


 House  Sun: Part shade  Zone: 9 to 11  Water: Medium  Height: 10.00 to 15.00 feet  Maintenance: Low  Spread: 10.00 to 15.00 feet  Flower: Showy  Bloom Time: Seasonal bloomer  Leaf: Evergreen  Bloom Description: White  Other: Winter Interest


Winter hardy to USDA Zones 9-11 where may be grown outdoors year round in moist, fertile, well- drained soils in part shade. Avoid full direct sun which often causes the leaves to scorch. Best in sun dappled conditions or in part shade featuring morning sun and afternoon shade. Plants grown in pots may be brought indoors in fall when temperatures begin to drop below 60 degrees F. Indoor plants generally prefer daytime temperatures above 70 degrees F. in summer and above 60 degrees F. in winter. Plants need consistent and regular moisture and are intolerant of drought.

Noteworthy Characteristics

Commonly called philodendron or split leaf philodendron, it is a large, non-climbing, semi-woody shrub with huge, glossy, wavy-margined, deeply-dissected evergreen leaves (to 3’ long) which rise up on long stalks (petioles) from the plant crown in a rosette-like configuration. Tiny apetalous white flowers bloom in an upright which is enclosed by a purplish red spathe. Flowers rarely appear on indoor plants. In its native habitat, it will mature to 15’ tall with a trunk-like stem to 6” in diameter, but as an indoor container plant will typically grow much smaller.


No serious insect or disease problems. Watch for aphids, spider mites, mealybugs and scale. Leaf spots may occur. Root rot in overly moist soils.

Garden Uses

Specimen for moist part shade areas in frost free climates. Popular indoor plant of relatively easy culture which is best in a sunny window slightly filtered by a thin curtain.

Courtesy of Missouri Botanical Society Plant Finder