University of Prince Edward Island Faculty of Education ED 456G Intermediate / Senior Social Studies I (3 credits) Spring/Summer 2014 Course Syllabus: Instructor: Casey Burkholder, Faculty of Education. Class time: Mondays and Wednesdays, (June 11th – July 16th). Class location: MH 417. Office hours: Please contact the instructor by e-mail to set up an appointment. Email:
[email protected] Course Description: This methodology course is intended for pre-service intermediate and senior school teachers to begin to think about the practice of teaching social studies in PEI, inclusive of: Canadian studies, history, economics, geography, global studies, law, and citizenship education. The goal of this course is to encourage students to become reflective and inquisitive secondary educators, by investigating historical ideas and moments, notions of law, economy, and citizenship, and geographical places and spaces as explored in the PEI intermediate/secondary social studies curriculum. As described on the UPEI website, “this course promotes dynamic teaching methods and inclusive approaches to inspire learners in grades 7-12 and to elevate the quality of teaching and learning through Social Studies at the Intermediate/Senior levels. Grounded in the needs of twenty-first century learners, this course offers concrete ways to create more vibrant, engaging, playful, supportive and inviting environments for this core curriculum area to give all learners dignity and honour their diverse ways of learning” (see: 1 Learning Outcomes In ED 456, learners will understand: • That they should have a clear sense of the diversity of courses that make up Social Studies curricula within PEI, inclusive of: Canadian studies, history, economics, geography, global studies, law, and citizenship education.