reingruber.qxd 21/11/2011 11:11 Page 291 (Black plate) a l t e n Documenta Praehistorica XXXVIII (2011) Early Neolithic settlement patterns and exchange networks in the Aegean Agathe Reingruber The German Archaeological Institute (DAI), Eurasia Department, Berlin, DE
[email protected] ABSTRACT – The Neolithisation process is one of the major issues under debate in Aegean archae- ology, since the description of the basal layers of Thessalian tell-settlements some fifty years ago. The pottery, figurines or stamps seemed to be of Anatolian origin, and were presumably brought to the region by colonists. The direct linking of the so-called ‘Neolithic Package’ with groups of people lea- ving Central Anatolia after the collapse of the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B resulted in the colonisation model of the Aegean. This view is not supported by results obtained from natural sciences such as archaeobotany, radiocarbon analyses, and neutron activation on obsidian. When theories of social networks are brought into the discussion, the picture that emerges becomes much more differentia- ted and complex. IZVLE∞EK – Proces neolitizacije predstavlja enega glavnih vpra∏anj v okviru razprav v egejski arheo- logiji vsaj od opisa temeljnih plasti naselbin tipa tell v Tesaliji pred 50 leti. Za keramiko, figurine in pe≠atnike se je zdelo, da izvirajo iz podro≠ja Anatolije, in so jih na podro≠je Tesalije prinesli ko- lonisti. Neposredno povezovanje t.i. ‘neolitskega paketa’ s skupino ljudi, ki je zapustila centralno Ana- tolijo po padcu kulture predkerami≠nega neolitika B, je postalo osnova za egejski kolonizacijski mo- del. Ta vidik pa ne podpirajo rezultati iz naravoslovja kot so arheobotanika, radiokarbonske anali- ze in nevronska aktivacijska analiza obsidiana.