Ramón Areces (Spain). We Thank the Curators of the Her- MS. Received: 2012-01-31. ITEACEAE Since the Description of the Sub-Sah
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196 Bothalia 42,2 (2012) Martínez-AzorínMartínez-Azorín et al.: 467 (2011):(2011): Baker: t. 335 ((1872).1872). baria ABH,ABH, BOLBOL,, BNRH,BNRH, GRA,GRA, J,J, K,K, KEI,KEI, KMG,KMG, NBG,NBG, Epitype, designated by Martínez-Azorín et al.: 467 NH, NU, PEU, PUC, UFH, and WIND, for allowing us (2011): South Africa, Eastern Cape, Somerset East, sum- toto study theirtheir AlbucaAlbuca collections. Thanks to P. Wilkin,Wilkin, mitmit of Boschberg, northeast of Bloukop, in shallow soil O. Weber and L. Walsingham (Royal Botanic Gardens, onon rocky places, 1 574 m, 10 May 2010, V.R.V.R. ClarkClark & Kew) for supplying images of some AlbucaAlbuca collectionscollections M. Martínez-AzorínMartínez-Azorín (GRA, epi.; ABH, K, PRE, isoepi.) at Kew. We also thank F. Martínez-Flores who kindly helpedhelped us with the fi gures of AlbucaAlbuca leaves.leaves. Diagnostic characters: Albuca tenuifolia cancan be eeas-as- ilyily identifi ed by its hypogeal and proliferous, irregularly compressedcompressed bulbs; fi liform and straight leaves that beabearr REFERENCESREFERENCES minuteminute and sessile papillae (only visible under micro- scope);scope); glabrous peduncle and pedicels; erect pale yel- BBAKER,AKER, J.GJ.G.. 1872. Albuca tenuifolia. In W.W. SaundersSaunders,, RRefugiumefugium botanicum 55(2)(2) t. 335. Van Voorst, Paternoster Row, LondonLondon.. low-greenlow-green fl owers; strongly hooded inner t epal tips; all BBAKER,AKER, J.G.J.G. 1873. Revision of the genera and species of SScilleaecilleae andand stamensstamens bearing fertile anthers; subglobose ovary with ChlorogaleaeChlorogaleae. JJournalournal of the Linnean Society. Botany 1313(68):(68): divergent paraseptal crest; and a narrowly obpyramidal 209-292.209-292. trigonoustrigonous style. BBAKER,AKER, J.GJ.G.. 1874. Description of new species of SScilleaecilleae anandd ootherther LiliaceaeLiliaceae. JJournalournal of Botany, British and Foreign 12: 363-369363-369.. The characteristic form of the inner tepal tips, BBAKER,AKER, J.GJ.G.. 1897. AAlbucalbuca. In W.T. Thiselton-Dyer, Flora Capensis 66:: 451-462.451-462. Reeve & co.,co., LondonLondon.. stronglystrongly hooded and resembling a mitre (Figure 2a) HILLIARDHILLIARD,, O.M. & BURTTBURTT,, B.L. 1982. Notes on some plants of togethertogether with the erect fl owers, place A. tenuifolia in A.A. southernsouthern Africa, chiefl y from Natal: IX. Notes from the Royal subg.subg. MitrotepalumMitrotepalum (=(= A.A. sect.sect. BrancionaBranciona). ForFor furtherfurther BotanicBotanic Garden, Edinburgh 40: 247-298247-298.. details and discussion on subgeneric arrangement of MCNEILLMCNEILL,, J.J.,, BARRIEBARRIE,, F.R.F.R.,, BURDETBURDET,, H.M.,H.M., DEMOULIN,DEMOULIN, V.,V., HAWSWORTH,HAWSWORTH, D.L.D.L.,, MARHOLD,MARHOLD, K.,K., NICHOLSON,NICHOLSON, D.H.,D.H., AlbucaAlbuca see Müller-Doblies ((1987,1987, 19951995).). PRADO,PRADO, J.,J., SILVA,SILVA, P.C.,P.C., SKOG,SKOG, J.E.,J.E., WIERSEMA,WIERSEMA, J.H. & TURLAND, N.J. (EDS.).(EDS.). 2006. INTERNATIONALINTERNATIONAL COCODEDE OOFF AlbucaAlbuca shawiishawii Bakerr in Journal of Botany (London) BOTANICALBOTANICAL NOMENCLATURE ((VIENNAVIENNA CODECODE)) ADOPTADOPT-- 12: 367 (1874). Lectotype, designated by Hilliard & EDED BY THE SEVENTEENTHSEVENTEENTH IINTERNATIONALNTERNATIONAL BBOTANICALOTANICAL Burtt:Burtt: 281 (1982): South Africa, Northern Cape, Coles- CONGRESS VIENNAVIENNA,, AUSTRIAAUSTRIA,, JULY 20020055. GARTNERGARTNER VVER-ER- LAG, RUGGEL, LIECHTENSTEIN [RREGNUMEGNUM VVEGETABILEEGETABILE berg, ShawShaw s.n. (K000257312, lecto.—photo!).lecto.—photo!). 146].146]. MANNINGMANNING,, J.C. & GOLDBLATT,GOLDBLATT, P.P. 2003.2003. AAlbucalbuca. In GG.. GGermishui-ermishui- Diagnostic characters: AlbucaAlbuca shawii isis characterizedcharacterized zen & N.L. Meyer, Plants of Southern Africa: an annotated by its hypogeal, ovoid, and mostly solitary bulbs; fi li- checklist. Strelitzia 14: 1054-1056. National Botanical InstituteInstitute,, form leaves with usually coiled apexes; leaves, pendun- Pretoria.Pretoria. cle,cle, and pedicles with evident, stipitate glands; nodding MARTÍNEZ-AZORÍNMARTÍNEZ-AZORÍN,, M.,M., CLARK,CLARK, V.R.,V.R., CRESPO,CRESPO, M.B.,M.B., DOLD A.P.A.P. & BARKER N.P. 2011. The rediscovery of Albuca tenuifotenuifo-- yellow-green fl owers; inner tepals with a slight apical lia, an orophilous species from the eastern Great Escarpment in hoodhood and a triangular structure facing downwards; only SouthSouth Africa. Nordic Journal of Botany 29: 465-470465-470.. thethe three inner stamens bearing fertile anthers, the out- MÜLLER-DOBLIESMÜLLER-DOBLIES,, U. 1987. Infrageneric taxonomy of AAlbucalbuca (Hya- ers commonly lacking anthers; oblong ovary with almost cinthaceae).cinthaceae). Abstract XIV International Botanical Cong ress p. 332.332. Berlin.Berlin. straightstraight paraseptal crests; and the shorter and widely MÜLLER-DOBLIESMÜLLER-DOBLIES,, UU.. 1995. Enumeratio Albucarum (Hyacinthace- obpyramidalobpyramidal trigonous style. ae) Austro-Africanarum adhuc cognitarum. 2. Subgenus Falcon- era ((Salisb.)Salisb.) Baker emend. U.M.-D 1987. Feddes Repertorium The inner tepals tips of A.A. shawii are neither strongly 106: 353-370353-370.. hhoodedooded nor hinged (Figure 2b), a character which, MÜLLER-DOBLIESMÜLLER-DOBLIES,, U. 2012. The enigma of Albuca tenuifolia BakerBaker resolved.resolved. Feddes Repertorium 121: 285-298285-298.. ttogetherogether with the nodding fl owers, place this species in THIERSTHIERS,, B.B. 2012. Index herbariorum: a global directory of public her- A. subg. FalconeraFalconera (=(= A.A. sect.sect. FalconeraFalconera) (cf.(cf. Müller- baria and associated staff. [continuously updated]. New York. Doblies 1987, 1995)1995) The species is the type of AA.. secsect.t. Bot.Bot. Gard. Virt. Herb. <http://sweetgum.nybg.org/ih/>, accessed TTriantherarianthera U.Müll.-Doblies (=(= A. ser.ser. TrTriantheraianthera JanuaryJanuary 2012.2012. (U.Müll.-Doblies) J.C.Manning & Goldblatt), character- * * ** iizedzed by the presence of only three fertile anthersanthers.. MariMarioo MartínMartínez-Azorínez-Azorín , Manuel B. Crespo & Anthony P. Dold * CIBIO (Instituto(Instituto Universitario de la Biodiversidad),Biodiversidad), Universidad de Alicante, P.O. Box 99, E-03080 Alicante, Spain. [email protected]@ua.es (au(au-- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSACKNOWLEDGEMENTS thor for correspondence). **** SelmarSelmar Schonland Herbarium, Department of Botany, Rhodes Uni-Uni- This work was partly supported by the Fundación vversity,ersity, Grahamstown 6140, South Africa. Ramón Areces (Spain). We thank the curators of the her- MS.MS. received: 2012-01-31.2012-01-31. ITEACEAE TAXONOMIC AND NOMENCLATURAL NOTES ON THE GENUS CHORISTYLIS Since the description of the sub-Saharan African status and family position of the genus and summa- Choristylis and its only species, C. rhamnoides by Har- rize its nomenclatural history. Harvey (1862), Hooker vey in 1842, the family position of this woody shrub or (1865), Mildbraed (1934), Boutique (1964) and Liben small tree has been uncertain. We review the taxonomic (1969) referred Choristylis to Saxifragaceae, and Engler Bothalia 42,2 (2012) 197 (1891, 1930) placed it in Saxifragaceae subfamily Escal- 2–5 united carpels. Although the carpels of Iteaceae are lonioideae. Other authors, including Hutchinson (1969), free initially, they become partly or completely united Verdcourt (1973, 1983), Brummitt (1992), Jordaan along the style (Ge et al. 2002; Kubitzski 2006). (2000), Lötter (2002), Coates Palgrave (2002) and Boon (2010) included Choristylis in the Escalloniaceae. Airy The African Choristylis is notably disjunct from other Shaw (1973) was the fi rst to associate Choristylis with members of Itea, which are exclusively Northern Hemi- Itea in the small family Iteaceae J.G.Agardh (sweet- sphere in distribution, extending from south and south- spire family), a step followed by Takhtajan (1996) and east Asia from the Himalayas to China, Taiwan, Japan, Kubitzki (2006). This is the family placement followed Java, the Philippines, and southeast United States of here. America. Choristylis, however, is similar in habit, leaf, fl ower, fruit, and seed characters to Itea. Members of Saxifragaceae are exclusively herbaceous with exstip- Itea have alternate or spirally arranged, glandular ser- ulate leaves. Escalloniaceae are trees with exstipulate rate or dentate to spinose-dentate leaf margins with the leaves and a parietal placentation, whereas in the woody lateral or tertiary veins ending at the margin in a gland Iteaceae the leaves are always stipulate, placentation is or spine (the same condition as in Choristylis) to rarely axile and the pollen grains are unusual in being 2-porate entire. The leaf venation is seemingly 3-veined from and subisopolar (Erdtman 1955; Agababian 1960). Pol- or near the base in Choristylis and pinnately veined in len in Escalloniaceae is shed as monads and the grains all species of Itea. Both genera have similar, small, 5- are isopolar and 3–5-colporate. Iteaceae also differ from merous, creamy white or greenish yellow fl owers Escalloniaceae in their bitegmic and crassinucellate borne in axillary or terminal panicles or racemes, often ovules. Escalloniaceae have unitegmic and tenuinucel- superposed in groups of two or three. In Choristylis late ovules. The crassinucellate condition was deter- the infl orescences are shorter than the leaves, up to 45 mined in both Itea and Choristylis (Mauritzon 1933, fi de mm long, whereas most Itea species have long, droop- Kubitzki 2006). APG III (2009) place Escalloniaceae ing, elongated panicles or racemes,