Adelaide Plains

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Adelaide Plains Pinery Rd Wakefield Wild Horse Plains Wild Horse Long Plains RuL Plains Long Plains Se Se TRAEGER RD Powerline Rd P O R T WA K E F IE L D H W Y MR Parham Mallala Windsor Se Windsor / Dublin Parham LIn 2 CstSe RuL R Mallala Dublin Rd DU TCe CstSe 1 Cu Wasleys Rd C LIn DU 4 BH RuL T 2 Dublin Light Thompson Beach PrPro Redbanks CstSe UE CstSe Adelaide Plains REDBANKS RD Thompson Beach Se Redbanks RuL CstCon PORT WAKEFIELD HWY MALLALA RD MALLALA Lower Light Lower Light Se 3 Two Wells 5 UE SN In 1 BH 4 3 LIn R GAWLER RD Two Wells 5 TCe RP(Cst) 1 6 Cu Hayman Rd RuL AH RuL P O R T W A K E F I E L D H W Y Gawler River Rd 5 Land Not Within Con a Council Area (Coastal Waters) Port Gawler Rd Old Port Wakefield Rd LE RD ANGLE VA Con Womma West Rd PENFIELD RD P EX RN Playford HE RT NO HEASLIP RD Land Not Within a Council Area (Metro) Salisbury Zoning Policy Area AH - Animal Husbandry 1 - Recreation BH - Bulk Handling 2 - Mallala Racetrack Adelaide Plains 0 1200 2400 3600 metres C - Commercial 3 - Horticulture Con - Conservation 4 - Residential ± CstCon - Coastal Conservation 5 - Two Wells Town Centre Produced by Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure CstSe - Coastal Settlement 6 - Residential Commercial Residential Refer to town map Development Plan Map Cu - Community Precinct Planning Division DU - Deferred Urban 1 - Two Wells Community Facilities Rural Living Coastline / River Murray GPO Box 1815 Adelaide SA 5001 In - Industry 2 - Mallala LIn - Light Industry 3 - Two Wells Country Township Development Plan Projection Lambert Conformal Conic MR - Mallala Racecourse 4 - Mallala Light Industry Compiled 9 June 2020 Deferred Urban Zoning PrPro - Primary Production 5 - Horticulture © Government of South Australia 2018 R - Residential Environmental Constraint Policy Area No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted RP(Cst) - Residential Park (Coastal) in any form, or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, RuL - Rural Living Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure. Industrial Precinct SN - Suburban Neighbourhood While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that this document is correct at Se - Settlement Miscellaneous Local government boundary the time of publication, the State of South Australia and its agencies, instrumentalities, T - Township employees and contractors disclaim any and all liability to any person in respect to anything TCe - Town Centre Primary Production / Mining Cadastre or the consequence of anything done or omitted to be done in reliance upon the whole or any part of this document. PLN ID: 5467 UE - Urban Employment Pinery Rd WAKEFIELD Wild Horse Plains Wild Horse Long Plains RuL Plains Long Plains RuS RuS TRAEGER RD Powerline Rd P O R T WA K E F IE L D H W Y Parham Rec Mallala Windsor / Dublin Parham RuS Windsor RuS Ru GN RuL Mallala Dublin Rd DU RuS TAC Rec Wasleys Rd SE DU RuL E(BH) T Dublin LIGHT Thompson Beach RuS Redbanks E RuS ADELAIDE REDBANKS RD PLAINS Thompson Beach RuS Redbanks RuL Con PORT WAKEFIELD HWY MALLALA RD MALLALA Lower Light Lower Light RuS CWOI RuH Two Wells HDN E SN E(BH) SE Two Wells GAWLER RD GN Rec RP Hayman Rd P O RuL R T Old Port Wakefield Rd W A K E F I E L D H W Y Gawler River Rd Con Port Gawler Rd LE RD ANGLE VA Womma West Rd PENFIELD RD XP N E ER TH OR PLAYFORD N HEASLIP RD SALISBURY P&D Code Zones Abbreviations Con - Conservation DU - Deferred Urban E - Employment Adelaide Plains 0 1200 2400 3600 metres Code Consultation Map E(BH) - Employment (Bulk Handling) ± GN - General Neighbourhood P&D Code Zones People & Neighbourhoods - Rural Rural Horticulture HDN - Housing Diversity Neighbourhood Produced by Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure RP - Residential Park People & Neighbourhoods - Residential Rural Living Resilient Communities & Environment Planning and Land Use Services Rec - Recreation Ru - Rural Deferred Urban Productive Economy - Employment Conservation GPO Box 1815 Adelaide SA 5001 RuH - Rural Horticulture RuL - Rural Living General Neighbourhood Township Activity Centre Recreation Projection Lambert Conformal Conic RuS - Rural Settlement Compiled 30 September 2019 SE - Suburban Employment Housing Diversity Neighbourhood Employment Coastal Waters and Offshore Islands SN - Suburban Neighbourhood © Government of South Australia 2019 T - Township Residential Park Employment (Bulk Handling) Local government boundary No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted TAC - Township Activity Centre in any form, or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure. P&D Code Zones Rural Settlement Suburban Employment Cadastre While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that this document is correct at Productive Economy - Primary Industry Suburban Neighbourhood Refer to town map the time of publication, the State of South Australia and its agencies, instrumentalities, employees and contractors disclaim any and all liability to any person in respect to anything Township Rural or the consequence of anything done or omitted to be done in reliance upon the whole or DRAFT Coastline HWM any part of this document. PLN ID: 5811 PineryRd WAKEFIELD Wild Horse Plains W ild Horse Wild Long Plains Plains LongPlains TRAEGER RD CWOI Pow erline Rd Pow erline P O R T W A K E F I E L D H W Y Parham Mallala Windsor Con Windso r / Dublin Parham Con CWOI N Mallala Con Dub lin Rd Con Wasleys Rd LIGHT E Dub lin Con Thompson Beach Con Redbanks SE Con Thompso n Beach Redbanks REDBANKS RD Con CWOI Con ADELAIDE PLAINS Con PORT WAKEFIELD HWY MAL LALA MAL LALA RD Lower Light Low er CWOI Light Con Con CWOI Two Wells CWOI SE MPN MPN RuL E Con N MPN TM S GAWLER RD Con TM S TwoWells CWOI Hayman Rd Con CWOI Con Con P O Con R T W A K E F I E L D Rd Wakefield Port Old H Con W Y Ga wl e r Ri ve r Rd Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con CWOI Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con PortGawler Rd Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con CWOI Con Con RuH Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con CWOI RD Con ANGLE VALE Con Con Con CurtisRd Con Con CWOI Con Wo mmaWest Rd PENFIELD RD P PLAYFORD EX RN HE RT NO HEASLIP RD Argent Rd Argent SALISBURY Adelaide Plains ± 0 1200 2400 3600 metres P&D Code Zones Productive Economy - Mixed Use toto Refer wmap n Produced by Attorney-General’sDepartment People & Neighbourhoods - Residential Tow nshipMainStreet 2020 Updated Code CoastlineHWM andLandUsePlanning Services MasterPlannedNeighbo urhoo d Productive Economy - Primary Industry GPOBox SA50011815Adelaide w w w Neighbo urhoo d HorticultureRural Consultation Map Projection LambCo ert Co nformal nic Compiled No4 vemb2020 er People & Neighbourhoods - Rural Resilient Communities & Environment ©Go vernmentSouthof Australia2020 Rural LivingRural Conservation Nopartthisdocumentof may be reproduced,system, retrieval storeda transmittedin or in anybyor form, any in means, without writtentheprior permission thepubof lisher, P&D Code Zones Productive Economy - Employment CoastalWaters OffshoreandIslands theAttorney-General’s Department. Emp loyment everyWhile reaso has nablebeeneffort made to ensure that thisdocument correctatis Local governmentLocal bo undary thetimepubof the State Southof lication, Australiainstrumentalities,agencies,andits emp loyeesto any persoandcontractors respliability in any ectton disclaim andall anything StrategicEmp loyment Cadastre theoconsequence r anythingof done omittedor up to bereliance odone thewhole n in or DRAFT anypartthisdocument.of PLN ID: 5811 TRANSITION TABLE – Adelaide Plains Current Current Development Current Development Consultation November Consultation November Planning & Design Development Plan Zone Plan Policy Area 2019 Code Proposal 2020 Code Proposal Code Subzone Plan Precinct Animal Husbandry Rural Living & Animal Husbandry Rural Living Animal Husbandry Subzone Bulk Handling Mallala Precinct 2 Employment (Bulk Handling) Employment (Bulk Handling) Bulk Handling Two Wells Precinct 1 Employment (Bulk Handling) Employment (Bulk Handling) Coastal Conservation Conservation Conservation Coastal Settlement Rural Settlement Rural Settlement Commercial Suburban Employment Employment Community Recreation Recreation Recreation Conservation Conservation Conservation Deferred Urban Deferred Urban Deferred Urban Industry Employment Strategic Employment Light Industry Mallala Racetrack Policy Area 2 Recreation Recreation Light Industry Mallala Light Industry Suburban Employment Employment Precinct 4 Light Industry Suburban Employment Employment Mallala Racecourse Recreation Recreation Primary Production Horticulture Horticulture Rural Horticulture Rural Horticulture Primary Production Horticulture Rural Horticulture Rural Horticulture Primary Production Rural Rural Residential Residential Suburban Neighbourhood Master Planned Neighbourhood Emerging Activity Centre Residential Residential General Neighbourhood General Neighbourhood Residential General Neighbourhood Neighbourhood Residential Park (Coastal) Residential Park Residential Park Rural Living Two Wells Rural Living Rural Living Rural Living Rural Living Rural Living Settlement Rural Settlement Rural Settlement Suburban Neighbourhood
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