Claudettes Deliver Holiday Cheer by P.J

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Claudettes Deliver Holiday Cheer by P.J NATIONAL FOOTBALL CONFERENCE EAST NORTH Call (906) 932-4449 DAYAYSS ‘TIL CHRISTMAS Packers win Ironwood, MI 15 Green Bay beats Atlanta M-Sat. 10:30am-8pm, Sun. 10:30am-4pm 34-20 SPORTS • 9 DAILY GLOBE Monday, December 10, 2018 Partly cloudy | High: 28 | Low: 15 | Details, page 2 OH, WHAT FUN! Claudettes deliver holiday cheer By P.J. GLISSON IRONWOOD – Excited patrons of the Historic Iron- wood Theatre packed the house for Saturday night’s annual Claudette Christmas show, during which they were clapping and cheering even before the acts began. Even musical director George Ackerman-Behr, who offered a pre-show warm-up by playing organ tunes such as “Winter Wonderland,” received cries of “We love you!” The Claudettes began the show by applying their jazzy dance skills to pop Christmas tunes, which eventually allowed for Santa Claus to run down one of the theatre SOUTH aisles, shouting “Ho, Ho, Ho!” before joining the ladies WEST onstage. Throughout the evening, the ladies also performed sev- eral other numbers, including a reindeer dance and glitzy routines set to fun holiday tunes, including “The 12 Days of Christmas.” The audience could not have loved them more. Overall, the evening pro- vided an extravaganza of tal- ent, with dancers, singers and musicians of all ages perform- ing anything from Christmas pop to Christian classics. A special treat came in the P.J. Glisson/Daily Globe way of Miles Mykkanen, an AS THE stars of Saturday night’s “Oh What Fun!” show at the Historic Ironwood Theatre, the Claudettes show their predictable style. They international vocalist and for- are, from left (first row, crouching): Joyce Gayan and Andrea Harrison; and second row: Cindy Franck, Angie Lauzon, Karen Mallum and mer Bessemer resident, who Becky Bogaczyk. sang stunning renditions of “Ave Maria” and Puccini’s “Nessun Dorma.” He received one of two standing ovations, with the second given to Ewen-Trout Creek’s A Cappella Choir, whose members sang four tunes with full hearts beyond their years, while accompa- nied by microphone magic that included shivery sounds and complementary syncopa- tion. Claudette members include Becky Bogaczyk, Joyce Gayan, Andrea Harri- son, Angie Lauzon and Karen Mallum. The final member, Cindy Franck, also directed the entire show with help from assistant Judy Holst. In addition, Sue Pallin and Deb Leonard filled in as able guest members during the Claudettes’ popular “March of P.J. Glisson/Daily Globe the Toy Soldiers” routine. SANTA and Mrs. Claus, played respectively by Greg Gasman and chief choreographer Claudia Panosso, had no end of adorable backup dancers during Saturday night’s “O What Fun!” show at the Historic Ironwood Theatre. In one routine, Santa’s “Ho, Ho” changed to “Oh, Oh” when Mrs. Claus caught him with Beth Bordner, who was singing the sultry song “Santa Baby.” HIT — page 5 NFC TEAM LOGOS 091011: Team and helmet logos for NFC DECORATINGThese logos WORKSHOP are provided toMercer you Candy for Cane eventuse draws in festivean crowdeditorial By P.J. GLISSON MAKING A sweet a weekend separate from the teams; various sizes; with related stories; ED; ETA 6 p.m. news context only.effort Other at building a uses, includingannual Christmasas a party linking spon- device home Saturday are MERCER – The first com- sored for area children by the Melissa Detray of Iron- bined Candy Cane Christmas Mercer Area Historical Society. on a Web site, or woodin andan her twoadvertisingCelebration was a big successor promotionalThis year, Mercer chamber piece, children, from left, in Mercer Saturday. director Beth Wetzler said both may violate this Riley,entity’s 8, and Rowan, 3.trademarkIn past years, the traditional or othergroups created intellectual a combined They were part of a Candy Cane Christmas parade crowd of more than was planned by a committee for property rights, and100 participants may in a violate your agreementMERCER — page 5 with AP. gingerbread event at Ironwood Township Hall. The event was GCC surveys area business needs sponsored by the Bessemer Public IRONWOOD – Gogebic training needs. Library and super- Community College is conduct- One of the college’s 2018- vised by librarian ing a survey of business and 2019 institutional goals calls Melissa Lupino. industry the region to assess ways in which the college can P.J. Glisson/Daily Globe assist businesses with their GCC — page 5 TODAY INDEX Partly cloudy — Details, page 2 Classifieds . .12-13 75 cents Comics . .11 Sunday Today’s records Snowfall Community . .3 Vol. 100, No. 17 High 31 High 50 (1939) 48 hours to 7 a.m. Education . .6 Low 17 Low -22 (1919) Sunday trace Snow depth 7 in. Obituaries . .5 Year ago today Precipitation Season total 48.9 in. Opinion . .4 High 17 48 hours to 7 a.m. Last year 46.4 in. Low 7 Sunday 0.02 in. Sports . .9-10 l 2 MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2018 AREA / NATION THE DAILY GLOBE • YOURDAILYGLOBE.COM FIVE-DAY FORECASTFOORECAST FOR IRONWOODIRRONWOOD TODAY TUESDAYTUESDAAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAYTHURSSDAY FRIDAY Partly Cloudy Partly CloudyClouudy Mostly Cloudy Chancee Snow Mostly Cloudy 28° 15° 26° 19°199° 30° 23° 28° 25° 30° 22° Winds: Winds: Winds: Winds:Winnds: Winds: 1010 mmphph SSWW 5 mphmph SESE 7 mmphph SSSESE 8 mphmph SWSW 9 mmphph WWSWSW Ontonagon LOCALL OUTLOOK 34/26 Todayy we will see partly cloudy Bergland skies, highg of 228°,8°, humidityy of 68%. 29/18 SouthSouthwesthwest wind 10 mph. The record Wakefield Ironwood high for today is 50° set in 1939. Saxon 28/16 28/15 Marenisco ExpecExpectct partly cloudy skies tonight, 29/17 overnovernightnight low of 15°. Bessemer 27/15 Upson Hurley 28/16 Watersmeet 27/14 28/15 27/14 SUNS AND MOON Mercer 26/12 Manitowish 26/13 SunriseSunri . .........................................................................7:33 a.m. Associated Press Minocqua SunsetSunse . p.m. 25/13 MoonriseMoon . ...............................................................................nrise .......................................................................10:11 a.m. ZAC EVANS, front, and Stephen LaFleur go airborn sledding off a ramp while Deac, MoonsetMoon . ...............................................................................nset......................................................................... 7:21 p.m.p the dog, follows them down the hill at Ardmore Park Soccer Field on Sunday in Winston-Salem, N.C. ALMANAC REGIONALREGIONAL WEATHER NATIONALNAATIONAL WEATHER Yesterday Today Tue. Today Tue. Winter storm causes icy High ......................... temperature.....31 Ashlandd 31/23 pc 33/25 mc ChicagoChicaago 38/25 s 41/29 pc Low ......................... temperature ......17 Duluth 28/15s 26/16 pc DallasDallas 53/34 s 60/49 mc Precipitation ......................... ....... 0.00" Eau ClaireClaaire 34/27 pc 32/24 pc KansasKansaas City 41/28 s 51/34 pc EscanabaEscanabba 26/18pc 29/19 pc Los AngelesA 70/51 mc 67/52 pc roads across swath of South Grand RapidsR 32/24 pc 34/26 mc New YorkY 38/30 s 36/32 s MOON PHASES Green BayB 26/19pc 28/22 pc Orlandondo 63/44 pc 59/46 s CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) presents, decorate the tree, The National Weather Madisonn 31/23 pc 33/26 pc PhoenixPhoennix 73/54 mc 69/49 pc – A massive storm brought watch some football.” Service said a “prolonged FirstFirst FullFull LastLast NewNew MarquetteMarqueette 30/23mc 31/25 mc SeattleSeattlle 47/39 sh 48/42 ra snow, sleet, and freezing Five members of a dive period of snow” began late RhinelanderRhinelaander 25/15 pc 26/18 pc WeatherWeathher (Wx): cl/cloudy; fl/flurries; pc/partly rain across a wide swath of team searched the Neuse Saturday and would last St. Paul 29/16fg 26/19 pc cloudcloudy;dy; mc/mostly cloudy; ra/rain; rs/rain & snowsnow;; s/sunny; sh/showers; sn/snow; ss/snow the South on Sunday – River in Kinston, North until Monday in the region, 12/15 12/2212/29 1/5 Wausauu 24/16 mc 26/18 pc showers; t/thunderstorms; w/windy causing dangerously icy Carolina, for a missing with the heaviest snow roads, immobilizing snow- truck driver Sunday after a expected in northwest LOCAL WINDD CHILL WEATHERW TRIVIA falls and power losses to tractor-trailer ran off a road North Carolina and south- hundreds of thousands of and into the river, WRAL- ern Virginia. Some areas of Avg.Avg. 17° How many raindrops are in people. TV reported . Police just North Carolina and Vir- a thunderstorm?thuunderstorm? ? Accidents on snow-cov- outside of Charlotte said a ginia saw more than a foot ered interstates caused driver died when a tree fell of snow by Sunday after- -20° -10°0° 10° 20° 30° 40° major delays, hundreds of on a moving vehicle. noon. about three million drops. million three about s p o r d n o i l l i m e e r h t t u o b a Wind chill is calculated when the temperaturet falls below 50°F. flights were canceled and Governors and local More than 300,000 One inch of rain contains s n n i a t n o contains c n i a rain r f of o h c n inch i e n One O : r e w s n A This gives a temperature of what ththehe air feels like on the skin. Answer: drivers in North Carolina officials in several states power outages were and Virginia got stuck in declared emergencies reported across the region snow or lost control on icy ahead of the storm cross- with the majority of those patches. Meanwhile, kids ing several Southern states, – about 240,000 – in GIOVANONI’S and the young at heart took which hit portions of North Carolina, according advantage of the early win- North Carolina and Vir- to Parts ter snow with snowball ginia particularly hard. of Alabama, Georgia, Research Our Products On Line! fights, sledding and snow- Virginia State Police South Carolina, Tennessee men.
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