Play Factory May Not Fold, Offici'al Says ~N the ORION Chico State Student Wins $5,000

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Play Factory May Not Fold, Offici'al Says ~N the ORION Chico State Student Wins $5,000 ., .' l.. I' '\, Vol!Ji11e 15, Issue 5 October 9, 1985 ./ California .-.----State . U~iv~rsity, Chico. Play Factory may not fold, offiCi'al says by Steve Bomar Sporta Editor Gerald Stairs, Chico State Provost, yestGl'duy dcnill<1 that Play Factory, i tllC' university' B popular recl'c!ltionlll , program 'niIl Cellse operations fO!IQwj'l[~ thiosomestor. : St.;:lli-f;. whose former title W~IS vi-::e presidBnL for academic nffr,irs, sllid he WStl "surpdaoo" by the news of i~lay F!!.ctc,:/s discontinuance as repo~ted in l(;~t Wf'(;!l:'l) Chic!) News and .'., ~ ;". '.I . "'.i'·herG are r.o plans to discc~tinuc -.' Piny Factory," said St!lirs. "lts:early .J!" ," death husbecn greatly exaggerated." The .Ni!UI!I and R:!View had reported - ~hat, most of Play Factory's Ctctivities . Touch football Is only one of the many activities available through Play Factory WOll!d C':;~~ee ~l, I-Jo·.·. l,and that the . '.. '.' ;.e~I);:.rle:r·~lf; the-~gncn~ ""~~d~~-·~:;~th·;t~;:~::"G·~~;ii~~~t.:~:;;'''.:;:;.;J'r:~7:~·.').;;;i-i;;~'f~<~.'.~.:;~: ..... :'::~.~ .. ~, :-.:< ". .. ao.m·;;:. i ct,. ~·t.;';;.::,.•. b·Rflir..t..?n.tL .,_..,all.,~ . ;:;.;:m:l"I;(l~-: •. QI;--t 8 .an .' O! .••:e w;,,,t can bt . .-1anr., Ilbiiii t "bnigei I'::" ~ ."""2" 'h6-- .<'~.' ... ~ t''j'" '''''''''In.', <'I' ~ . 3t~!!.. !~il(·t'. !lui::~!: r.n:;, ::;nJ.", j. ~U\:"v semester.'" . --- . -' . .z. , •• .; II .. •• : .,.t~ ... &'''1",:",''''''"''' "; .1.. ~. ~..... ..' OJ . t' al .. _.1 th t' the' matters, he prefers not to comment on yenra, Flay Facto:.'j·wClw-.. i:."') Bt:rong~r mp.mi>l,r. Tne s ory eo stRwu .61 m th'~' II ~h 't h b . The Play FacU,ry program hDs boen .• '. ,.' dS' d ,; .. 'f e!ll~uBtlona8we . ~ anI nsever oon. pa~~. h.!lflO .• tue~t; aC~lvltJ. ee. Miller was Bcheduled to meet with "We've /Jot to all sit down together Ilt Chico State for 12 years. I t consists n:b'IOll\:)~r tt?t.1'II:ng 'la~t'rl' .• 18,000. M.d AS. Controller Mike Skillman and hammer aut some long· term . of lEi different [JP~ts and over 80 l~ 0 f c." t . 'PIa';}i'c€:n ms t.ruro.,;nta m t operetlCn yesterday a f temoon. h'.] e~L. h e Bill.'d "w'e va got.... 0 Ch ur t a. activities, ranging from the popular : ~. B~ h aRc.o? p F' ... , .. ~ Skillman wall unavailable ror 3·n YCll course to tat a n~vr level of. fleg' football to 8E>lobico . - 0- U3!1. - lIlY ac\.ory UJJ. e.:tor, . t cd b tl t II It if] cl3timated tilut Men yeui' over C. d '.' comment wnen can 'act y' Ie 8UPP'"r ' •. con.lIm~ tint. the· program ha::! Orion. Ho·trever, he added t.hilt in the future half of all Cl-ico State students par­ . hlways I~a~ :undmg trom tha AS, as . Stairs admitted that "the budget is Nay;:" actory 'm&Y have to reduce BOIne ticipato in a Play FactolY activity. well as \lllel feeD. d bIt' "t >nff . 'd h h A '-__ ked t not. at! strong ae It nee B to e. 8 or J g 5 ...... B U t R USB SIll e au ut>2n as no ; (PI ) li ..1 It tl has 8' Btaff of· five Sc'C Factory [Iage 25 to comment on the cun'ent situation ay Factory a very COD;lP cateu UtlB curren y - by the Dean of Education, Ed Miller. Miller el..-plain.ed that until he meets Lottery pays off after five tries ,.,1 ~N THE ORION ChicO State student wins $5,000 .' 'by Steve Bomar · mutch for fate, which was seemingly were winnert;l. ,', News notes ....................... 6 Sports Editor with Batman from the very start. Finally, on a whim, just; os they were AfLllr (miving home from a wookend leaving the store, BatmlUl decided to I.: purc.haBe one final ticket. With it he .,1 I Yo~'re liable to hear quite a few spent in Redding at 11:30 p.m. Sun­ ) AS news ...................· ........ 7 : Btories like this one in the near future, WJY, riatman and his roommate Mas hit paydlrt. , 80 you'd better get used to it. Bingo decided to go' out for a few Said Batman, "The clerk didn't, " Campus Quotes .................. 8 , beera, know what to do. He hod to loo!c it up ,I Dan Batman walked into tho Seven· · They spent roughly an hour at a in his book." Batman tipped him :310 ; Eleven cOll\~enience store early , local bar, and than headed for home. for his troubles. Oplnlons ......................... 10 : Monday mommg at 101 Main Street As they drove pest the Seven· Batman said he plano to uaa the . in Chico to get a bag of potato chips, · Eleven, Bingo suggeetod stopping by money he will receive, "to put myself through school," though he added he Letters ............................11 he walked out 85,000 richer. to pkk up 80me chips, but Batman doclinoo: .' may "make Ii Ren.o trip" with part of And no, he wasn't carrying a han· Only .aftor they had passed by the it. Events calendar ................18 dgun. .. store did Batman have a change of Clilifornin Jackpot is iar ahead of ito Batman, a' 22·year-old accounting heart. prQjected schedulo. Over 50 million Entertalnment. .................. 20 major at Chico State, became one of Tll!Jj' turned around and headed tickets hllve moody w,n Bold. the 10,002 Californians who will win back toward the store where they . To play you must scratch off the six. $5,000 in the first edition of · bought' theu- chips wid Batman . "pot of money' ~ symbols on your ticlwt Sports ........................ : ....24 "California Jackpot" - more com· purchllscd two lottery tickets. .. "to reveal the prize amounts un· monly referred to as simply The The two tickets netted one winner - dernoat.h. If throo' prize amounts match, you're an instant wiI:.ner. Classified ........................ 30 - Lottery. ' for $2. Batman redeemed the $2 ticket for SCI! Willner page;; Odds of nearly 40,OO()'1 ware no two mora tickets, neither of which' '. 'J' . " .1 I -. 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0ctober9,1985' Produce ,legend Carcione sticks to P-Week student The Green Grocer: his peas and q's at Chico Expo task force gets underway by J. Earl McGaw years." Staff Writer Carcione revealed the secrets of picking a good watermelon. by Tony a SparlteB Above the drone of the crowd "You pick it up and slap it. It Staff Writer at the Chico Exposition you hear a dull sound, put it back Saturday, a distinctive, scratchy until you get one with a sharp Pioneer Week is one of the voice pierced the air: "A green cracking sound. That's your oldest and most popular Chico pineapple isn't worth 5 cents." good melon." State traditions. Many students This is the gospel, according to Lacking Bruce Springsteen's choose to attend the university Joe. stage presence, and Carl Sagan's just to be a part of this famous Joe Carcione, the command of the English celebration. "Greengrocer," a fresh produce language, Carcione nonetheless Over a 71-year period, Pioneer legend whose name is delighted the crowd with Week has evolved from a one-day synonymous with everything anecdotes and stories, conveying 'event designed to attract new from apples to zucchini, spoke to a manner and personality that 'students, into a week-long ex­ a crowd of about 100 people at was ss fresh as the produce he travaganza. Events include a the Silver Dollar Fairgrounds on espouses. rodeo, parade, and concert. Saturday. Carcione commented on eating , Chico State President Robin Some of those in· attendance healthy foods. "Young people Wilson has been openly con­ wanted to know how to choose can eat nails and digest them, cerned with the direction of the right melon. Others wanted but the older you get the more Sl Pioneer Week celebrations in 1;0 leo.m of the potential risks and careful you have to be, which is '" past years. As a result, he has benefits of using elephant garlic why you should eat a lot of fresh ~ helped form a task force ~ spaghetti sauce, and still fruits." < designed to integrate others just wanted to see a There is a generation p-ap in 'l: modifications into Pioneer Week. celebrity in person and maybe the kitchen, according to Car­ r3 As Associated Students have their picture taken with cione who expressed haughty ~ Director of Programs and him. contempt for the relatively .c Organizations, part of Michelle Regardless of their motives, recent surge in microwave ~ Lemos' duties includes selecting everyone in attendance walked cooking. c:; the chairman and organizing away with an increased .. About the only thing a committee of Pioneer Week. awareness of leafy greens, microwave is good for is heating Consequently, leadership of the seedless grapes, coconuts, and a good plate of leftover ,Joe Carcione visits Chico task force fell to her. I virtually anything that comes spaghetti. Committee members include off a tree or from the ground. "I cook a potato in the con­ least one healthy, tasty and sauce in the world." AS President Sue Elrod, AS Carcione knows his vegetables. ventional oven and I enjoy it. I inexpensive solution to the Adding Italian dried Director of Academic Affairs "I don't tell you how to pick cook a potato in the "Ragu syndrome." mushrooms will make that same Debbie Kirk. past president of out fresh fruit like the USDA microwave._.I don't enjoy it," he .. A nice big plate of spaghetti sauce "absolutely special," he the Pioneer Week committee would, or like the industry tells adds_ with a simple sauce is my said.
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