Horsey 9harles & . Son, mills J ackson Mrs. M. A. LoJ?-don rd. Downhm 1 SHIP CARPENTER. & Rrulway statwn, Fakenham; & at Johnson Mrs. R. J. High st. Downham Baldwin Robert John Blakeney R.S.O Hempton & Wendling King Mrs. A. L 9 Theatre st. , ' Howlett Fred, Yaxham, Dereham Marston Mrs. A. E. 2 Thorpe rd. Norwich · SHIP CHANDI·ERS. Howlett Horace, Wroxham mills, Hove- NicholasMissl\:1.13 NewConduitst.Lynn Blake A. W. Southtown ferry, Yarmouth ton St. John, Norwich; & at Salhouse Olley Mrs. Prances, Tunn st. Fakenham Buckingham Jn. 41 Camden rd. Yarmth & Acle Parker Mrs. E. 45 Pottergate st.Norwich Humphrey Fred S. St. Ann street, Lynn Jarvis Brothers, Terrington St. Clement, Randall & Co. Market pl. Little Rbt. Beeston rd. Sheringhm.R.S.O Lynn Rayner Mrs. Eliza, Harleston Smith William Osbert, 120 High st. Lynn Lemmon Wm. Hy. Redmoor, St. Ed- Servants' Training Home & Free stewart D.171 Southtown rd. Yarmouth mund's avenue; stores, Church street, Registry (Miss Frances Trudgett, 1Teasdel & Son, Bridge foot, Southtown Hunst.anton matron), 56 North quay, Yarmouth road, Yarmouth Ling & Co. Buxton roller mills, Bux Sutton Mrs. J. H. 5 St. Stephen's road, ton, Norwich; & at Coltishall, Nrwch Norwich SHIP OWNERS. Littleproud Thomas & Sons, Stow- Traxton l\Iiss Mary, Elm terrace, Bride- Johnston J. M. Old Barge yard, King st. Bedon, Attleborough well street, Wymondham Norwich Long Mann & Co. Station, Attleborough Way Mrs. Rose, High st. Downham Page & Turner Blakeney R.S.O. & Maddison Hy. G. Foulsham, Dereham Holt R.S.O ' · Martin Robert Watton Thetford SEWAGE CONTRACTORS. Murrell Benj. &' Son, Hingham,' Attlbro' See Contractors. SHIP .& . SHIPPING AGENTS. Myhill Frederick William, Hethel,Nrwch See Agen~hip & Shipping. Neav,.e Frank, Lingwood, Norwich; TA SEWING MACHINE "Neave,Lingwoodstation" DEAI·ERS & AGENTS. S.H'IPSMITHS. Oldman & Sons, Earles stt"eet, Thetford Marked thus t are Agents. Brinded T. 60 Sth. Market rd. Yarmouth Press & Pallett ; head office, tAd Ch L L d D h Colebrook Edward Thomas Baker street road, ; depots, G. E. tB a~h rs· ui ~~ r~a 'd ~w~ :m Gerleston Yarmouth ' ' Rly. station, North Walsham; Bacton tDus ;r;, 21 N:h m£ on r d. t. { m Dodson He~ry Baker lane Lynn Wood staithe; & at Cromer, Gunton, tEenlnest • A . J 15 D. verart sN. Y_Dnh Hall William iohn & Sons' Row 118 & w f d b "dg & c t ag e on . . ove s . orWic , S d or M' ri El! :r:w~ ot 1 D' tGaffer Thomas, 98 Ber street, Norwich Southgates road, Yarmouth ahun .ers& SlSs Len, adr et pt aceN, lShs tRill Thomas, High street, Hunstanton Hewett G. River side, Gorleston, Yarmth S arpm ons, enwa e s an. rwc J hn w H &S St J ' t L Jarrett T. Standard road Wells R.S.O Shenngham & Overman, Market square, Mo ll'sonJ hn.. & Son, c' amestsD.. ynn Jary Geo. South Gates ro~d Yarmouth Fakenham a .mg o ons, .rown s . IS~ , , Smith William & Son Dicklebur h tThirtle G. E. 9 Adelaide st. NorWich Pertwee & Back, Queens road & South- . 'I ' · g ' tWarner Hy. 136A, Dereham rd. Norwch gates road, Yarmouth Scoleton DlSs ' . & at Rai w~ statwn Burs- W"lk'I mson Thomas B ax t er, 60 St. Plane W. Southgates road, Yarmouth ' G · George street N ocwich Pycraft E. S. South quay, Yarmouth Stan~ley John. & Sons, The ranaries, tY A 8'All t • N · h Wooden Richd. Southgates rd. Yarmth Railway statwn, Wymondham eomans · s am· s grn. orWic Taylor R. & A. 142 Norfolk street, Lynn SEWING MACHINE MNFRS. SHIP LAMP ::MAKERS. Towmend Charles, 45 Norfolk street, B radb ury L"Im. 21 R oyaI aread e, N rwc h Hatch H · J · Southgates road, Yarmouth L ynn; & a t F ordh am, S oh am, Cam b s Singer Manufacturing Co. (The), 16 & Mayston J.H. 55 & 56 South qy. Yarmth Townse1_1d George, 8 Farmers avenue, c 1 t t t & 55 L d t t Smith R. 133 Middlegate st. Yarmouth NorWich ; & at Fordham, So ham. 18 11: ver s ree on. on s ree ' See advertise1pent Norwtch; also ~t 160 Kmg street, SHIPWRIGHTS. Woodcock Joseph & Thomas Great Yarmouth, & 9 Norfolk street, D b H R" 'd G I t ,. th ' • Lynn ar y . Iver SI e, or es on, ~arm S.O Ward Horace Edward (repairer), 34 & Wade J. H. jun. 33 Dene side, Yarmth Wood~, Sadd, Moore 8& Co. Lim. 36 Tower street L nn Whitaker F. East end, Wells R.S.O agraculturaleeed merchants; ' Y Wooden John Southgates rd. Yarmouth seeds specially machine cleaned & SHARE BROKERS. ' growth carefully tested, Loddon, See Brokers-Stock & Share. SHIRT MAKERS. Norfolk; Lowestoft; Yarmouth & Roughen S. 12 street, Norwich ~omersfield SHAWL MANUFACTURERS. Fish Miss L. 64 Bethel street, Norwich WrJ.ght W. & Son, Wells rd. Fakenham Cale I. W. & Co. 21 23 & 25 London Green George, 9 & 10 Haymarket, .27 Y . ' . Rampant Horse street, Red Lwn Le May W. H. & H. 67 Borough High street, Norwich. See advertiSement street, 25 Magdalen street & 42 & 44 strfilet, London SE; stands, 16 New SHEEP BREEDER. St. Benedict's street, Norwich; & a.t Corn Exchange, Mark lane E C & 50 Ipswich. See advert Corn Exchange, Norwich (also attend Wood Brereton P. Toft Trees, Fakenham Gunton J. M. 67 Pottergate st. Norwich Lynn m~rket). Telegrams," Lemays, SHEEP DIP MANUFACTR. Livock & Son, 33 & 35 London st.Nrwch London L J S th W tt L Nicholls Wm. M. 1 Haymarket, Norwch Sutton & Sons, Royal Seed Establish- ee · ou oo on, ynn ment, Reading . , SHEEP DIPPER. SHOE BOW MANUFACTURER. Toogood & Sons, The Kings lll!eedsmen, Carver W. B. 103 l\faadalen rd. Norwich Southampton Lee James (contractor), South Wootton, o Lynn SHOE FACTORS- SEED POTATO GROWERS & MERCHANTS. SHEEP DRESSERS. See Boot & Shoe Factors. Scott George W. & Son, Golden Ball Aves John, Wreningham, Norwich SHOE MAKERS. Fruit farm, South Lynn. Telephone Barnes J abez, South Creake, Fakenham See Boot & Shoe Makers. 54 Clarke C. & Sons, Lit. Dunham, Swaffhm Drew William, Mattishall, Dereham SHOE MANUFACTURERS. SEEDSMEN Green William, Wiggenhall St. Mary See Boot & Shoe Manufacturers. See Nurserymen & Seedsmen. Magdalen, Lynn Jackson J. Briston, Melton ConstableS.O SHOE UPPER MAKERS. SERVANTS' :REGISTRY Jackson S. Edgefield green, Melton See Boot & Shoe Upper Makers. OFFICES. Constable S.O Aldis Mrs. Harriet, 13 St. Nicholas, Plummer James, Roughton, Norwich SHOPKEEPERS. East Dereham Abagail William, Hickling, Norwich Bandy Mrs. Maria, 35 St. Stephen's SHEEP SALESMAN. 1 Abel George, 2 Ashby street, Norwich square, Norwich See Salesman--Sheep. Able John Wm. Marham, Downham Barker Mrs. A. 2 Timber Hill st. Norwich Absolon E. M. 128 Heigham st. Norwich Brunton Mrs. J. Church st. Ea. Dereham SHIP BROKERS. Adams Mrs. E. 2 Friars la. Yarmouth Causton Mrs. E. 9 Prince of Wales road, See Brokers--Ship & Insurance. Adams Mrs. E. Lynn road, Downham Norwich Adams Levi, 53 Nelson road, Gorles Chambers l\Irs. E.F.35 Regent st.Yrmth SHIP BUILDERS. ton, Yarmouth Eastoe Mrs. H. )1. Market pl.N.Walshm Beeching Brothers Limited, South Gates Adcock H. 221 Northumberland st.Nwch Fraser l\Irs. M. 86 Chapelfield rd. Norwch road, Yarmouth Alcock D. Wendling, East Dereham Graves :Mrs. M. A. Norwich rd. Fakenhm Fellows & Co. Limited, Southtown rd. Aldridge Edward, 74 Ber stret>t, Norwich Grimble Miss l\Iary, Stratton St. Marv. Yarmouth Aldridge J. 21 Shadwell strt>et, Crooks Long Strat.ton R.S.O Worfolk Waiter, The Friars Boat yard, place, Xorwich Hubbard ::\hs. S. 2 Little Bethel st.Nrwch Lynn Aldridge W. 16 Trafalgar st. Norwich NORFOLK 50