Planting for Pollinators By Susi Algrim

Why should we native ? As mentioned in our Gardening for Pollinators handout, native plants are adapted to local soils and climates, they need little fertilizing, and are usually the best sources of nectar and pollen for pollinators. Some native plants also serve as host plants (nurseries) for various native pollinator . Incorporating native wildflowers, shrubs, and trees into any landscape promotes biological diversity by providing shelter, food for wildlife and over-wintering habitats.

Please Note: This is not an exhaustive list of all native plants. These are native plants that are typically found at nurseries or at various seed sources. Prairie = Sun Loving & Woodland = Shade Loving

Prairie Perennials Bloom Common Name Botanical Name Color Height Sun Exposure & Soil Moisture Notes Time Western Yarrow Achillea millefolium June - Sept White 2 - 3 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Agastache Full sun to partial shade, dry Anise Hyssop June - Sept Blue, Purple 2 - 4 ft. foeniculum to medium Agastache Full sun to partial shade, Purple Giant Hyssop July - Oct Purple 6 ft. scrophulariifolia medium Host plant for various Hollyhock Alcea rosea June - Aug White, Pink or Red 6 - 8 ft. Full sun, medium butterfly species. Full sun to shade, dry to Wild Garlic Allium canadense May - July Pink 18 in. medium Full sun to partial shade, dry Nodding Onion Allium cernuum June - Aug Pink 1 - 1.5 ft. to medium Full sun to partial shade, dry Prairie Onion Allium stellatum July - Sept Reddish-Pink 1 - 1.5 ft. to medium Full sun to partial shade, Shining Blue Star Amsonia illustris May Light Blue 2 - 3 ft. medium Full sun to partial shade, Narrow-Leaf Blue Star Amsonia hubrichtii April - May Powdery Blue 2 - 3 ft. medium Full sun to partial shade, dry Host plant for American Field Pussytoes Antennaria neglecta April - June White 6 - 12 in. to medium lady butterflies. Full sun to partial shade, dry Pussytoes Antennaria parlinii April - June White 6 - 12 in. Host plant to medium Plantain Leaf Antennaria April - June White & Pink 6 - 12 in. Full sun, dry to medium Host plant Pussytoes plantaginifolia Full sun to partial shade, Wild Columbine Aquilegia canadensis April - May Pink/Yellow/Red 2 - 3 ft. medium Arnoglossum Full sun to partial shade, dry Pale Indian Plantain July - Sept White 7 ft. atriplicifolium to medium Arnoglossum Prairie Indian Plantain June - July White 4 ft. Full sun, medium to wet plantagineum Artemisia White Sage Aug - Sept Yellowish Gray 2 - 3 ft. Full sun, dry to medium ludoviciana Host plant for various Antelope Horns March - Asclepias asperula White, Green 1 - 2 ft. Full sun, dry to medium butterfly species, Milkweed Oct including Monarchs. Full sun to partial shade, dry Tall Green Milkweed Asclepias hirtella June - Aug Purple, Green 2 - 3 ft. Host plant to medium Swamp Milkweed Asclepias incarnata July - Aug White, Pink 4 - 5 ft. Full sun, medium to wet Host plant Asclepias Purple Milkweed May - July Pink to Purple 2 - 3 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Host plant purpurascens Showy Milkweed Asclepias speciosa May - June Purplish Pink 1 - 3 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Host plant Prairie Milkweed Asclepias sullivantii June - July Pink 2 - 3 ft. Full sun, medium to wet Host plant

Common Milkweed Asclepias syriaca June - Aug Pink/Mauve/White 2 - 3 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Host plant

Yellow to Red- Butterfly Milkweed Asclepias tuberosa June - Aug 1 - 2.5 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Host plant Orange Full sun to partial shade, dry Whorled Milkweed Asclepias verticillata June - Sept White 1 - 2.5 ft. Host plant to medium 1.5 - 2.5 Spider Milkweed Asclepias viridis May - July Green with Purple Full sun, dry to medium Host plant ft. Astragalus Full sun to partial shade, dry Host plant for various Canada Milk Vetch June - Aug Cream 1 - 3 ft. canadensis to medium butterfly species. Host plant for various Full sun to partial shade, dry White False Indigo Baptisia alba April - May Creamy White 2 - 4 ft. butterfly and moth to medium species. Full sun to partial shade, dry Blue False Indigo Baptisia australis May - June Indigo Blue 3 - 4 ft. Host plant to medium Full sun to partial shade, dry Plains Wild Indigo Baptisia bracteata April - June Creamy White 2 - 2.5 ft. Host plant to medium Yellow with Chocolate Flower Berlandiera lyrata May - Oct 1 - 2 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Maroon Brickellia Full sun to partial shade, dry False Boneset July - Oct White to Yellow 1 - 4 ft. eupatorioides to medium Host plant for various Bush's Poppy Mallow Callirhoe bushii June - Aug Magenta 1 - 1.5 ft. Full sun, dry to medium butterfly species. Fringed Poppy Mallow Callirhoe digitata May - Sept Magenta 2 - 4 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Host plant

Purple Poppy Mallow Callirhoe involucrata May - June Magenta 6 - 12 in. Full sun, dry to medium Host plant

Full to partial sun, dry to Wild Hyacinth Camassia scilloides May - June Blue 2 ft. medium Pink, Purple or Full sun to partial shade, Rose turtlehead Chelone obliqua July - Sept 2 - 3 ft. White medium to wet Fremont's Leather Full sun to partial shade, Clematis fremontii April - May Purple/White 1 - 1.5 ft. Flower medium Comandra Host plant for buckeye Bastard Toadflax May - July White 3 - 18 in. Full sun, dry umbellata butterflies. Conoclinium Full sun to partial shade, Blue Mistflower July - Oct Blue 1 - 3 ft. coelestinum medium Large-Flowered Coreopsis May - Aug Yellow 1.5 - 2 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Tickseed grandiflora Lanceleaf Coreopsis Coreopsis lanceolata May - July Yellow 1 - 2 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Prairie 1.5 - 2.5 Coreopsis palmata May - July Yellow Full sun, dry to medium Coreopsis/Tickseed ft. Tall Tickseed Coreopsis tripteris July - Sept Yellow 2 - 8 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Threadleaf Coreopsis Coreopsis verticillata June - Sept Yellow 2.5 - 3 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Coryphantha Pincushion Cactus May - Aug Pink 1 - 5 in. Full sun, dry vivipara Host plant for various White Prairie Clover Dalea candida May - July White 1 - 2 ft. Full sun, medium butterfly species. Purple Prairie Clover Dalea purpurea June - Aug Rose/Purple 1 - 3 ft. Full sun, medium Host plant Delphinium Tall Larkspur July - Sept Purple blue 4 - 6 ft. Full sun, medium exaltatum Desmanthus Illinois Bundleflower June - Aug White 2 - 3 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Nitrogen fixing. illinoensis Narrow-Leaf Echinacea Host plant for June - July Pink/Purple 2 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Coneflower angustifolia checkerspot butterflies. Pale Purple Full sun to partial shade, dry Echinacea pallida June - July Pale purple 2 - 3 ft. Host plant Coneflower to medium Yellow Coneflower Echinacea paradoxa June - Aug Yellow 2 - 3 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Host plant Full sun to partial shade, dry Purple Coneflower Echinacea purpurea June - Aug Purplish Pink 2 - 5 ft. Host plant to medium Engelmannia Engelmann's Daisy May - July Yellow 2 ft. Full sun, dry peristenia Eryngium Rattlesnake Master June - Sept Greenish-white 4 - 5 ft. Full sun, dry to medium yuccafolium Eupatorium Full sun to partial shade, Mist Flower July - Oct Blue violet 1.5 - 3 ft. coelestinum medium Eupatorium Full sun to partial shade, American Boneset July - Sept White 4 - 6 ft. perfoliatum medium to wet Eupatorium Full sun to partial shade, Joe Pye Weed July - Sept Mauve pink 5 - 7 ft. purpureum medium 12 - 18 Host plant for admiral Flowering Spurge Euphorbia corollata June - Aug White Full sun, dry to medium in. butterflies. Full sun to partial shade, Dwarf Joe Pye Weed Eutrochium dubium July - Sept Mauve Purple 3 - 4 ft. medium to wet White then Red Full sun to partial shade, Wild Strawberry Fragaria virginiana April - May 3 - 18 in. Berries medium Full sun to partial shade, Queen of the Prairie Filipendula rubra June - Aug Pink 6 - 8 ft. medium to wet Geranium Wild Geranium April - May Pink/Lilac 1.5 - 2 ft. Full sun to full shade, medium maculatum Reddish Prairie Smoke Geum triflorum May - July 6 - 18 in. Full sun, dry Pink/Purple Glandularia Full to partial sun, dry to Rose Verbena May - Aug Pink to Purple 6 - 18 in. canadensis medium Common Sneezeweed Helenium autumnale Aug - Oct Yellow 3 - 5 ft. Full sun, medium to wet Helianthus Host plant for various Maximilian Sunflower Aug - Sept Yellow 3 - 10 ft. Full sun, dry to medium maximiliani butterfly species. Ashy Sunflower Helianthus mollis July - Sept Yellow 2 - 4 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Host plant Helianthus Western Sunflower Aug - Sept Orange-Yellow 2 - 4 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Host plant occidentalis Helianthus Showy Sunflower July - Sept Yellow 5 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Host plant pauciflorus Willow-leaved Helianthus Sept - Oct Yellow 8 - 10 ft. Full sun, medium Host plant Sunflower salicifolius Heliopsis Oxeye Sunflower June - Aug Orange & yellow 3 - 6 ft. Full sun, dry to medium helianthoides Heuchera Full sun to partial shade, dry Prairie Allum Root June - July Green 1 - 2 ft. richardsonii to medium Rose Mallow Hibiscus lasiocarpos July - Oct White & Pink 3 - 7 ft. Full sun, medium to wet Smooth Rose Mallow Hibiscus laevis Aug - Sept White & Magenta 4 - 6 ft. Full sun, medium to wet Hypericum Full to partial sun, medium to Great St. John's Wort July - Aug Yellow 6 ft. pyramidatum wet Ipomopsis Scarlet Gilia Aug - Oct Red 3 ft. Full sun, dry to medium aggregata Bluish Full sun to Partial shade, Zig-zag Iris Iris brevicaulis June 9 - 12 in. Purple/Yellow medium to wet Full sun to partial shade, Crested Iris Iris cristata April Blue with Yellow 6 - 10 in. medium Full sun to partial shade, Copper Iris Iris fulva May - June Copper/Red 2 - 3 ft. medium to wet Iris virginica var. Blue Violet with Wild Blue Flag Iris June 1.5 - 2 ft. Full sun, medium to wet shrevei Yellow Full sun to partial shade, dry Bush Clover Lespedeza capitata July - Sept White & Magenta 2 - 4 ft. to medium Liatris spp. are the Rough Blazing Star Liatris aspera Aug - Oct Purple 2 - 3 ft. Full sun, dry to medium primary nectar source for many pollinators. Meadow Blazing Star Liatris lingulistylis July - Sept Purple 1 - 3 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Excellent nectar source Dotted Blazing Star Liatris punctata Aug - Sept Purple 6 - 30 in. Full sun, dry to medium Excellent nectar source Prairie Blazing Star Liatris pycnostachya July - Aug Lilac Purple 2 - 5 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Excellent nectar source Eastern Blazing Star Liatris scariosa Aug - Oct Reddish-Purple 2 - 4 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Excellent nectar source Marsh Blazing Star Liatris spicata July - Aug Purple 3 ft. Full sun, medium to wet Excellent nectar source Scaly Blazing Star Liatris squarrosa July - Sept Purple 1 - 2.5 ft. Full sun, dry Excellent nectar source Full sun to partial shade, Cardinal Flower Lobelia cardinalis July - Sept Red/White/Rose 2 - 4 ft. medium to wet Full sun to partial shade, Blue Lobelia Lobelia siphilitica July - Sept Blue 2 - 3 ft. medium to wet Full sun to partial shade, dry Pale-Spiked Lobelia Lobelia spicata May - Aug Purple 2 ft. to medium Winged Loosestrife Lythrum alatum June - Sept Purple 3 ft. Full sun, medium to wet Monarda Full sun to Partial shade, dry Eastern Bee Balm May Pink/White/Purple 1 - 2 ft. bradburiana to medium Full sun to partial shade, dry Wild Bergamot Monarda fistulosa July - Sept Pink/Lavender 2 - 4 ft. to medium Full sun to partial shade, dry Spotted Horsemint Monarda punctata July - July White/Peach 1.5 - 2 ft. to medium Water Lily Nymphaea odorata June - Sept White & Yellow 1 in. Full sun, water garden Oenothera Host plant for sphinx Missouri Primrose May - Aug Yellow 8 - 12 in. Full sun, dry to medium macrocarpa moths. Stiff Goldenrod Oligoneuron rigidum Aug - Oct Yellow 1.5 - 5 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Prickly Pear Opuntia humifusa June - July Yellow 6 - 12 in. Full sun, dry Great Plains Prickly 12 - 18 Opuntia polyacantha June - July Orange/Yellow/Red Full sun, dry Pear in. Full sun to partial shade, Golden Ragwort obovata April - June Yellow 1 - 1.5 ft. medium to wet Biennial, short-lived Prairie Ragwort Packera plattensis May - June Yellow 1 - 3 ft. Full sun to partial shade, dry perennial; Readily reseeds. partialhenium Wild Quinine May - Aug White 2 - 4 ft. Full sun, dry to medium integrifolium Greenish Arrow Arum Peltandra virginica April - June 1.5 - 3 ft. Full sun to partial shade, wet White/Yellow Host plant for dotted Purple Beardtongue Penstemon cobaea May White/Pink/Purple 1 - 2 ft. Full sun, dry to medium checkerspot butterflies. Foxglove Beardtongue Penstemon digitalis April - June White 3 - 5 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Host plant Penstemon Large Beardtongue May - June Lavender/Blue 2 - 4 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Host plant grandiflorus 1.5 - 2.5 Full sun to partial shade, dry Pale Beardtongue Penstemon pallidus May - June White Host plant ft. to medium Penstemon Prairie Beardtongue May - June White 1 - 3 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Host plant tubaeflorus Full sun to partial shade, dry Sand Phlox Phlox bifida May Pale Blue to White 4 - 6 in. to medium Full sun to partial shade, Meadow Phlox Phlox maculata Aug - Oct Pinkish-Purple 2 - 3 ft. medium Pink-Purple to Full sun to partial shade, Garden Phlox Phlox paniculata July - Sept 2 - 4 ft. White medium March - Creeping Phlox Phlox subulata Pale Purple 3 - 6 in. Full sun, medium May Physostegia Obedient Plant June - Sept Pink/White 3 - 4 ft. Full sun, medium virginiana Full sun to par shade, dry to Host plant for black Prairie Parsley Polytaenia nuttallii June Yellow 4 ft. medium swallowtail butterflies. Pickerel Plant Pontederia cordata June - Oct Blue 2 - 4 ft. Full sun, water garden Slender Mountain Pycnanthemum Full sun to partial shade, dry July - Sept White 2 - 3 ft. Mint tenuifolium to medium Foliage repellent to Prairie Coneflower Ratibida columnifera June - Sept Yellow & Brown 1 - 3 ft. Full sun, dry to medium deer; long bloom period. Grey-head Coneflower Ratibida pinnata June - Aug Yellow 3 - 5 ft. Full sun, medium Long-Headed Rudbeckia Aug - Sept Yellow 1.5 - 3 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Coneflower columnifera Full sun to partial shade, dry Orange Coneflower Rudbeckia fulgida June - Oct Orange/Yellow 2 - 3 ft. to medium Yellow/Orange & Black-eyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta June - Sept 2 - 3 ft. Full sun, medium Brown Giant Black-Eyed Rudbeckia maxima May - July Yellow 5 - 7 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Susan Missouri Black-eyed Rudbeckia June - Oct Orange/Yellow 2 - 3 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Susan missouriensis Sweet Black-eyed Rudbeckia July - Oct Yellow & Brown 3 - 5 ft. Full sun, medium Susan subtomentosa Brown-eyed Susan Rudbeckia trilobia July - Oct Yellow & Brown 2 - 3 ft. Full sun, medium Lavender/Lilac- Full sun to partial shade, dry Host plant for buckeye Wild Petunia Ruellia humilis May - Oct 1.5 - 2 ft. Blue to medium butterfly. Blue Sage Salvia azurea July - Oct Azure Blue 3 - 5 ft. Full sun, dry to medium March - Texas Stage Salvia greggii Red/Pink/Orange 2 - 5 ft. Full sun, dry Nov Salvia pitcheri Pitcher Sage July - Oct Blue 2 - 4 ft. Full sun, dry to medium 'Nekan' Full sun to partial shade, Lizard’s Tail Saururus cernuus June - Sept White 1 - 2 ft. water garden Resinous Skullcap Scutellaria resinosa May - July Purple-Blue 6 - 12 in. Full sun, dry to medium Three-Leaved Full sun to partial shade, Sedum ternatum April - May White 2 - 6 in. Stonecrop medium Host plant for sulfur Wild Senna Senna marilandica July - Aug Yellow 3 - 6 ft. Full sun, medium butterflies. Full sun to partial shade, dry Royal Catchfly Silene regia July - Aug Scarlet 2 - 4 ft. to medium Full sun to partial shade, dry Fire Pink Silene virginica April - June Red 1 - 1.5 ft. to medium Silphium Rosinweed July - Sept Yellow 2 - 6 ft. Full sun, medium integrifolium Compass Plant Silphium laciniatum July - Sept Yellow 4 - 9 ft. Full sun, medium

Cup Plant Silphium perfoliatum July - Sept Yellow 4 - 8 ft. Full sun, medium to wet

Silphium Prairie Dock July - Sept Yellow 3 - 10 ft. Full sun, medium terebinthinaceum Sisyrinchium Full sun to partial shade, Blue-Eyed Grass May - June Blue 1.5 - 2 ft. angustifolium medium Full sun to partial shade, dry Blue-Stem Goldenrod Solidago caesia Aug - Sept Yellow 1.5 - 3 ft. to medium Canadian Goldenrod Solidago canadensis Aug - Oct Yellow 4 - 5 ft. Full sun, medium Solidago Cliff Goldenrod Aug - Sept Yellow 1.5 - 3 ft. Full sun, dry to medium drummondii Full sun to partial shade, Broad Leaf Goldenrod Solidago flexicaulis July - Sept Yellow 1 - 3 ft. medium Full sun to partial shade, dry Gray Goldenrod Solidago nemoralis Aug - Sept Yellow .5 - 2 ft. to medium Stiff Goldenrod Solidago rigida Aug - Sept Yellow 3 - 5 ft. Full sun, medium Fireworks Goldenrod Solidago rugosa Sept - Oct Yellow 2.5 - 3 ft. Full sun, medium to wet Showy Goldenrod Solidago speciosa July - Sept Yellow 3 - 4 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Elm-Leaf Goldenrod Solidago ulmifolia July - Oct Yellow 1 - 3 ft. Full sun, medium Sphaeralcea Host plant for small Scarlet Globemallow May - Aug Red/Orange 1 - 1.5 ft. Full sun, dry areas coccinea checkered skippers. Desert Prince's Plume Stanleya pinnata June - Sept Yellow 3 - 5 ft. Full sun, dry areas Symphyotrichum Full sun to partial shade, dry Host plant for various Drummond Aster Aug - Oct Lavender & Yellow 3 - 4 ft. drummondii to medium butterfly species. Symphyotrichum Heath Aster Aug - Oct White & Yellow 1 - 3 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Host plant ericoides Symphyotrichum Smooth Aster Sept - Oct Purple & Yellow 2 - 4 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Host plant laeve Symphyotrichum White & Full sun to partial shade, Calico Aster Sept - Oct 2 - 3 ft. Host plant lateriflorum Red/Purple medium Symphyotrichum New England Aster Aug - Sept Deep Pink-Purple 3 - 6 ft. Full sun, medium Host plant novae-angliae Symphyotrichum Aromatic Aster Aug - Sept Blue/Purple 1 - 3 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Host plant oblongifolium Symphyotrichum Azure Aster Sept - Oct Blue with Yellow 2 - 3 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Host plant oolentangiensis Symphyotrichum Lavender with Silky Aster Aug - Oct 1 - 2 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Host plant sericeum Yellow Full sun to shade, dry to Host plant for Yellow Pimpernel Taenidia integerrima May - July Yellow 3 ft. medium swallowtail butterflies. Flameflower Talinum calycinum July Purple/Pink 10 in. Full sun, dry to medium Four-Nerve Daisy Tetraneuris scaposa May - Sept Yellow 8 in. Full sun, medium to wet Water Canna Thalia dealbata July - Aug Violet 4 - 10 ft. Full sun, water garden Thaspium trifoliatum Full sun to shade, dry to Host plant for Meadow Parsnip May - July Yellow 2 ft. flavum medium swallowtail butterflies. Tradescantia Full sun to Partial shade, dry Prairie Spiderwort May - July Blue 1 - 2 ft. occidentalis to medium Tradescantia Full sun to partial shade, dry Ohio Spiderwort May - July Blue to Purple 2 - 3 ft. ohiensis to medium March - Shortstem Spiderwort Tradescantia tharpii Purple 8 - 18 in. Full sun, dry to medium April Host plant for various American Vervain Verbena hastata July - Sept Purplish-Blue 1 - 2.5 ft. Full sun, medium to wet butterfly species. Hoary Vervain Verbena stricta May - Sept Blue-Purple 2 - 4 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Host plant Spreads by rhizomes, Western Ironweed Vernonia baldwinii July - Sept Purple 3 - 5 ft. Full sun, dry to medium attracts late summer butterflies and bees. Prairie Ironweed Vernonia fasciculata July - Sept Purple 2 - 4 ft. Full sun, medium to wet Veronicastrum Full sun to partial shade, Culver’s Root June - Aug White to Pale Blue 4 - 7 ft. virginicum medium to wet March - Host plant for fritillary Bird's Foot Violet Viola pedata Lilac Purple 3 - 6 in. Full sun, dry to medium May butterflies. Yucca Yucca filamentosa July - July Creamy White 2 - 8 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Full sun to partial shade, Host plant for black Meadow Zizia Zizia aptera May Yellow 1 - 3 ft. medium swallowtail butterflies. Full sun to partial shade, Golden Alexander Zizia aurea May - June Yellow 1.5 - 3 ft. Host plant medium

Prairie Vines Bloom Sun Exposure & Soil Common Name Botanical Name Color Height Notes Time Moisture Aristolochia 20 - 30 Full sun to partial shade, Host for pipevine Pipevine May - June Greenish Yellow tomentosa ft. medium swallowtail butterflies. 35 - 50 Full sun to partial shade, Cross Vine Bignonia capreolata May - June Orange-Red ft. medium 25 - 40 Full sun to partial shade, Trumpet Creeper Campsis radicans July Orange, Red ft. medium White to Yellow; Red 15 - 20 American Bittersweet Celastrus scandens May - June Full sun, medium Berries ft. 12 - 36 Full sun to partial shade, Grape Ivy Cissus trifoliata May - Sept Green ft. medium 12 - 20 Full sun to partial shade, Woodbine Clematis virginiana Aug - Oct White ft. medium to wet Limber Honeysuckle Lonicera dioica April - May White/Yellow 5 - 10 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Lonicera Trumpet Honeysuckle May - June Scarlet/Orange/Yellow 8 - 15 ft. Full sun, medium sempervirens partialhenocissus 30 - 50 Full sun to partial shade, Virginia Creeper May - Aug Green/Bronze quinquefolia ft. medium Full sun to partial shade, Host plant for fritillary Passion Flower Passiflora incarnata July - Sept White/Purple 6 - 8 ft. medium butterflies. 15 - 30 American Wisteria Wisteria frutescens April - May Lilac Purple Full sun, medium ft.

Prairie Grasses/Sedges Bloom Common Name Botanical Name Color Height Sun Exposure & Soil Moisture Notes Time Big Bluestem Andropogon gerardii Sept - Feb Purplish-Red 4 - 6 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Bouteloua Sideoats Grama July - Aug Purple 1.5 - 3 ft. Full sun, dry to medium curtipendula Blue Grama Grass Bouteloua gracilis June - Aug Reddish-Purple .75 - 2 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Buffalo Grass Buchloe dactyloides June - Aug Green 3 - 8 in. Full sun, dry to medium Full sun to partial shade, dry to Plains Oval Sedge Carex brevior June - July Green/Gold 1 ft. medium Porcupine Sedge Carex hystericina June Green 3 ft. Full sun, medium to wet Full sun to shade, medium to Hop Sedge Carex lupulina June - Aug Green 3 ft. wet Full sun to partial shade, Tussock Sedge Carex stricta May - June Reddish-Brown 1 - 3 ft. medium to wet Fox Sedge Carex vulpinoidea May to July Green 1 - 3 ft. Full sun to partial shade, wet Chasmanthium Full sun to partial shade, Northern Sea Oats Aug - Sept Green 2 - 5 ft. latifolium medium to wet Canada Wild Rye Elymus canadensis July - Sept Green 2 - 5 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Purple Lovegrass Eragrostis spectabilis July - Aug Reddish-Purple 1 - 2 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Yellowish 12 - 18 Common Rush Juncus effusus June - Aug Full sun to shade, wet soils Green in. Prairie June Grass Koeleria macrantha May - June Light Green 1 - 2 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Muhlenbergia Pink to Pinkish- Full sun to partial shade, dry to Pink Muhlygrass Sept - Nov 2 - 3 ft. capillaris Red medium Full sun to partial shade, Switch Grass Panicum virgatum July - Feb Pink-tinged 3 - 6 ft. medium to wet Schizachyrium Host plant for delaware Little Bluestem Aug - Feb Purplish-Bronze 2 - 4 ft. Full sun, dry to medium scoparium skippers. Light Indian Grass Sorghastrum nutans Sept - Feb 3 - 5 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Brown/Yellow Full sun to partial shade, Prairie Cord Grass Spartialina pectinata July - Aug Yellow-brown 4 - 7 ft. medium to wet Sporobolus Prairie Dropseed Aug - Oct Pink/Brown 2 - 3 ft. Full sun, dry to medium heterolepis Tripsacum Purple (F), Full sun to partial shade, Eastern Gama Grass May - Sept 4 - 8 ft. dactyloides Orange (M) medium

Prairie Shrubs Bloom Common Name Botanical Name Color Height Sun Exposure & Soil Moisture Notes Time Host plant for various Lead Plant Amorpha canescens July - Sept Purple, Blue 2 - 3 ft. Full sun, dry to medium butterfly and moth species. Purple with False Indigo Amorpha fruticosa April - June 4 - 12 ft. Full sun, medium to wet Host plant Orange Black Chokeberry Aronia melanocarpa May White 3 - 6 ft. Sun to Partial shade, medium Full sun to partial shade, American Beautyberry Callicarpa americana June - Aug Lavendar/Pink 3 - 6 ft. medium Full sun to partial shade, Sweetshrub Calycanthus floridus April - July Brown 6 - 10 ft. medium Ceanothus Full sun to partial shade, dry New Jersey Tea May - July White 3 - 4 ft. americanus to medium Cephalanthus Sun to Partial shade, medium Host plant to various Buttonbush June White 5 - 12 t. occidentalis to wet moth species. Cornus asperifolia Full sun to partial shade, dry Roughleaf Dogwood May - July White 8 - 15 ft. var. drummondii to medium 10 - 15 Full sun to partial shade, Gray Dogwood Cornus racemosa May - June White ft. medium March - Brown (M), Red 10 - 16 Full sun to partial shade, American Hazelnut Corylus americana April (F) ft. medium Rubber Rabbitbrush Ericameria nauseosa July - Oct Yellow 4 - 7 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Euonymus 12 - 20 Full sun to partial shade, Eastern Wahoo June Dark Purple atropurpureus ft. medium Hamamelis 15 - 20 Full sun to partial shade, Witch Hazel Oct - Dec Yellow/Orange virginiana ft. medium Full sun to partial shade, Ozark Witch Hazel Hamamelis vernalis Jan - April Yellow with Red 6 - 10 ft. medium Shrubby St. John’s Hypericum Full sun to partial shade, June - Aug Yellow 1 - 5 ft. Wort prolificum medium Full sun to partial shade, Deciduous Holly Ilex decidua May White 7 - 15 ft. medium Full sun to partial shade, Inkberry Ilex glabra May - June Greenish-White 5 - 8 ft. medium to wet Full sun to partial shade, Winterberry Holly Ilex verticillata June - July Greenish-White 3 - 12 ft. medium to wet Sun to Partial shade, medium Virginia Sweetspire Itea virginica May - June White 3 - 5 ft. to wet Full sun to partial shade, Host plant for swallowtail Spicebush Lindera benzoin March Greenish-Yellow 6 - 12 ft. medium butterflies. Philadelphus Full sun to partial shade, dry Little Leaf Mockorange May - June White 4 - 6 ft. microphyllus to medium Physocarpus Full sun to partial shade, dry Ninebark May - June White or Pink 5 - 10 ft. opulifolius to medium Polygonella American Jointweed July - Oct Pink/Rose/White 2 - 4 ft. Full sun to partial shade, dry americana March - Western Sandcherry Prunus besseyi White 4 - 6 ft. Full sun, medium May Full sun to partial shade, dry Winged Sumac Rhus copallinum July - Aug Greenish 7 - 15 ft. to medium Sun to Partial shade, dry to Fragrant Sumac Rhus aromatica April Yellow 2 - 6 ft. medium Full sun to partial shade, dry Smooth Sumac Rhus glabra June Yellowish-Green 9 - 15 ft. to medium 15 - 25 Full sun to partial shade, dry Staghorn Sumac Rhus typhina June - July Greenish-Yellow ft. to medium Full sun to Partial shade, Golden Currant Ribes odoratum April Yellow 6 - 12 ft. medium Pasture Rose Rosa carolina May Pink 3 - 6 ft. Full sun, medium to wet Full sun to Partial shade, Prairie Rosebush Rosa setigera June Pink - Whitish 6 - 12 ft. medium to wet Full sun to Partial shade, dry Black Raspberry Rubus occidentalis May - June White/Pink 6 - 12 ft. to medium Full sun to Partial shade, dry Host plant for various Prairie Willow Salix humilis April - May Green 3 - 8 ft. to medium butterfly species. American Black Sambucus Full sun to partial shade, June - July White 5 - 12 ft. Elderberry canadensis medium to wet Symphoricarpos Full sun to partial shade, Snowberry June - July Pink 3 - 6 ft. albus medium Arrowwood Full sun to partial shade, Viburnum dentatum May - June White 6 - 10 ft. Virburnum medium 14 - 18 Full sun to partial shade, Nannyberry Viburnum Viburnum lentago May White ft. medium Viburnum 12 - 15 Full sun to partial shade, dry Blackhaw Viburnum May - June White prunifolium ft. to medium 10 - 20 Full sun to partial shade, dry Rusty Blackhaw Viburnum rufidulum April - May White ft. to medium

Prairie & Woodland Annuals Bloom Sun Exposure & Soil Common Name Botanical Name Color Height Notes Time Moisture Campanula Partial to full shade, dry to Tall Bellflower July - Oct Blue 5 ft. americana medium Host plant for various Chamaecrista Full sun to partial shade, dry Partridge Pea June - Oct Yellow 1 - 3 ft. sulfur butterflies. fasciculata to medium Nitrogen fixing. Full to partial sun, dry to Prairie Thistle Cirsium discolor Aug - Oct Purple 6 ft. medium Full sun to partial shade, Plains Coreopsis Coreopsis tinctoria April - June Yellow & Brown 1 - 3 ft. medium to wet Croton Host plant for leafwing Goatweed April - Sept White 1 - 3 ft. Full sun, dry to medium monanthogynus butterflies. Dasistoma Mullein-Foxglove June - Sept Yellow 7 ft. Partial to full shade, medium Favorite for bumblebees macrophylla Dracopis Partial shade, medium to Clasping Coneflower April - July Yellow & Red 1 - 3 ft. amplexicaulis wet Eryngium Full sun to partial shade, False Purple Thistle July - Sept Purple 1.5 - 4 ft. leavenworthii medium Establishes easily from Full sun to partial shade, dry Blanket Flower Gaillardia pulchella June - Oct Red/Yellow/Brown 1 - 2 ft. seed. Grows as annual, to medium biennial or perennial. Plant is toxic to Full sun to full shade, dry to Indian Tobacco Lobelia inflata July - Oct Blue 2 ft. mammals, humans medium included. Full sun to partial shade, dry Grows as annual, biennial Lemon Mint Monarda citriodora May - Aug Purple/Pink/White 1 - 2.5 ft. to medium or perennail. Full sun to partial shade, dry Host plant for buckeye Dward Plantain Plantago virginica May - June Greenish-White 6 - 12 in. to medium butterflies.

Woodland Perennials Bloom Common Name Botanical Name Color Height Sun Exposure & Soil Moisture Notes Time Birds love the berries 1.5 - 2.5 White Baneberry pachypoda May - June White Partial to full shade, medium however berries are ft. poisonous to humans Birds love the berries Black Cohosh June - July White 4 - 6 ft. Partial to full shade, medium however berries are poisonous to humans Birds love the berries Partial to full shade, medium to Red Baneberry Actaea rubra April - May White 2 ft. however berries are wet poisonous to humans White Snakeroot Ageratina altissima July - Oct White 2 ft. Partial to full shade, medium Sun to partial shade, dry to Thimbleweed Anemone virginiana April - May White 1 - 2 ft. medium Anemonella Partial to full shade, dry to Rue Anemone April - June Pink 6 in. thalictroides medium Partial to full shade, medium to Spikenard Aralia racemosa July - Aug Green 4 ft. wet Partial to full shade, medium to Jack-in-the-Pulpit Arisaema triphyllum April - May Green/Purple 1 - 2 ft. wet Sun to full shade, medium to Goat’s Beard Aruncus dioicus April - May White 4 - 6 ft. wet Partial to full shade, medium to Wild Ginger Asarum canadense April - May Purplish-Brown 6 - 12 in. wet Partial to full shade, medium to Hairy Wood Mint Blephilia hirsuta July - Sept White 3 ft. wet Caulophyllum Partial to full shade, medium to Blue Cohosh April - May Green 2 ft. Blue berries. thalictroides wet Black Cohosh Cimifuga racemosa June - July White 2 - 6 ft. Partial to full shade, medium Partial to full shade, medium to Spring Beauty Claytonia virginica April - June Pink 6 - 12 in. wet Cryptotaenia Host plant for swallowtail Honewort July - Sept White 2 ft. Partial to full shade, medium canadensis butterflies. Pointed-Leaved Tick Desmodium Partial to full shade, dry to June - Aug Pink 2 ft. Nitrogen fixing. Trefoil glutinosum medium Partial to full shade, medium to Dutchman's Breeches Dicentra cucullaria April - May White, Pink 1 ft. Early nectar source. wet Dodecatheon White, Pink, Partial to full shade, medium to Shooting Star April - June 8 - 12 in. Early nectar source. meadia Purple wet White with Partial to full shade, dry to Woodland Aster Eurybia divaricata Aug - Sept 1 - 2.5 ft. Yellow/Red medium Eutrochium Sweet Joe Pye Weed July - Sept Pink 4 - 7 ft. Partial to full shade, medium purpureum American Ipecac Gillenia stipulata May - June White/Light Pink 2.5 - 3 ft. Partial shade, medium Full sun to partial shade, Indian Psychic Gillenia trifoliatus May - July White 2 - 4 ft. medium 60 - 80 Kentucky Coffee Tree Gymnocladus dioica May - June Greenish-White Full sun, medium ft. Partial to full shade, dry to Sharp-Lobed Hepatica Hepatica acutiloba April - May White/Pink/Blue 4 - 8 in. medium Blue to Round Liverleaf Hepatica americana March 6 - 8 in. Partial shade, medium Lavendar/White March - False Rue Anemone Isopyrum biternatum White 6 - 12 in. Partial to full shade, medium June Maianthemum White with Red False Solomon's Seal April - May 2 - 3 ft. Partial shade, medium racemosum Berries March - Virginia Bluebells Mertensia virginica Blue 1.5 - 2 ft. Partial to full shade, medium April Wild Sweet William Phlox divaricata April - May Pink/Blue/Indigo 8 - 12 in. Partial to full shade, medium Prairie Phlox Phlox pilosa May - July Pink to Purple 1 - 1.5 ft. Partial shade, medium Podophyllum Mayapple April White 1 - 1.5 ft. Partial to full shade, medium peltatum/reptans Full sun to partial shade, Jacob’s Ladder Polemonium reptans April - June Light Blue 1 - 1.5 ft. medium Polygonatum Partial to full shade, medium to Solomon’s Seal April - May Greenish White 1 - 3 ft. biflorum wet Sanguinaria March - Bloodroot White/Pink 6 - 8 in. Partial to full shade, medium canadensis April Host plant for buckeye Scrophularia Partial to full shade, dry to butterflies. Especially Early Figword May - July Red, Green 5 ft. lanceolata medium important nectar source for native pollinators! Host plant for buckeye Scrophularia Partial to full shade, medium to butterflies. Especially Late Figwort July - Oct Red, Green 6 ft. marilandica wet important nectar source for native pollinators! .5 - 2.5 Full sun to shade, medium to Golden Ragwort aureus April Yellow ft. wet Full sun to partial shade, Squaw-Weed Senecio obovatus April - June Yellow. 1 - 1.5 ft. medium to wet Stylophorum Partial to full shade, medium to Celadine Poppy April - June Yellow 1 - 1.5 ft. diphyllum wet Early Meadow Rue Thalictrum dioicum April - May Green 2 ft. Partial to full shade, medium Foam Flower Tiarella cordifolia May White/Pink 8 - 12 in. Partial to full shade, medium Tradescantia Partial to full shade, medium to Woodland Spiderwort April - May Rose/Blue/Purple 1 - 2 ft. ernestiana wet

Wood Lily Trillium grandiflorum April - June White 1 - 1.5 ft. Partial to full shade, medium

Large-Flowered Uvularia grandiflora April - May Yellow 1.5 - 2 ft. Partial to full shade, medium Bellwort

Woodland Grasses/Sedges Bloom Common Name Botanical Name Color Height Sun Exposure & Soil Moisture Notes Time Cedar Sedge Carex albicans May White/Green 1 - 1.5 ft. Partial to full shade, medium Yellowish Eastern Star Sedge Carex radiata April - May 2 - 2.5 ft. Partial shade, medium to wet Green Partial shade to full shade, dry Rosy Sedge Carex rosea Aug - Oct Green 1 ft. to medium Deschampsia Gold, Purple, Tufted Hair Grass July - Sept 2 - 3 ft. Partial shade, medium cespitosa Green Non- Full sun to partial shade, Horsetail Equisetum hyemale Non-Flowering 2 - 4 ft. Flowering medium to wet

Woodland Shrubs Bloom Common Name Botanical Name Color Height Sun Exposure & Soil Moisture Notes Time 10 - 15 Full sun to partial shade, Gray Dogwood Cornus racemosa May - June White ft. medium March - Leatherwood Dirca palustris Pale Yellow 4 - 6 ft. Partial to full shade, medium April Euonymus May to Strawberry Bush Green/Yellow 4 - 6 ft. Partial shade, medium Red berries americanus June Hydrangea Smooth Hydrangea June - Sept White 3 - 5 ft. Partial shade, medium arborescens Hydrangea White to Full sun to partial shade, Oakleaf Hydrangea May - July 6 - 8 ft. quercifolia Purple/Pink medium Full sun to partial shade, Virginia Sweetspire Itea virginica May - June White 3 - 5 ft. medium to wet 15 - 25 Full sun to partial shade, Indian Cherry Rhamnus caroliniana May - June Creamy Green Red berries ft. medium Rhododendron Roseshell Azalea May - June Rose-Lilac 2 - 8 ft. Partial shade, medium Evergreen shrub roseum Partial to full shade, dry to Host plant for comma Wild Gooseberry Ribes missouriense April - May White mdium butterflies. 10 - 15 Partial to full shade, dry to Bladdernut Staphylea trifolia April - May Greenish-White ft. medium 14 - 18 Full sun to partial shade, Nannyberry viburnum Viburnum lentago May White ft. medium

Trees Bloom Common Name Botanical Name Color Height Sun Exposure & Soil Moisture Notes Time March - Greenish- Box Elder Acer negundo 30 - 50 ft. Full sun, medium to wet April Yellow Greenish- Full sun to partial shade, Silver Maple Acer saccharinum March 50 - 80 ft. Yellow medium to wet Full sun to partial shade, Sugar Maple Acer saccharum April Greenish 40 - 80 ft. medium Greenish- Full sun to partial shade, Western Buckeye Aesculus glabra April - May 20 - 40 ft. Yellow medium March - Full sun to partial shade, Serviceberry Amelanchier arborea White 15 - 25 ft. April medium Full sun to partial shade, Host plant for zebra Pawpaw Tree Asimina triloba April - May Purple 15 - 30 ft. medium to wet swallowtail butterflies. Brown (M), Full sun to partial shade, Host plant for admiral River Birch Betula nigra April - May 40 - 70 ft. Green (F) medium to wet butterflies. Full sun to partial shade, Bitternut Hickory Carya cordiformis April - May Green 50 - 80 ft. medium to wet Greenish- Pecan Carya illinoinensis April - May 75 - 100 ft. Full sun, medium Yellow Greenish- Full sun to partial shade, Shellbark Hickory Carya laciniosa April - May 60 - 80 ft. Yellow medium to wet American Chestnut Castanea dentata June Yellow-White 50 - 75 ft. Full sun, medium Full sun to partial shade, Host plant to various Hackberry Celtis occidentalis April - May Green 40 - 60 ft. medium to wet butterfly species. March - Redbud Cercis canadensis Pink 15 - 36 ft. Full sun to shade, medium May Chionanthus Full sun to partial shade, Fringe Tree May - June Cream White 12 - 20 ft. virginicus medium Yellow Wood Cladrastis kentukea May White 30 - 50 ft. Full sun, medium White to Full sun to partial shade, dry to Ripe fruits are sweet Persimmon Diospyros virginiana May - June 35 - 60 ft. Green/Yellow medium and edible. Host plant for White Ash Fraxinus americana April - May Purplish 60 - 80 ft. Full sun, medium swallowtail butterflies. Gleditsia Greenish- Honey Locust May - June 60 - 80 ft. Full sun, medium triancanthos Yellow Yellowish- Black Walnut Juglans nigra May - June 75 - 100 ft. Full sun, medium Green Non- Host plant for Red Cedar Juniperus virginiana Non-Flowering 30 - 65 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Flowering hairstreak butterflies. Liriodendron Tulip Tree May - June Yellow/Orange 60 - 90 ft. Full sun, medium tulipifera Prairie Crabapple Malus ioensis May - June White/Pink 30 - 75 ft. Full sun, medium March - Full sun to partial shade, Red Mulberry Morus rubra Green 35 - 50 ft. April medium Full sun to partial shade, Black Gum Tree Nyssa sylvatica May - June Greenish-White 30 - 50 ft. medium to wet Red-Brown (M), Full sun to partial shade, Ironwood Tree Ostrya virginiana April 25 - 40 ft. Green (F) medium Yellow (M), Red American Sycamore Platanus occidentalis April 75 - 100 ft. Full sun, medium to wet (F) March - Red (M), Green Cottonwood Populus deltoides 50 - 80 ft. Full sun, medium to wet April (F) Full sun, American Aspen Populus tremuloides April 20 - 50 ft. Full sun, medium medium Full sun to partial shade, dry to Host plant for various Wild Plum Prunus americana March White 15 - 25 ft. medium butterfly species. Full sun to partial shade, moist Chickasaw Plum Prunus angustifolia Spring White 4 - 20 ft. Host plant areas Full sun to partial shade, Black Cherry Tree Prunus serotina April - May White 50 - 80 ft. Host plant medium Full sun to partial shade, dry to Chokecherry Prunus virgiana April - May White 6 - 14 ft. Host plant medium Partial shade to full shade, dry Host plant for Hop Tree Ptelea trifoliata June Greenish White 15 - 20 ft. to medium swallowtail butterflies. Host plant for various Yellow-ish White Oak Quercus alba May 50 - 80 ft. Full sun, dry to medium butterfly and moth Green species. Yellowish- Bur Oak Quercus macrocarpa April 60 - 80 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Host plant Green Quercus Yellowish- Chinkapin Oak April 40 - 60 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Host plant muehlenbergii Green Yellowish- Red Oak Quercus rubra May 50 - 75 ft. Full sun, dry to medium Host plant Green March - Yellowish- Full sun to partial shade, Host plant for admiral Black Willow Salix nigra 30 - 60 ft. April Green medium to wet butterflies. Greenish- Full sun to partial shade, Host plant for Sassafras Sassafras albidum April - May 30 - 60 ft. Yellow medium swallowtail butterflies. Non- Bald Cypress Taxodium distichum Non-Flowering 50 - 70 ft. Full sun, medium to wet Flowering Full sun to partial shade, American Linden Tilia americana June Pale Yellow 50 - 80 ft. medium Host plant for various March - American Elm Ulmus americana Reddish-Green 60 - 80 ft. Full sun, medium moth and butterfly April species. Zanthoxylum Yellowish- Full sun to partial shade, Host plant for Prickly Ash Tree April 15 - 20 ft. americanum Green medium swallowtail butterflies.

Nurseries and Seed Sources Retail Source Location Website What they sell Applied Ecological Baldwin City, KS Quality native, local-genotype seed, plants and trees Services Bluebird Nursery, Wholesale supplier of perennials, herbs, grasses and wildflowers to Clarkson, NE Inc. garden centers, landscapers, parks and zoos. De Lange Seed, Inc. Girard, KS Wildflower and grass seeds native to Kansas. Dyck Arboretum of Hesston, KS FloraKansas plant sale. the Plains Feyh Farm Seed Family farm producing native grasses, cool season grasses, millets, Alma, KS Company and wildflowers. Grimm's Gardens Hiawatha, KS Native plants that are suitable for landscaping. Hamilton Seeds Hamilton, MO Native grasses and wildflowers of the Midwest. Kansas Native Plants Topeka, KS Seeds for a variety of Kansas native plants. Missouri Wildflowers Jefferson City, MO Native plants in the Midwest. Nursery Prairie Moon Nursery Winona, MN Seeds, plants, and information on native plants of the Midwest. Prairie Nursery, Inc Westfield, WI Seeds for a large selection of native plants and seeds. Prairie Pride Plants Wichita, KS Container-grown native wildflowers, grasses, trees, and shrubs. Sharp Bros. Seed Co. Healy, KS Native wildflower and grass seeds. Star Seed Osborne, KS Native grass and wildflower seeds. Vinland Valley Baldwin City, KS Native plants that also have ornamental value. Nursery

Sources K-State Research and Extension - Johnson County Master Gardener Kansas Native Plant Society (GREAT RESOURCE) Kansas Wildflowers & Grasses Grow Native! Natural Kansas Xerces Society Missouri Botanical Garden Plant Finder Butterflies and Moths of North America Native Plant Database