 24 episodes in The Brady Bunch: McGowan, Toby Stephens Susan Olsen, Mike Lookinland, Barry The Complete Second Season... all featuring laughter, tears Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Drama, Williams, Florence Henderson, Robert and Day-Glo colors. It’s the way they all became The Brady Historical / Period Piece, History & Events, Reed, Maureen McCormick Bunch! ABC, Classics, Comedy, Drama, Family, Pirates, Television 2014 456min. Here’s the story... and the final chapter of America’s grooviest TV family, The Brady Bunch. And what a finale it is! Complete Television 600min. Starz / Anchor Bay 06.01.2015 with Greg’s musical stylings as rock star „Johnny Bravo“, a Paramount Pictures 09.12.2014 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125198 family jaunt to the King’s Island theme park, a goat hidden in the attic, a better Driver’s Test battle, Bobby the budding pool 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125045 hustler, Cindy the shameless diary snooper, and Peter in an The Blind Side / Dolphin Tale amazing look-alike case that causes double the trouble. But The Brady Bunch: The Complete Tim McGraw, Ray McKinnon, Jim that’s not all! Who can forget the debut of lovable Cousin Oliver (Robbie Rist), the newest member in the Brady fold? Third Season (Repackage) Fitzpatrick, Kris Kristofferson, Kim Here are the final 22 episodes - Season Five - in the story of Dickens, Kathy Bates, Harry Connick Jr., Mike, Carol and their bunch they call Brady! Ann Davis, Eve Plumb, Christopher Knight,

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Susan Olsen, Mike Lookinland, Barry The Cabining Flesh (Blu-ray) Williams, Florence Henderson, Robert Todd and Bruce, two struggling writers, get one last shot at The daughter of a New Orleans aristocrat ties his murder to Reed, Maureen McCormick success thanks to Todd’s wealthy uncle, Sarge, who gives the legend of an artist fitted with a hook. Here’s the story... of America’s grooviest TV sitcom family! them two weeks to impress him. With the deadline looming and Horror, Movies 1995 93min. It’s Season Three of the wildly popular comedy series, which no fresh ideas, the pair head to Shangri-La, a serene artist’s Cinedigm 06.01.2015 means there’s a whole new season of hilarious adventures retreat, with the hope that the peace and company of fellow upstairs and down in the Brady home. Marcia’s on the trail of artists will inspire greatness... or, failing greatness, at least 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125377 Davy Jones of The Monkees; Jan is weary of the constant a fling with a leggy French sculptor. The retreat proves to be comparisons to her older sibling („Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!“); anything but serene, however, as the artists start dying off Cantinflas (DVD + UltraViolet) and Cindy just wants a boy to call her own. Across the one by one, and soon these two are fighting for their very own hallway, Greg’s new car is less than cool; Peter channels lives! Gabriela De La Garza, Oscar Jaenada, Humphrey Bogart (among others) while undergoing an image Comedy, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2013 Barbara Mori, Adal , Michael makeover; and little Bobby hates being just that - „little“ - until 84min. he saves the day! From Mike and Carol’s journey with the Imperioli - Dir. Sebastian Del Amo kids to the Grand Canyon to Alice’s look-alike cousin who Indican Pictures 09.12.2014 In Cantinflas, the true story of Mexico’s greatest and most brusquely takes „command“ of the Brady household, here are 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125357 beloved comedy film star is told for the first time. From his all 23 episodes of The Third Season of The Brady Bunch. It’s humble origins on the small stage to the bright lights of Holly- enough to make you break out in song... that is, unless your wood, Cantinflas became famous around the world - one joke voice is cracking! Calamity Jane (Blu-ray) at a time. Relive the laughter that has charmed generations. ABC, Classics, Comedy, Drama, Family, Allyn McLerie, Doris Day, Philip Carey, Biography, Drama, Foreign, Mexican, Television 594min. Howard Keel - Dir. David Butler Movies 2014 102min. Paramount Pictures 09.12.2014 Doris Day and Howard Keel fuss, feud and fall in love as Lionsgate 02.12.2014 Calamity Jane and Wild Bill Hickok in this entertainment 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125081 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125046 mother lode. At first curvaceous Calamity is too busy fighting Indians and cracking a bullwhip to pay mind to such girlie The Bridge: The Complete Se- what-alls as dresses and perfume. And Wild Bill is too busy Catch Hell wooing a dainty chanteuse (Allyn McLerie) to give a hoot Tig Notaro, Joyful Drake, James Dumont, cond Season about a hot-headed tomboy. But things change in a rootin’, tootin’, big way when each becomes love’s target. There are Ryan Phillippe - Dir. Ryan Phillippe Stephanie Sigman, Emily Rios, Ramon Fran- wide-open Technicolor Western spaces, lots of high-stepping Former Hollywood star Reagan Pearce is kidnapped by two co, , Demian Bichir, Annabeth dances and a hummable humdinger of a score by Academy men connected to his past while on location in Louisiana. Gish, Matthew Lillard, Ted Levine Award-winning songwriters Sammy Fain and Paul Francis When he wakes up bound and chained in a rundown shack, he In Season 2 of „this uniquely Mexican-American drama, where Webster, who took their first Oscar for the classic ballad soon discovers the real motives of his captors and finds the layers of corruption on both sides of the border seem (and ’50s megahit) Secret Love. himself in the middle of a twisted scheme with little chance to impenetrable“ (Robert Rorke, Post), Marco Ruiz Classics, Comedy, Movies, Musical, survive. With no rescue in sight, Reagan must use every (Demian Bichir) and Sonya Cross (Diane Kruger) are brought Romance, Western 101min. ounce of strength he has left to break free and get his together again by the murder of a cartel member whose body revenge. is found in El Paso. Meanwhile, reporters Frye and Mendez Warner Bros. 03.03.2015 Action, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 98min. venture deeper into the border region underworld to follow the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125341 Peace Arch Entertainment 09.12.2014 path of a money-laundering operation. The unraveling mysteries quickly pull all of these compelling characters into 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125161 a complex web of cartel assassinations, crooked cops and the Calvary (Blu-ray) explosive Juarez drug war Kelly Reilly, Dylan Moran, Aidan Gillen, Charlie And The Chocolate Assassins & Hitmen, Cops, Crime, Brendan Gleeson - Dir. John Michael Factory: 10th Anniversary (Blu- Detectives, Drama, Drugs & Dealers, FX, McDonagh Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Serial Killers, Calvary’s Father James (Brendan Gleeson) is a good priest ray) Television, Thrillers 580min. who is faced with sinister and troubling circumstances Deep Roy, AnnaSophia Robb, Freddie brought about by a mysterious member of his parish. Although 20th Century Fox 13.01.2015 he continues to comfort his own fragile daughter (Kelly Highmore, James Fox, Missi Pyle, Adam 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125270 Reilly) and reach out to help members of his church with their Godley, David Kelly, Helena Bonham Carter, various scurrilous moral - and often comic - problems, he , Christopher Lee, Noah feels sinister and troubling forces closing in, and begins to The Brittany Murphy Story (DVD + wonder if he will have the courage to face his own personal Taylor, Jordan Fry - Dir. Tim Burton UltraViolet) Calvary. Adventure, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Comedy, Drama, Movies 101min. Family, Fantasy, Movies, Science Fiction, Amanda Fuller, Sherilyn Fenn - Dir. Joe 20th Century Fox 09.12.2014 Special Editions 115min. Menendez The Brittany Murphy Story tells the story of the talented 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125166 Warner Bros. 03.03.2015 young actress who became a breakout star with the support 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125332 and determination of her mother, Sharon, in the 1980s and Cam2Cam ’90s. With high-profile roles in Clueless, 8 Mile, and Girl, Interrupted, Brittany achieved her Hollywood dream, but her Sarah Bonrepaux, Ben Wiggins, Jade Charlie Wilson’s War (Blu-ray) desperation for approval and insecurity about her looks made Tailor, Tammin Sursok - Dir. Joel Soisson Jud Tylor, Emily Blunt, , John her personal life a disaster. Though the men in Brittany’s life Bangkok tourists have been beheaded after making online Slattery, Om Puri, Philip Seymour Hoffman, would come and go, her mother remained the grounding force contact with an unknown party. Newly-arrived Allie in her life. But that enduring maternal love wasn’t enough to Westbrook (Tammin Sursok) meets a pair of ex-pats, Michael Ken Stott, Ned Beatty, Julia Roberts, Tom save Brittany from the dangers of Hollywood life. Four years and Marit, who perform on a provocative interactive website Hanks - Dir. Mike Nichols later, as news reports swirl around the mystery of Brittany’s called „Cam2Cam.“ The dark menace beneath Michaels easy Academy Award winners Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts and Philip untimely death amid her father’s claims that she was poisoned, charm and the strange sexual magnetism of the group’s leader, Seymour Hoffman star in this compelling and witty film from Sharon and Brittany are thrust into the limelight once more. Marit, drive Allie to the brink of madness. In a city where Oscar-winning director Mike Nichols and Primetime Emmy- Biography, Drama, Movies, TV Movies 2014 foreigners come to re-invent themselves, Allie learns, too late, winning writer Aaron Sorkin (). Based on the 90min. that nothing is what it seems. outrageous true story, Charlie Wilson’s War shows how one Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2014 90min. congressman who loved a good time, one Houston socialite Lionsgate 30.12.2014 who loved a good cause and one renegade CIA agent who 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125090 MPI 16.12.2014 loved a good fight, conspired to bring about the largest covert 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125159 operation in history. Buffalo Bill And The Indians Biography, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Comedy, Buffalo Bill Cody tries to be the Wild West legend his The Campaign / Due Date Drama, History & Events, Military, Movies, promoter creates for show business. , Rza, Jason Sudeikis, Will Politics, Spies & Secret Agents, War 2007 Comedy, Movies, Western 1976 123min. Ferrell, Brian Cox, Jamie Foxx, Robert 102min. Kino Video 09.12.2014 Downey Jr., John Lithgow, Juliette Lewis, Universal Studios 06.01.2015 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125247 Dan Aykroyd, Dylan McDermott, Sarah 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125113 Baker, Matt Walsh, Michelle Monaghan, Buffalo Bill And The Indians (Blu- Karen Maruyama, Danny McBride - Dir. Jay Christmas Evil (Blu-ray + DVD ray) Roach, Todd Phillips Combo) (Blu-ray) Buffalo Bill Cody tries to be the Wild West legend his Comedy, Double Features, Movies, Politics, Jeffrey DeMunne, Brandon Maggart, promoter creates for show business. Road Trips min. Dianne Hull - Dir. Lewis Jackson Comedy, Movies, Western 1976 123min. Warner Bros. 06.01.2015 When he was a boy, Harry idolized Santa Claus, but one Kino Video 09.12.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125361 Christmas Eve, he witnessed something horrifying that 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125266 forever shattered his innocent understanding of Santa. Now an adult, Harry wants to embody the pure Santa Claus he Candyman: Farewell To The grew up loving. He works at a toy factory and keeps records of who’s been naughty and nice, but the spirit of Christmas

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 62 Newsletter 09/14 (Nr. 344) November 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA isn’t what it used to be and he can’t take it. So, garbed in his Metastasio ry Morgan, Lizabeth Scott, Ed Begley, red suit, Harry decides that the only thing he can do is to A masked killer is wreaking havoc in a small village of the Charlton Heston, - Dir. become Santa himself and make all of the naughty townspeople south of . The police is clueless while the bloody track pay...in blood! Vinegar Syndrome is proud to present Lewis record of the heinous murderer gets scarier day by day. A William Dieterle Jackson’s cult favorite Christmas Evil newly restored in 4k blogger tries to understand what’s really going on and starts An unseen killer stalks a gambler and his cronies after a man and on Blu-ray for the first time! to dig deep into the victims’ lives. And while he’s trying to they fleece at poker hangs himself. Christmas, Classics, Cult Film / TV, solve the mystery of a slayer who kills following a pattern Crime, Drama, Film Noir, Movies 1950 Holidays, Horror, Movies, Slasher, Thrillers shaped on the sensuous notes of tango, some of the people 81min. 1980 94min. close to him begin to die. Olive Films 23.12.2014 Foreign, Horror, International, Italian, CAV 18.11.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125308 Movies, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125086 Slasher, Thrillers 2010 100min. CAV 09.12.2014 A Day Late And A Dollar Short / Coming Home 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125181 What Color Is Love? Robert Carradine, Penelope Milford, Robert Jennifer Finnigan, Anika Noni Rose, Roger Ginty, Jane Fonda, Bruce Dern, Jon Voight Dallas: The Complete Third And Cross, Kimberly Elise, Mekhi Phifer, Ving - Dir. Hal Ashby Rhames, Whoopi Goldberg - Dir. Stephen A Marine captain’s wife loves a Vietnam veteran in a Final Season wheelchair. Tolkin, Gary Harvey Julie Gonzalo, Jesse Metcalfe, Josh This double feature contains two star filled films. Based on Drama, Movies, Romance, War 1978 Henderson, Jordana Brewster, Linda Gray, Terry McMillan’s best-selling novel. A Day Late And A Dollar 112min. Kuno Becker, Judith Light, Patrick Duffy, Short Stars Academy Award, Golden Globe, Daytime Emmy, Kino Video 18.11.2014 Grammy, and Tony Award winner Whoopi Goldberg as Marlene Forte, Brenda Strong, Larry irascible matriarch Viola Price. When Viola learns that her 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125055 Hagman, Emma Bell next asthma attack is likely to kill her, she sets out to fix her Dallas: The Complete Third Season packs even more dramatic fractured family before she sets foot anywhere near the grave. Coming Home (Blu-ray) and emotional wallop than its predecessors when turmoil Proudly choosing to keep her health issues a secret, she strikes Southfork. From every direction, and contends with sibling rivalry, teen pregnancy, and Robert Carradine, Penelope Milford, Robert treachery mean greater family divisions, along with tenuous prescription drug addiction - and that’s just one of her four Ginty, Jane Fonda, Bruce Dern, Jon Voight alliances and diabolical double-crosses. John Ross (Josh kids. There’s also a jailbird son to teach how to be a better Henderson) continues to prove he’s J.R.’s son, becoming father, a granddaughter in big trouble, and an estranged - Dir. Hal Ashby more cunning than his daddy ever was. He’s determined to husband to rescue from his scheming young girlfriend. What A Marine captain’s wife loves a Vietnam veteran in a seize control of the Ewing empire, setting his sites on global Color Is Love? Tells the story of Nicole, a beautiful young wheelchair. energy domination - and he’s not about to cut Christopher Caucasian woman and a sports groupie, who falls for Ty, a Drama, Movies, Romance, War 1978 (Jesse Metcalfe) and Bobby (Patrick Duffy) in for their share. married African-American pro basketball star. The fantasy 112min. Meanwhile, as if Elena (Jordana Brewster) hasn’t done soon ends when her affair with the athlete results in an enough damage to her relationship with Christopher, she extraordinary court battle for custody of their mixed-race son. Kino Video 18.11.2014 returns to Southfork with her own devious agenda. Sue Ellen Inspired by a true story. Starring Jennifer Finnegan and R 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125062 (Linda Gray) conspires to put the wedding plans for John Affairs & Love Triangles, Based-On-A- Ross and Pamela (Julie Gonzalo) on ice when she uncovers the groom’s affair with Emma (Emma Bell). It looks like the True-Story, Biography, Book-To-Film, Doub- The Constant Gardener (Blu-ray) Ewing clan couldn’t possibly survive any more malefactions le Features, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Sidede Onyulo, Archie Panjabi, Juliet or stunning surprises... But that doesn’t mean there aren’t Illness & Disease, Movies, TV Movies Aubrey, Donald Sumpter, Richard McCabe, more coming! 172min. Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Television, Danny Huston, Bill Nighy, Rachel Weisz, Lionsgate 27.01.2015 TV Remakes 660min. Gerard McSorley, Ralph Fiennes, Pete 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125364 Warner Bros. 13.01.2015 Postlethwaite, Hubert Kounde, Anneke Kim 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125126 Sarnau - Dir. Fernando Meirelles Day Of The Mummy Nominated for four Academy Awards, The Constant Gardener Welcome to Egypt, land of the Pharaohs. A place steeped in stars Ralph Fiennes and Academy Award winner for Best Dances With Wolves: 25th history and legend; Gods and spiritual guides; untold wealth - Supporting Actress, Rachel Weisz. In this gripping suspense- Anniversay (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) and the bone-cracking, blood-spilling guardians of its riches. thriller, a diplomat on the hunt for his wife’s murderer Jack Wells has arrived in Egypt in search of the famous uncovers a treacherous conspiracy that will destroy millions (Blu-ray) diamond known as The Codex Stone. His journey leads him to of innocent people - unless he can reveal its sinister roots. the tomb of the cursed King Neferu, cursed not by name but by From the best-selling spy novel by John le Carre comes this Tony Pierce, Michael Spears, Rodney A. nature. With his centuries-old slumber disturbed by timeless edge-of-your-seat story of murder, deception and revenge that Grant, Graham Greene, Mary McDonnell, human greed, the King rises from the dead with a blood-lust critics are calling „a hair-raising thriller with an unforgettable Kevin Costner, Charles Rocket, Floyd Wes- that cannot be quenched and a raging fury that will shred finale“ (Karen Durbin, Elle). flesh from bone, bringing terrible and tormented death to all Affairs & Love Triangles, Assassins & terman, Maury Chaykin, Tantoo Cardinal, who dare witness the Day of the Mummy. Hitmen, Blu-ray, Crime, Drama, Movies, Robert Pastorelli, Jimmy Herman - Dir. Kevin Action, British, Foreign, Horror, Monsters, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Romance, Thril- Costner Movies, Mummies 2014 80min. Celebrating the 25th anniversary of this triumphant lers 2005 129min. masterpiece, Kevin Costner stars in and directs this Academy Image Ent. 09.12.2014 Universal Studios 06.01.2015 Award winning modern classic. Sent to protect a U.S. outpost 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125229 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125114 on the desolate American frontier, Lt. Dunbar (Costner) befriends a tribe of Sioux Indians. What follows is a series of unforgettable moments - from Dunbar’s tender scenes with Dead Man (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) Contraband (Blu-ray + Stands With A Fist (Mary McDonnell) to the thrilling, action- (Blu-ray) packed buffalo hunt. Experience the excitement, emotion and UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) sweeping beauty of this cinematic treasure! Crispin Glover, Gary Farmer, Lance Caleb Landry Jones, Diego Luna, J.K. Academy Award Winners, Adventure, AFI Henriksen, Johnny Depp, Michael Wincott - Simmons, Ben Foster, Giovanni Ribisi, Kate Top 100, American Civil War, Blu-ray, Book- Dir. Jim Jarmusch Beckinsale, Lukas Haas, Mark Wahlberg - To-Film, Classics, Drama, Epics, Historical / A young man in search of a fresh start, William Blake, embarks on an exciting journey to a new town, never realizing Dir. Baltasar Kormakur Period Piece, Movies, National Film the danger that lies ahead. But when a heated love triangle Mark Wahlberg stars as legendary smuggler Chris Farraday, Registry, Native Americans, Special ends in double murder, Blake finds himself a wanted man, who has left his criminal past behind to be with his wife (Kate running scared until a mysterious loner teaches him to face Beckinsale) and sons. When a ruthless drug kingpin Editions, War, Western 1990 234min. MGM / UA 13.01.2015 the dangers that follow a Dead Man. (Giovanni Ribisi) threatens his family, Farraday must summon Affairs & Love Triangles, Blu-ray, Drama, his old skills and contacts for one last run. Contraband takes 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125327 you to the cutthroat underground world of international Fantasy, Love Gone Bad, Movies, Outlaw smuggling, and on a thrilling adventure that critics are calling Country, Western, Wilderness 1995 „dynamic, intense and gritty!“ - Mark S. Allen, CBS/CW-TV Collection (Blu- (Sacramento) 121min. Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Drama, Drugs & ray) Lionsgate 13.01.2015 Dealers, Movies, Thrillers 2012 110min. Academy Award Winners, Blu-ray, Boxed 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125222 Universal Studios 13.01.2015 Sets, Collections, Movies min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125116 Warner Bros. 24.02.2015 Dead Man (DVD + UltraViolet) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125146 Crispin Glover, Gary Farmer, Lance Cruel Tango Henriksen, Johnny Depp, Michael Wincott - Diego Bottiglieri, Chiara Barbagallo, Dark City (Blu-ray) Dir. Jim Jarmusch Don Defore, Jack Webb, Dean Jagger, Har- A young man in search of a fresh start, William Blake, Francesco Castiglione - Dir. Salvatore embarks on an exciting journey to a new town, never realizing

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 64 Newsletter 09/14 (Nr. 344) November 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA the danger that lies ahead. But when a heated love triangle tba BestellNr.: 40125252 Coleman (Captain America: The First Avenger) returns as the ends in double murder, Blake finds himself a wanted man, Doctors companion Clara for what promises to be the most running scared until a mysterious loner teaches him to face electrifying season yet! the dangers that follow a Dead Man. Device BBC, Blu-ray, British, Fantasy, Foreign, Affairs & Love Triangles, Drama, Fantasy, Angela DiMarco - Dir. Jeremy Berg International TV, Science Fiction, Televisi- Love Gone Bad, Movies, Outlaw Country, What if the rumors and urban legends are real... that aliens on, Time Travel 602min. Western, Wilderness 1995 121min. walk among us, abducting people for unthinkable experiments? Sisters Abby and Rebecca are about to discover the Warner Bros. 09.12.2014 Lionsgate 13.01.2015 horrifying truth when they find a harmless looking object in 135,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125171 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125217 near their family’s cabin. The small black sphere is the key to a shocking mystery that will change the course of human destiny. The Device has plans for us, and this world is Dolphin Tale 2 (Blu-ray + DVD + Dead Snow 2 Red Vs Dead no longer ours. UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Orjan Gamst, Tommy Wirkola, Derek Mears, Horror, Movies, Science Fiction, Thrillers Dolphin Tale 2 continues the story of the brave dolphin Kristoffer Joner, Martin Starr, Hallvard Hol- 2014 91min. Winter, whose miraculous rescue and recovery - thanks to a men - Dir. Tommy Wirkola Image Ent. 16.12.2014 groundbreaking prosthetic tail - made her a symbol of hope Martin (Vegar Hoel) hasn’t had the best vacation. He 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125296 and perseverance to people around the world and inspired the accidentally killed his girlfriend with an axe. He cut his own 2011 family hit movie Dolphin Tale. arm off with a chainsaw. And his friends STILL got devoured Animals & Nature, Blu-ray, Drama, Family, by a battalion of Nazi Zombies. This morning, he woke up in a The Devil’s Hand (DVD + Movies 107min. hospital bed with a new arm - but it’s a super-powered Zombie arm that wants to kill him, and anyone else it can UltraViolet) Warner Bros. 09.12.2014 reach. Martin’s PISSED. And with the help of his new Zombie Jennifer Carpenter, Colm Meaney, Rufus 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125170 Squad pals (Martin Starr, Jocelyn DeBoer, Ingrid Haas), he’s gonna deliver some payback to Colonel Herzog and his Sewell - Dir. Christian E. Christiansen precious Nazi gold - by raising an undead army of his own. Oscar-nominated director Christian E. Christiansen brings a Dolphin Tale 2 (DVD + UltraViolet) spine-tingling story of satanic terror. In the small village of Action, Comedy, Horror, Movies, Zombies New Bethlehem, 6 girls are born on the 6th day of the 6th Juliana Harkavy, Austin Stowell, Cozi 100min. month, setting in motion an ancient prophecy - on their 18th Zuehlsdorff, Nathan Gamble, Tom Nowicki, Well Go USA 09.12.2014 birthday, one of the girls will become the devil’s hand. As the Kris Kristofferson, Harry Connick Jr., day nears, the young women begin to disappear. Threatened 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125164 by the town’s religious leader (Colm Meaney), the remaining Ashley Judd, Carlos Gomez, Morgan girl’s father (Rufus Sewell) races to uncover the chilling Freeman - Dir. Charles Martin Smith Dead Snow 2 Red Vs Dead: truth. It has been several years since young Sawyer Nelson and the Devils And Demons, Horror, Movies, dedicated team at the Clearwater Marine Hospital, headed by Collector’s Edition (Blu-ray) Dr. Clay Haskett, rescued Winter. With the help of Dr. Mystery, Myths & Legends, Religion/ Cameron McCarthy, who developed a unique prosthetic tail Orjan Gamst, Derek Mears, Vegar Hoel, Spirituality, Thrillers 2014 85min. for the injured dolphin, they were able to save her life. Yet Kristoffer Joner, Martin Starr, Hallvard Hol- Lionsgate 16.12.2014 their fight is not over. Winter’s surrogate mother, the very men - Dir. Tommy Wirkola 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125083 elderly dolphin Panama, has passed away, leaving Winter Martin (Vegar Hoel) hasn’t had the best vacation. He without the only poolmate she has ever known. However, the accidentally killed his girlfriend with an axe. He cut his own loss of Panama may have even greater repercussions for arm off with a chainsaw. And his friends STILL got devoured Diner (Blu-ray) Winter, who, according to USDA regulations, cannot be by a battalion of Nazi Zombies. This morning, he woke up in a housed alone, as dolphins’ social behavior requires them to hospital bed with a new arm - but it’s a super-powered Tim Daly, Paul Reiser, Michael Tucker, Ellen be paired with other dolphins. Time is running out to find a Zombie arm that wants to kill him, and anyone else it can Barkin, Daniel Stern, Mickey Rourke, Kevin companion for her before the team at Clearwater loses their reach. Martin’s PISSED. And with the help of his new Zombie Bacon, Steve Guttenberg - Dir. Barry beloved Winter to another aquarium. Squad pals (Martin Starr, Jocelyn DeBoer, Ingrid Haas), he’s Animals & Nature, Drama, Family, Movies gonna deliver some payback to Colonel Herzog and his Levinson Fries with gravy, a cherry cola. Friendship, bragging 2014 107min. precious Nazi gold - by raising an undead army of his own. Warner Bros. 09.12.2014 Action, Blu-ray, Comedy, Horror, Movies, rights...and does Sinatra or Mathis croon the best makeout music? Before there was the counterculture of the ’60s, there 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125132 Zombies 100min. was the counter culture. From his Oscar-nominated script, Well Go USA 09.12.2014 makes his directing debut with this endearing study of pals in transition. Film-debuting Ellen Barkin plays a Don’t Look In The Basement 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125172 neglected wife. Steve Guttenberg, Daniel Stern, Mickey Rourke, Kevin Bacon, Timothy Daly and Paul Reiser - chosen Jessie Lee Fulton, William Bill McGhee - Dir. James Dean Triple Feature from over 600 hopefuls - play the up-all-night buddies who S.F. Brownrigg work out the remnants of adolescence during ritual grazings One of the inmates takes over the asylum after its director James Dean at a busy steel-and-vinyl hangout in 1959 Baltimore. Stars, gets the ax. Classics, Movies, Triple Feature min. laughs, interlocking stories: entertainment is the daily special Horror, Movies, Thrillers 1973 89min. Warner Bros. 10.03.2015 in Diner. Film Chest Media Group 16.12.2014 Affairs & Love Triangles, AFI Top 100, Blu- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125340 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125299 ray, Classics, College Life, Comedy, Coming-Of-Age, Drama, Friendships, The Definitive Document Of The Marriage Woes, Movies, Rocky Dora The Explorer: Dora’s Dead (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) Relationships 1982 110min. Mermaid Adventures Collection (Blu-ray) Warner Bros. 03.02.2015 Adventure, Children’s, Collections, Family, Richard Rubinstein, Roy Frumkes, Tom 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125142 Friendships, Nickelodeon, Television Savini, George A. Romero - Dir. Roy 161min. Frumkes Doctor Who: The Complete Nickelodeon 06.01.2015 Roy Frumkes’ celebration of horror director George A. Eighth Series 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125279 Romero gets re-edited, updated and re-mastered! The Defini- tive Document Of The Dead is an all-new version of the Peter Capaldi classic „making of“ project based on 1978’s Dawn Of The Join Twelfth Doctor Peter Capaldi for a whole new set of Down In The Delta / Sarafina Dead! George A. Romero, director of the original Night Of spellbinding adventures across time and space in the eighth Leleti Khumalo, John Kani, Sandra The Living Dead, is one of the horror genre’s most celebrated season of BBC America’s hit show Doctor Who! Jenna filmmakers. Roy Frumkes’ amazing 1978 documentary Coleman (Captain America: The First Avenger) returns as the Caldwell, Miriam Makeba, Richard Document Of The Dead was an intimate look at Romero’s Doctors companion Clara for what promises to be the most Yearwood, Mary Alice, Loretta Devine, creative process, with an outstanding collection of electrifying season yet! Esther Rolle, Alfre Woodard, Wesley interviews, effects demonstrations (courtesy of make-up BBC, British, Fantasy, Foreign, International artist, Tom Savini) and behind-the-scenes footage from the Snipes, Whoopi Goldberg, Mpho Koaho, classic horror film, Dawn Of The Dead. This newly re-edited TV, Science Fiction, Television, Time Travel Justin Lord - Dir. Maya Angelou, Darrell and re-mastered 2012 version of the award-winning 602min. Roodt documentary contains all-new exclusive material including Warner Bros. 09.12.2014 additional interviews with Romero’s family and friends, candid African Americans, Double Features, Dra- on-set footage from Two Evil Eyes, Land Of The Dead, Diary 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125163 ma, Drugs & Dealers, Movies, Musical, Of The Dead, Survival Of The Dead and many more surprises! Play-To-Film, South African 287min. The Definitive Document Of The Dead is a loving portrait of a Doctor Who: The Complete horror legend, and a must-see for any hardcore horror fan! Lionsgate 13.01.2015 The release contains a DVD of the ne Eighth Series (Blu-ray) 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125223 Classics, Documentary, Horror, Monsters, Peter Capaldi Movies, Special Interest, Thrillers, Zombies Join Twelfth Doctor Peter Capaldi for a whole new set of Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story 2012 102min. spellbinding adventures across time and space in the eighth (Blu-ray) CAV 06.11.2014 season of BBC America’s hit show Doctor Who! Jenna

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Luoyong Wang, Ric Young, Aki Aleong, Eric Elsa & Fred the odds are stacked against them, if they have nowhere else Bruskotter, Michael Learned, Ong Soo Han, to turn, McCall will help. He is The Equalizer. Christopher Plummer, Shirley MacLaine, Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Based On TV Nancy Kwan, Jason Scott Lee, Robert Wendell Pierce, Osvaldo Rios, Chris Noth, Show, Blu-ray, Crime, Drama, Gangs, Wagner, Lauren Holly - Dir. Rob Cohen Erika Alexander, Reg Rogers, Scott Bakula, Based on true events, Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story is the Mobsters & The Mafia, Movies, Thrillers incredible journey of the life, love and unconquerable spirit of Marcia Gay Harden, James Brolin, George 2014 132min. the martial arts legend. From a childhood of rigorous martial Segal, Jaime Camil - Dir. Michael Radford Sony Pictures Home Entertainment arts training, Lee realizes his dream of opening his own kung- The story of two people who, at the end of the road, discover fu school in America. Before long, he is discovered by a that its never too late to love. After losing his wife, Fred 30.12.2014 Hollywood producer (Robert Wagner) and begins a meteoric (Christopher Plummer) feels disturbed, confused and alone, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125284 rise to fame and an all too short reign as one of the most so his daughter (Marcia Gay Harden) helps move him into a charismatic action heroes in motion picture history. Hailed as small apartment where he meets Elsa (Shirley Maclaine). „an immeasurably entertaining movie“ by CBS-TV, Dragon: From that moment on, everything changes. Elsa bursts into The Equalizer (DVD + UltraViolet) The Bruce Lee Story is ablaze with comedy, touching romance Freds life like a whirlwind, determined to teach him that the Alex Veadov, David Harbour, Haley and spectacular martial arts sequences. time he has left to live - be it more or less - is precious and Bennett, Chloe Grace Moretz, Vladimir Action, Biography, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, that he should enjoy it as he pleases. Kulich, , Marton Csokas, Denzel Cult Film / TV, Devils And Demons, Drama, Comedy, Family, Movies, Romance 2014 Washington, Bill Pullman - Dir. Antoine Martial Arts, Movies 1993 120min. 105min. Millennium Entertainment 30.12.2014 Fuqua Universal Studios 03.02.2015 McCall () has put his mysterious past 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125329 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125281 behind him and is dedicated to living a new, quiet life. But when he meets Teri (Chloe Grace Moretz), a young girl under Elsa & Fred (Blu-ray) the control of ultra-violent Russian gangsters, he can’t stand Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer’s idly by. Armed with hidden skills that allow him to serve Curse Christopher Plummer, Shirley MacLaine, vengeance against anyone who would brutalize the helpless, Wendell Pierce, Osvaldo Rios, Chris Noth, McCall comes out of his self-imposed retirement and finds his Serban Celea, Tamzin Merchant, Julian Erika Alexander, Reg Rogers, Scott Bakula, desire for justice reawakened. If someone has a problem, if Morris, Duncan Preston, Dominic Mafham, the odds are stacked against them, if they have nowhere else Marcia Gay Harden, James Brolin, George Ben Kingsley - Dir. Colin Teague to turn, McCall will help. He is The Equalizer. When young squire Gareth goes in search of a fallen comet, Segal, Jaime Camil - Dir. Michael Radford Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Based On TV he believes it holds gold that he can use to pay for his The story of two people who, at the end of the road, discover Show, Crime, Drama, Gangs, Mobsters & knighthood. Instead of finding a comet, Gareth finds the that its never too late to love. After losing his wife, Fred The Mafia, Movies, Thrillers 2014 132min. dragon Drago (voice of Ben Kingsley) who has fallen to earth (Christopher Plummer) feels disturbed, confused and alone, and is being hunted by an evil sorcerer. After Drago saves so his daughter (Marcia Gay Harden) helps move him into a Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Gareth’s life, the two become intricately bonded and they must small apartment where he meets Elsa (Shirley Maclaine). 30.12.2014 work together to defeat the sorcerer and stop his reign of From that moment on, everything changes. Elsa bursts into 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125274 terror. Along the way, Gareth learns the true meaning of being Freds life like a whirlwind, determined to teach him that the a knight. time he has left to live - be it more or less - is precious and Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Giant that he should enjoy it as he pleases. Finders Keepers Comedy, Family, Movies, Romance 2014 Monsters!, Magic, Monsters, Movies, Thril- Jaime Pressly, Tobin Bell, Patrick Muldoon - 105min. lers min. Dir. Alexander Yellen Millennium Entertainment 30.12.2014 Universal Studios 24.02.2015 After her divorce, Allyson Simon and her daughter Claire 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125290 move into an old house outside the city. When Claire finds an 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125277 old doll left in the house by the previous occupants, Allyson begins to see sinister changes in her daughter. When Allyson Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer’s Enter The Dragon: Two-Disc discovers the doll’s dark secret, she and her estranged Special Edition husband must race against time to stop the entity trying to take Curse (Blu-ray + DVD + over their daughter. Betty Chung, Robert Wall, Angela Mao, Jim UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Horror, Movies, Thrillers, TV Movies 2014 Kelly, John Saxon, Bolo Yeung, Ahna Capri, 88min. Serban Celea, Tamzin Merchant, Julian Bruce Lee - Dir. Robert Clouse Lionsgate 06.01.2015 Morris, Duncan Preston, Dominic Mafham, Action, Classics, Crime, Cult Film / TV, Dra- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125178 Ben Kingsley - Dir. Colin Teague ma, Drugs & Dealers, Martial Arts, Movies, When young squire Gareth goes in search of a fallen comet, Special Editions, Spies & Secret Agents, he believes it holds gold that he can use to pay for his Frank Thrillers 1973 102min. knighthood. Instead of finding a comet, Gareth finds the Domhnall Gleeson, Scoot McNairy, Michael dragon Drago (voice of Ben Kingsley) who has fallen to earth Warner Bros. 23.12.2014 Fassbender, Maggie Gyllenhaal - Dir. Lenny and is being hunted by an evil sorcerer. After Drago saves 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125333 Gareth’s life, the two become intricately bonded and they must Abrahamson work together to defeat the sorcerer and stop his reign of Frank is a comedy about a young wannabe musician, Jon, who terror. Along the way, Gareth learns the true meaning of being Episodes: The Third Season discovers he’s bitten off more than he can chew when he joins a knight. a band of eccentric pop musicians led by the mysterious and Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Drama, Tamsen Greig, Stephen Mangan, John Pan- enigmatic Frank and his terrifying sidekick, Clara. Frank’s Fantasy, Giant Monsters!, Magic, Monsters, kow, Matt LeBlanc uniqueness lies in the fact that he makes music purely for the Episodes stars Matt LeBlanc in his Emmy-nominated and joy of creating...and because he wears a giant fake head. Movies, Thrillers min. Golden Globe Award-winning role as a fictionalized version After a rocky start, Jon ingratiates himself with the band Universal Studios 24.02.2015 of himself. Season three picks up with Sean (Stephen Man- members, and they retreat to a cabin in the woods to record an 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125287 gan) and Beverly (Tamsin Greig), the English couple whose album. As his influence waxes, creative tensions mount, and hit U.K. sitcom is remade for U.S. audiences and corrupted the band’s entire raison d’etre is called into question. beyond recognition, back together but they soon discover that Comedy, Drama, Movies, Mystery 2014 El Desierto (The Desert) it’s not so easy to heal old wounds. Things get no easier for 95min. Lautaro Delgado, Victoria Almeida, William Matt this year as his career and ego continue to be pummeled. Comedy, Showtime, Television 332min. Magnolia Home Entertainment 09.12.2014 Prociuk, Lucas Lagre - Dir. Christoph Behl 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125165 Axel, Jonathan and Ana live together in a post-catastrophic Paramount Pictures 15.01.2015 world. Their whole dynamic changes when Axel and Jonathan 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125101 go out on an expedition in search of provisions and return to Frank (Blu-ray) the house with a zombie that they call Pythagoras. Maggie Gyllenhaal, Domhnall Gleeson, Argentinian, Drama, Foreign, Movies, The Equalizer (Blu-ray + Scoot McNairy, Michael Fassbender - Dir. Science Fiction 2013 100min. UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Lenny Abrahamson Cinedigm 11.11.2014 Alex Veadov, David Harbour, Haley Frank is a comedy about a young wannabe musician, Jon, who 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125194 Bennett, Chloe Grace Moretz, Vladimir discovers he’s bitten off more than he can chew when he joins Kulich, Melissa Leo, Marton Csokas, Denzel a band of eccentric pop musicians led by the mysterious and enigmatic Frank and his terrifying sidekick, Clara. Frank’s Elmo’s World: Head, Shoulders, Washington, Bill Pullman - Dir. Antoine uniqueness lies in the fact that he makes music purely for the Knees And Toes Fuqua joy of creating...and because he wears a giant fake head. McCall (Denzel Washington) has put his mysterious past After a rocky start, Jon ingratiates himself with the band Children’s, Children’s / Educational, Family, behind him and is dedicated to living a new, quiet life. But members, and they retreat to a cabin in the woods to record an Preschool, Puppets, Sesame Street, Televi- when he meets Teri (Chloe Grace Moretz), a young girl under album. As his influence waxes, creative tensions mount, and sion min. the control of ultra-violent Russian gangsters, he can’t stand the band’s entire raison d’etre is called into question. idly by. Armed with hidden skills that allow him to serve Comedy, Drama, Movies, Mystery 2014 Warner Bros. 06.01.2015 vengeance against anyone who would brutalize the helpless, 95min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125123 McCall comes out of his self-imposed retirement and finds his desire for justice reawakened. If someone has a problem, if Magnolia Home Entertainment 09.12.2014

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45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125173 York life becomes a series of humiliating challenges. Further Azaria, Wes Studi, William Fichtner, Danny complicating things for Hannah is her unrequited passion for eccentric actor/woodworker Adam, with whom she Trejo, Kevin Gage, Amy Brenneman, Robert Frontera (Blu-ray) occasionally has sex, at least when he can be bothered to De Niro - Dir. Michael Mann respond to her text messages. As the harsh reality of rent and Action, Affairs & Love Triangles, Based- Daniel Zacapa, Eva Longoria, Michael bills looms, Hannah leans on her very put-together best friend Pena, Aden Young, Amy Madigan, Ed Harris and roommate Marnie, who has a real job at an art gallery and On-A-True-Story, Biography, Blu-ray, Book- - Dir. Michael Berry an even realer boyfriend, neither of which she can admit she To-Film, Cops, Cops On The Edge, Crime, Frontera follows the events that take place after a former might not love. Meanwhile, their gorgeous British friend Cult Film / TV, Detectives, Double Features, Arizona sheriff’s wife (Amy Madigan) is killed while riding on Jessa, who has travelled to as many different countries as Drama, Drugs & Dealers, Marriage Woes, their ranch. It appears a Mexican man (Michael Pena) cros- she’s had „lovers,“ appears in the city a sing in to the US illegally is at fault. As former Sheriff (Ed Comedy, Drama, Friendships, HBO, Mobsters & The Mafia, Movies, Revenge, Harris) and current Sheriff (Aden Young) search for answers, Romance, Television 2012 min. Thrillers min. lives are changed forever. HBO Home Video 04.11.2014 Warner Bros. 06.01.2015 Drama, Movies, Western 2014 103min. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125065 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125346 Magnolia Home Entertainment 04.11.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125068 Girls: The Complete Third Season Gravity: Diamond Luxe Edition Funny Thing About Love 4-Pack (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) (Blu-ray) George Clooney, Ed Harris - Dir. Alfonso Anna Farris, Wanda Sykes, Orlando Jones, Allison Williams, , Jemima Kirke, Lena Dunham, Alex Karpovsky Cuaron Chris Klein, Eddie Izzard, Luke Wilson, Gravity, directed by Oscar nominee Alfonso Cuaron, stars Heather Graham, Johnny Galecki, Jesse Comedy, Drama, girl power, HBO, Television Oscar winners Sandra Bullock and George Clooney in a Bradford, , Uma Thurman, Kelly 360min. heart-pounding thriller that pulls you into the infinite and HBO Home Video 06.01.2015 unforgiving realm of deep space. Bullock plays Dr. Ryan Hu, Hayden Panettiere, Rainn Wilson, Ken Stone, a brilliant medical engineer on her first shuttle mission, Leung, Sophia Bush, Brandon Routh, Ed 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125136 with veteran astronaut Matt Kowalsky (Clooney). But on a Ackerman - Dir. Ivan Reitman, J.B. Rogers, seemingly routine spacewalk, disaster strikes. The shuttle is Kern Konwiser, David Ren, Michael The Good Lie (Blu-ray + DVD + destroyed, leaving Stone and Kowalsky completely alone. 2014 Oscar Winners, Academy Award Samonek Digital HD+ UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Winners, Blu-ray, Drama, Movies, Science Collections, Comedy, Movies, Romance min. , Sarah Baker - Dir. Fiction, Space, Special Editions, Thrillers Starz / Anchor Bay 06.01.2015 Philippe Falardeau 2013 91min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125187 They were known simply as „The Lost Boys.“ Orphaned by the brutal Civil war in Sudan that began in 1983, these young Warner Bros. 10.02.2015 victims traveled as many as a thousand miles on foot in search 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125344 Get On Up of safety. Fifteen years later, a humanitarian effort would Octavia Spencer, Chadwick Boseman, Fred bring 3600 lost boys and girls to America. In The Good Lie, The Grey (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) Melamed, Nelsan Ellis, Craig Robinson, Jill Philippe Falardeau, (writer and director of the Oscar- nominated Foreign Language film „Monsieur Lazhar“) brings (Blu-ray) Scott, Viola Davis, Lennie James, Josh the story of their survival and triumph to life. Academy Award Hopkins, Brandon Smith, Dan Aykroyd - Dir. winner Reese Witherspoon (Walk the Line) stars alongside James Badge Dale, Nonso Anozie, Frank Sudanese actors Arnold Oceng, Ger Duany, Emmanuel Jal, Grillo, Dallas Roberts, Dermot Mulroney, Tate Taylor and newcomer Nyakuoth Weil, many of whom were also In his follow-up to the four-time Academy Award-nominated children of war. Mamere and Theo are sons of the Chief in Joe Anderson, Liam Neeson - Dir. Joe blockbuster The Help, Tate Taylor directs 42’s Chadwick their village in Southern Sudan. When an attack by the Carnahan Boseman as James Brown in Get on Up. Based on the Northern militia destroys their home and kills their parents, Liam Neeson (Schindler’s List, Taken) stars as the unlikely incredible life story of of Soul, the film will give eldest son Theo is forced to assume the role of Chief and lead hero Ottway in this undeniably suspenseful and powerful a fearless look inside the music, moves and moods of Brown, a group of young survivors, including his sister Abital, away survival adventure. After their plane crashes into the taking audiences on the journey from his impoverished from harm. But the hostile, treacherous terrain has other Alaskan wilderness, a roughneck group of oil drillers is childhood to his evolution into one of the most influential dangers in store for them. As the tattered group makes the forced to find a way back to civilization. As Ottway leads the figures of the 20th century. difficult trek to Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya, they meet injured survivors through the brutal snow and ice, they are Biography, Biopics, Drama, Movies, Music, other relentlessly tracked by a vicious pack of rogue wolves that Soul 2014 139min. Drama, Movies 2014 120min. will do anything to defend their territory. Adrenaline-fueled, action-packed and loaded with some of the most intense and Universal Studios 06.01.2015 Warner Bros. 23.12.2014 brutally realistic attack scenes ever filmed, The Grey is being 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125292 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125303 hailed as „a thriller you can sink your teeth into!“ (The Wa- shington Post) Get On Up (Blu-ray + DVD + Digi- The Good Shepherd (Blu-ray) Adventure, Animals & Nature, Blu-ray, Dra- ma, Killer Animals, Movies, Thrillers, Gabriel Macht, Michael Gambon, Billy tal HD + Ultra Violet) (Blu-ray) Wilderness 2011 118min. Crudup, Matt Damon, Keir Dullea, Angelina Octavia Spencer, Chadwick Boseman, Fred Universal Studios 13.01.2015 Jolie, Timothy Hutton, William Hurt, John Melamed, Nelsan Ellis, Craig Robinson, Jill 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125117 Scott, Viola Davis, Lennie James, Josh Turturro, Alec Baldwin, Joe Pesci, Martina Gedeck, Tammy Blanchard, Robert De Niro, Hopkins, Brandon Smith, Dan Aykroyd - Dir. Grumpy Cat’s Worst Christmas Tate Taylor Lee Pace, Mark Ivanir, John Sessions, In his follow-up to the four-time Academy Award-nominated Eddie Redmayne, Oleg Stefan - Dir. Robert Ever blockbuster The Help, Tate Taylor directs 42’s Chadwick De Niro Megan Charpentier, Aubrey Plaza, Russell Boseman as James Brown in Get on Up. Based on the Matt Damon, Angelina Jolie and Robert De Niro star in The incredible life story of the Godfather of Soul, the film will give Peters, Daniel Roebuck Good Shepherd, a powerful thriller about the birth of the CIA. In this feline sensation’s first movie, Grumpy Cat’s Worst a fearless look inside the music, moves and moods of Brown, Edward Wilson (Damon) believes in America, and will taking audiences on the journey from his impoverished Christmas Ever, lonely Grumpy Cat (voiced by Aubrey Plaza) sacrifice everything he loves to protect it. As one of the lives in a mall pet shop where she never gets chosen by childhood to his evolution into one of the most influential covert founders of the CIA, Edward’s youthful idealism is figures of the 20th century. customers. Because she always gets passed over, this kitty slowly eroded by his growing suspicion of the people around develops a very sour outlook on life until...one day during the Biography, Biopics, Blu-ray, Drama, Movies, him. Everybody has secrets... but will Edward’s destroy him? holidays, a very special 12-year-old girl named Chyrstal Music, Soul 2014 139min. With an all-star cast including Alec Baldwin, Billy Crudup, enters the pet store and falls in love with Grumpy. The two Universal Studios 06.01.2015 William Hurt, Timothy Hutton and John Turturro, it is the form a special friendship when Chyrstal discovers she is the gripping story Newsweek hails as „spellbinding.“ only person who can hear this feline talk. Will Grumpy Cat 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125304 Assassins & Hitmen, Blu-ray, Drama, finally learn the true meaning of Christmas, or will it be, in Historical / Period Piece, History & Events, Grumpy’s words, the „Worst. Christmas. Ever.“? Girls: The Complete First Season Movies, Mystery, Spies & Secret Agents, Adventure, Animals & Nature, Christmas, (Repackage) (Blu-ray) Thrillers, War 2006 168min. Comedy, Family, Friendships, Holidays, Movies, TV Movies 2014 90min. Jemma Kirke, Allison Williams, Adam Driver, Universal Studios 06.01.2015 Lionsgate 16.12.2014 Lena Dunham, Zosia Mamet 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125115 From writer/director/actor Lena Dunham and comedy veterans 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125082 Judd Apatow and Jenni Konner, this scripted half-hour series / Heat (Blu-ray) focuses on a group of women in their early twenties in New Guardians Of The Museum York and their adventures in post-collegiate floundering. Two Mykelti Williamson, Ted Levine, Dennis years out of liberal arts school, Hannah (Dunham) believes Haysbert, Tom Sizemore, Ashley Judd, Na- Three kids are given the challenge of a lifetime - to be let she has the talent to be a successful writer, though she has loose in the world’s greatest museum after hours to unlock the yet to complete her memoir - she has to live it first. But when talie Portman, , Tom Noonan, Jon mystery behind famous artifacts. It’s not going to be easy - her parents cut her off financially without warning, her New Voight, Diane Venora, Val Kilmer, Hank they must race through the museum and complete complex challenges and confront visions from the past in their quest

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 67 Newsletter 09/14 (Nr. 344) November 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA for answers. What’s more the halls are patrolled by evil (Elizabeth Weitzman, New York Daily News) Lapine, a seamless fusion of fairy tale characters and what spirits and security guards who must be avoided at all costs! Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, happens after „happily ever after.“ With oft-recorded songs Have they got what it takes to solve the mystery? Or will they such as Children Will Listen and No One Is Alone, Into The and become a part of the museum forever? Drama, Movies, Myths & Legends, Woods is a music lover’s delight from start to finish - and will BBC, British, Foreign, History & Events, Swordfighting, War 2014 98min. forever cement Stephen Sondheim’s unparalleled position as International TV, Mystery, Television Paramount Pictures 04.11.2014 the giant of the American musical theater. Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Movies, Musical 112min. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125120 153min. Warner Bros. 25.11.2014 Image Ent. 02.12.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125134 House Of Lies: The Third Season 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125167 Donis Leonard, Josh Lawson, Ben Schwartz, Dawn Olivieri, Kristen Bell, Guess Whos Coming To Christmas Intruders: The Complete First Mackenzie Porter, Drew Lachey - Dir. Glynn Turman, Don Cheadle Charming, fast talking Marty Kaan (Don Cheadle) and his Season Kristoffer Tabori crack team of management consultants know how to play the Christmas, Comedy, Holidays, Romance, corporate game better than anyone, by using every dirty trick Rukiya Bernard, Alex Diakun, Sonya Television, TV Movies 2013 min. in the book to woo powerful CEOs and close huge deals. In Salomaa, Tory Kittles, Andrew Airlie, Peter the board rooms, barrooms, and bedrooms of the power elite, Bryant, Tom Butler, John Simm, James E1 Entertainment 02.12.2014 corruption is business as usual and everyone’s out for 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125095 themselves first. Nothing is sacred in this scathing, irreverent Frain, Robert Forster, Mira Sorvino satire of corporate America today. John Simm (Doctor Who, Life on Mars, State of Play) and Comedy, Drama, Showtime, Television Academy Award-winner Mira Sorvino (Mighty Aphrodite, The Guest Norma Jean & Marilyn) make your heart race in this chilling 332min. Maika Monroe, Brendan Meyer, Dan paranormal tale about an evil secret society devoted to Paramount Pictures 13.01.2015 chasing immortality by taking refuge in the bodies of the Stevens, Lance Reddick, Sheila Kelley, 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125102 living. Add to this a sinister agent bent on executing the Leland Orser - Dir. Adam Wingard unlucky to cover his crimes and a ten-year-old girl who picks From the creators of You’re Next comes The Guest, a pulse- the most dangerous moment to run away from home and you get pounding thriller starring Dan Stevens (Downtown Abbey) House Of Versace / Amanda Intruders, an eerie supernatural suspense series from the and Maika Monroe (Labor Day). Recently discharged from the creator of The X-Files. Army, David Collins (Stevens) unexpectedly shows up on the Knox: Murder On Trial In Italy BBC, British, Foreign, International, Interna- Petersons’ doorstep, claiming to be their late son’s best Hayden Panettiere, Marcia Gay Harden, tional TV, Mystery, Supernatural & friend. Welcomed into their home, the well-mannered stranger becomes part of the family until a shocking wave of violence , Gina Gershon Paranormal, Television, Thrillers 480min. raises daughter Anna’s (Monroe) suspicions that the This double feature includes two films based on two real BBC Home Video 23.12.2014 mysterious ex-soldier is not quite what he seems. Smart and stories that made international headlines. House Of Versace 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125153 suspenseful, The Guest is an action-packed blast that critics This the story of fashion icon Donatella Versace and her are calling „impossibly cool.“ (Samuel Zimmerman, Fangoria). triumph over tragedy following the death of her brother, Gianni Versace (Enrico Colantoni). Based on Wall Street Intruders: The Complete First Horror, Movies, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Journal reporter Deborah Ball’s widely read book House Of Slasher, Thrillers 2014 101min. Versace: The Untold Story Of Genius, Murder, And Survival, Season (Blu-ray) Universal Studios 06.01.2015 the movie follows Donatella (Gina Gershon) as she is suddenly thrust into the spotlight as head designer of her Rukiya Bernard, Alex Diakun, Sonya 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125276 brother’s fashion empire. Amanda Knox: Murder On Trial In Salomaa, Tory Kittles, Andrew Airlie, Peter Italy Starring Hayden Panettiere (Heroes) and Marcia Gay Bryant, Tom Butler, John Simm, James The Guest (Blu-ray + DVD + Harden (Academy Award winner for Pollock) based on the international headline-grabbing story of the now infamous Frain, Robert Forster, Mira Sorvino UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) American exchange student accused by Italian authorities of John Simm (Doctor Who, Life on Mars, State of Play) and brutally killing her roommate. Amanda Knox: Murder On Trial Academy Award-winner Mira Sorvino (Mighty Aphrodite, Maika Monroe, Brendan Meyer, Dan In Italy poses the question of whether Knox (Panettiere), the Norma Jean & Marilyn) make your heart race in this chilling Stevens, Lance Reddick, Sheila Kelley, Seattle honors student accused of murdering her college paranormal tale about an evil secret society devoted to roommate Meredith Kercher (Amanda Fernando Stevens) in chasing immortality by taking refuge in the bodies of the Leland Orser - Dir. Adam Wingard living. Add to this a sinister agent bent on executing the From the creators of You’re Next comes The Guest, a pulse- 2007 with her boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito (Paolo Romio) and acquaintance Rudy Gu unlucky to cover his crimes and a ten-year-old girl who picks pounding thriller starring Dan Stevens (Downtown Abbey) the most dangerous moment to run away from home and you get and Maika Monroe (Labor Day). Recently discharged from the Book-To-Film, Double Features, Drama, Intruders, an eerie supernatural suspense series from the Army, David Collins (Stevens) unexpectedly shows up on the Fashion, Lawyers / Legal Issues, Movies, creator of The X-Files. Petersons’ doorstep, claiming to be their late son’s best friend. Welcomed into their home, the well-mannered stranger Murder Mysteries, Mystery 182min. BBC, Blu-ray, British, Foreign, International, becomes part of the family until a shocking wave of violence Lionsgate 27.01.2015 International TV, Mystery, Supernatural & raises daughter Anna’s (Monroe) suspicions that the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125368 Paranormal, Television, Thrillers 480min. mysterious ex-soldier is not quite what he seems. Smart and suspenseful, The Guest is an action-packed blast that critics BBC Home Video 23.12.2014 are calling „impossibly cool.“ (Samuel Zimmerman, Fangoria). Hurry Sundown (Blu-ray) 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125152 Horror, Movies, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Robert Hooks, John Phillip Law, Diahann Slasher, Thrillers 2014 101min. Carroll, Jane Fonda, Michael Caine, Jersey Girl (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) Universal Studios 06.01.2015 , Faye Dunaway (Blu-ray) 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125286 Two poor families block a Southern land developer’s post- World War II plan. Directed by Otto Preminger. Jason Biggs, Liv Tyler, Ben Affleck, George Drama, Movies 1967 81min. Carlin, Jennifer Lopez - Dir. Kevin Smith Haunting Of Cellblock 11 Hollywood favorites Ben Affleck (The Town) and Liv Tyler A group of ghost hunters face cancellation in the competitive Olive Films 23.12.2014 (The Strangers) shine in this heartwarming all-star comedy world of paranormal TV shows when they are approached by 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125307 about a guy who thinks he’s lost it all, only to discover he’s an elderly man who is being tormented by apparitions. He got everything he needs. Ollie (Affleck) is a smooth and leads them to a truly haunted prison with a grisly past - successful big-city publicist who has the life he’s always Freeling State Penitentiary deep in the woods. As the night The Idiot wanted - until things take an unexpected turn and he finds wears on, the team instead of helping them rid the man of his A small farm town in bands together to prevent the himself an unemployed single father back living with his dad demons; find themselves struggling to survive against a nasty evil mayor and his capitalist cronies from taking over and in the suburbs. but just when he thinks his life has hit rock ghost intent on taking them to hell. turning their town into a shopping mall. It all comes down to a bottom, a sexy, no-nonsense video store clerk (Tyler) enters Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2014 84min. - can the local village idiot, Dingus, beat an Olympic his life and shows Ollie that sometimes you have to forget who wrestling champion from Mother in a wrestling match you thought you were and acknowledge what really makes you Indican Pictures 24.02.2015 for the ages! happy. Also starring Jennifer Lopez (The Back Up Plan) and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125348 93min. Jason Biggs (My Best Friend’s Girl) - director Kevin Smith (Zack and Miri Make a Porno) has delivered another Indican Pictures 02.12.2014 critically-acclaimed hit. Hercules (3D Blu-ray + Blu-ray + 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125358 Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 2004 DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 102min. Peter Mullan, Ian McShane, Joseph Into The Woods (Blu-ray) Lionsgate 13.01.2015 Fiennes, Rufus Sewell, John Hurt - Dir. Robert Westenberg, Tom Aldredge, Chip 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125254 Brett Ratner Zien, Joanna Gleason, Bernadette Peters - Dwayne Johnson delivers an unforgettable performance as Dir. James Lapine Jersey Girl (DVD + UltraViolet) the mighty Hercules! When a terrifying new enemy threatens A baker and his wife journey into the woods in search of a the innocent, Hercules and his fearless team of warriors must cow, a red cape, a pair of golden slippers and some magic Jason Biggs, Liv Tyler, Ben Affleck, George lead their army in a battle against overwhelming odds. It will beans to lift a curse that has kept them childless. Tony Award Carlin, Jennifer Lopez - Dir. Kevin Smith take the strength of a god for Hercules to overcome his past winners Bernadette Peters, Joanna Gleason and the rest of Hollywood favorites Ben Affleck (The Town) and Liv Tyler and conquer his foes in the epic adventure that critics are the original Broadway cast weave their magic spell over you (The Strangers) shine in this heartwarming all-star comedy calling „fast-paced and packed with eye-popping action!“ in Stephen Sondheim’s masterpiece, directed by James about a guy who thinks he’s lost it all, only to discover he’s

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 68 Newsletter 09/14 (Nr. 344) November 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA got everything he needs. Ollie (Affleck) is a smooth and family! see his of-the-moment take on pop culture, sports news, successful big-city publicist who has the life he’s always Christmas, Comedy, Drama, Family, nightclub culture, and what defines celebrity with characters wanted - until things take an unexpected turn and he finds Holidays, Movies 2014 93min. and storylines that recur throughout each season. himself an unemployed single father back living with his dad Comedy, Comedy Central, Pop Culture, 20th Century Fox 02.12.2014 in the suburbs. but just when he thinks his life has hit rock Sketch Comedy, Television 418min. bottom, a sexy, no-nonsense video store clerk (Tyler) enters 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125087 his life and shows Ollie that sometimes you have to forget who Paramount Pictures 09.12.2014 you thought you were and acknowledge what really makes you 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125041 happy. Also starring Jennifer Lopez (The Back Up Plan) and Justified: The Complete Fifth Jason Biggs (My Best Friend’s Girl) - director Kevin Smith (Zack and Miri Make a Porno) has delivered another Season Stanley Kubrick: The Masterpiece critically-acclaimed hit. Erica Tazel, Natalie Zea, Jacob Pitts, Wal- Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 2004 Collection (Blu-ray) ton Goggins, Nick Searcy, Timothy This 10-disc Blu-ray collection includes eight Kubrick 102min. Olyphant, Joelle Carter classics as well as two newly-produced documentaries: Lionsgate 13.01.2015 This season, Deputy U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens (Timothy Kubrick Remembered and Stanley Kubrick in Focus, plus 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125230 Olyphant) confronts the Crowes, a deadly, lawless family from three additional documentaries: Once Upon a Time... ‘A Florida intent on settling in Harlan with new criminal Clockwork Orange’, Stanley Kubrick: A Life in Pictures, and ‘ enterprises in mind. Meanwhile, Boyd Crowder (Walton Lucky Malcolm! Also included will be a new 78-page Jessabelle (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) Goggins) struggles to free his imprisoned fiance Ava (Joelle hardcover photo book using film archive photographs. Films in Carter) as he partners with the Dixie Mafias Wynn Duffy the collection will be Lolita (1962), Dr. Strangelove (1964), (Blu-ray) (Jere Burns). Based on the late Elmore Leonards short story 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), A Clockwork Orange (1971), Sarah Snook, Ana de la Reguera, David Fire in the Hole, Justified was developed for television by Barry Lyndon (1975), The Shining (1980), Full Metal Jacket Andrews, Mark Webber, Joelle Carter - Dir. Graham Yost. (1987) and Eyes Wide Shut (1999). Kubrick Remembered Action, Cops, Crime, Drama, FX, Television, offers a new look into the Kubrick archives, with special Kevin Greutert appearances by the director’s wife, Christiane Kubrick, as From the mastermind producer of Paranormal Activity and Thrillers 2014 607min. well as never-seen footage of Stanley’s works, his house and Insidious comes the ghostly tale of Jessabelle. Returning to Sony Pictures Home Entertainment his film production facilities. Stanley Kubrickin Focus her childhood home in Louisiana to recuperate from a horrific 02.12.2014 presents such directors as Steven Spielberg, Steven car accident, Jessabelle (Sarah Snook of Sleeping Beauty) Soderbergh, Oliver Stone, William Friedkin and Martin comes face to face with a long-tormented spirit that has been 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125097 Scorsese relating how Kubrick’s directorial style influenced seeking her return - and has no intention of letting her them. Disc 1 - Lolita (1962) Humbert (James Mason), a escape. Justified: The Complete Fifth divorced British professor of French lite Devils And Demons, Haunted Houses, Hor- Boxed Sets, Classics, Collections, Comedy, ror, Movies, Thrillers 2014 98min. Season (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) Crime, Drama, Horror, In The Future..., Killer Lionsgate 13.01.2015 (Blu-ray) Technology, Marines, Movies, Mystery, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125325 Erica Tazel, Natalie Zea, Jacob Pitts, Margo Nuclear Holocaust, Romance, Science, Martindale, , Nick Searcy, Science Fiction, Space, Thrillers, Vietnam Jessabelle (DVD + UltraViolet) Timothy Olyphant, Joelle Carter, Jeremy War, War min. Sarah Snook, Ana de la Reguera, David Davies Warner Bros. 02.12.2014 Andrews, Mark Webber, Joelle Carter - Dir. Action, Blu-ray, Cops, Crime, Drama, FX, 296,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125050 Kevin Greutert Television, Thrillers 2014 607min. From the mastermind producer of Paranormal Activity and Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Kull The Conqueror (Blu-ray) Insidious comes the ghostly tale of Jessabelle. Returning to 02.12.2014 her childhood home in Louisiana to recuperate from a horrific Pat Roach, Joe Shaw, Thomas Ian Griffith, car accident, Jessabelle (Sarah Snook of Sleeping Beauty) 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125109 Karina Lombard, John Hallam, Douglas comes face to face with a long-tormented spirit that has been Henshall, Harvey Fierstein, Litefoot, Tia seeking her return - and has no intention of letting her Kelly & Cal escape. Carrere, Kevin Sorbo - Dir. John Nicolella Jonny Weston, Cybill Shepherd, Josh Action superstar Kevin Sorbo (Hercules: The Legendary Devils And Demons, Haunted Houses, Hor- Journeys) slams evil as Kull, The Conqueror, a fearless ror, Movies, Thrillers 2014 98min. Hopkins, Margaret Colin, Juliette Lewis barbarian warrior, who through skill and bravery, becomes Lionsgate 13.01.2015 Punk-rocker turned suburban mom, Kelly, is nostalgic for a king. Worshiped by his subjects for his mercy, adored by the life she can no longer have and uncertain of a future she beautiful fortuneteller Zerata (Karina Lombard) for his valour, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125315 doesnt yet fit in. Seventeen-year-old Cal is frustrated at his Kull quickly becomes the mortal enemy of the forces of lack of control over the hand he’s been dealt. When the two darkness, led by the villainous Akivasha (Tia Carrere). strike up an unlikely friendship, it’s the perfect spark needed Jingle All The Way 2 to thrust them both back to life. Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Devils And Kennedi Clements, Brian Stepanek, Larry Comedy, Drama, Movies 2014 110min. Demons, Fantasy, Magic, Movies, The Cable Guy - Dir. Alex Zamm IFC 30.12.2014 Swordfighting, Swords & Sworcery, Two desperate dads compete in a no-holds-barred battle to be 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125295 Witches & Warlocks 1997 96min. the best father and make this the best Christmas ever! Fun- Universal Studios 03.02.2015 loving, laid-back dad Larry (Larry The Cable Guy - Cars and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125330 Cars 2 ) is having a bear of a time finding the perfect Kinoshita And World War II: Christmas gift for his eight-year-old daughter, Noel. The season’s hottest toy, The Harrison Bear, is all sold out, and Eclipse From The Criterion Last Weekend Noel’s new stepfather wants to keep it that way - so he can Collection be the one to make her holiday wish come true. When Larry Zachary Booth, Devon Graye, Alexia learns all Noel wants for Christmas is the bear, he’ll stop at Adventure, Book-To-Film, Boxed Sets, Rasmussen, Rutina Wesley, Fran Kranz, nothing to make his little girl happy and get her the toy of her Criterion Collection, Director / Writer Box dreams. Co-starring WWE superstar Santino Marella, Jingle Julio Oscar Mechoso, Judith Light, Patricia All The Way 2 is heartwarming and hilarious fun for the whole Sets, Drama, Foreign, Historical / Period Clarkson, Joseph Cross family! Piece, History & Events, Movies min. A matriarch (Patricia Clarkson) asks her adult sons to visit Christmas, Comedy, Drama, Family, Criterion 16.12.2014 their gorgeous Lake Tahoe home for a final weekend before Holidays, Movies 2014 93min. 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125301 she sells it, but it quickly becomes a comical disaster. Comedy, Drama, Movies 2014 94min. 20th Century Fox 02.12.2014 IFC 30.12.2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125078 Kiss Me Kate (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125294 Keenan Wynn, Ann Miller, James Whitmore, Jingle All The Way 2 (Blu-ray + Howard Keel, Kathryn Grayson - Dir. Little House On The Prairie: George Sidney DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Season 4 - Deluxe Remastered Kennedi Clements, Brian Stepanek, Larry Blu-ray 3D, Classics, Comedy, Marriage The Cable Guy - Dir. Alex Zamm Woes, Movies, Musical, Play-To-Film, Edition (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) Two desperate dads compete in a no-holds-barred battle to be Romance, Shakespeare 109min. (Blu-ray) the best father and make this the best Christmas ever! Fun- Warner Bros. 03.03.2015 loving, laid-back dad Larry (Larry The Cable Guy - Cars and Leo Penn, Victor French, Alf Kjellin, Micha- Cars 2 ) is having a bear of a time finding the perfect 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125342 el Landon, Michael Landon, Kent McCray, Christmas gift for his eight-year-old daughter, Noel. The John Hawkins season’s hottest toy, The Harrison Bear, is all sold out, and Kroll Show: Seasons One & Two The adventure and drama continues for the beloved Ingalls Noel’s new stepfather wants to keep it that way - so he can family in Season 4 of this treasured American-classic TV be the one to make her holiday wish come true. When Larry Jon Daly, Jenny Slate, Nick Kroll series. Life on the frontier brings trials and triumphs in this learns all Noel wants for Christmas is the bear, he’ll stop at From the unique mind of Nick Kroll comes a new sketch 22-episode season that includes a disappointing trip to nothing to make his little girl happy and get her the toy of her series, Kroll Show, satirizing our television obsessed culture Chicago, a devastating drowning followed by Laura’s dreams. Co-starring WWE superstar Santino Marella, Jingle and the rabid fan base it breeds. More than just a collection of kidnapping, crime and outlaws in Walnut Grove, love and All The Way 2 is heartwarming and hilarious fun for the whole sketches, Kroll Show is about giving Nick’s fans a chance to

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 69 Newsletter 09/14 (Nr. 344) November 2014

LASER HOTLINE Seite 70 Newsletter 09/14 (Nr. 344) November 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA marriage for Nellie, a surprise family inheritance, Caroline’s 20th Century Fox 06.01.2015 Historical / Period Piece, History & Events, pregnancy, Mary’s tragic blindness, and more. Newly restored and remastered for optimal picture and sound, enjoy 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125250 Movies, War 2015 107min. each uncut episode in its original brilliance, and relive every Lionsgate 20.01.2015 touching moment of this unforgettable season. The Longest Week (Blu-ray + 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125316 Adventure, Blu-ray, Classics, Cult Film / UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) TV, Drama, Family, Romance, Television, Love & Basketball (Blu-ray) Western 1078min. Alexandra Neil, Olivia Wilde, Jason Bat- Regina Hall, Alfre Woodard, Dennis Lionsgate 20.01.2015 eman, Tony Roberts, Billy Crudup - Dir. Haysbert, Chris Warren Jr., Debbi Morgan, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125326 Peter Glanz In this sexy and smart romantic comedy, Jason Bateman, Kyla Pratt, Harry Lennix, Sanaa Lathan, Olivia Wilde and Billy Crudup find themselves entangled in an Omar Epps Little House On The Prairie: exhilarating love triangle. The Longest Week of Conrad In 1981 in L.A., Monica moves in next door to Quincy. They’re Season 4 - Deluxe Remastered Valmont’s (Bateman) aimless and affluent life starts when he’s 11, and both want to play in the NBA, just like Quincy’s dad. suddenly cut off from his allowance following his wealthy Their love-hate relationship lasts into high school, with Edition (DVD + UltraViolet) parents’ messy divorce. Suddenly broke and evicted, Monica’s edge and Quincy’s top-dog attitude separating them, Conrad’s forced to move in with his friend Dylan (Crudup). except when Quincy’s parents argue and he climbs through Leo Penn, Victor French, Alf Kjellin, Micha- But innocent flirtation leads to fateful infatuation and Conrad Monica’s window to sleep on the floor. As high school ends, el Landon, Michael Landon, Kent McCray, soon finds himself trying to seduce Dylan’s gorgeous they come together as a couple, but within a year, with both of girlfriend Beatrice (Olivia Wilde). As the sparks fly, both men them playing ball at USC, Quincy’s relationship with his John Hawkins vie for her affection... but which one will win her heart? The adventure and drama continues for the beloved Ingalls father takes an ugly turn, and it leads to a break up with family in Season 4 of this treasured American-classic TV Affairs & Love Triangles, Blu-ray, Comedy, Monica. Some years later, their pro careers at a crossroads, series. Life on the frontier brings trials and triumphs in this Friendships, Movies, Romance 2014 86min. they meet again. It’s time for a final game of one-on-one with 22-episode season that includes a disappointing trip to 20th Century Fox 06.01.2015 high stakes. African Americans, Basketball, Blu-ray, Chicago, a devastating drowning followed by Laura’s 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125268 kidnapping, crime and outlaws in Walnut Grove, love and Classics, Drama, Movies, Romance, Sports marriage for Nellie, a surprise family inheritance, Caroline’s 2000 124min. pregnancy, Mary’s tragic blindness, and more. Newly Looking: The Complete First restored and remastered for optimal picture and sound, enjoy New Line Home Entertainment 03.02.2015 each uncut episode in its original brilliance, and relive every Season 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125138 touching moment of this unforgettable season. Frankie J. Alvarez, Murray Bartlett, Adventure, Classics, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Jonathan Groff Love For Grown Ups 4-Pack Family, Romance, Television, Western This new HBO comedy series revolves around three thirty- 1078min. something friends living in San Francisco, who explore the Collections, Movies, Romance 404min. Lionsgate 20.01.2015 exciting, sometimes overwhelming, options available to a new Starz / Anchor Bay 06.01.2015 generation of gay men. Friendship may bind them, but each is 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125188 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125320 at a markedly different point in his journey: Patrick (Jonathan Groff - Spring Awakening) is a 29-year-old video game Lola’s Love Shack designer returning to the dating world in the wake of his ex’s Love In The Time Of Monsters engagement; aspiring artist Agustin (Frankie J. Alvarez - It looks like a long, hot summer for high-schoolers Beetle, Love in the Time of Monsters is a suspenseful, campy, Smash), 31, questions the idea of monogamy amid a move to hilarious horror film that weaves an outrageous tale of love Joker and Sharky as the three friends embark on a quest to domesticate with his boyfriend; and the group’s oldest become men. After blowing it with local hottie Felicia, the and Zombie Bigfoots through the dark woods of Northern member, longtime waiter Dom (Murray Bartlett), 39, is facing California. Two sisters, Carla and Marla, travel to a cheesy three search for the mythical underground brothel shrouded in middle age with dreams still unfulfilled. The trio’s stories myth and secrecy, Lolas Love Shack. Follow these three tourist trap for a weekend getaway only to arrive in time to intertwine dramatically as they search for happiness and battle toxic monsters dressed in Bigfoot costumes! Determined through a series of madcap adventures on the streets of their intimacy in an unparalleled era for gay men. A key aspect of barrio, but it’s going to take a lot of guts, money and some to save their loved ones they must become heroes... but what the Looking mix is the progressive, unpredictable, sexually happens when the real Bigfoot arrives? fake ID’s because Lola’s Love Shack is their last stop for open culture of the Bay Area, with San Francisco serving as losing it. a back drop for the group’s lives. Comedy, Horror, Movies 2014 97min. Comedy, Movies 2013 91min. Comedy, Drama, Friendships, Gay / Lesbian Indican Pictures 10.02.2015 Indican Pictures 03.02.2015 Interest, HBO, Romance, Television 240min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125350 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125351 HBO Home Video 06.01.2015 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125125 Love Is Strange Long Hair Of Death Cheyenne Jackson, Charlie Tahan, Christi- Jeffrey Darcey, Halina Zalewska, Laura Looking: The Complete First na Kirk, Harriet Harris, Darren Burrows, Nucci, Umberto Raho, Nello Pazzafini, Season (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) Manny Perez, John Cullum, Marisa Tomei, George Ardisson, Giuliano Raffaelli, Barba- John Lithgow, Alfred Molina - Dir. Ira Sachs ra Steele - Dir. Antonio Margheriti (Blu-ray) After nearly four decades together, Ben (John Lithgow) and Frankie J. Alvarez, Murray Bartlett, George (Alfred Molina) finally tie the knot. But when George Foreign, Horror, Italian, Movies 1964 89min. loses his job, the couple must sell their apartment and Kino Video 16.12.2014 Jonathan Groff temporarily live apart until they can find an affordable new 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125298 This new HBO comedy series revolves around three thirty- home. George moves in with two friends (Cheyenne Jackson something friends living in San Francisco, who explore the and Manny Perez) while Ben ends up across town with his exciting, sometimes overwhelming, options available to a new nephew (Darren Burrows), his wife (Marisa Tomei) and their Long Hair Of Death (Blu-ray) generation of gay men. Friendship may bind them, but each is teenage son with whom Ben shares a bunk bed. While at a markedly different point in his journey: Patrick (Jonathan struggling with the pain of separation, Ben and George are Jeffrey Darcey, Halina Zalewska, Laura Groff - Spring Awakening) is a 29-year-old video game further challenged by the intergenerational tensions and Nucci, Umberto Raho, Nello Pazzafini, designer returning to the dating world in the wake of his ex’s capricious family dynamics of their new living arrangements. George Ardisson, Giuliano Raffaelli, Barba- engagement; aspiring artist Agustin (Frankie J. Alvarez - Love Is Strange depicts the delicate nature of two people Smash), 31, questions the idea of monogamy amid a move to building a long life together and their love growing deeper and ra Steele - Dir. Antonio Margheriti domesticate with his boyfriend; and the group’s oldest richer with time. Foreign, Horror, Italian, Movies 1964 89min. member, longtime waiter Dom (Murray Bartlett), 39, is facing middle age with dreams still unfulfilled. The trio’s stories Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Movies, Kino Video 16.12.2014 intertwine dramatically as they search for happiness and Romance 2014 95min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125311 intimacy in an unparalleled era for gay men. A key aspect of Sony Pictures Home Entertainment the Looking mix is the progressive, unpredictable, sexually open culture of the Bay Area, with San Francisco serving as 13.01.2015 The Longest Week a back drop for the group’s lives. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125271 Alexandra Neil, Olivia Wilde, Jason Bat- Comedy, Drama, Friendships, Gay / Lesbian eman, Tony Roberts, Billy Crudup - Dir. Interest, HBO, Romance, Television 240min. Love Is Strange (Blu-ray) Peter Glanz HBO Home Video 06.01.2015 Cheyenne Jackson, Charlie Tahan, Christi- In this sexy and smart romantic comedy, Jason Bateman, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125141 Olivia Wilde and Billy Crudup find themselves entangled in an na Kirk, Harriet Harris, Darren Burrows, exhilarating love triangle. The Longest Week of Conrad Manny Perez, John Cullum, Marisa Tomei, Valmont’s (Bateman) aimless and affluent life starts when he’s The Lost Legion (DVD + John Lithgow, Alfred Molina - Dir. Ira Sachs suddenly cut off from his allowance following his wealthy UltraViolet) After nearly four decades together, Ben (John Lithgow) and parents’ messy divorce. Suddenly broke and evicted, George (Alfred Molina) finally tie the knot. But when George Conrad’s forced to move in with his friend Dylan (Crudup). Tom McKay, John Curtis, Lloyd Simandl loses his job, the couple must sell their apartment and But innocent flirtation leads to fateful infatuation and Conrad Following the fall of the Roman Empire, a Roman woman plots temporarily live apart until they can find an affordable new soon finds himself trying to seduce Dylan’s gorgeous to make her son the new Emperor and to fulfill the former glory home. George moves in with two friends (Cheyenne Jackson girlfriend Beatrice (Olivia Wilde). As the sparks fly, both men of the city. Nothing will stand in her way in her attempt to and Manny Perez) while Ben ends up across town with his vie for her affection... but which one will win her heart? elevate her son to power. nephew (Darren Burrows), his wife (Marisa Tomei) and their Affairs & Love Triangles, Comedy, Action, Adventure, Ancient Greece / , teenage son with whom Ben shares a bunk bed. While Friendships, Movies, Romance 2014 86min. struggling with the pain of separation, Ben and George are

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 71 Newsletter 09/14 (Nr. 344) November 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA further challenged by the intergenerational tensions and dream,“ Vincent Van Gogh said. A dream that too often turned Double Features, Movies 195min. capricious family dynamics of their new living arrangements. to life-shattering nightmare. Winner of Golden Globe and New Love Is Strange depicts the delicate nature of two people York Film Critics Best Actor Awards, Kirk Douglas gives a Kino Video 09.12.2014 building a long life together and their love growing deeper and fierce portrayal as the artist torn between the joyous 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125241 richer with time. inspiration of his genius and the dark desperation of his Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Movies, tormented mind. The obsessed Van Gogh painted the way Marvin’s Room (Blu-ray + Romance 2014 95min. other men breathe, driving away family and friends, including artist Paul Gauguin (1956 Best Supporting Actor Academy UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Award winner Anthony Quinn). Directed by Vincente Minnelli 13.01.2015 and saturated with the hues of Van Gogh’s sea, field and sky, Robert De Niro, Leonardo DiCaprio, Diane 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125283 Lust for Life captures the ecstasy of art. And the agony of one Keaton, Meryl Streep - Dir. Jerry Zaks man’s life. Seventeen years ago, fiercely independent Lee (Meryl Art & Architecture, Biography, Classics, Streep) left home, and left behind her kindhearted sister Love Kills 4-Pack Drama, Mental Illness, Movies 1956 122min. Bessie (Diane Keaton) to care for their father, Marvin. But now Lee is returning with her teenage son (Leonardo Collections, Horror, Movies, Romance, Warner Bros. 03.02.2015 DiCaprio) for a homecoming that’s sure to turn the entire Thrillers 378min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125051 household upside down. Starz / Anchor Bay 06.01.2015 Classics, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125189 Magic In The Moonlight (Blu-ray Illness & Disease, Movies, Troubled Youth + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 1996 98min. Lionsgate 13.01.2016 Love The One You’re With Jacki Weaver, Emma Stone, Simon 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125256 Nadine Ellis, Kelly Jenrette, Kiki Haynes, McBurney, Hamish Linklater, Erica D.B. Woodside, RonReaco Lee Leerhsen, Eileen Atkins, Catherine The Wright sisters have made a solemn pact never to let a Marvin’s Room (DVD + man stop them from achieving their dreams, but that’s easier McCormack, Colin Firth - Dir. Woody Allen said than done! Diane’s (Nadine Ellis) new interior design Acclaimed magician Stanley Crawford (Academy Award UltraViolet) business leaves no room for her husband and their dreams a Winner Colin Firth) dazzles his audiences with feats of Robert De Niro, Leonardo DiCaprio, Diane having a baby. A shot at fame for solid gold diva Miki (Kiki supernatural amazement. But when it comes to the Haynes) may have her new boyfriend, Jeremy, walking off inexplicable, Stanley is a dedicated skeptic. Enter Sophie Keaton, Meryl Streep - Dir. Jerry Zaks stage. And heartbreak won’t stop Sky (Kelly Jenerette) from Baker (Emma Stone), psychic, soothsayer, and stunning Seventeen years ago, fiercely independent Lee (Meryl becoming an author, but she just might be writing love out of seductress. As Stanley and Sophie embark on misadventures Streep) left home, and left behind her kindhearted sister her life for good. Also starring D.B. Woodside, Carl Payne, up and down the French Riviera, will they discover proof of a Bessie (Diane Keaton) to care for their father, Marvin. But Brad James and Ronreaco Lee, this story of three strong world beyond the laws of physics or have they fallen under now Lee is returning with her teenage son (Leonardo women walks the path between following your passion and the sway of a more earthly chemistry? Woody Allen pulls the DiCaprio) for a homecoming that’s sure to turn the entire learning to Love the One You’re With. strings with precision in this enchanting romantic comedy that household upside down. explores the realm between what’s understood in our minds Classics, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Rocky Relationships, Romance, Television, and what’s known in our hearts. *Colin Firth, Academy Award TV Movies 2014 152min. Winner, The King’s Speech, Best Actor, 2010 Illness & Disease, Movies, Troubled Youth Image Ent. 16.12.2014 Comedy, Magic, Movies, Romance 2014 1996 98min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125297 97min. Lionsgate 13.01.2016 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125233 Lucy 16.12.2014 Analeigh Tipton, Pilou Asbaek, Amr Waked, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125108 Mas Negro Que La Noche (DVD + Scarlett Johansson, Morgan Freeman - Dir. UltraViolet) Luc Besson Magic In The Moonlight (DVD + Zuria Vega, Miguel Rodarte, Margarita From the visionary director of La Femme Nikita and The UltraViolet) Sanz, Alex Garcia, Leonardo Zimbron Professional and starring Scarlett Johansson and Academy When Greta inherits her eccentric aunt’s old mansion, she Award winner Morgan Freeman comes an action-thriller about Jacki Weaver, Emma Stone, Simon invites three girlfriends to move in with her. Their one a woman accidentally caught in a dark deal who turns the McBurney, Hamish Linklater, Erica requirement is to care for her aunt’s beloved black cat. But tables on her captors. Altered by a dangerous new drug Leerhsen, Eileen Atkins, Catherine when they fail miserably at this one task, they end up allowing her to use 100% of her brain capacity, Lucy awakening the house’s demons. transforms into a merciless warrior evolved beyond human McCormack, Colin Firth - Dir. Woody Allen logic. Acclaimed magician Stanley Crawford (Academy Award Devils And Demons, Foreign, Haunted Action, Drugs & Dealers, girl power, Winner Colin Firth) dazzles his audiences with feats of Houses, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 100min. supernatural amazement. But when it comes to the Lionsgate 27.01.2015 Movies, Science, Science Fiction, Thrillers inexplicable, Stanley is a dedicated skeptic. Enter Sophie 2014 90min. Baker (Emma Stone), psychic, soothsayer, and stunning 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125369 Universal Studios 20.01.2015 seductress. As Stanley and Sophie embark on misadventures up and down the French Riviera, will they discover proof of a The Maze Runner 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125278 world beyond the laws of physics or have they fallen under the sway of a more earthly chemistry? Woody Allen pulls the Chris Sheffield, Jacob Latimore, Kaya Lucy (Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet) strings with precision in this enchanting romantic comedy that Scodelario, Don McManus, Will Poulter, explores the realm between what’s understood in our minds Dexter Darden, Patricia Clarkson - Dir. Wes (Blu-ray) and what’s known in our hearts. *Colin Firth, Academy Award Ball Analeigh Tipton, Pilou Asbaek, Amr Waked, Winner, The King’s Speech, Best Actor, 2010 Comedy, Magic, Movies, Romance 2014 In this heart-pounding survival thriller based on the best- Scarlett Johansson, Morgan Freeman - Dir. 97min. selling novel, Thomas (Dylan O’Brien of MTV’s Teen Wolf) Luc Besson wakes up trapped in a massive, ever-changing maze with a From the visionary director of La Femme Nikita and The Sony Pictures Home Entertainment group of boys who have no memory of the outside world. Professional and starring Scarlett Johansson and Academy 16.12.2014 Facing dangerous obstacles at every turn - especially the Award winner Morgan Freeman comes an action-thriller about 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125092 deadly Grievers that roam the concrete corridors at night - a woman accidentally caught in a dark deal who turns the Thomas and the others must race to piece together clues in tables on her captors. Altered by a dangerous new drug order to discover their true purpose... and find a way out allowing her to use 100% of her brain capacity, Lucy The Majestic (Blu-ray) before it’s too late! Action, Book-To-Film, Movies, Mystery, transforms into a merciless warrior evolved beyond human Brent Briscoe, Laurie Holden, David Ogden, logic. Puzzle, Science Fiction, Thrillers 2014 Catherine Dent, Bob Balaban, Ron Rifkin, Action, Blu-ray, Drugs & Dealers, girl 113min. Hal Holbrook, Jeffrey DeMunn, Martin Land- power, Movies, Science, Science Fiction, 20th Century Fox 16.12.2014 au, James Whitmore, Jim Carrey, Brian Thrillers 2014 90min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125212 Universal Studios 20.01.2015 Howe, Gerry Black, Susan Willis, Karl Bury 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125288 - Dir. Frank Darabont Jim Carrey plays an amnesia victim who, mistaken as a The Maze Runner (Blu-ray + DVD missing, favorite-son war hero by a tiny California town, + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Lust For Life (Blu-ray) restores and reopens the local abandoned movie palace - Chris Sheffield, Jacob Latimore, Kaya Madge Kennedy, Jill Bennett, Pamela discovering love and rebuilding his own life along the way. Classics, Drama, Mental Illness, Movies Scodelario, Don McManus, Will Poulter, Brown, Everett Sloane, Henry Daniell, Niall 2001 152min. Dexter Darden, Patricia Clarkson - Dir. Wes MacGinnis, Lionel Jeffries, James Donald, Warner Bros. 24.02.2015 Ball Laurence Naismith, Kirk Douglas, Anthony 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125139 In this heart-pounding survival thriller based on the best- Quinn, Noel Purcell, Eric Pohlmann - Dir. selling novel, Thomas (Dylan O’Brien of MTV’s Teen Wolf) George Cukor, Vincente Minnelli wakes up trapped in a massive, ever-changing maze with a Vibrant orange sunflowers. Rippling yellow grain. Trees Marius & Fanny (Double Feature) group of boys who have no memory of the outside world. bursting with white bloom. „The pictures come to me as in a Facing dangerous obstacles at every turn - especially the

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 72 Newsletter 09/14 (Nr. 344) November 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA deadly Grievers that roam the concrete corridors at night - Festival, Middle Of Nowhere chronicles a young woman believe it. Thomas and the others must race to piece together clues in caught between two worlds and two men in the search for Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2014 82min. order to discover their true purpose... and find a way out herself. Ruby, a bright medical student, sets aside her dreams before it’s too late! when her husband is incarcerated. This new life challenges Universal Studios 25.11.2014 Action, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Movies, her to the very core, and her turbulent path propels her in 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125203 Mystery, Puzzle, Science Fiction, Thrillers new, often frightening directions of self-discovery. Drama, Movies 2012 97min. 2014 min. Mork & Mindy: The Complete Lionsgate 13.01.2015 20th Century Fox 16.12.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125239 Series 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125219 Robin Williams, Pam Dawber, Conrad Janis Get ready to laugh with Mork & Mindy, the insanely popular Ewan Mcgregor 4-Film Set Miss Marple: Volume One Happy Days spin-off that crash-landed onto television in Joan Hickson 1978. Fans went wild for this wacky, off-the-wall sitcom Anna Friel, Toni Collette, Eddie Izzard, Tom Completely restored and remastered in stunning high featuring a misfit alien who departs from the faraway planet of Holland, Olivia Williams, Timothy Hutton, definition, see Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple as you never Ork to come study „crazy“ earthling customs. After touching Ewan McGregor, , Christian have before! Joan Hickson, the actress Agatha Christie down near Boulder, Colorado, Mork encounters the beautiful herself wanted for the role, stars as the shrewd sleuth in four college student Mindy (Pam Dawber). The two strike up a Bale, James Belushi, Pierce Brosnan, thrilling whodunits: The Murder at the Vicarage, The Moving charming and entertaining friendship that is full of good times Naomi Watts, Emily Woof, Betsy Brantley, Finger, The Body in the Library and A Murder is Announced. and unexpected surprises. Revisit the hilarious sitcom that Jon Bernthal, Jonathan Rhys Meyers - Dir. Watch as Miss Marple puts her perceptive powers to good launched Robin Williams’ career into warp drive with this use and gets to the bottom of even the most complex crimes in four season, 15-disc collection. Included are 95 episodes Roman Polanski, Todd Haynes, James this beloved series. filled with riotous humor that transcend the boundaries of time Dearden BBC, British, Crime, Foreign, International, and space. Experience all the unearthly delights and comic Book-To-Film, Collections, Crime, Drama, genius in this complete series collection. International TV, Mystery, Television Aliens, Classics, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Historical / Period Piece, History & Events, 485min. Family, Romance, Science Fiction, Televisi- Movies, Music, Mystery, Politics, Thrillers Warner Bros. 28.10.2015 on 2385min. 467min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125154 Paramount Pictures 09.12.2014 Lionsgate 13.01.2015 178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125211 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125225 Miss Marple: Volume One (Blu- Mercy ray) Mork & Mindy: The Fourth Season Joan Hickson Robin Williams, Pam Dawber, Jonathan Chris Browning, Chandler Riggs, Joel Completely restored and remastered in stunning high Winters Courtney, Pepper Binkley, Mark Duplass, definition, see Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple as you never The laughs continue in this three-disc, fourth season Amanda Walsh, Jack Carter, Eddie Jones, have before! Joan Hickson, the actress Agatha Christie collection when Mork (Robin Williams) and Mindy (Pam Shirley Knight, Dylan McDermott - Dir. Peter herself wanted for the role, stars as the shrewd sleuth in four Dawber) tie the knot. Mindy continues to teach Mork about thrilling whodunits: The Murder at the Vicarage, The Moving human behavior, while America’s favorite alien remains as Cornwell Finger, The Body in the Library and A Murder is Announced. befuddled and amusing as ever. Watch as this stellar couple Mercy is a supernatural thriller of family secrets and Watch as Miss Marple puts her perceptive powers to good honeymoons on planet Ork, journeys back to prehistoric suspense. Two mischievous young brothers accompany their use and gets to the bottom of even the most complex crimes in times, and raises their very own hybrid son, Mearth single mother to take care of their grandma in her remote and this beloved series. (Jonathan Winters)! Join Mork and Mindy as they travel lonely house. What begins as an innocent gesture, leads to BBC, Blu-ray, British, Crime, Foreign, Inter- across time and space on a series of zany and uproarious the discovery of terrifying secrets about Grandma’s true national, International TV, Mystery, Televisi- adventures that you don’t want to miss! nature. Aliens, Classics, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Dysfunctional Families, Horror, Movies, on 485min. Family, Romance, Science Fiction, Televisi- Supernatural & Paranormal, Thrillers 2014 Warner Bros. 28.10.2015 on min. 79min. 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125155 Paramount Pictures 09.12.2014 Universal Studios 25.11.2014 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125040 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125204 Missouri Breaks An eccentric gunfighter is hired to protect a cattle baron’s Merry Friggin Christmas herd from a rustler and his gang. Mother’s Milk Drama, Movies, Western 1976 126min. Casey Chapman - Dir. Edward Pionke Joel McHale, Robin Williams, Lauren Kino Video 09.12.2014 Claude is an easily overlooked statistics professor. After a Graham, Jeffrey Tambor, Candice Bergen, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125245 childhood trauma left him motherless, he formed a Oliver Platt - Dir. Tristram Shapeero dysfunctional craving. To satisfy the depraved hunger, he Boyd and his family are forced to spend a dreaded Christmas kidnaps Kim from the park and holds her captive in his at his parents house with his eccentric father that he has Missouri Breaks (Blu-ray) basement. As the days pass and Claudes truths are revealed, been avoiding for years. When he realizes that he left his An eccentric gunfighter is hired to protect a cattle baron’s her fear slowly turns to comfort and compassion... or does it? son’s gifts at home, Boyd and his father must hit the road in a herd from a rustler and his gang. Drama, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2012 blizzard to retrieve the gifts before sunrise to save Drama, Movies, Western 1976 126min. 89min. Christmas. Kino Video 09.12.2014 Monarch Home Video 16.12.2014 Christmas, Comedy, Family, Holidays, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125265 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125293 Movies 2014 81min. E1 Entertainment 25.11.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125057 Mr. Smith Goes To Washington Musicals Collection (Blu-ray) (DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Collections, Movies, Musical min. Merry Friggin Christmas (Blu-ray) James Stewart, Guy Kibbee, Jean Arthur, Warner Bros. 03.03.2015 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125345 Joel McHale, Robin Williams, Lauren Thomas Mitchell, Claude Rains, Beulah Graham, Jeffrey Tambor, Candice Bergen, Bondi, Edward Arnold - Dir. Frank Capra Freshman senator Mr. Smith fights government corruption with My Big Fat Greek Wedding (Blu- Oliver Platt - Dir. Tristram Shapeero a filibuster. Boyd and his family are forced to spend a dreaded Christmas ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) at his parents house with his eccentric father that he has Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, been avoiding for years. When he realizes that he left his Blu-ray, Classics, Drama, Movies, National Nia Vardalos, John Corbett, Lainie Kazan, son’s gifts at home, Boyd and his father must hit the road in a Film Registry, Politics 1939 90min. Louis Mandylor, Andrea Martin, Michael blizzard to retrieve the gifts before sunrise to save Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Constantine - Dir. Joel Zwick Christmas. Toula is 30. And unmarried. Which means as a nice Greek girl Christmas, Comedy, Family, Holidays, 02.12.2014 - she’s a failure. All her cousins did thing - married Movies 2014 81min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125110 Greek boys and made Greek babies. So everyone worries: what will become of Toula? Then one day she sees the E1 Entertainment 25.11.2014 ultimate unattainable guy and realizes the only way her life 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125064 Mockingbird will get better is if she gets away from her big, fat Greek Benjamin Stockham, Emily Alyn Lind , Todd family. Toula escapes from the family restaurant. She exchanges her seating hostess jacket for a college diploma, Middle Of Nowhere (DVD + Stashwick, Audrey Marie Anderson, Lee convinces her aunt to give her a new job, and trades in her UltraViolet) Garlington - Dir. Bryan Bertino coke-bottle glasses for contact lenses, just in time for „him“ to Three individuals each receive an anonymous, unmarked walk back into her life. Ian Miller is tall, handsome but Emayatzy Corinealdi, David Oyelowo, video camera and a horrific ultimatum to continue filming... or defnitely not Greek. Their courtship is an Olympian culture Omari Hardwick, , die. Experience the terror through the eyes of these clash. Can Ian handle Toula, her parents, her aunts, uncles, unsuspecting victims, with a chain of found-footage events so cousins and several centuries of Greek heritage? Will Toula Sharon Lawrence - Dir. Ava Duvernay real and absolutely dreadful, you’ll have to watch it again to discover the love she’s been missing right in the heart of her Winner of the Best Director Award at the 2012 Sundance Film

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 73 Newsletter 09/14 (Nr. 344) November 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA big, fat family? One thing is for sure, for better or worse, for Cavani pursuit sends a wave of violence across Oakland killing richer or poorer, with Ian’s proposal Toula is headed for her A Nazi death-camp sadomasochist and a woman he abused Clowns, Hippies, Ninjas, and just about anyone in the way! big, fat Greek wedding. meet again in 1957 . Crime, Drama, Movies 2013 109min. Comedy, Dysfunctional Families, Greek, Criterion Collection, Drama, Foreign, Italian, Indican Pictures 25.11.2014 Movies, Romance 2002 95min. Movies, War, World War II 1974 113min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125359 HBO Home Video 04.11.2014 Criterion 09.12.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125148 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125259 Nymphomaniac: Extended My Left Foot (Blu-ray + Director’s Cut - Volume 1 & 2 Nightlights Stacy Martin, Shia LaBeouf, Jamie Bell, UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Over 1.5 million people in the have been diagnosed with autism. Erin Logan is a sweet 27 year old Connie Nielsen, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Ray McAnally, Brenda Fricker - Dir. Jim living with and providing for her twin brother Jacob, who is Stellan Skarsgard, Udo Kier, , Sheridan severely affected by autism. Having accepted the role of Uma Thurman, Christian Slater - Dir. Lars This cinematic masterpiece is the brilliant portrayal of parent to her brother, Erin has given up on her hopes and legendary Irishman Christy Brown (Daniel Day-Lewis) who, dreams and accepted her responsibilities. After she stumbles Von Trier despite crippling cerebral palsy, learned to use his one into a chance for love and friendship, Erin is forced to Forget about love Nymphomaniac: Volume 1 is the story of Joe controllable extremity - his left foot - to become an confront what it means to have a good life, whether she can (Charlotte Gainsbourg), a self-diagnosed nymphomaniac who accomplished artist and writer. Miramax proudly presents the care for her brother and have that chance for herself at the is discovered badly beaten in an alley by an older bachelor, release of the acclaimed motion picture that won 1989 same time. Seligman (Stellan Skarsgard), who takes her into his home. Academy Awards for Best Actor (Daniel Day- Lewis) and Drama, Movies 2012 96min. As he tends to her wounds, she recounts the erotic story of Best Supporting Actress (Brenda Fricker) and earned Oscar her adolescence and young-adulthood (portrayed in flashback nominations for Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Adapted Indican Pictures 13.01.2015 by newcomer Stacy Martin). Volume I also stars Shia Screenplay (1989). 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125353 LaBeouf, Christian Slater, Uma Thurman, Sophie Kennedy Clark, Connie Nielsen and Udo Kier. Nymphomaniac: Volume Academy Award Winners, Art & 2 continues with the story of the self-diagnosed Architecture, Biography, Blu-ray, Book-To- No Good Deed (Blu-ray + nymphomaniac Joe (Charlotte Gainsbourg) and her adulthood, Film, Classics, Drama, Illness & Disease, UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) during which her journey of self-discovery leads Movies 1989 103min. complications. The film stars Jamie Bell, Willem Dafoe, Mia Kate del Castillo, Henry Simmons, Idris Goth and Jean-Marc Barr in addition to Stellan Skarsgard, Lionsgate 13.01.2015 Elba, Leslie Bibb - Dir. Sam Miller Stacy Martin and Shia LaBeouf. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125261 Terri (Taraji P. Henson) is a devoted wife and mother of two, Drama, Erotica, Movies 2013 325min. living an ideal suburban life in Atlanta when Colin (Idris Magnolia Home Entertainment 25.11.2014 My Old Lady Elba), a charming but dangerous escaped convict, shows up 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125059 at her door claiming car trouble. Terri offers her phone to help Kristin Scott Thomas, Noemie Lvovsky, him but soon learns that no good deed goes unpunished as she Stephane Freiss, Dominique Pinon, Kevin finds herself fighting for survival when he invades her home Nymphomaniac: Extended Kline, Maggie Smith - Dir. Israel Horovitz and terrorizes her family. Director’s Cut - Volume 1 & 2 When Mathias Gold (Kevin Kline) arrives at the sumptuous Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, Crime, Parisian apartment he inherited from his father, he’s surprised Movies, Serial Killers, Slasher, Thrillers (Blu-ray) that the property comes with two stubborn live-in tenants who 2014 84min. Stacy Martin, Shia LaBeouf, Jamie Bell, are not required to leave according to an ancient French real estate law. Unable to sell the place, Mathias moves in with Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Connie Nielsen, Charlotte Gainsbourg, the feisty Englishwoman Mathilde (Maggie Smith) and her 06.01.2015 Stellan Skarsgard, Udo Kier, Willem Dafoe, daughter Chloe (Kristin Scott Thomas). But as Mathias and 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125200 Uma Thurman, Christian Slater - Dir. Lars Chloe draw increasingly closer, Mathilde unveils a complex labyrinth of secrets that unites the trio in unexpected ways. Von Trier No Good Deed (DVD + UltraViolet) Forget about love Nymphomaniac: Volume 1 is the story of Joe Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 2014 (Charlotte Gainsbourg), a self-diagnosed nymphomaniac who 108min. Kate del Castillo, Henry Simmons, Idris is discovered badly beaten in an alley by an older bachelor, Universal Studios 27.01.2015 Elba, Leslie Bibb - Dir. Sam Miller Seligman (Stellan Skarsgard), who takes her into his home. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125384 Terri (Taraji P. Henson) is a devoted wife and mother of two, As he tends to her wounds, she recounts the erotic story of living an ideal suburban life in Atlanta when Colin (Idris her adolescence and young-adulthood (portrayed in flashback Elba), a charming but dangerous escaped convict, shows up by newcomer Stacy Martin). Volume I also stars Shia My Old Lady (Blu-ray + at her door claiming car trouble. Terri offers her phone to help LaBeouf, Christian Slater, Uma Thurman, Sophie Kennedy him but soon learns that no good deed goes unpunished as she Clark, Connie Nielsen and Udo Kier. Nymphomaniac: Volume UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) finds herself fighting for survival when he invades her home 2 continues with the story of the self-diagnosed and terrorizes her family. nymphomaniac Joe (Charlotte Gainsbourg) and her adulthood, Kristin Scott Thomas, Noemie Lvovsky, during which her journey of self-discovery leads Stephane Freiss, Dominique Pinon, Kevin Crime, Movies, Serial Killers, Slasher, Thril- complications. The film stars Jamie Bell, Willem Dafoe, Mia Kline, Maggie Smith - Dir. Israel Horovitz lers 2014 84min. Goth and Jean-Marc Barr in addition to Stellan Skarsgard, When Mathias Gold (Kevin Kline) arrives at the sumptuous Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Stacy Martin and Shia LaBeouf. Parisian apartment he inherited from his father, he’s surprised 06.01.2015 Drama, Erotica, Movies 2013 325min. that the property comes with two stubborn live-in tenants who Magnolia Home Entertainment 25.11.2014 are not required to leave according to an ancient French real 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125196 estate law. Unable to sell the place, Mathias moves in with 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125069 the feisty Englishwoman Mathilde (Maggie Smith) and her Not Another Sci-Fi Movie daughter Chloe (Kristin Scott Thomas). But as Mathias and Parenthood (Blu-ray + Chloe draw increasingly closer, Mathilde unveils a complex A mysterious ball of light falls from the sky and crashes in the labyrinth of secrets that unites the trio in unexpected ways. woods outside a small vacation cottage in Crows End where UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) four horny teenagers have gone to watch submarine races... Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 2014 Unknowingly they witness what could be the end of all Jason Robards, Mary Steenburgen, Martha 108min. mankind! Can the bad news get any worse? Apparently it can, Plimpton, Joaquin Phoenix, Rick Moranis, Universal Studios 27.01.2015 when one of them - Rachael discovers she has something evil growing inside her! Within hours, two clueless FBI agents Tom Hulce, , , 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125385 emerge on the scene in this send up of X-Files, Men in Black, Dianne Wiest - Dir. Ron Howard Slither and Close Encounters of the Third Kind! Director Ron Howard teams with Steve Martin and an all-star The Night Porter: The Criterion Comedy, Movies, Parody, Science Fiction cast to create a hilarious, touching and unforgettable portrait 2008 min. of life’s most rewarding occupation in Parenthood. Steve Collection Martin stars as Gil Buckman, a funny and loving husband A Nazi death-camp sadomasochist and a woman he abused Indican Pictures 27.08.2013 who’s also trying too hard to be the ‘perfect’ parent to his meet again in 1957 Vienna. tba BestellNr.: 40125360 uniquely different kids. As Gil and the rest of the Buckmans discover, being the ‘perfect’ parent often means just letting Criterion Collection, Drama, Foreign, Italian, children be themselves. Rick Moranis, Keanu Reeves, Martha Movies, War, World War II 1974 113min. Not For Human Consumption Plimpton, Jason Robards, Mary Steenburgen and Dianne Criterion 09.12.2014 Being released from prison after serving a stretch for Wiest also star in this family affair you’ll want to watch again 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125234 shooting a drug dealer, all Jay Trotta wants to do is live a and again! clean life. He soon has a business opportunity that sounds to Classics, Comedy, Drama, Dysfunctional good to be true - making, marketing and selling „incense“ that Families, Family, Movies 1989 124min. The Night Porter: The Criterion is actually a powerful, legal form of Marijuana. When he ropes in his best friend Marty they come up with the hook of Universal Studios 13.01.2015 Collection (Blu-ray) making it legal by labeling it „Not For Human Consumption“. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125118 Nino Bignamini, Piero Vida, Giuseppe But now they must deal with not just the law trying to find out how to stop them, but with the competition now moving in... Addobbati, Marino Mase, Philippe Leroy, desperate, they concoct a half-baked plan to rob a Medical Pride (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu- Gabriele Ferzetti, Dirk Bogarde, Isa Marijuana club. Little do they know this club is secretly ray) Miranda, Charlotte Rampling - Dir. Liliana owned by the crack kingpin - Shank who unleashes the feared contract killers - „The Four Horseman“ to kill them. Their Andrew Scott, George MacKay, Imelda

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 74 Newsletter 09/14 (Nr. 344) November 2014

LASER HOTLINE Seite 75 Newsletter 09/14 (Nr. 344) November 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Staunton, Dominic West, Bill Nighy - Dir. that bisects the continent and will lead them home. Rabbit- War I, Larry Darrell (Power) instead opts for the Paris Proof Fence captures their universally touching plight and bohemian lifestyle, followed by a soul-searching trip to the Matthew Warchus unparalleled courage in a beautiful testament to the undying Far East. After his beautiful fiancee (Gene Tierney) loses Pride is inspired by an extraordinary true story. It’s the strength of the human spirit. patience with the spiritual seeker and marries a wealthy man, summer of 1984, Margaret Thatcher is in power and the Adventure, Based-On-A-True-Story, Larry finds himself drawn to Sophie (Anne Baxter in an National Union of Mineworkers is on strike, prompting a OSCAR-Winning performance), an old friend. Newly London-based group of gay and lesbian activists to raise Biography, Book-To-Film, Drama, Historical / widowed, Sophie has descended into alcoholism, a state from money to support the strikers’ families. Initially rebuffed by Period Piece, History & Events, Movies which Larry hopes to save her in this thought-provoking film the Union, the group identifies a tiny mining village in Wales Nominated for four Academy Awards, including Best Picture. and sets off to make their donation in person. As the strike 2002 93min. drags on, the two groups discover that standing together Lionsgate 13.01.2015 Adventure, Affairs & Love Triangles, Blu- makes for the strongest union of all... 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125243 ray, Book-To-Film, Classics, Drama, Drugs Blu-ray, British, Comedy, Drama, Foreign, & Dealers, Movies, Romance 1946 145min. Gay / Lesbian Interest, Historical / Period Racing Hearts 20th Century Fox 13.01.2015 Piece, History & Events, Movies, Politics 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125269 Charlotte De Bruyne, Jamie Dornan - Dir. 2014 120min. Dominique Deruddere Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Jamie Dornan (Fifty Shades of Grey) stars in this romantic, Reach Me 23.12.2014 drama-filled love story of unraveling secrets and discovery. Lauren Cohan, Omari Hardwick, Kevin 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125285 Colin (Dornan) is a wealthy New York businessman who always gets what he wants. But when a deal with a wealthy Connolly, Kyra Sedgwick, Kelsey Grammer, Dubai sheikh hinges on his acquisition of a coveted racing Sylvester Stallone, Thomas Jane, Tom Pride (DVD + UltraViolet) bird, Colin finds himself in unfamiliar territory with the Berenger - Dir. John Herzfeld Andrew Scott, George MacKay, Imelda trusting Belgian townspeople who protect the creature. As Led by a stellar ensemble cast, the inspirational dramedy Colin falls for the owner’s gorgeous granddaughter (Charlotte Reach Me tells interwoven stories from a diverse group of Staunton, Dominic West, Bill Nighy - Dir. De Bruyne), will he resort to his ruthless techniques of the people who are united by one thing - a powerful book from an Matthew Warchus past or give in to a passion he never knew existed? anonymous and reclusive author (Tom Berenger). When the Pride is inspired by an extraordinary true story. It’s the Drama, Movies, Romance min. book’s positive message goes viral, a journalist (Kevin summer of 1984, Margaret Thatcher is in power and the Universal Studios 13.01.2015 Connolly) and his editor (Sylvester Stallone), a former inmate National Union of Mineworkers is on strike, prompting a (Kyra Sedgwick), a hip-hop mogul (Nelly), an actor (Cary London-based group of gay and lesbian activists to raise 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125201 Elwes) and an undercover cop (Thomas Jane) are inspired to money to support the strikers’ families. Initially rebuffed by change their lives by facing their fears. the Union, the group identifies a tiny mining village in Wales Racing Hearts (Blu-ray + Comedy, Drama, Movies 2014 92min. and sets off to make their donation in person. As the strike Millennium Entertainment 30.12.2014 drags on, the two groups discover that standing together UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125280 makes for the strongest union of all... Charlotte De Bruyne, Jamie Dornan - Dir. British, Comedy, Drama, Foreign, Gay / Dominique Deruddere Lesbian Interest, Historical / Period Piece, Jamie Dornan (Fifty Shades of Grey) stars in this romantic, Reach Me (Blu-ray) History & Events, Movies, Politics 2014 drama-filled love story of unraveling secrets and discovery. Lauren Cohan, Omari Hardwick, Kevin 120min. Colin (Dornan) is a wealthy New York businessman who always gets what he wants. But when a deal with a wealthy Connolly, Kyra Sedgwick, Kelsey Grammer, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Dubai sheikh hinges on his acquisition of a coveted racing Sylvester Stallone, Tom Sizemore, Thomas 23.12.2014 bird, Colin finds himself in unfamiliar territory with the Jane - Dir. John Herzfeld 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125275 trusting Belgian townspeople who protect the creature. As Led by a stellar ensemble cast, the inspirational dramedy Colin falls for the owner’s gorgeous granddaughter (Charlotte Reach Me tells interwoven stories from a diverse group of De Bruyne), will he resort to his ruthless techniques of the people who are united by one thing - a powerful book from an Freddie Prinze Jr. Triple Feature past or give in to a passion he never knew existed? anonymous and reclusive author (Tom Berenger). When the Amanda Detmer, Gabrielle Union, Ashton Drama, Movies, Romance min. book’s positive message goes viral, a journalist (Kevin Universal Studios 13.01.2015 Connolly) and his editor (Sylvester Stallone), a former inmate Kutcher, Rosario Dawson, Paul Walker, (Kyra Sedgwick), a hip-hop mogul (Nelly), an actor (Cary Julia Stiles, Selma Blair, Claire Forlani, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125206 Elwes) and an undercover cop (Thomas Jane) are inspired to Freddie Prinze Jr., Anna Paquin, Kevin change their lives by facing their fears. Pollak, Jason Biggs, Rachel Leigh Cook, Ragnarok Comedy, Drama, Movies 2014 92min. Keiran Culkin Sigurd Svendsen (Pal Sverre Hagen) is a Norwegian Millennium Entertainment 30.12.2014 archaeologist who is fascinated by a viking ship found at the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125289 College Life, Comedy, High School, Movies, Oseberg burial mound. He believes that a runic inscription on Rocky Relationships, Romance, Triple Fea- the ship, which translates to „man knows little,“ holds the key ture 279min. to understanding the Norse myth of Ragnarok: the day when The Replacements (Blu-ray) heaven and earth are destroyed. After finding similar Lionsgate 13.01.2015 inscriptions on a stone in Northern Norway, Sigurd, along Michael Jace, Brooke Langton, Faizon 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125226 with his kids and a colleague, begins an expedition to uncover Love, Art LaFleur, Orlando Jones, Rhys the secret of the day of doom. Ifans, Gailard Sartain, Jon Favreau, Brett Que Bonito Amor (Beautiful Love) Action, Adventure, Foreign, Movies, Cullen, Keanu Reeves, Gene Hackman, Norwegian 96min. Roger Newcomb, Rafael Negrete, Danna David Denman, Troy Winbush, Michael Magnolia Home Entertainment 18.11.2014 Garcia, Arturo Peniche, Angelica Maria Taliferro - Dir. Howard Deutch Que Bonito Amor! es la historia de un amor como no hay otro 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125052 A comedy based on the 1987 professional football players’ igual, enmarcado por las mas entranables tradiciones strike. Gene Hackman plays the coach of the team, Jack mexicanas, y especialmente: la music del Mariachi. Santos Ragnarok (Blu-ray) Warden is the owner, Brett Cullen is the All-Pro quarterback Martinez de la Garza (Jorge Salinas), un joven apuesto y that goes on strike and Keanu Reeves is the „scab“ who despreocupado millonario, es enganado por sus socios mas Sigurd Svendsen (Pal Sverre Hagen) is a Norwegian replaces the star QB. cercanos, por lo que se ve en la necesidad de huir de Los archaeologist who is fascinated by a viking ship found at the Blu-ray, Comedy, Football, Sports 2000 Angeles hacia la Ciudad de Mexico. Esta situacion lo obliga a Oseberg burial mound. He believes that a runic inscription on 118min. adquirir una nueva personalidad, la de un Mariachi llamado the ship, which translates to „man knows little,“ holds the key Jorge Alfredo Vargas. Gracias a eso conoce a Maria to understanding the Norse myth of Ragnarok: the day when Warner Bros. 27.01.2015 Mendoza (Danna Garcia), muchacha humilde de barrio, heaven and earth are destroyed. After finding similar 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125143 hermosa y valiente, y con la que tendra una historia de amor inscriptions on a stone in Northern Norway, Sigurd, along con muchas tonadas, acordes y fuerzas en contra. with his kids and a colleague, begins an expedition to uncover Drama, Foreign, Mexican, Romance, Soap the secret of the day of doom. Revenge Of The Green Dragons Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Foreign, Opera, Television 2014 851min. (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Movies, Norwegian 96min. Cinedigm 25.11.2014 Kevin Wu, Justin Chon, Leonard Wu, Ray Magnolia Home Entertainment 18.11.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125195 Liotta, Jesse Scolaro, Allen Bain, Ara Katz 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125060 From executive producer Martin Scorsese and the director of Infernal Affairs comes a gritty crime flick set in 1980s New Rabbit-Proof Fence (DVD + The Razor’s Edge (Blu-ray) York City, based on real events. Two immigrant brothers UltraViolet) (Justin Chon and Kevin Wu) join the Green Dragons gang. Fritz Kortner, Elsa Lanchester, Clifton They quickly rise up the ranks and become notorious in the Ningali Lawford, Laura Monaghan, Everlyn Webb, Lucile Watson, Frank Latimore, community, drawing the attention of the NYPD’s Detective Sampi, Kenneth Branagh - Dir. Philip Noyce Gene Tierney, John Wengraf, Tyrone Po- Bloom (Ray Liotta). But when an ill-fated love affair pits one At a time when it was Australian government policy to train of the brothers against the gang’s leader (Harry Shum Jr.), he aboriginal children as domestic workers and integrate them wer Jr., Anne Baxter, John Payne, Herbert sets out for revenge on the group. into white society, young Molly Craig decides to lead her little Marshall - Dir. Edmund Goulding Action, Affairs & Love Triangles, Blu-ray, sister and cousin in a daring escape from their internment Screen legend Tyrone Power stars in this engaging classic Chinese, Cops, Crime, Detectives, Drama, camp. Molly and the girls must then elude the authorities on a based on W. Somerset Maugham’s best-selling novel. Despite dangerous 1,500-mile adventure along the rabbit-proof fence being offered an impressive job when he returns from World Mobsters & The Mafia, Movies, Revenge

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2014 94min. Two cool Chicago undercover officers try to put a drug lord Lionsgate 13.01.2015 permanently out of business. Action, Comedy, Cops, Crime, Drugs & Dea- The Scorpion King 4: Quest For 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125263 lers, Movies, Thrillers 1986 107min. Power (Blu-ray + DVD + Kino Video 09.12.2014 Revenge Of The Green Dragons UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125242 Brandon Hardesty, Ellen Hollman, Will (DVD + UltraViolet) Kemp, Rodger Halston, Victor Webster, M. Kevin Wu, Justin Chon, Leonard Wu, Ray Running Scared (Blu-ray) Emmet Walsh, Barry Bostwick, Michael Liotta, Jesse Scolaro, Allen Bain, Ara Katz Darlanne Fluegel, Jon Gries, Tracy Reed, Biehn, Rutger Hauer - Dir. Mike Elliott From executive producer Martin Scorsese and the director of Jimmy Smits, Gregory Hines, Steven Bauer, Join an exciting new chapter in the action-packed series from Infernal Affairs comes a gritty crime flick set in 1980s New the Producers of The Mummy! After the king of Norvania is York City, based on real events. Two immigrant brothers Billy Crystal, Dan Hedaya, Joe Pantoliano - assassinated, the legendary Scorpion King Mathayus is (Justin Chon and Kevin Wu) join the Green Dragons gang. Dir. Peter Hyams framed for the crime and must fight off an entire kingdom of They quickly rise up the ranks and become notorious in the Two cool Chicago undercover officers try to put a drug lord soldiers. Now Mathayus (Victor Webster) and his only community, drawing the attention of the NYPD’s Detective permanently out of business. remaining allies, a mysterious woman and her unconventional Bloom (Ray Liotta). But when an ill-fated love affair pits one Action, Blu-ray, Comedy, Cops, Crime, father, are the last hope to stop the evil heir to the throne on of the brothers against the gang’s leader (Harry Shum Jr.), he his quest for an ancient and almighty mystical power. sets out for revenge on the group. Drugs & Dealers, Movies, Thrillers 1986 Featuring Lou Ferrigno (The Hulk) and an all-star cast of Action, Affairs & Love Triangles, Chinese, 107min. fighters, including Roy „Big Country“ Nelson (Winner of The Cops, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Mobsters Kino Video 09.12.2014 Ultimate Fighter), Royce Gracie (UFC Hall of Fame) and Don & The Mafia, Movies, Revenge 2014 94min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125262 Wilson (Three-time World Kickboxing Champion). Action, Adventure, Ancient Egypt, Blu-ray, Lionsgate 13.01.2015 Crime, Fantasy, Movies, Mystery 105min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125246 Safe: The Criterion Collection Universal Studios 13.01.2015 Jodie Markell, Dean Norris, Xander 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125112 Rhymes For Young Ghouls Berkeley, Julianne Moore - Dir. Todd Red Crow Mi’g Maq reservation, 1976: By government Haynes Shameless: The Complete Fourth decree, every Indian child under the age of 16 must attend Environmental illness sends a California wife to a New Age residential school. In the kingdom of the Crow, that guru’s clinic in New Mexico. Season meansimprisonment at St. Dymphna’s. That means being at the mercy of „Popper“, the sadistic Indian agent who runs the British, Criterion Collection, Drama, Foreign, The more things change, the more the Gallaghers stay the school. At 15, Aila is the weed princess of Red Crow. Horror, Movies 1995 119min. same. Whether it’s employment, education, or healthcare, the Hustling with her uncle Burner, she sells enough dope to pay Criterion 09.12.2014 Gallaghers have issues! Season Four of Shameless finds the Popper her „truancy tax“, keeping her out of St.Ds. But when Gallaghers braving another brutal Chicago winter and waiting Aila’s drug money is stolen and her father Joseph returns from 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125232 on the medical fate of their flawed and permanently pickled prison, the precarious balance of Aila’s world is destroyed. patriarch Frank (William H. Macy). With oldest daughter Her only options are to run or fight... and Mi’gMaq don’t run. Safe: The Criterion Collection Fiona (Emmy Rossum) in a stable job and relationship, and Canadian, Crime, Drama, Foreign, Movies newly graduated Lip (Jeremy Allen White) enrolled in college, (Blu-ray) it seems like the Gallaghers might finally have a shot at 2013 88min. happiness and realize the middle class American dream. But Monterey Home Video 25.11.2014 Jodie Markell, Dean Norris, Xander with Ian still missing, Debbie and Carl dealing with their Berkeley, Julianne Moore - Dir. Todd adolescent hormones, and neighbors Kev and Veronica 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125093 pregnant with multiple babies, moving up isn’t so easy when Haynes you’re down and out. The Gallagher life... it ain’t no tea party! Environmental illness sends a California wife to a New Age Ring Of Fire / Love Notes guru’s clinic in New Mexico. Comedy, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, This double feature contains two love stories in a country British, Criterion Collection, Drama, Foreign, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Showtime, music setting! Ring Of Fire Ring Of Fire will take us inside Substance Abuse, Television 312min. that volatile relationship, as seen through the eyes of their Horror, Movies 1995 119min. son, John, as well as profiling the woman who patiently Criterion 09.12.2014 Warner Bros. 30.12.2014 supported one of country music’s biggest stars even as she 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125258 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125375 found her own idiosyncratic path to stardom. A born performer, she was part of country music’s royal family, the Carter Family, whose music was heard all over America. Satisfaction: The Complete First Shameless: The Complete Fourth Later, she and Cash performed together onstage together and Season (Blu-ray) lived the high life, maintaining their lifelong bond and a Season semblance of a home life for their son, through good times and Katherine Lanasa, Matt Passmore, Blair The more things change, the more the Gallaghers stay the bad, largely due to the strength and perseverance of June’s same. Whether it’s employment, education, or healthcare, the great love. Love Notes When a classical music critic (Laura Redford, Deanna Russo Gallaghers have issues! Season Four of Shameless finds the Leighton) becomes pregnant from a brief encounter with a Neil Truman and his wife Grace explore modern marriage at Gallaghers braving another brutal Chicago winter and waiting country music star, it seems the perfect way for her best its midpoint. The series answers the question, „What do you on the medical fate of their flawed and permanently pickled friend, who has struggled with all manner of fertility attempts, do when having it all is not enough?“ by delving into their patriarch Frank (William H. Macy). With oldest daughter to have a baby. But when her friend’s husband leaves her late shocking and unconventional choices. Fiona (Emmy Rossum) in a stable job and relationship, and in pregnancy, she must track down the country star to get his Affairs & Love Triangles, Drama, Marriage newly graduated Lip (Jeremy Allen White) enrolled in college, acknowledgement and signature so as to secure a it seems like the Gallaghers might finally have a shot at Woes, Odd Couples, Television, USA happiness and realize the middle class American dream. But Country Music, Drama, Music 180min. Network 450min. with Ian still missing, Debbie and Carl dealing with their Lionsgate 27.01.2015 Universal Studios 20.01.2015 adolescent hormones, and neighbors Kev and Veronica 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125370 pregnant with multiple babies, moving up isn’t so easy when 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125197 you’re down and out. The Gallagher life... it ain’t no tea party! Comedy, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Romantic Comedy 4-Film Set The Scorpion King 4: Quest For Gay / Lesbian Interest, Showtime, Matt Dillon, Timothy Hutton, Michael Power Substance Abuse, Television 312min. Rapaport, Shirley MacLaine, Natalie Brandon Hardesty, Ellen Hollman, Will Warner Bros. 30.12.2014 Portman, James LeGros, Drew Barrymore, Kemp, Rodger Halston, Victor Webster, M. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125379 Alessandro Nivola, Uma Thurman, Randy Emmet Walsh, Barry Bostwick, Michael Quaid, Christina Ricci, , Jennifer Biehn, Rutger Hauer - Dir. Mike Elliott Sin City: Dame To Kill For Beals, Julia Stiles, Desiree Casado, Mel Join an exciting new chapter in the action-packed series from Christopher Meloni, Rosario Dawson, Gorham, Jennifer Coolidge - Dir. Ted the Producers of The Mummy! After the king of Norvania is Jeremy Piven, Christopher Lloyd, Dennis Demme, Marleen Gorris, Adam Park, David assassinated, the legendary Scorpion King Mathayus is Haysbert, , Mickey Rourke, Keating framed for the crime and must fight off an entire kingdom of soldiers. Now Mathayus (Victor Webster) and his only Bruce Willis, Powers Boothe, Ray Liotta, Collections, Comedy, Friendships, Movies, remaining allies, a mysterious woman and her unconventional Jessica Alba, Eva Green, Jaime King, Juno Romance 402min. father, are the last hope to stop the evil heir to the throne on his quest for an ancient and almighty mystical power. Temple - Dir. Robert Rodriguez, Frank Miller Lionsgate 13.01.2015 Featuring Lou Ferrigno (The Hulk) and an all-star cast of In Frank Miller’s Sin City: A Dame To Kill For, scandal, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125248 fighters, including Roy „Big Country“ Nelson (Winner of The murder, betrayal and mystery surround the lives of those Ultimate Fighter), Royce Gracie (UFC Hall of Fame) and Don swept up in a crime-filled underworld. Co-directors Robert Wilson (Three-time World Kickboxing Champion). Rodriguez and Frank Miller reunite to bring Miller’s visually Running Scared Action, Adventure, Ancient Egypt, Crime, stunning Sin City graphic novels back to the screen in the Darlanne Fluegel, Jon Gries, Tracy Reed, follow-up to the groundbreaking film, Frank Miller’s Sin City Fantasy, Movies, Mystery 105min. (2005). Weaving together two of Miller’s classic stories with Jimmy Smits, Gregory Hines, Steven Bauer, Universal Studios 13.01.2015 new tales, the town’s most hard boiled citizens cross paths Billy Crystal, Dan Hedaya, Joe Pantoliano - 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125099 with some of its more reviled inhabitants. Dir. Peter Hyams Action, Based On Comic Book, Cops, Cops

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On The Edge, Crime, Film Noir, Movies, Star Trek: The Next Generation - Strand Releasing 09.12.2014 Thrillers, Vigilante Justice 2014 102min. All Good Things (Blu-ray) 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125253 Starz / Anchor Bay 18.11.2014 Action, Adventure, Aliens, Blu-ray, Cult Film 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125312 / TV, Science Fiction, Space, Star Trek, Meryl Streep 4-Film Set Television 90min. Gloria Estefan, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Sin City: Dame To Kill For (Blu- Paramount Pictures 02.12.2014 Leonardo DiCaprio, Diane Keaton, Jeremy ray 3D + Blu-ray + DVD + Ultra 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125067 Irons, Angela Bassett, Glenn Close, Meryl Violet) (Blu-ray) Streep, Winona Ryder, Aidan Quinn, Anto- nio Banderas, Amy Adams, Robert De Niro, Christopher Meloni, Rosario Dawson, Star Trek: The Next Generation - Viola Davis - Dir. , Bille August, Jeremy Piven, Christopher Lloyd, Dennis Season 7 (Blu-ray) Jerry Zaks, Haysbert, Josh Brolin, Mickey Rourke, Action, Adventure, Aliens, Blues, Cult Film / Collections, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Bruce Willis, Powers Boothe, Ray Liotta, TV, Science Fiction, Space, Star Trek, Tele- Illness & Disease, Movies, Music, Mystery, Jessica Alba, Eva Green, Jaime King, Juno vision 1993 220min. Religion/Spirituality, Romance, Troubled Temple - Dir. Robert Rodriguez, Frank Miller Paramount Pictures 02.12.2014 In Frank Miller’s Sin City: A Dame To Kill For, scandal, Youth 456min. murder, betrayal and mystery surround the lives of those 163,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125066 Lionsgate 13.01.2015 swept up in a crime-filled underworld. Co-directors Robert 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125235 Rodriguez and Frank Miller reunite to bring Miller’s visually Stonehearst Asylum stunning Sin City graphic novels back to the screen in the follow-up to the groundbreaking film, Frank Miller’s Sin City Jim Sturgess, Brendan Gleeson, Kate Stretch (2005). Weaving together two of Miller’s classic stories with Beckinsale, Michael Caine, Ben Kingsley - new tales, the town’s most hard boiled citizens cross paths Brooklyn Decker, James Badge Dale, Ed with some of its more reviled inhabitants. Dir. Brad Anderson Helms, Patrick Wilson, Jessica Alba, David When young doctor Edward Newgate (Jim Sturgess) arrives Action, Based On Comic Book, Blu-ray, at Stonehearst Asylum in search of an apprenticeship, he is Hasselhoff, Ray Liotta - Dir. Joe Carnahan Cops, Cops On The Edge, Crime, Film Noir, warmly welcomed by superintendent Dr. Lamb (Ben Kingsley) The director of Smokin’ Aces brings you into the world of Movies, Thrillers, Vigilante Justice 2014 and a mesmerizing woman by the name of Eliza Graves (Kate Stretch, a Hollywood limo driver with a dark past. When Beckinsale). Edward is intrigued by Lambs modern methods of Stretch is in need of quick cash to pay back his debts to a 102min. treating the insane until a series of unusual events leads him notorious gangster, he takes a job with a billionaire client in Starz / Anchor Bay 18.11.2014 to make a horrifying discovery, exposing Lambs utopia and hopes of a big payday. His client’s eccentricities soon 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125313 pushing Edward to the limits of his conscience. Inspired by a escalate into a wild night of adventure, sex, and danger which short story from Edgar Allan Poe, Stonehearst Asylum is a begins to make the fate of returning to the mob empty-handed tale in which nobody is who or what they appear to be. seem reasonable. With an all-star cast featuring Patrick The Skeleton Twins (Blu-ray + Wilson, Ed Helms, James Badge Dale, Brooklyn Decker and Historical / Period Piece, Movies, Mystery, Jessica Alba, you won’t want to miss out on the ride of a UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Thrillers 2014 112min. lifetime. Boyd Holbrook, Kristen Wiig, Ty Burrell, Bill First Look 16.12.2014 Action, Adventure, Comedy, Crime, Hader, Luke Wilson - Dir. Craig Johnson 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125071 Mobsters & The Mafia, Movies, Thrillers Kristen Wiig and Bill Hader light up the screen as Maggie 2014 95min. and Milo, estranged twins who are reunited after ten years of Stonehearst Asylum (Blu-ray) Universal Studios 25.11.2014 being apart. With an irresistible mix of humor and heart and a stellar supporting cast including Luke Wilson and Ty Burrell, Jim Sturgess, Brendan Gleeson, Kate 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125202 The Skeleton Twins follows Maggie and Milo’s unforgettable Beckinsale, Michael Caine, Ben Kingsley journey to reconnect, as they realize that the key to fixing When young doctor Edward Newgate (Jim Sturgess) arrives Stripped To Kill their lives may just lie in repairing their relationship. at Stonehearst Asylum in search of an apprenticeship, he is A policewoman’s partner has her pose as a Adventure, Blu-ray, Comedy, Drama, warmly welcomed by superintendent Dr. Lamb (Ben Kingsley) stripper to lure a killer of strippers. Dysfunctional Families, Movies 2014 93min. and a mesmerizing woman by the name of Eliza Graves (Kate Beckinsale). Edward is intrigued by Lambs modern methods of Crime, Drama, Horror, Movies, Mystery, Lionsgate 16.12.2014 treating the insane until a series of unusual events leads him Thrillers 1987 88min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125088 to make a horrifying discovery, exposing Lambs utopia and Kino Video 09.12.2014 pushing Edward to the limits of his conscience. Inspired by a short story from Edgar Allan Poe, Stonehearst Asylum is a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125238 The Skeleton Twins (DVD + tale in which nobody is who or what they appear to be. UltraViolet) Historical / Period Piece, Movies, Mystery, Such Good Friends (Blu-ray) Boyd Holbrook, Kristen Wiig, Ty Burrell, Bill Thrillers 2014 112min. Ken Howard, Dyan Cannon, James Coco - Hader, Luke Wilson - Dir. Craig Johnson First Look 16.12.2014 Dir. Otto Preminger Kristen Wiig and Bill Hader light up the screen as Maggie 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125072 A New Yorker discovers her husband’s girlfriends when he and Milo, estranged twins who are reunited after ten years of enters the hospital. Directed by Otto Preminger. being apart. With an irresistible mix of humor and heart and a The Strange Color Of Your Body’s Comedy, Drama, Movies 1971 101min. stellar supporting cast including Luke Wilson and Ty Burrell, Olive Films 23.12.2014 The Skeleton Twins follows Maggie and Milo’s unforgettable Tears journey to reconnect, as they realize that the key to fixing 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125305 their lives may just lie in repairing their relationship. Opening select theaters August 29th 2014. From directing duo Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Dysfunctional Helene Cattet & Bruno Forzani, comes this homage to the masters of classic Italian Giallo horror. Dan returns home to Sword Masters: The Shadow Families, Movies 2014 93min. find his wife is missing. With no signs of struggle or break-in Lionsgate 16.12.2014 and with no help from the police, Dan’s search for answers Boxing leads him down a psychosexual rabbit hole. The Strange Action, Foreign, Martial Arts, Movies 96min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125084 Color Of Your Bodys Tears is a bloody and taut fantasia of suspense that leaves the viewer entranced in this highly Well Go USA 09.12.2014 Skidoo (Blu-ray) original erotic thriller. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125162 Horror, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 2013 Frankie Avalon, , Fred Clark, 102min. Frank Gorshin, Peter Lawford, Jackie Sword Masters: The Trail Of The Strand Releasing 09.12.2014 Gleason, Michael Constantine, Carol Broken Blade 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125227 Channing - Dir. Otto Preminger Action, Foreign, Martial Arts, Movies Hippies take over the yacht of a crime kingpin named „God,“ 104min. letting a reformed gangster off the hook of doing one last job. The Strange Color Of Your Body’s Mill Creek Entertainment 09.12.2014 Comedy, Movies 1968 101min. Tears (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125156 Olive Films 23.12.2014 Opening select theaters August 29th 2014. From directing duo 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125306 Helene Cattet & Bruno Forzani, comes this homage to the masters of classic Italian Giallo horror. Dan returns home to Taken From Me: The Tiffany Ru- find his wife is missing. With no signs of struggle or break-in bin Story / The Fantasia Barrino Slaughter Hotel and with no help from the police, Dan’s search for answers Foreign, Horror, Italian, Movies, Mystery, leads him down a psychosexual rabbit hole. The Strange Story: Life Is Not A Fairytale Color Of Your Bodys Tears is a bloody and taut fantasia of Thrillers 1971 89min. suspense that leaves the viewer entranced in this highly Fantasia Barrino, Taraji P. Henson Media Blasters 09.12.2014 original erotic thriller. This Double Feature contains two riveting stories based on shocking and inspiring true events. Taken From Me: The 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125240 Horror, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 2013 Tiffany Rubin Story Starring Taraji P. Henson, tells of a 102min. mother’s struggle to get her 6-year-old son back after he’s abducted in Queens, New York and taken to South Korea by

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 78 Newsletter 09/14 (Nr. 344) November 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA his biological father. With the help of a charity, Tiffany travels Science Fiction 2014 101min. body parts for sale to the highest bidder. His crew was the to South Korea to execute a high-stakes plan to bring her son best - an organized team of professionals with top skills and home. The Fantasia Barrino Story: Life Is Not A Fairytale The Paramount Pictures 16.12.2014 no conscience. But when one of them dies on the job, the crew Fantasia Barrino Story: Life Is Not A Fairytale is based on 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125048 scatters. Now he fronts stolen goods, and has fallen in love Barrino’s New York Times best-selling book. Fantasia with Yoo-Ri, a ticket agent at the port terminal. Her father is Barrino plays herself in this modern-day Cinderella story dying, and when she turns to a ruthless loan shark for help, about her life as a teenage single mother who overcame This Is Where I Leave You (Blu- Young-Gyu goes on a search to find his old partners for one sexual abuse, poverty, and illiteracy to rise to national ray + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) last job. prominence as the winner of the hit television show, American Action, Crime, Drama, Foreign, Korean, Corey Stoll, Kathryn Hahn, Dax Shepard, Idol. Movies, Thrillers 2012 111min. Lionsgate, Book-To-Film, Double Features, Tina Fey, Rose Byrne, Abigail Spencer, Well Go USA 23.12.2014 Drama, girl power, Kidnapping, Movies, Jason Bateman, Connie Britton, Timothy 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125291 Music, TV Movies 193min. Olyphant, Debra Monk, Jane Fonda, Aaron Lionsgate 27.01.2015 Lazar, Adam Driver - Dir. Shawn Levy 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125381 A Jewish family that isn’t used to observing their faith’s Traffickers (Blu-ray) traditions is forced to fulfill their father’s final wish and sit Young-Gyu was the best. He was an organ dealer, smuggling Shivah together for an entire week and confront their body parts for sale to the highest bidder. His crew was the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles problems best - an organized team of professionals with top skills and Affairs & Love Triangles, Blu-ray, Book-To- no conscience. But when one of them dies on the job, the crew Tohoru Masamune, Jeremy Howard, Megan scatters. Now he fronts stolen goods, and has fallen in love Fox, Alan Ritchson, Noel Fisher, Danny Film, Comedy, Drama, Dysfunctional with Yoo-Ri, a ticket agent at the port terminal. Her father is Woodburn, Johnny Knoxville, Will Arnett, Families, Movies, Religion/Spirituality, dying, and when she turns to a ruthless loan shark for help, Tony Shalhoub, William Fichtner, Whoopi Romance 2014 120min. Young-Gyu goes on a search to find his old partners for one Warner Bros. 16.12.2014 last job. Goldberg, Minae Noji - Dir. Jonathan Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Drama, Foreign, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125137 Liebesman Korean, Movies, Thrillers 2012 111min. Darkness has settled over as Shredder and Well Go USA 23.12.2014 his evil Foot Clan have an iron grip on everything from the This Is Where I Leave You (DVD + police to the politicians. The future is grim until four unlikely 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125302 outcast brothers rise from the sewers and discover their UltraViolet) destiny as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The Turtles must work with fearless reporter April O’Neil and her cameraman Corey Stoll, Kathryn Hahn, Dax Shepard, : Don’t Legalize Vern Fenwick to save the city and unravel Shredder’s Tina Fey, Rose Byrne, Abigail Spencer, It diabolical plan. Jason Bateman, Connie Britton, Timothy John Paul Tremblay, , Action, Adventure, Based On TV Show, Olyphant, Debra Monk, Jane Fonda, Aaron Comedy, Crime, Fantasy, Martial Arts, - Dir. Mike Clattenburg Lazar, Adam Driver - Dir. Shawn Levy The Trailer Park Boys are back to face the biggest threat to Movies, Ninjas, Science Fiction 2014 A Jewish family that isn’t used to observing their faith’s their pot business yet: legalization. With ex-park supervisor 101min. traditions is forced to fulfill their father’s final wish and sit Jim Lahey and his shirtless cohort Randy hot on their tail, Shivah together for an entire week and confront their Ricky, Julian and Bubbles are in a race across Canada to Paramount Pictures 16.12.2014 problems 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125039 make legalization go up in smoke. Affairs & Love Triangles, Book-To-Film, Canadian, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Foreign, Comedy, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Movies 2014 min. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movies, Religion/Spirituality, Romance 2014 Screen Media Films 02.12.2014 (Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu- 120min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125160 ray) Warner Bros. 16.12.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125133 Tohoru Masamune, Jeremy Howard, Megan The Trip To Bountiful / Betty & Fox, Alan Ritchson, Noel Fisher, Danny Time Bandits: The Criterion Coretta Woodburn, Johnny Knoxville, Will Arnett, Mary J. Blige, Blair Underwood, Angela Tony Shalhoub, William Fichtner, Whoopi Collection Bassett, Vanessa Williams Goldberg, Minae Noji - Dir. Jonathan David Rappaport, David Warner, Peter This Double Feature contains two incredible and inspiring Liebesman Vaughan, Ralph Richardson, Shelley stories with strong female leads. The Trip To Bountiful Carrie Darkness has settled over New York City as Shredder and Duvall, John Cleese, Michael Palin, Kenny Watts (Cicely Tyson) begrudgingly lives with her busy, his evil Foot Clan have an iron grip on everything from the overprotective son, Ludie, and pretentious daughter-in-law, police to the politicians. The future is grim until four unlikely Baker, Katherine Helmond, Ian Holm, Sean Jessie Mae. No longer able to drive and forbidden to travel outcast brothers rise from the sewers and discover their Connery - Dir. Terry Gilliam alone, she wishes for freedom from the confines of the house destiny as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The Turtles must Cosmic dwarfs take a boy on an odyssey featuring Robin and begs her son to take her on a visit to her hometown of work with fearless reporter April O’Neil and her cameraman Hood, Napoleon, King Agamemnon. Bountiful. Vanessa Williams and Blair Underwood also star in Vern Fenwick to save the city and unravel Shredder’s this television adaptation of American playwright and Action, Comedy, Criterion Collection, screenwriter Horton Foote’s Tony-nominated play. Betty & diabolical plan. Fantasy, Movies 1981 116min. Action, Adventure, Based On TV Show, Coretta Two extraordinary women - Coretta Scott King, wife Criterion 09.12.2014 of Martin Luther King, Jr., and Dr. Betty Shabazz, wife of Blu-ray, Comedy, Crime, Fantasy, Martial 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125231 Malcolm X - come to life in Betty & Coretta. After their Arts, Movies, Ninjas, Science Fiction 2014 husbands’ tragic assassinations, they developed a unique 101min. friendship spanning three decades as they carried on the Time Bandits: The Criterion Civil Rights movement while supporting their families as Paramount Pictures 16.12.2014 single mothers. Through their strength and dignity, they 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125049 Collection (Blu-ray) became role models for millions of women. David Rappaport, David Warner, Peter Double Features, Drama, girl power, Inde- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vaughan, Ralph Richardson, Shelley pendent Women, Movies, Play-To-Film, TV Movies 180min. (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray + DVD + Duvall, John Cleese, Michael Palin, Kenny Baker, Katherine Helmond, Ian Holm, Sean Lionsgate 27.01.2015 UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Connery - Dir. Terry Gilliam 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125382 Tohoru Masamune, Jeremy Howard, Megan Cosmic dwarfs take a boy on an odyssey featuring Robin Fox, Alan Ritchson, Noel Fisher, Danny Hood, Napoleon, King Agamemnon. The Trip To Italy Action, Blu-ray, Comedy, Criterion Woodburn, Johnny Knoxville, Will Arnett, Claire Keelan, Ronni Ancona, Rob Brydon, Collection, Fantasy, Movies 1981 116min. Tony Shalhoub, William Fichtner, Whoopi Rosie Fellner, Steve Coogan - Dir. Michael Criterion 09.12.2014 Goldberg, Minae Noji - Dir. Jonathan Winterbottom Liebesman 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125257 Michael Winterbottom’s largely improvised 2010 film, The Darkness has settled over New York City as Shredder and Trip, took comedians Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon-or his evil Foot Clan have an iron grip on everything from the Touch Of The Light semifictionalized versions thereof-on a restaurant tour around police to the politicians. The future is grim until four unlikely northern England. In this witty and incisive follow-up, outcast brothers rise from the sewers and discover their Chinese, Drama, Foreign, Movies 2012 Winterbottom reunites the pair for a new culinary road trip, destiny as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The Turtles must 110min. retracing the steps of the Romantic poets’ grand tour of Italy work with fearless reporter April O’Neil and her cameraman and indulging in some sparkling banter and impersonation- Vern Fenwick to save the city and unravel Shredder’s Well Go USA 25.11.2014 offs. Rewhetting our palates from the earlier film, the diabolical plan. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125054 characters enjoy mouthwatering meals in gorgeous settings Action, Adventure, Based On TV Show, from Liguria to Capri while riffing on subjects as varied as Batman’s vocal register, the artistic merits of „Jagged Little Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, Comedy, Crime, Traffickers Pill,“ and, of course, the virtue of sequels. Fantasy, Martial Arts, Movies, Ninjas, Young-Gyu was the best. He was an organ dealer, smuggling British, Comedy, Drama, Foreign, Movies

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 80 Newsletter 09/14 (Nr. 344) November 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

2014 108min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125267 (Blu-ray) MPI 23.12.2014 In Season 2 of Under the Dome, the people of Chester’s Mill 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125228 The Twilight Saga Extended Edi- struggle to break free of their nightmare, as a mysterious stranger and diminishing food supply threaten their very tion Triple Feature (DVD + survival. Big Jim, driven by his lust for power, assumes the The Trip To Italy (Blu-ray) UltraViolet) role of town sheriff. Meanwhile, someone has discovered a Claire Keelan, Ronni Ancona, Rob Brydon, way out of the dome... will the rest escape? Bryce Dallas Howard, Nikki Reed, Rachelle Drama, Mystery, Science Fiction, Stephen Rosie Fellner, Steve Coogan - Dir. Michael Lefevre, Kristen Stewart, Sarah Clarke, King, Television, Thrillers min. Winterbottom Michael Winterbottom’s largely improvised 2010 film, The Michael Welch, Dakota Fanning, Michael Paramount Pictures 09.12.2014 Trip, took comedians Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon-or Sheen, Billy Burke, Graham Greene, Peter 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125107 semifictionalized versions thereof-on a restaurant tour around Facinelli, Elizabeth Reaser, Taylor Lautner, northern England. In this witty and incisive follow-up, Winterbottom reunites the pair for a new culinary road trip, Robert Pattinson, Jackson Rathbone, Justin Union Station (Blu-ray) retracing the steps of the Romantic poets’ grand tour of Italy Chon, Anna Kendrick, Kellan Lutz, Ashley Jan Sterling, Nancy Olson, Lyle Bettger, and indulging in some sparkling banter and impersonation- Greene, Xavier Samuel , Gil Birmingham - offs. Rewhetting our palates from the earlier film, the Barry Fitzgerald, Allene Roberts, William characters enjoy mouthwatering meals in gorgeous settings Dir. Chris Weitz, Bill Condon, Catherine Holden - Dir. Rudolph Mate from Liguria to Capri while riffing on subjects as varied as Hardwicke, David Slade The officer in charge of a big-city train station hunts a blind Batman’s vocal register, the artistic merits of „Jagged Little The epic romantic series about Bella, Edward and Jacob girl’s kidnappers. Pill,“ and, of course, the virtue of sequels. return with formerly deleted scenes added back in. Relive the Crime, Drama, Film Noir, Movies 1950 British, Comedy, Drama, Foreign, Movies moment when Bella and Edward first met and watch Jacob transform from a lovelorn teenager to a fearsome shapeshifting 81min. 2014 108min. wolf in these new extended versions. Olive Films 23.12.2014 MPI 23.12.2014 Action, Adventure, Book-To-Film, Cult Film / 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125309 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125255 TV, Drama, Fantasy, Friendships, High School, Movies, Myths & Legends, Pop The Waiter Tusk (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu- Culture, Revenge, Romance, Special A burned out hit man, known only as „The Waiter“ is hired to ray) Editions, Supernatural & Paranormal, Triple clean up after an Enron style scandal erupts. While working in a big city on this new job he encounters a woman who Justin Long, Genesis Rodriguez, Haley Joel Feature, Vampires, Werewolves 392min. starts to help him climb out of this morass. When someone Osment, Michael Parks - Dir. Kevin Smith Lionsgate 06.01.2015 threatens to hurt those close to him — little do they realize From writer/director Kevin Smith comes this wickedly funny 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125249 that this „Waiter“ is a former C.I.A. „Specialist“. Now he modern-day monster movie that will hold you in terror as it wages battle against those whose corruption of power has keeps you in stitches. A podcaster (Justin Long) looking for a threatened not just his life, but the lives of innocent people in juicy story is plunged into a bloodcurdling nightmare after he Two-Bit Waltz their way... travels to the backwoods of Canada and meets an eccentric In the wonderfully dysfunctional tradition of The Royal Action, Crime, Drama, Movies 2010 91min. recluse (Michael Parks) with a lifetime of adventures - and a Tenenbaums, teenage years are always messy... but for Indican Pictures 13.01.2015 disturbing fondness for walruses. Maude, things couldn’t seem more tragic. Within one week 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125352 Comedy, Dark Comedy, Horror, Movies, just prior to her 18th birthday, she is suspended from school, Thrillers 2014 102min. stranded by her best friend, dumped by the boy she „loves,“ and Granny just died leaving her an enormous amount of A Walk Among The Tombstones Lionsgate 30.12.2014 money under one condition: Maude must go to college which 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125220 she does not want to do and her wildly eccentric family is no Boyd Holbrook, David Harbour, Dan help at all. Of course... It’s a comedy! Stevens, Liam Neeson - Dir. Scott Frank Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 2014 Liam Neeson stars in A Walk Among the Tombstones, an Tusk (DVD + UltraViolet) 81min. action-thriller based on Lawrence Block’s bestselling series Justin Long, Genesis Rodriguez, Haley Joel of mystery novels. Neeson plays Matt Scudder, an ex-cop Monterey Home Video 23.12.2014 turned unlicensed private investigator who reluctantly agrees Osment, Michael Parks - Dir. Kevin Smith 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125372 to help a heroin trafficker (Dan Stevens, TV’s Downtown From writer/director Kevin Smith comes this wickedly funny Abbey) hunt down the men who brutally murdered his wife. modern-day monster movie that will hold you in terror as it When the PI learns that this is not the first time, nor will it be keeps you in stitches. A podcaster (Justin Long) looking for a Tyrant: The Complete First the last, that these men have committed this sort of twisted juicy story is plunged into a bloodcurdling nightmare after he Seaason crime, he must blur the line between right and wrong as he travels to the backwoods of Canada and meets an eccentric races to track the deviants through the backstreets of New recluse (Michael Parks) with a lifetime of adventures - and a Noah Silver, Mehdi Dehbi, Moran Atias, York City before they kill again. disturbing fondness for walruses. Jennifer Finnigan, Fares Fares, Ashraf Cops, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Drugs & Comedy, Dark Comedy, Horror, Movies, Barhom, Adam Rayner, Justin Kirk, Salim Dealers, Kidnapping, Movies, Murder Thrillers 2014 102min. Dau, Alice Krige Mysteries, Mystery, Thrillers 2014 114min. Lionsgate 30.12.2014 This addictive and shockingly intense drama explores the Universal Studios 13.01.2015 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125214 turbulent Middle East like no series in TV history. „Barry“ Al- Fayeed, the son of a war-torn country’s controversial 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125323 dictator, returns to his homeland after a self-imposed exile in The Twilight Saga Extended Edi- the U.S. But the lives of Barry and his American family are A Walk Among The Tombstones tion Triple Feature (Blu-ray + suddenly upended when Barry’s volatile brother, Jamal, ascends to the throne. Barry’s western views are pitted (Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu- UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) against Jamal’s wife, Leila, who wants her husband to rule ray) Bryce Dallas Howard, Nikki Reed, Rachelle with an iron fist. As a national political crisis threatens to explode, Barry finds himself torn between the seductive lure Boyd Holbrook, David Harbour, Dan Lefevre, Kristen Stewart, Sarah Clarke, of absolute power and sympathy for his country’s courageous freedom fighters. Stevens, Liam Neeson - Dir. Scott Frank Michael Welch, Dakota Fanning, Michael Liam Neeson stars in A Walk Among the Tombstones, an Sheen, Billy Burke, Graham Greene, Peter Action, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, FX, action-thriller based on Lawrence Block’s bestselling series Facinelli, Elizabeth Reaser, Taylor Lautner, Middle Eastern, Politics, Television, Thril- of mystery novels. Neeson plays Matt Scudder, an ex-cop lers, Totalitarian Governments 475min. turned unlicensed private investigator who reluctantly agrees Robert Pattinson, Jackson Rathbone, Justin to help a heroin trafficker (Dan Stevens, TV’s Downtown Chon, Anna Kendrick, Kellan Lutz, Ashley 20th Century Fox 13.01.2015 Abbey) hunt down the men who brutally murdered his wife. Greene, Xavier Samuel , Gil Birmingham - 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125383 When the PI learns that this is not the first time, nor will it be the last, that these men have committed this sort of twisted Dir. Chris Weitz, Bill Condon, Catherine crime, he must blur the line between right and wrong as he Hardwicke, David Slade Under The Dome: Season Two races to track the deviants through the backstreets of New The epic romantic series about Bella, Edward and Jacob In Season 2 of Under the Dome, the people of Chester’s Mill York City before they kill again. return with formerly deleted scenes added back in. Relive the struggle to break free of their nightmare, as a mysterious Book-To-Film, Cops, Crime, Detectives, moment when Bella and Edward first met and watch Jacob stranger and diminishing food supply threaten their very transform from a lovelorn teenager to a fearsome shapeshifting survival. Big Jim, driven by his lust for power, assumes the Drama, Drugs & Dealers, Kidnapping, wolf in these new extended versions. role of town sheriff. Meanwhile, someone has discovered a Movies, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Thril- Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, way out of the dome... will the rest escape? lers 2014 114min. Cult Film / TV, Drama, Fantasy, Friendships, Drama, Mystery, Science Fiction, Stephen Universal Studios 13.01.2015 High School, Movies, Myths & Legends, King, Television, Thrillers min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125328 Pop Culture, Revenge, Romance, Special Paramount Pictures 09.12.2014 Editions, Supernatural & Paranormal, Triple 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125091 Walter’s War Feature, Vampires, Werewolves 392min. Meet Walter Tull, the Jackie Robinson of professional Lionsgate 06.01.2015 Under The Dome: Season Two English football before World War I, and survivor of the worst racial slurs his opponents can hurl at him. When the game

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 81 Newsletter 09/14 (Nr. 344) November 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA turns to war in 1914 and the playing field to the Battle of the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125179 Somme, Tull (O. T. Fagbenle, Breaking and Entering, Looking) makes history again as the first mixed-race officer in the What Luck? British Army. Follow this heroic warrior, from his daunting Ever wonder what happens to puppets when their careers are Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort (Blu- personal battles to the front line, where he motivates and over? They live in Barstow. Take the case of John, a thirty leads his troops with gallantry and coolness under horrific something experiencing the worst day in human history. Good ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) conditions. Also includes Somme: From Defeat to Victory, thing he’s a puppet. So what happens? Well it starts with his Aqueela Zoll, Chris Jarvis, Anthony Ilott, which The Times called „Excellent“. Two months after the car breaking down, his Best friend trying to steal his bloodiest day in British military history, a maverick battalion girlfriend, getting fired from his only job and culminating with Sadie Katz - Dir. Valeri Milev commander uses innovative tactics that change the way the his girlfriend dumping him! All the while being stuck in The unrelenting terror starts when an emotionally troubled British Army fights a modern war. Barstow, CA with just the luck of the Irish - dreams of young man, Danny, inherits an isolated backwoods hotel that winning the lottery to escape. may hold the key to his secret past. A trip to the peaceful BBC, Biography, British, Drama, Foreign, resort quickly transforms into a blood-soaked killing spree, International TV, Military, Movies, Soccer, Comedy, Movies, Romance 2011 78min. as Danny’s friends are brutally murdered one by one. Danny Sports, TV Movies, War, World War I 2008 Indican Pictures 30.12.2014 discovers that Three Finger and his flesh-eating kin are to 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125355 blame, but the chilling surprises they have in store for him 108min. have only just begun. Danny ultimately learns that he has an Warner Bros. 04.11.2014 unthinkable connection to the clan of hillbilly cannibals, but 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125128 When The Game Stands Tall (Blu- now that he knows the shocking truth, he will face an even more horrifying choice. ray + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Cannibalism, Horror, Horror Series, Movies, War And Peace (Blu-ray) Stephan James, Alexander Ludwig, Jim Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Serial Killers, May Britt, Milly Vitale, Wilfrid Lawson, Hel- Caviezel, Michael Chiklis, Laura Dern, Slasher, Thrillers 2014 91min. mut Dantine, Anita Ekberg, Mel Ferrer, Clancy Brown - Dir. Thomas Carter 20th Century Fox 21.10.2014 Vittorio Gassman, Barry Jones, Herbert Inspired by the true story, Jim Caviezel (The Passion of the Christ) plays high school football coach Bob Ladouceur 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125070 Lom, Henry Fonda, Audrey Hepburn, Tullio during the season that changed everything. As coach of the Carminati, Oskar Homolka - Dir. King Vidor Spartans Football Team, Bob always tells his players that Zodiac: Signs Of The Apocalypse By 1812, Napoleon’s forces controlled much of Europe. winning doesn’t matter. Yet somehow, with the aid of assistant Russia, one of the few countries still unconquered, prepares coach Terry Eidson (Michael Chiklis, TV’s The Shield), he’s Andrea Brooks , Emily Holmes, Aaron to face Napoleon’s troops together with . Among the led the team to a record-breaking 151 straight victories. When Douglas, Ben Cotton, Joel Gretsch, Christo- Russian soldiers are Count Nicholas Rostov and Prince his wife Bev (Laura Dern, Jurassic Park) urges him to Andrei Bolkonsky. Count Pierre Bezukhov, a friend of refocus on his family, Bob is blinded by the pressure to keep pher Lloyd - Dir. W.D. Hogan Andrei’s and self-styled intellectual who is not interested in the streak alive. Now, in the midst of a season of crisis and When a mysterious planet crosses the sun, global fighting. Pierre’s life changes when his father dies, leaving tragedy when the Spartans stand to lose everything, a catastrophes are unleashed. A rogue scientist is the key to him a vast inheritance. He is attracted to Natasha Rostov, remarkable young player (Alexander Ludwig, The Hunger deciphering the symbols and humanity’s only chance at Nicholas’s sister, but she is too young, so he gives in to Games) helps Bob rediscover that teamwork outshines survival. baser desires and marries the shallow, manipulative Princess personal glory When The Game Stands Tall. Apocalyptic Future, End Of The World, Helene. The marriage ends when Pierre discovers his wife’s Blu-ray, Drama, Family, Football, High Horror, Mad Scientists & Deadly Doctors, true nature. Andrei is captured and later released by the French, and returns home only to watch his wife die in School, Movies, Sports 2014 116min. Movies, Science Fiction, TV Movies 90min. childbirth. Months later, Pierre and Andrei meet again. Andrei Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Starz / Anchor Bay 13.01.2015 sees Natasha and falls in love, but his father will only permit 09.12.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125193 the marriage if they postpone it for one year until Natasha turns 17. While Andrei is away on a military mission, Natasha 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125047 is drawn to Anatole Kuragin, a womanizer. Pierre saves Natasha by telling her of Anatole’s past before she can elo When The Game Stands Tall Book-To-Film, Classics, Drama, Historical / Period Piece, History & Events, Movies, (DVD + UltraViolet) Music Romance, War 1956 208min. Stephan James, Alexander Ludwig, Jim Warner Bros. 20.01.2015 Caviezel, Michael Chiklis, Laura Dern, Tony Bennett / Lady Gaga: Cheek 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125150 Clancy Brown - Dir. Thomas Carter To Cheek - Live Inspired by the true story, Jim Caviezel (The Passion of the Christ) plays high school football coach Bob Ladouceur Music, Performing Arts, Special Interest West Of Thunder during the season that changed everything. As coach of the min. Set amongst the stunning beauty of the Badlands of South Spartans Football Team, Bob always tells his players that Universal Studios 23.12.2014 Dakota, Nine years after the Massacre of Wounded Knee, the winning doesn’t matter. Yet somehow, with the aid of assistant Lakota people on Pine Ridge Reservation live in poverty. A coach Terry Eidson (Michael Chiklis, TV’s The Shield), he’s 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125373 mysterious stranger, Henry Seed arrives to this desolate area led the team to a record-breaking 151 straight victories. When just as eerie and inexplicable deaths occur to the inhabitants his wife Bev (Laura Dern, Jurassic Park) urges him to Tony Bennett / Lady Gaga: Cheek of the nearest town. The locals believe Henry Seed is a refocus on his family, Bob is blinded by the pressure to keep supernatural demon seeking retribution and revenge for their the streak alive. Now, in the midst of a season of crisis and To Cheek - Live (Blu-ray) sins against the Indians. Now with their faith faltering, the tragedy when the Spartans stand to lose everything, a townspeople turn to an unlikely source - the Lakota spiritual remarkable young player (Alexander Ludwig, The Hunger Music, Performing Arts, Special Interest leader, Little Thunder, to help them before everything goes to Games) helps Bob rediscover that teamwork outshines min. hell... personal glory When The Game Stands Tall. Universal Studios 23.12.2014 Drama, Family, Football, High School, Drama, Movies, Mystery, Western 2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125378 97min. Movies, Sports 2014 116min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Indican Pictures 06.01.2015 Jeff Dunham’s Very Special 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125354 09.12.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125038 Christmas Special What If Jeff Dunham Working Girl (Blu-ray) Jeff Dunham invites Walter, Peanut, Bubba J, Jose Jalapeno, Mackenzie Davis, Adam Driver, Oona Chap- and Achmed the Dead Terrorist to join him on his first holiday lin, Zoe Kazan, Rafe Spall, Megan Park, Robert Easton, Nora Dunn, Jeffrey special. Unfortunately, his suitcase posse doesn’t quite share Nordling, Oliver Platt, Melanie Griffith, Joan the same Christmas spirit - and the result is a one-of-a-kind Daniel Radcliffe - Dir. Michael Dowse live event unlike any Yuletide celebration you’ve ever seen! What If is the story of medical school dropout Wallace (Dani- Cusack, Olympia Dukakis, Sigourney Dunham, whose first two television specials set record el Radcliffe), who’s been repeatedly burned by bad Weaver, Alec Baldwin, Harrison Ford, ratings, multimillion DVD sales and over 200 million views on relationships. So while everyone around him, including his Kevin Spacey, Philip Bosco, Amy Aquino - websites worldwide, brings together exciting material and roommate Allan (Adam Driver) seems to be finding the perfect original songs, from Achmed’s „Jingle Bombs“ to Bubba J’s partner (Mackenzie Davis), Wallace decides to put his love Dir. Mike Nichols „Roadkill Christmas“ to Peanut’s original version of „The life on hold. It is then that he meets Chantry (Zoe Kazan) an Harrison Ford, Sigourney Weaver and Melanie Griffith star in Night Before Christmas.“ Destined to become a treasured animator who lives with her longtime boyfriend Ben (Rafe Mike Nichols’ hilarious, six-time Oscar-Nominee about a holiday favorite! Spall). Wallace and Chantry form an instant connection, woman determined to shape her own destiny. When her striking up a close friendship. Still, there is no denying the overbearing boss, Katharine (Weaver), breaks a leg skiing, Christmas, Comedy, Holidays, Music, Tele- chemistry between them, leading the pair to wonder, what if Tess McGill (Griffith) takes over her office, apartment and vision 2014 85min. the love of your life is actually your best friend? The wardrobe. But when Tess creates a deal with a handsome Paramount Pictures 09.12.2014 ensemble romantic comedy costars Megan Park and Oona investment banker (Ford) - who happens to be Katharine’s Chaplin. boyfriend - she’s either jumping up the corporate ladder - or 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125210 Comedy, Drama, Friendships, Movies, about to commit career suicide! Romance 2014 98min. Classics, Comedy, Drama, Fish-Out-Of- Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Water, Movies, On The Job, Romance 1988 25.11.2014 114min. Special Interest 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125037 20th Century Fox 06.01.2015

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 82 Newsletter 09/14 (Nr. 344) November 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Ancient Aliens: Season Six - Fitness, Health, Religion/Spirituality, Special Brooklyn bank to finance his lover’s sex-reassignment Interest 134min. surgery. The attempted heist resulted in a fourteen-hour Volume Two hostage situation that was broadcast on TV. Three years Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Aliens, Educational, Historical / Period later, Pacino portrayed his character instigating the 06.01.2015 unforgettable crime on the big screen. The award-winning film Piece, History & Events, History Channel, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125272 had a profound influence on Wojtowicz; when he emerged Special Interest, Television 528min. from prison six years later, he become known as ‘The Dog.“ A&E 13.01.2015 Filmed over the course of a ten year period by co-directors The Daniel Plan: Special Edition Allison Berg and frank Keraudren, and interweaving 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125216 extraordinary archival footage on the robbery. ’70s-era The Daniel Plan in action is a 40-day fitness system with an interviews and the early gay liberation movement in which innovative approach to creating a healthy lifestyle, rooted and „The Dog“ played n active role, the documentary captures the Ancient Aliens: Season Six - framed by five life areas: faith, food, fitness, focus and many sides of John Wojtowicz’s larger-than-life persona: he Volume Two (Blu-ray) friends. Three expert instructors lead the variety of inspiring is by turns lover, husband, soldier, activist, New Yorker, workouts with a strong backbone of faith and community, mama’s boy and bank robber. Aliens, Blu-ray, Educational, Historical / complemented by a soundtrack of exclusive Christian music. This 4-session system focuses on an abundance of healthy Documentary, Special Interest, Period Piece, History & Events, History choices offering you the encouragement and inspiration you Transgender 2013 101min. Channel, Special Interest, Television need to succeed. Cinedigm 04.11.2014 528min. Fitness, Health, Religion/Spirituality, Special 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125073 A&E 13.01.2015 Editions, Special Interest 294min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125221 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Duck Dynasty: Duck Commander - 06.01.2015 Les Blank: Always For Pleasure: 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125273 Before The Dynasty Prior to hitting the big time, hunting, cooking, football, and a The Criterion Collection successful duck call business kept the close-knit Robertson An uncompromisingly independent filmmaker, Les Blank made Deadliest Catch: Season 9 family flying high. Duck Commander - Before The Dynasty documentaries for nearly fifty years, elegantly disappearing After being badly beaten by one of the most devastating highlights nine entertaining episodes tracking the kinfolk from with his camera into cultural spots rarely seen on-screen - winters in history, this notorious fleet of Alaskan crab boats West Monroe to Vegas and beyond. When the boys find mostly on the peripheries of the United States, but also is back to face the next season of Deadliest Catch. In Season themselves bored in the blinds, the wives and a couple of occasionally abroad. Seemingly off-the-cuff yet poetically 9, the crews are fueled by desperate hope as they risk it all NYC firefighters become „Honorary Duckmen.“ Find out what constructed, these films are humane, sometimes wry, always for the big haul. But if these guys know anything, its that kind of shenanigans Willie and his team are up to in „All Work engaging tributes to music, food, and all sorts of regionally comebacks dont come easy. Brutal competition, serious and Some Play.“ It’s time to get serious in Sin City when the specific delights. This collector’s set provides a diverse injuries, and one ferocious arctic storm will take them to the Louisiana crew heads to the annual Shot Show in „There’s No survey of Blank’s vast output, including fourteen of his best- depths of despair. While some will rake in record-breaking Duck Hunting in Vegas!“ A medley of memorable moments aims known works and eight related short films. hauls, a freak accident leaves others racing for the shore. to please in this DVD collection, including revealing behind- Classics, Collections, Criterion Collection, And in the end, simply surviving the sea is considered the the-scenes surprises, unpredictable hunting expeditions, and greatest success of all. This 4-disc set also includes a bonus a host of traditional Robertson family festivities. Documentary, Movies, Short Film episode, „Behind the Lens,“ where youll meet the men and A&E, Reality, Television 198min. Collections, Special Editions, Special women who battle the Bering Sea to bring this 10-time EMMY A&E 13.01.2015 Interest 563min. award-winning show home to you. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125224 Criterion 25.11.2014 Animals & Nature, Discovery Channel, 186,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125380 Documentary, Fishing, High Seas, On The Job, Reality, Television 2012 792min. E-Motion Discovery Channel 11.11.2014 E-Motion is a factual documentary that explores how human Breaking Amish: Season Two emotions affect the physiology of the human body and how When a young group of Amish and Mennonites risk it all to 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125319 once negative emotions are replaced with positive emotions experience life outside of their simple farm community, they bona fide physical changes occur. A team of emotion experts discover a world more shocking and difficult than they had Dinosaur 13 (Blu-ray + from around the world share their wisdom and negative ever expected. Season 2 of Breaking Amish follows the group emotion clearing methods to show humanity the path to health to Florida as they reunite in hopes of making a fresh start. UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) and enlightenment. There, Abe is able to pursue his dream of bull riding, and a When renowned paleontologist Peter Larson and his team Documentary, Educational, Health, Science, Miami modeling gig comes calling for Kate. But wave after from the Black Hills Institute made the world’s greatest Special Interest 2015 87min. wave of culture shock, unforeseen challenges, and dinosaur discovery in 1990, they knew it was the find of a Passion River 06.01.2015 unexpected discoveries make their new life anything but easy. lifetime: the largest, most complete Tyrannosaurus Rex ever And with their old life haunting them wherever they go, they found. But during a 10-year battle with the U.S. government, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125183 wonder if they’ll ever be able to create the lives they’ve powerful museums, Native American tribes and competing always dreamed of. This 2-disc, 10-episode set chronicles it paleontologists, they found themselves not only fighting to Extreme Maneater Collection all including the explosive, post-season, two-part reunion keep their dinosaur, but fighting for their freedom as well. special. Adventure, Animals & Nature, Blu-ray, Almost three hours of frightening footage captures the most Reality, Religion/Spirituality, Television 2013 extreme cases of Animal Planet’s Maneaters. Beginning in Dinosaurs, Documentary, Drama, 430min. South Florida, authorities attempt to control a new invasive Educational, Historical / Period Piece, species, the African Rock Python, known to attack and kill Cinedigm 18.11.2014 History & Events, Movies, Science, Special humans both as pets and in the wild. The search then widens 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125318 for the Burmese python, another pet whose population is Interest, Thrillers 2014 105min. increasing throughout America. As the population spreads, the Lionsgate 06.01.2015 snake grows larger as does its prey. Then investigators Carb Loaded: A Culture Dying To venture to the deep dark of the sea where a kraken-like 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125180 monster attacks boats, invades beaches, and rips apart Eat victims with bone-chilling efficiency. And half a world away, a Carb-Loaded: A Culture Dying to Eat chronicles what director Dinosaur 13 (DVD + UltraViolet) hunt ensues for a man-eating crocodile terrorizing a town that Lathe Poland learned after he was diagnosed with Type 2 depends on its water to live but not everyone will make it diabetes. He sought to find out why he got sick, because he When renowned paleontologist Peter Larson and his team back alive. These four full episodes chronicle the fight didn’t fit the classic picture of an adult onset diabetes from the Black Hills Institute made the world’s greatest against these ferocious man-eaters. But can they stop the sufferer. He quickly learned that much of what he knew about dinosaur discovery in 1990, they knew it was the find of a spread before it s too late? healthy eating was based on myths or fifty-year-old science. lifetime: the largest, most complete Tyrannosaurus Rex ever Animals & Nature, Documentary, Special In the film, he searches out why Americas modern food culture found. But during a 10-year battle with the U.S. government, is killing us. The upside? There is a lot that can be done! powerful museums, Native American tribes and competing Interest, Television 176min. Americana, Diet & Lifestyle, Documentary, paleontologists, they found themselves not only fighting to Cinedigm 25.11.2014 keep their dinosaur, but fighting for their freedom as well. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125322 Educational, Food & Cooking, Health, Illness Adventure, Animals & Nature, Dinosaurs, & Disease, Movies, Science, Special Documentary, Drama, Educational, Interest 2015 74min. Historical / Period Piece, History & Events, Gator Boys: Season Three Passion River 13.01.2015 It takes some serious skill, extensive experience, and death- Movies, Science, Special Interest, Thrillers defying tactics to be a Gator Boy. But for Paul Bedard and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125182 2014 105min. Jimmy Riffle, risking their lives to wrangle gators out of harm Lionsgate 06.01.2015 s way is just another day at the office. Season 3 sees Gator The Daniel Plan Boys Alligator Rescue moving on up to Mississippi, where the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125177 waters are murkier and the gators have a major advantage in The Daniel Plan in action is a 40-day fitness system with an the fight. But that won t stop Paul, Jimmy, and the team from innovative approach to creating a healthy lifestyle, rooted and The Dog (Blu-ray) jumping in and pulling those gators to safer waters. These framed by five life areas: faith, food, fitness, focus and nine adrenaline-packed episodes follow the thrilling friends. Three expert instructors lead the variety of inspiring John Wojtowicz - Dir. Frank Keraudren, adventures of the Gator Boys as they rescue gators, capture workouts with a strong backbone of faith and community, venomous snakes, and even lead the search for legendary complemented by a soundtrack of exclusive Christian music. Allison Berg Coming of age in the 1960s, John Wojtowicz took pride in creatures like a 15-foot alligator and a mythical half-man, half This 4-session system focuses on an abundance of healthy gator rumored to roam the Mississippi swamps. choices offering you the encouragement and inspiration you being a pervert. His libido was excessive even by the need to succeed. libertine standards of the era, with multiple wives and lovers, Animals & Nature, Reality, Television 2013 both women and men. In August 1972, he attempted to rob a

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396min. colonialism; a vital lifeline of trade for otherwise isolated construction, the planet’s reserves are being threatened. communities; a meeting place where Africans from all walks of Three-quarters of the world’s beaches are in decline and Gaiam Americas 04.11.2014 life come together - a floating microcosm of the continent and bound to disappear as victims of erosion or „sand mafias“, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125321 the primary means of travel. For nearly a century, the ship has groups who plunder beaches and rivers for this highly prized served as a critical avenue of commerce for soldiers, commodity. Sand has quietly infiltrated every corner of our missionaries, traders and immigrants on Lake Tanganyika - world. Melted and transformed into glass, it sits on every Girls Gone Wild: Halloween the geographical link between east, central and southern shelf. It is also the source of silicon dioxide, a mineral found Hookups Africa. Featuring an entirely original, locally recorded in an astounding variety of products we use on a daily basis. soundtrack, this documentary brings the MV Liemba’s colorful Houses, skyscrapers, bridges, airports, and sidewalks are We hit up a rockin’ Halloween party where Little Red Riding history to life and celebrates her role in Africa. Through all partially comprised of sand. It is an elementary particle Hood, the Evil Queen, Heidi and the Greek Goddess ALL got compelling passenger narratives and breathtaking footage that is the foundation of our modern development. But is this naked. Little did they know what else the night had in store for from Academy Award winner TJ Martin this documentary omnipresent material inexhaustible? What will be the them: girl-on-girl fun in Girls Gone Wild: Halloween takes audience on a present day journey through the heart of consequences of sand extraction on the environment and life Hookups. Africa on the oldest operational passenger ship in the world. on the planet? Sand Wars will take us around the world to Girls Gone Wild, Softcore min. Documentary, Special Interest 2010 min. witness this new gold rush firsthand. GGW 06.01.2015 Indican Pictures 16.12.2014 Educational, Environmental, PBS, Science, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125209 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125356 Special Interest, Television 74min. PBS Home Video 02.12.2014 Girls Gone Wild: Real Daughters Pay 2 Play: Democracy’s High 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125324 Of Orange County Stakes Supermensch: The Legend Of We venture to sunny Orange County for an authentic SoCal If our political system is like a game of Monopoly, how can experience. Our cameraman brings some hotties back to the outsiders have a voice when only money speaks? John Ennis Shep Gordon GGW summer home, where these sexy babes show us what documents comical corruption, follows political newcomers, really goes on in the bedroom and by the pool. There are so In his directorial debut, Mike Myers (Austin Powers, and uncovers intrigue in this colorful journey that connects Wayne’s World) steps behind the camera to document the many wild moments that we lost count! Check out all the juicy the dots of Big Money in our ever-challenging election action only on Girls Gone Wild: Real Daughters of Orange astounding career of friend and Hollywood insider - Shep process. Gordon. He isn’t a household name, but Gordon became a County. Documentary, Politics, Special Interest Girls Gone Wild, Softcore min. beacon in the entertainment industry after a chance run-in 80min. with Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin launched his career in GGW 06.01.2015 E1 Entertainment 16.12.2014 1968. Since then, he has managed an endless list of talent, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125208 including , Blondie, , Teddy 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125237 Pendergrass, Groucho Marx, and Raquel Welch. His management of Emeril Lagasse was the driving force behind Grounded Richard Pryor: Icon the Celebrity Chef, concept that turned the culinary arts into Grounded is the true high-flying story of Pittsburgh brothers the multi-billion dollar industry it is today. Capitalist, Jimmy and Terry Dougherty, who orchestrated one of the Richard Pryor: Icon explores how Pryor transformed from a protector, hedonist, pioneer, showman, shaman . . . Shep, or biggest marijuana smuggling operations in U.S. history in the straight-laced comedian to one of the most controversial and Supermensch, is beloved by the countless stars he’s 1970’s. Jimmy worked the ground crew and Terry was the thought-provoking acts of his time. Sex, drugs, race nothing encountered. Now, Gordon’s fascinating story is told by those pilot whose aviation skills helped expand the smuggling was off-limits to Pryor. By changing his routine, Pryor who know him best, his pals including , operation beyond their wildest dreams. Their adventures changed comedy forever. He opened the door for other Sylvester Stallone, Anne Murray, , and more. stretched from the farmers’ fields of rural Florida and comedians to inject social commentary and other once-verbo- Documentary, Movies, Special Interest Alabama, to the dirt runways of Colombia and back again. Like ten topics into their humor. From his troubled upbringing in the 85min. the Dougherty Brothers say, „If you smoked pot in the ’70s, slums of Peoria, Illinois to his brave battle against multiple chances are you got it from me and my brother.“ sclerosis, examine the roller-coaster life and times of this Starz / Anchor Bay 06.01.2015 comedic trailblazer. Though he was one of the most 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125190 Crime, Documentary, Drugs & Dealers, successful and influential entertainers of his generation, Historical / Period Piece, Movies, Special Pryor also wrestled with drug addiction and the lingering Interest 65min. effects of being raised in a brothel by abusive parents. Supermensch: The Legend Of Featuring interviews with close personal friends and Passion River 20.01.2015 comedians he influenced, including Tracy Morgan and George Shep Gordon (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125363 Lopez, this film defines Richard Pryor’s lasting impact on In his directorial debut, Mike Myers (Austin Powers, comedy and culture, often in his own words, showing us why Wayne’s World) steps behind the camera to document the he is an American icon. astounding career of friend and Hollywood insider - Shep I Am Ali Biography, PBS, Special Interest 60min. Gordon. He isn’t a household name, but Gordon became a Mike Tyson, George Foreman, Muhammad beacon in the entertainment industry after a chance run-in PBS Home Video 23.12.2014 with Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin launched his career in Ali - Dir. Clare Lewins 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125374 1968. Since then, he has managed an endless list of talent, An intimate and heart-warming look at the man behind the including Alice Cooper, Blondie, Luther Vandross, Teddy legend - as we’ve never seen Ali before. I Am Ali is told Pendergrass, Groucho Marx, and Raquel Welch. His through exclusive, unprecedented access to Ali’s personal Robin Williams Remembered: A management of Emeril Lagasse was the driving force behind archive of voice recordings combined with touching Pioneers Of Television Special the Celebrity Chef, concept that turned the culinary arts into interviews and testimonials from his inner circle of family and the multi-billion dollar industry it is today. Capitalist, friends, including his daughters, son, ex-wife and brother, Robin Williams, Louie Anderson, Pam protector, hedonist, pioneer, showman, shaman . . . Shep, or plus legends of the boxing community including Mike Tyson, Dawber, Pauly Shore, Henry Winkler, Supermensch, is beloved by the countless stars he’s George Foreman and Gene Kilroy. Experience Ali’s encountered. Now, Gordon’s fascinating story is told by those extraordinary story, as a fighter, lover, brother, father - told Jimmie Walker, Rick Overton, Penny Mars- who know him best, his pals including Michael Douglas, from the inside for the very first time. hall, Paul Rodriguez, Jonathan Winters, Sylvester Stallone, Anne Murray, Willie Nelson, and more. Biography, Boxing, Documentary, Movies, Whoopi Goldberg, Blake Clark, George Starz / Anchor Bay, Documentary, Movies, Special Interest, Sports 112min. Schlatter Special Interest 85min. Universal Studios 11.11.2014 This one-hour special features highlights from Robin Starz / Anchor Bay 06.01.2015 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125098 Williams’ last full-length television interview, tributes from those who knew and worked with him closely, and clips from 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125199 iconic moments throughout his career. Williams shares I Am Ali (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) stories about his first stand-up act, his desire to be a serious Swamp People: Season Five dramatic actor, and his efforts to entertain U.S. troops (Blu-ray) overseas. The program also includes an exclusive interview History’s Swamp People returns in Season 5 to wade past the Mike Tyson, George Foreman, Muhammad from Williams’ former Mork & Mindy co-star Pam Dawber. Cypress trees into the bayous of Louisiana in hot pursuit of Dawber was the actor who worked most closely with Robin the biggest and baddest bounty of alligators they can claim. Ali - Dir. Clare Lewins Williams, and for the longest stretch - more than four years. The courageous teams come face to face with cannibal gators, An intimate and heart-warming look at the man behind the Other celebrities and friends of the late actor interviewed potential poachers, and „cursed“ zones while pushing their legend - as we’ve never seen Ali before. I Am Ali is told include director Penny Marshall (Awakenings); actors limits and keeping their eyes on the prize - their families and through exclusive, unprecedented access to Ali’s personal Jonathan Winters (Mork & Mindy), Henry Winkler (Happy livelihood depend on it. The quest heats up when hunters archive of voice recordings combined with touching Days), and Yakov Smirnoff (Moscow on the Hudson); stretch to the „Outer Limits“ of their charted territory to catch interviews and testimonials from his inner circle of family and comedians Whoopi Goldberg, Jimmie Walker, Louie Anderson, rogue gators and attract the competitors’ potential game. friends, including his daughters, son, ex-wife and brother, Paul Rodriguez, Rick Overton, Blake Clark, and Pauly Shore; Electrical storms, clogged canals, and cattle country can’t plus legends of the boxing community including Mike Tyson, and comedy producer George Schlatter. stop ‘em in „Beasts or Bust.“ In „Swamp Ambush,“ one team George Foreman and Gene Kilroy. Experience Ali’s takes on a menacing reptile at a state park, while another extraordinary story, as a fighter, lover, brother, father - told Comedy, Documentary, PBS, Special tackles a marsh monster threatening kids at camp in „Devil at from the inside for the very first time. Interest, Television 2014 60min. the Door.“ Tension, testosterone, and terrorizing gators add Biography, Blu-ray, Boxing, Documentary, PBS Home Video 02.12.2014 to the edge-of-your-seat action. Time is ticking in this life- threatening race to tag the prime target, bag the kill, and bring Movies, Special Interest, Sports 112min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125314 home the bacon. Universal Studios 11.11.2014 Action, Animals & Nature, History Channel, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125111 Sand Wars Hunting, Reality, Swamp, Television 945min. Sand Wars - An investigation into one of the most consumed A&E 20.01.2015 Liemba natural resources on the planet. Sand Wars is a surprising investigation into one of the most consumed natural resources 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125317 The MV Liemba is many things: a physical relic of European on the planet. Triggered by a demand for expansive

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 85 Newsletter 09/14 (Nr. 344) November 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Take Back Your Power 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125192 Utilities around the world are racing to install „smart“ utility meters, which are emerging as anything but smart. Josh del Weight Watchers: 10 Minute Sol’s award-winning documentary Take Back Your Power uncovers shocking evidence of in-home privacy invasions, Belly, Butt & Thighs Tone Ups increased utility bills, health risks such as cancer, environ- Telefonische Lisa Wheeler mental harm, fires, and unprecedented hacking vulnerability, Bestellannahme: while lighting the path toward solutions. Through compelling Targeted workouts to tone every zone! These days, everyone insight from whistleblowers, researchers, government agents, is pressed for time and fitting exercise into busy schedules is Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr lawyers, doctors, and environmentalists, learn why hundreds more difficult than ever. That’s why we created this collection Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr of local governments are challenging the rollout of this of 6 workouts that are short, sweet and super effective. Some Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr technology. What you’ll discover will surprise, unsettle, and of the routines target one specific area like the belly, butt or ultimately empower you. thighs. Others tighten and tone multiple muscle zones like the Freitags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr upper body, lower body and core. Each workout is designed to Documentary, Movies, Special Interest, grow with you as you get stronger. They offer beginner, Technology 88min. intermediate and advanced variations that make it easy to get Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonn- Passion River 13.01.2015 started and go at your own pace. You can choose just one 10- und Feiertags (Baden- minute workout on a given day or you can mix and match Württemberg) bleibt unser 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125207 several to create a longer workout. So regardless of your schedule or fitness level, this program is a great way to Verkauf geschlossen. To Be Takei starting toning up -10 minutes at a time. Optional equipment: a set of 3-10 pound dumbbells John Cho, Nichelle Nichols, George Takei, Fitness, Health, Special Interest 2014 Walter Koenig, William Shatner 66min. From outer space to Capitol Hill, from the silver screen to YouTube, the legendary George Takei has blazed his own trail Starz / Anchor Bay 16.12.2014 while conquering new frontiers with a beaming trademark 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125075 grin. Oh, my! To Be Takei is a hilarious, entertaining, and moving look at the many roles played by eclectic 77-year-old actor/activist George Takei. His wit, humor and grace have Weight Watchers: 7 Day Tone & helped him to become an internationally beloved figure and Burn internet phenomenon with 7-million Facebook fans and counting. The film offers unprecedented access to the daily Lisa Wheeler life of George and his husband/business partner Brad and An easy-to-follow workout program for your whole week Get chronicles George’s fascinating personal journey from on the road to results with this simple and effective weekly Japanese American internment camp to his iconic and workout plan. The DVD features 2 easy-to-follow 30-minute groundbreaking role as Sulu on Star Trek, and his rise as an workouts that are designed to be done alternating days of the pop culture icon. The film shows what it truly means to be week for 6 days followed by one day of rest. The first routine Takei. Featuring interviews with the cast of the original Star is called the Burn Workout. It focuses on cardio and will keep Trek, the new „Sulu“ John Cho, and more. you moving with fun, energizing moves that are rhythmic but not complicated. You can do this! The second routine is called Documentary, Movies, Special Interest, Star Newsletter 09/14 (Nr. 344) Trek 93min. the Tone Workout. It delivers total body sculpting with circuit training designed to strengthen your body as it elevates your ISSN 1610-2606 Starz / Anchor Bay 06.01.2015 heart rate to increase your activity burn. Each workout offers 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125191 beginner, intermediate and advanced variations to make it Credits easy to get started and go at your own pace. This is a simple Redaktion: way to start shaping up and a great addition to your weight UFC 177: Dillashaw Vs. Soto / loss plan! Optional equipment: a set 3-10 pound dumbbells Wolfram Hannemann 178: Johnson Vs. Cariaso (Double Fitness, Health, Special Interest 2014 Design & Layout: 65min. Feature) Wolfram Hannemann Starz / Anchor Bay 16.12.2014 Assistenz: Double Features, Extreme Sports, Fighting, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125076 Mixed Martial Arts, Special Interest, Sports, Beate Hannemann Mitarbeit in dieser Ausgabe: Sports Entertainment, Television, UFC, WWE Presents True Giants (Blu- Wrestling & Fighting min. Anna Rudschies Starz / Anchor Bay 30.12.2014 ray) © (2014) by 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125371 WWE Home Video, Drama, Sports, Sports LASER HOTLINE Entertainment, Television, Wrestling & Fighting, WWE min. ** Preisangabe in EURO gilt We Could Be King nur in Verbindung mit einem Facing drastic budget cuts, the Philadelphia School District WWE Home Video 09.12.2014 did the unthinkable. It shuttered Germantown High School and 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125106 „Persönlichen Import- sent its students to archrival Martin Luther King, leaving a service“-Vertrag und be- first-time head coach and a new principal to unite bitter adversaries. An intimate and unflinching snapshot of urban WWE: Survivor Series 2014 inhaltet den Warenpreis America’s education crisis, WE We Could Be King is a Special Interest, Sports, Sports sowie alle anfallenden celebration of the power of sports to bring young people, neighborhoods and a city together. Entertainment, Television, Wrestling & Importkosten inkl. unserer Documentary, Football, Special Interest, Fighting, WWE min. Vermittlungsprovision. Sports 2014 80min. WWE Home Video 23.12.2014 * ”Dolby”, ”Surround EX” und Cinedigm 11.11.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124973 das doppelte D-Symbol sind Warenzeichen der Dolby Laboratories Inc. Der NEWSLETTER ist die offizielle Informationsbro- schüre für Kunden der Fir- ma LASER HOTLINE. Alle in diesem Mailing ent- haltenen Angaben zu Pro- dukten, die im Ausland ver- öffentlicht werden, stellen kein Verkaufsangebot dar, sondern dienen nur zur Information. Das Video zur WOLFSKINDER Premiere LASER HOTLINE ist jetzt online in unserem Youtube-Kanal! autorisierter Dolby Merchandise Händler

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