TV: The Public's View, 2001 - FINAL QUESTIONNAIRE TVView - JN: 1151278 - 03 Aug 2001 Quanquest v2.1 - QAL v2.2bmrb12 - CAPI


re area to be dummied in main survey

(108 - 111) Numeric Range ______Permitted Range 101 TO 9999 (Numeric Range)


qTVsets How many TV sets are there in your home?

(112 - 113) Numeric Range ______Don't Know Y (112) No TV sets at home X Permitted Range 1 TO 1 (One) , 2 TO 2 (Two) , 3 TO 3 (Three) , 4 TO 4 (Four) , 5 TO 5 (Five) , 6 TO 6 (Six) , 7 TO 7 (Seven) , 8 TO 99 (Eight +)

znoTV IF qTVsets = Don't Know OR qTVsets = No TV sets at home - Termination with data (Quit)

That's all the questions need to ask you. Thank you for your help.

qdays And during an average week, on how many days do you personally watch television?

7 days 1 (114) 6 days 2 5 days 3 3 or 4 days 4 1 or 2 days 5 Less often than once a week 6 Don't Know Y

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qhours On a day when you personally watch television, for about how many hours do you view on average?

Less than 1 hour 1 (115) 1 hour but less than 2 hours 2 2 hours but less than 3 hours 3 3 hours but less than 4 hours 4 4 hours but less than 5 hours 5 5 hours but less than 6 hours 6 6 hours but less than 7 hours 7 7 hours but less than 8 hours 8 8 hours but less than 9 hours 9 9 hours or more 0 (116) Don't Know Y (115)

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qitems And which of the following do you, or does anyone in your household, have in your home at the moment?


A teletext set 1 (117) A 'widescreen' television (INTERVIEWER, SHOW SHOWCARD A) 2 A stereo television 3 Cable TV 4 A satellite TV dish 5 A cable phone (i.e. a phone service supplied from your cable company rather than @ BT) 6 A video recorder 7 A video camera or camcorder 8 A mini disc player 9 An MP3 player 0 (118) A DVD or Digital Versatile Disc player that is viewed through a television or computer 1 A computer 2 A computer with PC TV or Video Capacity 3 A computer with access to the internet 4 A WAP mobile phone with access to the internet, this could be a personal or a business mobile phone 5 Video games such as Sega, Nintendo or Sony Playstation 6 ITV Digital, previously known as ON Digital 7 A TV service through your phone line, such as Home Choice 8 Don't Know Y (117) None of these X

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qdigita And do any of your televisions receive a digital television service, which first became available over the last 3 years?


Yes, satellite 1 (119) Yes, from cable supplier via cable 2 Yes, via an ordinary aerial from ITV Digital, previously known as ONDigital 3 Yes, from another supplier such as Home Choice 4 No (analogue only - no digital television service received) 5 Don't Know Y

IF qdigita = Yes, from cable supplier via cable THEN ASK: qcabdig

qcabdig And have you had a new box from your cable supplier installed in your home in the last 3 years?

Yes 1 (120) No 2 Don't Know Y

End of Filter icabdig

IF( NOT ( qTVsets = One OR qTVsets = Don't Know )) AND ( qitems = Cable TV OR qitems = A satellite TV dish OR qitems = ITV Digital, previously known as ON Digital OR qitems = A TV service through your phone line, such as Home Choice ) THEN ASK: qmultTV

qmultTV You said earlier that you have &qTVsets& television sets. How many of these are connected to satellite, cable or a digital television service?


(121 - 122) Numeric Range ______Don't Know Y (121) Permitted Range 0 TO 99 (Numeric Range)

End of Filter imultic

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qkids How many children aged under 16 live in this household?

(123 - 124) Numeric Range ______Don't Know Y (123) Refused Z Permitted Range 0 TO 0 (None) , 1 TO 1 (One) , 2 TO 2 (Two) , 3 TO 3 (Three) , 4 TO 4 (Four) , 5 TO 5 (Five) , 6 TO 6 (Six) , 7 TO 99 (7+)

IF NOT ( qkids = None OR = Don't Know OR = Refused ) THEN ASK: qage1, qsex1, qacces1

qage1 Please could you tell me the age of the oldest child?

(125 - 126) Numeric Range ______Don't Know Y (125) Refused Z Permitted Range 0 TO 15 (Numeric Range)

qsex1 And is the oldest child male or female?

Male 1 (127) Female 2 Don't Know Y Refused Z

qacces1 And which, if any, of the following items does the eldest child have in their bedroom?

Television 1 (128) A radio in any form (including radio alarms, radio cassettes & portable radios) 2 A satellite, cable or digital TV connection 3 A video recorder or playback machine 4 Video games console such as Sega, Nintendo or Sony Playstation 5 A computer 6 Internet access 7 Don't Know Y Refused Z None of these X

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IF NOT ( qkids = None OR qkids = Don't Know OR qkids = Refused OR qkids = One ) THEN ASK: qage2, qsex2, qacces2

qage2 Please could you tell me the age of the second oldest child?

(129 - 130) Numeric Range ______Don't Know Y (129) Refused Z Permitted Range 0 TO 15 (Numeric Range)

qsex2 And is the second oldest child male or female?

Male 1 (131) Female 2 Don't Know Y Refused Z

qacces2 And which, if any, of the following items does the second eldest child have in their bedroom?

Television 1 (132) A radio in any form (including radio alarms, radio cassettes & portable radios) 2 A satellite, cable or digital TV connection 3 A video recorder or playback machine 4 Video games console such as Sega, Nintendo or Sony Playstation 5 A computer 6 Internet access 7 Don't Know Y Refused Z None of these X

IF NOT ( qkids = None OR qkids = Don't Know OR qkids = Refused OR qkids = One OR qkids = Two ) THEN ASK: qage3, qsex3, qacces3

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qage3 Please could you tell me the age of the third oldest child?

(133 - 134) Numeric Range ______Don't Know Y (133) Refused Z Permitted Range 0 TO 15 (Numeric Range)

qsex3 And is the third oldest child male or female?

Male 1 (135) Female 2 Don't Know Y Refused Z

qacces3 And which, if any, of the following items does the third eldest child have in their bedroom?

Television 1 (136) A radio in any form (including radio alarms, radio cassettes & portable radios) 2 A satellite, cable or digital TV connection 3 A video recorder or playback machine 4 Video games console such as Sega, Nintendo or Sony Playstation 5 A computer 6 Internet access 7 Don't Know Y Refused Z None of these X

IF NOT ( qkids = None OR qkids = Don't Know OR qkids = Refused OR qkids = One OR qkids = Two OR qkids = Three ) THEN ASK: qage4, qsex4, qacces4

qage4 Please could you tell me the age of the fourth oldest child?

(137 - 138) Numeric Range ______Don't Know Y (137) Refused Z Permitted Range 0 TO 15 (Numeric Range)

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qsex4 And is the fourth oldest child male or female?

Male 1 (139) Female 2 Don't Know Y Refused Z

qacces4 And which, if any, of the following items does the fourth eldest child have in their bedroom?

Television 1 (140) A radio in any form (including radio alarms, radio cassettes & portable radios) 2 A satellite, cable or digital TV connection 3 A video recorder or playback machine 4 Video games console such as Sega, Nintendo or Sony Playstation 5 A computer 6 Internet access 7 Don't Know Y Refused Z None of these X

IF NOT ( qkids = None OR qkids = Don't Know OR qkids = Refused OR qkids = One OR qkids = Two OR qkids = Three OR qkids = Four ) THEN ASK: qage5, qsex5, qacces5

qage5 Please could you tell me the age of the fifth oldest child?

(141 - 142) Numeric Range ______Don't Know Y (141) Refused Z Permitted Range 0 TO 15 (Numeric Range)

qsex5 And is the fifth oldest child male or female?

Male 1 (143) Female 2 Don't Know Y Refused Z

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qacces5 And which, if any, of the following items does the fifth eldest child have in their bedroom?

Television 1 (144) A radio in any form (including radio alarms, radio cassettes & portable radios) 2 A satellite, cable or digital TV connection 3 A video recorder or playback machine 4 Video games console such as Sega, Nintendo or Sony Playstation 5 A computer 6 Internet access 7 Don't Know Y Refused Z None of these X

IF NOT ( qkids = None OR qkids = Don't Know OR qkids = Refused OR qkids = One OR qkids = Two OR qkids = Three OR qkids = Four OR qkids = Five ) THEN ASK: qage6, qsex6, qacces6

qage6 Please could you tell me the age of the sixth oldest child?

(145 - 146) Numeric Range ______Don't Know Y (145) Refused Z Permitted Range 0 TO 15 (Numeric Range)

qsex6 And is the sixth oldest child male or female?

Male 1 (147) Female 2 Don't Know Y Refused Z

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qacces6 And which, if any, of the following items does the sixth eldest child have in their bedroom?

Television 1 (148) A radio in any form (including radio alarms, radio cassettes & portable radios) 2 A satellite, cable or digital TV connection 3 A video recorder or playback machine 4 Video games console such as Sega, Nintendo or Sony Playstation 5 A computer 6 Internet access 7 Don't Know Y Refused Z None of these X

End of Filter ikids6

End of Filter ikids5

End of Filter ikids4

End of Filter ikids3

End of Filter ikids2

qparent And are you the parent or guardian of any of the children in the household?

Yes 1 (149) No 2 Don't Know Y

End of Filter ikids1


'The next section is about the television channels that you watch nowadays'


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qonly1 Thinking of TV channels, if you could have ONLY ONE of the television channels you currently receive at home, which one would you choose?


BBC1 1 (150) BBC2 2 ITV 3 ( in Wales) 4 Channel 5 5 6 7 Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema 8 The Discovery Channel 9 UK Gold 0 (151) 1\2\3\Gold 1 Living 2 MTV 3 BBC News 24 4 UK Style 5 British Eurosport 6 E4 7 8 VH-1 (i.e. VH one) 9 Paramount Comedy 0 (152) 1 The History Channel 2 Animal Planet 3 Artsworld 4 Asianet 5 BBC Choice 6 BBC Parliament 7 BET International 8 Bloomberg Television 9 Boomerang 0 (153) Bravo 1 B4U 2 Carlton Cinema 3 4 Challenge TV 5 Channel One (Liverpool only) 6 CNBC 7 CNN 8 Discovery Home and Leisure 9 Disney 0 (154) Euronews 1 Film Four 2 Fox Kids 3 Front Row 4 Granada Breeze 5 Granada Men & Motors 6 Granada Plus 7 Ideal World 8 ITN News 9 ITV2\S2\TVYOU 0 (155) Landscape 1 Local cable channel 2

TVView - JN: 1151278 - FINAL - 03/08/01 Page 11 of 106 MBC 3 MUTV (Manchester United TV) 4 Namaste 5 National Geographic 6 7 Nick Jr 8 Performance\The Arts Channel 9 Phoenix China News & Entertainment 0 (156) PIN 1 Playboy TV 2 3 QVC \ The Shopping Channel 4 Rapture 5 Screen Shop 6 Shop! 7 Sky Travel 8 Sony Entertainment 9 Tara 0 (157) Taste CFN 1 TCM 2 Television X - The Fantasy Channel 3 The Adult Channel 4 The Box 5 The Channel Guide 6 The Chinese Channel / TVB 7 The God Channel 8 The Racing Channel 9 The Sci-Fi channel 0 (158) The Technology Channel 1 TNT & TNT Classic Movies 2 3 Travel 4 Trouble 5 TV Travel Shop 6 UK Drama 7 UK Horizons 8 UK Play 9 Vision 0 (159) Zee TV 1 Don't Know Y (150) None of these X Other 0

Other specify... (160 - 163)

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The next section is about channels you watch MOST FREQUENTLY.


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qwatch So, which of these channels would you say you personally watch the most often?


BBC1 1 (164) BBC2 2 ITV 3 Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) 4 Channel 5 5 Sky One 6 Sky News 7 Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema 8 The Discovery Channel 9 UK Gold 0 (165) Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold 1 Living 2 MTV 3 BBC News 24 4 UK Style 5 British Eurosport 6 E4 7 Sky Sports News 8 VH-1 (i.e. VH one) 9 Paramount Comedy 0 (166) Sky Box Office 1 The History Channel 2 Animal Planet 3 Artsworld 4 Asianet 5 BBC Choice 6 BBC Parliament 7 BET International 8 Bloomberg Television 9 Boomerang 0 (167) Bravo 1 B4U 2 Carlton Cinema 3 Cartoon Network 4 Challenge TV 5 Channel One (Liverpool only) 6 CNBC 7 CNN 8 Discovery Home and Leisure 9 Disney 0 (168) Euronews 1 Film Four 2 Fox Kids 3 Front Row 4 Granada Breeze 5 Granada Men & Motors 6 Granada Plus 7 Ideal World 8 ITN News 9 ITV2\S2\TVYOU 0 (169) Landscape 1 Local cable channel 2 MBC 3

TVView - JN: 1151278 - FINAL - 03/08/01 Page 14 of 106 MUTV (Manchester United TV) 4 Namaste 5 National Geographic 6 Nickelodeon 7 Nick Jr 8 Performance\The Arts Channel 9 Phoenix China News & Entertainment 0 (170) PIN 1 Playboy TV 2 Playhouse Disney 3 QVC \ The Shopping Channel 4 Rapture 5 Screen Shop 6 Shop! 7 Sky Travel 8 Sony Entertainment 9 Tara 0 (171) Taste CFN 1 TCM 2 Television X - The Fantasy Channel 3 The Adult Channel 4 The Box 5 The Channel Guide 6 The Chinese Channel / TVB 7 The God Channel 8 The Racing Channel 9 The Sci-Fi channel 0 (172) The Technology Channel 1 TNT Europe & TNT Classic Movies 2 Toon Disney 3 Travel 4 Trouble 5 TV Travel Shop 6 UK Drama 7 UK Horizons 8 UK Play 9 Vision 0 (173) Zee TV 1 Don't Know Y (164) None of these X Other 0

Other specify... (174 - 177)

IF NOT ( qwatch = Don't Know OR qwatch = None of these ) THEN ASK: qwatch2

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qwatch2 And which, if any, would you say is your second most watched channel?


BBC1 1 (208) BBC2 2 ITV 3 Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) 4 Channel 5 5 Sky One 6 Sky News 7 Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema 8 The Discovery Channel 9 UK Gold 0 (209) Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold 1 Living 2 MTV 3 BBC News 24 4 UK Style 5 British Eurosport 6 E4 7 Sky Sports News 8 VH-1 (i.e. VH one) 9 Paramount Comedy 0 (210) Sky Box Office 1 The History Channel 2 Animal Planet 3 Artsworld 4 Asianet 5 BBC Choice 6 BBC Parliament 7 BET International 8 Bloomberg Television 9 Boomerang 0 (211) Bravo 1 B4U 2 Carlton Cinema 3 Cartoon Network 4 Challenge TV 5 Channel One (Liverpool only) 6 CNBC 7 CNN 8 Discovery Home and Leisure 9 Disney 0 (212) Euronews 1 Film Four 2 Fox Kids 3 Front Row 4 Granada Breeze 5 Granada Men & Motors 6 Granada Plus 7 Ideal World 8 ITN News 9 ITV2\S2\TVYOU 0 (213) Landscape 1 Local cable channel 2 MBC 3

TVView - JN: 1151278 - FINAL - 03/08/01 Page 16 of 106 MUTV (Manchester United TV) 4 Namaste 5 National Geographic 6 Nickelodeon 7 Nick Jr 8 Performance\The Arts Channel 9 Phoenix China News & Entertainment 0 (214) PIN 1 Playboy TV 2 Playhouse Disney 3 QVC \ The Shopping Channel 4 Rapture 5 Screen Shop 6 Shop! 7 Sky Travel 8 Sony Entertainment 9 Tara 0 (215) Taste CFN 1 TCM 2 Television X - The Fantasy Channel 3 The Adult Channel 4 The Box 5 The Channel Guide 6 The Chinese Channel / TVB 7 The God Channel 8 The Racing Channel 9 The Sci-Fi channel 0 (216) The Technology Channel 1 TNT Europe & TNT Classic Movies 2 Toon Disney 3 Travel 4 Trouble 5 TV Travel Shop 6 UK Drama 7 UK Horizons 8 UK Play 9 Vision 0 (217) Zee TV 1 Don't Know Y (208) None of these X Other 0

Other specify... (218 - 221)

IF NOT ( qwatch2 = Don't Know OR qwatch2 = None of these ) THEN ASK: qwatch3

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qwatch3 And which, if any, of these would you say is your third most watched channel?


BBC1 1 (235) BBC2 2 ITV 3 Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) 4 Channel 5 5 Sky One 6 Sky News 7 Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema 8 The Discovery Channel 9 UK Gold 0 (236) Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold 1 Living 2 MTV 3 BBC News 24 4 UK Style 5 British Eurosport 6 E4 7 Sky Sports News 8 VH-1 (i.e. VH one) 9 Paramount Comedy 0 (237) Sky Box Office 1 The History Channel 2 Animal Planet 3 Artsworld 4 Asianet 5 BBC Choice 6 BBC Parliament 7 BET International 8 Bloomberg Television 9 Boomerang 0 (238) Bravo 1 B4U 2 Carlton Cinema 3 Cartoon Network 4 Challenge TV 5 Channel One (Liverpool only) 6 CNBC 7 CNN 8 Discovery Home and Leisure 9 Disney 0 (239) Euronews 1 Film Four 2 Fox Kids 3 Front Row 4 Granada Breeze 5 Granada Men & Motors 6 Granada Plus 7 Ideal World 8 ITN News 9 ITV2\S2\TVYOU 0 (240) Landscape 1 Local cable channel 2 MBC 3

TVView - JN: 1151278 - FINAL - 03/08/01 Page 18 of 106 MUTV (Manchester United TV) 4 Namaste 5 National Geographic 6 Nickelodeon 7 Nick Jr 8 Performance\The Arts Channel 9 Phoenix China News & Entertainment 0 (241) PIN 1 Playboy TV 2 Playhouse Disney 3 QVC \ The Shopping Channel 4 Rapture 5 Screen Shop 6 Shop! 7 Sky Travel 8 Sony Entertainment 9 Tara 0 (242) Taste CFN 1 TCM 2 Television X - The Fantasy Channel 3 The Adult Channel 4 The Box 5 The Channel Guide 6 The Chinese Channel / TVB 7 The God Channel 8 The Racing Channel 9 The Sci-Fi channel 0 (243) The Technology Channel 1 TNT Europe & TNT Classic Movies 2 Toon Disney 3 Travel 4 Trouble 5 TV Travel Shop 6 UK Drama 7 UK Horizons 8 UK Play 9 Vision 0 (244) Zee TV 1 Don't Know Y (235) None of these X Other 0

Other specify... (245 - 248)

IF NOT ( qwatch3 = Don't Know OR qwatch3 = None of these ) THEN ASK: Q4watch

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Q4watch And which, if any, is your fourth most watched channel?


BBC1 1 (308) BBC2 2 ITV 3 Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) 4 Channel 5 5 Sky One 6 Sky News 7 Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema 8 The Discovery Channel 9 UK Gold 0 (309) Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold 1 Living 2 MTV 3 BBC News 24 4 UK Style 5 British Eurosport 6 E4 7 Sky Sports News 8 VH-1 (i.e. VH one) 9 Paramount Comedy 0 (310) Sky Box Office 1 The History Channel 2 Animal Planet 3 Artsworld 4 Asianet 5 BBC Choice 6 BBC Parliament 7 BET International 8 Bloomberg Television 9 Boomerang 0 (311) Bravo 1 B4U 2 Carlton Cinema 3 Cartoon Network 4 Challenge TV 5 Channel One (Liverpool only) 6 CNBC 7 CNN 8 Discovery Home and Leisure 9 Disney 0 (312) Euronews 1 Film Four 2 Fox Kids 3 Front Row 4 Granada Breeze 5 Granada Men & Motors 6 Granada Plus 7 Ideal World 8 ITN News 9 ITV2\S2\TVYOU 0 (313) Landscape 1 Local cable channel 2 MBC 3

TVView - JN: 1151278 - FINAL - 03/08/01 Page 20 of 106 MUTV (Manchester United TV) 4 Namaste 5 National Geographic 6 Nickelodeon 7 Nick Jr 8 Performance\The Arts Channel 9 Phoenix China News & Entertainment 0 (314) PIN 1 Playboy TV 2 Playhouse Disney 3 QVC \ The Shopping Channel 4 Rapture 5 Screen Shop 6 Shop! 7 Sky Travel 8 Sony Entertainment 9 Tara 0 (315) Taste CFN 1 TCM 2 Television X - The Fantasy Channel 3 The Adult Channel 4 The Box 5 The Channel Guide 6 The Chinese Channel / TVB 7 The God Channel 8 The Racing Channel 9 The Sci-Fi channel 0 (316) The Technology Channel 1 TNT Europe & TNT Classic Movies 2 Toon Disney 3 Travel 4 Trouble 5 TV Travel Shop 6 UK Drama 7 UK Horizons 8 UK Play 9 Vision 0 (317) Zee TV 1 Don't Know Y (308) None of these X Other 0

Other specify... (318 - 321)

IF NOT ( Q4watch = Don't Know OR Q4watch = None of these ) THEN ASK: qwatch5

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qwatch5 And which, if any, would you say is your fifth most watched channel?


BBC1 1 (335) BBC2 2 ITV 3 Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) 4 Channel 5 5 Sky One 6 Sky News 7 Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema 8 The Discovery Channel 9 UK Gold 0 (336) Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold 1 Living 2 MTV 3 BBC News 24 4 UK Style 5 British Eurosport 6 E4 7 Sky Sports News 8 VH-1 (i.e. VH one) 9 Paramount Comedy 0 (337) Sky Box Office 1 The History Channel 2 Animal Planet 3 Artsworld 4 Asianet 5 BBC Choice 6 BBC Parliament 7 BET International 8 Bloomberg Television 9 Boomerang 0 (338) Bravo 1 B4U 2 Carlton Cinema 3 Cartoon Network 4 Challenge TV 5 Channel One (Liverpool only) 6 CNBC 7 CNN 8 Discovery Home and Leisure 9 Disney 0 (339) Euronews 1 Film Four 2 Fox Kids 3 Front Row 4 Granada Breeze 5 Granada Men & Motors 6 Granada Plus 7 Ideal World 8 ITN News 9 ITV2\S2\TVYOU 0 (340) Landscape 1 Local cable channel 2 MBC 3

TVView - JN: 1151278 - FINAL - 03/08/01 Page 22 of 106 MUTV (Manchester United TV) 4 Namaste 5 National Geographic 6 Nickelodeon 7 Nick Jr 8 Performance\The Arts Channel 9 Phoenix China News & Entertainment 0 (341) PIN 1 Playboy TV 2 Playhouse Disney 3 QVC \ The Shopping Channel 4 Rapture 5 Screen Shop 6 Shop! 7 Sky Travel 8 Sony Entertainment 9 Tara 0 (342) Taste CFN 1 TCM 2 Television X - The Fantasy Channel 3 The Adult Channel 4 The Box 5 The Channel Guide 6 The Chinese Channel / TVB 7 The God Channel 8 The Racing Channel 9 The Sci-Fi channel 0 (343) The Technology Channel 1 TNT Europe & TNT Classic Movies 2 Toon Disney 3 Travel 4 Trouble 5 TV Travel Shop 6 UK Drama 7 UK Horizons 8 UK Play 9 Vision 0 (344) Zee TV 1 Don't Know Y (335) None of these X Other 0

Other specify... (345 - 348)

IF( NOT ( qwatch5 = Don't Know OR qwatch5 = None of these )) AND ( qitems = Cable TV OR qitems = A satellite TV dish OR qitems = ITV Digital, previously known as ON Digital OR qitems = A TV service through your phone line, such as Home Choice ) THEN ASK: qwatch6

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qwatch6 And which, if any, is your next most watched channel?


BBC1 1 (362) BBC2 2 ITV 3 Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) 4 Channel 5 5 Sky One 6 Sky News 7 Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema 8 The Discovery Channel 9 UK Gold 0 (363) Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold 1 Living 2 MTV 3 BBC News 24 4 UK Style 5 British Eurosport 6 E4 7 Sky Sports News 8 VH-1 (i.e. VH one) 9 Paramount Comedy 0 (364) Sky Box Office 1 The History Channel 2 Animal Planet 3 Artsworld 4 Asianet 5 BBC Choice 6 BBC Parliament 7 BET International 8 Bloomberg Television 9 Boomerang 0 (365) Bravo 1 B4U 2 Carlton Cinema 3 Cartoon Network 4 Challenge TV 5 Channel One (Liverpool only) 6 CNBC 7 CNN 8 Discovery Home and Leisure 9 Disney 0 (366) Euronews 1 Film Four 2 Fox Kids 3 Front Row 4 Granada Breeze 5 Granada Men & Motors 6 Granada Plus 7 Ideal World 8 ITN News 9 ITV2\S2\TVYOU 0 (367) Landscape 1 Local cable channel 2 MBC 3

TVView - JN: 1151278 - FINAL - 03/08/01 Page 24 of 106 MUTV (Manchester United TV) 4 Namaste 5 National Geographic 6 Nickelodeon 7 Nick Jr 8 Performance\The Arts Channel 9 Phoenix China News & Entertainment 0 (368) PIN 1 Playboy TV 2 Playhouse Disney 3 QVC \ The Shopping Channel 4 Rapture 5 Screen Shop 6 Shop! 7 Sky Travel 8 Sony Entertainment 9 Tara 0 (369) Taste CFN 1 TCM 2 Television X - The Fantasy Channel 3 The Adult Channel 4 The Box 5 The Channel Guide 6 The Chinese Channel / TVB 7 The God Channel 8 The Racing Channel 9 The Sci-Fi channel 0 (370) The Technology Channel 1 TNT Europe & TNT Classic Movies 2 Toon Disney 3 Travel 4 Trouble 5 TV Travel Shop 6 UK Drama 7 UK Horizons 8 UK Play 9 Vision 0 (371) Zee TV 1 Don't Know Y (362) None of these X Other 0

Other specify... (372 - 375)

IF NOT ( qwatch6 = Don't Know OR qwatch6 = None of these ) THEN ASK: qwatch7

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qwatch7 And which, if any, is your next most watched channel?


BBC1 1 (421) BBC2 2 ITV 3 Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) 4 Channel 5 5 Sky One 6 Sky News 7 Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema 8 The Discovery Channel 9 UK Gold 0 (422) Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold 1 Living 2 MTV 3 BBC News 24 4 UK Style 5 British Eurosport 6 E4 7 Sky Sports News 8 VH-1 (i.e. VH one) 9 Paramount Comedy 0 (423) Sky Box Office 1 The History Channel 2 Animal Planet 3 Artsworld 4 Asianet 5 BBC Choice 6 BBC Parliament 7 BET International 8 Bloomberg Television 9 Boomerang 0 (424) Bravo 1 B4U 2 Carlton Cinema 3 Cartoon Network 4 Challenge TV 5 Channel One (Liverpool only) 6 CNBC 7 CNN 8 Discovery Home and Leisure 9 Disney 0 (425) Euronews 1 Film Four 2 Fox Kids 3 Front Row 4 Granada Breeze 5 Granada Men & Motors 6 Granada Plus 7 Ideal World 8 ITN News 9 ITV2\S2\TVYOU 0 (426) Landscape 1 Local cable channel 2 MBC 3

TVView - JN: 1151278 - FINAL - 03/08/01 Page 26 of 106 MUTV (Manchester United TV) 4 Namaste 5 National Geographic 6 Nickelodeon 7 Nick Jr 8 Performance\The Arts Channel 9 Phoenix China News & Entertainment 0 (427) PIN 1 Playboy TV 2 Playhouse Disney 3 QVC \ The Shopping Channel 4 Rapture 5 Screen Shop 6 Shop! 7 Sky Travel 8 Sony Entertainment 9 Tara 0 (428) Taste CFN 1 TCM 2 Television X - The Fantasy Channel 3 The Adult Channel 4 The Box 5 The Channel Guide 6 The Chinese Channel / TVB 7 The God Channel 8 The Racing Channel 9 The Sci-Fi channel 0 (429) The Technology Channel 1 TNT Europe & TNT Classic Movies 2 Toon Disney 3 Travel 4 Trouble 5 TV Travel Shop 6 UK Drama 7 UK Horizons 8 UK Play 9 Vision 0 (430) Zee TV 1 Don't Know Y (421) None of these X Other 0

Other specify... (431 - 434)

IF NOT ( qwatch7 = Don't Know OR qwatch7 = None of these ) THEN ASK: qwatch8

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qwatch8 And finally, which,if any, is your next most watched channel?


BBC1 1 (448) BBC2 2 ITV 3 Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) 4 Channel 5 5 Sky One 6 Sky News 7 Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema 8 The Discovery Channel 9 UK Gold 0 (449) Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold 1 Living 2 MTV 3 BBC News 24 4 UK Style 5 British Eurosport 6 E4 7 Sky Sports News 8 VH-1 (i.e. VH one) 9 Paramount Comedy 0 (450) Sky Box Office 1 The History Channel 2 Animal Planet 3 Artsworld 4 Asianet 5 BBC Choice 6 BBC Parliament 7 BET International 8 Bloomberg Television 9 Boomerang 0 (451) Bravo 1 B4U 2 Carlton Cinema 3 Cartoon Network 4 Challenge TV 5 Channel One (Liverpool only) 6 CNBC 7 CNN 8 Discovery Home and Leisure 9 Disney 0 (452) Euronews 1 Film Four 2 Fox Kids 3 Front Row 4 Granada Breeze 5 Granada Men & Motors 6 Granada Plus 7 Ideal World 8 ITN News 9 ITV2\S2\TVYOU 0 (453) Landscape 1 Local cable channel 2 MBC 3

TVView - JN: 1151278 - FINAL - 03/08/01 Page 28 of 106 MUTV (Manchester United TV) 4 Namaste 5 National Geographic 6 Nickelodeon 7 Nick Jr 8 Performance\The Arts Channel 9 Phoenix China News & Entertainment 0 (454) PIN 1 Playboy TV 2 Playhouse Disney 3 QVC \ The Shopping Channel 4 Rapture 5 Screen Shop 6 Shop! 7 Sky Travel 8 Sony Entertainment 9 Tara 0 (455) Taste CFN 1 TCM 2 Television X - The Fantasy Channel 3 The Adult Channel 4 The Box 5 The Channel Guide 6 The Chinese Channel / TVB 7 The God Channel 8 The Racing Channel 9 The Sci-Fi channel 0 (456) The Technology Channel 1 TNT Europe & TNT Classic Movies 2 Toon Disney 3 Travel 4 Trouble 5 TV Travel Shop 6 UK Drama 7 UK Horizons 8 UK Play 9 Vision 0 (457) Zee TV 1 Don't Know Y (448) None of these X Other 0

Other specify... (458 - 461)

End of Filter iwatc7

End of Filter iwatc6

End of Filter iwatc5

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End of Filter iwatch4

End of Filter iwatch3

End of Filter iwatch2

End of Filter iwatch1

IF ( qitems = Cable TV OR qitems = A satellite TV dish OR qitems = ITV Digital, previously known as ON Digital OR qitems = A TV service through your phone line, such as Home Choice ) THEN ASK: qppview


qppview And have you ever watched anything on pay per view basis in your own home? By this I mean where you pay separately to view a specific programme or event?


Films 1 (475) Sports 2 Don't Know Y No, never X Other 0

Other specify... (476 - 479)


End of Filter ippview

IF qdigita = Yes, satellite OR qdigita = Yes, via an ordinary aerial from ITV Digital, previously known as ONDigital OR qdigita = Yes, from another supplier such as Home Choice OR qcabdig = Yes THEN ASK: qinter1, qinter2


"In addition, some digital channels, such as Sky Sports Active and Sky News Active, offer the opportunity for interactive viewing, where you can choose which camera angle or specific content you view".

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qinter1 Do you ever use any interactive television services of this type? By this I mean specifically those you can use whilst watching the actual programme. Therefore, it does not include shopping channels, telephone calls or emails to programmes.


More than once a week 1 (480) Once a week 2 Less often than once a week 3 Hardly ever 4 Never 5 Don't Know Y


qinter2 Please tell me to what extent you agree with the following statement:

"Interactive services such as Sky Sports Active and Sky News Active enhance TV viewing for the viewer". Do you...


Definitely agree 1 (508) Tend to agree 2 Tend to disagree 3 Definitely disagree 4 Don't like sports 5 Don't Know Y


End of Filter idigit

IF qitems = A teletext set THEN ASK: qusettx

qusettx How often do you yourself use a teletext service nowadays?


Everyday 1 (509) Most days 2 Occasionally 3 Hardly ever 4 Never 5 Don't Know Y

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End of Filter inotttx

IF qitems = A video recorder THEN ASK: qvidnum, qvidoft, qusevid

qvidnum How many video recorders are there in your home?

One 1 (510) Two 2 Three 3 Four 4 More than four 5 Don't Know Y No video recorders X

qvidoft And how often do you watch bought or hired commercially recorded videos?


More than once a week 1 (511) Once a week 2 Less often than once a week 3 Hardly ever 4 Never 5 Don't Know Y

qusevid How often do you use your video recorder to watch programmes recorded from TV?


More than once a week 1 (512) Once a week 2 Less often than once a week 3 Hardly ever 4 Never 5 Don't Know Y

End of Filter ivideo

IF qitems = A DVD or Digital Versatile Disc player that is viewed through a television or computer THEN ASK: qnumDVD, qofDVD

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qnumDVD How many DVD players are there in your home?

One 1 (513) Two 2 Three 3 Four 4 More than four 5 Don't Know Y No DVD players X

qofDVD How often do you watch bought or hired commercially recorded DVDs?


More than once a week 1 (514) Once a week 2 Less often than once a week 3 Hardly ever 4 Never 5 Don't Know Y

End of Filter iDVD

IF NOT ( qitems = Cable TV OR qitems = A satellite TV dish OR qitems = ITV Digital, previously known as ON Digital OR qitems = A TV service through your phone line, such as Home Choice ) THEN ASK: qacquMC

qacquMC More TV channels are available to households by acquiring a satellite dish or through connecting to cable, through an ordinary aerial via ITV Digital, previously known as ON Digital or even through your phone line via services such as Home Choice.

How interested are you in acquiring cable, satellite or digital TV channels? Are you...


Very interested 1 (515) Slightly interested 2 Not that interested 3 Not at all interested 4 Don't Know Y

IF qacquMC = Very interested OR qacquMC = Slightly interested THEN ASK: qsource

TVView - JN: 1151278 - FINAL - 03/08/01 Page 33 of 106

qsource And how would you prefer to receive pay TV channels?

Through a cable connection 1 (516) Through a satellite dish 2 Through an ordinary aerial from ITV Digital, previously known as ON Digital 3 Through a telephone line such as Home Choice 4 Don't Know / no preference Y Other 0

Other specify... (517 - 520)

End of Filter iintmch

End of Filter iterres


"I am going to ask you a few questions about the regulation and standards on programmes that appear on television. Programmes on all channels are supposed to follow guidelines as to what can and can't be shown.


qregula Why do you think there are these guidelines?

IF NECESSARY ADD: "Who do you think these guidelines are aiming to protect?"


To protect children / young people 1 (521) To protect the public in general 2 To protect viewers 3 Content control 4 Timing of programmes 5 To protect vulnerable people 6 Don't Know Y Other 0

Other specify... (522 - 525)

TVView - JN: 1151278 - FINAL - 03/08/01 Page 34 of 106


"By regulation of tv programmes I mean attempts to protect children and prevent bias on television".

qregBBC Thinking now about the BBC. Which organisation or organisations, if any, do you think regulate the programmes on BBC1 and BBC2?


ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) 1 (526) BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) 2 BSC (Broadcasting Standards Commission) 3 Government 4 ITC (Independent Television Commission) 5 ITV companies \ ITV Association 6 (OFTEL) Office Of Telecommunications 7 (OFT) Office of Fair Trading 8 The channel/ broadcaster/ station 9 Trading Standards Office 0 (527) The Police 1 Complaints programmes on TV such as Points of View, Right to Reply and Watchdog 2 Complaints programmes on the radio such as Feedback 3 Nat. Viewers & Listeners Assoc/ Media Watch/ Mary Whitehouse 4 Can't remember 5 Aware of organisation but can't remember name 6 Don't Know Y (526) No organisation does this X Other 0

Other specify... (528 - 531)

TVView - JN: 1151278 - FINAL - 03/08/01 Page 35 of 106

qBBCreg How much regulation do you think there is over the programmes that are seen on BBC1 and BBC2?


Too much 1 (532) Too little 2 About right amount 3 Don't Know Y

qregITV Thinking now about ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5. Which organisation or organisations, if any, do you think regulate the programmes on ITV, Channel 4 (Channel S4C in Wales) or Channel 5?


ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) 1 (533) BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) 2 BSC (Broadcasting Standards Commission) 3 Government 4 ITC (Independent Television Commission) 5 ITV companies \ ITV Association 6 (OFTEL) Office Of Telecommunications 7 (OFT) Office of Fair Trading 8 The channel/ broadcaster/ station 9 Trading Standards Office 0 (534) The Police 1 Complaints programmes on TV such as Points of View, Right to Reply and Watchdog 2 Complaints programmes on the radio such as Feedback 3 Nat. Viewers & Listeners Assoc/ Media Watch/ Mary Whitehouse 4 Can't remember 5 Aware of organisation but can't remember name 6 Don't Know Y (533) No organisation does this X Other 0

Other specify... (535 - 538)

TVView - JN: 1151278 - FINAL - 03/08/01 Page 36 of 106

qITVreg How much regulation do you think there is over the programmes that are seen on ITV, Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) and Channel 5?


Too much 1 (539) Too little 2 About right amount 3 Don't Know Y

QregSKY Thinking now about pay TV channels. Which organisation or organisations, if any, do you think regulate the programmes on pay TV channels such as Sky?


ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) 1 (540) BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) 2 BSC (Broadcasting Standards Commission) 3 Government 4 ITC (Independent Television Commission) 5 ITV companies \ ITV Association 6 (OFTEL) Office Of Telecommunications 7 (OFT) Office of Fair Trading 8 The channel/ broadcaster/ station 9 Trading Standards Office 0 (541) The Police 1 Complaints programmes on TV such as Points of View, Right to Reply and Watchdog 2 Complaints programmes on the radio such as Feedback 3 Nat. Viewers & Listeners Assoc/ Media Watch/ Mary Whitehouse 4 Can't remember 5 Aware of organisation but can't remember name 6 Don't Know Y (540) No organisation does this X Other 0

Other specify... (542 - 545)

TVView - JN: 1151278 - FINAL - 03/08/01 Page 37 of 106

qSKYreg How much regulation do you think there is over the programmes that are seen on satellite, cable and digital channels?


Too much 1 (546) Too little 2 About right amount 3 Don't Know Y


"So we have talked about programmes. I am now going to ask you a few questions about regulation of the ADVERTISING that appears on television.

So firstly..."

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qregads Which organisation or organisations regulate advertisements on ITV, Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) or Channel 5?


ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) 1 (547) BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) 2 BSC (Broadcasting Standards Commission) 3 Government 4 ITC (Independent Television Commission) 5 ITV companies \ ITV Association 6 (OFTEL) Office Of Telecommunications 7 (OFT) Office of Fair Trading 8 The channel/ broadcaster/ station 9 Trading Standards Office 0 (548) The Police 1 Complaints programmes on TV such as Points of View, Right to Reply and Watchdog 2 Complaints programmes on the radio such as Feedback 3 Nat. Viewers & Listeners Assoc/ Media Watch/ Mary Whitehouse 4 Can't remember 5 Aware of organisation but can't remember name 6 Don't Know Y (547) No organisation does this X Other 0

Other specify... (549 - 552)

qmuchre And would you say there is too much, too little, or about the right amount of regulation of advertising on ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5?

Too much 1 (553) Too little 2 About right amount 3 Don't Know Y

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qregad2 Which organisation or organisations regulate advertisements on pay TV channels such as Sky?


ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) 1 (554) BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) 2 BSC (Broadcasting Standards Commission) 3 Government 4 ITC (Independent Television Commission) 5 ITV companies \ ITV Association 6 (OFTEL) Office Of Telecommunications 7 (OFT) Office of Fair Trading 8 The channel/ broadcaster/ station 9 Trading Standards Office 0 (555) The Police 1 Complaints programmes on TV such as Points of View, Right to Reply and Watchdog 2 Complaints programmes on the radio such as Feedback 3 Nat. Viewers & Listeners Assoc/ Media Watch/ Mary Whitehouse 4 Can't remember 5 Aware of organisation but can't remember name 6 Don't Know Y (554) No organisation does this X Other 0

Other specify... (556 - 559)

qmuchr2 And would you say there is too much, too little, or about the right amount of regulation of advertising on pay TV channels such as Sky TV?

Too much 1 (560) Too little 2 About right amount 3 Don't Know Y

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qcomads If someone was annoyed or upset about the content of an advertisement on ITV, Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) or Channel 5, what organisation or organisations do you think they should contact in that case?


ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) 1 (561) BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) 2 BSC (Broadcasting Standards Commission) 3 Government 4 ITC (Independent Television Commission) 5 ITV companies \ ITV Association 6 (OFTEL) Office Of Telecommunications 7 (OFT) Office of Fair Trading 8 The channel/ broadcaster/ station 9 Trading Standards Office 0 (562) The Police 1 Complaints programmes on TV such as Points of View, Right to Reply and Watchdog 2 Complaints programmes on the radio such as Feedback 3 Nat. Viewers & Listeners Assoc/ Media Watch/ Mary Whitehouse 4 Can't remember 5 Aware of organisation but can't remember name 6 Don't Know Y (561) No organisation does this X Other 0

Other specify... (563 - 566)

TVView - JN: 1151278 - FINAL - 03/08/01 Page 41 of 106

qcomad2 If someone was annoyed or upset about the content of an advertisement on pay TV channels such as Sky, what organisation or organisations do you think they should contact in that case?


ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) 1 (567) BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) 2 BSC (Broadcasting Standards Commission) 3 Government 4 ITC (Independent Television Commission) 5 ITV companies \ ITV Association 6 (OFTEL) Office Of Telecommunications 7 (OFT) Office of Fair Trading 8 The channel/ broadcaster/ station 9 Trading Standards Office 0 (568) The Police 1 Complaints programmes on TV such as Points of View, Right to Reply and Watchdog 2 Complaints programmes on the radio such as Feedback 3 Nat. Viewers & Listeners Assoc/ Media Watch/ Mary Whitehouse 4 Can't remember 5 Aware of organisation but can't remember name 6 Don't Know Y (567) No organisation does this X Other 0

Other specify... (569 - 572)


"I would now like you to think about the news. Please consider all sources of news such as radio, press and TV when answering these questions"


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qnewWRL Can you tell me what is your main source of news about what is going on in the WORLD today?


Television 1 (573) Radio 2 Any newspaper 3 Magazines 4 Teletext 5 Talking to people 6 Internet 7 Don't Know Y Does not get news X Other 0

Other specify... (574 - 577)



qnewSCO Can you tell me what is your main source of news about what is going on in SCOTLAND?


Television 1 (578) Radio 2 Any newspaper 3 Magazines 4 Teletext 5 Talking to people 6 Internet 7 Don't Know Y Does not get news X Other 0

Other specify... (608 - 611)


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qnewWAL Can you tell me what is your main source of news about what is going on in WALES?


Television 1 (612) Radio 2 Any newspaper 3 Magazines 4 Teletext 5 Talking to people 6 Internet 7 Don't Know Y Does not get news X Other 0

Other specify... (613 - 616)


qnewNIR Can you tell me what is your main source of news about what is going on in NORTHERN IRELAND?


Television 1 (617) Radio 2 Any newspaper 3 Magazines 4 Teletext 5 Talking to people 6 Internet 7 Don't Know Y Does not get news X Other 0

Other specify... (618 - 621)


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qnewLOC Can you tell me what is your main source of news about what is going on in your own LOCAL AREA?


Television 1 (622) Radio 2 Any newspaper 3 Magazines 4 Teletext 5 Talking to people 6 Internet 7 Don't Know Y Does not get news X Other 0

Other specify... (623 - 626)

IF qnewLOC = Television OR THEN ASK: qlocTV

qlocTV How well do you feel your TV company reports on events and news in your own local area?


Very well 1 (627) Quite well 2 Not very well 3 Not at all well 4 Don't Know Y

End of Filter ilocnew


"The next section is about the actual content of programmes on television".


qimprov Do you feel that over the past year, television programmes have improved, got worse, or stayed about the same?

Improved 1 (628) Got worse 2 Stayed about the same 3 Don't Know Y

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IF qimprov = Got worse THEN ASK: qworse

qworse In what ways do you think television programmes have got WORSE over the past year?


More repeats 1 (629) More bad language 2 More violence 3 More sex 4 Don't Know Y Other 0

Other specify... (630 - 633)

End of Filter iworse

IF qimprov = Improved THEN ASK: qimpro

qimpro In what ways do you think television programmes have IMPROVED over the past year?


Improved quality 1 (634) Wider range of programmes 2 More interesting 3 More/better dramas 4 More/better films 5 Don't Know Y Other 0

Other specify... (635 - 638)

End of Filter iimprov

IF NOT qimprov = Don't Know THEN ASK: qexcept

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qexcept You said that in general, over the past year television programmes have &qimprov&? However, you may have different views about different channels. Would that be the same for all channels?

Yes - all the same 1 (639) No - exceptions 2 Don't Know Y

End of Filter iopinio

IF qexcept = No - exceptions THEN ASK: qdiffer

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qdiffer For which channels would your answer be different? Which channels have not &qimprov&?


BBC1 1 (640) BBC2 2 ITV 3 Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) 4 Channel 5 5 Sky One 6 Sky News 7 Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema 8 The Discovery Channel 9 UK Gold 0 (641) Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold 1 Living 2 MTV 3 BBC News 24 4 UK Style 5 British Eurosport 6 E4 7 Sky Sports News 8 VH-1 (i.e. VH one) 9 Paramount Comedy 0 (642) Sky Box Office 1 The History Channel 2 Animal Planet 3 Artsworld 4 Asianet 5 BBC Choice 6 BBC Parliament 7 BET International 8 Bloomberg Television 9 Boomerang 0 (643) Bravo 1 B4U 2 Carlton Cinema 3 Cartoon Network 4 Challenge TV 5 Channel One (Liverpool only) 6 CNBC 7 CNN 8 Discovery Home and Leisure 9 Disney 0 (644) Euronews 1 Film Four 2 Fox Kids 3 Front Row 4 Granada Breeze 5 Granada Men & Motors 6 Granada Plus 7 Ideal World 8 ITN News 9

TVView - JN: 1151278 - FINAL - 03/08/01 Page 48 of 106 ITV2\S2\TVYOU 0 (645) Landscape 1 Local cable channel 2 MBC 3 MUTV (Manchester United TV) 4 Namaste 5 National Geographic 6 Nickelodeon 7 Nick Jr 8 Performance\The Arts Channel 9 Phoenix China News & Entertainment 0 (646) PIN 1 Playboy TV 2 Playhouse Disney 3 QVC \ The Shopping Channel 4 Rapture 5 Screen Shop 6 Shop! 7 Sky Travel 8 Sony Entertainment 9 Tara 0 (647) Taste CFN 1 TCM 2 Television X - The Fantasy Channel 3 The Adult Channel 4 The Box 5 The Channel Guide 6 The Chinese Channel / TVB 7 The God Channel 8 The Racing Channel 9 The Sci-Fi channel 0 (648) The Technology Channel 1 TNT Europe & TNT Classic Movies 2 Toon Disney 3 Travel 4 Trouble 5 TV Travel Shop 6 UK Drama 7 UK Horizons 8 UK Play 9 Vision 0 (649) Zee TV 1 Don't Know Y (640) Other 0

Other specify... (650 - 653)

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IF NOT ( qdiffer = Don't Know OR qdiffer = Other ) THEN ASK: dhowdif


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qhowdif In what ways would your answer differ for ...? Has this channel...


Improved 1 (655) Got worse 2 Stayed about the same 3 Don't Know Y

This question is repeated for the following loop values:

- BBC1 - BBC2 - ITV - Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Channel 5 - Sky One - Sky News - Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema - The Discovery Channel - UK Gold - Sky Sports 1 - Living - MTV - BBC News 24 - UK Style - British Eurosport - E4 - Sky Sports News - VH-1 (i.e. VH one) - Paramount Comedy - Sky Box Office - The History Channel - Animal Planet - Artsworld - Asianet - BBC Choice - BBC Parliament - BET International - Bloomberg Television - Boomerang - Bravo - B4U - Carlton Cinema - Cartoon Network - Challenge TV - Channel One (Liverpool only) - CNBC - CNN - Discovery Home and Leisure - Disney - Euronews - Film Four - Fox Kids - Front Row - Granada Breeze - Granada Men & Motors - Granada Plus

TVView - JN: 1151278 - FINAL - 03/08/01 Page 51 of 106 - Ideal World - ITN News - ITV2 - Landscape - Local cable channel - MBC - MUTV (Manchester United TV) - Namaste - National Geographic - Nickelodeon - Nick Jr - PerformanceArts Channel - Phoenix China News & Entertainment - PIN - Playboy TV - Playhouse Disney - QVC The Shopping Channel - Rapture - Screen Shop - Shop! - Sky Travel - Sony Entertainment - Tara - Taste CFN - TCM - Television X - The Fantasy Channel - The Adult Channel - The Box - The Channel Guide - The Chinese Channel / TVB - The God Channel - The Racing Channel - The Sci-Fi channel - The Technology Channel - TNT Europe & TNT Classic Movies - Toon Disney - Travel - Trouble - TV Travel Shop - UK Drama - UK Horizons - UK Play - Vision - Zee TV

A total of 91 iterations occupying columns (655) to (772)

IF qhowdif = Improved THEN ASK: qimp

TVView - JN: 1151278 - FINAL - 03/08/01 Page 52 of 106

qimp And in what ways has ... improved?


Improved quality 1 (773) Wider range of programmes 2 More interesting 3 More/better dramas 4 More/better films 5 Don't Know Y Other 0

Other specify... (918 - 921)

This question is repeated for the following loop values:

- BBC1 - BBC2 - ITV - Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Channel 5 - Sky One - Sky News - Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema - The Discovery Channel - UK Gold - Sky Sports 1 - Living - MTV - BBC News 24 - UK Style - British Eurosport - E4 - Sky Sports News - VH-1 (i.e. VH one) - Paramount Comedy - Sky Box Office - The History Channel - Animal Planet - Artsworld - Asianet - BBC Choice - BBC Parliament - BET International - Bloomberg Television - Boomerang - Bravo - B4U - Carlton Cinema - Cartoon Network - Challenge TV - Channel One (Liverpool only) - CNBC - CNN - Discovery Home and Leisure - Disney

TVView - JN: 1151278 - FINAL - 03/08/01 Page 53 of 106 - Euronews - Film Four - Fox Kids - Front Row - Granada Breeze - Granada Men & Motors - Granada Plus - Ideal World - ITN News - ITV2 - Landscape - Local cable channel - MBC - MUTV (Manchester United TV) - Namaste - National Geographic - Nickelodeon - Nick Jr - PerformanceArts Channel - Phoenix China News & Entertainment - PIN - Playboy TV - Playhouse Disney - QVC The Shopping Channel - Rapture - Screen Shop - Shop! - Sky Travel - Sony Entertainment - Tara - Taste CFN - TCM - Television X - The Fantasy Channel - The Adult Channel - The Box - The Channel Guide - The Chinese Channel / TVB - The God Channel - The Racing Channel - The Sci-Fi channel - The Technology Channel - TNT Europe & TNT Classic Movies - Toon Disney - Travel - Trouble - TV Travel Shop - UK Drama - UK Horizons - UK Play - Vision - Zee TV

A total of 91 iterations occupying columns (773) to (917) for precodes and (918 - 921) to (1420 - 1423) for other specify

End of Filter iimpro

TVView - JN: 1151278 - FINAL - 03/08/01 Page 54 of 106

IF qhowdif = Got worse THEN ASK: qwor

TVView - JN: 1151278 - FINAL - 03/08/01 Page 55 of 106

qwor And in what ways has ... got worse?


More repeats 1 (1424) More bad language 2 More violence 3 More sex 4 Don't Know Y Other 0

Other specify... (1542 - 1545)

This question is repeated for the following loop values:

- BBC1 - BBC2 - ITV - Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Channel 5 - Sky One - Sky News - Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema - The Discovery Channel - UK Gold - Sky Sports 1 - Living - MTV - BBC News 24 - UK Style - British Eurosport - E4 - Sky Sports News - VH-1 (i.e. VH one) - Paramount Comedy - Sky Box Office - The History Channel - Animal Planet - Artsworld - Asianet - BBC Choice - BBC Parliament - BET International - Bloomberg Television - Boomerang - Bravo - B4U - Carlton Cinema - Cartoon Network - Challenge TV - Channel One (Liverpool only) - CNBC - CNN - Discovery Home and Leisure - Disney - Euronews

TVView - JN: 1151278 - FINAL - 03/08/01 Page 56 of 106 - Film Four - Fox Kids - Front Row - Granada Breeze - Granada Men & Motors - Granada Plus - Ideal World - ITN News - ITV2 - Landscape - Local cable channel - MBC - MUTV (Manchester United TV) - Namaste - National Geographic - Nickelodeon - Nick Jr - PerformanceArts Channel - Phoenix China News & Entertainment - PIN - Playboy TV - Playhouse Disney - QVC The Shopping Channel - Rapture - Screen Shop - Shop! - Sky Travel - Sony Entertainment - Tara - Taste CFN - TCM - Television X - The Fantasy Channel - The Adult Channel - The Box - The Channel Guide - The Chinese Channel / TVB - The God Channel - The Racing Channel - The Sci-Fi channel - The Technology Channel - TNT Europe & TNT Classic Movies - Toon Disney - Travel - Trouble - TV Travel Shop - UK Drama - UK Horizons - UK Play - Vision - Zee TV

A total of 91 iterations occupying columns (1424) to (1541) for precodes and (1542 - 1545) to (2044 - 2047) for other specify

End of Filter ichwors

End of Filter idiff

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End of Filter iexcept

TVView - JN: 1151278 - FINAL - 03/08/01 Page 58 of 106

qbias1 Thinking of the channels you watch nowadays, do you think the programmes on any of them tend to favour any political party?

IF YES: 'Which channels show political bias?' IF NO, PLEASE CODE AS NULL.


BBC1 1 (2048) BBC2 2 ITV 3 Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) 4 Channel 5 5 Sky One 6 Sky News 7 Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema 8 The Discovery Channel 9 UK Gold 0 (2049) Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold 1 Living 2 MTV 3 BBC News 24 4 UK Style 5 British Eurosport 6 E4 7 Sky Sports News 8 VH-1 (i.e. VH one) 9 Paramount Comedy 0 (2050) Sky Box Office 1 The History Channel 2 Animal Planet 3 Artsworld 4 Asianet 5 BBC Choice 6 BBC Parliament 7 BET International 8 Bloomberg Television 9 Boomerang 0 (2051) Bravo 1 B4U 2 Carlton Cinema 3 Cartoon Network 4 Challenge TV 5 Channel One (Liverpool only) 6 CNBC 7 CNN 8 Discovery Home and Leisure 9 Disney 0 (2052) Euronews 1 Film Four 2 Fox Kids 3 Front Row 4 Granada Breeze 5 Granada Men & Motors 6

TVView - JN: 1151278 - FINAL - 03/08/01 Page 59 of 106 Granada Plus 7 Ideal World 8 ITN News 9 ITV2\S2\TVYOU 0 (2053) Landscape 1 Local cable channel 2 MBC 3 MUTV (Manchester United TV) 4 Namaste 5 National Geographic 6 Nickelodeon 7 Nick Jr 8 Performance\The Arts Channel 9 Phoenix China News & Entertainment 0 (2054) PIN 1 Playboy TV 2 Playhouse Disney 3 QVC \ The Shopping Channel 4 Rapture 5 Screen Shop 6 Shop! 7 Sky Travel 8 Sony Entertainment 9 Tara 0 (2055) Taste CFN 1 TCM 2 Television X - The Fantasy Channel 3 The Adult Channel 4 The Box 5 The Channel Guide 6 The Chinese Channel / TVB 7 The God Channel 8 The Racing Channel 9 The Sci-Fi channel 0 (2056) The Technology Channel 1 TNT Europe & TNT Classic Movies 2 Toon Disney 3 Travel 4 Trouble 5 TV Travel Shop 6 UK Drama 7 UK Horizons 8 UK Play 9 Vision 0 (2057) Zee TV 1 ALL OF THEM 2 Don't Know Y (2048) NO POLITICAL BIAS X Other 0

Other specify... (2058 - 2061)

TVView - JN: 1151278 - FINAL - 03/08/01 Page 60 of 106

qbia Which party does ... favour?


Conservative 1 (2062) Labour 2 Liberal Democrats 3 Government of the day / party in power 4 SNP / Scottish Nationalists 5 Plaid Cymru / Welsh Nationalists 6 Ulster Unionists / Democratic Unionists 7 SDLP (N. Ireland) 8 Sinn Fein 9 Green Party 0 (2063) British National Party 1 National Front 2 UK Independence Party 3 Socialist Labour (Arthur Scargill) 4 Don't Know Y (2062) Other 0

Other specify... (2330 - 2333)

This question is repeated for the following loop values:

- BBC1 - BBC2 - ITV - Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Channel 5 - Sky One - Sky News - Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema - The Discovery Channel - UK Gold - Sky Sports 1 - Living - MTV - BBC News 24 - UK Style - British Eurosport - E4 - Sky Sports News - VH-1 (i.e. VH one) - Paramount Comedy - Sky Box Office - The History Channel - Animal Planet - Artsworld - Asianet - BBC Choice - BBC Parliament

TVView - JN: 1151278 - FINAL - 03/08/01 Page 61 of 106 - BET International - Bloomberg Television - Boomerang - Bravo - B4U - Carlton Cinema - Cartoon Network - Challenge TV - Channel One (Liverpool only) - CNBC - CNN - Discovery Home and Leisure - Disney - Euronews - Film Four - Fox Kids - Front Row - Granada Breeze - Granada Men & Motors - Granada Plus - Ideal World - ITN News - ITV2 - Landscape - Local cable channel - MBC - MUTV (Manchester United TV) - Namaste - National Geographic - Nickelodeon - Nick Jr - PerformanceArts Channel - Phoenix China News & Entertainment - PIN - Playboy TV - Playhouse Disney - QVC The Shopping Channel - Rapture - Screen Shop - Shop! - Sky Travel - Sony Entertainment - Tara - Taste CFN - TCM - Television X - The Fantasy Channel - The Adult Channel - The Box - The Channel Guide - The Chinese Channel / TVB - The God Channel - The Racing Channel - The Sci-Fi channel - The Technology Channel - TNT Europe & TNT Classic Movies - Toon Disney - Travel - Trouble - TV Travel Shop - UK Drama

TVView - JN: 1151278 - FINAL - 03/08/01 Page 62 of 106 - UK Horizons - UK Play - Vision - Zee TV - ALL OF THEM

A total of 92 iterations occupying columns (2062 - 2063) to (2328 - 2329) for precodes and (2330 - 2333) to (2836 - 2839) for other specify

qconcer Are there any issues on television that cause you concern nowadays?

Yes 1 (2840) No 2 Don't Know Y

IF qconcer = Yes THEN ASK: qconc2

qconc2 What is the issue that causes you MOST concern on television?


Bad language/swearing and offensive language 1 (2841) Sex 2 Violence 3 Repeats 4 Don't Know Y Other 0

Other specify... (2842 - 2845)

End of Filter iconcer

qoffens Do you personally see or hear things on television which you find offensive?

Yes 1 (2846) No 2 Don't Know Y

IF qoffens = Yes THEN ASK: qoffcha, qreact, qreac2

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qoffcha And on which channel or channels do you see or hear these things that you find offensive?


BBC1 1 (2847) BBC2 2 ITV 3 Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) 4 Channel 5 5 Sky One 6 Sky News 7 Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema 8 The Discovery Channel 9 UK Gold 0 (2848) Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold 1 Living 2 MTV 3 BBC News 24 4 UK Style 5 British Eurosport 6 E4 7 Sky Sports News 8 VH-1 (i.e. VH one) 9 Paramount Comedy 0 (2849) Sky Box Office 1 The History Channel 2 Animal Planet 3 Artsworld 4 Asianet 5 BBC Choice 6 BBC Parliament 7 BET International 8 Bloomberg Television 9 Boomerang 0 (2850) Bravo 1 B4U 2 Carlton Cinema 3 Cartoon Network 4 Challenge TV 5 Channel One (Liverpool only) 6 CNBC 7 CNN 8 Discovery Home and Leisure 9 Disney 0 (2851) Euronews 1 Film Four 2 Fox Kids 3 Front Row 4 Granada Breeze 5 Granada Men & Motors 6 Granada Plus 7 Ideal World 8 ITN News 9 ITV2\S2\TVYOU 0 (2852)

TVView - JN: 1151278 - FINAL - 03/08/01 Page 64 of 106 Landscape 1 Local cable channel 2 MBC 3 MUTV (Manchester United TV) 4 Namaste 5 National Geographic 6 Nickelodeon 7 Nick Jr 8 Performance\The Arts Channel 9 Phoenix China News & Entertainment 0 (2853) PIN 1 Playboy TV 2 Playhouse Disney 3 QVC \ The Shopping Channel 4 Rapture 5 Screen Shop 6 Shop! 7 Sky Travel 8 Sony Entertainment 9 Tara 0 (2854) Taste CFN 1 TCM 2 Television X - The Fantasy Channel 3 The Adult Channel 4 The Box 5 The Channel Guide 6 The Chinese Channel / TVB 7 The God Channel 8 The Racing Channel 9 The Sci-Fi channel 0 (2855) The Technology Channel 1 TNT Europe & TNT Classic Movies 2 Toon Disney 3 Travel 4 Trouble 5 TV Travel Shop 6 UK Drama 7 UK Horizons 8 UK Play 9 Vision 0 (2856) Zee TV 1 ALL OF THEM 2 Don't Know Y (2847) Other 0

Other specify... (2857 - 2860)

TVView - JN: 1151278 - FINAL - 03/08/01 Page 65 of 106

qoff What kind of things have offended you on ...?

IF NECESSARY: "What kinds of things do you find offensive on these channels?"


Bad language 1 (2861) Sex / nudity 2 Violence (in general) 3 Brass Eye/ 4 Don't Know Y Other 0

Other specify... (3008 - 3013)

This question is repeated for the following loop values:

- BBC1 - BBC2 - ITV - Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Channel 5 - Sky One - Sky News - Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema - The Discovery Channel - UK Gold - Sky Sports 1 - Living - MTV - BBC News 24 - UK Style - British Eurosport - E4 - Sky Sports News - VH-1 (i.e. VH one) - Paramount Comedy - Sky Box Office - The History Channel - Animal Planet - Artsworld - Asianet - BBC Choice - BBC Parliament - BET International - Bloomberg Television - Boomerang - Bravo - B4U - Carlton Cinema - Cartoon Network - Challenge TV - Channel One (Liverpool only) - CNBC - CNN - Discovery Home and Leisure

TVView - JN: 1151278 - FINAL - 03/08/01 Page 66 of 106 - Disney - Euronews - Film Four - Fox Kids - Front Row - Granada Breeze - Granada Men & Motors - Granada Plus - Ideal World - ITN News - ITV2 - Landscape - Local cable channel - MBC - MUTV (Manchester United TV) - Namaste - National Geographic - Nickelodeon - Nick Jr - PerformanceArts Channel - Phoenix China News & Entertainment - PIN - Playboy TV - Playhouse Disney - QVC The Shopping Channel - Rapture - Screen Shop - Shop! - Sky Travel - Sony Entertainment - Tara - Taste CFN - TCM - Television X - The Fantasy Channel - The Adult Channel - The Box - The Channel Guide - The Chinese Channel / TVB - The God Channel - The Racing Channel - The Sci-Fi channel - The Technology Channel - TNT Europe & TNT Classic Movies - Toon Disney - Travel - Trouble - TV Travel Shop - UK Drama - UK Horizons - UK Play - Vision - Zee TV - ALL OF THEM

A total of 92 iterations occupying columns (2861) to (2979) for precodes and (3008 - 3013) to (3750 - 3755) for other specify

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qreact What do you generally do when you are offended?

IF NECESSARY: "How do you react when you are offended by what you hear or see on television?"


Switch off 1 (3756) Switch over 2 Complain to broadcaster (via letter/phone/email) 3 Complain to regulator (via letter/phone/email) 4 Continue watching / do nothing 5 Don't Know Y Other 0

Other specify... (3757 - 3760)

qreac2 And if something offends you, do you generally discuss it with someone else?

IF 'YES': "Who?"


Yes, with a friend 1 (3761) Yes, with family 2 Yes, with a work colleague 3 Don't Know Y No, don't discuss it X Yes, discussed with someone else (specify) 0

Other specify... (3762 - 3765)

End of Filter ioffend

IF NOT qoffens = Yes THEN ASK: qsurpri

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qsurpri Although you have not been offended, have you been surprised by something you have seen or heard on television in the last 6 months?

By 'surprised' we mean that, though not offended, you were surprised that the programme was allowed to broadcast what you saw or heard to that extent.

Yes 1 (3766) No 2 Don't Know Y

IF qsurpri = Yes THEN ASK: qsurcha, qreacts, qreact2

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qsurcha And on which channel or channels did you see or hear these things that you found 'surprising'?


BBC1 1 (3767) BBC2 2 ITV 3 Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) 4 Channel 5 5 Sky One 6 Sky News 7 Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema 8 The Discovery Channel 9 UK Gold 0 (3768) Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold 1 Living 2 MTV 3 BBC News 24 4 UK Style 5 British Eurosport 6 E4 7 Sky Sports News 8 VH-1 (i.e. VH one) 9 Paramount Comedy 0 (3769) Sky Box Office 1 The History Channel 2 Animal Planet 3 Artsworld 4 Asianet 5 BBC Choice 6 BBC Parliament 7 BET International 8 Bloomberg Television 9 Boomerang 0 (3770) Bravo 1 B4U 2 Carlton Cinema 3 Cartoon Network 4 Challenge TV 5 Channel One (Liverpool only) 6 CNBC 7 CNN 8 Discovery Home and Leisure 9 Disney 0 (3771) Euronews 1 Film Four 2 Fox Kids 3 Front Row 4 Granada Breeze 5 Granada Men & Motors 6 Granada Plus 7 Ideal World 8

TVView - JN: 1151278 - FINAL - 03/08/01 Page 70 of 106 ITN News 9 ITV2\S2\TVYOU 0 (3772) Landscape 1 Local cable channel 2 MBC 3 MUTV (Manchester United TV) 4 Namaste 5 National Geographic 6 Nickelodeon 7 Nick Jr 8 Performance\The Arts Channel 9 Phoenix China News & Entertainment 0 (3773) PIN 1 Playboy TV 2 Playhouse Disney 3 QVC \ The Shopping Channel 4 Rapture 5 Screen Shop 6 Shop! 7 Sky Travel 8 Sony Entertainment 9 Tara 0 (3774) Taste CFN 1 TCM 2 Television X - The Fantasy Channel 3 The Adult Channel 4 The Box 5 The Channel Guide 6 The Chinese Channel / TVB 7 The God Channel 8 The Racing Channel 9 The Sci-Fi channel 0 (3775) The Technology Channel 1 TNT Europe & TNT Classic Movies 2 Toon Disney 3 Travel 4 Trouble 5 TV Travel Shop 6 UK Drama 7 UK Horizons 8 UK Play 9 Vision 0 (3776) Zee TV 1 ALL OF THEM 2 Don't Know Y (3767) Other 0

Other specify... (3777 - 3780)

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qsur What kind of things have 'surprised' you in the last 6 months on ...?


Bad language 1 (3808) Sex / nudity 2 Violence (in general) 3 Brass Eye/ Chris Morris 4 Don't Know Y Other 0

Other specify... (3927 - 3932)

This question is repeated for the following loop values:

- BBC1 - BBC2 - ITV - Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Channel 5 - Sky One - Sky News - Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema - The Discovery Channel - UK Gold - Sky Sports 1 - Living - MTV - BBC News 24 - UK Style - British Eurosport - E4 - Sky Sports News - VH-1 (i.e. VH one) - Paramount Comedy - Sky Box Office - The History Channel - Animal Planet - Artsworld - Asianet - BBC Choice - BBC Parliament - BET International - Bloomberg Television - Boomerang - Bravo - B4U - Carlton Cinema - Cartoon Network - Challenge TV - Channel One (Liverpool only) - CNBC - CNN - Discovery Home and Leisure - Disney - Euronews

TVView - JN: 1151278 - FINAL - 03/08/01 Page 72 of 106 - Film Four - Fox Kids - Front Row - Granada Breeze - Granada Men & Motors - Granada Plus - Ideal World - ITN News - ITV2 - Landscape - Local cable channel - MBC - MUTV (Manchester United TV) - Namaste - National Geographic - Nickelodeon - Nick Jr - PerformanceArts Channel - Phoenix China News & Entertainment - PIN - Playboy TV - Playhouse Disney - QVC The Shopping Channel - Rapture - Screen Shop - Shop! - Sky Travel - Sony Entertainment - Tara - Taste CFN - TCM - Television X - The Fantasy Channel - The Adult Channel - The Box - The Channel Guide - The Chinese Channel / TVB - The God Channel - The Racing Channel - The Sci-Fi channel - The Technology Channel - TNT Europe & TNT Classic Movies - Toon Disney - Travel - Trouble - TV Travel Shop - UK Drama - UK Horizons - UK Play - Vision - Zee TV - ALL OF THEM

A total of 92 iterations occupying columns (3808) to (3926) for precodes and (3927 - 3932) to (4668 - 4673) for other specify

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qreacts What did you do when you were 'surprised'?

IF NECESSARY: "How did you react when you were 'surprised' by what you heard or saw on television?"


Switched off 1 (4674) Switched over 2 Complained to broadcaster (wrote/phoned/emailed) 3 Complained to regulator (wrote/phoned/emailed) 4 Continued watching / did nothing 5 Don't Know Y Other 0

Other specify... (4675 - 4678)

qreact2 And did you discuss what you heard or saw on television which 'surprised' you with someone else at the time or at a later date?

IF 'YES': "Who?"


Yes, with a friend 1 (4679) Yes, with family 2 Yes, with a work colleague 3 Don't Know Y No, didn't discuss it X Yes, discuss with someone else (specify) 0

Other specify... (4708 - 4711)

End of Filter isurpri

End of Filter inooffe


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qcon And now thinking about ....

Do you think, in general, that there is too much, too little or about the right amount of ... on television?

Too much 1 (4712) Too little 2 About right amount 3 Don't Know Y

This question is repeated for the following loop values:

- Sex - Violence - Swearing - Intrusion into other people's private lives - Unfair treatment of people or organisations

A total of 5 iterations occupying columns (4712) to (4716)

IF qcon = Too much THEN ASK: qco3

qco3 Does this offend you or are you not really bothered?


Offended 1 (4717) Not really bothered 2 Don't Know Y Other 0

Other specify... (4722 - 4725)

This question is repeated for the following loop values:

- Sex - Violence - Swearing - Intrusion into other people's private lives - Unfair treatment of people or organisations

A total of 5 iterations occupying columns (4717) to (4721) for precodes and (4722 - 4725) to (4738 - 4741) for other specify

End of Filter itoom


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qmemor2 Can you think of the most memorable moment, shown on television, for you over the last year or so?

IF YES - When was that - what were you watching?


Soaps (Brookside, Eastenders, Coronation Street, etc) 1 (4742) Steve Redgrave winning gold in the Sydney Olympics 2 Olympic Games (general mention) 3 John Prescott's 'fight' 4 UK election 2001 5 Tennis/Wimbledon (any mention of) 6 Football (any mention of) 7 Big Brother 8 Don't Know Y Do not have a most memorable moment X Other 0

Other specify... (4743 - 4746)

qrespon Now, changing the subject slightly, do you think it is mainly the responsibility of parents or of broadcasters to make sure that children don't see unsuitable programmes?

Mainly parents 1 (4747) Mainly broadcasters 2 Both equally 3 Don't Know Y

qwater1 The broadcasters try to make sure that television programmes which are not suitable for children may only be shown after a certain time each evening. Did you know that?

Yes 1 (4748) No 2 Don't Know Y

IF qwater1 = Yes THEN ASK: qwater2

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qwater2 Do you know what time that is for terrestrial TV channels?

DO NOT READ OUT IF NECESSARY SAY; By terrestrial TV, I mean BBC1 through to Channel 5.

6.00pm 1 (4749) 6.30pm 2 7.00pm 3 7.30pm 4 8.00pm 5 8.30pm 6 9.00pm 7 9.30pm 8 10.00pm 9 10.30pm 0 (4750) 11.00pm 1 Don't Know Y (4749) There isn't a time X Other 0

Other specify... (4751 - 4754)

End of Filter iwater1


qwater3 &dmctxt&, on terrestrial TV channels the time after which these programmes may be shown is 9pm - usually known as the 9 o'clock watershed. Do you think this is too early, too late or about right?

Too early 1 (4755) Too late 2 About right 3 Don't Know Y

IF qitems = Cable TV OR qitems = A satellite TV dish OR qitems = ITV Digital, previously known as ON Digital OR qitems = A TV service through your phone line, such as Home Choice THEN ASK: qwater4, qwater5, qppvPIN, qwater6

qwater4 Some premium satellite, cable and digital channels, such as the Sky movie channels, have two watershed times. One is at 8pm for 15 rated films and the other is at 10pm for 18 rated films. Were you aware of this?

Yes 1 (4756) No 2 Don't Know Y

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qwater5 Are these times, 8 o'clock and 10 o'clock in the evening, too early, too late or about right?


8 o'clock too early 1 (4757) 8 o'clock too late 2 10 o'clock too early 3 10 o'clock too late 4 Prefer 9 o'clock 5 8 o'clock about right 6 10 o'clock about right 7 Don't Know Y

qppvPIN On pay-per-view channels where you order each film individually, you can watch 12, 15 and 18 rated films at any time.

Do you think these different rules for pay-per-view channels are a good idea or a bad idea?

A very good idea 1 (4758) A fairly good idea 2 Neither a good nor a bad idea 3 A fairly bad idea 4 A very bad idea 5 Don't Know Y

qwater6 And were you aware of these rules for pay-per-view channels before I described them?

Yes, aware 1 (4759) No, not aware 2 Don't Know Y

End of Filter imcuser

IF qparent = Yes OR THEN ASK: qpreven

qpreven Over the past 12 months, have you actively prevented your child(ren) who are under 16 from having access to certain programmes on television because you felt they were unsuitable or bad for them?

Yes 1 (4760) No 2 Don't Know Y

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IF qpreven = Yes THEN ASK: qhowpre, qprevof

qhowpre And how did you prevent your child(ren) having access to certain programmes on TV?


Parent block (equipment/software used to prevent children accessing certain TV programmes) 1 (4761) Turned off 2 Switched channel 3 Sent to bed 4 Take them out of room 5 Telling them 6 Don't Know Y Other 0

Other specify... (4762 - 4765)

qprevof How often have you done this?

IF NECESSARY ADD: "How often have you prevented your child(ren) from having access to certain TV programmes?"


Frequently 1 (4766) Occasionally 2 Hardly ever 3 Never 4 Don't Know Y

End of Filter ipreven

End of Filter iparent

IF qitems = Cable TV OR qitems = A satellite TV dish OR qitems = ITV Digital, previously known as ON Digital OR qitems = A TV service through your phone line, such as Home Choice

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IF NOT qhowpre = Parent block (equipment/software used to prevent children accessing certain TV programmes) THEN ASK: qblock

qblock Does, your cable, satellite or digital television system have a feature which enables you to block access to certain channels?

Yes 1 (4767) No 2 Don't Know Y

End of Filter iParblo

IF qblock = Yes OR qhowpre = Parent block (equipment/software used to prevent children accessing certain TV programmes) THEN ASK: qblwork

qblwork How does this system work?

IF NECESSARY ADD: "That is, the feature on your cable, satellite or digital TV system which enables you to block certain TV channels".


By using PIN number or password 1 (4768) By removing a card / smart card 2 By both a PIN number / password and a card 3 Don't Know Y Other 0

Other specify... (4769 - 4772)

End of Filter iblock

IF NOT qhowpre = Parent block (equipment/software used to prevent children accessing certain TV programmes) THEN ASK: qblkuse

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qblkuse And do you use this system?

Yes 1 (4773) No 2 Don't Know Y

End of Filter iParbl2

End of Filter imchuse



"At present, the television services operating in Britain offer a range of different programmes over the various channels. I am going to read out a number of different types and for, each one, I would like you to tell me how interested you personally are to watch that type of programme on TV.

So firstly...."

qintere ...? How interested are you in this type of TV programme?

Are you....


I am very interested 1 (4774) I am fairly interested 2 I am not very interested 3 I am not at all interested 4 Don't Know Y

This question is repeated for the following loop values:

- News - Drama - Light entertainment, such as quizzes, comedies, chat shows and popular music - Factual programmes, that is a straightforward factual account of a subject, without analysis or opinion - Children's programmes - Arts programmes - Religious programmes - Sport - Current Affairs, that is a programme explaining and analysing current events - Regional programmes - Educational programmes, that is for adult viewers, usually with accompanying literature available

A total of 11 iterations occupying columns (4774) to (4811)

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"Some programmes are made even though they do not attract large audiences, because it is felt that they add to the diversity available on the main terrestial channels.

How important is it to you that BBC1 and ITV continue to show the following types of programmes....."

qava ...

IF NECESSARY SAY: How important do you think it is to you that BBC1 and ITV continue to show this type of programme?


Essential 1 (4812) Very important 2 Quite important 3 Not very important 4 Not at all important 5 Don't Know Y

This question is repeated for the following loop values:

- News - Drama - Light entertainment, such as quizzes, comedies, chat shows and popular music - Factual programmes, that is a straightforward factual account of a subject, without analysis or opinion - Children's programmes - Arts programmes - Religious programmes - Sport - Current Affairs, that is a programme explaining and analysing current events - Regional programmes - Educational programmes, that is for adult viewers, usually with accompanying literature available

A total of 11 iterations occupying columns (4812) to (4822)


"I am now going to read you a number of statements which people have said about television and the programmes on it. Please could you tell me to what extent you agree or disagree with each statement.

So firstly...."

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qsta ....

To what extent do you agree with this statement? Do you....


Definitely agree 1 (4823) Tend to agree 2 Tend to disagree 3 Definitely disagree 4 Don't Know Y

This question is repeated for the following loop values:

- I think films shown after 10pm should have sex, violence or swearing cut out - If people want to pay extra to watch particularly sexually explicit programmes not available on other TV channels they should be allowed to do so - If people want to pay extra to watch particularly violent programmes not available on other TV channels they should be allowed to do so - Things that are likely to upset or offend even a minority of people should not be shown on television - The television channels I receive at the moment give me all the choice I want - I would be willing to pay a reasonable amount to get other services such as home banking, home shopping and the internet through my television - Interactive services such as email, games and internet access, delivered through digital television, offer valuable services to viewers

A total of 7 iterations occupying columns (4823) to (4829)


qstate2 It's unfair that I can't see certain sporting events unless I pay extra for the sports channels.

To what extent do you agree with this statement? Do you....


Definitely agree 1 (4830) Tend to agree 2 Tend to disagree 3 Definitely disagree 4 Don't like sports 5 Don't Know Y

IF qitems = Cable TV OR qitems = A satellite TV dish OR qitems = ITV Digital, previously known as ON Digital OR qitems = A TV service through your phone line, such as Home Choice THEN ASK: qstate3, qstate4

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qstate3 I resent having to pay more to watch certain sports events or movies on pay per view at home.

To what extent do you agree with this statement? Do you....


Definitely agree 1 (4831) Tend to agree 2 Tend to disagree 3 Definitely disagree 4 Don't like sports 5 Don't Know Y

qstate4 I will still be subscribing to satellite, cable or digital a year from now.

To what extent do you agree with this statement? Do you....


Definitely agree 1 (4832) Tend to agree 2 Tend to disagree 3 Definitely disagree 4 Don't Know Y

End of Filter imultcu



"I am now going to read out several different types of FACTUAL programmes on TV. For each one I'd like you to tell me how often you think it provides information which is ACCURATE.

So firstly...."

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qacc ....

How often would you say this type of programme provides information which is ACCURATE?

Would you say?


Always 1 (4833) Most of the time 2 Sometimes 3 Rarely 4 Never 5 Don't Know Y

This question is repeated for the following loop values:

- Current affairs such as Panorama and Question Time - Nature and Wildlife - News - Documentaries such as Network First and Cutting Edge - Dramatised reconstructions where real people's stories are portrayed by actors, such as 999

A total of 5 iterations occupying columns (4833) to (4837)


"I am now going to read out some more different types of FACTUAL programmes on TV. For each one I'd like you to tell me how often you think it is HONEST IN ITS PORTRAYAL OF INDIVIDUALS AND THE SITUATIONS THEY ARE IN.

So firstly...."

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qhon ...

How often would you say this type of programme is HONEST IN THEIR PORTRAYAL OF INDIVIDUALS AND THE SITUATIONS THEY ARE IN?

Would you say?


Always 1 (4838) Most of the time 2 Sometimes 3 Rarely 4 Never 5 Don't Know Y

This question is repeated for the following loop values:

- Fly on the wall documentaries or docu soaps such as hotel, airline - Daytime talk shows such as Trisha or Jerry Springer - Shows about real people placed in new situations such as Castaway, Big Brother or Survivor

A total of 3 iterations occupying columns (4838) to (4840)



"The next few questions are about advertising on television"

qadlike Could you say what it is about advertising that you most like?


Humour/comedy/funny 1 (4841) Some are entertaining 2 The music/jingles 3 Gives you a break/gives you time to make a cup of tea 4 Some are clever 5 Don't Know Y Nothing / don't like ads X Other 0

Other specify... (4842 - 4845)

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qaddlik And could you say what it is about it that you most dislike?


Interrupt/break up programmes 1 (4846) Don't like adverts in the middle of films 2 Repetition/repeated over and over again 3 There are too many/too much advertising 4 Some are silly/pointless 5 Some are irritating/get on your nerves 6 Don't Know Y Nothing/don't dislike anything about ads X Other 0

Other specify... (4847 - 4850)


qadhear Which of the following are you aware of on television nowadays?


Programme sponsorship such as Cadburys' sponsorship of Coronation Street 1 (4851) Trailers or promotions for particular programmes 2 Trailers or promotions for particular television channels 3 Don't Know Y None of these X

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qadstat Bearing in mind that advertising provides the money to pay for the programmes on ITV, Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) and Channel 5, which of these statements best describes how you feel about the amount of advertising on these channels?


It could go up quite a bit before it bothered me 1 (4852) A little more would not bother me 2 Present levels don't bother me but I would not want any more 3 There is already more than I am really happy with 4 Don't Know Y

IF qitems = Cable TV OR qitems = A satellite TV dish OR qitems = ITV Digital, previously known as ON Digital OR qitems = A TV service through your phone line, such as Home Choice THEN ASK: qadleve

qadleve Advertising also contributes towards the cost of making programmes on satellite, cable and digital channels. Bearing this in mind, which of these statements best describes how you feel about the amount of advertising on these channels?


It could go up quite a bit before it bothered me 1 (4853) A little more would not bother me 2 Present levels don't bother me but I would not want any more 3 There is already more than I am really happy with 4 Don't Know Y

End of Filter imchanu

IF qadhear = Programme sponsorship such as Cadburys' sponsorship of Coronation Street THEN ASK: qlevspo

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qlevspo And which of these statements best describes how you feel about the amount of PROGRAMME SPONSORSHIP, such as Cadburys in and around Coronation Street?


It could go up quite a bit before it bothered me 1 (4854) A little more would not bother me 2 Present levels don't bother me but I would not want any more 3 There is already more than I am really happy with 4 Don't Know Y

End of Filter isponso

IF qadhear = Trailers or promotions for particular programmes OR qadhear = Trailers or promotions for particular television channels THEN ASK: qlevtra

qlevtra And which of these statements best describes how you feel about the amount of TRAILERS OR PROMOTIONS FOR PARTICULAR PROGRAMMES OR CHANNELS?


It could go up quite a bit before it bothered me 1 (4855) A little more would not bother me 2 Present levels don't bother me but I would not want any more 3 There is already more than I am really happy with 4 Don't Know Y

End of Filter itraile


"I am now going to read you some statements people have said about advertising on television. Please could you tell me how often you find these statements are true?

So firstly....."

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qads How often do you find advertisements on television....



Very often 1 (4856) Often 2 Sometimes 3 Rarely 4 Never 5 Don't Know Y

This question is repeated for the following loop values:

- Are informative about products or issues - Interfere with your enjoyment of programmes - Are truthful - Are clever - Encourage negative or harmful stereotypes - Are well produced - Are too loud (the volume) - Give you something to talk about - Are embarrassing - Show undesirable behaviour that children might copy

A total of 10 iterations occupying columns (4856) to (4865)


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qadst1 What kinds of thing do you mean?


(4866 - 4869)

Don't Know Y (4866)

This question is repeated for the following loop values:

- Are informative about products or issues - Interfere with your enjoyment of programmes - Are truthful - Are clever - Encourage negative or harmful stereotypes - Are well produced - Are too loud (the volume) - Give you something to talk about - Are embarrassing - Show undesirable behaviour that children might copy

A total of 10 iterations occupying columns (4866 - 4869) to (4932 - 4935)



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qadst2 What kinds of thing do you mean?


(4936 - 4939)

Don't Know Y (4936)

This question is repeated for the following loop values:

- Are informative about products or issues - Interfere with your enjoyment of programmes - Are truthful - Are clever - Encourage negative or harmful stereotypes - Are well produced - Are too loud (the volume) - Give you something to talk about - Are embarrassing - Show undesirable behaviour that children might copy

A total of 10 iterations occupying columns (4936 - 4939) to (4972 - 4975)


qmislea How often do you find advertisements on television give you an impression of products or services which you later found to be wrong or misleading?


Very often 1 (4976) Often 2 Sometimes 3 Rarely 4 Never 5 Don't Know Y

IF qmislea = Very often OR qmislea = Often OR qmislea = Sometimes OR qmislea = Rarely THEN ASK: qmisle2

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qmisle2 And thinking about the most recent occasion that you found something wrong or misleading, what was the advertisement that you found wrong or misleading?


(4977 - 4980)

Don't Know Y (4977)

End of Filter imislea

qoffend Have you ever found advertisements on television to be offensive?


Very often 1 (5008) Often 2 Sometimes 3 Rarely 4 Never 5 Don't Know Y

IF qoffend = Very often OR qoffend = Often OR qoffend = Sometimes OR qoffend = Rarely OR THEN ASK: qoff2, qofftim

qoff2 And thinking about the most recent occasion, what was the advertisement that you found offensive?


(5009 - 5012)

Don't Know Y (5009)


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qofftim And are there any times of the day when the advertisement which you found offensive would be more acceptable?


Should not be shown at any time 1 (5013) Should not be shown when children might be watching 2 Should only be shown after the 9pm watershed 3 Yes, but only after 8pm 4 Yes, but only after 9pm 5 Yes, but only after 10pm 6 Yes, but only after 11pm 7 No, I think it should be shown at any time 8 Don't Know Y Other 0

Other specify... (5014 - 5017)

End of Filter ioffe


And now thinking about the radio....


qoftrad How often these days do you listen to the radio?

7 days a week 1 (5018) 6 days a week 2 5 days a week 3 3 or 4 days a week 4 1 or 2 days a week 5 Less often 6 Don't Know Y Never/do not listen to the

IF qoftrad = 7 days a week OR qoftrad = 6 days a week OR qoftrad = 5 days a week OR qoftrad = 3 or 4 days a week OR qoftrad = 1 or 2 days a week THEN ASK: qradoff

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qradoff Have you ever been offended by anything you have heard on a radio programme?

IF YES: "What?"


Bad language 1 (5019) Sex 2 Violence (in general) 3 Don't Know Y Never been offended X Other 0

Other specify... (5020 - 5025)

IF NOT ( qradoff = Don't Know OR qradoff = NEVER BEEN OFFENDED ) THEN ASK: qradact, qradac2

qradact As a result of being offended, what immediate action did you take? Did you....


Made an official complaint 1 (5026) Turn off the radio 2 Change to another station 3 Did nothing/continued listening 4 Don't Know Y Other 0

Other specify... (5027 - 5031)

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qradac2 And did you discuss what you had heard which offended you with someone else at the time or at a later date?

IF 'YES': "Who?"


Yes, with a friend 1 (5032) Yes, with family 2 Yes, with a work colleague 3 Don't Know Y No, didn't discuss it X Yes, discussed with someone else (specify) 0

Other specify... (5033 - 5036)

End of Filter iradoff

IF qradoff = Don't Know OR qradoff = NEVER BEEN OFFENDED THEN ASK: qradsur

qradsur Although you have not been offended, have you ever been surprised by anything you have heard on a radio programme?

By "surprised" we mean that, though not offended, you were surprised that the presenter or programme was allowed to say or do what you heard to that extent.

IF YES: "What?"


Bad language 1 (5037) Sex 2 Violence (in general) 3 Don't Know Y Never been surprised X Other 0

Other specify... (5038 - 5043)

IF NOT ( qradsur = Don't Know OR qradsur = Never been surprised ) THEN ASK: qsuract, qsurad2

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qsuract As a result of being surprised, what immediate action did you take? Did you....


Made an official complaint 1 (5044) Turn off the radio 2 Change to another station 3 Did nothing/continued listening 4 Don't Know Y Other 0

Other specify... (5045 - 5049)

qsurad2 And did you discuss what you had heard which 'surprised' you with someone else at the time or at a later date?

IF 'YES': "Who?"


Yes, with a friend 1 (5050) Yes, with family 2 Yes, with a work colleague 3 Don't Know Y No, didn't discuss it X Yes, discussed with someone else (specify) 0

Other specify... (5051 - 5054)

End of Filter iradsur

End of Filter inotoff

End of Filter iradlis

TVView - JN: 1151278 - FINAL - 03/08/01 Page 97 of 106

qradcom If someone was annoyed or upset about the content of a radio programme, what organisation or organisations do you think they should contact in that case?


ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) 1 (5055) BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) 2 BSC (Broadcasting Standards Commission) 3 Government 4 ITC (Independent Television Commission) 5 (OFTEL) Office Of Telecommunications 6 (OFT) Office of Fair Trading 7 The channel/ broadcaster/ station 8 Trading Standards Office 9 The Police 0 (5056) Complaints programmes on TV such as Points of View, Right to Reply and Watchdog 1 Complaints programmes on Radio such as Feedback 2 Nat. Viewers & Listeners Assoc/ Media Watch/ Mary Whitehouse 3 Radio Authority 4 Can't remember 5 Aware of organisation but can't remember name 6 Don't Know Y (5055) No organisation does this X Other 0

Other specify... (5057 - 5060)



"The final section of this interview is about the Internet".

TVView - JN: 1151278 - FINAL - 03/08/01 Page 98 of 106

qintern Can you personally access the Internet?



At home 1 (5061) At work (out of home) 2 At school 3 At university 4 At public place (Internet cafe, library, etc) 5 On WAP/Internet mobile phone 6 Elsewhere (friends, relatives, etc) 7 Don't Know Y No possibility of accessing the internet X

IF NOT ( qintern = Don't Know OR qintern = No possibility of accessing the internet ) THEN ASK: qintoft

qintoft And how often do you use the Internet?


Daily/almost daily 1 (5062) Several times per week 2 A few times per month 3 Less frequently 4 Don't Know Y Never use the Internet X

IF NOT ( qintoft = Never use the Internet ) THEN ASK: qintlon, qintuse

qintlon How long have you been using the Internet for?


For less than 3 months 1 (5063) For 3-12 months 2 For 1-2 years 3 For more than 2 years 4 Don't Know Y

TVView - JN: 1151278 - FINAL - 03/08/01 Page 99 of 106


qintuse And what do you mainly use the Internet for?


Business purposes 1 (5064) School/college/university work 2 Using e-mail 3 News/ current affairs 4 Sports information 5 Shopping/ information for shopping 6 Don't Know Y Other 0

Other specify... (5065 - 5068)

End of Filter iuseine

qintTV Have you ever accessed the Internet via your TV set at home?



Just once 1 (5069) A few times 2 Quite frequently 3 Very often 4 Never 5 Don't Know Y

End of Filter iuseint

TVView - JN: 1151278 - FINAL - 03/08/01 Page 100 of 106

qintcom If someone was concerned by anything they saw on the Internet - what organisation or organisations do you think they should contact?


ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) 1 (5070) BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) 2 BSC (Broadcasting Standards Commission) 3 Government 4 ITC (Independent Television Commission) 5 (OFTEL) Office Of Telecommunications 6 (OFT) Office of Fair Trading 7 Trading Standards Office 8 The Police 9 TV complaints programmes such as Points of View, Right to Reply and Watchdog 0 (5071) Complaints programmes on Radio such as Feedback 1 Nat. Viewers & Listeners Assoc/ Media Watch/ Mary Whitehouse 2 Internet Watch Foundation 3 Internet Service Provider (eg. AOL, Demon, etc..) 4 Can't remember 5 Aware of organisation but can't remember name 6 Don't Know Y (5070) No organisation does this X Other 0

Other specify... (5072 - 5075)


IF( NOT ( qintern = Don't Know OR = No possibility of accessing the internet )) OR halfix = 1 THEN ASK: qintres


TVView - JN: 1151278 - FINAL - 03/08/01 Page 101 of 106

qintres There are various ways available to restrict or control access to the Internet or world wide web. Have you heard of any of the following? PLEASE READ OUT

A hotline for reporting illegal material on the internet 1 (5076) Controls offered by on-line internet suppliers which allow access to certain sites to be restricted 2 Sites where you have to give your age 3 Software blocking access to sites which contain specific words or pictures 4 The Internet Watch Foundation 5 Don't Know Y None of these X

End of Filter iInter

IF qintern = At home OR THEN ASK: qintfil

qintfil Do you have any internet filtering tools in operation on your home PC? By this I mean software which is capable of screening the contents of websites and blocking certain users', such as children, access to those websites.

Yes 1 (5077) No 2 Don't Know Y

IF qintfil = Yes THEN ASK: qintilf

TVView - JN: 1151278 - FINAL - 03/08/01 Page 102 of 106

qintilf And which Internet filtering tools do you have in operation on your home PC?


(5108 - 5111)

Don't Know Y (5108)

End of Filter ifintfi


qhowint How would you go about finding such an Internet filtering tool?


Internet - search/find on 1 (5112) Computer shop / store - asked for 2 Friend / family - asked or told 3 Don't Know Y Other 0

Other specify... (5113 - 5116)

End of Filter iaccint

qpoliti And, turning to a different subject, how interested would you say you are in politics generally?


Very interested 1 (5117) Fairly interested 2 Not very interested 3 Not at all interested 4 Don't Know Y


TVView - JN: 1151278 - FINAL - 03/08/01 Page 103 of 106

qgenelc And if there was a general election today, which party would you vote for?


Conservative 1 (5118) Labour 2 Liberal Democrats 3 SNP/Plaid Cymru (Scottish/Welsh Nationalists) 4 Ulster Unionists/Democratic Unionists 5 SDLP (N. Ireland) 6 Sinn Fein 7 Green Party 8 Undecided 9 Would not vote 0 (5119) Don't Know Y (5118) Refused to name party X Other 0

Other specify... (5120 - 5123)

IF NOT ( qgenelc = Don't Know OR qgenelc = Would not vote OR qgenelc = Undecided OR qgenelc = Refused to name party ) THEN ASK: qvoteal

qvoteal And have you always voted &qgenelc&?


Yes, voted for the same party 1 (5124) No, voted for a different party 2 No, never voted before 3 Don't Know Y

End of Filter iparty

TVView - JN: 1151278 - FINAL - 03/08/01 Page 104 of 106

qpapers Which DAILY or EVENING newspapers do you personally read regularly - by this I mean at least two copies per week?


The Sun 1 (5125) 2 The Mirror 3 Daily Record 4 5 Daily Star 6 Daily Telegraph 7 8 The Independent 9 0 (5126) The 1 The Scotsman 2 The Herald (Scotland) 3 The Western Mail 4 The Irish Post 5 Local/regional morning paper 6 Evening paper 7 Don't Know Y (5125) None of these X Other 0

Other specify... (5127 - 5130)

qeducag And how old were you when you completed your full time education?


14 or less 1 (5131) 15 2 16 3 17 4 18 5 19 6 20 or over 7 Still in full-time education 8 Don't Know Y


TVView - JN: 1151278 - FINAL - 03/08/01 Page 105 of 106

qadults And how many adults, aged 16 or over, live in the household?

1 1 (5132) 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 or more 6 Don't Know Y

qethnic Please could you tell me which of the following ethnic groups you would describe yourself as belonging to?


White 1 (5133) Black Caribbean 2 Black African 3 Indian 4 Pakistani 5 Bangladeshi 6 Chinese 7 Don't Know Y Refused Z Other 0

Other specify... (5134 - 5137)

qrelig Do you consider yourself to be practicing a religion, for example, attending a church, mosque or temple?

Yes 1 (5138) No 2 Don't Know Y

qrecont And finally, we may be doing some more research in the future on the sort of things we've been talking about. Would you be willing to be contacted again?

Yes 1 (5139) No 2 Don't Know Y

TVView - JN: 1151278 - FINAL - 03/08/01 Page 106 of 106 SHOWCARD A SHOWCARD A

1151-278 1151-278 SHOWCARD B BBC1 Granada Men & Motors BBC2 Granada Plus ITV Ideal World Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) ITN News Channel 5 ITV2\S2\TVYOU Sky One Landscape Sky News Local cable channel Sky Movies – Premier, Movimax & Cinema MBC The Discovery Channel MUTV (Manchester United TV) UK Gold Namaste Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold National Geographic Living Nickelodeon MTV Nick Jr BBC News 24 Performance\ The Arts Channel UK Style Phoenix China News & Entertainment British Eurosport PIN E4 Playboy TV Sky Sports News Playhouse Disney VH-1 (i.e. VH one) QVC\ The Shopping Channel Paramount Comedy Rapture Sky Box Office Screen Shop The History Channel Shop! Animal Planet Sky Travel Artsworld Sony Entertainment Asianet Tara BBC Choice Taste CFN BBC Parliament TCM BET International Television X – The Fantasy Channel Bloomberg Television The Adult Channel Boomerang The Box Bravo The Channel Guide B4U The Chinese Channel\ TVB Carlton Cinema The God Channel Cartoon Network The Racing Channel Challenge TV The Sc-Fi Channel Channel One (Liverpool only) The Technology Channel CNBC TNT Europe & TNT Classic Movies CNN Toon Disney Discovery Home and Leisure Travel Disney Trouble Euronews TV Travel Shop Film Four UK Drama Fox Kids UK Horizons Front Row UK Play Granada Breeze Vision Zee TV JN: 1151 278 TV: The Public’s View, 2001 WEIGHTING VARIABLES


Region %

Anglia (East of England) 6.8 Border (Border) 1.2 Carlton/LWT () 19.25 Central (Midlands) 15.25 Grampian (North Scotland) 2.15 Granada (North West) 11.7 HTV Wales & West (Wales & the West) 7.8 Meridian (South & South East) 9.2 Scottish (Central Scotland) 6.35 Tyne Tees (North East) 5.0 Ulster (Northern Ireland) 2.35 Westcountry (South West England) 3.0 Yorkshire (Yorkshire) 9.95 Total 100

AGE MALE FEMALE 16-24 7.05 6.8 25-34 10.0 9.8 35-44 8.95 8.9 45-54 8.3 8.4 55-64 6.15 6.4 65+ 8.05 11.2 Total 48.5 51.5

August 2001 1151-278

TV: The Public’s View, 2001


1. Background

This is an important survey which is conducted for the Independent Television Commission (the ITC) and Broadcasting Standards Commission (BSC) about adults’ (aged 16+) attitudes towards television and the programmes on it. This survey has been conducted on an annual basis for around 20 years however it is the first time it has been conducted by BMRB International. The survey itself covers areas such as what types of TV service the respondent has access to, whether ever offended by anything seen or heard on TV, who controls and regulates TV programming and advertising. In addition, questions on radio listening and internet usage are asked.

Since 99.9% of people watch television, most members of the public will be interested in the kind of subjects discussed in this questionnaire. The questionnaire is very much focused on asking for their opinions about television, and the report will be published, and findings fed back to the television companies.

We are carrying this survey out across the country, (main survey) but also boosting the number of interviews in Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland. Therefore on this survey, although the questionnaire itself will be the same, there are 4 different capi names (details later in these instructions), so please make sure you are working on the correct version.

2. Glossary of terms used

Below is a short glossary of some of the key terms used, which could be explained to the respondent if they are confused:

‰ Terrestrial: by terrestrial television we mean channels 1 through to 5 (i.e. BBC1 to Channel 5) ‰ Satellite: a television service from a satellite dish which is attached to the respondents house – the only company offering this service is Sky ‰ Cable: a television service through a cable into the house – supplied by companies such as NTL and Telewest ‰ Digital: Sky Digital, ON Digital (now known as ITV Digital) and a digital television service through a cable company ‰ Multi-channel TV: refers to satellite, cable and digital television as a group

3. Executive at Head Office

Jim Muir (020 8433 4418) is the Research Executive at Head Office responsible for this survey. However if you have any queries about the survey or your workpack then you should contact your Area Office in the usual way. 4. Introducing the survey

The interview itself is to be introduced as a survey about adults’ attitudes towards television and the programmes that appear on it. Please follow the wording used on the contact card and do not forget to mention that respondents will be given an incentive of £3 in vouchers for Marks & Spencer (more info later in these instructions).

Please do not disclose to the respondent that the research is commissioned by the ITC and BSC. If you do this may affect the answers the respondent gives at certain questions. If the respondents wishes to know who has commissioned the research you can tell them it is for a government agency and that you will able to reveal the name of the client AFTER the interview has been completed, if necessary.

If respondents require any further information, you can direct them to the researcher at Head Office: Jim Muir on 020-8433-4418.

5. Kit List

1 Instructions 1 Contact Card 15 Thank yous 1 Quota Sheet 1 set Incentives 1 Incentive Record Sheet 1 Showcard A 1 Showcard B 1 Pre paid envelope

If there is anything missing from your pack please call your area office IMMEDIATELY.

6. Who to interview

Your task is to obtain 10 interviews over 3 days.

Interviews should be with respondents of age 16 or over who qualify for interviews and are within the quota that you have been set according to your quota sheet.

7. When to interview

Fieldwork starts on Tuesday 7th August, please refer to your request to work from your area office for the fieldwork end date.

You may work any 6 hours between 1.30pm & 9pm on a weekday, and anytime after 10am at a weekend on this survey. 8. Getting your questionnaire

Your questionnaire will be available in your mailbox after 6.00pm on Friday 3rd August. If you are not successful the first time, wait 10 minutes and try again a couple of times. If you are still not successful, contact your area office and/or the capi helpline as soon as possible.

As already mentioned there are 4 versions of the questionnaire and the capi names are as follows, PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU USE THE CORRECT VERSION:

TVOP1 This is for the main survey TVOP2 This is the Scotland Boost TVOP3 This is the Wales Boost TVOP4 This is the NI Boost

If you are at all unsure as to which version you should be working on, please double check with your area office.

9. Practice interview

Once you have got your interview, go to “Surveys” and choose the new survey. Before you go out interviewing, you should go through the interview on screen, keying in imaginary answers as a practice. The first question asks you whether this is a practice interview. You should type in ‘practice’ instead of the respondent’s name, address and telephone number at the classification part of the practice interview.

You must do a practice interview to familiarise yourself with the questionnaire, and to find out when prompt material is used.

10. The Questionnaire

The average interview should take about 55 minutes.

As previously mentioned, we can interview all adults aged 16 or over who have a television in their household.

One point to note is that there is a section of the questionnaire devoted to the concept of control and regulation of television programmes and advertisements. In this section the respondent is asked a number of unprompted questions about who controls or regulates television programmes and advertisements. Three of the possible answers the respondent may give are the ITC (Independent Television Commission), the BSC (Broadcasting Standards Commission) and the ASA (Advertising Standards Authority). If the respondent gives an answer such as “advertising standards people”, or “broadcasting standards people” these CAN be coded as appropriate even though the respondent has not given the full name.

11. Return of work

After your day’s interviewing please complete your Daily Record and send it, and all your interviews, via your modem overnight. It is essential that you send back your Daily Record along with your completed interviews. After your first days interviewing it is worth ringing the area office and just checking that everything has gone through ok.

Please return all your prompt material to your Area Office with your expenses claims.

12. Pay Review Dates

This survey is paid electronically, at Afternoon/Evening pay rates.

ƒ Any completed work that you send before midnight on 12/08/01 will be paid on 17/08/01. ƒ Any completed work that you send through between 13/8/01 and before midnight on the 26/08/01 will be paid on the 31/08/01. ƒ Any completed work that you send through between 27/8/01 and before midnight on the 9/09/01 will be paid on the 14/09/01.


Good afternoon / evening. My name is ...... from the Good afternoon / evening. My name is ...... from the British Market Research Bureau. British Market Research Bureau.

We are conducting an important survey amongst We are conducting an important survey amongst adults aged 16 and over for a public body about adults aged 16 and over for a public body about peoples’ attitudes towards television and the peoples’ attitudes towards television and the programmes shown on it. programmes shown on it.

Would you be willing to take part in the survey? We Would you be willing to take part in the survey? We will give you a £3 voucher for Marks and Spencer as a will give you a £3 voucher for Marks and Spencer as a token of our appreciation. token of our appreciation.

Yes Check quotas & recruit Yes Check quotas & recruit

No Thank & close No Thank & close

1151-278 1151-278 1151 278 TV: The Public’s View 2001 QUOTA SHEET A A

Please obtain 10 interviews in total

All interviews should be with adults aged 16 +

Of whom:

4 Should be male

of whom

1 should be aged 65 +

5 Should be housewives

of whom

2 Should work full time

3 Should have no children

1 should be ‘other woman’

1151 278 TV: The Public’s View 2001 QUOTA SHEET B B

Please obtain 10 interviews in total

All interviews should be with adults aged 16 +

Of whom:

5 Should be male

of whom

1 should be aged 65 +

4 Should be housewives

of whom

2 Should work full time

3 Should have no children

1 should be ‘other woman’

1151 278 TV: The Public’s View 2001 QUOTA SHEET C C

Please obtain 10 interviews in total

All interviews should be with adults aged 16 +

Of whom:

5 Should be male

of whom

1 should be aged 65 +

4 Should be housewives

of whom

2 Should work full time

3 Should have no children

1 should be ‘other woman’

1151 278 TV: The Public’s View 2001 QUOTA SHEET D D

Please obtain 10 interviews in total

All interviews should be with adults aged 16 +

Of whom:

5 Should be male

of whom

1 should be aged 65 +

4 Should be housewives

of whom

1 Should work full time

4 Should have no children

1 should be ‘other woman’

1151 278 TV: The Public’s View 2001 QUOTA SHEET E E

Please obtain 10 interviews in total

All interviews should be with adults aged 16 +

Of whom:

5 Should be male

5 Should be housewives

of whom

1 Should work full time

4 Should have no children

QQ/SPSS variable SPSS label SERIAL Serial WEIGHT0 Weight QTVSETS Q2 Number of TV sets at home QDAYS Q3 Average number of days watch television per week QHOURS Q4 Average number of hours per day watch TV QITEMS A teletext set-Q5 Technology currently have in household QITEMS A 'widescreen' television-Q5 Technology currently have in household QITEMS A stereo television-Q5 Technology currently have in household QITEMS Cable TV-Q5 Technology currently have in household QITEMS A satellite TV dish-Q5 Technology currently have in household QITEMS A cable phone-Q5 Technology currently have in household QITEMS A video recorder-Q5 Technology currently have in household QITEMS A video camera or camcorder-Q5 Technology currently have in household QITEMS A mini disc player-Q5 Technology currently have in household QITEMS An MP3 player-Q5 Technology currently have in household QITEMS A DVD or Digital Versatile Disc player that is viewed through a television or computer-Q5 Technology currently have in h QITEMS A computer-Q5 Technology currently have in household QITEMS A computer with PC TV or Video Capacity-Q5 Technology currently have in household QITEMS A computer with access to the internet-Q5 Technology currently have in household QITEMS A WAP mobile phone with access to the internet, this could be a personal or a business mobile phone-Q5 Technology curren QITEMS Video games such as Sega, Nintendo or Sony Playstation-Q5 Technology currently have in household QITEMS ITV Digital, previously known as ON Digital-Q5 Technology currently have in household QITEMS A TV service through your phone line, such as Home Choice-Q5 Technology currently have in household QITEMS Don't Know-Q5 Technology currently have in household QITEMS None of these-Q5 Technology currently have in household QDIGITA Yes, satellite-Q6 Whether recieve a digital television service QDIGITA Yes, from cable supplier via cable-Q6 Whether recieve a digital television service QDIGITA Yes, via an ordinary aerial from ITV Digital, previously known as ONDigital-Q6 Whether recieve a digital television serv QDIGITA Yes, from another supplier such as Home Choice-Q6 Whether recieve a digital television service QDIGITA No (analogue only - no digital television service received)-Q6 Whether recieve a digital television service QDIGITA Don't Know-Q6 Whether recieve a digital television service QCABDIG Q7 Whether had new cable box installed in last 3 years QMULTTV Q8 Number of TV's connected to multi-channel TV services QKIDS Q9 Number of children in the household QAGE1 Q10 Age of eldest child QSEX1 Q11 Sex of eldest child QACCES1 Television-Q12 Items eldest child has in bedroom QACCES1 A radio in any form (including radio alarms, radio cassettes & portable radios)-Q12 Items eldest child has in bedroom QACCES1 A satellite, cable or digital TV connection-Q12 Items eldest child has in bedroom QACCES1 A video recorder or playback machine-Q12 Items eldest child has in bedroom QACCES1 Video games console such as Sega, Nintendo or Sony Playstation-Q12 Items eldest child has in bedroom QACCES1 A computer-Q12 Items eldest child has in bedroom QACCES1 Internet access-Q12 Items eldest child has in bedroom QACCES1 Don't Know-Q12 Items eldest child has in bedroom QACCES1 None of these-Q12 Items eldest child has in bedroom QAGE2 Q13 Age of second eldest child QSEX2 Q14 Sex of second eldest child QACCES2 Television-Q15 Items second eldest child has in bedroom QACCES2 A radio in any form (including radio alarms, radio cassettes & portable radios)-Q15 Items second eldest child has in bed QACCES2 A satellite, cable or digital TV connection-Q15 Items second eldest child has in bedroom QACCES2 A video recorder or playback machine-Q15 Items second eldest child has in bedroom QACCES2 Video games console such as Sega, Nintendo or Sony Playstation-Q15 Items second eldest child has in bedroom QACCES2 A computer-Q15 Items second eldest child has in bedroom QACCES2 Internet access-Q15 Items second eldest child has in bedroom QACCES2 Don't Know-Q15 Items second eldest child has in bedroom QACCES2 None of these-Q15 Items second eldest child has in bedroom QAGE3 Q16 Age of third eldest child QSEX3 Q17 Sex of third eldest child QACCES3 Television-Q18 Items third eldest child has in bedroom QACCES3 A radio in any form (including radio alarms, radio cassettes & portable radios)-Q18 Items third eldest child has in bedr QACCES3 A satellite, cable or digital TV connection-Q18 Items third eldest child has in bedroom QACCES3 A video recorder or playback machine-Q18 Items third eldest child has in bedroom QACCES3 Video games console such as Sega, Nintendo or Sony Playstation-Q18 Items third eldest child has in bedroom QACCES3 A computer-Q18 Items third eldest child has in bedroom QACCES3 None of these-Q18 Items third eldest child has in bedroom QAGE4 Q19 Age of fourth eldest child QSEX4 Q20 Sex of fourth eldest child QACCES4 Television-Q21 Items fourth eldest child has in bedroom QACCES4 A radio in any form (including radio alarms, radio cassettes & portable radios)-Q21 Items fourth eldest child has in bed QACCES4 A satellite, cable or digital TV connection-Q21 Items fourth eldest child has in bedroom QACCES4 A video recorder or playback machine-Q21 Items fourth eldest child has in bedroom QACCES4 Video games console such as Sega, Nintendo or Sony Playstation-Q21 Items fourth eldest child has in bedroom QACCES4 None of these-Q21 Items fourth eldest child has in bedroom QAGE5 Q22 Age of fifth eldest child QSEX5 Q23 Sex of fifth eldest child QACCES5 Q24 Items fifth eldest child has in bedroom QAGE6 Q25 Age of sixth eldest child QSEX6 Q26 Sex of sixth eldest child QACCES6 Q27 Items sixth eldest child has in bedroom QPARENT Q28 Whether parent of any of the children QONLY1 BBC1-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 BBC2-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 ITV-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Channel 4 (S4C in Wales)-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Channel 5-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Sky One-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Sky News-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 The Discovery Channel-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 UK Gold-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Living-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 MTV-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 BBC News 24-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 UK Style-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 British Eurosport-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 E4-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Sky Sports News-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Paramount Comedy-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Sky Box Office-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 The History Channel-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Animal Planet-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 BBC Choice-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Bravo-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Carlton Cinema-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Cartoon Network-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Challenge TV-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Discovery Home and Leisure-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Disney-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Granada Breeze-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 ITN News-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 National Geographic-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Rapture-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Sky Travel-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 TCM-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 The Box-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 The God Channel-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 The Racing Channel-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 The Sci-Fi channel-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 TNT Europe & TNT Classic Movies-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Trouble-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 UK Drama-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 UK Horizons-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Other-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Don't Know-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 None of these-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QWATCH BBC1-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH BBC2-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH ITV-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH Channel 4 (S4C in Wales)-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH Channel 5-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH Sky One-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH Sky News-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH The Discovery Channel-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH UK Gold-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH Living-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH MTV-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH BBC News 24-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH UK Style-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH British Eurosport-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH E4-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH Sky Sports News-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH VH-1 (i.e. VH one)-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH Paramount Comedy-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH The History Channel-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH Animal Planet-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH BBC Choice-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH B4U-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH Challenge TV-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH Discovery Home and Leisure-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH Disney-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH Granada Breeze-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH Granada Plus-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH MUTV (Manchester United TV)-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH National Geographic-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH Nickelodeon-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH The Box-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH The Racing Channel-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH The Sci-Fi channel-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH TNT Europe & TNT Classic Movies-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH Travel-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH Trouble-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH UK Horizons-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH Other-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH Don't Know-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH None of these-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH2 BBC1-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 BBC2-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 ITV-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Channel 4 (S4C in Wales)-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Channel 5-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Sky One-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Sky News-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 The Discovery Channel-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 UK Gold-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Living-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 MTV-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 BBC News 24-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 UK Style-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 British Eurosport-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 E4-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Sky Sports News-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 VH-1 (i.e. VH one)-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Paramount Comedy-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Sky Box Office-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 The History Channel-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Animal Planet-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Artsworld-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Asianet-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 BBC Choice-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Bloomberg Television-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Bravo-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Cartoon Network-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Challenge TV-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 CNN-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Discovery Home and Leisure-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Disney-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Granada Men & Motors-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Granada Plus-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 National Geographic-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Nickelodeon-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Nick Jr-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 QVC \ The Shopping Channel-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Sky Travel-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 TCM-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 The Box-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 The Sci-Fi channel-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Trouble-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 UK Drama-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 UK Horizons-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 UK Play-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Other-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Don't Know-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 None of these-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH3 BBC1-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 BBC2-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 ITV-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Channel 4 (S4C in Wales)-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Channel 5-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Sky One-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Sky News-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 The Discovery Channel-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 UK Gold-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Living-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 MTV-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 BBC News 24-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 UK Style-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 British Eurosport-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 E4-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Sky Sports News-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 VH-1 (i.e. VH one)-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Paramount Comedy-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Sky Box Office-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 The History Channel-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Animal Planet-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Artsworld-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Bravo-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Discovery Home and Leisure-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Disney-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Fox Kids-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Granada Plus-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 ITN News-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 National Geographic-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Nickelodeon-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Performance\The Arts Channel-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 QVC \ The Shopping Channel-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Rapture-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 TCM-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 The Box-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 The God Channel-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 The Sci-Fi channel-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Toon Disney-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Trouble-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 UK Drama-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 UK Horizons-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Other-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Don't Know-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 None of these-Q32 Third most watched channel Q4WATCH BBC1-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH BBC2-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH ITV-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Channel 4 (S4C in Wales)-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Channel 5-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Sky One-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Sky News-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH The Discovery Channel-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH UK Gold-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Living-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH MTV-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH UK Style-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH British Eurosport-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH E4-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Sky Sports News-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH VH-1 (i.e. VH one)-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Paramount Comedy-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Sky Box Office-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH The History Channel-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Animal Planet-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Artsworld-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH BBC Choice-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Bravo-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Carlton Cinema-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Cartoon Network-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Discovery Home and Leisure-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Disney-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Euronews-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Granada Breeze-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Granada Men & Motors-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH ITN News-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH ITV2\S2\TVYOU-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH National Geographic-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Nickelodeon-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH QVC \ The Shopping Channel-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Rapture-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Shop!-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Taste CFN-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH TCM-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH The Box-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH The Sci-Fi channel-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Trouble-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH TV Travel Shop-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Other-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Don't Know-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH None of these-Q33 Fourth most watched channel QWATCH5 BBC1-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 BBC2-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 ITV-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Channel 4 (S4C in Wales)-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Channel 5-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Sky One-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Sky News-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 The Discovery Channel-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 UK Gold-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Living-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 MTV-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 BBC News 24-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 UK Style-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 British Eurosport-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 E4-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Sky Sports News-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 VH-1 (i.e. VH one)-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Paramount Comedy-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Sky Box Office-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 The History Channel-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Animal Planet-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 BBC Choice-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Bloomberg Television-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Boomerang-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Bravo-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Cartoon Network-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Challenge TV-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Disney-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Granada Breeze-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Granada Men & Motors-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Granada Plus-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Ideal World-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 ITN News-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 ITV2\S2\TVYOU-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 National Geographic-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Nickelodeon-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 TCM-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 The Box-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 The Sci-Fi channel-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Toon Disney-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Trouble-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 UK Drama-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 UK Horizons-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 UK Play-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Other-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Don't Know-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 None of these-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH6 BBC1-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 BBC2-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 ITV-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Channel 4 (S4C in Wales)-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Channel 5-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Sky One-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Sky News-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 The Discovery Channel-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 UK Gold-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Living-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 MTV-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 BBC News 24-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 UK Style-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 British Eurosport-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 E4-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Sky Sports News-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 VH-1 (i.e. VH one)-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Paramount Comedy-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Sky Box Office-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 The History Channel-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Animal Planet-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 BBC Choice-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Bloomberg Television-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Bravo-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Carlton Cinema-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Cartoon Network-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Challenge TV-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 CNBC-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 CNN-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Discovery Home and Leisure-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Disney-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Film Four-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Fox Kids-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Granada Men & Motors-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Granada Plus-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 ITN News-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 National Geographic-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Nickelodeon-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 QVC \ The Shopping Channel-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Shop!-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Tara-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 The Adult Channel-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 The Box-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 The Sci-Fi channel-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 The Technology Channel-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Trouble-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 TV Travel Shop-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 UK Horizons-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Other-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Don't Know-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 None of these-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH7 BBC1-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 BBC2-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 ITV-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Channel 4 (S4C in Wales)-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Channel 5-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Sky One-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Sky News-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 The Discovery Channel-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 UK Gold-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Living-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 MTV-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 BBC News 24-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 UK Style-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 British Eurosport-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 E4-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Sky Sports News-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 VH-1 (i.e. VH one)-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Paramount Comedy-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Sky Box Office-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 The History Channel-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Animal Planet-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Boomerang-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Bravo-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Cartoon Network-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 CNN-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Discovery Home and Leisure-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Disney-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Granada Plus-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 ITV2\S2\TVYOU-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 National Geographic-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Nickelodeon-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Nick Jr-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 QVC \ The Shopping Channel-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Shop!-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Sky Travel-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Sony Entertainment-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 The Box-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 The Sci-Fi channel-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 TNT Europe & TNT Classic Movies-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Toon Disney-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Travel-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Trouble-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 TV Travel Shop-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 UK Drama-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 UK Horizons-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 UK Play-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Other-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Don't Know-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 None of these-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH8 BBC1-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 BBC2-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 ITV-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Channel 4 (S4C in Wales)-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Channel 5-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Sky One-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Sky News-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 The Discovery Channel-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 UK Gold-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Living-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 MTV-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 BBC News 24-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 UK Style-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 British Eurosport-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 E4-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 VH-1 (i.e. VH one)-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Paramount Comedy-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 The History Channel-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Animal Planet-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Artsworld-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 BBC Choice-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Boomerang-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Bravo-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Carlton Cinema-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Challenge TV-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 CNN-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Discovery Home and Leisure-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Disney-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Film Four-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Fox Kids-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Front Row-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Granada Breeze-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Granada Men & Motors-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Granada Plus-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 National Geographic-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Nickelodeon-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 QVC \ The Shopping Channel-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Shop!-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Tara-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Taste CFN-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 TCM-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 The Adult Channel-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 The Box-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 The God Channel-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 The Racing Channel-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 The Sci-Fi channel-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 The Technology Channel-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Toon Disney-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 TV Travel Shop-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 UK Horizons-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 UK Play-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Other-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Don't Know-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 None of these-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QPPVIEW Films-Q38 Whether watched anything on a pay per view basis QPPVIEW Sports-Q38 Whether watched anything on a pay per view basis QPPVIEW Other-Q38 Whether watched anything on a pay per view basis QPPVIEW No, never-Q38 Whether watched anything on a pay per view basis QINTER1 Q39 How often use interactive television QINTER2 Q40 Agreement with Interactive services such as Sky Sports Active and Sky News Active enhance TV viewing for the viewer QUSETTX Q41 How often use teletext service QVIDNUM Q42 Number of video recorders in household QVIDOFT Q43 How often watch bought or hired videos QUSEVID Q44 How often use video recorder to watch programmes recorded from TV QNUMDVD Q45 Number of DVD players in household QOFDVD Q46 How often watch DVD's QACQUMC Q47 Whether interested in multi-channel TV QSOURCE Q48 Preferred source of pay TV channels QREGULA To protect children / young people-Q49 Reasons for regulating programmes QREGULA To protect the public in general-Q49 Reasons for regulating programmes QREGULA To protect viewers-Q49 Reasons for regulating programmes QREGULA Content control-Q49 Reasons for regulating programmes QREGULA Timing of programmes-Q49 Reasons for regulating programmes QREGULA To protect vulnerable people-Q49 Reasons for regulating programmes QREGULA To maintain high standards-Q49 Reasons for regulating programmes QREGULA To control the amount of sex,violence and basd language shown on television-Q49 Reasons for regulating programmes QREGULA To protect elderly people-Q49 Reasons for regulating programmes QREGULA Don't Know-Q49 Reasons for regulating programmes QREGULA Other-Q49 Reasons for regulating programmes QREGBBC ASA (Advertising Standards Authority)-Q50 Organisations regulating programmes on BBC1 & BBC2 QREGBBC BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)-Q50 Organisations regulating programmes on BBC1 & BBC2 QREGBBC BSC (Broadcasting Standards Commission)-Q50 Organisations regulating programmes on BBC1 & BBC2 QREGBBC Government-Q50 Organisations regulating programmes on BBC1 & BBC2 QREGBBC ITC (Independent Television Commission)-Q50 Organisations regulating programmes on BBC1 & BBC2 QREGBBC ITV companies \ ITV Association-Q50 Organisations regulating programmes on BBC1 & BBC2 QREGBBC (OFTEL) Office Of Telecommunications-Q50 Organisations regulating programmes on BBC1 & BBC2 QREGBBC (OFT) Office of Fair Trading-Q50 Organisations regulating programmes on BBC1 & BBC2 QREGBBC The channel/ broadcaster/ station-Q50 Organisations regulating programmes on BBC1 & BBC2 QREGBBC Trading Standards Office-Q50 Organisations regulating programmes on BBC1 & BBC2 QREGBBC The Police-Q50 Organisations regulating programmes on BBC1 & BBC2 QREGBBC Complaints programmes on TV such as Points of View, Right to Reply and Watchdog-Q50 Organisations regulating programmes QREGBBC Complaints programmes on the radio such as Feedback-Q50 Organisations regulating programmes on BBC1 & BBC2 QREGBBC Nat. Viewers & Listeners Assoc/ Media Watch/ Mary Whitehouse-Q50 Organisations regulating programmes on BBC1 & BBC2 QREGBBC Can't remember-Q50 Organisations regulating programmes on BBC1 & BBC2 QREGBBC Aware of organisation but can't remember name-Q50 Organisations regulating programmes on BBC1 & BBC2 QREGBBC Other-Q50 Organisations regulating programmes on BBC1 & BBC2 QREGBBC Don't Know-Q50 Organisations regulating programmes on BBC1 & BBC2 QREGBBC No organisation does this-Q50 Organisations regulating programmes on BBC1 & BBC2 QBBCREG Q51 How much programmes on BBC1 & BBC2 are regulated QREGITV ASA (Advertising Standards Authority)-Q52 Organisations regulating programmes on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGITV BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)-Q52 Organisations regulating programmes on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGITV BSC (Broadcasting Standards Commission)-Q52 Organisations regulating programmes on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGITV Government-Q52 Organisations regulating programmes on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGITV ITC (Independent Television Commission)-Q52 Organisations regulating programmes on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGITV ITV companies \ ITV Association-Q52 Organisations regulating programmes on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGITV (OFTEL) Office Of Telecommunications-Q52 Organisations regulating programmes on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGITV (OFT) Office of Fair Trading-Q52 Organisations regulating programmes on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGITV The channel/ broadcaster/ station-Q52 Organisations regulating programmes on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGITV Trading Standards Office-Q52 Organisations regulating programmes on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGITV The Police-Q52 Organisations regulating programmes on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGITV Complaints programmes on TV such as Points of View, Right to Reply and Watchdog-Q52 Organisations regulating programmes QREGITV Complaints programmes on the radio such as Feedback-Q52 Organisations regulating programmes on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGITV Nat. Viewers & Listeners Assoc/ Media Watch/ Mary Whitehouse-Q52 Organisations regulating programmes on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGITV Can't remember-Q52 Organisations regulating programmes on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGITV Aware of organisation but can't remember name-Q52 Organisations regulating programmes on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGITV Other-Q52 Organisations regulating programmes on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGITV Don't Know-Q52 Organisations regulating programmes on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGITV No organisation does this-Q52 Organisations regulating programmes on ITV, C4 & C5 QITVREG Q53 How much programmes on ITV, C4 & C5 are regulated QREGSKY ASA (Advertising Standards Authority)-Q54 Organisations regulating programmes on satellite, cable and digital channels QREGSKY BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)-Q54 Organisations regulating programmes on satellite, cable and digital channels QREGSKY BSC (Broadcasting Standards Commission)-Q54 Organisations regulating programmes on satellite, cable and digital channels QREGSKY Government-Q54 Organisations regulating programmes on satellite, cable and digital channels QREGSKY ITC (Independent Television Commission)-Q54 Organisations regulating programmes on satellite, cable and digital channels QREGSKY ITV companies \ ITV Association-Q54 Organisations regulating programmes on satellite, cable and digital channels QREGSKY (OFTEL) Office Of Telecommunications-Q54 Organisations regulating programmes on satellite, cable and digital channels QREGSKY (OFT) Office of Fair Trading-Q54 Organisations regulating programmes on satellite, cable and digital channels QREGSKY The channel/ broadcaster/ station-Q54 Organisations regulating programmes on satellite, cable and digital channels QREGSKY Trading Standards Office-Q54 Organisations regulating programmes on satellite, cable and digital channels QREGSKY The Police-Q54 Organisations regulating programmes on satellite, cable and digital channels QREGSKY Complaints programmes on TV such as Points of View, Right to Reply and Watchdog-Q54 Organisations regulating programmes QREGSKY Complaints programmes on the radio such as Feedback-Q54 Organisations regulating programmes on satellite, cable and digi QREGSKY Nat. Viewers & Listeners Assoc/ Media Watch/ Mary Whitehouse-Q54 Organisations regulating programmes on satellite, cable QREGSKY Can't remember-Q54 Organisations regulating programmes on satellite, cable and digital channels QREGSKY Aware of organisation but can't remember name-Q54 Organisations regulating programmes on satellite, cable and digital ch QREGSKY Other-Q54 Organisations regulating programmes on satellite, cable and digital channels QREGSKY Don't Know-Q54 Organisations regulating programmes on satellite, cable and digital channels QREGSKY No organisation does this-Q54 Organisations regulating programmes on satellite, cable and digital channels QSKYREG Q55 How much programmes on satellite, cable and digital channels are regulated QREGADS ASA (Advertising Standards Authority)-Q56 Organisations regulating advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGADS BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)-Q56 Organisations regulating advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGADS BSC (Broadcasting Standards Commission)-Q56 Organisations regulating advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGADS Government-Q56 Organisations regulating advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGADS ITC (Independent Television Commission)-Q56 Organisations regulating advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGADS ITV companies \ ITV Association-Q56 Organisations regulating advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGADS (OFTEL) Office Of Telecommunications-Q56 Organisations regulating advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGADS (OFT) Office of Fair Trading-Q56 Organisations regulating advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGADS The channel/ broadcaster/ station-Q56 Organisations regulating advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGADS Trading Standards Office-Q56 Organisations regulating advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGADS Complaints programmes on TV such as Points of View, Right to Reply and Watchdog-Q56 Organisations regulating advertising QREGADS Nat. Viewers & Listeners Assoc/ Media Watch/ Mary Whitehouse-Q56 Organisations regulating advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGADS Can't remember-Q56 Organisations regulating advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGADS Aware of organisation but can't remember name-Q56 Organisations regulating advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGADS The advertisers themselves-Q56 Organisations regulating advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGADS Don't Know-Q56 Organisations regulating advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGADS Other-Q56 Organisations regulating advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGADS No organisation does this-Q56 Organisations regulating advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QMUCHRE Q57 Level of regulation of terrestrial TV ads QREGAD2 ASA (Advertising Standards Authority)-Q58 Organisations regulating advertising on pay TV channels QREGAD2 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)-Q58 Organisations regulating advertising on pay TV channels QREGAD2 BSC (Broadcasting Standards Commission)-Q58 Organisations regulating advertising on pay TV channels QREGAD2 Government-Q58 Organisations regulating advertising on pay TV channels QREGAD2 ITC (Independent Television Commission)-Q58 Organisations regulating advertising on pay TV channels QREGAD2 ITV companies \ ITV Association-Q58 Organisations regulating advertising on pay TV channels QREGAD2 (OFTEL) Office Of Telecommunications-Q58 Organisations regulating advertising on pay TV channels QREGAD2 (OFT) Office of Fair Trading-Q58 Organisations regulating advertising on pay TV channels QREGAD2 The channel/ broadcaster/ station-Q58 Organisations regulating advertising on pay TV channels QREGAD2 Trading Standards Office-Q58 Organisations regulating advertising on pay TV channels QREGAD2 The Police-Q58 Organisations regulating advertising on pay TV channels QREGAD2 Complaints programmes on TV such as Points of View, Right to Reply and Watchdog-Q58 Organisations regulating advertising QREGAD2 Complaints programmes on the radio such as Feedback-Q58 Organisations regulating advertising on pay TV channels QREGAD2 Nat. Viewers & Listeners Assoc/ Media Watch/ Mary Whitehouse-Q58 Organisations regulating advertising on pay TV channels QREGAD2 Can't remember-Q58 Organisations regulating advertising on pay TV channels QREGAD2 Aware of organisation but can't remember name-Q58 Organisations regulating advertising on pay TV channels QREGAD2 Other-Q58 Organisations regulating advertising on pay TV channels QREGAD2 Don't Know-Q58 Organisations regulating advertising on pay TV channels QREGAD2 No organisation does this-Q58 Organisations regulating advertising on pay TV channels QMUCHR2 Q59 Level of regulation of pay TV ads QCOMADS ASA (Advertising Standards Authority)-Q60 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QCOMADS BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)-Q60 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QCOMADS BSC (Broadcasting Standards Commission)-Q60 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QCOMADS Government-Q60 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QCOMADS ITC (Independent Television Commission)-Q60 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QCOMADS ITV companies \ ITV Association-Q60 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QCOMADS (OFTEL) Office Of Telecommunications-Q60 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QCOMADS (OFT) Office of Fair Trading-Q60 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QCOMADS The channel/ broadcaster/ station-Q60 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QCOMADS Trading Standards Office-Q60 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QCOMADS The Police-Q60 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QCOMADS Complaints programmes on TV such as Points of View, Right to Reply and Watchdog-Q60 Who to contact if upset about conten QCOMADS Complaints programmes on the radio such as Feedback-Q60 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on ITV, C4 QCOMADS Nat. Viewers & Listeners Assoc/ Media Watch/ Mary Whitehouse-Q60 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on QCOMADS Can't remember-Q60 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QCOMADS Aware of organisation but can't remember name-Q60 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QCOMADS My MP [parliament]-Q60 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QCOMADS The Complaints Commission/Complaints Board-Q60 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QCOMADS N/A-Q60 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QCOMADS Don't Know-Q60 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QCOMADS Other-Q60 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QCOMADS No organisation does this-Q60 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QCOMAD2 ASA (Advertising Standards Authority)-Q61 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on pay TV channels QCOMAD2 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)-Q61 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on pay TV channels QCOMAD2 BSC (Broadcasting Standards Commission)-Q61 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on pay TV channels QCOMAD2 Government-Q61 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on pay TV channels QCOMAD2 ITC (Independent Television Commission)-Q61 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on pay TV channels QCOMAD2 ITV companies \ ITV Association-Q61 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on pay TV channels QCOMAD2 (OFTEL) Office Of Telecommunications-Q61 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on pay TV channels QCOMAD2 (OFT) Office of Fair Trading-Q61 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on pay TV channels QCOMAD2 The channel/ broadcaster/ station-Q61 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on pay TV channels QCOMAD2 Trading Standards Office-Q61 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on pay TV channels QCOMAD2 The Police-Q61 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on pay TV channels QCOMAD2 Complaints programmes on TV such as Points of View, Right to Reply and Watchdog-Q61 Who to contact if upset about conten QCOMAD2 Nat. Viewers & Listeners Assoc/ Media Watch/ Mary Whitehouse-Q61 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on QCOMAD2 Can't remember-Q61 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on pay TV channels QCOMAD2 Aware of organisation but can't remember name-Q61 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on pay TV channel QCOMAD2 Other-Q61 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on pay TV channels QCOMAD2 Don't Know-Q61 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on pay TV channels QCOMAD2 No organisation does this-Q61 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on pay TV channels QNEWWRL Television-Q62 Main source of world news QNEWWRL Radio-Q62 Main source of world news QNEWWRL Any newspaper-Q62 Main source of world news QNEWWRL Teletext-Q62 Main source of world news QNEWWRL Talking to people-Q62 Main source of world news QNEWWRL Internet-Q62 Main source of world news QNEWWRL Other-Q62 Main source of world news QNEWWRL Don't Know-Q62 Main source of world news QNEWWRL Does not get news-Q62 Main source of world news QNEWSCO Q63 Main source of news in Scotland QNEWWAL Q64 Main source of Welsh news QNEWNIR Q65 Main source of Northern Irish news QNEWLOC Television-Q66 Main source of local news QNEWLOC Radio-Q66 Main source of local news QNEWLOC Any newspaper-Q66 Main source of local news QNEWLOC Magazines-Q66 Main source of local news QNEWLOC Teletext-Q66 Main source of local news QNEWLOC Talking to people-Q66 Main source of local news QNEWLOC Internet-Q66 Main source of local news QNEWLOC Other-Q66 Main source of local news QNEWLOC Don't Know-Q66 Main source of local news QNEWLOC Does not get news-Q66 Main source of local news QLOCTV Q67 Performance of TV company in providing local news QIMPROV Q68 Whether programmes have improved, got worse or stayed about the same QWORSE More repeats-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QWORSE More bad language-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QWORSE More violence-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QWORSE More sex-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QWORSE Advertising - too much-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QWORSE Not enough quality/all the programmes are rubbish-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QWORSE Less variety/no new programmes/all channels show the same programmes-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the pas QWORSE Less interesting for me/I find the programmes dull-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QWORSE More soaps / poor soaps-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QWORSE More cheap / American imports-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QWORSE More quiz / games shows-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QWORSE More poor quality films-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QWORSE More old films-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QWORSE More horror-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QWORSE More / too much sport-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QWORSE Worse dramas-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QWORSE Poor sports coverage-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QWORSE Too many reality TV programmes-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QWORSE Not enough comedy /poor quality comedy-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QWORSE Too many cookery / gardening programmes-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QWORSE N/A-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QWORSE Don't Know-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QWORSE Other-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QWORSE Not Stated-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QIMPRO Improved quality-Q70 How feel programmes have improved over the past year QIMPRO Wider range of programmes-Q70 How feel programmes have improved over the past year QIMPRO More interesting-Q70 How feel programmes have improved over the past year QIMPRO More/better dramas-Q70 How feel programmes have improved over the past year QIMPRO More/better films-Q70 How feel programmes have improved over the past year QIMPRO More / better sports coverage-Q70 How feel programmes have improved over the past year QIMPRO Better documentaries-Q70 How feel programmes have improved over the past year QIMPRO Better news coverage-Q70 How feel programmes have improved over the past year QIMPRO Better comedies-Q70 How feel programmes have improved over the past year QIMPRO Good soaps-Q70 How feel programmes have improved over the past year QIMPRO Don't Know-Q70 How feel programmes have improved over the past year QIMPRO Other-Q70 How feel programmes have improved over the past year QEXCEPT Q71 Whether all channels have improved/got worse/stayed the same QDIFFER BBC1-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER BBC2-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER ITV-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER Channel 4 (S4C in Wales)-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER Channel 5-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER Sky One-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER Sky News-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER The Discovery Channel-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER UK Gold-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER Living-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER MTV-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER BBC News 24-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER UK Style-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER British Eurosport-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER E4-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER Sky Sports News-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER VH-1 (i.e. VH one)-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER Paramount Comedy-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER The History Channel-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER Animal Planet-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER BBC Choice-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER Bravo-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER Cartoon Network-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER Discovery Home and Leisure-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER Granada Plus-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER ITN News-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER ITV2\S2\TVYOU-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER National Geographic-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER Nickelodeon-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER Playhouse Disney-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER The Box-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER Trouble-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER Other-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER Don't Know-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QHOWDIF BBC1 - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF BBC2 - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF ITV - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF Channel 5 - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF Sky One - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF Sky News - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF The Discovery Channel - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF UK Gold - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF Living - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF MTV - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF BBC News 24 - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF UK Style - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF British Eurosport - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF E4 - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF Sky Sports News - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF VH-1 (i.e. VH one) - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF Paramount Comedy - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF The History Channel - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF Animal Planet - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF BBC Choice - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF Bravo - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF Cartoon Network - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF Discovery Home and Leisure - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF Granada Plus - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF ITN News - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF ITV2\S2\TVYOU - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF National Geographic - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF Nickelodeon - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF Playhouse Disney - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF The Box - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF Trouble - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QIMP Improved quality-BBC1 - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Wider range of programmes-BBC1 - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More interesting-BBC1 - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More for younger people-BBC1 - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Better news coverage-BBC1 - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Better children's programmes-BBC1 - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Improved quality-BBC2 - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Wider range of programmes-BBC2 - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More interesting-BBC2 - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More/better dramas-BBC2 - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More education/educational programmes-BBC2 - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Improved quality-ITV - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Wider range of programmes-ITV - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More interesting-ITV - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More/better dramas-ITV - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More/better films-ITV - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More / better sports coverage-ITV - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Improved quality-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Wider range of programmes-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More interesting-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More/better dramas-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More/better films-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More / better sports coverage-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More for younger people-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Better/more documentaries-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Good soaps-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Other-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Improved quality-Channel 5 - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Wider range of programmes-Channel 5 - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More interesting-Channel 5 - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More/better films-Channel 5 - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More for younger people-Channel 5 - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Better news coverage-Channel 5 - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More education/educational programmes-Channel 5 - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Sky One - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Improved quality-Sky News - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Wider range of programmes-Sky News - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Other-Sky News - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Improved quality-The Discovery Channel - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Wider range of programmes-The Discovery Channel - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More interesting-The Discovery Channel - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More education/educational programmes-The Discovery Channel - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP UK Gold - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Wider range of programmes-Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More interesting-Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More / better sports coverage-Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Other-Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Wider range of programmes-MTV - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP BBC News 24 - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP UK Style - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP British Eurosport - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Wider range of programmes-E4 - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More interesting-E4 - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Sky Sports News - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Wider range of programmes-The History Channel - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More interesting-The History Channel - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Animal Planet - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Bravo - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP ITN News - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Wider range of programmes-ITV2\S2\TVYOU - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More interesting-ITV2\S2\TVYOU - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More education/educational programmes-ITV2\S2\TVYOU - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Improved quality-National Geographic - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More education/educational programmes-National Geographic - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Improved quality-Nickelodeon - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More interesting-Nickelodeon - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Better children's programmes-Nickelodeon - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Trouble - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QWOR More repeats-BBC1 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More bad language-BBC1 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More violence-BBC1 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More sex-BBC1 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Not enough quality/all the programmes rubbish-BBC1 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Less variety/no new programmes/all channels show the same programmes-BBC1 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Less interesting for me/I find the programmes dull-BBC1 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More soaps / poor soaps-BBC1 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Too many trailers / programme sponsorship / ads-BBC1 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Poor sports coverage-BBC1 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Other-BBC1 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Not Stated-BBC1 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More repeats-BBC2 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More bad language-BBC2 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More violence-BBC2 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More sex-BBC2 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Not enough quality/all the programmes rubbish-BBC2 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Less variety/no new programmes/all channels show the same programmes-BBC2 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Less interesting for me/I find the programmes dull-BBC2 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Too many trailers / programme sponsorship / ads-BBC2 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Poor sports coverage-BBC2 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Other-BBC2 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More repeats-ITV - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More sex-ITV - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Advertising - too much-ITV - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Not enough quality/all the programmes rubbish-ITV - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Less variety/no new programmes/all channels show the same programmes-ITV - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Less interesting for me/I find the programmes dull-ITV - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More soaps / poor soaps-ITV - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More quiz / games shows-ITV - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More / too much sport-ITV - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Worse dramas-ITV - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Poor sports coverage-ITV - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Don't Know-ITV - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Other-ITV - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Not Stated-ITV - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More repeats-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More bad language-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More violence-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More sex-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Not enough quality/all the programmes rubbish-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More poor quality films-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More old films-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More / too much sport-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Don't Know-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Other-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More repeats-Channel 5 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More bad language-Channel 5 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More violence-Channel 5 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More sex-Channel 5 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Not enough quality/all the programmes rubbish-Channel 5 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Less variety/no new programmes/all channels show the same programmes-Channel 5 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got wo QWOR Less interesting for me/I find the programmes dull-Channel 5 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More poor quality films-Channel 5 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Other-Channel 5 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Sky One - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR UK Gold - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Living - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR E4 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Paramount Comedy - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QBIAS1 BBC1-Q76 Whether any channels have any political bias QBIAS1 BBC2-Q76 Whether any channels have any political bias QBIAS1 ITV-Q76 Whether any channels have any political bias QBIAS1 Channel 4 (S4C in Wales)-Q76 Whether any channels have any political bias QBIAS1 Channel 5-Q76 Whether any channels have any political bias QBIAS1 Sky One-Q76 Whether any channels have any political bias QBIAS1 Sky News-Q76 Whether any channels have any political bias QBIAS1 Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema-Q76 Whether any channels have any political bias QBIAS1 BBC News 24-Q76 Whether any channels have any political bias QBIAS1 Discovery Home and Leisure-Q76 Whether any channels have any political bias QBIAS1 ALL OF THEM-Q76 Whether any channels have any political bias QBIAS1 Other-Q76 Whether any channels have any political bias QBIAS1 Don't Know-Q76 Whether any channels have any political bias QBIAS1 NO POLITICAL BIAS-Q76 Whether any channels have any political bias QBIA BBC1 - Q77 Which parties channels favour QBIA BBC2 - Q77 Which parties channels favour QBIA ITV - Q77 Which parties channels favour QBIA Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q77 Which parties channels favour QBIA Channel 5 - Q77 Which parties channels favour QBIA Sky One - Q77 Which parties channels favour QBIA Sky News - Q77 Which parties channels favour QBIA Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema - Q77 Which parties channels favour QBIA BBC News 24 - Q77 Which parties channels favour QBIA Discovery Home and Leisure - Q77 Which parties channels favour QBIA ALL OF THEM - Q77 Which parties channels favour QCONCER Q78 Whether any issues on TV which cause concern QCONC2 Q79 Issue that causes most concern QOFFENS Q80 Whether offended by things seen or heard on TV QOFFCHA BBC1-Q81 Channels on which see or hear things which find offensive QOFFCHA BBC2-Q81 Channels on which see or hear things which find offensive QOFFCHA ITV-Q81 Channels on which see or hear things which find offensive QOFFCHA Channel 4 (S4C in Wales)-Q81 Channels on which see or hear things which find offensive QOFFCHA Channel 5-Q81 Channels on which see or hear things which find offensive QOFFCHA Sky One-Q81 Channels on which see or hear things which find offensive QOFFCHA Sky News-Q81 Channels on which see or hear things which find offensive QOFFCHA Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema-Q81 Channels on which see or hear things which find offensive QOFFCHA UK Gold-Q81 Channels on which see or hear things which find offensive QOFFCHA Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold-Q81 Channels on which see or hear things which find offensive QOFFCHA Living-Q81 Channels on which see or hear things which find offensive QOFFCHA E4-Q81 Channels on which see or hear things which find offensive QOFFCHA BBC Choice-Q81 Channels on which see or hear things which find offensive QOFFCHA Bravo-Q81 Channels on which see or hear things which find offensive QOFFCHA CNN-Q81 Channels on which see or hear things which find offensive QOFFCHA Granada Men & Motors-Q81 Channels on which see or hear things which find offensive QOFFCHA Local cable channel-Q81 Channels on which see or hear things which find offensive QOFFCHA Television X - The Fantasy Channel-Q81 Channels on which see or hear things which find offensive QOFFCHA The Adult Channel-Q81 Channels on which see or hear things which find offensive QOFFCHA ALL OF THEM-Q81 Channels on which see or hear things which find offensive QOFFCHA Other-Q81 Channels on which see or hear things which find offensive QOFFCHA Don't Know-Q81 Channels on which see or hear things which find offensive QOFF Bad language-BBC1 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Sex / nudity-BBC1 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Violence (in general)-BBC1 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Brass Eye/ Chris Morris-BBC1 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Disrespectful / intrusive-BBC1 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Go too far / bad taste-BBC1 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Insulting / making fun of people-BBC1 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Jokes about / portrayal of the Royal Family-BBC1 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF News coverage of disturbing events / scenes-BBC1 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF News coverage of wars-BBC1 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Political bias-BBC1 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Programmes about paedophilia-BBC1 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Racism-BBC1 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Shown at the wrong times / children might see-BBC1 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Violence towards / abuse of children-BBC1 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Vulgarity / lavatory / smutty humour-BBC1 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Programme content / bad programmes (general)-BBC1 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF N/A-BBC1 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Don't Know-BBC1 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Other-BBC1 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Not Stated-BBC1 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Bad language-BBC2 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Sex / nudity-BBC2 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Violence (in general)-BBC2 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Brass Eye/ Chris Morris-BBC2 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Biased / unfair programmes-BBC2 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Go too far / bad taste-BBC2 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF News coverage of disturbing events / scenes-BBC2 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF News coverage of wars-BBC2 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Political bias-BBC2 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Vulgarity / lavatory / smutty humour-BBC2 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Programme content / bad programmes (general)-BBC2 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF N/A-BBC2 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Don't Know-BBC2 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Other-BBC2 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Not Stated-BBC2 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Bad language-ITV - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Sex / nudity-ITV - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Violence (in general)-ITV - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Brass Eye/ Chris Morris-ITV - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Bad example to children-ITV - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Biased / unfair programmes-ITV - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Disrespectful / intrusive-ITV - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Gays or lesbians-ITV - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Go too far / bad taste-ITV - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Insulting / making fun of people-ITV - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Jokes about / portrayal of religion / Blasphemy-ITV - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Jokes about / portrayal of the Royal Family-ITV - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF News coverage of disturbing events / scenes-ITV - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF News coverage of wars-ITV - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Racism-ITV - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Shown at the wrong times / children might see-ITV - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Vulgarity / lavatory / smutty humour-ITV - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Programme content / bad programmes (general)-ITV - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF N/A-ITV - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Don't Know-ITV - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Other-ITV - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Not Stated-ITV - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Bad language-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Sex / nudity-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Violence (in general)-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Brass Eye/ Chris Morris-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Biased / unfair programmes-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Go too far / bad taste-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Jokes about / portrayal of religion / Blasphemy-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Political bias-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Programmes about paedophilia-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Racism-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Sexual violence-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Vulgarity / lavatory / smutty humour-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Programme content / bad programmes (general)-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF N/A-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Don't Know-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Other-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Not Stated-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Bad language-Channel 5 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Sex / nudity-Channel 5 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Violence (in general)-Channel 5 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Brass Eye/ Chris Morris-Channel 5 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Gays or lesbians-Channel 5 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Go too far / bad taste-Channel 5 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Vulgarity / lavatory / smutty humour-Channel 5 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Programme content / bad programmes (general)-Channel 5 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF N/A-Channel 5 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Don't Know-Channel 5 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Other-Channel 5 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Not Stated-Channel 5 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Bad language-Sky One - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Sex / nudity-Sky One - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Violence (in general)-Sky One - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Brass Eye/ Chris Morris-Sky One - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Shown at the wrong times / children might see-Sky One - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Don't Know-Sky One - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Other-Sky One - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Not Stated-Sky One - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Sky News - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Bad language-Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Sex / nudity-Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Violence (in general)-Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Bad language-UK Gold - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Sex / nudity-UK Gold - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Violence (in general)-UK Gold - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Bad language-Living - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Sex / nudity-Living - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Violence (in general)-Living - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Violence towards / abuse of children-Living - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Not Stated-Living - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF E4 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF BBC Choice - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Bravo - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF CNN - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Granada Men & Motors - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Sex / nudity-Local cable channel - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Violence (in general)-Local cable channel - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Bad language-Television X - The Fantasy Channel - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Sex / nudity-Television X - The Fantasy Channel - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Violence (in general)-Television X - The Fantasy Channel - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Bad language-The Adult Channel - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Sex / nudity-The Adult Channel - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Violence (in general)-The Adult Channel - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Bad language-ALL OF THEM - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Sex / nudity-ALL OF THEM - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Violence (in general)-ALL OF THEM - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Gays or lesbians-ALL OF THEM - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Go too far / bad taste-ALL OF THEM - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Racism-ALL OF THEM - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Shown at the wrong times / children might see-ALL OF THEM - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Violence towards / abuse of children-ALL OF THEM - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Vulgarity / lavatory / smutty humour-ALL OF THEM - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Programme content / bad programmes (general)-ALL OF THEM - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Don't Know-ALL OF THEM - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Other-ALL OF THEM - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Not Stated-ALL OF THEM - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QREACT Switch off-Q83 How reacted to being offended QREACT Switch over-Q83 How reacted to being offended QREACT Complain to broadcaster (via letter/phone/email)-Q83 How reacted to being offended QREACT Complain to regulator (via letter/phone/email)-Q83 How reacted to being offended QREACT Continue watching / do nothing-Q83 How reacted to being offended QREACT Leave the room-Q83 How reacted to being offended QREACT Complain/talk to friends or family about it-Q83 How reacted to being offended QREACT Don't Know-Q83 How reacted to being offended QREACT Other-Q83 How reacted to being offended QREAC2 Yes, with a friend-Q84 Whether discussed offensive television material with anyone else QREAC2 Yes, with family-Q84 Whether discussed offensive television material with anyone else QREAC2 Yes, with a work colleague-Q84 Whether discussed offensive television material with anyone else QREAC2 Yes, discussed with someone else (specify)-Q84 Whether discussed offensive television material with anyone else QREAC2 Don't Know-Q84 Whether discussed offensive television material with anyone else QREAC2 No, don't discuss it-Q84 Whether discussed offensive television material with anyone else QSUPRI Q85 Whether 'surprised' at something seen or heard on TV QSURCHA BBC1-Q86 Channels saw or heard something 'surprising' QSURCHA BBC2-Q86 Channels saw or heard something 'surprising' QSURCHA ITV-Q86 Channels saw or heard something 'surprising' QSURCHA Channel 4 (S4C in Wales)-Q86 Channels saw or heard something 'surprising' QSURCHA Channel 5-Q86 Channels saw or heard something 'surprising' QSURCHA Sky One-Q86 Channels saw or heard something 'surprising' QSURCHA Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema-Q86 Channels saw or heard something 'surprising' QSURCHA The Discovery Channel-Q86 Channels saw or heard something 'surprising' QSURCHA Living-Q86 Channels saw or heard something 'surprising' QSURCHA E4-Q86 Channels saw or heard something 'surprising' QSURCHA Granada Men & Motors-Q86 Channels saw or heard something 'surprising' QSURCHA ALL OF THEM-Q86 Channels saw or heard something 'surprising' QSURCHA Other-Q86 Channels saw or heard something 'surprising' QSURCHA Don't Know-Q86 Channels saw or heard something 'surprising' QSUR Bad language-BBC1 - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Sex / nudity-BBC1 - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Violence (in general)-BBC1 - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Brass Eye/ Chris Morris-BBC1 - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR News coverage of disturbing events / scenes-BBC1 - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Racism-BBC1 - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Sexual violence-BBC1 - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Shown at the wrong times / children might see-BBC1 - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Don't Know-BBC1 - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Other-BBC1 - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR BBC2 - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Bad language-ITV - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Sex / nudity-ITV - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Violence (in general)-ITV - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Brass Eye/ Chris Morris-ITV - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Go too far / bad taste-ITV - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Insulting / making fun of people-ITV - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Programmes about paedophilia-ITV - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Racism-ITV - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Sexual violence-ITV - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Shown at the wrong times / children might see-ITV - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Don't Know-ITV - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Other-ITV - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Bad language-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Sex / nudity-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Violence (in general)-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Brass Eye/ Chris Morris-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Gays or lesbians-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Jokes about / portrayal of the Royal Family-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Programmes about paedophilia-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Don't Know-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Other-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Bad language-Channel 5 - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Sex / nudity-Channel 5 - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Violence (in general)-Channel 5 - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Brass Eye/ Chris Morris-Channel 5 - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Don't Know-Channel 5 - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Other-Channel 5 - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Bad language-Sky One - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Sex / nudity-Sky One - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Violence (in general)-Sky One - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Go too far / bad taste-Sky One - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Other-Sky One - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR The Discovery Channel - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Living - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Granada Men & Motors - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Bad language-ALL OF THEM - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Sex / nudity-ALL OF THEM - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Not Stated-ALL OF THEM - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QREACTS Switched off-Q88 How reacted to being 'surprised' QREACTS Switched over-Q88 How reacted to being 'surprised' QREACTS Complained to broadcaster (wrote/phoned/emailed)-Q88 How reacted to being 'surprised' QREACTS Complained to regulator (wrote/phoned/emailed)-Q88 How reacted to being 'surprised' QREACTS Continued watching / did nothing-Q88 How reacted to being 'surprised' QREACTS Other-Q88 How reacted to being 'surprised' QREACTS Don't Know-Q88 How reacted to being 'surprised' QREACT2 Yes, with a friend-Q89 Whether discussed 'surprising' television material with anyone else QREACT2 Yes, with family-Q89 Whether discussed 'surprising' television material with anyone else QREACT2 Yes, with a work colleague-Q89 Whether discussed 'surprising' television material with anyone else QREACT2 Don't Know-Q89 Whether discussed 'surprising' television material with anyone else QREACT2 No, didn't discuss it-Q89 Whether discussed 'surprising' television material with anyone else QCON Sex - Q90 Whether too much, too little, or right amount of individual aspects on TV QCON Violence - Q90 Whether too much, too little, or right amount of individual aspects on TV QCON Swearing - Q90 Whether too much, too little, or right amount of individual aspects on TV QCON Intrusion into other people's private lives - Q90 Whether too much, too little, or right amount of individual aspects on QCON Unfair treatment of people or organisations - Q90 Whether too much, too little, or right amount of individual aspects on QCO3 Sex - Q91 How feel about there being too much of the individual aspect on TV QCO3 Violence - Q91 How feel about there being too much of the individual aspect on TV QCO3 Swearing - Q91 How feel about there being too much of the individual aspect on TV QCO3 Intrusion into other people's private lives - Q91 How feel about there being too much of the individual aspect on TV QCO3 Unfair treatment of people or organisations - Q91 How feel about there being too much of the individual aspect on TV QMEMOR2 Q92 Most memorable TV moment QRESPON Q93 Who is responsible for ensuring children don't see unsuitable programmes QWATER1 Q94 Whether aware of existence of watershed QWATER2 Q95 What time watershed is (terrestrial TV) QWATER3 Q96 Whether 9pm watershed is too early, late or about right QWATER4 Q97 Whether aware of existence of 2 watersheds within multi-channel TV QWATER5 8 o'clock too early-Q98 Whether two tier watersheds are 'about right' QWATER5 8 o'clock too late-Q98 Whether two tier watersheds are 'about right' QWATER5 10 o'clock too early-Q98 Whether two tier watersheds are 'about right' QWATER5 10 o'clock too late-Q98 Whether two tier watersheds are 'about right' QWATER5 Prefer 9 o'clock-Q98 Whether two tier watersheds are 'about right' QWATER5 8 o'clock about right-Q98 Whether two tier watersheds are 'about right' QWATER5 10 o'clock about right-Q98 Whether two tier watersheds are 'about right' QWATER5 Don't Know-Q98 Whether two tier watersheds are 'about right' QPPVPIN Q99 Whether relaxed rules for viewing on pay per view are a good idea QWATER6 Q100 Whether was aware of relaxed rules for pay per view QPREVEN Q101 Whether actively prevented children having access to certain TV programmes QHOWPRE Parent block (equipment/software used to prevent children accessing certain TV programmes)-Q102 How prevented children f QHOWPRE Turned off-Q102 How prevented children from having access to certain programmes QHOWPRE Switched channel-Q102 How prevented children from having access to certain programmes QHOWPRE Sent to bed-Q102 How prevented children from having access to certain programmes QHOWPRE Take them out of room-Q102 How prevented children from having access to certain programmes QHOWPRE Telling them-Q102 How prevented children from having access to certain programmes QHOWPRE Other-Q102 How prevented children from having access to certain programmes QPREVOF Q103 How frequently prevented children from having access to certain TV programmes QBLOCK Q104 Whether multi channel system has feature facilitating blocking particular channels QBLWORK Q105 How blocking system works QBLKUSE Q106 Whether uses blocking facility QINTERE News - Q107 Whether interested in specific genre of TV programme QINTERE Drama - Q107 Whether interested in specific genre of TV programme QINTERE Light entertainment, such as quizzes, comedies, chat shows and popular music - Q107 Whether interested in specific genre QINTERE Factual programmes, that is a straightforward factual account of a subject, without analysis or opinion - Q107 Whether i QINTERE Children's programmes - Q107 Whether interested in specific genre of TV programme QINTERE Arts programmes - Q107 Whether interested in specific genre of TV programme QINTERE Religious programmes - Q107 Whether interested in specific genre of TV programme QINTERE Sport - Q107 Whether interested in specific genre of TV programme QINTERE Current Affairs, that is a programme explaining and analysing current events - Q107 Whether interested in specific genre QINTERE Regional programmes - Q107 Whether interested in specific genre of TV programme QINTERE Educational programmes, that is for adult viewers, usually with accompanying literature available - Q107 Whether intere QAVA News - Q108 Whether programme should be available for others QAVA Drama - Q108 Whether programme should be available for others QAVA Light entertainment, such as quizzes, comedies, chat shows and popular music - Q108 Whether programme should be availabl QAVA Factual programmes, that is a straightforward factual account of a subject, without analysis or opinion - Q108 Whether p QAVA Children's programmes - Q108 Whether programme should be available for others QAVA Arts programmes - Q108 Whether programme should be available for others QAVA Religious programmes - Q108 Whether programme should be available for others QAVA Sport - Q108 Whether programme should be available for others QAVA Current Affairs, that is a programme explaining and analysing current events - Q108 Whether programme should be availabl QAVA Regional programmes - Q108 Whether programme should be available for others QAVA Educational programmes, that is for adult viewers, usually with accompanying literature available - Q108 Whether progra QSTA I think films shown after 10pm should have sex, violence or swearing cut out - Q109 Whether agrees or disagrees with sta QSTA If people want to pay extra to watch particularly sexually explicit programmes not available on other TV channels they s QSTA If people want to pay extra to watch particularly violent programmes not available on other TV channels they should be a QSTA Things that are likely to upset or offend even a minority of people should not be shown on television - Q109 Whether agr QSTA The television channels I receive at the moment give me all the choice I want - Q109 Whether agrees or disagrees with st QSTA I would be willing to pay a reasonable amount to get other services such as home banking, home shopping and the interne QSTA Interactive services such as email, games and internet access, delivered through digital television, offer valuable serv QSTATE2 'It's unfair that I can't see certain sporting events unless I pay extra for the sports channels' - Q110 Agreement with QSTATE3 'I resent having to pay more to watch certain sports events or movies on pay per view' - Q111 Agreement with statement: QSTATE4 'I will still be subscribing to satellite, cable or digital a year from now' - Q112 Agreement with statement: QACC Current affairs such as Panorama and Question Time - Q113 How often programmes are accurate QACC Nature and Wildlife - Q113 How often programmes are accurate QACC News - Q113 How often programmes are accurate QACC Documentaries such as Network First and Cutting Edge - Q113 How often programmes are accurate QACC Dramatised reconstructions where real people's stories are portrayed by actors, such as 999 - Q113 How often programmes QHON Fly on the wall documentaries or docu soaps such as hotel, airline - Q114 How often programmes are honest in their portr QHON Daytime talk shows such as Trisha or Jerry Springer - Q114 How often programmes are honest in their portrayal of individ QHON Shows about real people placed in new situations such as Castaway, Big Brother or Survivor - Q114 How often programmes a QADLIKE Humour/comedy/funny-Q115 What like about TV advertising QADLIKE Some are entertaining-Q115 What like about TV advertising QADLIKE Gives you a break/gives you time to make a cup of tea-Q115 What like about TV advertising QADLIKE Some are clever-Q115 What like about TV advertising QADLIKE Tell you about new products / brings them to your attention-Q115 What like about TV advertising QADLIKE Show you whats available / gives you an idea of what to buy-Q115 What like about TV advertising QADLIKE The music / jingles-Q115 What like about TV advertising QADLIKE Some are good / there are some good ads-Q115 What like about TV advertising QADLIKE Some are informative / factual-Q115 What like about TV advertising QADLIKE Animals in advertisments-Q115 What like about TV advertising QADLIKE Children in advertisments-Q115 What like about TV advertising QADLIKE Well thought out / well put together-Q115 What like about TV advertising QADLIKE Memorable / catchy / sticks in your memory-Q115 What like about TV advertising QADLIKE Pays for programmes / keeps licence fee down-Q115 What like about TV advertising QADLIKE Overall quality-Q115 What like about TV advertising QADLIKE Don't Know-Q115 What like about TV advertising QADLIKE Other-Q115 What like about TV advertising QADLIKE Nothing / don't like ads-Q115 What like about TV advertising QADDLIK Interrupt/break up programmes-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK Don't like adverts in the middle of films-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK Repetition/repeated over and over again-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK There are too many/too much advertising-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK Some are silly/pointless-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK Some are irritating/get on your nerves-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK They are boring / uninteresting-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK Insult your intelligence / treat you like idiots / as gullible-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK Some are offensive / crude / go too far / over the top-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK Dont know what some are advertising-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK Some are abstract / obscure / don't make sense-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK They don't always tell the truth / misleading-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK Encourage children to ask for toys / expensive products-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK Most are poor / rubbish / a waste of time-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK Too noisy / volume of music / loud-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK Everything / their very existence-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK Too much sex in them/using sex to sell products-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK They make people appear stupid-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK Don't like adverts aimed at children-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK Some are biased-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK Adverts for loan companies/insurance/financial credit-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK N/A-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK Don't Know-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK Other-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK Nothing/don't dislike anything about ads-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADHEAR Programme sponsorship such as Cadburys' sponsorship of Coronation Street-Q117 Forms of advertising/sponsorship and trail QADHEAR Trailers or promotions for particular programmes-Q117 Forms of advertising/sponsorship and trailers aware of (prompted) QADHEAR Trailers or promotions for particular television channels-Q117 Forms of advertising/sponsorship and trailers aware of (p QADHEAR Don't Know-Q117 Forms of advertising/sponsorship and trailers aware of (prompted) QADHEAR None of these-Q117 Forms of advertising/sponsorship and trailers aware of (prompted) QADSTAT Q118 How feels about level of advertising on terrestrial television QADLEVE Q119 How feel about level of advertising on satellite, cable and digital channels QLEVSPO Q120 How feels about level of programme sponsorship credits QLEVTRA Q121 How feels about level of trailers or promotions QADS Are informative about products or issues - Q122 How often find statement about TV advertising to be true QADS Interfere with your enjoyment of programmes - Q122 How often find statement about TV advertising to be true QADS Are truthful - Q122 How often find statement about TV advertising to be true QADS Are clever - Q122 How often find statement about TV advertising to be true QADS Encourage negative or harmful stereotypes - Q122 How often find statement about TV advertising to be true QADS Are well produced - Q122 How often find statement about TV advertising to be true QADS Are too loud (the volume) - Q122 How often find statement about TV advertising to be true QADS Give you something to talk about - Q122 How often find statement about TV advertising to be true QADS Are embarrassing - Q122 How often find statement about TV advertising to be true QADS Show undesirable behaviour that children might copy - Q122 How often find statement about TV advertising to be true QADST1 Adverts for beauty products/adverts showing thin women-Q123 What respondent means by encourage negative or harmful stere QADST1 Show women doing all the housework/in the kitchen-Q123 What respondent means by encourage negative or harmful stereotype QADST1 Make men appear stupid-Q123 What respondent means by encourage negative or harmful stereotypes QADST1 Make people appear stupid-Q123 What respondent means by encourage negative or harmful stereotypes QADST1 Any mention of car adverts-Q123 What respondent means by encourage negative or harmful stereotypes QADST1 Any mention of adverts for alcoholic drinks-Q123 What respondent means by encourage negative or harmful stereotypes QADST1 Manipulate/influence children-Q123 What respondent means by encourage negative or harmful stereotypes QADST1 Stereotype women-Q123 What respondent means by encourage negative or harmful stereotypes QADST1 Racist/stereotype different races-Q123 What respondent means by encourage negative or harmful stereotypes QADST1 Violence/bad behaviour that children might copy-Q123 What respondent means by encourage negative or harmful stereotypes QADST1 Tango adverts [any mention of]-Q123 What respondent means by encourage negative or harmful stereotypes QADST1 Portrayal of perfect/model family eg. mum dad and two children [any mention]-Q123 What respondent means by encourage neg QADST1 Gender stereotype/sexist [general]-Q123 What respondent means by encourage negative or harmful stereotypes QADST1 Not like real life/exaggerated [unspecific]-Q123 What respondent means by encourage negative or harmful stereotypes QADST1 (' Negative portrayal of old people' )-Q123 What respondent means by encourage negative or harmful stereotypes QADST1 ( ' Negative portrayal of the disabled' )-Q123 What respondent means by encourage negative or harmful stereotypes QADST1 Stereotyping specific types of people-Q123 What respondent means by encourage negative or harmful stereotypes QADST1 N/A-Q123 What respondent means by encourage negative or harmful stereotypes QADST1 Don't Know-Q123 What respondent means by encourage negative or harmful stereotypes QADST1 Other-Q123 What respondent means by encourage negative or harmful stereotypes QADST1 Not Stated-Q123 What respondent means by encourage negative or harmful stereotypes QADST2 Tango adverts [any mention of]-Q124 What respondent means by show undesirable behaviour that children might copy QADST2 Adverts showing alcoholic drinks/alcopops-Q124 What respondent means by show undesirable behaviour that children might c QADST2 Fighting/violence/bad behaviour-Q124 What respondent means by show undesirable behaviour that children might copy QADST2 Bad manners/lack of respect for others-Q124 What respondent means by show undesirable behaviour that children might copy QADST2 Children copy bad behaviour-Q124 What respondent means by show undesirable behaviour that children might copy QADST2 Junk food / sweets-Q124 What respondent means by show undesirable behaviour that children might copy QADST2 Sexual context/innuendoes/nudity [any mention of]-Q124 What respondent means by show undesirable behaviour that children QADST2 Cars / speeding [any mention of]-Q124 What respondent means by show undesirable behaviour that children might copy QADST2 Encourage children to ask for things/materialism/greed-Q124 What respondent means by show undesirable behaviour that chi QADST2 N/A-Q124 What respondent means by show undesirable behaviour that children might copy QADST2 Don't Know-Q124 What respondent means by show undesirable behaviour that children might copy QADST2 Other-Q124 What respondent means by show undesirable behaviour that children might copy QMISLEA Q125 Whether ever found advertising misleading QMISLE2 Shampoo adverts-Q126 Which advertisement found misleading QMISLE2 Cosmetics in general-Q126 Which advertisement found misleading QMISLE2 Washing powders-Q126 Which advertisement found misleading QMISLE2 Kitchen cleaners-Q126 Which advertisement found misleading QMISLE2 Bathroom cleaners-Q126 Which advertisement found misleading QMISLE2 Toilet cleaners-Q126 Which advertisement found misleading QMISLE2 Toothpaste-Q126 Which advertisement found misleading QMISLE2 Adverts for chocolate-Q126 Which advertisement found misleading QMISLE2 Car advert with the volcano-Q126 Which advertisement found misleading QMISLE2 Accident insurance companies-Q126 Which advertisement found misleading QMISLE2 Food / soft drinks [any mention of]-Q126 Which advertisement found misleading QMISLE2 Cleaning products ( general )-Q126 Which advertisement found misleading QMISLE2 Other financial services-Q126 Which advertisement found misleading QMISLE2 Car insurance-Q126 Which advertisement found misleading QMISLE2 N/A-Q126 Which advertisement found misleading QMISLE2 Don't Know-Q126 Which advertisement found misleading QMISLE2 Other-Q126 Which advertisement found misleading QMISLE2 Not Stated-Q126 Which advertisement found misleading QOFFEND Q127 Whether ever found advertising offensive QOFF2 Any sanitary towel/tampon adverts-Q128 Which advertisement found offensive QOFF2 Lynx advert [toenails]-Q128 Which advertisement found offensive QOFF2 Car adverts [unspecific]-Q128 Which advertisement found offensive QOFF2 Tango [any mention]-Q128 Which advertisement found offensive QOFF2 Nudity/sex [any mention]-Q128 Which advertisement found offensive QOFF2 N/A-Q128 Which advertisement found offensive QOFF2 Don't Know-Q128 Which advertisement found offensive QOFF2 Other-Q128 Which advertisement found offensive QOFF2 Not Stated-Q128 Which advertisement found offensive QOFFTIM Should not be shown at any time-Q129 Whether there are any times when an offensive advertisement would be more acceptabl QOFFTIM Should not be shown when children might be watching-Q129 Whether there are any times when an offensive advertisement wou QOFFTIM Should only be shown after the 9pm watershed-Q129 Whether there are any times when an offensive advertisement would be m QOFFTIM Yes, but only after 8pm-Q129 Whether there are any times when an offensive advertisement would be more acceptable QOFFTIM Yes, but only after 9pm-Q129 Whether there are any times when an offensive advertisement would be more acceptable QOFFTIM Yes, but only after 10pm-Q129 Whether there are any times when an offensive advertisement would be more acceptable QOFFTIM Yes, but only after 11pm-Q129 Whether there are any times when an offensive advertisement would be more acceptable QOFFTIM No, I think it should be shown at any time-Q129 Whether there are any times when an offensive advertisement would be mor QOFFTIM Other-Q129 Whether there are any times when an offensive advertisement would be more acceptable QOFFTIM Don't Know-Q129 Whether there are any times when an offensive advertisement would be more acceptable QOFFTIM Not Stated-Q129 Whether there are any times when an offensive advertisement would be more acceptable QOFTRAD Q130 How often these days do you listen to the radio? QRADOFF Bad language-Q131 Whether ever been offended by any of the following on a radio programme QRADOFF Sex-Q131 Whether ever been offended by any of the following on a radio programme QRADOFF Violence (in general)-Q131 Whether ever been offended by any of the following on a radio programme QRADOFF Explicit or controversial song lyrics-Q131 Whether ever been offended by any of the following on a radio programme QRADOFF Bad treatment of callers by presenters-Q131 Whether ever been offended by any of the following on a radio programme QRADOFF Biased / unfair programmes-Q131 Whether ever been offended by any of the following on a radio programme QRADOFF Bad example to children-Q131 Whether ever been offended by any of the following on a radio programme QRADOFF Disrespectful / intrusive-Q131 Whether ever been offended by any of the following on a radio programme QRADOFF Gays or lesbians-Q131 Whether ever been offended by any of the following on a radio programme QRADOFF Go too far / bad taste-Q131 Whether ever been offended by any of the following on a radio programme QRADOFF Insulting / making fun of people-Q131 Whether ever been offended by any of the following on a radio programme QRADOFF Jokes about / portrayal of religion / Blasphemy-Q131 Whether ever been offended by any of the following on a radio progr QRADOFF News coverage of disturbing events / scenes-Q131 Whether ever been offended by any of the following on a radio programme QRADOFF Political bias-Q131 Whether ever been offended by any of the following on a radio programme QRADOFF Racism-Q131 Whether ever been offended by any of the following on a radio programme QRADOFF Vulgarity / lavatory / smutty humour-Q131 Whether ever been offended by any of the following on a radio programme QRADOFF Don't Know-Q131 Whether ever been offended by any of the following on a radio programme QRADOFF Other-Q131 Whether ever been offended by any of the following on a radio programme QRADOFF Never been offended-Q131 Whether ever been offended by any of the following on a radio programme QRADACT Made an official complaint-Q132 Action taken as a result of being offended QRADACT Turn off the radio-Q132 Action taken as a result of being offended QRADACT Change to another station-Q132 Action taken as a result of being offended QRADACT Did nothing/continued listening-Q132 Action taken as a result of being offended QRADACT Other-Q132 Action taken as a result of being offended QRADACT Don't Know-Q132 Action taken as a result of being offended QRADAC2 Yes, with a friend-Q133 Whether discussed offensive radio material with anyone else QRADAC2 Yes, with family-Q133 Whether discussed offensive radio material with anyone else QRADAC2 Yes, with a work colleague-Q133 Whether discussed offensive radio material with anyone else QRADAC2 Yes, discussed with someone else (specify)-Q133 Whether discussed offensive radio material with anyone else QRADAC2 Don't Know-Q133 Whether discussed offensive radio material with anyone else QRADAC2 No, didn't discuss it-Q133 Whether discussed offensive radio material with anyone else QRADSUR Bad language-Q134 Whether been 'surprised' by anything heard on the radio QRADSUR Sex-Q134 Whether been 'surprised' by anything heard on the radio QRADSUR Violence (in general)-Q134 Whether been 'surprised' by anything heard on the radio QRADSUR Explicit or controversial song lyrics-Q134 Whether been 'surprised' by anything heard on the radio QRADSUR Bad treatment of callers by presenters-Q134 Whether been 'surprised' by anything heard on the radio QRADSUR Biased / unfair programmes-Q134 Whether been 'surprised' by anything heard on the radio QRADSUR Bad example to children-Q134 Whether been 'surprised' by anything heard on the radio QRADSUR Disrespectful / intrusive-Q134 Whether been 'surprised' by anything heard on the radio QRADSUR Go too far / bad taste-Q134 Whether been 'surprised' by anything heard on the radio QRADSUR Encourages criminal behaviour-Q134 Whether been 'surprised' by anything heard on the radio QRADSUR Insulting / making fun of people-Q134 Whether been 'surprised' by anything heard on the radio QRADSUR Jokes about / portrayal of the Royal Family-Q134 Whether been 'surprised' by anything heard on the radio QRADSUR News coverage of disturbing events / scenes-Q134 Whether been 'surprised' by anything heard on the radio QRADSUR News coverage of wars-Q134 Whether been 'surprised' by anything heard on the radio QRADSUR Political bias-Q134 Whether been 'surprised' by anything heard on the radio QRADSUR Racism-Q134 Whether been 'surprised' by anything heard on the radio QRADSUR Vulgarity / lavatory / smutty humour-Q134 Whether been 'surprised' by anything heard on the radio QRADSUR Don't Know-Q134 Whether been 'surprised' by anything heard on the radio QRADSUR Other-Q134 Whether been 'surprised' by anything heard on the radio QRADSUR Never been surprised-Q134 Whether been 'surprised' by anything heard on the radio QSURACT Turn off the radio-Q135 Action taken as a result of being 'surprised' by what heard on a radio programme QSURACT Change to another station-Q135 Action taken as a result of being 'surprised' by what heard on a radio programme QSURACT Did nothing/continued listening-Q135 Action taken as a result of being 'surprised' by what heard on a radio programme QSURACT Other-Q135 Action taken as a result of being 'surprised' by what heard on a radio programme QSURACT Don't Know-Q135 Action taken as a result of being 'surprised' by what heard on a radio programme QSURAD2 Yes, with a friend-Q136 Whether discussed 'surprising' radio material with anyone else QSURAD2 Yes, with family-Q136 Whether discussed 'surprising' radio material with anyone else QSURAD2 Yes, with a work colleague-Q136 Whether discussed 'surprising' radio material with anyone else QSURAD2 Yes, discussed with someone else (specify)-Q136 Whether discussed 'surprising' radio material with anyone else QSURAD2 Don't Know-Q136 Whether discussed 'surprising' radio material with anyone else QSURAD2 No, didn't discuss it-Q136 Whether discussed 'surprising' radio material with anyone else QRADCOM ASA (Advertising Standards Authority)-Q137 Who to contact re: complaints about a radio programme QRADCOM BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)-Q137 Who to contact re: complaints about a radio programme QRADCOM BSC (Broadcasting Standards Commission)-Q137 Who to contact re: complaints about a radio programme QRADCOM Government-Q137 Who to contact re: complaints about a radio programme QRADCOM ITC (Independent Television Commission)-Q137 Who to contact re: complaints about a radio programme QRADCOM (OFTEL) Office Of Telecommunications-Q137 Who to contact re: complaints about a radio programme QRADCOM (OFT) Office of Fair Trading-Q137 Who to contact re: complaints about a radio programme QRADCOM The channel/ broadcaster/ station-Q137 Who to contact re: complaints about a radio programme QRADCOM Trading Standards Office-Q137 Who to contact re: complaints about a radio programme QRADCOM Complaints programmes on TV such as Points of View, Right to Reply and Watchdog-Q137 Who to contact re: complaints about QRADCOM Complaints programmes on Radio such as Feedback-Q137 Who to contact re: complaints about a radio programme QRADCOM Nat. Viewers & Listeners Assoc/ Media Watch/ Mary Whitehouse-Q137 Who to contact re: complaints about a radio programme QRADCOM Radio Authority-Q137 Who to contact re: complaints about a radio programme QRADCOM Can't remember-Q137 Who to contact re: complaints about a radio programme QRADCOM Aware of organisation but can't remember name-Q137 Who to contact re: complaints about a radio programme QRADCOM Other-Q137 Who to contact re: complaints about a radio programme QRADCOM Don't Know-Q137 Who to contact re: complaints about a radio programme QRADCOM No organisation does this-Q137 Who to contact re: complaints about a radio programme QINTERN At home-Q138 Whether can access the Internet QINTERN At work (out of home)-Q138 Whether can access the Internet QINTERN At school-Q138 Whether can access the Internet QINTERN At university-Q138 Whether can access the Internet QINTERN At public place (Internet cafe, library, etc)-Q138 Whether can access the Internet QINTERN On WAP/Internet mobile phone-Q138 Whether can access the Internet QINTERN Elsewhere (friends, relatives, etc)-Q138 Whether can access the Internet QINTERN Don't Know-Q138 Whether can access the Internet QINTERN No, can not access the internet-Q138 Whether can access the Internet QINTOFT Q139 How frequently uses the internet QINTLON Q140 How long have been using the Internet QINTUSE Business purposes-Q141 What uses the Internet for QINTUSE School/college/university work-Q141 What uses the Internet for QINTUSE Using e-mail-Q141 What uses the Internet for QINTUSE News/ current affairs-Q141 What uses the Internet for QINTUSE Sports information-Q141 What uses the Internet for QINTUSE Shopping/ information for shopping-Q141 What uses the Internet for QINTUSE Browsing for fun-Q141 What uses the Internet for QINTUSE Checking stocks / shares or investments-Q141 What uses the Internet for QINTUSE Making travel / holiday plans-Q141 What uses the Internet for QINTUSE To get information about a particular activity or interest-Q141 What uses the Internet for QINTUSE To get information about a particular TV programme-Q141 What uses the Internet for QINTUSE To listen or download music-Q141 What uses the Internet for QINTUSE To look at job opportunities-Q141 What uses the Internet for QINTUSE To play games-Q141 What uses the Internet for QINTUSE To take part in discussions groups / or on -line chat-Q141 What uses the Internet for QINTUSE Information [general mention]-Q141 What uses the Internet for QINTUSE Internet Banking-Q141 What uses the Internet for QINTUSE Other-Q141 What uses the Internet for QINTTV Q142 Whether accessed the Internet via home TV QINTCOM ASA (Advertising Standards Authority)-Q143 Which organisation would contact if upset by anything seen on the Internet QINTCOM BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)-Q143 Which organisation would contact if upset by anything seen on the Internet QINTCOM BSC (Broadcasting Standards Commission)-Q143 Which organisation would contact if upset by anything seen on the Internet QINTCOM Government-Q143 Which organisation would contact if upset by anything seen on the Internet QINTCOM ITC (Independent Television Commission)-Q143 Which organisation would contact if upset by anything seen on the Internet QINTCOM (OFTEL) Office Of Telecommunications-Q143 Which organisation would contact if upset by anything seen on the Internet QINTCOM (OFT) Office of Fair Trading-Q143 Which organisation would contact if upset by anything seen on the Internet QINTCOM Trading Standards Office-Q143 Which organisation would contact if upset by anything seen on the Internet QINTCOM The Police-Q143 Which organisation would contact if upset by anything seen on the Internet QINTCOM TV complaints programmes such as Points of View, Right to Reply and Watchdog-Q143 Which organisation would contact if up QINTCOM Complaints programmes on Radio such as Feedback-Q143 Which organisation would contact if upset by anything seen on the I QINTCOM Internet Watch Foundation-Q143 Which organisation would contact if upset by anything seen on the Internet QINTCOM Internet Service Provider (eg. AOL, Demon, etc..)-Q143 Which organisation would contact if upset by anything seen on the QINTCOM Can't remember-Q143 Which organisation would contact if upset by anything seen on the Internet QINTCOM Aware of organisation but can't remember name-Q143 Which organisation would contact if upset by anything seen on the Int QINTCOM The web site operator-Q143 Which organisation would contact if upset by anything seen on the Internet QINTCOM Don't Know-Q143 Which organisation would contact if upset by anything seen on the Internet QINTCOM Other-Q143 Which organisation would contact if upset by anything seen on the Internet QINTCOM No organisation does this-Q143 Which organisation would contact if upset by anything seen on the Internet QINTRES A hotline for reporting illegal material on the internet-Q144 Methods aware of to restrict access to Internet QINTRES Controls offered by on-line internet suppliers which allow access to certain sites to be restricted-Q144 Methods aware o QINTRES Sites where you have to give your age-Q144 Methods aware of to restrict access to Internet QINTRES Software blocking access to sites which contain specific words or pictures-Q144 Methods aware of to restrict access to I QINTRES The Internet Watch Foundation-Q144 Methods aware of to restrict access to Internet QINTRES Don't Know-Q144 Methods aware of to restrict access to Internet QINTRES None of these-Q144 Methods aware of to restrict access to Internet QINTFIL Q145 Whether have Internet filtering tools in operation QINTILF Norton Firewall-Q146 Internet filtering tools uses QINTILF AOL-Q146 Internet filtering tools uses QINTILF Microsoft-Q146 Internet filtering tools uses QINTILF Passwords-Q146 Internet filtering tools uses QINTILF Age group limits for different family members-Q146 Internet filtering tools uses QINTILF Net Nanny [any mentions]-Q146 Internet filtering tools uses QINTILF Don't Know-Q146 Internet filtering tools uses QINTILF Other-Q146 Internet filtering tools uses QHOWINT Internet - search/find on-Q147 How would go about finding Internet filtering tools QHOWINT Computer shop / store - asked for-Q147 How would go about finding Internet filtering tools QHOWINT Friend / family - asked or told-Q147 How would go about finding Internet filtering tools QHOWINT Computer magazine/trade journals-Q147 How would go about finding Internet filtering tools QHOWINT Internet Service Provider-Q147 How would go about finding Internet filtering tools QHOWINT Work-Q147 How would go about finding Internet filtering tools QHOWINT Don't Know-Q147 How would go about finding Internet filtering tools QHOWINT Other-Q147 How would go about finding Internet filtering tools QPOLITI Q148 How interested in politics QGENELC Q149 Party would vote for in general election QVOTEAL Q150 Whether always voted for the specific political party QPAPERS -Q151 Newspapers read QPAPERS Daily Mail-Q151 Newspapers read QPAPERS The Mirror-Q151 Newspapers read QPAPERS Daily Record-Q151 Newspapers read QPAPERS Daily Express-Q151 Newspapers read QPAPERS Daily Star-Q151 Newspapers read QPAPERS Daily Telegraph-Q151 Newspapers read QPAPERS The Guardian-Q151 Newspapers read QPAPERS The Independent-Q151 Newspapers read QPAPERS The Times-Q151 Newspapers read QPAPERS The Financial Times-Q151 Newspapers read QPAPERS The Scotsman-Q151 Newspapers read QPAPERS The Herald (Scotland)-Q151 Newspapers read QPAPERS The Western Mail-Q151 Newspapers read QPAPERS The Irish Post-Q151 Newspapers read QPAPERS Local/regional morning paper-Q151 Newspapers read QPAPERS Evening paper-Q151 Newspapers read QPAPERS Other-Q151 Newspapers read QPAPERS None of these-Q151 Newspapers read QEDUCAG Q152 Age completed formal education QADULTS Q153 Number of adults living in household QETHNIC Q154 Ethnic origin QRELIG Q155 Practicing a religion QRECONT Q156 Whether is willing to be recontacted BRK1 Terminal Education Age BRK21 None-Newspaper readership BRK22 Tabloids-Newspaper readership BRK23 -Newspaper readership BRK3 ITV Region BRK4 Age BRK5 Age within sex BRK61 AB-Social Grade BRK62 C1-Social Grade BRK63 C2-Social Grade BRK64 DE-Social Grade BRK65 ABC1-Social Grade BRK66 C2DE-Social Grade BRK7 Sex BRK81 Aged 0-3-Children in household BRK82 Aged 4-9-Children in household BRK83 Aged 10-15-Children in household BRK84 Any-Children in household BRK85 None-Children in household BRK91 Cable-Channels available BRK92 Satellite-Channels available BRK93 Terrestrial only-Channels available BRK94 All multi channel-Channels available BRK95 Multi channel digital-Channels available BRK96 Multi channel analogue-Channels available BRK10 Channels watched most often BRK11 Weight of TV viewing BRK12 Working status BRK13 Practicing religion BRK14 Communications sophisticated BRK15 Whether offended BRK16 Ethnicity BRK17 Age of oldest child BRK18 Country BRK19 Internet usage/children BRK4RAD Radio listening BRK4INT Internet usage BRK4PPV Whether use PPV BRKPAP1 Mass market tabloids-Additional newspaper readership BRKPAP2 Mid market tabloids-Additional newspaper readership BRKPAP3 Any mass or mid market tabloid-Additional newspaper readership BRKPAP4 Any -Additional newspaper readership BRKPAP5 More than one broadsheet-Additional newspaper readership BRKPAP6 Tabloid and broadsheet-Additional newspaper readership BRKPAP7 None-Additional newspaper readership RQTVSETS Q2 Number of TV sets at home RQMULTTV Q8 Number of TV's connected to multi-channel TV services RQKIDS Q9 Number of children in the household RQAGE1 Q10 Age of eldest child RQAGE2 Q13 Age of second eldest child RQAGE3 Q16 Age of third eldest child RQAGE4 Q19 Age of fourth eldest child RQAGE5 Q22 Age of fifth eldest child RQAGE6 Q25 Age of sixth eldest child RAGE Age - banded QQ/SPSS variable SPSS label SERIAL Serial WEIGHT0 Weight QTVSETS Q2 Number of TV sets at home QDAYS Q3 Average number of days watch television per week QHOURS Q4 Average number of hours per day watch TV QITEMS A teletext set-Q5 Technology currently have in household QITEMS A 'widescreen' television-Q5 Technology currently have in household QITEMS A stereo television-Q5 Technology currently have in household QITEMS Cable TV-Q5 Technology currently have in household QITEMS A satellite TV dish-Q5 Technology currently have in household QITEMS A cable phone-Q5 Technology currently have in household QITEMS A video recorder-Q5 Technology currently have in household QITEMS A video camera or camcorder-Q5 Technology currently have in household QITEMS A mini disc player-Q5 Technology currently have in household QITEMS An MP3 player-Q5 Technology currently have in household QITEMS A DVD or Digital Versatile Disc player that is viewed through a television or computer-Q5 Technology currently have in h QITEMS A computer-Q5 Technology currently have in household QITEMS A computer with PC TV or Video Capacity-Q5 Technology currently have in household QITEMS A computer with access to the internet-Q5 Technology currently have in household QITEMS A WAP mobile phone with access to the internet, this could be a personal or a business mobile phone-Q5 Technology curren QITEMS Video games such as Sega, Nintendo or Sony Playstation-Q5 Technology currently have in household QITEMS ITV Digital, previously known as ON Digital-Q5 Technology currently have in household QITEMS A TV service through your phone line, such as Home Choice-Q5 Technology currently have in household QITEMS Don't Know-Q5 Technology currently have in household QITEMS None of these-Q5 Technology currently have in household QDIGITA Yes, satellite-Q6 Whether recieve a digital television service QDIGITA Yes, from cable supplier via cable-Q6 Whether recieve a digital television service QDIGITA Yes, via an ordinary aerial from ITV Digital, previously known as ONDigital-Q6 Whether recieve a digital television serv QDIGITA Yes, from another supplier such as Home Choice-Q6 Whether recieve a digital television service QDIGITA No (analogue only - no digital television service received)-Q6 Whether recieve a digital television service QDIGITA Don't Know-Q6 Whether recieve a digital television service QCABDIG Q7 Whether had new cable box installed in last 3 years QMULTTV Q8 Number of TV's connected to multi-channel TV services QKIDS Q9 Number of children in the household QAGE1 Q10 Age of eldest child QSEX1 Q11 Sex of eldest child QACCES1 Television-Q12 Items eldest child has in bedroom QACCES1 A radio in any form (including radio alarms, radio cassettes & portable radios)-Q12 Items eldest child has in bedroom QACCES1 A satellite, cable or digital TV connection-Q12 Items eldest child has in bedroom QACCES1 A video recorder or playback machine-Q12 Items eldest child has in bedroom QACCES1 Video games console such as Sega, Nintendo or Sony Playstation-Q12 Items eldest child has in bedroom QACCES1 A computer-Q12 Items eldest child has in bedroom QACCES1 Internet access-Q12 Items eldest child has in bedroom QACCES1 Don't Know-Q12 Items eldest child has in bedroom QACCES1 None of these-Q12 Items eldest child has in bedroom QAGE2 Q13 Age of second eldest child QSEX2 Q14 Sex of second eldest child QACCES2 Television-Q15 Items second eldest child has in bedroom QACCES2 A radio in any form (including radio alarms, radio cassettes & portable radios)-Q15 Items second eldest child has in bed QACCES2 A satellite, cable or digital TV connection-Q15 Items second eldest child has in bedroom QACCES2 A video recorder or playback machine-Q15 Items second eldest child has in bedroom QACCES2 Video games console such as Sega, Nintendo or Sony Playstation-Q15 Items second eldest child has in bedroom QACCES2 A computer-Q15 Items second eldest child has in bedroom QACCES2 Internet access-Q15 Items second eldest child has in bedroom QACCES2 Don't Know-Q15 Items second eldest child has in bedroom QACCES2 None of these-Q15 Items second eldest child has in bedroom QAGE3 Q16 Age of third eldest child QSEX3 Q17 Sex of third eldest child QACCES3 Television-Q18 Items third eldest child has in bedroom QACCES3 A radio in any form (including radio alarms, radio cassettes & portable radios)-Q18 Items third eldest child has in bedr QACCES3 A satellite, cable or digital TV connection-Q18 Items third eldest child has in bedroom QACCES3 A video recorder or playback machine-Q18 Items third eldest child has in bedroom QACCES3 Video games console such as Sega, Nintendo or Sony Playstation-Q18 Items third eldest child has in bedroom QACCES3 A computer-Q18 Items third eldest child has in bedroom QACCES3 None of these-Q18 Items third eldest child has in bedroom QAGE4 Q19 Age of fourth eldest child QSEX4 Q20 Sex of fourth eldest child QACCES4 Television-Q21 Items fourth eldest child has in bedroom QACCES4 A radio in any form (including radio alarms, radio cassettes & portable radios)-Q21 Items fourth eldest child has in bed QACCES4 A satellite, cable or digital TV connection-Q21 Items fourth eldest child has in bedroom QACCES4 A video recorder or playback machine-Q21 Items fourth eldest child has in bedroom QACCES4 Video games console such as Sega, Nintendo or Sony Playstation-Q21 Items fourth eldest child has in bedroom QACCES4 None of these-Q21 Items fourth eldest child has in bedroom QAGE5 Q22 Age of fifth eldest child QSEX5 Q23 Sex of fifth eldest child QACCES5 Q24 Items fifth eldest child has in bedroom QAGE6 Q25 Age of sixth eldest child QSEX6 Q26 Sex of sixth eldest child QACCES6 Q27 Items sixth eldest child has in bedroom QPARENT Q28 Whether parent of any of the children QONLY1 BBC1-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 BBC2-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 ITV-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Channel 4 (S4C in Wales)-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Channel 5-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Sky One-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Sky News-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 The Discovery Channel-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 UK Gold-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Living-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 MTV-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 BBC News 24-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 UK Style-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 British Eurosport-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 E4-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Sky Sports News-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Paramount Comedy-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Sky Box Office-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 The History Channel-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Animal Planet-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 BBC Choice-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Bravo-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Carlton Cinema-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Cartoon Network-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Challenge TV-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Discovery Home and Leisure-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Disney-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Granada Breeze-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 ITN News-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 National Geographic-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Rapture-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Sky Travel-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 TCM-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 The Box-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 The God Channel-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 The Racing Channel-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 The Sci-Fi channel-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 TNT Europe & TNT Classic Movies-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Trouble-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 UK Drama-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 UK Horizons-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Other-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 Don't Know-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QONLY1 None of these-Q29 Channel would choose if could only have one QWATCH BBC1-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH BBC2-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH ITV-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH Channel 4 (S4C in Wales)-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH Channel 5-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH Sky One-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH Sky News-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH The Discovery Channel-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH UK Gold-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH Living-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH MTV-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH BBC News 24-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH UK Style-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH British Eurosport-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH E4-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH Sky Sports News-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH VH-1 (i.e. VH one)-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH Paramount Comedy-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH The History Channel-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH Animal Planet-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH BBC Choice-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH B4U-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH Challenge TV-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH Discovery Home and Leisure-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH Disney-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH Granada Breeze-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH Granada Plus-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH MUTV (Manchester United TV)-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH National Geographic-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH Nickelodeon-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH The Box-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH The Racing Channel-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH The Sci-Fi channel-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH TNT Europe & TNT Classic Movies-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH Travel-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH Trouble-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH UK Horizons-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH Other-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH Don't Know-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH None of these-Q30 Most watched TV channel QWATCH2 BBC1-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 BBC2-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 ITV-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Channel 4 (S4C in Wales)-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Channel 5-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Sky One-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Sky News-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 The Discovery Channel-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 UK Gold-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Living-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 MTV-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 BBC News 24-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 UK Style-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 British Eurosport-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 E4-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Sky Sports News-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 VH-1 (i.e. VH one)-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Paramount Comedy-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Sky Box Office-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 The History Channel-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Animal Planet-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Artsworld-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Asianet-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 BBC Choice-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Bloomberg Television-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Bravo-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Cartoon Network-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Challenge TV-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 CNN-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Discovery Home and Leisure-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Disney-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Granada Men & Motors-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Granada Plus-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 National Geographic-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Nickelodeon-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Nick Jr-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 QVC \ The Shopping Channel-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Sky Travel-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 TCM-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 The Box-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 The Sci-Fi channel-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Trouble-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 UK Drama-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 UK Horizons-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 UK Play-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Other-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 Don't Know-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH2 None of these-Q31 Second most watched channel QWATCH3 BBC1-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 BBC2-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 ITV-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Channel 4 (S4C in Wales)-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Channel 5-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Sky One-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Sky News-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 The Discovery Channel-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 UK Gold-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Living-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 MTV-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 BBC News 24-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 UK Style-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 British Eurosport-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 E4-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Sky Sports News-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 VH-1 (i.e. VH one)-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Paramount Comedy-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Sky Box Office-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 The History Channel-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Animal Planet-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Artsworld-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Bravo-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Discovery Home and Leisure-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Disney-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Fox Kids-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Granada Plus-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 ITN News-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 National Geographic-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Nickelodeon-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Performance\The Arts Channel-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 QVC \ The Shopping Channel-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Rapture-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 TCM-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 The Box-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 The God Channel-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 The Sci-Fi channel-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Toon Disney-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Trouble-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 UK Drama-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 UK Horizons-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Other-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 Don't Know-Q32 Third most watched channel QWATCH3 None of these-Q32 Third most watched channel Q4WATCH BBC1-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH BBC2-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH ITV-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Channel 4 (S4C in Wales)-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Channel 5-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Sky One-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Sky News-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH The Discovery Channel-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH UK Gold-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Living-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH MTV-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH UK Style-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH British Eurosport-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH E4-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Sky Sports News-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH VH-1 (i.e. VH one)-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Paramount Comedy-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Sky Box Office-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH The History Channel-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Animal Planet-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Artsworld-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH BBC Choice-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Bravo-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Carlton Cinema-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Cartoon Network-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Discovery Home and Leisure-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Disney-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Euronews-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Granada Breeze-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Granada Men & Motors-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH ITN News-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH ITV2\S2\TVYOU-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH National Geographic-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Nickelodeon-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH QVC \ The Shopping Channel-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Rapture-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Shop!-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Taste CFN-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH TCM-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH The Box-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH The Sci-Fi channel-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Trouble-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH TV Travel Shop-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Other-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH Don't Know-Q33 Fourth most watched channel Q4WATCH None of these-Q33 Fourth most watched channel QWATCH5 BBC1-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 BBC2-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 ITV-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Channel 4 (S4C in Wales)-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Channel 5-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Sky One-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Sky News-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 The Discovery Channel-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 UK Gold-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Living-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 MTV-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 BBC News 24-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 UK Style-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 British Eurosport-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 E4-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Sky Sports News-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 VH-1 (i.e. VH one)-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Paramount Comedy-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Sky Box Office-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 The History Channel-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Animal Planet-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 BBC Choice-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Bloomberg Television-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Boomerang-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Bravo-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Cartoon Network-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Challenge TV-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Disney-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Granada Breeze-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Granada Men & Motors-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Granada Plus-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Ideal World-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 ITN News-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 ITV2\S2\TVYOU-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 National Geographic-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Nickelodeon-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 TCM-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 The Box-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 The Sci-Fi channel-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Toon Disney-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Trouble-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 UK Drama-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 UK Horizons-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 UK Play-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Other-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 Don't Know-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH5 None of these-Q34 Fifth most watched channel QWATCH6 BBC1-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 BBC2-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 ITV-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Channel 4 (S4C in Wales)-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Channel 5-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Sky One-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Sky News-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 The Discovery Channel-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 UK Gold-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Living-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 MTV-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 BBC News 24-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 UK Style-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 British Eurosport-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 E4-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Sky Sports News-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 VH-1 (i.e. VH one)-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Paramount Comedy-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Sky Box Office-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 The History Channel-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Animal Planet-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 BBC Choice-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Bloomberg Television-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Bravo-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Carlton Cinema-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Cartoon Network-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Challenge TV-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 CNBC-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 CNN-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Discovery Home and Leisure-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Disney-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Film Four-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Fox Kids-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Granada Men & Motors-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Granada Plus-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 ITN News-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 National Geographic-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Nickelodeon-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 QVC \ The Shopping Channel-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Shop!-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Tara-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 The Adult Channel-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 The Box-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 The Sci-Fi channel-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 The Technology Channel-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Trouble-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 TV Travel Shop-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 UK Horizons-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Other-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 Don't Know-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH6 None of these-Q35 Sixth most watched channel QWATCH7 BBC1-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 BBC2-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 ITV-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Channel 4 (S4C in Wales)-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Channel 5-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Sky One-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Sky News-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 The Discovery Channel-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 UK Gold-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Living-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 MTV-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 BBC News 24-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 UK Style-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 British Eurosport-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 E4-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Sky Sports News-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 VH-1 (i.e. VH one)-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Paramount Comedy-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Sky Box Office-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 The History Channel-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Animal Planet-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Boomerang-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Bravo-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Cartoon Network-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 CNN-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Discovery Home and Leisure-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Disney-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Granada Plus-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 ITV2\S2\TVYOU-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 National Geographic-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Nickelodeon-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Nick Jr-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 QVC \ The Shopping Channel-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Shop!-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Sky Travel-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Sony Entertainment-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 The Box-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 The Sci-Fi channel-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 TNT Europe & TNT Classic Movies-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Toon Disney-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Travel-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Trouble-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 TV Travel Shop-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 UK Drama-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 UK Horizons-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 UK Play-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Other-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 Don't Know-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH7 None of these-Q36 Seventh most watched channel QWATCH8 BBC1-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 BBC2-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 ITV-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Channel 4 (S4C in Wales)-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Channel 5-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Sky One-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Sky News-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 The Discovery Channel-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 UK Gold-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Living-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 MTV-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 BBC News 24-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 UK Style-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 British Eurosport-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 E4-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 VH-1 (i.e. VH one)-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Paramount Comedy-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 The History Channel-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Animal Planet-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Artsworld-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 BBC Choice-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Boomerang-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Bravo-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Carlton Cinema-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Challenge TV-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 CNN-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Discovery Home and Leisure-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Disney-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Film Four-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Fox Kids-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Front Row-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Granada Breeze-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Granada Men & Motors-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Granada Plus-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 National Geographic-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Nickelodeon-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 QVC \ The Shopping Channel-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Shop!-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Tara-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Taste CFN-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 TCM-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 The Adult Channel-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 The Box-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 The God Channel-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 The Racing Channel-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 The Sci-Fi channel-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 The Technology Channel-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Toon Disney-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 TV Travel Shop-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 UK Horizons-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 UK Play-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Other-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 Don't Know-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QWATCH8 None of these-Q37 Eighth most watched channel QPPVIEW Films-Q38 Whether watched anything on a pay per view basis QPPVIEW Sports-Q38 Whether watched anything on a pay per view basis QPPVIEW Other-Q38 Whether watched anything on a pay per view basis QPPVIEW No, never-Q38 Whether watched anything on a pay per view basis QINTER1 Q39 How often use interactive television QINTER2 Q40 Agreement with Interactive services such as Sky Sports Active and Sky News Active enhance TV viewing for the viewer QUSETTX Q41 How often use teletext service QVIDNUM Q42 Number of video recorders in household QVIDOFT Q43 How often watch bought or hired videos QUSEVID Q44 How often use video recorder to watch programmes recorded from TV QNUMDVD Q45 Number of DVD players in household QOFDVD Q46 How often watch DVD's QACQUMC Q47 Whether interested in multi-channel TV QSOURCE Q48 Preferred source of pay TV channels QREGULA To protect children / young people-Q49 Reasons for regulating programmes QREGULA To protect the public in general-Q49 Reasons for regulating programmes QREGULA To protect viewers-Q49 Reasons for regulating programmes QREGULA Content control-Q49 Reasons for regulating programmes QREGULA Timing of programmes-Q49 Reasons for regulating programmes QREGULA To protect vulnerable people-Q49 Reasons for regulating programmes QREGULA To maintain high standards-Q49 Reasons for regulating programmes QREGULA To control the amount of sex,violence and basd language shown on television-Q49 Reasons for regulating programmes QREGULA To protect elderly people-Q49 Reasons for regulating programmes QREGULA Don't Know-Q49 Reasons for regulating programmes QREGULA Other-Q49 Reasons for regulating programmes QREGBBC ASA (Advertising Standards Authority)-Q50 Organisations regulating programmes on BBC1 & BBC2 QREGBBC BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)-Q50 Organisations regulating programmes on BBC1 & BBC2 QREGBBC BSC (Broadcasting Standards Commission)-Q50 Organisations regulating programmes on BBC1 & BBC2 QREGBBC Government-Q50 Organisations regulating programmes on BBC1 & BBC2 QREGBBC ITC (Independent Television Commission)-Q50 Organisations regulating programmes on BBC1 & BBC2 QREGBBC ITV companies \ ITV Association-Q50 Organisations regulating programmes on BBC1 & BBC2 QREGBBC (OFTEL) Office Of Telecommunications-Q50 Organisations regulating programmes on BBC1 & BBC2 QREGBBC (OFT) Office of Fair Trading-Q50 Organisations regulating programmes on BBC1 & BBC2 QREGBBC The channel/ broadcaster/ station-Q50 Organisations regulating programmes on BBC1 & BBC2 QREGBBC Trading Standards Office-Q50 Organisations regulating programmes on BBC1 & BBC2 QREGBBC The Police-Q50 Organisations regulating programmes on BBC1 & BBC2 QREGBBC Complaints programmes on TV such as Points of View, Right to Reply and Watchdog-Q50 Organisations regulating programmes QREGBBC Complaints programmes on the radio such as Feedback-Q50 Organisations regulating programmes on BBC1 & BBC2 QREGBBC Nat. Viewers & Listeners Assoc/ Media Watch/ Mary Whitehouse-Q50 Organisations regulating programmes on BBC1 & BBC2 QREGBBC Can't remember-Q50 Organisations regulating programmes on BBC1 & BBC2 QREGBBC Aware of organisation but can't remember name-Q50 Organisations regulating programmes on BBC1 & BBC2 QREGBBC Other-Q50 Organisations regulating programmes on BBC1 & BBC2 QREGBBC Don't Know-Q50 Organisations regulating programmes on BBC1 & BBC2 QREGBBC No organisation does this-Q50 Organisations regulating programmes on BBC1 & BBC2 QBBCREG Q51 How much programmes on BBC1 & BBC2 are regulated QREGITV ASA (Advertising Standards Authority)-Q52 Organisations regulating programmes on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGITV BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)-Q52 Organisations regulating programmes on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGITV BSC (Broadcasting Standards Commission)-Q52 Organisations regulating programmes on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGITV Government-Q52 Organisations regulating programmes on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGITV ITC (Independent Television Commission)-Q52 Organisations regulating programmes on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGITV ITV companies \ ITV Association-Q52 Organisations regulating programmes on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGITV (OFTEL) Office Of Telecommunications-Q52 Organisations regulating programmes on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGITV (OFT) Office of Fair Trading-Q52 Organisations regulating programmes on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGITV The channel/ broadcaster/ station-Q52 Organisations regulating programmes on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGITV Trading Standards Office-Q52 Organisations regulating programmes on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGITV The Police-Q52 Organisations regulating programmes on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGITV Complaints programmes on TV such as Points of View, Right to Reply and Watchdog-Q52 Organisations regulating programmes QREGITV Complaints programmes on the radio such as Feedback-Q52 Organisations regulating programmes on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGITV Nat. Viewers & Listeners Assoc/ Media Watch/ Mary Whitehouse-Q52 Organisations regulating programmes on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGITV Can't remember-Q52 Organisations regulating programmes on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGITV Aware of organisation but can't remember name-Q52 Organisations regulating programmes on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGITV Other-Q52 Organisations regulating programmes on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGITV Don't Know-Q52 Organisations regulating programmes on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGITV No organisation does this-Q52 Organisations regulating programmes on ITV, C4 & C5 QITVREG Q53 How much programmes on ITV, C4 & C5 are regulated QREGSKY ASA (Advertising Standards Authority)-Q54 Organisations regulating programmes on satellite, cable and digital channels QREGSKY BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)-Q54 Organisations regulating programmes on satellite, cable and digital channels QREGSKY BSC (Broadcasting Standards Commission)-Q54 Organisations regulating programmes on satellite, cable and digital channels QREGSKY Government-Q54 Organisations regulating programmes on satellite, cable and digital channels QREGSKY ITC (Independent Television Commission)-Q54 Organisations regulating programmes on satellite, cable and digital channels QREGSKY ITV companies \ ITV Association-Q54 Organisations regulating programmes on satellite, cable and digital channels QREGSKY (OFTEL) Office Of Telecommunications-Q54 Organisations regulating programmes on satellite, cable and digital channels QREGSKY (OFT) Office of Fair Trading-Q54 Organisations regulating programmes on satellite, cable and digital channels QREGSKY The channel/ broadcaster/ station-Q54 Organisations regulating programmes on satellite, cable and digital channels QREGSKY Trading Standards Office-Q54 Organisations regulating programmes on satellite, cable and digital channels QREGSKY The Police-Q54 Organisations regulating programmes on satellite, cable and digital channels QREGSKY Complaints programmes on TV such as Points of View, Right to Reply and Watchdog-Q54 Organisations regulating programmes QREGSKY Complaints programmes on the radio such as Feedback-Q54 Organisations regulating programmes on satellite, cable and digi QREGSKY Nat. Viewers & Listeners Assoc/ Media Watch/ Mary Whitehouse-Q54 Organisations regulating programmes on satellite, cable QREGSKY Can't remember-Q54 Organisations regulating programmes on satellite, cable and digital channels QREGSKY Aware of organisation but can't remember name-Q54 Organisations regulating programmes on satellite, cable and digital ch QREGSKY Other-Q54 Organisations regulating programmes on satellite, cable and digital channels QREGSKY Don't Know-Q54 Organisations regulating programmes on satellite, cable and digital channels QREGSKY No organisation does this-Q54 Organisations regulating programmes on satellite, cable and digital channels QSKYREG Q55 How much programmes on satellite, cable and digital channels are regulated QREGADS ASA (Advertising Standards Authority)-Q56 Organisations regulating advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGADS BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)-Q56 Organisations regulating advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGADS BSC (Broadcasting Standards Commission)-Q56 Organisations regulating advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGADS Government-Q56 Organisations regulating advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGADS ITC (Independent Television Commission)-Q56 Organisations regulating advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGADS ITV companies \ ITV Association-Q56 Organisations regulating advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGADS (OFTEL) Office Of Telecommunications-Q56 Organisations regulating advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGADS (OFT) Office of Fair Trading-Q56 Organisations regulating advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGADS The channel/ broadcaster/ station-Q56 Organisations regulating advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGADS Trading Standards Office-Q56 Organisations regulating advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGADS Complaints programmes on TV such as Points of View, Right to Reply and Watchdog-Q56 Organisations regulating advertising QREGADS Nat. Viewers & Listeners Assoc/ Media Watch/ Mary Whitehouse-Q56 Organisations regulating advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGADS Can't remember-Q56 Organisations regulating advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGADS Aware of organisation but can't remember name-Q56 Organisations regulating advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGADS The advertisers themselves-Q56 Organisations regulating advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGADS Don't Know-Q56 Organisations regulating advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGADS Other-Q56 Organisations regulating advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QREGADS No organisation does this-Q56 Organisations regulating advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QMUCHRE Q57 Level of regulation of terrestrial TV ads QREGAD2 ASA (Advertising Standards Authority)-Q58 Organisations regulating advertising on pay TV channels QREGAD2 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)-Q58 Organisations regulating advertising on pay TV channels QREGAD2 BSC (Broadcasting Standards Commission)-Q58 Organisations regulating advertising on pay TV channels QREGAD2 Government-Q58 Organisations regulating advertising on pay TV channels QREGAD2 ITC (Independent Television Commission)-Q58 Organisations regulating advertising on pay TV channels QREGAD2 ITV companies \ ITV Association-Q58 Organisations regulating advertising on pay TV channels QREGAD2 (OFTEL) Office Of Telecommunications-Q58 Organisations regulating advertising on pay TV channels QREGAD2 (OFT) Office of Fair Trading-Q58 Organisations regulating advertising on pay TV channels QREGAD2 The channel/ broadcaster/ station-Q58 Organisations regulating advertising on pay TV channels QREGAD2 Trading Standards Office-Q58 Organisations regulating advertising on pay TV channels QREGAD2 The Police-Q58 Organisations regulating advertising on pay TV channels QREGAD2 Complaints programmes on TV such as Points of View, Right to Reply and Watchdog-Q58 Organisations regulating advertising QREGAD2 Complaints programmes on the radio such as Feedback-Q58 Organisations regulating advertising on pay TV channels QREGAD2 Nat. Viewers & Listeners Assoc/ Media Watch/ Mary Whitehouse-Q58 Organisations regulating advertising on pay TV channels QREGAD2 Can't remember-Q58 Organisations regulating advertising on pay TV channels QREGAD2 Aware of organisation but can't remember name-Q58 Organisations regulating advertising on pay TV channels QREGAD2 Other-Q58 Organisations regulating advertising on pay TV channels QREGAD2 Don't Know-Q58 Organisations regulating advertising on pay TV channels QREGAD2 No organisation does this-Q58 Organisations regulating advertising on pay TV channels QMUCHR2 Q59 Level of regulation of pay TV ads QCOMADS ASA (Advertising Standards Authority)-Q60 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QCOMADS BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)-Q60 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QCOMADS BSC (Broadcasting Standards Commission)-Q60 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QCOMADS Government-Q60 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QCOMADS ITC (Independent Television Commission)-Q60 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QCOMADS ITV companies \ ITV Association-Q60 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QCOMADS (OFTEL) Office Of Telecommunications-Q60 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QCOMADS (OFT) Office of Fair Trading-Q60 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QCOMADS The channel/ broadcaster/ station-Q60 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QCOMADS Trading Standards Office-Q60 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QCOMADS The Police-Q60 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QCOMADS Complaints programmes on TV such as Points of View, Right to Reply and Watchdog-Q60 Who to contact if upset about conten QCOMADS Complaints programmes on the radio such as Feedback-Q60 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on ITV, C4 QCOMADS Nat. Viewers & Listeners Assoc/ Media Watch/ Mary Whitehouse-Q60 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on QCOMADS Can't remember-Q60 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QCOMADS Aware of organisation but can't remember name-Q60 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QCOMADS My MP [parliament]-Q60 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QCOMADS The Complaints Commission/Complaints Board-Q60 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QCOMADS N/A-Q60 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QCOMADS Don't Know-Q60 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QCOMADS Other-Q60 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QCOMADS No organisation does this-Q60 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on ITV, C4 & C5 QCOMAD2 ASA (Advertising Standards Authority)-Q61 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on pay TV channels QCOMAD2 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)-Q61 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on pay TV channels QCOMAD2 BSC (Broadcasting Standards Commission)-Q61 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on pay TV channels QCOMAD2 Government-Q61 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on pay TV channels QCOMAD2 ITC (Independent Television Commission)-Q61 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on pay TV channels QCOMAD2 ITV companies \ ITV Association-Q61 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on pay TV channels QCOMAD2 (OFTEL) Office Of Telecommunications-Q61 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on pay TV channels QCOMAD2 (OFT) Office of Fair Trading-Q61 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on pay TV channels QCOMAD2 The channel/ broadcaster/ station-Q61 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on pay TV channels QCOMAD2 Trading Standards Office-Q61 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on pay TV channels QCOMAD2 The Police-Q61 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on pay TV channels QCOMAD2 Complaints programmes on TV such as Points of View, Right to Reply and Watchdog-Q61 Who to contact if upset about conten QCOMAD2 Nat. Viewers & Listeners Assoc/ Media Watch/ Mary Whitehouse-Q61 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on QCOMAD2 Can't remember-Q61 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on pay TV channels QCOMAD2 Aware of organisation but can't remember name-Q61 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on pay TV channel QCOMAD2 Other-Q61 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on pay TV channels QCOMAD2 Don't Know-Q61 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on pay TV channels QCOMAD2 No organisation does this-Q61 Who to contact if upset about content of advertising on pay TV channels QNEWWRL Television-Q62 Main source of world news QNEWWRL Radio-Q62 Main source of world news QNEWWRL Any newspaper-Q62 Main source of world news QNEWWRL Teletext-Q62 Main source of world news QNEWWRL Talking to people-Q62 Main source of world news QNEWWRL Internet-Q62 Main source of world news QNEWWRL Other-Q62 Main source of world news QNEWWRL Don't Know-Q62 Main source of world news QNEWWRL Does not get news-Q62 Main source of world news QNEWSCO Q63 Main source of news in Scotland QNEWWAL Q64 Main source of Welsh news QNEWNIR Q65 Main source of Northern Irish news QNEWLOC Television-Q66 Main source of local news QNEWLOC Radio-Q66 Main source of local news QNEWLOC Any newspaper-Q66 Main source of local news QNEWLOC Magazines-Q66 Main source of local news QNEWLOC Teletext-Q66 Main source of local news QNEWLOC Talking to people-Q66 Main source of local news QNEWLOC Internet-Q66 Main source of local news QNEWLOC Other-Q66 Main source of local news QNEWLOC Don't Know-Q66 Main source of local news QNEWLOC Does not get news-Q66 Main source of local news QLOCTV Q67 Performance of TV company in providing local news QIMPROV Q68 Whether programmes have improved, got worse or stayed about the same QWORSE More repeats-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QWORSE More bad language-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QWORSE More violence-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QWORSE More sex-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QWORSE Advertising - too much-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QWORSE Not enough quality/all the programmes are rubbish-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QWORSE Less variety/no new programmes/all channels show the same programmes-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the pas QWORSE Less interesting for me/I find the programmes dull-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QWORSE More soaps / poor soaps-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QWORSE More cheap / American imports-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QWORSE More quiz / games shows-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QWORSE More poor quality films-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QWORSE More old films-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QWORSE More horror-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QWORSE More / too much sport-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QWORSE Worse dramas-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QWORSE Poor sports coverage-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QWORSE Too many reality TV programmes-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QWORSE Not enough comedy /poor quality comedy-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QWORSE Too many cookery / gardening programmes-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QWORSE N/A-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QWORSE Don't Know-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QWORSE Other-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QWORSE Not Stated-Q69 How feel programmes have got worse over the past year QIMPRO Improved quality-Q70 How feel programmes have improved over the past year QIMPRO Wider range of programmes-Q70 How feel programmes have improved over the past year QIMPRO More interesting-Q70 How feel programmes have improved over the past year QIMPRO More/better dramas-Q70 How feel programmes have improved over the past year QIMPRO More/better films-Q70 How feel programmes have improved over the past year QIMPRO More / better sports coverage-Q70 How feel programmes have improved over the past year QIMPRO Better documentaries-Q70 How feel programmes have improved over the past year QIMPRO Better news coverage-Q70 How feel programmes have improved over the past year QIMPRO Better comedies-Q70 How feel programmes have improved over the past year QIMPRO Good soaps-Q70 How feel programmes have improved over the past year QIMPRO Don't Know-Q70 How feel programmes have improved over the past year QIMPRO Other-Q70 How feel programmes have improved over the past year QEXCEPT Q71 Whether all channels have improved/got worse/stayed the same QDIFFER BBC1-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER BBC2-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER ITV-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER Channel 4 (S4C in Wales)-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER Channel 5-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER Sky One-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER Sky News-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER The Discovery Channel-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER UK Gold-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER Living-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER MTV-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER BBC News 24-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER UK Style-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER British Eurosport-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER E4-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER Sky Sports News-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER VH-1 (i.e. VH one)-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER Paramount Comedy-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER The History Channel-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER Animal Planet-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER BBC Choice-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER Bravo-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER Cartoon Network-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER Discovery Home and Leisure-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER Granada Plus-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER ITN News-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER ITV2\S2\TVYOU-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER National Geographic-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER Nickelodeon-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER Playhouse Disney-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER The Box-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER Trouble-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER Other-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QDIFFER Don't Know-Q72 Channels which are the exceptions QHOWDIF BBC1 - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF BBC2 - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF ITV - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF Channel 5 - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF Sky One - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF Sky News - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF The Discovery Channel - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF UK Gold - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF Living - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF MTV - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF BBC News 24 - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF UK Style - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF British Eurosport - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF E4 - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF Sky Sports News - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF VH-1 (i.e. VH one) - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF Paramount Comedy - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF The History Channel - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF Animal Planet - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF BBC Choice - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF Bravo - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF Cartoon Network - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF Discovery Home and Leisure - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF Granada Plus - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF ITN News - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF ITV2\S2\TVYOU - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF National Geographic - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF Nickelodeon - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF Playhouse Disney - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF The Box - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QHOWDIF Trouble - Q73 How channels which are exceptions differ QIMP Improved quality-BBC1 - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Wider range of programmes-BBC1 - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More interesting-BBC1 - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More for younger people-BBC1 - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Better news coverage-BBC1 - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Better children's programmes-BBC1 - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Improved quality-BBC2 - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Wider range of programmes-BBC2 - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More interesting-BBC2 - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More/better dramas-BBC2 - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More education/educational programmes-BBC2 - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Improved quality-ITV - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Wider range of programmes-ITV - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More interesting-ITV - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More/better dramas-ITV - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More/better films-ITV - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More / better sports coverage-ITV - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Improved quality-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Wider range of programmes-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More interesting-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More/better dramas-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More/better films-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More / better sports coverage-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More for younger people-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Better/more documentaries-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Good soaps-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Other-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Improved quality-Channel 5 - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Wider range of programmes-Channel 5 - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More interesting-Channel 5 - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More/better films-Channel 5 - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More for younger people-Channel 5 - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Better news coverage-Channel 5 - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More education/educational programmes-Channel 5 - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Sky One - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Improved quality-Sky News - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Wider range of programmes-Sky News - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Other-Sky News - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Improved quality-The Discovery Channel - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Wider range of programmes-The Discovery Channel - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More interesting-The Discovery Channel - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More education/educational programmes-The Discovery Channel - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP UK Gold - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Wider range of programmes-Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More interesting-Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More / better sports coverage-Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Other-Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Wider range of programmes-MTV - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP BBC News 24 - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP UK Style - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP British Eurosport - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Wider range of programmes-E4 - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More interesting-E4 - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Sky Sports News - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Wider range of programmes-The History Channel - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More interesting-The History Channel - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Animal Planet - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Bravo - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP ITN News - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Wider range of programmes-ITV2\S2\TVYOU - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More interesting-ITV2\S2\TVYOU - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More education/educational programmes-ITV2\S2\TVYOU - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Improved quality-National Geographic - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More education/educational programmes-National Geographic - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Improved quality-Nickelodeon - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP More interesting-Nickelodeon - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Better children's programmes-Nickelodeon - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QIMP Trouble - Q74 In what ways the channel has improved QWOR More repeats-BBC1 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More bad language-BBC1 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More violence-BBC1 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More sex-BBC1 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Not enough quality/all the programmes rubbish-BBC1 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Less variety/no new programmes/all channels show the same programmes-BBC1 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Less interesting for me/I find the programmes dull-BBC1 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More soaps / poor soaps-BBC1 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Too many trailers / programme sponsorship / ads-BBC1 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Poor sports coverage-BBC1 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Other-BBC1 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Not Stated-BBC1 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More repeats-BBC2 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More bad language-BBC2 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More violence-BBC2 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More sex-BBC2 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Not enough quality/all the programmes rubbish-BBC2 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Less variety/no new programmes/all channels show the same programmes-BBC2 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Less interesting for me/I find the programmes dull-BBC2 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Too many trailers / programme sponsorship / ads-BBC2 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Poor sports coverage-BBC2 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Other-BBC2 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More repeats-ITV - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More sex-ITV - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Advertising - too much-ITV - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Not enough quality/all the programmes rubbish-ITV - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Less variety/no new programmes/all channels show the same programmes-ITV - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Less interesting for me/I find the programmes dull-ITV - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More soaps / poor soaps-ITV - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More quiz / games shows-ITV - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More / too much sport-ITV - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Worse dramas-ITV - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Poor sports coverage-ITV - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Don't Know-ITV - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Other-ITV - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Not Stated-ITV - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More repeats-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More bad language-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More violence-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More sex-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Not enough quality/all the programmes rubbish-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More poor quality films-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More old films-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More / too much sport-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Don't Know-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Other-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More repeats-Channel 5 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More bad language-Channel 5 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More violence-Channel 5 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More sex-Channel 5 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Not enough quality/all the programmes rubbish-Channel 5 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Less variety/no new programmes/all channels show the same programmes-Channel 5 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got wo QWOR Less interesting for me/I find the programmes dull-Channel 5 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR More poor quality films-Channel 5 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Other-Channel 5 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Sky One - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR UK Gold - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Living - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR E4 - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QWOR Paramount Comedy - Q75 In what ways the channel has got worse QBIAS1 BBC1-Q76 Whether any channels have any political bias QBIAS1 BBC2-Q76 Whether any channels have any political bias QBIAS1 ITV-Q76 Whether any channels have any political bias QBIAS1 Channel 4 (S4C in Wales)-Q76 Whether any channels have any political bias QBIAS1 Channel 5-Q76 Whether any channels have any political bias QBIAS1 Sky One-Q76 Whether any channels have any political bias QBIAS1 Sky News-Q76 Whether any channels have any political bias QBIAS1 Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema-Q76 Whether any channels have any political bias QBIAS1 BBC News 24-Q76 Whether any channels have any political bias QBIAS1 Discovery Home and Leisure-Q76 Whether any channels have any political bias QBIAS1 ALL OF THEM-Q76 Whether any channels have any political bias QBIAS1 Other-Q76 Whether any channels have any political bias QBIAS1 Don't Know-Q76 Whether any channels have any political bias QBIAS1 NO POLITICAL BIAS-Q76 Whether any channels have any political bias QBIA BBC1 - Q77 Which parties channels favour QBIA BBC2 - Q77 Which parties channels favour QBIA ITV - Q77 Which parties channels favour QBIA Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q77 Which parties channels favour QBIA Channel 5 - Q77 Which parties channels favour QBIA Sky One - Q77 Which parties channels favour QBIA Sky News - Q77 Which parties channels favour QBIA Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema - Q77 Which parties channels favour QBIA BBC News 24 - Q77 Which parties channels favour QBIA Discovery Home and Leisure - Q77 Which parties channels favour QBIA ALL OF THEM - Q77 Which parties channels favour QCONCER Q78 Whether any issues on TV which cause concern QCONC2 Q79 Issue that causes most concern QOFFENS Q80 Whether offended by things seen or heard on TV QOFFCHA BBC1-Q81 Channels on which see or hear things which find offensive QOFFCHA BBC2-Q81 Channels on which see or hear things which find offensive QOFFCHA ITV-Q81 Channels on which see or hear things which find offensive QOFFCHA Channel 4 (S4C in Wales)-Q81 Channels on which see or hear things which find offensive QOFFCHA Channel 5-Q81 Channels on which see or hear things which find offensive QOFFCHA Sky One-Q81 Channels on which see or hear things which find offensive QOFFCHA Sky News-Q81 Channels on which see or hear things which find offensive QOFFCHA Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema-Q81 Channels on which see or hear things which find offensive QOFFCHA UK Gold-Q81 Channels on which see or hear things which find offensive QOFFCHA Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold-Q81 Channels on which see or hear things which find offensive QOFFCHA Living-Q81 Channels on which see or hear things which find offensive QOFFCHA E4-Q81 Channels on which see or hear things which find offensive QOFFCHA BBC Choice-Q81 Channels on which see or hear things which find offensive QOFFCHA Bravo-Q81 Channels on which see or hear things which find offensive QOFFCHA CNN-Q81 Channels on which see or hear things which find offensive QOFFCHA Granada Men & Motors-Q81 Channels on which see or hear things which find offensive QOFFCHA Local cable channel-Q81 Channels on which see or hear things which find offensive QOFFCHA Television X - The Fantasy Channel-Q81 Channels on which see or hear things which find offensive QOFFCHA The Adult Channel-Q81 Channels on which see or hear things which find offensive QOFFCHA ALL OF THEM-Q81 Channels on which see or hear things which find offensive QOFFCHA Other-Q81 Channels on which see or hear things which find offensive QOFFCHA Don't Know-Q81 Channels on which see or hear things which find offensive QOFF Bad language-BBC1 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Sex / nudity-BBC1 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Violence (in general)-BBC1 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Brass Eye/ Chris Morris-BBC1 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Disrespectful / intrusive-BBC1 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Go too far / bad taste-BBC1 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Insulting / making fun of people-BBC1 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Jokes about / portrayal of the Royal Family-BBC1 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF News coverage of disturbing events / scenes-BBC1 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF News coverage of wars-BBC1 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Political bias-BBC1 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Programmes about paedophilia-BBC1 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Racism-BBC1 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Shown at the wrong times / children might see-BBC1 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Violence towards / abuse of children-BBC1 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Vulgarity / lavatory / smutty humour-BBC1 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Programme content / bad programmes (general)-BBC1 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF N/A-BBC1 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Don't Know-BBC1 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Other-BBC1 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Not Stated-BBC1 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Bad language-BBC2 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Sex / nudity-BBC2 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Violence (in general)-BBC2 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Brass Eye/ Chris Morris-BBC2 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Biased / unfair programmes-BBC2 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Go too far / bad taste-BBC2 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF News coverage of disturbing events / scenes-BBC2 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF News coverage of wars-BBC2 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Political bias-BBC2 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Vulgarity / lavatory / smutty humour-BBC2 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Programme content / bad programmes (general)-BBC2 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF N/A-BBC2 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Don't Know-BBC2 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Other-BBC2 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Not Stated-BBC2 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Bad language-ITV - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Sex / nudity-ITV - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Violence (in general)-ITV - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Brass Eye/ Chris Morris-ITV - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Bad example to children-ITV - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Biased / unfair programmes-ITV - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Disrespectful / intrusive-ITV - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Gays or lesbians-ITV - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Go too far / bad taste-ITV - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Insulting / making fun of people-ITV - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Jokes about / portrayal of religion / Blasphemy-ITV - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Jokes about / portrayal of the Royal Family-ITV - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF News coverage of disturbing events / scenes-ITV - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF News coverage of wars-ITV - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Racism-ITV - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Shown at the wrong times / children might see-ITV - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Vulgarity / lavatory / smutty humour-ITV - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Programme content / bad programmes (general)-ITV - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF N/A-ITV - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Don't Know-ITV - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Other-ITV - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Not Stated-ITV - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Bad language-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Sex / nudity-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Violence (in general)-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Brass Eye/ Chris Morris-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Biased / unfair programmes-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Go too far / bad taste-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Jokes about / portrayal of religion / Blasphemy-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Political bias-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Programmes about paedophilia-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Racism-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Sexual violence-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Vulgarity / lavatory / smutty humour-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Programme content / bad programmes (general)-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF N/A-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Don't Know-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Other-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Not Stated-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Bad language-Channel 5 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Sex / nudity-Channel 5 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Violence (in general)-Channel 5 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Brass Eye/ Chris Morris-Channel 5 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Gays or lesbians-Channel 5 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Go too far / bad taste-Channel 5 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Vulgarity / lavatory / smutty humour-Channel 5 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Programme content / bad programmes (general)-Channel 5 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF N/A-Channel 5 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Don't Know-Channel 5 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Other-Channel 5 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Not Stated-Channel 5 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Bad language-Sky One - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Sex / nudity-Sky One - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Violence (in general)-Sky One - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Brass Eye/ Chris Morris-Sky One - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Shown at the wrong times / children might see-Sky One - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Don't Know-Sky One - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Other-Sky One - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Not Stated-Sky One - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Sky News - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Bad language-Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Sex / nudity-Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Violence (in general)-Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Bad language-UK Gold - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Sex / nudity-UK Gold - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Violence (in general)-UK Gold - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Sky Sports 1\2\3\Gold - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Bad language-Living - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Sex / nudity-Living - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Violence (in general)-Living - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Violence towards / abuse of children-Living - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Not Stated-Living - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF E4 - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF BBC Choice - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Bravo - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF CNN - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Granada Men & Motors - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Sex / nudity-Local cable channel - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Violence (in general)-Local cable channel - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Bad language-Television X - The Fantasy Channel - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Sex / nudity-Television X - The Fantasy Channel - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Violence (in general)-Television X - The Fantasy Channel - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Bad language-The Adult Channel - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Sex / nudity-The Adult Channel - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Violence (in general)-The Adult Channel - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Bad language-ALL OF THEM - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Sex / nudity-ALL OF THEM - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Violence (in general)-ALL OF THEM - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Gays or lesbians-ALL OF THEM - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Go too far / bad taste-ALL OF THEM - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Racism-ALL OF THEM - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Shown at the wrong times / children might see-ALL OF THEM - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Violence towards / abuse of children-ALL OF THEM - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Vulgarity / lavatory / smutty humour-ALL OF THEM - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Programme content / bad programmes (general)-ALL OF THEM - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Don't Know-ALL OF THEM - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Other-ALL OF THEM - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QOFF Not Stated-ALL OF THEM - Q82 What seen or heard which found offensive QREACT Switch off-Q83 How reacted to being offended QREACT Switch over-Q83 How reacted to being offended QREACT Complain to broadcaster (via letter/phone/email)-Q83 How reacted to being offended QREACT Complain to regulator (via letter/phone/email)-Q83 How reacted to being offended QREACT Continue watching / do nothing-Q83 How reacted to being offended QREACT Leave the room-Q83 How reacted to being offended QREACT Complain/talk to friends or family about it-Q83 How reacted to being offended QREACT Don't Know-Q83 How reacted to being offended QREACT Other-Q83 How reacted to being offended QREAC2 Yes, with a friend-Q84 Whether discussed offensive television material with anyone else QREAC2 Yes, with family-Q84 Whether discussed offensive television material with anyone else QREAC2 Yes, with a work colleague-Q84 Whether discussed offensive television material with anyone else QREAC2 Yes, discussed with someone else (specify)-Q84 Whether discussed offensive television material with anyone else QREAC2 Don't Know-Q84 Whether discussed offensive television material with anyone else QREAC2 No, don't discuss it-Q84 Whether discussed offensive television material with anyone else QSUPRI Q85 Whether 'surprised' at something seen or heard on TV QSURCHA BBC1-Q86 Channels saw or heard something 'surprising' QSURCHA BBC2-Q86 Channels saw or heard something 'surprising' QSURCHA ITV-Q86 Channels saw or heard something 'surprising' QSURCHA Channel 4 (S4C in Wales)-Q86 Channels saw or heard something 'surprising' QSURCHA Channel 5-Q86 Channels saw or heard something 'surprising' QSURCHA Sky One-Q86 Channels saw or heard something 'surprising' QSURCHA Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema-Q86 Channels saw or heard something 'surprising' QSURCHA The Discovery Channel-Q86 Channels saw or heard something 'surprising' QSURCHA Living-Q86 Channels saw or heard something 'surprising' QSURCHA E4-Q86 Channels saw or heard something 'surprising' QSURCHA Granada Men & Motors-Q86 Channels saw or heard something 'surprising' QSURCHA ALL OF THEM-Q86 Channels saw or heard something 'surprising' QSURCHA Other-Q86 Channels saw or heard something 'surprising' QSURCHA Don't Know-Q86 Channels saw or heard something 'surprising' QSUR Bad language-BBC1 - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Sex / nudity-BBC1 - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Violence (in general)-BBC1 - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Brass Eye/ Chris Morris-BBC1 - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR News coverage of disturbing events / scenes-BBC1 - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Racism-BBC1 - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Sexual violence-BBC1 - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Shown at the wrong times / children might see-BBC1 - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Don't Know-BBC1 - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Other-BBC1 - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR BBC2 - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Bad language-ITV - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Sex / nudity-ITV - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Violence (in general)-ITV - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Brass Eye/ Chris Morris-ITV - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Go too far / bad taste-ITV - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Insulting / making fun of people-ITV - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Programmes about paedophilia-ITV - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Racism-ITV - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Sexual violence-ITV - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Shown at the wrong times / children might see-ITV - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Don't Know-ITV - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Other-ITV - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Bad language-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Sex / nudity-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Violence (in general)-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Brass Eye/ Chris Morris-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Gays or lesbians-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Jokes about / portrayal of the Royal Family-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Programmes about paedophilia-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Don't Know-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Other-Channel 4 (S4C in Wales) - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Bad language-Channel 5 - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Sex / nudity-Channel 5 - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Violence (in general)-Channel 5 - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Brass Eye/ Chris Morris-Channel 5 - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Don't Know-Channel 5 - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Other-Channel 5 - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Bad language-Sky One - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Sex / nudity-Sky One - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Violence (in general)-Sky One - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Go too far / bad taste-Sky One - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Other-Sky One - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Sky Movies - Premier, Movimax & Cinema - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR The Discovery Channel - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Living - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Granada Men & Motors - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Bad language-ALL OF THEM - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Sex / nudity-ALL OF THEM - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QSUR Not Stated-ALL OF THEM - Q87 What seen or heard which found 'surprising' QREACTS Switched off-Q88 How reacted to being 'surprised' QREACTS Switched over-Q88 How reacted to being 'surprised' QREACTS Complained to broadcaster (wrote/phoned/emailed)-Q88 How reacted to being 'surprised' QREACTS Complained to regulator (wrote/phoned/emailed)-Q88 How reacted to being 'surprised' QREACTS Continued watching / did nothing-Q88 How reacted to being 'surprised' QREACTS Other-Q88 How reacted to being 'surprised' QREACTS Don't Know-Q88 How reacted to being 'surprised' QREACT2 Yes, with a friend-Q89 Whether discussed 'surprising' television material with anyone else QREACT2 Yes, with family-Q89 Whether discussed 'surprising' television material with anyone else QREACT2 Yes, with a work colleague-Q89 Whether discussed 'surprising' television material with anyone else QREACT2 Don't Know-Q89 Whether discussed 'surprising' television material with anyone else QREACT2 No, didn't discuss it-Q89 Whether discussed 'surprising' television material with anyone else QCON Sex - Q90 Whether too much, too little, or right amount of individual aspects on TV QCON Violence - Q90 Whether too much, too little, or right amount of individual aspects on TV QCON Swearing - Q90 Whether too much, too little, or right amount of individual aspects on TV QCON Intrusion into other people's private lives - Q90 Whether too much, too little, or right amount of individual aspects on QCON Unfair treatment of people or organisations - Q90 Whether too much, too little, or right amount of individual aspects on QCO3 Sex - Q91 How feel about there being too much of the individual aspect on TV QCO3 Violence - Q91 How feel about there being too much of the individual aspect on TV QCO3 Swearing - Q91 How feel about there being too much of the individual aspect on TV QCO3 Intrusion into other people's private lives - Q91 How feel about there being too much of the individual aspect on TV QCO3 Unfair treatment of people or organisations - Q91 How feel about there being too much of the individual aspect on TV QMEMOR2 Q92 Most memorable TV moment QRESPON Q93 Who is responsible for ensuring children don't see unsuitable programmes QWATER1 Q94 Whether aware of existence of watershed QWATER2 Q95 What time watershed is (terrestrial TV) QWATER3 Q96 Whether 9pm watershed is too early, late or about right QWATER4 Q97 Whether aware of existence of 2 watersheds within multi-channel TV QWATER5 8 o'clock too early-Q98 Whether two tier watersheds are 'about right' QWATER5 8 o'clock too late-Q98 Whether two tier watersheds are 'about right' QWATER5 10 o'clock too early-Q98 Whether two tier watersheds are 'about right' QWATER5 10 o'clock too late-Q98 Whether two tier watersheds are 'about right' QWATER5 Prefer 9 o'clock-Q98 Whether two tier watersheds are 'about right' QWATER5 8 o'clock about right-Q98 Whether two tier watersheds are 'about right' QWATER5 10 o'clock about right-Q98 Whether two tier watersheds are 'about right' QWATER5 Don't Know-Q98 Whether two tier watersheds are 'about right' QPPVPIN Q99 Whether relaxed rules for viewing on pay per view are a good idea QWATER6 Q100 Whether was aware of relaxed rules for pay per view QPREVEN Q101 Whether actively prevented children having access to certain TV programmes QHOWPRE Parent block (equipment/software used to prevent children accessing certain TV programmes)-Q102 How prevented children f QHOWPRE Turned off-Q102 How prevented children from having access to certain programmes QHOWPRE Switched channel-Q102 How prevented children from having access to certain programmes QHOWPRE Sent to bed-Q102 How prevented children from having access to certain programmes QHOWPRE Take them out of room-Q102 How prevented children from having access to certain programmes QHOWPRE Telling them-Q102 How prevented children from having access to certain programmes QHOWPRE Other-Q102 How prevented children from having access to certain programmes QPREVOF Q103 How frequently prevented children from having access to certain TV programmes QBLOCK Q104 Whether multi channel system has feature facilitating blocking particular channels QBLWORK Q105 How blocking system works QBLKUSE Q106 Whether uses blocking facility QINTERE News - Q107 Whether interested in specific genre of TV programme QINTERE Drama - Q107 Whether interested in specific genre of TV programme QINTERE Light entertainment, such as quizzes, comedies, chat shows and popular music - Q107 Whether interested in specific genre QINTERE Factual programmes, that is a straightforward factual account of a subject, without analysis or opinion - Q107 Whether i QINTERE Children's programmes - Q107 Whether interested in specific genre of TV programme QINTERE Arts programmes - Q107 Whether interested in specific genre of TV programme QINTERE Religious programmes - Q107 Whether interested in specific genre of TV programme QINTERE Sport - Q107 Whether interested in specific genre of TV programme QINTERE Current Affairs, that is a programme explaining and analysing current events - Q107 Whether interested in specific genre QINTERE Regional programmes - Q107 Whether interested in specific genre of TV programme QINTERE Educational programmes, that is for adult viewers, usually with accompanying literature available - Q107 Whether intere QAVA News - Q108 Whether programme should be available for others QAVA Drama - Q108 Whether programme should be available for others QAVA Light entertainment, such as quizzes, comedies, chat shows and popular music - Q108 Whether programme should be availabl QAVA Factual programmes, that is a straightforward factual account of a subject, without analysis or opinion - Q108 Whether p QAVA Children's programmes - Q108 Whether programme should be available for others QAVA Arts programmes - Q108 Whether programme should be available for others QAVA Religious programmes - Q108 Whether programme should be available for others QAVA Sport - Q108 Whether programme should be available for others QAVA Current Affairs, that is a programme explaining and analysing current events - Q108 Whether programme should be availabl QAVA Regional programmes - Q108 Whether programme should be available for others QAVA Educational programmes, that is for adult viewers, usually with accompanying literature available - Q108 Whether progra QSTA I think films shown after 10pm should have sex, violence or swearing cut out - Q109 Whether agrees or disagrees with sta QSTA If people want to pay extra to watch particularly sexually explicit programmes not available on other TV channels they s QSTA If people want to pay extra to watch particularly violent programmes not available on other TV channels they should be a QSTA Things that are likely to upset or offend even a minority of people should not be shown on television - Q109 Whether agr QSTA The television channels I receive at the moment give me all the choice I want - Q109 Whether agrees or disagrees with st QSTA I would be willing to pay a reasonable amount to get other services such as home banking, home shopping and the interne QSTA Interactive services such as email, games and internet access, delivered through digital television, offer valuable serv QSTATE2 'It's unfair that I can't see certain sporting events unless I pay extra for the sports channels' - Q110 Agreement with QSTATE3 'I resent having to pay more to watch certain sports events or movies on pay per view' - Q111 Agreement with statement: QSTATE4 'I will still be subscribing to satellite, cable or digital a year from now' - Q112 Agreement with statement: QACC Current affairs such as Panorama and Question Time - Q113 How often programmes are accurate QACC Nature and Wildlife - Q113 How often programmes are accurate QACC News - Q113 How often programmes are accurate QACC Documentaries such as Network First and Cutting Edge - Q113 How often programmes are accurate QACC Dramatised reconstructions where real people's stories are portrayed by actors, such as 999 - Q113 How often programmes QHON Fly on the wall documentaries or docu soaps such as hotel, airline - Q114 How often programmes are honest in their portr QHON Daytime talk shows such as Trisha or Jerry Springer - Q114 How often programmes are honest in their portrayal of individ QHON Shows about real people placed in new situations such as Castaway, Big Brother or Survivor - Q114 How often programmes a QADLIKE Humour/comedy/funny-Q115 What like about TV advertising QADLIKE Some are entertaining-Q115 What like about TV advertising QADLIKE Gives you a break/gives you time to make a cup of tea-Q115 What like about TV advertising QADLIKE Some are clever-Q115 What like about TV advertising QADLIKE Tell you about new products / brings them to your attention-Q115 What like about TV advertising QADLIKE Show you whats available / gives you an idea of what to buy-Q115 What like about TV advertising QADLIKE The music / jingles-Q115 What like about TV advertising QADLIKE Some are good / there are some good ads-Q115 What like about TV advertising QADLIKE Some are informative / factual-Q115 What like about TV advertising QADLIKE Animals in advertisments-Q115 What like about TV advertising QADLIKE Children in advertisments-Q115 What like about TV advertising QADLIKE Well thought out / well put together-Q115 What like about TV advertising QADLIKE Memorable / catchy / sticks in your memory-Q115 What like about TV advertising QADLIKE Pays for programmes / keeps licence fee down-Q115 What like about TV advertising QADLIKE Overall quality-Q115 What like about TV advertising QADLIKE Don't Know-Q115 What like about TV advertising QADLIKE Other-Q115 What like about TV advertising QADLIKE Nothing / don't like ads-Q115 What like about TV advertising QADDLIK Interrupt/break up programmes-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK Don't like adverts in the middle of films-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK Repetition/repeated over and over again-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK There are too many/too much advertising-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK Some are silly/pointless-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK Some are irritating/get on your nerves-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK They are boring / uninteresting-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK Insult your intelligence / treat you like idiots / as gullible-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK Some are offensive / crude / go too far / over the top-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK Dont know what some are advertising-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK Some are abstract / obscure / don't make sense-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK They don't always tell the truth / misleading-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK Encourage children to ask for toys / expensive products-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK Most are poor / rubbish / a waste of time-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK Too noisy / volume of music / loud-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK Everything / their very existence-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK Too much sex in them/using sex to sell products-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK They make people appear stupid-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK Don't like adverts aimed at children-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK Some are biased-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK Adverts for loan companies/insurance/financial credit-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK N/A-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK Don't Know-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK Other-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADDLIK Nothing/don't dislike anything about ads-Q116 What dislike about TV advertising QADHEAR Programme sponsorship such as Cadburys' sponsorship of Coronation Street-Q117 Forms of advertising/sponsorship and trail QADHEAR Trailers or promotions for particular programmes-Q117 Forms of advertising/sponsorship and trailers aware of (prompted) QADHEAR Trailers or promotions for particular television channels-Q117 Forms of advertising/sponsorship and trailers aware of (p QADHEAR Don't Know-Q117 Forms of advertising/sponsorship and trailers aware of (prompted) QADHEAR None of these-Q117 Forms of advertising/sponsorship and trailers aware of (prompted) QADSTAT Q118 How feels about level of advertising on terrestrial television QADLEVE Q119 How feel about level of advertising on satellite, cable and digital channels QLEVSPO Q120 How feels about level of programme sponsorship credits QLEVTRA Q121 How feels about level of trailers or promotions QADS Are informative about products or issues - Q122 How often find statement about TV advertising to be true QADS Interfere with your enjoyment of programmes - Q122 How often find statement about TV advertising to be true QADS Are truthful - Q122 How often find statement about TV advertising to be true QADS Are clever - Q122 How often find statement about TV advertising to be true QADS Encourage negative or harmful stereotypes - Q122 How often find statement about TV advertising to be true QADS Are well produced - Q122 How often find statement about TV advertising to be true QADS Are too loud (the volume) - Q122 How often find statement about TV advertising to be true QADS Give you something to talk about - Q122 How often find statement about TV advertising to be true QADS Are embarrassing - Q122 How often find statement about TV advertising to be true QADS Show undesirable behaviour that children might copy - Q122 How often find statement about TV advertising to be true QADST1 Adverts for beauty products/adverts showing thin women-Q123 What respondent means by encourage negative or harmful stere QADST1 Show women doing all the housework/in the kitchen-Q123 What respondent means by encourage negative or harmful stereotype QADST1 Make men appear stupid-Q123 What respondent means by encourage negative or harmful stereotypes QADST1 Make people appear stupid-Q123 What respondent means by encourage negative or harmful stereotypes QADST1 Any mention of car adverts-Q123 What respondent means by encourage negative or harmful stereotypes QADST1 Any mention of adverts for alcoholic drinks-Q123 What respondent means by encourage negative or harmful stereotypes QADST1 Manipulate/influence children-Q123 What respondent means by encourage negative or harmful stereotypes QADST1 Stereotype women-Q123 What respondent means by encourage negative or harmful stereotypes QADST1 Racist/stereotype different races-Q123 What respondent means by encourage negative or harmful stereotypes QADST1 Violence/bad behaviour that children might copy-Q123 What respondent means by encourage negative or harmful stereotypes QADST1 Tango adverts [any mention of]-Q123 What respondent means by encourage negative or harmful stereotypes QADST1 Portrayal of perfect/model family eg. mum dad and two children [any mention]-Q123 What respondent means by encourage neg QADST1 Gender stereotype/sexist [general]-Q123 What respondent means by encourage negative or harmful stereotypes QADST1 Not like real life/exaggerated [unspecific]-Q123 What respondent means by encourage negative or harmful stereotypes QADST1 (' Negative portrayal of old people' )-Q123 What respondent means by encourage negative or harmful stereotypes QADST1 ( ' Negative portrayal of the disabled' )-Q123 What respondent means by encourage negative or harmful stereotypes QADST1 Stereotyping specific types of people-Q123 What respondent means by encourage negative or harmful stereotypes QADST1 N/A-Q123 What respondent means by encourage negative or harmful stereotypes QADST1 Don't Know-Q123 What respondent means by encourage negative or harmful stereotypes QADST1 Other-Q123 What respondent means by encourage negative or harmful stereotypes QADST1 Not Stated-Q123 What respondent means by encourage negative or harmful stereotypes QADST2 Tango adverts [any mention of]-Q124 What respondent means by show undesirable behaviour that children might copy QADST2 Adverts showing alcoholic drinks/alcopops-Q124 What respondent means by show undesirable behaviour that children might c QADST2 Fighting/violence/bad behaviour-Q124 What respondent means by show undesirable behaviour that children might copy QADST2 Bad manners/lack of respect for others-Q124 What respondent means by show undesirable behaviour that children might copy QADST2 Children copy bad behaviour-Q124 What respondent means by show undesirable behaviour that children might copy QADST2 Junk food / sweets-Q124 What respondent means by show undesirable behaviour that children might copy QADST2 Sexual context/innuendoes/nudity [any mention of]-Q124 What respondent means by show undesirable behaviour that children QADST2 Cars / speeding [any mention of]-Q124 What respondent means by show undesirable behaviour that children might copy QADST2 Encourage children to ask for things/materialism/greed-Q124 What respondent means by show undesirable behaviour that chi QADST2 N/A-Q124 What respondent means by show undesirable behaviour that children might copy QADST2 Don't Know-Q124 What respondent means by show undesirable behaviour that children might copy QADST2 Other-Q124 What respondent means by show undesirable behaviour that children might copy QMISLEA Q125 Whether ever found advertising misleading QMISLE2 Shampoo adverts-Q126 Which advertisement found misleading QMISLE2 Cosmetics in general-Q126 Which advertisement found misleading QMISLE2 Washing powders-Q126 Which advertisement found misleading QMISLE2 Kitchen cleaners-Q126 Which advertisement found misleading QMISLE2 Bathroom cleaners-Q126 Which advertisement found misleading QMISLE2 Toilet cleaners-Q126 Which advertisement found misleading QMISLE2 Toothpaste-Q126 Which advertisement found misleading QMISLE2 Adverts for chocolate-Q126 Which advertisement found misleading QMISLE2 Car advert with the volcano-Q126 Which advertisement found misleading QMISLE2 Accident insurance companies-Q126 Which advertisement found misleading QMISLE2 Food / soft drinks [any mention of]-Q126 Which advertisement found misleading QMISLE2 Cleaning products ( general )-Q126 Which advertisement found misleading QMISLE2 Other financial services-Q126 Which advertisement found misleading QMISLE2 Car insurance-Q126 Which advertisement found misleading QMISLE2 N/A-Q126 Which advertisement found misleading QMISLE2 Don't Know-Q126 Which advertisement found misleading QMISLE2 Other-Q126 Which advertisement found misleading QMISLE2 Not Stated-Q126 Which advertisement found misleading QOFFEND Q127 Whether ever found advertising offensive QOFF2 Any sanitary towel/tampon adverts-Q128 Which advertisement found offensive QOFF2 Lynx advert [toenails]-Q128 Which advertisement found offensive QOFF2 Car adverts [unspecific]-Q128 Which advertisement found offensive QOFF2 Tango [any mention]-Q128 Which advertisement found offensive QOFF2 Nudity/sex [any mention]-Q128 Which advertisement found offensive QOFF2 N/A-Q128 Which advertisement found offensive QOFF2 Don't Know-Q128 Which advertisement found offensive QOFF2 Other-Q128 Which advertisement found offensive QOFF2 Not Stated-Q128 Which advertisement found offensive QOFFTIM Should not be shown at any time-Q129 Whether there are any times when an offensive advertisement would be more acceptabl QOFFTIM Should not be shown when children might be watching-Q129 Whether there are any times when an offensive advertisement wou QOFFTIM Should only be shown after the 9pm watershed-Q129 Whether there are any times when an offensive advertisement would be m QOFFTIM Yes, but only after 8pm-Q129 Whether there are any times when an offensive advertisement would be more acceptable QOFFTIM Yes, but only after 9pm-Q129 Whether there are any times when an offensive advertisement would be more acceptable QOFFTIM Yes, but only after 10pm-Q129 Whether there are any times when an offensive advertisement would be more acceptable QOFFTIM Yes, but only after 11pm-Q129 Whether there are any times when an offensive advertisement would be more acceptable QOFFTIM No, I think it should be shown at any time-Q129 Whether there are any times when an offensive advertisement would be mor QOFFTIM Other-Q129 Whether there are any times when an offensive advertisement would be more acceptable QOFFTIM Don't Know-Q129 Whether there are any times when an offensive advertisement would be more acceptable QOFFTIM Not Stated-Q129 Whether there are any times when an offensive advertisement would be more acceptable QOFTRAD Q130 How often these days do you listen to the radio? QRADOFF Bad language-Q131 Whether ever been offended by any of the following on a radio programme QRADOFF Sex-Q131 Whether ever been offended by any of the following on a radio programme QRADOFF Violence (in general)-Q131 Whether ever been offended by any of the following on a radio programme QRADOFF Explicit or controversial song lyrics-Q131 Whether ever been offended by any of the following on a radio programme QRADOFF Bad treatment of callers by presenters-Q131 Whether ever been offended by any of the following on a radio programme QRADOFF Biased / unfair programmes-Q131 Whether ever been offended by any of the following on a radio programme QRADOFF Bad example to children-Q131 Whether ever been offended by any of the following on a radio programme QRADOFF Disrespectful / intrusive-Q131 Whether ever been offended by any of the following on a radio programme QRADOFF Gays or lesbians-Q131 Whether ever been offended by any of the following on a radio programme QRADOFF Go too far / bad taste-Q131 Whether ever been offended by any of the following on a radio programme QRADOFF Insulting / making fun of people-Q131 Whether ever been offended by any of the following on a radio programme QRADOFF Jokes about / portrayal of religion / Blasphemy-Q131 Whether ever been offended by any of the following on a radio progr QRADOFF News coverage of disturbing events / scenes-Q131 Whether ever been offended by any of the following on a radio programme QRADOFF Political bias-Q131 Whether ever been offended by any of the following on a radio programme QRADOFF Racism-Q131 Whether ever been offended by any of the following on a radio programme QRADOFF Vulgarity / lavatory / smutty humour-Q131 Whether ever been offended by any of the following on a radio programme QRADOFF Don't Know-Q131 Whether ever been offended by any of the following on a radio programme QRADOFF Other-Q131 Whether ever been offended by any of the following on a radio programme QRADOFF Never been offended-Q131 Whether ever been offended by any of the following on a radio programme QRADACT Made an official complaint-Q132 Action taken as a result of being offended QRADACT Turn off the radio-Q132 Action taken as a result of being offended QRADACT Change to another station-Q132 Action taken as a result of being offended QRADACT Did nothing/continued listening-Q132 Action taken as a result of being offended QRADACT Other-Q132 Action taken as a result of being offended QRADACT Don't Know-Q132 Action taken as a result of being offended QRADAC2 Yes, with a friend-Q133 Whether discussed offensive radio material with anyone else QRADAC2 Yes, with family-Q133 Whether discussed offensive radio material with anyone else QRADAC2 Yes, with a work colleague-Q133 Whether discussed offensive radio material with anyone else QRADAC2 Yes, discussed with someone else (specify)-Q133 Whether discussed offensive radio material with anyone else QRADAC2 Don't Know-Q133 Whether discussed offensive radio material with anyone else QRADAC2 No, didn't discuss it-Q133 Whether discussed offensive radio material with anyone else QRADSUR Bad language-Q134 Whether been 'surprised' by anything heard on the radio QRADSUR Sex-Q134 Whether been 'surprised' by anything heard on the radio QRADSUR Violence (in general)-Q134 Whether been 'surprised' by anything heard on the radio QRADSUR Explicit or controversial song lyrics-Q134 Whether been 'surprised' by anything heard on the radio QRADSUR Bad treatment of callers by presenters-Q134 Whether been 'surprised' by anything heard on the radio QRADSUR Biased / unfair programmes-Q134 Whether been 'surprised' by anything heard on the radio QRADSUR Bad example to children-Q134 Whether been 'surprised' by anything heard on the radio QRADSUR Disrespectful / intrusive-Q134 Whether been 'surprised' by anything heard on the radio QRADSUR Go too far / bad taste-Q134 Whether been 'surprised' by anything heard on the radio QRADSUR Encourages criminal behaviour-Q134 Whether been 'surprised' by anything heard on the radio QRADSUR Insulting / making fun of people-Q134 Whether been 'surprised' by anything heard on the radio QRADSUR Jokes about / portrayal of the Royal Family-Q134 Whether been 'surprised' by anything heard on the radio QRADSUR News coverage of disturbing events / scenes-Q134 Whether been 'surprised' by anything heard on the radio QRADSUR News coverage of wars-Q134 Whether been 'surprised' by anything heard on the radio QRADSUR Political bias-Q134 Whether been 'surprised' by anything heard on the radio QRADSUR Racism-Q134 Whether been 'surprised' by anything heard on the radio QRADSUR Vulgarity / lavatory / smutty humour-Q134 Whether been 'surprised' by anything heard on the radio QRADSUR Don't Know-Q134 Whether been 'surprised' by anything heard on the radio QRADSUR Other-Q134 Whether been 'surprised' by anything heard on the radio QRADSUR Never been surprised-Q134 Whether been 'surprised' by anything heard on the radio QSURACT Turn off the radio-Q135 Action taken as a result of being 'surprised' by what heard on a radio programme QSURACT Change to another station-Q135 Action taken as a result of being 'surprised' by what heard on a radio programme QSURACT Did nothing/continued listening-Q135 Action taken as a result of being 'surprised' by what heard on a radio programme QSURACT Other-Q135 Action taken as a result of being 'surprised' by what heard on a radio programme QSURACT Don't Know-Q135 Action taken as a result of being 'surprised' by what heard on a radio programme QSURAD2 Yes, with a friend-Q136 Whether discussed 'surprising' radio material with anyone else QSURAD2 Yes, with family-Q136 Whether discussed 'surprising' radio material with anyone else QSURAD2 Yes, with a work colleague-Q136 Whether discussed 'surprising' radio material with anyone else QSURAD2 Yes, discussed with someone else (specify)-Q136 Whether discussed 'surprising' radio material with anyone else QSURAD2 Don't Know-Q136 Whether discussed 'surprising' radio material with anyone else QSURAD2 No, didn't discuss it-Q136 Whether discussed 'surprising' radio material with anyone else QRADCOM ASA (Advertising Standards Authority)-Q137 Who to contact re: complaints about a radio programme QRADCOM BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)-Q137 Who to contact re: complaints about a radio programme QRADCOM BSC (Broadcasting Standards Commission)-Q137 Who to contact re: complaints about a radio programme QRADCOM Government-Q137 Who to contact re: complaints about a radio programme QRADCOM ITC (Independent Television Commission)-Q137 Who to contact re: complaints about a radio programme QRADCOM (OFTEL) Office Of Telecommunications-Q137 Who to contact re: complaints about a radio programme QRADCOM (OFT) Office of Fair Trading-Q137 Who to contact re: complaints about a radio programme QRADCOM The channel/ broadcaster/ station-Q137 Who to contact re: complaints about a radio programme QRADCOM Trading Standards Office-Q137 Who to contact re: complaints about a radio programme QRADCOM Complaints programmes on TV such as Points of View, Right to Reply and Watchdog-Q137 Who to contact re: complaints about QRADCOM Complaints programmes on Radio such as Feedback-Q137 Who to contact re: complaints about a radio programme QRADCOM Nat. Viewers & Listeners Assoc/ Media Watch/ Mary Whitehouse-Q137 Who to contact re: complaints about a radio programme QRADCOM Radio Authority-Q137 Who to contact re: complaints about a radio programme QRADCOM Can't remember-Q137 Who to contact re: complaints about a radio programme QRADCOM Aware of organisation but can't remember name-Q137 Who to contact re: complaints about a radio programme QRADCOM Other-Q137 Who to contact re: complaints about a radio programme QRADCOM Don't Know-Q137 Who to contact re: complaints about a radio programme QRADCOM No organisation does this-Q137 Who to contact re: complaints about a radio programme QINTERN At home-Q138 Whether can access the Internet QINTERN At work (out of home)-Q138 Whether can access the Internet QINTERN At school-Q138 Whether can access the Internet QINTERN At university-Q138 Whether can access the Internet QINTERN At public place (Internet cafe, library, etc)-Q138 Whether can access the Internet QINTERN On WAP/Internet mobile phone-Q138 Whether can access the Internet QINTERN Elsewhere (friends, relatives, etc)-Q138 Whether can access the Internet QINTERN Don't Know-Q138 Whether can access the Internet QINTERN No, can not access the internet-Q138 Whether can access the Internet QINTOFT Q139 How frequently uses the internet QINTLON Q140 How long have been using the Internet QINTUSE Business purposes-Q141 What uses the Internet for QINTUSE School/college/university work-Q141 What uses the Internet for QINTUSE Using e-mail-Q141 What uses the Internet for QINTUSE News/ current affairs-Q141 What uses the Internet for QINTUSE Sports information-Q141 What uses the Internet for QINTUSE Shopping/ information for shopping-Q141 What uses the Internet for QINTUSE Browsing for fun-Q141 What uses the Internet for QINTUSE Checking stocks / shares or investments-Q141 What uses the Internet for QINTUSE Making travel / holiday plans-Q141 What uses the Internet for QINTUSE To get information about a particular activity or interest-Q141 What uses the Internet for QINTUSE To get information about a particular TV programme-Q141 What uses the Internet for QINTUSE To listen or download music-Q141 What uses the Internet for QINTUSE To look at job opportunities-Q141 What uses the Internet for QINTUSE To play games-Q141 What uses the Internet for QINTUSE To take part in discussions groups / or on -line chat-Q141 What uses the Internet for QINTUSE Information [general mention]-Q141 What uses the Internet for QINTUSE Internet Banking-Q141 What uses the Internet for QINTUSE Other-Q141 What uses the Internet for QINTTV Q142 Whether accessed the Internet via home TV QINTCOM ASA (Advertising Standards Authority)-Q143 Which organisation would contact if upset by anything seen on the Internet QINTCOM BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)-Q143 Which organisation would contact if upset by anything seen on the Internet QINTCOM BSC (Broadcasting Standards Commission)-Q143 Which organisation would contact if upset by anything seen on the Internet QINTCOM Government-Q143 Which organisation would contact if upset by anything seen on the Internet QINTCOM ITC (Independent Television Commission)-Q143 Which organisation would contact if upset by anything seen on the Internet QINTCOM (OFTEL) Office Of Telecommunications-Q143 Which organisation would contact if upset by anything seen on the Internet QINTCOM (OFT) Office of Fair Trading-Q143 Which organisation would contact if upset by anything seen on the Internet QINTCOM Trading Standards Office-Q143 Which organisation would contact if upset by anything seen on the Internet QINTCOM The Police-Q143 Which organisation would contact if upset by anything seen on the Internet QINTCOM TV complaints programmes such as Points of View, Right to Reply and Watchdog-Q143 Which organisation would contact if up QINTCOM Complaints programmes on Radio such as Feedback-Q143 Which organisation would contact if upset by anything seen on the I QINTCOM Internet Watch Foundation-Q143 Which organisation would contact if upset by anything seen on the Internet QINTCOM Internet Service Provider (eg. AOL, Demon, etc..)-Q143 Which organisation would contact if upset by anything seen on the QINTCOM Can't remember-Q143 Which organisation would contact if upset by anything seen on the Internet QINTCOM Aware of organisation but can't remember name-Q143 Which organisation would contact if upset by anything seen on the Int QINTCOM The web site operator-Q143 Which organisation would contact if upset by anything seen on the Internet QINTCOM Don't Know-Q143 Which organisation would contact if upset by anything seen on the Internet QINTCOM Other-Q143 Which organisation would contact if upset by anything seen on the Internet QINTCOM No organisation does this-Q143 Which organisation would contact if upset by anything seen on the Internet QINTRES A hotline for reporting illegal material on the internet-Q144 Methods aware of to restrict access to Internet QINTRES Controls offered by on-line internet suppliers which allow access to certain sites to be restricted-Q144 Methods aware o QINTRES Sites where you have to give your age-Q144 Methods aware of to restrict access to Internet QINTRES Software blocking access to sites which contain specific words or pictures-Q144 Methods aware of to restrict access to I QINTRES The Internet Watch Foundation-Q144 Methods aware of to restrict access to Internet QINTRES Don't Know-Q144 Methods aware of to restrict access to Internet QINTRES None of these-Q144 Methods aware of to restrict access to Internet QINTFIL Q145 Whether have Internet filtering tools in operation QINTILF Norton Firewall-Q146 Internet filtering tools uses QINTILF AOL-Q146 Internet filtering tools uses QINTILF Microsoft-Q146 Internet filtering tools uses QINTILF Passwords-Q146 Internet filtering tools uses QINTILF Age group limits for different family members-Q146 Internet filtering tools uses QINTILF Net Nanny [any mentions]-Q146 Internet filtering tools uses QINTILF Don't Know-Q146 Internet filtering tools uses QINTILF Other-Q146 Internet filtering tools uses QHOWINT Internet - search/find on-Q147 How would go about finding Internet filtering tools QHOWINT Computer shop / store - asked for-Q147 How would go about finding Internet filtering tools QHOWINT Friend / family - asked or told-Q147 How would go about finding Internet filtering tools QHOWINT Computer magazine/trade journals-Q147 How would go about finding Internet filtering tools QHOWINT Internet Service Provider-Q147 How would go about finding Internet filtering tools QHOWINT Work-Q147 How would go about finding Internet filtering tools QHOWINT Don't Know-Q147 How would go about finding Internet filtering tools QHOWINT Other-Q147 How would go about finding Internet filtering tools QPOLITI Q148 How interested in politics QGENELC Q149 Party would vote for in general election QVOTEAL Q150 Whether always voted for the specific political party QPAPERS The Sun-Q151 Newspapers read QPAPERS Daily Mail-Q151 Newspapers read QPAPERS The Mirror-Q151 Newspapers read QPAPERS Daily Record-Q151 Newspapers read QPAPERS Daily Express-Q151 Newspapers read QPAPERS Daily Star-Q151 Newspapers read QPAPERS Daily Telegraph-Q151 Newspapers read QPAPERS The Guardian-Q151 Newspapers read QPAPERS The Independent-Q151 Newspapers read QPAPERS The Times-Q151 Newspapers read QPAPERS The Financial Times-Q151 Newspapers read QPAPERS The Scotsman-Q151 Newspapers read QPAPERS The Herald (Scotland)-Q151 Newspapers read QPAPERS The Western Mail-Q151 Newspapers read QPAPERS The Irish Post-Q151 Newspapers read QPAPERS Local/regional morning paper-Q151 Newspapers read QPAPERS Evening paper-Q151 Newspapers read QPAPERS Other-Q151 Newspapers read QPAPERS None of these-Q151 Newspapers read QEDUCAG Q152 Age completed formal education QADULTS Q153 Number of adults living in household QETHNIC Q154 Ethnic origin QRELIG Q155 Practicing a religion QRECONT Q156 Whether is willing to be recontacted BRK1 Terminal Education Age BRK21 None-Newspaper readership BRK22 Tabloids-Newspaper readership BRK23 Broadsheets-Newspaper readership BRK3 ITV Region BRK4 Age BRK5 Age within sex BRK61 AB-Social Grade BRK62 C1-Social Grade BRK63 C2-Social Grade BRK64 DE-Social Grade BRK65 ABC1-Social Grade BRK66 C2DE-Social Grade BRK7 Sex BRK81 Aged 0-3-Children in household BRK82 Aged 4-9-Children in household BRK83 Aged 10-15-Children in household BRK84 Any-Children in household BRK85 None-Children in household BRK91 Cable-Channels available BRK92 Satellite-Channels available BRK93 Terrestrial only-Channels available BRK94 All multi channel-Channels available BRK95 Multi channel digital-Channels available BRK96 Multi channel analogue-Channels available BRK10 Channels watched most often BRK11 Weight of TV viewing BRK12 Working status BRK13 Practicing religion BRK14 Communications sophisticated BRK15 Whether offended BRK16 Ethnicity BRK17 Age of oldest child BRK18 Country BRK19 Internet usage/children BRK4RAD Radio listening BRK4INT Internet usage BRK4PPV Whether use PPV BRKPAP1 Mass market tabloids-Additional newspaper readership BRKPAP2 Mid market tabloids-Additional newspaper readership BRKPAP3 Any mass or mid market tabloid-Additional newspaper readership BRKPAP4 Any broadsheet-Additional newspaper readership BRKPAP5 More than one broadsheet-Additional newspaper readership BRKPAP6 Tabloid and broadsheet-Additional newspaper readership BRKPAP7 None-Additional newspaper readership RQTVSETS Q2 Number of TV sets at home RQMULTTV Q8 Number of TV's connected to multi-channel TV services RQKIDS Q9 Number of children in the household RQAGE1 Q10 Age of eldest child RQAGE2 Q13 Age of second eldest child RQAGE3 Q16 Age of third eldest child RQAGE4 Q19 Age of fourth eldest child RQAGE5 Q22 Age of fifth eldest child RQAGE6 Q25 Age of sixth eldest child RAGE Age - banded