Publications by, with and about Marshall McLuhan: Books, Articles, multimedia. . .

Books (Co-)authored or (Co-)edited by Marshall in Canadian University Paperbacks series by the same publisher. McLuhan Translated into French by Jean Paré and published as La Galaxie Gutenberg: la genèse de I’homme typographique. Montréal: Hur- 1951 tubise HMH, 1967; Paris: Gallimard, 1977, 2 vols. Published in : Folklore of Industrial Man. New York: Germany, 1968 ~ Stockholm, 1969 ~ Japan, 1968 ~Spain, 1969 Vanguard Press, 1951, reissued in hard cover in 1967; London: and elsewhere—twenty-two translations in all [by 1977]. Routledge & Kegan-Paul, 1967; Corte Madera, CA: Gingko Press, 2002. Published in Japanese (translation by Isaka Manabu) by 1964 Takeuchi Shoten, Tokyo, Japan, 1968. : The Extensions of Man. New York: Mc- Graw-Hill, 1964; paperback edition by same publisher, Spring, 1954 1965. Signet paperback edition, November, 1966. MIT Press Selected Poetry of Tennyson. Edited by Marshall McLuhan. New edition, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1994, with an introduction York: Rinehart, 1954. by Lewis Lapham. 1964 edition translated into French by Jean Paré and published as Pour comprendre les media: les prolonge- 1960 ments technologiques de I’homme, Montréal: Hurtubise HMH, Explorations in : An Anthology. Edited by Ed- 1968; reissued in a new edition (Bibliotheque Québécoise 36) in mund Carpenter and Marshall McLuhan. Boston: Beacon Press, 1993. Translated in more than twenty languages. Published in 1960. Italy, 1967 ~ Norway, 1968 ~ Denmark, 1967 ~ Sweden, 1967 ~ Report on Project in Understanding New Media. Prepared for and England, 1967 ~ Germany, 1968 ~ Japan, 1968 ~ Finland, 1968 published by The National Association of Educational Broadcast- ~ Spain, 1968 ~ France, 1968 ~ Mexico, 1969 ~ Sao Paulo/Brazil, ers for the Department of Education, Washington, D.C., 1960. 1969 ~ Utrecht/Netherlands, 1969. (137 pp.) 1964 & 1965 1962 Voices of Literature. Two volumes. Coedited with Richard J. : The Making of Typographic Man. Toronto: Schoeck. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Vol. I in 1964 Press, 1962, 293 pages. Paperback edition and Vol. II in 1965.

Compiled by: G.-Lynne Alexandrova [email protected]  CCL 2007 [email protected] Publications by, with and about Marshall McLuhan: Books, Articles, multimedia. . .

1965-1971 1968 Patterns of Literary Criticism. General Editors: Marshall McLu- Through the Vanishing Point: Space in Poetry and Painting. With han, R. J. Schoeck, Ernest Sirluck. University of Chicago Press, . New York: Harper & Row, 1968. 1965-1971. Series of 10 volumes. War and Peace in the : An Inventory of Some of the Current Spastic Situations That Could be Eliminated by More 1967 Feedforward. With Quentin Fiore and Jerome Agel. New York: McLuhan: Hot & Cool. A Primer for the Understanding of and a Bantam, 1968. Reprinted, New York: Touchstone Books, 1989; Critical Symposium with a Rebuttal by McLuhan. Edited by Gerald Gingko Press, 2001. Translated into French as Guerre et paix dans Emanuel Stern. New York: Dial Press, 1967. New York: The New le village planetaire: un inventaire de quelques situations spas- American Library, 1969. Thirty-one selections include reprinted es- modiques courantes qui pourraient être supprimées par le feedfor- says (in whole or in part) from Howard Luck Gossage, Tom Wolfe, ward. Montréal: Hurtubise HMH, 1970; Paris: Laffont, 1970. John Culkin, Walter Ong, Dell Hymes, Frank Kermode, George Steiner, Susan Sontag, and five selections from McLuhan’s writings. 1969 The book concludes with the transcript of a dialogue between the Counterblast. With Harley Parker. New York: Harcourt, Brace editor and McLuhan, originally published in Encounter in June and World, 1969. Translated into French by Jean Paré. Montréal: 1967, wherein McLuhan responds to commentaries on his work Hurtubise, 1972; Paris: Mame, 1972. from some of the other contributors to the volume. The Interior Landscape: The Literary Criticism of Marshall McLu- The Medium Is the Massage: An Inventory of Effects. With Quen- han 1943-1962. Edited by Eugene McNamara. New York: Mc- tin Fiore and Jerome Agel. New York: Bantam, 1967, hard cover. Graw-Hill, 1969. Published by Claasen Verlag GmbH, Dusseldorf, Reprinted, Gingko Press, 2001. Translated into French and Germany, 1974. published as Message et massage. Montréal: Hurtubise HMH, Mutations 1990. Book of selected essays by Marshall McLuhan 1968. The book was published in England by Penguins, 1967 ~ published by Maison Mame, France. The book includes “What France, 1968 ~ Germany, 1969 ~ Buenos Aires, 1969 ~ Italy, 1968 TV Is Really Doing to Your Children”, “Great Changeovers For ~ Japan, 1968. You”, “The Future of Education”, “The Future of Sex.”Translation [ Verbi-Voco-Visual Explorations. New York: Something Else Press, by Francois Chesneau, see section Other Works, year 1967 below]. 1967. (Reprint of Explorations, no. 8.) Published by Editions HMH, Montreal, 1969 ~ Holland, 1970.

 Publications by, with and about Marshall McLuhan: Books, Articles, multimedia. . .

1970 1978 Voices of Literature: Sounds, Masks, Roles, Volume III, Marshall The Possum and the Midwife, [text of McLuhan lecture on Ezra McLuhan and R. J. Schoeck. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Win- Pound.] Moscow: University of Idaho Press, 1978. ston, 1970. Culture Is Our Business. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1970. 1987 From Cliche to Archetype. With Wilfred Watson. New York: Images from the Film Spiral. Selected by Sorel Etrog with text by Viking, 1970. Translated into French by Marshall McLuhan. Toronto: Exile Editions, 1987. and published as Du cliché a I’archétype: lafoire du sens. Montréal: Letters of Marshall McLuhan. Selected and edited by Matte Mo- Hurtubise HMH, 1973; Paris: Mame, 1973. Translated into Ital- linaro, Corinne McLuhan, and William Toye. Toronto: Oxford ian by Francesca Valente and Carla Pezzini and published as Dal University Press, 1987. cliche all’archetipo: I’uomo tecnologico nel villaggio globale. 1988 1972 Laws of Media: The New Science. With Eric McLuhan. Toronto: Take Today: The Executive as Drop Out. With Barrington Nevitt. University of Toronto Press, 1988. New York: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich Inc., 1972, 304 pp. To- ronto: Longman Canada Limited, 1972. 1989 1977 The Global Village: Transformations in World Life and Media in Autre homme autre chretien à I’age électronique. With Pierre the 21st Century. With Bruce R. Powers. New York: Oxford Uni- Babin. Lyon: Editions du Chalet, 1977. versity Press, 1989. City as Classroom: Understanding Language and Media. With Eric McLuhan and Kathryn Hutchon. Toronto: Book Society of 1995 Canada Limited, 1977. Essential McLuhan. Edited by Eric McLuhan and Frank Zingrone. D’oeil à oreille. Translation by Derrick de Kerckhove of articles by Toronto: Anansi, 1995. and interviews with McLuhan. Montréal: Hurtubise, 1977.

 Publications by, with and about Marshall McLuhan: Books, Articles, multimedia. . .

Other Works by Marshall McLuhan 1937 1930 “The Cambridge English School”. The Fleur de Lis [Saint Louis “Macaulay: What a Man!” The Manitoban (University of Mani- University student literary magazine] (1937), 21-25. toba student newspaper), October 28, 1930. 1938 1933 “Peter or Peter Pan”. The Fleur de Lis, May 1938, 7-9. “Canada and Internationalism”. The Manitoban, December 1, Review of The Culture of Cities by Lewis Mumford. The Fleur de 1933. Lis, December 1938, 38-39. “George Meredith”. The Manitoban, November 21, 1933. “German Character”. The Manitoban, November 7, 1933. 1940 “Germany and Internationalism”. The Manitoban, October 27, Review of Art and Prudence by Mortimer J. Adler. The Fleur de 1933. Lis, October 1940. “Germany’s Development”. The Manitoban, November 3, 1933. “Apes and Angles”. The Fleur de Lis, December 1940, 7-9. Public School Education. The Manitoban, October 17, 1933. 1941 1934 Review of Poetry and the Modern World by David Daiches. The George Meredith as a Poet and Dramatic Novelist. M.A. thesis, Fleur de Lis, March 1941. University of Manitoba, 1934. Review of American Renaissance by F. O. Matthiessen. The Fleur “Adult Education”. The Manitoban, February 16, 1934. de Lis, October 1941. “De Valera”. The Manitoban, January 9, 1934. “The Groupers”.The Manitoban, January 23, 1934. 1943 “Morticians and Cosmeticians”. The Manitoban, March 2, 1934. The Place of Thomas Nashe in the Learning of His Time. Ph.D. dis- “Not Spiritualism but Spiritism”. The Manitoban, January 19, 1934. sertation, Cambridge University, April 1943. “Tomorrow and Tomorrow”. The Manitoban, May 16, 1934. “Aesthetic Patterns in Keats’ Odes”. University of Toronto Quarterly 12/2 (Jan. 1943), 167-179. Reprinted in Eugene McNamara, ed., The 1936 Literary Criticism of Marshall McLuhan 1943-1962 (1969), 99-113. “G. K. Chesterton: A Practical Mystic”. The Dalhousie Review 15 “Education of Free Men in Democracy: The Liberal Arts”.St. (1936), 455-464. Louis Studies in Honor of St. Thomas Aquinas Vol. I, 1943, 47-50.

 Publications by, with and about Marshall McLuhan: Books, Articles, multimedia. . .

“Herbert’s Virtue”. The Explicator 1/2 (Oct. 1943), 4. Reprinted 1946 in L. G. Locke, W. M. Gibson, and G. Arms, eds., Readings for “An Ancient Quarrel in Modern America” (Sophists vs. Gram- Liberal Education, 534-535. New York: Rinehart, 1948. marians). The Classical Journal 41/4 (Jan. 1946), 156-162. Re- printed in Eugene McNamara, ed., The Literary Criticism of 1944 Marshall McLuhan 1943-1962 (1969), 223-234. “Dagwood’s America”. Columbia 23 (Jan. 1944) 3, 22. “Footprints in the Sands of Crime”. Sewanee Review 54/4 (Octo- “Edgar Poe’s Tradition”. Sewanee Review 52/1 (Jan. 1944), 24-33. ber 1946), 617-634. Reprinted in Eugene McNamara, ed., The Literary Criticism of “Out of the Castle into the Counting-House”. Politics, September Marshall McLuhan 1943-1962 (1969), 211-221. 1946, 277-279. “Poetic vs. Rhetorical Exegesis. The Case for Leavis against Rich- Review of William Ernest Henley by Jerome Hamilton Buckley. ards and Empson”. Sewanee Review 52/2 (April 1944), 266-276. Modern Language Quarterly 7 (1946), 368-370. “Eliot’s The Hippopotamus”.The Explicator 2/7 (May 1944), 50. “Kipling and Forster”. Sewanee Review 52/3 (July 1944), 332-343. 1947 “Henley’s Invictus”. The Explicator 3/3 (Dec. 1944), 22. “Time, Life and Forune”. View Magazine (Spring 1947), 33-37. “Wyndham Lewis: Lemuel in Lilliput”. Saint Louis Studies in “American Advertising”. Horizon 93-94 (October 1947), 132-141. Honor of St. Thomas Aquinas2 (1944), 58-72. Reprinted in Eric McLuhan and Frank Zingrone, eds., Essential McLuhan (1995), 13-20, Toronto: Anansi. 1945 “Inside Blake and Hollywood”. Sewanee Review 55 (Oct. 1947), “The Analogical Mirrors”. InGerard Manley Hopkins: The Kenyan 710-715. Critics Edition, 15-27. Norfolk, CT: New Directions Books, 1945. Introduction to Paradox in Chesterton by Hugh Kenner, 11-22. Reprinted in G. H. Hartman, ed., Hopkins, 1966. Reprinted in Eu- New York: Sheed and Ward, 1947. gene McNamara, ed., The Literary Criticism of Marshall McLuhan “Mr. Connolly and Mr. Hook”. Review of The Condemned Play- 1943-1962 (1969), 63-73. ground. [Essays 1927-1944 by Cyril Connolly and Education for Mod- “The New York Wits”.Kenyan Review 7/1 (1945), 12-28. ern Man by Sidney Hook.] Sewanee Review 55/1 (July 1947), 167-172. “Another Aesthetic Peep-Show”. Review of The Aesthetic Adventure “The Southern Quality”.Sewanee Review 55 (July, 1947), 357- by William Gaunt. Sewanee Review 53 (Autumn 1945), 674-677. 383. Reprinted in Allen Tate, ed., A Southern Vanguard: The John

 Publications by, with and about Marshall McLuhan: Books, Articles, multimedia. . .

Peale Bishop Memorial Volume, 100-121. New York: Prentice Hall, 1951 1947. Reprinted in Eugene McNamara, ed., The Literary Criticism “John Dos Passos: Technique vs. Sensibility”. In Charles Gardiner, of Marshall McLuhan 1943-1962 (1969), 185-209. ed., Fifty Years of the American Novel: A Christian Appraisal, 151-164. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1951. Reprinted in 1948 Eugene McNamara, ed., The Literary Criticism of Marshall McLu- “Henry IV, A Mirror for Magistrates”. University of Toronto Quar- han 1943-1962 (1969), 49-62. terly 17 (January 1948), 152-160. “American Novel Through 50 Years: John Dos Passos”.America “On Herbert’s Virtue”. L. G. Locke, W. M. Gibson, and G. Arms, 85/3 (June, 1951), 332-334. eds., Readings for Liberal Education, 534-535. New York: Rine- “The Folklore of Industrial Man”.Neurotica 8/3 (Spring, 1951), hart, 1948. (op. cit. 1943) 3-20. (Abstracted from The Mechanical Bride: A Folklore of Indus- trial Man (1951) - see section on books) 1949 Review of three books on Ezra Pound. Renascence 3/2 (1951), “The ‘Colour-Bar’ of BBC English”.Canadian Forum 29 (April 200-202. 1949), 9-10. “Joyce, Aquinas and the Poetic Process”. Renascence 4/1 (1951), “Mr. Eliot’s Historical Decorum”. Renascence 2/1 (Autumn 1949), 3-11. 9-15. Reprinted in Renascence 25/4 (1972-1973), 183-189. “A Survey of Joyce Criticism”. Renascence 4/1 (1951), 12-18. “Tennyson and Picturesque Poetry”. Essays in Criticism 1/3 (July 1950 1951), 262-282. Reprinted in Eugene McNamara, ed., The Literary “Pound’s Critical Prose”. In Peter Russell, ed., Examination of Ezra Criticism of Marshall McLuhan 1943-1962 (1969), 135-155. Pound: A Collection of Essays, 165-71. London: Peter Nevill, 1950. Reprinted in Eugene McNamara, ed., The Literary Criticism of 1952 Marshall McLuhan 1943-1962 (1969), 75-81. “Advertising as a Magical Institution”. Commerce Journal [Univer- Book review of Essays in Criticism 1920-1948 by R. W. Stallman. sity of Toronto Commerce Club] (January 1952), 25-29. University of Toronto Quarterly (Jan. 1950), 211-212. “The Aesthetic Moment in Landscape Poetry”. In Alan Downe, “T. S. Eliot” [Review of eleven books about Eliot]. Renascence 3/1 ed., English Institute Essays, 1951, 168-181. New York: Columbia (Autumn 1950), 43-48. University Press, 1952. Reprinted in Eugene McNamara, ed., The

 Publications by, with and about Marshall McLuhan: Books, Articles, multimedia. . .

LiteraryCriticism of Marshall McLuhan 1943-1962 (1969), 157-167. 1953), 75-98. Reprinted in Eugene McNamara, ed., The Literary “Defrosting Canadian Culture”. American Mercury 74/339 (March Criticism of Marshall McLuhan 1943-1962 (1969), 23-47. 1952), 91-97. “The Later Innis”.Queen’s Quarterly 60/3 (1953), 385-94. Review of Word Index to James Joyce’s Ulysses by Miles L. Hanley. “The Poetry of George Herbert and Symbolist Communication”. Renascence 4/2 (Spring 1952), 186-187. Thought, Autumn 1953. Review of The Poetry of Ezra Pound by Hugh Kenner. Renascence “Wyndham Lewis: His Theory of Art and Communication”. 4/2 (Spring 1952), 215-117. Shenandoah 4/2-3 (Autumn 1953), 77-88. Reprinted in Eugene Review of Auden: An Introductory Essay by Richard Hoggart. McNamara, ed., The Literary Criticism of Marshall McLuhan Renascence 4/2 (Spring 1952), 220-221. 1943-1962 (1969), 83-94. “Technology and Political Change”. International Journal 7/3 “Culture without Literacy”. Explorations: Studies in Culture and (Summer 1952), 189-195. 1 (Dec. 1953), 117-127. Reprinted in Eric “Baseball Is Culture”. CBC Times, October 25, November 1, and McLuhan and Frank Zingrone, eds., Essential McLuhan, 302-313. November 8, 1952. [Publication of Professor McLuhan’s talk on a Toronto: Anansi, 1995. CBC Wednesday Night show] 1954 1953 “Henley’s Invictus”. In R. W. Stallman. R. E. Waters, eds., The Review of Light on a Dark Horse: An Autobiography 1901-1935 by Creative Reader: An Anthology of Fiction, Drama, and Poetry, 874- Roy Campbell. Renascence 5/2 (1953), 157-159. 875. New York: Ronald Press, 1954. (Op. cit. 1944) “Maritain on Art”. Renascence 6/1 (1953), 40-44. “Comics and Culture”. In Malcolm Ross, ed., Our Sense of Iden- “Comics and Culture”. Saturday Night 68/1 (Feb. 28, 1953) 19-20. tity: A Book of Canadian Essays, 240-46. Toronto: Ryerson Press, “The Age of Advertising”.Commonweal 58/23 (September 11, 1954. (Op. cit. 1953) 1953), 555-557. “Catholic Humanism and Modern Letters”. In Christian Human- “From Eliot to Seneca”. A Review of George Williamson’s The ism in Letters: The McAuley Lectures, Series 2, 49-67. West Hart- Senecan Amble: A Study in Prose from Bacon to Collier. University ford, CT: St. Joseph College, 1954. of Toronto Quarterly 22/2 (1953), 199-202. “Joyce, Mallarmé, and the Press”. Sewanee Review 62 (1954), 38- “James Joyce: Trivial and Quadrivial”. Thought 28/108 (Spring 55. Reprinted in Eugene McNamara, ed., The Literary Criticism of

 Publications by, with and about Marshall McLuhan: Books, Articles, multimedia. . .

Marshall McLuhan 1943-1962 (Winter 1969), 5-21. Reprinted in 1956 Eric McLuhan and Frank Zingrone, eds., Essential McLuhan, 60- “Educational Effects of Mass Media of Communication”.Teachers 71, Toronto: Anansi, 1995. College Record (March 1956), 400-403. “Media as Art Forms”. Explorations 2 (April 1954), 6-13. “The Media Fit the Battle of Jericho”.Explorations 6 (July 1956), “New Media as Political Forms”. Explorations 3 (August 1954), 15-19. Reprinted in Eric McLuhan and Frank Zingrone, eds., Es- 120-126. sential McLuhan, 298-302. Toronto: Anansi, 1995. “Poetry and Society”. Review of Dream and Responsibility by “Music and Silence”. Review of two books on Joyce. Renascence Peter Viereck. Poetry 84/2 (May 1954), 93-95. 8/3 (1956), 152-153. “Through Emerald Eyes”. Review ofThree Great Irishmen: Shaw, “Stylistic”. Review of Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Yeats, Joyce by Aarland Ussher. Renascence 6/2 (Spring 1954), Western Literature by Erich Auerbach. Renascence 9/2 (Winter 157-158. 1956), 99-100. “The New Languages”.The Chicago Review 10/1 (Spring 1956), 1955 46-52. “Five Sovereign Fingers Taxed the Breath”. Explorations 4 (Febru- ary 1955). Reprinted in Shenandoah 7/1 (Autumn 1955), 50-52. 1957 “Space, Time, and Poetry”. Explorations 4 (February 1955), 56-62. “American Advertising”. In Bernard Rosenburg and David Man- “Radio and Television vs. The ABCED-Minded”.Explorations 5 ning White, eds., Mass Culture: The Popular Arts in America, (June 1955),12-18. 435-442. Glencoe, Illinois Free Press, 1957. (Op. Cit. 1947) “Paganism on Tip-toe”. Review of The Poetry of T. S. Eliot by D. E. “Sight, Sound, and the Fury”. In Bernard Rosenberg and David S. Maxwell”. Renascence 7/3 (Spring 1955), 158. Manning White, eds., Mass Culture: The Popular Arts in America, “Nihilism Exposed”. Review of Wyndham Lewis by Hugh Kenner. 489-95. London: Collier-Macmillan, 1957. Renascence 8/2 (Winter 1955), 97-99. “Coleridge as Artist”. In Clarence D. Thorpe, Carlos Baker, and “An Historical Approach to Media”. Teachers College Record 57/2 Bennett Weaver, eds., The Major English Romantic Poets: A (November 1955), 104-110. Symposium in Reappraisal, 83-99. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1957. Reprinted in Eugene McNamara, ed., The Literary Criticism of Marshall McLuhan 1943-1962 (1969), 115-133.

 Publications by, with and about Marshall McLuhan: Books, Articles, multimedia. . .

“Classical Treatment”. Review of Eliot’s Poetry and Plays by Gro- “Manifestos” ver Smith. Renascence 10/2 (1957), 102-103. “Milton Had His Daughters, I Have My Dictaphone” “Compliment Accepted”. Review of six books on James Joyce. “The Old New Rich and the New New Rich” Renascence 10/2 (1957), 106-108. “Oral-Anal” “David Riesman and the Avant-Garde”. Explorations 7 (March “The Organization Man” 1957), 112-116. “The Pattern of Oral Strategy in the USSR” “Classrooms Without Walls”. Explorations 7 (March 1957), 22-26. “Sherlock Holmes vs. the Bureaucrats” “Jazz and Modern Letters”. Explorations 7 (March 1957), 74-76. “Stress” “Soviet Novels”. With Edmund Carpenter. Explorations 7 (March “Television Murders Telephony” 1957), 123-124. “No Upside Down in Eskimo” “Eternal Ones of the Dream”. With Edmund Carpenter. Explora- “Verbi-Voco-Visual” tions 7, March 1957. (unpaginated) “People of the Word” “The Third Program in the Human Age”.Explorations 8 (October “Picture of the World” 1957), 16-18. “Print as Patterkiller” Other essays in Explorations 8, October 1957 (unpaginated): “Why the CBC Must Be Dull”. Saturday Night 72, February 16, “The Alchemy of Social Change” 1957. “American Model, 1795” “Subliminal Projection on Project”. Canadian Forum 37 (Decem- “The Bathroom Baritone and the Wide-Open Spaces” ber, 1957), 196-97. “The Be-Spoke Tailor” “Classroom TV”. Study Pamphlets in Canadian Education 12, 8pp. “Brain Storming” Toronto: Copp Clark, 1957. “Characterization in Western Art, 1600-1900” “Churchill Mobilizes the English Language” 1958 “Electronics as ESP” “Classic Treatment”. Renascence (Winter 1958), 102-103. “Eminent Extrapolators” “Compliment Accepted”. Renascence (Winter 1958), 106-108. “The Journalist’s Dilemma” “Eliot’s Poetry and Plays”. Renascence 10/2 (Winter 1958). “The Liturgical Review” “One Wheel, All Square”. Review of five books on James Joyce.

 Publications by, with and about Marshall McLuhan: Books, Articles, multimedia. . .

Renascence 10/4 (Summer 1958), 196-200. “Joyce or No Joyce”. Review of Joyce among the Jesuits by Kevin “Communications and Education”. The Basilian Teacher 2/6 Sullivan. Renascence 12/1 (Autumn 1959), 53-54. (March 1958), 11-16. “Myth and Mass Media”. Daedalus 88/2 (Spring 1959), 339-318. “Media Alchemy in Art and Society”. The Journal of Communica- “Analysts’ Statement”. Current Issues in Higher Education, 1959, tion 8/2 (Summer 1958), 63-67. 176-181. (G. Kerry Smith, ed., Washington, D.C. Association for “The Electronic Revolution in North America”. In John Wain, Higher Education.) ed., International Literary Annual No. 1, 165-169. London: John “Printing and Social Change”. Printing Progress: A Mid-Century Calder, 1958. Report by The International Association of Printing House Crafts- “Knowledge, Ideas, Information and Communication”. Yearbook men Inc., Cincinnati (1959), 81-112. of Education (1958), 225-32. “Communication Media — Makers of the Modern Mind”. Com- “Our New Electronic Culture: The Role of Mass Communications munications, 9-22. Published by St. Michael’s College, University in Meeting Today’s Problems”. National Association of Educational of Toronto, re Annual Seminarians’ Conference Aug. 29-31, 1959. Broadcasters Journal (October 1958), 19-20 and 24-26. “Culture Is Our Business”. National Association of Educational 1960 Broadcasters Journal 18/2 (December 1958), 1-5 and 30-34. “Acoustic Space”. With Edmund Carpenter. In Edmund Carpenter Untitled speech with question and answer period added, in and Marshall McLuhan, eds., Explorations in Communication: An Radio: In the Culture of Canada. A national conference sponsored Anthology, 65-70. Boston: Beacon Press, 1960. (Published in Italy, by the British Columbia Asso¬ciation of Broadcasters and the 1966 - Spain, 1968 - Japan, 1968.) Four other articles in the same University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., May 5-9, 1958. publication: Article pp. 4-9, questions and answers pp. 9-14. “Classroom Without Walls” (op. cit. 1957) “Five Sovereign Fingers Taxed the Breath” (op. cit. 1955) 1959 “Media Log” “Virgil, Yeats, and 13,000 Friends”. Review of On Poetry and Poets “The Effect of the Printed Book on Language in the 16th by T. S. Eliot. Renascence 11/2 (Winter 1959), 94-95. Century” “Yeats and Zane Grey”. Review of The Letters of William Butler “New Media and the New Education”. In J. S. Murphy ed., Christi- Yeats, edited by Allan Wade. Renascence 11/3 (Spring 1959), 166-68. anity and Culture, 181-190. Helicon, 1960. [Also appeared under

10 Publications by, with and about Marshall McLuhan: Books, Articles, multimedia. . .

title “Electronics and the Changing Role of Print,” op. cit. 1960.] “Around the World, Around the Clock”. Review of The Image “Electronics and the Changing Role of Print”. Audio-Visual Com- Industries by William Lynch. Renascence 12/4 (Summer 1960), munication Review 8/5 [Fred Harcleroad ed., The Education of the 204-205. AV Communication Specialist, the proceedings of a DAVI semi- “Romanticism Reviewed”. Review of Romantic Image by Frank nar] (Sept./Oct. 1960), 74-83. Kermode. Renascence 12/4 (Summer 1960), 207-209. “Grammar for the Newer Media”. In Shoemaker-Forsdale, ed., “Flirting with Shadows”. Review of The Invisible Poet: T. S. Eliot by Communication in General Education, 17-27. Dubuque, Iowa: Hugh Kenner. Renascence 12/4 (Summer 1960), 212-214. Wm. C. Brown Company, 1960. “The Personal Approach”. Review ofShakespeare and Company by “The Medium is the Message”.Forum [Houston] (Spring 1960), Sylvia Beach. Renascence 13/1 (Autumn 1960), 42-43. 19-24. “Melodic and Scribal”. Review of Song in the Works of James Joyce “Myth and Mass Media”. In Henry A. Murray ed., Myth and by J. C. Hodgart and Mabel P. Worthington. Renascence 13/1 Mythmaking, 288-299. New York: Braziller, 1960. (op. cit. 1959) (Autumn 1960), 51. “Tennyson and Picturesque Poetry”. In John Kilham ed., Critical “The Effects of the Improvement of Communication Media”.Jour - Essays on the Poetry of Tennyson, 67-85. London: Routledge and nal of Economic History 20 (Dec. 1960), 566-75. Kegan Paul, 1960. (op. cit. 1951) “Tennyson and the Romantic Epic”. Critical Essays on the Poetry 1961 of Tennyson, cited above, pp. 86-95. “Producers and Consumers”. Review of James Joyce by Richard “A Critical Discipline”. Review of Wyndham Lewis: A Portrait Ellmann. Renascence 13/4 (Summer 1961), 217-219. of the Artist as the Enemy by Geoffrey Wagner.Renascence 12/2 “The Electric Culture. The Books at the Wake”.Renascence 13/4 (Winter 1960), 93-95. (1961), 219-220. “Another Eliot Party”. Review of T S. Eliot: A Symposium for His “The Humanities in the Electronic Age”.Humanities Associa- Seventieth Birthday, edited by Neville Braybrooke. Renascence tion Bulletin (Canada) 34/1 (Fall 1961), 3-11. Also appeared in 12/3 (Spring 1960), 156-157. Thought From the Learned Societies of Canada, 5-14. Toronto: W. “Joyce as Critic”. Review of The Critical Writings of James Joyce J. Gage, 1961. edited by Ellsworth Mason and Richard Ellmann”. Renascence “Inside the Five Sense Sensorium”. Canadian Architect 6/6 (June 12/4 (1960), 202-203. 1961), 49-51.

11 Publications by, with and about Marshall McLuhan: Books, Articles, multimedia. . .

“The New Media and the New Education”.The Basilian Teacher Curriculum Development, 57-70. Washington: National Education 6/3 (December 1961), 93-100. (op. cit. 1960) Association, 1963. “Printing and the Mind”. Times Literary Supplement, July 19, 1963. 1962 “Another Eliot Party”. Renascence 12 (Spring 1963), 156. “Joyce, Aquinas, and the Poetic Process”. In Thomas E. Connolly, “Empson, Milton, and God”. Review of Milton’s God by William ed., Joyce’s Portrait: Criticisms and Critiques, 249-256. New York: Empson. Renascence 15/2 (1963), 112. Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1962. “The Agenbite of Outwit”.Location 1/1, Spring, 1963. “Phase Two”. Review of The Art of James Joyce by A. Walton Litz. Renascence 14/3 (1962), 166-167. 1964 “The Chaplin Bloom”. Review ofJames Joyce: The Poetry of Con- Introduction to The Bias of Communication by Harold A. Innis. science by Mary Parr. Renascence 14/4 (1962), 216-217. Reprint Edition. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1964. Also “A Fresh Perspective on Dialogue”. The Superior Student 4/7 appears in Explorations 25 (June 1969). (1962), 2-6. “Printing and the Mind”. Times Literary Supplement (June 19, “Prospect of America”. University of Toronto Quarterly 32/1 1964), 517-518. London, England. (1962), 107-108. “Culture and Technology”. Times Literary Supplement 3258 (Au- “Review of Jacques Maritain’s Art and Scholasticism”. Dalhousie gust 6, 1964), London, England. Review 42 (Winter 1962/63), 532. “John Dos Passos: Technique vs. Sensibility”. in Litz A. Walton “The Electronic Age—The Age of Implosion”. In John A. Irving ed., Modern American Fiction: Essays in Criticism, 138-149. Ox- ed., Mass Media in Canada, 179-205. Toronto: Ryerson Univ. ford: Galaxy Book, 1964. (op. cit. 1951) Press, 1962. “Masks and Roles and the Corporate Society”. Varsity Graduate “Prospect”. Canadian Art 19 (Sept./Oct. 1962), 363-366. 11/2 (Summer 1964), 61-64. “Two Aspects of the Communications Revaluation”. Canadian “Pop Art Avant Garde?”. AV Communications Review 12 (Spring, Communications 2/2. 1964), 217-218. “Radio: The Tribal Drum”.AV Communication Review 12/2, 133- 1963 145. “We Need a New Picture of Knowledge” in New Insights and the “Murder by Television”. Canadian Forum 43/516 (January 1964),

12 Publications by, with and about Marshall McLuhan: Books, Articles, multimedia. . .

222-223. Matson and Ashley Montagu eds., Communication: The Human “Notes on Burroughs”. Review of Naked Lunch and Nova Express Dialogue. Glencoe, Illinois: Free Press, 1965. by William Burroughs. Nation 28 (December 1964), 517-519. “The Emperor’s Old Clothes”.Vision + Value Series, Gyorgy “New Media and the Arts”. Arts in Society 3/2 (September 1964), Kepes, ed., under title “The Man-Made Object”, 90-95. New York: University of Wisconsin Press. George Braziller Inc., 1966. “The University in the Electric Age: The End of the Gap Between “T. S. Eliot”. The Canadian Forum 44/529 (February 1965), 243- Theory and Practice”. Varsity Graduate 11/3 (December 1964), 244. [Transcript of talk by Prof. McLuhan given on CBC “Criti- 60-64, University of Toronto Press. cally Speaking” program of January 10, 1965.] Foreword to “Vision and Reading Achievement” by W. A. Hurst, “Big Transistor is Watching You”. New York Herald Tribune (Book in Canadian Journal of Optometry 25/4 (April 1964), 3-5. Section), November 28, 1965, p. 5. “Decline of the Visual”. Dot Zero, May 1964. New York: National Review of Cyborg: Evolution of the Superman by D. S. Halacy, Jr., Society of Art Directors. (New York: Harper and Row, 1965). Winnipeg Free Press. Review of Alice’s Adventures Under Ground by Lewis Carroll. New 1965 York Herald Tribune: Book Week, October, 1965. Preface for the paperback edition of Understanding Media, New “Remarks” in Technology in Learning, Ontario Curriculum Insti- York: McGraw-Hill, Spring, 1965. tute: an interim report of the Study Committee on Institutional “Art as Anti-Environment”. Art News Annual 31 (Feb. 1965), New Aids and Techniques (May 1965), 32-39. York. “T. S. Eliot”. The Canadian Forum 44/529 (February 1965), 243- 1966 244. [Transcript of talk by Prof. McLuhan given on CBC “Criti- “The All-at-Once World of Marshall McLuhan”.Vogue 123 (Au- cally Speaking” program of January 10, 1965.] gust 1966), 70-73, 111. “Wordfowling in Blunderland”. Saturday Night (August 1965), “Cybernation and Culture”. In Charles Dechert, ed., The Social 23-27. Impact of Cybernetics, 95-108. South Bend, IN: University of “A New Journey for the Magi”. Decisive Years (April 1965), 12-16. Notre Dame Press, 1966. Toronto: Baker Publishing Company, . “Electronics and the Psychic Drop-Out”. This Magazine Is About “The Relation of Environment to Anti-Environment”. In Floyd Schools 1/1 (April 1966), 37-42.

13 Publications by, with and about Marshall McLuhan: Books, Articles, multimedia. . .

“The Emperor’s Old Clothes”. In Gyorgy Kepes, ed., heT Man- 62-63. Made Object, 90-95. New York: G. Braziller, 1966. “The Analogical Mirrors” in G. H. Hartman ed.,Hopkins , April, “The Invisible Environment”.Canadian Architect (May 1966), 1966. (op. cit. 1945) 71-74. “The Crack in the Rear-View Mirror”.McGill Journal of Educa- “Questions and Answers with Marshall McLuhan”. Take One (No- tion, Spring, 1966, pp. 31-34. vember/December 1966), 7-10. Review of Communication and Language by Sir Gerald Barry, Dr. “Television in a New Light”. In Stanley T. Dormer, ed., The Mean- J. Bronowski, James Fisher and Sir Julian Huxley [London: Mac- ing of Commercial Television, 87-107. Austin: University of Texas donald & Company, 1965]. Times Literary Supplement (February Press, 1966. 1966), London, England. “Address at Vision ‘65”. Transcript of talk given at the Univer- “An Interview with Marshall McLuhan”. Taped talk with Eli sity of Southern Illinois, October 23, 1965. American Scholar 35 Bornstein, editor of The Structuralist6 , Special issue on Art and (1965-1966), 196-205. Reprinted in Eric McLuhan and Frank Technology, June, 1966, University of Saskatchewan. Zingrone, eds., Essential McLuhan, 219-232. Toronto: Anansi, “From Gutenberg to Batman”. Transcript of talk given by Pro- 1995. fessor McLuhan at the Annenberg School of Communication, ...retitled “Environmental Change and the New Tech¬nology,” Pennsylvania, on April 28, 1966. Retitled “Great Change-overs for Dicta magazine 8 (October 1966), 18. You” in July issue of Vogue magazine. ...retitled “The Invisible Environment” inPerspecta (The Yale “We and Us”. The Listener 75 (May 26, 1966), p. 748. London, Architectural Journal), # 11, Fall, 1966. England. ... retitled “The All-at-once World of Marshall McLuhan” “From Instruction to Discovery”. Media and Methods 3/2 (Octo- in British Vogue, April, 1966. ber, 1966), 8-11. Retitled “Electronics and the Psychic Drop-Out” ... retitled “Technology and Environment” in arts/canada 105, in This Magazine Is About Schools 1/1, April, 1966. February, 1967, pp. 5-7. “Culture and Technology”. In Jack Berner ed., Astronauts of Inner ... retitled “Our Dawning Electric Age” in Emmanuel Mesthene Space: An International Collection of Avant-Garde Activity, San ed., Technology and Social Change. New York: Bobbs-Merrill Francisco: Stolen Paper Review Editions, 1966. Company Inc., 1967. “The Brave New World of Marshall McLuhan”. Interview inGlam - ... retitled “Great Changeovers for You” in Vogue 148 (July 1966), our 55/5 (July 1966), 100-101 and 133-35.

14 Publications by, with and about Marshall McLuhan: Books, Articles, multimedia. . .

“Marshall McLuhan and Mike Wallace: A Dialogue”. Interview March 1967, pp. 33 and 98-100. taped at The Diebold Research Program Dinner, September 13, “Love”. Saturday Night v82/#2, February 1967, pp. 25-28. 1966, in New York City. Printed in booklet The Diebold Research “The New Education”.The Basilian Teacher v2/#2, pp. 66-73. Re- Program, Document #PP10, pp. 1-21. printed in Catholic Mind v65, May 1967, pp. 11-16. “Circuitry”. Excerpt from talk given by Professor McLuhan to “Environment”. To Everything There is a Season by Roloff Beny, Airlie Foundation on April 1, 1966 at Warrenton, Virginia. Pam- pp. 312-13. Toronto: Longman’s, 1967. phlet issued by The Wemyss Foundation, Wilmington, Delaware. “Information Hunt Looms Big”. College and University Journal “The Relation of Environment to Anti-Environment”.University v6/#2, Spring 1967, pp. 3-7. of Windsor Review 11/1, (Fall 1966), 1-10. “Technology: Its Influence on the Character of World Trade and Investment”. Professor McLuhan’s address to the U.S. Depart- 1967 ment of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, “The Relation of Environment to Anti-Environment”. In Floyd W. Maryland, on November 16, 1966. Appeared in Technology and Matson and Ashley Montagu, eds., The Human Dialogue: Perspec- World Trade: Proceedings of a Symposium — NBS Miscellaneous tives on Communication, 39-47. New York: Free Press, 1967. publication #284, Washington, D.C., U.S. Printing Office, 1967. “Marshall McLuhan Massages the Medium”. Nation’s Schools “A McLuhan Montage”. Quotations from NBC-TV show, March v79/#6 (June, 1967), pp. 36-37. 1967 “The Medium is the Massage”; also Channel 13 WNDT “The Humanities in the Electric Age”.The Book of Canadian Prose Educational Broadcasting Corporation from the May 15, 1966 II, Toronto: W. J. Gage, 1967. (op. cit. 1961) program called “McLuhan onMcLuhanism” in School Library “The Medium is the Message”.NEA Journal #56, October, 1967, Journal v13/#8 (April 1967), pp. 39-41. pp. 24-27. Preface and Comments in Gerald Stearn ed., McLuhan: Hot and “Santa Claus Gets the Message”. McCalls #94, December, 1967, p. Cool. New York: Dial Press, 1967. 97. “Understanding Canada and Sundry Other Matters”. Taped inter- “Parts of a Talk”. Television Quarterly #6, Fall, 1967, pp. 39-44. view in Mademoiselle v64/#3, January 1967. “The Future of Education”. Marshall McLuhan and George Leon- “The Future of Sex”. Marshall McLuhan and George Leonard in ard in Look v31/#15, February 21, 1967, pp. 23-25. Look v31/#15, July 25, 1967, pp. 56-63. “What TV is Really Doing to your Child”. Family Circle, v70/#3, “The Future of Morality: The Inner vs. the Outer Quest”. IN Wm.

15 Publications by, with and about Marshall McLuhan: Books, Articles, multimedia. . .

Dunphy ed., The New Morality, pp. 175-189. New York: Herder “When You Call Me That, Smile!” -#2, August, 1968. and Herder, 1967. “A Second Way to Read War and Peace in the Global Vil- “Money: The Poor Man’s Credit Card” [excerpt fromUnderstand - lage,” - #3, September, 1968. ing Media] in Stewardship Facts 1967-68 (booklet published an- “McLuhan Futuregram” - #1: nually for ministers and church leaders by the National Council (Big of the Churches of Christ, New York, N.Y.), pp. 48-59. Culture Is Our (New Business - #4, October, 1968 “Toronto Is a Happening”. Toronto Life v1/#11 (September 1967), (Hot pp. 23-29. [Photography by Robert McCormick - photograph of “Through the Vanishing Point” - #5, November, 1968. Professor Marshall McLuhan on cover.] “Communism: Hard and Soft” - #6, December, 1968. “The Car As a Toy”.Macleans v80/#9 (September 1967), p. 14. “Environment as Programmed Happening”. In Walter Ong, ed., Photograph of Professor McLuhan on cover. Knowledge and the Future of Man, pp. 113-124. Publisher: Holt, Transcript of talk in November, 1964, Georgetown University Rinehart & Winston, 1968. Symposium. Published in Charles R. Dechert, ed., The Social Excerpt from Norman Cantor and M. S. Werthman eds., Under- Impact of Cybernetics [Symposium Proceedings]. University of standing Media in The Cool Medium: History of Popular Culture Notre Dame Press, 1967. pp. 718-726. New York: Macmillan, 1968. “McLuhan on Education”. The Argus [Lakehead University News- “McLuhan on Marketing”. Remarks of Marshall McLuhan on paper] v2/#111 (October 5, 1967), pp. 6-7. Retitled “Marshall marketing compiled by Anthony Liversidge in VIP magazine #17, McLuhan” in Catholic Trustee v7/#4 (December 1967), pp. 23-25. Spring1968, p. 35. Address at Management Programming Seminar in New York, Foreword to “Response to New Media” in Explorations section of September 28, 1967, published by TV Stations Inc. in booklet The The Graduate, University of Toronto v11/#1(December 1968), pp. Arts of Success, March, 1968, pp. 51-57. 67-68. “The Reversal of the Overheated Image”. Interviewed by Eric Nor- 1968 den in Playboy v15/#12, December, 1968, pp. 131-134 and 245. McLuhan Dew-Line Newsletters. Published by The Human Devel- “All of the Candidates Are Asleep”. The Saturday Evening Post #16 opment Corporation, 119 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y.: (August 1968), pp. 34-36. “Black Is Not a Color” - #1, July, 1968. Preface to Time: The Fourth Dimension of the Mind by Dr. Robert

16 Publications by, with and about Marshall McLuhan: Books, Articles, multimedia. . .

Wallis, New York: Harcourt Brace and World, 1968. dia” - Vol. 1, #9, March, 1969. “Adopt a University”. This Magazine is About Schools, Volume 2, “Breakdown as Breakthrough” - Vol. 1, #10, April, 1969. #4, Autumn, 1968, pp. 50-55. “Strike the Set”-Vol. 1, #11, May, 1969. “Fashion Is the Medium”. Harper’s Bazaar #101, April 1968, pp. “Ad Verse: Ad Junet” - Vol. 1, #12, June, 1969. 123-150. “Media and the Structured Society” - Vol. 2, #1, JulyAug., “Fashion Is Language: McLuhan’s Bazaar”. Harpers Bazaar #101, 1969. (with card deck) April, 1968, pp. 150-167. “Inflation as New Rim-Spin” - Vol. 2, #2, Sept./ Oct. 1969. “Guaranteed Income in the Electric Age”. In Richard Kostelanetz, “The End of Steel and/or Steal: Corporate Crim¬inality ed., Beyond Left and Right, pp. 72-83. Apollo paperback A-202, vs. Collective Responsibility” - Vol. 2, #3, Nov./Dec. 1969. William Morrow & Company, New York, 1968. (op. cit. 1965) Excerpts from Counterblast appeared in Toronto Star together Review of Federalism and the French Canadians by Pierre E. with artist’s sketch of Marshall McLuhan on November 21, 28 and Trudeau [New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1968]. New York Times December 5, 1969. Book Review, October 28, 1968. Playboy Interview by Eric Norden: “Marshall McLuhan—A Can- Review of The Revolution of Hope by Erich Fromm, “World Per- did Conversation with the High Priest of Popcult and Metaphysi- spectives,” Volume 38, New York: Harper and Row, 1968. Book cian of Media”, Vol. 16, #3, March 1969, 53-54, 59-62, 64-66, 68, World, New York, October 9, 1968. 70, 72, 74, 158. Reprinted in Eric McLuhan and Frank Zingrone, “Is the Book Dead?”. Clearing House #17, March, 1968, pp. 447-8. eds., Essential McLuhan, 233-269. Toronto: Anansi, 1995. “Salt and Scandal in the Gospels”. With Joe Keogh. Explorations 1969 26 (December 1969), 82-S5. McLuhan Dew-Line Newsletters, published by The Human Devel- “Wyndham Lewis”. Atlantic Monthly v224/#6 (December 1969), opment Corporation, New York: 93-98. “Vertical Suburbs are Hi-Rise Slums” - Vol. 1, #7, Jan., Preface to Simplified Cybernetics: The Feedback Storyby Arthur 1969. Porter, English University Press, 1969. “The Mini-State and the Future of Organization,” - Vol. 1, Review of Time Inc. by Robert T. Elson, ed. [New York: Athene- #8, February, 1969. um Publishers, 1968] in International Journal, Toronto, March 29, “Problems of Communicating with People Through Me 1969.

17 Publications by, with and about Marshall McLuhan: Books, Articles, multimedia. . .

Contributions to Spectrum of Catholic Attitudes, pp. 93-4, 124-5, “Cicero and the Renaissance Training for Prince and Poet”. 130-32, 138-9, 146-7, 159-60, 167-8. Milwaukee: Bruce Publishing. Renaissance and Reformation (Toronto) 6/3 (1970), 38-32. “Media and the Making of the Mid-West”. Chicago-land, July, Reprinted in Eric McLuhan and Frank Zingrone, eds., Essential 1969, Volume 6, #9, pp. 11-16. McLuhan, 313-318. Toronto: Anansi, 1995. “Retribalized Makers”. In Alexander Klein, ed., Natural Ene- “The Man Who Came to Listen”. With Barrington Nevitt. In Tony mies??, pp. 341-346. Philadelphia & New York: J. B. Lippincott Co. Bonaparte and John Flaherty, eds., Peter Drucker: Contributions “Learning in the Global Village”. In Ronald and Beatrice Gross, to Business Enterprise, 35-55. New York: New eds., Radical School Reform, pp. 106-115. New York: Simon & Press, 1970. Schuster, 1969. (Reprint of “The Future of Education” by Marshall “Where It’s At”. Campus Call, Volume X, #5, January, 1970, pp. McLuhan and George Leonard, op. cit. 1967.) 3-4. “Preliminary Observations on Breakdown as Breakthrough”.Uni- “Identity, Technology and War”. Comments by Marshall McLu- versity of Toronto Graduate, Volume 11, #2, pp. 82-85, March, 1969. han on “The Joys of War” by James Parker, which had been “Harold Innis”. University of Toronto Graduate, Volume 11, #3, published in U.S. Catholic Jubilee. This article appeared inU.S. June, 1969, pp. 91-99. Catholic Jubilee, Vol. XXXV, #1, 1970, pp. 36 and 37. “Communication in the Global Village”. This Cybernetic Age, by “McLuhan’s Eye View”. St. Michael’s College Newsletter, Vol. 8, Don Toppin, pp. 158-167. New York: The Human Development #2, Spring, 1970. Corporation, 1969. Introduction to The De-Romanization of the American Catholic Church by Edward Wakin and Father Joseph F. Scheuer, New 1970 American Library, Plume Book, 1970, pp. xi to xiii. McLuhan Dew-Line Newsletters. New York: The Human Devel- “The University and the City”.University of Toronto Graduate, opment Corporation: Vol. Ill, #2, pp. 75-80, April, 1970. “Agnew Agonistes” - Vol. 2, #4, Jan./Feb. 1970. “Bridges”- “Classroom Without Walls”. The American Experience: A Radical Vol. 2, #5, Marl/April, 1970. Reader by Harold Jaffee and John Tytell, 1970, pp. 293-297. (op. “The Genuine Imitation Fake” - Vol. 2, #6, May/ June, cit. 1957) 1970. “1959 — Electronic Revolution”. Address delivered at the 1959 “The City as University” - Vol. 2, #7, July/Aug. 1970. Conference of the American Association for Higher Education in

18 Publications by, with and about Marshall McLuhan: Books, Articles, multimedia. . .

Washington in G. Kerry Smith ed., 1945 Twenty Five Years 1970, Abraxas, No. 2, The University of Rochester, New York, Fall 1970. pp. 96-104. Published by The American Association for Higher “Mini-Skirt Tribalism”, An Interview with Marshall McLuhan by Education, 1970. Catherine Court in Rags, New York, October, 1970, p. 23. Re- “The Motorcar: The Mechanical Bride”. In Dr. John Lyman, ed., printed in Twen magazine, Germany, p. 82, December 12, 1970. Confrontation: Psychology and the Problems of Today, pp. 319-322. “How TV and Radio Help the Cause of Groups Like the FLQ,” Chicago, Illinois: Scott, Foresman & Company, 1970. Toronto Star, October 17, 1970, p. 7. “McLuhan on Religion”. Christianity Today, Feb. 13, 1970, p. 34. Professor McLuhan’s reply to “Northrop Frye on Communica- “The Cement Kimono for the Disposable City”. Letter to the Edi- tions” in The Listener, London, England, October 8, 1970, Volume tor of the Globe and Mail, Toronto, commenting on an article by 84, #2167, pp. 475-6. Robert Tennent entitled “Auto Alternatives” which had appeared “Decentralization Takes Command”. Toronto Star, Saturday, Oc- on March 14, 1970. tober 17, 1970. Letter to Mr. Tickton, Executive Director of the Commission Preface for English publication of Culture Is Our Business. No- on Instructional Technology appeared in AV Communication vember 23, 1970. Review, Volume 18, #3, Fall 1970, p. 307. “Discontinuity and Communication in Literature” In P. R. Leon “Marshall McLuhan on the obsolescence of print” in Letters, and P. Nesselroth, eds., Problems of Textual Analysis. Montreal: Points of View Section, Monday Morning, May, 1970, Volume 4, #7. Marcel Didier Canada Limited, 1971. (Text of talk given at Uni- Editorial in Journal of Environmental Studies, Volume 1, #1, Octo- versity College on November 21, 1970.) ber, 1970, p. 3 (London, England). “Cicero and the Renaissance Training for Prince and Poet”. Letter to the Editor, Globe and Mail, Toronto, re Nicholas Cotter’s Renaissance and Reformation, Volume VI, #3, CRRS, Victoria report from Montreal on June 16th entitled “McLuhan Terms College, University of Toronto, pp. 38-42. Press Obsolete”, June 17, 1970. “The Ciceronian Program in Pulpit and in Literary Criticism”. “War of the Icons” (Chapter 32 of Understanding Media plus two Renaissance and Reformation, Volume VII, #1, CRRS, Victoria additional pages) in Marshall Fishwick and Ray Browne, eds., College, University of Toronto, pp. 3-7. Icons of Popular Culture. Bowling Green: Popular Culture Press, “The Executive as Dropout”. Marshall McLuhan and Barrington 1970. Nevitt in University of Toronto Graduate, December, 1970, pp. “McLuhan on Russia: An Interview with Professor Gary Kern,” 117-19.

19 Publications by, with and about Marshall McLuhan: Books, Articles, multimedia. . .

“McLuhan Urges Book Critics to Search for Missing Link,” The following articles appeared in the summer issue of theUni - Caption above Professor McLuhan’s Letter to the Editor of the versity of Toronto Graduate, Explorations Section, June, 1971, pp. Toronto Star, Saturday, December 19, 1970, p. 15. 102-132: “Education in the Electronic Age”. Interexchange, Vol. 1, #4, 1970, “Shakespeare, the Lay Rector of the Collegiate Church of pp. 1-12. [Transcript of talk given to Provincial Committee on the Holy Trinity, Stratford-upon-Avon” Aims and Objectives of Education in the Schools of Ontario on “Rock and the Sound of Music” January 19, 1967, published by the Ontario Institute for Studies in “The Calley Trial and the Changing Patterns in the Judi- Education.] ciary” “The Man Who Came to Listen”. Marshall McLuhan and Bar- “The Hijacking of Cities, Nations, Planets in the Age of rington Nevitt in Tony H. Bonaparte and J. E. Flaherty eds., Peter Spaceship Earth” Drucker’s Contributions to Business Enterprise, New York Univer- “The Case of Eric Kierans and the Executive as Dropout” sity Press, 1970, pp. 35-55. (Marshall McLuhan and Barrington Nevitt) “Obiter dicta”. Letter in Atlantic, October, 1971, p. 38-40. 1971 Marshall McLuhan Interviewed by Peter Newman — Maclean’s Letter to the Editor of The Listener, London, England in reply to Magazine, Volume 84, #6, June 1971, pp. 42 and 45. Jonathan Miller’s letter of July 15, 1971. Volume 86, #2213, Au- “The Global Theatre”. InEkistics , Volume 32, #190, September, gust 26, 1971, pp. 272-273. 1971, pp. 181-183. Published by The Athens Centre of Ekistics, An Interview with Marshall McLuhan in The Mike, St. Michael’s Athens, Greece. College, University of Toronto, Vol. XXII, February 4, 1971, pp. “McLuhan views the news: hot events on a cool medium where 1-3. the audience is the actor”. Essay commissioned by ABC-TV Sta- Letter to the Editor of the Toronto Star re Peter Sypnowich’s tions - Television/Radio Age, Vol. XIX, #3, September, 1971, pp. review of McLUHAN by Jonathan Miller on February 25, 1971. 32-33 and 71-72. Letter was published under the caption “McLuhan Critics of the “Communication Needs Human Scale”. Nursing Management, World Unite” on March 16, 1971. Volume 1, #2, August, 1971, pp. 1-2. Publisher: Kendall Company “Hijacking procedure of Cities” — Letter to the Editor of the of Canada Ltd. Toronto Star, March 20, 1971. “Polyanna Digest”. In Frederic Rissover and David C. Birch eds.,

20 Publications by, with and about Marshall McLuhan: Books, Articles, multimedia. . .

Mass Media and the Popular Arts, 1971. Professor McLuhan quoted on pages 40, 125, 180 and 188 of Letter to the Editor of The Listener, London, England, in reply to Dimensions of Change by Don Fabun. Beverly Hills, California: Jonathan Miller’s letter of September 9, 1971. Appeared on Octo- Glencoe Press, 1971. ber 28, 1971, Volume 86, #2222. Preface to Empire and Communications by Harold Innis, Univer- 1972 sity of Toronto Press re-printing, 1971. Foreword to A. J. Kirshner, Training That Makes Sense, 5-7. San “Erasmus: The Man and the Mask”.Erasmus Newsletter, Univer- Rafael, CA: Academic Therapy Publications, 1972. sity of Toronto Press, Volume 3, pp. 7-10. “The Popular Hero and Anti-Hero”. In Ray B. Browne et al., eds., Preface to Training That Makes Sense by A. J. Kirshner. San Ra- Heroes of Popular Culture. Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green fael, California: Academic Therapy Publications, 1972, pp. 5-7. University Popular Press, 1972. Marshall McLuhan Interviewed by Gerard Moatti in Les Informa- “Mr. Eliot’s Historical Decorum”. Renascence 25/4 (1972-1973), tions, No. 1376, September, 1971, pp. 88-93. (Paris, France) 183-189. (op. cit. 1949) “Classroom Without Walls”. Perspectives on the Study of Film “The Yestermorrow of the Book”.The UNESCO Courier [pub- —John Stuart Katz, pp. 22-24. Boston: Little, Brown and Com- lished by UNESCO in thirteen languages], January, 1972, pp. 16, pany, 1971. (op. cit. 1957) 17, 20. “On Russia: An Interview with Professor Gary Kern”. Internation- An Interview with Professor McLuhan entitled “L’express va plus al Education, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, loin avec Marshall McLuhan”. L’Express, February 20,1972, #1075, Volume 1, #1, Fall, 1971, pp. 40-46. (op. cit. 1970) Paris, France, pp. 68-74. Marshall McLuhan interviewed by Roger Mauge in Paris Match, Excerpt from Take Today: The Executive as Dropout in MBA No. 1176, November 20, 1971, pp. 14-26. (Paris, France) Magazine, Volume 6, No. 7, April, 1972, pp. 16-18 and 56-59. “Roles, Masks and Performances”. New Literary History, Univer- “Rocking the Liturgy”. SMC Journal [St. Michael’s College Jour- sity of Charlottesville, Virginia, Volume 11, #3, Spring, 1971, pp. nal], Volume 1, #2, 1972, pp. 13-14. 517 to 531. “Everybody into Nobody”. With Barrington Nevitt. New York Under heading “How to Be as Well Informed As...” there is a Times, page 3, July 16, 1972. short article by Professor McLuhan in Maclean’s, Vol. 84, #9, “Patterns Emerging in the New Politics”. Globe and Mail, Toronto, September, 1971. Friday, October 20, p. 7.

21 Publications by, with and about Marshall McLuhan: Books, Articles, multimedia. . .

“Electric Age: Will the Worker be Left Behind?”.Labour Gazette, “Do Americans Go to Church to be Alone?”. The Critic, Volume April, 1972, pp. 170-71. XXXI, #3, Jan./Feb. 1973, pp. 14-23. “The Electric Age”. Letter to the Editor of theGlobe and Mail, “Liturgy and Media”. The Critic, Volume XXXI, #4, Mar./April Toronto, September 21, 1972, p. 6. 1973, pp. 69-70. Published by The Thomas More Association, “McLuhan Dissects the Executive”. Interview in Business World, Chicago, Illinois. June 24, 1972, p. 118. “Cybernetics and Management”. With Barrington Nevitt. Kyber- netes, Volume 2, p. 1. London, England: Gordon & Breach Sci- “The Company We Keep —Trudeau and Nixon in the TV ence Publishers Ltd., 1973. Vortex—Tarred with the same brush?”. Saturday Night, Toronto, “The Argument: Causality in the Electric World”. With Bar- December, 1972, p. 17. rington Nevitt. Technology and Culture, Vol. 14, #1, January, 1973, “International Motley and Religious Costume”. Christian Com- pp. 1-18. University of Chicago Press. munication (Saint Paul Society, Sherbrooke, P.Q.) December, Letter to the Editor of The Listener, London, England, re BBC 1972, Issue #39—Newsletter. Jubilee Edition. Published January 4, 1973, Vol. 89, #2284, p. 19. “The Future of the Book”.Do Books Matter?, pp. 31-41. Pub- 1973 lished by Dunn and Wilson (Leeds) Ltd., London, England, 1973. “The Argument: Causality in the Electric World”. With Bar- (Published papers of seminar of The National Book League, 1973. rington Nevitt. Technology and Culture 14/1 (1973), 1-18. President: HRH The Duke of Edinburgh.) “Do Americans Go to Church to Be Alone?” The Critic (January/ “Private Individual vs. Global Village”. Chapter in Thomas Hilgers February 1973), 14-23. and Dennis Horan eds., Abortion and Social Justice, pp. 245-248. “The Medium Is the Message”. In C. David Mortensen, ed.,Basic New York: Sheed and Ward, 1973. Readings in Communication Theory, 139-152. New York: Harper Preface to Subliminal Seduction by Wilson Bryan Key, New Jer- and Row, 1973. sey: Prentice-Hall Inc., 1973. “Mr. Nixon and the Dropout Strategy”. New York Times, 29 July “The Changing Nature of Communications”. The Detroit News, 1973. October 28, 1973, pp. IE and 2E. [Part of series commemorating “Understanding McLuhan—and Fie on Any Who Don’t”. The the 100th anniversary of the newspaper.] Globe and Mail, September 10, 1973. “Mr. Nixon and the Dropout Strategy”. The New York Times, Sun- “Watergate as Theatre”.Performing Arts in Canada, Winter 1973, day, July 29, 1973. 14-15. “The Printed Word: Architect of Nationalism”. In Robert Disch

22 Publications by, with and about Marshall McLuhan: Books, Articles, multimedia. . .

ed., The Future of Literacy, 1973, pp. 34-48. magazine, #22, 1973 (published by Hydro Quebec, Montreal), pp. Profile and interview by Professor Derrick de Kerckhove inLa 4-25. Many photos. Vie des Arts, pp. 19-23 (French) and 91-93 (English translation). “The End of the Work Ethic”. An address to The Empire Club, In the same issue there is an Editorial on Professor McLuhan Toronto, on November 16, 1972. Published by The Empire Club by Andrée Paradis, p. 13 (English translation, p. 90). Same issue Foundation, 1973, in The Empire Club Addresses 1972-73, pp. — article by Don Theall entitled “Les explorations esthetiques de 105-125. McLuhan,” pp. 14-18. Volume XVIII, #72, Autumn, 1973, pub- lished by La Societé La Vie des Arts [360, rue McGill, Montréal, 1974 Canada] “English Literature as Control Tower in Communication Study”. “New Technology is Changing Human Identity”. Toronto Star, English Quarterly (University of Waterloo), Spring 1974, 3-7. December 29, 1973, p. B-5. “Medium Meaning Message”. With Barrington Nevitt. Communi- “Television et Radiodiffusion”. With Derrick de Kerckhove. cation (UK) 1 (1974), 27-33. Reprinted in Barrington Nevitt, The In Encyclopedia Universalis, May 2, 1973 (published in Paris, Communication Ecology: Re-presentation versus Replica, 140-144. France), pp. 894-898. Toronto: Butterworths 1982. “Understanding McLuhan — and fie on any who don’t”.Globe “A Media Approach to Inflation”.New York Times, 21 September and Mail, Toronto, on Monday, September 10, 1973 on page 7 1974. (full page with picture). Professor McLuhan wrote this article in “Mr. Eliot and the Saint Louis Blues”. The Antigonish Review 18 reply to an article by Richard Schickel entitled “Misunderstand- (Summer 1974), 23-27. ing McLuhan”, which appeared in the Globe and Mail on Friday, “There Is Panic in Abortion Thinking: McLuhan”.Toronto Daily August 31, 1973. Star, 31 July 1974. “Watergate as Theatre”.Performing Arts, Volume X, #4, Winter, “Watergate as Theatre”.Indian Press, Volume 1, #4, June, 1974, pp. 1973, pp. 14-15. Reprinted in Indian Press journal, Volume 1, #4, 11-13, New Delhi, India. (op. cit. 1973) June, 1974, pp. 11-13, New Delhi, India. [see below] “At the moment of Sputnik the planet became a global theatre in “Watergate — participatory torture, says McLuhan” - some which there are no spectators but only actors”. Journal of Commu- excerpts from Professor McLuhan’s address at York University’s nications, Volume 24:1, Winter, 1974, pp. 45-58. Published by The Osgoode Hall on October 17, 1973. Appeared in Campus, Vol- Annenberg School, University of Pennsylvania. ume 6, #3, pp. 3-4, November, 1973. “An Intimate Look at Marshall McLuhan”. An Interview by Kaye An interview with Marshall McLuhan by Jean Paré for Forces Rowe in The Brandon Sun (Manitoba), February 2, 1974, p. 3.

23 Publications by, with and about Marshall McLuhan: Books, Articles, multimedia. . .

Professor McLuhan’s reply to the proposal by Kenneth Lamott in Professor McLuhan done by Jose Luis Gomez (published by Edi- Esquire magazine that “Every American Should Get One Year Off ciones Meridiano, S.A., Av. Infanta Carlota, 127, 8. A, Barcelona, in Every Seven”, February 1974, p. 68. Spain) “Medium Meaning Message”. With Barrington Nevitt in inau- “Eric and Marshall McLuhan — Gesetze der Medien — struk- gural issue of Communication magazine, Vol. 1, #1, 1974, pp. turelle Annaherung”. Uterrichts Wissenschaft, Beltz Verlag, Berlin, 27-33 (published by Gor¬don & Breach Science Publishers Ltd., Germany, June, 1974, pp. 79-84. London, England) An Interview with Marshall McLuhan by Jose Rague in Teoria “A Media Approach to Inflation”. With Barrington Nevitt.The de la imagen included in the series Biblioteca Salvat de Grandes New York Times, September 21,1974, p. L-29. Temas. Publisher: Salvat Editores, S.A., Barcelona, Spain, 1974. “Mr. Eliot and the St. Louis Blues”. The Antigonish Review, #18, “The Medieval Environment: Yesterday or Today?”Listening , Summer, 1974, pp. 23-27. Published by St. Francis Xavier Univer- Volume 9, ## 1 and 2, Winter/Spring, 1974, pp. 9-27. University sity, Antigonish, N.S. of Chicago Press. “A Discussion about Typewriters Between Marshall McLuhan, “Making Contact with Marshall McLuhan”. An interview by Some Poets and a Secretary” — by Jack Rose, also appeared in the Professor Louis Forsdale of Teachers College, Columbia Univer- above-noted issue of The Antigonish Review, pp. 45-59. sity, New York, in Electric Media, published by Harcourt, Brace, Letter to the Editor of the Toronto Star regarding abortion ap- Jovanovich Inc., N.Y. 1974, pp. 148-58. peared on the Editorial page, July 31, 1974. “English Literature as Control Tower in Communication Study” “Learning a Living” — Chapter 10 in Fred Best ed., The Future The English Quarterly, University of Waterloo, Volume 7, #1, of Work, pp. 103-113. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall Inc., Spring, 1974, pp. 3-7. 1974. (“Learning a Living” was editor’s title — excerpt taken from “McLuhan —McLuhan —McLuhan”. New York Times, May 10, Understanding Media.) 1974. (Reprinted in Indian Press, New Delhi, India, Volume 1, #5, “Communication crisis in our global village: an interview with July, 1974, pp. 11-12, retitled “Nixon and the Media.”) Marshall McLuhan”. Pegasus [published annually by Mobil Oil “X-Ray Vision”. Short piece by Professor McLuhan in reply to Services Company Ltd., for world-wide Mobil group of compa- an article entitled “What’s in Store for Seventy-four?”. Maclean’s, nies]. Interview by Gregory A. Vitiello, Editor, January, 1974, pp. Toronto, Volume 87, #1, January 1974, p. 27. 1-3. Introduction to Empedocles by Helle Lambridis, published by “El camino a seguir en la investigacion de las comunicaciones” University of Alabama Press, 1974. in Dossier Mundo, #32, April, 1974, pp. 6-8. An interview with “Liturgy and the Microphone”. The Critic, Volume XXXIII, #1,

24 Publications by, with and about Marshall McLuhan: Books, Articles, multimedia. . .

October/Nov./Dec. 1974, pp. 12-17. December, 1975. “Francis Bacon: Ancient or Modern?” Renaissance and Reforma- Preface to You and Others: An Introduction to Interpersonal tion, Volume X, 1974, #2, pp. 93-98. Published by Victoria Col- Communication by Robert Soucie, Don MacRae, V. Gunckel, C. lege Centre for Renaissance and Reformation Studies, University Hartleib and Ron Campbell. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, of Toronto. 1975, pp. ix and x. Preface to Abortion in Perspective: The Rose Palace or the Fiery “At the Flip Point of Time: The Point of More Return?”Commu - Dragon by Donald DeMarco, published by Hiltz & Hayes Pub- nication Journal, University of Pennsylvania, Vol. 25, #4, Autumn, lishing Co. Ltd., Cincinnati, Ohio, 1974. 1975, pp. 102-106. “The Future of Banking”.Canadian National Bank (Montreal) “The Origins of Chesterton’s Medievalism”.The Chesterton Re- 100th Annual Report Publication, December, 1974, pp. x-xi. view, Volume 1, #2, Spring /Summer, 1975, pp. 49-50. University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Sask. 1975 Serialization of Take Today: The Executive as Dropout. With Bar- Letter to The Listener, 22 October 1975. rington Nevitt (Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich Inc., N.Y. —Canada: “McLuhan’s Laws of the Media”. Technology and Culture, January Longmans) op. cit. 1972 in Modern Office Procedures [614 Supe- 1975, 74-78. rior Avenue West, Cleveland, Ohio 44113] Issues 2-12 in Vol. 20, “The Medium is the Massage”. Chapter in Alan Wells ed.,Mass and issues 1-5 in Vol. 21, Feb. 1975 - May, 1976. Media and Society, pp. 197-205. Palo Alto, California: Mayfield “The Fourth World Demands Process Awareness,” #2, Publishing Company, 1975. February, 1975, pp. 16-20. “Communication: McLuhan’s Laws of the Media”. Technology “Anticipating Progress,” #3, March, 1975, pp. 14-18. and Culture, Vol. 16, #1, January, 1975, pp. 74-78. (University of “The Executive as Artist,” #4, April, 1975, pp. 14-18. Chicago Press). Also published in Indian Press, Delhi, India, Vol. “Instant Information Makes Old Programs Obsolete,” 11, #7, July, 1975, pp. 25-26. #5, May, 1975, pp. 14-18. Letter to the Editor of James Joyce Quarterly, Vol. 12, #3, Spring, “Discovery Depends Upon Intuition and Surprise,” #6, 1975, p. 342. (re Ovid’s Metamorphoses and Dubliners} June, 1975, pp. 14-18. “The Changing Structures of Printing in the Electric Age”.Hu - “Innovations Require an Altered Perception,” #7, July, manities Association Review, Vol. 26, #3, Summer, 1975, pp. 235 1975, pp. 14-18. and 237. Queen’s University, Kingston, Ont. “Market Organization in the Information Age,” #8, Aug., Guest columnist in Today’s Secretary, New York, Vol. 78, #3, p. 4, 1975, pp. 12-14 & 16.

25 Publications by, with and about Marshall McLuhan: Books, Articles, multimedia. . .

“Obsolete Military Organization in Business,” #9, Sep “Formal Causality in Chesterton”. The Chesterton Review, Vol. tember, 1975, pp. 18, 20 & 22. 11, #2, Spring/Summer, 1976, pp. 253-259. St. Thomas More Col- “At Electric Speeds the effects of processes flip,” #10, Oc- lege, University of Saskatchewan. tober, 1975, pp. 12-14 & 16. “The Violence of the Media”.The Canadian Forum, Vol. LVI, “Executives must make history, not match past errors,” #664, September, 1976, pp. 9-12. #11, November, 1975, pp. 20, 22 & 24. “La Violencia de los medios”. Communicacion magazine, #11- “The Electronic World Affects Identity Images,” #12, 12, May/June, 1976, pp. 30-34. Reprint of “The Violence of the December, 1975, pp. 12-14 & 16. Media”—Mexico. “Misunderstanding the Media’s Laws”. A Letter to the Editor, 1976 Technology and Culture, Vol. 17, #2, April, 1976, p. 263. Univer- Series continues with Volume 21: sity of Chicago. “New Patterns of Role Involvement,” #1, January, 1976, Letter to the Editor of the Toronto Globe and Mail, October 16, pp. 16, 18 & 20. 1976 in reply to John Eraser’s review of “Women of Trachis” “Information Speed-up Makes Involvement Mandatory,” staged at Hart House on October 7th. Mr. Eraser’s review ap- #2, February, 1976, pp. 16, 18 & 20. peared in the Globe and Mail on October 8th entitled ‘Sophocles “Answering Bureaucracy With Role Playing,” #3, March, Tragedy Takes a Pounding.” 1976, pp. 14-16. “Efficiency Speed-up Destroys Effectiveness,” #4, April, 1977 1976, pp. 16-17. “Alphabet, Mother of Invention”. With R. K. Logan. Et Cetera: A “Extending Process Patterns to Their Effects,” #5, May, Review of General Semantics (December 1977), 373-83. 1976, pp. 16, 18 & 20. “Canada: The Borderline Case”. In David Staines, ed.,The Ca- “The Debates”.New York Times, 23 September 1976. nadian Imagination: Dimensions of a Literary Culture, 226-248. Foreword to The TV-Guided American by Arthur Asa Berger, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1977. New York: Walker & Company, 1976, pp. vii-ix. “Laws of the Media”. Et Cetera: A Review of General Semantics, “Literature and the Scientific Knowledge of Man”.Mosaic No. June 1977, 173-178. D(S) 180, New Delhi, India, April, 1976, pp. 17-18 and 33. “The Rise and Fall of Nature”.Journal of Communication 27/4

26 Publications by, with and about Marshall McLuhan: Books, Articles, multimedia. . .

(1977), 80-81. 1981 “Futurechurch: Edward Wakin interviews Marshall McLuhan”. “Electronic Banking and the Death of Privacy”. With Bruce Pow- U.S. Catholic, Vol. 42, #1, January, 1977, pp. 6-7. ers. Journal of Communication 31/1 (1981), 164-69. Introduction to Faces of Canada by George Lonn, Toronto: Pitt Publishing Co. Ltd., 1977. Article about Professor McLuhan on pages 39-41, picture on page 40. Gingko Press Reprints and New Editions of Marshall McLuhan’s Work 1978 Publication Schedule: “The Brain and the Media: The ‘Western’ Hemisphere”.Journal of 1999. The Medium and the Light: Reflections on Religion and -Me Communication 28/4 (1978), 54-60. dia. Edited by Eric McLuhan and Jacek Szklarek; Introduction “Figures and Grounds in Linguistic Criticism. Review of Mario by Eric McLuhan. J.Valdes and Owen J. Miller, Interpretation of Narrative”. Toronto: 2002. The Book of Probes. By Marshall McLuhan and David University of Toronto Press, 1978. Et Cetera: A Review of General Carson. Edited and introduced by Eric McLuhan and William Semantics 36/3 (1979), 289-94. Kuhns. “A Last Look at the Tube”. New York, April 3, 1978, 45. 2005 & 2006. McLuhan Unbound. By Marshall McLuhan. Edited by Eric McLuhan and Terrance Gordon. Vol. 1, subtitled A 1979 Publishing Adventure, published in Sept., 2005. Vol. 2, sub- “The Double Bind of Communication and the World Problema- titled The Gutenberg Era, published in 2006. tique”. With Robert K. Logan. Human Futures, Summer 1979, 1-3. 2006. The Classical Trivium - The Place of Thomas Nashe in the “Pound, Eliot, and the Rhetoric of The Waste Land”.New Literary Learning of his Time. By Marshall McLuhan. Edited by W. Ter- History 10/3 (1979), 557-580. rence Gordon. Coming soon, NEW. For Marshall McLuhan – Catalogue. Edited 1980 by Dominique Carré. “Foreword to Karl Appel, Karl Appel: Works on Paper”. New York: Coming soon, NEW. The Complete Mechanical Bride by Marshall Abbeville Press, 1980. McLuhan. Early versions, Outtakes, Notes with CD-ROM. Coming soon, NEW. Marshall McLuhan Unbound Volume III:

27 Publications by, with and about Marshall McLuhan: Books, Articles, multimedia. . .

Art, Poetry and Hollywood. Essays by Marshall McLuhan. Ed- 1997. Marshall McLuhan: Escape into Understanding. By W. Ter- ited by Eric McLuhan and W. Terrence Gordon. rence Gordon. Gingko Press, 2003. note: Reprints and revised reprints are listed at the URL above. 1999. Digital McLuhan: A Guide to the Information Millennium. By Levinson, P. London: Routledge. 2001. Marshall McLuhan: Wise Guy. By Judith Fitzgerald. XYZ Pub- Other Publishers lishing. (Writing style appropriate for “young adult” readers.) Understanding Me: Lectures and Interviews. By Marshall McLu- han. Introductory Essay by Tom Wolfe. Edited by Stephanie McLuhan and David Staines. McLelland and Stewart, September Bibliographies 2003. ISBN: 0-77105-545-5. The MIT Press, 1 March, 2004 1975, 1975. The Writings of Marshall McLuhan and What Has ISBN: 026213442X. Been Written about Him. 1937 ~ 1977. A Bibliography with an Appended List of Reviews and Articles about Him and His Work. Wake-Brook House Book Publishers. Copyright 1875 by M. Biographies and Critiques of Marshall McLuhan McLuhan, Second Printing 1977. 1989. Marshall McLuhan: The Medium and the Messenger. By Philip Marchand. Vintage Canada / Random House. Rev., Site with McLuhan references 1981-present, researched, com- with a new foreword by Neil Postman, 1998. Canada: Ran- piled, and maintained by Richard Cavell and Jamie Hilder: dom House (Vintage). United States: MIT Press. 1995. Who was Marshall McLuhan? Exploring a Mosaic of Impres- sions. By Barrington Nevitt [Copyright 1994 by B. Nevitt]. A list of writings on McLuhan’s legacy at: Toronto: Stoddart Publishing Co Limited. Reprinted in 1996 by the same publisher, authors: Barrington Nevitt, Maurice McLuhan, Frank Zingrone, Wayne Constantineau, Eric McLuhan. Audio Recordings 1997. McLuhan for Beginners. By W. Terrence Gordon. Writers 1967 and Readers Publishing, Inc. The New Technology and the Arts. A Flexidisc that accompanied

28 Publications by, with and about Marshall McLuhan: Books, Articles, multimedia. . .

ArtsCanada 24.2. The Bad Trip. With Jane Jacobs — about / against the Spadina Wyndham Lewis Recalled: Marshall McLuhan Recalls Lewis. A Expressway in Toronto. Flexidisc that accompanied ArtsCanada 24.11, No. 114, a special issue on Lewis. Videos 1968 1984 The Medium is the Massage. With Marshall McLuhan. Long-Play- Marshall McLuhan: The Man and His Message. Television docu- ing Record. Produced by John Simon. Conceived and co-ordinat- mentary (1 hour). Produced and directed by Stephanie McLuhan; ed by Jerome Agel. Written by Marshall McLuhan, Quentin Fiore, written and hosted by Tom Wolfe. and Jerome Agel. Columbia CS 9501, CL2701. 1996 The Video McLuhan. Set of six tapes. By Stephanie McLuhan- Compact Discs Ortved (Producer), and Tom Wolfe (Writer). [email protected] 1996 Understanding McLuhan. A CD-ROM on McLuhan’s ideas and life. 2002 Co-produced by Southam Interactive and The Voyager Company. McLuhan’s Wake. Directed by Kevin McMahon. Written by David 1999 Sobelman. Conceived and Co-produced by David Sobelman. The Medium Is The Massage. SONY Catalog #SRCS-8912. Produced by Primitive Entertainment. Co-production with the National Film Board of Canada, in association with TVOntario. Available from National Film Board of Canada Library: Films 1977 Annie Hall. Written (with Marshall Brickman) and directed by Marshall McLuhan’s ABC. Written and directed by David Sobel- Woody Allen. Starring Diane Keaton, Woody Allen, Tony Rob- man. Edited by Steven Pinchuk. Original music by Dan Thomp- erts, Carol Kane, Paul Simon, Shelley Duvall, and Christopher son. Executive Producer Rudy Buttignol. TVOntario Produc- Walken. A United Artists production. tion.

29 Publications by, with and about Marshall McLuhan: Books, Articles, multimedia. . .

The McLuhan Probes. Produced and Directed by David Sobel- Acknowledgements: man. Editor Steven Pinchuck. Executive Producer Rudy Butti- The current select bibliography (version 2007), prepared as a gnol. TVOntario Production. resource for the MPCT, is based on The Writings of Marshall Out of Orbit. Produced by Raven West Films Ltd. in association McLuhan in Chronological Order from 1934 to 1975, Second with CBC Televiison. Director: Carl Bessai. Writers: Carl Bessai, printing 1977. Copyright 1975 by H. M. McLuhan. Fort Lauder- Manfred Becker. Producer: Laura Lightbown. Cinematography: dale FL: Wake-Brook House Book Publishers. The About sect- Carl Bessai. Editor: Manfred Becker. Music: Vince Mai. ion contains book-format publications but not shorter length Production Company: Raven West Films Ltd, Vancouver. genres. It also includes selected sites & multimedia. Tel. 604-681-7121 | fax 604-681-7173 | [email protected] This short Bibliography has benefitted from reviews by Prof. Eric McLuhan and Michael Edmunds, MPCT Assistant Director. McLuhan-Related Websites Official Marshall McLuhan site: NB! A full-length version, c/o Prof. Eric McLuhan, is in preparation by the Marshall McLuhan Estate.

McLuhan Program in Culture & Technology, University of Toronto:

McLuhan Studies Journal: